#also people in the comments 'straight men talking about harry is so funny bc they really don't seem str8 when they are gushing about him'
deansawthetvglow · 1 year
when worlds collide
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alarrytale · 11 months
i recall an old interview (maybe from 2011?) where simon said he picked louis to be in 1D bc he had 'style' and the band needed someone with 'style'. i just think that's... interesting.
Yeah, i see what you're getting at and i agree.
I saw a tiktok making fun of how fangirls in the 80s thought George Michael was straight despite acting super flamboyant, and on the tiktok someone commented something like "that's us with Harry Styles now". Wanna guess what the replies said? "Yeah but Harry's actually straight."
Zero self-awareness. One has to laugh.
Heteronormativity is a funny thing. Gaslighting also do a lot of damage. It's sad.
You mentioned how Troye makes music solely for gay people because he sings about poppers and bottoming. How was Harry allowed to be so explicit in Cinema and reference popping? If he wasn't stunting with women, he'd basically be just like Troye! I wonder how anyone can think that man isn't just dating women for his career!
I didn't say soley for gay people, it's just that queers are his target group because they are the only ones who'd find it relateable. Harry isn't very explicit. "I bring the pop to the cinema. You pop when we get intimate". Harry brings the soda to the movies. You snap when we have sex. Pop meaning poppers here in this context isn't very explicit. It went over all the gp's heads. Also it's peanuts compared to Troye. Go read the lyrics to rush and watch the music video and you'll see the meaning of explicit. Harry is very far from troye. Harry needs to unpack the 50 layers of metaphors he's wrapped his songs in first and start making out with men in his mv to get on troye's level.
That´s the thing - like everyone´s different, gays are also individual people and these "typical gay" stereotypes should be called out for being old fashioned. Last week I told my gay friend how funny it is that in hairdresser salon work 3 gays and each is very different. Or how about other famous openly gay men - does Ricky Martin look stereotypically gay? I don´t think so, I still remember him during late 90´s and 00´s when his popularity was on peak and he was sold just the same way as Harry is sold now and no way I would guess him that 10 year later he will CO as gay. Or Ian McKellen who I also doesn´t find stereotypically gay. Man doesn´t need to be flamboyant or has some manerism, be flamboyant or has higher voice and he can still be gay af.
But while I´m writing this, I´m still quite new here and my opinion that Harry is gay is kinda fragile because even last year I thought he´s straight because those stunts and womanizer image just made a damage on me. What are your reasons - beside zero chemistry with woman - that Harry is gay and not playing it? Asking because let´s be honest, there are days when I question my opinion about him being gay.
Ricky martin not stereotypically gay?? Ian mkellen not stereotypically gay?? I have to say i disagree anon. Ricky has a babyface, is too well groomed, no body hair and a fake tan and his trousers and his shirts are a size too small. That's pretty gay looking to me (playing into stereotypes here). Ian McKellen is super camp and looked like a twink when he was younger (still playing into stereotypes here). I do agree, of course, that you don’t have to be stereotypically gay to be gay.
About harry, since he's straight passing he has to make some effort to come off as gay. He's often hinting while talking (using gender neutral terms, saying gender is not that important in what to look for in a partner, hinting that he looks at men, saying he doesn’t eat pussy etc.), he also sourround himself with queer people, he queercodes (dresses queer, worn earrings, nail polish, high heels, uses make up, worn dresses), he's taken on a gay acting role (what is the motivation to do that if you're not queer?), he's waving rainbow flags and helping people come out, worn rainbow pins and sing songs alluding to not being straight. He's also head over heels in love with louis, which is something he's been struggling to contain for most of his career as a musician (looking at him, touching him, admiring what he's like and writing too many songs about him).
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u-f-o-no · 8 years
it's 1:30am. I'm tired I guess but not tired enough to really sleep. I meant to go eat something a couple hours ago but I haven't felt like it since my dad crumpled up my dinner and threw it off the porch because he was mad at me. I'm really lonely I guess but I also hate everyone right now so I don't know what that means or what to do. I was trying to get over a dislike of someone but then today i got back a peer review by them and all of the comments were the things I hate about myself. I don't feel like living anymore and I don't think there's anything anyone can do about it. I miss Sam. I hope he's doing okay in the hospital or w/e. I wish I could be with him. It'd probably be good for me. Today I was talking to Emily and everyone else in class heard me but her bc she never listens to me and she was probably texting Rachel. I don't know why I'm not good enough for these people?? They're not good enough for me so why the hell am I not good enough for them? I'm so tired and sad. I doubt my depression is a chemical imbalance anymore. I think my life just sucks ass. Which makes me feel ungrateful bc I'm not dying of typhoid fever or malaria or w/e. The comments he put weren't even like bad things you just don't understand what I was thinking you don't fucking know what it's like to be me. I have so many thoughts all the time and you may not have had an original thought in your life. He still gets into better colleges than me. People like him. He's not fucking depressed or dysphoric or a coward. He didn't drop out of ap physics. I should have taken a shower. I don't even know what I did today. I have no clue. I really should go to the hospital but I'm so scared of missing school and not graduating because I know I'm not going to kill myself because I'm scared which will make things worse. I have flashbacks to unsettling surreal dreams all the time now. It knocks me off my feet for a moment but I'm good at not letting it show so no one knows. I don't want to dream anymore. Some of them are cool but mostly they're bad. I downloaded a dream journal app but I've only made one entry because my dreams are so weird and multiplanar that I can't write them or even really describe them. I should have therapy twice a week at least but I feel bad because they're paying so much money. The only way for me to get real honest to God attention for my illness is to make an attempt on my life. I'd love to personally but I hate pain. I have enough of it as it is. I'm so guilty what the fuck. I don't have anything to be guilty about but I am anyway so I'm angry All the Time. No one cares enough to tell me it's not my fault and even if they did would I believe them? I don't even know what It is at this point but it's my fault. That doesn't even make sense why do I feel like this???! because I'm not going to kill myself I feel like I shouldn't be hospitalized and I'm guilty about faking being as bad as Sam or something like that. All my dad ever does is tell me I'm hurting him even though he's hurt me for years. Whenever he asks me what he's done wrong I forget everything like when someone asks you your favorite book and you suddenly forget everything you've ever read. That makes me feel guilty because I can't find anything bad that he's done and so I internalize his words and I have a little voice now that's his voice that screams Your Fault! every second of the day. I want it to stop. I want them to stop yelling at me. When I say this it sounds like I'm some kid who thinks being psychotic is cool and is like "yeah I hear voices" and that makes me feel guilty. idk tho bc I don't like think they're hidden spirits or anything i know they're coming from somewhere inside me but I didn't choose them so? I just want to fucking know what it feels like to be supported. No one person knows both the depth of my mental illness and the lengths of my identity. I allot different tidbits to different friends so that I never have anyone know me fully. I feel so guilty about being trans. Like I'm crazy or losing my mind or that it's just another mental illness I have. But I know it would be worse if I told people because they would think it's a mental illness. My mom would say "gender confused" and I would cry because that's how I felt my whole life until I realized I was this way. My dad would never look at me the same again and pray for me to go back and still tell me he loves me more than all the stars in the sky. And that would really fuck me up because for years all I've been shown is hate in the name of love and it's fundamentally broken me as a functioning human being. I can't stand physical contact because I'm so nervous. I'm so scared I'm going to mess it up and they're going to hate me. The other day my dad moved really quickly and I went into shock because I thought he was going to hit me. He continued like nothing happened but I thought I was going to cry. I was just in the car on the way to church. I rip whole tufts of my hair out now. We're almost at the two year anniversary of me asking to get my hair cut. It took a lot of courage to ask which shows that i really wanted it. I was shut down so quickly and with such contempt I've been scared to share anything about myself ever since. If he wouldn't let me style the dead protein strands on my head the way I want, no way was he going to be accepting of anything in my life besides what he wanted. I hate myself so fully now it's incredible. I used to be the most confident kid in class and now I just radiate self loathing underneath my suave exterior. And by suave like, doesn't have it together but is cool with that. I don't know. I guess I just wish people could see all this about me, but also I don't because I'm already so vulnerable this would make me ashamed and easily exploitable. Shame and guilt are things I should not be feeling and I know it. I'm so angry that the people in my life have driven me to this kind of state. But nevertheless I can't get past it. I'm just a scared kid. In fact, while many are fantasizing about getting old or married or what have you I'm fantasizing about getting to relive my childhood as my "new" or "preferred" or whatever the fuck You want to call it gender. I dream of being adopted by two nice men who love each other and teach me how to love. They are always supportive of me no matter what and comfort me when I need it. What's really fucked up is sometimes this is the only thing that gets me through the day. It's exactly like mr robot. Elliot creates a mental image of his dead father to comfort him because his body cannot handle the loneliness. It's 2am now. I guess I've vented a lot. I can't seem to make myself do anything. I'm in a rut. And I felt good on Sunday. That makes me feel like a fake too. Like I'm just being dramatic about school but I'm fine all other times. Which still isn't true but these things haunt me. No matter how many times I hear "you're valid uwu" I'm still going to hate myself and I'm still going to question. Crazy thing is I'll probably still go to school tomorrow. I'll sit in band class and stare blankly at the other wall dreaming about what my haircut might look like, or things that I'll wear when I look more like a boy. I'll smile at people around me and make sassy comments. I'll pay attention to all the crazy things nick says and think about playing trombone. Alyssa will laugh at something I say. I'll try to make eye contact with Emily when something happens even though I'm mad at her and she hates me. She won't notice and I'll feel stupid and unloved. Mr flood might give me a compliment if I do something well and it'll be the highlight of my day. He'll make a funny joke or say something odd and Alyssa will laugh again and I'll smile fondly. My heart is filled with such love it's absolutely horrible that anything like this has been allowed to happen. On the underneath of the rotting cool girl is a little boy who just wants to be held. Sometimes I call mr flood dad when he's out of earshot. I do that for mr Higdon occasionally too. They smile at me so bright and tell me I'm wonderful and delightful and compliment me on silly things that somehow make my day better even though I don't really care about them. I have dreams where I'm maybe three feet tall with fluffy blonde hair and I'm sort of hunched over trying to be small and unnoticeable and I'm crying and the tears are running down my face but I'm only sniffling, because I taught myself not to cry loudly a long time ago. I rub my eyes with my little child's hands and look up hesitantly to where I see a man standing, bending over slightly to talk to me. he looks sad but understanding and opens up his arms. I'm not sure if I'll go but then I think about being held above the ground away from my problems and I just run straight for them. As I land, I am lifted it up into a string, warm embrace. I feel safe for the first time I can remember. My arm is around his neck and one clings to his back. I bury my face between his shoulder and neck into the soft fabric there. And then I cry. I cry for a long time as the man plants gentle kisses in my hair and whispers soft unintelligible things. He rubs my back carefully and I feel myself relax. There is no tension in my childlike body. Bliss. My wildest dream is to have a loving father like that. Which makes me slightly sick. I understand Harry Potter visiting the mirror of erised so often now. Those desires are truly powerful, and those who already have strong relationships may avoid its allure easier. It's almost 2:30 I think my dad came home but that doesn't sound right. I never know when he's leaving. I'm scared just sitting here. I'm afraid he'll come in I'm afraid of the rodents in the ceiling falling on me and I'm afraid of the endlessness represented by the passing train. This whole existence feels like a cycle I can't break. Every day is blurred together. Every moment. I don't even know now if I've already written this. I do know I hate the noises of the nighttime. It is a time when we are more keenly aware of our aloneness and of all the tiny noises that lurk behind every day bustle. Humans have long been fascinated by the night. It stands as a place of unknowing, where danger can lurk easily. It used to be my greatest fear. Not the night it's self I told my mother, but the robbers in the dark. I'm so much more paranoid now, and I'm told it may be a side effect of the depression manifesting in a sort of pseudo-psychosis. Good to know not even my psychosis is real. Which makes me feel like I'm faking it. Seriously I'm about to go out of mind these squirrels sound like they're going to pounce on me at any second and while I'd like to die; not like that.
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