#also peak that happy trail 👀
passinoutpieces · 2 years
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“the wolf and the wildcat”
a big thank you to @socially-awkward-skeleton for letting me borrow their oc kit cross for this piece <3
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zepskies · 9 months
✍🏽 Writing Update
Happy New Year, friends! 💖
Well, I told myself I would slow down a little, but already that's not happening this month. 😂 Some of you let me know you were on board with another story in the Espresso-verse, so here we go!
Coming soon...
"Show Me"
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized Latina!Reader || Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy (background)
Summary: Dean meets your infamous ex-boyfriend at a fallen hunter’s funeral. You just forgot to mention that he’s a hunter as well. Maybe because he still has the power to get under your skin…in the worst of ways.
This one will be two parts, set shortly after “Devour Me.” It really plays on many of the plot threads in “Midnight Espresso” and the flashbacks in "In Bad Weather" -- surrounding body image, insecurity, and emotional abuse, but also hurt/comfort, body appreciation, and a serving of sexy.
👀 Sneek Peak:
“I’ll just speak for myself then,” he says. His hand trails lower... “If you need me to remind you how beautiful you are, how goddamn sexy…then I got no problem showing you.”
His hand moves down the soft slopes of your body, resting at the curve of your waist. Hearing your faltering breath, Dean pulls back so he can see your face.  
“Let me take care of you for a change,” he says. His lips pull at a grin, and it makes you smile in turn.
You take his face in your hands and bring him down to you for a kiss, languid and a bit devouring. It makes heat lick up Dean’s spine.
“Okay,” you whisper, close to his lips. “Show me.”
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roguelov · 1 year
Today is Saturday. And so I shall respectfully submit my smutty thots to thee. Consider, morpheus is generally hairless outside of his head. Reader/ s/o becomes insecure about their body hair. Morpheus learns this, conclusion: morpheus with a happy trail. Scruffy morpheus. Imagine. Imagine morpheus not telling them he added hair and then stretching or something and just seeing a peak of dark hair leading into his jeans 👀
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I just love the idea of a record scratch moment for you as you first see his happy trail followed quickly by the blank error screen in your brain
Also like to add onto this idea imagine you not have shaved in a while down there. You and Morpheus get into a heated make out session and soon his lips start to travel down your body. You grab his shoulders to stop him and he just gives you this small pout as his eyebrows furrow together
“What is it, my love?”
“Oh well … it’s just … I haven’t shaved down there … in like while so -“
“And?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Well I - it’s … weird? Gross?”
He scoffed, “My dear, nothing about it is ‘gross’. You are wonderful as you are.”
You blushed lightly, completely bashful by his words.
“Now.” He graciously fell backwards onto the bed as a devious smirk tugged on his lips. His eyes twinkled with such mischief and what. “How about you take a seat on your throne, my love?”
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izaanagi · 3 years
For the thirst ask, could you do something with Aizawa 👀?
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— Aizawa Shōta has a mature aura which follows him around: it’s not the seriousness of his expression, or the sobriety of his words, but the sheer way he holds himself with dignity, and the confidence of who knows that his big dick energy is not that far skewed from the description of the real thing, so he owns up to it and behaves like it. Shōta is a man, with hair detailing his happy trail and with a passion for tight black boxers, from which the tip of his juicy cock peaks out, growing steadily from your teasing actions.
Shōta is fully aware of the aura he oozes and the fact that you’re irremediably attracted to it and turned on; but he also knows that if only that is capable of heating up your libido, then his own solid body pressing against yours - lips softly touching, intimate parts looking for each other - would drive you mad enough to wet your panties and grind on him no matter where you are (and he is absolutely right). He uses that to his advantage and brings you to your knees, looking at you with those penetrating eyes of his, the shadow of his cock on your mouth already salivating at the view and a clear question mark on his face: “Well, what are you waiting for?” he asks, and brings your mouth on his shaft, to smoulder it in between your lips, while he holds you head and dictates the rhythm at which you head bobs up and down his length - exactly the way you want him to.
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♡ pls fill in this less-than-1-minute 1K survey ♡
send me a character for a thirst / smut headcanon
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discluded · 2 years
Mile Phakphum's personal instagram photographer
Oh man, Apo, you did this. The full Mile's Instagram Dissection post is still gonna come but Apo you do realize deleting your photo only brought more attention to it.
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(I have been reliably informed the shadow corner person is NOT Apo and the deleted photo from apo vision is from January while this date was from May 👀 but the post stands)
Mile can't take his own photo. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, I mean literally. He does have some setups where it's clear he set the phone to record while he's doing things like playing music or inspiring our thirst for him to bench press us 🥵 but he's not someone who set up his phone on delay to get a picture of himself.
if he takes a photo of himself in 2020 and earlier, it's from a perspective shot or a selfie shot (haunting everyone with Mile's nipple shadow...since I had to see it... also start mumbling about free feet).
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Starting in early 2021, Mile found himself a personal photographer. The last front-shot selfie he posted was in January 2021 (tagging @boysbeloving specifically to victimize Daisy with Mile's happy trail).
Look, it's not like Mile didn't have people around to take his photo before. His mom took quite a few of those, which we can tell because he tagged her, we see behind the scenes shots of her taking photos of Mile, and also because she has a very distinctive style. He was also spending time with friends who took great photos of him.
But suddenly Mile was spending a lot of time with someone who could take photos of him for his Instagram and the photos managed to pull very specific tones / nuanced moods / expressions from Mile as well as as bringing out his Peak Professional Model looks.
I'm not saying Apo took all the photos of Mile on his feed, he obviously didn't. Here's two we know he didn't take (first Rabbit cafe photo where the staff verified Mile was there by himself the first time, second the MileBible event). But I'm just saying, from early 2021 onward, Mile didn't need to take his own photo and his feed showed that... he had staff for KPTS promo for work photos and someone he was specifically spending a lot of time with privately doing that...
What did Apo say? He considers some of them couple photos even though he's not in them because he took them? 🤔 Seems like there are more couple photos than we initially think there are.
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
Who's the nosiest of the Shepherd captains/higherups? Talking to our nosy recruits is so funny lol it made me wonder if the superiors are any better!
Ooh, great question! Let me think...
Nosy -> Least nosy
Chase: absolutely no secrets or sense of boundaries when it comes to silly stuff. He is perfectly comfortable letting himself into your room and perusing your bookshelf for secrets/porn before letting himself out again. If he senses that you are hiding some juicy sliver of gossip from him (of the "I went on a date but I don't want anyone to know" or "I got drunk and made out with someone at the party" variety) he will hound you RELENTLESSLY and will drive you absolutely crazy because he won't let it go. He does, however, not apply his nosiness to matters that he senses are actually important or very personal, like if you don't want to talk about your past or something like that!
Briony: extremely nosy and meddling, but tries not to be really obvious about it. She knows everything about everybody (partially because people either tell her things or talk about things around her), and everybody's life is of great concern to her! She wants everyone to be happy and well taken care of, so when she hears people exchanging little bits of gossip, her ears perk up and she'll be like intently listening to make sure all is well! It's not like a "I take pleasure in other people's drama" thing, it's like monitoring everyone's social situation and noticing so-and-so looks a little down and wondering why... but she is totally the type to secretly trail someone on a date just to make sure it's going well, so yeah, extremely nosy 😅
Lavinet: extremely nosy, and hers is often a "I take pleasure in other people's drama" thing. Part and parcel of being a noble! However, she's quite subtle in her nosiness and very sly and discreet about obtaining information, and she often doesn't act on it, unlike Briony, so she doesn't seem that nosy on the surface because she often doesn't give an outward reaction when she hears something juicy! She also usually doesn't spread stuff around unless it's for a purpose, or she's having a girl's chat with someone like Briony or Clara!
Trouble: extremely nosy and meddling about certain things, but often not socially aware enough to know that there's something to be nosy about. It's like if Chase or Briony notice that someone's acting embarrassed or awkward about something (like 'hmm they changed the subject of their love life awfully fast... 👀'), Trouble won't typically notice, especially when it comes to people he doesn't know very well; but once he does figure out that something's going on (MC is acting suspicious and sneaking around, Shery was spotted looking depressed in the courtyard, etc.), he becomes very meddling and relentless because he cares and usually won't let it go until he can determine how he can help. (Romanced!Blade gets the brunt of this, because Trouble is extremely meddlesome and won't stfu about it once he figures out that Blade has a crush. Peak nosiness.) However, this only applies to his friends, and he could not give two shits about gossip involving strangers/acquaintances, even if someone is shaking him like "Don't you understand?? this means they're having a secret threesome!!" Trouble: "😑 good for them i guess?"
Shery: she is quite nosy in that she's definitely comfortable with lurking in the background eavesdropping on conversations like 👀, but she never does anything with this information other than silently absorb it! She never acts on it or spreads it around, she just likes to know stuff lol! She loves to lend an ear or a shoulder to people who want to vent or talk about their worries, but will never pry or push someone for information that they're not offering freely, and finds violations of privacy embarrassing and shocking, so she's not really "nosy" in so much as very interested in the things going on around her, especially in a social sense!
Ayla: she's a little bit nosy but tries reallllllly hard to pretend she isn't. It'll be like someone will be chatting her ear off about how so-and-so is moonlighting as an erotica writer and she'll be like "omg how do you even know that, you shouldn't believe everything you hear, those recruits spread the dumbest rumors 🙄" but then if you stop she'll be like "...well finish your story, what happened next??" She'll usually forget the entire conversation as soon as it's over, but while it's happening, she's a little bit nosy and definitely very engrossed 😆
Riel: he's not so much nosy as he is controlling, he'll never ask you about your personal life (in a gossip sense, things like love life or office drama) unless it's out of politeness or he senses that you want him to, but if he senses that you're hiding something or have run into some sort of worry, he'll spear you with a narrow look and kind of pry it out of you and will usually step in to meddle if he deems it worthy of his attention... So not really nosy, exactly, but a little bit meddlesome when he feels inclined to be!
Red: he's not nosy at all and in fact would prefer to be left out of people's drama/gossip (he's the one who sort of laughs nervously and goes "maybe we shouldn't be talking about this, I'm sure X wouldn't want their dirty laundry aired out like this" while everyone else is deeply engrossed in talking about how Recruit A is cheating on Recruit B with Recruit B's twin brother!! and then everyone tells him to shut up), but the problem is that drama always follows him. He has the sort of aura where people will invite him out to lunch and spill all of their problems/secrets out to him and come to him seeking his advice or his insight or just to have him listen sympathetically... he always accepts but secretly he's like nooo i just wanted to be left alone to work today 🥹 He's probably the most well-informed person out of the group because so many people just unload all of their own secrets and gossip onto him, but he's also the person who doesn't want to know any of that and didn't ask for any of it lol unless it's a genuine problem that a friend needs real advice for!
Blade: he's not nosy in the least and could be beyond disinterested in people's personal lives (again, stuff like their drama and dumb gossip stuff), but considers it his job to be well-informed, so he often knows about that stuff anyway even though he'd be the last person you'd ever think to report gossip to 😅 He just somehow knows a lot of stuff, some of it through personal observation and inference or through indirect hearsay! But he usually doesn't register or absorb any of it unless someone directly asks him, hey, do you think it's true that X is moonlighting as a Y? and then he can conjure up some data that he unconsciously filed away as potential evidence... but again, usually very disinterested in that sort of thing, even when it directly involves friends!
Tallys: she's the least nosy of the bunch, not least of which because the Elves traditionally consider it extremely rude to pry into people's lives, to the point where even direct questions are considered ill-mannered in certain contexts, because they're thought to demand answers from the other party. Things like "How are you?" are fine, but questions like "Where did you grow up?" are not okay (at least among Elven adults) because it doesn't leave room for the other party to decline to answer in a respectful way if they don't want to. So you will never catch her on the prowl for hot and juicy goss about other people, though she'll willingly listen and advise if you approach her and want to talk about it with her freely!
Halek: my guy's living in a Haagen Daze and barely knows the name of anybody outside of his direct social circle lol. He is unshockable, you could tell him you saw Riel's assistant Aerin dress up like a dog and get on all fours to bark at the ahfuri in the middle of the night and he'd be like, "...Who?" Gossip and drama just bounces off of his prefrontal cortex for some reason, you just can't get him to care about it unless it's disparaging one of his friends!
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mkaugust · 2 years
30 PLEASE (& i wouldn’t say no to pictures 😂)
I love you but you are asking the wrong person for pictures that's not happening 🤣 oh God this question is actually so hard I have to describe appearance?! Not just vibes??? But okay I love it and I love them and I will try!
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
James is wearing a Crop Top show off those abs show off that V and NO it is Not Defined babe has a cute lil tummy but it's all definitely still there and Remus loves it so he's gotta see it. Not to mention that happy trail (do people still call it that? I never see that phrase anymore but Remus definitely still calls it that cause it is a trail to happiness, duh). And is that... A tattoo peaking out?? On his hip and up to his stomach? Yes. Yes it is. Remus won't tell me what it is of though, won't let me look at his man close enough, you know how it is. James is also wearing black skinny jeans. They are cuffed. AND a necklace with a chain. A very bite-able yet subtle chain. And black nail polish. That is all I know!
Remus is wearing black skinny jeans as well, they have a love for that look in common. His shoes are converse (James was bare foot for some reason I forgot to mention, I'm not sure if that's Remus' choice or just a product of James' chaos). But James didn't pick his shoes, Remus just lives in his beat up converse and wouldn't agree to wear anything else. I think James picked the laces though cause they're a bit brighter and more colorful (red) that Remus usually goes for. On top he's got a good old button down with the sleeves nearly and firmly rolled up. Gotta show off those forearms!! And he's got some eyeliner on... Just heavy enough to be noticeable and bring out the shine on his eyebrow piercing 👀
Send me all the asks!! From this ask game! I will talk forever about moonchaser!
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sisterofleatherfrog · 2 years
Star Wars Kinktober day- LATE AF
Prompt: Exhibitionism | Lingerie
Hardcase x AFAB reader (Part 3)
Not edited so be warned
I guess this is my early May the 4th present? I’ll be back later with another post about where I’ve been and what’s been up, but I’ll just say for now that it’s nice to be back in a place where I feel good enough to create stuff for yous guys! I am not a dead blog yet, your creator was just going through the mental equivalent of being a goldfish in a bag being shaken around by an overeager toddler.
As promised in an older post though, this will be linked in my original Kinktober collection anyway.
Part 1 | Part 2
@good-heavens-chris-evans if you even still remember parts 1 and 2, this is for you my dude and your patience.
Tags: Oral (f receiving), exhibitionism, stoplight system, pre-negotiated scene, male masturbation, PIV sex in multiple positions, others cum onto reader, reference to a lactation kink (they don’t do that sort of play, just a character’s thoughts), reference to pegging, some cum eating, dirty talk (no degradation)
Words: 4025
Great pleasure can come out of humor, though anyone making that observation probably never meant the sort you and Hardcase were currently intent on. Your back lay on the hard-spun material of a clone-barracks bunk while trying to wrap your limbs around your man like an overzealous lizard-monkey; he was seemingly trying to devour you, teeth and lips seeking every inch they could reach from your jaw down. His softening cock protruded from the open material of his lower blacks and slowly rutted against your exposed sex as you tried to move more into each other. From everywhere his teeth pinched a bolt of pure fire shot down to your heart as your excitement ratcheted ever higher, but after getting him off you were eager to be pleased by your man.
“Ah, Hardcase, please? ‘Need more.” You panted, chest arching upward to entice.
  Not answering you verbally, he instead removed a hand that had been edging down your hip and brought it to a breast, squeezing the soft flesh it found before fingertips pinched the nipple. The fire from that arched down from your heart and straight to your clit, a slow throbbing beginning to roll through your hips like the pulsing of colours that hot embers danced. You gave a broken cry in return and brought both your hands to his shaven head, pushing it down so that it too may find that gloriously sensitive peak. Hardcase obliged you, obviously in the mood to lead but also not wanting to wait much longer for the main event. He latched on eagerly, hard suction ricocheting pleasure through your abdomen. There was something so earnest about him like this, about how he would treat your breasts when his mouth was on them, as if he were trying to drink from you (now wasn’t that an image you were going to have to come back to on a later date?). Your breasts had always been especially sensitive, a fact that Hardcase was quite happy to take advantage of whenever you let him. Apparently, the lack of breasts while growing up on Kamino had been a real detriment to him, so he was determined to cherish every moment he could with his mouth on them. 
While his mouth was occupied on one side, his other hand worked its due diligence and fondled the other, fingers occasionally twisting with the shiny, dangling hardware of your ensemble. His mouth moved lower, sucking the flesh on the underside of your breasts and then your abdomen, surely leaving marks behind to mark his trail. 
A whoosh sounded from the door and instinctively you grabbed the covers around you and drew them over yourself, brain momentarily lost in what Hardcase was doing to you and lost to the moment. You relaxed when you heard whistles and cheers and saw the five men in armour you recognized. Hardcase brought his head out from under the covers and grinned wildly at them, “Bought time y’all showed up, you were just about to miss the warm up!” 
The door shut behind them again and they all greeted you as they began to (much faster than anytime you saw them just relaxing on a break) dekit down to their blacks. You gave Hardcase a light shove and he grinned, the way his face scrunched pulling at his tattoos in a way you would call cute, before he gave you a quick smooch and rolled off of you to divest himself of his lowers. Before they were all done though Rex called your name and you looked over to him.
“Now that we’re all here, are you sure you still want to do this?”
You sat up and smiled at him, your eyes softening at his concern, “Yes Captain, I do still want this.”
He smiled in return, his more serious expression melting into an edge of desire. “You still remember the rules?”
“Only Hardcase is allowed to touch me, but you all can cum on me, no degradation is allowed, green is a go, yellow means I just need a moment, red is everything stops.” You counted everything off on your fingers as you listed them, not missing a single point.
“And,” Kix interrupted suddenly, catching you a little off guard “for whenever you’re done, we all put together a care box for you.” He reached under his bunk and pulled out a small case before continuing. “Hardcase brought in a change of clothes for you, so we all decided we’d chip in as well. I put in some wipes and bacta patches just in case, Jesse saved some of the better tasting rations, Fives put in some candy from his stash, Echo was the water and electrolyte drinks, and though they aren’t here, Tup included a comb and some hair stuff, and Dogma was the extra blanket.” He lifted each thing to show you as he described what was there and though you weren’t surprised they would be so thorough, you were still deeply touched by the amount of care they were willing to put into this. A glance at Hardcase told you he felt the exact same about his vode. “And,” Kix continued on, “while you’re both unwinding and getting cleaned up while we handle the laundry, the captain said you can use his bunk for as long as you need.” He motioned over to the corner where the bottom bunk there had a blanket tied around it to create a privacy screen.
An incredible warmth bloomed in your chest and you wanted nothing more than to give a show for these men like nothing before. “Well,” you drawled slowly, rising from the bed with the sheet still concealing you and your ensemble. “I think the care you’re showin’ should get some sort of reward, don’t you think?” You asked rhetorically, as in the next breath you allowed the blanked fall, revealing yourself and giving a twirl. 
The air seemed to leave the room as they all drank you in, thighs curving over the top of the stockings, ribbons shining, chains and hardware dancing. A few of them moaned and an uttered curse from Jesse made you grin. You grabbed Hardcase by his shoulders and brought him to his knees with his back to the others positioned around the room. He looked up at you expectantly with a single eyebrow raised and a grin, motioning with his hands for you to carry on with what you had planned to do. Grabbing a hold with one hand to an upper railing of the bunk for support you swung a leg over his shoulder and drew his head toward your warm pussy, getting the message he grasped you under that leg and around the other and brought his lips to yours. 
You sighed as he began to kiss you there, lips pillowy and tongue working your outer folds in the sheer gratification of the act. You heard Fives calling out raucous encouragement as you grabbed Hardcase by the back of his head and helped to guide that wild mouth of his. You could feel him feeding on the praise and his pace hastened, tongue tasting your pussy, darting out to trace your wet entrance, and mouth beginning to suck the flesh there. He hadn’t yet reached your clit but you didn’t mind the build up as you began to rock your hips, slowly riding his face. 
“Yeah baby, you look so pretty on his face like that, you gonna look just as pretty on ‘Case’s dick?” Fives breathed. 
You looked up at him and fire shot through your abdomen from his look alone; feeling your nipples peak, you took the hand from Hardcase’s head and brought it up to one to squeeze harshly, feeding the smoldering heat low in your belly. “Yeah Fives, I’m gonna look so pretty for you all, gonna let Hardcase ride me so hard, gonna bounce on his dick and let you all come all over me-'' Gasping, your hips jumped suddenly as Hardcase latched onto your pussy hard and sucked, licking a pattern that you knew spelled his name. He tightened his grip on you and brought his hands up to your asscheecks, kneading them as he brought you even closer to his face. You moaned at the messy sounds he was making as he ate you out. 
Around you, you could hear the sounds of slicked flesh moving, aware that the rest of the guys had either stripped down entirely or enough to pull their dicks out and stroke them. Looking up you met Rex’s steady, deep gaze as he addressed you, his own hand slowly working himself. “You’re being so good, bet your pussy is so wet. Are you gonna cum on Hardcase’s face or later on his dick?” You groaned at the question, the current pleasure you felt warring with some of the ideas you and Hardcase had laid down together. 
Looking down you met his gaze and he reluctantly lifted his face far enough away from you to answer: “All good to go whatever you want, Meshla.” before moving back in and moaning around your clit. Ooh, that Loth-minx! He knew exactly just how to drive you mad and crazy, as you tried to string together a complete thought in order to make up your mind. On one hand, an orgasm now on his mouth, or in a little while with his length filling you and center stage for the rest of them. Well, your supporting leg was getting a little sore…
Collecting yourself, you gently pushed Hardcase’s head away, “Wanna come on your dick, ‘Case, not yet.” 
He nodded and kissed your inner thigh as he lifted your shaking (huh, shen had that happened?) leg from over his shoulder. The men behind him paused in their own pleasure and threw down some blankets and pillows to cushion the stage for you two. Hardcase moved to arrange them a little more while you collected yourself for a moment, thighs open and apex glistening in the warm air of the room. He then sat on his knees and patted his thighs inviting you to take a seat. You smiled and obliged him, hips swaying and the dangly bits of your lingerie swaying as you approached. Kneeling before him you leant forward and pecked his nose quickly before pushing him onto his back, a small exclamation of surprise leaving him as his brothers chuckled.
Moving quickly you straddled his well built hips and ground down on his cock which had so valiantly rallied to your cause. Leaning forward onto the hands you placed on his sternum (which just so conveniently pushed your breasts together for viewing pleasure) and rose up, feeling his length slide along you and his head tease around your folds. Excitement too much to bear, Hardcase reached down to steady himself as you lowered again, his cock spearing you open from below, the stretch of him aided by how wet and relaxed you were in your state of heady arousal. His brothers cheered and whistled at the display, their calls further spurring on the anticipation for what was to come. When he was fully seated within you and your hips were pressed flush together a small whoosh of air left you, his heft always so much yet to perfect, filling you so well, so hot, so hard; all for you. 
The hand that had guided his cock joined the other and grabbed the flesh of your hip, the kneading motions he made there slowly guiding you to begin moving. Bearing down on your lower muscles you gave him a squeeze as you circled your hips over him. His head fell back with a high moan, eyes momentarily squeezing shut before focusing in on where the two of you were joined. 
“How’s she feel vod? That pussy looks pretty kriffing amazing, all wet and juicy, bet she’s like a vice around you isn’t she, eh? Is our vod filling you good and full pretty girl?” Jesse was talking now as you kept up your teasing pace. 
“Kriff vod, you have no idea.” Hardcase gasped. “Best pussy in the galaxy.” His hands were still on your hips, now starting to urge you toward a faster pace and you complied, moving your hands to his as your posture straightened and you began to take him harder. Forward and back, up and down, you stroked him within your body, taking him over and over. Warmth from your chest spread up into your cheeks at the feel of him stroking over your sensitive walls. He was so hot, all you could think about was that, about how he felt in this moment, the pleasure of the entire act, the eyes on you, and how others were getting off on how you moved and fit together. 
Focusing back in on him you watched as he gasped and threw his head back at your motion. “How are you doing babe?” You breathed, “Holding in there?”
He gave a wild huff, “Green, so maker-shabbing green.” 
You laughed a little and picked up your pace. “Then stop laying there then and do what you came here to do and fuck me!”
His hips slammed upward on your next down stroke then and a surprised “Oh!” left your parted lips, more sounds spilling from you as he continued in that way. The sounds of your hips meeting in hard slaps filled the room, you moaned and leaned back, bracing your hands on Hardcase’s knees and allowed the other occupants of the room to view your coupling better. 
“Would you look at that.” Kix breathed and you watched his hand stutter  and then pick up speed on his girthy flesh a moment later. 
You could feel your tits bounce with each rise and jostle, the nipples fully extended and on display, sensitive and begging for a hand or mouth to take them in, but with all your dexterity focused on supporting your current position and you couldn’t move them. Some other stimulation was needed and soon or you were going to come out of your skin. Hardcase seemed to notice and splayed a hand on your lower stomach, thumb reaching down into your curls to find your clit. The heat within you spread like burning fuel, spilling from your clit to all the spaces between your hips. With each pass of his calloused thumb you swore you felt it consuming you, like molten steel filling a mold in a foundry. Your hips danced faster over his, demanding to be filled by him seeking more of the stimulation he was delivering, you needed more, more, moremoremore-
A haze descended over your senses as you went blind and deaf to everything else in the room, your inner muscles cinched just so much tighter before the wires snapped and you shook with the power of your release. The heat, maker you could feel it, could almost feel him in your throat you were so full- If his hips weren’t in the way your legs would have snapped closed, but as it was you were held open and exposed as he continued to stimulate you, hips moving in a continuous circular movement as you had done before to him and thumb still playing with your clit. Movement caught in your periphery and you found Jesse and Echo on either side of you, furiously masturbating before hot streams of cum landed on your cheek and chest. Oh, oh, that was so fucking hot.
Another round of strong spasms went through you and you felt so wet, felt it leak around Hardcase’s cock out of you. Oh little gods- 
“Yellow!” You gasped, “Yellow.” Immediately Hardcase removed his hand from your clit and stilled his hips, instead sitting up and moving his hands to stroke up your sides and back, gently soothing trying to sooth. You took several deep breaths and let the wildfire subside a little before continuing, “So good, so good ‘Case, just so much, need a moment.”
He hmmed and nodded, leaning forward to give you a light mirshmure’cya. “Everything really okay though Meshla?” 
You nodded emphatically, still gasping a little. After a bit you leaned back to eye Jesse and Echo who were looking on relaxed but still slightly concerned, “Thank you both for cumming on me, I loved it.” You smiled to them hazily, letting the truth of your statement soak your words. And you did, you really, REALLY did. Despite never even considering anything like this before a week ago, you were finding yourself considering an offer to make this a regular thing.
A few more moments passed as you breathed before Hardcase gently drew him back to you, “All good there?”
You considered for a moment before grinning widely at him, “Green babey, green.”
He kissed you wildly and you laughed at his pecks and licks before shrieking in merriment as he suddenly tilted you back onto a pillow on the floor and lifted your hips toward his still hard cock. He stood up on his knees and drew your hips up, up, up, arching you back off the floor and resting your weight on your shoulders in the position he moved you into. “You wouldn’t believe how hot this is Meshla, you look so good showing off for my vod, I don’t think I’ll last as long as I was hoping to.” 
You sighed as he slipped into you again, the entrance easy and fluid, no longer a bit of a stretch now that you’d come once already. “That’s alright, better make this one hell of a show then.”
A slightly devious look came to his face, “Well, I aim,” he thrust shallowly right into your g-spot, “to please.” And with that he began a steady, medium pace into you, hitting that spot over and over again as you moaned and gasped, hands reaching to tangle in the blanket edge above you. He was loving taking the lead with you here, fucking you for his brothers pleasure, but would he ever want you to do that here? Would he be just as aroused at his brothers seeing him be lead, at him on his hands and knees being fucked? Thoughts for another time as you return to the pleasurable present.
Fives was the next to approach, hand almost a blur as he finished jacked himself, a broken cry spilling from his lips as he came over your tits. You made sure to smile up at him as well, brain too lost to say thank you but meaning to get the message across anyway. It felt so good, all of it: Hardcase, the attention, the warm cum stiping your body; along with the previous stimulation already making you sensitive you might just come untouched like this. It continued for a little while longer like that: you taking it from Hardcase while you exalted in pleasure. Jesse approached you again, having rallied and also came on your chest. Echo and Fives meanwhile appeared to be satisfied and were watching the proceedings, lounged and relaxed, soft cocks resting between equally powerful thighs. 
Hardcase picked up his pace and the heat returned as before, radiating from where he plunged into you. You looked up when Hardcase spoke: “Come on vode, if you make a competition out of this you’re gonna miss your chance, I can’t last forever in a pussy like this.” he teased. Looking around to see what he was talking about, though upside down you could see Rex and Kix giving each other challenging eyes as they stroked themselves, obviously seeing who would be the first to break. 
You couldn’t have that: “Please Rex? Please? Can you cum on my tits? Wanna feel it before I cum again.” You whined, reaching down to trace a finger through the cum that was already collected there.
Rex swore and Kix and a few others laughed at him as he stumbled over and barely had time to aim before he was shooting off, enough spurting out to paint both of your breasts. “You’re far too good at that, you know?” He huffed airily to you.
Hardcase laughed then, having slightly readjusted his hold and angle as he sped up some more. “Isn’t she? She just has to show me those pretty eyes and say please and I’m ready to do anything.” You maybe would have responded, but the way he was hitting it had lit a tibana fire in your pussy and you were coming close, so close once again. You felt every stroke so deep, you could swear sometimes he was in fact mixing up your guts. You were almost ready to come, but something was still missing.
Angling your head back you met Kix’s eyes, watching him as he seemed to be trying to forestall his own end. You couldn’t have that. As lewdly as you could you let your mouth fall open and stuck your tongue out, silently begging in a way you hoped he’d understand. He seemed to, because his eyes grew wide and approached slowly, a question in his brown eyes. “Do you want me to cum in your mouth? Want me to paint your face with my cum?”
You nodded, eyes begging silently as you eyes his cock, flushed and weeping above you.
He nodded but looked up and met Hardcase’s eyes, “Are you okay with that vod?”
Hardcase groaned and appeared to be doing his best to restrain himself from cumming right then and there, “Kriff, dammit! Do it, she wants it so badly, wanna see her swallow my vod’s cum!” 
Kix grinned and got to work, a few short strokes later he knelt down next to your head and groaned, his cum landing across your cheeks and on your tongue, the taste of the hot saltiness being the sensation you needed to send you over the edge. You cried out loudly, body arching to its furthest extent and legs locking around Hardcase as you squirmed and twitched, clamping down on his length and finally drawing his own orgasm out of him. 
“Aa-aahh!” A broken sigh rushed out of him as he lost his rhythm and slammed, as far as your bodies would allow, into you once more. He stilled, a hot wetness filling you as you slowly ground together as you both came down from your highs. He lowered your hips slowly (making sure not to slip out as your orgasms subsided) resting into the cradle of your hips as you reached around to cling to him with both arms and legs, uncaring of the mess of cum between you.
All was quiet for a bit as everybody basked in the afterglow. Hardcase pressed his face into your neck and took a deep breath and you rubbed at the ridges of a few scars you knew he had. “Meshla that was…” He trailed off, voice sounding like when he’d had a few at 79’s. 
A bright giggle bubbled up in your chest and you nuzzled him back, “I know.”
“Well I for one think I can speak for my vode,” A voice broke in, and from the tone you knew it was Fives, “that was kriffing incredible! That was the hottest thing I think I’ve ever seen! Your girl is hot as fuck Hardcase!” You actually laughed at that, glad that this had gone so well. 
Hardcase lifted his head from you then, looking up to the four men on the bunks and Kix still knelt beside you, already tucking himself away and motioning for the aftercare kit. “Y’all really were into that too? Think me and Meshla should do an encore at some point?”
“Well men,” spoke Captain Rex, “think that’s a good idea?” 
At their enthusiastic assent you dipped a finger to the mess on your chest and scooped a little up and studied it. “I wonder what we can get up to next time?” You spoke airily before brining sucking the mess of your finger, making the men around you groan and Hardcase laugh before he swooped down and kissed you, helping to eat up the salty taste in your mouth.
Do minx exist in Star Wars? Like, anything resembling the mustelidae family? I’ll just go ahead and make some shit up while I’m here (when in doubt, just add Loth in front of the critter and it’ll sound legit).
If you’re wondering what the position is after the reader is done riding him, it’s the dolphin.
Kinktober works
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