#also patton isnt the dad cus i didnt think
A/N: I wrote more fic because polotics and because the bees made me
Warnings: transphobia, horrible parenting, Remus being Remus, t-slur, swearing, crying, purposeful misgendering, tell me if there are more!
Ships: none
Roman checked his bag one more time. He needed to make sure he had everything. 
Shuffling through his bag he let out a long sigh before rushing into his bathroom. He was forgetting about toothpaste and toothbrush. 
"You sure you got everything? And you remember the code to use if it goes bad?" Jasmine, Romans best friend, said over the phone.
"Yeah, Jazz. I triple checked everything." Roman announced, placing his toothbrush in his bag along with his toothpaste. 
"Good, did you forget your sword?" Jazz asked. She knew how much he loved his sword.
"Nope! In my bag. Along with my keys, my masculine clothes, my binder -thanks for that, again. You're amazing- brush, shampoo, school stuff, my charger, toothbrush and toothpaste." He checked off. 
The girl chuckled. "Good. Can't forget that shampoo. I would let you borrow mine but my kinky ass hair shampoo is not gonna work with that white-boy hair you got." She said, smirk evident in her tone. 
"Oh ha ha," he mocked. She was always doing that but he didn't actually mind.
"Now," she got serious again. "Tell me the plan one more time."
"Okay," he took a seat on his bed. "I'mma put my stuff in my car and come out to my mom after dinner. If she reacts badly then I text you the code word-" 
"Which is?" She interrupted.
"Chicken butt. Then I drive to your house and stay at your place until my dad gets back from his trip. Then I tell him. If he reacts the same as my mom then I stay at your place. If he reacts how we think he will then I can just stay with my dad permanently. If my mom reacts well then I just stay at my place and tell my dad when he gets back." Roman explained, one more time. He knew this plan to heart, they've been planning it since he first told her when he was thirteen that he wasn't a girl. 
"Good. Good luck out there, soldier. I gotta go prepare your room in case she reacts the way we assume. Love ya, bye!" She hung up. 
Roman let out one more sigh before he heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw his younger brother, Remus, standing there. 
"What do you want, peasant?" Roman asked, earning a glare from the younger boy. 
"Two things. One; what's that stuff on your bed? Two; dinner time." He said in his sing-song voice.
"None of your damn business and okay. I'll be down in a sec." Roman shot back. He didn't want his brother to know anything. He'd tell his mom immediately and the plan will have to happen early. 
"I would be nicer to me if I were you or I'll cut off your boobs, slice them up, bake them in a pie and feed it to you." The 12 year old hissed before flipping him the bird and running off downstairs. 
Roman grabbed his stuff and went downstairs, passed the kitchen and outside to his car. He got it from his dad when he first turned sixteen a couple months ago. It was old and not the best but it was his most prized possession for he knew that his father had been saving up the money since Roman was eight so he'd be able to have it for his sixteenth.  
Quickly, he placed his backpack in the passenger seat and briskly walked back inside. 
"Why'd you go outside?" His mother, Aleiya, asked. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised as if asking him what he was up to this time.
Roman looked down at his phone in his hand. "I just left my phone in my car." He lied through his teeth. He's gotten good at it, being an actor and all. 
His mother just gave him a slight nod before telling him to go hurry up and wash his hands. 
After a quick prayer the family started eating. Remus went on and on about his day, saying a lot of… questionable things. 
"-and I was sitting in class thinking 'hey? What would it be like if I tied up my teacher by his ankles and shove chalk so far up his a-"
"Okay! That's enough out of you." His mother pointedly stared at Remus. Remus just shrugged before going back to his food. 
"Roseanne, sweety, how was your day?" His mother asked. Roman just shrugged before shoving more food in his face. He was too busy going over all the different scenarios in his head to answer. 
"Oh! Mom! I wanted to tell you something!" Remus spoke up once more. His mother turned to her youngest child and told him to go on, although to keep it pg.
"Y'know that dick RoRo wants?I know where we can get him one. I know a guy," He said, simply. His wide, kinda-but-not-really innocent smile on his face. Absolutely no idea about what he had just done.
Romans eyes widened while his mothers darkened. 
"Remus, sweety," she asked, so sweet it was sickening. "What do you mean by that?" She asked, venom dripping in her words. Roman tensed up. 
"Y'know? The dick that Roman wants. I know where we can find one!" Remus said, pointing at Roman. 
His mother's face twisted into something down right nasty.
"Remus, sweety ...who's Roman?" She asked, glaring daggers at Roman just across the table. 
Remus giggled as if this was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.
"You're looking at him, silly….oh, wait. He was gonna tell you after dinner, right? That was the plan you and Jazz band were talking about...hm, oh well." He rushed, shrugging it off as if it were that simple. Roman kinda wished it could be. 
"Anyway, can I have a worm and Beetlejuice shake for desse-"
"Rose." She said, voice hard and angry as she cut off Remus. 
"Is what Rem saying...true?" Roman just opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish out of water.
"Is. It. True!" She yelled at him, standing up from her seat and slamming her hands down on the table. Remus flinched. Roman looked at his food.
"Yes." He murmured. That's where shit hit the fan. 
"Get out of my damn house." 
"What?" Both Roman and Remus squeaked. Remus didn't know this would happen. He….he thought he was helping. Not getting his older brother thrown out. 
"You heard me, tranny. Get out of my damn house. This ain't no pride parade. Get your shit and leave!" She spat, sitting back down and glaring at Roman.
And with a huff and a glare, Roman left the table.
Remus stared as his brother shoved back the seat and stormed out of the house, making sure to slam the door as loud as possible. 
Everything went according to plan. Roman texted Jasmine and went to her house, struggling not to cry on the drive over. The minute she opened the door he was in her arms, sobbing. She rubbed his back and told him to let it all out. 
That was the first night Remus cried himself to sleep.
After a few days, Romans dad came back home. Roman texted him, asking to meet at a coffee shop so he could explain why he wasn't at his mother's. 
Remus had told him that their mother refused to even acknowledge she had another child so their dad was really confused.
"Hey, dad! Over here!" Roman called, waving to his father when he saw him enter the shop.
The man in question, Paul, walked over to the table and took a seat right across from him.
Just looking at the pair you could tell they were related. Roman got most of his looks from his dad. He got his dad's dark brown eyes with specks of gold. He also got his dad's light brown, almost blonde hair. He got his tan, sun kissed skin and his splatter of freckles. The only thing he got from his mom was his smile. 
He gave Roman a politeful hello and asked how he's been. They had a small conversation before his dad asked the big question. 
"So ..why'd your mother kick you out?" His dad asked, setting his phone down on the table. Roman took a gulp before he started to explain the events of a couple nights ago. His dad didn't say a thing while he talked. He only nodded his head and let him explain. 
"So…." His father started when Roman was all done explaining. "What I'm hearing is that whole thing when you wanted to be called Roman….that wasn't a phase?" His father asked, pressing his lips together. 
Roman nodded his head. 
"Well ...okay then. So, your name is Roman now and you're a boy?" 
"Uhm..well yeah. I mean, I guess I've always been a boy really," Roman rubbed his neck and looked down at a stain on the table. " I guess I just realised that I was one." He said, a small smile on his face as he looked back up at his dad.
"And when did you realize this?"
"Uhm, when I was thirteen, I think,"
"Geez, kid. Thirteen? That's some time.."
"And that's why you've been buying all those guys clothes-"
"And acting more suspicious. Never letting me see your phone or anything-"
"Wow," his father sighed. "I….I don't know what to say,"
"Look, dad," Roman started. "I know it's weird and new and stuff but I need you to know that I'm not gonna just stop being trans. This is who I am and...if you don't like it then...well then I guess you won't see me for a while." Roman said, putting on a brave face even though he was absolutely petrified. 
His father's eyes widened before he started shaking his head. "Kid! Of course you're not gonna stop and I would never make you! I….I know I'm not the most...what's the word? Uhm-"
"Educated?" Roman tried, hope blossoming in his chest. 
"Yeah. I'm not the most educated person on the planet but...you're my kid. I'm not gonna stop loving you just because the hospital got it wrong," his father smiled, tearing up a bit at the thought that his da-...son would ever think he could ever not love him.
Roman smiled from ear to ear, practically vibrating in his seat at the amount of joy he was feeling. He launched himself into his dad's arms, crying happy tears as he thanked him over and over. People in the coffee shop who had been overhearing beamed at the father and son as they both laughed and hugged. 
After Roman pulled himself together they left, both grabbing a pastry on the way out. 
After that Roman decided to stay with his dad for the rest of...well, as long as he stays at home. They had to get his mother's permission but all she said was;
"I don't fucking care what the hell you do with that bitch! She's not my 'son'. I had a daughter, not whatever that is. Do whatever you want with her! Throw her in a garbage can and let the rats have at her, I don't care. Now stop asking me."
Let's just say, there was no argument and Roman was legally allowed to stay with his dad full time. Soon after, though, Remus came along. He says it was because his mom became a bit bitchy and annoying after he told her he was gay, and that was a big reason but he had been planning to runaway and live with his dad ever since Romans mother kicked him out. 
Life wasn't perfect and Roman still had his days, but with the help of his dad, brother, and friends he was able to get through it. 
(He even got himself a boyfriend, but that's a story for another day)
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