#also oda stop putting holes in my ship;;
shiigures-a · 2 years
PSA. In lieu of the recent SBS information. Spoilers abound.
Having Zoro's family tree having him be distantly related to Kuina changes nothing on the ship of Zoro and Tashigi on this blog.
Reasons being below.
Kuina and Tashigi are different people, having different birthdays, appearance when they were younger, and ages. And no, Tashigi is not a clone. She's older than Kuina by a year.
Oda did not draw Tashigi in any of the recent family tree for the Shimotsukis and the Roronoas.
Tashigi's backstory remains a mystery for the most part, even in the SBS there are slots that only say '???'. There are several theories and stories out there that connects her with either Denjiro / Kyoshiro being related to her since he does look like Kuina's father and yet he doesn't have a last name either like Tashigi does. Or some believe that her father is Mihawk or someone else that is / was affiliated with the marines.
Just because she looked like Kuina to Zoro during the pre-time skip does not factor in anymore because her appearance is totally different. Zoro doesn't even call her Copycat anymore and doesn't run away. Things have changed between them.
We don't even have a last name for Tashigi. Her past probably won't even get brought up in the manga or SBS because she's mostly a side character and unfortunately probably will not get fleshed out as we might hope, as sad as this makes me while typing this.
8 other people founded the village so there could be someone else from Wano that had Tashigi. Or her parents could had been the 15 that died while trying to defeat bandits to save the village. But this is also pure speculation.
Now in case Oda decides in a SBS or the manga to say that Tashigi and Zoro are related, I will drop the ship and bow out gracefully because it would be gross as I don't ship those types at all. But for the time being, this pairing will be still prominent on this blog until further notice.
I understand that some Zoro muns may be now uncomfortable with the ship and that's okay. I totally get where you are coming from. If you don't want to ship this pairing, like in my other posts I am not going to force it on anyone. And I do have tags so you can blacklist it.
I just wanted to say my piece and get it out of my system. I will probably add this to my pinned post as this is important information. Thank you to all that reads this.
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zombie-eats-world · 1 year
All Crocodad Evidence I Could Find
Hello friends, I wanted to put together an ultimate post with links and pictures showing all the evidence for the Crocodad/Dadodile theory. This post is not here to make you think about the theory, (if you're looking for that you can read my other post about the theory here), this post is going to be a record for anyone trying to find a condensed list of the evidence that exists. Big or small, I'm listing all of it. If I miss anything please add it! Thank you!
Alabasta Existence
Miss father's day.
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Crocodile and Luffy's similarly goofy reaction to seeing the underground passage to the Alabasta Poneglyph.
Episode 123, episode time 13:16 Crocodile spots the entrance and laughs, "ha, now I see secret stairs." Also in episode 123, episode time 20:47 Luffy looks around and spots the secret stairs. "That hole... it looks gator-ish."
Crocodiles strange relationships with children. From hiring a sixteen-year-old Miss Goldenweek, leaving her out of the Mr. 3 assassination order, and her history of actually sinking Crocodile's ships before getting hired, all the way too how Crocodile lectured Luffy in their fight. It just had the cadence of a parent.
Marineford Evidence
Crocodile's missing reaction to the reveal that Dragon is Luffy's father.
Crocodile stops his single-minded pursuit to kill Whitebeard in order to step in and help Luffy by saving ace. (I feel like it needs to be stated again and again that Crocodile actually laughed at the idea of Ace dying before in Impel down)
Crocodile orders Daz Bones to protect Luffy.
Crocodile steps in to fight Mihawk in order to protect Luffy.
Crocodile risks his life to stop Akainu's finishing blow.
Whisks Luffy and Jimbe to safety while standing in solidarity with the Whitebeard Pirates (his stated hated rivals).
The missing explanation for everything above that happened in Marineford. No, Crocodile just wanting to keep Sengoku from victory or being inspired by Luffy doesn't count.
Misc. Evidence
How funny it is, Oda would do it just because it is hilarious.
The wordplay! (Crocodile being closely linked to a Bananawani-> Monkeys like Banana's-> Monkey D. Dragon is a reptilian Monkey attracted to Banana reptile.) Fight me
How similar Crocodile and Luffy look.
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How much of a troll Oda is about it.
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The sheer symbolism
-Crocodile's smiles are the most well known descriptor of a mean/intimidating/menacing smile and gators are said to have the biggest smile in the animal kingdom. It would be kismet that a Crocodile gave birth to Joyboy. -Since Oda has stated a mother in One Piece would stop the adventure, it would fit that the first major villain in the Grandline to try and stop Luffy's adventure ended up being the man who gave birth to Luffy.
That is all The direct Dadodile/Crocodad evidence I can think of off the top of my head! Add more If you think of any, id like this to be a complete list of the known evidence!
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wavytam · 1 year
The Weather Queen and the Cook King: Power Ups Foreshadowed in Colorspreads
After writing these two theories, I wanted to write a separate post talking about the parts I mentioned Nami and Sanji.
To summarize, I think that these two will be extremely important in Future Island Arc because of two colorspeads that Oda drew during the arc:
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First, I love how Oda chose Sanji as the main focus in the Boys Colorspread and Nami in the Girls Colorspread - but I don't think it was coincidental.
He said we should keep an eye on Sanji in an SBS after the Wano arc, and ever since then, we have seen around two colorspreads that have him as the main focus. So maybe, as unsuspicious as the only girls' colorspread might seem, it might also give us some type of foreshadowing about Nami's next power up as well, since she is in more evidence.
Not only that: Oda also chose to put the words King and Queen for both of them.
(Alright, before anyone comes at me saying that, I'm trying to push them as King and Queen in a shipping way... no. I do want them to be together, but I don't think those spreads are any indicative of that. Nami and Sanji are both one of my favorite characters in One Piece, and I love to talk about them together and separately, and I just really want both of them to have development and growth - Nami specially, because we can already see how Sanji WILL already have a lot of screentime)
The King and Queen titles, I think, mean different things for Sanji and for Nami.
For Sanji, I think he is going to unlock his Conqueror's Haki (which is also known as King's Haki), and Oda played with the similarities between the words "Cooking" and "CoC King" to make it more... questionable and not in-your-face. We all know he loves to do that.
For Nami, I think it has to do with how she will be known as in the world of One Piece.
When Luffy, Jimbei, Chopper and Bonney were exploring Future Island, Vegapunk talks about one of his inventions, which is...
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Yes, a technology that controls climate (Island Aircon) - something that seemingly only controls the temperature of islands (not too threatening).
However, we know how creative and resourceful Nami is with what is given to her and I don't doubt that, if she is given the chance, she could operate Island Aircon in such a way that it could be used as a weapon.
So my theory is that Nami could use Vegapunk's technology to turn Future Island into a huge hell hole for the Straw Hats' enemies.
With her knowledge, she might be able to create cyclones, storms, and even thunderstorms to jeopardize the Marines' invasion into Future Island or to stop them from following the Straw Hats as they run away. With that, she will gain the worldwide reputation of Weather Witch or even Weather Queen, or another title close to that.
It's kind of like how Zoro became the King of Hell, how Raileigh is the Dark King, Usopp is the King of Snipers, and so on and so forth.
In addiction, I think that this is going to be a huge moment for Nami, not only because of her power up but also because of her backstory. I have been coming up with a theory that Nami's past is actually connected to the Void Century and, most importantly, to the Sky Islands and Uranus, which is why her past is still a mystery - since Uranus is going to be the last weapon they will "visit" (they already met Shirahoshi and visited Wano, where Pluton is burried).
So my prediction is that, as Future Island ends, Nami will realise that there is something different within her and that doubt will continue throughout the next arc.
I also have this theory that everyone from the Straw Hat crew has potential to have Conqueror's Haki, but, to me, only the first five Strawhats could have it. This is more of a far fetched theory, I know, but a lot of people have already discussed the possibility of both Nami and Usopp having Conqueror's (maybe Usopp will have CoC in a diferent way than the others) and I think that if they go to Elbaf, Usopp cpuld unlock his CoC there and Nami will unlock hers in the very last Arc of One Piece.
Back to Sanji now! I think his color spread also indicates things that he will use during Future Island and of things that will happen to the Straw Hats there. Basicaly, I think that Sanji will unlock his Conqueror's Haki when his friends are in danger and incapacitated, and he will do everything he can to stop any harm done to them.
The bubbles are also interesting to me, because (although in the colorspread they are coming from the boys' noses) I find it curious that in this arc there is a VERY useful weapon that can incapacitate devilfruit users through bubbles.
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Maybe the weapons will be used against the Straw Hats, OR Sanji will use them against their opponents.
In conclusion, I have a feeling those colorspreads might indicate Sanji's and Nami's next power ups, and I think their roles will be extremely important in this Arc.
And because of this coverpage, I think Franky will be important too:
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But this is a theory for another time...
I'd also like to remind you how two other colorspreads from the same Arc also seem to have Nami and Sanji in evidence (along with Luffy, obviously, and weirdly Chopper?? Hmmm). So we might have to pay attention to them.
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To end this post:
Obviously, there's more of a big possibility that this is all just a coincidence, and Oda wanted to say something entirely different. But I don't mind being wrong since the fun part is to speculate and talk about our favorite characters.
Hope you liked reading it anyway! I'd love to know what you guys think!
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
So I finally finished watching Bungou Stray Dogs and it was pretty good! The story itself is okay (well except for the Oda flashback at the beginning of season 2 - that was god-tier and in all left me with all sorts of emotions and thoughts about life and death and Dazai) - I find the powers / all the literary references interesting, but the lack of consequences for the multiple murders of the Port Mafia (esp. in situations involving innocents) kind of irks me. (1/4)
Also, I find the pacing a bit weird at times - but that may just be a personal thing. Anyways, where I think the story really shines is in its characters. The character designs are great, but then add the special abilities, personal conflicts, and relationships to one another into the mix and, well. I honestly think it’s hard not to come out of watching BSD absolutely loving a character or two. For me, I came out of it absolutely loving Kunikida. (2/4)
His conflicts between his ideals vs reality and duty vs feelings are really interesting (+ he’s best agency mom). And then his ability Doppo Poet? I want it. Also he’s voiced by Patrick Seitz (Endeavor’s va) and instantly recognizing his voice in the first episode made me kind of proud. And then - of course - Dazai. Honestly, I think it’s a given that any fan of Hawks is going to love Dazai + again, the four best episodes in the series focus on him so??? (3/4)
I wish his suicidal thoughts / tendencies were taken more seriously though. Overall, I really liked the series and I’m glad I gave it another chance (especially since it introduced me to the A+ ship that is Soukoku). I still think that the hinted romantic relationship of the Tanizaki siblings is kind of creepy though… (a big reason I stopped watching in the first place, as I eventually remembered). Anyways, thanks to you + thegaygyrus for inspiring me to watch it again! (4/4)
+ just read through other asks and YES it annoys me how shafted Chuuya was. Especially since he's so closely linked to Dazai - I was so excited when I finally got to see this mysterious short redhead I've seen from your blog + everywhere else only to see that he doesn't get as much focus as, well, all the other heavily marketed characters. And then we finally got his backstory at the beginning of S3 only for him to be put away in the final battle... smh. Anyways #ChuuyaDeservesBetter2020
I’m really happy to hear that me and Lucy geeking out over it convinced you to watched it and you enjoyed what you saw so far :3
I agree that the pacing suffers from time to time (it especially felt rushed at times and I’m not sure if that’s due to the fact that didn’t have many episodes to work with or if it’s just how the light novels/manga is). And I do understand being irked by the lack of consequences because I feel it at times too (...like did they forget that the Tanizaki siblings would have died without Yosano’s ability due to Akutagawa T-T or how Akutagawa blew up a police station and probably killed a lot of innocent people). Like I can understand later on that the reason why is probably due to the fact the tripartite exists but then why present Akutagawa as a fugitive if the Port Mafia’s crimes are usually ignored? So yeah, there are issues with the writing at times, I agree (especially what happened to Chuuya).
I can understand why you love Kunikida so much T-T The conflicts he faces in the story are so appealing and he’s really the one you see put through the ringer the most (...people he keeps trying to protect die in front of him and damn is it tragic to see. The man is going to develope a complex at some point). Also Doppo Poet is just such a useful ability (It reminds me of Momo’s quirk who has my favourite quirk in BNHA. Now we need a crossover with these two bonding :p).
And I feel you about Dazai’s suicidal tendencies. I know it’s played for gags most of the time but we saw when he was in the Mafia he truly didn’t care if he died and put himself into dangerous situations under the possibility that he would :/ Dazai needs a therapist desperately (and for someone to get rid of Mori forever).
(I also feel for you about the Tanizaki siblings. The incest is just... unneeded. But I’ve also become numb to it sadly because it appears all my favourite anime have incest in them *glares at Durarara!!*)
AND YES! JOIN US! Justice for Chuuya!!
I’m so mad! I wanted to see Ranpo and Chuuya fight in the book! I wanted to see Poe have to run with the Port Mafia on his tail while trying to protect it! I wanted Chuuya to be more involved for gods sake T-T Time and time again he’s implied to be the ace in the hole and he’s just not used.
(Have you watched the movie yet? Some of the best Soukoku scenes come from it and it’s incredible. Dazai actually references himself as Snow White and Chuuya to be his Prince Charming... He’s not very subtle XD)
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mamichigo · 6 years
Because I'm a good friend to you, most of the time, maybe a double date between dazatsu and odango?
ANA YOU’RE THE TRUE MVP!!! You’re spoiling me tbh (not that I mind tho). This got super long so I’ll put it under a read more
What universe is this set in? I have no idea, all I care about is that everyone is happy and alive
They go to an amusement park (because Dazai insisted until everyone else relented)
This is Atsushi first time hanging out with Oda and Ango, and the first time he’s talking to them after he and Dazai started dating. Boy is NERVOUS
Dazai greets Ango and Oda by saying “Hey, you two, meet my cute boyfriend!” and Atsushi blushes up to the tip of his ears
Oda has to tell Dazai to not tease Atsushi too much at least 15 times
Also Oda innocently comments that Atsushi, who overdressed in his desperation to look presentable to the other two, “looks like a pop star”. Dazai keeps laughing at the face Atsushi makes at that
Ango has always liked Atsushi because he’s often the only sane one in the room, and he actually scolds Dazai for his shenanigans, unlike some people
And Oda, well, he gets along with basically everyone. Despite how nervous Atsushi was to hold a conversation with him, he rapidly finds himself relaxing bc Odasaku is just that easy to talk to
Atsushi can definitely see why Dazai is so fond of Oda
(Basically all four of them get along really nicely or else I’ll die)
They go to the haunted house, and the reactions between the couples is VERY different
Ango is extremely unimpressed. Oda seems interested, but not all that scared either. Ango: “Are you using this as an excuse to be closer?” Oda, who has a hand on Ango’s waist: “No.”
Meanwhile Atsushi is about to climb into Dazai’s arm in one single leap from how he keeps jumping and clutching Dazai tighter every single time he’s scared. Dazai thinks it’s super endearing. 
“Atsushi-kun, what’s that in the shadows?” “OHGOD” cue Atsushi using Dazai as a shield and hiding his face on his back. Dazai has a very smug smile on his face
Ango is rolling his eyes at them, but Oda thinks it’s sweet.
Then they decide to go to a roller coaster and now Ango is the one about to die. He hates it, but he goes anyways for Odasaku’s sake. He keeps his eyes closed the entire time.
Oda has to touch his arm and tell him they stopped already at the end, and Ango hides his irritation (and embarrassment) as Dazai keeps teasing him over it.
Ango and Oda sit out the next attraction because Ango is nauseous. When Atsushi and Dazai come back, they find Ango with his head on Oda’s shoulder, talking in hushed voices. Atsushi tries to hold him back, but nothing can stop Dazai from throwing himself at the both of them
On the topic of physical closeness, their dynamic is quite different. Dazatsu are still new to their relationship, and they’re still at the giddy, honeymoon stage of it; every touch is charged and Atsushi will blush a lot, while Dazai tests what’s okay and what isn’t for him to do.
But for odango, they have been together for over a year now, so they’re more mellow about it. They have a very casual closeness to them, shoulders brushing, leaning into each other’s space with ease, guiding each other somewhere with a hand on the hip or by gently holding pinkies or middle and index fingers
Atsushi sees Oda join arms with Ango and asks Dazai if they can do the same  (they end up holing hands instead)
Also, at the end they all take a picture together in a photo booth, and it’s the goofiest thing ever, but they’re all smiling and having a good time :’))
They end up going home earlier than initially thought tho bc Dazai was feeling sick from all the cotton candy he ate
Cries about my ships
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shuttershocky · 7 years
Fate/Grand Order NA edition: A Recap
A quick recap of some of the events that happened so far in the misadventures of Mash and Guda:
A teenager (we shall call them Guda) answers an ad in the papers, ends up in a military base called Chaldea hidden in the Himalayas.
A bomb toasts everybody inside the base.
Mash and Guda time travel back to the edgiest version of Fate/Stay Night where Saber Alter rules with an iron fist.
Mash, a cute Chaldea clerk, fuses with the ghost of some guy, gets a massive shield to bludgeon people with. 
Cu Chulainn beats people up with the Wicker Man; Thankfully leaves out the bees.
Their boss turns out to be a bad guy and throws their other, dead boss’ ghost into a black hole, making her super dead-er.
The only staff surviving at Chaldea is the ghost of Leonardo Da Vinci and the absentminded doctor she’s fucking.
Gilles de Raiss, unhappy with the canon ending, makes an edgy Jeanne D’Arc OC to fix it.
The real Jeanne is summoned without her Ruler powers, joins Mash and Guda on their merry stroll through France.
Some countries have roaches, others have rats. France has dragons.
It also has vampires.
Marie Antoinette pulls a drive-by shootout with the vampires to rescue Jeanne D’Arc and company.
They escape because Mozart makes the vampires vomit and/or poop themselves with a piano attached to the back of Marie’s carriage.
They bond. Marie learns what a homie is. Marie and Jeanne are super gay.
Kiyohime and Liz are first introduced. FGO is never the same.
They rescue the German hero Sumanai Siegfried from a castle. He’s pretty beat up.
They need saints to heal him for some reason. Good thing St. George spawns... on the other side of the map.
Do you really wanna hurt us this way George? Really? Take anyone else instead. Take this Mephistopheles, he’s just hanging around in my archive!
Big Bad Battle with Cheese and Dragons. Assassins recommended.
Jeanne vs Jeanne. The edgy OC is no match for the original of course.
Gilles is kicked back into the depths of FF.net where he belongs
All of Nero’s forebears in the Roman empire form an alliance against her called Every Villain Is Lemons, also known as EVIL
Nero brings the company to Britain from Italy. On foot.
Mash suffocates under the overwhelming force that is Boudica’s boobs.
Nero chops down the ghosts of Roman emperors past one by one. No biggie.
Mash and Guda find their bad boss in the capital and oh shit he’s a demon from hell.
The demon summons Atilla the Hun. He is later of two minds about this choice.
Nero punches Atilla in the face. Civilization will never die!
Someone steals all the dumplings. Now Chaldea’s gonna starve.
Some booby archer pesters Mash and Guda about helping them recover the food.
Marie doesn’t remember her own homies.
Never mind she totally does.
Saint George is into photography.
Martha is into dumplings, bondage, and breaking faces. Tsk tsk, Saint Martha.
Martha makes her escape by jumping on to her dragon Tarrasque, who begins to fly by spinning around rapidly until it zooms away like a UFO. She probably puked at some point.
Altera, Atilla The Hun, the great destroyer herself, explains the differences of good and bad civilization.
Surprise surprise, Booby Archer is a bad guy- holy shit this is the goddess of the hunt?
Please don’t spook my guaranteed SSR gacha Artemis, I beg you. I’ll do anything you want just don’t come home.
Sir Francis Drake, Pirate Queen.
Blackbeard. Weeb.
And lo, Captain Drake did shot the god Poseidon in the face, declaring with a mighty shout “Let there be booze!”, and the crew were drunk with infinite booze, and it was good.
Blackbeard wins the award for cringiest villain.
Drake and her motley crew recruit Medusa’s bitchy sister Euryale and her hot monster boyfriend, Asterios The Minotaur.
The Golden Hind VS The Queen Anne’s Revenge, battle of two legendary pirate ships, FIGHT
Artemis and Orion board the Queen Anne’s Revenge during the fight in an admittedly cool action scene. Orion blows a hole into the ship.
Blackbeard is a tough bastard, but Drake literally killed the god of the seas for some booze so
Hektor, hero of Troy, won’t shut up about being an old man. Also he betrays Blackbeard.
Blackbeard to Drake: “Secretly, I admired you...r boobs.” *dies*
Drake trades upwards, gets the Argonauts as her new nemesis
Jason is just as much of a shitter in Fate as he is in mythology. Who would have guessed?!
Wait wasn’t one of the most famous members of the Argonauts the great hero Hera-OH GOD HE’S HERE WE HAVE TO RUN
Asterios vs Heracles summed up:
Guda: Well now that we lost our muscle we need reinforcements. Atalanta and David: Hi
Atalanta meets her God. She now believes in atheism.
David: Yeah I actually have the most dangerous thing on Earth with me as a second noble phantasm. Everyone else: It’s a box. David: I know. It’s got nerves of steel.
Who would win? A nigh-immortal demigod, son of Zeus and the strongest hero there is, or some box?
“Hey Jason, eat a dick.” - Medea Lily
Eating a dick turns you into a vessel for yet another Demon God. As Jason painfully finds out.
David: Yeah all of this time-stream dicking is my idiot son’s fault. It would be just like him, for he was an idiot. Roman: Nuh-uh! David: Yeah-uh!
Goodbye, Captain Drake. T’was an honor to be one of yer hearty crew.
HALLOWEEN 2015(17?)
An invitation? To a party? But all of history was dicked. Where are you supposed to hold a par-is that a castle?
Kiyohime casually defies the laws of space and time (again).
Mata Hari: *Starts stripdancing* Mash: :O Kiyo: >:( Roman: :D
Carmilla uses her noble phantasm to clean a spot. I-I’m not even exaggerating this is actually a thing that happens.
Vlad is the supportive uncle who knits for his fellows.
Tamamo Cat; nothing she says ever makes any sense.
Elizabeth Bathory: Surprise! All of this was to prepare you for a special private concert from an up and coming pop idol star!
Everyone: Liz you are a bad Me, tears falling onto my phone: Liz you are a good
Liz: Y-you d-didn’t like m-m-my concert? Everyone: Boo you suck! Me: I LOVED IT BABY YOU’RE GONNA BE A BIG STAR ONE DAY
Split psyche story
What you expected: Angry Nobu, sad Nobu, kinda freaky happy Nobu
What you got:
Rabbit season? Duck season? No. It’s Nobbu season.
A whole string of really funny jokes if you’re a fan of Oda Nobunaga’s place in Japan’s history.
Even more funny jokes that don’t require knowledge of the Sengoku Period
Arash chases after the crew while on fire and screaming “STELLAAA!!”, blows up over Ushiwakamaru’s army
Mash and friends somehow run all the way into the desert.
I give up. There is no way to exaggerate anything that happens in this event.
 It is just bonkers.
Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji for best couple
DW: Boy we sure hope you’re not tired of the Fuyuki map!
Stupid, sexy Scathach: Greetings. Guda: Gaddamn. Mash: Senpai, for once can you not be a perv- Stupid, sexy Scathach: *flips her hair* Mash: Holy fuck I’m so gay right now.
Scathach casually kills ten thousand ghosts.
Scathach casually teaches her new students while crushing a skull with one hand and flexing with the other.
Scathach also gives the nicest headpats.
Brock from Pokemon Fergus joins the party.
Mash: And then, Cu Chulainn saved us in his sexy druid outfit. Scathach and Fergus: Druid outfit? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Fergus: God I’m just super horny right now. Scathach: I’m pretty DTF myself but only the finest warriors can get some of this. Fergus: Well do I qualif- Scathach: No.
Altera: Hi Fergus: *Dies from nosebleed*
For the final part of the trial, Scathach summons another warrior to replace Fergus.
Diarmuid knows its fanservice day. He doesn’t even bother to put on a shirt.
Artemis: I’m baaaacckk~ Me: AHHH KILL IT! KILL IT!
Scathach to Artemis: From one booby servant to another, your kind of fanservice is super gross and wrong my dude. Domestic violence against men is a very real concern. Now I’m gonna spank you.
Scathach kicks divine ass. Thank you, Shishou!
Scathach: Now before I leave kids, what did we learn? Mash and Guda: That the road ahead of us is long and dark, but if we hold firm and believe in each other, we can be humanity’s saviors from the dark? Scathach: No. What did we really learn? Me: That now I can’t not have you in my Chaldea and must ask for an advanced paycheck this instant? Scathach: Good child.
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yoosungshoodie · 7 years
Please do V, Eisuke and Nobunaga because I wanna know more about why you like your boys!! ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
I did V already but Rina you’re killing me dkjsdfs aLL MY BIASES. This is gonna be long so Eisuke’s is under the cut.
Oda Nobunaga
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! |love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: He's cunning and calculating and he knows what he's doing. I really enjoy the fact that he's a born leader because it's so obvious in everything he does—but that also doesn't mean he's incapable of being soft, too. He's got this leadership quality to him that's absolutely enchanting and I adore it so much. He’s got his eye on taking the world and he’s so passionate about it that you believe it. You believe in his dream of ending poverty and stopping wars because he’s such a captivating person to listen to, even if you already know that there’s no such thing as a world without suffering. Slight spoilers, but if you’ve read his act two you get that enchantment pulled out from under you because the whole narrative in Nobu’s route had been driven towards making you believe that he could do it. You believed he could achieve unification because that’s what the story told you and how he was so excellent in all his endeavors, yet that ends abruptly into the grim reality which is that he can’t fix suffering when it’s universal. I love characters who are able to enchant their audience, and he definitely did that for me.
worst quality: Extremely abrasive. Even if it's an act sometimes, he's stubborn to go with it as well so it's even worse. There’s a lot of times he steps on other people without meaning to, solely because he’s just so damn stubborn. He's got a hard time understanding himself from his proud bravado because he blatantly ignores his own feelings a lot of the time, resorting to anger easily instead. A poor communicator and is troublesome love interest because he doesn’t know how to treat a relationship.
ship them with: MC, because I really like his MC. She steps the hell up and doesn’t always let Nobu gets his way; it could’ve been so easy to make MC this unmoving cookie cutout of predictable and easygoing girl meets powerful man and lets him decide everything. My favorite is when she becomes an official wife and blossoms. Oh, also... Hideyoshi or Toshiie dsjgjksdf.
brotp them with: Mitsuhide if he learns how to STOP BEING A DICK TO HIM, and honestly? I find it super funny with Hide and Toshiie.
needs to stay away from: Sweets. Sorry, honey.
misc. thoughts: My first route so I’m a sucker for him. I love him so much LOL, he had red hair and was a total brat who needs attention. Cocky and can back it up, too. My SLBP bias even though he switches with Kojuro sometimes... he’s always going to have a special place in my heart. I’m into people who can lead and can boil situations down to statistics and facts, solely because I’m one of those people too, and he’s very good at that. Definitely the prettiest boy in SLBP for me LOL. I think a lot of his draw comes with being this scary warlord who’s a bit of everything, despite being called the demon king: he’s funny and can dance like a woman and there’s so many parts of him that we get to see. He’s so multifaceted with such big dreams that you can kind of buy into when he says to “never look at things from the same place as mere mortals do”. He seems so much more because everything he does seems so grandiose, and he isn’t wrong when act 2′s modern day epilogue occurs. Iconic man.
Eisuke Ichinomiya
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! |love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang but please fix your eyebrows honey bun.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: His ability to always end out on top. He gets stumped at times but that's not a problem because he can always find a way to be on top of things. He knows how to maximize efficiency and he’s very good at being pragmatic and logical, even if that costs him some emotional growth, and he’s almost genius level brilliant with the way he can figure out things, IMO. Eisuke is also one of those extremely captivating characters for me that seem larger than life. He has a very strong work ethic and although KBTBB doesn’t delve into it, you always see Eisuke working. Whenever MC sees him, he’s working and you know he’s serious about his job. From right off the bat, we know Eisuke’s success had nothing to do with luck and it’s something he’s fought for tirelessly. I really, really, really appreciate those kinds of characters.  Fulfills the magnificent bastard trope.
worst quality: His poor relationship with MC at the beginning. I think I couldn’t tell how extreme his character development was, playing his season chronologically, until I went back to season one for something I missed reading. Eisuke gets better so the damage is alleviated a bit, but he lacks fundamental rules of relationships; he’s very used to being used and using people, so it’s not much of a shocker that he doesn’t know how to treat someone that genuinely loves him. He’s demanding at first when they finally get together, adhering to that whole “five minute” rule and shutting her out instead of trusting her and not treating her as an equal. He’s so emotionally damaged in regards to love because he’s never experienced it (literally, with a tombstone for a mother and runaway coward for a father), that when he’s even put in Akira’s care it’s too late to reverse the damage. His biological parents had no consideration for his emotional well being so he learned to disregard it as well, which becomes a big road block for him and MC. He can’t open up to her until season 2, and just begins treating MC as someone who should call the shots too in season 3. Parents are people who serve as their children’s foundation of love and what it means to love someone, but Eisuke never had that, thus his inability to have a proper relationship (despite being in love; feelings and actions are two very different things) until later on.
ship them with: MC, even if I didn’t like their dynamic at first. She helps him grow and teaches him a thing or fourteen about how to love and she learns to call him out on his shit. She’s a bit of a pushover sometimes, but Eisuke is a scary person to stand up to, so I can see where she comes from. Thank god she grows out of it, though. Also, give me that Eisuke/Luke or Eisuke/Soryu.
 brotp them with: LUKE AND SORYU!!!! I love the three of them so much.
needs to stay away from: Hotel room service. And being a dramatic ass bitch.
misc. thoughts: I heavily relate to his emotional constipation and inability to properly be in a relationship. He can’t properly express his feelings and a lot of times him and MC have sex because he has a hard time putting his feelings in words, and I love how that was addressed when it’s MC that tells him flat out that he can’t always just have sex to fix their issues.
I find his beliefs are extremely agreeable because they’re the truth; even if KBTBB sugarcoats the world to fit a romantic narrative (and I understand that they have to!), Eisuke would be seen as a perfect fit for this world. People are genuinely like that.
It’s interesting how he knows how to present himself and knows what cards he needs to play to get what he wants, along with the moves he needs to make; he’s that perfect magnificent bastard trope that I mentioned above. I live for those types, they’re my favorite kinds of people because they’re the ones pulling the strings, and Eisuke definitely does that. Also, cuteness proximity with animals even though they hate him. What a good man.
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mokomodukedom · 7 years
My history with One Piece
I already wrote about my history with One Piece on this blog some time ago, but since it's the 20th anniversary I guess it won't hurt to repeat some of it.
I first discovered One Piece when I was in middle school, around... 2005-2006 I'd say. In my year group there was only one pupil besides me who read manga whom I didn't see all that much (because she was in a different class). But one time we talked about Ranma ½, which was one of the first manga series translated into Finnish. A few years earlier I had bought the first seven volumes, but at that age I didn't know how to deal with Happosai's pervy antics, so I stopped following after his introduction. But this other girl had continued buying the volumes, and I was excited to get the chance to borrow them. She also threw in the first volume of One Piece which I didn't really care about at first, but I took it anyway. I remember Shanks' death glare from the first chapter and Luffy's similar expression from a bit later making a big impression on me, and I think I got hooked by Baratie despite not really liking the art style. And Arlong Park was what really sealed the deal.
I obviously had to return the borrowed volumes at some point, and I can't remember properly what I was doing with One Piece for a while or how intensive my relationship with it was. But I know I was still very much into it, and whenever I visited my relatives in a bigger city they'd let me borrow One Piece volumes from a library with their card. The volumes had been used a lot so their covers were all sticky and gross, but it was the only way for me to read the physical volumes. The scrap books I filled with cool fanart I printed from the Internet started to get more and more One Piece content. And I know I also watched the anime up till the sea train/Aqua Laguna episodes, but with the pacing problems in the anime I couldn't go further.
At some point I discovered that I could also read the manga scanlations on the internet. Back then we didn't have these cool manga reader sites with handy layouts and a billion series kids these days use (or I was just too dumb to find one); the site I used looked more like Windows file system with yellow folder icons for each chapter. The first "newest" chapter I read was luckily a memorable one for archival purposes, ch 431 (Garp's introduction) in October 2006. It took me a while to get the hang of One Piece being a weekly series so checking the site in the hopes of a new chapter was a bit sporadic, but ever since then I've been following the series regularly. Whoa, it's been over 10 years! Unfortunately I don't care for Halloween stuff so Thriller Bark was probably the worst theme for me to jump in, but the overall quality kept me returning.
Meanwhile the aforementioned manga reader from my school had lost interest in One Piece, and I bought the 17 first volumes she had for a good price. Then I started buying the most recent published Finnish volumes from the store starting from #37 (the one with Franky & Iceburg on the cover that contains Franky's flashback), which was in April 2008. Then I had to hunt for the missing 20 volumes from internet auction and second hand book shops. It was a lot of fun to get a new book, and I remember I would regularly arrange the volumes I had managed to get in a grid on the floor to see the the holes close up.
One the fandom side my first published fanart is from May 2007, and the dress ups started in January 2008. I remember playing Alinajames' OP girl dress ups (which I sadly can't find any more anywhere) at that time, can't remember if they were up before mine or after, but regardless they played a big role in inspiring me to continue making new dress ups myself, and certainly had a part in my second dress up ever created, Nami dress up v2. Later I've made a v3, and I'm sure a v4 will appear eventually. It feels like going back to my roots.
When it comes to pairings I've always been pretty disinterested, usually I'm simply fine with the obvious main guy + main girl couple and don't think about it much, but now that I think of it, I did have a rather rare occurrence of actually hoping that Luffy and Hancock would become a couple. I wrote plenty of fanfiction of their wedding where all the friendly characters we had seen were invited and Shanks super enjoyed the party, and then they had a daughter or two, but thankfully the fanfic only existed inside my head so there's no proof of it. And that ship has faded by now and nowadays I find Hancock a really boring character, though she'd still be my #1 choice if I really had to pair Luffy with someone (followed by Vivi). But definitely not Nami, I've always disliked the idea of Luffy/Nami and it's a little strange, since usually when I hate a pairing it's because I hate one of the characters involved or find the fans really annoying, but in Luffy/Nami's case I just find their interaction so platonic that somehow the thought of them being a couple has always made me cringe. So Nami's only ok as a part of Luffy Harem which I've enjoyed in an ironic way ever since I saw someone post about it on APforums.
One Piece has also the honour of having been one of the works that have put me into a major long-lasting fangasm mode, as in I consume plenty of media and may rank various works really high in terms of quality, but only a select few manage to get into the "daydreaming about new stories for my favourite characters" phase that lasts for months. And while as of now it has been dethroned (there can be only one at a time), OP has been the only one that has managed to make a big comeback after having fallen once.
Overall reading One Piece on a weekly basis for a decade has been a really important experience for me. It has been a regular friend who visits weekly for a large part of my life, and the fact that my earliest OP memories are from pretty long ago makes the OP world feel a lot larger than it probably would if I had marathoned the whole thing just recently. I also have a lot of fun memories of the (then) most recent big events, like the shocking mood whiplash when after a week of waiting for the outcome of the tragedy at Sabaody instead we got penis jokes on Amazon Lily or feeling the presence of a legend when Rayleigh was introduced (I could totally relate to the Straw Hats' excitement and respect). During Impel Down and Marineford arcs I visited Pixiv's D兄弟 tag daily and read all the Japanese mini comics I couldn't understand. And then there was the Arlong Park April fools joke where someone drew a pretty convincing fake spoiler where Ivankov had turned Luffy into a girl to infiltrate as a prison guard... I was so disappointed when that wasn't the case.
Since waiting for the new chapter every week has been a big part of my life, the thought of One Piece coming to an end one day makes me sad. But I suppose all good things must come to an end (and I can't blame Oda for wanting to get done with the series), and there will be new series to take its place. And on the other hand I really want to see what's up with Raftel; Crocus' description of it being a legendary island still gives me as big chills as it did when I read it for the first time.
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