#also octogoblin stuff
benjimators · 1 year
The struggle of wanting to draw a lot of fandoms at the same time but you can only do one at a time…
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kahootqueen69 · 8 months
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angsty timeskip!octogoblin my beloved
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greenmenace · 2 years
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Sorry that this is late again, I’ve been busy and started feeling un well today! Also this is a littlleeee longer than the other ones so-
First date, Octogoblin October day 3!
Otto and Norman had been living together for a while and had started dating. After nwh they finally confessed to each other and found out both of them had the same feelings toward each other. It was 6am and norman wanted to be sweet. They had planned it all out, Go out to eat, shop, and watch a movie afterwards. Norman though…had more plans. Norman quickly shut his alarm off so it wouldn’t wake his boyfriend…he slowly got out of bed and covered his tall, soon to be husband up some more. The short man toddled to the bathroom and got a shower. Once he got out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror..gray hair starting to poke through his bright auburn colored hair, wrinkles that show his age, dark circles around his eyes. He didn’t know how otto loved him…he looked ‘disgusting’. He sighed and finished getting ready. He had on one of ottos sweaters, a pair of black sweats and his slippers. He started fixing his coffee and got the stuff out for breakfast…he made breakfast and surprised his boyfriend with it in bed. Otto woke up and smiled. Both of them ate and talked for a bit before otto got up and got ready. “I love you otto….” Norman told otto as he laid ontop of him while otto read his book. “I love you too my dear…” otto replied as he kissed the top of his head. It was now around 4 and they had went out to eat. Norman of course got something expensive and otto not wanting to be that kind of date just got something cheap. They laughed and talked to eachother….norman being the sweetheart he is, he payed. They went shopping and Norman spoiled him. Absolutely spoiled otto. He got him a shit ton of sweaters and turtlenecks, some new stylish gloves, of course new sunglasses, new work shoes and a cane. Why a cane you might ask? Otto has severe back pain from carrying around the 70 actuators on his back 24/7…even if the actuators hold him up it still hurts and he’s found that a cane helps. He can put most of his weight on one while he’s walking. Norman got him a well made one with his initials carved into it. Norman was so excited to give him the gifts. Norman got them put in bags and went to find otto….his taller boyfriend was sitting on a bench with Norman’s bags. Norman gave otto a new pair of sunglasses and the cane….the tentacled man loved it and hugged his love. “I love these so much….thank you pumpkin…truly…” otto mumbled as he pulled back and smiled at norman. The lover boy had someone come and take their bags back to the house…the older couple went and watched a movie. Norman picked a scary one out andddd acted like a pussy all the way through it. Even the slightest jump scare made the skittish old CEO jump in his seat and grasp his boyfriends hand tightly. Otto found it adorable and just chuckled. That night norman didn’t leave ottos side. He was just to ‘scared’. “Thank you so much my dear…I loved our date.” Otto said as he rubbed the knuckles on Norman’s hand. “You’re welcome honey….how about we go to sleep? I’m wore out-“ Norman said in the middle of a yawn. “yeah I’m tired too…..goodnight norm….I love you…” otto said as he sat his glasses down and turned the light off. “mhmmm….g’night….I love you too…” the old auburn haired man almost instantly fell asleep. Otto covered them up and soon fell asleep as well.
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regularfan · 2 years
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A small sketch and big step into the octogoblin club
It's fun how their dynamics could be kind of :
-...I am officially the most productive employee of the entire Osborne Corporation for two years now, without even mentioning that I am a respected world-class scientist. I have my full right to demand a raise, a decent salary and an appropriate respect from both the working team and my boss, Mr.Osborn. But, firstly, that well-deserved raise. -If someone from stuff was rude to you, just name that person. Also take this platinum credit card and buy everything you are in need of, dear, now go, I'm having a meeting, we will discuss your touching request later. -No, I dema- -Сar is downstairs, have fun, darling. -... -ars#hl!ch....
... And I will draw Otto no more than his deserved and permanent on this blog 5,5ft. That's my weakness I am fully aware of...
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choco-cherry-chunk · 3 years
Hope you don’t mind (I don’t think you will), but I’m sending you a very long thing I wrote. I’m one of your anons by the way, I came up with the baby’s first word thing, the Peter/MJ insisting on taking the baby so the dads can have a break, the Otto hiding the actuators, the baby having powers because of the portals, and more, can’t remember all.
I came up with this idea while trying and failing to nap, so hopefully it’s more coherent that I remember and you like it. It’s Norman-mpreg focused, and it’s long.
It relies on a bit of changing to the NWH plot. Basically after Otto gets cured but before the Goblin takes over Norman, they have sex. Likely in the backroom where so many OctoGoblin things take place. Basically right after the “Just me” line, Norman pulls Otto into a passionate kiss before the other man knows what’s happening. One of Otto’s actuators shuts and locks the door. Given the likelihood of someone else walking in and the spontaneous nature of it all, the sex is quick, passionate and loving, but done in haste. They don’t use protection since 1) they don’t have any and 2) if we’re going by their ages in the Spider-Man 1 and 2 universes, they’re both in their late-40s so they wouldn’t be too worried about accidents. After that, the movie happens as normal and they’re sent home at the end.
So Norman arrives back at the fight with Spider-Man but from Spider-Man’s point of view, Norman temporarily vanished and reappeared in different clothes and without the mask. This makes him pause, which gives Norman time to hastily beg for mercy and explain as best he can they he’s better now and he didn’t mean to do any of the things he did. Peter accepts that this is a very weird situation and since his Spidey-sense isn’t going off, he takes a chance at helping Norman. He carries the wounded man back to the Osborn penthouse, where Harry witnesses this happening (and also this is how he finds out Peter is Spider-Man). Harry calls for the Osborn private doctor to help patch Norman up, while Norman goes on about multiverses and other Spider-Men and Otto and being cured. The doctor gives Norman a sedative and Harry and Peter put him to bed.
Norman takes a few weeks to recover. The remnants of the super soldier serum will take a while to be fully cleansed from his system, which helped keep him alive after the fight with Peter 1, but without the speedy healing. During this time, he fills Peter and Harry in on the basics of what happened: he was transported to another universe and cured but not before the Goblin did a lot of damage. He tells Peter that it was him who saved his life and cured him (he has vague memories of Peter protecting him from someone, and he just assumes Peter is the one who cured him). He also has a heart-to-heart with Harry, admitting that he wasn’t a good father, and that when he was in the other universe and Harry wasn’t there, he felt like he’d lost his chance to make it up to the boy. Now that he has returned, he plans on making some serious changes. Harry is reluctant to believe Norman, but ultimately decides to give him a second chance. Since no one but the three of them know who the Green Goblin was, they decide to keep the secret for now. Harry locks away the suit and glider where Norman can’t find them, with the unspoken understanding that if the Goblin comes back, Peter and Harry will go to the media with what they know and will turn Norman into the police. Norman agrees completely, and even records a video admitting that he is the Green Goblin, which Harry keeps with the other Goblin stuff.
Norman elects to semi-retire from Oscorp until Harry has graduated. He spends their time together alternately teaching the boy the finer points of business and trying to get to know him more as the son he pushed away. It’s slow going but they begin to rebuild some of the trust and love they had lost over the years.
But Norman can’t stop thinking about Otto. Obviously the Otto in this timeline is still married, untentacled, and still mad at Norman. After much debate, Norman decides he should warn Otto about what’s going to happen to him and his wife. Even if it means the timeline diverges and he never gets to be with Otto, he feels he owes it to him and Rosie to try. Norman heads over to the street where Otto’s lab is located, but when he’s within a block of the building, something stops him. He doesn’t know what it is, he just is physically unable to get close to the building. He chalks this up to nerves and decides maybe a phone call would be better; but he can’t dial the number, his hand just refuses to do the work. Believing that hearing Otto’s voice would just be too hard, he asks Peter to come by so that Norman can tell him and Harry what is going to happen, and prepare Peter just in case something goes wrong and he has to fight Otto. But whenever he tries to discuss anything details about Otto, Rosie, the machine, the actuators, or any concrete details about what happened with Otto’s situation in the multiverse, he loses his voice. He even tries writing it out, but his hand won’t move.
Norman begins to panic; he feels like there’s another presence stopping him from doing what must be done. Is it the Goblin? Did the cure not work? It doesn’t feel familiar though; much as he hated the Goblin, he was a familiar entity. This presence is completely new to him. Does he have another persona hiding away? Was the Goblin only the beginning? Peter and Harry can see Norman becoming more and more upset, but he’s unable to say why before he passes out on the couch.
When Norman wakes up, the private doctor is talking to Harry about his father’s health. He tells Harry as far as he can tell, there is nothing physically wrong with Norman, but since he’s rather hindered doing house calls, it would make more sense for Norman to go to the hospital. After the doctor leaves, Norman tries to explain to Harry what he was trying to do, to ask Harry not to fund Otto’s research if or when the time comes, but he is unable to say anything, and Harry tells him not to stress himself out. Norman is insistent that he can’t go to the hospital; he’s worried there are still traces of super soldier serum in his body and he doesn’t want to be found out.
Harry agrees, for now, but says if Norman doesn’t start to improve, they’ll have no choice but to get him proper medical treatment, and points out that traveling through time and space via magic portals could’ve done something to him that most doctors would miss. His eyes light up at this and he darts out of the room, to Norman’s confusion, and runs out the door.
Harry returns a few hours later with two bags full of books from the library and purchased from stores. He dumps them on the dining room table and organizes them into piles, then wheels out one of the whiteboards from Norman’s office, all while Norman sits at the table, asking questions and being told “I’ll explain in a minute.”
Harry draws on the board:
Green Goblin fights Spider-Man ———- Norman and Otto (?) portal to new universe ———- Norman cured ———- Norman and Otto (?) return home ——- Norman tells Otto ??? —– Otto NOT portalled
Harry tries to explain to his father his line of thinking. Maybe the reason he can’t tell Otto whatever it is he was trying to tell him is because it would create a kind of paradox; if Norman warns Otto, then the events that led to Otto being portalled into the other universe will play out differently. Maybe Otto won’t be part of whatever it was, which could in turn mean Norman’s time in the other universe would go differently and maybe he wouldn’t be cured, which means he would either die in the other universe or would return to this one and die as the Green Goblin originally died. Norman stares at him, trying to work out how he came to this conclusion. It’s smart, but…
“But I can talk to Peter, I can tell Peter some things about what happened to me. If telling Otto anything would change my fate, surely telling Peter anything would have the same effect. Peter saved my life in that other universe. Why is okay that I talk to him, but I can’t even be on the same street as Otto?”
This is where the books come in. Harry points to the piles of books, one non-fiction, one fiction. He admits that finding non-fiction, science-based books on time travel, alternate universes, and interdimensional portals is difficult, as the books that do exist are few and far between, and are obviously all speculative. That’s where the fiction books come in. Harry figures if the non-fiction books can’t answer some questions, maybe the fiction books, ones like The Time Machine, The Space Between Worlds, and The Gunslinger, can give them some ideas. He admits it’s a long shot, but between himself, Norman, Peter, and MJ if they can include her in their inner circle, they can read all the books and come up with some ideas.
Norman is fascinated and impressed by his son’s ingenuity and cleverness, and he tells him such. Harry smiles, trying not to act surprised by his father’s warmth. He can tell his dad really is trying to be a better father and better man. The two share a sweet moment. Harry offers to order in a pizza and the two can chat more about the ideas over dinner. As they wait for the pizza to arrive, Harry tells Norman that, in order for him to really be able to help Norman, he has to know as much about what happened in the multiverse as Norman is able to say. Norman agrees and begins his story. He describes being in a fight with Spider-Man, then being in another world, one where he, Harry, and Oscorp don’t exist, and where Peter and his aunt looked different. He explains how he went with Peter to the dungeon of the wizard who had inadvertently opened the portals, and that’s when he saw Otto. He tries to explain how Otto looked, with the actuators, but is unable to, much to his frustration. He continues the story, about going back to the penthouse and he and Peter working to help Otto (he can’t say how or why Otto needed help), and how they succeeded and how happy he was.
“Otto was a new man…or rather, he was the man he used to be before…before…” *frustrated sigh as he can’t get the words out* “It was as if all those years of not talking to each other, the disagreements and the fighting and the fallout, like it never happened. I didn’t even think about it when I kissed him –“ Norman stops. Harry is staring at him in shock. Norman feels his face turn red. Oh sure, *that* bit of information he has no problem getting out.
Reluctantly, but convinced any details he can provide will help Harry in the long run, Norman explains his history with Otto: their time in college (either as lovers, boyfriends, friends with benefits, etc) that ended amicably because they both knew they wouldn’t be able to succeed in their fields if they were two men in a relationship together, and also because they’d both fallen in love with the women who would become their wives. How Otto came to work for Oscorp and though the two obviously still had feelings for each other, they chose not to act on them because they were both married. How they had a heated falling out due to how Norman wanting to militarize Otto’s inventions, Norman fired Otto, and they hadn’t spoken since. Norman missed his friend every single day. Harry is understanding, though still in shock trying to process all this new information about his father.
“So…you kissed him,” Harry remarks, bringing the conversation back around to the multiverse timeline.
“Did he…mind?”
“No, he didn’t mind.” *soft chuckle*
“Did you…do anything else? I don’t need all the graphic content, just like the most basic barebones details.”
Awkward pause.
“…We had sex.”
*Harry fiddling with a pencil, trying not to look at his father; this is not how he’d envisioned this conversation going but he plows through, making only the briefest of notes in his notebook “N&O XXX*
After this, Norman goes on to explain the rest of NWH; he’s unable to speak about anything specific relating to Peter (their Peter), which Harry theorizes makes sense, because if their Peter knew any specifics about what was going to happen to him in the multiverse (which, from Peter’s perspective, hasn’t happened yet, and won’t for a number of years), it could effect the events of the multiverse. Norman is able to tell Harry that Peter created the cure (I don’t know how he’d know this detail, but maybe he just assumes) and also saved him (again, he can’t say how or why; he’s not even really clear himself). That brings them to the present, and just at that moment, the pizza arrives. Harry brings it to the table and opens the box, taking in the mouth-watering aroma of gooey cheese and pepperoni.
Norman takes one sniff and feels queasy. A moment later, he rushes to the bathroom and throws up. He finds he can’t stomach the smell of the pizza, and has some toast instead to settle his stomach. Later that night, Norman has picked out one of the non-fiction books and poured himself a small glass of bourbon; it’s the first drink he’s had since returning home. He makes himself comfy in his armchair and goes to take a sip. Instead, his arm seizes up and he throws the glass on the ground…or rather, someone makes him throw it on the ground. He has that strange feeling of some other entity controlling him, just briefly enough to destroy his drink. Norman begins panicking again; he looks in the mirror, terrified the Goblin will be staring back, but it’s just him. He pours another drink, and the same action happens, followed by him throwing the entire bottle on the ground. This alerts Harry, who was studying in his room, and he comes into the living room to find his dad sitting on the ground, surrounded by broken glass, sobbing. He tells Harry he needs help, and to find a doctor.
Harry promises to find a reliable, confidential doctor, preferably one with scientific knowledge. He pulls a few strings, greases a few palms, and finds a young doctor called Bruce Banner (alternate universe Bruce Banner played by Ed Norton or Eric Bana) who specializes in the effects of gamma radiation on the human body, and is also something of a scientist himself. Harry has extensive background checks run on the doctor before electing to bring him into the inner circle and lets him know everything about Norman, the Green Goblin, and the multiverse adventure. Bruce takes all this information remarkably well. He is also impressed with the research Harry has done into time travel, and thinks that Harry may be onto something with his theories.
Bruce brings Norman into his private hospital and runs a series of tests on him. In particular (and this is where I show off my total lack of scientific knowledge), he is looking for remnants of both the serum, to see if it is having any effects on Norman, and anything that could be the result of traveling through portals or visiting another universe. In this case, he’s looking for something he can’t explain or identify. He manages to find something that he calls the Portal Element, which is grafted onto every cell of Norman’s body. Bruce comes up with a way to see if the Portal Element activates when Norman tries to drink alcohol. He covers Norman’s body in electrodes, the majority on his head, as both Norman and Bruce believe the Portal Element is bringing out another entity like the Goblin, which would create increased activity in his brain.
Norman is put in an observation room. Bruce sits on the other side of the glass window, and Harry leans against the wall behind him, observing his father with concern. Bruce directs Norman on what to do and watches the readouts on his monitor. Bruce tells Norman to have a drink, and Norman tries to pour a glass of scotch; as before, he arm seizes up and the glass and bottle wind up smashed against a wall.
Bruce, while watching the output on the monitor: “…that’s interesting.”
*He pushes the microphone button to speak to Norman in the other room*
“Dr. Osborn, would you mind talking to me about your time in the multiverse? Specifically the things you haven’t been able to discuss with your son?”
Norman nods and begins detailing what happened when he saw Otto in the dungeon; when he starts to explain Otto’s appearance, he is once again unable to go any further. Bruce asks him to try again, and then again, before making a final note in his book. He tells Norman the test is over, and once he has removed the electrodes, for him and Harry to meet him in his office.
Bruce has found out something about the Portal Element’s effect on Norman. It does appear to be the cause of Norman’s strange physical actions and his inability to speak about certain topics; there was a clear spike in Portal Element activity on the readout screens, beginning in one area and spreading to his arm and throat when he tried to drink or speak.
“Another persona.” Norman’s face is ashen.
“Well…yes and no. The spike isn’t emanating from your mind, Norman. It’s emanating from here.”
And he points to Norman’s stomach.
Norman places a hand on his stomach, confused; this isn’t at all what he thought Bruce would find. Bruce smiles.
“You’re pregnant, Norman. I’d say about two months; the last remnants of the serum likely kept the symptoms from manifesting until now.”
Norman is stunned, then smiles a small, soft smile.
Bruce theorizes that when Norman went through the portal, there was an impact on him that eventually lead to the foetus somehow manifesting powers. He doesn’t think the foetus itself is actively stopping Norman from drinking and visiting Otto, it doesn’t know what it is and what’s going on, let alone that daddy shouldn’t have that glass of scotch. It’s more some mix of the time travel and portal magic manifesting to prevent Norman from doing anything that would prevent the conception of this child, and thus create a paradox.
Back at the penthouse, Norman, Harry, Peter, and now MJ as well, discuss the news. Norman keeps flip-flopping between being delighted at having a child with Otto, and heartbroken that he can’t share the news with him, and that the child will be born without him and roughly two years old by the time Otto returns from his multiverse trip. He also repeatedly reassures Harry that he’s not going to let this baby overshadow his growing relationship with his son. Peter promises he will do everything he can to help Otto, though Norman knows his fate is set; his machine will malfunction, killing Otto’s wife, and fusing the actuators to Otto’s body, temporarily turning the kindly scientist into the terrifying Doc Ock. But he also knows that, since he survived his second chance, Otto can too. He makes a plan to gather Harry and MJ at the river every night after Otto’s accident; he’s not sure when Otto is due to plunge into the river and die, but if Spider-Man can’t save him, Norman will.
In the meantime, Norman and Harry continue to spend time together, Norman teaching Harry more and more about running Oscorp, which Harry takes on soon after graduation. They also prepare for the baby, creating a beautiful, high-end nursery. Aside from the lights and one special toy, Norman is determined to keep his child safe from anything that could go awry, and so there are no baby iPads (early 2000s-equivalent of), no television, not even a rotating mobile. Harry leaks a story to the press about Norman adopting a child so that no one questions who the other father is.
The Portal Element is still in effect, but as the baby grows, the effects begin to manifest in new ways. If Norman is in the kitchen, he’ll find himself grabbing a box of cookies or a slice of cake without fully meaning to. His plans to take a walk or go to the store for a newspaper are derailed when his legs lead him to bed and he lies down. It doesn’t happen enough to be concerning and annoying, but Norman does learn to listen to his body’s needs more and more so that whatever interdimensional portal energy is in him doesn’t have to do it for him.
Eventually Norman is confined to bedrest until his scheduled surgery; the serum is now completely out of his body. Bruce performs the surgery, just in case any other magical issues occur during the birth. Luckily, everything goes accordingly, and Norman (and Otto, though he doesn’t know it) have a little girl. Norman names her Rosie Emily Osborn, and hopes in a few years to add Octavius to the end.
Harry is currently running Oscorp, and though he helps as much as he can with his little sister, especially in the days immediately following her birth while Norman recovers, he calls in help from Peter and MJ. Norman takes hundreds of pictures and videos of Rosie, wanting to document all that Otto is missing for his eventual return. MJ soon takes over, reassuring Norman that she won’t miss a thing, while understanding that even the most loving parents might not have the time to scroll through hundreds of pictures of their baby eating applesauce. She and Peter even compile the pictures and videos into high quality home movies for Norman and Otto to watch together.
And reversely, Norman makes sure to show Rosie photos of her papa, and videos where he can find them, usually on news sites. He hangs up photos of Otto on the walls, and puts them on the fireplace mantel, and even puts one in the nursery next to the crib. When Harry eventually meets Otto when he requests funding for his research, Harry makes sure to snap a few photos and take a few videos of the scientist at work (“For the company records,” Harry lies when Otto asks). The videos are bittersweet for Norman, seeing Otto without his actuators, but he knows there’s nothing he can do. At this point, he wouldn’t even if he could, if that could undo their daughter’s very existence.
Norman tells Rosie all about her papa, how he’s a genius scientist who’s away on a special mission to Mars, but will be back soon to meet her. He’s pretty sure she can’t understand the idea, but he doesn’t want to take a chance in case the Portal Element gave her advanced learning abilities or something.
Everyone adores little Rosie, but no one more than Norman. She has Norman’s hair colour, and a prominent nose for her small features, which Norman acknowledges could be from either him or Otto’s genes. She has Otto’s eyes, and every so often, Norman will see her furrowing her brow in concentration while stacking blocks into a tower and will tear up at how much she reminds him of Otto. Like any loving father, he sees everything she does as being just a bit more advanced than other children her age, and insists this is because she has two genius scientists for parents (Peter smirks and Harry rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything at this because, well, Rosie *did* stack those blocks into a tower really quickly for a 1-year-old).
Norman keeps abreast of the news at Oscorp. He’s careful not to take Rosie out anywhere near the building, in case someone who works with Otto sees her and wonders why she looks like him. These fears are unfounded, but Norman can’t take any chances. Bruce becomes the new private family doctor for Norman and Rosie, keeping an eye on any potential Portal Element energy visible in them. He can’t perform the kinds of tests he did for Norman on Rosie until she’s older, so he doesn’t know if she has any Portal Element in her, but Norman is completely free of any remaining magic, to his immense relief. He also hasn’t experienced any more feelings of being controlled by someone else.
Then the day comes. Norman turns on the news while feeding Rosie her lunch and sees a report on an explosion at Otto’s lab, leaving one dead and Otto rushed to the hospital. Norman freezes, like an actor about to make their Broadway debut. If he’s not careful, he could lose Otto again, this time for good. He leaves Rosie in Bruce’s care, the only one he is certain wasn’t involved with whatever happened during Otto’s Doc Ock reign and thus should be safe. Then he, MJ and Harry formulate a plan to meet by the river every night to save Otto if need be.
Of course, things don’t go according to plan, MJ is kidnapped, and Norman finds himself at the river alone (this would require a lot of reworking the plot of SM2 since part of the plot involves Otto capturing Peter for Harry in exchange for isotope tritium to fuel his reactor; maybe Harry gives him fake fuel, and doesn’t have to go through the “bring me Spider-Man” part, I dunno). However, as he waits for something, an explosion, a splash, anything to tell him where Otto is, his cell phone rings. It’s Harry. Spider-Man managed to stop to reactor after Otto “disappeared and then reappeared, way less murderous and way home helpful. Sounds like what happened to you, Dad. I think he’s going to be okay.”
Norman collapses to his knees in the wet muddy bank of the river and sobs in relief.
Of course, now Otto has to deal with the fallout from his actions. Luckily, money still talks in New York City, and Harry and Norman are able to cut a deal that keeps Otto out of prison due to his actuators being the one in control at the time, which Spider-Man attests to and explains how Otto was cured (via Norman’s detailed description). Otto is a free man.
Norman doesn’t visit Otto in person. He doesn’t want their reunion to be while Otto is waiting trial behind bars; it would break his heart to see him like that, and he also doesn’t think that’s a good time to spring the news on him that he has a child. Instead he communicates with Otto through Harry, who lets Otto know he has a place in Norman’s penthouse if he wants (Harry has since moved into his own place, but nearby so he can visit often). Upon release, Otto is of one mind: get to Norman.
Harry takes Otto to the penthouse, where Norman is waiting nervously. Even though it’s only been hours since Otto last saw him, since they shared their last kiss, it’s been two years for Norman. He’s nervous Otto won’t want to be with him, the pain of losing his wife still too fresh, or that maybe it was all just a fling, a quick “we might die tomorrow so what the hell” fling that meant nothing to Otto and everything to Norman.
But as soon as Otto steps through the front door, and he and Norman lay eyes on each other, all doubts and fears melt away. Norman practically runs to Otto and hugs him tightly, which Otto and the actuators return just as fiercely, Otto lifting Norman off the floor. When they finally pull back, Otto takes in Norman’s face, and remarks that he looks different somehow.
“A lot has changed in two years, Otto.”
He kisses Otto, passionately and hungrily, putting into that kiss the two years he couldn’t be near Otto and all he felt during that time. Otto returns the kiss, and when they part, Norman adds “Well, maybe some things are the same.”
Harry, standing awkwardly in the corner, takes this as his cue to exit. He hugs his father goodbye and promises he’ll call before he returns; little does Otto know Harry will be returning with Rosie. Otto notes the hug between the two men, arching an eyebrow at Norman, who grins in return.
“A lot *has* changed, I see,” Otto comments, as Norman takes the taller man’s hand and brings him over the couch. There are photo albums on the table.
“And now I’m going to fill you in on everything.”
Norman starts off slowly, detailing his return to his time, his inability to see Otto or warn anyone about what was going to happen. He tears up, apologizing for not being able to do something to save Otto’s wife. Otto starts to cry too, but tells Norman he has nothing to apologize for. Norman changes the subject to something happier, his improved relationship with Harry, and how close the two are now. The last time Otto saw Norman and Harry, Norman was yelled at Harry to pull up his grades and stop acting like an idiot, and Harry in turn flipped Norman off before storming away. Norman explains how it was being stuck in another universe without his son that knocked some sense into him about being a better father. He skips revealing anything about their daughter until the end.
“Do you remember…well, I suppose you would have to…our last night together?”
“You mean in the backroom? I was wondering when you’d get to that.” Otto grins. “I’d be a fool to forget, though if you’d like to refresh my memory…”
Norman smirks, trying not to be distracted by the hand inching up his leg.
“Otto…honey, something happened. That night. When we…” Norman struggles to find the right words; he practiced this speech over and over again in his mind in the days before Otto was released, but now they’re getting all mixed up and rushed out. Otto, for his part, looks mildly confused.
Finally, Norman just sighs and dives into the deep end.
“We have a daughter, Otto. You and I, we have a little girl.”
Otto goes through a facial journey of confusion, surprise, clarity, and then, to Norman’s immense relief, absolute joy.
“We do?”
“We do.” Norman picks up one of the photo albums from the table and opens it to the first page, which shows little Rosie as a newborn in the hospital, being held by Norman. Otto gasps and reaches out to touch the photo, as if making sure it’s real, that she’s real.
“Her name is Rosie Emily Osborn…and if you’d like, I think we should add Octavius to her name.”
Otto nods slowly, tears sliding down his face. He wipes them hastily and clears his throat.
“Yes, yes of course, of course we should.” He lets out a sob, followed by a laugh. “Where is she?”
“Harry’s bringing her by in an hour, I just thought it best to prepare you first before meeting her.”
Otto nods. Then a look of worry comes over him.
“Norman, I don’t want to…frighten her,” he says, indicating to the actuators hovering over his shoulders. “Is there a blanket or, I don’t know, a tarp I can hide them with?”
Norman grins and sets the book aside.
“Honey, I don’t think you have to worry about that.” He stands up and takes Otto’s hand, then leads him into Rosie’s room. Otto stops and stares in awe; one more thing that makes this news a little more real. Norman bends over and picks a teddy bear Rosie’s bed. He holds the bear out to Otto.
“I had to beg her to leave this behind, it’s her favourite toy,” he tells Otto.
Otto takes the bear and slowly begins to smile. It’s a regular teddy bear, except this one is wearing a jacket, and attached to the back of the bear are four little actuators. They’re made of sturdy cloth and cotton, not metal; he touches one of them in delight.
“Squeeze it,” Norman says.
Otto does so, and the little actuator lights up and makes a noise similar to Otto’s own. The noise gets the attention of the four on Otto’s back, who gather around the bear, making their own clicks and whirs in curiosity, trying to communicate with the toy.
“She calls this one Papa Bear,” Norman explains.
Otto’s head whips up.
“She knows who I am?”
“Oh, she knows all about her big strong scientist papa, the one whose been away on Mars doing important Scientist Stuff,” Norman tells him. “She’s seen pictures and videos of you, and heard stories about you since before she was born.”
Otto clutches the Papa Bear softly to his chest, tears welling up again. Norman hugs him, careful not to squish the bear, then leads him back into the living room. He picks up the photo album and tells Otto the story of Rosie, including the Portal Element and Bruce Banner, all while Otto flips through the pages, watching his daughter grow from a newborn to a rambunctious toddler. When he’s done with the book, Norman puts on one of the videos, a compilation of Rosie’s life from birth to the previous months, a special video put together by MJ to give Otto a quick introduction to his daughter. Norman assures him there are loads more videos and pictures where those came from, gesturing to the fireplace mantel as proof. Otto goes over and sees photos of Harry, Norman, and Rosie, playing together at the park, eating birthday cake, cuddled together while reading, and his heart aches that he couldn’t be a part of it. While he’s looking, Norman’s phone rings; Harry’s on his way over with Rosie. Otto hears this and panics, suddenly wishing he could have a shower, pick out a better sweater, maybe get a haircut. Norman laughs at this and tells him all he needs is him, that’s all Rosie will see is her Papa.
Otto hangs back when Norman greets Harry at the door; the young man comes in holding Rosie and Otto feels his entire world zone in on the little girl. She kisses her daddy on the nose as he scoops her up from Harry’s arms. Norman walks over to Otto, whispering to Rosie as he does “You’re going to meet someone very special.” He points to Otto. “Do you know who that is?”
There is a moment where time seems to stand still, as the little girl looks at Otto with warm, dark eyes that are a mirror of his own. Then time returns to normal as she squeals loudly, causing Norman to wince, and holds out her arms to Otto.
Otto is pulling Rosie into his arms before he even realizes what’s happening. She wraps her little arms around his neck and laughs, repeating “Papa!” over and over again. Otto kisses her cheek, her head, her hair, holding her close. He doesn’t even notice the actuators hovering near the little girl until he pulls back to take a look at her. The actuators are whirring and clicking happily (as happily as four mechanical arms can sound anyway) and Rosie is watching them with fascination, but no fear or worry. She holds out a hand to the nearest actuator, Flo, who moves closer so that the child can touch her. Flo continues to make happy noises and Rosie touches her light and strokes the back of her claw. Otto makes a mental note to put safety caps on the sharp ends of the claws, but other than that, he is overjoyed with how happy and safe Rosie feels with him.
Norman joins them, kissing the back of Rosie’s head and gazing up at Otto, while Harry snaps pictures of the three. This picture is the first of many new photos on the mantel of Otto, Norman, Rosie, Harry, Peter, and MJ.
Rosie, now four, is standing in the kitchen, looking at the top of fridge and pouting.
“You know the rules,” says Otto from the kitchen counter, where he is reading the newspaper.
“It’s not fair!”
“If you want a snack, you can have an apple,” Norman tells her, plucking an apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter and holding it out to Rosie.
“No!” Rosie pouts harder, if that’s even possible. It would be cute if she weren’t two seconds away from a tantrum.
“Well then you have to wait until dinner,” Norman replies, adding, “If you make that face any longer, it’ll freeze that way.” Otto snorts at that old parenting lie.
The little girl stomps away from the kitchen and into her bedroom, slamming the door as hard as a four-year-old can, which isn’t very hard. Her dads share a fond smile between them. Norman takes the apple for himself and sites beside his husband at the counter.
Then a portal opens up at the top of the fridge. The two men gape as a small familiar hand reaches through and easily pulls the box of cookies off the top of the fridge and through the portal, which closes behind her. The two men turn to each other in shock, as delighted giggling comes from Rosie’s room.
An older Rosie, maybe seven, is colouring a picture of Spider-Man and her holding hands. She writes “TO PETER” on it in big letters. As she does, her hand glows golden. She looks at it a moment, then flings her hand towards her bedroom wall. A portal opens, and after a few minutes, the silhouette of a young man appears, standing in a small bathroom, toothbrush in hand.
“Hi!” Rosie says, waving at the newcomer.
“Um…hi,” comes the reply, the figure not moving, trying to process what is happening. “Who are you?”
“I’m Rosie, who are you?”
The young man steps closer into the light, toothbrush still in hand.
“I’m Peter Parker.”
“No you’re not, I know Peter, you don’t look like him.”
This Peter steps through the portal, which does not close behind him. He looks down at the little girl and slowly smiles.
“Oh, well, I’m another Peter Parker. Some people call me Peter 1.”
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redladydeath · 2 years
Mmm, here’s the outline for a little childhood friends Octogoblin fanfic I was thinking about a couple months back
Mary walks Otto to his new school. They just moved here for Torbert’s work. The school year’s already in progress. Otto is eight years old. 
Mary doesn’t think the school’s good enough for Otto. Otto’s nervous because he anticipates being bullied like at his old school. 
Mary is overbearing. She loads Otto down with stuff (special instructions for his teacher, way more lunch than he needs, etc) before saying goodbye, reminding Otto to make her proud. Otto thinks other kids are watching and feels hopeless about his prospects of not getting picked on or making any friends. 
Otto enters his new classroom. Class hasn’t started yet and the students are working on times tables. 
His teacher is nice and welcoming, although she’s a little put off by the giant letter from his mother. 
She leads him to his seat in the middle of the room and starts setting up his desk for him. While she’s talking, Otto gets distracted by the kid in the seat next to him (Norman), daydreaming and chewing on his pencil. 
The teacher notices where Otto’s attention is and tells Norman to take the pencil out of his mouth. Norman tells her that he’s done and tries to give her his work. It’s just busywork though and none of the other students are close to done, so the teacher tells him to hang on to it and just sit quietly in the meantime. 
Otto thinks Norman seems weird (and that the pencil thing is gross). The fact that he’s going to have to sit next to him for the rest of the year (because their last names both start with O) just makes Otto even more pessimistic and nervous about the rest of the year.
Otto arrives at lunch a little later than the rest of the class because his teacher was showing him around the school. 
No one wants to sit near Otto, so he gets stuck on the end of the bench. Norman’s also on the end, sitting across from Otto with his head in his arms. Otto tries to ignore him and focus on his lunch. 
However, Otto eventually notices two things about Norman: One, he’s whispering to himself when his mouth isn’t in view, and two, he’s not eating and doesn’t seem to have a lunch. 
Otto’s conflicted. On one hand, he still thinks Norman is weird and doesn’t want to talk to him, lest he attract any more negative attention to himself. On the other, he feels bad that he doesn’t have anything to eat and wants to help him. 
Otto remembers his mother telling him to treat others how he’d like to be treated (something she doesn’t exactly follow herself) and finally works up the courage to speak to Norman. He offers him some of his lunch since he has more than he needs, and Norman wordlessly accepts. Otto can’t gather the courage to say anything else, so they just eat in silence. Otto’s stuck between feeling good because he successfully completed a social interaction+did something nice and being completely caught up in his anxiety. 
When they’re let out for recess, Otto finds himself a little disappointed when Norman bolts off to the field to play by himself, but he doesn’t regret trying to reach out to him. 
A week or so passes. Otto’s managed to fly under the radar and avoid any harassment so far. He’s learning more about the school and more about Norman. He hears from another student that Norman has imaginary friends and that’s why he talks to himself. He also notices that despite how inattentive and quiet Norman is, he’s actually really smart, always finishing his work in half the time it takes the rest of the class– just like Otto. 
Norman and Otto sit across from each other at every lunchtime. Norman doesn’t have food most days, so Otto continues splitting his lunch with him. They still don’t really talk, but Otto’s starting to get more comfortable around him. 
However, things take a turn for the worse when gym day arrives and their class has to run laps. Otto can’t keep up with the other kids; he holds up the rest of the class as they wait for him to finish, and he knows his time avoiding anyone’s ire is over. Otto’s wracked with nerves and embarrassment for the rest of the day, knowing that someone’s just waiting for their opportunity to pounce. 
It’s recess and Otto’s staying as close to the monitor teacher as possible– he’s afraid if he strays too far from them, the other kids will start harassing him. Unfortunately, the teacher gets called away while Otto is distracted and he’s left on his own. 
Just as he anticipated, some boys descend on him and start picking on him for what happened in gym. Otto’s trying to stay calm and keep  things from escalating, but the bullies persist and one even snatches his glasses off his face. Otto starts panicking because if the glasses are broken again, his dad will punish him, but his distress just amps the kids up even more. 
Then, out of nowhere, Norman’s suddenly there, telling the bullies to leave Otto alone. Most of the kids shrink back as a lot of them are kind of afraid of Norman, but one refuses to back down. He says he’s not afraid of Norman and starts trying to antagonize him. 
Norman suddenly charges at him and the kids scatter. The main kid with Otto’s glasses runs away with Norman bolting after him. A stunned Otto watches as Norman chases after the kid, eventually catching him by the shirt and throwing him to the ground. 
Norman runs back to Otto, glasses in hand (muddy, but intact). He gives them back to Otto, grinning. A stunned Otto asks Norman why did that. Norman, nonplused, asks “Isn’t that what friends do?” Otto is shocked. The two share a brief, tentative smile before Norman is dragged off by the collar by one of the teachers.
Otto stands there, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. He knows that Norman isn’t the type of kid his mother would approve of; he knows that associating with him will make him an even bigger target for bullying; he doesn’t even understand what Norman’s deal is. But he doesn’t care. Otto has just made his first friend ever.
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dearlawdimasimp · 3 years
heyloo fellas!! I've decided to make a masterlist of the fics I've written so far! I am still pretty new and am learning on writting stories and they are mostly self indulgent so ehhh might not be your cup of tea but! if you are interested, you can check 'em out!! I will gladly accept comments, suggestions and requests are also open!! All of them are x readers too😊 i will edit and update this post whenever i post a new fic
♠ - oneshot
♣ - prompts
🥰 - comfort fic
🤪 - crack fic
💞 - fluff
Our darling - 🥰♠
Warnings: i think..none? but uhm..this does talk about depressing stuff- OH and there might be grammar errors, english isn't my first language lmao😭 AND this was not edited, beta'd whatever so im literally just posting this blindly kahdhs 💀
Summary: It was one of those days, where the bed was much more comfortable than anything else and you just feel numb and the two scientists, Norman and Otto, helps you feel better.
Doc Green..Ock?? - 🤪♠
Warnings: few cusses, grammar, use of "dude" once but mostly gender neutral, no use of y/n..i think
Summary: A small spark of creativity could make a flame of..interesting events..
Alfred Molina
MCU Actor!Reader - 🤪♣
imagine: short!silk!actor!reader x Alfred Molina(platonic or romantic..idk)
Maxim Horvath
MCU Sorcerer/Magician!Reader - 🤪♣
random thought: MCU!sorcerer/magician!Reader x Maxim Horvath 👀
Otto Octavius
Dear boy - 💞♠
Warnings: language(cussing), grammar, no use of y/n, implied that reader's pronouns change and that only at this point of time where the story takes place they use he/him pronouns while being in a workplace and in a relationship with Dr. Octavius(idk if this is a warning but if you guys think it isn't i'll gladly edit this out), possibly ooc Otto, not beta'd or whatevs and a self-indulgent mess (let me know if there are anything else i missed!!)
Summary: A small look into the life of a queer reader who is in a relationship with the Dr. Otto Octavius.
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lexlightning2002 · 2 years
Hey you guys, just letting you know why I wasn't that active the last few days. I had exam week at my university and I had many projects I had to do at this point (procastinating and stuff🌚)
I am on vacation the next week and then I will hopefully have more time to make new fanart, this was very fun and I thank you guys that you like my fanart this much, I'd never expected this! I am also currently working on my first Octogoblin fanfiction, which I maybe post at some point :)
So stay safe guys, you are loved, and even if you're down at the moment, it will all come to an end and the sun will shine again☀️
Here you have Alfred cracking up to make u smile :D
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tapwaterx · 2 years
also speaking of monthly prompts....
some mutuals of mine are making an octogoblin-tober prompt list. I am tempted to drop inktober and do that one instead...
maybe i’ll do both but thats a lot of work LOL on top of portfolio stuff I gotta wrap up
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