#also obviously any fic submitted would be read by admins and staff
axolotlclown · 3 years
Hello Ranboo stans, I am thinking about running a Big Bang for the community this year! If you are unfamiliar with what a Big Bang is, it's basically a 7-8 month long event where a writer writes and submits a fanfic, a beta reader reviews the fic, and an artist creates a piece of art for the fic.
If you are interested in participating as an admin/team member, you can go ahead and DM/send an ask. If this idea becomes a large thing, then I'll make a proper sign up.
Also, if you have any Big Bang experiences from previous fandoms you'd like to share, feel free to DM me or send an ask as well! It could be positive or negative, I value both insights. You could also reply to this post. I don't mind that either.
If this is new to you and you've never heard of a Big Bang, they're great! Super fun stuff. Because of it's collaborative nature, you'd really only be given 2-3 months max of commitment tops. If you can churn out a one shot over the weekend and turn it in, then you'd be golden.
As for admins and team members, you would be along for the ride, but it's crazy fun, I promise!
I thought I'd poke the bear before diving in deep to see what the community was thinking and if anyone would be interested helping get it off the ground!
-xoxo dante
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