#also not gonna tag as ship cuz this aint ship art
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ceabu · 7 months ago
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Isn't This Nice?
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darknoverse · 6 months ago
Hey I'm just curious about your ship with Vincent? The guy all purple I think's the name? I don't recall reading any lore for it (also I'm not really into his original universe) so uh wanna talk about it? I'm genuienly curious lol
yea his name is vincent kfgbfskdfn
ok soooo Lux Aeterna's whole premise is literally "superbatural being falls for a mortal cuz they have so much in common even tho he was their original target"
not gonna talk much either about the og verse cuz it aint THAT important to the ship plot ITSELF aside from a few bits btw lol
i haven't written much lore about em cuz i'm still trying to figure it out properly lmao but i can share what i have so far. ya see, Oingo (sona) is like, the kind of cryptic that's like, the shadows and sillhoettes you see in the corner of your eye at night. those hallucinations you aren't sure if they're real or not. except that she's 100% real. her whole reason of even being in a world full of mortal is plain chaos. similat to how people assumed bacl then that if you see a black cat/break a mirror/walk under a ladder you'll be jinxed. that's her whole concept. jinx that inevitably gets the target to be doomed sooner or later. she really doesn't value mortals lives much normally . but here's the thing every once in a long while she just gets attached to a random mortal with similar ideology . similar selfishness and uncaring for others ya know? and she sticks with them until well, they're just gone. cuz that's the PROBLEM of her effect, even if she gets attached they're eventually doomed no matter the situation. btw those are the ONLY people she properly interacts with face to face.
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Vincent is one of those special cases where she just "oh ok you're cook ain't gonna instantly jinx you" BUT here's the thing, for all the other "special fellas" she's interacted with, all of them were more like friends or family to her, nothing too romantical . EXCEPT this loser lol so it's like, this ABSOLUTELY SHITTY feeling of pure guilt that no matter how much she tries to delay that "jinx" to finally hit , it'll happen eventually and it just eats her up alive for it. basically doomed relationship from the start but she can't just ignore and move on from it . like:
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and like there's no way she can prevent that effect tbh but she can somehow control the aftermath (basically yada yada possibility of restless spirits)
sooooooooooooooooo there's this idk happy after all the angst???? ghist bf moment????????,,
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ik it's cringe but i'm free and happy lol
also side note: please this is NOT william afton, i do NOT like william afton at all lmao, this is Vincent. there's a difference . so please if you're gonna reblog this or comment please don't refer to him as William and don't tag this as such .he really is a completely different character (also would be very appreciated if you don't tag the community too ) , hope y'all understand this <:3 dhfvdsdfvbgf also side side not i don't support Reborni;ca i just like their lore it's like public domain at this point
Taglist :
@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @radaverse
@tireddovahkiin @bloodhoundini
@rexscanonwife @ree3942
@sunflawyer @artcomestolife
#darknoverse#art#digital art
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tokugou · 3 years ago
i feel you so much, i become so extremly neatpicky (sometimes I feel like its better to only follow jpn artist man) but you still will see stuff. i don't follow any enabler but the shippers I follow often get attacked by the other shippers and defend themself, its so disheartning to see. Doesn't help we currently mostly only have like, our favs, comfort ship and the premis of the show (Im, ignoring canon currently, not very fun to read at all for a while now) Im kidn aglad I have a second twt i follow more jpn artist and for other stuff so I can just avoid the stuff a bit more easily. I also reacently started watching a more cartoon show with a bit of a story, sure writting aint the best but I promised myself to not be as hypercritcal for it and enjoy it as it is and I do. it helps cause now I actully have something to look forward too comming out (so I also care less about the manga right now) and kinda ironically helps keeping my intested for my fav charas and ships in bnha alive too (along side specefic artist and writers I follow) doesn't work for anyone but yeah. This ship wars are the most stupid things fandom ever came up with. Were around the same age so I don't think I can give much advices you probaly don't already know yourself but hey, maybe worth checking the todobaku tag for yourself on a03 again?
Here I am replying waaaay too late again. One day I gonna pay more attention to my mailbox, yeah I am still not used to the fact there is anything there.
Dont ever get me started with twt it is ridiculus how bad the non-existencial blacklist system there is, like you cant have safe time there even if twt has huge amount of good stuff when it comes to art. pity
I am actually pretty good nowdays, like I avoid everything that can tilt me, the blacklist is so full and I usually block people who are dumb or spread hate and I have never been a part of any ship war, yay me. Maybe cuz of that when something happens (like last time) it is huge and mindfucking more, or maybe it is just canon fucking with everyone brains, we have literally no good content in canon so people will stick to anything non-existencial and try to create something out of nowehre and say it is the way.
I cant belive I had a hope, each week checking leaks hoping for good exciting content and here we are with today's chapter that hope prolly died. I cant, how worse it can be?
I am glad tho you manged to find something to take your mind off b/nha in general no matter what it is as long as you enjoy it I think it is valid! I still try to find a new anime/manga I could get into, but this is my problem I cant have more than one obsession at a time. And I am stuck here in b/nha but it is fine at least I have bk/td which makes me happy. Tho I admit that there is less and less new content for them even on ao3 (or maybe it is me thing since i have too many filters on there....)
but thank you so much for sticking with me for that time, i hope you are having a great day and once again i am sorry for such a late reply. also sorry for lame reply
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