#also noel was a sweetie <3
I love a character study video 😍 And this one is just amazing (this fan editor never misses). Casey McDonald is honestly such a complex character and I always loved her arc throughout Life With Derek! She was one of my favorite characters and her identity crisis as a teenager felt really authentic as she tried to balance being an over-achiever and just wanting to be seen.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
since my rtc superhero au post reached 100 notes this morning (and bc @luckynature wanted more and her aus inspire me!!), here's more detail of my rtc superhero au that i plan on writing One Day!! i'm going to be scheduling some posts over the course of me being asleep :)
as i mentioned in the tags of the first post, spacedolls is chaotic witnesses and a pre-established relationship, blackrose is friends to enemies to lovers, and nischa is enemies and lovers
here they're uni-college age, it starts in september-ish (yes around the time of the cyclone accident how could you tell), and all of them are 19 (second year if they're in uni)
so the age hcs in here are constance being the oldest and mischa being the youngest bc... Vibes
i have no idea where this is going to be set bc canon is canada, but most superhero stuff is in the us, but i live in australia and i can only talk to Experiences there (esp since most media is high school focussed not college/uni focussed)
noel and ocean went to the same school since they were 12 (i have no idea if it's middle or high school it depends on the country) and when they walked into university they immediately saw each other and went "oh. it's this bitch again."
noel has had his powers of spontaneous plant creation and plant control since he was five (think perfuma from she-ra, perhaps poison ivy but idk dc that well??). he grew a rose out of his hand for mothers' day and she went "OH OKAY. GREAT. THANKS SWEETIE. NEVER SHOW ANYONE EVER."
a couple of times he'd accidentally grow plants and panic before exploding them into spores. when he was 13 he accidentally grew cactus spikes all over his body. ocean saw him. she brought it up to him in private the next day and noel said "please don't tell anyone. i don't know the consequences and i don't want to." and she respected him, but partially out of fear, which he was thankful for.
ocean can stop time (and like she doesn't age in this time, she can drag other people out of how time has stopped and like have conversations with them while time has stopped, even if they don't have powers or know of ocean's etc.).
ocean realised she had powers in a maths exam in year 11/junior year, she accidentally stopped time and (when time continued) noel could Tell. she wanted to ask for a re-do so the exam was fair, but noel told her that he also has powers and you just... don't tell people about it, plus he really didn't want to do the exam
through the rest of high school they would check up on each other every so-often, but they weren't close.
then when they re-met in college/uni they go "okay clearly we need to stick with each other" so they join the choir (eyyyy) and agree to hang out for lunch twice a week (at first, but over the course of their first year they start hanging out more and more, taking a latin elective in their second semester bc i am a classical latin noel and ocean truther)
let's go to our "be gay do crime" friends
idk if constance or mischa are in college bc i want to clarify that's not the only life pathway, but it enables them to interact more so idkkkkkk
the two of them met when mischa came to [wherever this is set] from ukraine, he went to the cafe where constance worked and since she was so friendly, she invited him to stay until the end of her shift so she could so him around.
since she was the first person he met and the two get on like a house on fire, mischa sticks around at her cafe and they chat when traffic is slow + after her shift
but boyboss needs to get a job (perhaps this is the equivalent of the blackwood cafe, perhaps constance's been working there for 3 years) so constance hires him and mischa is like *weirdly* good at being a barista/waiter???
all this is backstory for when they're like 18, all this is happening right in the year before the fic is taking place, that's why it's relevant!!! i haven't decided yet on if she's just taking a gap year or what other intentions she may have but yeah!!
sO one night they're closing up and Vibing, and mischa cuts his hand on a piece of glass, constance asks if he's fine and he's like yeah but internally he's like no so constance says "i can tell you're injured, do you need a bandage or a free pastry?". mischa replies "hey bestie what the fuck are you some mind reader" then she's like "oh yeah!! sorry i really try not to, but when i get too tired i can't block other people's thoughts". "wait do you never use it on customers" "...it does depend on if they're a bitch"
once they finish up and go out, mischa goes "oh! i have powers too! check this out :)" then he lifts up the rubbish and fucking yeets it into a bin that they can barely see in the daytime. and he's really proud of it too!!! sweet man 10/10 golden retriver
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Pictures of You-Epilogue (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 00's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Language (as per usual), angst (Liam being beaten up in Munich d'you know what I mean?), fluff, maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Words: 2141
Summary: You are Oasis's official photographer and Liam Gallagher's wife. The Munich incident happens and Liam 30's are approaching...
A/N: Heya ! Hope you're all doing fine. Here is the Epilogue *Sigh* This fan fic meant a lot to me as I put a part of my illnesses in it. I hope you enjoyed it. I start writing the Noels one, but it won't come yet, so I publish some requested oneshots during at least 2 weeks.
I also decided to establish a new little something. There will now be 3 requested oneshots per month and on the fourth week, there will be one of mine. Also, once per month you'll be able to ask questions, anything you want, I've got nothing to hide ! The first Ask me will start this weekend!
Anyway, enjoy this epilogue, love y'all
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(Yes, these are THE pictures from when he got arrested)
Two years had passed, and Liam was about to turn 30.
We had another son the year before, that we called Gene.
I was my husband’s and sons superhero. Being a mom of two and Oasis’s official photographer at the same time gave me this title.
Noel and Meg had divorced, she claimed that Noel had cheated on her with his new girlfriend, which wasn’t true at all. Noel would never have cheated on her.
I was sad in a way, even if I was still seeing Meg on my side.
After Gene’s birth, I was forced to go to Saint Ann’s again, having a big post-partum depression. And I attempted to my life once again.
But Liam and all my in-law family were a big support, and I got better.
And Liam also was a hero to my eyes, because he managed to take care of a 2 year old toddler and of a 3 months baby.
And as per usual, after a relapse, I was rising for the ashes like a damn phoenix.
But Liam still could act like a kid.
I think you probably heard about Munich 2002. Damn, I hated when things were going like this, but after all, I married a rock star.
December 1st 2002- Munich:
After the gig, while I came back to the hotel, exhausted to take care of my children, Liam, Alan and two of their friends went to party in the nightclub attached to the hotel. Liam started flicking peanuts at the wrong table. The men receiving these peanuts actually were members of a local mafia.
Their leader knocked out two bodyguards with a brass standing ashtray and Liam kept repeating he was just messing around and laughing. But Liam still kept forgetting that his humour wasn’t to everyone’s taste.
These mafia locals were researched by the police and thanks to Liam, this night, they were arrested. But Liam, Alan and their friends also were, because my dear husband decided to assault a police officer who was trying to pull other people apart. Liam was a bit hurt, losing his front teeth in the fight.
I received a phone call at 3am, which woke Gene up and caused him to start crying.
I didn’t answer the phone and went to pick my son. It also woke Lennon up, hearing his brother cry.
It’s okay Lennon, I’m taking Gene with me, you can sleep love.
Kiss? He asked, holding out his little arms to me
Of course, sweetie.
I kissed his forehead and caressed his head.
Sleep tight. I said with a smile
I went back to my part of the suite and the phone rang again.
While I was breastfeeding Gene, I answered the call.
Hallo? I tried in German
Hey love, it’s me. I heard Liam say
Liam it’s 3 am. Did you forget your key or? I asked, fed up
Not exactly, I’ve been arrested by the cops, can ye pick me up at the police station please? Bring me chequebook
Oh for fuck’s sake, wat have you done again?
Love, I’d like to chat with ye but I don’t have the fucking time for this shit so just come please. He mumbled
Okay, just give me the time to take the kids to Noel or Maggie and to take a taxi.
I didn’t even listen to what he said next and hang up.
As the band’s manager, Maggie had to come with me. So we went to knock at Noel’s door. When he saw us with Lennon and Gene, he immediately understood.
Oh fer fuck’s sake, what did he do again? He asked, his arms crossed
Got arrested. We’re going to pick them up at the police station.
Alan got arrested too. Maggie answered
Fer fuck’s sake… Okay, I won’t make any comments ‘bout that. Give me me nephews, ye know I’ll take care of them.
I know, sorry Noely.
It’s not yer fault Y/N.
When we arrived at the police station, the police officers did not let us see Liam nor Alan.
Listen guys, I’m Liam Gallagher’s wife, why don’t you let me see him?
We’re waiting for the bloodtest results madam.
What bloodtest?
Madam, your husband is drunk and aggressed one of our colleagues, he broke a lot of furniture, and I can guarantee he was the worst between them all.
How long do we have to wait? Maggie asked
2 or 3 hours.
2 or 3 hours?!
Yes, I’m sorry madam Gallagher. You can take the seats here and a coffee machine is at your disposal.
I sighed.
We waited. I was so exhausted I fell asleep with my head on Maggie’s shoulder.
She woke me up at 6 am.
Y/N, Liam will be free in less than an hour.
We have his bloodtest results.
Promise me to remain calm.
Cut the shit and tell me Maggie.
Well, as you already know, he was drunk as fuck. But he also has been tested positive to cocaine.
I’m sorry, what?
Yes, I know Y/N. I know he promised.
He had promised me he had stopped snorting cocaine. He lied to me again. And he would hear about it.
Liam was free 37 minutes after. He approached me, his arms open. I pushed him away.
Do you really think I’m going to let you touch me William? I said dryly
Why are ye so cold?
Huh guys, I’m going to call a taxi. Maggie said, ill at ease when seeing us argue
What’s yer fucking problem Y/N?
Really Liam? The results of your fucking bloodtest!
Oh c’mon Y/N, I was just partying!
Oh so being arrested is partying for you? Is this the model you want to show to our sons?
Oh fuck off, they’ll never know about that!
Because you think our kids are dumb and blind? Don’t you think they see you being high and drunk? Don’t you think they realize it?
Oh shut yer cake’ole Y/N, can’t we just go back to the hotel? I want to fucking sleep.
No Liam. You will sleep, but I’m going back to London and I’m taking the boys with me.
What the fuck are ye saying? Nah, yer staying with me.
No Liam, I can’t. I don’t want you to approach Lennon and Gene as long as you won’t calm down on alcohol and stop cocaine as you promised. You lied to me Liam you betrayed my trusted in you!
C’mon Y/N, I don’t want us to get bad again.
You should have thought about this before Liam.
And what about your job?
I didn’t think about this. I only was thinking about my children.
And what solution do you have?
Help me… Let’s call me mum, she’ll take the boys with her until the end of the tour. But please, don’t leave me.
We can’t call Peggy each time you fuck up. Liam, you’re a father and an adult, you must become responsible.
I know, but one last time, please Y/N.
I thought and sighed.
One last time for this as well Liam. From now on and until you get better, only beers, cigarettes and joints. Nothing else. You have to behave correctly. You might be a rock star, but this rock star is now a husband and a father. And you piss off your wife, kids, brother and band. Time for you to be a cool rockstar.
Already am, me.
I want you to be cooler and better.
You may think I had or have high expectations; this isn’t the case. Is wanting to have a healthy relationship, keeping your husband alive the longest time possible and wanting your children to have a clean and responsible father being a high expectation?
For Liam, it wasn’t. He respected everything we talked about, everything I asked after that. I wasn’t spying him if that’s what you’re wondering. He just loved us enough.
His 30th birthday was quickly approaching. I had no idea of what I could do.
But I had his gift. A 10-year-old gift.
Some kind of rewind.
September 21st 2002- London:
For the first time, Liam wanted to spend his birthday at home. He would be absent for an hour or two at 6pm to have a beer with his friends but would come back home early.
I was nervous at the idea of giving him this 10 years old gift.
Wine? No. A child? What the fuck! 10 albums full of pictures I took the past 10 years? Yes. My work compiled in 10 albums, one for each year.
10 albums that would have seen our story grow, like us.
When he arrived, a big box wrapped in gift wrap was waiting for him on the table.
Wow, what the fuck is that?
Your birthday gift. Happy birthday darling.
I don’t know what he was waiting for because he kept staring at it, as if he was in shock.
Are you going to stay like this or are you going to open it?
Oh yea, soz.
He sat and tore of the wrapping paper. He opened the box.
Huh… thank you? I don’t like to read ye know that.
I rolled my eyes.
Open the said first book before speaking you twat.
He opened the book, reading the first page, which was corresponding to my inscription.
“My dear love, 10 albums for the 10 years we’ve been going through. 10 years of laugh, cries and…pictures of you. And the band, of course. But here it’s just you. You and me. You and me and Lennon. You and me and Lennon and Gene. Yeah, I quoted a The Cure song… on purpose. I find it very accurate to define us and the past 10 years. Happy birthday Liam.”
He flipped through the next few pages, taking care to observe each picture. The 1992 album, then the following ones.
I saw him wipe a few tears from time to time and laughed for some pictures.
And when he arrived at the end of the last album, he read the few sentences I wrote.
“Once upon a time, you made me listen to a very beautiful song where you seemed to tell me “Stand by me, nobody knows the way it’s gonna be.” And today, I can myself answer after my works that…
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you That I almost believe that they're real I've been living so long with my pictures of you That I almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel
Remembering you standing quiet in the rain As I ran to your heart to be near And we kissed as the sky fell in, holding you close How I always held close in your fear Remembering you running soft through the night You were bigger and brighter and wider than snow You screamed at the make-believe, screamed at the sky And you finally found all your courage to let it all go
Remembering you, fallen into my arms Crying for the death of your heart You were stone white, so delicate Lost in the cold You were always so lost in the dark Remembering you how you used to be Slow drowned, you were angels So much more than everything Hold for the last time then slip away quietly Open my eyes, but I never see anything
If only I'd thought of the right words I could have held on to your heart If only I'd thought of the right words I wouldn't be breaking apart all my pictures of you
Looking so long at these pictures of you But I never hold on to your heart Looking so long for the words to be true But always just breaking apart My pictures of you
There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more Than to feel you deep in my heart There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more Than to never feel the breaking apart My pictures of you”
Liam came to me and held me tight, sobbing.
Thank ye Y/N, this is the greatest and the best gift someone has ever made for me and offered me.
I love you Li’
Oh how I fucking love you too.
These are my favourite things in the world.
You, our family, my job, and my pictures of you.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
14 & 17? 🤗
Thank you sweetie
14) What's your favorite scene out of the entire show? - Probably the church scene :') and the last one at the Ritz snsjdnsj
17) Is there any particular version/au of Crowley and Aziraphale you like best (the way a certain artist draws them, wild west/cowboy, reverse au, etc.) ? - I really like the fancast of Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding :') and I also like a lot of black Aziraphales I've seen around, but no specific one
Gomens asks
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hadeanic · 5 years
oh no hold up | arisa | trial 3 | re: everything from last night | attn: wakana
Arisa was fine being a casual observer for the most part. Everyone seemed to be handling everything okay which meant she didn't need to use her few braincells to try to figure it out with the rest of the class. Until someone makes a certain suggestion that strongly implies something, and she's not too happy about that one.
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"Wakana, stop that shit right now, girl. 'Uwuwuwu who could it be? Who is super great at swimming uwuwuwu? Maybe it's someone athletic and swims uwuwuwu?', cut that shit out, I'm not fucking playing that game because we all know who the fuck you're trying to drag under when you say shit like that, and it wasn't fucking Kai-kun so let's get that cleared up real quick.
Let's start on the note, huh? The killer tried to destroy it. They didn't leave it there for us to find because they're so sweet--they left it there because they fucked up. That scrap was a mistake. Jokes on the fucking killer, though, because movies exist and I know how to get stuff off of paper thanks to them. Hey, if the killer's here in the room, nice fucking job, dumbass."
She pointedly looks directly into Wakana's eyes when she says that.
"Still on the note, are you telling me that what you refer to people in public is what you refer to them in private, too? Don't fucking josh me. Don't. Just because I call Yu-kun Yu-kun to everyone doesn't mean I don't think of him as 'Jito' in private. I bet if I was writing a letter, I would write what I think of him in private. Also, it's just super easy to change some things about how you refer to people. What a concept. If I wrote a letter and called Shiba 'Fumi-chan' who the fuck's dick would you all jump on? Hiroyuki is the only right answer BTW.
Hey, while we're still on the whole name thing, Wakana, stop with the 'I call people what they would like' shit, too, because I promise you that Shiba has probably told you to call her Shiba at some point, and what do you call her? Fumiko. She doesn't tell people to call her Fumiko, sweetie. I think that's one of the first fucking things she says when she meets you, probs. Nice going on calling her what she wants to be called."
Arisa doesn't stop there.
"Let's talk murdering someone, huh? Lucky's a big, strong guy, yeah? If we didn't know he was drugged, then who would we think took him out? Someone big and strong, just like him. Someone who could overpower him. That's who. Once again, killer-chan fucked up by not hiding that pill pack well enough and not hiding the stupid drug book well enough.
How about this for a cool theory? You can kill someone one place and ditch their body at another place entirely. Wild, amirite? Ayumu would be damp after that little trip because the killer would need to get him a little wet to get him on the ship. There's a whole lot of possibilities to get around the death time thing."
Time to address what her sis said!
"How convenient that you walked in with a fwiend by your side, Wakana. Sure would suck if you walked in first and that little announcement didn't play, huh? Good thing you stuck with Azusa-chan. Noel-chan used this same trick last time, and it didn't work. Too bad for you that I don't have an issue calling you on this shit. You can't even come up with a creative and new way of being 'eliminated' from suspicion? Lame.
You told me you were the brains of your group of friends, right? That means you totes would go to a library and read shit to learn. You would totally be able to do that, and you just reek of nerdom. I bet you remind the teacher to collect homework. Nerds always have super neat handwriting, too, so I bet if I took a little peek at some handwriting of your from before now, I could find some matching samples. Convenient how you're one of the people my group couldn't have checked the dorm of to get a sample of that, huh? Especially when your skills weren't directly suited to your group. Sometimes, I bet people are put certain places for certain reasons. Maybe you weren't put with us so that a simple check could bring everything crashing down.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, though. Maybe I'm completely wrong. How about we have some proof of your innocence that isn't just conjecture and theories, hm?"
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rainbowserenity · 8 years
4, 9, and 21 for the Valentines ask pretty please. *batts eyelashes*
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
my first thought was Sephiroth/Cloud, but like…I get the appeal of that, I just don’t personally like it :x
wait, no, I’ve got it - Noel/Hope! I DON’T GET IT??? maybe it’s because I’m so enamored with the OTP, but they’re just total bros in my eyes. I’ve actually read a few fics where Nope was a side pairing or Noel was an ex, and it just….idk, it just doesn’t work, at least not for me. JUST SAY NOPE TO NOPE
(there’s also a ton of KH ones that I don’t really get why people ship, but that would involve going back like a decade in fandom, so let’s just ignore that for now lolol)
9. What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
ummm I have no idea, nope… /sweats nervously
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I also really love Zen/MC in Mystic Messenger, because he’s a total sweetie that respects and cherishes you AND I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO CHERISH ME AND SAVE ME FROM A HACKER/KIDNAPPER, OKAY??
21. Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
my 200+ hoperai fics for sure~ they will be my legacy
also sombrero!Axel and horsey!Roxas, but I think only people who have known me for a very long time will know that lolol
(fun fact: at least the last time I checked, if you google ‘rainbowserenity’, the rec list is the second link that comes up ahaha)
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