#also no im not affiliated with this etc etc
cosmik-homo · 2 years
I love how Early Doctor is sooo dodgy about timelord stuff (cuz they were putting off inventing canon for that, or mostly anything about him) and then their first meeting Jamie tried to kill him for being English.
Jamie: I can't believe I'm in a relationship with an Englishman. Embarrassing
Doctor: I'm from space. I'm not English. I'm something much worse.
Jamie: eh?
The doctor: don't worry yourself about it lol :)
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
idk if this is a sex ed question, or if you're the right person to ask, sorry, but do you have any reputable sources about what testosterone *actually* does?
i see people saying it limits your emotions, that it gives you breast cancer, that it makes you malnourished, its a second more dangerous puberty, etc, and I'd like to think im good at picking out lies, but there's a lot of stuff that sounds like bullshit coming from blogs i thought were trustworthy.
if not, all good, thank you in advance!
hi anon,
I'm really glad you sent this ask, because this kind of scaremongering misinformation is deeply upsetting and I'm so happy to provide a better information.
there are tons of reputable sources as to what testosterone does; some that I'll be pulling from in this answer include Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Medical School, University of California San Francisco, Mayo Clinic, the Society for Endocrinology, and Planned Parenthood.
so, what's up testosterone?
testosterone is a hormone produced in everyone's bodies, either in the testes or the ovaries depending on which set of equipment you're working with. all bodies produce both estrogen and testosterone, usually in different levels. regardless of the genitalia you were born with, how you understand your gender, or what levels of testosterone you have in your body, testosterone affects things like your sex drive, your hair growth, muscle and bone density, and the production of red blood cells.
in people born with testes, puberty usually comes with an increase in testosterone that kicks off changes such as growth of the penis and testicles, the production of sperm, an increase in hair growth all over the body, deepening of the voice, greater production of oil on the skin, and an increase in height, weight, and muscle mass.
either an overabundance or a deficit of testosterone can have health complications, just as having more or less of any hormone that a body needs can cause complications.
people who choose to transition by taking testosterone will experience many similar effects as cisgender men going through puberty, including the increase in body hair, skin oils, and muscle mass, as well as a deepening voice. while people on testosterone are unlikely to experience significant growth in terms of height unless they start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at a fairly young age, testosterone does frequently cause a redistribution of fat on their bodies to be more similar to that of cisgender men. bottom growth, the increased size and sensitivity of the clitoris to more closely resemble a penis, is also common; the clitoris and the penis are homologous structures (they're made out of the same goo when embryos start developing genitalia), hence why they react similarly to testosterone.
to address your specific concerns:
testosterone does not limit the range of a person's emotions. while it may impact a person's mood and the severity of their feelings, the same is true of any hormone - for instance, people also report mood changes when they take antidepressants or birth control. the sometimes drastic mood fluctuations experienced during puberty are not tied to a specific hormone; this is a turbulent time regardless of what hormones your body is producing the most. testosterone is stereotyped as making people angry and violent, but all people are people regardless of their biology and are shaped by much more than the hormones in their body.
while cisgender men and trans people on testosterone can both get breast cancer, testosterone does not pose any particular risk. several of the sources linked about don't find any significant link between taking testosterone HRT and an increased risk of breast cancer, reporting that transgender individuals who take testosterone are not at any particularly higher risk of developing breast cancer than cisgender women. for more detailed information about potential health problems affiliated with taking testosterone, I recommend the "Risks" section of the linked UCSF document. yes, there are health risks affiliated with taking testosterone; this is true of literally any medication and, more importantly, is also true of just being a person with any kind of hormones in your body. cis men and women also have health conditions affiliated with being cis men and cis women, this is the price of admission for having a human body. nobody gets out unscathed.
there is no evidence that testosterone causes someone to become malnourished. people undergoing a testosterone-based puberty, whether they're cis or trans, are likely to experience a great deal of growth and bodily changes that will use a great deal of calories, which means they may be hungry and need more food than they did previously. this is a normal effect of puberty on a body, and is only a risk for malnourishment if a person isn't able to eat in sufficient amounts to keep their body properly nourished.
there is nothing about a testosterone-based puberty that is "more dangerous" than an estrogen-based puberty, which is what I assume is the point of comparison. puberty is a completely natural process that does not pose any significant dangers unless you want to be a real dipshit about it and pull some shit like "puberty is dangerous because you grow breast tissue and then you're at risk for breast cancer," in which case sure, great job, Sherlock. you solved it, puberty is cancelled forever. I cannot emphasize enough how stupid this is, conceptually; roughly half the human population goes through this kind of puberty every day and they're fucking fine. puberty by itself is not a risk factor of anything.
I don't know what particular interest the blogs you've been following have in making testosterone-based puberty sound like it's going to turn you into an emotionally stunted skeleton with breast cancer, although I fear it's transphobia hidden unsubtly behind concern trolling and disdain for cisgender men.
if you're interested in taking testosterone and are concerned about the changes you might see in your body please, for the love of god, consult with reputable health resources and a doctor rather than whatever nematode is posting about testosterone ruining your life.
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malachiteclouds · 3 months
Some thoughts on Scorpio Moons
as a scorpio moon I have to say Im not sure I would make the best mother.
I recently got two cats with my man and one got sick and I couldn't sleep for a couples nights bc my mind was racing, thinking about how if she died through the night and I was asleep while it happened I would never forgive myself. since scorpio can be such an obsessive sign and the moon is affiliated with our nurturing abilities and tendencies, I find myself being obsessive towards anything I need to nurture to the point of being too miserable to even enjoy it.
I also think bc scorpio moons or placements in general tend to see the dark underbelly of a lot of twisted and taboo things, sometimes the knowledge of it transforms into an obsessive awareness of it.
for example my scorpio moon is in the 5th house, I worked a long time in child care. I was really good at it and formed strong bonds with the children bc I was so protective of them. however bc of my own life experiences, I notice a lot of things that tend to go over caregivers heads like certain ways that older men look at kids in public, dark sides of the internet thr can come from just one photo of your kid online, etc etc. I know too much about all of that stuff that i would constantly stress about it. I had a lot of dreams about really morbid and terrible things happening to the children in my care cause I was just so terrified about the darkness that exists within the world getting it's filthy hands around the kids I took care of. this made parts of the job unbearable.
I think this is why scorpio moon mothers can be so suffocating and domineering bc a lot of the time it may come from their own traumas or knowledge of darkness being projected onto their children. I know if I did have my own kids I would have to work through a lot of my own shadow.
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sunday-of-oak · 4 months
"Why does life slumber?"
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I am Sunday, representative of The Family and organizer of the Charmony Festival. On behalf of The Family, we wish you an enjoyable stay at Penacony.
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not affiliated with hyv!!!
Rules & Info:
-No racism, ableism, homo/transphobia, etc. (he would bash you for that shit with a book.)
-(( )) for OOC
-I'm fine with any ships as long as they are.... normal (no incest, minors, animals, you get it)
-I have no life so I'll usually be responding quick as long as I'm not asleep
Mod stuff:
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-He/him or They/them
-I'm also the mod of @ipc-findie, @ratios-duck, @mundanite-ratio and @aventurine-the-finalvictor (i PROMISE this one is serious. PROMISE.)
-Don't be scared to talk to me!!! I'm literally the most easy going person out there
-He follows my hcs so he's aro!!! perhaps ace too im unsure. go ham with familial bonds
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howlsnteeth · 7 months
hi, just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to like. interest-dump about cotl and your thoughts about the lore/storyline and stuff as ive seen you show in your art, id read PARAGRAPHS. im so curious and love to hear about people's interest in game/story/media lore and the interpersonal relationships within the universe!!! - from an autistic system who has loved your art since like. forever. (u can call us moss)
okay hi moss :3
i'm kind of due for an infodump on my cotl headcanons, so! i'll try be somewhat concise because this is going to be a long post anyway rip. i drew some pictures :D
(i can't really think of any warnings to give outside of usual cotl themes/killed race/dying/blood/etc but let me know)
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obviously watching the destruction of your entire race is traumatic as fuck, also because it likely took a few weeks or months to achieve. so they died pretty underweight/weak bodied/pretty shut down. the bishops are gone by the time lamb is revived by toww, and their body hadn't quite made it to a 'body pit' (or food pit). still, they get Their Bell from another of their race on the way out. probably weren't thinking about it too hard and just desperately wanted to grab something while their eyes burned in their sockets and this red crown fit like molded clay in their hand. my lamb has a little notch out of their left ear which was caused while escaping, which ends up never healing because of a few reasons but mostly because i like it.
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over the course of the game/story they start to slowly physically change. after revival it takes scars a Long time to fade, considering lamb is technically a walking corpse, and also because of their affiliation with Death (narinder, who has similar i'll mention later). they get dark marked lines under their eyes from that classic 'bleeding eyes' action during rituals/etc. their ears but especially horns get longer and sharper. their way of coping is similar to most lambs, jokes and pulled punches.
by the end of the 'main game/toww fight,' they've already made their choice, and start flexing their control/communication with the red crown itself. it gets harder for toww to view through it, and lamb gets somewhat intoxicated with the idea of an ultimate revenge, having killed all the other bishops. they've done everything they can to stop their cult members noticing signs of weakness, but as things get more stressful this kind of rubberbands around to them seeming extremely unstable. by the time they go to fight toww they're muttering nonstop, barely aware, and also they let their wool get longer and basically end up with a mullet. <3 because it's funny to me
they obviously beat toww and for them it's like a smashing of clarity, like a gripped handle let go, standing up from the river of blood. it's freeing but also the most pain they've ever been in. and instead of killing toww this pit in their stomach spares him. lamb went from a corpse to a god and now, in some sick way, they want to watch a god turn into a living corpse, just like them. because with every other sheep dead, narinder is the only one with a connection to that genocide, the cause of the other bishops doing it.
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narinder hates their fucking guts. obvs. he thinks, or knows, that lamb is doing it on purpose. but narinder's body hasn't been normal for far, far too long. even before he was made death (as in artworks i've done with him), his body turned skeletal and rotted away. lacerations open all over his body, but especially down his front torso. when he's first brought to the cult, lamb gives him red robes, also because of this 'problem'. but narinder does every single thing he can against them. he gets white robes and lets them turn bloodied and disturbing to everyone around him.
even washing them stops working, and lamb does resign slightly to letting him sit in his dirty stupid robes. it's the pettiest shit. narinder also keeps his veil, and lamb can't bother with a reason to take it away. let that dumbass keep his yuck robes and veil. you can only stick him the stockade for a week before your other followers get too concerned.
over time, they do end up getting closer, but it comes from a place from both being touched and changed by Death, the red crown, and the choices of the other bishops. it takes a really long time and only after all the other bishops have been recruited (another whole thing). both of them catch themselves enjoying little things, and then having moments of all the pain bleeding through. an example is over time narinder does end up wearing darker robes, but it's fairly gradual. in this piece, it's lamb getting too deep in the countless lives that were taken from their race, triggered by blood (a whole little story thing), and narinder does make the (semi subconscious) choice to wear dark robes.
anyway you're probably looking at that giant shadow in the picture huh. it takes a long time but lamb Does end up truly becoming a bishop.
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not 100% done with this design, but it has the basics. their main horns end up breaking off (thinking of a story behind that still). the main thing with them that i really like is they have multiple strings of bells on them. so everyone starts associating the sound of ringing bells as Death. so if you hear them, they're coming for you. that being said, they also have the ability to move completely silently, despite being covered in bells. which adds to the scaring-the-fuck-out-of-everyone factor.
there's a ton more i could get into with the other bishops, ratau, the duck siblings, the crowns themselves, more aym and baal, but i'm probably gonna do more artworks with them so i can talk more then :3 this is already too long lmao
thanks for the ask though!! it's nice knowing people are interested in my stuff :D (it's also worth mentioning that i am also a system and have alters of lamb, narinder, and aym and baal, who all contribute to this stuff)
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madstronaut · 6 months
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The gif system in this post, regarding the feudal alignments within fandom?
Every member of a given fandom identifies with at least 1 of the 10 gifs listed.
The meaning of each gif is subject to interpretation to some degree.
My reblog was meant to be funny, but the more I look at the thread the more surprised I am at the amount of truth I see in it. Tumblr is a strange and beautiful place.
for you @deadbranch my chrome queen
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I have prepared to flex my worthless and expensive af haha jk or am i dual anthropology and [redacted] degrees to conduct a completely subjective, PhD-level ethnographic study of branchy's gifset curation, please observe:
Exhibit A: writers and their sixth sense when they intuit me, refreshing and revisiting their blog daily to check for updates to that one-shot/fic/novel/12-part-apocalypse-opera (not even joking about that last one).
alternately, those weird fuckers who send in creepy boundary-crossing anon asks. i love to hate them but they're kind of an essential part of tumblr
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Exhibit B: im convinced some blogs out there have excel spreadsheet JIRA queuebot steampunkesque contraptions running their shit because i have no idea how they make (and KEEP TO) regularly scheduled high quality posts??? a schedule??? on this HELLSITE? tumblr i love you i dont mean that on mondays
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Exhibit C: antis. no further comments.
i freely block antiblogs and and any that are brimming with negativity/hate
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Exhibit D: me, fanfic, and ao3, most days. no further comments
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Exhibit E: me, my imagination, and my fictional harem of blorbos, most nights. no further comments as well.
Also basically 98% of tumblr as is widely known
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Exhibit F: the caption speaks for itself. on tumblr exist still many bubbles of thought, ideology, poiesis, and praxis that go on as if impenetrable and untouched by a well-known phenomenon called Reality (also known as IRL, going outside, touching grass, etc.)
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Exhibit G: hot people who post random face reveals. STOP TITILLATING ME (yes, I had to google how to properly spell titillating)
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Exhibit H: the elder blogs. they post softly but carry big stick. they are the unspoken glue of their fandom communities. their fic/art/headcanon/etc. posts spawn a thousand more. thou shalt not speak a bad word against them. and yes, many of them are POC, so this gif pulls double duty, well chosen branchy my queen. and fuck i wish i could pull off hoops that big, anyway i digress
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Exhibit I: smut writers. they are brazen. they are shameless. they are worshipped and adored. this is the aftermath of their posting after causing tens of thousands of simultaneous la petite morts as the french say (is it la or le idfk and im too lazy/sleepy to google it rn). absolute fucking bloodbath
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Exhibit J: people who post their personal/professional/something-nal drama and air it out by tagging the larger fandom tags they're in, drawing in completely uninvolved (and often uninformed) people and getting these randos to do their dirty work for them
alternately, people who have zero interest or affiliation with said fandoms and their drama but gleefully follow along using the tags (nooooo i havent done that stop looking at me)
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I would like add one more if you don't mind:
Exhibit K: cozy, safe, well-curated, moderated, well-established boundaried corners of fandom and generally lovely spaces like yours <3 and many of my other moots' blogs as well
also, catblogs
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indigodreames · 2 months
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* basically this post is bc i don’t always feel like making separate plotting or starter calls, meme calls, etc. so this takes out the effort of that. if you like this post, you are okay with the following:
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me tagging you in starters ( could be lyric or meme based, maybe smth random, shippy or smth we have plotted/discussed but if the muse/idea sparks && you’re okay with me writing up smth between our muses ! )
be open to me popping into your ims/discord to chat/plot && be open to throwing out random/wishlist plots or ideas that could work between out muses. also applies to making new verses/aus with our muses, even possibly affiliated ocs, etc. so long as plot things out !
be open to me sending memes to you ooc or ic ( and sometimes unprompted things ) i’m not always scrolling thru my dash so i don’t always see memes reblogged but i’ll always try to send stuff your way if i see them !
tagging you in shippy things or other things that remind me of our muses like gifsets, quotes, songs/music, etc.
also applies to making things for our muses/ships too, like graphics/edits, playlists, etc.
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likeadog · 5 months
hi! i hope this isn't too invasive, but i know you're open about having survived growning up mormon, and im curious what sort of ideas they taught about israel and zionism. no pressure to respond at all, i just dont know anybody else with this sort of experience
ummm hmmm ok so like
i left at like 15, i never did seminary or my patriarchal/endowment shit, and prior to Leaving leaving i had checked out by being a little shithead for a few years so to keep it honest with you i really have sorta.... baby mormonism to draw on from personal experience. more culture than doctrine atp, yknow?
but i can tell you a few things i recall that werent necessarily framed as Israel-State Support Zionism Politics but that i think contribute to an overall zionist fervor.
For starters, the idea of 'Zion'/ the promised land / etc is really important to mormons. they call utah the new zion they claimed the garden of eden was in the midwest somewhere like the amount of things i heard w Zion in them before even knowing abt like, what it means in most contexts was wild.
theres also like, in general a deep desire to affiliate with ancient jews, hence the tribes of israel assignments. you select a piece of that history to integrate into what you feel is your own existential heritage. while not by blood, youre meant to treat it as a direct familial descendency. mormons are very loyal to the concept of the Chosen People, of ancient jewish struggles + practices, and so even though they actively and willingly participate in antisemitism, anything that threatens the idea of this magical chosen people also threatens the identity of the latter day saint
like. im showing my ass here i know but growing up ancient judaism and modern judaism were... two entirely separate things and groups to me? it was always meant to feel like we were the 'inheritors' of that legacy, not living actual modern day jews.
also mormonism is in general very built on colonialist preoccupations and the glorification of tales of the valiant chosen ones subjugating and conquering the land of the 'evil by nature but also they chose to be evil so its fine but also theyre inherently evil' other inhabitants, even if both parties had the same claim to indigenity (or lack thereof)
theres also the second coming and stuff but im gonna be honest i dont. quite know abt all of it
mormons are in a weird spot bc in theory palestine geographically is not the sacred space required for the fulfillment of prophecy like they make it very clear that everything has come To America and yet i think zionism and mormonism are so ideologically similar that mormons are more than likely to be zionist, and that the church no doubt has a very vested interest in the economic gains to be had in the act of colonization
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lastwave · 1 year
Hello, if you have the energy, time and will, would you expand on the recent post you made on how people in fandom talk about the skills and how harry feels about them? Like, what kind of things people say are hurtful/inaccurate/uncomfortable, in relation to disco elysium?
I do not mean to pressure you to educate me on this topic, as it is not the responsibility of the affected to educate unknowing people just because they are affected, of course. I just have not found many sources discussing the microaggression regarding the way some people talk about the skillset in disco elysium and the way that they might differ from the general microsaggression about psychosis and systems.
I ask this because I am curious about the way other people experience the world (though I know I will not always get my curiosity sated and this might be a selfish reason) and I want to know what not to do or say in talks about the skillset or in depictions of the skillset in art or writing. I want to be able to discuss and use the skillset as a game mechanic, narrative device and characters in a way that minimizes harm to marginalized groups. I also know that venting or talking about frustrations can sometimes help make one feel better, (but I also know that that depends on the person, problem and the relationship between the venter and the person listening) so maybe this can help relieve some feelings? Those are my intentions with this ask.
I apologize if my careful wording is too overly careful or if this question in other ways causes you unnecessary strife. I just try to be a careful person when it comes to these topics. If you'd rather only respond to me personally instead of the ask, feel free to message me. Whatever way you wanna handle this, if it be publicly as a post, a private message or if you do not feel like you want to answer at all.
Whatever you choose, I wish you the best day that you can have today. Kind regards, Chromatophorium
hiii thank u for asking!
im gonna preface the system bit with whether or not harry & his skills are a system is never explicitly stated, so take this all with a grain of salt
the rest is under the readmore so i don't clog up peoples dashboards
so what gets me is a lot of works imply the skills are less as people than Harry. i understand where the assumption comes from tho, because a lot of media likes to purport the idea of an "original" alter, which isn't how the disorder works. harry is the current host, and he identifies with the body, but the host isn't any more or less person than the other alters.
& we know the skills have independent thought from harry and their own, even if some (or a lot) of them share similar goals (see electrochemistry and volition, two very different personalities w/ different thoughts on how to go about things, but share a goal of keeping the system experiencing joy, though echem has considerably worse coping mechanisms). hell, they even have different political affiliations (see different routes) and a method of coming to a consensus on information (thought cabinet.)
and, as implied in the name, the skills have different talents from harry. *harry's* talent is connecting with people. i interpret the red checks with other skills as trying to let another alter front. i know ive had moments where i've had to let a way more socially adept alter take over. this would be a slightly different conversation if he was implied to be polyfragmented, but hes not soo.
that's why im less inclined to believe theyre a delusion or supernatural thing (shivers excluded, shes definitely supernatural), bc on the most part the skills just act like people, and all display signs of did/osdd (amnesia, distinct personalities, dissociation, etc.) if u want i can make a separate post going into individual skills and how i think they fit how certain alters form, but thats off topic
ANYWAY. it irks me when people boil the skills down to "this is the one that wants good things and this is the one that wants silly things and this is the one that wants bad things" bc it really falls easily into the negative stereotypes applied to systems & by extension psychotic people
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Intro Post
The salty air is new, the rocking of the boat is new, and the sun on his skin is new. The guilt, however, remains the same.
Neal Shusterman:
Age- 17
Ability: "The Graveyard" (see: Headcanons!!)
Affiliation: XY
Music Association: Mothers- Lilli Furfaro
// mod is @trashlike,,, again. I can't help myself, i passed out and woke up to this being here. I also run @for-the-tainted-spirits, @siggy-wiggy-uwu-uwu, and @fromtheberrybush, if anyone's interested. TW on this blog for most regular bsd heavy topics. BIG tw for self mutilation, gore, and body horror. It's his ability and im sure it will come up either in rp or in a writing blurb
He's a minor so unlike my other blogs, no nsfw. Flirting is fine but he may not respond well, considering he is very scared and in a new place rn... shipping allowed and encouraged. other than that regular rules, no being transphobic/homophobic/zionist/racist/ etc. etc.
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sysboxes · 6 months
do you guys have like, q discord server for followers? Sorry my cousins a system and loves yalls boxes but doesn't have an account on tumblr but has a discord account, if you dont, please ignore this ask and im sorry if im a bother/gen
hi there! unfortunately, us mods at sysboxes have no desire to open a discord server. that being said, our followers are welcome to create their own fan servers (as long as it's clear the servers are not run by or directly affiliated with us, haha). secondly, assuming your cousin can't make a tumblr account for any reason, perhaps they would be interested in an rss feed? rss feeds are basically a custom dashboard of the things you follow (blogs, youtube channels, twitter users, etc) all in one place. here's a helpful tutorial on how to set one up yourself! (yes, i see the irony in it being a link to a tumblr post, lol) also, one last thing: the askbox is open for questions for a reason! don't apologize for using our inbox for it's intended purpose - i promise you, we do not mind. it would be closed if we didn't want questions!
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phoenixfangs · 11 days
OMG PHOENIX OC PHOENIX OC?!?! SIGN ME UP I want to learn everything omggg For now tho, for the ask mmm lets go with ❗️, 🚨 and 🧣 if its not too much!!
WEEEEEEEEE THANK U THANK U im really happy with the positive reception feigas been receiving, it makes me feel like im Not an insane selfish weirdo for wanting to talk about her and like im Allowed to share my thoughts in a public forum without being beaten to death FDJSKLGHLSKJFDS my brain is broken ❤️
❗️what was the scariest moment of ur characters life? does it still affect them? | HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMM well i look at her as having two distinct lives with distinct hardships: her childhood and her adulthood. so from her childhood, its definitely nebulous in my mind but its probably something to do with one of her siblings deaths, perhaps it was a very bad accident she was also involved in that she almost died from, but she happened to survive while her sibling didnt. probably a very violent, bloody accident with a lot of pain and suffering and being convinced that she will die without a miracle, only to be met with some cruel neutrality from her parents when that 'miracle' does occur and she survives/recovers. 'oh ur lucky to be alive, suppose it wasnt ur time', no celebration or care. probably put the fear of death in her that she ended up carrying with her into adulthood, one of the few things that Didnt get blocked out. as an adult, its probably her confrontation with riza and being told 'im not going to kill u' after shes been disarmed/beaten in the brawl because, if riza was refusing to kill her, it meant the drachman military would. i think i stole/modified the concept from the venture bros of an elite group of assassins/soldiers called 'the cleaners' whose responsibility it is to 'clean up' botch jobs, like feigas botch job trying to take out riza and roy, and they are much more cruel and sadistic than even feiga was to riza. she knows that if the cleaners get their hands on her, shes not just going to die, its going to be slow, painful, and miserable, and that fear of death, and of suffering, freezes her blood and makes her frantic and hysterical until rizas able to calm her down and agree to help her escape
🚨 whats ur characters relationship with the law? have they ever been arrested? what for? what are their opinions on law enforcement? | she lives outside of it and as an extension of it!! shes a political assassin, her vague 'assassin training' i keep alluding to is vague in my mind because i dont have it Fully fleshed out but to me its affiliated with the drachman military, perhaps a covert branch of some kind thats not officially sanctioned but the people in power dont care because its useful to have unsanctioned power. she has never been arrested in a typical sense, as a citizen who has broken a law, and as far as the upper brass is concerned, she either doesnt exist (to those not in the know about the situation) or, up until her defection, is a model soldier (unofficial, ofc, she has no real rank or place in the military but she is still one of Their dogs), an ideal enforcer of drachmas power. she initially has a lot of pride in her position as the best and most valuable, and is disdainful of any government/military besides her own, and doesnt view herself as the abused attack dog shes been beaten into. so much so that she derogatorily refers to roy and riza as filthy amestrian dogs, mutts, etc., simply for being soldiers, and also she hates them. seeing herself as the best, or being told shes the best, is a delusion/lie that she refuses to let go despite the Material Reality that there are assassins (the cleaners) who are Always going to be in a different league than her because she, unlike the cleaners, is still seen as capable of fucking up and becoming worthless. it isnt until her confrontation with riza and rizas influence telling her 'arent u mad at what theyve done to u?! they broke u until u were their best, and now theyre going to throw u away like ur nothing! the military is ur enemy! dont give them any more of urself, whether its ur body, ur pride, ur loyalty, or ur life! hit da bricks!!' that she decides YKNOW WHAT YEAH FUCK THIS and is able to finally redirect so much of her perceived hatred of riza more appropriately onto systems that lied to her and failed her and actively wanted to hurt her
BUT more broadly. jfdklsjfklsa. yeah shes never been a normal citizen so shes never had real experience with citizen-level crime or police
🧣 answered !
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revinluver · 3 months
Hi! I was just wondering something and I figured you’d know if anyone.
Why is hellpark Terrance so popular/well known? Or like.. where did he come from? Ik there’s the YouTube vid Again, and ik he has a ref sheet and everything; and I know he’s affiliated with Leslie and ig Estella? But he never shows up in the comic itself or in any of the animations.. there seems to be literally no background on his character or how he came to be or even how he ties into the overall story, and I wonder how his character is appealing when there’s literally nothing to it?
I was also wondering where everyone was getting the official hellpark art/designs from? Sure it’s floating around Pinterest and Google, but none of it seems to have any origin? Like those designs of Bill and Fosse.. where did those come from? The only place I can find where they’re from is a hellpark tier list.
Was there maybe a discord server back in the day that was doing the same thing Hazbin did where there’s actually no official content and everything is just discussed in a speculative manor and taken in a canon way? Sorry that’s a lot of questions, Just figured I’d ask a hp fan! :3
Honestly I'm not zure, it feelz like it'z media that'z been put out there. I only read hellpark in july lazt year, zo i'm not actually quite zure. Bill and Fozze'z dezignz may or may have not been fanmade.
I know what im zaying iz kinda mixed up, but i think hellpark waz one of thoze South Park AUz that had all the dezignz an alot of stuff done before it waz actually needed, zo thatz why zome characterz have dezignz even if they're not zhown in the comic.
I think terrance comez along with lezlie to help or get the main [Gregory, Esztella, Thomaz...etc] to either bring them back to hell or azzizt them with their zhenaniganz. Though to me, thatz juzt a a thought/theory i came up with.
He mozt likely didnt appear in any the animationz or the comic becauze the creatorz/modz werent up to that part of the AU juzt yet.
Thatz all i can currently think of, i might figure zome other thingz out later zince thiz doez interezt me C:
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bloodbluepearl · 2 years
K what are ur bright fam hc's im starving for content
im so glad u asked heres everything i can think of off rhe top of my head as general bright fam thoughts
So first off i do follow major tom for a good bit of my personal canon/headcanon.. only thing i really changed around was that it wasnt mikell who took TJ away (though he did know it was gonna happen but did nothing anyways so he is still at fault in a way. Great job cowboy) just for reference etc
I personally see them as being pretty damn old- mikell (the oldest) being born in 1919 and claire (the youngest) being born in like.. 1928. Adam and evelyn left pretty early in my mind and mikell landed a job in the foundation’s field agency real young only because of his parents’ affiliation with the Foundation (being either high-ranked personnel or already O5s at that point)
Its here that my mikell lore goes off the damn rails and i add a lot of shit about his field agent days bc he’s my favorite and i never saw anyone talking about it so i went ham. But thats too long 2 put here
Nothing notable happens in this timeline for the whole family so on to more general stuff and slight rambling abt random things i can think of rn
-jack was contained for a few months after he had died and became tied to SCP-963, so the foundation could run tests on him and study him until they decided he was fine to actually work for the foundation as he posed no actual intentional risk to safety and all that jazz
-every bright has adhd, autism, or both
-mikell and jack did and still do bicker a lot. Esp when mikell is picking on jack
-tj has so much rage. he deserves to get violent sign my petition
-claire still loves her brothers despite all of the circumstances and how she knows that theyve done some bad things. she would be lying if she told you that she doesnt
-mikell knows how to play guitar and piano. and can sing well. (i have no reason for this one i just know him)
-mikell also has a big scar across his face from a fight he got into with a chaos insurgent when he was in the field agency. At that point he had made quite a respectable name for himself as a really good agent, so he had been able to get access to SCP-427 to help heal it, which actually also cured him of his asthma
-david was really close to both his parents before mikell had his eyes removed, which added salt to the wounds when he did.
-david is asocial and fairy standoffish and sometimes grumpy (like his dad) which contrasts with claire’s general attempts at optimism (claire is the only one who has willingly gone to therapy for her childhood and healed to any degree.)
Anyways i have more if u have any specific questions about any of them i love.them all so much especially mikell (my interpretation of him is kinda pretty canon divergent in a few ways tho so i might make a multi paragraph post just abt him too
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
MEGAMIND FAN THEORY: Where Did the Doom Syndicate Come From?
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What better way to start the new year than with a new Megamind Fan Theory? Yes, I am finally back! And, yes, once again it is not on Thursday but, you know, at least it exists. So there’s that. We’ve all waited long enough so let’s jump straight in. Even though Megamind threatens to clone my most annoying in-laws and send them ALL to my house whenever I say it: SPOILER WARNING!
If you’re part of the Megamind fandom—and since you’re reading this I assume that’s fairly likely—you’ve probably already heard about the Doom Syndicate. After all, although these characters never appeared in the original movie, they can be seen in some of the earlier storyboards and several make appearances in the video games, not to mention populating a great many fanfictions. However, for those few who may be currently scratching their heads and wondering what in the world I’m babbling about, here’s a brief explanation:
The Doom Syndicate is a small affiliation of supervillains, each of whom possesses some sort of special ability. (Hot Flash has fire-based powers, The Conductor controls electricity, Psycho-Delic releases poisonous or mind-altering smokes, etc.) Despite these unusual talents, however, as far as we know all the members of the Doom Syndicate are more-or-less human. This notably differentiates them from Megamind, Metroman, and even Minion, all of whom have extraterrestrial origins.
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That’s not really surprising. As the film Megamind was, in part, a spoof on existing superhero franchises, it seems that Metro City’s own Bad Guys’ Club was modeled after evil organizations appearing in comic books, such as DC’s Legion of Doom. (Even the Doom Syndicate’s name, as you can see, is lampooning their counterparts.) Why does that matter? Because many—although not all—members of these fictional villainous cabals are humans who gained extraordinary abilities through bio-engineering experiments, bizarre accidents, advanced technology, or even magic. (According to Comic Vine, Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Riddler, Scarecrow, Black Adam, Poison Ivy, and Bane are all examples.) As the Doom Syndicate was likely intended to be a somewhat less-serious caricature of this, it seems probable that they, too, began life as normal earthlings.
That brings up one important question: if members of the Doom Syndicate were originally ordinary humans, how did they come by their powers? There are two fan theories concerning this. The first is that, similar to the DC and Marvel universes, Megamind’s world boasts a wide variety of superheroes and supervillains. (I’ll be discussing that concept further in another post.) The second, however, is significantly darker.
To understand it, however, we must first examine a related fan theory. If you’ve read the previous blog article entitled The Warden, you know that many believe Megamind and Metroman may have been purposefully pushed into their respective roles of hero and villain from childhood. There is actually some very compelling evidence to support this in the film. Details from the brief school scene, such as the Warden himself appearing in a child’s drawing of a school bus, support the idea of these two aliens being essentially raised to their roles. Furthermore, Metroman’s own actions also offer a likely explanation for why. It’s obvious that, as a boy, he was something of a bully—he constantly picks on and even hurts the other young alien—but it’s just as clear that he loved praise. Fans believe that concerned adults around them knowingly drove Metroman toward heroism to prevent him from becoming a danger to society and similarly pushed Megamind into becoming his nemesis because the former-villain was more likely to survive the ordeal and because, quite frankly, few people cared what happened to him. That may sound horrible—indeed it is—but when compared with the possibility of having an overgrown superpowered bully wreaking havoc on the city, it’s not hard to see why influential people may have felt it to be the lesser evil. (Imagine if Titan had no Megamind to stop him.) Again, feel free to read The Warden for more about that.
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That bring us to the specific Megamind fan theory in question. Many fans have taken that idea a step further, suggesting that the Doom Syndicate was created to keep Metroman busy whenever his main antagonist was behind bars. While this idea may seem odd at first, if we accept that Megamind and Metroman were pressured into assuming specific positions, as seems at least possible, then it becomes a logical hypothesis. People may have feared that their “hero,” if left with too much idle time on his hands, could fall back into his old brutish ways.
The idea is not without merit. As discussed in another Megamind Fan Theory post, Does Metroman Know He’s Alien, the city’s original hero differs in some ways from his obvious DC Comics counterpart: Superman. Clark Kent, the famed Man of Steel, had the benefit of being raised in a loving, hardworking farm family, complete with down-home virtues, but Wayne Smith, who later became Metroman, did not. Instead, the previous Defender of Metrocity seems to have spent his childhood as the entitled only son of an ultra-wealthy couple. This means that, while Clark Kent’s upbringing helped him to become genuinely good, Wayne Smith’s likely predisposed him to a certain amount of shallowness and arrogance. This is important because it indicates that the latter’s incentives for heroism were probably not selfless dedication to the good of those around him. So what did drive him? The aforementioned school scene strongly suggests that it was a love of popularity and public adulation. Indeed, this seems to be the case. Consider Metroman’s vaunting behavior at the opening of his museum along with his career change to wannabe rock star. Both display a notable desire for adoration and attention. Therefore it seems probable that that same desire was the driving force behind Wayne’s becoming a superhero and, as mentioned before, the school scene supports this.
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So, once more, assuming that this predisposition was leveraged to push Metroman into heroism for the safety of society, it seems only logical that there might be some concern about what he might do during the brief periods when Megamind was not an active threat. After all, if the only thing making his role as Defender worthwhile was the local citizenry’s praise, then it would be necessary to keep that praise coming lest he become disenchanted. In order to do that, he would need to constantly be saving people or battling evil. That would, presumably, leave the city leaders with two choices: orchestrate situations that put their own voters in danger or provide other villains to fight whenever Megamind was behind bars.
This is one major reason why the fan theory has developed that the Doom Syndicate may have been created on purpose, but it’s not the only one. Another consideration is the simple fact that people willing to allow a baby to be raised in prison, under the care of dangerous convicts, would likely have few qualms about turning a few of those they viewed as “undesirables” into supervillains. That, in turn, brings us to a third potential reason. Near the beginning of the film, when the Warden visits Megamind’s jail cell, we can see that a guard is sitting at a bank of monitors displaying what appears to be brain scans and other invasive information about the blue man. In other words, it seems that, while incarcerated, Megamind may have been the subject of experiments. The question is: was he the only one? Is it possible that other inmates were subjected to different scientific procedures intended to give them superpowers and thus make them viable distractions for Metroman? Some fans say yes.
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If this is the case, then it rather backfired. In some of the unused storyboards for the movie, we can see the Doom Syndicate deferring to Megamind, practically asking his permission to go on a crime spree after Metroman’s apparent demise, and it appears they may have even wanted him to be their leader. Given the film’s connections to existing comics, the idea is not that far fetched. Much like the Joker in Gotham, it seems that Megamind held a certain amount of sway over the other villains in Metro City. Like DC’s famous evil clown, he didn’t exactly rule the others—they didn’t actually work for him—but in the local supervillain hierarchy he was definitely the proverbial “top dog.” So, rather than creating several individual enemies for their hero to face, the powers of Metro City may have inadvertently created a dark organization. Alone any member of the Doom Syndicate would have been easy for Metroman to defeat; as a group, they could have been considerably more dangerous.
Is there any truth in this supposition? It’s hard to say for certain, but perhaps the upcoming series Megamind’s Guide to Defending Your City may offer some clarification. It will be interesting to find out. At any rate, having once been the Bad Guy other Bad Guys feared is likely going to give the Blue Defender some distinct advantages in dealing with the Doom Syndicate. He probably knows their methods and weaknesses already, and it’s possible they may be less-than-eager to face off with the former Master of All Villainy. I suppose we’ll find out in due time. In the meanwhile, that’s it for this latest Megamind Fan Theory! I hope you enjoyed it!
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sheldoney · 9 months
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NOTE* this is not a canon portrayal. sheldon is basically my little string bean boy theoretical physicist oc with some bbt elements and a dash of young sheldon buuuuuuut I basically created him from scratch. I do not follow BBT or Young Sheldon religiously. I cherry pick. SELECTIVELY. If you are looking for a religious canon coded portrayal this is not the blog for you. He is one hundred percent my own creation and I love him dearly. However, I do hope you wish to follow and write with him. I offer many verses to pick from and if you don't like anything listed we can work something out and make up our own verse!
affiliates: @qu-tipie, @clairelilcorner, @therelentless, @godclaws, @acceptedrisk, @hollowvictory, @clockchimes, @merveiilles
1. I don’t have many rules just one big one. Do not lie to me about your age. If you are underage. I’ll block you. Final word. Wanna know mine? Just ask. I am 21+ I only write with those over 21+. Discord is mobile and only available for close friends and mutuals only. I DO NOT ROLEPLAY OVER DISCORD. I AM DASH ONLY. If I do hand out my discord I am always invisible or away. Don’t take offense. Leave me a message and I will get to you as soon as I see it! I rely heavily on Tumblr IMs for other communication purposes.
2.I AM NOT A THEORETICAL PHYSICIST. I BS MY WAY AND JUST GO BY THE CANON OF THE BIG BANG THEORY. (kinda sorta not really though I am trying to redeem Sheldon as he was treated terribly and portrayed horribly on the show. He said some things I do not condone or agree with according to TBBT LORE.This is not Jim Parsons’ fault.) BTW GOOGLE IS MY BEST FRIEND. BTW This is a Jim Parsons appreciation blog also.
3. I DO SHIP SHENNY/ I SHIP SHAMY. (SELECTIVELY.) IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SHENNY AS MOST DO IN THE BIG BANG FANDOM DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG. I ALSO HAVE CRACKSHIPS ON THIS BLOG. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG.I also ship Sheldon and Chemistry amongst Muses. Sheldon Cooper is “canonically” asexual and not interested in coitus. But I do write him differently because I don't follow strict canon. I will not be writing smut on here or any s.exual content. I have a separate blog for “spicy” interactions. I will only be giving out the blog to Sheldon’s ships. It is NS.FW. Sheldon is not a cheater or your one night stand. Do not assume so. If you would like to pursue a relationship with Sheldon please talk to me about it beforehand.
6.I USE XKIT REWRITTEN. I trim my posts, you don’t have but I will trim yours. It is just a simple click for me. I do not roleplay in the ask box. If you have intentions of continuing a thread please @ me in something. Thank you. I don’t appreciate if you only leave your own reply in our thread because when I do drafts I need to reread what my character replied to yours to keep the plot consistent and coherent.
7. I am very picky about who I write with. If I like your writing I will follow you. I don’t expect a follow back but do know I am interested in plotting something with you in the future. I am not a follow for follow. I am here for interactions, simply.
8. I have no problem writing in other fandoms. Especially horror/thriller/supernatural/etc...I adore crossovers.
9.I am not always available.Please be patient with me for replies. I do have a life outside of Tumblr. I keep weird hours. If it says I am online, chances are I am not. I am probably by the computer but doing something else.
10. I promise I am friendly. I just like to curate my space. Do not try to involve me in gossip or any of that malarkey, please and thanks.
11. I AM LGBTQ+ MOST OF MY FRIENDS ARE LGBTQ+ MY FACECLAIM IS LGBTQ Homophobia, Transphobia, ETC ETC ETC will not be tolerated and you will be blocked if I see it.
12.ICONS & GRAPHICS & HEADCANONS. My icons are made by @butscrewmefirst . Some icons I have gathered from insanejournal and fanpop and altered them slightly. Please use icons or gif icons/small gifs in your replies. My computer takes forever to load large images. All headcanons are my own. Please do not lift anything from this blog. Thank you.
13.EXCLUSIVE & MAINS.As of right now I have certain exclusive canon characters that I will only write with on this blog. I will not write with any other portrayals of Harley Quinn using Samara Weaving  as their faceclaim or other Heath Ledger’s Jokers. I will also not write with other Sheldon Coopers. I am sure you are all tremendous but I prefer not to interact with any other duplicates. If you would like to be a main or an exclusive in Sheldon’s universe please come and speak to me about it.
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