#also no i've never seen one piece. i have no fucking clue who this is.
haarute · 1 year
unpopular opinion but personally i enjoy the creepy clown and welcome him into my house
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joequiinn · 5 months
PREVIEW | You Can Have My Hate | B.H. x reader
summary: Unfortunately, you got stuck with Billy fucking Hargrove as your partner for your final assignment in history class. Also unfortunately, Billy discovers you have a killer body underneath all those baggy clothes…
a/n: Billy is a disgusting little man and i love him dearly. as the title says, this is a preview of something i've been working on! the fic is already at 6.5k words and still isn't done, so i decided to put out a little snippet to see if there was any interest, so please let me know if you'd like me to finish the fic!
notes & tropes: fem reader, curvy + large chest reader, foul and suggestive language, canon typical Billy bullshit, awful behavior from both Billy and reader, minor allusions to sex but nothing happens (yet)
music inspo: Closer by Nine Inch Nails
preview wc: 1.9k
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You let me violate you | You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you | You let me complicate you
“Damn, little miss straight-laced,” Billy’s hooded eyes slowly crawled down your body, the corner of his mouthing pulled back in a lecherous smirk, “is that what you’ve been hiding under all those baggy clothes?”
God, you hated Billy Hargrove. Absolutely despised him with every fiber of your being. You knew you should’ve begged your history teacher for a different partner, should’ve gotten on your knees and pleaded for literally anyone other than Billy fucking Hargrove to work on this assignment with you. An idiotic football player or a bitchy cheerleader would’ve been better than this. But no, you didn’t beg and you didn’t plead, so now you were stuck, and god if this wasn’t about to be the worst couple weeks of your life.
Ever since Billy showed up in Hawkins at the beginning of last semester, you detested him. Everything about him screamed disrespectful, hateful asshole, and so having two classes with him meant you had witnessed your fair share of this behavior. Why so many girls wanted to fuck him and why so many boys aspired to be him was a mystery to you, because you could see from the start that he was a no good piece of shit.
But, in a way, you were lucky because you were literally a nobody. And nobodies went unnoticed, which meant not having to deal with bullshit from 90% of your peers. Hell, when your history teacher was pairing everyone off and told Billy who his partner would be, his response was an amused “who?” as if he didn’t believe this person - you - even existed. He had gone the entirety of the school year not having a single clue that you existed, and damn you wish it had just gone on a little longer. You literally had one more month left of senior year, one more month until you never even had to think about Hawkins High again, and the last thing you wanted was to spend half of that month in misery while trying to put up with Billy fucking Hargrove.
This assignment shouldn’t have even been worth shit to you, considering that your grade was nearly perfect and it was your last big project before graduation, but that’s where your history teacher hooked all of you - if this assignment wasn’t completed, then you guys wouldn’t be able to receive your diplomas. Or so he said to deter kids like you from flaking on it - you didn’t know if your boring old history teacher had that kind of authority, but you weren’t about to risk finding out.
And for kids like Billy? Kids who didn’t give a shit, who were already struggling to pass? The grade on this assignment was make or break. Not that it affected you any, of course - Billy could fail his senior year for all you cared. But shockingly enough, he was the one to make a point of its importance to you, the one to emphasize that he had to pass this class and graduate. It was curious to you, since you’d never once seen Billy care about school, but perhaps he was also beginning to feel the fire under his ass to leave Hawkins.
So, for the past week now, you’d been meeting with Billy at the school library, trying your best not to rip out your hair while you did the majority of the work. Hell, you could’ve told Billy just to fuck off and let you work on your own - you’d still let him put his name on the assignment and everything. But for whatever reason, you didn’t and so now you were subjecting yourself to tolerating his bullshit.
And that’s what you were doing right now, sitting across from Billy in the library and using every fiber of your being not to lose it on him. He had been particularly difficult from the moment he sat down, his foot bouncing impatiently and his expression condescending each time you tried to talk to him. He was making it very clear that he’d rather be anywhere other than here. The warm temperature of the library combined with your frustration at Billy was causing you to feel a little toasty, so you caved and tugged your large sweater over your head, leaving you in a tight, black tank top that left little to the imagination.
And said tight, black tank top is exactly what Billy was ogling, making you sneer and immediately regret taking off your sweater.
You never liked showing off your body, never liked the attention it drew you. You wouldn’t say you were self-conscious necessarily, you didn’t hate the way you looked in the mirror or anything like that. But you were very aware of how men looked at women’s bodies, and as someone who hated most forms of attention, you weren’t going to have any of that. So you wore baggy jeans and oversized sweaters, hid your frame under clothes that were always a size or so too big. It kept eyes and hands off of you, and you preferred it that way.
But damn it, it was so hot in the library that afternoon and you weren’t thinking clearly. You couldn’t believe your own stupidity - you just had to take off your sweater in front of Billy fucking Hargrove, a boy who only ever saw women as either sex pots or prudes. His lewd gaze was making you feel even more hot under the collar, but shit did you want to put your sweater back on already despite the heat.
“Will you please focus, Hargrove?” You begged in an exacerbated tone, trying to cross your arms over your chest in a way that wasn’t obvious while looking back down to the textbook open in front of you.
“You expect me to focus now, after you whipped those out?” Billy took such obvious joy in knowing that he was making you uncomfortable. He leaned forward on the table, his eyes once again traveling a salacious path down the curves of your body, “It’s Friday night, I got a pair of double D’s sitting across from me, and you’re asking me to focus on a damn essay?”
“Shut up.” You threatened between your teeth, trying not to raise your voice and draw attention. Your eyes were dark with frustration as you stared at Billy, who simply looked back at you like he didn’t give a damn, like he was just waiting for you to cave to him.
And how the hell could he tell you wore a double D?
You sank in your seat a little while attempting to cross your arms even more aggressively in front of your chest, feeling your cheeks growing red. Billy gave you that smooth, lazy grin that you’ve seen him use before, his eyes hooded as he leaned back in his chair. The feeling of his indecent gaze on your body practically made your skin crawl.
“Fine, Hargrove,” You quickly grab up your belongings and shoot to your feet, fumbling with your bag and sweater to make sure they kept your chest covered, “if you wanna be a prick who won’t focus, we’ll do this next week.”
You started to march out of the library, to retreat to safety. You didn’t like the way Billy was looking at you - it was objectifying and disrespectful and vulgar. Billy never once gave a fuck about - or even noticed - you before, but the second you remove a stupid barrier of clothing, suddenly he’s oh so interested. He was such a pig.
But shit, why was it also… kind of hot?
No, it was not hot.
You couldn’t let yourself even entertain that thought because there sure as shit wasn’t anything hot about it. It wasn’t hot that he objectified you, it wasn’t hot that he drank your body in with impropriety, it wasn’t hot that his tongue ran slowly along his lower lip as his eyes met yours with practiced allure.
No, no, no! You could’ve kicked yourself. Nothing about that should’ve been hot, god damn it.
“Oh, come on, killjoy,” Billy grabbed your wrist, spinning you back around to face him, having followed you through the library. His grip was firm as you looked between his face and hand and back again.
The library wasn’t exactly busy on a Friday afternoon, but you looked around to find that the librarian and another student both looked in your direction. It made you even more nervous to know that eyes were on you; what if you got in trouble, what if the librarian reprimands you both for being disruptive? You looked back to Billy, your brows furrowed in annoyance as you whipped your wrist out of his hold with hostility.
“I’m serious, if all you want is to slack off and look at my tits that’s your business.” You immediately clamped your mouth shut, your eyes widening slightly - that is not what you meant to say at all. Oh god, why the fuck did you say that? Shit, you should’ve just told him that you’d regroup next week, that you weren’t going to put up with him. But no, instead you said arguably the stupidest thing you could, and it was clear on Billy’s face that he was relishing in your stupid words, enjoying them even.
He looked back down at your body, luckily hidden behind your bag and sweater, “My business, huh? Sounds to me like permission to stare.”
“No.” You answered firmly; your cheeks and neck felt so fucking warm. You tried to get back on track, tried to shake off the stupid thing you said just a moment ago, “I just want to finish this project. So, go home and jack off to your Playboys all weekend, and then maybe we can actually get some work done next week.”
Despite your jabs, Billy still grinned wickedly, dipping his head a little as he took a step closer, his voice low, “So, that’s what you’re thinking about, huh? Me jacking off? You enjoying that thought?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to find some quick response to that, but you couldn’t think of a damn thing to say. A sound of disbelief left your throat as you gaped with loathing at Billy for a moment. God, you felt like a damn fish trying to breathe out of water. With a glare in your eyes, you clamped your mouth shut, which seemed to be a great amusement to Billy, whose smile widened as a laugh escaped him.
“God, you make it so easy.” He said, shaking his head, “You gotta lighten up, you know?”
You sigh loudly, eyes still staring at him harshly, “Whatever, Hargrove.”
You attempt to walk away once more, but yet again Billy snatches your wrist, “Wait, wait, wait…”
“Stop acting interested in me all of a sudden,” You try to shake your arm out of his hold again, but this time Billy’s grip is tighter, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Look,” his tone was firm as he instructed, “let’s go back over to the table, get some more work done, and I’ll give you a ride home.”
Your eyes narrowed into slits as you studied his face, “I don’t need a ride.”
“You don’t have a car.” He countered immediately.
“I don’t need a ride from you.”
“You don’t, but isn’t it generous that I’m offering?”
“More like devious.”
“I’ll be a total gentleman.”
You laughed right in his face, “You don’t even know the meaning of the word.”
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silentglassbreak · 2 months
I usually don't so this, but since you posted it not so long ago, are the requests still open? And if so, can I ask for meeting Noah after a show, talking about fantasies and maybe some vampire role-playing? But also lots of fluff after because he's a good top. My name's Maggie and my most prominent features are that I am short, I wear glasses and I have dark curly hair.
Alrighty, let's just get right into this one, because there is truly no time to waste.
After Writing Notes: Baby, I am so sorry. I have no clue how we got here...but here we are? Once again, we went a lil off prompt, so I apologize if it wasn't exactly what you were looking for? I hope you enjoy regardless! Just a heads up, this is -BY FAR- the darkest one I've written so far.
Rating: Explicit AF
Warnings: smut, kink, blood play, roleplay, blood...blood...blood, horror themes, light BDSM (choking and biting)
Die For You
February 14th, 2024.
Valentine’s Day is the bane of my existence. I was so tired of the patrons, the demanding orders, and - mostly - the couples. It was vomit-inducing. Did my recent breakup contribute to the way I was feeling?
Sure. Probably.
Did it change the fact that I was in the foulest mood imaginable?
Not in the slightest.
I leaned my head against the brick wall of the building, my break slowly waning, signaling I was due to go back in and finish the last two hours of this God forsaken shift. Being a waitress had no perks. None.
Instead, it came with cons that I had to endure in order to pay my bills.
“Hanging in there, Maggie?”
I sighed and turned to the door, hearing Alexa’s breathless voice. She was certainly struggling in there without me.
“Yeah, just getting some air. I’ll be in there in less than five.”
She nodded and stepped out into the cool evening air. She pulled a cigarette from her pack, lighting it between her lips.
“Have you seen the announcement on Insta?”
I rolled my head to the side to glance at her. “What announcement?”
She smirked, pulling her phone from her back pocket and opening the app, handing it to me.
The poster was on the Black Veil Brides page. It was blood red, with bright white font.
October 31st, 2024
Kia Forum
My brain almost didn’t register what I was seeing.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” My eyes were blown out as I looked up at Alex.
“Nope. Tickets are $850 a piece, I checked.”
I groaned, tossing my head back. “I could never afford that, let alone before it sells out.”
Alexa scoffed, sucking in the smoke of her cigarette. “You’re hilarious. I just wanted to make sure you’d want to go.” She snatched her phone back from me.
“What?” I quirked an eyebrow at her.
“I have two tickets.”
My heart fell into my stomach. “E-fucking-xcuse me?”
She cackled. “Who else would I take? I’ve got a savings for a reason, right?”
My jaw was hanging open. “Alex, that’s insane. That’s $1,700!”
“$1,896, actually. Including taxes and fees.”
“That’s insane!” I repeated.
“When are we ever going to get to see all of those bands at once? It’s obviously some kind of crazy event. Can you imagine the crossovers we’re going to see? The theatrics!” I couldn’t speak, I was too stunned. “Plus,” She dropped her spent smoke and stomped on it. “I figured you needed some cheering up today. I know Bad Omens is your favorite.”
I could not physically restrain myself any longer, throwing myself at her and wrapping my arms around her shoulders.
“You’re the best fucking human being alive, you know that?!” I peppered kisses on her cheeks, making her squirm.
“Yes, yes, I’m aware.” She wiped my smeared lip gloss off her face.
She stalked back to the door, pulling the handle. “Now let’s finish this bullshit, so we can go celebrate. You’re buying.”
October 31st, 2024
The line to get in was impossibly long, so Alex and I were sat on the ground, chatting about the songs we were excited to hear, and who we were most excited to see.
“Spencer is the actual love of my life, and I cannot wait to see his fucking face.” She gushed.
I smiled. “Oh, don’t I know. But Andy? Ugh, how fucking mouthwatering.”
The doors would open shortly, so we stood, and promptly filed our way in. The venue was huge. We both agreed we would not be drinking, figuring we had a long time to stand and would end up exhausted.
We opted to grab two water bottles from the bar and head to the GA floor. We were early, luckily, and managed to grab a spot up at the rails.
Waiting nearly an hour, the lights finally came down, and the crowd erupted. Alexa was absolutely feral, listening to the opening of Rainy Day playing. When Spencer bounded onstage, full suit attire, and blade in his hand, she nearly jumped the rails.
As he passed us near the stage, I noticed something. I tapped Alex’s arm and she leaned her head down to hear me.
“He’s wearing fangs!” I shouted. She glanced up and looked, seeing the same.
Her eyes rolled as she licked her bottom lip. “Fucking bite me, Daddy.” She groaned, and I bursted with laughter.
She was so unhinged.
Ice Nine Kills finished their set with Welcome to Horrorwood, sending blood red confetti into the air, before gracefully stepping off the stage. During the set I had noticed a few things that almost seemed…off?
First of all, it wasn’t just Spencer with fangs. It was the entire band. Being as close as we were, I could see the shiny white fangs exposed every so often when they’d open their mouths to sing. These weren’t cheap, Amazon pop-ins either. They were convincing. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have sworn that they were their actual teeth, filed down to sharp points. It was interesting.
As well, everyone in the band seemed to have a looming presence tonight. It was so difficult to explain, but it just as if they weren’t just looking at the crowd, but like they were searching it. Looking for something specific, with pointed stares and glaring smiles. It ran a chill up my spine when Spencer made direct eye contact with Alexa for a full minute while singing Hip To Be Scared. It was as if he was looking at a meal.
She ate it up, as expected.
The next set, however, was Bad Omens, and I could not have been more excited.
I had seen them twice before, and their Setlist didn’t stray much, so I was actually shocked when the usual Loading Screen didn’t show, and the opening to Artificial Suicide didn’t begin.
Instead, the opening song was Blood. That was so odd. I didn’t think they even performed this song. The crowd loved it, however.
They still started in all ski masks, and removed them for the next track - Like A Villain.
During the chorus, I was singing and swaying, giving my full attention, but stopped as soon as Noah moved close enough that I could see it.
He was also wearing fangs. My eyes darted to Jolly, who was easiest to see from where I stood. He licked his lips and, as I suspected, there they were - sharp and white.
Alexa seemed to also notice this, tapping me to lean in. “It’s called Blood Bath, so it must be a vampire themed show for Halloween.”
I nodded, because that seemed legitimate.
But still…
I expected that out of Ice Nine or Black Veil Brides. Hell, Oli Sykes actually had fangs.
But Bad Omens?
They weren’t as theatrical. I was surprised they had agreed.
However, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt eyes on me, and my attention was pulled back to the stage. A pair of deep, nearly black eyes were staring at me.
The song had changed, and we were on Nowhere To Go. And he was staring at me.
No, not at me. INTO me. Something in my soul felt exposed, as if I had shown up to this show nude.
I couldn’t break eye contact. I was caught between being starstruck, and immensely terrified. His lips were turned up in the slightest of smiles.
“Are you ready?”
I swallowed hard.
“I’m in the driver’s seat now.”
He finally broke his gaze, headbanging between screams.
Once I was released, I inhaled a sharp breath, turning my back to the stage. Alexa noticed as I crouched down, breathing hard.
“Babe?!” She bent down next to me. “Are you okay?”
I shook my head. “It’s too hot in this crowd, I’ve got to go.”
She got down to my eye level. “Maggie, you want to leave during Bad Omens?!”
I nodded feverishly, my dark curls sticking to my neck. Despite being sweaty, I had a cold chill climbing up my spine.
“I’m going to have a panic attack. I need a break.”
Maggie nodded, looking solemn. “Okay, let’s go.”
I stopped her, grabbing her arm. “No, you stay here. Save our spot. I’m going to go get some air, and I’ll be back.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You’re sure?”
I stood up, adjusting my shirt that had bunched up at my waist, and pulled my glasses on top of my head.
“Yeah, I’ll be back after their set.”
She sighed, but hugged me and told me to be careful.
I pressed my way through the crowd, not chancing another glance at the stage, despite feeling the eyes on my back.
The evening air was cool, in the fifty-degree range. I worried my sweatshirt with my fingers, feeling the air pull in and out of my lungs.
I had slipped out of the side entrance to the smoking area. I ducked under the ropes and to the back of the building to be alone. The tour buses were back in this area, but I paid it no attention, working hard at calming my nerves.
I had been out here for at least forty-five minutes. I could hear the music inside, and knew Bad Omens’ set had been over now for about five minutes. Figuring it was now a good time to make my way back to Alex, I pushed back into the building, seeing the crowd had not moved much.
I had tried to enter at several different points, but the bodies were condensed so tight, and unwilling to give up their spots. After fifteen minutes of trying, I growled and pulled my phone out, tapping Alexa’s name.
When she answered the phone, she shouted. “Hey! Where are you?”
“I can’t get back up there! No one is letting me through!”
She groaned. “Fuck! Okay, I’ll come out.”
“No! Don’t do that! Black Veil Brides is next! You cannot miss that!”
She went quiet for a second. “Maggie, I don’t want you to be alone.”
I stepped back outside so I could hear better. “I’ll be fine. I’ll watch the crowd to see if I can make it back in later.”
“You’re sure? Cause I will leave right fucking now. You know you’re more important.”
“Babe, you spent almost all of your savings on this. I’m not ruining it for you. I can see from back here.”
I smiled. “I promise.”
Electing to stay outside a while, I sat on the curb behind the building, going through the photos and video I captured of Ice Nine Kills’ set. I managed to catch Spencer staring at Alex on camera, which I promptly sent her.
She responded quickly.
I giggled, shaking my head at her response. Going back to my photo album, I sat watching the videos when I heard Black Veil Brides start.
Bleeders was the first song. Fitting.
Alexa: Dude…Andy’s wearing fangs too. It’s definitely a theme.
Me: Love it.
The music was so loud that I hadn’t heard the footsteps behind me.
“Excuse me?” Startled, I jumped up, turning around.
An impossibly tall, hooded man stood, hands in front of him, eyebrows raised.
It took me about three seconds to register who it was, and my mouth fell open.
“Are you okay?”
Noah fucking Sebastian.
I was caught between stunned, ecstatic, and horrified. He had such a soft look on his face. He looked immensely different than he did on stage. He wore black joggers with his own logo on them, a plain black hoodie, and a black baseball cap.
“Wh-“ My voice shorted, so I cleared my throat. “What?”
He smirked slightly. “Are you okay? I remember you from the crowd, and I saw you leave. I almost stopped the set when I saw you crouch down.”
I was floored. He noticed that? I knew he saw me, but Jesus Christ, I didn’t think he saw me?!
“Yeah, I, uh…” I stammered. “I just got really hot. The pyrotechnics and all.”
He nodded, chancing a step toward me. “You sure? You look pretty pale.”
Fantastic. Not only did I leave early during his performance - which he fucking saw - but I also looked fucking peaked at the same time.
I forced a calm smile. “Yeah, I’m good, promise.”
He seemed satisfied with that, putting his hands in his pockets. “Did I freak you out? When I stared at you?”
That was on purpose?!
I didn’t get a chance to answer. “I just perform better sometimes when I have something to focus on.”
I was bewildered, my eyebrows knitting together. “And that something was me?”
He smiled, a warm expression. “I guess so.”
“Why?” I couldn’t stop it from falling out of my mouth. Did it matter?
He shrugged his shoulders. “I liked your face.”
That’s a really strange answer.
“Okay?” I shifted one foot to another, not sure what to say or how to act.
“Why aren’t you watching the show?”
I sighed, moving back to the curb, deciding to sit back down. He made quick work of doing the same, sitting about a foot to my right.
“My best friend is up there. I couldn’t get back in to where she is. I tried.”
He nodded. “Ah.” His hands still in his pockets and knees bouncing rhythmically, he glanced around.
“Well, I’m going to watch from the balcony. Want to join?”
My heart rate sped up, screeching in my chest. His lip twitched at the same time, which was ironic.
“I,” My brain was misfiring, but I knew better. “I can’t.”
His eyes almost fell, his expression turning nearly…sad? “Oh?”
“I can’t leave Alex. I promised I’d make it back to her at some point.”
“You can bring her if you want.”
My mind was short circuiting. This couldn’t be fucking happening.
“I, uh, don’t know.” Something was too weird. This didn’t just happen. “I really shouldn’t.”
He nodded, pursing his lips. “No worries.” He stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “If you change your mind, I’m going up before Oli’s set. I’ll be around.”
With that, he turned around, and took a few steps. He spun back around and raised an eyebrow at me.
“I didn’t catch your name.”
He smiled. “See you later, Maggie.”
Alexa: What level urgency? They’re playing In The End.
Me: B L A C K.
Alexa and I were regular show goers, so we had code we used.
Urgent situations were assigned a color.
Green: Good to go. Nothing to worry about.
Yellow: Shit’s getting weird. We need to keep eyes open.
Red: Urgent. Get to me ASAP. Serious situation.
Black: Get here now. Highest level priority.
Alexa came barreling out of the door and ran toward me, out of breath. “Are you okay? I got a knife in my boot that they didn’t take. I can stab someone!”
I grabbed her shoulders. “I’m fine!”
She stopped abruptly, narrowing her eyes. “What? Then why the urgency? I missed the end of the set!”
“I met Noah Sebastian.”
Her face deadpanned. “I beg your finest pardon?!”
I just nodded. “Out here. He remembered me from the crowd.”
“Are you fucking with me? Cause Maggie, I love you, but I’ll punch you right here, right now if you’re lying.”
“There’s no need for violence. She isn’t lying.”
Both of us snapped our necks to our left, the hooded figure stepping out from behind one of the buses. Noah came into view, hands still in his pockets.
“Nice to meet you, Alex.”
She visibly reeled, a shrill screech leaving her mouth.
“Holy fuck! It’s actually him!”
I giggled, glancing back at Noah, whose eyes were on me again. I straightened my spine, feeling that same fear sinking in from before.
“I was telling Maggie earlier that I planned to watch the rest of the show from the balcony with the guys. Wanted to invite you to join.”
Her mouth hung open, hand reaching for my arm and pulling me close. “We’d love to.” She answered for us.
I shot her a look. I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to do this. I still had the unnerved feeling that something wasn’t right.
She ignored my stare, smiling brightly at Noah.
He returned her grin with his own, which was oddly menacing. I noticed at that moment that he still had the fangs in.
“Awesome. Follow me.”
We did as we were told, following him into the back of the building, passing people who obviously were working on the show. We were far enough behind Noah that I pulled Alex in close, whispering to her.
“I feel weird about this, babe.”
She stared at me incredulously. “Why? Isn’t this your biggest fantasy?”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course it is, but it feels strange. Why us?”
She shrugged. “We manifested it? I don’t know. Shit like this happens all the time.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think it does.”
The balcony he lead us to was private. It was between sets, so the other members of the band were sat, relaxing, beers in hand. It was set up as a lounge, three couches lined up.
Noah graciously introduced us to the other band members, and we shook their hands feverishly, awestruck. It wasn’t lost on me that all of them still had the fangs in.
Alex had struck a conversation with Nick Folio, explaining how she played drums in high school. I sat slowly on the end couch, seeing the view of the stage that was incredible. The couch sunk next to me, and I glanced over to Noah, who was tapping a message into his phone.
“Aren’t those uncomfortable?”
He looked up at me, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
I pointed to my canines, and he snorted.
“Oh, right. Yeah, you get used to them.” He locked his phone and slipped it in his pocket.
I nodded. “You guys are dedicated to the theme, huh?”
He smiled, showing off the sharp points, and ran his tongue over one. “They’re not easy to take off.”
“Mm.” Must be glued on.
“Can I ask you something?”
He nodded, leaned back on the seat with his arm over the back.
“Do you do this all the time? Pick up random fans?”
He narrowed his eyes, grinning at me.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because it seems abnormal. What makes us so special?”
He sat up, leaning forward on his elbows so he was inches from my face, his breath cool. “What makes you think you’re just some random fan?”
I scoffed. “Because I am?” I leaned away from him, needing air. “I’m just a girl. Short. Glasses. Mop of hair. I didn’t even wear makeup tonight.”
He leaned back as well, keeping a distance between us. “So? Why does that mean you aren’t special?”
I rolled my eyes. “I think I’m not the first fan to be in a balcony with you.”
He nodded. “You’d be correct.” My heart sunk just slightly. “But you’re the first one I went looking for.”
My eyes popped open.
The fuck did that mean?
He snickered, sighing loudly. “You got me. I thought you were attractive. Really attractive, okay? I figured I’d see if I could catch you.”
This caught me so far off guard, I nearly fell off of the couch.
“You think I’m attractive?”
This made him belly laugh, my disbelief.
“Maggie, can I let you in on a secret?” I just nodded. He leaned his head over, whispering. “I think you’re mouthwatering.”
A sharp tingle shot up my spine, and I wriggled next to him.
The lights went down, and the crowd cheered as Falling In Reverse began their set.
Popular Monster. This show was a trip.
We watched the show, Alex and I singing along to the lyrics of nearly every song. Every so often, Noah would lean over and tell me something about the song playing, complimenting Ronnie’s artistic ability or the instrumentals. The guys all seemed to be enjoying it as well, air-guitar and drumming. 
It was just far enough away that I couldn’t tell, so I leaned into Noah. “Is Ronnie wearing fangs too?”
He nodded, lips nearly touching my ear when he spoke. “It was Oli’s idea. We all have them.”
Made sense. I smiled at him, catching his eyes wandering my face. His arm was tucked neatly behind my back now, resting on my hip. Something about the encounter changed. I didn’t feel fear anymore, rather, Noah’s presence felt safe. It felt comfortable and I felt myself craving it. The air almost lightened, my shoulders relaxing as I exhaled a breath I had been holding.
“Can I tell you something?” I nodded, leaning back in to hear him. “I’d kiss you right now, if you’d let me.”
My eyebrows shot up. He pulled his face away, running his tongue over his bottom lip. A pit opened in my stomach, causing me to swallow harshly. 
“And what if I don’t?”
He smirked, his tattooed finger coming up to swipe across my bottom lip. “That, darling, would be a tragedy.”
It was involuntary, the way my body pressed closer to him, the soft skin of his lips brushing against mine. It wasn’t quite what we wanted, but it was so close.
My self control was fading, and he knew it, his hand tightening on my hip.
“If you’d let me?”
That was it. My lips were pressed against his, molding to his mouth, and breathing into his soul. I felt the sharp tooth scrape over my skin, which elicited a hard groan from me. His other hand came up to the side of my neck, and his fingers tangled in my curls.
We lasted this way for several minutes, finally pulling away with a sharp hiss from his mouth. His eyes were feral, wild. His grip on my hair was tight. He bored into my eyes, speaking something that I couldn’t read.
We were pulled from our moment when a hand tapped my shoulder. I whipped around quickly, and his hands released me.
Alex stood, eyes wide, and smiling. “I hate to interrupt, but I’m going to run to the restroom. Just wanted you to know.”
I wiped my lips with my thumb, feeling a sharp pain. I nodded at Alex, who furrowed her brows, bending down to speak directly at me.
“Watch the fangs, babe. You’re bleeding.”
I looked down at my thumb, the deep red filling the ridges of my print.
A hand came up to wrap around my wrist, staring at my finger. He swiftly and smoothly lifted it to his lips, sucking it into his mouth. When he released me, my finger was clean.
He smiled a sheepish grin at me in response to my shocked expression. “Too weird?”
I wanted to say yes, because that was the normal person thing to say. However, given the heat that had pooled in my stomach and the way my thighs clenched together, I just shook my head.
The music was loud, booming into my chest, and I leaned back onto the couch, staring at Noah.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked me.
“That there’s no way this is real.”
He smirked. “Sometimes, it’s better to believe it’s not.”
This confused me, but he was wrapping his arm around me again, pulling me into his side, and looking down at the stage. We tried to watch the performance, we really did. But within minutes, I was in his lap, straddling his hips, and our tongues were fighting for dominance while his hands roamed up and down my legs.
I sighed, closing my eyes as his lips trailed down my jaw to my neck, nipping gently at my pulse point. He licked a stripe up my windpipe, causing me to rut against him.
“Fucking hell, Maggie.” He leaned back, and I pulled back, hands on his shoulders. “You’re so fucking amazing.” 
I blushed, leaning back down to nibble on his ear. In my peripheral vision, I caught my phone on the couch lighting up. I had four missed texts from Alex.
“Shit!” I grabbed my phone and sat back on his legs.
“Everything okay?”
I shrugged. “Alexa isn’t back, and I haven’t checked my messages. I got distracted.” I said, eyeing him mischievously.
He responded by scratching his nails down the front of my leggings.
Alexa: BABE Spencer is out here talking to Andy!!!!
Alexa: OMFG he’s looking at me. I’m going to talk to him.
Alexa: He asked me to go to his balcony. I have to. It’s the one next to Noah’s. I’ll be there if you need me.
I smiled at my phone. “Such a weird night.”
“Is she okay?”
I nodded, setting my phone back down. “Yeah, uh,” I shook my head, trying to understand how this had happened. “She met Spencer Charnas, and she’s in his balcony.”
He nodded, looking apprehensive. “She’s a fan of his?”
“The biggest. She’d die for that man.”
His eye twitched at that, almost a wince. “Mm. Maybe she should stick with you?”
My face fell, confused. “Why?”
He bit his lip, glancing over to where Folio sat, who was staring directly at him. “I don’t know. Just seemed like the kind of thing you guys do.”
I nodded, falling off of his lap. “Usually, but this is kind of once in a lifetime.”
He sighed hard, his eyes glancing back up to Folio. “I wish it wasn’t.”
This was confusing, his entire demeanor had shifted.
“Are you okay?”
He worried his bottom lip with the fangs, and nodded. “You, uh,” He looked at his bandmates, who were all giving him a look. “want to see the bus? I need to get something, but I don’t want to leave you alone.”
There was something under his tone that made me almost flinch. It was as if he wasn’t giving me a choice…
“Okay? I mean, or I could wait with Alex in the next balcony?”
“No!” Noah’s voice was harsh, causing me to wince. “I mean, let her have her time. Once in a lifetime, right?”
I nodded, unsure.
“You trust me?”
I sighed, suddenly wildly unsure. “Should I?”
He nodded fervently. “Yes. You should.”
The tour bus was enormous. It was also a total mess. It was as if it was more lived in than an actual home. I try not to judge, but there was stuff everywhere. Drink containers, beer bottles, random garbage, clothes. The shades were drawn, and you couldn’t see outside. 
Noah turned around with a look of embarrassment on his face, a hard contrast to the persona he had on all night. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Sorry, the guys said they’d clean up…I guess they forgot.”
I shook my head, giving him a warm smile. “No worries. You guys have to live here, I get it.”
He sighed. “Can I be honest?”
“I’d hope so.” I giggled, hands in my sweater pockets.
“I didn’t need to grab anything, I was just hoping for some privacy.”
My eyes widened, and I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Oh…” Suddenly uncomfortable, I began scanning the bus for all of the exits, the closest being the door behind me.
“You don’t have to stay, it was just stuffy in there and the guys are kind of really fucking nosey.”
This made me smile. “I caught that.” I pursed my lips, looking around, trying to soothe the hammering in my chest. “I could stay.”
“You sure? Oli is going to go on soon.”
I nodded. “Once in a lifetime?”
This almost made his face fall, and he leaned against the counter of the kitchenette sink. “I wish it wasn’t.”
This gave me pause, and I moved to stand next to him.
“What do you mean?”
He pulled his hat off, revealing his mop of long dark hair that was overgrown. “I just…” He trailed off. “I don’t get to have normal relationships, yaknow? Date? See people more than once? It doesn’t really happen.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why not?”
He smirked at this, looking down at his shoes. “My lifestyle doesn’t really allow it.”
I nodded. Rockstar life had to be tough.
“Well, just because you can’t date someone, doesn’t mean you can’t be friends, right?” I won’t lie, I was slightly hopeful.
“It’s kind of more complicated than that.” 
I nodded, not wanting to press further, and an uneasy silence fell over us. After about three minutes, he finally spoke.
“I liked kissing you.”
I couldn’t prevent the grin that cracked on my lips. “I liked kissing you too.”
“I didn’t bring you back here for that. I just thought I’d mention it.”
This was one of the pivotal moments in life where you decide how it goes. Walk away? See what this is, and make the smart choice to end it? 
Or consider this the Gods giving you a gift? A one-time chance to fulfill a fantasy you would otherwise never get again?
I decided quickly that life was too fucking short, and moved to stand in front of him.
“Can we…just do what we want? Because this will never happen for me again, and I find it painfully difficult not to jump on you right now.”
He peered up at me through his lashes, his eyes pitch black. “Yeah? You’re sure? I don’t want to be a dick, but you know I can’t continue anything after tonight.”
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a second, and opened them with no hesitation left, staring directly at him. 
This gave him the answer he was looking for, as it took less than a fraction of a second for him to have me pinned against the wall behind me, hand on my throat, lips attacking my mouth feverishly. A smooth growl rumbled from his throat, and something inside of me clenched. 
With the grip in my neck, he guided me to spin, lifting me up onto the countertop. My legs wrapped around him instinctively, and I breathed into him, feeling his hands smooth up my legs, and push them apart so he could press himself between them.
His mouth pulled at the skin of my jaw, surely leaving bruises I’d have to explain to Alex later. When I felt the sharp point of the fans against my skin, I placed a hand on his chest.
“Noah?” He didn’t pull back, but only hummed in response as he licked and sucked on my collarbone. “Maybe you should take the fangs out?”
He stilled, frozen. This caused me to do the same, waiting for his next move.
“I can’t.”
My brain didn’t register that. “Can’t?”
“They aren’t coming out.” He breathed again on my skin, making me shiver. “Is that a problem? If it is, tell me now.”
The idea of not going further made my body physically scream, so I just shook my head, signaling for him not to stop.
His arms, strong and solid, lifted me clean off of the counter and pulled me into the hallway, our lips reconnecting. In the back of the bus held a large bedroom area, and with one hand, he slid a door shut behind us. 
He lowered me onto the mattress and became so gentle, I almost couldn’t handle it. His hands reached to unzip my sweatshirt, pulling it open to reveal my crop top. I chose to go without a bra tonight, knowing I’d be keeping my sweater on. His eyes roamed to my hardened nipples pressing against the fabric, and he bit his lip in response.
“If at any point you want to stop, tell me, okay?”
I nodded.
“Say it. Say you understand.” His voice was callous, no playfulness left.
“I understand.”
This brought a wicked smile to his face, fangs pressing out and his tongue gliding over them. “Good girl.”
He was ruthless, his hands pulling my shirt up, exposing my bare breasts, hands grasping them with force, pinching each nipple between his fingers. I yelped at the sudden painful sensation, but pressed into his touch. His knee balanced him on the bed, pressing against my core. I writhed under him, begging for friction.
“So fucking needy, darling. All in good time.”
I sucked in a breath, nearly whining at his teasing. His right hand snaked up my chest, grasping at my throat. The pressure was so much, but I couldn’t ask him to stop because it was so good, I was okay with dying right here like this.
His other hand slid down my stomach, nails scratching into my flesh, before he gripped the waistband of my leggings and tugged them down.
“Tell me how bad you want it, baby.” His fingers loosened just enough for me to speak.
“So bad. Need it. Need you.”
His eyes were roaming my body, eyes settling on the jet black panties I wore. His hand pressed flat against the fabric, making me hiss at the sensation.
“You want me to eat you? Devour you?”
I nodded frantically.
“If I do, I’m going to bite you. You alright with that?”
I froze, staring up at him, tears running down the side of my face. 
“You can say no.” His voice was smooth as honey, dripping down his lips and right into my soul.
“Please.” It came out as a breath, just the ghost of a word.
A harsh snarl left his lips, and he dropped onto the floor with lightening speed, pulling my leggings off and gripping the waistband of my underwear, ripping them apart to show my already soaked pussy.
His fingers slid through my lips before coming up to his mouth, his eyes rolling back at the taste. “Fucking stunning.” He groaned.
His mouth attacked me, licking long, flat stripes up my core, causing my hips to buck. I whimpered, trying not to make too much noise.
His hands gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, bringing me right to his face.
“No one can hear us here, baby. Fucking scream for me.” 
I let go, letting all of the harsh, vile sounds leave my throat with no restraint. His mouth sucked hard on my clit, making my vision go stark white behind my eyelids.
“Oh my God, Noah, I’m going to come, please don’t stop.”
He latched harder, a finger penetrating into me, pressing against my sweet spot and smoothing circles into it, bringing me crashing over the edge of bliss. My back lifted off of the mattress, my entire body tingling.
At the exact second my orgasm slammed into me, I felt a stinging, slicing pain on the inside of my thigh, causing me to scream out and look down. Noah’s face was still buried between my legs, but his eyes were staring directly at me. His fingers continued to massage me through my euphoria while his lips pulled at the sore spot on my thigh. When he lifted his face, my body finally calming, a deep crimson fluid sat on his lip before his tongue came up and swiped it away. 
He rested a palm flat on my stomach as my breathing slowed. “Are you okay?”
I blinked back the tears and gasped in a breath. “More, please. I need more.”
It wasn’t even me speaking anymore. My body had transcended to another plane and I was watching from a different dimension at that point.
He smiled, his teeth tinged with blood - my blood. “What’s the magic word?”
“Jesus, fuck, Noah! Please!”
His hand snatched me by my waist, flipping me over and pulling me back up so my feet were on the floor. His arm held me up, as standing wasn’t an option with the way my legs felt like gelatin. I felt the warm fluid from the wound on my thigh dripping down my leg.
He paused, reaching for a drawer and grabbing, what I assumed to be, a condom. I heard the foil open and be discarded. He let go of me for ten seconds to put it on, and before I could think about anything else, he was pushing inside of me. The feeling was achingly delicious, the stretch and burn of it. Noah was exceptional. My body fell forward, hands reaching out balance. He thrusted mercilessly, pounding me harder into the mattress, his breathing loud and deep, guttural moans escaping him.
After a few moments, and my vision slowly blurring as I began climbing the hill once again, his hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me backward to stand straight up. I whined, leaning my head back on his chest.
It was without cause, but I still asked. “Bite me again? Please?”
I didn’t want it, I needed it. I was ravenous for the pain and the feeling of him being so connected with me. 
“Don’t say that.” His words were breathless, but I was persistent.
“Please, Noah. Please.”
“God damn it.” He tightened his grip on my neck and I felt his lips touch my skin before the fangs sung in deep, piercing the thin skin just above my clavicle.
A scream pierced through me as the pain sent white hot shock waves through my body, my vision cutting out and my orgasm tearing through me. I vibrated at the stimulation of it all, and began to feel by body going slack, my skin tingling with a numbing sensation. My eyelids began to feel heavy, Noah's lips still latched to my skin. I could swear I felt a sucking feeling. That would be one hell of a hickey later.
Noah's thrusts suddenly stilled, his throat growling against me, his fingers gripping my hip violently, surely leaving bruises.
I was still riding the high of my climax when I felt everything starting to go sideways as the room began to spin. His arm wrapped around me quickly as I felt my consciousness slipping.
"Easy, baby. Easy." I hadn't even noticed him slip out of me, or unlatch from my throat.
Suddenly, his hands were gentle, laying me down on the bed on my back. Through my hooded lids, I could see him standing, tall and muscular. I could see all of him, and as badly as I wanted to savor it, I was so sleepy.
His hands pulled a soft, red blanket over me, and he put a finger up. "One second, stay here."
He disappeared out of the door, and I felt my eyes threatening to close. My brain was shutting off quickly, and it wasn't going to be optional anymore.
He came back within a minute, now wearing shorts, with a large blue Powerade, and a pack of Reese's in his hands. He set them down on the mattress next to me and slid his arms under me, lifting me up onto the pillows of the bed.
"Maggie, you still with me?"
I could only mumble in response, the pull of sleep tugging me down.
"Don't fall asleep. You need to drink this." He opened the Powerade. My hand came up to take the drink, but my fingers had very little sensation. "Here." Noah used one arm to lift me partway, and held the bottle to my lips. "Just take sips."
Once I had sufficiently drank a quarter of the bottle, suddenly feeling parched, he recapped it and began tearing open the Reese's. "Eat this, you need to increase your blood sugar and carbohydrates."
Feeling slightly more coherent, I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Why? Did that orgasm almost kill me?" I snickered, taking a peanut butter cup and peeling the wrap off the bottom.
"No, the orgasm didn't." He said pointedly, but made work of getting up and heading for the door again. I laid, slowly munching the chocolate, eyes trailing after him. I pulled the blanket up to my chin, feeling strikingly cold suddenly. I felt a numbness in my toes and fingertips. Something about it bothered me, but also didn't?
He walked back in, a damp rag in his hand. What did he need that for? He used a condom, I thought?
Noah sat next to me on the bed, and ran a hand over my cheek gently, giving me a small, comforting smile. "You feel better?"
I nodded, still chewing the second peanut butter cup. "Much."
His smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Good, I'm glad."
Smoothing his hand over to my hair, he pulled it away from my neck, and pressed the damp rag to it. I winced, pain shooting up into my face.
"Christ!" He pulled his hand back, and I noticed the rag was a deep red. "Am I bleeding?"
He shushed me, moving my face back over. "Not much anymore, it's mostly stopped. This is just a little alcohol to sterilize it." He sighed as he pressed the rag to my skin. "Next, I'll clean up your leg."
My mind, suddenly clear as day, began running through all of the most ridiculous scenarios possible. Regardless of how stupid it sounded, I still had to ask...
"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, pulling out a large bandage and unpeeling it from the paper.
"Are you an actual vampire?"
His hands stopped, and his neck snapped up at me. His eyes were deadly serious, but his lips twisted in a sick smile. "Now, why would you say something silly like that? Of course not."
He chuckled, his body shaking, and continued applying the bandage to my neck, hand lingering on my cheek as he looked in my eyes.
"No, I'm just a guy with kinks, that's all."
Did I want to press this further?
I looked back up at him, and he smiled brightly. That's when I noticed.
"You took the fangs off."
He peered up at me, running his tongue over his teeth. "Yeah, something like that."
Noah began pulling the blanket from my leg when he stopped abruptly, his eyes shifting to the door of the room. His hand gripped my leg, and he spoke under his breath.
"Fuck." His eyes looked back at me, a panic now rising. "You have to go. Now."
He grabbed my arm, and began pulling me off of the bed gently. "Can you stand?" I heard the door of the bus open, and people speaking at the front.
The urgency in his voice was frightening, so I swung my legs over and attempted to stand. The room swayed slightly, but I managed to stay upright. I nodded at him.
"Good, okay," He stood off the bed, and ran to the other side, picking my clothes up and tossing them at me, sans my torn panties. "get dressed. I'm going to open the window, there's a ladder just outside. Climb down it and go. Fast. Go to your car, and leave."
I was stepping into my leggings and looked up at him. "I have to find Alex, first."
He huffed, frustrated, and helped me put my shirt over my head. "Don't. Just go."
Noah pulled the window open silently, and pulled me over to him once I had zipped up my sweatshirt and slipped my shoes on. "Noah, what-"
He pressed a hand to my mouth. "Please, just listen to me. Leave. Don't look for her. Just go. Fast, okay?"
My eyes welled up. The terror was back. Why was he hiding me? Was he embarrassed? Did he not want anyone to know I was here? Why didn't he want me to look for Alex?
He hands hoisted me up effortlessly, he didn't even groan when he lifted me to the window. I slipped a leg out, and turned my head to him. "Noah?"
He looked at me, eyes sparkling bright, brighter than I had seen. "Yes?"
"I hope to see you again."
The smallest smile turned his lips up. "If you're lucky, you won't."
Alex's phone wasn't picking up and she hadn't responded to any of my messages. Bring Me The Horizon's set was about over, and she was nowhere. Ice Nine's balcony was empty - they all were. She wasn't in the venue. She wasn't outside. She was gone.
Her last text to me had me walking behind the building, looking through the busses.
Alexa: Spencer invited me back to his bus with him and Ronnie...I can't believe this is real life!! I will text you when I'm done! ;)
I only knew which bus was Noah's, but I felt like an absolute creep looking through the others, trying to see into the windows. I was standing next to one, on my tip-toes, trying to see through the tint, when my ears picked up on something...
It sounded suspiciously like screaming...but not the kind I would expect from someone having a good time. Not the kind I just made.
I rounded the corner, finding one last bus, and noticed it appeared to be moving. This had to be it. As I approached, figuring I would just wait until she was done, it stilled, and the night went eerily silent. Something about it made my stomach drop. I considered going back and getting Noah, asking him to check it out, but I had already come to terms with the fact that whatever that was, was over.
Instead, I made a soft wrap on the door, hoping someone would answer. Nothing came, no sound or motion. I sighed. Someone was definitely in there. Maybe they fell asleep? I almost did.
I knocked harder with the same result. Eventually, I pounded, hollering. "Hello?"
My fingers reached for the handle, and I noticed the door was unlocked, the door opening easily. I looked in, and noticed it was dark, only a neon blue light emanating from the back somewhere. I stepped up the staircase, peering my head around the corner.
What my eyes saw, I was nowhere near prepared for. My eyes met hers, only hers were upside down, head hanging off of the edge of the bed, tears running down the sides of her face. They were also lifeless, and so was she. She was laid on the bed, fully dressed, and blood poured from her throat and pooled on the floor. There were two men on top of her, mouths latched to her chest and throat.
I couldn't help the gasp that came out, my eyes watering at the scene. I brought my hand up over my mouth and both men looked up at me. I couldn't register what I was seeing...
Spencer Charnas and Ronnie Radke were on top of my best friend, and their faces were absolutely covered in her blood.
Their fangs shined, covered in the red viscous liquid, and harsh growling hisses came out of their mouths.
Before I could scream, a hand had grabbed the back of my sweatshirt and pulled me down the stairs, and was dragging me away from the bus. I thrashed, screaming and fighting against the person pulling me away.
"No! No! Please! Stop, please!!" A hand came up over my mouth.
"Shut up!" My eyes looked down, and through my bleary tears, I saw the tattoos. The familiar tattoos.
Noah pulled me over to another bus and pressed me against the side. He loomed over me, his eyes dark again, all of the light gone.
"I told you to fucking leave!"
I couldn't speak. I was stunned. "I...they...Alex..."
"Alex is gone." He was so matter of fact. Stern, even. A choked sob broke out of my chest.
"No, no please, you have to help me."
"I am helping you! You have to leave! Before anyone realizes you did." His hands were against the bus on either side of me. "Please Maggie, please just leave."
"Noah..." I stared at the sharp fangs. "Your teeth..."
He hung his head. "Maggie, listen to me. You were never here. You lost Alex at the concert, and she went missing. They already reported her missing to security." My eyes went wide, tears streaming. "Now, go home. Stay there. And never speak about this again. Understood?"
I didn't respond, I just glared at him. He was one of them. A monster. He drank my blood. He tried to kill me. Him and his friends...they killed Alex.
When I didn't answer, he grew impatient, slamming his hands against the bus, making me flinch.
"God damn it Maggie, do you understand?!"
I just nodded, and he let one of his arms fall. I slipped by him, but his hand caught my arm. I stopped, staring up at him.
"I'm so sorry." His eyes were soft again, but I ripped my arm from him. He looked taken back by my sudden brazenness.
"No you're not..." I took several steps forward, but I took a deep breath and stopped, turning to see him still staring at me.
"But you fucking will be."
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offonaherosjourney · 2 years
The immense rewatch value of Knives Out and Glass Onion
One thing I really love about Knives Out and Glass Onion (spoilers for both movies, btw) is their rewatch value. I love murder mysteries, but I don't think I've seen any more than twice or three times, and yet I've watched Glass Onion 4 times so far and Knives Out so many times I'm embarassed to even type the number. And lately I'd been thinking about what might be the reason why I keep coming back to these movies and about how I'm still enjoying them wholeheartedly despite knowing the dialogue of Knives Out almost to heart, and I think I've figured out why.
Watching a murder mystery for the first time is enjoyable because you're wrapped up in the mystery and in trying to guess the murderer. And then on your second watch you might know who the murderer is, but you still enjoy it because you get to pay attention to all the things you didn't notice or didn't know were clues the first time.
Rewatching Knives Out and Glass Onion is extremely enjoyable not only because you get to spot all the clues now, but also because of the seamless way Rian Johnson weaves humor into these films. After a couple viewings you might get tired of watching Wanetta Thrombey calling Marta "Ransom", or watching Miles place his glass on Dukes hand... but do you know what you don't get tired of? Marta's clumsy attempts to sabotage Blanc's investigation. Ransom telling his family to eat shit. Marta yeeting that piece of trellis only for the dog to bring it back. Or Blanc solving Miles' silly murder mystery in thirty seconds. The hot sauce scene. Blanc calling Miles a vainglorious buffoon.
And since the scripts are so brilliant and packed with little details, further rewatches of the films keep rewarding you with other little things you might not have picked up the first or second time. How, when the Thrombeys recount Harlan's birthday they all put themselves next to him, or when you realize that they don't know where Marta is from, or how they casually hand her their plates as if she's their maid. How telling are the masks each character wears and how they behave in the pier scene, the red solo cup Miles gives Peg, the painting that is hanged upside down, Helen in the end sitting with the exact same pose as the Mona Lisa.
Now, add to that all that the social critique in the films and their clear "fuck the rich" message, made manifest by a cast of unlikeable assholes that holy shit you lowkey wish all were responsible for the murder because you hate them and want to see all of them behind bars. Also, let's not forget about the world's greatest detective in this film universe, who happens to be unabashedly human. Benoit Blanc is an extremely likable character that captivates the audience's heart not because of his superior intellect and deduction skills, but because of his empathy. Because he makes sure that Marta understands she is a good nurse. Because he tells Helen to get the justice she deserves.
The result of all that stuff is that a movie whose greatest appeal might have been its whodunnit aspect on a first watch, on future ones presents a sort of good vs evil stakes. Because Marta is a good person and you like her and want her to learn she didn't murder Harlan and get the house and money she earned by being a good friend. Because Helen deserves justice and you like her and you can't wait to see her cathartic and righteous anger be the spark that lights the fire that burns down Miles Bron's empire built out of lies, theft and murder.
That's why I keep watching these movies over and over and why I'll never grow tired of watching them.
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faes-elytra · 1 year
q!Melissa being q!Roier's drag sona and accidentally ends up dating both q!Bagi and q!Cellbit because he thought Bagi was Cellbit's drag sona. (We also have the Cellbit doesn't recognize Roier as Melissa, and Roier not knowing Cellbit doesn't know he's Melissa.)
He originally thought it was Cellbit doing a bit with him during his work hours. Which later ends up on a date with Bagi as Melissa and him not realizing for while they're different people. He has no fucking clue how to tell her the situation he's in and why he can't date her, and just kinda ends up dating both of them for a bit.
I don't know if I want Cellbit and Bagi to have been friends before this started or just started being friends in the middle of this.
So Roier gets put into the position that both of his partners want to introduce him to their new friend. He ends up going with Cellbit and guess who his new friend is, Bagi. Bagi unlike Cellbit instantly recognizes that Roier is Melissa. The introduction is so fucking awkward because Bagi and Roier are trying to fake not knowing each other. Bagi is questioning how good their(Cellbit and Roier's) relationship really is in her head, Roier trying to tell her he is just a pendejo. Roier starting to hint at the truth to Bagi while trying to make sure Cellbit doesn't find out what the hell the two of them are trying communicate to each other. Her slowly piecing it together over the course of the convo. Roier hinting that the two of them look similar, that he has a job he dresses up a lot for. The constant calling of himself of pendejo and little estúpido. Bagi almost reaching the correct answer trying not to laugh every time she thinks of the possibility of what Roier is implying. The one minute of time that Cellbit is not with them to clarify things. Bagi just NOT comprehending that Cellbit has zero clue he's Melissa. Roier saying he thought it was bit for months that he just kept reinforcing it. Bagi going we should tell him, Roier saying that he'd probably need to get into drag piece by piece in front of him to convince him that he's Melissa. Bagi just not believing that, ok we need to tell him. Cellbit comes back before they can plan how to tell him. The silence is deafening. The immense cry/laugh threatening to burst from Roier and Bagi.
C: Why the hell aren't you guys talking?
The side eyes given in the span of a second.
B: You know what Roier's other job is right?
C: of course I do, He's a psychologist.
R: (No soy un psicólogo.)
B: (You told him it was psychology???)
R: (Used to be one, then got, a better job *audible wink*)
B: He's not a psychologist
R: Nononono, si FUE un psicólogo, ahora no soy
C: You lost your job guapito??? :<<<<<
R: Si y No,
C: Que, si y no pendejo???
R: Tenía un nuevo trabajo y fue del otro.
C: Oh, well that's good.
B: You're not gonna ask him what it is?
C: Why should I, I mean as long as he's ok I don't have to know. Unless he wants to tell me then he can. But he doesn't have to.
B: (*outrageous side eye at Roier*)
R: I mean, si quería saber, si puedes gatinho~
C: Only if you want me to~
(This flirting probably goes on longer.)
R: Soy un stripper.
R: Yo voy a un lugar, se llama "Casualonas", y yo baila.
C: But I've never seen you there, you're not in their employees list???
B: He goes by Melissa when he's there.
C: Nononono, no he doesn't, wait WHAT.
(I can't keep writing this post because my nose is bleeding super badly but I hope you understand my vision by this point. The situation is resolved peacefully. True gamer move is Roier still being able to date q!bagi and q!cellbit with bisexual swagger.)
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I think i need to explain why this line makes me go so feral
I think the "fine! I'll kill myself after I kill you" line from nie mingjue in chapter 49 permanently altered my brain chemistry and it has something to do with precisely how i got into the mdzs fandom space in the first place.
I've mentioned it a few times but i started watching the untamed in late 2019 right as it was blowing up everywhere and, likely due to a combination of undiagnosed adhd wrecking my ability to be interested in anything for longer than 4 seconds and me very much not being used to the specific style of acting, especially during fightscenes, i never finished it. The only concrete memory i have of it is seeing wen qing's face and meng ziyi completely short circuiting my little gay brain. I remember more of staring endlessly at pictures of her than I remember of the plot. Press F to pay respects.
Flash forward a few years and a friend recommends me a fic writer for an fma fic (the fic riter in question is metisket) and i like their stlye so much i decide to read other stuf they've written. Here we get to our prime suspect: "the one body problem" a genuinely hilarious fic where jingyi gets posessed by wei wuxian like a year before the plot happens and they become awkward brain buddies. 10/10 i loved it (and still do) even though i remember huasiang showing up in my first reading and I, having fully forgotten his name, had no fucking clue what was going on. (Little did i know...)
Anyway flash forward ANOTHER year and I decide to reread that fic, and then the other untamed fic metisket wrote, a wen qing time travel fix it that's also real fun. And then i'm like. huh. that's fun. wonder if there's anything in their bookmarks.
And then, within 20 days, I had read approximately 350 fics. Many of them 100k+ words. I cannot stress enough how much this CONSUMED my brain's ability to do or think about anything else. I now think back to the early days of getting my adhd diagnosis and insisted that while i had pretty much all other symptoms, I did not get hyperfixations. Lol. Lmao, even.
I am mainly focused on wangxian and the junior quartet becuase they are my baby ducklings and i love them. I do come across some 3zun fics and I think huh... this is interesting. But the 3zun brainrot is LIGHT at this point.
The thing about reading more than 350 fanfics is that at some point you kind of piece the plot of the source material back together backwards. Especially because my favorite genre was time travel fix its, where characters relive the whole plot and like to make allusions to all the ways everything went wrong last time.
Because I'm still squarely in my wangxian + juniors (plus a heavy dosis of yunmeng sibling reconciliation) corner here... the feelings on jin guangyao in my fandom corner are. different from where I'd end up soon after. He is my special little guy though, so I do kind of immediatley develop a fondness for him, and I approach my 3zun and early nieyao thoughts specifcially from the assumption that the widespread opinion is that nie mingjue is a fine good guy and jgy is the evil one (I have not seen the bad nmj takes yet. well... I am seeing DIFFERENT bad nmj takes but they're nice to him. In, like, the wrong way. With no solid undertanding of the inherent tragedy at the heart of him that makes him so blorbo to me. But still.) major reactions to the stairs scene as I see them on twitter are "girlboss! He should've kicked him harder 💅"
And the baby jgy apologist in me goes :/ me no likey. And at this point I am also actively seeking out metas and analysis posts so i'm seeing some better opinions than that and getting a halfway solid graps on the themes. wwx and jgy being foils becomes very obvious to me very quickly. So, with my curent understanding of the plot, I go... you know all you people who are like "god i wish nmj would have killed jgy sooner" it uhh... kinda sounds like he'd have died if he did that. If he'd killed him before meng yao had gone off to spy there is a very big chance they'd have lost the sunshot campaign and most of the main cast would be dead. If he'd killed him at the stairs that's... well that's killing your sworn brother, which by the canon's own admission is a universally reviled crime, and jin guangshan could easily take advantage of this by demanding nmj's head in retribution, since he already wanted to get rid of him anyway. He doesn't give a fuck about a-yao of course but he could pretend well enough that he does. And what leg would nmj have to stand on? The jin clan is canonically both willing and able to slaughter entire clans for the murder or attempted murder of the leader or his family, and nie mingjue is the kinda guy who'd immediately offer himself up if it meant the rest of his clan would be spared.
This combined with jin guangyao specifcally dying for his murder of nie mingjue, with huaisang basically not caring much about everything else he does and wanting to get revenge only for his brother, it gives nieyao a sort of mutual doomed soulmates feel. For either of them, killing the other would spell death for themselves. They either both die or they both live, one cannot live on without the order. That's crunchy. I like it.
The fire palace though? well, on meng yao's part there is a real argument that if he'd let nmj get killed immediatly instead of dragging it out he wouldn't have been able to get wrh alone and distracted enough to assasinate him, so that's one half of the mutual doom coin, and if nmj had killed him during their fight there he's also done for. But after? Right before Xichen intervenes? I had no answer for that yet.
(You know what's coming. I did not)
It is at this point that i realize that if this is gonna keep being A Thing then i need to read the source material before I catch fatal fanon poisoning. Yes, I can piece together the plot and themes from seeing what stays consistent across fics and what are the author's own opinons. But I know just as well that sometimes fanon just agrees on shit that didn't happen and treats it like canon, and I have no way of knowing which is which. So I start reading the novel.
And of course, eventually I get to the empathy sequence. And remember, my "nieyao both live or both die" theory is heavy on my mind at this point, and the only stickler is that nmj could sort of have killed meng yao after the confrontation with wrh, still believing meng yao was actually working for him, and not a spy, and get off... not scott-free, Xichen won't be happy, but it's not gonna cost him his life.
And then I read THIS.
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Please Imagine dropping a whole block of pure elemental sodium into water. Except the sodium is this quote and the water is my poor little delicate brain. Not only is my theory right, it is ten times more unhinged than i thought it was.
And considering that Nie Mingjue does not seem like the kind of guy who'd consider something like a life debt to have an expiration date, and because after this he will link himself legally and socially to jin guangyao as family and declare that one among their brotherhood turning against the others is to be met with a painful death, I can no longer read the scene at the stairscase in jinlintai without the impression that he is still planning to die afterwards. Which, if you wanted to make that scene even more painful, this is a very efficient way of losing all your remaining hinges.
I think I'd have gone crazy about this line no matter what context I heard it in, but this one specifically? where I'm already obsessed with idea of nieyao's deaths being connected by the narrative and missing just this one piece and having it confirmed? out loud? from one of the characters himself? It's like giving cocaine to a baby.
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miqojak · 9 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @dragonsongmakhali and @thefreelanceangel (thanks! I get around to tagged things eventually, lmao)
This isn't in any particular order, they're just in whatever order they came to mind! I'll also note that I've never really understood the concept of 'being in a fandom'? I just...like the thing? So I guess this is more like "A handful of my all time favorite characters, many of whom went on to inspire me to write similar OCs whether I realized it at the time or not." Anyways, I wax verbose on this, so...buckle up, and thanks ahead of time if you decide to read it all!
I'll go through my recent notifications to tag some folks who've interacted lately (also thanks, I've been very ill and out of it for what feels like months now...) @ashenbun, @the-sycophant, @eorzeanflowers, @iron-sparrow, @briar-ffxiv, @merlwybs-wife, @sundered-souls, @superbolided, @ahollowgrave
1. Harley Quinn, Batman
What's not to love? She's quirky, she's (incredibly) smart, she's bi, and she's just one of many female characters I love for being flawed, but better for it! She's dealing with mental illness, and feels like only this one person understands her - and having been wrapped around a narcissist's finger before? I get it. You don't realize they're a piece of shit until...one day you do, or one day your friends get through to you that this is unhealthy, and you're not really yourself around this person. I love that she gets to be her own character these days, and live her own life, and do what she wants to do (when she figures that out) - I actually love that she works more and more with the Batfam in recent material because...she was never a villain. She's always been chaotic neutral! She changed who she was for the Joker, and was always miserable and mistreated no matter how hard she tried to be exactly who and what he wanted (a mewling servant) - and more often than not, even when she did what she thought he wanted, he still punished and humiliated her (like when she almost killed Batman). Bruce has LONG been on Harley's side, and long tried to talk some sense into her...but I think they'd been 'at odds' for too long for his words to get through to her, and it took the initial mutual compassion (and eventual love) shared between her and Pamela for someone's 'get the fuck out' speech to finally sink in. And now she's a fully realized character/woman with her own goals, her own personality, her own style... and if people don't like that she can do crime AND do good stuff alongside the Batfam? They can fuck off - at least, I imagine she'd say that, tbh. It's her choice - she never wanted what the Joker wanted. She just wanted him to notice her. Now she can act on her whims, and live in the moment and live up to her fullest potential! (Plus, while I'm not Jewish, I love that she is! At least in most iterations that I've seen.)
I think 'hurt people hurt people' is another good tagline for her - because the instant she's shown real compassion...be it from Bruce-outside-the-suit, or Poison Ivy? You can see her heart. You can see the sweet, and loving person she is under all the performing...or 'masking', you might say. The tragic clown doesn't need your laughter... they need your compassion. They need you to listen.
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2. Mackayla Lane, The Fever Series (I've read this series at least 6 times, and recommend you read it, too!)
Mackayla is a self-centered, pink-loving, girly-girl who doesn't think heavy thoughts - she likes to sunbathe, paint her nails, and enjoy lazy southern days by the pool, when she's not working part time as a bartender. Until her sister is murdered on a trip abroad, and in her fervor to find out what happened - and why it feels like nothing is being done about it - she picks up and goes to Ireland in search of clues her own damn self...and finds out about this whole hidden legacy of the Sidhe, Sidhe-Seers, and why/how she and her sister are tied into this world. It's such an emotional journey! She evolves into someone different a few times throughout this journey of grief, self-discovery, and...eventually, love. She learns to be more introspective, to be more aware of those around her, to look deeper in herself for strength, so as to never be a damsel in distress again - she fights furiously for a sister we never get to see alive. (and I love a good story about a character central to the plot who is dead before the story even begins, tbh.) She goes from someone I'd roll my eyes at, to someone I'd look up to, instead. She learns to be fierce, but not to lose her compassion in doing so. She learns to fight for not just herself, but others. She suffers, and it breaks her for a time - but she comes out of it stronger for it. She doesn't let it hold her down, anymore - she can't afford to, doesn't want to...she wants to fight back.
I love character development, and she's got it in spades...and that's not even touching on all the OTHER amazing characters around her in this series. Also, if you like a spicy slow-burn, this is it. 'Begrudging allies to lovers' is how I'd term it, I suppose. (I still long for a high production value show of this series...especially bc it would appeal to all kinds of people - it even goes post-apocalyptic later on! But not for the usual reasons.)
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3. Margo Hanson, The Magicians (The show, not the books, for once)
Feminist icon without being 'cringe' about it - and has a line I love, later on, about how her father told her she could be anything she wanted...until she wanted to be those things. Suddenly, the world wanted her to pick - you can't be strong AND womanly; 'you can't have both,' they told her. And she said 'Fuck You', and did it anyways. She is impossibly strong, but even she feels deeply on the inside. She rarely, if ever, lets it show how heavy the weight of the world is...she just shoulders on, and does the things no one else will do. She stands up for what's right, and now and then she fucks things up, too...because she's only human. But she's never apologetic about who she is. She lives out loud, owns her body, owns her opinions, and the rest of the world better get the fuck out of her way, because she's got a witty one-liner...and a gun.
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He's an alcoholic/addict, he's a wet rag, and he's basically the world's best occultist... whether you love him or hate him. (I love bisexuals getting the spotlight in media, so it's nice that he's that, too!) He's a rat bastard who's just trying to get by in a world that's chewed him up and spit him out time and time again - he drinks the pain away, he chases death, and...despite his best efforts, he lives. Because anytime he actually comes close to death, he realizes that it's all worth fighting for, actually - even if he always falls off the path again. Notably, neither he nor Harley Quinn were really supposed to be longstanding characters...and now they're both fully fleshed out people, and a couple of my favorites! I like that he's complex, mentally ill, and still tries to do what's right, most of the time. But the world pushes his hand, and something's got to give, and unfortunately it's usually the people around him who end up paying the price...which doesn't mean that he doesn't carry that guilt for the rest of his life, mind you. But the world itself was saved! ...though he'll never not regret the harm it causes the few people he lets close, and how it then causes so many others to avoid him like the plague, as they assume he's just a shit who will sacrifice his friends at the drop of a hat. He's the reluctant savior. The...anti-hero? I'm not even sure that's right, because he does want to do good. He just... does some fucked up things to achieve that good, because there's often genuinely no other way - and no one else has the fortitude or the know-how to do it but him. So he'll carry that load, so others don't have to. He'll smoke it away, drink it away...anything he has to, to quiet the guilt, and shame of saving the world from the shadows...never being thanked for it, because he doesn't fly around in spandex, or drive a fancy animal-themed car.
4. John Constantine, Hellblazer/DC Comics (An anti-hero I love, a rare bi-disaster MAN in media, and my favorite occultist/wizardy person in fiction, I think...besides Margo.)
Also, his Hellblazer comics are very politically left leaning and he shits on Tories and racists and homophobia, etc. He might hide his pain in ways that make him seem like a piece of shit, but at heart he knows what's right, and that his fellow man deserves better. (Also, it's implied that he slept with/dated King Shark...you go, king.)
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5. Dracula, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Castlevania (first the game, then the show) I was obsessed with the book even as a kid, and when I saw the most iconic scene in a video game ever, I was in love with his Castlevania counterpart, too.
Not much else to add to this one - I just think he's cool! I love vampires! I love Mina, as well, for all the strength she shows in the face of almost-certain-doom...but I love a good villain, and Dracula is the perfect villain. Also, it turns out the whole book might just have been one big, gay metaphor from a man in the closet! That's pretty cool to find out, after all these years. I do love the backstory from the film of him being SO IN LOVE with his wife that he cursed God and just...became a vampire. Because 'I fought in your crusades and you let the woman I love kill herself? Fuck you, I'm just never going to die. Now I'll kill all your beloved humans!' Castlevania's backstory is similar enough that I enjoy both iterations of it - a man driven to madness by love, and loss...and in Castlevania, it's not even his FAULT he keeps getting summoned back, which is where this scene below even comes from, which kinda cracks me up. He specifically points out what pieces of shit humans are...they say they hate him, but it's humans who always summon him back to do THEIR dirty work.
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6. Taimi, Guild Wars 2
When you first meet her, she's a bobble headed child prodigy, even among the incredibly intelligent race of Asura, with big hair and an even bigger pink bow on her head - who has a terminal illness, and a physical disability from it that makes it hard for her to walk...but it never stops her. Not even once. Commander might be a badass, but they'd be nothing without Taimi's vast intelligence saving the world time and again - and you almost have to watch her die! She loses her favorite mech, which is both a walking apparatus and her best friend, and goes on to lose her best friend/love interest...and the pain never breaks her. She's a literal child, a teen/young adult by current story - and the endurance and compassion and strength she shows are just...making me emotional to even write about. And while she's still alive in story at present (and they've aged her up over time!)... we discussed with her not that long ago in story how she is dying - and she feels the pressure to get as much done as she can before that day. But one day, she won't be with us anymore...and despite all the people that Commander has lost? I'll never be ready to lose my little rat-daughter.
Go play Guild Wars 2.
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7. Jaina, World of Warcraft
You meet her as a young woman, in Warcraft - an idealist who believes in peace, and stands against the open, and blatant racism against the Orcs, and the Horde. She strives for this peace so hard that she allows her own father to be executed - and for years, she stands with the Horde, and speaks on their behalf and fights for peace...until those same people go out of their way to not just screw her over, but almost kill one of the only family members she has who accepts her, and steal an ancient artifact that could basically just wipe out the Alliance much like the bomb that was used to wipe out the whole city she was in charge of. She suffers from the guilt of not trying harder to help Arthas. She suffers so...so much guilt, for so many things. She isn't perfect, and she has acted out of hurt, and rage at times - but she grows, and learns, and becomes this whole person comprised of beautiful flaws and complexities. I know what it's like to have your friends betray you, and want to burn it all down. I know what it's like, to need years to come to terms with that hurt. I know the pain of years and years of guilt and self-loathing and 'what-if's'. Jaina has become an amazing woman who has helped people, hurt people, and learned both difficult, and beautiful lessons along the way, to become an ultimately better person who still believes in the rights of all people...just with less of that youthful naivete that got her so hurt and blindsided.
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8. Ahsoka, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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I put off watching Clone Wars, and thought I wouldn't like how they worked Ahsoka in...and boy was I ever wrong. Finally, at long last, there's a female character who is given as thorough a Jedi treatment as Luke, or Anakin...if not better! I love analyzing the 'family lineage' of which Jedi mentors which, and it's a bit funny how Qui-Gon was a rule-breaker paired with Obi-Wan-the-rule-lover...and then he ended up with a padawan even more about going against the grain, because Qui-Gon was supposed to have 'raised' Anakin, himself - then Anakin ends up with a Padawan in an attempt to teach him about how to move on from loss...because all padawans grow up and move on with their lives, one day - but he ended up with someone just as hard-headed and outspoken and out-going as him, and he got a taste of what it was like to be his master! All that said, Ahsoka grows and develops and learns hard lessons, and...grows up as a child soldier in a war the Jedi never should have been a part of, anyways - and (spoilers) when she goes on to be wrongfully accused of a crime by the Jedi Council...they try to walk it back later by saying 'oh this was clearly a test by the Force and you've passed, hooray promotion'. Ahsoka is having none of it. It's hypocrisy. It's a lie. They can't put their own pride aside, and admit that they were wrong! And why would she want to be a part of an organization like that? That's not a promotion at all. Now she'd be just like them, and that leaves a sour taste in her mouth. (Not to mention other hypocritical things she notices throughout the series.) She goes on to learn to live in balance - not all emotions are bad. It's not about complete eradication of emotion, but learning which ones to cultivate, and which ones to set aside and think on. She learns what the elder (extremist) Jedi will not - balance. She becomes better than all those who came before...even Yoda, who is in her Jedi-family-lineage; he admits that the Jedi are blinded by their arrogance, but he's among them! I love everything about her story...so far, at least. I've got yet more catching up to do with Rebels and the Ahsoka show.
9. Asajj Ventress, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Honestly, I like her for a lot of the reasons I like Ahsoka - they're like two sides of a coin, and I think she even says this to Ahsoka later in the series. But Asajj suffered immensely early in life, and lost two father figures (even if one of them was her kidnapper) - to include a Jedi Knight who was briefly her Master, before he was slain in battle. She was picked up by Count Dooku, and had her pain and hate stoked like a fire...and in time he betrayed her, as well. And still...she went on to be resilient, strong, smart, and a master in her own fields of stealth and assassination. She learned hard lessons, and learned to think for herself - she learned that she didn't need any of those men who had come before, in her life...she only needed herself. Her own wits. Her own strength. Her own intelligence. Much like Ahsoka, she broke away from what others tried to mold her into, and became her own woman... whether people liked who she became, or not.
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She's a badass. Watch Clone Wars. Read her books.
10. Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Does this one need a reason? She's an imperfect badass, too! She's a lot like Mac, mentioned earlier - she's girly, but not always. Sometimes it concerns her what people might think of that - being feminine, but strong - but she learns to embrace her strength and ferocity and role in the supernatural world... although not without bucking against the system just like Ahsoka and Ventress do - she makes it her own. She plays by her rules, not the Council's, not her Watcher's...and when she does so selfishly, and screws up, she learns a hard lesson about the wisdom and input of your friends and family, and considering how your choices affect those around you. She decides she will not be a dog on a leash for the Council (maybe she was some inspiration for Ahsoka...) - she's here to do two things: look fly, and kick monster ass. Oh yeah - and empower other young women to do the same.
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Honorable mentions for Spike (from Buffy), Lucifer (from the self-titled show), Aurene (GW2), Eliot Waugh (The Magicians), Catra (SPOP)
You'll no doubt note that pretty much all the women on the list are people who suffered immensely/were wronged and eventually grew stronger for that, and overcame both the situation and their own flaws...I love a bitch who can overcome both her own flaws, and the world itself being against her!
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irrlicht-writes · 9 days
Hello, first of all, I love your writing, I wish I could write like you ;u;, I really admire your dedication. I used to write on AO3, but I haven't done it for 5 years.
Anyway, I just wanted to express my opinion that, Vox doesn't deserve to be with Alastor because he is not a good partner for him. He always claims that he loves Alastor with all his heart, but it seems superficial, and here are my point
1. Vox almost abused Alastor in *Etched* if it weren’t for Alastor ripping his cables out. Maybe he would have succeeded.
2. Vox never sacrifices anything for Alastor. Even though Alastor doesn’t admit that "he loves him," he always gives him everything and sacrificed even his heart for him. And Vox didn’t even bother to defend him, nor did he care to believe him. He’s too selfish and delusional to admit any fault. I feel like he's the kind of person who feels guilty but believes that feeling bad is enough. He has never apologized to Alastor face to face while he's awake.
3. He never apologized for cheating on him with Elliot, Valentino, or Tornado.
4. He keeps being an idiot and supporting Redfall BOTH TIMES. My theory is that Redfall reminds him of how he was when he was alive, so he normalizes and justifies this type of person.
5. He left Alastor starving at his house and decided to ignore him, trying to convince himself that Alastor doesn’t love him, even though he kept his damn company. And then he abandons him again because obviously, his company is more important than Alastor.
7. He didn’t wear the ring Alastor gave him, and from what I’ve seen, as long as he’s satisfied and nothing happens in front of him, he doesn’t care about Alastor’s well-being. Then he did the "r-word" to Alastor (I’m not comfortable saying it) MULTIPLE TIMES (although I could somewhat understand it because he swore there was consent, but still, I don’t justify it). And he didn’t apologize either. He only realized something was wrong during the abortion scene (my theory is that in Alastor’s hallucinations, he was afraid the baby was Redfall’s). Anyway, THAT HAD TO HAPPEN FOR VOX TO REALIZE, and still the only one suffering is Alastor
I'm not saying it's poorly written, because it’s established that Vox is a bad person—with his ex-partners, with other people, harassing girls from what he talked about with Redfall, and being a coward, of course he is a terrible person. And if Alastor has never turned to him for help or much else, and still hasn't bothered to tell him what the hell happened in those 7 years he disappeared, it’s just that it bothers me that, as a character, Vox always claims to love Alastor, but never follows through with actions after those declarations. Maybe Alastor is better off without Vox. .
Hi! Thank you, I really appreciate it! You should get back into writing, it doesn't have to be good! I certainly cringe reading my old stuff. This is honestly the longest and most consistent I've been in years.
True, if Alastor hadn't stopped Vox, who knows what would've happened? It's possible Vox would've stopped on his own, but I think it'd be mre likely he would've gone too far before realising that Al doesn't actually *do* this.
Alastor is probably the one thing that Vox really truly cares about, and so is: he fucks up. A lot. He doesn't want to do anything wrong, and in so doing, he just makes it worse. Also Vox is usually with people that are very straight forward with what they want (like Val) so having someone like Al who just won't say what he wants, Vox is usually at a loss for what to do. Not that that justifies his behaviour, he should be able to pick up context clues :p
I'm impressed you remember Tornado... my little shark... rip him in pieces. Also, I don't think Vox *really* counts it as cheating. Val happened while Alastor was away, Elliot was technically assisted cheating and they had a fight (sort of) so Vox was justified. And Tornado; well, I guess you could say Vox wasn't sure if he and Al were in a relationship or not? And then you'd need to define what cheating would even entail because even if it might sound different, Alastor doesn't care if Vox has sex with Val. He cares whether or not Vox loves someone else, and those are two different things.
Yeah, Redfall def reminds him of himself a little. He ahould've taken Alastor's initial reaction to heart and kick the dog out, but he didn't.
To be a bit fair: Vox didn't think it would be so bad. All his life, Al had been this pretty untouchable thing that was just always going to be fine. The first month was put of his hand, and the second month was him being petty. And barren Elliot, when they had their fight, Alastor *was* fine.
Yeah.. yeah, he ruined it. But as always - Alastor will just forgive him.
Vox didn't wear the ring because he doesn't have it on his person. It's back at the tower, and Vox didn't want to go back to get it at that point, especially because Redfall came in right after. He didn't wear it beforehand because he was't sure if it was okay to do so, even though Al gave it to him. (Also it's a bit too tight because Al only had his own finger for comparison) To Vox, it really wasn't assault. Sure, he absolutely should've checked if Al was really okay, but all the signs he could see pointed to yes. Also in that timeframe, he believes that what Redfall did wasn't *so bad*. Sure it wasn't okay, but as an singular action existing in a vacuum, it wasn't the worst that could've happened. (He's wrong, of course, as Niffty basically tells him point-blank.) And yes, that's exactly what Alastor is believing in that scene :)
To be fair... Alastor hasn't talked about what happened in the seven years because... I don't know what happened? :P I like to stay as on-canon as I can, and we have no crumbs to go on atm. And I mean - that's why love isn't enough. He says he loves him, and he DOES, but there's nothing else. There's just love, and that's just not enough. Yeah, Alastor might be better off without Vox. But that's not really the thing that's gonna matter, is it? We don't always get what's best for us; or what we deserve, sometimes we get the thing we want, even if it's bad for us. And Alastor knows what he wants, and not much else will suffice. Vox might not redeem himself to Alastor, because in the end, the one person that matters won't ask it of him. He still can; and he still should, but he won't have to. We'll see what happens. Everything's still up in the air, and maybe Vox and Alastor will surprise all of us! :D
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No matter how stupid or futile this is, I have to do it, I have to write everything down. Maybe it will help me remember, although I have to say forgetting sounds pretty amazing right now. Still, I need to make sense of things, but at least clear my head.
Who am I kidding. This is not for me. It's for you and I so, so hope you will be able to read it. That you'll understand what I went through and why it had to end this way.
Right. Let's do it before this paper disappears along with this fucking day.
It's March 1986 and out of all the fucked up things that have happened in my life, this one takes the cake. Two murders with a curse, power of mind, whatever. People fall asleep standing, start floating, die with a crunch and there's no sign of it stopping, so that's fun. And by fun I mean really fucking horrible. It seems I'm writing the word "fuck" a lot. It helps a bit.
Nancy said, I mean, will say later today...that the guy, Vecna, Henry Creel, One, who honestly cares, plans to do some really messed up shit with Hawkins. And yeah, which villain doesn't have plans like that, but this one means it. Like, really means it. I saw it happen again and again and for some fucked up reason, some higher power chose me to fix this. Just adorable.
Why it chose me, I have no fucking clue. Anyone else would have been a better choice - Dustin and that huge brain of his would figure out not only what to do, but also why it's happening. He'd make sure Vecna would bite the dust during the second, third loop. Maybe it would be a week, but he'd get it eventually. Robin would run around like a headless chicken, but she'd start piecing things together. Nancy? She'd grab a gun or twenty and make sure everyone lives to see another day. Me? I can't get anything right.
I tried telling the others, but honestly, where do you start? You all die horrible and gory deaths. I've seen you choked, broken, torn apart, bleeding out, bones crushed to pieces, all that and more. I keep trying to fix things, but you don't listen to me and at this point, I don't even want to tell anyone because you look at me in that sad, pitying way, as if I was stupid - and shit, maybe I am, okay, not much going on under this fabulous hair, but the last time I tried telling you, you forced me to sit it out and nothing changed, except I just had to wait, listen to your screaming on the walkie. That has been the worst loop so far.
And what's even worse is how much I know about all of you now. I never thought the end of the world would take this long, but I've spent days changing things, piece by piece, but it still ends in bloodshed. But I keep the pieces of you all I've collected along the way and they make the stakes so much higher, so much more cruel. I used to think I know all of you but now I feel like I have some extra puzzle pieces that were thrown in the box and I need to keep them a secret. Day by day I keep learning about everyone...and about myself.
You hate yourself so much and I don't understand it. You do the best you can with the hand you're given and I admire it so much, even if I saw you in a completely different light only a few days ago. But ever since we met in that boathouse, you intrigue me. What you do for the kids, for Dustin...you need to survive this. You need to live because I can't imagine a world without you.
I'm going to try something different today. I used to charge with you, storm the Creel house, but this time I will have to stay behind. Maybe it's just a matter of time, maybe you just need a few more minutes, seconds...but I can't stand to see you die again.
If by any chance this paper makes it with all of you to the next day, I just want to say it was an honor to meet you. I'm so glad I could learn so much about you, understand you, learn to love you for who you are. Maybe it's a matter of a simple exchange and I'm willing to try, because to me you're worth it. I wonder if we could have been friends, maybe something more, if we were only given more time.
Hm. Can't believe I wrote that. Sorry, didn't mean to make this awkward, but marching towards certain death makes you brave.
Please take care of everyone, Steve. And yourself too. Especially yourself.
Love Yours Thank you for everything.
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Thank you dear!!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Edwin and Charles don't actually play Cluedo very often. Charles, with his ADHD and dyslexia, has a bitch of a time keeping track of revealed clues without Edwin's prompting, and Edwin finds the game simple at best.
The bulk of their collection came from a longtime client (a magician) who shared a love for mysteries but lost manual dexterity as they aged—ergo, they gave their Cluedo collection to the Agency. At first, it was one edition at a time, then shortly before the client's death, he gave them the rest.
It's possible that as the Agency grows, Cluedo will come out more often. After all, the more players, the more interesting the game...
Yes, some of the editions are enchanted, what of it?
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Interact with me (nicely, excitedly) via tags, comments, ask box
Have some kind of tagging system so I can blacklist tags I don't want to see
Write and post your work on AO3 and include a link to your Tumblr where I can find it so I can follow you everywhere
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Oof, honestly I don't have many unpopular opinions re: DBD.... at least when compared to, say, Tolkien haha. Let's see, here are some thoughts that I've either seen contradicted or rarely/never mentioned:
I liked Crystal right away
The Cat King is 10000% a predator (literally and figuratively)—and he's also a delightful character
If literally any of the mains were normal at all, they would have found Monty insanely suspicious. (Like... why the fuck was he outside the T&T at the ass-crack of dawn?!?! You're supposed to be a teenager! SLEEP IN.) To be clear, I love Monty!!! But his behavior/habits are extremely unusual, and I think it's quite telling that none of the core four pick up on that. And again—I love Monty, and I think his demeanor is one of the most winning on the show.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
I mean, right now, Dead Boy Detectives lol!
Generally, there's nothing specific beyond the canon I happen to be writing for. I'm more inspired by my own experiences/interests/tastes than other media. I will sometimes have ideas that are clearly inspired by moments in media (there's a future plot point in my fic A Familiar Story that is inspired by something from The Owl House, for example), but I don't tend to think of inspiration in that way.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Roasting = 500°F and NO LESS
Do cognitive tests as an adult on a semi-regular basis so you know if/how/when something changes.
Find offline hobbies. I recommend swing dancing!
Ask A Manager is a GODSEND—highly recommended for any kind of job/school-related advice!!! Cover letters, interviewing, gut-checks, managing... etc.
Send me interesting asks!
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It was a nice movie, but I honestly thought they would be more threesome / throuple in it. A bit disappointing.
Zendaya is incredible as always. She should stick to those characters (she is less convincing with Rue's characters aka Drug addicts).
I'm wondering if this story is a true one, based on Roger Federer and his wife (Mika). Too much Uniqlo as a clue.
I also noticed that Tashi was always craving Patrick touch than Art.
What happened in Atlanta, is Tashi's daughter from Patrick and not Art?
I think that too much elements/events were missing from the main point to have a full picture of the story.
What happened to Patrick in the mind time?
I also didn't understand why the need to add a storm in the end?
Also didn't like the music behind the scenes.
Some quotes:
"- What makes you think I want someone to be in love with me? (Tashi)
"- You're 31. You have a better shot with a handgun in your mouth. Go home, ask your parents for a seat on the board, or you know what, matter of fact, ask them for some money. Okay? Go be like any other spoiled kid who has ever amounted to nothing in their fucking life, and stop this performance of being a down-on-your-luck professional." (Tashi)
"- Maybe you just wanted to see me. (Patrick) - I have seen you. You look like shit." (Tashi)
"- I always tried to figure out what happened to you, but you know, the more I've thought about it, the more I realize... it's what didn't happen. You never grew up. You still think you can talk to me like you're my peer because we came from the same place. But it's not about where you come from in tennis, Patrick. It's about winning. And I do. A lot. (Art) - You've never beaten me. (Patrick) - So what? This is a game about winning the points that matter." (Art)
"- I'm just not as disturbed by it as you are. I don't have nearly that high an opinion of myself. (Patrick) - You are the most egotistical person I have ever met in my life. (Tashi) - Oh, sure, sure. But I've never been confused about the fact that I'm a piece of shit. That's what you like about me. (Patrick) - I don't like anything about you. (Tashi) - No, you like precisely one thing about me and it's that I'm such a piece of shit that I could actually see you for what you are. (Patrick) - And what is that? (Tashi) - In reality? A really, really insanely hot woman. (Patrick) - Oh, fuck off. (Tashi) - I guess now you'd say a MILF. (Patrick) - Pull over. (Tashi) - Come on, don't be dramatic. (Patrick)
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 7 months
What I'm Watching: February 2024
How we doing, folks? Didn't do much between Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bebop, but I made the most of it.
Perfect Blue
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JDJWIXBEYSIFNEHXOABSUD I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH! Psychological horror is my favorite kind, and questions of self, sanity, and perception can be so juicy. This movie made me so fucking uncomfortable the first time I watched it that I didn't think I'd be able to sit through it again, and now I love it even more every time. Even outside of the story, it's just an incredible piece of filmmaking. The transitions in the opening scene alone, shifting between Mima's different personas so seamlessly in motion but so jarringly in presentation, could be a short film on their own. But then the rest of the movie is like that. Reality and illusion weave together so tightly that I still can't fully pin down what's what (I think the key is somewhere in the overexposed vs the saturated shots, but I keep forgetting to pay attention to that to make sure). The soundtrack lends itself brilliantly to the uneasiness and anxiety, and even divorced from the context of the movie, I can't bring myself to listen to "Virtual Mima" all the way through. It's too effective. On the other hand, I also can't comfortably listen to "Angel Of Love," thanks to context, but it's a fun pop song if you've never seen the elevator scene. It's impossible to overstate how much heavy lifting the soundtrack is doing. The story itself is simple enough, a young woman having an identity crisis in the spotlight while a stalker targets the people around her, but the way it unfolds is such a mindfuck, it warrants rewatching (and rewatching and rewatching, etc). I've already mentioned the transitions in the opening, and that expands later on into flashbacks, dreams, scenes that seem to be real life but are later revealed as part of the crime drama Mima is filming. It makes it hard to predict what is really going on, right up until the moment before a thing happens and that one tiny clue makes everything else click into place. This is the kind of writing I aspire to. As if that's not enough, the themes of celebrity worship, obsession, exploitation in the entertainment industry, and mental illness, and this movie stays relevant. For all that it takes place during the shift from analog to digital and the early days of the internet, it feels eerily timeless. It's my go-to in conversation about movies: have you seen Perfect Blue?
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If I'd been obsessed with *this* Jim Henson movie instead of The Dark Crystal when I was younger, who knows how it might have changed me as a person. Meh, probably not that much, tbh, since I've always loved stories like this. Which leads me to one of my favorite themes in fiction that I don't really see discussed in regards to this: the stories we tell ourselves. In Sarah's case, her indecisiveness (does she want to be the hero or the villain, and consequently, who does she want Jareth to be?) and unwillingness to lead the story is, ironically, what drives the story. The story she tells herself just happens to her, and she's not responsible for any of it, and it's not fair. A childish mindset, of course, and naturally her arc concerns taking responsibility for herself and learning to balance it with a healthy relationship to fantasy. When put that way, it's even more obvious how important it is that she refuse Jareth and his offer, "Let me rule you, and you can have everything." Stay in this dream world and everything you could ever want or desire is yours forever? A tempting offer for anyone, and Sarah's decision is a.) What finally, truly assigns her the role of the hero, and b.) Pretty wise, considering she's only a teenager. That's all Jareth has to offer, is a dream, and in her own words, "it's all junk." And speaking of Jareth... It's probably for the best I didn't grow up with fear me, love me, etc in my system, because it's done enough of a number on me as it is. What else to say? He's David fricken Bowie, what more do you need to say? This also applies to the music, just so we're clear (and that goes double for "Chilly Down"). And for the rest, it's Jim fricken Henson!
Mrs Brown's Boys
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And that's basically the series so far in a nutshell. It kinda reminds me of The Carol Burnett Show, if there were episodic plot lines instead of sketch comedy and they'd been allowed to swear. I think that's mostly to do with the fourth wall and/or character breaks throughout, the former of which happens frequently enough to be a running gag but not so often it becomes a gimmick, and the latter is always fun no matter what you're watching.
Wolf Creek 2
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So, if you start playing franchise bingo with slasher movies, you notice the villains themselves fall into two categories: they either don't talk and they're boring/only there to be indestructible killing machines, or they do talk and they're the absolute worst/will kill you for sure but will have so much fun doing it. (This excludes Terrifier, which is an outlier adn should not be counted.) And you can guess which category Mick Taylor falls into. I posted a few thoughts while watching this one, and I think overall, I dig it. The flashier action bits are to be expected, given that sequels tend to take the bigger-is-better approach, but other than that? Consistent as hell from the first one. Tense, graphic, and mean-spirited, with gorgeous cinematography, protagonists you can root for, and a villain who is both just fucking AWFUL and charismatic enough to make you question your judgement. And apparently there's a series???
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neonscandal · 2 years
Manga With Me: JJK Crackpot Theories (But Maybe Not) Rapid Fire Edition
I have had a lot of thoughts lately without any time to properly articulate them so let’s start the new year off with a shotgun blast of my least founded hot takes because, why not? Some of them might have some context clues but others might just be ideas I know I’ll never use for fanfics so, now, we all have to suffer. Enjoy my “What Ifs” and weigh in with your own. 👇🏾
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⚠️ Spoiler warning: as these are rapid fire takes, covers info through current chapter of 209 and JJK0.
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Nobara isn’t dead, Megumi was just paying Yuji back with his vagueness.
I just think it would be such an unhinged turn of events for Nobara to be largely okay but Megumi played the long game because how dare Yuji go along with Gojo’s half baked plan and force him to feel things for a sustained period of time?? Like, no real benefit to the plot in concealing her status except as a prank. I feel like Akutami would totally pull something like that too just for the sake of trolling. But if she came back as a critical plot point!? Even better, she deserved more shine. We also haven't seen a satisfying end to Nobara's need to reunite with Saori so I won't confirm her death until it's conveyed explicitly.
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We haven't seen the best side of Miwa
I maintain the Akutami has been pretty good about tying in even the slightest of details (okay bit of dickriding here, I know). I've written about the fact that Miwa may not have such humble origins but I believe the last time we saw Miwa sets her up for a big awakening as well. The Tokyo and Kyoto schools differ in many ways as the latter tends to toe the more traditional line in agreement with the reigning jujutsu elders. Yaga, an indicator of the Tokyo school's tendency toward progressiveness, was considered odd with his cursed puppets and this eccentricity is foundational to those who work and attend the Tokyo school.
During Yuta's introduction, Maki makes it a point to mention that the weak always gather in packs, sorcerers and curses. We see countless times that Kyoto school executes as a pack, whether that is during the Goodwill Event or even when going after Kenjaku!Geto. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gojo presses his students to go on missions appropriate for sorcerers of his caliber unsupervised. Where the elders and Kyoto seem to be intent on pacification and predictable power scaling, Tokyo is home to those the established order would consider abominations and would rather see gone. Those too weird (Yuji, Panda, Maki, the third years, I believe even Inumaki is a bit of an outcast) or those too powerful to control (Gojo, Yuta). So, the last time we saw little old Miwa... why was she alone? Because her powered up debut is loading. ✨
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Megumi will be the one to exorcise Sukuna.
This is perhaps the rawest of theories considering. But Megumi’s technique requires him to summon and effectively exorcise a different animal curse in order to successfully wield it. We saw the eldritch horror he summoned as a final “fuck you” before Sukuna intervened and saved him (seriously, what was that?). So what if Megumi, in the end has the power to exorcise and wield Sukuna (a la Rika to Yuta)? Like... is this the best case scenario to save our sunshine boy, Yuji? This theory is held together by silly string but I am going to stake it on the fact that we were given the hopeless backstory of Gojo and Geto as how things had gone wrong. As the reader, should we not expect that that new iteration of this dynamic would prove to be more victorious? I'm just holding out hope. *weeps in Itafushi*
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Megumi is an integral piece of the future of jujutsu and emotional damage is in the forecast
In many ways, this is already apparent. Gojo, following Toji's last directive, plucked Megumi and Tsumiki from their lives alone knowing the value of Megumi's technique and birthright. In cultivating Megumi's talent, we find out that centuries ago their ancestors were powerful enough to fight one another and we already know Gojo is OP. Megumi, unsure of himself and still developing will be a force to be reckoned with. We've seen it in glimpses already. This potential is something that Sukuna also covets which speaks volumes. We've seen with Gojo’s origin story (and Spider-Man) that great power leads to great responsibility. End game, I believe Megumi will be tasked with exorcising or killing Yuji out of necessity. But, if things in the box go horrendously wrong, I also think he'll be responsible for putting Gojo down. Hell, it might simply come down to a painful choice between Yuji and Gojo and we’ve already seen that Megumi trends toward Yuji’s preservation. I won’t say current events put a decision between Yuji or Tsumiki but 👀
Worse, I fear there will be a reckoning when he realizes he didn't have the full story behind what went down between Gojo and Toji. Either way, Gojo has cast Megumi as his equal and so has Akutami. Historically, this has ended tragically and Gojo's heart would simply be torn asunder to be undone by his own beloved protege.
Toji isn’t actually as much of a piece of shit.
This isn’t actually a plot development. I think we, as the readers, are meant to contextualize a few things to comprehend what may come to light about him. 1. He named Megumi “blessing” which leads me to believe that, while he was demonstrably awful, Megumi’s birth could have been a turning point. Tbh I think something happened to Megumi’s mom (well before Toji met Tsumiki’s mom) which sent him back down the spiral of being a degenerate and ultimately selling off his kid. I wonder how much the elders may have had to do with her death. Whether those be the Zenin or Jujutsu elders is really up in the air. 2. Akutami, in interviews, implied that Gojo wasn’t really a monogamous person in that they couldn’t see him settling down with one woman. Mind you, they then slowly reveal the deeper connection to Geto which fills in some gaps to what I'm considering a deliberate misdirection. So I’m wondering if the implication about Toji being a broke ass bum, while valid, has additional context yet to be seen.
Yuji hasn't seen the last of Yuko Ozawa
Again, this is a raw ass theory considering, I can't even lie and call it half baked. But wouldn't it be crazy if Yuko makes it to the end fight, perhaps similarly motivated as Kurusu with some cursed entity within her seeking Sukuna's head but she'll retain an affinity toward Yuji or something? Like why introduce her and that precious history with Yuji if she's not going to boomerang back into the story? Even if all she'll be is sentimental cannon fodder (I'm looking at you Junpei).
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Well now that I've seen the movie I guess the only thing I can do is re-read Handle With Care and pretend it never existed in the first place ! Do I dare ask what you thought of it ?
Oh boy. I TRULY am not even sure where to start. I’ll preface this by saying I didn’t have particularly high hopes, and was kinda just expecting to enjoy the nostalgia piece of it all.
However, it felt like the movie substituted substance (character development, coherent storytelling and plot continuation, etc.) for nostalgia? Like a washed up rock band coming back together for a one-night-only reunion show and trying to cram all of their biggest hits into a 2 hour, 20 minute runtime with a bit clumsy execution.
I think the first point that bothers me is the way that the logic/rules of the world that were established in S1 and onward just…don’t exist anymore. The wolfsbane being burnt out without needing the strain of wolfsbane that poisoned Scott. Peter Hale sniffing the ground like a dog (although ngl that was funny as fuck and I’m hoping? intentional) when werewolves can literally smell chemosignals from a good distance away, let alone blood. The nogitsune being Gerard who is already a werewolf, right? But also the nogitsune is not supposed to be able to be a fox and wolf? Also, Mr. Harris acquiring the jar for the Nogitsune from Liam and Hikari in Japan (how did it get there in the first place?), neither of whom he had ever met because he was presumed dead after s3?
I’m also really…confused about the repeated decision to introduce storylines without giving integral background information (or at least, a reason to give a fuck?) Parrish and Malia. Derek Hale having a son. Hikari and Liam in Japan. Gerard becoming a nogitsune.
Especially with Hikari…she’s like the first figure we see in the movie and yet by the end of it, I have no clue at all who she is as a person. Her and Liam (and MASON. What the hell.) are like cardboard cutouts with a button that you push to spit out occasional one-liners.* And I don’t understand the introduction of a new character when they’re essentially a nothing factor and have such limited, flat interactions with the existing cast. They let Eli Hale shine and become someone we root for. I want to care about Hikari! But I feel like I wasn’t given a reason to. I don’t know if the role was written for Kira and unchanged when Arden declined and was replaced, but it seemed like it was written as if we were automatically supposed to know, understand, and root for Hikari while essentially only knowing she’s a kitsune who is Liam’s love interest? and works at a ramen house with him. All her defining traits seemed to be about what she can offer to the plot rather than who she actually is.
Maybe I placed too many expectations on the ability to develop some of these things within the runtime of the movie…but I think if there’s an inability to make all of these plot points logical, some of them could’ve gotten cut. But, I’d really like to know other thoughts/feelings on the movie, though! Also I totally could’ve missed some things in the movie that would’ve alleviated some of my frustrations with it, but I dunno.
Positives! Oh babey I am so glad Theo fucking Raeken was not in that movie. Also the copious use of the word fuck was awesome lmfao. And I thought Eli was funny! (he’s, uh, very much like a Stiles Jr. but I have no comment on that). Also Finstock is Finstock which is cool. And thank the heavens for Alan Deaton. And the scene where Allison had to burn the wolfsbane out and having her mother over her shoulder as a callback to that one scene when she has to stitch up Scott was well done, I thought.
*on the note of characterization, I think I have this same gripe with a lot of characters in the movie. Jackson is essentially there just to keep Lydia company. Malia and Parrish are a thing because…reasons? Allison is undead after 15 years and working through amnesia and she’s somehow not that affected by it? (Yeah, she’s like, murderous and disoriented at first…but after realizing she’s been dead 15 years and remembering Scott she’s kinda fine?) Mason is just another familiar face on the police force. Derek seemed so UnDerek to me. And even after trying to rationalize that fatherhood changes a person, his timid ~just a father trying to do my best to raise my delinquent child of mysterious origins that I love very much~ just didn’t…work for me. Also HIM CHOOSING TO BURN TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIS KID OMFG.
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i just saw that essays on how ships work and the person has no clue 😭
they kept just shitting on aeon too 😭😭
heart rambles yadda yadda lol
PLEASE i love reading "analysis" from some 18 year old that just finished reading romeo and juliet or whatever jskbdfjsfs (not that all younger people are stupid- but i just.. question them sometimes.) (also i'm not BULLYING THEM LOL, i haven't even named them and i'm purposely being vague right now on who it is. i also blocked them already so i don't see them and if they see me- that's their problem ig)
ya know, i've never had the intention to "shit on other ships" it's one thing to "shit on" a ship that's not canon and is purely made in fanon.
when people shit on aeon, they
only played a single game (or not even played at this point, some seem to just be watching letsplays or tiktoks)
are a leon dick rider (which, hey whatever- but leave leon's face model alone already what the fuck)
find ada intimidating and "in the way of their own ship" (they tend to put their insecurities onto ada instead of going to therapy lol)
or are racist or misogynistic or try to demonize and sexualize ada
think that ada is "the whore" and doesn't deserve leon
(side note: i find it a good litmus test to present ada to young girls and see how they react to her and how purity culture and misogyny is so closely tied together)
i'm not being untrue when i say that i don't like certain ships because they fundamentally do not make sense and are not written to make sense. this isn't me SHITTING on the ship; im stating facts. devs never intended the ship to exist, they specifically wrote things out to make the ship not exist. certain ships are WRITTEN to be PLATONIC.
and when people interpret these ships as platonic- they aren't SHITTING ON THEM. when i think of leon and ashley as "siblings" or older mentor- i'M NOT SHITTING ON IT. IT'S BECAUSE I CAN NOT VIEW THEM AS ROMANTIC.
when i think of leon and claire as acquaintances- i'm NOT SHITTING ON THE SHIP- they IN THE LORE DO NOT MAKE SENSE AS FRIENDS- LET ALONE LOVERS.
(if YOU INTERPRET it as romantic- THAT'S FINE, but don't come to me for approval because i (along with the media- disagree with you) you are COMPLETELY FINE! to ship whoever you want! i DO NOT CARE lol i'm just going to block and move on
but any interpretations of romance are based in nothing- and the story does not push for romance between two characters.
i've seen a lot of "LEON'S DONE WITH ADA" interpretations of re4r and while i find it mostly amusing, capcom isn't going to rewrite AND retcon 3 pieces of media where leon and ada are STILL CANON.
we have to remember that re4 is set in 2004. and re6 is 2012. we have YEARS to see how and what else happens in between leon and ada's lives to see how intertwined they are. re4r doesn't ERASE their ship, it's just another iteration of it. i find it funny that people HOLD onto this as if it's a trump card. it's really not- leon and ada have always been a push and pull- and with how they decided to characterize leon in re4r, it makes SENSE (i've said i don't necessarily agree with it) that leon PUSHES BACK. re4 has always been their SECOND MEETING
anyways im hungry bye lol
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wickerfox · 5 months
So a little while back my friend Page and I ended up talking about Star Wars and specifically the Clone Wars show and while talking about it and the prequels it sparked an idea. What if someone whose never seen Star Wars were to watch the movies and tv shows in chronological order? What kind of viewing experience would that be? Watching in order the retroactive changes made to characters and explanations given from the start and seeing the full timeline of events without any of the dramatic irony or knowledge of the looming tragedy. Of course I realized that'd be impossible considering what a staple of pop culture the franchise is, everyone knows the twists and the characters already, everyone knows that Darth Vader is Luke's father, you'd never be able to get that unique experience of watching everything unfold in real time unless the person watching genuinely didn't have any knowledge or understanding about Star Wars beyond maybe the first movie.
Anyways, I don't having any knowledge or understanding about Star Wars beyond the first movie
My dad made me watch it back in like 7th grade? And I watched The Force Awakens back when it came out in theaters but my interest never exactly extended any farther than that, and like, yeah I know a couple of names but I've never exactly had a face to put them to and all this to say, I know very little about Star Wars.
My friend Page on the other hand knows A Lot about Star Wars. Not only does she know a lot about the movies, she also knows a lot about the spinoff shows meaning that when I had my dumb freak idea to watch all of Star Wars media in chronological order, I asked her to help me. You'd think she'd look at me and tell me what a bad idea this is, but she came back with a spreadsheet sorting all the episodes of the different shows and movies in order. (All while telling me what a bad idea this was) I may be a freak but my friends are just as ready to commit to the bit. Now Page explained her parameters for what we'd be watching, the timeline, approximately how long each piece of media will take to get through, and remember, I told her to include all the spinoff shows so we're going to be watching The Clone Wars for A While, but she's a lot smarter than me and I can't remember half of it.
Where we Did start though, was May 5th with episodes 2, 3, and 1 of Tales of the Jedi, Episode One the Phantom Menace, and Tales of the Jedi episode 4 and let me tell you! This is the exact experience I was hoping for.
Of course episodes 2, 3, and 4 of TOTJ center around Count Dooku, and doing it this way, he and Qui Gon Jinn end up being two of the first characters I'm introduced to and when I tell you
I had no idea how little I knew about Star Wars until we started this.
Because I've never seen any of the movies past A New Hope, I don't know who Count Dooku is, I don't know Qui Gon Jinn, I have Page here as a guide to tell me how the Jedi Council works and the Republic but beyond that I'm just getting to know these characters. So imagine my surprise when we finish The Phantom Menace, and then follow up with Tales of the Jedi episode 4 WHERE I GET TO LEARN IN REAL TIME THAT COUNT DOOKU IS A VILLAIN.
Page got to watch my dawning Horror as I realized what was happening, and we've since realized that, wait that thing I was talking about? About Star Wars being so ingrained in pop culture that there wouldn't be any twists? Uh yeah, I have such little knowledge about the Prequels and Sequels that I'm in for a fucking ride. Count Dooku is not twist villain, but because of the specific way I've decided to do this, He Was To ME, and personally? This was the moment I knew we had to keep going. Because all of the callbacks to events in the movies within the shows? That's foreshadowing to me now. The dramatic irony of knowing where characters like Anakin end up? I still get that, but there's a world of hurt that I'm in for that I have no clue about and I can't fucking wait.
As of right now were planning another night to keep watching and next on the list is Episode Two Attack of the Clones, then we start to get into Clone Wars episodes. My hope is to periodically update this horrible idea with any running commentary we may have and pray we can make it to A New Hope by November
And before anyone comments, yes I am very highly aware of what a horrible idea this all is, but I'm also a person who attended the Barbie movie dressed in a life size Barbie enchanting evening dress with matching doll, carried a series of decreasing in size plushie frogs named Gregory, Gregor, and Greg for months, and got sick chugging half a gallon of chocolate milk in high school "for the bit." I am not immune to dumb ideas and I will never stop, and it was either Page and I do This, or watch every piece of Scooby Doo media in release order, and at least in this case I'll get to have fun watching Page go insane over details she gets to point out to me
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TL;DR I'm watching all of Star Wars in chronological order and my friend is going to be my guide through this honestly terrible idea
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