rhys-ravenfeather · 8 months
Okay, it's 2024 now, can we please please please stop making a big deal out of women with facial hair?! Pretty please?!
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demonir · 13 days
Welcome to Adrian’s good omens thoughts while he’s half asleep again, on todays episode I want to talk about how important the gender expression in the show is to me
Don’t mind the typos I’m lying down without my glasses
I really appreciate how subtle they are about characters genders and stuff, characters with commonly male names being played by actresses and they still use stuff like “sir” or “lord” even if they also get referred to as they/them. They don’t make an intense effort to make them look incredibly androgynous either which like- idk it’s nice.
Knowing neither angels or demons have a defined gender also feels so so so nice because it comes paired with the fact they still choose to present in specific ways and use specific pronouns because newsflash bozo someone can be nonbinary or agender and still present masc as fuck or fem as fuck and use either he/him or she/her and if they wake up 2 weeks from now and change that they are still valid.
Which takes me to my second favorite point, Crowley’s change in gender presentation. I know we all know or at the very least agree he’s genderfluid but like I want to highlight the way he does it because it means so much to me. He has obviously chosen to be masc presenting through most of history (that we’ve seen, there could still be periods of time we haven’t seen where she’s been fem) and idk abt you but I was a tumblr teen years ago learning a very skewed version of gender identity and expression where if you wanted to be genderfluid you had to look very attractive as both genders and also PASS as both genders convincingly (as well as being perfectly androgynous when being neither, this also applied to nonbinary people), as well as change it like every 2 days or so and have no preference? That’s the way people would make it seem to me, that’s the way people would portray their genderfluid characters in fandom spaces and that’s the way my teenage mind came to absorb it.
Now, it’s 2024 and I’m sure all of us with common sense know this is bogus but still seeing Crowley just sorta… brightened my everything? Knowing nanny Crowley wasn’t just for the joke, knowing that during certain scenes she was indeed being fem… but the most important part to me is that no matter what he was still HIM, they could have gone the easy route and have an actress play fem Crowley and be like “oh well she’s a demon she can shapeshift whenever ooooo” like so many people do with their ocs (I was one at one point) but it is still obviously him, it is still David Tennant playing Crowley and nobody else and when she’s fem she’s still got the same features the same everything and that’s somehow just… so freeing to see? It’s realistic, it’s grounding. You can be fem and still have overly masculine features, you can be fem and still have facial hair, you can be masc and still wear makeup, you can be masc and not hide your chest.
Now I wish this was all just… more obvious to everyone, I know some of this stuff because I saw posts, I saw people talking about it… but not everyone is gonna go through a 3 hour post scavenger hunt for extra lore like I do and these things are simply not addressed in the show. There IS a certain freeing feeling to the gender stuff not being addressed, it simply happens, it passes by and you might not even notice, but also comes with the double edged sword of people simply thinking SOME of the characters have funny genders but the others don’t.
Sorry I’m distracted rn bc I can hear a fucking bohemian rhapsody cover coming from my moms tv the timing of this is fucking wild, anyways I’m gonna try to get my thoughts back on track
So yeah, to some people like for example my aforementioned mother, the nanny Crowley thing was merely a joke and nothing else, not a brief moment of gender expression but just a perhaps even nasty joke played at the expense of other people. To her every other Crowley before and after that has been strictly cis male and mlm despite the fact I did in fact explain to her that he’s not, same applies to Aziraphale and perhaps even harder because we only ever see him presenting masculine through the entirety of it and trying to explain otherwise to the woman that thinks she can use she/he on me because I’m bisexual will not work (and she refuses to use he/him on me anyways mind you, or my chosen name. Says it’s too complicated, but I know for a fact that if one of the characters had changed their name mid show she would switch to the new name instantly…..yknow… just casual transphobia for me only)
I would like just…a passing comment or a scene that lets everyone know the nuance yknow? Finally something that cannot be disputed by everyone, and you might say “well but Crowley says he’s neither when he gets called a good lad” and to that I say yes but people still dispute the meaning behind it, my mom certainly would. And again you might want to shake the nanny scene in front of me and again I’ll remind you of people thinking it was just a joke, a disguise, a singular haha funny. You might want to gesture towards other scenes or moments or passing phrases but the thing is they will or have already been debated on because people will try to deny it no matter fucking what and it’s FRUSTRATING, so perhaps it’s just me being petty or wanting to give them a good ol fuck you but I’d like it if either Crowley or Aziraphale or both just looked at the camera head on and went “we are not men, also Crowley is genderfluid” no ifs no butts no second meaning just straight to your face, a giant “shut the fuck up” to annoying people.
Now I’m not gonna die if this doesn’t happen, I’m fine with that… it just sorta feels depressing seeing someone in the wild genuinely saying shit like “why are you using she/her for Crowley? He’s a man” my brother in Christ I am about to hit you with the mallet of knowledge and you won’t be able to look at that demon the same way ever again.
The gender expression in good omens matters so much to me as someone who struggles with her own and Crowley and Beelzebub matter so much to me as a little afab genderfluid/nonbinary (I’m not sure yet) motherfucker, I need to go bite some fuckinf ccomcrete right now man, accidental typo but I’m keeping it.
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anlian-aishang · 2 years
What's your unpopular aot opinion if you have any?
OOF okay I have very many hot takes. I am going to put this beneath the cut at the risk of upsetting others. Read at your own volition and plz don't send me angry mail lol. It's all just a bunch of drawings <3
This is only up to where the anime is so far (posted 12/22/23). It is not about fandom, of which I have way more unpopular opinions 😅
// I don't have respect for Mikasa. I think she's one-note. I don't understand why people like her. She is a total pushover for Eren and has disregard for everyone else. I find it annoying.
// I don't find any Levi x anyone ship superior to others or more obvious than others. In my archive, you'll see that most ship-art I reblog is Eruri, but I really don't see anything in official canon that confirms them over levihan or rivetra or any others. I truly think that the amount of Eruri doujinshi I have read is solely responsible for my soft spot for that pairing.
// Sorry sorry sorry to all my Zeke-loving pals, but I think Zeke is sooooooo not attractive, neither inside nor out. I don't care if his dad was too overbearing or if his childhood was hard. Newsflash: there are plenty of characters who had unhappy upbringings and did not end up fetishizing eugenics :P Also - wow - that beard and those glasses gotta gooooo 😪
// Still don't like Gabi. Still don't like her. Sorry not sorry. Don't find anything about her likable. I have heard the argument that she is just a kid, and I agree with that to the extent that I forgive her for some of her ignorant opinions and Sasha-killing actions - BUT that doesn't mean I should cross the threshold and start to like her.
// I think the Marley arc was very poorly paced. Did they really expect us to fall out of love with all the characters we had gotten to know over the last 3 seasons in like ~10 episodes?
// I think MAPPA's animation is not as good as Wit's. I understand that they are overworked and underpaid, and that really sucks and makes what they did produce commendable. But if we were to just look at face value, an objective side-by-side, I think Wit's style is much better. I feel that it shows - that MAPPA was rushed in production. There are too many still images, not enough shading, too few frames, too many low-quality levis. So many of the frames look like they were first drafts, not meant for final productions. And PLZ I will be the first to say that I could not do better, but I am not very impressed with what I've seen :/ I would have rather them delayed it for another four years to give it the animation quality it deserves.
// I think Hange's character is very complex and deserves more screentime. They can be the most serious and grounding, but also the most berserk at various times. What is going on in their mind? Why are they the way that they are? I wish we could have seen more backstory - or even just one monologue about their duality.
// JEAN'S SCRUFF NOOOOOOOO SHAVE IT PLZ. Marleyan!Eren, too fdsjakfjskalfj I am simply not a facial hair fan x-x Not even Levi gets a pass on that :P
// I don't understand the Pieck hype? Like, I still see her as a bad guy for her RTS actions, and I have yet to see her have any remorse.
// Besides THAT ONE FRAME OF THE ANIME, I didn't think Levi pulled off the suit.
// On the other hand, S1 Levi gets so much unnecessary hate. Plz be nice to our lil fidget spinning sweetheart and those of us who adore himmm 🥺
// Also, Eren Kruger = A WHOLE SNACK 😤
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