#also nagirin
bluelockednyx · 2 years
do you have any hcs for rin and nagi? i can only imagine they would just quietly co-exist with each other
Nagi and Rin are an interesting pair, and actually have a bit of competitive rivalry going on between them as well, though it's not as obvious as the ones they have with Isagi, or Rin with Shidou and Nagi with Barou. It's not as fierce because ultimately their individual play styles and personalities gel pretty well together thus far, though who knows with the changes coming in the NEL arc.
On the low down they'd probably be more on the quiet side together, as you said. Number one and two at being horrible communicators in Blue Lock, per the official guide, though of very different variants (Rin's rude and dismissive of others, Nagi's lazy, with both of them having a severe lack of strong emotional connections and empathy to a degree).
Headcanons wise: they can be good for each other. Rin's ambition and single-minded drive is something Nagi should learn from, while Nagi's openness and natural curiosity to try and experiment with others is something Rin should learn from too. I do think they would step on each other's toes a bit (more Nagi unintentionally stepping on Rin's, because Rin seems to be fussier), but ultimately it won't be as antagonistic as say, Shidou with Rin and Barou with Nagi, because of their temperaments.
They're both fond of games, and they could bond over playing multi-player horror games like Phasmophobia or Dead by Daylight (where's my Blue Lock streams multiplayer video gaming together fics, fandom). For PvP teams, Nagi would likely take the lead and be better at it overall until Rin figures out the mechanics and strategies, then they're the ultimate menaces together, probably get to the top of the leaderboards because Rin doesn't seem to do thing by halves and Nagi likes coasting along at the top
Probably the pair that would go watch a horror/gore movie together, completely straight-faced, then would come out to discuss a lot of the movie and plot mechanics, deep dive into movie themes etc. Nagi would coax Rin into watching fluffier, cuter shows with him, though how much Rin would enjoy that is up in the air lol. They'd both be disasters in the kitchen, though Rin's probably slightly better at housekeeping stuff. Nagi would probably be the one to come across more random, interesting things to try out and tell it to Rin (new cafes, new items, pop-up events), and then Rin winds up prepping for everything only for Nagi to tell him that it was just talk. It pisses Rin off, but Nagi will get ready in like five minutes then they go together lol.
Little fluff headcanon: If they're watching a movie at home, I think they'd be cuddly with each other. Rin makes the popcorn while Nagi sets up the screen and player. Nagi also probably makes the first move in leaning close to Rin, and if Rin's holding onto the popcorn, pesters Rin into feeding him. Rin feeds him because it's even more annoying if he doesn't (lolll)
Other minor thing: Rin seems to own some owl plushies. Would not be surprised if Nagi visits his house and asks Rin if Rin talks to the plushies the way Nagi talks to Choki. Rin says no (he's lying)
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princesandromeda · 11 months
Me: I don't have a type
Also me: *has five published ghost fics plus two more drafts*
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rosy-nagisa · 4 years
Tags Post!
Shipping tags:
sickeningly sweet like honey || reigisa
i bloom just for you || nagirin
leave this blue neighborhood || aigisa
you’re safe like springtime || makogisa
only seeing myself when i’m looking up at you || sougisa
i want you, i’ll color me blue || harugisa
Blog Tags:
🎀 nagisa’s closet 🎀
✨ nagisa’s journal ✨
🌸 aesthetics 🌸
Friend Tags:
baby shark|| rin-rin
butterfly boy|| rei-chan
baby bear || mako-chan
ocean eyes || haru-chan
little ducky || aiichirou
pretty boy || sousuke
peachy keen || kisumi
otterly adorable || momo
strawberry cupcake || me!
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meiling · 6 years
tagged by @ninotendo (thank you!!)
rules: choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better!
1. fandoms
— clamp
— bnha
— free!
2. first character i loved
— sakura (ccs)
— iida
— haru maybe (it’s been so long i can’t remember)? if not then definitely rei
3. character i never expected to love so much
— himawari
— tbh iida? like, i knew i’d really like him but i never expected him to become such a huge fave? also aizawa
— kisumi, asahi, ikuya (i went into starting days expecting not to care too much and came out of it loving everyone oops)
4. character i relate to most
— himawari
— uraraka or jirou probably
— rin, makoto, nao
5. character i would date
— i don’t think i’d date anyone tbh, i’d just admire kendappa-ou from afar or something
— idk, aizawa maybe
— nao
6. character i would repeatedly slap
— clow reed, seishirou, fei wong reed (there’s probably more but)
— endeavor
— shrugs idk
7. three favourite characters in order
— subaru, tomoyo, syaoran
— iida, todoroki, uraraka
— rei, asahi, rin
8. character i liked at first but don’t anymore
— i’d say fuuma because i like normal fuuma and then kamui!fuuma happened and i don’t really like kamui!fuuma but they really feel more like 2 different characters to me so i dunno
— none
— also none
9. character i didn’t like at first but do now
— kamui
— i disliked aizawa for a hot minute when he first showed up but by the end of the episode i already loved him
— rin
10. three otps
— kurofai, syaosaku, touyuki
— tododeku, iichako, uhhhh kamijirou or kiribaku i guess
— makoharu, asakisu, nagirin
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reigisaweek · 7 years
What are your favourite parings in free except for reigisa? :3
Oh, God, I love so many. I mean, Reigisa is obviously number one. Number two is rintori. Rounding out the top five is rinreigisa, seitori, and nagirin. (the order varies) (yes, I’m a multishipper)
But after that I also love, in no particular order, soutori, marinka, harurin, makorin, makoharu, soumomo, sougou, nagiharu, style five, sou/rin/momo/ai, nagimomo...
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squirrelmort · 7 years
WIP Meme
Tagged by @choking-on-roses to share a little bit about my current works-in-progress
A couple of these are multichapter fics that have parts up, so I’ll put in a link
rintori week 2017: yes this ended like two or three weeks ago but I’m still working on it. I got about halfway through the next part before a bout of depression hit and I couldn’t write anymore, even though I know exactly what’s gonna happen. I’m finally get over it but instead I’m just too busy. There’s not much to say about the story. It’s teenage boys being uncommunicative idiots and awkward boners... But I’m actually really excited about this story.
ReiEzio: In the Free! universe in the future. They’re in college. Ezio (asscreed) is a foreign student who ends up in the dorm room next to Rei and Nagisa. Ezio and Nagisa become friends right away but it takes Rei a while to warm up to him. And Rin is dating Nagisa (but still training in Australia). I’ve only written a little bit but I have major feelings about this.
NagiRin: originally this was intended as sort of a prequel to my Rei/Ezio fic but lbr the only thing they have in common is that NagiRin is in it. Also the idea is based on the ending of season 1 and I don’t know how to make Eternal Summer fit, so I might just ignore it. But it’ll also probably be really short so fuck it. Who needs canon? I do what I want. But I have a couple pages hand-written.
RinReiGisa host au: yup this shit it still going. I have the next couple chapters planned. Or they might get combined but I have at least one more chapter planned.
Nagisa piercing: He decides to pierce his ears now that he’s out of high school and doesn’t need to worry about uniform rules. 
And now for some that aren’t Free!. Crazy, right?
AC college au: because I’m that cliche. Yeah, this is probably never getting published, or even finished but I’ve written two half-scenes. In random notebooks so I don’t know where I’ll find them. Main pairing is Leo/Ezio, side of AltMal.
Ouran: Tamaki and Kyoya dated years ago. Now Haruhi and Tamaki are married. But Haruhi is suffering from Tamaki overload. This sound kinda dramatic but it’s actually fluffy comedy shit.
YoI victuri Victor-centric: Victor is going back to Russia soon, and he’s sad because he doesn’t want to leave Japan and Yuuri because this is the happiest he’s ever been. So he deals with depression the only way he knows how--by being super flirty and smiley. 
Oh, shit, I forgot I still have stuff for my renaissance au. I have plans for reigisa in that. And I have some Nitori-centered ideas for my abstergo au. Dammit why can I not finish anything? 
ok who of my followers write and have not been tagged? because I don’t know who to tag. I know @xyliandra has already been tagged but I want a notification what her to tag me so I can be sure to see her answers (peer pressure!)
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princesandromeda · 2 years
Currently looking through my drafts to clear some, and oh boy did i write a lot back in 2017-2018. At least in tumblr drafts lol.
Also, why did a harukisu coffee shop au make so much sense in 2017???? I think there's a convo about that in my dms with yacchan...
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princesandromeda · 5 years
Easter Eggs pt. 1 — Latte Hearts
So @moeblobmegane and I agreed that we need less drama in our lives, and for old time’s sake decided to do another fic exchange! Easter-themed! first prompt was “they pretend to date to get discounts at couple’s cafés”, and while it’s not a fic precisely about that, they do pretend to date to get some sort of discount. *shrug* It’s already May 3rd here so imma post this. This was very self-indulgent, not to be taken seriously, and written while I was doing homework. I also haven’t written nagirin in months so I’m very rusty.
anyway, enjoy!
“Say, Rin-chan,” Nagisa asked, stopping in front of a shop—a latte art café. “Your birthday’s tomorrow, right?” Rin saw a small smirk appear on his friend’s face; he was planning something, and unless he ran for it, he was going to get roped in… whether he liked it or not.
“Yeah…” Nagisa’s smirk just widened, and before he could ask what now, Nagisa grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside the coffee shop. Once inside, he dragged them to a table and made him sit.
“Play along, will ya Rin-chan? I know you’ll like this.” He winked and waved one of the waiters over. Yep, he was planning something.
“Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay.” He handed them a couple of menus, bowed, and grabbed a notepad and pen from a pocket in his uniform. “Do you see anything you would like to order?”
Nagisa instantly perked up from behind the menu. “Actually…” he sighed, and pouted, “Y’see, Rinrin here… his birthday is tomorrow, and it would also be our one-year anniversary!” Rin resisted the urge to gape. He had a hunch about where this was going. “I know the couples package isn’t available until Valentine’s, but Rin-chan is studying in Australia and he has to go back tomorrow, and I was hoping to give him a treat before he has to go back.” He sighed again, put his menu down, and placed his head in his hands for good measure.
The waiter bit his lip, looked around a little and leaned in to Nagisa, a complicit expression in his face. Nagisa did the same. “Tell you what, my boyfriend works in the kitchen and was the one who proposed the Valentine’s package. I’ll talk to him and convince him to make you one. But please, enjoy your day and cherish each other very much!” Once he said that, he scribbled the order and walked over to another table, a nonchalant expression on his face.
Once he was out of earshot, Rin gave Nagisa an annoyed look. “Why did you tell him all that?” If he was completely honest, he loved fake-dating… in movies. It was always interesting seeing the characters grow closer as the plot advanced… not that he’d tell anyone that. And the point was that this wasn’t a movie, and as much of a romantic as he was, fake-dating with Nagisa just to get a Valentine’s Special while it wasn’t in season yet was just… a little too out there.
Nagisa shrugged and pretended to keep looking at the menu, never mind that he had already ordered. “I don’t know what you mean, it’s not like it wasn’t true.” And okay, yeah, there was that, but…
“Except for the part that we’re dating,” he deadpanned, and pretend-hurt was written all over Nagisa’s face in an instant.
“Whatever do you mean, Rin-chan? Is this your completely un-romantic (and thus, un-Rin-chan) way of breaking up with me?” He didn’t really look at him through the whole ordeal, instead was still looking at the menu (probably thinking of which sweets to hoard the table with, the little shit), and muttering things under his breath. “And anyway, I thought I had made it pretty clear last year, what with me dragging you all over the place to spend time. Don’t couples go to the theater and then dinner as a date?”
Rin sighed again, wondering why he always got into embarrassing (and increasingly impossible) situations every single time he went out with Nagisa. Non-romantically, that is. “Yes, but usually they state that it’s a date. And they usually say they’re a couple.”
“But we have been dating on facebook for over a year!” Nagisa unlocked his phone as quick as he could under Rin’s confused look. He showed him the memory, “look, it says: in a relationship with Matsuoka Rin-chan!” Rin read the screen and then proceeded to massage his temples.
“I don’t have an account. That’s just one Sousuke made once to mess up with me,” he explained, causing Nagisa to gasp before thinking it over.
“That would explain the lack of inspirational quotes on your profile… or why you didn’t answer my DM’s…” he pocketed the phone back and grinned once the waiter arrived with their order—two chocolate shortcakes with strawberries on top (if the ads were to be believed, cream filling instead of jam), and a joint chocolate shake. One of those that had a ridiculously cheesy heart-shaped straws and heart designs on the cup. He cooed a the desserts and immediately started digging on his shortcake. “Anyway,” he said after he was done moaning over the deliciousness of chocolate pastries and Valentine’s specials. “I think you should totally get an account. I know you love letters, since you’re Rinrin and all (and trust me I love them too), but I think that instant messaging is also cool! And it is always a hassle to print pictures in case I want to send some to you.” He grabbed his phone again and started browsing through the menu, then showed a picture of… was that Rei and Gou discussing… the water temperature? “You see, I reaaaaaally like this one, but texting pictures is really expensive, so you should accept my invite links to instant messaging groups.” He pouted and looked over at the chocolate shake. “Oh, look Rinrin! They totally guessed that my favorite animal is a penguin!” He made motions for Rin to look over, and really, Rin was trying to, but this was one hard-to-follow conversation.
“Well, yeah, this is Iwatobi. I guess they’d like to keep it themed,” he shrugged and grabbed a fork, mentally counting to ten. They had already eaten. Dessert was really not necessary. But they were already there, and Nagisa looked so happy as he kept on eating his shortcake, so with Mikhail’s dramatic sobs and weird slangs in mind, he told himself he could always do extra laps in the morning so as not to lose too much muscle.
It tasted… surprisingly good. The chocolate was definitely there, but it was more powered on the cocoa and not so much on the sugar. And the strawberries were fresh, so a little tangy. Still, with the shake that Nagisa was most surely going to pour down his throat, he decided not to eat too much in a forkful. Instead he watching his friend eat, while absent-mindedly stabbing his shortcake.
“We just went to a buffet,” something he still regrets as Nagisa strong-armed him into an eating contest, “how can you stomach all that?” His own stomach still hurt from how much they had eaten, and he had been really close to calling Sousuke for help. The cake-stabbing became a tiny bit more pronounced with his next question, “without getting fat?”
Nagisa just giggled into the chocolate shake. “I thought you already knew the answer to that, Rinrin.” Rin frowned and reluctantly nibbled a little on the chocolate on his fork, trying (for his sake really) to keep going.
“Knew that you were secretly a black hole masquerading as my friend? Probably,” he conceded as Nagisa blinked a couple of times, taken aback.
“No…” then he pouted. “And what a mean thing to say! I am your friend. More than that, actually,” he wiggled his eyebrows and pulled Rin’s shortcake to his side of the table (because of fucking course he had already finished his), digging in with gusto. “And I meant the talk about me being a growing boy.” He tried to look indignant, which in turn made Rin finally chuckle.
“You’re not ‘a growing boy’,” he replied, grabbing a napkin and cleaning the smudge of chocolate Nagisa managed to get from eating while talking. And too quick, for that matter.
“Of course I am a growing boy! How dare Rinrin think otherwise!” He drank the rest of the chocolate shake, puffing his chest as he did so. “I am a growing boy who happens to be your friend, which makes me your growing boyfriend.” He stated, looking proud of himself for some reason.
Rin covered his snort with a cough, not that it looked very convincing. “That was terrible,” but Nagisa didn’t look too beat down.
“But it made you laugh.” And then he pushed a fork full of chocolate shortcake into Rin’s mouth just as he was going to defend himself.
Some things never change, Rin thought fondly instead of berating Nagisa for that.
“Let’s hurry, Rin-chan! I’ve always wanted to go to the karaoke with friends, and if we hurry up, we might get a good booth!”
Rin groaned, letting himself be dragged anyways. “Why are you so excited about karaoke today? We could go tomorrow.”
“But tomorrow Miyako-san’s gonna hoard you all for herself! And Gou-chan too! And don’t think Haru-chan, Mako-chan, Rei-chan and the rest will fall behind! And the firsties want to meet you!” He pouted while waiting for the crossing light to turn green. “This are the last precious hours of alone time I will get with Rin-chan,” he mourned, rubbing his head against Rin’s arm.
“I didn’t know you were on first name basis with my mom.” He pointed out.
Nagisa shrugged. “Yes, well, the first letters I wrote to you had to arrive somewhere,” he said, as if Rin was being silly, “and after the third one they had to redirect to Australia, Miyako-san started inviting me over to eat her delicious food and talk about you.”
Rin rolled his eyes. “Of course she’d do that.” He could easily picture it, his mom and Nagisa bonding over him. Actually he didn’t want to picture it. He was now pretty sure some blackmail had come out of it.
“And we’re here!” Nagisa said, cutting Rin from his musings. Nagisa kept dragging him until they were in a booth, already paid for an hour and on their ways to choosing a song. “Ooh! I’ve heard this one! Aqua gate is about a guy who makes his dream come true. Romantic in true Rinrin style.” He picked it and handed the mic over to Rin, who had little say in the song choice as the music was already playing. Indeed the song was very catchy, and maybe, perhaps, there was a little chance that the lyrics were a little… well, Rin. He wasn’t about to admit he had liked singing it, but Nagisa’s knowing smile (and the click of his phone camera) told him it wasn’t necessary.
A little flustered he walked over and looked at the songs. One title immediately clicked as he looked over at Nagisa. “If I had to sing what you chose, then I call dibs on what you sing.” Nagisa giggled, sitting next to him to look at the options.
“Sounds fair,” he conceded, waiting to hear Rin’s choice. He grabbed the mic, and stood up. “Ready whenever you are,” he winked and prepared himself as Rin clicked on Sunny Soda Breeze. With a title like that, who wouldn’t think of Nagisa’s bubbly personality?
He didn’t notice, but he was staring at Nagisa while he sang. A fond smile on his face. He might complain at being dragged everywhere, but… he also did enjoy days like these. University life was everything he ever dreamed of, but also incredibly busy, and while he enjoyed swimming very much (thrived for it, really), days where he could just relax and have a good laugh were few and far between. Even more so with the Olympics around the corner. And so he watched as Nagisa thanked the sunny shiny soda breeze for good times like these.
At the end he was flustered, and very excited when he said: “Sing a duet with me, Rinrin!” He didn’t even roll his eyes as he accepted.
“Sure, you have one in mind?” Nagisa instantly pointed one in the catalog, and Rin frowned. “But it says here it was meant for five people.”
Nagisa giggled and grabbed another mic for Rin. “We can always make it a duet if we try hard enough!” Rin accepted the mic and got to his feet. “One of the idols in the video dresses up as an astronaut and I really loved it! And there is also this really cute cop who looks exactly like Rinrin!”
“Hey! What does that mean?!” But he didn’t get an answer as Future Fish started.
“Ah, it’s always so pretty seeing the city in pink. The only other time it looks like this is on ohanami, and I don’t really wanna wait too long into the year.” Rin nodded absent-mindedly, for once walking and not running, a feat in and of itself when out with Nagisa. So probably those extra laps in the morning wouldn’t even be necessary, after all.
“I guess. Though I really miss being home here for ohanami. We don’t have stuff like that in Australia.” He mused, to Nagisa’s shock.
“Such a sad thing…” but he perked up instantly. “Then I shall bring Rinrin a pool full of cherry blossoms! Maybe this year he will be able to swim in one like he always wanted, does it rain a lot on April in Australia?” After all, they wouldn’t want a repeat of last time they tried it. Though Rin’s face when he saw it had been worth it. Sort of. He wanted to see how it would look when he actually swam in his dream.
“Don’t be silly, they’d wither before they’d get in the plane.” He grabbed Nagisa’s head in a noogie, “but I appreciate the gesture.” Nagisa smiled, and then got out of Rin’s noogie to point out at an arcade.
“Look! It’s The Arcade!” And there went Rin’s last quiet minutes. “We should totally get Mizushimashima-kun a companion.” He mentioned, making a beeline for the crane.
“You still keep that?” He was… oddly touched.
“Of course I keep him! Rinrin gave it to me, after all!” He adjusted his position on the crane, looking absurdly serious. “Well, aren’t you helping me get him a friend?”
Rin sighed, and stepped behind him. He pretend-cracked his knuckles and grinned. “You’re on.”
They were on the train. Nagisa was already asleep and drooling in his seat. He heard a ring and grabbed Nagisa’s phone, the message notification blaring.
[Nanako-nee: You coming home?]
He debated on whether waking up Nagisa, but his little attempts proved to be useless and just hoped he wasn’t going to get killed for this.
[Uh, hi, I’m Rin. Nagisa fell asleep. I hope there is no problem if he stays at my house.]
His mom wouldn’t mind, as Gou often had friends come for sleepovers. Though he should probably still message her in advance.
[Nanako-nee: Take care of him, won’t you? He talks about you a lot.]
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princesandromeda · 6 years
I'm thinking of doing another 30-day NagiRin challenge, but Halloween-themed this year...
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princesandromeda · 6 years
i was thinking about Simple Plan’s “Jet Lag” and ofc my first thought was nagirin, so here’s this I guess???
Rin glared at his phone ringing in the middle of the night, and his annoyed-level just increased when he checked the caller ID. He sighed, resigned to his fate and just proceeded to go on with it. “...Yes?”
“Rinrin! My plane just landed and I wanted to say hello!” He heard Nagisa’s chirpy voice, and look, he was happy, very happy, after all he had been the one to encourage Nagisa going abroad but look, he also was very happy when Nagisa called at decent hours and he had enough sleep.
He checked the bedside clock and groaned. “It’s one am here in Australia, Nagisa.” He rolled over and placed an arm atop his face, time difference was... something he’d have to get used to.
“Oh!” Nagisa actually sounded surprised. “I guess I didn’t remember about time differences since I adjusted my phone before boarding...” he trailed off for a little, then cheered up instantly. “Say, Rin-chan, what do you want as a souvenir?”
“I want you to let me sleep. I have training tomorrow.”
Nagisa pouted. “You’re no fun, Rin-chan~! I was thinking of bringing you Anne Boleyn’s ghost but with that attitude you’re just gonna get a headache. >:(”
“Good. Sleep tight, Nagisa.” And he hung up.
Rin was in the middle of preparing breakfast when his phone lit up to a J-pop tune Nagisa had entered. He answered and kept the phone to his ear with his shoulder while he finished preparing his food.
“Good morning,” he said, and immediatly there was a reply.
“Don’t ‘good morning’ me! It’s ten PM here! Rinrin should kiss me goodnight~.” Rin was willing to bet that Nagisa was making a kissy face, thing that got confirmed a second later when he heard smooching sounds.
“Well, it’s seven am. I’m making breakfast, want some?” He turned off the stove and placed his meal on plates, then went to the fridge to grab orange juice.
“Rinrin so mean~ You know I’m millions of miles away and you tempt me with food~”
Rin chuckled, fake-annoyed Nagisa was somewhat entertaining to poke fun at. “Well, I said Australia was nice but you said you wanted England to study History.”
Nagisa was pouting again. “I mean, yeah, the place is really cool and my English is not nearly as bad, but being so far away from you guys kinda sucks,” he sighed, and Rin heard some rustling that he assumed was Nagisa trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. “And yet, I don’t really feel all that bad about it, you know? Because this is something I actually want?”
Rin smiled a fond smile, and mumbled a soft “I know” before digging in his breakfast. He heard another sigh and a yawn from the other side.
“Anyways, enjoy your breakfast, and kiss me good night?”
He rolled his eyes, ‘chuu’ed, and placed his phone on the table to continue eating breakfast before practice.
“Hey Rin-chan did you know English pastries are the absolute best? Because I didn’t. They serve them with tea! They look so cute and taste even better! No wonder people here get so excited about ‘tea time’ and ‘elevenses’ around here.”
Rin yawned and stretched, laying down on his bed. “Yeah? Just remember not to overdo it. Wouldn’t want you gaining too much weight,”
“Aw, but Rin-chan said he’d love me even if I get old and fat!” He heard something like a pot falling down, and then a couple of curses he had only heard in comedies before. It would seem Nagisa was learning a lot from his London experience.
“Hey, I will!” He defended himself, “but being ‘old and fat’ isn’t the worst that could happen,” he stared at the ceiling, his voice light. “You could rot your teeth or something.”
“But Rin-chan’d still love me!” He replied, and Rin chuckled, relenting.
“Yes, I’d still love you.”
“And that’s all that matters because Rin-chan is a romantic at heart, yes?”
“Nagisa, why do you never talk in English?” Nagisa was taken aback by the question.
“What do you mean?” He heard Rin falter, and wondered what was wrong as the seconds ticked by.
“I mean, I sometimes heard the guys saying that English was one of your forte subjects, and despite the fact that you’re abroad in an English-speaking country, I’ve never really heard you speaking it,” Nagisa chuckled, Rin was so awkward sometimes.
“I guess I thought you might miss Japanese in Australia like I do here,” he heard the gulp, and already a teasing grin was on his face, “aw, Rinrin should talk too! I’m feeling kind of embarrassed talking alone~.”
“Shut up!”
“Hey Rin-chan I found our song!” was the first thing that Nagisa said the first time they skyped.
“Oh yeah?” Despite the fact that he was the ‘romantic’ and ‘cheesy’ one in their relationship, he hadn’t thought about stuff like ‘their song’ or ‘their movie’... yet. “Please do tell.”
“Jet lag! It’s a song about a boy and a girl who live in different parts of the world and never find a good time to call each other. Here, I’ll sing it to you: you say ‘good morning’, when it’s midnight~ going out of my head, alone in this bed~~~~! I really miss Rin-chan’s cuddles.”
Rin laughed. “I miss you too. But hey, we’ll see each other for Christmas break. Did you actually get me my souvenir from London?”
Nagisa grinned brightly. “Yeah, Anne’s been behaving really well last week.” Rin raised an eyebrow upon this statement, and he heard a loud crash. “Sorry about that. Be right back.”
When Nagisa was back, he deadpanned: “Did you actually get me a ghost as a souvenir?”
Nagisa pouted a little. “A kitty, actually. The actual ghost wanted to stay where I found her because she ‘wanted to be with her beloved’ and ‘would miss her birthplace’.” He even added airquotes.
“I can see how she would,” he murmured, and Nagisa giggled.
“Soooo~ how is swimming going?”
Nagisa waited at the airport, hoping to see a red head in the crowd soon.
“Hey.” He heard a voice behind him, and Rin was grinning, his cap shadowing his eyes and making his hair look less long.
“Hey.” Nagisa grinned too, and took a hold of Rin’s hands to lead him through.
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princesandromeda · 4 years
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For WipWednesday, a snippet of if a flower like you were ever to bloom, chapter two. MXTX novels fandom and rl have kept me busy, but yesterday I wrote down all my NagiRin fics (published and not published fics), and after realizing that out of 11 fics, 7 are incomplete, I thought “well, time to put to rest those vignette collections”. XD That’s one of my New Year resolutions.
I also wasn’t too sold at the beginning of how I was writing Nagisa in this chapter, but after reading High✩Speed! 2 and watching the fifth episode of Eternal Summer, I thought that maybe it wasn’t that OoC. It still is very hard to get into kid Nagisa’s mindset. Middle school me, who was going through similar shit as Nagisa, might have had an easier time writing this XD But I am sort of glad that I’m doing it now and not then. Because my writing style has evolved a lot and I’m sort of regretting using this particular writing style bc ugh it’s lowkey hard to maintain.
Here’s to hoping I do this story justice.
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