#the sounagi
princesandromeda · 11 months
Me: I don't have a type
Also me: *has five published ghost fics plus two more drafts*
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gluttonyedits · 5 months
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self-indulgent and a gift to @crows-sorrows: matching Nagi Kamishimo and Soutarou Ibuki rentry graphics Doubles DNI for Nagi and no F/O for Soutarou.
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archonofdivinity · 9 months
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vulpiximisa · 4 months
Anyway I like the idea of duos that don’t interact a lot so I’d love to see more of them.
I like how Chizu was sticking around Shin a lot in the first few episodes of R. Chizu was jumping around Junya a lot too in the montages.
I guess the only other duo that we don’t see together is Shin and Itsuki but I don’t really know what they have in common. Actually we don’t see Shin interact directly with Kanade at all in R so 😂
I think the idea of Yuto and Itsuki and Yuto and Chizu just make me think of SouMako and SouNagi respectively so I lowkey would have wanted to see them interact 😅😅
I honestly think I would have liked to see/hear a Chizu and Yuzu duet. What is this, I actually want the twins to interact 😂😂 (me a twins hater, begrudgingly really likes Incomplete Ruler)
I don’t know where else to talk about this but I think Junya as a character is really interesting. Like I feel like he’s the least trope-y in terms of color. I’m glad they made him the leader!
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incorrectfreequotes · 3 years
Nagisa: I think I pulled a muscle! Sousuke: You can’t pull what you don’t have.
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donamoeba · 6 years
At COCO’S Restaurant, you’ll find these panels with character comments on them!
HARUKA: “Oi Haru... don’t try and make all the dishes mackerel!” - Rin
MAKOTO: “Makoto, be careful when you serve the dishes, don’t drop them!” - Haruka
RIN: “Rin, are you challenging Nagisa to another eating contest? You never learn, do you?” -Sousuke
SOUSUKE: “Sou-chan, I would like to have french fries, extra large, double servings☆” - Nagisa
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tenitchyfingers · 6 years
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samcybercat · 7 years
Title: Iwatobi Radio 3am Slot Rating: PG-13 Genre: Friendship/Humour Series: Free! Relationship(s): Sousuke/Nagisa Character(s): Sousuke, Nagisa, Makoto, Kisumi Spoilers: General series Summary: When Sousuke decides to take on a summer job as Nagisa's co-host for an early morning radio show, he has no idea what he's getting into. Notes: Some SouNagi friendship for Sousuke's birthday! Though I have to admit that I actually started writing this for Nagisa's birthday and just didn't get it finished in time. Conveniently it works for both.
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ereans · 7 years
AU: mermaids (free! Fandom, you choose the ships)
Thank you, bb!!!
- I’m gonna go with Rin being a mermaid in this one, since I’m weak to that; also might slightly base him off a fic I have in the works, oops. He lives in an environment different than an ocean, a land that’s so saturated with water it’s basically just a giant-ass swamp. So his form is slightly different from that of a conventional mermaid, to accommodate the his surroundings. He’s got that second eyelid that cats do, firstly, that he can see through to protect his eyes from getting damaged underwater. His skin is covered in seemingly random patches of scales, he’s got webbed fingers, and his tail is crazy, crazy long. Like, four times the size of his torso long, and very thin. It helps with his navigation. And his hair is consistently wet, so when it dries it gets all big and kinda crinkly, like fauna. 
- Haruka’s enamored by him, because of course he is. He’s so curious about him and the way he lives and his people, and is crushed to hear that they’re a diminishing breed; not only because they’re mermaids, hello, but because in this AU he’s probably a marine scientist, or something, so it’s difficult to learn about any endangerment. 
- Nagisa and Rei are scientists as well, and they like to send Haruka out on the weirdest missions they can find, because he can actually manage to do them successfully. It’s troublesome, but he does them.
- Makoto is not a scientist, but sometimes aids Haruka in his missions regardless because he’s smart. He stays home for the creepy ones, though. Like trudging around waist-deep in an endless swamp where there’s unknown wildlife and weird sounds? Have fun with that one, Haru, you’re on your own.
- Sousuke is also a mermaid, because pls. Gou too, obvs. Sousuke’s suspicious of the weird human scientists, but okay, that enthusiastic blond one’s kind of cute. Even though he’s way too insistent about touching Sousuke’s tail all the time. 
- Gou’s a little enamored by the nerdy scientist and the hot not-scientist, herself (eyes emoji). Because I can’t decide between ReiGou and MakoGou so it’s an OT3 now. She likes that the taller one gets really flustered over the fact that she doesn’t wear clothing like they do, and she consistently steals Rei’s glasses to make her chase her.
- Rin ends up getting attached to Haruka in the end too, even though he pretends to only be interested in him because he promised to save Rin’s species. Ends up going back to the lab with Haruka at some point, decides technology is weird and pointless; he likes the greenery of swamp life better.
- They can use their mouths to speak btw, but Rin likes not to. So he’ll often communicate telepathically just because it’s more comfortable for him, even though Haruka finds it weird and annoying.
- Mermaids don’t kiss, really. But they nuzzle and hold. Imagine Rin’s complete offense when he nuzzles his forehead against Haruka’s and Haruka’s reaction is basically nothing.
- “See if I do it again, you jerk!” “I don’t even know what it was, Rin.”
- I have no idea what the climax of this fic would be because it would honestly probably just be something really self-indulgent, lord. I assume it would mostly just be trying to find a more habitable place for Rin’s kind to flourish, since their current home is so frequently either scavenged or completely abandoned, leaving the environment to deteriorate. Adaptability issues, enter stage right.
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goutheswimqueen · 4 years
SouNagi, Reigisa and NagiHaru?
Ooooo lots of Nagisa!
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Me: I’m such a multishipper lmao
Also me: *has a hard time shipping Nagisa with anyone who isn’t Rei*
ahsjfkflshsjsjahdjs IDK WHY IM LIKE THIS
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princesandromeda · 6 years
Valentine’s Teasers
These are basically some pre-written snippets of fanfics I want to write but haven’t commited myself to, yet. They will be worked on either later this year or earlier next year. Enjoy, if this is your thing. :)
where the ocean meets the sky (Haru/Rei, H2O mermaid!Haru) @moeblobmegane @gemini-in-tauro (thanks for the idea-exchange! It made huge changes to this fic!)
They were sitting near the pool, had been for hours, and at this point Rei swore he could see a little of anxious ticking coming from Haruka. From what he had gathered from previous meetings, Haruka loved being in the water, and from what Makoto and Rin had told them, he wasn’t comfortable doing so in front of him because of the surgery scars. He supposed it was a matter of trust, and while Rei, logically, knew trust was a thing that needed time, he admittedly felt a little hurt that they weren’t close enough.
Haru sighed, adding drama to his desolate image.
Oh, that’s it.
“Haruka-san,” his companion looked up, forlorn blue meeting hesitant purple, “if you wish to—what I mean to say—Makoto-san and Rin-san have already filled me on you being, you know...” he didn’t know if it would be too rude to say out loud that Haruka was transexual, gods he hoped not, because he was actually hoping to have a chance with such a beautiful person, “so if you want to... swim here... please know that I will keep your secret.” He promised with an encouraging smile, hoping that his message didn’t come across as too awkward.
Haruka blinked for a couple of seconds, processing his words. His eyes shone for a couple of seconds before his clothes were off—and God darn it, did he wear jammers everywhere—and in a blink there was a splash.
Rei smiled fondly, thinking he could get used to this— did his eyes deceive him or was the water glowing? Holy— Did Haruka grow a tail?!
“You’re a merman?” he asked in mild shock.
Basically, Rei goes to Mako Island for research purposes and then meets Makoto, Rin and Haruka. He and Haruka clash personalities a lot and don’t get along, but later on Rei goes all starry-eyed and wants to woo him but Makoto and Rin want to protect Haru’s secret, thus that misunderstanding. I don’t have a clear ending for this, but know it’ll be a happy one.
whether (s)he loves me or loves me not (?/Nagi)
Rin barely had time to utter a "yo, Sousuke" before a voice could be heard from the other side of the pool.
"Rin-chan! Sou-chan!" Rin, not unlike his friend, irked an eyebrow when the bubbly blond started approaching them. And why he had come alone. Not that Rin minded him, of course, but it didn't seem like he had come to see Ai and Sousuke training the team. "First of all, how mean~!" And suddenly Nagisa was a foot from them. "To visit Samezuka before coming home to us." A dramatic pout was followed by a sigh. "Guess it can't be helped, though, they are your family too, right?"
Both friends looked hesitant for another second, before Rin decided to take the first approach. "Nagisa, what are you doing here?" He asked, not in a rude way as he was very delighted to see him again after so much time. But his presence here was a little cryptic.
"And so cold! I feel betrayed." He kept the pout for a second longer before going back to his signature smile. "Anyways, I guess it is quite lucky to see you both here, figures I won't have to look for you again."
Before he could question what that meant, a small box was shoved into his sight and he could see on his periphery an envelope being given to Sousuke. He frowned and gave Nagisa a questioning look.
"A romantic gift for a romantic Rinrin," he recited, as if he had written it down and practiced it for weeks. "And a faithful gift for a faithful friend," he looked smug about his choice of words, nodding to himself, before lifting a finger. "Now, no peaking until you get home!"
"What is this about?" Sousuke finally questioned. Nagisa shrugged innocently enough.
"It's just that I hadn't given you guys a farewell gift when you graduated-" he ignored Rin when he tried to interrupt "-and, after consulting things with Rei-chan, I decided that I just wanted everyone to have a little Forget-Me-Not from me for when you were away again." He winked, and Sousuke frowned, as the flower had nothing to do.
Rin groaned, and Sousuke wondered if he was missing yet another inner joke.
"Anyways, I gotta go catch Ai-chan, he promised me he'd teach me his captain voice!" With another wink and quick steps, he was out of sight.
Both friends looked at each other, shrugged and decided to ignore the issue as yet Another Nagisa Thing.
This is mostly a comedy thing, and a huuuuuuge misunderstanding. I guess that asides from being a Valentine’s tease, this is a NagiRin tease? *winkwink nudgenudge* No, it’s not actually NagiRin, but everyone thinks it is.
how i want to remember you (Sou/Nagi, minor Haru/Rin, soulmates!AU, Guardian Angels!AU)
“Are you doing your homework? Ooh, is that a letter?! Letters are so romantic~!” Sousuke sighed, and told himself that maybe he'd have to postpone it. Yet again.
It wasn't like Nagisa barged in all the time. I mean he did, but it wasn't out of malice. Which was the only reason Sousuke hadn't snapped at him yet. For all his noisiness, and pushiness and his touchy-feely tendencies, Nagisa had a little-brother aura around him that made it nearly impossible to be mad at him.
(It had to be his eyes. Definitely the eyes. Entirely too wide and innocent.)
(He idly wondered if the kid Rin had once wrote to him about was anything like Nagisa.)
“Yes, it's a letter.” He answered, putting his pen down and staring at the excited look on the boy.
“Dear Rin,” he read aloud, “whoa, does Sou-chan have a girlfriend?” He giggled and winked at him. “And so young, too!”
Sousuke 'tsk’ed and returned to the letter, now tappind the edges of the paper with his pen. “Rin’s a boy.”
“But it's a girl's name!”
“So is Nagisa.”
Nagisa pouted and crossed his arms. “…Touché,” he agreed.
“My name is Matsuoka Rin, it's a girl’s name but I'm a boy, was how he introduced himself to the class,” a small smile made its way to his face, and seeing it, Nagisa could only mimick it.
“You really love him, don't you?” Sousuke stared at him, shocked, and was suddenly convinced that Nagisa could see right through him. He felt tongue-tied for a couple of seconds, wasn't it bad manners to talk about his crush with his would-have-been soulmate?
“Doesn’t matter,” he muttered, and did his best to ignore Nagisa as he put his writing stuff back on the drawer. After all, he didn’t know Nagisa. He didn’t owe him any personal stories.
This is a sad story, overall. The prompt was “When your soulmate dies, they become your Guardian Angel”, so this will have a very bittersweet ending. It’s based on LOVG’s song “Historia de un sueño” (if you want the lyrics in English, hmu! I’ll send them to you right away). The only things that really get solved in this fic is HaruRin and Sousuke’s hikikomori tendencies orz.
while you two get along (Nagi/Rin/Rei)
“I’ll go ahead and order!”
Hazuki Nagisa did not feel jealous.
Nope. Not at all.
He loved all his friends equally, and he had zero qualms about showing it.
He did not feel jealous of the deep bond that Mako-chan, Haru-chan and Rin-chan shared, nor the one that Rei-chan and Gou-chan shared, nor the one that Rin-chan, Ai-chan and Sou-chan did.
Even though so, there was something in the way that Rei-chan and Rin-chan interacted that didn’t feel completely alright.
When he had suggested going to Rin-chan so he could ask for help with his technique, he had prepared himself to deal with lots of awkwardness. He only expected that the awkwardness come from the slight dislike between both butterfly swimmers, not the lack thereof.
He should have thought about the possibility. Once, twice. After all, he had shared some level of intimacy with both.
He should’ve foresought the fact that they’d have too much in common, he should’ve forsought that they’d get along all too well.
So well, in fact, that they had left him talking alone while he had been trying to break the ice.
So while he ordered what he knew they liked best (plus a straberry milkshake for himself), he told himself again that he didn’t feel jealous.
And if that was the case, then why did the way Rei-chan’s eyes shine while he enthusiastically discussed complicated equations with Rin-chan made him doubt of whether interrupting them with the food tray was a good idea? Why did he feel like his sole presence was ruining something so very intimate?
Hazuki Nagisa didn’t feel jealous, and he showed it in his forced smile, and the way he gripped the food tray.
This will end up happy, I assure you. I don’t like bad endings with love triangles and this is about being as self-indulgent as man can be. This was originally in Spanish, and I really liked the way I was narrating it, but I guess that if you want to, I’ll make it in English too? btw it’s a songfic of dodie’s “In The Middle”. Go listen to it, k? ;) You’re welcome.
Avatar Story Time (slight Soma/Sonia) @teary-eyed-circle-of-friendship
Sonia kept quiet through all the tale. Truth be told, she wasn’t all that interested in the avatar stories Shun was regaling them with, for even if they had been somewhat embarassing, the only feelings she had towards that person were those instigated into her since her childhood. And thus, while the others were chattering away about them, she tried to fill her head with productive thoughts.
“You know,” what she didn’t expect, though, was for Shun to address her directly, “Ikki never believed in all that ‘restoring the balance to save humanity’ motto.” And maybe it was because he needed to get it off his chest somehow? Was that the reason he kept talking? “We were both orphans. The first time we met he tried to kill me, his own flesh and blood,” he chuckled, which Sonia thought was mildly unnerving when talking about fratricide, “but, he got a second chance in life. And I believe you have one too.”
She offered no answer, and he asked for none as he directed the rest of them to get into bed.
“So, still think we’re just a group of kiddies?” Soma asked from his sleeping bag near hers. She couldn’t be bothered enough to glare at him in the darkness.
“Sooner or later, the Firelord’s gonna apprehend all of you and have you executed,” she repeated once more, the protocol requiring her to say it in order to keep from spilling information.
“Whatever you say, princess,” some shuffling, and then he began to snore lightly, his breathing in sync with their small campfire.
She rolled on her back, and with deep breaths, tried to channel her inner flame and take control of it. It was just a simple campfire, and yet— nothing. Grunting slightly in frustration, she tried to calm her thoughts and go to sleep.
The Avatar AU I gushed about last year, it’s coming around April this year. :D Now, Avatar Story Time is not the actual title, just the title to an extra I had planned for an event but never actually wrote. If you have a name, though, know that it’ll be greatly appreciated!
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karratran · 8 years
For @agaricals
Sousuke lost his way, lost his dreams, and lost his future... what does he have now?
Nagisa just wants to help. In his own way.
I was honestly surprised af that you were my giftee!! <3
Okay sooo, the prompt was-
"SouNagi on a roadtrip -post-series, Sousuke is trying to make sense of everything, ~find himself~, Nagisa helps him? Not necessarily this setting, this is just what i thought of. (also pre-relationship? as I'm a sucker for falling in love / pining / first anything tropes OTL)"
-and I was like I FEEL YOU BRUH.
 (Lots of foods mentions bc I'm a nerd. Also please expect puns/jokes/references because I can't thrive in an overly serious setting and I can't physically hurt anyone so...)
Anyway, sorry for the delay, I haven't been in a good space of mind lately but I was really fired up about your thing, so let's get on with the thing XD
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brickerbeetle · 8 years
I know you ship any combination of the third years (+Gou), but I was curious about if you have any ships involving the second years as well?
oh yeah for sure! nagisa and rei are both adorable beautiful characters who are v good for shipping :D i usually go classy and ship them together instead of with the third years, but shipping them with the senpais always makes for cute pairings too. my fave thirdyear!ship for rei is probably makorei, and for nagisa it’s sounagi :’) 
momo and nitori are a little harder for me to ship, bec i cant help but kinda picture them both younger than they are. it’s in the personality i think. id much rather focus on their platonic relationships than anything super shippy. makomomo is REAL cute, tho. smol backstroke boi developing crush on tol backstroke boi??? yes pls i am here for that
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tenitchyfingers · 6 years
aftselakhis-shaladin ha risposto al tuo post “ok i have a poll”
Does anything happen in this season at all? I kinda fell asleep after two episodes.
everything serves this shitty, boring Ikuya plotline, basically. The Iwatobi team is also training to get into some sort of tournament where they can swim with Haru and Makoto because it doesn’t have age limits and all you gotta do is qualify on your time so from what I understand their whole goal became entering this thing in lieu of qualifying for regionals and nationals etc
and that’s it, that’s what’s happening. oh yeah, also Sousuke is recovering which makes me assume he’ll pursue pro swimming again...frankly the most exciting thing that happened this season was the reveal that the Yamazaki family owns a restaurant because that means things for my sounagi shipping, and the implication that Sousuke drops often by the ISC which means he made friends with Nagisa which is also very meaningful for my ship but that’s... literally it. 
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princesandromeda · 6 years
10. lair
30 day nagirin challenge 2018 version
Rin woke up the next day, not quite feeling like last night had been real.
After Nagisa had gotten him away to what he decided to name as The Lair, things had only gotten more confusing, if that was possible. Mostly just him getting weird ideas.
Nagisa had said it was only to break him out of his trance, which, with Nagisa’s behaviour (i.e. having no shame about his private life whatsoever), was something logical. But Nagisa had sounded so apologetical, too much for it to be normal (or so he thought. Could it be that after all these assassination attempts he was going paranoid?)
Suddenly the question of whether it was redamancy appeared on his mind.
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sunkenscruffycat · 7 years
"Stare" or any iteration of the verb
(SouNagi, Radio DJ AU)
“Goooood morning, Iwatobi!” Nagisa yelled. Why was anyone yelling at this time in the morning? Before Sousuke could consider the answer to that question, Nagisa pressed on, “This is DJ Spicy Rockhopper here to help you greet the day! So welcome to our show! And I say our show, because I’ve finally found a co-host to help me help you all to wake up. Why don’t you introduce yourself…?”
Nagisa trailed off as if he was waiting for a name.
“You know I’m called Sousuke,” replied Sousuke, completely lost.
“Sou-chan! That’s not how you do it. You have to come up with a cool DJ name,” Nagisa whined, “Sorry folks, guess I should’ve told him the basics a bit better before throwing him into the deep end. Ohhh! That could be your stage name! DJ Deep End!”
Sousuke stared at him; “You’re not calling me that. No one is calling me that.”
“Okay, so DJ Deep End is here to help shake off the morning blues with his deep, gravelly voice that I’m sure some of you are gonna totally be into. I could definitely name a few people I know who fancy Sou-chan,” Nagisa continued.
“Please don’t…” Sousuke muttered. He didn’t think that any poor soul who might have had a crush on him deserved to be outed like that.
“Don’t worry, Sou-chan, confessions are for our Tuesday slot. Today we do horoscopes,” said Nagisa, “But first, we have a couple of modern classics to get through. Both of these songs were played at my end of year festival at Iwatobi High, so you know they’ll be good. Stick around folks and the stars will guide you as soon as we’re back.”
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