#also my biggest pet peeve in all of writing - all writing. everywhere. not just in fanfic but books and tv and movies too - is when people
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sugarcoatednightshade · 1 year ago
thinking about how Humans Are Space Orcs stories always talk about how indestructible humans are, our endurance, our ability to withstand common poisons, etc. and thats all well and good, its really fun to read, but it gets repetitive after a while because we aren't all like that.
And that got me thinking about why this trope is so common in the first place, and the conclusion I came to is actually kind of obvious if you think about it. Not everyone is allowed to go into space. This is true now, with the number of physical restrictions placed on astronauts (including height limits), but I imagine it's just as strict in some imaginary future where humans are first coming into contact with alien species. Because in that case there will definitely be military personnel alongside any possible diplomatic parties.
And I imagine that all interactions aliens have ever had up until this point have been with trained personnel. Even basic military troops conform to this standard, to some degree. So aliens meet us and they're shocked and horrified to discover that we have no obvious weaknesses, we're all either crazy smart or crazy strong (still always a little crazy, academia and war will do that to you), and not only that but we like, literally all the same height so there's no way to tell any of us apart.
And Humans Are Death Worlders stories spread throughout the galaxy. Years or decades or centuries of interspecies suspicion and hostilities preventing any alien from setting foot/claw/limb/appendage/etc. on Earth until slowly more beings are allowed to come through. And not just diplomats who keep to government buildings, but tourists. Exchange students. Temporary visitors granted permission to go wherever they please, so they go out in search of 'real terran culture' and what do they find?
Humans with innate heart defects that prevent them from drinking caffeine. Humans with chronic pain and chronic fatigue who lack the boundless endurance humans are supposedly famous for. Humans too tall or too short or too fat to be allowed into space. Humans who are so scared of the world they need to take pills just to function. Humans with IBS who can't stand spicy foods, capsaicin really is poison to them. Lactose intolerance and celiac disease, my god all the autoimmune disorders out there, humans who struggle to function because their own bodies fight them. Humans who bruise easily and take too long to heal. Humans who sustained one too many concussions and now struggle to talk and read and write. Humans who've had strokes. Humans who were born unable to talk or hear or speak, and humans who through some accident lost that ability later.
Aliens visit Earth, and do you know what they find? Humanity, in all its wholeness.
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choicesficwriterscreations · 8 months ago
July OC of the Month: Luna Auclair
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Please welcome July 2024's OC of the Month: @peonierose's Luna Auclair
Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
Learn more about Luna below
1- In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC. 
I love how passionate and carefree Luna is. She loves and gives without expecting anything in return. She is an amazing character, one I’d love to be friends with (because she’d know some hot guys and could get me a date 😅). Overall, she‘s very sweet, but hurt her friends or family, and you’ll get to know another side of Luna. 
She’s just a good soul with good and bad sides, which I love. Luna is sunshine mixed with a little hurricane. 
2- Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
There are some things Luna and I share. We both struggle with anxiety. We both have a similar eye color (blue-green) and a shade of blonde hair. Hers is lighter than mine. We both share the love we have for our friends and family. We do share the same taste in guys or are somewhat similar 😅. We are different in the sense that Luna is a more creative soul, and she’s less stubborn than me 😅. 
3- What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life?
Luna just wants to leave a good impression on people and life itself. She thinks if you send positivity into the world, good karma will return to you. 
To make memories that’ll last a lifetime. A life well lived and one that’s cherished. 
4- What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
People who are judgmental of others
Tourists/Locals who endanger animals (in the ocean and on land alike) and litter (throwing their trash everywhere, including the ocean) 
5- If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
Less war, hate and negativity in this world. Just live and let live. 
6- What is your MC / OC's favorite quote or song? 
Luna’s favorite quote is a Hawaiian saying her grandmother always mentions: ‘A’OHE PU’U KI’EKI’E KE HO’A’O ‘IA E PI’I – (No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed.)
7- Other facts about Luna
Luna got her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawaii. She specialized in ceramics, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Currently, she teaches art at the University of Hawaii, but she wants to have her own gallery in Honolulu to showcase her art and show how proud she is to call Honolulu her home.
She actually has a sweets drawer; Bryce always makes fun of her but secretly takes some caramel-covered almonds from Luna’s drawer, and she pretends she doesn’t notice 😅.
Her favorite painting by Lindsay Wilkins is ”Akala Sunset“ (akala = pink in Hawaiian).
8- Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC? 
I created Luna while going through a rough patch in my life. I was fired from my job during COVID, and so many other things were happening, so I was looking for something to help me deal with things. That’s when I found Tumblr and all these wonderful people. At first, I hadn’t even thought of writing anything, but then I kept having this idea for an OC, and I wrote down a fic, and it went from there. 
Luna inspires me daily. To live in the moment, to enjoy life. To spend less time on my phone (even if it’s where all my notes about stories and characters live 😅) and to spend more time with my friends and family. To love pink. Be more positive in life, and not let the bad days win. To simply be more me, my sometimes weird, full-of-energy Aries self.
I‘m also SO grateful I created Luna and all my wonderful stories. Thank you to anyone who’s ever given my characters and stories a chance. I will never be able to express my thanks and gratitude 🥰.
Also, here is a little thank you letter from Luna. 
Dear you,
Whatever happens in life, whether good or bad, don’t take it too personally; don’t let it consume you. Just try to breathe out and let it go (yes, it can be like the song from Frozen 🥰) I learned a long time ago that if you carry hate and bad vibes with you, it’ll be like a bad smell, you can’t get rid of, and you don’t want that do you? So be you!!!!!! However, you choose to be, whatever you wear, how you express yourself. Be you!!!! And maybe live close to a place that has a lot of sun and a beach (just saying, vitamin D is good, you know, and yes, the advice came from Bryce 🥰) 
Whoever needs to hear this: I see you. You are loved; you are worthy. This world wouldn’t be the same place without you in it. Never forget that!
Lots of love Luna
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kattythingz · 3 months ago
For the ask game thing, J K R X!
Hoooh? You're approaching me? Well, if you dare...
J - what’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
I ADORE A VERY SPECIFIC FLAVOR OF CANON REWRITES. Basically: what if canon but my blorbo was treated as the love interest (and all the cliches that come with that, yes, hello I love whump) and my ship is endgame?
Think literally just Crown. The entire concept came to me years ago because I wanted, so desperately, to see a world where Ed was basically treated as Ling's love interest. And how that would change the plot! How would their relationship develop? How would they act AFTER they're dating? Blorbo treated as love interest + established relationship MY FUCKING BELOVED.
I did it to Ed again with Reliable Conclusion; I did it long before that to Stiles with Sweet Disaster; and I've most definitely contemplated doing it to Shinichi in a kaishin "what if Shinichi played Aoko's role in Magic Kaito" au.
If this trope has no fans left, it's because I'm DEAD.
K - do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh, dude, SO MANY. SO SO MANY. I've already said I like my favs being treated as love interests, so you can imagine all the "stupid cliche" positions that I like to write said favs into. I CAN'T HELP IT MAN. I know my blorbos are competent in canon, and I'll never erase that! Any "weak" situation I ever write them into HAS to make canonical sense to me, otherwise I just. I can't.
But also, what's wrong with a strong character needing to be saved? Ed, for example, altho yes yes he's disabled, is also just human. Even without his automail kicking his ass, as a human he can still inherently be weak! You just need to know where to apply that weakness!
Also I really like dressing my favs pretty, heh. I FIND THEM PRETTY AND THUS THEY DESERVE TO LOOK THE PRETTIEST. TIS THE LAW!!!
R - which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Right off the top of my head, SiryyGray from Capra comes to mind. The way they tied Ed's flashbacks into the narrative so time feels WACK. The way their writing style is so damn atmospheric and vintage somehow, like you're IN those 1940s with Ed. THE WAY THEY TIED THAT WHOLE BOY WITH A COMPASS STORY INTO THE LARGER NARRATIVE AND IT HELD THEMATIC MEANING? I ATE THAT SHIT UP.
Their writing style definitely directly influenced mine! Honestly, I've caught myself thinking back on Capra a lot whenever I'm trying to write certain scenes in my own fics.
I can also cite The Map to Everywhere book series (highly recommend) as direct inspo that taught me to just, have FUN with formatting! Even in a published book! That series is my favorite in the whole world and it has so much fun with its visuals and formatting! I really admire it.
X - how would you categorize your fanfic reading? Are you a voracious reader? Do you carefully pick and choose? Something in between?
Oh, god no, I am DEFINITELY picky. Like, "I'm striving to become a professional literary editor" picky. I try so hard but unless your premise is EXTREMELY captivating and ticks all my trope boxes, then even slightly mediocre writing will turn me off at times. I can't unsee if there's a dialogue tag every single line; if the punctuation's bad; if two characters speak in the same paragraph. Every fanfic pet peeve you can think of, I've clicked off a fic from.
It's unfortunate, because I remember being 12 and reading every cool sounding fic I could get my hands on. But my writing's evolved a lot over the years. And so have my expectations for fics because of that. It's not rlly sth I can turn off in my brain anymore, as much as I wish I could sometimes.
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varietales · 10 months ago
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NAME: Momo PRONOUNS : she/her PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs on here are fine but can be tricky as i switch blogs sometimes! i'm happy to add mutuals on dis.cord NAME OF MUSE(s) : i mean, you know who they are but ok. Kagura Mikazuchi, Jenny Realight, Millianna, Evie Hawthorne, Ichiya Vandalay-Kotobuki, Simon Mikazuchi and Bisca Connell. I'm not gonna list all my other blogs/muses or we'll be here forever. i should have done this on a single-muse blog BEST EXPERIENCE : On this particular blog, I'd say...the love and acceptance Ichiya has gotten! i love that other people have been tricked into getting attached to him too imeanwut. In general, the best experience has been forming friendships with great people and writing/plotting/chatting about fun dynamics. RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : the usual godmod/forcing relationships thing, more specifically - a partner making changes/writing major events in our ship verse that would impact the ship/dynamic Without actually plotting it with me first - i.e having their muse suddenly break up with mine, or getting a serious injury or adopting a kid or pet (this has happened surprisingly often to me and i hate it). Also as someone who Loves reading muse info and always tries to keep partners hcs/details in mind, my biggest pet peeve is there being no About page anywhere (i won't follow anyone that doesnt have them) and/or the phrases "canon divergent"/"headcanon driven" being plastered everywhere but no actual clarity is given on what those divergences/hcs are. (the last part isn't a total dealbreaker, as i know it can take time to get these things written and posted) MUSE PREFERENCES: I like a variety of muses (hence the multi-muse and multiple blogs), but I do have a soft spot for characters like Lisanna, who are cute and bubbly and a bit of a menace to those they love, but who also have a lot of depth and things they struggle with (Milli, Lisia, and Jenny also fit into this). I'm also a sucker for the complex and flirty gentleman type (Leo & Freed), and the serious/reserved but actual sweetie ones (Rogue, Kagura, Simon, Amarys). Honourable mention to the golden retriever energy babies - Jason & Frankie. In terms of muses I like writing with? i don't think I have a preference for a specific muse type, I enjoy any muse that is written well. PLOTS OR MEMES : They both have their place honestly. Memes can be a great starting point. One of my longest threads (50 notes!) on a different blog started from a meme! Sometimes a little plotting can help with writing a meme response too, a little context just to make things make sense, and things can flow on from there. I do usually like to have a general sense of the dynamic between muses to begin with, and a rough few plot points for threads. We dont have to plot out every single thing (because that might away from the fun of actually writing it), but some basic points are helpful. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : a mix of both is important. if you only ever do long threads, i feel like that might get tiring! but same with short ones. Length is needed for depth and getting more insight I think, so i do love them for that. i think a middle ground is probably ideal, but never easy to stick to. i tend to just go off whatever amount my partner has written BEST TIME TO WRITE : weekends and sometimes after work during the week if i'm not too tired ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i do share Milli's absolute Love for cats but that's probably it.
yoinked from: @raiiryuu
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transcarcinization · 10 months ago
if you like soft scifi you should totally read the long way to a small angry planet! very cute found family in space vibes and the other species arent horribly racist caricatures :)) its got action moments and bonding moments 10/10
AHH oh my god anon i love you but you’ve accidentally hit my personal white whale. it’s recommended in every scifi list especially queer scifi lists on this site and spoken of very highly and so i read it and i HATED IT
first off, i don’t mind you recommending it to me: i specifically said i like reading interesting worldbuilding and nothing else and i will say the worldbuilding for the alien cultures is very engaging!! it’s by far the thing the book is best at and i think if i entered into reading it solely on ‘this book has some interesting ideas on alien culture’ i probably would have liked it enough. honestly if i had just picked it up at random instead of being recommended it so much i probably would have liked it enough!
however- the writing style was extremely annoying to me. to me, it felt like the book was assuming the reader had extremely little scifi knowledge, or possibly very little knowledge of how to glean things from context at all. it spends like. SEVERAL paragraphs on the concept of id chips? even if you have NEVER been exposed to the concept of id chips in scifi- which is crazy if you’re even a little into the genre- they’re not difficult to understand!
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i understand this is entirely subjective and some people prefer to receive exposition in this very straightforward way, but it really annoys me, especially in scifi, which is a genre i have read extensively and so am very familiar with the genre conventions. even if i wasn’t, i don’t need to be told this. if you have the main character scan their wrist and then they are identified, i can figure out they have some sort of identification implanted in their wrist. they also do this with the ‘big twist’ of the main characters backstory- they hint at it in extremely obvious ways multiple times in the first chapter! so by the time it’s revealed you’re like wait. was that a secret???
i think it unfortunately managed to hit my biggest pet peeve w books which is feeling like they don’t respect my intelligence or my time. i assumed that the book was the authors first dip into the sci-fi genre but it definitely is not.
there were other smaller things: the pacing felt strange and rushed at the end after how slow the first 80% of the book was. i found the main character boring and one-dimensional. i also found whatever was happening with the ai to be interesting (ais are a cheat code to get me to love any sci-fi) but they didn’t focus on it or do anything novel with it:( the clone shit was another terrific concept they explored very little. it felt like the author had a lot of good ideas for multiple different fantastic books but shoved them all very ambitiously into one book and they all canceled each other out
i said in the post this is responding to that i would love to read an anthropology paper on an alien species and i think this would have been better formatted like that, or just in a very different way then the book. great concepts!! everywhere!! excellent cultures and laws and traditions in a way that all felt very real and grounded. i can absolutely see why people love this book. but it’s near universally gushed about everywhere on here and i don’t get it!!😭😭 i simply cannot understand why people like it so much
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deadindays · 1 year ago
I know nothing of Percy Jackson or its TV adaption, I just want to put a bit of focus on the first paragraph.
One of the most exciting things about discovering mythology is reading every version that exists of the same story. But, it is also important to point out which versions are historical retellings and which are modern adaptions with no actual relation to their original stories. The best way I could put it was to break down each interpretation of op's description.
Icarus actually does not have that many versions compared to others in this list. One that doesn't exist, though, is one where he had a romantic encounter with Apollo. Unfortunately, I was never able to pinpoint the first source of this modern rewriting, but there is a pretty decent 90page short story that depicts this myth which you can find here
There are mostly just two major primary sources of the myth of Icarus, with one of the only Greek writings dating all the way to antiquity. The most famous version is Ovid's, written in his book Metamorphoses. It's important to note that this man was Roman and wrote this book around 8 CE. That tale merely tells a story of arrogance and the consequences of having too much. There is no romance in it at all
The story of Medusa is probably one of the most popular Greek myths today. With so many interpretations and feminist undertones, it holds up today much better than almost any other myth out there. Unfortunately, the most famous interpretation of the myth is also of very very modern interpretation. Here is the oldest account of the "Medusa receives a gift" that exists. I believe it was written in 2004. Older versions may exist, but I am unaware of any.
Medusa has mostly two versions that are referenced the most. Her story was told for countless years already, before being written for the first time in the 8th Century BCE. She was mentioned in the Iliad and the Odyssey, but her story was first expanded on in Hesiod's Theogony. His interpretation was more anticlimactic; she was born a gorgon as her two sisters (Stheno and Euryale) also were. The only difference between her and her sisters was that she was mortal while they were immortal. To be fair, this was mostly for plot convenience so that Perseus could kill her. You can read this story on one of my favorite websites. Her section is under The Bestiary heading.
The origin of the later modern feminist interpretation also lies with Ovid. As a matter of fact, many famous Greek myths came from this man. In this version, Medusa is transformed into a gorgon as punishment, as is well known. You can read it here (her story is in Book 4 and 5).
Lastly, Persephone. Also a wildly popular myth, with retellings in modern romance everywhere. Honestly, the only version I found that depicts Persephone running with Hades to escape her mother was in the game Hades (2018). I'm open to any corrections if there are older versions. The version where she is kidnapped is unfortunately the only one with historical backing. Their oldest mention is also in Hesiod's theogony and also in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter (hymn 2)
Anyway. I got carried away, but one of my biggest pet peeves on all of social media is the spreading of modern narratives being shown as primary sources. There is nothing wrong with making a new version of a myth, or even a new myth entirely. It's just important to distinguish which is original and which is modern!
You know how everyone has heard a slightly different version of the same Greek myth? Like there’s a version we’re Icarus falls in love with Apollo and there’s a version were he knows the wings aren’t gonna hold but keeps flying anyway and a version were he doesn’t hear his fathers warning. In one version of the story, Athena is punishing Medusa, in another she’s giving her a gift. There’s a story where Hades kidnaps Persephone and one where he helps her escape from her mother. All the same myths but told in different ways depending on who tells them and to whom. Slightly different morals to gain from them but always the same basic concept.
And I just think it’s so fitting that the same is happening with the pjo show. Details change! In this version, Annabeth’s dad loves her from the beginning. In this version, they enter Medusa’s house knowing who she is. And this changes the meaning to reflect the time in which the story is told, and the people who tell it. Myths are meant to be retold again and again, thats the beauty of them. It doesn’t mean that one version is better than the other. And I love that Rick Riordan said I’ve told this story before, but what do I want to say this time? And he squeezes so much meaning into it!
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themosthatedbeingg · 3 months ago
For the mun do you think you defer to heaven being stronger then hell a lot of the time? also what’s your ideal end goal for hell and heaven in your writing .
do you miss some earlier threads of just being goofy ?
/— ooc Hi it’s Kas ,
Oof this a big question ,
So uh all right gonna be a long one ,
Uh I’m gonna pre-face this with the fact that I am not religious at all I do not know a lot about Christianity other than extremely basic very basic shit and like I respect all religions from actual satanist to Buddhism I’m just opened anything really, but when it comes to, like I guess power strip structures and like how strong one room is to another since I am not religious, I don’t really know how to define that, so I kind of refer to my friends that I make on here who maybe know a bit more than me and what her stuff is because like I said, they know more than me and I’m not really smart at all like I know biology stuff I can make a whole ecosystem for hell but I cannot tell you anything about like history or like what some words in the Bible say about it so I’m kind of just rolling by the seat of my pants a lot of the time when it comes to this stuff and I try to make it where hell is not like so weak I know I think that’s the big thing in Christianity is that heaven l is extremely strong and stronger than hell I guess? But like I kind of wants to make it even because I think the show is trying to go the route of they are both like good and bad. They are both kind of the same in power structures, while also respecting whatever like lore that my friends are coming up with Because I am not smart in this round this is not my wheelhouse so I guess I do defer to it but like I don’t want to like make it definite, like have it be the canon , like peg in a hole you know ; like I’m open to anything I wanna be more versatile I want to have it open. Ended to make stuff more interesting but also do you have more room for people to write with me because that is my biggest I guess fear or pet peeve is that something is so rigid and structured that it makes it very hard to have Interactions and it makes it really hard to get a thread going or to get a story set up because you’re so set in this way you’re not able to open up for a different story routes , different ideas. I do think heaven and hell could be equal and I like to try and see them as equal does cause I think that makes the playing field more interesting when it’s not so steam rolling the other it’s gonna be an actual challenge, like there is a reason you don’t want this to happen.
I guess with the ppl I write with I kinda do? I don’t know but again a lot of my partners know more then me so I don’t feel like I can have any say in this cause I don’t want to get things wrong ?
I know I don’t want to make my character completely stumped against heaven cause I do feel he can and will cause actual damage like it’s not gonna be so one sided it’s gonna be an actual close call fight for both sides . So in my writing I do try to keep it fair and even while respecting my friends who may know more then me .
Next question : My end goal is fairly simple I do want Hell To win but not in the sense they reign on earth and evil is everywhere .. but that they get treated with respect they deserve and ya I know religious lore but I’m not talking about that , cause I’m not religious , I want Hell to be treated as a fully separate and respected Other realm I want Heaven and Hell to have true equal grounding , sorta like you can’t have one without the other ?? In way . Like Hell is supposed to be a reform center and if rehabilitation doesn’t work then that’s fine Cause Hell is also a prison they will punish sinners till they are ready to redeem themselves , while also being a whole actual world and life for those native to it, I want Hell to be a respected world where ya they may have issues with heaven but they aren’t just pure hated enemies .. if that makes sense?
I don’t want Hell to become heaven cause I feel that goes in the face of all that Lucifer fought for and all that but I do think it can become more then what it is . It’s own thing , it’s darker heaven … another earth in a way.
You must be following me for a long time to remember my earlier threads lol but uh… ya I do tbh I do kinda miss the Simple funny threads back when I was first trying to figure out this character and didn’t have a lot of followers so it felt a little less stressful?? Or uh less all eyes on me .
I know I can still do funny threads now but I feel like I’m not getting the character right to some folks if I do to much ?? While I also do love my more lore heavy serious threads sometimes the silly simple ones just are great .
Idk I feel like I got a lot of ppl watching my threads and it feels like I be to write a certain way? Idk it’s dumb my brain is dumb but I hope this answered your questions ??
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desperatefrenchwriter · 2 years ago
I think my biggest pet peeve that I feel like an asshole about, is the "not proofread" mention on fics.
I get people not having a lot of time and all, and I am greatful that people take the time to put their work out there, but it's so frustrating to see stuff that caters to what you enjoy in theory, but that's unbearable to read because punctuation is nonexistent, or spelling errors everywhere (in the age of smart correctors in every. single. writing. software.), or most egregious sudden POV change in the middle of the fic, with no rhyme or reason.
Proofreading would take care of most of that stuff. This is why people mock fanfic as a medium, because somehow people just feel okay that the work they put effort in should just be, sub-par. Not proofread, not polished, just written as words come and not touched after that.
Proofread. Check the spelling. Put the right punctuation in. It's an added effort, but it will elevate your writing without that much pain. And make it easier to write better on "first try" next time.
And this is also valid for horny stuff. ESPECIALLY SO. Check once the horny has passed to see if what you wrote was coherent. You need the post-nut clarity. This has been a PSA
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tawneybel · 2 years ago
2022 Movie Ranking
Note: 2021 Movie Ranking. As usual, this list is HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE. Still want to catch Skinamarink, Barbarian, Wakanda Forever, The House, and Pinocchio.
Nope: Like Get Out and Us, this was incredibly disturbing but so good. Not sure if I ever want to watch Nope again because characters being eaten alive—eaten alive whole—terrifies me. Anyway, Peele's phenomenal at social commentary. Here, animal exploitation.
Wendell & Wild: So many elements I love! Settings are a funfair-themed afterlife and boarding school. Faustian deals! Diverse character designs. Anti-prison privatization, pro-rehabilation. So the edgy-on-purpose Kat is actually punk. Henry Selick and Jordan Peele plus Key are the dream team!
Turning Red: I am so, so thankful for Shi and co. It's a cute movie all around, but normalizing periods made me adore it. My family was and is always honest about puberty, but many others' aren't. (And no one told me about PCOS.) TR is groundbreaking.
Scream: "No one has made a great Stab movie since the first one." My fave self-aware slasher franchise. And this one tackles one of my biggest pet peeves: fandom entitlement. Also, Kyle Gallner playing a sleazebag for once. 💚
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Men: Verdant folk horror about various flavors of misogyny. If I was still in school, I'd write a paper on it.
The Batman: THIS is how you do dark Batman. My favorite version of the Riddler since Batman Forever. (Sorry, Cory Michael Smith.) Riddler acts like he's helping the downtrodden, but the mentally ill are a marginalized group, too. Arthur Fleck knows that. I like how Joker and this are morally complex and the villains have in-film fanbases. Also, Edward ironically crushing on Batman, while despising Bruce. Aw.
The Munsters: The best Rob Zombie flick. I used to say he should stick to music. Now I think he should stick to music and PG-rated romanctic comedy. It's clear Zombie is an aficionado of Universal and other monster movies. It basically is exactly what it set out to be.
Halloween Ends: Anyone who says this "ruined" the franchise hasn't watched all the movies. Giving Michael a fanboy/protégée was a cool idea to explore. And interesting use of irony with the whole falling and dropping.
Smile: If you're into the predetermined death-curse genre, give it a watch.
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Bodies/Bodies/Bodies: Movie that makes fun of classist vapidity... Gen Z style. The characters are petty and self-absorbed. Their allyship is performative and it will give viewers secondhand embarrassment. On purpose.
Death on the Nile: An adaptation of the secondest Christie book I read. (First being The Pale Horse.) While it wasn't really my thing, I totally thought Misses Van Schuyler and Bowers were sapphic in the novel, so it was nice to see that confirmed here.
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story: Nothing against Weird Al. Just not my type of humor.
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bluestrawberry7 · 11 months ago
hello my love 👋👋 have a day of rainbows and happiness
if I was at a concert: do I have to be performing I wanna be in the audience. I play violin, I've always wanted to do electric violin that'd be cool. but in all honesty I hate performing, not just cuz nerves but they're never satisfying, and then if I don't have the right emotions around it I feel like it means I didn't try. id rather play to the birds on a roof while the sun rises and everyone else is asleep.
biggest pet peeve: uhhh anything my sister does when I'm pissed. her nose is always clogged at she just sorta sniffs, she chews on everything and it's really loud, and she cracks her knuckles every five seconds (which. I taught he how to do. I recognized the hypocrisy). basically if I'm annoyed at her it's a good tell that something else is on my mind and I need to take a lap.
biggest insecurity: ig that people don't like me or want to be around me? that I'm not like worth knowing in my entirety and if I try to show myself fully no one will care. but I feel like everyone has that to a degree it's sorta the plight of human connection
favorite quality about myself: not like a one-word thing but how my parents see me? my dad always says he's so lucky to have me as a daughter cuz I'm so cool and I brush it off but like. all the stories they tell about me are me being stubborn and fierce and energetic, and they talk about all the cool things I do. I'm strong and good at violin and drawing and writing and I know a lot of things.
any pets: no :((( I'm actually allergic to cats and dogs but it's really mild and I'm getting shots. also there's nothing my evil doctors can do to keep me away from my best friends cat she is the world to me she does not like me
job you want to have: okay the dream would be like a history professor that doesn't have to do any research of their own. like most professors teaching is kinda their second thing I just want the teaching part. I wanna just talk about dumb battles and political infighting to a bunch of dopes who have to pay to see me everyday mwahahahaa. but realistically im gonna try to be like a political staffer person? not an actual political god no but like. one of the backdoor writer people who actually does all the work. in fifty years when fridays are part of the weekend and every baby gets chocolate eclairs you'll have me to thank bitch
if you could buy anything in the world regardless of price an size: a house that has a rock climbing wall and a bathtub in the fun room that's in the woods but reachable by train. there are 72 secret passages and it has a bajillion bay windows. maybe one with police mirrors so I can see put but no one can see in. and there's swingsets inside everywhere and a trampoline. and a bigass library with one of those slidey ladders. and all my friends live there together and co-raise children and we have 12 pet sugar gliders and everyone gets along and we have bacon every day.
favorite thing you own: my violin?
favorite season: whatever is currently isn't. except winter cuz I only like it for a week and then I get the depression.
this was fun @mildgendercrisis @whoareyoutheproudlordsaid @corvid-kid9 @carnelian-pimpernel @disapointmentdotcom @aligoo @steverogersstolemywife @padfoots-bf
Thank you so much!🌹 @cookieswithforksandknifes and @ant-thebooknerd for tagging me.
Get-into-it questions
If I was at a concert: I would definitely like to be a singer. I have always dreamed of having my own concert where I can sing my heart out 💕 (Don't worry, my voice is not bad!)
Biggest pet peeve : I always start clicking a ballpoint pen whenever I sit to study. I can't seem to stop myself 😭 ( my mum is very annoyed by this )
Biggest insecurity about yourself: My body and looks. I am a glasses girl so...you know, it's kind of embarrassing wearing them among my friends who can see very well. And also, my body is very curvy so that's a big insecurity ( I am sorry if I annoyed someone 😶 )
What's your favourite quality about yourself? : I love making people happy. I love the smiles and laughs so much that I am unable to bear silence and the grumpy faces🌟
Any pets ( current or previous ):
I have fishes!!! Lots of them!!! Almost 30 in total. 10 are Goldfish, 5 are Clownfish, 10 Angelfish and 5 sharks.
Also, there is a starfish ⭐ and a turtle 🐢 ( I love all of them so much 💞)
Favourite season: I like rainy season. 🌧️ The smell and touch of raindrops feels fascinating 😍
Job you want to have: I have never thought about a serious job but I really want to own a bookstore in the future with hundreds and thousands of books all around me 📚 The thought seems very thrilling!!!
Favourite thing you own: I have a collection of handmade bookmarks which I adore the most. Plus, the Shatter Me book set. ( I almost killed my brother since he touched it with dirty hands 🔪 )
If you could buy one thing in this entire world ( price or size doesn't matter ) what would you buy? :
I would love to buy the companies Rockstar Games and Electronic Arts. It would be a dream come true!!!
Tags :
@ant-thebooknerd @his-littlefox @cookieswithforksandknifes @n0t-an-en3my @nqds @preetrambles @reebslibrary @adelinereillysblog @zozosnothere @wessasbitch @warnersboxers @tingraveyard13 @alastaircarstairsismybff @iminyourwalls70 @aireenwarner @thiefofthecrowns @thefunkyspoon @satori333 @bookoholic-rosie @blairrwaldorfs @weallknowyoulikeme @gracie-221 @emeraldviridiansage @dltnr @arronwarnerfan @aaron-warnerswife4 @insane-eli @bookworm1o1 @sc11vb @bookish-phile @hthn123 @usernameblackpink @yuyananana @idkmyusernamesucks @hannahmarie71 @poeticabomination @shuhuaspookie @kenjisnr1 @theesweetest-princess @ayeshad8744 @crenna @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @kenjik1shimoto
Forgive me if I forgot anyone!🙏🏻
(DM me @shattermelyhfmlblog if you wish to remove your username.)
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gamegem92 · 2 years ago
(Monster High AU Profile) Basil
Boruto “Basil” Hirayama
Parents: Son of a kamaitachi
Killer Style: Usually something loose and flowing to help me channel my wind powers, or something that I’m not afraid to get messy.
Freaky Flaw: …Okay, I admit it, I’m actually kinda scared of heights. I know someone with airbending abilities is connected to the sky, but it’s impossible to connect with it when you fell right out of it from an accident!
Favorite Food: Omurice is a classic, honestly. You know how some humans and monsters like ketchup on scrambled eggs? Well, imagine it in the form of an omelet full of ketchup fried rice, WITH extra ketchup on top. Super. Awesome. Luxury…
Favorite color: Pitch. Black. Good health, prosperity and all that, you know?
Biggest Pet Peeve: I’m only ONE year younger than Helen. It’s not my fault I’m so hexing short! …also, between you and me, vintage calendars deserve more respect, and I hate when they get stepped on, especially mine. (Kinda hard NOT to step on one in the little brat’s room. He has them everywhere! -Helen)
Favorite Activity: Pranking teachers and other students! And maybe Ikebana, AKA flower arrangement. (It’s easy to get fresh cut flowers with those kind of claws! -Pod)
Pet: None… yet
Friends: Howlison Squishowski (sometimes), Pod Lugosi, Peggy Stein, Helen Hirayama (sometimes)
Favorite Subject: I dunno, probably Phys Dead. A mustelid’s agility is an advantage.
Least Favorite Subject: ANYTHING that has to do with writing… have you seen these claws?
Powers: • Enhanced Stealth: As a naturally stealthy animal classification, he can sneak about unseen, and the wind powers are an added bonus. • Flight: He can levitate or move with air currents, as flexible as billowing steam, or mighty as a tornado. • Enhanced Flexibility: A mustelid like a weasel has flexibility like that of an acrobat, and kamaitachi like Basil are no exception. • Scythelike Claws: All kamaitachi have retractable scythelike claws that can cut deep without inflicting pain or bleeding. The primary method of healing these wounds is to wrap it in the page of an old calendar. • Airbending: Kamaitachis, as descendants of a weasel/mink spirit and an air elemental, they can connect themselves physically and mentally to the air currents and bend them to their will, whether to propel themself upwards, or to just mess with random people by mussing up hair or ripping at jackets and cloaks.
Fun Facts: • As out there as it seemed to make him (and Helen) kamaitachi, there was ideas of mischief and elegance in mind. (Plus, Helen gets offended when you call her a weasel. She insists she’s a mink.) • Being a little brother to Helen was a headcanon that my friend Cherry gave me the idea of! (Needless to say, it’s a pretty good headcanon.) • The heritage of a weasel/mink spirit and an air elemental was primarily based on Tianhuo from Them’s Fightin Herds, but he definitely behaves more like Arizona.
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 years ago
Characters I Fucking Hated in 2021
This post is probably going to be more of a rant than anything.  All of this is my opinion so if you don’t like my thoughts, that’s cool that’s fine, just don’t come into my ask box sending me hate because I don’t like a character that you like.  People are entitled to their own opinions, you know?  This list is also going to be very long because I found I didn’t like a lot of characters in 2021 so it’s all going under the cut.  Again, this is all my opinion, so no hate, understand?
Bai Youning - My Roommate Is A Detective
A waste of a character.  Absolutely not needed in the drama.  I actually had to stop watching the drama because of her.  I couldn’t handle her being literally fucking everywhere, like she was all up in crime scenes, taking photos of things she wasn’t supposed to be taking photos of, fucking writing tabloid stories instead of the truth...and she called herself a reporter.  And all she did was whine and complain, I never saw her do one useful thing the entire 10 episodes I could watch.  I hated her.  So much.
Yuan Muqing - Psych-Hunter
Another not needed character.  Literally there for romance.  She brought nothing to the plot other than unnecessary heterosexuality.  Like, she did more harm than good because 95% of the time, if she was in a scene, Qin Yiheng or Jiang Shuo were saving her ass rather than solving the case.  And even though she was a cop, she was too emotional to be a cop, like she put her emotions before her brain.  If she wasn’t there, the plot could literally continue without her.  Like, she wasn’t necessary and I’mma need writers to stop writing shitty female characters whose only role is to be the love interest.  Like stop it
Zhao Moqing - Killer and Healer
A stuck up, spoiled rich brat.  I don’t exactly hate her, but I don’t like her either.  Did she bring something to the plot?  Yeah, a little.  Was she absolutely necessary?  No, not really.  I don’t know, I’m indifferent to her.  She’s more annoying than anything
Zhao Jingming - Killer and Healer
I don’t know what his deal is, man.  I’ve never figured out why he hates Jiang Yuelou (and look man, I’ve watched the drama a million times and I still can’t find a reason).  He’s just incredibly irritating and his death was quite satisfying, I’m not going to lie
Zhan Tianqing - Killer and Healer
This motherfucker...I want to bash his head into the concrete a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough.  I hate this man with the passion of a thousand burning suns.  He’s the reason Zhan Junbai turned out the way he did and if he had never got his grubby little paws on Zhan Junbai then we wouldn’t be in this mess.  I’m fucking glad Jin Dacheng gunned his ass down because I would have done worse to him if I was in the drama
Yoon Soohyun - The Devil Judge
Honestly, the biggest letdown of a character.  She really had so much potential, she was supposed to be a badass female cop and she had her moments but other than that, she just fell flat for me.  All she ever did was obsess over Gaon (she literally joined the police force to protect him like ma’am...really?), never once tried to listen to his side of the story, it was either her way or the highway, and the biggest pet peeve of mine...SHE FUCKING LEFT A DISABLED MINOR UNATTENDED WHILE SHE TRIED TO GO BE THE BIG BAD POLICE OFFICER!  A DISABLED MINOR!  SOOHYUN WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!  HUH?!  ELIJAH WAS IN YOUR CARE AND YOU JUST LEFT HER IN YOUR CAR ALONE.  That was sort of the final straw for me.  Like, you’re done.  You’re done
Min Jung-Ho - The Devil Judge
The human definition of the word hypocrite.  He claims to hate Kang Yohan but never once gave concrete evidence as to what Yohan did to make him hate him.  And hating him for having different morals and ideals...that’s kind of hard to hate someone on, my dude.  Like, people are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs my guy.  Also, the betrayal and pain he caused Gaon...I think he deserved death but...that’s just me
Kim Hyo Kyung - Chimera
Oh bitch...another reporter character whom I hated.  She was irritating and like...she always wanted to be in the middle of everything.  She wanted to know details she wasn’t allowed to know, she stuck her nose in places where it didn’t belong, she thought she was smarter than a literal fucking profiler like ma’am...shut your fucking mouth, do not make guesses on a person’s profile or psyche if you have no degree in that area.  Like my god.  She wasn’t even that terrifying of a villain.  I’m not even sad she’s gone.  Like I’m not.  Am I supposed to be?
Park Sunah - The Devil Judge
Now, I hate her for a different reason.  She was actually a well written woman but what she did was fucking terrible and that’s why I hate her.  Like, just because you have a shitty background doesn’t give you free reign to like...fucking kill people to get what you want.  Like, I feel bad for you and your backstory but that doesn’t give you a free pass to do whatever you like.  Her death was a little anti-climatic and a little subdued for her style but I’m glad she’s dead, I’m not going to lie
Heo Jung Se - The Devil Judge
Oh my god, he would just never shut the fuck up!  Like, I don’t know how many times I wanted Sunah to fucking shoot him to get him to stop talking because that’s all he did.  He liked to think he was number one and smarter than everyone in the room and it’s like...sir go put on your clown shoes, clown makeup, and wig because you ain’t running this show.  You ain’t.  Just shut the fuck up and sit down.  For fucks sake
Park Seung - Secret Royal Inspector and Joy
Oooooooo, this man.  This man makes my blood boil to no end.  I fucking hated him and what he did to Yi Eon, to Tae Seo...oh especially to Tae Seo.  Like...how could he treat his son like that...even when we first thought that Tae Seo was his illegitimate son like bruh...bruh he just wants your approval, is it so hard to give him that?!  And all the shit he put Yi Eon and Tae Seo through...I wish he fucking got punted off the damn cliff but that would have been too easy of a death....he needed to suffer.  So I think his ending, with him being labeled as a ghost and exiled and then told that Tae Seo was his legitimate son and not Do Soo was like the perfect ending.  Suffer with the image of your illegitimate son stabbing your legitimate son.  Like fuck you and die
Park Do Soo - Secret Royal Inspector and Joy
I thought I was going to like him in the beginning and then as the drama went on I’m like...holy shit, Tae Seo is the normal one in the family, this dude’s fucking psycho.  Like this man had no problem wanting to kill everybody and anybody to get what he wants...a fucking psycho
Kang Jin-Muk - Beyond Evil
This man is vile and I hate him.  How could he do that to all those people...to his own fucking daughter?!  And then play the victim?!  When he knew damn well what he did!!  The nerve!  The audacity.  He got what he deserved and I don’t feel bad for him in the slightest.  Like burn in hell bitch.  Burn in hell
Tang Zhixin - Master, Wait a Moment
ANOTHER UNNECESSARY FEMALE CHARACTER JUST USED FOR ROMANCE!  Like, she was literally not needed.  At all.  You could have taken her out of the story and it would have kept going.  She did more harm than good, she was like...weirdly possessive of Dayu like she didn’t want him talking to other men or women, she fucking took his phone and read his messages, she got mad whenever he put cases before her...like ma’am.  He’s a cop.  You’re second compare to his work and Wushuang.  Any scene without her was 10x better than those scenes with her in it
Zhu Qingmu - Young Blood Agency
Like, I thought she was going to be cool because she was a female coroner/forensic scientist but she was more focused on her damn relationship with her fucking...adopted brother than with the fucking cases.  Like ma’am.  Also, her voice was like so high-pitched and irritating that I just couldn’t finish it...she was the main reason why I couldn’t enjoy the drama.  And the drama had Ian in it and like...I love Ian but even he couldn’t save the drama for me
Song Miaomiao - Young Blood Agency
Another woman used as a romance plot.  She’s also very abusive towards her fiance or whatever.  Like, I’m just tired of women being used as romance plots.  Like, give us some meat, please!  We’re not just romance plots, god.  I think the main thing I hated about her was how abusive/aggressive she was towards her fiance.  Like, no man should be afraid of their fiance.  Like, that’s not okay.  It’s really not and I know they were trying to play her off as like a gangster’s daughter so she’s supposed to be tough but there’s a difference between being tough and being a bitch/a bully and that’s what she was
Zhou Heng - Couple of Mirrors
Shittiest husband award goes to this asshole right here.  Oh my god, he was so irritating.  Like, he only thought about himself and his reputation, he didn’t give a shit about You Yi...like he had a fucking affair with her best friend for almost 2 years.  TWO YEARS!!  And when You Yi was testifying against him, he had the audacity to ask her why she was ruining his reputation, like you didn’t fucking deserve to have it ruined.  He also hit her with a fucking car and killed her first child...like sir.  The fuck.  He was also in the car when Hong Mei was killed.  Bastard.  And he killed so many people!  And tried to frame it on You Yi!
Zhang Wan - Couple of Mirrors
A total bitch.  She was You Yi’s best friend and what does she fucking do?  Go and sleep with her damn husband.  She also made You Yi feel like a complete idiot any time they were working on book deals and putting her ideas in over You Yi’s like, I’m sorry, who’s the writer, you or You Yi?  She’s also the one who hit Hong Mei with the car and sped off like it was nothing.  LIKE MA’AM, YOU KILLED AN INNOCENT CHILD AND PLAYED IT OFF LIKE IT WAS NOTHING?!  YOU DESERVED TO BE SHOT IN THE HEAD FOR THAT.  I’m not even sorry you’re dead
Jiang Shangnan - Killer and Healer
I have mixed feelings about her.  On one hand, I understand why she left Jiang Yuelou when she was young but on the other hand, I fucking hate her for abandoning Jiang Yuelou not once but twice.  Shittiest mother award definitely goes to her, that’s for damn sure.  You also fucking shot Jiang Yuelou and then you want to cook him a meal to apologize for leaving him?  Like...what?  You think one meal is going to get Jiang Yuelou to forgive you?  After abandoning him as a child?  You’re his mother and yet you left him to fend for himself...like yes, I pity your situation and yes you should have gotten away but you should have taken Jiang Yuelou with you, not leave him behind you fuck
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enternecersarc · 3 years ago
knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier, repost,  do  not  reblog.
name:  jane (though i’m probably changing my alias soon or going back to my real name!) my real name? iykyk.
pronouns:  she / her
preference  of  communication:  definitely discord but my mood has been very unstable recently and so i am slower at replying to dms. however, i promise it is not personal. 
name  of  muse(s):  girl (genderless) i have too many.
experience / how  long  (months / years?):  i have been roleplaying since 2010 in a g!ee group here on tumblr, but ever since i have been on twitter groups, discord groups, 1x1s on pretty much every platform (including forums) and here on indie. indie i come and go though.
best  experience:  i’ve  had  some  great  experiences  everywhere,  to  be  honest,  even  if  they  all  also  bring  bittersweet  memories  too.  but  indie  holds  a  special  place  in  my  heart  because  i’ve  met  my  best  friends  here.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers:  i  think  my  biggest  pet  peeves  are  a)  when  people  blatantly  ignore  my  rules  (  which  contain  all  my  deal  breakers  )  and  b)  how  often  i  feel  female  characters,  and  all  ocs,  can  go  ignored  at  times.
muse  preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  i  hardly  ever  write  smut,  only  on  discord  and  with  my  close  friends.  and  i  love  fluff  but  i  get  bored  sometimes.  now  angst?  sign  me  up.  just  don’t  have  your  character  cheat  on  mine  without  us  plotting  because  i  will  mcfreaking  lose  it.
plots  or  memes:  memes,  always.
long  or  short  replies:  depends  on  the  muse,  the  thread  and  my  mood.  sometimes  i’ll  effortlessly  write  3+  paragraphs  and  sometimes  i  can  only  write  one.  but  that’s  okay.
best  time  to  write:  usually  at  night  or  when  i  just  woke  up  because  that’s  when  i  have  the  most  energy.
are  you  like  your  muse(s):  some of them? definitely. check lake meriwether, karma ashcroft, jane villanueva, rachel green, hermione granger and april kepner for more. i even dyed my hair orange last year because of karma/april so!
tagged: @reivontulet tagging: @v0ltais,  @mysahs,  @wereache,  @problmatics,  @c1nemas,  @covenruins,  @herfuneral  plus  you  reading  this!
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mlqcconfessions · 5 years ago
hi!!! i noticed you also do headcanons and I was wondering if you could do mc's cat cockblocking the boys?? i really love your writing, and tysm!!!
I’ve never owned a cat, but I’ve watched enough videos on YouTube
MLQC Headcanon - Please do something about that cat
He’s not much of an animal person
And you know that
But that doesn’t mean you’ll throw away your cat after moving in with him (the one you’ve raised for nearly 12 years)
So you’re determined to make him accept little Whiskers
One of the biggest peeves he has is the fur
He doesn’t like having the hairs stick to his clothes (AND in the food)
He just doesn’t find cats that adorable like you do?
He doesn’t complain when you take him to buy stuff (he actually enjoys watching your face light up while picking things out)
But he regrets it because you were taking too long looking at everything in the store
So he now makes you shop online (so he doesn’t have to actually be there)
“Victor...! We HAVE to get this banana bed!!”
He doesn’t see the necessity but buys them for you anyways
There’s a lot of things he wants to say about that cat, but he stops himself
But he DOES want to say something about your cat continuously cockblocking him?
Every time he goes to kiss you, Whiskers is always there
She keeps meowing to get your attention (to which she always succeeds)
Damn cat.
He doesn’t like how you give her more affection than to him
She’s such an angel when you’re around
But is the devil’s incarnate when you’re not
He swears your cat gives him a look sometimes
“Victor, you’re being ridiculous” (if only you knew)
Damn cat.
You’re usually the one to take her to the vet
But you were busy with wrapping up a shoot one day (so HE had to take her)
Boy, did he hate every minute of it
Meowing like no tomorrow (he thought his ears would start coughing hairballs)
The appointment wasn’t all that splendid either
He thought about accidentally leaving the cat at the vet’s 
But he was able to refrain from doing so
When he gets back, you’re waiting for him
He suddenly picks you up bridal style (doesn’t forget to glance at Whiskers)
He thinks he wins this round (but she’s the one in your arms when he wakes up the next morning)
Damn cat.
He loves animals
He REALLY loves animals
But sometimes they don’t love him back (poor sunshine boy)
And your cat was one of them
He literally tries everything to make Whiskers like him
But it doesn’t work
“My evol......” (absolute charm doesn’t work on animals, apparently)
He becomes so sulky afterwards
Savin has to stop by the house to drag him to his next schedule
He gets up to leave, but then sees Whiskers come up to Savin’s leg
She starts purring so loud? (like she wants Kiro to hear?)
“Wha— No! That’s not fair!”
He sits back down, exclaiming that he won’t budge until he MAKES Whiskers like him
Savin is crying, once again
Kiro uses his knowledge as Key to create the most complex system you’ve ever seen in your life
“Ki..Kiro? What’s all this?” (you’re almost afraid to ask)
“It’s an automated treats dispenser. Whenever she passes by any of my things, this bad boy (he taps on a device) will drop her favorite treat. You can think of it as training her to associate me with food!”
“And....this is supposed to make her like you?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment (he’s desperate, isn’t he?)
“Just watch, MC! Don’t come crying when she no longer follows you everywhere”
You sigh (I’ll have to apologize to Savin again)
So the treat dispenser idea worked in the beginning
Or at least, it seemed like it did
Whiskers figured out the trick pretty quickly (she was old, but not stupid)
She could care less about becoming familiar with Kiro’s scent, and was only interested in the snacks
He’s devastated now (he’s curled in the corner of the sofa)
Seriously, what made you marry this man?
Just then, Whiskers comes up to Kiro and sits on his lap (he’s squealing)
“MC! Look! I told you this would work!”
He doesn’t particularly hate animals
But can’t imagine raising one himself
He was supportive when you said you wanted to adopt a stray cat (the one that’s been wandering around the orphanage)
He helps you buy the supplies to prepare the house
He even offers to take her for her shots (while you were working)
He was looking forward to expecting the cat to fall in love with him
As did the hundreds of animals in the past
He never thought this stray cat would become so attached to you
And attached as in ATTACHED
She literally gave him no room to come between the two of you
He pretends it doesn’t make him faze one bit
But he’s actually plotting using that sexy brain of his
He’s laughing at his own childishness
But when it involves your love, it’s a little different (he’s willing to play this game)
She’s a formidable opponent
As a pet, she has the upper hand in a lot of situations
For example...
She’s allowed to sit on your lap and stay there for who knows how long
She’s able to follow you into the bathroom (something Lucien wishes)
Theoretically speaking, she’s much more huggable than he was
Whiskers was smol and fluffy, but Lucien?
Alpha male was just BIG (his hair is fluffy, though)
He doesn’t like how he’s losing on so many levels
But he DOES have advantages as a husbando human 
He can cook you breakfast
He can pick you up in his arms and swing you around
Even though he can’t sit on your lap (he’ll crush you if he does), he sure can rest his head on it
He can actually communicate with you? (this is the BIG ONE)
He understands your body language, your speech, and any changes in between
And he KNOWS that he is the only one in your life who will be able to get this intimate with you
Inside and outside
He’s more of a dog person, himself
You already knew about Flyer (*see Rehearsal Date)
And you knew Gavin wasn’t actively looking for a pet
But he is more than willing to take in a stray cat you brought home
You ask him to name the cat, to which he appropriately names Whiskers
It’s not original, but I suppose it’s still cute
What did you expect 
This is a man who names his motorcycle Sparky
Slowly but surely, he begins to love this cat as if she was his own
And Whiskers seems to love him the same, as well
You often find the two of them napping together, curled up in the sofa
When he comes back after a long mission, she’s always there by the door (she knows when he’s coming before you do?)
Despite all this
He loses it whenever she gets in the way of his affectionate moments with you
Other than that, the two have a great relationship
He has small scratches on his legs and arms 
He gets new ones whenever he tries to kiss you
You end up cutting her nails more frequently than before (but she always finds a way to make them sharp again)
Minor makes fun of him when he tries to explain his dilemma
“Bro! You’re fighting with a CAT” (Gavin had to punch lightly nudge Minor’s stomach)
He knows it’s dumb, but he can’t help himself
He has his reasons for being so jealous over Whiskers
It’s because you’ve become so much more lovey-dovey after taking in the cat
Well, he’s not complaining (you were more adorable now)
But it would be nice if all that love was directed towards him
Right now, it was 7:3 (Whiskers : Gavin)
In order to fight back, HE becomes the affectionate one now
Kisses become a lot more........extravagant
It’s not like he’s not embarrassed about it
If anything, he wants to hide in a hole every time he slips his tongue in your mouth
“Gavin, if it’s gonna make you blush that hard then you don’t have to do it, you know?”
I’ve always wanted a cat, and this just solidifies my point
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peachade · 4 years ago
Writing Asks
thank u to sarah @soldouthaz, lily @theisolatedlily and late @tomlinvelvetfics for tagging me !!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
started in eighth grade after moving which fucked me up (i’m still to recover lmao) n i needed a distraction, reading had always helped but writing is what let me see what the root of my agony was. (im not trying to be pretentious i swear) i first started on wattpad (love hate relationship to this day) and beginning of lockdown this year gravitated to ao3 which has been my saving grace !!!
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
so far i’ve mostly written in louis’ pov. i’ve had to ask this question in the early stages — i resonate the closest to harry. most of my wips are harry centric for that reason. i mean, yes and no — i tend to take some part of me and fit it into the character but at the same time i don’t like seeing me on a page so yes and no.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
EVERYWHERE. mostly others’ stories be it in the way of songs, music, writing, art. usually it’s me coming across a vaguely aesthetic picture and my brain spitting out one or two random scenes and me trying to make that a story.
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
both !!! i have new wips but also i lost a lot of motivation to do anything for a bit. school is sucking the soul out of me — it’s both easier and harder with it being online, the worst part is i can never truly feel like i’m getting a break from it. recently it’s been easier for me bc of the friends i made (ily all) it’s hindered a little bit bc i can’t go out and watch people and streetlights and the blur of cars and try to pour out that feeling into words and create something. at the same time it’s helped me gain more perspective on people and relationships which has been a massive help to writing in general.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
depending on the number of classes i have/attend, my mental stability, the story and my sensitivity. i often can’t stand loud noises so there’s that but there is always some noise or the other so it’s never truly silent. i like it that way. sometimes i just play intense studying playlist on spotify and write, Lucida by Odin Sørlie and Haunted Heart by Dawn, Dawn, Dawn are my favourites.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
excessive usage of the same word in mine. in general, i’m not a fan of stereotypical characters or romanticising harmful themes.
7. describe your ideal writing setup
2 am, in bed, music still ringing in my ears, three texts from my best friend about a story or about their day. under the blanket, the room smelling of chocolate or something sweet.
8. favorite time of day to write?
anytime but afternoon. those hours are for naps.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
fiction? i’d love to write a fantasy au 👀
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
yep yep. i just edit an old story or read my old works or other writers’ fics. i gave up trying to force myself into writing — i hated the end product and felt bad so.
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
probably the emotions? dialogue without a doubt — i dread writing it. it doesn’t come to me naturally. i can write lengths without dialogue tbh. also smut — it’s an eh eh aspect.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
my wonderful friends. they do dumb shit and i want to tell the world about their dumb shit so i make characters out of them.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
as of now it is fucker — delightful word that one. least favourite is probably squelch — just no.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
the dreamy feeling i manage to write without a doubt !!!! dialogue and pacing. i don’t have the best dialogue or the pacing or the length for fics but i’m working on all of those !!
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
still a wip so i can’t tell you much except that it’s a proper treat. will write this once i’ve posted that fic !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
*nervous laughter* the font changes from fic to fic — crush is comic sans, size 11. October was Lora, 11. Twisted in bedsheets is courier new, 11. stargazing is spectral, 11. so yeah — whatever the fic demands. single spaced !!!! except when i’m overwhelmed i do double spaces.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
I Cannot Type. if you think i can — congratulations you were fooled. autocorrect is the loml.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
of course !!!! i basically do not exist out of my writing.
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
pain, pining, longing. lust.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
we’re all fucked up but we’re trying and trying sometimes is enough. you shouldn’t spend your life carved out around one person. it’s okay to ask for help and need a shoulder to lean on. i hope these come across in my future fics !!!!
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
bold of you to assume i’ve ever received advice.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
a new fic. will update the answer once that fic is out !!!!!
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically. i can’t do out of order. i do have a page full of scribbles but they are to tell me the order sjakmd.
24. how do you handle criticism?
if it’s constructive then well. no thick skin tbh. makes me feel as if i need validation from someone else on my art which isn’t necessary but my brain is wired to seek it and it’s a hassle.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
write everything you would want to read. write it bad, don’t worry about the quality. don’t worry about the audience. end of the day, it should be something you can turn to for comfort not something that makes you feel bad.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
people telling me they like my writing and it could take them out of this world for a few minutes !!!!!
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
probably crush verse !!!! harry — his is probably the one character where i dump most of me in.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
rant to me about anything. i enjoy talking. ask me about wips so i can take the little guilt and write more.
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it’s nice to let go and express things and create characters with a better situation than mine.
30. why do you write?
keep myself busy.
boost yourself + tags
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
No kissing. No flashbacks.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
a little something i’m writing inspired by @brickredtoe’s art !!!!
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
ok. well. from 5436 miles
“Or we could always add a trail of stars to one of those moons,” he replies, words dragged out, rolling around in his mouth.
He can see the glint in his eyes even behind his closed lids. Everything about Louis is inked and etched into every fiber of his being.
He would’ve kissed him, words pouring from his mouth into Harry’s, only half his.
He snorts. “And make it seem like the moon has a buttplug? No, thanks.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
both my published fics have circular endings.
5436 miles — Louis always had more stars in his eyes.
these tornadoes are for you — His heart beats in peace.
5a. link to the last fic you read.
sugary sweet by the immensely talented @soldouthaz
6a. link the last work you published
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
taylor. she’s so so wonderful.
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
all of riv, sarah, ris and late’s fics. they’ve been so so comforting. Event Horizon by @mercurial-madhouse
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
@mercurial-madhouse @harryanthus are the only ones coming to mind atm. i’ve been up for too long apologies.
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cloudystevie · 4 years ago
one huge pet peeve of mine is when reading fics, some authors physically describe y/n as "5'2, with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, and the perfect body." it just pisses me off, especially when i'm not white with long blonde hair. not to mention the height. yes i'm short, but what about the taller people reading this fic and comes across THE sentence, " his shirt reached to the floor" or something. excuse me, we don't do this here. also, i really like the fact that you fics are inclusive
SAME SAME SAME because i am none of those things- i have brown hair, brown eyes, and most definitely not petite with somehow ginourmous titties and an ass that shakes the whole room everywhere i go- but still petite somehow??? and im not short either so???? literally my biggest pet peeve!!
but omg thank u!!!! i always try my hardest to keep physical descriptions to tye absolute lowest and none at all if i can, and i hope that that comes through in my writing because i want everyone to have a place when theyre resding💘💘💘
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