#also my app is going a slow it’s so mad at this ask 🤭
sexynetra · 11 months
ok i got a lot for you are you ready?? 1, 4, 6, 11, 12, 26, and then pick one that you think is fun because i like the number seven today :)
Hi my angel of music Gi <3
1. What song makes you feel better?
Oh gosh, it’s so contextual really! Recently I’ve been on such a broadway kick, but I’m gonna follow my gut on this one and say Precious Lord by Arnold Sevier (yes I know I’m Jewish shut up). My choir sings it most years and it is very sentimental and important to me and also very beautiful 🥺
4. what flower would you like to be given?
I’d be so excited to get any flowers honestly 😂 but I really love, like, small flowers? Like forget-me-nots and such. I have a lot of floral tattoos so I guess any that match those (forget-me-not, poppy, daisy, cherry blossom, there’s more but those are the flowers I remember off the top of my head). I had a thing about daffodils as a kid so those always bring an insane amount of nostalgia for me.
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
:0 egads! Uhhhh let’s see.
Pretty eyes
Soft hair
Hot when I try to be
I care deeply about people
I speak up when I don’t think something is right/fair, especially if others don’t feel safe to speak up themselves
I am quite smart and quite passionate, a combination that I think is really powerful
11. what’s your ideal date?
Hmmm I am very simple I just like to cuddle and talk about life, maybe watch some tv. I feel like I get stressed out about elaborate dates. Like I love to get all dolled up and I love fancy food and whatever but casual intimacy is where it’s at imo.
12. How are you?
Still doing good <3 watching figure skating and eating dinner so that’s always the sign of a good night ahead
26. What movie would you want to live in?
The only movies that keep popping into my head are titanic and clueless I have literally forgotten every other movie I’ve ever watched and I don’t want to drown so I’m gonna go with clueless this time around
BONUS: favorite piece of clothing?
I have a handful of comfort clothing items but I think the 2 most important to me are a k-pig t-shirt I stole from my dad and a Maggie mae’s sweatshirt I stole from him that says something like “beers not just for breakfast” or some shit like that (I do not drink beer <3) honorable mention to my ratty moth eaten Fleetwood Mac shirt from when I saw them in like 2018
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