#also might have something else abt these two cooking so stay tuned ^_^
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chrisrin · 2 years ago
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kusagrasskusa · 2 years ago
Heyyy could i get some d'vorah x female reader hcs??? I love bug wife sm but theres no fanfiction abt her
Ahhh my gosh yes!!!! If I’m gonna be honest D’Vorah is my least favorite character of all Mortal Kombat characters, but that doesn’t mean I dislike her. Actually she’s pretty fucking epic and a cool character to write about. Tbh I’m really REALLY happy with this request since I’m also the type who simps over characters who aren’t popular enough to get a lot of fanfics about them if any XD
So thank you so very much!!!!! I hope this is to your liking! I kinda suck at hc since I alway add story so if I don’t do enough of hcs, lemme know so I can make a part two!!
And also, I’m gonna be posting a really sad request later today… I had to step back from that because it broke my heart 😭 So if ya’ll like Raiden.. stay tuned ;)
This was made by Fezat1 on Deviantart :)
D’Vorah (bug wife) X Female! Reader - Headcannons
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So let’s say lovely, beautiful Y/N is um A fugitive
But on her way to escaping her prison, she got hungry and ate some berries out of desperation. Of course she wasn’t as desperate as she was whenever she was trying to escape from a giant fucking web in the middle of Outworld.
But whenever the Queen D’Vorah discovered the girl, my my.. She was so cute! Pulling on the web, crying, begging for dear life 🥰🥰❤️ Why, it made the queen almost not wanna kill her! But instead to savor each drop of blood she tastes because it’s not very often you see someone as cute as this one
Oh but in the end… She couldn’t even do that. Something compelled her to free you, but in return.. You must “stay” for a “little bit” which this sexy bug mama deserved, right?
I feel like D’Vorah wouldn’t be very good at showing expression. Bugs don’t mate for life save for cockroaches and termites, and so her need to stay with you feels more like a need the way food is a need, rather than as love. But of course that’s just the way her bug mind interprets it because whenever a bug bite you and you had a bad reaction, her way expression love was by killing it
I think it’s safe to say you’d never had lice or ticks or anything again. Weird
A lot of people around the world don’t eat bugs or scorpions or anything (me neither cause f that) but you gotta get used to it sometimes. Maybe even road kill or something like that. Idk but whenever you were so disgusted you figured you’d put your culinary skills to the test… Bug wife decided you’re gonna have your own role in the colony. To cook.
D’Vorah would 1000%% use her back things for cuddles. Imagine you guys argue and are avoiding each other, but during bed time, she just like… Slips one of those things around you. Don’t say shit or else she’s taking it away and sleeping with the larva instead.
Tbh, without making this NSFW, I feel like D’Vorah would be SO PROUD to show off her body. She already does all the way anyways and don’t expect her to cover up. Girl knows she got them curves and muscles to show
She would love to play with your curves too! Like trace them with her finger, even if not in a NSFW way, just because she appreciates a feminine body. She’d look at your eyelashes, curves, chest, legs and everything that makes you a woman with so much appreciation.
If your not a curvey or thicc queen, guess what? Your a sticc queen in her eyes, love. Too bad so sad! She’d still be as touchy regardless because you know what? Those features are what makes her yours, and you hers ❤️
She’d be very protective over you…….. unless
If she finds out you’re hanging upside down, slowly being swallowed up by a giant unearthly worm, imagine her being like, “Aww, hehe, this one is not food even if she looks so delicious”
Let Erron Black eye you for literally 2 seconds. You might not even notice but your warrior wife is gonna be by your side, glaring at the gunslinger. Let that self-serving leech talk to you, and I promise it’ll be his last conversation ever (aside from a “I’m sorry”)
She would be so touchy. I mean, the bugs all crawl on each other and stuff so if you don’t like touchy, you’ll have to deal with him.
You use her back things as a carrier sometimes
Kisses with her are Cute.
Imagine you one day just lean down and are like “Mwa!” She just looks up at you with an unchanged face in absolute confusion
And so you’ll tease her with it pretty often. Like just random, jump scare kisses to the cheek or forehead or lips
D’Vorah tries to jump scare kiss you back but her lips don’t know what the fuck they are ding the first like 3839749837 times
or not until you grab her wrist and counter attack kiss her back before her mind can even register what happens
She loves her kisses 🥰
Sleepy time, imagine both her arms around you, one leg on top of you, her head on you, and her other leg on your side. She is the embodiment of a ‘cuddle bug’
“Babe, I’m gonna teach you to say ‘I love you’” “This one does not feel love. But this one feels like it would be too evil to feast upon your flesh and blood” “…you’re getting better at it!!!!!”
I love you is the toughest thing to her. Like her body will physically not form the words. Her brain will not form the words. But guess what? Whenever you say it without getting a response back, she feels so happy you have no idea
Being new to the whole mating for life thing (though she would just call it “long term attraction”) means it’ll be hard for her to understand some relationship normalities. Whenever she threatens to consume you or spit acid at you, you just grab her hand softly and watch as her face changed. How it calms down instantly and her body untended. How her face looks so innocent like a lost puppy.
“Now you shut up,” you say, smiling stupidly knowing you just made her thunderstorm of anger turn into a hurricane
She is cold blooded so lemme tell you.. You being hot under the Outworld sun is PERFECT. Your body is just 100 degrees but imagine that being like how clothes feel after they get out of the dryer to her. She LOVES IT
If you wear soft or puffy clothes, maybe yarn, you become so so soft to her! She might nibble on the wool sometimes but she knows you love how cute she can look
She’ll play with your hair pretty often for a past time
She’ll let you ride on her sometimes- just don’t move too much
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bergarass · 6 years ago
all the valentine’s day asks!! i genuinely want to know 💌
ily mir
blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?
1) tell me to add more romantic songs to the playlist i made them *pointedly looks at said person* you KNOW who you are; 2) also if they fuckin CONFESSED to how they felt, i’m LOOKING at you, you cancer moon scorpio sun headass lookin boi
love hearts: where were you when you met your crush?
@ home during winter break and i saw him on my friend’s sc and was like, “yo uhhhh who is this his hair’s cute” and my friend saw through my bluff and sent me his sc LOL and we’ve been talking ever since.. jan 4? fun fact we’re both have the red hearts next to each other’s names bc we’ve been sc best friends for more than 2 weeks so !!!!
100th date: would you prefer to stay in or go out this valentine’s?
homeboy is on the other coast so it’s not like i can spend v day with him BUT if money wasn’t an issue,,,, you bet your ass i’m flying to ny to wish him a happy valentine’s day
roses: do you like picnic dates?
it sure would BE NICE!!!!!! *bangs pots and pans outside his dorm window* if soMEONE TOOK ME ON ONE!!!
rest will be under the cut
first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?
i would want my face to be cradled and my hip to be grabbed, and if they were to push me gently against the wall and pin me there i wouldn’t mind (^:
first date: describe your ideal first date.
i wear something cute and a lil flirty, a lil sexy for them, we get some boba and popcorn chicken and visit a botanical garden. we end the day with a night walk on the beach and maybe i snuggle up next to them pretending to be cold and we… uhm… k*** 🙈🙈
preference: sexuality? what’s your ‘type’?
bi, and i’m really into the idea of… frat bro types who have hearts of gold, which is very very idealistic but a girl can dream! other than that, i’m drawn to certain things: i like really strong hands on guys, esp if they look like they’ve done some work (does that make sense?), crooked smiles get me FUCKED up, and from a young age i’ve been fascinated by long hair and i rlly like it when ppl swish it around (also,,,,, curvy gals get me sprung). ALSO THEY GAIN HELLA POINTS IF THEIR HUMOR’S A LIL NASTY N RISQUE LIKE MINE
hand holding: do you like pda?
i’ve never been a participant bc i’ve never in a sitch where i can practice it LMAO but i stop at kissing in public. holding hands and being a clingy, cutesy gf is def on my list, but i’m not gna be frenching my boo at the beach u feel
family: how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?
fairly important, but ultimately i trust my own gut. i generally would hold my friends’ judgement more bc they’d be more in tune to my feelings and know more abt the person if they hung out with them with me
doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?
i’d say my prom date proposing to me with an hp-themed promposal! (he played the hp theme song on the piano + poster that said “i know you’re a ravenclaw but would you want to slytherin to prom with me?”)
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?
…my crush’s cooking since he is going to culinary school LOL (so like a home date ehe), but in general, ummm probs food that’s fun and fresh, like dessert or light dishes (or ??  dim sum bc that shit SMACKS)
giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?
these q’s jshfjkdhsf ofc both are important, but i love laughing, so having a sense of humor is a plus, but i also love it when ppl i love wax rhapsodic abt things that they love and r knowledgable abt!!! ultimately, a balance of both
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?
like in general? lupita nyong’o looks bangin in orange
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
nope! and nope! i feel scared trying to set ppl up, esp if someone wants me to hook them up with one of my friends and ik it might not even work
lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?
i think it’s sth that you feel, like, you know that things are serious when you and the person are like.. possessive? that’s not the right term, but what i mean is when you feel like this is the person you want to commit to and the feeling’s mutual enough that you both are comfortable to announce it, after you know that the relationship is a stable one
love knots: would you like to forget the person you shared your first kiss with?
TECHNICALLY i’ve already had my first kiss, but i don’t rlly count it since i was like 4 LOL. but i don’t wna forget luke, i think it was just a sweet thing that happened when you’re both youngins and innocent, ykno?
promise ring: who do you see yourself being with in two years?
….. jl. in 2 yrs if i actually am not with him i’d be pretty surprised 
aphrodite: how important are looks?
it definitely plays a role, but it’s not everything. all i care is that they’re beautiful to ME
angel: do you like ‘bad boys’ or sweethearts more?
can i cheat and say both, bc j looked like a fuckboi the first time i saw him on my friend’s sc, but after talking to him for so long, my friend was right in insisting that j’s inherently a sweet, caring, and protective guy albeit being a lil headass
so he fits my type almost to a tee: bro-ey at times, but is loving and sweet
harp: have you ever written a poem for a crush?
YEP!! never delivered it though bc i wasn’t trying to die
red: where will you be spending february 14th?
probs in my bed with my other roomies as we fuckin simp our hearts out
love notes: who was your last valentine? where are they now?
never had one!
flowers: what���s the best romantic gift to give someone?
something home- or hand-made, just something from the heart; something as simple as an earnest letter means so much to me
but tbh i would just MELT if they got me lingerie, like a REALLY good set that i’ve been pining over for months and then one day... boom on the bed in a cute box all tied up omfg i’d just weep
st. valentine: what are your hopes for love this year?
romantic: i’m not quite looking for a relationship, but i think what i’m trying to get at is a sense of commitment. trust and security is what i’m hoping to gain from interacting more with j
platonic: that i love and am open to giving and receiving more love from my friends
familial: same; i want to reassure my mom and brother of how much i love and cherish them
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