#also makes sense because vi is seen in zaun as something of a traitor in league so i assume that will be a big aspect of their conflict too
ravenkinnie · 4 months
I think people focus on the initial promo vs s2 promo too much as a symbol of protection tbh like maybe it is true that both within actual plot and within characterisation jinx feels like and is protecting vi from some sort of power shift in zaun/piltover. but I think it's also somewhat a symbol of a power shift in their relationship- because vi was the one who Got It, the one who knew how things run, the capable one. and now she's in post s1 zaun, she doesn't know anything about how the power balance in zaun works anymore, she's dating a cop who knows even less (god bless caitlyns stupid ass she doesnt know anything) and her sister isn't even fully human anymore - and jinx is the one who Knows, even if she's insane. if she's going against piltover, then she's also suddenly the one with a real goal and I imagine the heart of conflict between them will be vis refusal to accept what jinx believes is the only way forward. then she's not just signaling this shift in their dynamic, she's not protecting vi from outside forces - she is attempting to shield her from the threat she is bring on everyone herself. and that's TEA
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