#also lowkey HATE the build set up for this lot
neon-danger · 6 days
mad because I finally got my game set up right before I have to leave for work
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
Hi, here with a vault hunters question — what's the best way to start with the big tech mods if i never played with any of them before (or, haven't played with three of them and lowkey hated Botania)? I'm not *quite* at that point yet, but i want to try them and don't want to get too overwhelmed to play.
it depends on what you’re looking for! first, let me say that none of the big tech mods will become required at any point; production mods probably define your farm-building capabilities way more than your big mods in most cases, and unless you’re playing in skyblock or with grindy crystals you can normally last well into the late levels without needing absurd farms for much (although most people identify a specific pain point they want modded farm for eventually, and this can be a good reason to go into a specific mod). choose a specific thing you want to be the First Task you do with a big tech mod, and focus on getting the steps done to do That Specific Task; that often gives you the path to learn everything you need!
from there, if you’re a beginner with no preferences, my advice is that you will probably want to watch or read tutorials! all four big mods have wikis/guides of varying qualities; botania also has the botania lexicon in-game, and create has the “ponder” feature. these will help you figure out how to play one of the big tech mods, once you’ve decided which interest you!
as for how each mod plays: thermal expansion is less powerful than its cousins, but is far, far simpler. almost everything thermal expansion does is a one-block solution, and I’ve never had to chain more than maybe two machines together to do any given task. you will craft a machine using all components you can craft at a crafting table, provide that machine power, and you’re off to the races! so if you like simple solutions, this is probably the mod, especially since it doesn’t require any mod-specific crafting.
mekanism is all about chaining machines together. it can do a lot of things thermal expansion can do much more powerfully thanks to the ability to upgrade many of those basic blocks into factories, but boy do some processes in mekanism require a LOT of pipe spaghetti, machinery, and steps to get things done. luckily, determining what these steps ARE tends to be fairly simple, as you can just follow backwards in JEI from your intended endpoint to the eventual one or many starting points you need, and there are a lot of video guides, plus a wiki. if you LIKE some of the most powerful ore processing and tech and eventually power production in the game this is for you, but it can be complicated or intimidating at first glance.
botania also, from what I’ve seen, requires chaining multiple machines together, this time in order to send mana from place to place. the hard part of botania, at least for me, is wrapping my head around how to move mana around; once you understand that, I suspect it’s a bit simpler than late-game mekanism, but its logic can feel VERY different from the other three mods due to that mana abstraction. it and create also make the coolest decorative blocks in my opinion, with botania having a lot of cool “natural” blocks.
create is the mod that requires the most “thinking” in my experience to get things to work, but is often the most capable of being cheaply powerful. you will need to use spatial reasoning to figure out how to connect gears together in order to make anything work, and you’ll likely need to use create’s conveyor belts to move items around. this can make doing anything in create feel very complicated if you don’t like it, but extremely satisfying if you do like it, since in create you will often feel like you can use your own, special solution for things, instead of a set chain of machines set up the way anyone else would. a lot of players who otherwise dislike tech mods also tend to really like create, despite it being that deep down! it also has by far the best in-game documentation, with the ponder system on every single mechanical part letting you see what they do in-game, with animations to demonstrate, and it’s probably the most useful all-in-one package of the big mods for the most things, even if not necessarily the best at each of those jack of all trades things it does.
so yes! hopefully this helps you out! all of the big mods have sort of their own playstyle, and maybe this helps you figure out where to start!
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Question because I can't stop thinking about Mer style SJ au!
So, I'm terribly curious about how the final confrontation would go in this version! Since they are all organic, I imagine it wouldn't be possible to have an equivalent of the Celestial Wire, right?
It occurred to me that perhaps something with the poisonous spikes could happen, but I think you said their poison cannot harm those related to them, so that would likely not be it. Because in the main verse, in order for Sun to live, Eclipse would have to die so that he can get the celestial wire instead. But a mortal wound inflicted by his older brother would probably not be cured by Eclipse having (or being forced to) give up a crucial part of himself. So would Sun or Moon end up physically harmed by Eclipse in his blind rage? Or maybe something in their environment happens?
Oh, oh! That makes me think that while there is no way to set a building on fire, there certainly are hydrothermal vents that can reach dangerous temperatures! So maybe there could be some volcanic activity about to happen near where they are and Eclipse would be forced to realize that by dragging y/n down with him, and in consequence make his brothers chase after them, that they indeed are all now in danger because of his refusal to leave the darkness behind?
Ahhh, I don't know! Just rambling about possibilities at this point haha XD
Heya, babe!
That's right, no Celestial Wire to be given up here, but I do want to make use of the venomous spikes in one way or another, so I figured that the vigilante might get pricked by Eclipse and end up in dire need of an antidote. There was also a scene I had in mind of Eclipse finally stealing Y/N away and throwing them into a bowl-like rocky outcropping (coincidentally shaped in a manner of a clam) on land to dry them out for a while and see if they change their tune. That would spur Sun and Moon into a frenzy looking for them while they endure that torment.
As for a possible final confrontation, I love the thought of underwater hydrothermal vents being a destination for the final confrontation! Lowkey, I was messing around with ideas for an aquatic equivalent of a cigar for Eclipse and fiddling with him having some sort of magma stick that bubbled. But, I ended up scrapping it because Eclipes's hands were otherwise occupied with the vigilante alsdfjasld
Dragging Y/N down into the dark, only lit by the occasional bursts of boiling hot water and flashes of magma low on the ocean floor, would be an Eclipse move—and somewhere Sun and Moon would know to look. They see the twilight zone just as well as their brother. It would be pretty dramatic in the heated water.
As for the damage done, I see Eclipse giving into a moment of rage and incidentally spearing Sun with his trident. It's a moment of shock, of 'mom said I could never hurt my family but look at what I've just done' and both a flurry of panic for Y/N and total devastation for Moon.
Eclipse, in this AU, would have the chance to save his brother by quickly helping him back to the Reef alongside the vigilante and Moon. When they call for help, they're met with assistance and aquatic plants and special bindings to stop the blood flow and keep Sun stable. It's world-tilting for Eclipse and Moon is terrified for Sun while Y/N is desperately trying to see that Sun is taken care of and that Eclipse doesn't do any more harm.
Sun survives, but he was dangerously close to never waking up again, and Eclipse is shocked to his core. No matter what, he always did everything he could to make sure his brothers would survive, but he didn't. Not at that moment. Not right now. He hates being in the sunlight but he loathes not being near Sun. Moon refuses to let him close. Sun is still barely pushing through. The vigilante is ready to kill Eclipse if he so much as flicks a tentacle wrong, but can't risk upsetting Sun while he's healing.
It's a lot. It's confusing. Eclipse doesn't know what to do but watch Sun recover from the three teeth of his trident that almost stopped his little brother's heart.
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vampirealpaca · 8 months
My thoughts on the pjo show (now that the season is over) (this is going to run long) Overall Rating: 8/10 :
Ok first of all, I actually LOVED the show and the cast is literally awesome; I do have some thoughts and feelings tho.
The visuals were eating ngl
THE CAST!!!! they literally were amazing cannot stress this enough
I think a lot of the changes were handled super well, especially Medusa (although I don't love all of the changes...see below in the next section lol)
I LOVED the set design for pretty much all of the scenes!!! Like the set & costuming was literally so good; sometimes it looked a little Volume-y but I think it's ok since they also clearly did a bunch of on-location stuff
Driving scene was literally so funny like no notes on that + the acting was On Point pretty much All of the Time.
I actually think they slayed with the special effects
Pretty accurate! (overall a waaaaaay better adaptation than the movies)
More Sally content was awesome!! And I cannot stress this enough the ACTORS WERE SO GOOD in their roles!! Like I think they were the perfect choices ngl and I hope to see more of them in season 2 (if we get one, idk if its greenlit yet)
I also liked how they focused on Grover's character more (lowkey my fav now)
Genuinely had a great time watching the scenes from the books I've loved since Forever come to life onscreen!
The character dynamics were GIVING
Loved getting more info about Percy's backstory
The way they showed the Mist was honestly so cool!! This might be filed under Visuals but still...it was so cool
Fight choreo fluctuated, but I liked the Percy vs Luke fight (altho the scorpion erasure ;-;)
Again the chemistry with the actors like adkjhfdkjdfkjhdfjkhk I think the acting may have been my fav part honestly lol
All of the easter eggs for the fans!!
Rick's subtle rewriting of the story was sometimes very cool! (Like with the water grabbing Percy etc) --- you can definitely tell that he's thinking about how he'd change the story if he were to write it today
...HOWEVER i have gripes :(
I feel like they should've fallen into like…at least one trap without Knowing Everything about it. Like, I get the Medusa change and am pretty on board with it, but I feel like a few of the other changes weren't really necessary & messed with the stakes. A lot of the time it felt like I was watching them explain "Oh you're THIS person so you will do THIS so I will do THIS" instead of like...showing me.
Not enough blood (this is prob a Disney problem, not the show creators fault but like...cmon Disney...they have swords, let the children get More Injured...they are Fighting for their Lives)
Felt kinda...dryer than the books? idk how to explain it...like it felt like there wasn't the same Vibes in some parts if that makes sense, like they switched out a lot of funny moments (esp with how they changed Charon and the Crusty scenes lowkey im bitter)
the tone was definitely sometimes waaay different from the books (like it was way more serious I think, which is good sometimes and less good other times)
Idk if this is 100% true bc my last reread was a few months ago, but I think they separated the main trio more than in the book (?), it felt like they were duo-ed with diff members for a lot rather than building off of their main dynamic -- they had some trio moments but ig i just wanted more (again, I could be wrong on this one tho)
Lotus Casino not really being as Fun (the pumping lotus flowers in the air was a cool detail tho!)
It generally felt like they took a lot of the funny parts in favor of talking more about how messed up the gods are (which I liked sometimes!! but the kids are 12 let them have more funny moments too yaknow) (Rip the Died in the Bathtub line...gone but not forgotten)
I really didn't love the changes that made the story feel more Cliche and Basic (the ones that annoyed me were changing the entire DOA to just Some Standard Death Eater Looking Fellow & Annabeth's interactions with Cerebus being completely changed)
Mixed feelings on Gabe...I wanted him to be more evil at the beginning but I get why they changed it ig. Plus he was literally so funny when he (spoilers?) got murdered by opening someone else's mail. That's what happens when you commit a federal crime ig.
General Character Thoughts:
PERCY: Walker Scobell was such a good casting call... like you can tell he really cares about the books & getting the character right. Acting was on point, sass was on point (but I do wish he got to be sassy a bit More); Really gives off the energy of Percy Jackson and definitely was AMAZING in this role!
ANNABETH: She was spectacular in this role!! Leah got literally all of Annabeth down to a T --- her kindness, her pride, her wisdom, etc etc without resorting to any kind of "stock smart girl" vibe. She was literally SO GOOD! I loved seeing her talk about her dad, and the detail about her not having seen a movie is such a mood and so in-character lowkey. Leah really nailed Annabeth's dry humor and general vibe like dfajkhfdjhkfdhjk
GROVER: He was my favorite! Like, his acting was AMAZING fr!!! They brought a lot of newer things into his character that I think worked really well & it definitely strengthened his characterization --- he was also really funny & so sincere I just loved his portrayal of Grover!
HOWEVER I think some of the arcs are shakier since the characters didn't struggle as much, since they were figuring out a Lot of things
Overall, I took 2 points from the rating because the Spirit and Humor weren't fully there and I felt some of the changes made it feel less like the OG and more cliche (looking at u Charon). However, the great acting, pretty slay writing (except for the tone stuff), Vibes, and all the other stuff I think they did right pulled through to get it ranked a little higher lol. Plus, I liked it, even if I didn't like all of it.
No hate if u loved the show adaptation tho!! Feel free to disagree, these are just my thoughts lol. I really genuinely hope there's going to be a season 2, although I would like if they fix a few of these problems in that potential season (please...let me see what's happening in the dark scenes...please...)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 12 days
okay sooooooo i went to the gym today 🥳 so i normally do 3 incline for the treadmill and thought that i could handle going from 3 to 10 😭 stupid ik, 🫠 my legs are so sore and I’m slowly gonna build up now 😭 normally i would but i was feeling like extra awesome so….
I did weights too! Which I normally don’t do pretty proud of myself :D I did sets of squats + Russian twists w/ weights- then I did that 3 sets of one glute machine :) gotta grow that bootie 💪
And I did stretch 😌
And also pretty proud that i ordered this green drink w/ like spinach n shit ?? I hate greens so much omg- I honestly have the pallet of a toddler 🫠😭 It was pretty good though??? and I had wings for lunch ! I wanted a sandwich but im tryna stay away from carbs rn😭
Well this was my official first day of the rest of my life and came to tell you 😽
hope you don’t mind me slipping in ur asks every now and then :3
HAHA yess it’s def tough working up to it…when i first started i would only spend a couple of minutes at the 12 incline and the rest at 6-8ish?? doing it kind of in intervals where you disperse shorter bursts of the higher incline with a majority at a more comfortable incline might help you progress to being consistent at the higher incline quicker because it lets your body adjust without pushing it too hard 🤔 tbh there’s still days when i only go up to the 15 incline for like the first 5-10 mins and then spend the rest of my cardio time in like the 8-10 range so i can answer emails or asks on my phone because lowkey the treadmill is kinda boring sometimes 😭
AHHH I’M SO PROUD LOOK AT YOU GOOO you will be a weightlifting pro in no time 🤩 LMAOAOA omg that’s so real though glutes forever (side note but for the longest time my mother would get rdls [as in romanian deadlifts] confused with bbls so she’d be like “did you do your bbls at the gym today ☺️” and i’d just be like “well…close enough…they ARE building that area so 🤷🏻‍♀️” HAHA it’s actually insane though what working out your glutes will do for you!! it’ll help w incline walking too everything is so interconnected it’s crazy)
HOORAY stretching ftw hehe it’s my favorite part of my workout…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound where that guy goes “it’s like a reward” but that’s literally my mindset 😩 like okay if i can do one more set of squats then i can go do yoga 🤩
THAT SOUNDS YUMMYYY and dw you’re not alone i am such a picky eater too but in weird ways??? like i can’t stand blueberries on their own but i can’t eat yogurt if i don’t put blueberries in it 😓 (another side note but a more relevant one…greek yogurt is like the number one post gym snack because it has sm protein without being super heavy!! i always put chia seeds flax seeds fruit and occasionally honey in mine but you can kinda experiment w what you like…provided you’re not allergic to milk or smth ofc) honestly i think a lot of it also comes down to preparation so even if you don’t like a food in one way (like spinach in a salad for example) you might like it prepared in a diff way (ex a smoothie) ☝🏻 sometimes we must be creative in order to get our nutrients in LOLOL worst comes to worst there’s no shame in busting out the blender 🤩
I HOPE IT DIDN’T FEEL TOO HORRIBLE OR RESTRICTIVE OR ANYTHING!! just remember everything in moderation even things that people are like “no if you eat this you will never lose weight blah blah” because that’s not actually true HAHA you can eat anything and lose weight — no food is inherently bad it’s just how you view it!! ofc some have more nutrients and keep you full for longer so that’s always good to consider but i remember when i was really trying to lose weight i would leave a little buffer so i could eat takis every night 😭 and i still lost weight even w that SO it is possible and def losing weight shouldn’t be a cause of misery or make you feel like you can’t eat anything at all!! there’s 100% a balance between choosing a healthier option and sometimes just realizing it’s okay to indulge every now and again too 🤫 especially because eating in moderation instead of cutting out completely is the best way to avoid binge eating!!
OMG PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO DROP ASKS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING whether it’s abt the gym or fandoms (as i’m sure you can tell i’m in quite a few myself 😰) or real life or wtvr 💖 i loveee talking to people HAHA truly the best part of tumblr is how interactive it is!!
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imperatorrrrr · 3 months
my very tinfoil-hat, very unscientific (also very untrue) theory that i've been marinating on for a while that was only proven further correct with today's trades is that fitzy is like lowkey trying to...punish? jack for publicly speaking up for ruff and leading to the prolongation of that nightmare (obviously not actually jack's fault to be clear i'm not insane) and/or break him down to build him back up?? idk. by trading all of his buddies (obviously he-who-shall-not-be-named gone already, bahler traded, marino gone, holtzy gone, you see what I mean?) all the while he knows that at the end of the day a) jack is enough of a nhl-insider-knowledgeable/hockey realist and b) that he'll always ultimately be FINE as long as he has lukey (not in question obviously) and also nico (also not in question obviously) and at least in an on-ice hockey sense bratter (also not gonna happen)
obviously this is certifiably insane and not actually true and that's not how nhl front offices operate etc. BUT i have not been able to get it out of my head for days so now i'm burdening you with it too (VERY sorry) realistically fitz is just kind of bonkers (plausible) OR he's playing 4d chess somehow and ~we'll see. we'll ALL see~ in like three years or whatever
holy theory, anon!
thank you for sharing! I can't say I agree, to be honest...
I will, however, use this opportunity to yap about what I think is going down. Hope you don't mind!
In the 2022-2023 season, we hired Bruno because I think there was basically an unspoken thing that if Lindy doesn't do something with this lineup, Bruno will be his successor. And then, we exceeded every expectation ever, won a playoff round, and put ourselves on the map. Plus, Lindy was even nominated for a Jack Adams. He bought himself job security.
I do think Jack liked Lindy a lot because Jack was given the freedom to do whatever and learn at his own pace under Lindy.
I have my own crackpot theories about Lindy and hating Europeans, and am happy to share that if anyone wants, but he's gone, so it doesn't really matter.
Plus, there's some mixed information out there about Fitz and Lindy's relationship. From his presser, it seems like he was forced to fire Lindy because they needed a scapegoat. From some other stuff, it seems like Fitz wanted Lindy gone much sooner but was stopped by ownership because they wanted Lindy to transition into a front office role and didn't want to sour the relationship. Nothing to do with Jack at all. Jack does not have Sidney Crosby levels of power yet.
I don't think that Jack is being punished for anything. Frankly, I think the kid is probably wrongly punishing himself plenty for everything that went down last season. I don't think Fitz has any ill will towards Jack at all mostly because he built an entire team around Jack (and Nico).
I don't think Fitz is punishing anyone, but I do think he is traumatized by last season (as are we all). We have a bajillion goalies now. We only drafted folks taller than like 6'3. Our new guys coming in are also tall boys, grittier guys. He's stabilizing the blue line which was also our other biggest issue last season.
Kevin Bahl - we needed to give up something for the absolute steal we're getting with Markstrom. Calgary is retaining. Fitz tried to package Holtzy in that, but Calgary valued Kevin Bahl more. Fitz also wants to stabilize the blue line and bring in veteran presence, and you're not going to move Luke or Nemo, so unfortunately, Bahler was the victim
John Marino - this trade is still a little baffling to me. I genuinely thought if Johnny was being traded we'd get a player that was ready to play now, but they traded him mainly for the pick, and we got the best goalie in this years draft. This is probably just setting us up for the future to have a good goalie pipeline. The other reason I've read for the Johnny trade is to make room for Pesce who is rumored to be ours in roughly ten hours. This has to do mainly with how we're going to be defending in front of Markstrom. Pesce allegedly is better suited to that defense system than Johnny is.
Alexander Holtz - I've had time to think about this, and this is very personally devastating to me and I do blame the Devils for how they handled Holtzy, but I'm coming to terms with it. They fucked his development last season by having him sit in the press box for half a season instead of sending him down. And this past season, they never seemed to give him a clear shot. Plus, then Fitz and Lindy made it their mission to shit on him at every waking moment. Unfortunately, Holtzy doesn't really have a spot on our roster. You have to think about it through line identities. Its tough because Lindy did so much shuffling, but Holtzy's hockey doesn't fit into the lines we're trying to build here other than on Jack's line, but I don't think he has the speed to keep up with Jack consistently. I hope he fucking kills it. I hate that its Vegas, but I hope he finally gets a real shot.
Akira Schmid - Akira and his agent wanted out and wanted to test the waters to see if they could get the bag and all power to him for that. Plus, I think it was fairly obvious that he was fourth in the line of goalie succession and maybe even fifth, and so he wants to play, and so he made a decision.
I think tomorrow's free agency chaos will make the vision a lot clearer.
I don't blindly trust Fitz tho, of course.
Sorry for shutting down your theorizing, anon! I just don't think there's anything to it. Plus, I'd argue Jack's crew was Ty, the superbuddies, and Merce, and then they added Johnny. I'd say Holtzy is probably closer to Merce (the Disney trip plus the fact that they go shopping together) and like Timo/Bratter/Nico (per the interview Holtzy gave). I'd also say Johnny was a lot closer to Nate too. And then Bahler had ties to Jack from childhood, but Bahler really kept to himself. (But we don't really know anything about their lives outside of the crumbs we get so anything is possible!)
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bigtreefest · 8 months
Let’s talk about Knives Out
Spoilers below the cut
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🔥🤤sweater daddy. I wish that was all I had to say. Well, it is, but it also very much isn’t.
1st Watch
After knowing what happens in the end, I had never liked Ransom (Chris Evans’s Character) until I went through with my second and third rewatch. So on my first watch, it was exciting because all the twists and turns really catch you by surprise. It’s such a wonder who would pull such an elaborate plan and why. Ransom is obviously awful. That’s why the dogs hate him. It’s such a sign of character. But for some reason, he’s helping Marta, and I loved it. He appeared so genuine and like he was really trying to find the best way to help her. Benoit Blanc’s accent is also hilarious and so is the fact that none of them really care to know where Marta’s from.
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The dogs love Linda and Linda is honestly not that terrible of a person when it comes to everyone else. She actually loved her father as seen by the way they shared notes, but idk. Everyone’s flawed and she still expected money and inheritance
2nd Watch
I started to pick up on the symbolism and more details of the movie. Chris Evans looks even better in his sweaters. But if you look closely, they’ve got tears and holes. What does this mean? But the sweater is nice before Harlan dies. Does this mean Ransom looks nice on the surface, but if you look deeper, something’s wrong? Does this mean he started to crumble after Harlan’s death? They also bring up the fact that Marta is the only one who beat Harlan at ‘Go’ more than Ransom. Does this mean that if Marta weren’t around, Ransom would’ve gotten the inheritance? Or would he have been cut off like everyone else still? Or, does this mean that Marta was a better strategist. Even though Ransom did a lot of the work, she took the final step in lying in order to get him to confess to murder. Also, Meg on that phone call? Was she really apologetic or was she trying to get that money?? And why didn’t Harlan keep paying her tuition, it was her mom’s fault. But I guess she was technically a mooch like everyone else.
And obviously there’s the fact that everyone lies to Marta about wanting her at the funeral. Don’t lie to save face, you couldn’t have all gotten outvoted.
3rd watch
I’ve fallen in love with Chris Evans as Ransom even more, not just because of the sweaters, but because in this time, I read some really good fanfics that redeemed him. The movie is cast so perfectly and I love the subtleties. Plus, I’ve always had a little bit of a thing for guys who are awful for me if they’re hot (it’s a fatal flaw, I know, I’m working on it, but can you blame me?). Ransom is so smart, and it’s a shame he uses it for evil because he was so close. Anyway, let’s talk about alcoholic beverages. My investigation into this started because I wanted to know the mixed drink Ransom ordered at the bar (which which I still haven’t figured out yet, but I think it was a Manhattan?)
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Look at the alcohol in the movie, though. The whole family is always luxuriously drinking scotch or champagne. Ransom, on the other hand, orders craft beer at the bar with Marta, which separates him from his family, but hopefully makes him seem more relatable to her. Even tho craft beer is the rich man’s beer lowkey. Then, he uses a large bottle for set fire to the Medical Examiner’s office. This whole time, we don’t see Marta drink at all, which separates her from the family. Not to mention, Ransom builds a literal wall of beer bottles between the two of them at the restaurant, showing physical separation despite his offer of assistance. The bottles are also apparently in one of the positions of ‘Go’ called Atari. This is an attack position, meaning Ransom thinks he has the high ground. Incorrect. This is all just a posed by the separation we see at the end of the movie where Marta is looking down at them on the balcony while they all look up at her, once again separated but the tables have turned.
Overall, a great movie and a great look for Chris Evans. The costume designers and casting directors knew what they were doing. As much as I hate to say it, I WOULD NOT have been immune to Ransom’s charms.
Sources cited:
Drinks Meaing
Go Atari Reddit Post
Good Casting
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namor-shuri · 1 year
I swear your commentary on posts is hilarious af 🤣☠️ These video and photo edits are so cool too. Is there a reason why you don’t post more to Twitter (not that you have to, just an observation)? Thanks for everything
Hey 👋🏾💜 Thank you for the kind words. Y’all need to stop gassing me up. My dad jokes/ corniness will know no end lol.
With my Twitter page, sometimes I question whether or not people think I’m stealing work from this Tumblr page bc both my pfp and handles are not the same 🥲 I made my twt before I made this side blog so the handle and pic was a quick “slap together” choice. The phrase “be f*cking for real” is too funny to me so I just ran with it. And then my brain was completely uncreative and was like “namor-shuri” will do rofl. Hopefully people understand by now that I’m the same person, but alas.
To answer your question, I think it’s broken up into two parts. One chunk of it is that I rant A LOT so this platform makes it easier for me to do so while also being creative with color fonts and all that jazz. I also just love the freedom of layouts and stuff like that. From a creative perspective, of course it doesn’t help that Tumblr messes with quality but what I lose in quality, I gain in possibilities [I swear I don’t work for Tumblr and this is not me promoting them rofl].
The other half of the pie is the stark difference of engagement on Twitter vs Tumblr, in my personal experience thus far. Like I said, I made my Twitter first back in late December of last year. It was kind of a random decision but once I realized I was super into the Namor x Shuri ship, I wanted to engage with the fandom more directly and pour into it. Since then, I’ve been able to have a lot of fun with making different artworks, edits, videos, playlists, you name it! Ya girl has been BUSY to say the least lol And what’s been dope is that this fandom has been a fun outlet outside of my professional artwork and stuff like that. All that being said, what slowly became apparent to me was that I wasn’t feeling as included or apart of the fandom as I initially hoped I would. I would try and engage with people or joke here and there and most of what I would get back was crickets, whether it would be on my own posts or my commentary on others. And to be fair, I know it takes time for people to get to know you and build community but it just felt slightly strange. Especially when I would see new pages pop up and everyone would immediately flock to engage with them. I say this to say that absolutely NO ONE owes you anything in life so to be upset that someone isn’t your friend [whether it’s in person or online] is a human experience but you have to understand that not everyone is going to jell with you. There are billions [billions? *does quick google search] of people on this planet. Someone is bound to hate you, while another will worship the floor you walk on. Someone’s going to think you’re okay, while you being your raw and authentic self makes another person’s day. It’s nothing personal. It’s simply a numbers game. So inherently I understood that but it still hurt the 3 year old in me that was just trying to make friends at the playground, you know? lmao But I think what set it off was when I would look up and then see my edits used for people’s banners, fan art, post ideas, etc without asking me or giving me any credit knowing that they also aren’t following me or even engaging with me in any way. It still wasn’t cool but I think what would have made the whole thing feel a little different is if I was more “in the group” but because I’ve been on the outskirts the majority of the time, it just made it sting that much more.
Then I started to get slightly paranoid and wondered if I was missing something. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that was off? I felt like a message was being sent and that confused the hell out of me [and lowkey still does]. BUT SOB STORY ASIDE lol I brushed my shoulder off, switched gears and thought “f*ck it, let me make my own side blog and do my thing on there” and that worked for me! I got traction after that, people were responding to my stuff and throwing in their own ideas/commentary/analysis etc. I felt like I could engage with people more, even with the limitations Tumblr puts on side blogs. And just the whole vibe overall started to feel really f*cking good. The funny thing too is that I’ve noticed that a lot of Twitter is on here and vice versa so it’s the same folks but for some reason I think this platform has opened up more possibilities for engagement in my experience. Twitter lends to a wider audience than Tumblr unfortunately but I’ve accepted my humble abode on here.
This rant is getting super long so I’ll end with this; I have nothing against the Nashuri fam on Twitter. Just because I’m not necessarily apart of the “crew” doesn’t mean that I don’t find everyone hilarious or amazing in any way. If you think I’m funny anon, you need to read what these girls say because it is SUPERB *chefs kiss* The talent from artworks to fics to think pieces and everything in between is incredible and oozes from that community. But for me, I think I just haven’t found my footing or people over there and as much as it’s been a bummer, I’m still going to be on there to support the dope stuff that comes out of it. I also want to say that just because this has been my experience doesn’t mean it will be yours. I fully encourage you to branch out on different platforms and try and engage with as many people as possible [fandom or not]. I think I just got my finger burned once and immediately gave up rofl. One of the biggest blessings that have come out of the Nashuri fandom in general is it’s vast bipoc community. As a black woman myself, I haven’t experienced this level of inclusivity when it comes to race, gender, language, culture, ages etc in other fandoms. It’s beautiful and I will always be thankful for that.
I also want to drive home that everyone needs to find what works for them. You owe yourself that. If you feel like your aren’t getting what you desire out of Instagram, move to Twitter and see what happens. If Twitter isn’t cutting it, move to Discord. Move to Tumblr, you name it! I think that move for me made a HUGE difference and honestly made me feel better about being in this fandom in the first place. And also this just goes for life in general but just because you might not feel included somewhere doesn’t mean you or the place is a problem. You might just need some scenery change.
Ps: If you are in the fandom and are on Twitter, definitely hit me up and add me! I would love to be mutuals. I’ve seen some familiar accounts from Twitter add me on here and vice versa and it’s been really cool. I appreciate the blogs that engage with me on there and all that jazz. I’ve never had a Twitter before so I’m lowkey new to that world still but grandma’s getting the hang of it slowly but surely.
Thank you 💘
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elizmanderson · 2 years
2022 wrap-up, part 4
part 1 is here
part 2 is here
part 3 is here
istg this is the last part. it just turns out I did more stuff this year than I thought, which is exactly why I do these wrap-ups for myself every year. otherwise I fixate on the bad parts or the parts where I did nothing yet somehow also failed to rest.
new york
I went to NYC for the first time ever for my friend chelsea's book launch! the officially unofficial one that we had for her in central park, since during her official book launch I was at phantom of the opera with another one of our friends who was kind enough to treat me to a broadway show
I saw and did a lot and went many places, but lowkey the highlight of my trip (aside from meeting all my long-time twitter writing peeps <3) was my last evening in the city. I had a drink at the stonewall inn and then wandered around the village, taking pictures of buildings because I was in love with the light on the fire escapes. I turned down jane street without even thinking about it.
after about a block, I was like, "wait, which street did I just turn down," and I went back to the nearest intersection to check. but nope, I'd turned down the right street without looking at my map, without paying strict attention to street signs and landmarks, without even thinking about it. I realize actual new yorkers will 100% disagree with this, but in that moment new york became a little bit mine and I became a little bit hers.
it took me months to recover financially from this trip, even with staying in a sketchy hostel and without paying for my own broadway tickets, but I loved it. a lot more than I thought I would, actually, since I grew up in the country and I'm probably three trees in a trench coat rather than an actual human person.
admittedly when I got back and saw how green the trails on our campus were, I was like "how did I even THINK I liked it there?? they kept all their nature in one place and it wasn't half this green!!" but I seriously did fall in love with the city, and yes I obnoxiously point at the screen when watching media set in manhattan like "I've been there!!" I am That Bitch.
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I mean okay fine I go to georgia every year because my parents live here now. but still. I love savannah and coastal georgia in general, and this year I also visited jekyll island for the first time. I didn't stay long at jekyll, and unfortunately savannah was so cold I might as well have been back home (jk, it was sub-zero at home and a balmy 15 in savannah on the coldest night), but I always love going, I got to see my beloved atlantic, and I once again took a thousand pictures of live oaks just because.
other things
non-book media
movies: cyrano (yes it says 2021 but it wasn't at my theater until february of this year, so we're calling it 2022), bros, thor: love & thunder, ticket to paradise, see how they run, and actually encanto played at our second-run theater so I saw that in theaters again <3
tv: ofmd and only murders in the building, both new comfort shows despite one involving piracy and the other involving murder
musicals: groundhog day: the musical and come from away, and also I'm listing cyrano here in addition to above bc I love the soundtrack and have it in my car along with the other two
personal tomfoolery
we're about to go full-on diary here, but whatever bc that's how I used this blog before I got 500 new followers and ofmd ruined all other uses of said blog, so that's how I'm finishing this post
queer feels
I've both thought about and avoided about thinking about my sexuality and gender even more than I already have in the past 10 or 12 years. I like "queer" for this reason: it covers any non-allocishet identity I might ever need. it indicates that I'm part of the community while giving me space and time to figure out the particulars on my own (and reduces the need for me to come out repeatedly to the same people as I decide on new identities, which is good bc I viscerally hate coming out at all and dream of a world where I wouldn't have to). I like more particular labels for helping me figure out my experience, validating my experience, and finding other people whose experiences are similar.
I'm still thinking through they, although I admit when I asked folks to use it in a pronoun testing room I got warm fuzzies. I've avoided thinking through my gender in detail, but I bought a genderqueer sticker and enamel pin to add to my existing pride stickers and pins. it's just that it's like I have to come out to myself.
I did actually come out to my dad as queer this year. which made me feel feelings even though it shouldn't have been a big deal bc my parents are allies. my dad's literally in his law school's gsa, much to the confusion of the younger folks. I came out via email, in the spur of the moment, which is both a very me and a very internet-dad way to come out. and he basically said, "thanks for trusting me with that, but I already vibed it from your writing."
(I'm paraphrasing. my sixty-year-old, deeply uncool white-guy father didn't use the word "vibed.")
I'm quietly queer, for the most part, but every year I get a little louder. this year, with fascism on the rise and so many anti-queer and specifically anti-trans bills brought forth in so many states and me only just out of the closet to my parents (albeit less deeply in the closet in the first place than I thought I was), I talked more about my queerness than usual. I put "queer" in every single author bio for every single thing for which I needed a bio. I stickered my laptop in pride flags. I put up pride flags outside my office and pride pins inside it and joined the dei committee at work. I'm not a fighter. but I got just a little bit louder.
friend feels
I kinda started thinking some time within the last few years, how many friendships have I maybe missed out on because both of us were too insecure to take the first real step and be friends?
which has highkey always been my approach to romance. I'll get my heart broke a thousand times and still go after every new person I fall for. but when it comes to friendship, I'm like do not.
but I've been thinking this lately.
so with an existing maybe-friend, when an opportunity came along to write him a letter for a retreat he went on, I basically just wrote him a letter like "hey I care about you and I'm glad we're friends." and boom, lo and behold, he came back like "oh my goodness thank you so much for that wonderful letter," and things have been much more comfortable since then. which was a nice lil validation of my theory that sometimes people Do Not Dislike Me, In Fact, but are just as insecure in friendship as I am.
I also made a whole new friend with this new girl at work. the rsd has hit me fucking hard this year, which I do not appreciate. but I keep pushing past it and making an effort, and now I have a nice stash of good encounters stored up for when the rsd tries to bamboozle me once more. she's so welcoming and lovely and kind, so I hope things are also settled there even if sometimes I feel like they aren't because that's just how I am.
anyway, that's my year. there was a lot of weird and terrible bullshit going on locally, nationally, globally, and in the background, but there was some good shit in there, too.
here's to more friends, more books, more birds, more plants, more falling-in-love-with-cities, more kindness and good and little warm gestures in 2023.
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
Kat! how are you feeling? what are your thoughts on the way buck's heading? honestly i am pretty excited, I am hoping for a lot of angst (just because) while buck grows and learns that he deserves to have and set boundaries and that he doesn't only exist to serve other people etc (something something going through a paralel journey in therapy rn so! love to see it! go babygirl! realize your selfworth). and uh. lowkey highkey hope something happens to him in the mid-season finale lmao. ALSO. DID YOU SEE HEN! HANDLING THE CHAINSAW! IDK why but that was v nice to see. And the fact that hen can't keep still (relatable) and that buck went to her and they just decided to get blasted...love them so much. Also Bobby and the dog...just. people were saying how empty their house is and bobby saw the dog and went 'guess it's mine now' (which brings me to: didn't hen & fam have a dog way back? one she rescued from a collapsed building?). GOD AND EDDIE! Don't get me started! He's growing so much, and love to see that his father is actively working on himself and his bond with his son too!!! That whole scene with christopher had me ahw-ing all the way through, he's doing such a good job, i love love love that for him!!
ah anon!! i hadn't watched the episode yet when you sent this so i had to wait to reply—i'm still dealing with some truly obnoxious jetlag that's keeping me up late in italy so i just caught up on everything. don't worry you didn't spoil anything!! i spoiled myself on EVERYTHING last night as the ep was airing 😂
re:buck i'm waiting to see where this story goes. personally i don't really think it's gonna actually end up with him successfully donating his sperm and having a biological child out in the world. and honestly i'm just a little wary of this arc bc i personally hate tv's track record when talking about adoption/sperm donor's/surrogacy/etc. like...love the drunk scene! but if buck donates his sperm he is NOT a father walking away. sometimes i think tv gets really hung up on blood/biological relations and i find it Particularly Aggravating. (of course that doesn't mean that BUCK doesn't think or feel that way, and i'm totally okay with him struggling with those feelings—i just am wary of the story/writers/etc validating those feelings as correct™)
hen handling the whole call at the star was SO fucking good and impressive and hot and just. YEAH QUEEN, YOU'RE GREAT AT BEING CAPTAIN.
hen did bring a dog home that she rescued in the s2 earthquake, but tbh i don't know if we ever saw that dog again? we might've when denny was playing in the park but i can't remember.
eddie still looked so bummed after his final talk with chris and all i can say is—that man needs a boyfriend to occupy his time as chris gets more independence and buck is RIGHT THERE (speaking of, buck was DEFINITELY yearning while listening to connor and his wife talk about how they met and fell in love. he wants a partner so bad!!)
anyway, it was a VERY good episode. i'm looking fwd to when this buck donor plot is picked back up in e7 (when i'll be back in the states and can actually!! watch it live!!)
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feitania · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐭
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𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: drugs, maybe a hint of violence, fluff
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: mikey, draken, baji, kazutora, chifuyu, mitsuya, hakkai, yuzuha, souya, nahoya
𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘: I just really enjoy writing them all as goofy everyday roommates. Should I do a part two? But with who? This was actually so much fun.
Part two, bonten edition
Requests and asks are open, feel free to submit something
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: hinted mikeyxreader, bajixreader, hakkaixreader
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Mikey and draken
You three live over drakens shop. It's convenient for all of you and also cheap. You get the biggest room after mikey because he's a little shit and called shot gun on the best room before you could even enter the flat.
Draken wakes up early and makes coffee for everyone before he disappears for the rest of the day. You lie to others and say everyone takes turn doing the dishes but honestly, mikey acts like he doesn't see the mess on the counter and draken finds every excuse in the book to just not do it.
Both of them are kinda protective over you and don't like it when you take a date home. They'll look them up and down judgingly and ask them the most uncomfortable questions to let them "prove their worth to be with you."(no one could ever live up to their expectations till this day) the golden rule (set up by mikey and mikey alone) is that if they can win against mikey in a fight, they can date you.
If you can't sleep at night you can always go down to dranken's shop, there is a 80% chance to find either him, Inui or another former toman member down there doing whatever at an ungodly hour.
You won't need a pet because mikey made it his personal mission to hang onto your back 24/7 (draken has a job and everyone else also acts like a functioning adult so what else is he supposed to do). He crawls into your bed at night and steals your blanket, follows you around the flat when he doesn't know what to do and demands food from you every other hour instead of just cooking himself.
Baji, Kazutora and Chifuyu
Chaotic people but they all love you with their whole heart and try to keep it down for you in their small apartment. It's was originally only meant for 3 people but Kazutora just came in one day and never left so...
Baji is the one responsible for cleaning and vacuuming the floor because his hair is everywhere. Kazutora gets a "I actually don't live here" pass but he's tidy anyway so you can't prove otherwise.
Chifuyu and you bond over manga and build a shelve together for all your hardcovers. You win against Baji in rock, paper, scissors and are allowed to set it up in the hallway. Baji says he still hates it but you saw him tidy it up and put his favorite mangas in the front so he probably lies.
Cats. Cats everywhere and always. All of them assure you they don't take stray cats in anymore to prevent them from taking over the apartment but you know that they don't just feed them outside. There is always at least one cat lurking around the hallway to get some food.
Bajis mother loves you. She comes over to visit you and not him and he's lowkey jealous. Of who? He can't tell. She tries to set you two up and always starts the conversation that, when Kazutora and Chifuyu move out to marry or do whatever you two could continue to live together. As friends or more. Baji turns back into a teenager and starts spouting nonsense, saying he would rather die then to be in a relationship with you. It's a sad excuse of a lie and everyone knows.
Hakkai, Mitsuya and Yuzuha
The most chill household you can get. Nice roommates too and the flat looks pretty cool considering all of them are working in the fashion departement. Mitsuya has his atelier elsewhere but he still spends a lot of time at home with all of you.
Yuzuha and you are in charge of grocery shopping because Hakkai tends to get too much junk food and mitsuya buys a concerning amount of coffee. Hakkai accompanies you two sometimes to keep boys away from flirting with his sister. And from you but he doesn't say that.
The unspoken rule to always have slippers on comes from the fact that mitsuya leaves his pins everywhere. You sometimes see him crawling on the floor searching for a few spare pins. It's hilarious.
Pillow forts? Pillow forts. Every other week when Hakkai gets the urge to build a pillow fort one of you ends up in his grasp. Most of the time It's you because Hakkai thinks you make the best pillow base. This night you have to sleep on the ground surrounded by blankets and snacks while mr. Daddy long legs takes up all the space and uses you as his personal pillow.
the Kawata Twins
I don't know how you got into this living situation but let me say that you will never ever in your life be bored again. You three also live above their shop and it smells like ramen everywhere.
Souya is too nervous to talk to you for the first few months but after his brothers forces him to warm up to you he comes into your room everyday just to check up on you and make sure you eat enough. Nahoya cares for you in the same way but a little more aggressively...like beating up people that made you mad or beating up people that made you-
Since the Tenjiku battle they have an ongoing weird tension with the Haitani brothers and sometimes you catch one of the twins looking out the window just staring at the street where a Haitani brother is standing around staring back.
Souya is a very tidy person and helps out where he can while Nahoya doesn't even know how to wipe the floor and refuses to learn it. When people come over Souya is on his toes the whole time, running after people to make sure they don't leave the flat looking like a mess.
Nahoya smokes weed and cooks afterwards completely baked. It tastes amazing though and you two can't stop laughing while Souya just watches in horror when Nahoya puts another chunk of butter into the frying pan.
You belong to them now and they both think it would make sense for you to either marry one of them or get adopted to change your surname to Kawata already
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Meeting the Family // Anthony Bridgerton
Request: Hello there, could I please request Anthony bridgerton and reader fic where hes introducing the reader to his family for the first time and shes really nervous but the family ends up loving her more than him? Thanks, I absolutely love your work!! Please dont overwork yourself darling❤ - @lespaceboi
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I had so much fun with this request, I love it so so much. I only hope you do too! Lowkey posting this early bc I’m watching the euros final tonight and I won’t have time. 
Warnings: she/her pronouns, female reader, light angst, some worries, lots of fluff, family fluff, Anthony being cute, dialogue heavy, declarations of love.
Word count: 3.6k
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Her hands shake uncontrollably as the carriage clatters through London. Taking calming breaths, (Y/N) does her best to stop her shaking hands by gripping her shawl tightly. Her maid, Jayne, looks over at her in concern. “We can always turn back, my lady,” Jayne whispers, “I’m sure Viscount Bridgerton won’t mind postponing to another day.”
(Y/N) smiles warmly at her maid; grateful for the care in her voice. However, she shakes her head. “I’m afraid it can’t wait any longer, Jayne. Anthony’s sister and her husband have travelled all the way from Scotland.”
Jayne sits back against the carriage bench, nodding her head understandingly. “I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” She offers in comfort.
“I can only hope,” (Y/N) whispers, casting her gaze out of window and into the London streets.
She had met Anthony Bridgerton when shopping for ribbons. An unusual time and place to meet anyone, but Anthony had strolled into the shop and asked to see the best ribbons in the place as nothing would be better than the absolute best for his nieces. (Y/N) had giggled at the tone of his voice; unused to seeing such a powerful figure in such intimate settings. Her laughter had drawn his attention to which a conversation began. By the end of the Viscount’s visit to the ribbon shop, he had asked to see her again.
The visits continued in secrecy, or in as much secrecy as one could afford when holding a peerage. The relationship blossomed; what was once considered a friendship was turning romantic, and (Y/N) could not help her feelings for the Viscount. He had captured her, body and soul. She counted every blessing that Anthony felt the same.
The first glimpse of Bridgerton House steals her breath away. The red brick stands out amongst the paler buildings; Anthony’s wealth already obvious but further personified by the sheer scale of his home. The sweet scent of the violet hyacinths perfume (Y/N)’s carriage; their aroma bringing a small smile to her face as she remembers a masquerade party in Chiswick, a balcony and Anthony’s hands on her waist.
Her carriage rolls to a natural stop; (Y/N)’s heart in her throat as she tears her inquiring gaze from Bridgerton House to Jayne. Jayne smiles and squeezes her lady’s hand, a silent offer of support for the afternoon.
“They’re going to love you,” Jayne whispers, bolstering (Y/N) as best she could as the door to the carriage is opened by (Y/N)’s footman.
Now closer, Bridgerton House is much grander. The deep green iron gates pronounce the family’s wealth further. (Y/N) gulps as she takes step after step down the path to already open front door. Her steps falter slightly as she catches sight of Anthony waiting in the entrance; his hair the usual untameable mess that endears her so.
“You came,” Anthony breathes in greeting; his eyes wide with barely concealed surprise as he takes in the sight of her on his doorstep.
“I came,” (Y/N) answers just as breathlessly. Even the sight of him was enough to leave her gasping for breath; there were moments in their prolonged courtship that she couldn’t quite believe he had chosen her, that he wanted her. As Anthony stands there, his white shirt unbuttoned from the collar with his waistcoat undone, she realises that this is the most casual she had ever seen him. His outfit wasn’t proper, but she doesn’t want it to be. She wants to see him from every angle; she wants to know every Anthony there is. So far, she had found herself besotted with each and every one.
Both remain silent as Anthony offers his arm to her. (Y/N) uses the silence to quash the nerves rioting in her gut; she had never been this nervous, not when she was presented in front of the monarch for her season, and not when she danced with the Prince of Wales at his birthday celebrations two years ago. Now, however, her nerves were beginning to get the better of her.
Anthony pauses their journey. “Are you okay?” He asks, a note of concern in his voice.
“I’m nervous,” (Y/N) confesses bashfully, “What if they don’t like me? What if they hate me so much that you end things? I’m having so much fun with you, Anthony. I don’t want this to end.”
“Hey,” Anthony whispers, taking her face in his hands, urging her to look at him, “You’re going to be fine. They’re going to love you, I know it. I’ve spoken about you so much they feel they already know you.”
“You talk about me?” (Y/N) asks, her voice small.
Anthony presses a kiss to her forehead. “Constantly. I’m surprised they haven’t kicked me out with how much I talk about you.”
“You’re really very sweet.”
“Only because of you,” He flirts, pushing his luck by kissing her quickly.
(Y/N) laughs softly against his mouth. “You’re incorrigible.”
Anthony laughs gently, pulling away from her lips but keeping hold of her hands. “I’m as nervous as you,” He confesses, “But I have you by my side to help me get through just as you have me through this too. Any time you want to go, let me know and I’ll call your carriage back round.”
“Thank you,” She whispers before Anthony continues on down the hall, his hand squeezing hers tightly.
“Are you sure you still want to do this?” Anthony asks, double checking, voice wavering as they stand outside the door to the drawing room. “My family can be a bit much to meet all at once.”
“We’re nothing of the sort!” A masculine voice shouts from behind the door.
A surprised laugh leaves (Y/N) lips. She covers her mouth to bring back the mask of perfect decorum, not wanting to insult a member of Anthony’s family. “I’m ready when you are,” She whispers, smiling at the eldest Bridgerton.
“Sooner rather than later,” Anthony whispers before opening the door, giving her the first glimpse at his family.
The Bridgerton brood sit around the large drawing room. Sisters and brothers, husbands and wives – they all mix together as they wait for Anthony and his new beau. Each all fall silent as Anthony and (Y/N) enters the room; their first glimpse of her, their first conversation with her. Anthony had spoken about her constantly but refused to let any family meet her until they were both ready.
Now that moment had arrived.
“Mother,” Anthony introduces to the silent room, “This is Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” (Y/N) exclaims, smiling at the Bridgerton matriarch. “I’ve heard so much about you all,” She continues, casting her gaze around the room.
“It’s a pleasure for us too, dear (Y/N),” Violet announces, “Anthony has been nothing but a ball of nerves since he announced you would be joining us.”
(Y/N) nods at the matriarch, feeling herself become speechless as she takes in the sheer size of Anthony’s family. It isn’t hard to tell who the Bridgertons are among the group are; they each have the same eyes and smile. “It’s lovely to meet you all,” (Y/N) announces, repeating her earlier words, unable to keep the nerves from entering her voice this time.
“I’m Benedict,” The second eldest introduces, jumping up from his seat on the couch, holding his hand out for her to take.
“The artist!” (Y/N) gasps, “I’ve seen some of your work. You’re exceptionally talented.”
“Thank you,” Benedict blushes, excusing himself with a pat to Anthony’s shoulder, a silent sign that Benedict already approves.
“Help yourself to some tea,” A younger woman exclaims in the brief silence between conversations, “I’d get up to greet you, but it would take twice as long as the conversation itself.”
“Please don’t strain yourself,” (Y/N) offers graciously, “Congratulations on your pregnancy.”
“Thank you, dear. I’m Daphne, and this is my husband, Simon.” Daphne introduces, her hand landing on the thigh of a handsome man.
“It’s lovely to meet you both,” (Y/N) greets, making her way to an empty seat at a nearby table. There she pours two cups of tea, one for her and one for Anthony, knowing he would be dropping by in a minute or two. The tea steeps as (Y/N) helps herself to one of the many biscuits, taking a small bite of the buttery concoction before reaching for the milk and sugar. This is a routine she has practiced many times before, knowing exactly how long to stir her tea so it wouldn’t burn the tip of her tongue with every sip.
It’s takes less than two minutes for someone to join her at the table. (Y/N) offers the young woman a polite smile, “I’m (Y/N).”
“Eloise Bridgerton,” introduces the young woman.
“A pleasure to meet you,” (Y/N) repeats, feeling herself already grow tired of the words.
“Are you educated, (Y/N)?” Eloise enquires; her keen blue gaze dancing over the young woman.
(Y/N) finishes her sip of tea before nodding at Anthony’s younger sister. “I am,” She answers, “I studied under a very thorough governess, and I am fluent in French and Latin, but I’ve also been fortunate enough to sit in on some lectures at Oxford and Edinburgh.”
“How?” Eloise all but demands, ignoring the stern stare of her mother as she leans forward, elbows on the table. “You must teach me your ways.”
(Y/N) represses an amused smile at Eloise’s antics. “My favourite cousin, Sylvester, was a student at both. I often annoyed him into letting me attend in secret whenever I visited.”
“Did you attend any interesting lectures?”
(Y/N) nods, happy to further indulge the brunette. “Sylvester was a student of medicine, beginning his education at Oxford before continuing on to Edinburgh where he lives now. I’ve attended a few medical lectures, but I pressured him into letting me attend a philosophical debate surrounding Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” (Y/N) shakes her head, amused at the memory, “Sylvester didn’t find that one nearly as thrilling as his medical lectures.”
“Anthony!” Eloise calls, gathering the attention of all her brothers, “I’m keeping (Y/N) for myself. You’re going to have to find a new beau, I’m afraid.”
Anthony chuckles, leaving his brothers to their own conversation. “Pray,” He begins, “Just what are the two of you talking about.”
“(Y/N)’s education. Did you know she’s sat in lectures at both Oxford and Edinburgh? I daresay I might attend a few myself.”
Anthony’s hand lands on your shoulder; a warm squeeze has you turning to meet his stare. His smile is fond; his eyes are bright with happiness. “Are you inciting further rebellion in my little sister?”
“Of course not,” (Y/N) playfully scoffs, “Just letting her know that should she want to attend any lectures, I have a connection for her.”
A laugh leaves Anthony’s lips as he catches sight of Eloise’s excited wiggle in her chair. “I’m glad you’re getting along,” He murmurs to (Y/N) quietly, dropping an unexpected kiss to her hair before entering a debate with Eloise, explaining why she cannot go about interrupting lectures at prestigious universities.
Leaving the siblings to their bickering, (Y/N) stands from table, wanting to stretch her legs and discover more to the drawing room. By this point in the afternoon, the appeal of company has worn off. The large family now broken off into their own conversations; Francesca and Michael remain sat close together on the couch under the window, Lady Violet remains sat by her eldest daughter – the matriarch keeping a weather eye on her pregnant daughter.
(Y/N) smiles fondly at the scene before turning to one of the many fixed bookshelves in the room; leather bound volumes line the shelves. There wasn’t much for light reading, she thinks to herself as she reads the spines. Much about the War of the Roses and the subsequent Tudor reign, not much in the way of Miss Butterworth and the Mad Baron.
“You’re very pretty,” A young girl announces from behind (Y/N). She turns to find two girls, both no older than four or five, their hair matching pigtails, curled into ringlets.
(Y/N) kneels to their height, ignoring the pinching of her corset as she smiles at the young children. “Why thank you,” She states gratefully, “But you know what I would really like?”
“What?” The eldest of the two asks, leaning forward in anticipation.
“Gorgeous pigtails like yours,” (Y/N) smiles, gesturing to their hair.
Both girls break into wide smiles, already won over. “What are your names?” (Y/N) asks.
“I’m Amelia,” The eldest states proudly, “I’m five and a half.”
“I’m Belinda,” The second girl introduces, “I’m four.”
“Well it is lovely to meet you both,” (Y/N) compliments, “My name is (Y/N).”
“We know,” Belinda chimes. “Uncle Tony talks about you all the time.”
“He does, does he?” She murmurs amused; catching sight of the brunette doing his best not to intervene on the conversation taking place with his nieces.
Amelia nods. “All the time!” She cries happily. “He talks about your hair, your eyes, your smile.” She breaks off, leaning towards (Y/N) to whisper in her ear. “I think he’s in love with you.”
“Do you think?” (Y/N) questions, unable to keep the eager hope from her voice.
“I know,” Amelia nods sagely, “I heard Uncle Tony tell Mama and Papa.”
(Y/N) presses her lips together to keep the wide smile from growing across her face. She had known that Anthony felt very deeply for her though he had never uttered a word. With a quick glance in Anthony’s direction, she gestures for the two girls to come closer. “Can you keep a secret?”
Amelia and Belinda nod silently; too excited to hear what (Y/N) has to say. “It just so happens,” (Y/N) whispers to the two girls, “That I also love your Uncle Tony.”
“You do?” Belinda squeaks.
“I do,” (Y/N) nods seriously, “I love him very much.”
“Are you going to tell him?” Amelia asks; her blue eyes wide with burning curiosity.
“I think on some level he already knows, but I plan on telling him very soon.”
Both girls squeal in happiness, leaving (Y/N) behind as they run towards their parents. Daphne and Simon greet their children with open arms, wide eyed at their level of noise as they demand their voices to be heard over the hubbub of the rest of the family.
“I don’t suppose you’d enlighten me to this particular conversation,” A warm voice sounds from behind her. The way his arm slips around her waist, as if it were his home, tells (Y/N) that Anthony has found her once more.
“A secret for another day,” (Y/N) teases, turning to face the man that had captured her heart so wholly.
“Will you tell me later?” He asks, pushing out his bottom lip in a pout that has her giggling.
“Perhaps,” She whispers, leaning ever closer to the Bridgerton. “Only if you promise me something.”
“Anything,” He whispers seriously, “I’d give you the world if I could.”
“I know you would,” She murmurs, “But all I’m asking for is for you to not pester your nieces over what I told them.”
“How did you know?” Anthony asks, voice glum.
(Y/N) brings a gloved hand to his cheek, her thumb brushing his cheekbone. “Because I know you, my dear.”
Anthony leans into the touch, turning his face slightly to press a kiss to her wrist. “I like being your dear.”
“I like being yours too,” She replies earnestly. “Now, I’ve spoken to most of your siblings. Do me the honour of introducing me to Francesca, she came all the way from Scotland, it’s rude that I’ve neglected her.”
“Yes, my darling,” Anthony responds, taking her hand and leading her to the couch where Francesca sits with her husband, Michael.
The day continues in a similar fashion. Bridgerton House had never been quiet when the whole family was in attendance; raucous laughter and loving bickering filled its many corners with noise. The life and laughter of the family bringing the house to life.
As the grandfather clock ticks closer and closer to the evening, (Y/N) finds herself lamenting the fact that she must leave the Bridgerton family so soon.
“I must take my leave,” She announces to sad cries to Amelia and Belinda, already so attached.
“So soon?” Benedict asks, frowning as he wonders when he’ll get to continues his conversation with her. So few wanted to talk about art nowadays.
(Y/N) meets Anthony’s gaze, hating how sad he looks. “I’m having dinner with my parents and their friends. An occasion I simply cannot miss, I’m afraid.”
“Do we know them?” Violet asks in an attempt to delay the inevitable. She had grown fond of the young woman over the course of the afternoon, seeing how perfectly she fit amongst her family, how she brought out the best in her eldest son.
“The St. Clair’s?” (Y/N) enquires, drawing her shawl around her shoulders. “My father has worked with Lady Danbury’s family for a long time. Gareth and I are old friends.”
“Have a wonderful time,” Violet announces, “But please visit us soon.”
“I would love to,” (Y/N) smiles, crossing the room to be by Anthony’s side.
Offering her goodbyes to the large family, (Y/N) takes Anthony’s offered arm, hooking hers through his as they descend the grand marble staircase to the foyer. “Your family are lovely,” (Y/N) compliments as she takes care not to trip over her skirts on the stairs. “You all care for each so much, it’s clear the moment you enter the room.”
“My mother and siblings are the best people I know,” Anthony murmurs, walking beside (Y/N) at a steady pace in order to delay her departure by a minute.
“I can only hope they liked me,” She worries, her teeth biting into her bottom lip in a way that has Anthony restraining himself by gripping her arm tighter.
“You were wonderful,” Anthony murmurs, pressing a lingering kiss to her cheekbone before helping her into her carriage.
“Thank you for today,” (Y/N) calls, sticking her hand from the window to prolong the contact between Anthony and herself. She wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye; wasn’t quite ready to leave him.
“Thank you for coming,” Anthony answers, kissing her hand before tucking it back through the window of her carriage. If they didn’t say goodbye now, they wouldn’t say goodbye at all. If she didn’t leave, he would most likely offer marriage on the pavement than somewhere proper.
Nodding to her footman, Anthony watches her carriage leave. He stands on the doorstep to Bridgerton House until her carriage is no longer in sight. Only then does he let himself release the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Weariness washes over him as he turns to face his childhood home. Inside, in his mother’s drawing room, await his family. Each one ready to give their verdict on the woman he has had the good fortune to fall in love with.
Sighing, he kicks at the ground, knowing he cannot delay this any longer.
His mother and siblings are where he left them; his mother’s drawing room. They fall silent at the sight of him; each clearly unwilling to make the leap and be the first to broach the elephant in the room.
“What do you think of (Y/N)?” Anthony asks; voice loud in the ever so silent room. He meets the eyes of each of his siblings, not missing the way Daphne leans into Simon or the way Michael reaches for Francesca’s hand. They’ve all found their love matches; it was now Anthony’s turn.
Colin takes the fall for his family, standing to face his eldest brother and titled peer. He clears his throat, fidgeting on the spot before he eventually pauses all movement, breaking into a smile to declare, “We all loved her!”
“You do?” Anthony asks, falling onto a nearby couch in shock.
Violet smiles at her eldest son. “We do. (Y/N) is a sweetheart and looks to be just as taken with you as you are with her.”
Blush begins to paint Anthony’s cheeks. “I can only hope, dear mother.”
“It’s true,” Amelia chimes, her young face bright with joy. “She told Belinda and I.”
“You have found your love match, my darling boy,” Violet states warmly.
“It does help that (Y/N) is a trifle more tolerable than you, dear brother,” Benedict teases, laughter bright in his Bridgerton blue eyes.
“And so educated!” Eloise gasps, “We had an enlightening conversation about Wollstonecraft’s Vindication on the Rights of Women.”
“She was wonderful with Amelia and Belinda,” Daphne murmurs, her hand falling protectively over her pregnant stomach.
“Why do I get the feeling that you prefer (Y/N) to me?” Anthony murmurs, mischief bright in his eyes and evident in his voice.
“That’s exactly what we’re saying,” Gregory points out, “I only hope (Y/N) can keep up with your obsession with Pall Mall.”
“A worthy obsession,” Anthony argues, mind wandering to the games he could play with (Y/N).
“She’s wonderful,” Violet interrupts, a large smile on her face as she takes the final say.
Anthony smiles widely at his mother; constantly grateful for her love and care throughout his life. She had been lost after the death of his father, as had Anthony, but Anthony had never truly understood what it would feel like to lose someone you love as wholeheartedly as his mother loved his father.
Until now, that is. The mere thought of losing her sends a lance of pain through his chest, cutting short his breath and increasing his panic. Anthony shakes his head to rid himself of such thoughts and feelings.
Calm enough, he faces his family once more. “I plan on proposing to (Y/N),” He announces, showing his family the ring box that has been sitting heavily in his trouser pocket all day.
“Thank goodness,” Francesca murmurs, smiling indulgently at her big brother. “I cannot wait to call her sister.”
“Indeed,” Anthony murmurs, a loving smile on his face, “I cannot wait to call her my wife.”
Bridgerton taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dreaming-about-fanfictions @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @janelongxox @sexysirius @wallwriterstuff @magicalxdaydream @darkestbeforethedawn16 @gryffindors-weasley @spideysz​ @iammirrorball​ @writeroutoftime​ @joyfullymulti​ @nuttytani​ @multifandomfix​ @freyathehuntress​ @lespaceboi​
Taglists are open! Drop me an ask if you would like to be added!
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Some oral headcanons for Riddle, Idia and Epel (if you write smut for him). Both giving and receiving please 🔥🔥
Woohoo!!!! First ask EVER!!!! I hope u enjoy it aaaah, the reader in this scenario has no specific pronouns but fem body parts, since that’s what I’m most comfy writing with rn ;v; i will try to keep getting better the more i write!
A/N: This piece of writing is purely 18+ only. Minors do not interact.
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
Riddle has never given oral, but he is fueled by his desire to please you!!
He offers it as some kind of reward for doing so well on an exam he helped you study for
Now, Riddle has certainly passed by the human anatomy images in textbooks and read about each person’s sexual body parts, learning about it in a very educational way. He usually blushed when he looked at the detailed images and quickly turns the pages.
Riddle would have researched different ways on how to please you before actually initiating anything; he wouldn’t want to completely blow it (pun intended) with you.
But learning about things in a book and actually practicing it would be completely different, he’ll come to find out!
He lets you sit on the edge of his bed while he kneels down in front of you, looking up at your face as he pulls your pants and underwear off
Riddle turns almost as red as his hair when he finally sees your leaking cunt, excited that he made you feel this way!
He watches your face intently as he listens to the noises you make, taking your body language into great consideration.
He focuses his energy on your clit and spends time building you up to your release
Riddle moans lightly as you cum, still licking you as you ride out your high
He wipes his mouth as he comes up to kiss you sweetly, teasingly asking you how it was, the smug bastard KNOWS he made you feel so good
Secretly plans on doing it more often because he wants to watch your face twist in pleasure because of him.
“Ah, my rose... did you enjoy that?” The redhead asked smugly, smirking at your form as he raises his head up. “I believe you really did, by the way you made such a mess on me...”
Surprise surprise, Riddle ALSO has never received head!
Is a blushing mess when you offer it so casually during a heated makeout session!! But he can’t deny his beautiful rose, can he?
He remains seated on his chair as you knelt down on the floor, undoing his belt and pulling his bottoms down.
He’s extremely embarrassed because, he’s a bit average if not less than the average. Riddle’s worried you would judge him in that department, but when you stroke the precum leaking out of him with your finger he lets go of all of those doubts!
He can’t help but let out a groan and throw his head back when you give his cock a kitten lick from the base to the tip and then engulf him in your mouth.
Riddle tries to be quiet but you can hear his little gasps and you look up to see his eyes glazed in pleasure.
You also can’t help but let your hands explore his body,
He feels like he can’t control himself and grips your hair in his fingers, releasing in your mouth
If you swallow his cum, expect Riddle to freak out the first time, him completely flustered !! But also secretly turned on 😏
“Mmh,! S-so good...” Riddle’s panting as he finished. “E-eh?! You swallowed?! Why?!!” His face is burning by now. “My rose, let’s wash down that flavor with a sweet tart now, hm?”
Idia Shroud x Reader
It starts out with the two of you by yourselves in his room, sitting on the floor and playing games
Idia notices the way your thighs look thicker when you are sitting in a certain position, reminding him of a certain set of lewd doujinshi images he has masturbated to a few times
You catch Idia staring, fixated at your thighs and quickly catch on
You have to be the one to initiate anything since you know Idia is not the type to!
When you get up to lay down on his bed, Idia actually manages, somehow, to ask you to sit on his face! You’re surprised he would even initiate anything at all!
You’re embarrassed but seeing the way his eyes look so lustful when you lower your hips to meet his mouth, it spurs you on and gives you some confidence!
He lowkey wants you to suffocate him with your thighs..... he won’t tell you that in person though!
Idia hasn’t done this before, but he has watched a lot of hentai scenes of eating out, so he tries to mimic the same actions and is met with your high pitch moans!
When he feels you squeezing his head when you’re close to cumming he uses his hands to keep you in place, not letting you pull away
When he sees and hears you orgasm he swears he could just die a happy man right then and there!!
“A-ah.. this was so much better than my fantasies.... Y/N, you truly are my SSR character...” you heard Idia muttering into your thighs as he lays there, looking even more happy than you were at the moment! You had to wonder, “was this for my enjoyment or his?”
Idia would definitely want you to give him head while he is gaming or coding 👀
Personally I see him as really horny but never brave enough to really initiate things verbally
Idia would have a pink flush on his face as he asks if you could suck him off
He makes sure that he was able to tell Ortho to go out and run some errands for the dorm which he knew would take a little while
He would probably be on his gaming chair, with you on your knees in front of him
Idia would bite his shirt or the sleeve of it while feeling you lick at his cock, sighing heavily once you start to pick up your speed
If he is gaming though, he turns off his mic and releases short gasps and sighs of pleasure, trying to prove he is great at what he’s doing by being distracted but still winning
He would definitely tell you when he was close to cumming, planning to pull out. Depending on if you decide to swallow or have him pull out, either scenario would be a win for him.
The idea of having his seed in your mouth or painting your pretty face only serves to turn him on more :)
By the way DEFINITELY don’t tease him by saying you’ll wear kitten ears the next time you blow him, he will be adding them to his online shopping cart within the next .5 seconds
“Oh- Oh Great Seven- That was close..!” Idia groans, accompanied by the sounds of his rapid movement on his controllers. Once he notices you swallow his cum, he instantly turns pink and you swore his hair flashes red for a moment! “I-..... you didn’t need to... do that..” he turns away from your gaze.
Epel Felmier x Reader
Epel definitely wants to prove he’s a man who can provide to his partner!!
He would not be forceful, but offer to treat you and take an initiative! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Epel gives you plush pillows to lay down on his bed and makes sure to have his apple scented candles on to set the mood~
He secretly asked Rook for advice but you don’t need to know that LOL
Epel is definitely the type to be shy internally but tries to cover up that fact by trying to be dominant, but not too over the top. He wants to be respectful of your boundaries
Epel will try to use his fingers as well - using them to tease your nipples or play with your dripping hole~
Rook told him to do that LOL
When you look down you’re met with the lavender haired boy looking up into your eyes with a determined yet lustful gaze, cheeks tinged with pink ❤️
When he finally brings you close to your release, he works his pink tongue more aggressively as he watches you come undone~
What a hardworking farm boy! We love :)
“Well, how was that? Wasn’t that something a real man would do for his woman?” He asked you, a big grin on his face when you nod your head and smile at him.
You totally catch Epel off guard when you ask to give him a blowjob!!
He became a blushing mess and was shy, at first.
However, you sorta made him a bit mad and told him his dick was cute, no matter how big it was, describing HOW it was cute in great detail!
Epel tried to conceal his feelings but once he felt you wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, he lost himself.
He grabbed your head a bit roughly, “I’ll show you how cute I can be...” as he fucked your face (with your consent!)
Hey, you know the repercussions of calling him cute, and how much he hates it!
If he notices you don’t like how rough he’s being, he will stop being rough once he notices your body language and if there are tears pricking your eyes he gets pretty worried!
However if you DO like it, Epel will definitely keep going at it, and fuck your face faster once he feels his release coming.
You look up at his face while he released inside your mouth and you see his eyes rolled back and mouth agape. Epel’s releasing moans that are throaty and similar to his “real” voice he hides from everyone.
He’s a blushing, panting mess once you’re through with him!
“Sh-shit!!” Epel grips your hair tightly as he shoves his cock to the back of your throat, simultaneously releasing his seed and showing his dominance. “You... were amazing...” he pants, too tired out to even care about how he sounded at the moment.
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sneales · 3 years
♥jjk’s characters falling in love and confessing + headcanons♥
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Sukuna, Toji, gender neutral reader Genre: romance Warnings: grammar mistakes, mention of sex in Sukuna and Toji’s parts. Notes: this is more like “who’s the most awkward person?” lmao
→Requests are open!
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He’s surprised when he realizes he’s in love with you.
He has had many partners but they weren’t serious relationships.
So he has no idea what to do with his feelings. 
He doesn’t really get nervous for anyone, but he gets so self-conscious when you are around him.
He tries to look cooler and moderate the messy parts of his personality.
He also starts inviting you to fancy places and buys you expensive things you never asked for.
He lowkey thinks looks and money are his best qualities, so he shows them off a lot.
He is slightly allusive too, so his shirt won’t be button up properly, or he’ll sit in a suggestive way etc.
When you ask him what the heck is wrong with him lately, he admits he has fallen for you.
He has always thought you were interesting, so he wasn’t shocked when he realized he fell in love with you
He’s actually a bit insecure because he doesn’t know how much you like him.
He’ll begin some kind of light courtship, it’s not that evident, but nonetheless you notice he’s being kinder, warmer.
He’ll tell you “I was passing by that shop and I thought of you” and he gives you some sweets or snacks.
Yeah, he also buys flowers and other little cheesy things. 
Nothing too exaggerate though. He wants to let you understand he’s interested, but without making you uncomfortable.
He invites you to go out on a dinner and you can probably predict that is the day he’ll confess.
He’s a bit clueless at first, but he’s not too slow either, he understands he likes you quite soon.
He’s the kind of person who laughs like an idiot and sees everything colorful and beautiful when he’s in love.
He won’t confess quickly, probably he’ll first try to understand if he has any chance with you.
But he doesn’t really try to get your attention or to show off his good qualities.
The only difference with normal Itadori is that he tries to spend more time with you and he always wear a big smile whenever he’s around you.
His confession is quite simple and easy-going, maybe while you’re drinking a juice in a bar.
Like Gojo he is completely lost at first.
It’s not like he has never liked anyone before, but it doesn’t happen too often either and he thinks love is too hard and complex for him.
After that he gets used to his new feelings, but he still doesn’t feel like he has to do anything to get together, he doesn’t believe you like him back and anyway would it even work?
He won’t really confess unless he has evidence you like him too, or unless Itadori and Nobara push him to confess.
Itadori and Nobara will try to set you two up, it’s so clear to them you would make a great couple.
After a lot of persuasion, he accepts to tell you his feelings (maybe only to shut up those two).
He asks you to go for a walk and looks for the quietest place in the park to confess.
She’ll be “let’s gooooo” when she understands she likes you.
A bit like Nanami, she tries to conquer your heart before confessing.
But hers is not a quiet courtship, it’s a messy way of trying to get your attention.
She’s probably the kid who pulled the hair of her crush, so expect anything from her.
You go to karaoke with your friends? Well she’ll take that microphone and never let it go, singing in such a loud and bad way you go back home with a headache.
You go to the beach to play some volley? She probably slapped several balls in your face, because she wanted to show you how strong her spikes are… they are hella strong.
Anyway she did manage to get your attention (probably not in a positive way) and you’re happy when she says she’s in love with you because you were starting to think she hated you.
He gets super awkward at first, mostly because he doesn’t know if he’s a nuisance for you.
Once he realizes you don’t dislike him, he feels more relaxed.
He doesn’t have anything planned tbh, he just wants to know you better and spend time together.
When you build a solid friendship, he probably feels a bit ashamed because he feels like he’s hiding something important from you.
So he’ll confess, not really because he expects an answer, but only to be 100% honest with you.
He is definitely the incarnation of the “best friends to lovers” trope.
He definitely mistakes love for lust.
So forget Nanami’s courtship, the order is completely messed up.
You start as sex friends, but at some point he’ll realize something is weird.
He’s definitely not new to lust and sex, but for the first time he feels he has to tuck your body under the covers, or to place a glass of water next to you in case you’ll feel thirsty after you wake up, or clean you up after sex.
He’s usually careless and selfish, so he doesn’t really see any logical explanation for his behaviour.
He’s getting affectionate to you, but he won’t ever call that “love” because he thinks like his tongue would fall off if he ever says that word.
He’s very subtle so his confession won’t be vocal, but if he’s still close to you after such a long time you know the reason behind it.
I feel he would mistake love for lust too.
The order is kinda messed up here too, Toji won’t definitely fall for someone he doesn’t desire or with someone who doesn’t have a good sexual chemistry with him.
But unlike Sukuna, he’s a bit more emotionally intelligent (?) so he recognises his feelings and he isn’t afraid to admit them.
He confesses after a night of sex, while you two are resting. He randomly spoke while there was silence and you were almost falling asleep, for one second you even believe it was a dream.
He’s a bit abrasive and hard to deal with, but I think he gets a lot tamer whenever he is with his lover.
To your surprise, he’s a person who takes very seriously love relationships, it almost feels as if you straight up went from f*ck buddies to married couple.
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miekasa · 4 years
random armin/mikasa/jean headcanons (college au)
↯ pairing: armin x (fem) reader, mikasa x (fem) reader, jean x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: college au, fluff, lets see how many times i can mention eren in writing that has absolutely nothing to do with him
↯ notes: this.... probably won’t be a regular thing, i don’t know that i can consistently continue writing for them, but this sure was fun and reminded me that i actually have feelings for someone other than levi :// didn’t ask for that, but here we are
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Would most likely get pretty good grades, but he can definitely be lazy about it and hear me out.
If it’s a class that he likes and is genuinely interested in (which is the majority of them), he’s going to put in the work—sometimes too much work—to make sure he’s doing well. He usually studies very meticulously, and stays on top of his game throughout the semester.
But if it’s one of those bs classes the university makes you take, or some kind of stupid elective that was the only course that could fit into his schedule? Well, Armin is smart enough to bullshit his way through anything, so he’s not going to exert himself for a class he doesn’t even care about. 
Oh, and he’s very vocal about complaining to you about said bullshit courses. (Completely justified, go off king).
“I swear sometimes the TA just lowers marks randomly to ‘keep the class average.’ Granted, I didn’t really study for the quiz, so I wasn’t expecting a stellar grade or anything, but I know they do that sometimes.” “Well, babe, why didn’t you study.” “Because I hate it, (Y/N).”
Like I said, takes school seriously and tries his best; but even he knows he doesn’t have to be at 100% all the time. It’s also kind of a flex how smart he is and how much he can get by on doing the absolute bare minimum.
Poor Connie is studying his ass off for their shared elective and Armin barely looked at the first page of the textbook, and he’ll probably get a 90 anyways.
Imagine he’s so caught up with his other classes, he actually forgets about a midterm for his stupid elective, and at first he’s freaking out, so you kind of have to remind him of who tf he is. You finally get him to relax and he blinks at you, “Oh right, I didn’t study because I didn’t have to haha nice.” 
Helps you prepare for presentations by letting you practice them in front of him. Actually gives good feedback, but sometimes he’s just watching you and not really listening.
Sometimes, you have to be the one to remind him to take a step back and take care of himself, before his schoolwork. He doesn’t like to worry you, and likely feels guilty when he sees you walking up to him in the library at 2am; so he won’t fight you on it, and just lets you help him pack up all his stuff and head home for the day.
Likes head massages. Maybe sometimes has faked a little bit of a headache to get you to massage his head and play with his hair. He’ll never tell.
If you rub his cheek while he’s laying on top of you, he will knock out like a baby. Almost immediately. It’s a surefire way to get him to go to sleep.
Schedules dates with you, and plans them out meticulously. Sometimes gets playful and sends you a whole ass e-vite.
“Armin, why do I have an email invitation for our date to the library?” “So that you don’t forget, of course.” “How could I forget, it’s later today, and you’re literally helping me study for my midterm.” “With popcorn!”
Probably the type to get a job on campus. You and your friends come to visit him when he’s on shift and annoy him. He secretly likes it.
Oh, he’s kind of shady. Scratch that, can be very shady. He complains about school to you, but also just complains to you in general; he doesn’t outwardly do that a lot, but you’re his confidant.
Sometimes you get surprised and call him out on it and you’re like “Oh my god, Armin, the poor girl didn’t mean to mess up the project,” and he’s like “Well. Sometimes people are idiots and it has to be said.”
Has a bad habit of rolling his eyes and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. “Did you just roll your eyes at me.” “I don’t know, did I?” Bye.
His hands are always covered in some kind of ink/markings. Accidental brushes of his pens, streaks from his highlighters or markers, a little bit of lead from his pencil along the side of his palm.
Speaking of which, he strikes me as the kind of guy to keep a bullet journal. Not necessarily decked out and fancy with Polaroids and extravagant fonts; but definitely neat, and decorated to some extent, depending on how he’s feeling. It makes him feel organized.
He would pencil in important dates and markers of your relationship into said journal. “Friday night: museum date—remember to buy the tickets in advance.”
If anyone is going to buy, wash, peel, and cut up fruit for you, it’s going to be Armin.
Lowkey tutoring all of his friends, and might be the sole reason that Connie hasn’t dropped out yet. He likes tutoring you the most, though. 
Get this, sometimes he asks you to tutor him, even if he knows damn well he doesn’t need it. Maybe he’ll even sign up for a stupid elective if it’s a class you’ve taken before, just to have an excuse to get you to teach him something. 
Likes trying new things with you. He might not always like the new things that you try, but he’s open to trying them at least once. Well… most things anyways. Just don’t ask him to get up at dawn and go jogging with you.
I genuinely cannot tell if he would be a morning person or not. Maybe mid-morning. Probably not a rise-and-shine at 6am kind of guy, but is up by at least 10:00am every day. Very cute when he’s groggy though, and stumbles around a bit like a baby deer when he first gets up, especially if he’s hungry.
He likes to bike. And really likes when you go on bike rides with him. As long as you both are on your own bikes, you learned the hard way that tandem biking isn’t cut out for you.
Knows that all-nighters aren’t good for you, but sometimes you have to pull them anyways. If you both have a lot to get done, he’ll stay up with you and make sure you both take breaks and drink water.
Can twirl his pens in that really fast and fancy way, and can do the thing where he rolls it between all his fingers too. I’ll let you think bout the implications of that for yourself.
He likes watching cartoons, and reels you into all his favorites. Definitely likes to stay in on weekends watching cartoons with you and just chilling.
Will go to a party with you if you ask, or if his friends are hosting, but nothing beyond that. You didn’t hear this from me, but he’d probably like to smoke more than drink.
Sometimes you think he needs a break and you commission Eren to take him out for the night, but Armin still comes back looking more composed than him. A little sleepy and maybe a bit out of it, but not sloshed, much to your disappointment. “Eren, you really couldn’t have tried to be more a bad influence?? I was counting on you!!”
Eren’s confused, like, “Did you want me to get him white boy wasted??” “Yeah, kinda!! It’s what he deserves every once in a while. Ugh, next time I’m calling in Sasha, she knows how to drink.”
By the way, if you’re dating Armin, you’re kind of dating (or at least babysitting) Eren too. Or vice versa. Either way, they will also go on dates without you. (“Hanging out. We’re hanging out, and I’m tutoring him so he doesn’t fail Biology, (Y/N).” “Likely story, ocean eyes.”)
Can be touchy in a very absentminded way. He’ll reach out to play with your ears/earrings, habitually rub at your shoulders if you’re standing in front of him, mindlessly toy with the ends of your clothing. Half the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, he’s so cute.
Plays one sport—is on the soccer team. It keeps him busy, and forces him to focus on something that isn’t academics once in a while. He’s pretty good at it, too; he and Eren make a good team when they play together.
You and Eren tried to get him to join the baseball team too. Eren, because he likes playing with Armin. You, because, well… the uniforms. He would look so good in the uniform.
Makes her classes look like a breeze, even though it’s at least 300 pages of reading and writing per week.
Kind of gives me Elle Woods “What, like it’s hard?” kind of vibes when it comes to schoolwork. You’re in awe of how she just did 75 pages of reading with a tiny ass font in one sitting, and she just blinks at you like “Was it supposed to be difficult?”
Speaking of which, she likes to read in general; for leisure, outside of her school work. She’ll recommend you books, too. If you don’t like to read, she’ll still try and rope you in with shorter stories, or just read them aloud to you herself. 
Sits at a table across from you while you both do your schoolwork independently. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a quiet, almost implicit sense of intimacy that she really likes.
Bundles you up when it’s cold, and won’t take no for an answer. You will wear a hat, whether you like it or not.
Always prepared—and by that I mean, she carries things on her that she realizes you might need. Tissues, extra pens, an extra pair of mittens. She strikes me as the kind of person to pay attention to details like those.
Likes to walk you to class, even if her class is very far away from your building. She doesn’t mind.
On that note, she knows your schedule pretty well, where it pertains to classes and personal interests.
If you’re the type of person who can slack off or even just get caught up in other things when it comes to school work, she’ll be there to keep you on track and hold you accountable. Usually through setting aside times to study with you, but can even be through small things like asking you how your assignment is going.
(Nevermind that you completely forgot about the assignment, and hadn’t even started it—but that’s the point; she knew that).
Hear me out: holding pinkies. Maybe not when you’re walking, but when you’re seated next to each other. The longer you’re together, the more likely she is to initiate it, too.
Would rather study at home/in her apartment than in the library, but if you like to study there, she can compromise a few days out of the week.
Makes you playlists, and they’re usually really good, because she knows you so well. Sometimes she gets cute and customizes the cover art to a picture of the both of you.
She’s your ride or die, so if you complain to her about a prof you don’t like or a TA you don’t think is fair she’s 100% on your side. She might not always be able to do anything about it, but she’ll definitely let you complain to her.
Texts you throughout the day to check up on you, but usually disguised through other questions. Asks what you want/had for lunch when she’s really checking to make sure you ate. Asks you what time your lectures end, just to make sure you didn’t skip it (again). Asks you what time you’re going to be done studying to make sure you don’t stay up all night cramming again.
Takes a genuine interest in your courses, and absolutely loves to listen to you talk about them.
If your classes are vastly different, she’ll still try and help you however she can, even if it’s only in small ways, like proofreading something for you.
Doesn’t use emojis alot, so your contact doesn’t have a bunch of hearts next your name on anything. But she does put your last name in as Ackerman. 
Has social media, but mostly uses it to keep up with her friends, and you. You’re in most of the few pictures that she does post, and she might not say it, but she really likes it when you post photos of/with her. 
Not sure why, but I think she’d be a pretty decent artist if she tried. That trend of doing glass paintings on TikTok? I think she’d be into that, and would plan out the whole thing as a date with you.
Keeps up with all your favorite shows to talk about or watch them with you. Sometimes she’ll purposely miss a few episodes so that she can spend the night and marathon them with you.
Likes to stay in and drink cheap wine and just watch or talk about whatever with you. You could watch a terrible show just to laugh and comment on it the entire time and she would be so happy. 
Doesn’t like to sit down on public transportation, and honestly would rather you didn’t either, but she’s not going to stop you from taking a seat. If you’re sitting, she’ll stand in front of/over you, and always keeps wire headphones long enough for you to share music that way.
The most insufferable human when she’s sick and she knows it. She hates being sick. And she knows you shouldn’t be around her or else you might get sick but she also just wants you to hold her. (You do).
Likes to sleepover at your place. Talks with you about your day while you lay down. Always smells good. Very cuddly when sleepy. 10/10.
Hates the act of doing her laundry, but likes doing it with you. Lowkey starts buying and using the same detergent and fabric softener as you because it makes her smell like you.
Gets very embarrassed if you kiss her in public. Very red in the cheeks, it’s kind of cute, so I wouldn’t blame you if you did it on purpose.
Jean is… quite smart, if you ask me. Or, at the very least, analytical, which can be applied to a variety of academic settings.
The only thing is, he’s incredibly lazy about it. He wants to do well in school, and can definitely pull himself together for a midterm or an exam; but is horrible at keeping pace with all his other work and assignments on a regular basis.
He also can’t sit still, which is why even though he is very kind and chivalrous and brings many snacks to your study sessions, he is also competing for number one worst study partner. Right next to Eren and Sasha.
Gets pouty when you tell him you don’t want to study with him. “But… but… but I brought snacks! And bubble tea!” “Yes, but you also have the attention span of a rabbit, Jean.”
At the end of the day he understands… that doesn’t mean he’s not going to be bitter about it LOLOL. It’s fine, you can make it up to him by hanging out with him afterwards.
Is, like, classically trained in at least two instruments because his mom put him in lessons as a child. He used to hate it growing up, and he doesn’t practice much now, so he never talks about it.
One day you happen to mention something about comparing two songs, telling him they remind you of each other but you don’t know exactly why or why, and very nonchalantly he’s like, “They sound similar because they share the same major chord in the chorus, and they’re in the same key.” 
And you just kind of blink at him like, “Okay, Beethoven. How. How did you know that.”
Once you realize he can, like, actually play the piano and violin really well you’re always begging him to play for you. It doesn’t happen often—it’s not like he owns a violin anymore and he certainly doesn’t have a grand piano in his shitty college apartment—but sometimes you sneak into the music room when it’s empty and he’ll play something for you.
He’s a romantic at heart, so he doesn’t mind, and if anything kind of enjoys you watching him play. It’s much better than playing for random parents in a recital. You’re dead if you ever mention it to any of his friends though.
Also not a frat boy, but definitely likes to party. Everything with reason. If he crushed a midterm on Thursday, he deserves to throw back a few beers on Friday night, you know?
Touchy when he’s drunk. Well, touchier than normal; he’d be the most affectionate out of every one on a regular basis. But he’s touchy and messy when he’s drunk, so he’s all over you.
Messy, but happy. All smiles and giggles and red cheeks, with his arm around your shoulder, boasting you anybody who will listen about his super hot girlfriend.
He and Eren throw the best parties when they team up together. (Only slightly related, but those two, when drunk together, could probably pass as a couple; they’re so uncharacteristically happy, and affectionate. You may or may not be keeping some photo and video evidence of Eren and Jean drunk cuddling).
Sends you videos when you’re in the middle of class. And only then. He plans it to be annoying. Because he is annoying.
Also always sending you those in-messsage games while you’re in the middle of lecture or studying. “PLEASE play virtual pool with me!! I’ll even let you win one round!!” “I AM TRYING TO LEARN!!” “LEARN LATER 😡😡😡”
A fucking fiend in your Instagram comments. It’s a miracle none of them have been removed or reported for inappropriate content. Replies to OTHER people’s comments complimenting YOU!! He’s so much
@sashabraus: aww you look so cute @youruser!! that color looks so good on you 💕 @jeannotjean: omg omg tysm @sashabraus 😊 i picked it myself @youruser: SHE WAS TALKING TO ME @jeannotjean!!! ME!!! @jeannotjean: @youruser you have no proof 🙄 @youruser: SHE USED MY @!!!! GET OUT OF MY COMMENTS!!! @jeannotjean: you’re so hot when you yell at me via insta comments 🥵🥵🥵 would it be better if i slid into your dm’s instead 😫😫😉 @youruser: @jeannotjean BLOCKED!! EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!
You try explaining your coursework to him and he’s just looking at you with puppy dog eyes like, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, babe, but you look hot while doing it, so, please, continue.”
He’s another cocky annoying bastard (endearing). Always tilting you head up to look at him and smirk at you. Pisses you off just to put his arm around your shoulder and be like, “It’s okay, I know you love me anyways.” Winks at you in public just to embarrass you. He’s the worst. The worst.
King of picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder for absolutely no reason at all.
He lowkey wants to get an ear piercing and uses you to talk him into it. “Don’t you think I’d look hot with a piercing? I think I would.” “You would look good regardless, Jean. So, do it if you want to.” “Right. But, like.... do you think I would look hot.”
For as annoying and cocky as he can be, the second you actually genuinely tell him you think he’s attractive or talented or whatever, he gets kind of shy. It’s very cute. 
Likes trying new restaurants with you, even though he really should stop spending all his money on food. Sometimes trying new restaurants means ordering from a new place, but it’s whatever, you know.
Honestly… the two of you would probably have a ridiculously high Uber Eats bill. You really should go outside and, like, be people every once in a while LOLOL
Okay, but it’s mostly Jean’s fault. For as much as he likes to party, and doesn’t mind hosting a party, he doesn’t do much beyond that. He hangs out with his/your friends, and with you, obviously, but he’s not the kind of guy to have his weekend booked up all the time.
He would much rather stay in with you, and talk trash about his stupid group project partners, and lay on your stomach and try to teach you how to play his favorite video games.
Spoiler: he fucking lies and/or leaves out key parts of the gameplay!! Just so he can crush you and laugh about it!! Annoying, but you’re the one keeping him around, so, who can you really blame but yourself.
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Beach Trip Headcanons: La Squadra
a/n: it's getting warmer where i live which is horrible and i hate it but it gave me some inspo here's some bullshit
Genre/Warnings: Crack, fluff, just some cute shit, polyamory (sorlato), a LOT of simping omfg
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~Risotto Nero~
-he already had his tits out on the regular so his bare chest isn't anything new but he lost that stupid hat so it wouldn't get wet and now you can stare at hat-less riz
-doesn't get in the water too often but he definitely goes underwater to grab your legs and scare you (he does it to ghiaccio and melone too; melone screams at the top of his lungs and ghiaccio fails around like he's drowning)
-spends most of his time under the parasols with illuso and prosciutto, just chatting and watching you mess around with your teammates (and maybe checking you out while he's at it)
-lowkey starts to get jealous if he thinks melone or formaggio are gettin' too friendly with you (god help any random person that flirts with you)
-Riz makes damn sure both you and him are very well saturated (?? does that sound weird) with sunscreen. there's no way in hell either of you will be suffering through that
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-you thought you were going to the beach with your boyfriend? lmfao nah you're at the beach with mom and your rowdy ass siblings now
-came in clutch with the sunscreen, aloe vera ointment, snacks, water and spending money. has a very nice set up under a parasol with illuso (and you, if you'd like to join him in his relaxation/parenting session)
-pros with his hair down, shirtless and wearing a pair of pineapple swim trunks to match with pesci? out in public? a lot more likely than you'd think
-formaggio would be a prick and dump water on his hair and now you get to see prosciutto with his hair wet fUCK (pros would be FUMING but he'd look so GOOD)
-would read to you but he doesn't want to risk getting any of his fav books wet so he'd just tell you wonderful stories of the team before you joined (most of them are embarrassing for everyone but him)
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-literally he's having the time of his LIFE right now. he's completely protected from the sun (thanks mamma pros), he's goin' fishing, he's got his s/o with him, what more could a boy ask for?
-maybe he should've asked formaggio to not throw sand at him every 10 minutes because that is happening for sure, no matter how much prosciutto yells at him to stop pesci will not be left alone
-is in the water like, 70% of the time. he'll make bets with ghiaccio to see who can swim out the farthest and ghia is surprisingly not mad when he loses
-he'll walk off the beach with just you to get ice cream and it's honestly really fucking cute (he gets strawberry, btw)
-pesci really likes picking you up and tossing you into the water. he's secretly a little bastard and will laugh at you while helping you up
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-jesus the entire day with him is just 🙄. he's such a little bitch about EVERYTHING
-won't go in the water at all and carries a compact mirror with him so he has an escape plan in case formaggio decides to fuck with him. salt water damages your hair and there's no possible fucking way he's risking his scalp just for a little fun
-still insisted on wearing swim trunks and going shirtless though, mostly just to have your undivided attention (as if he didn't already force you to pay attention to him enough)
-sitting under parasols with prosciutto because he's pale and has sensitive skin but he still ends up getting sunburned and won't stop complaining
-you guys did have a cute little moment when the sun was starting to set and he dragged you away from everyone so he could look for sea glass with you (totally wasn't an excuse to hold your hand while he was dragging you around)
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-spends the entire day being a little rat bastard and making almost everyone wish he was dead (he respects risotto too much and sorbet and gelato scare him so he leaves them alone)
-throwing sand at pesci and melone, pouring water on prosciutto, stealing melone's goggles, chasing illuso into the mirror world, straight up throwing ghiaccio's car keys across the beach
-and of course he's gonna drag you into this. even if you just wanted to have a nice beach day with your asshole boyfriend, he's gonna hold you captive during his shenanigans
-can and will wipe his sweat on you. he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. please throw seaweed at him in retaliation, he thinks it's nasty as fuck
-leaves the beach early so he can treat you to dinner, both as a thank you for dealing with his bullshit all day and as an apology for wiping sweat on you every 30 minutes
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-the most unrecognizable when he's as the beach with everybody. his hair isn't styled, so his curls are a lot looser and not plastered to his head, he's not wearing his glasses so they don't get lost in the water, HIS FUCKING LEGS AND BARE CHEST ARE JUST OUT
-literally just,,,SURFER GHIACCIO??? come ON dude. he knows what he's doing and will wink at you every single time he catches you staring
-loves wading out far into the water with you on his surf board so he can be all soft and cute with you without anybody hearing or seeing him
-he'll also be pretty light-hearted when he's out there too. he and pesci will see who can swim out the farthest and he'll let pesci win (let's be honest, with his legs he could swim to a different continent if he wanted too)
-ghia might look hot as hell out there, but he'll also end up burnt as hell. literally he just didn't put sunscreen on and he was out in the sun for hours. hottie got sun poisoning, please take him home early he will die
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-he brought along goggles, a snorkel and flippers so he can do some shallow reef diving
-he'll pop up occasionally and yell for you to come over and show you a tiny little crab or a cool looking fish he found (it's honestly really, really cute)
-mel will take routine breaks to reapply sunscreen, drink water, check up on you, and get his goggles stolen (which he did not plan on). he'll also take this time to use shitty beach-related pick up lines to get you to laugh
-honestly as pervy as you'd think he would be. maybe it's because he's distracted by all the fun little creatures he keeps finding in tide pools and such
-has his own little set up a few feet away from prosciutto and illuso's. he'll be there while he's taking his breaks and yes he will try to cuddle with you even though it's pushing 90 degrees at noon
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~Sorbet and Gelato~
-not to get sad in what is supposed to be a fun headcanon set but neither of them will take their shirts off or get in the water. both of them have a lot of body image issues and they'd really appreciate it if you didn't try to convince them to be half naked in public
-with that being said, both Sorbet and Gelato get loads of enjoyment out of just watching you swim around and have fun before returning to them
-Sorbet will help apply sunscreen but he really just wants an excuse to grope you and Gelato in public
-Gelato will want to have a sandcastle building contest with you (Sorbet is the judge and both of you receive the grand prize of a kiss)
-long walks on the beach together at night after everyone's gone home? of fucking course it's gonna happen
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