#also low key og zb lore.
scientifichubris · 3 years
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You have acquired a declassified yet somewhat redacted file from the American Government's Ajin Research Division circa 2012. Do you wish to read?
Designated Number: 26 out of 46 47 48 49
Name: Formally known as [REDACTED]. Responds only to the nicknames Z or 26.
First Death: Decapitation via "an experiment.' Will not elaborate further despite the numerus interrogations done by our previous division.
Previous life: Ran way with older brother from home. Will not elaborate why, but has a strong possibility of being linked to initial death. Was a medical student at [REDACTED] aiming to work in either biological or biochemical research. Our previous division was notified of this Ajin after Number 26 was seen reviving after consuming a vile of hydrochloric acid instead of a misplaced open water bottle in a chemistry lab.
Previous containment: [REDACTED] Do not discuss.
Current life: Lives in-house at our facility to continue Ajin research, and has the standard protocol ankle bracelet. Extremely passionate about any research assignment. Number 26 is specializing in "Artificial Ajin Theory," the idea that any human has the potential to be revived at least once while being exposed for an unknown amount of time to a confirmed Ajin. The theory has the potential to be world changing, but it is also too much of a risk of human life to be researched at this time. Research of theory is now underway.
Seems to be fairly lonely at times, but masks with over friendliness and an outgoing nature. Has found a vague sense of friendship with other Ajins. Has a small book club with Jun, discusses movies with Jim, and helps with Smith's own research. Will mention wanting to see older brother again. Is very invested with the current happenings of Ajin in Japan and worries for Orgura. Do not give Number 26 any ideas or further information about the situation in Japan.
Constants unchanged upon revival: Legally blind in left eye, and needs corrective lenses. Low blood pressure. Claims to have nerve pain come and go on select points of arms, legs and chest. Is known to twitch at least twice a day and faint at least once a month.
IBM: According to the Ajins that have seen it or those whos faced enough strong emotion to get the chance to view it, it is fairly unique in form. The arms, head and legs are not fully connected and have increased range in mobility, which have found to go 6 extra feet. Has been nicknamed "Zombie." Has only been able to be taken out at maximum 3 times a day. Like all IBMs, can be highly dangerous. Has slightly thicker than average black matter density. Has been mostly used just to grab research materials out of reach or to "prank" staff by seeming to make Number 26 or some other object "float" in midair.
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