#ajin oc
osakateto · 3 months
Me and my IBM
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wool-string · 5 months
I was starting to feel bad about not really posting about Ajin and it kinda sucks that the tag is mostly dead but yk what.. I’ve given three years to making just Ajin art. It’s time for me to swap over for a bit
Anyways this was my part of a collab I’m doing on twt with some mutuals!
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cuntasaurus-rex · 7 months
Though Thwei'tyen knows that his mate can't stay dead, it doesn't make it any easier every time she dies.
Careless. She is so careless.
He tries not to let his anger and upset show when she wakes back up, good as new, but he knows that she can tell.
Dana glances at him meekly a few times, looking like a scolded youngling.
As upset as he is, he lets her curl against him, tucking her against his side. Relieved at the warmth of her body, the breath in her lungs.
'My careless, foolish mate. What will I do with you?'
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Art block again so have an old sketch of tosaki and iris, legends will say I will someday color it (ocxcanon enjoyers pspspsps 👀👀👀👀/pos)
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thereal-humantyphoon · 6 months
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Photo 1- my Ocs Celadon and Aaman as Mob and Reigen from MP100
Photo 2- Same Ocs but it's a Keychain design as well as two doodles of some girls
Photo 3- Keychain designs of Kaito and Izumi Shimomura from Ajin and also a 1998 Vash deisgn
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sansloii · 7 months
blood headcanons: part 1 | part 2 | part 4
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choosing the group to cover today was a little hard but i'm going to opt for joey, mikah, and vega today, given that it'll be a little easier since they have a singular shared trait: the fact that they can resurrect when killed.
mikah and joseph are a slight different case compared to Vega, as they are Ajin. the resurrection is a set bodily process that is just.... apart of their life. whether or not it's caused by an organ or something else, no one knows. all anyone does know is that when they resurrect, they're as good as new.... and you know, i will take that to heart.
mikah and joseph's blood will always taste fresh. it's pretty basic in flavors and is honestly comparable to those staple summer drinks that you crave when it's hot out and your throat is dry. it's thirst quenching and whatever flavors are in it don't get watered down or diluted by ice and whatever else you add to it. it'll naturally taste a little less impactful if you attempt to drink from them right as they've reset but it lasts maybe an hour at most.
vega, due to the fact that his resurrections are not really.... natural and are caused by some supernatural process that takes a bit longer than the other two, is more like flavored sparkling or seltzer water. still very good and refreshing but in a different way. it may lose some carbonation when he's just revived but it doesn't take too long for it to reach the same mouth feel as it normally is. maybe a couple days, at most.
the key take away is that it will never taste any different. it is reliable in that no matter how long they live and no matter how many times they are killed, it will always go back to tasting as though you just uncorked a bottle of it that just been chilling and waiting for you.
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tryst-art-archive · 1 year
August 2010 Drawings
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lathidraws · 2 years
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Ajin Week 2022
Original Characters: My OCs Thomasin and Eric as ajin. Thomasin can produce only small amounts of IBM, but her control over it is precise. Eric can't produce IBM, but thinks it's better to rely on your wit and abilities to solve Situations to begin with anyway.
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theabyssalorange · 2 years
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Prompt 6: Purple, Original Characters
I took this opportunity to draw Ghost, an OC from one of my own stories, with his very own IBM.
[Text: Don't bother, We're beyond help....]
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shadow-543a · 11 months
All my creations:
Lost Souls and the arrival of the Shadows
Main page:
ShadowVerse - Part 2
Chapter 0:
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Sins of War
Volume 1:
The Call of Ajin
Volume 1:
Feats Cosmo Outsmarting Scaling Wiki
Main page:
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Server of all my creations:
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wool-string · 5 months
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damianthedestroyer666 · 2 months
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Have i ever shared dante here?? Probably not so here he is, all I have to offer for now are more ajin oc's (I swear I'm working on my au 😓😓😓)
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
flowers of every color | 7. striped carnations
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overall summary: when your father is assigned as the new head gardener to the royal family, you are also tasked with helping him maintain the castle's many gardens and extensive floral arrangements. by chance you find yourself crossing paths with the "ice-cold" crown prince, choi yeonjun... who turns out to be not as ice-cold as everyone says he is.
chapter summary: as you are confronted with stigma from the court after your punishment as well as the reality of yeonjun's engagement, you send him one last message -- and make a decision that you regret.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: angst angst angst, confrontations, exactly one (1) swear word
notes: i am posting this earlier than planned bc i got a sudden burst of inspiration over the last few days and i've been writing more! same as last chapter, there are OCs here to fill out the other kingdom so that i don't depict others' faves as the "villain" of the story
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by the time you are released from your punishment, the ongoing efforts to secure a marriage for the crown prince are no longer a secret. the whole castle seems to be abuzz with preparations for the first of several meetings with the prospective bride, princess ajin, and her mother, queen hwayoung. everywhere you go, you see the castle spruced up for them, from new velvet curtains hanging from the windows to the rarely-used porcelain dinnerware placed in the dining hall.
to aid the preparations, you and your father have been assigned to make floral arrangements that are both welcoming and hardy. today you are planting some marigolds by the front entrance; you know that the bright orange blooms will both cheer the guests up and ward off pests. the skies are thankfully clear as you work.
while you are crouched down making sure that each plant is positioned well enough without overcrowding, you overhear two servants chatting as they each carry a stack of cream-colored linen. you’ve been part of the castle long enough to recognize that this particular linen is reserved only for the most important guests.
“...if it will be a good match,” one of them says to the other.
“princess ajin is going to have a hell of a time with his majesty,” the other replies with a snicker. “let’s see if her charms are enough to thaw an ice-cold prince’s heart!”
“oh no, i heard the princess is pretty ice-cold herself. she had to be dragged to come here and won’t look anyone in the eye, like she thinks she’s better than everyone else.”
“they’re perfect for each other, then! you couldn’t arrange a better match.”
they both burst into laughter. you ball your gloved hands into fists and grit your teeth, fighting the urge to stand up and tell them off that yeonjun is not the cold-hearted prince they think he is. but before your anger rises too much, one of them spots you from the corner of his eye. he gives his companion a light shove with his elbow and they both move away from you, their voices becoming more hushed. still, the other servant can’t help but stare at you with wide eyes before turning away.
you swallow hard and turn back to your marigolds, sighing to yourself as you secure the soil around each plant. you’re in no position to defend yeonjun from the servants’ rumors, not when you yourself are also the target of gossip; what more for preventing something as important as his marriage?
you pause in the middle of your gardening to wonder why yeonjun’s arranged marriage bothered you so much in the first place. you always assumed that he would stop being friends with you when he got married, but why? surely the royal household would benefit in keeping you and your father as long as you didn’t cause trouble; capable staff are hard to replace, after all. aside from that, yeonjun liked you well enough to actively seek out your company, and he would probably do so as long as he could squeeze out free time. 
so why are you so afraid of this marriage? 
you try to delve deeper into the question, but you hit a wall of emotions that you dare not climb over. perhaps you could climb it if you want to, but whenever you try to, you are overcome with a strange dread. a feeling settles over you that whatever is on the other side of the wall will make things much more complicated than they already are.
instead of climbing the wall then, you step away from it and resume planting the marigolds.
you spend the next few days avoiding yeonjun and, to some extent, soobin and beomgyu. while you are busy planting more marigolds in the western gardens, a servant passes by and asks if you can deliver some fresh flowers to the tearoom, and you politely decline. “i can prepare them if you like, but i’m too busy with other things to personally deliver them,” you say. the servant simply nods and leaves, but you still catch her shaking her head and muttering to herself.
you decline a few more of these errand-invitations, and you find yourself avoiding parts of the castle that you know yeonjun frequents: the tea house, the horseback riding grounds, even the portion of the castle grounds overlooking the library where he has his lessons. you stop delivering flower vases to his room altogether. the preparations for the princess’ arrival even provide you with convenient excuses: i’m busy replanting some flowers at the southern gardens, or i’m making the floral decor for the dining hall. even if you do want to see them, the work you’ve been assigned is just too much.
still, you catch glimpses of yeonjun or soobin or beomgyu from time to time as they carry on with their duties. you deliver flowers to the castle and pass by a study room where yeonjun is practicing etiquette (for the princess, maybe — you don’t dwell on it), or you’re on your way back to the greenhouse and hear excited screaming, only to see that soobin and beomgyu are playing a badminton game that has gotten a little too heated.
on arrival day you’re at the southern gardens on watering duty. with the days getting warmer, you need to make sure that the soil doesn’t get too dry, and you’re more than willing to distract yourself with the job. you’re so immersed in your work that you don’t even see the small party strolling by; you only notice them because of the sound of a familiar voice.
“your majesty should not rely on me too much, because i won’t…”
you look up before you can stop yourself. yeonjun is walking some distance away, flanked by queen hwayoung on one side and princess ajin the other. you notice that the princess’ arm is linked with yeonjun’s, just as he used to do with you, and you feel a sting in your heart.
as soon as the princess walks close enough, your insides freeze. she looks absolutely beautiful, her dress studded with tiny rubies against wine-colored silk and her updo emphasizing her sharp features. but as beautiful as she looks, you can’t read her face at all. her lips show no trace of pleasure or displeasure, and her eyes seem to be empty of all feeling. the servants were right too; she faces straight ahead, not even bothering to look at either yeonjun or her mother during their conversation. you wonder if she really is as cold-hearted as they say.
the trio passes you by. neither princess ajin nor queen hwayoung seems to notice you, but yeonjun turns his head ever so slightly to face the princess 一 then he sees you.
to those who know him less, the change in his expression would be imperceptible. but you see the way his eyes soften, the way his lips part by a sliver, the way the stern tone of his voice mid-conversation loses a bit of its edge. his eyes meet yours for a moment, sending an unspoken message, until queen hwayoung turns toward him and his attention is taken elsewhere.
you feel… heavy. the old sudden warmth in your chest comes back, but this time it never settles comfortably in you, filling you with a sinking feeling instead. you turn away and look down at the flowers you’ve been watering and shake your head as if to shake off the unpleasant feelings.
you need to put a stop to things, you think. as much as you want to cling to him again like old times, it makes your heart ache too much — and you know it makes his heart ache too much as well.
the next day you prepare a flower vase for yeonjun’s room for the first time in who knows how long. your hands tremble the whole time as you fuss over the arrangement, and once you make the journey to his quarters, you feel the heaviness in you again. you head up the steps and down the hallways as quietly as possible, ducking into a room whenever you pass by a servant or a court official; it’s a miracle that no one sees you or the vase held snugly in your arms. your heartbeat quickens the closer you get to his room, and though part of it is from the adrenaline of trying to stay hidden, much of it is from something else entirely.
as you make your trip, all sorts of images flash in your mind. one moment you see princess ajin staring blankly ahead, arm firmly linked with yeonjun’s; the next you see yeonjun facing you inside the gazebo on ball night and gazing at you with fondness. you see the yellow roses you delivered to his bedroom when you declared that you’d be friends, then you see the ornate arrangements of zinnias you made for his prospective bride and her mother. with each step you the images feel sharper, and you feel yourself closing in on that dreaded wall of emotions again.
when you enter the prince’s quarters, each footstep feels heavier than the last; when you finally reach the ledge for his vase, you have to position yourself and screw your eyes shut before setting the vase down with trembling hands. once the vase is in position, you slip out the door and nearly run all the way down back the way you came. you don’t allow yourself to think, and instead pray to whatever gods are listening that you made the right choice.
you leave behind a vase of striped carnations: frilly white flowers with crimson staining the edges of each petal. a beautiful sight, but their stems hide a solemn message.
i can’t be around you anymore. i’m sorry and thank you for everything.
you fill the next few days with work, taking even the portions of work for your father or the other servants. you water and fertilize both the western and southern gardens, you replant and tend to dozens of plants in the greenhouse, you run to and from the castle to provide fresh flowers and herbs 一 as long as the assigned area is in the opposite side of the castle as yeonjun’s bedroom, at least. the work takes your mind off the thoughts that were plaguing you, and if you focus on them enough you could tune the worries out. it’s easy for you to ignore the stares of the court officials or the whispers of the servants when you are too busy pulling weeds out of the bed of daisies or trimming off rose cuttings in the greenhouse for planting.
yet no matter how much you trick yourself into believing that you can work your worries away, they eventually catch up to you one day as you head to the kitchen to deliver a fresh batch of herbs. as you round the corner, you spot a familiar figure walking towards you.
“y/n!” you hear yeonjun call out.
 you pretend not to notice him and try to walk past, but he steps in front of you.
“y/n, please!” yeonjun moves closer and looks at you with desperation in his eyes. “can we talk for once? you’ve been avoiding me for a week. what’s going on with you?”
“i’m busy,” you say, and you try not to look him in the eye. “i have to bring these to the kitchen.”
“don’t do this to me, please. you can spare a few minutes to talk.”
“no, i really can’t.” you try to step past him but he only moves in front of you again.
“you can at least explain what you meant by your message. what do you mean, you can’t be around me anymore? is something wrong? none of the staff have told me anything. i’ll do anything in my power to make things work for you. i can talk to the chamberlain, the servants, anything一”
you swallow and stare at the bag of herbs in your hands. “there’s nothing to explain,” you lie. “just... don’t be around me, okay? it’s not good for either of us, yeonjun. it’ll get us into more trouble. i’m sorry.”
“‘not good for either of us’?! don’t tell me you really believe that!” he’s half-shouting now, but there seems to be more fear than anger in his voice. “i don’t understand why you’re being so stubborn! why won’t you let me help you? there has to be a way to make things work!”
“there really isn’t, okay?! it wasn’t meant to end up like this in the first place! that’s what got us in trouble!”
 “end up like what? end up as friends? but we一” you try to ignore the crack in his voice一 “we said we’d be friends. can’t we act like friends just this one time then, at least? or do you seriously believe that it’s not good for either of us?”
“i said what i said, okay?! maybe we shouldn’t be friends!”
you regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth. now they hang in the air as silence fills the space between you and yeonjun.
he stares at you and opens his mouth to speak, but only lets out a pained whimper. you see his eyes start to water and you look away.
“that’s how you really feel, huh?” he barely manages to string the words together. “fine, then. if that’s what you think is good for us, then maybe we shouldn’t.”
he turns on his heel and leaves.
“yeonjun, wait一” you run after him, but as soon as you turn a corner he seems to have diseappeared.
you curse yourself and bite your lip to keep yourself from screaming in the middle of the hallway. you stare at the bag of herbs you’re still holding and feel the urge to throw them onto the ground, but instead you let out a long exhale and focus your gaze on a still life of fruits hanging on the wall. your attention falls on one of the painted oranges, and whenever your frustration starts to build up again, you stare at the orange as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world.
it’s a miracle that you manage to calm down long enough to deliver the herbs to the kitchen. when one of the chefs asks you what’s wrong, you ignore her and head straight back to your quarters.
in your room you lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling, realizing just how badly you fucked up. in your attempt to protect yourself from punishment and yeonjun from abandoning his duties, and especially in your attempt to get away from the wall of emotions that you can’t confront, you ended up breaking the one thing you cherished most in the whole castle: his friendship.
you curl the blankets around yourself and try to sleep, hoping that you’ve simply ended up in a bad dream.
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end notes: hehe i love angst :) also princess ajin was originally not part of this chapter in the original outline, but after seeing the feedback from ch6 + thinking about the setup for her from there, i decided that i should probably introduce her here
taglist (open!) @seosalad @lilplilplilp @yeonboy @pyuae @hyuneyeon @strawbrinkofdeath @yushiu @mazeinthemoon @banggyu0308 @shytubatu @kyaneosprincess
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*knee-up are now 30% per extra char, not 50%! cool graphics made by the glorious @marianjos
yup. would like to humbly present some offerings. due to issues. i draw mostly in pencil and ink with some digital options, you'll get something physical in the mail for what should be <5 dollar shipping fee if you're based in the "us" chile or brazil, everywhere else is case by case. i'll do a lot this run, ocs down sloppy style, furries, gummies for the generous, short comic spreads for ur ocs and otps, etc except what i will not do. mutuals get xtras n things wink come talk to me to find out!
if at all interested please dm or email me at ohhbde(at)gmail(dot)com, thank you!😐👍🏼💕
🍵add. info below for serious onlookers🍵
i'll also do +10$< for brush pen as an add-on, forgot to add it in
soy has a history of drawing for: orv, link click, shl/woh, ajin, drhdr, jojo, code geass, witch hat atelier. jjk is glaring rn
soy would also luv to draw more for: golden kamuy, neuro tantei, blue period, hxh, inuyasha, your ocs!
sliding scale prices are open to under-resourced folks, especially folks of color, who still want something nice. pm me
i'm opening nsfw comms sloppy style to charas that i don't know or care about so note that is the risk you’re running. i'd love to make your ocs bang if that's what you want to see from me !
ill work on sketch-ups after gathering specifics which will then be sent for approval, wherein you may make changes. once a sketch is finalized no more changes can be made.
your commission will be mailed to you, and if you requested a digital add-on, the file will be emailed to you.
i'll draw ya 2+ gummies if you tip me $5+, which i will donate on your behalf to a person/org of my choosing
refunds only in the case i neglect the entire commission.
in order to make my business a lil more sustainable, i’ll offer a separate one-time exclusive use fee, which is permanent/specific to one person - which was previously built into all my prev commissions, but now you must pay to reserve the commissioned work for personal use. this is so i didnt need to hike up my prices across the board to account for what is essentially one-time use of a drawing, and so i may have the viable option to make merch w it to help offset the cost of offering cheaper comms. if i ever do end up making merch from it, you can request one from me for free or production cost.
if you'd like to commission a one-time use fanart drawing, thats 60% of the flat amount total added on. If not, you can still get the same, actually lowered than before, flat pricing for fanart comms - just bear that in mind! this fee does not apply to non-fanart, which have had their prices modified to reflect this. thanks for your understanding.
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tryst-art-archive · 1 year
Jan. 2011 Arts
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The "fear of people thinking I'm gay" referenced here was actually "fear that men will not be interested in me and I will be alone forever," but I'd phrased it poorly not expecting this to ever be seen by anyone besides me (and I knew what I meant).
This is your regularly scheduled reminders that I'm a gay trans man, and these sketches are from a solid 10 years before I even remotely figured that out.
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rodent-toaster · 8 months
[REPOST] Cringetober Day 11-15 (with descriptions from my original twit posts)
Day 11: Yandere
oc again (ref from that one frame in mirai nikki you know the one everyone does)
Day 12: Niche Interest
Ajin: Demi-Human is so goated why do I see nobody talk about the manga bro.. 😔😔
Day 13: Creepypasta
(sorry this is late)
Does anybody remember I eat pasta for breakfast I used to watch comic dubs of it and it felt like a fever dream I barely remember what even happened in it 😭
Day 14: Candygore
oc once again had fun rendering this one
Day 15: Song Lyrics
oc… 😾
the song name is “Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most” btw
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