#also look a Seymour and Elora interaction!
ceciliadreamson · 3 months
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I think they’re really neat
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ceciliadreamson · 3 months
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Showing everyone the possibilities for my LCB insert! I give up figuring out how to do the idol concept and I want more goofy interactions at this point haha;;;; I’ll figure out the whole purpose thing once I get my thoughts straight 
Cutting myself some slack for once by deciding not to push out another detailed oc in exchange for whimsical fun. I love the idol idea but I already have Seymour and Elora to be the ocs I can go all out for. Anyways time for you to finally meet my self insert (far right)
Doesn’t have a name yet but she’s a dorky seamstress who is a bit forgetful but means well. She’s also a bit *cough cough* a lot head over heels for some of the women she encounters during missions
Edit: Her name is now Nora! Thanks @gumbo-jim (tumblr not finding the at but that’s the user) for the idea!!! I’ll definitely look into A Doll’s House! From what I’ve seen so far from the summary, it oddly fits my oc well even with a few changes here and there
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