#also lol at him asking octavia to punch him AGAIN
laufire · 3 months
ñasldkfjasdf I had forgotten that levitt was semi-demoted to janitor too, just like bellamy in the ark in season 1. the blake centric show from an alternate timeline sometimes sneaks in...
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Because of you
Request: Yes / No Omg Imagine if instead of Murphy it was the reader that was hanged and they used to be friends with the group but after they banished her. Later she comes back but she is a cold and rude to everyone besides Murphy and they want to apologize to her. Fem reader please💕 I just want something SUPER ANGSTY lol. Thank you 💛 Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2372
Warnings: Pretty much everything that happens to John but with a happy end! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I was so happy to be on Earth with the 100, my best friend John being among them. I had also made friends with some of the others and it was really great. We were finally free, besides being hunted. I was helping John with supervising the wall being built. He was being kind of a dick like always, but deep down he’s really just a sweetie. 
“No water till this section is up!” John shouted, knocking a cup out of someone’s hands.
“Really John? That’s a waste of water.” I said and he shook his head at me with a smirk. 
“We can always get more, we need this wall built.” He said. 
“Yeah but-” I was cut off by Clarke pushing me. 
“You bitch!” She shouted.  
“What the hell, Clarke?” I asked confused. 
“Recognize this?” She asked, holding up the knife I made with John. 
“Yeah, that’s my knife, where did you-”
“Where you dropped it after you killed Wells.” She said cutting me off and pulling the knife out of my reach. 
“What? The Grounders killed Wells.” I said, even more lost than before. 
“I know what you did, and you’re gonna pay for it.” She said. 
“Back off Princess, Y/N wouldn’t kill Wells.” John said, defending me. 
“She hated Wells!” She said. 
“A lot of people did, and of course I should, his Father killed my parents!” I said. 
“You did it. I know you did.” She said. 
“This is crazy.” I said rolling my eyes and went to walk away. 
“Where are you going?” Bellamy asked and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Bellamy, you don’t honestly believe I killed him, do you?” I asked, shocked. 
“They found his fingers on the ground with your knife.” He said. 
“I lost it a few days ago!” I said. 
“Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without- without punishment?” Clarke said. 
“I already told you I didn’t kill him! I lost my knife!” I said, still shocked that this was happening. 
“I say we float her!” A guy that John fucked with spoke up. People around us agreed and I felt my heart rate pick up. 
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Clarke said. 
“Why not? She deserves to float. She’s alway taking his side.” The guy said nodding towards John. 
“Hey your problems are with me, not her.” John growled. 
“It’s justice.” The guy said, again people agreed. 
“Revenge isn’t justice.” Clarke said. 
“It’s justice. Float her!” He said and the crowd started cheering. John grabbed me and tried to get me out of there, but someone tripped me and I fell to the ground and slipped out of John’s hand. A bunch of people started attacking me and John was trying to get to me, along with Clarke. They tied my hands behind my back and put a gag in my house. They wrapped a rope around my neck and strung me up, having me just barely stand on a box. 
“You can stop this! They’ll listen to you!” Clarke shouted at Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You should do it.” The guy that called for my head shouted and they started cheering his name. 
“Bellamy please.” I tried to beg, but it came out muffled. 
“She didn’t kill him! You know that!” John begged. Clarke was trying to get him to stop, but he kicked the box from under my feet. The air started leaving my lungs and I struggled, hanging from that tree branch. It was hard to hear what was going on as I clung to life, but when everyone stopped screaming I heard one person’s voice. 
“Y/N didn’t kill Wells, I did!” She shouted and then I was falling to the ground. John rushed over to me and started pulling the rope from my neck and took the gag out. John helped me up and he was pissed. 
“Bring out the girl Bellamy!” He shouted. Amongst all the chaos him, Clarke, and Finn took the real killer into a tent. 
“Bring the girl out now!” He shouted. 
“You want to build a society Princess, let’s build a society! Bring her out!” He shouted again. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to join us.” John said when Bellamy walked out. 
“Dial it down and back off.” Bellamy said. 
“Or what? What are you gonna do Bellamy? Hang me too?” He asked. 
“I was just giving the people what they wanted.” He said and looked at me, but had some sorrow in his eyes. 
“Good idea. Why don’t we do that now? So, who here wants to see the real killer delt with?” I asked and raised my hand. John also put his up and a few others, but everyone else didn’t.
“So it’s okay for me to get strung up for nothing, but you want the real one to walk?” I asked, shocked. I understand she was a little girl, but still. 
“Cowards! All of you are cowards!” John shouted. 
“Hey! Murphy! Murphy!” Bellamy shouted walking over to us. 
“It’s over.” He said to us. 
“Whatever you say boss.” He said and as soon as Bellamy turned around he picked up a large stick and smacked him in the head. Jasper went to try and stop him, but John punched him. 
“Come one, let’s get the girl.” John said and grabbed my hand. He led me into the tent and no one was in there. 
“Charlotte!” He shouted. 
“Charlotte, I know you can hear me!” He shouted. 
“When we find you, you’re gonna pay!” I shouted. John and I led the small group that was with us. We went roaming through the woods, looking for the girl that almost got me killed for no reason. 
“Clarke and Finn can’t save you now!” John shouted. 
“Don’t worry Y/N/N, we’ll get her.” He said. 
Hours have gone back and it was dark now. I was a little nervous running around the woods in the dark, but I wanted justice. 
“Don’t worry! We won’t hurt you!” I shouted. That was true, as much as I wanted to. 
“I’m over here!” She shouted and we followed her screaming. Finally we found her at the edge of a cliff with Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You can’t fight all of us, give her up.” John said. 
“Maybe not, but I guarantee I’ll take a few of you with me.” He said. 
“Bellamy! Stop!” Clarke shouted and we turned to see her and Finn running up next to us. 
“This has gone too far. Just calm down, we’ll talk about this.” Clarke said to us. I was about to agree, but John grabbed Clarke and held a knife to her throat.
“This went too far when you let a rope get wrapped around Y/N’s neck.” John growled. 
“John…” I said and He glanced at me. I knew he wasn’t going to actually hurt her, but I was still worried. 
“Please. Please don’t hurt her.” Charlotte begged. 
“He won’t, if you just come over here I promise he’ll let her go.” I said before John could say a word. 
“Don’t do it Charlotte.” Clarke said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt you. I promise.” I said to her. I meant it. I didn’t want to hurt her, just make sure she got what she deserved. She went to come to us, but Bellamy stopped her. 
“Don’t do it, Charlotte!” Clarke said again. 
“No! I have to!” She cried. 
“Y/N, Murphy, this is not happening.” Bellamy said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt her Bellamy.” I said once again, but it was clear the only one that actually trusted me anymore was John. 
“I can’t let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.” Charlotte said and turned around. She jumped off the clift and John let Clarke go in shock. 
“Bellamy looked at us and he tackled John to the ground and started beating him. 
“You’ll kill him!” I shouted and they helped me get him off John. Clarke and Bellamy started talking about shit I didn’t care about right now. I was worried about John. 
“We banish them.” Clarke said and I looked up at them with wide eyes. 
“No.” I said standing up. 
“You can banish me but you leave John out of this. He was just trying to protect me from the mistake you made.” I said and they looked at each other. 
“No way, I’m not letting you-” 
“Alright.” Clarke agreed. 
“No, I’m not leaving you out here alone.” John said. 
“You go back to camp with them now, please John.” I begged. 
“Please Johnny.” I begged with tears in my eyes and he sighed. 
“You take him back to camp and I will stay out here.” I said. They nodded and John looked at me one last time. 
“Go.” I whispered. 
“May we meet again.” He said and I gave him a small smile. 
“May we meet again.” I said. 
Weeks went by, maybe a month? I honestly wasn’t sure. Once I was banished and left in the woods it wasn’t long until the Grounders found me. They tortured me for what felt like every second of every day. They wanted to know about everyone. I held out for as long as I could, but eventually I broke. However one night they forgot to lock my cage and I ran. I somehow made it back to the camp without meaning to and they started shooting at me. I was grazed by a bullet and fell to the ground, hoping that if I waited enough both my people and the Grounders would forget about me and I could run off in peace. Someone touched my shoulder and I freaked out. 
“Y/N?” Octavia asked and I stared up at everyone in fear. 
“Please…” I begged. 
They ended up taking me inside and onto the Drop Ship. I was huddled on the floor hugging my knees scared that tonight was the night I finally died. 
“Where is she?” Bellamy asked walking inside. Him, Clarke, Finn, and John stood in front of me and stared at me in shock. 
“Y/N!” John said and rushed to my side. I flinched away from him and looked at the floor. Bellamy cleared everyone out, but Derek and Connor. 
“She claims she was with the Grounders.” Derek said. 
“We caught her trying to sneak back into camp.” Connor said. 
“I wasn’t sneaking. I was running from the grounders.” I said in a small voice. 
“Anyone see Grounders?” Bellamy asked. 
“Uh-uh.” Connor shook his head. 
“Well in that case.” Bellamy said and went to aim his gun at me. I don’t remember us having those before. John kneeled in front of me while I shut my eyes, preparing to die. 
“We were clear about what would happen if she came back.” Bellamy growled. 
“No! If she was with the Grounders then she knows things that can help us.” Finn said. 
“Finn’s right.” Clarke said and walked over to me. 
“She’s not lying. They tortured her.” She said. 
“What did you tell them?” Bellamy asked. 
“Everything…” I answered weakly. 
“Once she’s better we’ll find out what she knows.” Clarke said and went to leave. 
“Everything’s alright.” John whispered. 
Everytime Clarke tried to heal me I would shy away. They did this to me. They made this happen. John is the only one that stood up for me. John stayed with me the whole time. The next day I started getting sick and throwing up blood. 
“Y/N, hey, look at me. I need you to tell me how you escaped. 
“They forgot to lock my cage and I just took off.” I answered, out of breath. 
“What the hell is this?” John asked as Bellamy walked inside. 
“Biological warfare. You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Y/N’s the weapon.” Clarke said. 
Some ended up dead because of whatever the Grounders gave me, but I was alive and they were letting me stay. John almost never left my side and everyone else kept trying to apologize to me, but I refused. 
“An apology does nothing for the shit you all put me through. John was the only one that believed me and stood up for me.” I growled. I walked away and to John’s tent. He was laying on his bed and sat up when he saw me walk in. 
“You okay?” He asked worried. 
“Fine.” I sighed. He patted the bed next to him and I gladly took a seat. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
“Hey, you’re safe now and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” He said. 
“I know.” I said with another sigh. 
“So what is it?” He asked. 
“They think an apology will make me magically forget everything I went through.” I said and he sighed. 
“Just ignore them.” He said and I nodded. 
“I wish I could take that all away from you…” He whispered and moved some hair behind my ear. 
“I should have been out there with you.” He said and I looked at him. 
“No way! We would have both been caught by the Grounders and then one of us might not be here.” I said and tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of not having John in my life. 
“Hey, I’m right here.” He said, cupping my face and wiping away a stray tear. 
“I’m never gonna let anything happen to you again.” He said and rested his forehead on mine. I let my heart take over for once and placed my lips on his. He reacted immediately and kissed me back with a bit of desperation. He gently pushed me back on the bed, his lips not leaving mine. After a few minutes awe pulled away for air and just stared in each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” He whispered. 
“I love you too.” I whispered back and he smiled. 
“You’ll always be safe with me.” He whispered and kissed me again. I knew in that moment that I had nothing to fear as long as I was with John. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​
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sir-silly · 4 years
The Last War fan review
So, our beloved show has ended. And while I wish things would have gone differently, I did cry with relief when Clarke looked over and saw everyone already waiting for her.
Anyway, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the finale.
1) Going right into the title sequence kind of shocked me. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but I was just immediately like “oh.” It was a bitch-slap in the face that they left a gap in the credits for Bob Morley. Why you gotta do us like that?
2) Murphy screaming “come on” while they used the defibrillator on Emori was heartbreaking. And his little whispered encouragements were so freaking cute.
3) Clarke rampage? Yes, please! I love me a badass woman. However, unlimited ammo is a sin in writing. The moment Octavia picked up the sword was a big “oh yes.”
4) Did Cadogan not care about his son like at all? Lmao. Why is he so hung up on Callie and not his other kid (who I can’t even remember the name of). I don’t care if they explain in the prequel, that’s still a shitty parent choosing favorites. Along with his wife, like, was she not his greatest love? It was Callie? Kinda fucked up.
5) Why the fuck could Jordan figure out it was a test and not a war in 5 seconds when the Disciples were studying that shit for decades? I know he’s Monty’s son, but he’s not a genius or anything.
6) Thoughts on the test: I think Cadogan would have failed and the human race would be destroyed. Why bother asking questions if you already know all the answers?
7) Why wasn’t Gaia in the finale like at all?? Like, what the fuck. She was hunting??? For what?? That really annoyed me because I’ve grown to really like her and there was no point in her not being involved in the last episode. They seriously couldn’t have thrown her in there? Like, come on! Even Niylah was there! (not saying that I don’t like her, it’s just that Gaia has felt far more important to the story than her).
8) I do think that Jasper and Hope are cute together, and I know they spent the majority of their lives either alone or only with their parents, but GOD I can’t stand how awkward they are. Also, I know ya’ll have feelings for each other and shit, but is now really the time to be making out?? Why do people think that’s okay in literally the worst situations? I know it’s a show, but come on.
9) And how the fuck did Jordan throw and catch that sword? He’s a child who’s never fought a day in his life. Unless they suddenly want to tell me that Harper and Monty were secret ninjas and taught him all their tricks, I don’t believe that.
10) I’m being pissy and bringing up things from the past, but I don’t care. Why the fuck couldn’t Harper and Monty gone into cryo? I know they were happy and shit, but I’M NOT. How the fuck did it take so long for him to get into the files for Sanctum? His ass has done that shit a thousand times before in about two minutes and suddenly it takes him 80 years? Bullshit.
11) I’m still being pissy, but how the fuck does Jordan know what a magician is? “For my first trick, I will make an army appear.” Bruh, no. Monty wouldn’t have known what a magician was either. If they weren’t being taught what a Navy Seal was, there’s no way they knew what magicians were. Calling bullshit on that one as well.
12) I was pretty surprised that the Disciples didn’t start firing on Wonkru immediately. Like, this is the war they’ve been gearing up for forever and they don’t attack as soon as possible? Also, where the fuck did Wonkru get their war paint? Do they just constantly have it on their person? Or did their asses literally spend time making their paint before going to Bardo?
13) I fucking love Miller and Jackson. They’re freaking adorable. Murphy’s flat “I am glad you are safe” was so fucking funny. Also, saving Emori in one scene just to kill her in the next is bullshit. They should have just killed her the first time and done the same thing anyway. Murphy screaming at Jackson to do something and sobbing was heartbreaking. Fantastic acting on Richard Harmon’s part.
14)  Octavia putting on Lincoln’s same warpaint again was once again, so sad. I miss that man. He was too good for his own good. And while I do think that her and Levitt are very cute together, I’ll always prefer her with Lincoln. But I think that he would be really happy that she has found someone new to love.
15) Apparently whatever Echo “did” to Levitt was so forgettable that I don’t even know what she’s talking about. Bad writing. I shouldn’t forget that in just a few weeks, I should remember as soon as I see the two of them in the same room.
16) Lexa. Just all of it. There were some suspicions that she would show up for the last episode, but I didn’t really believe them because I didn’t understand how she would be integrated. I’m glad that they did bring her back, but I’m also not. It was amazing to see her back by Clarke in all of her armor and glory, but knowing it wasn’t actually Lexa was just a punch in the face. It wasn’t her mind, so it’s almost like they didn’t bring her back anyway. I honestly would have preferred if they used someone else for her Judge, because that just really didn’t do it for me. Their hug was sweet, but it didn’t even count as her returning. I personally think that her Judge should have been Bellamy or Madi instead, as they both certainly could fill the role of “the subject’s greatest teacher or the source of their greatest failure...it can be their greatest love.” This is just my preference. Believe me, I know how much Lexa meant to Clarke, but as a fan, bringing our favorite Heda back in that way wasn’t the best way to do it. As a writer, it makes sense, but it doesn’t as a fan. The writers can’t just think of what is the best storytelling, they have to think of what those watching will think.
17) I’m confused about the mindspace? Why did Clarke wake up in her solitary room with her memories painted all over the walls, but Emori woke up in the castle with a view of the desert? Why wouldn’t it have been her and Murphy’s cave? Is there a reason it was the bedroom and not the cave?
18) I know this isn’t canon in any sense, but could you imagine if Murphy and Emori fought over John’s body and she won, and then suddenly woke up with a penis? How fucking funny would that be? Just had to throw that out there.
19) Can I just again reiterate how fucking cute Miller and Jackson are?
20) I’m curious about the location of the test. Why did Cadogan’s take place on a pier, while Raven’s happened on the Ark? If it was their favorite place, wouldn’t Raven’s have been actually out in space? Like during a spacewalk? I’m confused about that.
21) I knew that Raven was somehow going to be involved in the test just because of the trailers we got for the final episode. My two guesses for who the judge would be were Finn and Abby. Though I am happy that we got to see Abby again, I would be curious to see if the scene would have played out any differently if it had been Finn.
22) Where was the full line that was given in the trailer? Because that was amazing. “We’re selfish, and we’re violent, and we have destroyed too much, but we survived.” I loved that line far more than what we got instead, which was simply, “Have we made mistakes? Yes. Clarke, me, all of us, but we were just trying to survive.” I definitely would have chosen the former over the latter. Poor choice on the editors’ parts.
23) How the fuck did Octavia and Echo go out to the field and get Levitt with Echo only being shot once? With all the bullets, the three of them should have been torn apart, I don’t care how much Indra could cover Octavia. Calling bullshit on that as well.
24) Bringing this up kind of late because I’m giving my reviews as I’m rewatching the episode, but what they had Eliza do was really fucked up. Her and Bob suffered a miscarriage during the filming of season seven, so the scene of her holding Madi and crying “my baby” is like 10 times more heartbreaking. If they made her film that after having a miscarriage mere days, weeks or few months before, that’s really, really messed up.
25) They really played-up Sheidheda’s bringing back of “jus drein jus daun” in the trailer. In reality, it was far less intense. I would have preferred what I had been expecting, which was him coming to help convince Wonkru that they would be able to win. However, I am super glad that he is dead and Indra finally got to kill him. I love how that bigass gun just turns people into mist lol.
26) The beginning of Octavia’s speech was literally like “what the FUCK guys” and it was hilarious. And I swear to god if I hear her say “we are Wonkru” or “you are Wonkru” another time, I’m gonna scream. I know it was legit the last episode but I’m sick of it by now lol. When Indra was like “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Octavia’s face was just like “omg me too” and it was really funny.
27) Bellamy. His situation was a whole problem itself. He deserved a hell of a lot better and wHY DID HE CUT HIS HAIR I LIKED IT THE LONG WAY. Anyway, you can bet your ass I’ll be writing a different ending where he didn’t die because FUCK THAT. When I do, I’ll be sure to share it.
28) I’m fucking confused about Murphy and Emori both transcending. Because, what the fuck. Emori died. The dead don’t transcend. Her mind wasn’t even in her body, it was in Murphy’s. So how the fuck did she end up alive and in her own body again. I’m glad she’s alive, but I just don’t understand. It would have made way more sense to have either not had her die in the first place, or to have Murphy, Miller, and Jackson keep pumping her heart so she technically “lived” anyway like Echo.
29) If Madi had decided not to transcend, would she still have been paralyzed? I mean, I would assume not because Levitt and Hope’s gunshots were healed, as was Emori, but I’m curious. Also, wouldn’t Raven’s leg have been fixed? Because if they only fix recent wounds and not old ones, that’s stupid.
30) On the point of Madi deciding not to transcend, why did she? Why didn’t so many other people choose not to? Like, not one Eligius prisoner or person from Sanctum chose to live? No one else from Wonkru? Why didn’t anyone else other than the main cast and guest stars not transcend? I totally understand the Disciples transcending, but seriously, nobody else wanted to live? That’s really weird. Madi and her friends really couldn’t have chosen to live on Earth with Clarke and the others? I just think it’s really unrealistic that not one single person outside of the group chose not to transcend.
31) I was really surprised that Murphy and Emori chose not to transcend, because as the Judge said, they would eventually die and not join them in the infinite. It shocked me due to their fear of dying and wanting to be immortal, but I’m really proud of them.
32) I’m disappointed that those who don’t transcend can’t have children. There were suspicions that Emori might have been pregnant (which were never confirmed), but the idea of her and Murphy having a kid together was adorable. They’d have their teeny tiny families with those two, Hope and Jordan, and Octavia and Levitt.
33) This isn’t as much me pointing out a problem as me wondering, what was Clarke going to say to the Judge when she turned around? What else did she have to say or ask? Was it about Madi? Or maybe Lexa? Or just transcending in general?
34) It’s pretty shitty that some of our questions went unanswered due to the fact that there will be a prequel. On the other hand, I live for lore, so I’m just glad that they eventually will be answered. But still, that doesn’t excuse shitty writing.
35) I want to see a stupid edit of Picasso taking the test where the Judge is Madi.
I think we all know that season seven was really not what we wanted it to be. We’ve been really disappointed by the writers and unfortunately, this is what we got out of it. I believe they really could have done a better job, but I am at least glad that everyone ended up together.
The writing was lacking. Too many questions were left unanswered, I don’t care if you’re making a sequel or not. Plot holes. It really could have been a good season if it was done better.
My ranking of the seasons is as follows: 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5, 7. Seasons 4 and 1 are kind of interchangeable for me in spots three and four, as are 6 and 5 in the two spots behind them, whatever the order may be.
But I still love the show. I love the characters, their development, and many things about it. It has been quite the journey and I am glad to have been a fan of the show.
May we meet again.
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magiaesabiduria · 3 years
❓ Elijah and John in their engaged verse lol and Octavia and Nate if you want (:
aklsdjf <333 thank you for ask! 
Elijah & John 
Does my muse trust yours?  
“With my life. And my soul. And body.. and everything,” he laughed softly, “yeah, I trust him.” 
Does my muse dislike yours?
“I would say something like I dislike when he teases me or I dislike when he refuses to let me do anything or go anywhere until I eat but.. those would be lies because even when he’s being all protective and ... dominant I love every second of it.
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
“I don’t think I am strong enough to? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d go down fighting and try and shoot a guy if I had the gun but.. I’m kind of the one that needs help killing in the relationship. So I guess I would try?” 
Would my muse kill your muse?
“I’d sooner kill myself.. or anyone else. No.” 
Would my muse save yours?
John laughed, cheeks tinting a bit as he shook his head, “he’s the one that saves me... every day. And from other assholes. I’ll be there for moral support. But.. guess, if he needed a different kind of saving or something I could actually provide .. I would, without hesitation.” 
Does my muse find your muse attractive?
“Do I find his strong, toned arms attractive? .. or his hazel eyes that he just has to get to narrow just right for me to melt at his feet? .. or his fucking voice..” John shivered softly, shifting as he bit into his lip, “or.. the way he gets when he wants to remind me I’m his and I’m loved? ... f-fuck. Yeah, hell yess I find him attractive. So much that I can’t go a damn minute without thinking about him.. it’s pretty much an obsession at this point. If I could I’d literally be at his feet all day, having him stroke my face or my hair...... would be there for whenever he randomly needed me to take care of him, slide my mouth open for him without even a word of complaint.” John whined softly, shifting yet again. “Yes. Elijah is extremely fucking attractive.” 
Is my muse disgusted by yours?
“No? That’s a strange question. .. No.”
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
“Every day for the rest of my life.” 
would my muse kiss yours?  
“Every minute of every day if I could. I love kissing him, there’s always this bit of ... hunger under every kiss -- even the soft ones -- like we both don’t want this to go away ever.” 
would my muse betray yours?  
“No. Don’t think I could even if I were ever to be foolish enough to want to.” 
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
“All of him. His eyes and how he displays so much emotion through them even when the rest of his face is blank or calm.. his arms and how they feel wrapped around me.. his hands and how I know they can literally beat someone to a pulp but.. with me, he uses them to show love and devotion like I never thought I would feel.. his voice.. his smile.. but.. above all else I love the way it feels when we’re together -- the way everything just sort of clicks.” 
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
“He’s a bit stubborn. Which is fair because needed that to put up with me... but.. yeah, even if he’s on his last like hour of energy he will do his best to ignore it and he pushes himself far too hard like that. We’re getting better at managing it but he can be a bit hard on himself. He forgets he needs breaks too.. or maybe he just doesn’t think he deserves them.. either way, we’re working on it. Together.”
Nathan & Octavia 
Does my muse trust yours?  
“She’s been through so much fucking hell with me and without me and.. yeah, I trust her. Impossible not to.” 
Does my muse dislike yours?
“I dislike how hard she is on herself.. but, I also get it. Shit makes sense when you know her like I do. But even that guarded up part of her.. I love it, like I do the rest of her.”
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
“With or without a weapon? You know what, doesn’t matter. Yeah. I would. Would call up a few old contacts and we’d be set on cleanup.” 
Would my muse kill your muse?
“The fuck? No.” he chuckled softly, “bitch would kill me first if I were to even try it anyway.” Nate smiled fondly. 
Would my muse save yours?
He gave a soft huff of a laugh through his nose, “She don’t need it. And Oct’s too damn proud to admit she’d need saving anyway -- and I like bein’ alive too much to tell her she’s wrong so.. not saying she would need it, but.. if she asked for help or backup or she looked a little strained I’d step in, yeah.” 
Does my muse find your muse attractive?
Small smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth and he let out a quiet laugh, “Yeah. I don’t think there’s been a person alive who’s seen her and not just.. had their breath taken away, y’know?” 
Is my muse disgusted by yours?
“Yeah. You seen the woman eat a pizza by herself and then make room for Chinese? She’s a beast.” he laughed, “--but gross eating habits aside, nah.” 
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
“She might punch me if I call it that but we go on dates all the time. We do more stay-at-home-dates though.” 
would my muse kiss yours?  
“I have and I will again. She’s.. fuckin’ incredible.”
would my muse betray yours?  
“No. She’s my best friend.. was that long before we made anything official.. no, hell no, I’m takin’ our shit to the grave.” 
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
“Her smile.” he smiled softly, eyes shining as he thought of it, “she doesn’t do it often.. unless she’s laughing or she’s at a moment of unexpected bliss.. but fuck.. every time, I swear it’s like.. shit falls into place. She’s.. yeah. Her smile is fucking gorgeous.” 
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
“She’s a pain in the ass. Makes me work for hugs and softer shit.. but.. it’s worth it so I ain’t even really mad.” 
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wankadi · 5 years
Hey baby, congrats on your milestone! Very proud of you because you deserve all the love this fandom can give. What I love about myself I that I connect to people very well and know people’s boundaries without them having to state them. And the prompt is: Bellamy finds Clarke’s birthday present for himby accident beforehand, so when Clarke gives it to him, he tries to act surprised but she can just tell. (Sorry if this is too random feel free to ignore the prompt lol love you!)
I'm finally having it, Kat! Thank you love!!💕 wow I love this quality of yours (and bold of you to assume I will ignore your prompt!) I took it with a pinch of humor, hope you don't mind! (Also I threw it into the semi-canonverse, just to feel more natural with it, hope it's not bad too!!)) ps. Love you a lot!♥️ :
Bellamy kept it cool.
Because he totally didn't mess up while accidentally finding out about his birthday present Clarke had for him. One day before. From Madi. Not to mention it was his first official birthday in years, since no one besides Octavia really knew about the actual date till this year.
They had years to accommodate in their compound and actually get back to normal. And so, such facts as favorite sports, foods, hobbies and birthdays had to come up in conversations at some point. Especially when he, Clarke and Madi lived all together for a while now.
And so, he kept it cool.
Totally cool.
Sitting on a chair in their kitchen, he was tapping his leg anxiously while also playing with his hands. It was a matter of minutes till Clarke comes back from the medical and sees him through. Sees every false look on his face and knows. He still didn't want to screw up her surprise, but it wasn't like Madi tried to keep the secret to herself for more than an hour since Clarke told her. And it obviously wasn't like Bellamy could lie to anyone ever.
The doors have finally opened and Bellamy's hand froze in the middle or his hair as he was brushing them off his face. "Hey," he said a bit anxious.
Clarke smiled at him with her hair tied in a messy, short ponytail, tugged a piece of hair behind her ear and she carefully shut the door. He could already sense her excitement. "Hey," she answered, with a strange, melodic note in her voice.
Oh no.
"How was it today?" Bellamy asked, hoping she wouldn't mention his birthday at all, as if it wasn't even this day. But little did he knew.
She looked up at the ceiling, already aware. Slowly approaching the table, she put her bag on the other chair, placing herself on the one in front of him, on the opposite side of the table. Leaning down on her elbows, she rose her brow up. "You okay?"
He immediately stopped moving his leg, letting the silence fall on them heavily. "Fine," but when Clarke's expression hadn't changed at all, he added with a sigh, "a little stressed, maybe."
She chuckled, smile growing on her tired face. "Well, I have something that might help," Clarke said with this strange note again, and when she reached her bag while saying so, he knew. This would definitely do the opposite.
When it all would be over, he might go full-Sheidheda on Madi for putting him in this situation. No doubt, actually.
He took a deep breath as she took out a middle-sized piece of a light wood, carved in an exact shape of an ancient dagger he bragged about a lot. "Happy Birthday, Bellamy."
Trying not to look like someone who saw it less than twenty four hours ago, Bellamy slowly took it from her warm hands. Thinking of any reaction to that, he widened his eyes a little and turned it around. "It's amazing, Clarke, thank you."
Feeling he couldn't control either his eyes or smile appearing under his nose, he looked up at Clarke, who... was both confused with her brows narrowed and face cheered up more than he'd seen in a while. "Who told you?"
And he surely couldn't help a sudden burst of a laugher that escaped his mouth. He covered his eyes, rubbing it, yet still shaking from joy and relief at the same time.
"I'm serious!" Clarke yelled, contradicting to her not so hidden laugher. She punched his shoulder to get him talking.
But he only looked back at her, with a wild smile exposing his teeth, and she already knew the answer. Her eyes were still laughing when she opened her mouth in realization. "She didn't."
"She sure did," he repied, trying to exhale the laughter with a long sigh, "but I like it either way, Clarke, no worries."
With an unsure expression, she pressed her fingers to her temples, raising brows. "Really?"
Bellamy placed his hand on her forearm. "Really."
They shared a long, peaceful look in the eyes, feeling grateful for one another. Clarke regained the excitement and Bellamy got rid of the stress keeping tight to him all this morning. It was finally cool.
At least it was until Madi entered loudly, but froze, seeing both of them sitting in the kitchen, both focused on her.
Bellamy couldn't help but glance at Clarke's furious face. Her eyes were throwing lasers, and so Madi, previously standing still, disappeared once again with a speed of light before Clarke could say a word.
"Hod op, Natblida!" without a look back, she took his brand new dagger and chaised after Madi with a mother-speed.
And Bellamy, laying back in his chair and still giggling at these two women, thought he couldn't have had a better birthday than it already was.
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
The Innocent Girl // Part Thirty-Two: The Wrath of Alie // Bellamy Blake
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Words: 4800+ (im so sorry)
Warnings: fluff for sure. some angst as well.
Author’s Note: This is probably one of the quickest I’ve updated in a long while. I’ll probably be called selfish or something, but a certain lot of you that enjoy this, including myself, is the only reason I’m continuing this. I adore this story. I do. I’ve just been having a lot of negative thoughts about this series and comparing it to other’s I’ve read. I’m sorry I made it an OC. I see other writer’s use OC’s and get tons of notes and shit, but this? Nah. Or it sucks, but I’m super thankful to those who like, reblog, and comment that they want more. You’re the ones that really matter to me and keep me going. So thank you. Also, I’m sorry about the length. I didn’t intend for it to be so long, lol. Please enjoy xox AGAIN I’M SORRY IF I SOUND SELFISH I DON’T MEAN TO PLS DON’T HATE ME 
I sit by the fire in the cave we’ve been hiding out in, tapping my foot against the ground repeatedly. Arkadia isn’t safe. What the hell happened? Did grounders get to them? I heard shuffling beside me as Octavia stands up, heading towards her things as she begins to pack them away.
“O, wait. You can’t just leave,” Bellamy calls out as he walks up to her.
“Watch me,” she states bluntly.
 I stand up, making my way towards her as well. “Jasper said that Arkadia’s not safe,” I tell her and her head snaps towards me.
“What Jasper said sounds insane,” O mentions as her eyes move from me to her brother. Her gaze moves back towards her stuff. “Pike’s gone. I can handle myself,” there was a small pause before she speaks up once more, “grounders burn their dead.”
“I know that. Then what? Where are you gonna go?” Bellamy asks, his honey brown eyes trained on his sister.
“You don’t get to ask me that,” Octavia growls, glaring at her brother.
I press my lips together, watching the interaction as I feel my heart break for Bellamy. “What more do I have to do to prove that I’m on your side?” He pleads.
“Bring Lincoln back,” she mutters and begins to walk past him. “Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me, save her. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong.”
“The grounders were starving us out,” Bell states while turning to face her. I glance towards the rest of the group, seeing the uncomfortable looks on their faces.
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us,” O spits out.
“That army could have attacked us at any time and you know it.”
“But they didn’t attack. You did that,” the younger Blake mutters and continues, “you were hurting and you lashed out because that’s what you do. There are consequences, Bell. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe’s dead. Lincoln is dead.”
Octavia lets out heavy breaths as I watch her take a quick glance at me before making her way out of the cave. I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing that she has a point about everything she just said.
Bellamy follows her and I let out a sigh, quickly following as well. “Bellamy wait,” I call out but he didn’t stop, his footsteps continuing at a quick pace. I stop by Harper and Bryan, watching with a heavy heart as Bellamy follows his sister, feeling the need for her to stay with them so he knows she’s safe.
“They’re here,” Bryan pipes up as the Rover stops a couple of feet in front of us.
My eyes widen as Clarke appears out of the darkness, her eyes looking to each of us before Jasper yells at us. “I need your help. We need to get her inside before she wakes up.” He carries Raven in his arms as a gasp leaves my lips, running towards him to help.
“Were you followed?” Bellamy asks as Jasper pants, stuttering an I don’t know. “Get her here,” he mumbles and Jasper gives the unconscious girl to Bellamy and the two begin to head into the cave.
“Get to the ridge. Radio if you spot anyone following,” Miller orders his boyfriends who just nods his head, “Harper will stay here on watch.” The two boys run deeper into the woods as I make my way into the cave, following Clarke as the blonde looks back towards Octavia who stands still, a look of contemplation on her face.
“Octavia, come on. We need you,” she calls out as we continue into the cave. “Clear some space.”
Sinclair and Monty clear out a space for her and Bellamy set her down carefully as Sinclair asks what the hell happened to her.
“I told you on the radio, Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are,” Jasper tells us and I raise my eyebrows. Them? Audrey… “Jaha’s been chipping everyone.”
“Jasper’s right. I’ve seen it with my own eyes,” Clarke confirms.
Jasper takes a step forward, narrowing his eyes at her. “I don’t need your help, alright?” He practically demands and I take a step towards him, laying a hand on his shoulder. He swipes it off immediately, glaring at me before walking a couple of feet away from me as my chest clenches in pain.
A hand finds a way to my lower back and I look towards my right to see Monty beside me, giving me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing you did. He’s just… broken,” he whispers and I nod my head. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt, still.
“Just take it easy and explain,” Bellamy mutters to Jasper as he nods his head.
“Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, Alie. Only she’s not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get her out of her head,” Jasper explains as he begins to get a little choked up. “I was trying to help her, but-”
“Okay, so let’s help her now,” Sinclair tells him while taking a step towards him. “Did she tell you how?”
“She was working on building something. She needed one of our old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed them all,” Jasper informs us.
Clarke picks her head up. “Wait a second,” she pauses, grabbing something from her coat before taking out a small chip of sorts. “Does it look like this?”
“Not exactly,” Jasper answers and I glance towards Raven to see her eyes wide open, staring at the thing in Clarke’s hand. Bellamy takes a step towards us as Raven lets out a grunt, getting up from the ground.
Jasper moves in her way when she punches him, making her way towards the opening of the cave. “Don’t let her get away!” Clarke yells as we all run after her.
“Hey. I can’t see anything,” Raven yells as Miller, Clarke, and Bellamy grab a hold of the mechanic while she struggles and screams for them to stop. “Let me go!”
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will Alie,” Jasper tells us and Octavia runs up to the girl and sticks the needle into her neck, knocking her ass out. “Reaper stick. Last dose.”
“We have to go,” Clarke suddenly speaks up and Octavia and I glance over at her.
I furrow my eyebrows together. “Where are we gonna go?”
“Why? Alie doesn’t know where we are,” Bellamy states.
“Because I know where we can get a wristband,” the blonde figures out and my eyes widen, suddenly with the plan of leaving.
We drive towards what looks to be a trading post and a woman walks out of the building before pulling out a machete. “I’ll go talk to her,” Clarke mumbles.
“I’ll go with you,” Bellamy pipes up and I frown slightly, watching as Octavia opens the back door, her and Bellamy hopping out of the Rover. I look towards Raven as she was lying on the floor of the Rover, still unconscious as I begin to chew my nails.
This is not the best for my heart or my sudden anxiety. I glance back out towards the windshield of the vehicle, seeing Bellamy and Clarke walking towards the woman. Everyone begins to pile out of the vehicle, Sinclair grabbing Raven as I stay put.
“Hurry, she’s waking up! We need to get her inside,” Sinclair yells towards the two.
I jump slightly when I hear Bellamy yelling, looking back out the window to see him pointing his rifle at the girl, telling her to move. She reluctantly moves out of the way as everyone began to pile inside. I slowly move out of the truck, making my way towards the building as I can hear Raven grunting and screaming from all the way out here.
“Where the hell am I? Let me go!” Raven begins screaming and I quickly run towards the back of the building, seeing everyone having trouble holding her down as I press my hands down on her shins. Raven continues to struggle and ends up punching Jasper in the face, again, while Sinclair and Octavia tie down her limbs to the bed.
We manage to tie her down as she continues to yell and we pile out of the room. Clarke goes to talk to a girl she calls Nylah as Bellamy makes his way back towards me.
“You okay?” He asks and I shake my head slightly. I can feel my hands shaking as Raven’s cries are still constant. “Hey, we’ll figure this out.”
Bellamy takes my hands in his and I nod my head, taking deep breaths while he brings me into a hug. Nylah brings out the wristband that we use to wear, giving it to the blonde.
“You guys can work in here,” she mumbles and points towards the room she just came from. Monty, Clarke, Sinclair begin to make their way into the room when I pull away.
“You should go with them. Be one of the good guys,” I whisper to him while looking up at his face. He gives me a small smile, kissing my forehead before following after the three of them.
I move to sit down by the fire, next to Octavia. “Hey,” I mumble quietly, kind of afraid to look at her as I feel her eyes on me. “I, uhm, I know it’s a difficult time for you right now-”
“Please do not tell me you’re about to stand up for Bellamy?” She asks me, anger in her voice.
I glance up at her, her eyes glaring into mine as I shake my head. “No, actually I wasn’t. I get why you’re mad at him. If I was in your position, I’d be furious too. I should be furious in my own shoes, but… I-”
“You love him,” Octavia finishes and I press my lips together while nodding my head. “It’s okay, you know? To love him. I can tell you’ve been a bit touchy towards me because of the situation. I don’t hate you.”
A sigh of relief leaves my lips, glad to hear. “Honestly, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel,” I chuckle, “and just so you know. I was gonna say that I know you’re going through a lot, but know that you can always come to me, okay?”
She nods her head, giving me a soft smile and gives me a quick hug before getting up from the floor, heading into the room that the others were in.
“Guys!” Jasper yells and I pick my head up, quickly getting off the floor as everyone including myself run into the room, seeing the mechanic pulling at the rope with her teeth.
“She’s re-opened her wounds,” Clarke states as I grip one of her arms. “We need bandages.”
“I got her,” Bellamy mutters and stands on the opposite side of me.
“No, take her wrist,” the blonde orders him and he complies, his eyes meeting mine. “Raven, stop fighting us!”
She begins to clean her wound as Raven growls at us, Jasper beginning to talk to Alie. “Alie. Alie,” he tries while looking at the mechanic. “Alie! Look at me. I know you can hear this. Why are you doing this to her? Let her go.”
“I’ll let her go,” Raven speaks, her voice distinctively different as my eyes widen, “when you give me what I want.” Her head snaps towards the blonde. “The technology that Clarke carries, it belongs to me.”
“No way,” Clarke utters and Raven begins to growl again.
“Clarke, just give it to her. Clarke!” Jasper tries to reason with the blonde.
“If you let Raven die. You’ll never get it,” Clarke mentions and Raven’s struggles die down. “Untie her wrists. Hold her steady.”
I untie the rope wrapped around Raven’s wrist as Jasper takes a hold of her legs. Clarke relocates her shoulder. “She’s never gonna stop hurting herself,” Bellamy tells the blonde and I look towards Clarke to see her staring down at Raven. “Someone has to stay with her.”
“I’ll be on first watch,” Clarke mutters, looking to the rest of us. “We’ll take turns.”
“You don’t give the orders, Clarke,” Jasper snaps, his eyes glossed over with tears as he breaths erratically.
“Guess he doesn’t forgive you for murdering his girlfriend,” Raven calmly states.
I swallow thickly, looking towards Jasper. “Jasper, take a break,” Bellamy tells the teen and he nods his head, leaving the room. I tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear as Bell and I leave the room as well, leaving Clarke alone with Raven.
“Is this really a good idea?” I ask the curly-haired man as we left the room. He lets out a sigh, shuffling his hair around and shrugs his shoulders.
“I’ve got no idea, but it’s all we’ve got right now.”
Jasper sits at a table, fiddling with the restraint on his wrist. I keep my distance as Bellamy walks up to the table. “You’re okay with her coming back after all this time?” Jas sighs, looking towards the room before his eyes meet Bellamy’s. “Taking over?”
“She’s trying to save Raven,” he tells him.
The buzzcut teen nods his head, continuing to fiddle with his wrist. “Guess she thinks Raven’s worth saving. Lucky for her.”
I watch as Bellamy presses his lips together, leaning against the wooden surface. “Just get yourself together, Jasper. You can’t let your anger get in the way of what we have to do.”
“When you get angry, people die. Just ask that girl over there,” Jasper whispers to Bellamy before he gets up from the table, heading towards the door.
I sigh a bit as Bell glances over his shoulder, Nylah looking at him for a few seconds before continuing to light candles around the room. I place a comforting hand on his shoulder, muttering that I got this before following my best friend outside.
“Jasper,” I call out and the teen turns around to face me.
“What do you want?”
A scoff leaves my lips, rolling my eyes as I’m sick of this attitude he’s giving everyone. 
“What do I want? I want to know why the fuck you’re upset with me!? I didn’t do anything to you, Jasper. I tried to be there for you, but you know what happened? Monty told me that it wasn’t worth trying because you��re pushing everyone away! Do you know who should be pushing people away? Me! Both you and Monty thought I was dead after what happened at the dropship and you know what Audrey told me? That both of you had accepted the fact that I was dead. Do you know how that feels? Kinda like what you’re feeling. So, drop your bullshit with me. Be mad at Clarke for all I care. There’s no reason for you to be taking your anger out on me when I’ve done jack shit,” I breathe heavily after basically screaming at the kid, tears coming to my eyes as I begin to calm down slightly.
Jasper’s Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he takes a step towards me. “I’m sorry, Britt. You’re right,” he mumbles quietly and brings me into a hug. “Everyone was just so tired of me that if I went to you, you’d begin to feel that way as well. I’m sorry. I truly am.”
I sniffle, wiping my eyes after I pull away from my best friend. “I get it, but you should know by now that I’m not like other people. I’m very forgiving. Hell, I’ve almost fully forgiven Bellamy for the shit he’s pulled even though he doesn’t deserve it.”
A small chuckle leaves his lips as his eyes look towards the building. “You know I never would’ve thought little miss innocent would fall for the bad boy,” he jokes and I slap his chest, a chuckle leaving my lips as well.
“Shut up. I’m not that innocent anymore,” I tell him with a smile before letting out a sigh. “I’ve missed you, you know. After all this shit is over we need to just chill.”
“I can get down with that,” he mentions and brings his hand up to my hair, ruffling it a bit.
Bellamy and Jasper sit to watch Raven as I peek through the curtain, seeing Raven’s eyes trained on the two.
“Look at your united front,” she says as the two boys look over at the brunette. “Tell me. Why does Bellamy get a pass for murdering your girlfriend? What was her name?”
“Don’t talk about Maya,” Jasper calmly states while shaking his head.
“You don’t have to listen to this,” Bellamy tells Jasper.
“Let’s protect, Jasper. Jasper’s so sensitive. Jasper’s lost someone. Everyone, cater to his feelings,” Raven taunts as I silently watch, moving my gaze between the three people. “We’ve all lost someone. You don’t see us falling apart. You don’t see us getting wasted. Being useless.”
“No, you took a pill to take your pain away,” Jasper points out as he looks over at Raven. “You gave up your memories.”
“But then, why should we expect anything more? You used to get high off people’s medicine. Being a selfish loser was your only move.”
“Stop,” Jasper whispers.
“That’s all we see when we look at you,” Raven mentions and I’m about to barge in when Clarke grabs my arm, shaking her head no. “A coward. A waste of breath. Why do you even bother living? You’re weak. Pathetic. You can’t save me. You can’t even save yourself. You couldn’t save whats-her-name.”
“You know her name!” Jasper yells, flying out of his chair.
Bellamy gets out of his chair, standing in front of the teen to stop him from going anywhere near Raven. “Jasper think. It’s not Raven talking and you’re giving her what she wants. Go,” he whispers and I see Jasper coming towards the sheets, walking through it.
“Just you and me, huh?” Raven smirks over at Bellamy as he sits back in the chair. I chew on my fingernails as I listen to the conversation, hearing her talk about the fun time they had together. The first time I really got my heart broken.
I push myself through the curtains, gaining Raven and Bellamy’s attention as she looks me up and down. “Bellamy, switch out,” I tell him and he shakes his head.
“No. I’m fine. Go,” he mentions and I let out a laugh, moving to sit beside him.
“Fine. If you’re not leaving then I’m staying.”
Raven looks over at us, the smirk back on her lips. “Oh, yay. The happy couple.” Her eyes move towards me, her head tilted to the side. “Tell me, Britt, how does it feel to be with a man who fucked almost every girl at camp?”
I let out a sarcastic laugh, leaning back in my chair as I smirk back at the girl. “Try me, bitch.”
“Oo, a challenge. I’m all for. Alright. Let’s talk about Octavia. How much longer do you think she’ll be friends with you knowing that you’re sleeping with a monster?” She asks and glances towards Bellamy.
I stay silent, already knowing that Octavia is alright with it. I can feel Bellamy’s eyes on me as I look towards him, a sad look on his features. It’s okay I mouth to him, giving him a reassuring smile.
“How about how Bellamy told me that he’s been with you only to get another notch on his belt?” She tries and I can feel my stomach drop, but I collect myself a bit. Bellamy and I have slept with each other like… six times already. That’s not true. “Oh, did I hit something?”
“Raven, that’s enough,” Bellamy tells her with a hard glare.
“No, you know what Alie,” I start, tired of her shit, “you know nothing of mine and Bellamy’s relationship. Just so you know, I know for a fact that that’s not true because we’ve slept together plenty of times.”
Bellamy rests a hand on my knee, making me look over at the curly-haired man. “Hey, stop,” he whispers and I sigh, nodding my head.
“Wow, plenty of times, huh? Man, she must be a keeper Bellamy,” Raven starts, tilting her head towards the older Blake. "But, it’s got to be hard to know that the person you're absolutely in love with hates you. You can see the hatred in her eyes when she looks at you.”
I narrow my eyes at the mechanic, wishing the lies would fucking stop. Bellamy’s not in love with me and I don’t hate him. He knows that I don’t anyway… I think.
"Shut up," Bellamy mutters while resting his elbows on his knees, not making eye contact with the mechanic.
"Am I triggering something?" Raven asks and Bellamy keeps his eyes on the wall in front of him.
"You know, it's almost the same look she gave you when you slept with me… Then afterward you tried to kiss her. Now, Bellamy," Raven drawls out and the curly-haired man takes a quick glance towards the brunette, "did you really think that'd work? That it was the best idea to do?"
Bellamy swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing his throat. Raven struggles in her restraints a bit as she mumbles to herself. Her eyes move towards me as I kept mine on her, figuring out what she’s trying to get at.
"Britt doesn't deserve you, at all. Hell, she's probably better off with Murphy than you," she tells him while lurching forward slightly. "That reminds me. You know how many times I heard Murphy say he was gonna steal your girl and show her how a man would pleasure her. Apparently, he doesn't think you're man enough for Angel."
"Raven, shut. Up." Bellamy and I growl, the mechanic knowing she's getting into his head
The brunette studies us for a moment, before moving onto a much more serious topic. “Does it bother you that you don’t get any credit for the genocide at Mount Weather?” She asks Bellamy and I look towards the guy, seeing him look at her for a second before shaking his head. “Clarke gets to be the Commander of Death, but you murdered all those people, too, and you’re just forgotten. Then again…” she trails off, leaning her head back against the bed frame. “You didn’t get any credit for the culling of the Ark, either. How many people suffocated when you threw away my radio? You know, at least Clarke was saving her own people. You were just saving your own ass. Of course, that’s nothing compared to killing your own mom.”
I watch as his eyes dart to hers, an unreadable expression on his face as my heart drops into my stomach. Bellamy lets out a deep breath through his nose, sitting back in his chair.
“You just had to take little sister to her first dance. You might as well have just shoved Aurora out of the airlock yourself.”
That’s why he wasn’t a guard anymore…
“Do you think she would be proud of you now? About the kind of leader, you’ve become? I wish you’d see the truth. I want Britt to see the truth, like the rest of us, do. But, you’re a follower. Clarke’s been back for one day and you’re already taking orders. A good, little knight by his queen’s side. Are you really even devoted to your angel here? I mean you left her in Mount Weather to die and face it… she almost did.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bellamy tells her calmly as my heart begins to pound against my ribcage.
“Well, you already thought she was dead since you avenged her right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us.”
“Raven, stop,” I pipe up, having heard enough of this shit.
Nylah walks into the room, shooting daggers at Bellamy as the two of us get up from our seats. “My father… you…” she growls.
“Nylah,” Bellamy whispers as the blonde continued to walk up to him.
“You killed him,” she spat and slaps him across the face.
Clarke grabs ahold of the girl, pulling her away from Bell. “Nylah. Nylah, you can’t be in here,” she tells her and begins to drag her out of the room.
“It’s too late,” Jasper starts, looking towards the mechanic, “Raven’s already seen her. Alie knows we’re here.”
Bellamy glares at the mechanic, grabbing his jacket before leaving the room. I quickly follow him, as he walks out of the building. I witness as he lets out a loud grunt, kicking over a barrel before ripping twigs off a nearby tree.
“Feel better?” Nylah asks before I get a chance to speak up, seeing her standing beside me. Bell turns around, seeing both of us standing before him as he lets out a sigh.
“All I wanted was to protect my people.”
“By destroying mine,” she states and my lips part, already shaking my head as Bellamy takes a couple of steps towards us, his eyes trained on her.
“I’m sorry.”
“People like you always are,” Nylah comments and the three of us stand in silence until the Rover approaches us. The blonde walks back into the building as I move to stand beside Bellamy, my fingers grazing against the palm of his hand.
I look up at him to see his eyes on me, unshed tears glossing over his eyes and he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. I squeeze his hand softly, letting him know that I’m here for him. “Follow me,” he mumbles and leads me away from everyone as Monty and Octavia head inside.
We get a few feet away from the building, standing in the dark as Bellamy stops before turning to face me. “What’s wrong?” I ask, stepping closer to him.
“I just… can’t help but think about what Raven was saying,” he tells me and I grab his other hand.
“She was just trying to-”
“Get in my head, I know,” he finishes and I press my lips together. “The stuff she was saying about you. About how it sucks feeling like the only girl I’ve ever been in love with hates me.”
My breath hitches in my throat as my body tenses up. What…? “Bell-”
“No, let me finish. Angel, it’s true. I saw the way you reacted when she said it. You don’t believe I’m in love with you, but I am. And I know you don’t hate me, but you should. I broke your heart by sleeping with Raven, I made you stay at Mount Weather when it exploded. You almost died because of me. I killed hundreds of grounders because I was angry that they took you from me. Even if it was just one clan. All I could see was red. I let you put yourself in a dangerous situation by helping Kane, but pretending to be on Pike’s side. I should’ve…”
“You should shut up,” I cut him off. “Bellamy… you might’ve done all of that, but I can see that you realized what you did was wrong. Apparently, no one else can but I do. I already forgave you for about half the things you’ve done because I can’t stay mad at you. It’s impossible and really kind of annoying,” I chuckle and see a small smile come to his lips. “You just have to prove to everyone that you’re on our side. That you’re trying to fix things and if they still won’t accept it then fuck them. They’ll figure it out because I know you. I know you won’t stop trying until you succeed.”
Bellamy lets out a tiny scoff, shaking his head while bringing his hand up to my face. “God, how did I ever deserve you?” He asks and rests his forehead against mine.
I shrug my shoulders, looking up at him through my lashes. “I don’t know. Luck of the draw I guess?”
He dips down to press his lips to mine, a small groan escaping from my lips as I wrap my arms around his neck. Bell’s hands move to my waist, sliding around my lower back and deepens the kiss. I bite down on his lip and pull away from him as a moan leaves his lips.
“We can make out later. Right now… we need to go save Raven,” I tell him while combing my fingers through his hair.
“I love you, Angel.”
My cheeks heat up as a large smile comes to my lips. “I love you too, Freckles.”
Taglist: @writing-in-riverdale @cutie-potatox3 @lovefilledtragedy @triscuitcracker @kaylinfayezink @1happygir1 @simplisticwriting @panda-pops701 @twd-rocks-blog @jodiereedus22 @literallyhelpme @divadinag
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
The 100 s5 rewatch: Ep 5 Shifting Sands
I don’t know when the last time I saw this episode was. When it aired maybe. I’m nervous. RIDICULOUS.
OKAY. I must offer some warnings for this liveblog. It is Bellarke friendly of course. It is also pro Zaven and pro Memori. Not anti Murven, but I don’t ship them and I don’t see it. So be aware going in. It is not anti Echo or b/e, but not pro them either.
It is however, kinda anti Octavia. So this is the real warning. She really pisses me off in this episode. And I do QUITE a bit of ranting. It is not flattering. Don’t read it if you love Octavia and can’t handle criticism. Her character is hard core criticized her, I think she is not doing good, is making bad decisions and is flat out wrong. And I don’t make excuses. So if you love octavia and can’t handle antis please take my warnings seriously. I am not ever anti anyone, but this interpretation is hardcore unflattering. I still want her to be redeemed, but she’s got a lot to answer for in my book. Stans may not be happy. Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware.
Oh this is also not Kara Cooper friendly. Totally hate her. Does cooper have fans? don’t read. Oh also not a McCreary fan.... well, I mean he’s awful, but he’s great at being awful so I like that. not that Octavia and Cooper aren’t also great at being awful, and to be honest I’m really enjoying ALL their evil, so is it really HATE? Idk. Not good for stans tho.
This is LONG, like almost 4k words. 
Jackson glad to see Clarke, coulda used you in the bunker. Jackson won’t tell her why Abby was afraid. Miller says good bye and kisses him. That’s still so damn cute. But iller ignores Clarke completely. Meanwhile the army is ready to go.
“Miller wait!”
Bellamy to the rescue, “slow down Miller.”
“Octavia told me not to.” Just noted that Miller talks to Bellamy but not to Clarke. I wonder if that’s an Octavia order, if she’s treating Clarke like a foreign leader.
Miller tells Clarke she can’t just do whatever the hell she wants there. Clarke is telling him the what for on the weather and land. Miller is listening to her because she’s making sense.
Octavia is planning military strategy. The irony here is that Octavia is more closely planning military idiocy without strategy. Or I guess the strategy is full speed ahead. Idk.
Kara Cooper tries to give Miller his orders. “I know my orders,” he says, slightly sass daddy, and tells Octavia she should listen to what Clarke has to say. Octavia raises her eyebrows like she can’t believe he would listen to Clarke. Or tell octavia to listen to her. Or something. Indra is trying for good strategy, Clarke says the sea route is MAYBE passable, and Octavia is like “Maybe is good enough.” THAT GIRL IS NOT A GOOD STRATEGIST. Bellamy tries to stop her and they pull their guns on him. Octavia lets him speak.
“We’re all on the same team. No one wants to get to that valley more than me. It’s my home, but this way is risky.”
Clarke tells her about the glass sandstorms. Kara Cooper is pushing stupidity. Indra is trying to be reasonable.
Octavia says if this is the last living valley on earth then it should be ours.
“Diyoza thinks the same thing,” Bellamy says.
“And so we fight.”
Good thinkers: Bellamy, Clarke, Indra, Miller. Bad thinkers: Octavia and stupid Kara Cooper. I blame her. She reinforces Octavia’s bad ideas and power trips with her ass kissing. Kara you suck. Man she is the WORST.
Indra says Octavia needs Bellamy and she’s glad he’s here for her, and then points Clarke and Bellamy to the packs.  And invitation if I’ve ever heard.
Clarke turns to Bellamy, at a loss. “What do we do?”
“Raven and Murphy are in trouble. I have to go with them.” Clarke is a bit shell shocked at that, then Bellamy makes jokes about “a six day hike through sandstorm country with a gladiator country? What could go wrong.” and hands her the pack and she smiles. “After you.”  Honestly all her emotional reactions are so tight and nailed down. She had like .10 seconds of panic that he was leaving her, and then it’s like she’s all of a sudden excited to go on adventures again.
DIyoza knows they’re fanatics. She’s used to those. She doesn’t know that Shaw is a traitor and the missiles are down because of him. She threatens torture for Raven, and we find out that she and McCreary were together once. “That was torture, too.” Queen of Sarcasm.
Back in the valley, nice and green. The prisoners playing some sort of death metal or something, and goofing off. Very reminiscent of the delinquents first off the drop ship. Diyoza thinks they’re desecrating the valley. She is not like them. She’s disciplined, they’re worse than delinquents. Wait wasn’t that music like William Miller’s real music? Like it was McCreary’s band. Lol.
Abby sees the drawing of Madi. “Who’s that?” Kane asks. “I don’t know.” She says, he points out there were two beds in the house. Almost like she wasn’t alone.
Here’s Vinson in his collar. He has trouble controlling his more “primal urges.”  
“If the demon comes out, you pull that trigger.” This is no delinquent dealing pot on the ark.
And Diyoza has Abby’s number and knows she’s an addict already.  She says they’re not prisoners, but protective custody. Kane also says he needs guarantees on Raven and Murphy’s safety. Aww. That’s really nice. He’s still taking care of his kids. And then he offers to sell Octavia out. Lol.  She doesn’t trust traitors. But she was one herself. THEN she catches Vinson stealing a scalpel. Lol. Don’t forget that Vinson is a bad guy. “Keep your hands and feet away from his mouth and you should be fine.”
Sharing rations with their chant. “All of me for all of us.” Okay fine that’s creepy. And foreshadowing.
Clarke thinks it’s beautiful. They lost a third of their people and had no idea if they would get out. She thinks it’s impressive.
“So is surviving alone. How’d you do it?” His voice is so soft.
“Well I wasn’t alone.” For a second her voice is open. Then she shakes her head. “I had Madi.” Then all of a sudden she’s tired and gives him her rations. She’s running away.
Indra tries to tell Octavia that Bellamy loves her and she says love is a weakness. Indra does not believe this and says it was nonsense. She says it was Gaia’s teachings.
“It’s not nonsense. Love no one and no one can hurt you.” This is where Octavia ends up after losing Lincoln, and having all that anger towards Bellamy. She cut them off. Cut love off. This might have been what could have happened to Clarke if she’d been forced into this leadership…. Without Bellamy to act as a counter balance.
“I love you,” Indra says, like a challenge. “Does that make me weak?”
Octavia backs down.
Miller is back with his partner, screaming. Clarke comes in. Stupid Kara Cooper won’t let her. Clarke asks Octavia’ permission and she grants it. “THere’s something inside him.” They find the hole in dude’s legs.
“It came from the sand, we have to go back. Miller said they were everywhere.”
Octavia says no and Cooper agrees with her. Indra: “what a surprise.” I love sarcastic Indra who doesn’t like Cooper. Me either girl.
Torturing Raven. Oh no.”She’s tougher than she looks.” No shit mccreary. Shaw apologizes. McCreary is a psycho who douses her with water so the electricity will conduct. Shaw intervenes. McCreary brings in Murphy and punches him. New torture victim. Asks them who killed Kodiak on the ship. Shaw aims a gun at him to make him stop. “You’re making a mistake.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Shaw threatens to damage his legs— not needed to fly.
I actually need to rewind for Zaven dynamic. hold up. He  crouches down, his apology is very sincere. It’s his fault and he knows it. Because he’s the one who screwed with the missiles not Raven. Oooh. He’s breathing very heavy when McCreary threatens her. He don’t like it. HE LIKES HER. It isn’t returned. He HATES McCreary though. Shaw has those big, sad eyes. He can’t take it anymore. And Faces off against McCreary.
Raven cares more for Murphy, of course. They are authentically worried for each other. Murphy tells her not to tell Shaw anything and Shaw is like, “She couldn’t if she wanted to, I’m the one who locked the weapons system.” He’s a very honest traitor. I think he regrets whose side he’s on. But what they were doing to the prisoners was wrong TOO. He’s someone who already believes in that Doing The Right Thing thing. He’s definitely one of our delinquents, not one of the criminals.
He tells them that Diyoza was going to kill the whole bunker right then and there and if he didn’t do something it would all be over. Murphy says they were tortured for nothing and Raven says it was to save his own ass. Shaw doesn’t like that. “I’m sorry were you looking for a thank you? You let them do that to us because of what happens to you if they find out the truth!”
Murphy wants to hear him out and see if he has a plan. His plan is to say she came clean.
Raven says it sucks because she’ll use the missiles. But he says either he says she came clean or he hacked it but one of those options means raven and Murphy stay alive.
Enter genius Raven. She saw him on the captain’s log and knows he’s not one of them and that’s why he locked the missiles and why he’s gonna help them. “Trust me Murphy. You’re gonna like my plan more.”
Oh Abby has the shakes. Trying to be a doctor while her body collapses from withdrawal. Kane wants to take care of her, he knows how to handle her withdrawal and she feels guilt for the arena.
Diyoza is being the gossip. She loves to see who likes who. ’Am I interrupting? Just tell me what I need to know and I”ll leave you to your shakes and vomiting.” Diyoza has the medical files from the last doctor. McCreary killed him. She basically said that as long as Abby can be a good doctor she’ll stay alive and says Kane is a determined traitor as she tries to get her to accept the bunker for their resources and skills. She’s like they’re all trained to kill. You expect me to invite them in to tea?
“I don’t know, do the murderers and thieves you surround yourself with now drink tea?” Kane giving back the snark.
McCreary tattles to Diyoza about Shaw pulling a gun on him and she’s like no. You’re not allowed. To kill him, of course.
But there’s Murphy running away into the woods. He’s escaped. Ooh Echo finds him.
“Where’s Raven,” Emori asks. “You left her? Why am I not surprised?”
She made a deal. Monty wants to know about the shock collar, he warns him away. They ask him about Abby and Kane, Murphy is clueless. “That means Bellamy got the bunker open.”
Madi comes to ask about Clarke. “Who’s the hobbit?” He says never mind and says they need to warn them about the missiles. LOTS of info right here. Very short time. The rover is in the bear cave. ‘Don’t worry, the bears are gone,” says Madi. That is a funny line.
Shaw. He says he let Murphy go. But then he points out the collar and it’s tracking and Raven calls him a son of a bitch for betraying her… or is that part of the plan? I think it’s the plan.
Madi: “I thought you’d be funnier.” Clarke told her stories.
“Oh really, was I the dashing hero who got the girl?” —Or the selfish ass who lost her. Emori of course.
“Octavia’s my favorite. Clarke said she wouldn’t have made it without each one of you.”
“We wouldn’t have made it without her,” Echo
“Not even close.” Harper.
Murphy’s shock collar triggers.
Emori is worried, monty knows it’s proximity and gets Madi to back up.
Emori starts to try and disarm it and Echo says there’s no time they have to warn everyone about the missiles. Murphy ditches from the rover and Monty says no because there’s a tracker and they’ll come get him. Murphy tells them to go
Holdup I’m rewinding for the Memori dynamic. Emori goes to him first as soon as he’s shocked. She doesn’t like that she cares but she does. She didn’t stop loving him. But her hate is real too.
They leave Murphy behind and there is Emori waiting with him. She sighs heavily. He’s confused. He thought she hated him.
Bellarke. Working together to figure out the new danger.
“Octavia’s not the only one who’s changed, you know? You could have killed those prisoners. But you didn’t. Diyoza would have killed me if not for you and Madi would be alone. You got the bunker open.” She does it all while she’s working on the warrior. Keeping her distance. Opening up to him. The same Bellamy. The same Clarke. Learning new things about each other.
“Who knew it would turn out to be pandora’s box,” he says.
“Im serious Bellamy. The heart and the head.” He is the hero in her dreams.
“The heart and the head.” This is how they reconnect.
Uh oh here comes a sandstorm. Bitches. She told you.
“The wind hasn’t met wonkru.” SCUSE YOU OCTAVIA? What the hell kind of myths were you reading where you think a handful of warriors can defeat the weather. 9 months on earth and she thinks she’s more powerful than the freaking sky? Bellamy your sister is an idiot. I think she thinks she’s a greek god.  You know what that’s called baby? Hubris. Pride goeth before the fall.
“Keep moving? Thanks to you, we’re stuck between razorblades winds and burrowing parasitic bugs.” Bellamy stands in her way.
“Thanks to YOU we’re at war.” OH MY GOD SHE’S SO STUPID. Y’all idolizing blodreina? She did NOT get grandpappy Blake’s smart genes. Bellamy saved your ass and opened the bunker before you starved in there due to your sidekick’s incompetence with the farms.
“Only if you insist on fighting it,” he doesn’t even pay attention to her blame game, he’s to used to that dynamic with her. He hasn’t broken free.
“Fight or die, that’s all there is.” No it’s not. No seriously. Why is she so dumb. She read. We know. Bellamy taught her. Is it because other people aren’t really real to her? I don’t get it. Why does she do this? She’s got this fantasy in her head and she’s do devoted to it that it’s become the only way. “You don’t get it because you’re not one of us.”
He continues to challenge her, ask her if warrior is one of her people and Cooper and her guards are getting angry at his disrespect. Clarke is worried.
Luckily warrior starts screaming to lessen tensions. Lol. Sandworms lessen tensions.
Yikes! Worms explode out his bellay! Everyone panics and I’m laughing. Sorry. Worms GOOD! REWIND lets watch it again. Tee hee. Yes. I like. This is the kind of post apocalyptic sci fi survival adventure drama we LIKE.
Oh Octavia can’t feel her legs, and Clarke tries to stop the worm from getting into her torso, and Kara Cooper is freaking out about the dozens of eggs (or is she plotting already, she’s kin to the worms, you can see her connect to them.)
“Thank you. GO,” Clarke tells her. NO ONE LIKES YOU KARA COOPER.
And meanwhile Bellamy is like, “I’m right here, we’ got this.” Clarke cuts into her arm and just grabs hold of the sucker.
“Clarke you’re gonna lose it!” Bellamy says.
“Like hell I am.” Classic Clarke. Then she… just grabs hold and pulls.
Oh, Monty finally reaches them on the radio. It’s an *Emergency.*
Bellamy’s like, “We got your emergency beat.” Monty is like, “I doubt that.” And tells him about the eye in the sky and the missiles. While Monty is telling them the danger, Clarke wraps the worm around her own hand for a better grip and PULLS. It snaps out like a rubber band. Miller puts it in a jar. Oh miller.
Indra, “where do we find cover in the middle of a wasteland?” Indra is thinking strategy and reason.
Clarke says “If we retreat they’ll back down.”
Octavia says
Get this.
She says, “you still don’t understand. Wonkru does not retreat.”
Dumbass tyrant. I do NOT understand how y’all Stan her with this. I am sorry. She is a flipping FOOL. There is not ONE decision she made in season 5 that was good in any way shape or form, except to bow before Madi and accept the heda. I know she’s beautiful and badass, but y’all have GOT to stop letting appearance cloud your freaking judgment like that. She’s TERRIBLE and stupid and selfish and flat out EVIL. It’s not a question of understanding who she is and where she comes from, I understand that too. I know she had to do the hard thing at the beginning but that was NO EXCUSE for where she let it go. That was NO excuse for her behavior when they got free. Everyone has been through hell. You can’t let that turn you evil. You just can’t. You are not excused for this. Ugh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to rant, but come ON.
Bellamy says, “You do if you want to live,” which is reasonable and not stupid, and not full of ego and delusions of godhood.
Indra is like stop fucking arguing we don’t have time for this. Except, you know, she’s more polite than I am. And she mentions that the route home puts them in a sandstorm.
“Those ruins are not our home. That Valley is and we’re taking it back…. Get ready to understand.” That last was glared at Bellamy, like it’s his fault or something. OH right. She thinks it’s his fault. Did I say I think Octavia is dumb? Yeah. I do. Hey, Octavia, you end up losing, like half your people over the next couple of weeks. And, you know, you don’t actually beat Eligius with wonkru. That was, ahem, your brother and HIS team. And Clarke. And Madi. And freaking SHAW. Even Diyoza. What do we understand NOW? Okay. Not now. Now is ep5. That’s 8 eps away. Oh we understand something and it’s not what you think. Think? Does she think? And it’s not the venom making her dumb because she keeps on being dumb all season. Bad leadership is bad leadership. She treats her people like tin soldiers. Expendable. Like Jaha did. Because he taught her how. And like Lxa did, although she got lxa’s teachings roundabout through Indra and Gaia. (Remember the love is a weakness thing.) Octavia does NOT break the cycle, she keeps it spinning.
Shaw. Diyoza says fire at will. Shaw doesn’t want to. Boom goes the tent camp. Shaw is visibly upset.
And there is Wonku huddled around Octavia, Indra yelling “Hold! Hold!” As the razor sands blow around them. Bellamy is in the crowd as Clarke works on Octavia on the ground, inside. Not saying they’re not badass. They are definitely badass. Badass doesn’t excuse stupid though.
Shallow Valley. Kane and Abby in Clarke’s house. Abby is calm and collected and going through medical files.
“Give me the pills,” Kane says. She says no. “You promised.”
McCreary charges in. Seizes Kane. McCreary is a goon. She says she won’t help if Kane is hurt he says, menacingly, “yes you will.” Abby is smart. She knows, she asks which of the med charts is his.
Me, I’m like TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT. I know he’s built. He’s handsome when he isn’t playing McCreepy. Give us a show man. YOUR DOCTOR NEEDS TO DO AN EXAMINATION. TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!!! I really don’t know if he will. Zipper.
YAY!  Oooh. Nice back. Lucky Eliza. Lots of tats. Come on lets get some abs and pecs. Aww. Nope.
I don’t care leave me alone.
Shoving Kane in the woods. ‘You’re making a mistake. There are so few people left. You can’t just kill everyone and expect…”
There’s Diyoza with some booze. I’d just like to tell you that, as a woman who’s btdt, she’s about 4 months in this shot. And in the 2 weeks of the story? She goes to about 8.5 months. I mean we have to let that go, because time is time and they had to work with the reality of her pregnancy and they did, which was really nice. Yay for Jason working with a working pregnant mother to allow her to continue to do her job. That was actually really nice and a GOOD thing to do. For human rights and decency and equality.
Diyoza however, knows that the battalion was huddling in a sandstorm to protect her. “Do you think an army of murders and thieves would follow me into a sandstorm?”
Now SHE’S a smart leader. She sees the value in her enemy and isn’t just KILL KILL KILL DEFEAT THEM. She also sees the flaw in her own leadership and people. She’s EVALUATING the situation logically, despite who’s on what side. That was deliberate, that contrast. As not only wonkru’s zealotry and devotion is contrasted against a bunch of thugs with no central core, but also her calm evaluation of the situation. AND that she brings Kane in to talk to him because she now knows she needs what he knows. She offers him tequila. I guess no agave on the ark.
And he wishes she hadn’t given abby back those pills. Here we hear about Diyoza’s backstory. Her seal team was sent to bring her in and they put two in her father’s head, like she taught them, for hiding her and she knew it was over so she slashed her own throat. “They should have put two in my head.” She calls Abby his wife. He says she isn’t. Still not sure why he said that. It doesn’t matter. And she kinda IS his wife isn’t she? He looks mistrustful as she tosses back the tequila. He chokes on it.
Indra has glass in her lungs. 11 died 12 including Obika. Out of 50. Isn’t that like almost a quarter of her battalion. How can she still act like Wonkru is stronger that the winds? Octavia sounds the retreat.
Clarke checks her arm.
“Thank you for saving my life.” I count three people grateful to Clarke so far this episode. 4 if you include Monty nodding when Harper and Echo said it.
“You saved ours.” No she didn’t, Bellamy. You shouldn’t be out there. “You were right. Wonkru is strong, just like their leader.”
“I”m glad you’re alive big brother,” kiss of death,” But if you ever speak out against wonkru again then you are an enemy of wonkru. And you are my enemy.” “ Clarke does not like this. Me either. It’s psychotic. No it’s not. She’s not crazy. She knows what she’s doing. She thinks she’s justified and right and righteous. She’s as much of a zealot as Jaha ever was, but she thinks SHE’S the promise land and Jaha thought it was something he could find outside of himself.
Uh oh. ROVER
MADI!!  Clarke is happy! She runs to Clarke they hug.
Monty! Waves at Octavia and she waves back. Shocked almost.
And there is Echo, Bellamy runs to her and they kiss and Clarke’s life is forever changed.
OCTAVIA AND THE DEATH GLARE. She’s talking to YOU Echo. Yikes. Blodreina mad.
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closetcasefabray · 6 years
ccf rereads loso /7
chapter thirteen: the adopt-a-skaikru program
Some of the older Sekons joined in Monty and Jasper’s impromptu drinking game. A group of gonas started teaching some of the 100 the words for a dirty song in Trigedasleng. A Skaikru girl started flirting with one of the TonDC youths who was part of the wrestling competition going on and their groups of friends began talking. It was a look at how the world could be this time, hopefully. It was just… nice.
i LIVE for drunk arkers & grounders at a bonfire. LIVE FOR IT! it’s just beautiful.
Lexa simply orders her gonas to shof op when they complain: Clarke doesn’t have that option. So she’s spent the whole day helping to settle minor quarrels and mentally cursing everyone for speaking too loudly.
hungover clexa shouldn’t be this damn endearing. like since heda never shows weakness, peacetime post-loso hungover lexa must’ve been so dramatic & extra in front of clarke. “go on without me! leave me” / “lexa, im gonna get you water & if you have to puke there’s a bowl next to the bed.”
(it would’ve been with azgeda villages bc their fayowada would be strong bc they drink regularly in the cold climate & they kept offering her more & more in appreciation of her generosity & how she’s helped them survive in comfort, and wanting to be courteous lexa couldn’t say no & that’s how lexa got fucking hammered so much so clarke laughed & put lexa to bed & just loved seeing lexa be something like the young person she is)
Once they’re in Polis Lexa steers her into her old ambassador room, and tucks her into the bed in a way that’s not at all Commander-like. “Sleep, Clarke,” she murmurs in her soft voice. “Get some rest.”
the softest fucking lexa. tucking sleepy clarke into bed. i just can’t.
She tries to get out of bed but instead just manages to roll onto the floor (well done, Clarke) and calls out “Come in” anyway because she knows it’s Lexa and she doesn’t have to be too dignified with Lexa.
It’s not Lexa.
Gustus bows his head for a second, then raises it again and looks at her in a way that’s not at all as docile as the gesture of respect made him seem. “Good morning, Clarke kom Skaikru.”
😂 clarke is just a beautiful, graceful sky princess
Lexa moves into view. She looks far more awake than Clarke as well.
Clarke wonders if it’s being a Nightblood, or being used to very little sleep after years of being the Commander, or if it’s just one of Lexa’s personality traits. Then, when Lexa gives her a slightly-too-amused look at her dishevelled appearance, she stops wondering and just focuses on glaring at Lexa.
why is this the sexiest cutest thing????
She’s not sure who she could sell the idea of being a sanitation worker or something to (though the thought of forcing Murphy to do it is kind of enjoyable. And since his nose is still broken, the smell wouldn’t bother him).
i forgot to mention i loved clarke kicking murphy’s ass: i loved clarke kicking murphy’s ass.
When I die, the Commander spirit will pass on,” Lexa answers her. “It will choose one of the Natblidas, as it once chose me. One will be the new Heda.”
“Which won’t be for a very long time,” Clarke says, a little too harshly, and makes herself calm down. She forces a smile. “I need your spirit right where it is.”
Lexa’s amusement shows in her eyes. “After all, I may be heartless, but at least I’m smart?” You can tell from her voice she’s quoting.
Octavia’s looking at them oddly. Clarke coughs and looks away from Lexa. “Something like that.”
you smitten idiots. octavia is observant af. also quoting past shit in a sweet way is my favorite thing. also generally a sucker for distinct canon quotes appearing in fics.
“Well that was weird,” Octavia says, as soon as Lexa’s gone.
see? O suspects. also is a hilariously annoying assistant & i love it
chapter fourteen: polis brutality
Lexa knows there will never be a day they owe nothing more to their people – this is a beautiful fiction. However, there will be minutes, hours, even days she can steal for herself. She would not have stolen so much time from her duties in the previous world, but when she lay dying there she did not think of her people. She thought of Clarke.
hahahahahahaha fUCK ME UP SMORE JFC
But now the Trikru see them as children, barely capable, and this means the strangeness of their ways is seen as funny instead of something to be feared.
And the Skaikru seem to be dealing well too – Lexa has waited outside for most of the checks, but has still seen a boy named Miller scowling in concentration as he learns how to perform a basic punch. She has seen a girl named Monroe kneading bread like it personally offends her. She has seen a girl named Harper examining a basic hunting bow as if it is something rare, a boy named Jones sharpening a blade like it's something precious. They seem to desperately want to learn, to be useful, to contribute. This is not a view she has had of the Sky People before.
crying bc this is everything i wanted for the delinquents & it’s beautiful
- bellamy teaching seven-yr-olds english is the gentlest thing & wonderful in contrast to the monster the show made him.
Lexa nearly jumps when she feels Clarke’s hand clasp hers. Octavia is watching Bellamy, and the guards look outward, but she still did not expect Clarke to show affection in public. As always, Clarke's touch burns her a little, makes her overly warm, makes her lighter. “Look at this,” Clarke whispers in her ear, sounding so happy that it nearly makes Lexa smile as well. “We did something good. Whatever else happens, this is something good.”
omg this just makes me think of them as parents. so so proud. but also awwww hand-holding is just perfect. i want all the clexa touches!
“But there will not be blood,” Lexa interrupts. She dislikes fighting with Clarke, but she cannot back down on this one. “If punishments for crimes are to be lessened, it must be decided on for all people, and announced so that they know. I cannot just begin handing out lighter punishments to your friends.”
“Hardly her friend, she broke his nose the other day,” mutters Octavia, and Lexa feels a swell of pride in her fierce Clarke.
lexa’s right. the punishment is harsh but for polis to not see her bend to skaikru is important.
lol same, lexa.
“So your people do not punish this harshly for theft?” Lexa asks, honestly curious.
There’s an awkward pause. Octavia coughs and looks to the side. It is all the answer Lexa needs. Clarke hesitates, looking faintly guilty, then opens her mouth, no doubt to begin explaining that whatever the Ark does, they should be striving to be better down here.
At this moment, Lexa is in no mood for it. She has been doing nothing but striving for better in the past week, and this has involved cutting out and sidelining her own people, people she cares for. In fact, it has also involved giving unearned trust to people she knows to be dangerous, simply because Clarke cares for them. “I see,” she says, voice arctic. “Like always, you expect more of my people than you do of your own.”
She turns and leaves. Before she closes the door behind her, she hears Octavia say, “What does she mean, like always?”
while i don’t like them fighting, this is hugely important. god this conversation should have happened in the show. it’s important not just to suture the divide between arkers & grounders, but clexa as leaders. jfc this fic is just so impressive & why i’m rereading it.
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kinetic-elaboration · 8 years
January 5: Thoughts on 1x05 Twilight’s Last Gleaming
Watched Twilight’s Last Gleaming last night. It always takes me like 3 hours to watch an ep of The 100 because I have to stop every 5 seconds to write something down. Also last night just when I started watching R started texting me and so I was trying to do three things at once: watch, write up notes, and converse with her. But I did it anyway oh well. My thoughts, in order of appearance though perhaps someday I’ll come back and elaborate on some of this stuff I dunno.
Clarke is serious with Finn during their ‘lying around in bed’ phase and he makes a joke back at her and IDK I’m half-sure it’s supposed to be charming (she seems to like it in the moment) but the only thing I can think is: Bellamy would never. (On the other hand this might literally be the only light-hearted sex this show has ever had so there’s that.) (Yes I know he was cheating I mean light-hearted in the micro sense.)
Okay, Abby, when arrested, is put in a cell, which tells me that the prison is actually also used for adults just for shorter-term purposes: it holds people awaiting trial and/or execution. Also she is granted “work release pending review.” Is the “review” a trial? Or something else? IMO they don’t actually use trials in all circumstances (Kane has the power of both the finder of fact and finder of law in a decidedly un-judicial setting the first time he sentences Abby to die while in the Go-Sci command center room; ...lol it’s hard to keep all of the death sentences straight). But I think sometimes they do. Or a trial like thing. (See Skywalker dialogue.) Also, I wonder if work release is common. Also I wonder how many adults they usually have in the prison section and if they’re kept separate from the kids or not. I would assume yes, given that Abby is in a solitary cell. Jaha says that prison has been on “half air since midnight.” I feel like the obvious question is: why give it any air at all? If the situation is that critical, and assuming there are not that many prisoners left once you get rid of the kids--why not totally evacuate it and shut it down? I realize that’s probably a bandaid on a gigantic gash but like it’s something.
“We followed the rules of order” should be like the Ark’s slogan. (And it says a lot about Jaha imo--as does the phrase” excised from the grid.”)
Lol the ‘let’s make a wish on a shooting star’ thing comes from Finn.
Aw Bellamy didn’t just have a 3some, he was cuddling.
Clarke is so completely unromantic in the broad sense. Thinking about supplies, making plans--”okay, minute’s done” when Finn asks her to consider how nice it is not being dead. I guess Finn was supposed to be the counter to her: the overly romantic.
I’m going to assume the little girl Reese didn’t survive the crash of the Ark but I wish she had because I’d like to know how her partial blindness affects her going forward. Also look at how Jackson touches Abby so sweet.
“That doesn’t mean you can predict what everyone’s going to do.” / “That’s exactly what I have to do.” Okay she definitely sees herself as a leader at this point. A leader with a potential savior complex ready to exploit tbh.
Thoughts from the Bell and O scene: He sees Jaha as the responsible one for all the judicial stuff on the Ark--a common perception. Interesting. Octavia talks big but yet again freaks out at the reality of hard choices: she wants everyone on the Ark to fuck off but finds out one of them, a very culpable one from her pov, is dead and she’s like AAAAH WHAT. Also, Bellamy takes immediate responsibility. Boy really does feel the weight of the world. It is his instinct to be at fault. (In this case, he is of course. But he could have pawned it off and he doesn’t.)
Jaha’s room: is this the same set that is used as Abby’s chancellor quarters in S3 or am I making that up? Is it supposed to be the same? Also he has a punching bag in his room nifty detail.
It’s interesting that Jaha wanted to sacrifice himself. It’s a bad tactical decision imo and I also can’t help but consider it cowardly but anyway it’s really, really fascinating to me and I feel this scene/plot point should be more thoroughly unpacked. By a more awake person.
Raven’s arrival is one of my favorite scenes though. Also my Princess Mechanic heart...
Again with the Finn + Clarke too much emotion vs. all business thing. Also, Clarke helped Raven out of the ship, watched her take off her space suit, and interacted with her for probably several minutes without introducing herself lol. Too busy being smitten.
Does this Jaha and Abby conversation about the culling sound an awful lot like the Clarke and L/xa conversation about TonDC???? Is it supposed to????
“This belongs to Wells Jaha.” Adorable.
Abby has the weirdest collection of shit in her secret compartment. Someone’s hair????
“Hey Princess, you taking a walk in the woods?” Like IDEK how to read that line it’s just...so funny? Is he trying to be smooth?
This Clarke/Bellamy/Finn/Raven scene is also really great and beyond my ability to properly interpret now. Clarke is like the best politician though. I mean yeah she’s manipulative but in a very...incisive way. She knows just what to say to Bellamy (unlike Finn and Raven who literally just throw him around and threaten him)--though generally I think he makes the better speeches they’re both very good at reading others imo. It’s not just that she appeals to his better nature; she specifically mentions the probable culling victims as “[his] people.”
Also is the implication that Bellamy and Raven do or do not know each other? I think they do not but I can see it either way.
“This will start a riot.” / “Good. Maybe we need one.”
Okay I’ve seen it before repeatedly but the Section 17 volunteers still make me cry. It never stops being tragic.
(But it wasn’t at all Bellamy’s fault and neither he nor Kane could have stopped all of those people from dying but that’s yet another ramble for another day.)
Also okay they all have some sort of identification tags, interesting.
Raven and Clarke scene: I would almost joke that Raven was trying to get Clarke blown up by having her take out the fuel but actually I think she sees Clarke as the real leader (interestingly, Raven might be the exception to the delinquents see Bell as main leader thing???) and wants to chat. Also, for her to say she’s never seen love like Abby’s after saying she’d do pretty much anything for Finn says a lot. Not that I think a teen relationship’s love is comparable to a mother’s, but that a teen might not see that, so wrapped up in her own feelings as she probably is. But Raven does.
“One decision does not define a man.”
So the two shooting star conversations are in the same ep, and Clarke takes something from one love interest, and transfers it--that idea, that conversation--to someone else. Her platonic friend obviously. Also I think this is the first, like, /friendly/ conversation they’ve had. Like not antagonistic, not heated, not about what they have to do or about a danger situation just...talking.
Of course then it shades into what is imo a great Princess Mechanic moment so. How Raven just looks over at Clarke... I dunno but I thinks she’s in love.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
The 100 S5 rewatch: Sleeping Giants
All right going in. Everyone is coming home. This is when Bellamy finds out Clarke is alive. And when Clarke is captured. These are all long. I’m recapping the damn things and giving my commentary. Look under the cut. this is like 1500 words. If y’all want a tag drop a line. I need to start doing these more regularly so I don’t run out of time before the new season OMG ITS ALMOST SEASON 6!!
McCreary Shaw and Diyoza, handsome trio of incorrigibles. Oooh. One of those prisoners is impaled. Madi doesn’t think it’s the right thing to do to kill the prisoners. Clarke says it’s their home and they are taking it. The prisoners aren’t listening to Diyoza when she says hold. McCreary is like ‘this is not your damn army I’m not gonna—“
KAPOW Clarke shoots dude. McCreary rolls for cover. You shoulda listened to your ex girlfriend dude. She’s smarter than you. Bringing the earthmover in. Diyoza sends McCreary in to hunt down somebody to interrogate. Shaw doesn’t want to fight. “Why does it have to be war.” Diyoza’s mad because he gave up jets for spaceships.
Hey Spacekru. I love them. Emori’s flying them to elegius 4. “Commencing operation uninvited guests.” Ha ha. Raven is funny. Oh Raven had to take over. The ship was spinning and Emori couldn’t align it. Murphy is an ass to Emori. Echo takes out her sword on the ship and Bellamy eyes her. The past is already coming back. Raven sends Emori back to the ship to run diagnostics and Murphy offers to stay and help. But they snipe at each other so Harper stays instead.
Prisoners. Mining missions were dangerous. They sent people they thought were disposable. Sounds familiar.
Monty finds the com. They hear that the Eligius is hunting their people. Clarke puts Madi into the hole and tells her she loves her to lead them off.Bellamy is listening to them tracking her, and they don’t know that it’s Clarke. A feisty one, pretty, too, and Raven looks at Bellamy. They think it’s Octavia.
McCreary shoves Clarke to the ground, he’s such an ass. “You only caught one?” “We only saw one.”
“Her people will come for her, be ready.” They don’t even know. Shaw is playing good cop.
McCreary starts hitting Clarke and Shaw stops him. And then McCreary goes after Shaw because he’s not one of them. They are not a unified people.
Shaw sees the night blood. ‘Blood alteration like they had on Eligius 3. Two suns. No sunscreen.” Foreshadowing.
Clarke and Diyoza. Two peas in a pod.
Murphy Monty and Echo wheeling the fuel to the ship. Echo missed Murphy’s stupid little joke and Monty and Murphy are sniping at each other.  Useless. Coward. Brats both of them.
Echo finds the cryo sleepers.
Kodiak protocol coming. Harper’s trying to make Emori feel better. Wants her to give him a second chance. Murphy, “you were talking about me, weren’t you?” She says “don’t flatter yourself.” But they WERE talking about him.
Bellamy was looking at the ship manifest and they are all murderers. Raven tries to make him feel better because his grandpappy Blake was a 4 time phd and astronaut and he’s not at all like that. They’re still thinking that these people are descendants. They see the video when Diyoza takes over the ship. There’s the best dad in the universe mug. 
In comes Kodiak. Hush I need to watch Bellamy fight. God I love watching him fight. He’s gotten so much better at it.
MAN. Kodiak is TOUGH. Echo slashes him across the back and then runs his gut through and he just kicks her off. Bellamy has to choke him with a wire while Raven has been gut punched like three times.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” This is a quote from Arthur C Clarke. He is mentioned. Clarke’s name sake.
Murphy wants to kill all the sleepers. Bellamy doesn’t want to start a war and escalate. Echo also agrees that they should be killed. “I know how you feel but it took three of us to take out one of them. Giving them reinforcements when we can stop it is a strategic mistake,” Echo says.
“We’ve been off the ring for less than a day and we’re already talking about murdering hundreds of people.” Bellamy is not happy.
“This is not murder. It’s survival. They die now or we die later. If Clarke were here this wouldn’t even be a question.” Murphy. Clarke is very much still a part of their lives. She’s dead but not forgotten. AND NOT DEAD.
“WELL CLARKE’S NOT HERE!” Bellamy yells.
“Exactly. She died so we can live. Bellamy This is how we do that.”
“Maybe not,” Raven says. She’s got the plans.
Echo says to rig it so they can trigger it from the ground. “Leverage,” Bellamy says. Murphy huffs off and Bellamy calls him back because he wants his opinion. He says it’s a risk.
“But Clarke didn’t die for us to live just for us to go back to the ground and make. The same. Mistakes.”
“What the hell. Let’s be good guys.” Murphy gets a little thrill.
Okay. I think that’s as important a conversations as Clarke’s voice over about there being no good guys. Remember season 1? Bellamy as the rebel king selfish ass and Murphy as the murdering psychopath? And Clarke is now the one with no mercy, impaling strangers.
Now Clarke with Shaw. I expect to see some good interaction with them in s6. Playing good cop. “Believe it or not, this is the best conversation I’ve had in a hundred years.” He’s from Saginaw MI. (JR is from Detroit.) And he was an altar boy, who rode a motorcycle. McCreary has found Madi, And Clarke speaks. “Please she’s just a child.” She tells about the trap that Madi is leading them into. “IF you let her go, I’ll tell you everything.” McCreary doesn’t want to listen but he’s standing down.
Let’s begin. Start with how the world ended.
“Which time.” Lol. Classic.
Wow. I can’t believe they’re still on the ship. So much happens in this episode. Raven tells Bellamy that she has to stay up there. Bellamy is like no no way.
He’s really affected by the thought of leaving her behind. He wants to stay. She tries to make jokes about him screwing it up. It has to be me. ‘I am not leaving you here.” She says he needs to go find his sister. But Bellamy doesn’t want her staying behind to kill 300 people.
“No no, I left Clarke behind to die and I can’t—“ like he breaks “—I’m not doing that again.” Foreshadowing there. And also showing how much that hurt him. It really did. You can see it in everything he does.
Raven flat out lies. Oh yeah there’s an escape pod. Calls him an idiot. He still doesn’t like it.
“Six years ago I promised myself I would find us a way to get us back down. Bellamy this is it. Please. Let me get you all home.”
Emori is like where is she? She offers Murphy to stay. “I said it’s technical.” Monty offers.
Murphy heads off, and Bellamy is like “NOW Murphy.”
He’s like nope. Raven might need backup. “Hey with Emori flying, this is the survivor’s move.” Making jokes. Why do they always make jokes when they’re doing something self sacrificing and don’t want the other to feel bad, “See ya on the other side.” Ugh that’s Jasper’s line. Emori smiles and then she’s like. Wait I don’t like this.
Raven is like… What the hell are you doing here? “Why is everyone so surprised? It’s not like there’s no escape pod—“
“There’s no escape pod.” She lied so Bellamy would let her stay. “You know what you were right. Dying alone would have sucked.” An actual reference to that time she tried to kill him after the ring of fire. And he was like, “I woulda shot me too.”
Emori putting the pod down. It makes me so happy when she sets that puppy down light as a feather. And then the big smile when Bellamy tells her they didn’t die.
OH they’re out. And Eligius finds them.
Clarke is telling her story and they tell her they’ve found new people. And she is FLABBERGASTED. They are about to kill FOUR or our people NOPE. Madi to the rescue. She is a BAD ASS. Thwack. Bam. Bam. All dead.
Bellamy staggers back. “She’s just a kid,”
“Bellamy? She says. Clarke knew you would come.”
“Clarke’s alive?” And he’s just stunned.
“She’s in trouble, we have to go.”
Monty steps forward and asks about the bunker and she’s just like yeah no let’s do that later, she grabs Bellamy’s hand and drags him off. THAT IS THE BEST SCENE.
Ugh McCreary, you are such an ass. Shocking her. OH DON’T WORRY YOU’LL GET YOURS AND CLARKE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU. Poor Clarke. She’s REALLY being shocked hard. DIYOZA STOP SHOCKING HER.
THE ROVER. I will not stop yelling. You can’t make me.
Clarke is like, “Madi… no,”  and inside the rover…
Bellamy is like, ‘Madi… no,” when she tries to take out a gun and go with him. And he promises he won’t let anything happen to Clarke. Parenting alike. Exact same dialog. “Take the rover back. I won’t let anything happen to Clarke, I promise.”
Clarke is watching him through the headlights. She has no idea who he is. But she jumps when she hears his voice.
Bellamy negotiates with his Captain Daddy mug and tells Madi to leave with a fist in the air, at which Clarke can take a breath finally. He walks towards her, watching her.
“283 lives? She must be pretty important to you.”
“She is.”
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
The 100 Girl Chronicles season2
I asked her who her favorite characters are. “Still Clarke and Raven.” You said Octavia last time. “I did? Clarke and Raven.” Guy characters? “Bellamy or Finn-- wait, no, Jasper and Monty.” lol. Not surprised, they are very much more ‘kids’ than Finn or Bellamy.
She is shocked, SHOCKED at Mount Weather. “What the heck is going on here?” The dinner part confused her.
“Bellamy!” He’s alive.
“Where’s too much bronzer girl?” lol. She says she’ll never remember her name. “you chuckle every time I call her that.”
Raven shoots the grounder, “good job Raven!” She laughs when Murphy says, “I woulda shot me too.”
Dante gives Clarke the fancy clothes and Ivy goes, “Ew.” You don’t like the fancy clothes? “Too fancy.” Clarke picks up the heels. “She don’t know how to walk in those.” Clarke breaks the heels. “OH! Lol. She’s so smart!” Sees her in the jogging clothes instead. “See, that’s her.”
On Mount Weather, “Don’t trust it. Don’t trust it for a second. Too good to be true. And she knows that.”
Ivy does NOT believe in MW. “They’re NOT looking for survivors.”
Jasper eating chocolate cake. Ivy, “Me! Me!”
She is totally with Clarke. “Definitely not a prisoner.
(why does everyone think Maya is a wimp? She figured out Clarke’s game and went after her and pulled a gun on her. Maya is not given enough credit.)
Oh. Raven and Murphy, let’s see if Ivy’s opinion on him changes. She has said nothing.
“Oh Bellamy,” now captured. Monroe and Sterling rush the warrior and he get shot. “Bwahaha” she just SCREAMED, “KANE!” now she stood up and yelled KOWABUNGA!. “Where’s Abby?”
Who’s your favorite adult? “Abby.”
Bellamy attacks Murphy. “BELLAMY!” she yells. Kane places him under arrest. “WHAT?”
She just saw the Lincoln memorial and figured out that this is in DC.
“Clarke don’t eat it. Clarke. I wouldn’t eat it. My guard would not let down. She’s still going to try to escape.”
next episode
Kane tells Bellamy that he’s not trained. Ivy, offended, “He’s not trained?! HE’S NOT TRAINED?!!” She fully supports Clarke’s suspicions of MW. Also she’s reaffirmed her favorites. “Monty, Jasper, Clarke and Raven and maybe Octavia.” So the boys are too dumb. “Yeah.” lol. Your honor, Rosy is leading the witness.
She likes the new opener with the landscapes. “Oh. Ooh. I like this.”
She thinks Jaha is imagining the baby.
She begs a question. Does Raven end up walking again? I give her that. Yes. Does she end up in a wheelchair? There’s no wheelchair. She’s not asking the right questions.
(dudes Dante’s gaslighting Clarke. She did see a bullet wound. they go so far as to stab a dead body with an arrow. Make her doubt her own judgement. But she’s right. Ivy was angry at the arrow Tsing showed Clarke, so I explained gaslighting to her.)
“Is Jaha going to go down in a little space pod?”
“Is that a real baby?” blink blink blink. “MOOM. How about this. I get one question about the plot per season.”
You just asked about Raven’s legs. “I know. I hate myself.”
Octavia threatens Nyko to save Lincoln. “SNAP! Good job Octavia.” My daughter yells a lot.
Jasper is telling Clarke to stop being a troublemaker so they don’t get kicked out and she is ranting about how they’re prisoners. I ask, still like Jasper? “yeah. But he’s stupid right now.”
Thelonious floating through space and his helmet cracks. “Me not worried,” helmet visor cracks open.”Never mind. THE BABY! AHH.” “Wait. There is no baby. Where is the baby? Is he hallucinating. He’s hallucinating.” Wells shows up. “I thought he was hallucinating the first time.” She did.
“I wasted my one question on that little thing” you have more questions? “So many more.”
Clarke rips her stitches out and we’re all like I can’t watch that. “CLARKE! CLARKE!” “Why is she doing that?” btw, i’m the one that can’t watch it.
I just told her that Indra survives, and she’s like “so she’s not the worst ever. is she a good or bad. SHOOT.”
Ivy sang a little song about Clarke. “She’s smarter and stronger than you think. She’ll punch you in the face with a spike heel.”
how do you get my daughter to stop talking through a show? Show her grounders hanging upside down being bled.
GASP! “Too much bronzer girl!!!! I mean Anya. I know her name. I’m joking with you.”
Abby let the prisoners out. Ivy thinks Bellamy was doing the right thing. Because they were taught to fight. Bellamy was just getting his revenge. (Is that the right thing? I ask her) YEP, and Bellamy has changed.
Murphy-Finn rescue mission. “Do I get a gun?” Murphy asks. Ivy says. “You get a stick.” two seconds later, he’s got rocks. “click click click, lol.”
“Want Monty should do is think, ‘what would Clarke do?’”
Kane sentences Abby to lashes, and Ivy goes, “I though you said he was  GUD.” aka good. “This is not how you run a place.”
Finn beating the grounder who tells them where their friends are. “no they aren’t.” Now Byrne is holding a grounder at gunpoint. “He isn’t going to answer. He’s just like Lincoln and Anya.”
Maya tells Jasper and Monty about Clarke being in psych ward and Monty doesn’t buy it. “There he goes. Monty has hit his inner Clarke.”
“THEY  JUST CALLED HER A PRISONER.” They did. The mountain men caught her in the tunnels. Anya saved her. That dam. “That doesn’t look good. Jump Clarke. Jump Clarke! Jump. Clarke. Clarke! Jump! There she goes. Wait. She can’t swim! I totally forgot that.”
Bellamy and Murphy are discussing killing the grounder/execution, “what’s happened to you?” murphy asks Bellamy then Finn executes him. “FINN!”
Tsing has the grounders under the mountain. “LINCOLN!”
Many Happy Returns (I’m trying to get her to take a break. she won’t. we’re waiting for guests who will probably be late. so she’s banking on them not being here until after this episode.) But this is one of my favorite episodes.
“Careful whatever your name is,” as he climbs over the cliff. Sterling. “Careful Sterling. How long does Sterling live?” won’t tell her. “Grab the rope. Oh. Bye Sterling.” That’s why I didn’t tell her. “I figured.”
Anya bites the tracker out of her arm. Ivy hides. My uncle has joined us. “That’ll do,” he says. My mom told him how she can’t watch this show because it’s too intense all the time. He sits down to watch. lol.
omg it’s the bellamy over the cliff scene. one of the best. Murphy “don’t worry Bellamy I won’t drop ya.”
Ivy laughs every time Raven says something sarcastic. Mocking Wick for his damn brace. She loves Raven. “What is she doing? Is she gonna climb that with one leg? Raven’s being du-umb. god Raven.”
Bellamy is falling. “I knew that was going to break.” The grounders. The warning horn. “Lincoln! Anya! is there fog or no fog. They know what that is.” Stop talking and watch. “It was Octavia. Octavia took Lincoln’s horn!”
(Jaha, “It’s the black knight. It’s a game that teaches long term strategy.” All the chess metaphors. The narrative. Long term strategies. Damn you JR.)
Bellamy gives Murphy a gun. “Uh... i don’t trust him.”
Anya and Clarke fight. “What did she do?” stuck her finger in her wound, hit her in the head with a skull, punched the daylights out of her. “that’s what Anya would have done.” helium beacon. “It’s Raven!”
“We fell from space in a football stadium, I think they know we’re here.” repeating favorite lines.
Anya gets shot. She JUST now thinks to ask when Anya dies. “watch the show.” This show. You don’t like a character until they are about to kill them. Then they kill them and you’re like Nooooooooooooo.
Clarke sees Abby. She thought Abby was dead. Ivy says she thought Finn and Bellamy was dead. Clarke tells Abby she thought they were dead. “Told ya.”
Here comes the Bellarke hug. Watching like  hawk. Clarke runs up and hugs Bellamy and Ivy gasps and smiles. “Where’s Finn.” But no commentary otherwise. “Nobody cares about Murphy.” (guests are here. I DON”T WANT TO TURN OFF THE 100!!! I had to warn the guests, who have all seen The 100, not to give her spoilers, because I don’t trust her not to weasel hints out of other people.) We stop right before the TonDC massacre. ouch.
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