#also like their fat ass noses are so cute cause i want to take a photo of a horse qith my phone directly at their nose just fir funsiesss
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Hehheheheheee silly horrsieee so cutteee.
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I feel warm thanks to friends and supporters. Especially Lemonadeicesoda. Thank you. Enjoy this drabble
You huffed in annoyance as you clung to the bath towel closer to your wet skin. Your ex Navy Seal boyfriend or whatever he was to you. He kidnapped your ass.
Norman was lifting his weights. And he was making you watch him. He said he doesn't trust you alone without his watchful eye. He makes you stay. Even chopping wood.
You knew he was bullshitting you. That millionaire set up cameras all around his mansion. And his dogs and guns were there too to prevent you from running away... Again.
You tried but you were so pathetic. Norman easily caught you without anyone's help.
You gave up running away.
The punishment of his belt gave you bad memories.
You knew Norman couldn't stay away from you. You would have gushed from his attention. But, you didn't love that psycho bastard. And you also knew that jerk was showing off his strength. As if that would make you fall in love.
You scowled. You will never love that wrinkly old man. You didn't do anything. Norman used to be blind for months. He got surgery. Then demanded you to pay him for the cost. Ironically, he didn't want money. He has more than enough. As an excuse, he said he wanted your love and companionship as his girlfriend.
Now, here you were. Broken spirited. Norman looked at your beautiful sad face in the corner of his blue eyes. He wished you would smile. But, you seemed to always hate him. He didn't mean to slap or whip you for misbehaving and giving him attitude.
He wanted to marry you and give you children. You just had to give him a chance first instead of blocking him out.
The loud thud caused you to jump. The heavy weights fell on the floor.
He was leaving his home gym early.
You were not a sports girl. You took ballet from time to time as a small hobby. And would walk and hike.
But, your beautiful yet small and flat duck feet made you a horrid swimmer. Norman was so obsessed with survival training. You wondered why
You were definitely not thinking of Joining a military branch so why would this old man force his ideals on you like a dictator? As long as you live in his mansion you will obey his rules. You don't want to live with him and he will not let you go. Hypocrite jerk.
You simply cannot swim. Your own father gave up on you. He hired teachers and you failed to understand. Even kids were better than you. Which embarrassed your dad. As a last resort before giving up, your dad threw you inside the pool like he was by his cousins when he was a kid. Your dad sadly saved your pathetic ass from drowning. He gave up.
You wondered when Norm will give up on you. But that pervert must love looking at you in a skimpy bikini.
You used to take selfies on your Instagram and just pose next to water. But you would use life jackets to have fun with your friends. Now, you are regretting your actions. You were not a social media influencer. You wanted to be important rather than an entertainer. You wanted to be a linguist. Go to East Asian villages and study ancient and dead languages in rural places that has no technology.
But, here you were a kidnapped bride. Norman luckily promised to not force himself in you. Besides hugging and kissing.
Snapping back to reality, Norman sighed. "I know you're tired. Sleep now."
He picked you up from your sitting position bridal style and walked you to the bedroom you shared with him. He made you sleep next to him. That was all.
After making you remove your wet bikini and into your silk night dress. Norman was sitting on the bed waiting for you with a brush to untangle your long wet hair.
He kissed your bare neck after finished. He tucked you in.
You blinked in confusion. He will not join you? Giving you a sad smile, Norman traced your bottom fat lips with his thumb. He declared of some computer paper he has to type which will take hours.
He leaned in and you closed your eyes and said nothing as he kissed the tip your cute nose.
"Sleep well, doll."
You watched his muscled back walk out of the luxurious room then eventually slept.
Maybe... If you allowed Norman inside your heart, your new life will not always have to be the same boring routine.
Should you give it a try?
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sexyfoxlady · 1 year
Kruoo's Twins🍼
Tetsu Kruoo x Reader
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ sexual suggested talking, mention of swimmers (cum), dirty jokes,baby crying??, kissing?? (sorry if I missed anything 🥸)
Emi🩷 Kruoo's Daughter
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Isamu🩵 Kruoo's Son
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Tetsurō Kuroo likes to think and say his semen is SO strong if he was able to get you pregnant twice with one load (he he he maybe a 'couple' of loads)
"All I'm saying is my swimmers have to be pretty strong to get your sexy ass pregnant twice" Kruoo likes to state daily, slapping your hand to his forehead from behind him on the living room couch to shut him up
"Stop and don't call my babies 'your swimmers' " rolling your eyes playfully, walking towards your guys laundry room with the basket of your husband's and kids's clothes
"HEY their my babies too, you just did most of work" Tetsu expresses but whispers the last part
Putting down the laundry and walking back over to the back the couch this time slapping a fat kiss to your husband's forehead, bending down further to whisper in his ear
"Damn straight I did most of the work" kissing his ear next
"Damnnn your mommy hearing is way too good" turning his head to kiss your lips, chuckling in the kiss resulting in Kruoo to deepen the kiss, putting his hand on the back of your head to keep you there a little longer
"Ok ok I have to do the laundry now" backing away from the couch to start the laundry finally
"Orrr we could use this time while OUR babies are asleep and try for two more...oh or 3" snapping your neck to watch your husband crackle like a hyena worse then when you guys where in high because he's a father now
"ha ha. Very funny that you even think we're having more"
"WHATTTT you don't want my swimmers in you, YOU?" Tetsu asks flabbergastically
"Ew don't say that like that and no at least for a longggg while"
"Ah so u do want my swimmers just not now" Tetsu flipping your words just slightly
"Ew Tetsu"
Just like clock work you close the washing machine's lid and your little angel Isamu cries from the twins room, turning to your husband with begging eyes for him to get your babies
"Ok mamas I'll get our littler"
5 minutes later Kruoo comes back into the living with Isamu in his right arm and Emi in his left
"Awww there's my babies" giving them each a kiss on their cheeks
"Tetsu can you please put them in their chairs and get their bottles ready, there's already pre-pumped milk in the fridge" standing on your tippy toes to kiss his lips briefly, kissing you back as a way of saying 'yes of course'
You walk into the kitchen a few minutes later to find your husband still preparing the twins bottles "Need some help"
"No just taking a little longer"
Emi and Isamu chairs are facing away from you guys so the twins can hear you just can't see you which causes Isamu to start crying for your attention
"Aw it's okay Isa mama is right here and daddy is almost done with your bottle ok" walking over to your son cooing to him to try to calm him down, lightly pushing his hair out of his face to see his cute little baby face with teary eyes and wet cheeks
"Aw is your daddy's hair making it hard for you to see mommy" addressing your son then turning to your daughter "And you got daddy's bad eyes huh" bopping Emi's little nose
"Hey! I gave them good hair and eyes" he protests before going back to preparing the bottles
"Yeah good hair" you sarcastically said quietly to yourself and your son making his little face brighten up with a smile thinking your so funny with whatever you just said, smiling yourself and smothering his face with kisses and doing the same to your daughter Emi who also can't help but giggle at whatever you said resulting in the kitchen to fill with giggles while they wait for your husband and their father to finish, a few moments later "And done here you go my little milk gremlins" handing his son and his daughter they respective bottles and each a little kiss on the head
"Why do you choose to call your children such absurd names" narrowing your eyes at your husband
"They're not absurd they're cute, isn't that right my little swimmers" cooing to the twins while they ate
"Ew TETSU" punching him on the arm to express your disgust, Kruoo laughs at your poor punch and sour face and whenever Kruoo laughs around the twins they start giggling, your twins finding your husband's laugh humorous
"See they like it"
"They don't even know what you said they're just laughing because you're laughing" rolling your eyes playfully with a chuckle leaving your mouth at the same time not bothering to 'win' this battle
All in all your husband is a goofball as a friend, as a boyfriend, as a husband and now as a father
Baby Maker (lol):
(tanks for reading if u did, i don't really care if u liked it or not 💕💕)
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
Dropping by with random questions for any OCs you want to answer for! 😁
What does your OC admire about their partner(s)? What do they think is beautiful about them?
What is a fact about your OC that only one or two people know?
Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Do they have any specific memories of food/a meal?
Your OC is at a karaoke bar and they see a cute person across the bar who they want to impress, what song do they sing?
On an impulsive whim your OC dyes their hair and gets a whole new outfit, what do they now look like?
If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world, where would they go?
How does your OC celebrate their birthday?
Thank you for the ask! 🥺 I'll answer for Fae, Zoran and Étoile.
What does your OC admire about their partner(s)? What do they think is beautiful about them?
What Fae admires of Claude, Hilda, and Lorenz can be found here.
Fae admires Avery's hope. I think there a lot of times where Fae's bravery is admired, but that when they push past these harder challenges that to them it's like 'it's this or death,' and more desperate or resigned. Avery brings a lot of hope to helpless causes, always able to envision a future beyond a hardship, an understanding after a fallout.
Zoran admires Jeritza's determination, to see himself improve, to see the lives of those he cares about protected and thriving. Jeritza's learning all the time how not to throw away his dignity in the process, how not to approach every challenge and inconvenience with teeth or apathy, and it's his effort in this learning that invites Zoran's continued interest.
Étoile admires Astarion's consideration. As much as the fandom likes pointing out the illogical and unintuitive moments he has, of which there are many, Astarion does (as far as he is aware) try to conceal his vampirism for the sake of group cohesion and his own safety, which "inadvertently" means that he also takes an action that avoids public panic and outcry, even if it's "selfishly motivated" and a lot of his actions are like that, where the merit of them are incidental, and depending on his growth it starts to become conscious. Whether that consciousness is out of a desire to be kinder (leading to the leader or hero spawn paths) or out of a desire to manipulate (in an ascended ending), he's still thoughtful, in his way.
Going to limit myself to 3 random qualities of beauty for the sake of actually answering the section question because otherwise we will be here for three weeks.
Fae finds Claude's chin, jaw and eyebrows beautiful. Fae finds Hilda's lips, (fat) waist and eyes beautiful. Fae finds Lorenz's neck, hands and shoulders beautiful. Fae finds Avery's nose, arms and hips beautiful.
Zoran finds Jerita's cheekbones, collarbone and ass (sorry) beautiful.
Étoile finds Astarion's crows' feet, (vascular) arms and teeth beautiful (source one, source two).
What is a fact about your OC that only one or two people know?
Where Faedolyn is my Byleth / My Unit oc, literally no one (except Sothis???) knows about Divine Pulse. Fae would take this to their grave. But they would confide in their partners (more than two people) that they never expected to live longer than their mother's very short lifespan.
Where Faedolyn is a student oc, they would think that their affections are secrets (whether or not that's true)...
Very few people would know that Zoran (always a student) and Fae are so closely related to House Hevring, imagining it a more distant relation.
I think that while Zoran loves his sister, that only one person knows that they're a little resentful of how luck always seems to be on Fae's side and things are generally easier for them.
Have I made it clear that Étoile's lived in Baldur's Gate for decades but it's only the few adventurers they've travelled with for the sake of making a livelihood that know they worship Auril? So that's not that rare really. And otherwise that they grew up in a temple on a mountain in Impiltur is probably also not that unusual for people to know. But I do think the number of people that they and their mothers killed for the security of themselves and that mountain isn't even understood by the few people Étoile might tell about this, because they wouldn't be very explicit about it (Aranea's been living there for 650+ years). If one ever had cause to go to that frozen lake with ghosts on the wind and bones in the ice, then only if they were invited should they expect to live long enough to be one of the one or two people to have an idea of the extent of it.
Additionally, for something more personal, if anyone knows that Étoile feels destined to loneliness it would be fucking news to them fgdhdfghdfg. If Aranea died unexpectedly, Étoile would return to their temple, and for duty and grief, they wouldn't expect to leave again.
Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Fae and Zoran have experience with sheep, horses, mousers (cats) and working dogs before going to the monastery. They have a good understanding of how to read and interact well with most animals, which leads to animals liking them.
Étoile has it more complicated with the apparent frequency that Speak With Animals can be present in their universe. In their youth, I'm going to say that this didn't come up so much. They had various livestock, guard dog(s), and indoor cats (also mousers) cycle in and out of their time in their childhood home, but for this reason, they're more accustomed to dogs being an outdoor working pet. As a general statement and not a proposed scenario: I can see Scratch being disappointed / offended if, when there was an alternative, Étoile would expect him to sleep outside / in a barn with the other animals, especially while there were house cats (or ferrets) indoors. I think they are not always well-liked by animals.
Do they have any specific memories of food/a meal?
Two meals I associate with / remember for Faedolyn (and that they would remember depending on where in the timeline of their life they are fgdhdfghfgd) are the first feast after the battle for eagle and lion where Claude falls asleep at the table, and the meal at their wedding in my epilogue fic...
I don't yet have a meal to associate with Zoran, but between Jeritza's association with the Peach Sorbet in fe3h and one of their only little appearances in something I've "written" mentioning Mango Sherbert, I do associate Zoran with desserts / ice creams.
I've said before that when Étoile is prompted to picture their happy place it is a memory of a meal! (:
Étoile pictures themself as a child. They are ten years old. They have just finished fasting for the first time as part of a ritual for Auril / Azura. They are breaking their fast with a feast. It is one of the few times pilgrims crowd the shrine of Azura / Auril with different offerings. Their mother - Aranea - tells them to stay humble and doesn't advertise their accomplishment, but Étoile can tell they've done well; and the food is rich and sweet. And their mother - Wylla - is there - the old wolf - making sure Étoile tries every foreign spice that has made its way to the mountains. She's trying to find their favorite. Something to remember for a later celebration. Étoile cared for and surrounded by people who either understand them or are in turn misunderstood so that there is comfort in the crowd.
Your OC is at a karaoke bar and they see a cute person across the bar who they want to impress, what song do they sing?
Faedolyn sings Alicia Keys' No One. Their vibrato would be different but I think they could do it.
Zoran sings Queen's A Kind of Magic, especially if she's in drag.
Étoile would not want to sing but would recognize that you can't impress someone at a karaoke bar by not-singing, and so to sing something to at least move into conversation, they would sing marcy playground's sex & candy.
On an impulsive whim your OC dyes their hair and gets a whole new outfit, what do they now look like?
Faedolyn will dye their hair black and get a new outfit that looks like one of Ivy Soul Calibur's more modest looks:
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Zoran will bleach his hair blond and get something like Solas' armor:
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Étoile will dye their hair pink/purple and for you / for them I'll select both an armour and an outfit; so something like Haldir's armor (Haldir my beloved) and something inspired by these two pins in their board (probably sans scarf in baldur's gate's climate):
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If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world, where would they go?
Faedolyn is always travelling so from wherever they are to wherever they're not; home in the Oghma mountains, home in Garreg Mach, home in Riegan, home in Almyra, visiting in Gloucester, visiting in Enbarr, visiting in Nuvelle, visiting in Duscur, etc.
Zoran is largely settled in Nuvelle at some point, and so if he could travel anywhere, I think he'd pick somewhere further away, see what happens in Dagda.
Étoile would probably be interested in seeing Icewind Dale (the site of Auril's death, the site of where she was focusing her power, and the nearby wastes where her chosen was last seen), the High Forest (the manner of ancient magical energy is more interesting than whatever the high elves might have preserved in Silverymoon to them), and Rashemen (I imagine they were concerned / prejudiced against travelling so close to Thay, but that Minsc's descriptions of a faraway home would have interested them — especially as their own cold homeland is between Baldur's Gate and Rashemen). Étoile would also like to see home again, especially after the traumatic experience that bg3 was.
How does your OC celebrate their birthday?
Faedolyn is overrun with attention and their schedule, and their loved ones are fighting for twenty minutes in their day.
Zoran celebrates his birthday by hiding where maybe only four people know to find him, making an appearance for dinner and cake if there's any to be had.
I forget where I originally said this but I quoted myself on discord about Étoile's birthday before:
i don't think étoile would have expectations for birthday gifts? i think almost anything would delight them, to have been thought of, there are obvious exceptions for things that don't take them into consideration at all (gifts that imply another deity, a shaving kit, etc.) if they had a birthday during the course of the adventure and it was somewhere with a fair number of supplies (the grove, baldur's gate) they might buy themself a little cupcake or even just a handful of berries or something; and then might confide that it was their birthday with astarion (who i expect would tease) or tav or shadowheart (and étoile would share their little treat and be like, "does shar forbid birthdays? if you never get your memories back then you can share this one with me, or at least, maybe, you could think of me on this day") (and specifically not karlach, she'd make a fuss)
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Teen Eric headcanons
(Originally I wanted to write an one-shot for Eric’s birthday, but I ended up focusing on a multi-chaptered fic of mine, so I wouldn’t make it on time for the 1st of July. I wrote this instead, because I also had no ideas to draw, and I figured headcanons would be better than nothing.)
Eric never quits his habit of overeating, but grows rather tall regardless, due to the genes from his father’s side of the family. His full height is about 6 feet 1, and he ends up being the tallest out of the main four (and Butters) in high-school and later on in adulthood.
Actually has naturally really nice skin, with no acne or zits and very smooth. Though he does help a bit by putting on some skincare products that he’d never let anyone besides Liane find out that he uses. (Because that’d be “gay”.)
Stops wearing a hat for the most part because it keeps messing up his hair. And he spends quite a bit of time combing it and taking care of it. (Not that he’d tell anyone.)
Has a cute, small, round nose and thin, nicely-shaped eyebrows.
Of course he’s still heavy (over 105kg or 231 pounds), but as he was growing taller the weight has been distributed to his body more gracefully, so he is more bulky than he is “fat”, though his belly is still quite visible and his cheeks are round.
Dresses semi-formally even on regular days at school. Button-up shirts, corduroy pants, suede shoes, trench coats occasionally, things like that. Likes to brag about how expensive the brands are all the time.
His overall situation has not been getting any better with time. On the contrary, the more that time passes, the worse he gets mentally. He lashes out and is rude at innocent people far more easily, gets more irritable and is more prone to anger bursts.
Eric is unbearable to be around to the point their group almost splits up. It becomes a vicious cycle and the less Kyle, Stan and Kenny want to hang out with him, the more he clings to his racist ideals.
The only friend who mostly remains by his side is Butters, whom he often involves in schemes in order to make money.
Like it happened with his therapist’s wife, he has caused more people who irritated him once or twice to commit suicide, as, after that and the incident with Scott, he steadily only becomes bolder with what he can get away with.
His relationship with Liane also worsens over time. After several failed attempts to try and control him, Liane eventually regresses back to her usual ways and tries to give him anything he wants, because of how detrimental and exhausting arguing with him all the time is.
He still experiences hallucinations every now and then. He stopped seeing his stuffed animals around when he was about 15, but Cupid Me persisted.
Liane has tried to take him to therapists (for…everything) but Eric does not believe he needs help, thinks him going there is a violation of his rights and is always hostile to the doctors, therefore, they have to cut ties after less than two months.
He is nearly always unable to sit through an entire period without causing some kind of disturbance in the classroom. Be it bothering his classmates (Kyle especially) or casually pulling his phone out, and expects no repercussions about anything. Hence, he’s always exasperated and irritated when a teacher reprimands him.
It isn’t often that teachers reprimand him, however, because he almost always shouts at them even at a simple “be quiet, Eric”, and given that his worsening mental condition is obvious, they are unsure and/or afraid of what he might do, as he can be unpredictable. So they prefer to return home with a headache, rather than try to get Eric to behave.
He has gotten into trouble with the principal for being caught owning nazi paraphernalia, and Liane was also informed, but Eric never bothered to reconsider about stopping to buy such items.  
For a couple of weeks, he attended the meetings of a far-right organization, but eventually quitted because “they were sitting on their asses all day long”.
Wanted to get a swastika tattoo on his arm, but he chickened out at the last minute because he was scared of the pain.
He ran for president of the student council in 12th grade, but he was elected vice-president, and his pride could not afford Wendy being elected president, so he quitted on his own.
Has managed to teach himself nearly fluent German, semi-fluent Spanish and a bit of French.
Unsurprisingly, he does not do well in school except for German class. His grades in the other subjects are just… tragic. But he doesn’t care because he thinks that studying and getting into college is “overrated anyway”.
Eventually grows out of crossdressing, but still goes through a crisis about his sexuality. Luckily for him, his primary attraction is females, which makes it easier for him to repress the part of his brain that is attracted to males.
They have an on-and-off kind of relationship with Heidi ever since 10th grade. Heidi was understandably reluctant to date him after what she had gone through in 4th grade, but Eric managed to convince her that he has changed, and that he’s a different, better person.
He loves bragging about having a girlfriend, and tells lots of stories about how their relationship progresses (though some are fake, or have a bit of an extra spice to them).
Not all girls find him as intolerable to look at anymore. Though, of course, they still can’t stand his personality, which is why, since Eric really wanted a girlfriend, he chose to go to Heidi, whom he knew he could convince of his change.
He has a small crush on Wendy, but he’d rather give all his progress in a video game up than ever admit it to anyone – even to himself.
He often sleeps over at Heidi’s place without letting Liane know beforehand, and when he returns the next morning, she doesn’t bat an eye. (Heidi’s parents are a different story, however.)
A few months before the end of 12th grade he takes up smoking. At first he just thinks that it looks “kinda cool” but eventually he ends up actually liking it.
He gets warnings about how his habits are going to affect his health badly in the long term, but he always ignores people. Eric always thinks he knows better than anybody else around him.
  Alright, so, that about does it for the headcanons. I’d also like to share a few songs that I personally strongly associate with Eric (even if not all the lyrics fit him perfectly):
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satelitis · 1 year
Miguel Diaz — ♾️/10 i love him so much he is actually my boyfriend!!! <333 HE IS SO <3333 I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM
Johnny Lawrence— 9/10 he carried the show tbh, truely iconic
Daniel Larusso — 4/10 he was not it in this show, very judgy and annoying tbh…
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Samantha LaRusso �� 4.5/10 I had mixed feelings though the whole show…her and miguel were cute but she was not my favorite like Miguel just wanted prom to be about them but she just HAD to make it about her and Tory… also the fact she was the only girl on miyagi do and lowkey made it her whole personality was not it…
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz — 7.5/10 I actually enjoyed his character and loved how he didn’t let kyler and the others get to him and found himself. DIDNT LIKE HOW HE WAS A BULLY TO DEMITRI AT ALL but then he had a redemption arc and actually came back and was a good person again and i respect him so much for it (also he was really funny ngl)
Robby Keene— 6.5/10 I loved Robbys character development throughout the show and how he grew with himself and learned to forgive Johnny throughout the series. HOWEVER there we quite a few moments that i was like DAMN how could he do that, like shaving off Hawks mohawk and legit screwing everything up for him and pushing the literal loml off a balcony when he was giving you mercy and didn’t want to fight anymore 😐 so there’s that. Nonetheless Robby still gets a 6.5
Tory Nichols — 9/10 i loved her way more than sam tbh. like she had way more character development and a reason behind her actions. payton list did a wonderful job with tory, and i feel like she will have such a big impact in season 6. i honestly loved her so much and can’t wait to see more of her
Kenny— 6/10 okay kenny i get you were bullied and shit and good for you for standing up to your bullies but he really thought he was all that and frankly he was quite annoying in my opinion.
Kyler , Terry , Kim — -27277228282828/10 I hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them no explanation needed.
John Kreese— 3.5/10 you see i have major on the fence syndrome with him cause i see what he was doing and he kinda had a redemption arc ig ig ig but like he was a bitch in the movies and like like like idk terry is WAY WORSE THAN HIM like IDK HOW TO FEEL ABT KREASE LIKE HE CARED ABOUT JOHNNY AND STUFF ANF WE FOUFNBTHAT OUT W/ THE FLASHBACKS HELP I FEEL IMA GET ATTACKED FOR RHIS 😭😭
Demitri — 8/10 he was very annoying at first and judgy but then he joined karate and found his confidence and then became a bad bitch so i personally love like s 3/4/5 demitri
Anthony Larusso — same with anthony he was a little annoying brat in the first 4 seasons and then hr pulled through in season 5 soooo 4/10 bc he can’t make up for it that much ykwim?
Moon— Marry me moon ilysm you’re the sweetest <33 9.5/10
Aisha — 10/10 she was a bad bitch i loved her so much she legit broke some kids nose and her , hawk and miguel are my fav friend group trio ever. she gave yas a front wedgie like she DESERVED enough said i love aisha <3
Rose— Yaya I love her so much she is such a funny character 10/10 i loved her so much she cared for Miguel so so much <33
Carmen — 11/10 she is so so so so amazing and a wonderful mom and i’m so happy for her and and Johnny !! she also cared for Miguel and is such a wonderful mother <33
Stingray — legit comic relief , legit annoying ass bitch 5/10 no words needed
Shannon Keene — 2/10 she abandoned robby BUT she is trying to better herself and take care of herself and try and be a good mother figure for robby
Yasmine — 1/10 is she dating Demitri , yes , was she a fat shaming bully who legit was a horrible friend also yes.
Amanda LaRusso — she isn’t Kumiko , but she was funny and is like one of the only characters with common sense 7.5/10.
Devon Lee— idk i don’t really have a big opinion on her?? so i’m just gonna give her a 6/10 cause she joined the Eagle Fang and kicked ass buttt she also kinda gave me off vibes when she was in Cobra Kai.
Chosen — Absolute bad bitch 9/10 , we stan chosen in this household. he dragged Terry and we’re here for it!!! I loved his character so much and boy can he dance.
@mictodii @juneberrie
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
yeah, this little family kind of owns my ass now so i’m glad you love them! and thank you for being my first request, i literally dropped everything i was doing cause i wanted to get this out tonight! sorry if the formatting is shit, posting on mobile is weird for me. will tweak any mistakes tomorrow!
Look Who’s Talking
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
summary: eddie takes his three year old shopping. obviously, cuteness ensues. **sequel to Penny for Your Thoughts**
warnings: none, i think. oh, except PREGNANCY WHAAAAT.
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gif by corrodedcoffins
“We’re gonna get you some cool new threads, pretty girl. I’m thinking slacks.”
The look Penny gave him made him snicker, her eyebrows furrowed together as she eyed him like she regretted not being able to opt out of this. Sure, she had no idea what slacks were, but clearly she was not fond of the word.
Penny was in need of some new clothes, the now three year old was beginning to outgrow most of her wardrobe. She even had little high waters, and that made his eyes water. His baby was growing, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Normally, shopping was a family activity but you were incredibly irritable lately and Eddie figured you could use some alone time to relax. You hadn’t protested too hard when he offered to take Penny to pick out a couple of new toddler ‘fits. Now that she didn’t demand a nipple every once in a while, it was easier to take Penny places with him.
Like the outdoor shopping center, a recent addition to Hawkins.
“Can we get snacks, too?” Came her cute little voice as he unbuckled her from her carseat.
She’d always been a bit of babbler from the moment she started trying to communicate, was speaking a couple of broken phrases here and there a little after she had turned two but it wasn’t until after her third birthday that she figured words out. Like really well. Scarily, well.
Penny went from baby talk and referring to herself in third person to asking him if he could sit down with her on his lap so she could tell him about how ‘tiwed in the hawt’—she still had trouble with her ‘r’s—she’d get when she spends her day making a city with her building blocks before her bedtime only to wake up and find the city back in her toy box. All her hard work gone.
From just ‘Daddy, no eat Penny’s toes! Penny’s toes not fo’ eatin’ to ‘Daddy, why awe you twying to eat my feets foe? Thewa not vewy yummy, not wike ‘spetti.’, all within the span of less than a year. Broke and warmed his heart. She immediately clung to him like a baby koala as he pulled her entirely out of the van and shut the door, letting her dad press a multitude of kisses into her still baby fat filled cheeks. “Yeah, we’ll grab something on the way out.”
“You got a big nose, daddy.” She also had no filter, something you both had to be incredibly cautious about because it wasn’t a matter of if she would repeat something. It was when. And Penny had already told Wayne how ‘fuckin ‘cited’ she was with her approaching promotion.
Eddie smirked at the memory of last Christmas and the way you’d immediately disappeared into the kitchen—because it had totally been you that fucked up—as he made his way to the kids clothing store you bought most of Penny’s clothes from. The bell above the door sounded as they entered, and Eddie crouched down to set Penny on her legs.
He loved holding her, but he wanted to get her comfortable with walking around in public, and a confined setting—while she had a lot more of her impulses under control, the need to immediately run free and wild when her parents put her down in most settings was still hard for her to ignore—such as a store was the perfect opportunity. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her or he’d have a heart attack.
“Alright, lucky Penny. What colors are we thinking about for your fall wardrobe?” He asked, pulling something tan and fluffy off of a rack for her to inspect.
She reached a little hand up to scratch at her head, fingers gripping the curls for a moment as she tried to figure out a way to convey to her daddy that what he was holding up was very ugly.
“Uhm, I dunno. Not that. Maybe Gween? I wike gween, and yellow. And pink. Owange is a hawd colow, huh daddy?” He had no idea what she meant by that, but he agreed nonetheless. His baby was always right.
Eddie put the ugly article of clothing back, letting Penny wander around to whatever caught her eye.
Except, she just kept walking, didn’t even bother looking at anything. “What about this one?” He asked, pulling a random little green sweater out for her in an attempt to catch her attention. Before he could even get a good look at it, she was letting out the most dramatic of little screams.
“DUCK! WOOK! WOOK, DADDY! ’S A DUCKIE!” She pointed at the embellishment on the front of the sweater, and sure enough, it was a duck. And not even a cute little cartoon one, it was an embellishment of an actual duck. Eddie knew it was her latest obsession, along with city construction, but he hadn’t realized the form of it didn’t matter to her.
“Alright, we found our first pick.” He double checked to make sure it was the right size before letting her hold onto it. The way she cradled it to her chest, mumbling gibberish to it reminded him a lot of Gollum. Two minutes later she got tired of holding it, so it ended up thrown over his shoulder.A blue blouse, a pair of pink overalls, pink sweats, pink pants, three pairs of little jeans, an orange sweater, two care bears shirts, three packs of socks—those she wanted to hold, cradling them like babies despite the fact that Eddie knew how much she hated socks—and the green duck sweater later, Eddie was pretty satisfied with their little shopping haul.
Penny had kept up a continuous stream of commentary ranging from her opinions on the selections to fleeting thoughts she had a couple of ‘yestertimes’ ago with absolutely no relation to their bonding time, but it was still endearing to Eddie. Everything she did, was. Eddie absolutely adored how random she was. She’d be going on and on about how ducks aren’t scary like chickens, how you promised her you’d protect her from them forever, then she’d remember he existed or something because she’d turn around and hug his leg—and she put her all into hugs—giving his jeans a kiss before looking up at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes. His eyes looking up at him through a face so similar to yours.
Fuck, you guys made a whole, perfect little human together. That’s all the proof he needs to know magic is real.
“I wuvs you, daddy.”
His heart wouldn’t ever not melt for her.
“I love you, too, baby.” He choked out through the emotions making his throat feel tight. “Daddy loves you so much.”
“Yes.” Is all she said, leaning up on his leg for a few moments before she was off again. Eddie followed immediately after her, eyebrows pinching together in confusion for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. Something was missing.
“Yes?” She responded, curls bouncing as she felt the need to start trying her hardest to hop along instead of walk.
“Where are the socks?”
After they’d double backed around the store and found the pack of socks—Eddie only needed to watch her glance nervously at a certain shoe box a couple of times—he figured it was check out time.
So did the woman who rang them up, only it wasn’t just the clothes she was checking out, her blue eyes raked over his frame with lust clouded eyes.
“She yours?” The blonde asked, folding all the little articles of clothing before placing them into a bag.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s response was bleak, doing his best to mask his annoyance. He had gotten used to being hit on when it was just him and Penny, but it didn’t mean that he liked it. The thought of any women thinking they could take your place—whether they know you existed or not—in his and Penny’s lives made his blood boil.
“Figured. She’s cute. Must have got it from you.” And he really hated it when they did it right in hearing range of his daughter.
He glanced down at your little mini me, relieved to see her distracted by something in the display case that was eye level with her.
“She looks more like her mom,” Eddie took great satisfaction in seeing how red with embarrassment her face got. Served her fucking right, hitting on guys with babies with no knowledge of whether or not they’re going home to someone.
“O-Oh, she must be really beautiful then.” She didn’t look back up at him as she rang him up, and before Eddie could hand her the money, a chubby little hand started tapping at the glass display.
Eddie popped down in a squat to Penny’s height, mouth breaking out into a wide grin when he realized exactly what it was Penny had decided she wanted.
Oh, you were gonna lose your shit.
“Honey, we’re home!” Eddie announced as he unlocked the front door, the bag of clothes in one hand, and Penny in the other arm.At the sound of their arrival, you put the ice cream you’d been eating straight out of the carton back into the freezer and made your way towards the living room to greet them.
The overwhelming amount of cuteness stopped you short.“Oh my god.”
Eddie had his sunglasses on. Paired with the dark long sleeve and his leather jacket, it was a dangerous combo. You would have jumped his bones if it weren’t for the real attention grabber in his arms.
“Imma medohead, mama!”
Penny’s curls were significantly more wild when compared to how they were before the two of them had left, she had what looked like cinnamon smeared around her mouth and all over her pink ‘Girl Power’ shirt. But it was the mini pair of sunglasses on her face that did you in.
Identical to her dad’s.
They were fucking matching.
If you weren’t already waiting for the current bun in your oven to be ready, you would’ve been setting it to preheat for tonight.
But wait, there’s more.
Eddie leaned forward to give you a thorough—but kid-viewing friendly—kiss before he pulled out another small pair from the pocket of his jacket.
“For whenever our little guy decides to make his entrance.”
May whatever God is around help you.
“Don’t move, I gotta get the camera.”
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
i heard you're taking requests 😳
i love ur fics sm 💌💌 !!!!!
can u do one idol jk x fan/groupie reader, where reader just wants to suck jungkook's dick and he says yes and he gives her the best night of her life or something 🤪💘 (it turns into sex)
also i would love if you would make kook really cocky and arrogant and reader really sweet and subservient !!
yes. I can do that for you.
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JJK || In For It
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warnings: smut (18+), oral (m&f receiving), rough fucking, degradation, fingering, some praise, alcohol consumption, fucking in a bar bathroom, bigdick!jungkook, cocky!jungkook, a lot of dirtytalk, a little ass smackin', hair grabbin', explicit language, mention of possible pregnancy, unprotected sex* (don't do this)
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You didn't expect him to actually say yes.
I mean, you felt guilty even asking the question, but you met him at a casual location, you talked normally for a bit, and you established trust with him.
He knew who you were* by the third time he saw you at that particular spot. It was a semi-formal, affluent bar located in Cheongdam-dong.
"I like your guts," he chuckles softly upon you asking. "You really want to know what it feels like to take an idol in your throat?" He says, a bit quieter since you're in public.
"Mhm, I can do it well. I know I can," you say, looking him dead-on.
Jungkook breaks out in an astounded smile at your confidence. "Are you sure you're not shooting tequila?" He asks, jokingly.
You roll your eyes cutely at the question. "No! I just want to be good for you, Jungkook...so good..."
He bites his lip, leaning into his seat a bit. "I wonder how we can get out of here so the media doesn't get up my ass..." he hisses, looking around.
You look beyond him to a family bathroom off to the side. An idea sparks in your viscious mind.
The family room is for making families after all, right?
"Maybe we don't have to get out of here..."
Minutes later, you're perched on the sink, vigorously kissing and sucking Jungkooks lips as he frantically strips his jacket.
He tilts your head up a bit to deepen the chaste kisses you're giving him. Then, he roughly pulls your waist to his body. "Cocksucker," he growls, crowning you his toy.
"Mm~" you mew, your arms thrown over his shoulders and your legs clinging to his hips.
"I want this hot mouth on my fat cock. I'm going to use you like a fleshlight, so you need to do exactly what I want you to..." he mumbles.
"Ohhh fuck, please do~ please~" you gasp, leaning into his every touch.
Jungkook grabs a handful of your ass and kneads you. He releases you from his hold and smacks you playfully. "Mmmh, mmh," he smirks. "If you let me stuff your throat with my dick, then I'll slut you out like a good girl," he buzzes against your lips. "Get on your knees."
You drop down immediately, with big eyes as he caresses your jaw softly. "It's really big. You're gonna choke on it a few times but remember to breathe through your nose. I'm going to destroy your throat."
It doesn't matter. More than anything you want to be used by him like this. You'd ruin yourself for him, and he knows it by the way your big eyes are staring up at him releasing his cock for you.
You drool at the sight of it. It's the biggest you've ever seen. Just looking at it, your pussy is pooling. He looks uncomfortably hard, his tip already producing milky cum for your tasting.
Once Jungkook decides you've had enough time to admire his dick, he forces your mouth on it, filling your throat and causing you to roll your eyes back.
You sharply inhale. Your lips are flush against the base of his cock as he thrusts his hips into your heat. Your eyes begin to water at the intrusion almost immediately, but the view is unbelievable.
Jungkook's strong hands guide your mouth on him, his tattooed fingers grabbing your hair impetuously.
He rips out a deep groan, breaking out into a devilish smile as he feels you swallowing around it. "Your idol's in your throat. Look at how lucky you are, slut," his voice shakes as he fucks you.
You spread your tongue and hollow your cheeks for him to deepen his thrusts like a good fleshlight.
His pace quickens as you spread your thighs out on the floor to keep yourself from creaming at the feeling of his dick stretching your throat.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel his thrust stagger, anticipating a big glob of his cum to stream down your throat.
He quietly whimpers as he firmly holds your mouth down on his monster cock and paints it white with his cum.
You let off immediately, contemplating his slightly salty taste. You don't even notice it but your clit is throbbing inside your pants right now. Nevertheless, you're so glad you were able to please him.
Jungkook pants softly, observing you. His eyes transform as he realizes he needs more of you. You were an angel, and good girls get rewards.
"Let me eat you." He demands.
"Get up on the counter, spread your legs, throw away your panties, and let me eat you," he commands.
The position is vulnerable, your swollen cunt is being studied by Jungkook's curious eyes as they fill with lust.
He dives in, sucking your bud with vigor.
"Hh-- ahhh-" you gasp, closing your legs around his face. He furrows his eyebrows and sucks harder, his unrelenting grip pinning you down to the cold surface beneath you.
His tongue flirts with your folds, rigorously lapping them as he stares up at you.
Two of his fingers sink into your needy cunt, causing you to whine and clench around them as he makes a mess beneath you.
Then, he releases your clit and spreads his tongue on your slit.
Your thighs tremble beneath him as you feel his fingers reaching your cervix. "Ohhh fuck, Jungkook please...." you cry.
He doesn't relent. Instead, he points his tongue and presses it to your clit as his middle and his ring finger wriggle inside of you. Your eyes roll back as you ride him unconsciously.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum if you don't stop, Jungkook, please--" you whine.
Jungkook lifts himself from your drenched cunt and kisses you passionately. "Do you wanna cum around your idol's dick? Is that what will sedate your wildest fantasies? Or would it just make you crave me more?"
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes," you whimper. "Fuck me, use me, I want to feel you, please,"
Jungkook pulls you down to his cock until you can feel him through your gut. "Holy fuck--" you moan, your back arching involuntarily.
You're so full of him you can't feel your legs, pinned up next to your face as he swirls his hips into your cunt and pounds you. With your mouth gaped open, you whimper with every hard thrust against your abused cervix.
His hands travel up your body and grab you casually, squeezing and touching you as if he were your property. You are.
You're so close-- you're impossibly close, your body tenses at the haphazard approach of your orgasm.
His lips form into a cocky smirk. A single word forms on them. "Cum."
You pulse around him violently, your body releasing all over your idol. It triggers his second orgasm, crowning you with his hot cum. It's a much earned reward, so you don't waste a drop of it.
He kisses your lips softly, smiling. "If you get pregnant, call me. I'd be a good dad, I think."
Your cheeks get hot. "With what number?"
You help each other clean up, carefully erasing all clear evidence that you'd been ruthlessly fucking in a bar bathroom and exit one at a time.
You leave first, and then he does.
Back at your seats, Jungkook orders one more round for you both and writes down his number on a napkin in black pen. "You know..." he breathes.
"You could also call me...just because," he shrugs.
"Just because?" You laugh. "Like to go out?"
Jungkook looks around to see if anyone is watching and nods softly. "We have good sex and I like hearing you talk. I'm sure we could figure something out."
Just then, your heart skips a beat.
You're in for it.
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permatag gang gang: @kooliv , @koobsessed , @angelwonie , @carolynanderson , @hoseokgrecns , @bangsterz , @swyseren, @sxtaep , @koostarcandy , @hgema , @jjkeverlast ,@armys-dna , and @nglmrk
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
 crumbled cookies ☆
jj maybank x plus!reader (fem!reader)
warnings: abuse/hitting, hate speech, fat shaming, bullying, insecurities, swearing, fighting, jj’s dad, luke (yikes!) mad jj, mention of pills. 
words: 3,365.
summary: you decide it would be a good surprise to stop by jjs house quickly to drop off some of your homemade cookies, since you believe he isn’t feeling the best. then, unexpectedly jj's dad comes home with an unwelcoming embrace, which ruins the surprise.
request? nope, but requests are open :)
a/n: i randomly thought about this, i obviously don’t believe that us plus size baddies should ever be insecure, but i thought it would be a nice little angst imagine with fluff at the end! if you could, please comment and like if you enjoyed it, thank you! after i write a few requests i will proofread my stories :)
my masterlist
jj hadn’t answered any of your texts, usually this would worry you, but you understood that sometimes he just needed some space to be alone. you surprisingly were used to this because he always disappeared, and if he genuinely needed you, he knew where to find you. it also wasn’t bothering you because he had only been MIA for a few hours.
you, assuming that jj was just overwhelmed, decided to stay home and bake homemade cookies. jj always complimented your cookies, he loved taste testing them, and more importantly, he loved how you put so much effort into making them perfect, even if you were only making the cookies for him. jj wouldn’t admit it, but he definitely didn’t see you as just a friend. he didn’t know how he viewed you. he was too confused for his own good with his emotions. all he did know was that he depended on you, and that he never wanted to lose you. it would ruin him,  especially if he had done something to intentionally lose and hurt you.
you preheated the oven, excited to use a new cookie flavor for jj. you danced lightly to the music playing in the background of your kitchen, softly humming along as you gathered the dry ingredients, mixing them together. it was a fun little game you guys played, where he’d try and guess what extra ingredients you added that affected the cookie's flavor. he almost always got it wrong, but he was so cute sitting there always trying to guess it right, when he didn’t even know that much about cooking anyway.
unbeknownst to you, you were completely unaware of his feelings, despite the same feelings bubbling in your heart too. jj was your best buddy, and obviously you guys had flirtatious banter but it was nothing too serious. it didn’t help that every girl jj had a one night stand with, was the complete opposite of you. how could he like you, when every girl he fucks was not only skinny, but also rich, and mysterious?
pope wasn’t on your side either. he would always express how nauseated he felt when jj would jokingly flirt with you, and openly play with your feelings. he was quite vocal in scolding you when you would tell him that jj blew you off, or jj had pissed you off. deep down you did agree with pope, he wasn’t wrong.
a beep was heard from the oven as it was fully preheated. you had fully completed the cookie dough, now adding the most important ingredients. you decided to be nicer, and chose an easier flavor for jj to guess. you did this just in case something was seriously wrong he could at least be lifted up for guessing it right. m&ms and hershey’s kisses would be mixed together, creating a chocolate m&m hershey cookie, with added caramel on top. you quickly evenly separate the dough, before placing it in the oven waiting for it to rise.
the timer in the kitchen went off as you pulled the cookies out of the oven, careful to not burn yourself. you stick a knife into the cookie to ensure it was fully cooked before smiling contently to yourself. you let them cool off as you got dressed and prepared to go to jjs house.
you added caramel before sliding four cookies into a ziplock baggie. the cute baggy had a drawn on heart and a nice message for him. you didn’t expect to stay long, and you honestly didn’t even know if he would be home.
when you arrived to jjs house it looked vacant and abandoned. the nerves finally catching up to you as you realize he hasn’t talked to you all day. you knock on the front door, waiting for a response but you are left standing there waiting. you frown before hesitatingly walking down the steps. you look up when you hear a car approach, and a glimmer of hope flashes your mind as you thought it was jj, but instead it was his dad.
your heart was beating fast, and you didn’t know what to do. you waited to see if luke would talk but he just looked at you confused, and obviously annoyed. you shook your head quickly, “i’m so sorry, i was just going to drop these off for jj, but he’s not here so i’ll be on my way.” you smile softly, and start to walk away but his strong arms grab yours. you’re startled since his reaching for your elbow was quite unexpected.
“well you are already here. might as well get it over with.” his voice was unrecognizable as his emotions weren’t clear. you nod shyly. “no really i don’t want to inconvenience you, i can come at another time.” he shakes his head before walking to his door, opening it as the door loosely opens entirely, hitting against the wall to its side. you walk behind him being extra cautious in case he tries to grab you again.
you walk straight to the kitchen to set the bag of cookies on the counter, which was no use since right when you placed the bag, luke had scooped it into his hand reading the note. “oh, so you are the one dating my son?” your face twists in confusion. “no, no. jj and i are just friends.” you laugh awkwardly, swaying from feet to feet. the floors creak beneath you causing you to stop shaking back and forth. “okay good.” his eyes look up and down your figure as his mouth forms into a line. “i wouldn’t want him dating someone like… you.” his words hurt, but you didn’t want to break down in front of him.
you feel uncomfortable under his intense stare so you hurried to put an end to the conversation. “uhm. okay, welll thank you for letting me drop them off, i appreciate it mr. maybank.” you nod softly before he states, “no.” you turn over to him, “no?” you repeat as more of a question. your patience wears thin as you notice the cookies are still in his hand, and he is carefully undoing the ziplock that concealed the cookies.
he pulled a cookie out, before admiring it closely. “chocolate chip m&m caramel cookie. very yummy, very good choice.” you avoid eye contact, trying to focus on anything else displayed in the room. “and it’s still warm.” he stares at you as he takes a bite of the cookie, its crumbs slowly falling from where he sunk his teeth in. “it’s quite good.” you smile softly, “thank you… but-.” he cuts you off completely. “of course you, of all people, would be bringing him cookies. i’m not surprised, i can see you are trying to fatten my son.” his words stung you because this wasn’t what you were expecting. his father seemed intoxicated, and before you could leave it seemed like he still had stuff to say to you.
“yes the cookies are good, but they don’t excuse you for lying to my face. you are just like my ex wife… lying, scheming, going behind my back, but still creating delicious snacks.” you stumble back a little, as shock sets over you. “how did i lie?” you ask, quite confused as you hadn’t even talked to him that much. “i know you’re dating jj! i see his hickies i see that when he leaves this house it’s always to meet with your fat ass.” his words hold no meaning, he was just a lousy drunk taking his anger out on the closest thing to him. you stayed silent, when he suddenly shook his head before grabbing the rest of the cookies and throwing them on the floor, jumping on the bag, completely squishing them.
the once yummy cookies, now downgraded into a small pitiful pile that was brutally smeared against the kitchen's tile. your heart speeds up as his eyes are focused on yours, as if trying to read your emotions. “i’m sorry, but i’m not sure what i did to deserve you ruining my cookies?” your tone comes out sassier than intended which definitely didn’t help your case.
“pick it up.” he threw paper towels towards you, as he waited patiently for you to clean up his mess. you silently obeyed scooping your mutated bakery treat up. you got most of it cleaned, but you ran out of napkins. you bite your lip trying to think of a quick solution to finish picking it up so you could possibly leave, but it’s too late because he’s already grabbing your arm forcing you up. tears stream down your face, while you contemplate your choices.
before you could even register what had just happened, his hand had collided with your cheek, as he screams hurtful comments. “you are good for nothing. i honestly hope that jj didn’t choose you, because if he did, that would make him an embarrassment to this family.” he pushes you to the floor, and you quickly try to stand up so you can leave. you hurry to the door, but he catches you before you could get in your car and drive away. 
“you can't tell anyone about this. i swear if you tell anyone...” his tone is laced with venom and your face scrunches up in confusion. “dont act stupid! god this is why people treat you the way they do.” you look at him one last time before he sends a fast fist to your face, that hits the side of your nose, and your eye. your face begins to pulse as the blood rushes to the quick forming bruise. you couldn't think straight as everything had happened so fast. all you wanted to do was drop off cookies, but somehow you were now being punished just because you resembled this man's wife. your breath is shaky as your tears are starting to slow down, but they are still evident on your cheeks. 
jj’s dad stumbled backwards as if he had finally realized what he had done, before he eventually collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. as he landed on the couch, multiple loose pills fell from his pockets ensuring you that he wasn't mentally in the right place, and he was very obviously intoxicated.
you avoided jj at all costs, which was actually easy since he hadn't even contacted you. you were dreading his routine appearance that was bound to happen soon. you knew it was inevitable, he hasn't missed a nightly check in once, and you had been doing it for months. when you first met the pogues you were slightly scared since you were new in town and you didn't have any friends. so, jj took you under his wing. he quickly became protective over you, which is why he created this elaborate plan to sneak into your bedroom before bed every night. whether it was to just chat, talk about your day, or even just cuddle. you could always expect him at your window at around the same time every night.
usually you would confide in jj, ask for his advice. granted his advice isn't the greatest but it does help that he listens to your problems. not tonight. that wasn't the case. if anything, you wholeheartedly hoped that he would forget, or he would be too busy. he hadn't seen you since before your whole encounter with his father. you wondered if his father had told jj about what he did, and if he did, how did jj react?
you glance at the clock noticing that in the next ten minutes jj would be climbing his way into your window. your body was shaking with nerves as you glanced in the mirror. your black eye was a dead give away that something had happened. could you even tell him the truth? what if you lied, and then he called you out on it saying he already knew about it because his father told him. you contemplated every outcome of the future event that you weren't even ready when he slightly tapped your window. you quickly pulled on sunglasses that easily blocked your eye.
you smile widely, sliding your window up as he gracefully lands on your floor without making a noise, a talent he had perfected. “hey princess!” he has a huge grin on his face, his goofy smile is reason enough as to why you can't break the news to him about what his father did. “hi!” jj pulls you into a hug and you gladly take it. you wrap your arms tightly around his abdomen, as his arms are rubbing your hips. the hug ends and he slowly pulls away, his hands lingering on your hips before he grabs your hand to move to the bed. “do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?” jj asked. you waited, contemplating your choices. “either way is fine, you can choose.” you smile as he immediately gets into the little spoon position.
“hey i forgot to ask you why you are wearing those stupid glasses inside.” he laughs lightly as he reaches for them and you completely jump off the bed, scared he actually grabbed them in time. luckily, you were fast enough and the glasses were still settled on your face. “i have a horrible headache, that's all.” you nodded as his face slowly fell, he stood up, moving to sit on the edge of your bed. he glanced up at you. “we can turn the lights off so it isn't as bright in your room.” you shook your head at his compromise. “princess, i need to see your pretty face before i can declare that you are okay.” you hesitated, trying to piece together a quick story that you could tell him to explain how you wounded up with a gruesome bruise. he wasn't going to leave unless he knew you were okay.
he watched you intently, trying to see what you were hiding. “before i show you please promise me you won't freak out.” you reach for his hands and he grabs them in return, slowly nodding. “no, that's not going to count. please tell me that you won't be angry at me.” his heart swiveled up inside his chest as he heard that you thought he would be mad at you. “i promise that whatever you are about to tell me won't make me upset, and that i could never stay mad at you.” you nodded to his words. “okay so you know what you just said?” he tilted his head confused, “yeah?” you breathe in, trying to calm your nerves. “remember that.”
you hesitantly reach your arm up to expose your once hidden eyes. at first it doesn't register so he stares at you blankly. but the moment he saw it, he was already standing up, and freaking out. “hey you said you wouldn't be mad!” he ran fingers through his blonde hair, his eyes wide. “what the fuck…? i said i wouldn't be mad if YOU did something, i never said anything about not getting mad when it involves someone else!” he looks back at you and immediately investigates your eye. his jaw clenched as he looked above you, his hand gripping your chin. “who the fuck did this to you?” you stayed quiet, until he looked down at you waiting for an answer. 
silence fills the room leaving it eerily silent. “i can't tell you jj,” he laughs, shaking his head, “that's a funny joke, now tell me what happened and who the fuck hit you?” you looked away. “jj there's nothing you can do.” he followed along with your shenanigans. “and why is that?” you couldn't look at him so you looked at the floor. your silence was only making him more worried. “who was it actually? who are you protecting!?” he was getting frustrated. “fine. i'll tell you, only because i know you'll find out sooner or later.” he pulled you onto his lap, one hand holding your thigh, while the other grabbed your curvy hip. you took a deep breath before continuing. “okay. earlier today i baked you cookies and i stopped by your house so i could drop them off. but your dad was there, and i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. it was my fault. okay?” 
he shook his head, his grip on your thigh tightening. “you're telling me that my father gave you a black eye?” his tone was shockingly low as he absorbed every word you said. “yes. and he stomped on the cookies i made you.” his chest started heaving. “i fucking hate him! everything in my life he has to ruin. you, you mean so fucking much to me, and he’s over here throwing punches at you!” you stayed quiet. “jj?” he looked down at you, trying not to get too worked up because the last thing he wanted to do was scare you, “yes princess?” you hesitated with what you were going to say. you leaned your head to rest onto his shoulder.
“i- okay, i really appreciate you, but i can't have you getting hurt because of me. you're not my boyfriend, and you don't have to protect me anymore. i know you feel obligated with that pact we made when i first moved here, but you don't have to inconvenience yourself by coming over here every night, or by fighting people who harass me, or anything. jj, i feel so bad that you are roped into this position because i never intended for this to happen.” he stays silent, “no way am i leaving you. princess, please throw that thought away right now. i’m here for you always. and i am going to continue to protect you because even if i'm not your boyfriend, that doesn't mean i don't want you safe.”
you are so stunned by his response that your breath gets caught in your throat. “what do you mean?” he smiles looking down, his hands finding themselves comfortable around your hips. “what i'm saying is, that i do want to be your boyfriend. i want people to know how much you mean to me, and i want the whole world to be jealous that i have you, and they can't have you. i want to be the one who protects you. so, if you'd want me too, i'd love to be your boyfriend, if not that is completely okay.” you stared at him, “jj, you'll never know how long i've wanted to do this.” he looks at you confused before your lips connect to his. you run your hand through his hair, while the other hand is sitting on his jaw. his hands hungrily grasp your hips as he pulls you closer to enhance the kiss. you both pull away, smiling.
you asked jj to spend the night with you. he agreed, which resulted in him laying on his back as your head lay still on his chest. one of his hands was always touching you, so he could ensure you weren't going to go anywhere. as you slowly fell asleep beside him, he started to think about what his father had done. with anger clouding his better judgement, he stealthily slipped out your grasp, and climbed out your window, set to fulfil the goal in his head.
eek i hope this was good <333. perhaps a part two...???
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abusivelittlebunny · 3 years
Since I like causing trouble, favorite body part of each twink and why? 😉
Tits ass tits ass tits ass tits ass
Oof this is a difficult one there's so much there to appreciate honestly it would be very tough to choose but I'll try my best! Let's separate face & body though & examine them separately. Also we are not taking hair in this because truly i will be doing the actors instead of their characters as these features apply to any role they've played even though it feels weird to rate a real person ...
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With Mr Murphy, when it comes to face I know many would say eyes, I know I know I know, they are just so perfectly shaped but if I'm real Too blue eyed people freak me out a bit but he has such nice lashes to contrast it and incredible makeup worthy eyelids and a hauntingly hollow eyesocket with those strangely shaped and actually very long brows that are scarce enough next to that endless hollow that they sometimes seem nonexistent so he gets a flying pass. But. But. I'm going to have to say cheekbones because they are honestly one of a kind and you can cut a man with them they're just so incredible; if I was one of those artists that drew little to no actual facial details like the hollow of cheekbones and just a simple smooth face I'd have the hardest time trying to draw Mr Murphy they are just so essential to his face.
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It's hard to choose between ass and tits and thighs and waist when it comes to him because truly he's gifted in all of these areas but I'll say waist because he looks so milfy with how hourglassly his figure is; so mommy.
Special shout out to: his hollow eyesockets giving him that iconic look.
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Mr Cole has such incredible eyes and honestly their shape mesmerized me; it has this cat-like curve like his pretty plump pink lips that is so seductive and effortlessly charming; if John wasn't such a rambunctious little dude up for mischief he could easily be a fucking Bond boy with those lovely eyes holding so much mystery and elegance.
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For him it would be a sin not to say how hot his ass is i just want to eat the whole entire thing, its so round and plump and bitable.
Special shout out to: the beauty mark on his lower lip giving a good target.
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For Mr Dickinson it would be an actual crime against humanity if I didn't say lips, those lips oh my God, such pink pillowy perfections they are borderline insane they are so sexy. All the boys mentioned above have that born for blowjobs lips but him him he fucking has the supreme slap a dick in his pretty princess mouth lips like I would pay real money to see the Beach Rats cut where we actually witness from the homeless dude's perspective how those lips can work a cock for real.
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In the butt department I'm afraid I've even spoiled by the other twinks because his one is nearly fat enough for me but he makes up for it in the most beautiful tits with rosy nipples and a cute beauty mark right beneath that's begging for a lick.
Special shout out to: his insanely long elegant fingers.
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Mr Mackay has such an interesting face it is truly very hard to draw it is just so irregular and intriguing and its mystery draws the eyes in and keeps you captive but my favorite facial feature on him has to be the nose it just has such a unique profile, so sharp yet elegant and it compliments the whole face really, what a pretty boy.
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Also he has a very unique body as well very fit and trim with the longest most shapely legs that end in a tight pert butt so I'll go ahead and say his pretty ballerina legs.
Special shout out to: his very protruding veins all over his body.
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seiyasabi · 4 years
A Farmer Boy’s Crush
(This is a Yandere Ushijima x Female Reader story! I’m sorry in advance, because I think this man is scary ;(( Also, there will be no part two of this, and I’m sorry if it sucks lol.
TW: !Noncon!, Stalker Ushi!, Size kink!, Cumflation!, Spanking!, Dacryphilia?, Choking!, Breeding Kink!, Cockwarming, Threatening behaviour!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“I’m sorry, Ushijima-san, but I’m not interested in you. I’m focusing on my career, so I don’t have time for a relationship.”
It started when you were in highschool. 
The volleyball player confessed to you on Valentines Day, equipped with handmade chocolates and roses from his Mother’s garden. At the time, you had no interest in boys. You were way too focused on your future career, viewing a significant other as a distraction. Ushijima, to his credit, didn’t lose his temper when you turned him down. He nodded, silently stalking off to the gym, his posture perfectly straight. 
You’d brushed the entire event off, feeling guilty for turning him down so nonchalantly, but also standing your ground. The large man has a harem of girls, and you were sure he’d find a girlfriend that would treat him right. 
But, what you didn’t know, was that all he wanted was you. He could never go for another girl, because you’re one of a kind. 
He loves how you pick weeds out of the pavement, loves how you help old people bring their groceries to their car, loves how you’re YOU. 
So, in his spare time (aka, when he’s not playing volleyball), he watches you. He’d followed you home one day, and he spotted you through your curtainless window. 
That’s how it started; watching. 
But watching wasn’t enough.
Soon, he’d break into your home, snagging a worn t-shirt or panties, a chapstick on your desk, a polaroid you recently took, etc.. Once in his possession, he’d stalk off home at a leisure pace. Ushijima would then place the item in the shrine in his closet, relishing the new item in his collection. 
This went on for years, up until today. Today, he’d had enough. He’d heard from your friends on campus that you’d scored a date with a boy named ‘Kane,’ causing the large man to drive like a mad man in the direction of your home. 
Seeing you from your room’s curtainless window, his nose flares in anger. You’re in a cute cherry patterned dress, (applying makeup/doing your skincare routine) in your vanity table’s mirror. 
Stomping up your concrete front stairs, he grabs the hidden key in your potted plant outside, and slips inside. Wakatoshi makes his way up your house’s steps, creeping towards your closed door. He can hear music playing, most likely from your phone, and can see your shadow moving from underneath your door. 
Grasping your metal door handle, he steps inside your air freshener infused room. His presence startles you, and he can’t help but feel pleasure at the look of shock on your face. 
“Ushijima-san? What the hell are you doing-?” His large hand grips your throat, dragging you to your lilac coloured sheets. The olive haired man forces you onto your mattress, large body stradling your smaller form. Your weak attempt at freeing yourself is heartwarming, your spluttering and hits seem kitten-like. 
“Why would you go to someone else?” You try to respond, but are unable to, his ministrations not allowing you to breathe. Noticing this, he releases his vice-like grip, merely hovering his calloused hand over your throat. 
“What-” Your voice cracks, causing you to clear your throat, as tears drip down your pretty face, “What are you talking about? Why are you in my house?” 
He ignores your questions, steely gaze glaring down at you, “Kane cannot provide for you. I have a stable income, he does not. I have my own home, he does not. He has no redeemable qualities. I cannot understand why you would wish to date him, when I am already in the picture.”
You start to sob pathetically, not understanding why your scary ex-classmate is assaulting you verbally and physically, “Ushijima, I don’t understand what you’re talking about! I haven’t spoken to you for years-”
His grip around your throat tightens once more, as he speaks through gritted teeth, “We may not have spoken, but I’ve kept a close eye on you. What happened to you ‘focusing on your career?’ You were such a good, hardworking girl until this point, but now you’re suddenly whoring yourself out to an unimpressive boy. Let me show you who you belong to, (Your Name), because it seems that you’ve forgotten.”
 Smacking at his muscular arms, you try to struggle out of his grip. Wakatoshi’s thick fingers tug at the zipper on the side of your dress, slipping it open with ease. He slides the thin straps off of your shoulders, forcing the straps up over your hands, and sliding the entire garment off of you. You’re left in your unmatching strapless bra and panties. He hums in delight at the sight; this must mean that you weren’t going to open your legs for that boy. 
“You look beautiful,” He releases his grip just enough for you to breathe with ease, before ragdolling you over his muscular thigh. Your cute ass is on display to the olive haired man, his warm palm ghosting over the fat, “It’s a shame that I must put you in your place.”
Without warning, he slams his hand down, all whilst his free one covers your mouth. A scream rips from your throat, only to be muffled by your ex-classmate. Raising his previously used hand, he spanks you once more, the skin on your ass feeling like it’s on fire. 
“I’m going to spank you twenty-five times, don’t try to struggle. If you do, I’ll increase it to fifty,” All you can do is sob in response, causing the large man to continue his assault. The ex-volleyball player doesn’t hold back in the slightest, bruising your ass down to the muscle. By the time he’s finished, your entire body is shaking, face slick with snot and tears. Ushijima can’t help but grow hard at your pain fueled expression. You’re just too cute, “Good. Now, let me reward you for your behaviour.”
You shake your head no, muffled pleas of ‘stop’ just barely heard. Your ex-classmate refuses to acknowledge your words, instead pulling your bruising ass against his hard cock. He unbuttons his trousers, pulling out his long, thick cock. It slaps against your bare stomach, as Ushijima shucks your panties and bra off of your body, exposing you fully to him. Removing his hand from your mouth, you’re finally able to speak as he gropes the fat of your tits, “Please stop! Don’t do this! I’m sorry that I refused you in highschool! Why don’t we go on a date right now? I-if we do that, then we can wait-” 
“Shh, there’s no need to panic. We can go to dinner after this; I’ve waited too long for this,” Long fingers reach down to play with your clit, rubbing and squeezing the bundle of nerves with two fingers. His ring finger dips into your opening, forcing your dry walls open. 
“Ushijima, please-”
“Call me Wakatoshi. We’re dating, afterall,” forcing his finger in and out whilst rubbing your clit, making your walls slick without your consent. 
“Wakatoshi-” He removes his finger from inside of you, before quickly replacing it with the tip of his red, precum slicked cock. Without warning, he slips inside, spearing you open painfully. A loud yelp leaves your lips, as more tears drip down your face, “Take it out! Take it out! It hurts so bad!” 
He relishes the way your slightly moistened walls knead him, practically sucking him in. He rubs your clit with quick, small circles, trying to help you accommodate his size. This, in turn, allows his wrist to lay against your tummy, feeling the way your tummy distends with his cock. 
“You’re so tight. I always knew you were perfect for me,” He starts to bounce you on his prick, making it feel like your pussy was being ripped from your body. A small scream leaves your lips at the feeling, only for you to be silenced by a heated kiss. Waka’s body curls into your own, forcing you further onto his cock, and making it even harder for you to get off of him. 
He bucks up into you like a mad man, fucking you on his length at top speed. The pain you previously felt slowly turns into pleasure, as the pressure on your clit increases. A few small moans escape your mouth into his, as he swallows them whole. 
Wakatoshi lightly smacks your clit, making your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure. He releases you from the kiss, choosing instead to suck hickies onto your lolling neck. He grunts at the feeling of you tightening with an oncoming orgasm, as he rubs your clit as hard and fast as he can. 
“Cum for me, cum right now. Let your womb swallow my seed, (Your Name), it’s clear that you need my baby to set you straight,” More tears drip down your face as you try to stop yourself from cumming. 
“No! I don’t want a baby!” Waka doesn’t respond, only slapping your clit one last time. A strangled scream erupts from your throat, as you squirt all over him and your light coloured sheets. The force almost knocks him out of you, but he presses you down completely on his cock, allowing him to cum directly against your unprotected cervix. 
Your body shakes with your sobs as you wrap yourself with your arms, and you try to get off of him. Wakatoshi wraps you in a constricting hug, keeping you completely enveloped by his large frame. 
“You’re such a good girl for me, (Your Name). Now, let’s get you home, you clearly can’t be independent. Just rely on me, and I’ll keep you well fed and happy.”
You shake your head no, trying to escape his arms, but it’s no use. He’s so much bigger and stronger than you, making it virtually impossible for you to escape. 
Grabbing your blanket, he wraps you with it, before standing to his feet. His cock is still inside of you, as he walks out of your house, and towards his parked Kei truck. He opens the door, and slips inside, you still cockwarming him. He sets a hand on your distended, cumfilled belly, and sighs in content. 
“Everything will be alright. Let’s get back to the farm, and I’ll make you a nutritious meal. After all, you need to be strong for our growing baby.” 
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Mcyts helping a trans masc after top surgery. (Part 1)
Tw:swearing, pain pills, some hints to vomiting, fluff as well.
This simp...
Makes sure you regularly drain your drains, take your medication.
You dont even have to get the fuck up, I mean he's your personal butler until the doctor gave you the okay.
Three times a day you get a smoothie. He can tell that you dont want to eat because of the pain.
The least you can do is drink something to nurioush you while you were in pain.
If you're embarrassed about having to sleep on some dog pee pads for the drain. Dont be.
Wilbur may not understand but he will constantly comfort you. He'll even make a video to tell his viewers he won't be posting for a moment. A personal issues came up and that is all they know for now.
Also when cold he'll try to keep you warm by very, very gentle cuddles. But any sign of pain and he's off of you and getting you warm blankets and heating packs.
His sweaters? Now all yours. You have no say. He will give you one every day knowing you find alot of comfort in wearing his clothes.
The last thing he wants is you in pain. Especially if it was caused by him.
Your testosterone shot? Dont worry he's got it for you.
He doesn't want you to get up unless you needed to go to the restroom or you were itching to get up.
If you dont take it slow he will threaten you.
This is a threat. He will make you sit back down if you tried to get up and clean.
All in all he is a simp and your butler.
Technoblade may not know what to do but he will try.
He's quite nervous but when he realized you havent eaten and needed something in your system for your pain meds hell make you something soft and light on the stomach.
Are you cold? He'll cover you in a blanket and just sit next to you. Floof senses you in pain and cuddles you more then technoblade.
Techno was a bit butt hurt but knew that you needed alot of support right now.
With his height his clothes are either tight or loose. But his hoodies are always huge. And very fucking comfortable.
His scent relaxed you and helped you sleep at night.
He is a hidden simp.
He will make sure you're comfortable. If you want him to he'll sleep with you in the living room.
When you start walking him and Floof are constantly following you. Just to make sure you are safe and comfortable.
You cant help but love your two boys.
His streams and videos are already inconsistent but he did say his next video or stream might take a longer time.
But if you dont mind then you'll sit near him while he streams. If you needed anything he'll get it.
You saying hi to chat. They know you're in pain by your tone.
And anyone he's in a call with will ask what's up. And when you tell them they'll understand and they'll hype you up.
It warms techno's heart when his friends hype you up.
God this closeted simp is melting internally.
He will tease you.
Pictures are taken and spread around the internet like a wild fire.
Caption to those pictures?
This dumbass just got out of surgery and didnt expect to feel like trash lol.
But off camera he's quite the nice guy. Reminding you to drink your water, getting you soft foods or soups, heck he give you some of his pushies from his youtooz.
And this behemoth of a man will give you his shirt or hoodies.
You are with him when he streams or records.
There is no say.
He wants to keep his eyes on you and make sure you are comfortable and safe.
Lowkey dragged you bed into his recording room, you were just vibing in the corner.
You meds are on a set schedule. If the time lands when he's on stream he doesn't think. Just gets up grabs your meds and a premade smoothie.
With that he gave them to you.
Watching you swallow that pill because you can be stubborn with pain meds.
Returns to the stream.
Yells at chat for calling him a simp. He told them you were in pain and it's the least he can do for you.
Will low key rub your back off stream. As sleeping while sitting up us hell on your shoulders.
Jambo is all over you, soaking up the attention he can get while you were immobile.
Schlatt would glare st him for taking away his S/O.
When it came to you wanting to walk he will let you.
If you hurt then this man would laugh and tell you to sit your ass down. You are going anywhere just yet.
He's gonna carry you when you are in as much pain.
He's tall and there is no stopping him.
It makes him feel a bit happier due to the fact you aren't hurting as much, and still getting to the place you needed.
Also he will hug you if he sees you are uncomfortable. The hug is very soft and unlike him.
But at least he is trying.
He also keeps his yelling down, doesn't want you to make too many stiff movements. It would hurt the hell out of you.
Ok. Hear me out, butler.
He see the pain you are in and as one of his best friends he wont let you do anything.
Your parents were out of town after your surgery and it wasn't their fault their work called in suddenly.
So you were sent over to Tommy's for the three weeks they were out.
Tommy would let you relax on his bed, heck even sleep on it as well.
Doesn't care if your drains stain the bed. That's an easy clean up and he wants you to be comfortable.
He does still stream. Because it's something he does for a living.
But he'll try to keep it a bit quieter.
You once walked out of the room when he was streaming. You looked like a gremlin, hunched over while you had to take a piss.
When you entered you were greeted by wilbur, techno, and phil telling you they hope you heal fast.
"It only gets better from now on (y/n). Take it easy alright?"-wilbur
"Congrats mate, just relax and dont forget to focus on healing."-Phil
"Yo you got the surgery. Pog. Stay healthy (y/n)."-techno
You melted lightly. A small smile graced your face.
It brought you joy and there was nothing that could compare to it. Honestly.
It seemed almost every day someone tommy knew was hopi g a speedy recovery.
He once yelled at chat for saying you should suck it up.
You forgot that your parents were even out for those weeks.
Tommy would definitely understand slightly that it would hurt to constrict your chest.
"You cold?"
When you nod tommy is up and handing you one of his hoodies. They are big and comfy. Easy to put on too. So they are perfect.
His two dogs, Walter and Betty?
Expect them in his room curled around you. Dogs know when humans feel pain and when they need something to comfort them.
The stream kind of enjoyed that.
They got wholesome content from you and dog content.
Win win.
Tommy will make sure you have your meds.
If it lands during a stream he blacks out the camera and carefully gets you the things needed for it.
Get you a best friend like tommy.
They wont let you do much when in pain.
He doesn't fully know what to do. He went and spent a few nights over at your house.
Your parents asked his parents for help so they sent over tubbo.
They made a list but the poor boy couldnt read it.
"A sm-oosthie with their pain pill... what the hell is a sm-oosthie?!"
It took him calling tommy to ask him to tell him.
"Tubbo. It says smoothie and who is this fo-."
He hung up before tommy could finish and made the smoothie.
Your cat was quite cuddly.
When he walked in your cat was on your lap.
"Tubbo? When did you get here?" Oh yeah it was a surprise.
"Not too long ago. Your parents left and asked me to help."
He was doing it in all good.
But he scared you so badly.
He bought you a stuffed animal...
It was a huge minecraft bee. And by huge I mean huge.
Like here's the stuffed animal.
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Ignore the child. I wished there was a better picture.
But yeah you get the point.
Tubbo may not know how to help you fully but he's trying.
Tommy came to visit with wilbur and phil.
Tommy was meeting up with them and you lived close to wilbur.
When they saw you laid up in bed, tubbo trying to find out how to help with your medication phil kinda went father mode.
You got homemade soup to take your meds.
Tubbo was quite happy to see you smiling and lightly laughing.
When they left you felt better.
Tubbo may not know how to do alot but he tried his best. And you loved every moment.
You got you best friend to help you. And nothing was better then that.
Ranboo spent the night and all you guys could do was joke about the pain.
The jokes were quite self deprecating too.
All night you guys were up.
You couldn't sleep because of the pain and he didnt want to sleep due to the fact he didnt want you to be alone.
So you two were sleep deprived and your parents were concerned. But understood you two didnt want the other to feel bad.
After you healed a bit your parents got called into work. Leading to you spending a few days over there.
Ranboo streamed a recorded with you in the back ground.
He forgot you were there once and he turned on face cam. There you were in the background nose deep into a book while wearing one of his hoodies.
You were freezing and your shirts were a bit too tight.
He just gave you one of his and that was that.
"Whis in the background?"-dono
"In the background?" He turned around to see you just reading your book.
"Oh. That's one of my friends. They had a surgery a week ago."-ranboo
He turned to you, "(y/n) say hi to stream."
Looking up you waved.
"My gay mind went brrr at the idea of no sacks of fat. Now body do the big pain."-(y/n) 2021
It brought a laugh to ranboo and his chat.
You joked through the pain. It was funny.
What is this I see? He's a simp indeed.
Low key he's answering your beck and call.
He's smothering you in love.
It may not be physical affection but it is still affection.
Your hoodies are replaced with his.
They are huge and comfy.
He saw something online that reminded him of you.
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He said it was cute and decided you needed it.
You loved it. It helped you sleep.
Since sapnap lives with him he sends in sapnap sometimes because he's recording or has to get something that wasn't in the house.
Also when you found the zipper you unzipped it and found dream stashed some gift cards and little trinkets in it. Along with a note.
'Knew you would of found this.'-Clay
It shocked you kind of.
But you loved it. It was quite comforting that he gave his affection in these ways still.
Even if it wasn't physically.
Patches is on you 24/7.
She's cuddling you and being very gentle on you.
Low key she won't leave you though, she's following you everywhere, on your lap, sitting there when your on the toilet.
She's clingy. More clingy then before.
But it warmed your heart.
If george visits then he'll see a little gremlin making a b line to the bathroom.
All because the pain made your stomach feel upset.
And you hadn't eaten anything because of pain.
Dream is quick to rush in and see what's wrong.
You were sitting on the ground in the bathroom. Needless to say it didnt end well and you hated it.
"Baby. Do you want me to get you a smoothie and your pain meds?" You were grateful.
After leaving the bathroom you lightly hunched over you noticed the British man in your living room.
You watched his videos.
You waved lightly with a smile.
"Oh sorry (y/n) I didnt tell you george was coming did i?"
Your look told it all.
"Sorry you have to see me like this." You had the urge to apologize.
"No dont be sorry. Surgery is painful."-george
With a small nod you went back to your room and relaxed.
He didnt know what to do at all.
He answered your requests.
But he didnt know why you needed that thick ass blanket in the middle of the summer.
But now you have it.
Your stuffed animal that was left in the living room?
It's in your arms by your side.
He's sad it wasn't him in your arms but understood it would cause you pain.
He just lightly lays in your lap.
It brought you comfort and him comfort.
Your germilin ass tended you get up and walk at the weirdest time too.
Your are going to get a snack.
You are on your way to the toilet.
Your once more in the kitchen getting something to eat with your pain pill.
George slept through it and was confused when you weren't in bed like the doctors told you to.
He's quite meticulous with your meds and eating habits.
He doesn't push but makes sure you have something with that pill.
Hell try to help you with your bandages. But sometimes got queasy at the blood and stuff.
It was okay with you though.
You didnt mind that due to the fact that you too got queasy as well.
I think you guys sleep through this alot.
Wilbur and tommy visited.
You was shocked and confused when they had a few get well soon gifts.
Tommy got you a small fidget toy, just something to do with your hands sometimes.
Wilbur got you a few books and a small stuffed toy.
It was a orca.
You loved it but still loved the one that george got you.
He got you a little wooloo one.
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It was something that was soft and easy to cuddle.
But the books wilbur gave you were amazing.
It gave you something to do for a long while. And it gave george some more cuddle time.
Other than not knowing what to do george was a great source of comfort.
Sapnap is a bit more experienced with it.
Kind of knowing what to do and all together he just know more then most people.
There is a regular schedule for you meds and so called meals, he changes out the dog pads if he notices them dirty. He knows how to maneuver himself next to you so there was no pain.
He also sucked up that he would be overwhelmingly hot and sat next to you under the blanket.You weren't nearly as cold because of that.
Also since sapnap lives with dream I imagine that dream pops in some times and so does patches.
You all were probably best friends as children. And people always thought that you and dream would get together.
Only because you two were more touchy.
But you saw him as an older brother, and took a liking to sapnap.
Dream was really suportive and saw you as a little sibling.
Dream probably saw you not doing to well and made you something to eat and brought your pain medication.
That was because sapnap was sleeping next to you.
Patches curled up between to two of you and dream brought in something you hadnt seen before.
A roll away bed.
This mother fucker got a whole new bed just so he could sleep in the same room as you and sapnap.
"Sapnap is a heavy sleeper. What if you need something?" He was correct.
You woke up to pain and discomfort.
Dream woke up but sapnap didnt.
You were mainly cold though...
How the hell were you cold with this man radiating radiation the heat of a thousand suns?
No clue. But probably the anesthesia since you were in sapnap room dream just opened the closet and tossed his hoodie to your lap.
You woke up sapnap when you put on the hoodie on accident.
He pushed up against your shoulder a bit more and draped his arm over your lap.
"What's wrong?" Sapnap mumble made you stiffen up. Dream seemed to fall back to sleep too.
"Just a bit cold." He lightly nodded into your neck.
"Mmmmmm. How though."-sapnap
"I dont fuckin know."-(y/n)
He let out a sleep chuckle and seemed to fall asleep again.
You just sat there. Patches and sapnap on you lap technically.
Sapnap woke up and made you breakfast at some point. You were in and out of it due to barely any sleep.
Dream woke up as well. You didnt even know when they left. But patches stayed with you.
Those weeks you were treated the best with these two with extra cuddles from patches.
I didnt know there was a max amount of paragraphs. But hey I guess it's something you find out sooner or later. So there is going to be a part 2. Including some character I missed.
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keilemlucent · 3 years
while your currently drunk you can think about what it would be like to go clubbing with keigo. His possessive nature would def jump out wanting to keep you close at all times. you’d rock against his body as he holds you close keeping a keen eye but also enjoying the way your body sways over him. if he’s also inebriated who’s to say he won’t press you against the nearest wall rubbing himself against you and whispering in your ear how he could take you right here and now 🥰🥰 just a lil something 
i am seeing this sober (and with my hangover cured lmao) BUT lemme tell u... the clubbing keigo brainrot is oh so 😩💕
warnings: dubcon, a little yandere keigo, alcohol, drunk reader, drunk keigo, public sex, dacryphilia
Keigo is particularly possessive. Not necessarily in a way that is a cause for alarm, but more so something of note.
You've come to expect the way he hovers close to you in public. How he always wants to have his hands on you, whether that be the firm press of his palm on your lower back, or a tight grip on your waist with his chin hooked over your should. Really, any way he can, he stakes his claim.
It's a little more overt and shameless when the environment allows it to be.
Occasionally, there are small clubbing events for heroes and their company to unwind. Usually open bar. Frequently messy. But cell phones are confiscated at the door, so it's more than welcomed. Heroes really never get a chance to be, so why not be sloppy together?
Keigo loves to take you to them. He loves getting the chance to show you off and let anyone who looks your way that you are his. He curbs the urge in public, sure, but here? It doesn't matter. Here, there's hungry eyes that follow your every move, but they wouldn't dare try anything. Keigo doesn't let you out of his sight. Doesn't stop touching you, and he makes sure that anyone who looks sees how fucked you are for him.
After a few drinks, you’re bolder. Your words slur a bit, not enough to make him worry, but just enough for the sway and circling of your hips to be a little freer. You can get a bit bashful around so many pros, but with the stain of liquor on your lips you’re more than happy to dance the night away.
Keigo adores it. Loves that he gets to hold your hips almost to the point of bruising as you giggle and twirl to the club beats. He loves how unrestrained you both get to be, loves how you rock against him, back arching and neck craning to nuzzle of your nose against his jaw. He can’t tell if you’re just being sweet and gracious or quietly asking for more. 
He has subtle restraint, he always does, but with a few shots having burned his throat earlier in the evening... it’s easier to indulge. He guiltlessly drags you back into him, grinding against your ass. You roll your hips back into his, leaning into his wandering touches. He can feel your breath hitch as his hands slip lower and plays with the hem of your dress. 
Keigo wishes he had an ounce of shame (no, he really doesn’t, this is way too good) as he backs you into a darker corner, wings ruffled and raised. He gets a little rougher, pushing you up against the velour-covered wall, chest first. You flatten to it and brace yourself with sweaty palms. Sweet as can be, you flash him wobbly, wanting smile. You grind back into him, spine curved perfectly under the satin of your dress.
He knows people are watching, and honestly? Let them. Let them see how desperate you are. The strobing lights and neon obscure you enough that the details of you will be hidden, but they’ll know. Keigo’s wings ruffle at the thought debauching you in front of the impromptu, wanting crowd.
He lays his body over yours, feathers shuddering in time with his heavy breath. You’re rolling your hips back into his crotch, his cock is hard enough that he’s leaking (who knew the thought of casual ownership got him off this much?)
His lips drag over your neck, teething at the soft juncture of your shoulder. You moan his name, voice cracking with desire that makes him wild. His forearm braces next to yours, and he presses you into the wall, makes you feel the weight of all of him, wings and lean muscle. 
He pulls from your neck with a growl and can’t help but pleased with the fat bruise he left behind.
“I should bruise you a collar of these,” He drips into your ear, teeth tugging at your earlobe. “If fucking you here doesn’t show everyone whose you are, that would get the message across, don’t you think?”
Your breath hitches from under the palm he slips over your lower tummy.
“Please, Kei’.”
He doesn’t know what exact thing you’re begging for, but he’ll give you everything. Anything. He rucks up your dress, and a hand slipping down the front of your panties and teasing along your slit, debating.
If he were at home, he’d take the time to prepare. He prefers to work you open on his fingers and tongue for a good while before fucking you. He doesn’t feel... right fucking you without you cumming once, twice, three times (as many times as you can stand), Under normal circumstances. But these weren’t normal circumstances.
His hold slips from your hip to your jaw, turning your gaze to his and goddammit, if the sight doesn’t take his breath away. Your eyes are glassy, pupils wide and inky, and your lips are parted, perfectly. Wanting and waiting. 
(He briefly debates fucking your throat but decides against it. He’d prefer to lick you clean on the limo ride home.)
Keigo presses his lips to yours, stealing your breath and licking into your mouth. It’s sloppy, he can feel the spit dripping down your chin as he massages your tongue with his. It’s fucking filthy and he loves it. The liquor is just making him ab bit more... honest.
He pulls away to unbutton his pants, untucking his breezy shirt to pull out his cock with a few lazy strokes. The little whine you give has him back on you, covering your body with his and teasing you sex with a single finger over your panties. 
“I’d make you beg,” he muses, softly against your ear again, “But I have a feeling you’re a little too impatient to do so properly.”
You sputter something, whether it’s a denial or affirmation, Keigo doesn’t care. He’s already pulling your panties to the side, and slipping two fingers between your lips, hardly prep at all things considered. 
Keigo spits down onto his dick and calls it good enough.
You rock back into him, shuddering and panting. You’re unabashed in it, ignoring the eyes in the room, all of your attention on him. The thought makes his cock twitch in his hand, and he can’t wait any longer. 
He hikes one of your legs up high and spears into you in one swift motion with a beat of his wings.
Your breath punches from your lungs and your palms smack against wall. You’re already weak in his arms, from the alcohol and Keigo’s thick cock splitting you. Despite the lack of preparation, you’re less tense than you could be. Thank god for vodka. 
All the same, Keigo starts slow. He wants you to hurt when this is over. He wants you to bear his bruises and imprints. You should be limping when he’s done with you. He’ll take care of you at home, patch you up how you both like so much, but for now--
He wants to leave an... impression.
Keigo picks up at his pace, gasping out a breath as he bottoms out, grinding against your ass and insides in a way that has you clenching and slurring out little pleas for more. And god, he’s happy to oblige.
He picks up his tempo, hand slipping tightening around your jaw, tucking your face to his and nipping at your lips. Your claw at the wall in front of you, but all of your leverage is in Keigo’s hands, and he uses it well.
The beat of the of the club music is the perfect tempo, the thump of it mostly disguises the slap of his hips against yours. But even the shadows of the rainbow lights can’t hide how he’s fucking ruining you. You’re hiccupping out cries for ‘more, please Keigo!’ loud enough that a few of his fucking colleagues have inched closer. It makes something in Keigo burn and he quickly goes for your neck again.
And sinks his teeth in hard enough for you to sob. 
It has you clenching around him, and he knows he isn’t going to last much longer. The rhythm has his insides clenching, and he wants nothing more than to fill you up--
The thought of it, of you leaking with him, has white explode around the edges of his vision. 
He spills inside of you, thick and hot and you gasp at the feeling. You fumble for his hand, and Keigo clasps yours easily, squeezing. The cant of his hips goes sloppy, just like the two of you. 
Softened, he slips out of you.  But Keigo is quick to replace his cock with two fingers, plugging you and tsking.
“You didn’t cum, did you, dove?”
You shake your head, still half-crying and needy, “N-no, I d-didn’t.”
“Can you keep yourself upright if I fuck you on my fingers?” Keigo muses, though it’s a genuine question. “Be honest.”
You swallow and rub at your wet, streaky cheeks, “I d-dunno. ‘M really shaky, Kei’.”
He already knows that, but it’s cute that you tell him like he’s not the cause of it.
“It’s a good thing you’ve got me then, isn’t it?” Keigo kisses your cheek, too kind for how filthy you are. “I’ll keep you up, sweetheart.”
You nod, give a little ‘thank you’ that gets broken as he spread his fingers in your cunt. His own cum drips down his wrist and he can't bother to care. He can’t bother to care about anything that isn’t the sweet little whines or the flush that is dusting your cheeks beneath tears and smeared makeup.
He bullies the bundle of nerves inside you without any care other than making you fall apart. Maybe it’s bad, the desire he has to force you to come undone by his hand in front of his peers. You’re his partner, and a bit illusive consider the relative secrecy of your relationship. 
What a goddamn introduction.
He slips another hand around your front and rolls your clit beneath to fingers. Keigo can’t help sucking another bruise into your neck, like the first one wasn’t enough of a statement. 
He speeds up his treatment as you breath gets more ragged, as you repeat his name to the flash of the strobes and lean back into him. You tense around him as you cum, crying out with a thump of your head against the wall. He holds you through it, not slowing or faltering as you shake and sputter.
Carefully, Keigo lets down the leg he’s had pinned. He anticipates how they falter, and already has an arm around your waist to keep you upright. 
“Thank you,” You murmur, your voice gentle and soft. Far too soft for what you’d just done. It’s sweet though, the way you’re pliant for him as he straightens you up.
You’re filthy, thighs covered in a mix of him and you. Keigo’s damp in his own boxer briefs and it’s not exactly... comfortably. And certainly not ideal for dancing.
You turn toward him. Your arms wrap around his neck and god, you’re too cute as you hide your face in the crook of his neck. Maybe you’re sobering up, or maybe you’re cock drunk, he isn’t sure. But it’s the same comfort that you need. He smooths a hand up your back, laying kisses over your temples and hair lines.
His colleagues are still watching, maybe more than before, because Hawks has a reputation for being a greedy, impulsive bastard, but what he doesn’t have is any reputation for being sweet. 
The vulnerability of it has him moving his wings to encircle the two of you. A bit of much-needed privacy. 
“How about I call us a ride home?” Flying drunk is never good idea. (He found out the hard way.)
You nod, gripping the front of his shirt, “I don’t think I can’t dance anymore.”
“I imagine you can’t, huh, dovey?” He teases with another peck to your cheek. 
You whine and beat his chest with your fist for a moment without a hint of ire. The night is still relatively young but given the drink in your veins and the cum in your cunt, perhaps it would be best to turn in for the evening.
(Or Keigo could fuck your throat on the ride home. The thought is still appealing.)
You mutter something unintelligible against his neck, and Keigo silently reminds himself to make sure you drink a bottle or two of water before bed. Maybe he can get a snack in your belly before you knock out for the night. 
(Or, maybe, Keigo could have his own ‘snack’ by cleaning your cunt with his tongue as you doze off--)
Keigo purrs with his thoughts as he tucks his wings to his back, ushering you to the exit, all the while feeling the (horny, jealous, surprised) stares of his colleagues at his back. 
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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(2/2) Sanji Vinsmoke (Smut Warning!)
She is a thot and you want to cuff (Huh?) She-She is a thot and you want to cuff (Huh?)
The water that was sliding down your throat ever so softly, happened to be caught and then hard to swallow when Sanji decided to say that sentence.
Sanji's face kinda faltered as he sighed, just shrugging a little. He'd done something kinda wild, well it's not necessarily wild for someone's boyfriend to buy them things but you aren't used to clothing items..
"I brought you a dress... and I just know you'll like it... I know you'll look gorgeous in it too.." Sanji was firm in his wording, just really wanting you to at least feel happy in your body just a little.. Yeah.. he definitely figured out the problem that was being slipped under his nose... and eyes for that matter.
Sanji also looked to Nami for explanations. As much as she wanted to keep it under wraps, Sanji seemed so distraught. She also knew you would take years to speak on the issue..
"Where is it.." you mumbled out, fiddling with your water bottle as your eyes gazed to the floor. Sanji's words always made you feel.. lifted. Though they could never push you over the edge.. so instead of wanting to feel that.. you decided you'd suck it up...
Sanji's funny, but cute eyebrows had raised up a little as you asked that. He himself almost forgot where he put the dress. Though he remembers putting it on the table in your closet. Your closet was adorable, it had an island in the middle that held your purses and jewelry.
"In the closet..." Sanji's face started to light up ever so gently when he told you where it was. Your form disappearing from his vision as you went upstairs... honestly Sanji couldn't believe it.. he just knows he's going to die when he sees you in it..
His heart was racing just like the first time he'd seen you..
(Sanji went to McDonald’s for Luffy…)
"Your total is $50.75 sir..."
"Oh my, you're beautiful ~~~!"
"Are You Ight...?"
That happened to be the most one sided conversation ever... you both were quite different. You both are still different in a sense, but definitely not as far apart. The both of you are in love with each other.. and seeing you come down those stairs slowly with those black heels and that dress that stuck to you like peanut butter... his nose started to bleed..
"I-.. I actually like it.." you whispered out to him as you tried covering your breasts just a little. Staring at Sanji who happened to be blushing like mad. His eyes continuing to stare oh so lovingly at you and your figure... he just had the urge to touch and give you every thing you wanted.
"I told you... you're just.. beautiful... beautiful in everything..."
"No... really... now may I please have the opportunity to show you off..?" Sanji's voice almost sounded like a purr. Standing up, he'd walked over to you ever so gently and you watched with your lips parted. His lips pressing gently on the back of your brown skinned hand. It was always pretty to see his lighter hand against yours... not to mention how his hand was Damn hot.. hand kink maybe...?
"Let me take you to the restaurant... like we were supposed to do the other week..."
As much as you loved this dress, were you ready to leave the house with it? You felt as if Sanji set you up kinda, he was standing here looking scrumptious ... and now, he has you standing here radiating the same energy... there was no excuse now...
"You sneaky lil boy..." you grumbled playfully as you tried to hold back a smile, pointing at Sanji as he started to softly smile. Of course he knew he was sneaky... only to make you happy though...
"Fine... I'll go..."
The place of course was beautiful, it's Sanji's restaurant. The place was filled with so many people that your anxiety was rushing towards the top. So many people were also staring because you were hand in hand with Sanji. The owner of the restaurant.. the 5-star restaurant.
Swallowing your nerves, Sanji squeezed your hand gently. Causing you to look up at him as you both were sat at the best table. The water was pretty, you could see it as you sat gently with Sanji.. the man who was inching his hand over to you... it was odd to feel his hand on your thigh, but you decided to touch his bigger hand. That definitely caught him off guard, his eyes kind of widened, especially when you gently leaned your head against his shoulder.
Sanji's love language is exactly this, being able to touch and caress every curve.. every imperfections you hate... he will definitely love.
"I know you like (f/f)... do you want that (y/n)-Chan..?" It was odd how Sanji still remembered such a little thing. You loved (f/f) and especially from his restaurant because the cooks were amazing. At the same time though, you really didn't want to add any more weight to yourself..
The look on your face was obvious to Sanji and oh so suddenly he looked sternly at you when you had removed your head from his shoulder.
"You can eat... and if you don't I'm taking the lace back."
"*gasp* you Ass-.."
"Get the food and eat it." Sanji said simply and honestly, this was the most serious you've seen him. He threatened to take your wig back, like come on he's serious... All you could muster up was a little mumble but Sanji gave you this look... he was really serious about you eating.. and it was kinda hot.
Of course though, minutes later, you were served your (f/f) and it tasted like heaven. At the same time though you were kinda quiet because of Sanji.. he's just trying to love you and the fact is.. you weren't letting him.
So today you were going to do something you'd never done before.. it's a new page.
Putting your utensil down, you gently cupped Sanji's face. He kinda widened his eyes and he could feel your acrylics.. he loved them a lot.. his favorite color is just plain white by the way..
Anyways, he could smell your gentle scent as you got closer and your lips were a centimeter from his ear. To be honest he felt himself already getting heated for nothing... though he couldn't help it.
"I love you... and thank you fa dealin with me...I can't really give you anything but... I could give ya dessert..." the air tickled his ear as he listened to your erotic whisper. Watching as you moved away and let go of his chin. Smiling at him once more before continuing to eat like you've done nothing...
Oh you've sparked fire..
The rest of the date was soft and romantic, it consisted of Sanji wanting to devour you right then and there.. but you obviously refrained that. Taking a little sip of that wine that was offered to you. God you looked irresistible, your back just arched so well and your thighs spread like butter when you sit down... that's talent.
The ride home was quiet, a soft quiet, the aura was quite tense though. The way your heart was racing was like a person on a broken rollercoaster. The feeling of Sanji's hand against the smol of your back when you both walked into the house was more of a warning.. the warning that this was going to get a bit messy.
"Sanji!" You gasped out in surprise.
Feeling the air swift past you, it's just something you couldn't believe. Sanji just picked you up...
The blonde simply threw you over his shoulder and he even carried you up the stairs.. your legs slightly flailing as your heels were being taken off by him. You could see them in the hallway when he passed by them. The destination being the bedroom, and that wasn't far... he stepped through the frame and in seconds you were plopped on that bed.
"Sanji are you crazy!?" You spoke with shock, just kind of propping yourself up with your elbows. Staring into the male's much darker orbs. Immediately shutting up when you saw him loosen his tie with his slender finger. Staring you down with the energy of a bull. The tie being slid off and dropped to the floor..
"I want my dessert now (y/n)-swan..." Sanji gently teased, his hands taking your ankles and gently slid you downwards towards him so you could be at the edge of the bed. You legs being lifted and your dress being slid up to your waist... all you could think was that Sanji was going to gag..
This man was going to see the stretch marks and the odd fat... and.
Actually... he was at loss of words... his nose actually started to bleed too... though he wiped it away. He didn't want to pass out now.. no...
"May I please.. continue (y/n)...?"
"Mhm..." humming this, you were amazed and surprised at the fact that he still wanted to continue.. what you failed to realize is that Sanji loved your thickness... and he wanted to bite a chunk..
Getting your consent, Sanji felt this rush of excitement. Pushing your thighs forward with his hands and your knees were now to your chest. Feet dangling in the air as you saw Sanji slowly start to go down... where was he going...?
The sudden cold air hitting your soft, pussy lips that weren't like anything he'd seen before honestly. Though they looked like soft brown marshmallows.. your panties hitting the ground as you let out a loud gasp. Throwing your head back from the wet feeling of Sanji's tongue.
"..My ..god-..." Sanji heard those two words from your throat,  his smirk not visible to you but you could sense it. He literally had his tongue lick up your slit.. something you thought would never happen to you. It was so overwhelming.
"Ngh! Sanji! S-Slow down, baby..." you whimpered out, your eyes staring down at the blonde. His eyes staring right back at you... he could taste every inch of you, your juices were leaking all on his goatee. Your brown thighs enclosing him... he didn't care... he didn't care if he couldn't breathe..
Though this was technically your doing, as much as it hurt to let him see your body.. you've finally let him and now he's a cheetah... a lion.. a tiger.. anything but Sanji right now.. especially since you teased him in his own restaurant.. wearing the tight dress and those heels.. he'd just do anything to see your pretty (e/c) eyes rolling back because of him.
The feeling of his lips sucking gently at your folds, caused the pit of your stomach to form butterflies. Just staring up at the ceiling when you relaxed.. tried to at least.
His nails somewhat digging into your hips, it may have felt harsh but you liked the feeling. Being unable to move anywhere else just showed how dominant he wanted to be tonight. Your hand slowly sliding down as you slipped your fingers through his blond locks. Gripping at his hair ever so gently.. simply trying not to hurt him.. but the way he was passionately kissing at your pussy was sending you off the edge.
The lewd slurping sounds echoing as your toes curled, panting out loudly.
"You taste like heaven, (n/n)..." Sanji purred out, the vibrations of his talking giving you this shock of pleasure. He could hear the soft jiggling of your anklet near his ear. He remembered buying that for you... it simply says : S + (your initial).
The power he held was starting to make you twist and turn, trying to move away from his grasp. The dress being such a cockblock at the moment. You just wanted to see him a bit more so you took the rest of it off... eagerly.. Your breasts being shielded by the bra you had on.
"S-Sanji-.. fu-..Fuck... right there, m'gonna cum.. m'gonna cum~..."
Your gasping and pleads weren't making Sanji push away either. His tongue slipping inside of you for the thousandth time as he felt your pussy pulse and ache for something more to push you over that edge. His slender fingers sneakily prodding at your entrance. The slick and wetness of your pussy just made it so easy to slip a finger in. This causing you to jolt and your body shook with a pleading sound.
Sanji could tell your orgasm was here, the tight hold on his finger making him smirk against your lips.
"F-Fuck... don't touch-.. touch it anymore.." You whined out, immediately closing your legs when Sanji moved his head from between your legs. Your (e/c) eyes were closed tightly before slowly opening them again, watching as Sanji started to remove his own clothing.
Considering you were at the edge of the bed, you sat up slowly and your pretty face had a little bit of drool on the side of your mouth. Not to mention how your hair was a bit frazzled.
Staring up at him with lust and love, Sanji chuckled and decided to bend down and kiss your glossy lips. The lip gloss still stayed... not surprising... that Broadway is no joke-
The kiss was deep, the taste of your pussy was mixed in with what the two of you had at that restaurant along with cigarette smoke.. an odd combination of things, no lie.. but it was addicting to taste. A little moan releasing from your throat as your kiss started to become sloppy, your tongue swirling around Sanji's as he started to unbuckle his belt.. though what he didn't expect you to do was push his hands away. Your pretty hands slowly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.
Slowly breaking the kiss as the saliva was still connected. Sanji's pants being shuffled down by you as you continued to stare up at him. His eyes in slight disbelief, though more of a blush.. watching you take out his hard cock.. your hand gently wrapping around it as you leaned down more and wrapped your pretty lips around it.
Sanji doesn't know what you do to make them so pretty, that dark lip liner mixed with the lip gloss.... He dies, especially since it's around his cock. His precum making an appearance, but dripping in your mouth already.
Tasting him, he seemed to taste salty more than anything. Moving your hand and slowly sucking him in deeper as you moved your head up and down. Your (e/c) eyes looking up to his softer ones. He just looked so cute and hot, so why not give him the gawk gawk 5000? You may be new to sex itself but you're not that much of a saint.
"A-Ah...s-slow down (n/n).."
The same words you told him, now being said by him... pitiful...
The smell of erotic pleasure turned up to 100%. Your breasts being softly sucked on by Sanji. They were just like Hershey kisses. His hands almost nailing your wrists beside your head as he felt your pussy pulse around him. He deflowered you and now he was going to give you the time of your life..
"Sa-Sanji~... why you so big~..."
The male had to hold his nose because lord knows he couldn't take that. The words and the nasty things you were saying were going to be etched in his brain forever... he just hopes he doesn't think of things like this when he's working... he'll die..
"You have such a naughty mouth my dear..."
"Then spit in it..."
Lord... Nope, Sanji couldn't take it, giving you your first taste of a thrust. Your breath being kicked out of you as your eyes rolled back gently.
"I-... Sanji, keep doin that..." you softly pleaded, your thighs jiggling each time he'd thrust inside of you. Sanji was staring down at his cock continuously disappearing inside you. Watching as you swallowed him just the way he likes it. Call him crazy but he didn't even think of a condom. He didn't want it... he it wanted raw, you wanted it raw...
He needs... quote, needs you to have his babies for sure...
Your breasts was bouncing all wildly when Sanji started to speed up. Your moans not getting any quieter. The bed was being beaten into the wall.. which he'd definitely have to get repaired..
"A-..agh! S-Sanji, daddy-... cum w-with me.. please!"
That nickname slipped from your mouth as your insides clenched around him. Almost trapping him inside as your eyes squeezed shut, feeling Sanji continue to push his way. His loud moans sounded so hot... he was shameless in telling you that this was amazing...
"Damn-... I'm cumming..." Sanji groaned as he watched your pretty eyes once you'd open them again.. the feeling washing over both of you as your nails attached to Sanji's back. Scratching down it with love. The white cum actually overfilling you, a total creamepie... it was so sticky. Your legs trembling a little from the impact.. and you could barely breathe.
Swallowing your butterflies, you figured it was over.. though out of the blue... Sanji was now smoking another cigarette and you just blinked.
"We're not done yet, my beautiful (Y/n)"
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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Shy | Pseudoincest & Somnophilia
tw// pseudo incest, dubcon, creampies, pregnancy risk, possessive behavior, praise kink/degradation kink, size kink, jealous baby sis reader
Slumber Party
She cute, kawaii, hentai boobies, that excites me I think she really likes me, asked politely, can I-
I'm shy, I'm so shy...
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"fucking knew it, little slut" he could hold his weed- but his heated whispered words were a little stretched out thanks to the four blunts clouding his brain
and he would blame those four blunts and you fucked flashing him your panties for what he did to you
yeah he fucked around, and yeah he knew you would be mad when you found out, but he didn't expect the immediate look of jealousy on your face
and he didn't expect it to make him so hard
because he's not fucking blind, ever since your parents married he noticed how fuckable your ass and tits were, and he learned how nice of a person you were on top of that since he had to behave now that you were his step sister
so knowing his sweet little step sister wants him just as much as he wants you makes him bold
sucking on your clit through your panties while you moan sleepily, enjoying how drenched you get for him
when you mumble his name in your sleep he has to fuck you, you're practically asking for him
and since you were asleep he didn't have to think about how to navigate the fact that he wanted to spend the rest of his days between your legs giving you babies and a white picket fence, the works
all he had to worry about was making sure no matter how hard he fucked you you thought you were just dreaming
but thankfully you only moaned and tossed your head from side to side as he pushed you into a mating press, your pliant body manhandled easily in his big hands
and fuck if your pussy didn't suck him in and take every inch, even if you did wince faintly every time he abused your cervix
there was no question where he was going to cum, you did this to him- so you would take his load
if you happened to get pregnant, which was a possibility because he didn't know what contraceptives you used if any, then maybe he could help you out and let you stay with him
his hips slapped into your ass faster, the dark pleasure of imagining you crying to him that you were pregnant and didn't know how making his cock twitch in your warm wet pussy- eager to make it happen
because even if you did find out... he didn't care
his load was so heavy and copious it leaked down your thighs as he rode you through his orgasm, but when he caught his breath (he swore he'd never cum that hard in his life) he dutifully used the head of his softening cock to push all the cum back into your pussy, deep and safe tucked right up against the entrance to your womb
right where it belonged
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he taught you how to hit your first blunt, and now look at you, snoring against his chest after only four blunts
okay ya mans is a stoner stoner, cause it takes a fuck ton of weed to get him to relax
so even though he's a lot more relaxed than when y'all started he's still wound up from the accidental peep show he got
finding you wet makes him think back to your conversation, when you asked about him having a girlfriend. it was true, being a stoner did make him more inclined to not argue with the women who had a thing for nerdy shy stoners and smoked him out before swallowing him down or riding him into the sunset
you looked so cute, scrunching your nose up in jealousy and changing the subject like that would distract him from the way you pouted the rest of the evening
"are you wet for me little sis?" he whispered as his elegant fingers ghosted over your clit, and you were not helping his self control when you snuggled into the pillow and mumbling "Tama," before you settled again
the first taste of your pussy on your tongue made him snap, and honestly it wouldn't have mattered if you woke up at that exact moment
he was going to have his fill of you
he ate you out for hours, literally, you woke up just as your third orgasm made your sensitive clit throb and your whole body tremble
the only reply you got was a groan and your step brother's pupils were blown wide until his indigo eyes were nearly black
obviously he was too busy making you squeal and thrash by sucking on your overstimulated clit, and when you tried to push his head away all he did was trap both your wrists in one of his larger hands and continue
it's only when he's pushing his cock into your messy cunt that he kisses your throat and murmurs into your skin, "you shouldn't have shown me your pussy if this wasn't you wanted lil sis,"
"I-I do want it," you whined as he stretched you out deeply, deeper than any of your previous boyfriends
you fall asleep for the second time with your step brothers cock and cum still inside you
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it was his weed in the fourth blunt that knocked you out, cause.. insomnia
so he was confident in his movements as he dragged your panties down your legs and tossed your thighs over his shoulders to devour your obviously needy pussy
you moaned his name and he groaned in response, fucking you open on his tongue and pushing your shirt up so he could grope your tits
wow, perfectly fat and overflowing the grip of his large hand because they were that big
you whine when he squeezed your tit, and when he pinched your nipple you whimpered
so he's able to create quite a symphony when he also gets one thumb on your clit while his cock is in you
you're moaning like a whore when he gets you in a mating press but your twitching limbs don't offer any resistance as he pulls and pushes you in place
there's drool falling onto your tits since your mouth opened when he hit your cervix, and when you sluggishly suck on the fingers he shoves in your mouth he blows his load as deep inside you as he can reach
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he knew exactly what he was doing when he pulled out his favorite strain of weed to mix with yours for your session, and he pretends to be sheepish when he tells you about his many 'acquaintances'
the way you pout jealously just makes his cock throb in anticipation, and with every blunt your eyes droop a little more and you start complaining about all your fake ass friends and the fuck boy boyfriends you've had while leaning deeper and deeper into him
until you're fast asleep on his chest, and not stirring in the slightest when he pulls your sweats off and lets out a dark chuckle at the wet spot prominently over your needy pussy on your panties
those are quick to be gotten rid of as well, and when he flips you over so he can fuck you by holding up your hips while you just make small sleepy noises, nuzzling the sheets
he doesn't lower his voice when he groans at your tightness as he pushes his pierced dick into your soaking wet pussy
"you're fucking tight baby sis, when's the last time that ex of yours dicked you down?" he knows you can't answer but it makes him harder to say it while he's fucking into you, not stopping until you let out a little whimper and his balls slap against your clit
that rhythmic slap makes him think of spanking you, so he does, not caring that you whine every time his hand comes down heavily on the fat curves of your ass
"you're a fucking slut sis, and this is how sluts get fucked" he grunts as he gets close, the thought of leaving his cum in you to wake up to spurring him to fuck you faster, harder, deeper
"can't wait to hear you ask why my jizz is in your pussy, might have to fuck you right then and there, again. show you, hng- fuck, how I put it there"
"dabi.." you whimper and even though he can see your eyes are still closed the thought that you on some level know its him and want this?
he's blowing his load in you and fucking it deep, letting it leak down your thighs and coat his balls because it feels like he has never cum this much in his life
it makes him happy to see the puddle of cum forming under your ass when he pulls out, and he pushes his cum covered cock into your mouth letting you get him hard with your subconscious sucking while you clean him off
he repeats the actions with his balls, taking a video of your sleeping face taking his heavy sac in your mouth while his hardening shaft sits on your forehead
when he's all clean, and you're tucked in with the messy present he left you, he kisses your forehead and turns off the music and lights so you can sleep murmuring almost fondly "see you in the morning sis"
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you're wet for him, and that simple fact is making it all too easy to explain away the dubious morality of his actions
since you smoked so much he knew you were out for the night no matter what he did to you
the possibilities that entailed made him feel more intoxicated than the weed in his system did. he tugged your panties off and spread your lush thighs, and the soft sigh of his name from your lips made your pussy taste even sweeter on his tongue
every finger he added in stretching you out made you moan and sigh and god he was so fucking hard wondering what you'd sound like with his cock in you
turns out you sounded even better than he could have imagined, and your pussy gripped him so perfectly he never wanted to pull out
he tried to fuck you slow, make it last, be gentle with you, but you were restless beneath him, whimpering needily, and it was like you were made for him
because when he lost his patience and slammed into you with more force than he intended you moaned. loudly, his name- sounding like he had finally given you everything you ever wanted
so he pounded you into the mattress, trying not to cum to soon even though you were sucking him in and milking him like all you wanted was his cum in your pussy
his cock twitched at the thought of just leaving his cum in you. he didn't know if you were on the pill or anything, and how little he cared if you weren't should have scared him. instead he fucked into you deeper, and decided he felt like gambling
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
hi my dearest nikki <3, for Valentines season, Idk if someone already requested this but I wanted a Tae x y/n vacation somewhere abroad with some spicy steamin' lovemaking and a marriage proposal perhaps? hahaha i am forever in love with these two and your playlist in PW is my everyday playlist,just a tmi :)
perfectly wrong | drabble [12]: when the love is real, and right.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, sweet taehyung, unprotected soft sex as you try and cater to your man, straddling, some breast play, nothing too bad really - this drabble is meant to be cute af! (highly recommend music linked above lol)
note: imma make ya’ll cry with this one. lmfao, jk 😂 please don’t cry! happy valentines, loves! you are all beautiful and strong ❤️ you’ve come so far, please don’t ever give up! keep on keepin’ on, baby! i’ll always be here rooting for you!
update: please read this announcement!
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School graciously provided another week of freedom in February, which so happened to fall right by Valentine's day. You were excited to relax and sleep in, be lazy with Taehyung and do absolutely nothing.
Except, not. Because all of a sudden, your man is rushing into your apartment, telling you to pack your things so you could make it in time for your flight later that evening.
"We gotta go, love." He pulls the luggage out of your closet and starts throwing your undies and bras from your drawer into it.
"Taehyung, please. What are you doing?" You looked over your covers, too lazy to move and do anything about it right now. You watched as he started rummaging through your pajamas and your socks, for whatever reason. "Tae, hello?"
"Come on, you need to pack. We have a flight to catch."
"Says who?"
"Says me." He smiles toothlessly, his bread cheeks poking out from either of his face as he holds up two airline tickets. Because you have terrible eyesight, you can't even make out the destination on the tickets and you don't even try to. It would be useless.
"Where are we going? I thought we were just going to stay home all week."
"I mean, that's always nice, but I saw that flights were cheap so I just bought 'em."
"So you just bought 'em? Really?"
"Miss girl, I don't have time to answer all of your questions right now. I can do that on the flight." He tilts his head and starts motioning for you to get up. "Come on, pretty please? It'll be worth it, I promise." You slightly whine, but you get up anyways and start to get ready for whatever this was. You throw on some comfy sweats and Taehyung's hoodie, then begin to pack your things. He says it's a tropical area [but 'not really,' he also says?], it's mainly humid and you'll be going into the water majority of the time. So, you pack a few bathing suits, a few light kimono type cardigans, shorts, crop tops and light jackets and call it a day. You've left whatever pajamas, underwear, socks and bras Taehyung had throw into your luggage cause at this point, you've learned that he does pay attention to what you pack and bring along.
And so that's what happened before you found yourself in a 1-bedroom Villa overlooking the ocean in Disney Aulani 8 hours later. You began to think this was planned all along, being that Taehyung had snagged a fancy room, with an ocean view and a fat bouquet of roses just waiting for you on the king-sized bed. Happy was an understatement.
Taehyung had made sure your entire week was filled with things to do, being that you both didn't know when you could go back to Hawaii like this. He rented out a jeep, driving you around the entire island of Oahu within the week's time, sight seeing, taking tons of pics together, stopping at food trucks, shopping small towns, and pulling random, small hikes together. He even made sure to take you to the Dole Plantation so you could grab that dole whip you had been raving about for so long and to the flea market to grab tons of cheap, fun souvenirs. He knew just what you liked, and he knew what would make you happy. He was happy to see you happy. Some days also were more lowkey, where you'd spend it at the various pools in Aulani's backyard, going snorkeling or paddle boarding, or even just going down the street at the ABC Convenience Store to binge on the cheap hot food [like $2 spam masubis!] and milk tea.
If it was easy to just snap your fingers and live somewhere else with Tae, it would be right here. Days moved so slowly on the island and you loved every minute of it. People really appreciated taking things slow here. Just imagining your life with Taehyung on an island like Oahu was *chef's kiss* - imagining your man in his shorts and fluffy hair in a loose shirt, waking up to the sounds of the beach every day. God damn. You truly loved him, and you'd go anywhere with him.
And Taehyung felt the same exact way, which is why he had one last thing planned before it was time to head back.
He had gone downstairs to grab some things as he says, but he had asked you to get dressed so he could take you on a fancy, romantic dinner. He had thrown on some slacks and a button up short-sleeved shirt tucked in, his curls messy but also not? Whatever you call it, he was fine as hell and you wanted nothing but to eat him up. Truthfully. You sat on the couch in a simple black, off the shoulder, mesh-like dress, which Taehyung also wanted nothing but to eat you up with the way you were swaying your hips in that dress. On everything, he almost wanted to call dinner quits just so he could have you instead.
But, he needed to stick to the plan for specific reasons. You sat on the couch, flipping through the channels when Taehyung had walked in and straight into the room. He had something tucked under his arm but you couldn't figure out what else he was fiddling with in his hands. Then, you heard him on the phone, faintly responding behind the walls with a 'sounds good, thank you!' before he opened the room door with a smile on his face.
"Ready for dinner?"
"Sure, weirdo." You laughed as you walked towards him, getting on your tippytoes to plant a kiss on his lips. He took your hand and led you inside the room, only for you to see the balcony lit with candles and a table for two set up, with a simple rose in the middle as decoration and soft music playing in the background. You had placed your hand over your mouth, speechless as to how he even did this right under your nose.
The best part [besides Tae himself] was the view of the ocean with the sun slowly setting in front of you.
"Welcome to Maison de Taehyung." He giggled with that deep, nerdy giggle of his that you love so much, making you playfully shove him away. Before you could make your way to the balcony, there was a knock on the door. Taehyung had welcomed Room Service in, allowing them to wheel in the food to the balcony and set the rest of the finishing touches before leaving you both to your privacy.
"Baaaaabe." You whined, almost in tears. He pulls you close, his large hands cupping your cheeks as he plants a kiss on your forehead. Your nose. Your lips. The butterflies.
He leads the way, pulling out your chair before sitting himself down. The food was amazing, the main course being a specialty the chef had whipped up just for Taehyung pulling his charm downstairs with the front desk. Typical Tae, really. You didn't need dessert, being that the main dish was super filling, but you ate it anyways because fuck it - you're in Hawaii with the love of your life and it was a bomb ass chocolate cake. You don't skip on that.
You sit on the bed as room service is quickly cleaning out the balcony, taking the plates and the table cloth along with them. You were full and satisfied, and you couldn't wait to just be in bed in Tae's arms. Dinner was special because not only did you get to eat this food with that view, but you got to talk to Tae about everything and anything. He indulged in every minute of it, giving you his undivided attention while the colors of the sunset bounced off of your skin. He loved you more than you even knew. He loved that he was here with you, and that you had taken a chance on him because this is where he wanted to be. This is the life he wanted, and this is the person he wanted to share it with.
"I'll be right back, baby."
"What are you up to now?" You giggled.
"Mmm, it's probably best you just wait." You nod silently as you watch him walk out of the room.
You stepped out into the balcony again in hopes of Tae joining you when he gets back, getting the last few bits of the sun right before it sunk into the horizon. Your phone began to buzz in your hands, signaling a call coming in.
"Jeon Jungkook." You answer his facetime call.
"Let me see Hawaii."
"You're too late, the sun literally just went down." He clicks his teeth.
"Maaaan. I would have liked an invite."
"Don't get mad at me fool, I didn't even know we had a flight until Taehyung busted into my room trying to pack my things." He laughs.
"What a guy."
"What do you want?"
"Jeez, that's no way to talk to your bestfriend."
"I'm on vacation, you should be lucky I didn't send your ass to voicemail. What do you want?"
"I just wanna talk to you guys. I'm bored."'
"Where's Hobi and Yoongs?"
"Being boring at their own homes."
"Jimin and Namjoon?"
"Jimin is home, Namjoon is downtown."
"Then sucks to suck, loner."
"You're a real piece of work, even in Hawaii." You laugh. "Where's Tae?"
"I don't know, he ran off again. He's been busy trying to surprise me with things left and right."
"Has he now?" Jungkook bites his bottom lip, knowing full well what's about to happen next. The whole reason Taehyung stepped out was to call him and calm his nerves. Was this Taehyung's bestfriend, or yours?
"Yeah, he's the best." You say, smiling to yourself as you fiddle with the top portion of your dress. You hear the front door close, assuming Taehyung had gotten back from whatever he was doing. "Uh, I think he's back, I should--"
"No, can't you just talk to me for like 5 minutes, Y/N?"
"Why are you so needy?" You chuckled.
"I just told you I was bored. I wanna say hi to Tae."
"Well when he comes here, I'll let you say hi."
"What else did you guys do today?"
"Uh, we took it pretty easy and played around at the beach."
"Baby, can you help me find something?" You hear Taehyung's voice right behind you.
"Sure." You say, keeping your eyes on Jungkook, who's chuckling to himself. You furrowed your brows at the camera. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. Go help him."
"Okay, hold on." You say, putting the phone down by your hip. You turned, only to jump back in surprise. "Taehyung!" You gasped, your hand over your mouth. Taehyung had been behind you the whole time, his 100 watt smile shining as he bent down on one knee, holding out a small case that held a fancy diamond ring.
"Look, you know I'm pretty bad with speeches but I think you already know how you make me feel. I just, I--" He did a slight head tilt as he chuckled and took another deep breath. "I really, really love you, Y/N. It's always been you. You've become my better half and I truly can't see my life without you." You begin to cry heavily, forgetting Jungkook is still hanging on to dear life by your hip. It all makes sense now.
Why the hell would Jungkook call you at this time?
"Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" He asks, tears welling up in his eyes watching you cry in front of him. Your words can't escape your mouth because you really don't even know what to say. You're speechless, and you didn't even expect this to happen right at this moment. You knew you loved him, and you knew you were set with him. But to have him propose on a night like this in Hawaii? Unbelievable.
You nod and he shakily slips the ring onto your ring finger before you wrap your arms around his neck tightly as he hugs you. You pulled back to kiss him, only to be startled by all the screaming coming from your phone. Taehyung laughs as he holds you and watches you bring the phone back up to your view, seeing Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, Yoongi and Jin all in one frame with Kook.
"You fucking liar!" You yell at Kook, making him laugh his loud, elmo laugh.
"We love youuuuuuuuu!" Jimin yells from his position, with Jin blowing kisses into the frame.
"You planned this all along." You turn and say to Taehyung softly. He just nods and shrugs, making you bite your bottom lip as to how attractive he was for pulling all of this shit right under your nose. "I'm gonna have to call you guys back later."
"Ooooooh, ew." Yoongi says before you abruptly hang up the call and jump into Tae's arms.
He brings you into the room, you tossing your phone onto the dresser, causing Taehyung to laugh into the kiss. He sits on the edge of the bed as you grip his face softly, your tongues fighting each other for dominance as the kiss intensifies. You feel his hands start to unzip your dress from the back, causing you to bite his bottom lip and gently pull back. He lets out a small moan as he fiddles with the rest of your zipper and successfully gets the dress to fall from your shoulders, exposing your breasts from underneath. You arch your back slightly, allowing Taehyung to plant kisses down your neck and to your breasts, using his tongue to toy with each nipple one by one. He sucks on it gently, pulling back with a pop before he blows onto them, goosebumps rippling through your body. You quickly unbutton his shirt as he's kissing your neck, causing you to let out a small hiss feeling his tongue against your skin.
It doesn't take long before both of your clothes are scattered across one side of the room, Tae holding you close as you continue to straddle him. You grind your hips into his, feeling his hardened member rub against your throbbing pussy.
"Fuck." He whispers. "I can feel how wet you are." You bite onto your bottom lip as you position yourself onto his hardened member and slowly sink yourself down. You watch as his head tilts backwards, eyes shut while his mouth is slightly opened to let out a moan. You began to slowly rock your hips into his, his arms wrapping tightly around you. You loved feeling his warm skin against yours and his strong arms holding you close. "Baby." He moans. "God, I love you." He says as you start to pick up your pace, rocking your hips a little  quicker.
"Nnnnng--Tae." You let out a breathy moan, tilting your head back in pleasure. Your back slightly arches along with it, allowing Tae to let his hands roam up your back while he kissed you softly along your chest, down to your stomach and back up to your breasts. He loved every bit of you, and he wanted to show you. Every. Single. Inch.
"If you keep moving like that, you're gonna make me cum." He whispers, nibbling onto your earlobe while his hands guide you, pushing you to ride him faster. In which, you do. You grant your man's wishes and pick up the pace quite a bit. The least you could do is cater to him after what he's done for you this week. He's moaning your name, calling you baby and whispering how special you are to him in your ear, making it incredibly difficult for you to keep holding on while he does so. "You're so beautiful."
"Babe, I'm close." Your nose is touching his, his eyes locked onto yours. "Fuck, babe. I'm gonna cum." You whine the more your hips are working his cock. You feel every inch of him inside of you, tickling your core enough to send you hurdling over the edge in a matter of minutes. "Ohhhh, fuck!" You yell, your body tensing up as he holds you close with your hands tangled in his hair. It's not long before he fills you up, your walls pulsating around his member being the cherry on top for him.
"Mmmmmshit! Baaaaby." He elongates his moan, no other noises coming out of him as the sensation completely takes over his body. You wrap your arms around his neck while regulating your breathing, his member beginning to soften within you.
"I love you." You whisper in his ear.
"I love you too, fiancé." He says, causing you to giggle as he places a kiss on your shoulder before allowing you to get up and get cleaned up.
So, we're really doing this thing, huh?
This thing called life with Kim Taehyung.
Absolutely, yes. 100%. 
You'd do it over and over again, just as long as he was by your side.
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