#also like i can write an essay with a bibliography but in brief consider:
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patrice-bergerons · 11 months ago
Not to get lost in the narratives and such, but I think it's a wild thing to take a young player with fire in his belly who will be the first to admit that he was never even the best player in his junior teams made it to the NHL it's because he clawed his way thru via any means necessary, and to tell him, I want you to look at this example of all things beautiful about hockey, and do everything exactly as he does it.
And how all of that, instead of breeding resentment can turn into devotion. I'm thinking of faith and how Bergy will be the first to talk about all the ways in which Marchy made his game better, of two people who pushed and balanced and completed each other, who worked so well because they were so different in so many ways, two people who would suck at being each other. And what happens when, you say now you take over. Now you lead, on your own.
And I guess I'm also thinking of that 22 year old with a chip on his shoulder who was told: you will never be the best player on ice as long as he is on the ice, so I want you to be second best.
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pilferingapples · 6 years ago
Domestic aspects of the revolution?? Pls explain this seems interesting
Oh geez let’s see if I can keep this brief and readable!   I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT, surprising nobody(also I *know* there are other people with comments to make on this around, maybe someone will add on?)!!  Bear with me, Nonny, I swear I work my way around back to Joly by the end!  Prepare for XTREEEEME simplifications of incredibly complex social issues of the day! 
Also, Content Warning for Discussion of Intensely And Somewhat Bizarrely Binarily Gendered Concepts, Because Society. 
Anyway it’s commonly noticed (among fancademia, academia pays not a lick of attention to this stuff that I’ve found) that the Amis in their intro have a bit of a sliding scale of, well, Various Concepts really,  from Enjolras at one end to Grantaire at the other. And one of the very obvious concepts is “The Domestic” as thought at the time would have it–that would include women, romance, family, home life, housekeeping–all the things that could also be summed up as “Women’s Sphere”, you know? 
And on the other end was The Political– public life, politics in the sense of Actual Government Action, military Whatever, Economics-with-a-Capital E, The Patriarchy, etc. Manly! 
And obviously these things have a lot of overlap! But they were  seen as Spheres and being Complementary rather than, IDK, Inherently Unified. 
Also, as suggested above, suuuuuuper  gendered. Like whoa  gendered. I’m not getting into this and the evolving concept of gender roles in the 19C the way it deserves because that would take semesters of lectures and essays I am not remotely qualified to write but like. Consider it noted, right?
This concept of Domestic  is exactly what Enjolras rejects. Hugo goes to some length to make it clear that this is what Enjolras rejects. That’s what the whole thing about him not being moved by the bare breast of Evadne and thinking flowers are only good to hide swords and giving the Abyssal Glare to women who try to flirt with him is about–he rejects the importance of Family Life, Women, Romance, etc etc.* Enjolras, when introduced, is 100 percent About The Manly Political Aspect of the Revolution and of the Republic.
On the other end of the list, Grantaire cares about nothing at all in the Manly Political Sphere. “He loves the girls and he loves good wine”, but really  what he loves is personal, domestic -type connections. He doesn’t care a single damn about the government or abstract social theory or social ideals or any of it.  He loves Enjolras, he loves his friends, his knowledge of Paris is entirely framed in personal, home-comfortish ways— he knows the best places for dancing, dating, dinner . (Grantaire being the internally incoherent disaster man he is, he starts his arc unwilling to admit even to loving his friends, because even that  is too much commitment for him. But the narrator is tattling on him from the get-go.)
Obviously the idea that these things are complete separate or  genuinely separable is absurd. But that’s the social concept Hugo is dealing with in this regard!
–Also obviously, there is a certain Secret Sneaky Crossover Link here and it’s Friendship, but Friendship And The Amis is like. A Mini-novelette length essay if I ever have the focus. I’m not good at focus, as we’re seeing! 
ANYWAY!  From Enjolras to Grantaire the Amis generally take up an increasing weight of “domestic”associations. Combeferre and Jehan are, like Enjolras, very much about Ideas and Ideals  and Politics and Philosophy, though their philosophy is increasingly more concerned with those domestic aspects of society (women, families, children, feelings ).  Feuilly, Courfeyrac, and Bahorel are very much About the Manly Man World of politics–they’re all Actiony and Political and even Combative, tied to Politics and Work and Socializing in a Very Activist Way. But Feuilly gets more family-linked language in his intro than Enjolras or Combeferre do, and Feuilly’s family is dead.  Courfeyrac rejects an aspect of his family identity, but we hear about it!  
Bahorel, coming after the Balancing Point that Courfeyrac represents, is explicitly linked not just to concepts  of family , but in a happy relationship to his own Actual Family, and their history– and he personally   holds this up as part of his identity, too. (We also hear more specifics about Bahorel’s fashion choices in just his intro  than we do about Enjolras or Combeferre’s or Feuilly’s in ever–  another Domestic, Personal signifier.) After Bahorel, things take a massive  turn for the Personal and Domestic in Intro-land. Bossuet gets a whole story about his family background,and  dating stories,  and ..well, and Joly   (who in his turn gets all his science being directed into personal concerns and home treatments and furniture arranging , like…this is a very homey couple of revolutionaries here) Bossuet and Joly are explicitly, practically linked at the start, and then again repeatedly and at length in other passages in the novel. They have separate characters, but a major part of both those characters is this..well..pair-bond.  Between two people who live, eat, and sleep together.  Super domestic!  AND NOW the “of the Revolution” part!
In Preliminary Gayeties–well, a lot happens. And it’s all, again, domestic as hell.  They eat, they drink, they support a friend in a very (specifically!) not political way.  And in this chapter with a title that echoes the chapter title of children being raised at the convent –seriously the domestic coding is intense –  their personal bond is not only stressed again, it’s pretty much established as key to their function as political actors.  “They are what the subordinate monks are called, BINI”–  the bini  were, as established, monks who were supposed to go out into the world paired, to support and aid each other in  carrying out their Divine Mission.  In this case the Divine Mission is trying to bring about the Republic–and in this chapter we specifically see them doing their double-act as part of leading a friend back to the cause (who keeps Grantaire where the barricade is? Who’s Grantaire quoting with “J’en suis”?  Yeah.) , relying on personal connection and simple, domestic  comforts to work. 
And to those who will say “oh come on, they’re just a couple of dorks hanging out”– yeah. They are. That’s kind of the Point. 
Because that’s the thing,–there’s no way to completely separate the Political and the Personal , the Public and the Domestic.  Any modern reader has probably heard “The Personal is Political” to the point of it wearing flat, but, well, it is . And the political is personal, too– if someone’s mother can be The Republic, if they can take Humanity and Justice for their mother and father, then they can make their friends their republic, too; they can seek justice and progress and societal balance through personal connections and friendship and just being kind. And in fact people kinda have to; the systemic plays out on the personal level, after all. A major part of Enjolras’ character arc is getting to the point where he can embrace that personal domestic aspect and understand its importance to the (per Hugo) Divine Ideal.  But Joly and Bossuet are already there; it’s what they are. 
There’s too many things to mention about the Gender Role stuff and I’m doing synthesis more than specific quotes, but: start with Socialism’s Muse by Naomi J Andrews and follow the bibliography from there if you’re really wanting to get into it.  
For the Bini stuff, please look at @barricadeur‘s excellent posts on the topic; I’m particularly referencing this one, which has a bucket o’sources on The Importance of the Buddy System in Catholic Thought, including Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas, and , you know, the Gospel. 
* this should not  be taken as me arguing that he isn’t in any way queer coded; I think he is, it’s just in a very era-specific way and I don’t think this  is really where it comes in. But that’s definitely an even longer post. 
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6stronghands · 6 years ago
Goodreads interview with Seanan McGuire
Author Seanan McGuire is the busiest person you know, even if you don't know her yet. She's that busy. McGuire has 33 novel-length works currently listed on her bibliography page, and that's not counting her pseudonymous acquaintance, Mira Grant. Scroll down and you'll find short fiction, essays, comics, nonfiction, and poetry. The crazy part? She didn't turn to full-time writing until about three years ago. Along the way, McGuire has won several marquee book prizes, including Hugo and Nebula awards for speculative fiction. Her series of fantasy novellas Wayward Children was recently picked up by the TV network Syfy for development. McGuire's brain is clearly a restless explorer, and her ambitious new novel, Middlegame, maps out another enormous chunk of notional real estate. In the new book, a pair of separated twins named Roger and Dodger endeavor to solve a series of increasingly sinister mysteries. Why were they separated? Why are they being hunted? Why are they developing world-breaking powers? And perhaps most importantly—why did they get such ridiculous names? The brother-and-sister team find themselves squaring off against a cabal of eldritch predators who have cracked the ancient code of alchemy, the missing link between science and magic. Speaking from her home outside Seattle, McGuire talked with Goodreads contributor Glenn McDonald about the new book, the weird science of alchemy, and the curious case of the prescription typewriter… Your bibliography is really astonishing. Are you just writing all the time? Seanan McGuire: Well, I'm not writing at the moment because I'm talking to you. But yeah, I was writing right up to the point where my phone rang. That's pretty much my life, because I am a workaholic and I enjoy what I do. GR: When did you make the leap into full-time writing? SM: I made the transition around January 2016, I think. The best advice I ever received from anyone, about professional writing, was from Todd McCaffrey. He said: Don't quit your day job until you're reasonably sure you can pay your bills off of your royalties. My last job was for a nonprofit, and I was basically sick all the time because I was writing all these books and I was still working a full-time day job. My friends never saw me. Like, never. Then the ACA happened, the Affordable Care Act. I don't think people realize what a difference that made, for all of us that work in the creative fields, to be able to get affordable insurance. I kept my day job for a few years after I strictly had to, just because I was terrified of dying under a bridge. The attacks on the ACA that are happening now are terrifying. Genuinely terrifying. Especially if they take away the protection for preexisting conditions. GR: Were you into writing as a little kid? 
I was. I did not figure out that writing was an option until I was about three. I started reading before I was talking, really. Then I started getting migraines because I was trying to write, but I didn't have the physical coordination to actually write at the speed that I could think. So the doctor prescribed a typewriter. Really. My mom went to a yard sale and got me this gigantic thing. It weighed more than I did. I started writing stories. At the beginning, they were all very factual. I would write stories about going to look for my cat. A lot of my earliest work was what we would classify as fan fiction now. There were a lot of adventures with My Little Ponies. The thing about being a genius when you're a kid is that you grow out of it. I was perfectly average by the time I hit school. But there was that brief, frustrating time when I was so far ahead of where they wanted me to be that they just didn't know what to do with me. I would write until 3 a.m. on my typewriter, which sounded like gunfire. GR: There seems to be some of that experience in the new book, with the child prodigies Roger and Dodger. Their relationship is fascinating; it's a sibling thing but also this deeper connection that suggests they're resonating on the cosmic level. SM: I love that this is my best-reviewed book so far and it's about characters with intentionally terrible names. It's a delight to have people have to try to talk seriously about the relationship between Roger and Dodger. It's terrible, and it makes me so happy. Roger and Dodger really are soul mates because they are functionally the same person. They're one person split into two to embody the Ethos [the alchemy formulation sought after in the story]. I don't think that's a huge spoiler; that's basically the premise of the book. We know that, but they don't for a good part of the story. Locking down their relationship, a lot of that was looking at my own relationships with my siblings and the places where it's good or weird or awkward. GR: For readers who might not be familiar, what do we mean when we talk about alchemy? SM: Alchemy is sort of like magical chemistry. It's this idea that you can transform parts of the world into other parts of the world. You just have to figure out the right combination of elements. The classical example is lead into gold. But alchemists also believed that there were spirits and such that could be called upon to help with these processes. It has some of what we might call sorcerous ideas. They were trying to find the magical formulae for these things, like the panacea, which is the cure for everything. Or the alkahest, which is the universal destroyer, a fluid that could dissolve literally anything. Then there's the Philosopher's Stone, which was said to give eternal life. Harry Potter fans are probably familiar with alchemy, more than previous generations, because of the character Flamel, who was an actual and quite famous real-world alchemist. GR: Did you research the actual history of alchemy?
Yes, this was the first time I really jumped into it. I did a lot of research, and research makes me so happy. I hunted down every book I could find on alchemy; they're all downstairs in the library now. Alchemy was a real thing, even if it never worked, even if they never turned lead into gold with these processes. Really smart people spent a really long time trying hard to make these things happen. I wanted to make sure what I was trying to do would fit into at least one school of alchemical thought—and there were many, many schools of thought. Alchemy sounds a little ridiculous now, but there was a time when it was a commonly accepted belief. GR: In the book you have a great villainous force in the Alchemical Congress, who are modern practitioners of the ancient art. They reminded me of historical groups that purported to be keepers of secret knowledge, like the Masons. SM: Right, or like the Order of the Golden Dawn. I never found a specific historical analog to that in alchemy, but maybe that's because they never got it to work. My Alchemical Congress is a group of people who can actually say that alchemy works. They're able to do all kinds of ethically negotiable things. With that kind of power, you're absolutely going to have a group that locks it down so it stays in what these people consider the right hands. GR: The cover image of the book depicts a delightfully creepy magical item known as the Hand of Glory, which also has a historical basis. Do you recall when you first came across that? SM: I feel like I've always known. I don't remember where I first read about that. I studied folklore in college, and the Hand of Glory was very common in certain parts of Europe. It's amazing. Everyone was chopping hands off for a while there. GR: When did you actually start writing Middlegame? SM: Middlegame is kind of unique. I'd been thinking about it for ten years, but it took me a while to develop the technical skill to tell the story and have it make sense to people who don't live inside my head. My brother must have heard me explain this story 90 times before I even sat down to write it. At this point in my career, I have the enviable problem that, for the most part, I don't get to just sit down and decide that I'm going to write. Everything has been pre-sold. I'm working off contracts until 2023. So I know exactly what I'm going to be writing every day when I get out of bed. GR: Don't you ever just get burned out? SM: Well, I think I'm dealing with ten years of systemic burnout because I'm exhausted all the time. But if you mean: Do I ever get to the point that I can't write? Thankfully, no. I think everybody's wired differently that way. So much of my storage space is devoted to people who don't exist. There's a certain concern that if I leave them alone, those parts of my brain will go offline. GR: There are fictional lives at stake! SM: There are! You don't depend on me for your persistence of existence. If I forget about you, you'll still be fine. GR: Your series Wayward Children was just picked up for development with the Syfy channel. Is there anything you can disclose about that? SM: No, not really. For the most part, for myself and other creators, we can't disclose anything because they don't want to let us know what's happening. We have family members that are going to ask, and they don't want us to be the leaks and endanger the production, so we're frequently not told things. I've basically just sold them my canvas, because I'm a wee baby author from the perspective of Hollywood. I have no properties under my belt, I have no track record. There's not a lot of bargaining power on my side of the table. But I trust the people that are involved in this project. And even if I didn't, honestly, television changes everything. The worst show that absolutely butchers my concepts—which is not a thing I'm expecting with this team at all—but the worst show in the world is going to be seen by more people than have read the first book. So that bumps my book sales, almost guaranteed. That sounds very mercenary, I'm sure, but that's just the math of it. Jim Butcher, Charlaine Harris, even Neil Gaiman—they weren't household names until they got something on TV. My mother raised three daughters on welfare, and she lives with me. I'm basically her sole support. I worry fairly regularly about what would happen if I get hit by a bus and can't write anymore. But what happens with a successful TV show—or even a failed TV show—is that my mom lives off my royalties for the rest of her life. GR: This is a question we've been polling authors on: When you read for pleasure, do you read one book at a time or do you have several going at once? Some people say it's insane to read multiple books at the same time, but I usually have two or three going. SM: Well, I'm currently reading six. GR: Is there anything else you'd like to highlight or discuss about the new book? SM: Middlegame is currently a standalone, but there are two follow-ups I'd really like to write, so please buy Middlegame from your local bookstore so that my publisher will let me continue!
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satpracticeessay2950 · 4 years ago
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Five Tips For Writing College Term Papers
Five Tips For Writing College Term Papers Citation Machine Makes citations for APA, Chicago and MLA kinds, and permits students to check for grammar and plagiarism. OttoBib.com Students can create a bibliography in MLA, APA and Chicago types by getting into the ISBNs of the books they used for their essay. “Web addresses that end in ‘lo’ or ‘com.co’ are often illegitimate or, at greatest, satire. Either way, they should not be used as reliable sources. Additionally, you can add subheadings to make the paper outline even more exact. This method you'll keep away from rewriting any drafts. When making an inventory of sources, write a brief notice next to every of them saying what exactly you’d like to use it for. For instance, a paragraph about immigration laws, a quotation on the theories on the origin of life, and so forth. Another essential thing is to decide on an attention-grabbing matter so you don’t get tired of your research work and fail to hold it out. Set the context – Provide common details about the principle idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the subject and the claims you make and assist. As you learn and evaluate the knowledge you uncover, take notes. Other cultures might use a lot of descriptive words. But American English values brief, sturdy sentences. In order to ensure that they’re not lacking any errors, students should use the following proofreading tips. Purdue OWL - Why and How to Create a Useful Outline Includes information on the steps college students ought to take to create an overview. Citation Builder This citation builder permits students to cite entire books or guide chapters, as well as journals, and newspaper or journal articles, in APA, MLA, or Chicago types. Our service comes with a money-again guarantee, however our work is so good you will not actually need this selection. Your paper`s premise or what you want to be answered by your custom written paper. How lengthy you require your custom paper to be written be it in phrases or pages. Thorough research, considerate group and presentation, and a spotlight to detail in your developmental and final line edit will assist you to achieve crafting a profitable research paper. Links to writing heart materials can be discovered on our Web website, voaspecialenglish.com. And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. In different cultures, paragraphs could also be organized to build toward the primary idea, which is revealed at the end. But in the United States, the main thought of each paragraph must be in the first sentence. Keep observe of your reference supplies so you can cite them and construct your bibliography later. The Purdue Online Writing Lab and other college writing lab websites are glorious sources that can assist you perceive what data you’ll want to collect to properly cite references. Collaborating with Pay To Write Paper service, you don't worry about confidentiality and safety. That is why nobody can work out that you are working with us. Conducting analysis is more than simply amassing sources. In order to research correctly, students should also consider the standard of the sources they find. The following ideas from our consultants may help. The results returned from this search engine embrace academic journal articles and other scholarly assets. Academic research is the muse that any essay is built on. Without a powerful research foundation, the content material of an essay may not accomplish what it must. This section offers data on the way to discover sources and consider their credibility. Also, to ensure that a topic to be debatable, it should be backed up by scholarly analysis and not be based on personal morality or cultural or religious requirements. So glad I gave this task to somebody so skilled.
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Writing Tips And Techniques For Your College Essay
Writing Tips And Techniques For Your College Essay The more a pupil is able to express those feelings, the more they will understand them. I appreciated studying about what you said on this subject, and I agree that the artwork is a really great tool that college students can learn to precise their emotions effectively. If they do not express them, they're keeping them inside, and drawing can turn out to be a form of counseling for them. In my opinion, I assume the drawing can be notably useful for many college students who're quiet. These students do not usually categorical themselves verbally, and drawing could be a means for them to understand their emotions, and to launch some pent up unhappiness of hostile emotions, for instance. Not solely should sex education be taught in public colleges, nevertheless it should be obligatory for all public-school techniques. Whilst you should purchase a car right after having your driver essay writing web site’s license, you'll have to get a individual licenses with a motorbike. In accordance with the period World web site, most top-high quality motorcycles which are new well underneath $10,000. Less-highly effective bikes tends available brand-new for about $eight,000. Automobiles, having mentioned that, are usually far more high priced, whenever 10,000 would produce a ‘lemon’ or downside-ridden auto. Beyond gaining perception into your personal psyche, the purpose of the essay is also to showcase your written communication skills. Treat this essay identical to any class assignment – write it early, proof and revise, hold an eagle eye out for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure it is presented in a clean and polished way. That being stated, don't call our office in a panic should you discovered a missing article or a misused “its” after you hit submit. Because of our holistic choice process, no scholar shall be denied based on one factor of his or her application; this consists of typos. In addition, 1000's of high school seniors throughout the nation have begun the method of filling out college applications. This means you will want the full time to rehearse and look at to take and cross the created and driving checks necessary to have a motorbike travel permit. When taking a look at their schedule bibliography generator free, think about it as an extra half-semester course. Then you could possibly consider getting a motorcycle if you have time in your schedule to dedicate to follow and research, in addition to someone to teach you on their own motorbike. Be also aware so that you can drive that you will want to take care of a present registration for your bike, as nicely, or it will be illegal. If you’re the traditional ‘ravenous scholar,’ notice a motorbike is always inexpensive than a automobile, both to get and to posses write my mla paper for me. But the brief-takes, or Stanford’s immediate to write down a letter to your first school roommate, are asking you to be artistic, and which may mean more casual. But it most likely means something extra like “sound like you.” In any case, be deliberate and take a look at not to slip an excessive amount of into generational patois. The expenses of repeated repairs and maintenance for an elderly vehicle can be weighty, too, making a motorcycle the winner that is clear regards to advantages. Around a tour is offered by each college of some sort. Students should profit from this and plan a concert tour to be able to discover their explicit college or university and feel better ready. Childhood memories with friends essay, essay on web in english for sophistication 12, essay writing pte follow? I think this form of remedy sticks with many individuals throughout life, they usually continue to make use of drawing as a coping mechanism. The Princeton essay we responded to on this publish, for example, has a serious tone and is principally an invite to write another personal assertion. Thinking about this might make me decide to introduce college students to “Jack in the Bean Stalk.” Also, it makes me think about the influence that know-how is having on youngsters. I assume individuals are more related to stories after they have the strong e-book in entrance of them, rather than having a screen in entrance of them. When I had my guide, I saved it with me a lot of the time, and that is doubtless how it made such a major impact on my life. As a trainer, I would encourage college students to learn onerous copies of books, rather than studying a e-book from a computer display screen or a tablet, for instance. Expressing emotions is a significant element of growing up.
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Get Essay Writing Help From A Professional Service Further, it additionally indicates the hesitancy of the owner to put money into a enterprise they might shut down in a brief-term time period, began only for earning cash. The third and final issue that's important when writing quality content material includes the format of the bibliography. Currently, some widespread format for any bibliography entry consists of MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago amongst others. While grading the paper, even a small mistake within the entry may result in a reduction in grade. One extra problem with the format of the bibliography is that it is up to date by the involved authorities at the common interval and so it is troublesome to memorize and write. According to an expert, the sources that must be used in any paper ought to be dated the earlier five years at the most as it represents the newest findings on a given matter. This factor should be considered and can come via past experiences of other people. In the identical method, fraud cases should have pointers related to it. The company additionally offers multi-mode buyer's downside-solving options. These embrace chatting through textual content or speaking over the cellphone. This is just possible because of a fully trained customer support staff that works round the clock. Here are a number of useful suggestions that I comply with to be able to get probably the most of myself. Following your professor or trainer’s favourite essay format is essential. Introductions are often the toughest part to put in writing because you’re making an attempt to summarize your whole essay before you’ve even written it but. Instead, try writing your introduction final, giving yourself the physique of the paper to determine the main point of your essay. Honestly, all through most of highschool and school, I was a mediocre essay author. Apart from that, it is essential to notice what expertise and talents a person possesses. A high quality examine is then carried out by the website's writers – These editors verify the document completely for plagiarism, grammatical errors and different issues. While in longer essays, you have ample area to clarify and make clear all your factors, in a shorter essay you might really feel like you wouldn't have enough area to make a powerful argument. The key to writing a short essay is including solely the most pertinent information essential to make your point. Here, you’ll write your supportive statements or provide proof to your key factors. You’ll introduce and summarize each paragraph and properly connect the parts of the essay together. That is the principle chunk of your writing, for which you’ll require as much as forty% of your time. All these must be monitored appropriately to extend effectivity and convey out a sense of belief. Customer reviews ought to be mentioned on the website and rectification steps taken. It must be mentioned as paper writing service reviews creates a robust firm presence. In this fashion, customers get an in-depth insight into the corporate's skilled attributes. To sum it up, before hiring individuals, it is important to check them by asking for proof of their work. Also, make a transition to the physique of your essay at the end of the intro. In the conclusion, re-summarize the thesis statement while linking it to the evidence that you're offering in the body paragraphs. Write a conclusive sentence that would place the knowledge in your paper into a broader context. Meet all your essay deadlines with the help of our expert writers. As we mentioned, writing is difficult, and even skilled writers like myself have bother doing it. You already have your thesis statement in the intro. So, write a hook previous it — a quote, a relevant anecdote in a sentence or two, or some statistical info associated with the topic. You can go along with some agencies who've worked for your associates or household or can check essay author evaluations on the internet earlier than deciding. A check on reliability provides you with assurance concerning your money in addition to quality over other issues. When these minute adjustments happen they're higher in a position to carry out at office which helps in securing their job. This works positively and hence will increase job satisfaction. Along with this, proofreading and modifying have to be up to speed. They match the doc with the order's calls for and align the content accordingly. Therefore, the necessity for knowledgeable writers arises because it turns into simple to get wonderful assignments, which can guarantee good grades and better future aspects. When we point out a superb paper writing service, we consider the corporate whose web site has a transparent option and set tips to observe in case of any dispute. For example, when the scholar or customer faces issue in reaching out to the staff, then the precise details of tips on how to get in touch must be talked about.
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College Essay Writing Service
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siantlark-blog1 · 7 years ago
Asian Anarchist, Anti-colonial and Anti-Authoritarian Reading List
Note: This was originally just a reading list that wasn’t started by me. The project eventually got abandoned and I remembered it recently, so I’m posting it here instead of Google Docs so more people can actually use it. I tried to clean it up a little but I’m too lazy to take away a bunch of the idiosyncrasies and asides that accumulated. Whatever could be found online (for free) is listed, whatever couldn’t is listed with the place to buy the book in question. Also I don’t use Tumblr so I have no clue if this will like delete itself or anything. Oh and Anti-Authoritarianism and Anarchism are used interchangeably, and things that really shouldn’t be considered anarchism (Indigenous Resistance to states and modern society for example) is listed because honestly more people need to know about it anyways.  Share this if you want, it was rotting away on some godforsaken corner of the internet anyways, it needs sunlight. 
Global Anarchism
Non-Western Anarchisms, Rethinking the Global Context (Jason Adams)
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia by James C. Scott  (Libgen link to The Art Of Not Being Governed here)
Bibliography of Western Language Publications on Asian Anarchism  (Compiled by: Eef Vermeij / 2nd draft, August 2015)
Anarchism A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas  (Compiled by Robert Graham)
Pan-Asian Struggles and Solidarity & General Anarchism
Building a Non-Eurocentric Anarchism in Our Communities: Dialogue with Ashanti Alston (Institute of Anarchist Studies)
Legacy to Liberation: Politics and Culture of Revolutionary Asian/Pacific America edited by Fred Ho
Against Communism, Against Capitalism: The New Asian Revolution by Anonymous
Asian Anarchism: China, Japan, Korea, India
Leftism in East Asia
Chinese Anarchism
The Chinese Anarchist Movement by George T. Yu and Robert Scalapino (The Anarchist Library)
What Women Should Know About Communism by He Zhen 何殷震(PDF)
Towards an Anarchist History of the Chinese Revolution by Andrew Flood
He Zhen and Anarcho-Feminism in China by Peter Zarrow (PDF)
The Individual in Early Chinese Anarchism: Feminism and Utopianism in the Tianyi (Natural Justice) by Ole Fossgård  
Anarchism and Chinese Political Culture by Peter Zarrow
Shifu, Soul of Chinese Anarchism by Edward S. Krebs
Anarchist Publications of the May Fourth Era by Daniel SS Cairns
Chinese American Anarchism (+ Ungovernability?) (Asian American Anarchism)?
Chinese Anarchists in the U.S. by syndicalist (libcom.org)
The Equality Society: Chinese Anarchists in the 1920s USA by Mitchell Landsberg (anarkismo.net)
Anarchism in Hong Kong
An account and critique of the 1970s Hong Kong libertarian socialist group 70s Front by Ken Knabb (libcom.org)
Anarchism in Japan
A Brief History of Japanese Anarchism
Anarchist Opposition to Japanese Militarism, 1926-37 by John Crump (flag.blackened.net)  
The Anarchist Movement in Japan, 1906-1996 by John Crump (The Anarchist Library)
E-texts of Shusui Kotoku’s works in Japanese
Against the God Emperor: The Anarchist Treason Trials in Japan by Stefan Anarkowic (AK Press)
The Labor Movement in Japan by Sen Katayama
1868-2000: Anarchism in Japan (libcom.org)
A Unique Tradition of Materialism in Japan by Katsuhiko Endo
Anarcho-syndicalism in Japan: 1911 to 1934 by Philippe Pelletier
Bakunin and Japan (An history of Bakunin, Osugi Sakae, and Anarchists in Japan) (Libcom.org)
ZENGAKUREN: Japan's Revolutionary Students  A collection of essays and histories translated from the original Japanese.
Uprising: Music, youth, and protest against the policies of the Abe Shinzo government (Asia-Pacific Journal)
Monster of the Twentieth Century: Kotoku Shusui and Japan’s First Anti-Imperialist Movement by Robert Thomas Tierney (Contains both a history of Shusui’s works and an actual translation of Shusui’s Imperialism)
Anarchism/Leftism in Korea
Chronology: The Pre-War Korean Anarchist Movement
The Story of the Korean Anarchists and the Anarchist Revolution in Manchuria, 1929-1931 by Eric Every
The Korean Anarchist Movement
Anarchism in Korea: Independence, Transnationalism, and the Question of National Development, 1919-1984 by Dongyoun Hwang (2016)
Who Was Yo Un-Hyung? by Lee Wha Yang (Part II here)
Gwangju and the Paris Commune  by George Katsiaficas on grassroots and decentralized uprisings.
Leftism in the Pacific
Imminent Rebellion 9 - An anarchist journal from the South Pacific
How the Polynesian Panthers Changed Our World
The Anarchist Confederation of Oceania
Anarchism in Tonga
Tonga - (libcom)
Anarchism in Samoa
The Mau Movement - (sidenote: bummed this blog is no longer active.)
Anarchism in New Zealand
Interview with Sam Buchanan in Aotearoa New Zealand (Alpine Anarchist)
Women in the Polynesian Panthers Legacy - Paving the Way
Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters: A History of Anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand From the Mid-1950s to the Early 1980s by Toby Boraman (2008)
“It’s Not Black and White - It’s Blurry”: An Interview with Teanu Tuiono
Tino Rangatiratanga and Capitalism by Teanu Tuiono (Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua)
The Evolution of Contemporary Maori Protest
Leftism in South East Asia
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia by James C. Scott (Libgen link to The Art Of Not Being Governed here)
Repelling States: Evidence from Upland Southeast Asia 
Anarchism/Leftism in the Philippines
The Age of Globalization by Benedict Anderson
About anarchist history in the Philippines (libcom)
An Archipelagic Confederation by Bas Umali
Gasera Journal - A oneoff publication by anarchist inspired activists in the Philippines. Articles are a mix of Tagalog and English.
Suspended Apocalypse: White Supremacy, Genocide, and the Filipino Condition - by Dylan Rodriguez
Cordilleran Resistance to the Philippine government
Macli-ing Dulag
Anarchism in Indonesia
Anarchism in Central Java, Indonesia - an interview with local anarchists by a WSM supporter travelling in the region (Workers Solidarity Movement)
A 2010 interview with Indonesian anarchists about the anarchist movement
Anarchism in Cambodia
Cambodia: Anti-Colonial Protest 1863 - 1945 (Blackwell Ref. Library.)
Anarchism in Vietnam
In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary by Ngo Van, trans. by Hélène Fleury and Ken Knabb (eBook) (Libgen link to In the Crossfire here)
Anti-colonial Religious Movement In Vietnam
Early History of Vietnam - Anti-Colonial Struggle
The Anti-Colonial Movement in Vietnam
Phan Boi Chau & Dong Du
Anarchism in Thailand
Political Unrest in Thailand (libcom)
Class Struggle for Democracy in Thailand (Naked Punch)
Anarchism in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur: Police raid Anarchist space 
Leftism in South Asia
South Asian Anarchism: Paths to Praxis (Attack the System)
Revolutionary Lives in South Asia: Acts and Afterlives of Anticolonial Political Action (Routledge, Google Books)
Anarchism in India
The Gulabi Gang (Utter Pradesh, North India) (Shades of Brown)
Har Dayal’s Writings in Punjabi
Decolonizing Anarchism: An Antiauthoritarian History of India’s Liberation Struggle by Maia Ramnath
Decolonizing Anarchism: An Interview with Maia Ramnath (Institute for Anarchist Studies)
Dalit Theology and Christian Anarchism
Anarchism in Pakistan
News of Anarchism - Pakistan (Scribd)
Anarchists of Pakistan (Facebook guh)
The Pakistani Experiment in Anarchism (dawn.com)
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titmasjack · 6 years ago
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Weekly Summary
With three weeks remaining before my first deadline on the 26th of February, much like the previous unit, I wanted to dedicate a set amount of time to work on my 1500 word essay. With academic writing not being the strongest aspect of my work. I found it really helpful giving myself the time to focus on the production of my essay last unit, as it not only benefitted me by giving me allocated time to produce at least a first draft but gave me the lack of stress about having to complete it last minute. 
Wanting to ensure that I continued this trend throughout this unit, I gave myself the majority of week 7 to focus on the research narrative project for my upcoming peer and tutor reflection on the 5th of February. Using this time to my full advantage I broke down the necessary paragraphs and functions of my essay to ensure that I produced a methodical and progressive essay that reflect a range of opinions and ideas responding to one of the five questions posed by Lynsey herself in a previous week. 
Directly focusing my work on this project, I definitely sidetracked not only my other projects but my blog, as I haven’t had the opportunity to produce a range of other written content having been focused on my essay itself. In the upcoming weeks, I hope to be able to reflect and build back up the work on my blog, responding to the tasks that I completed and missed to ensure that I don’t fall behind in any other projects I’m currently tasked with.
Although I feel that I could have continued the trend of producing a blog every evening, academic writing has always been a weak point in my work and didn’t want it to affect the flow and dynamic of my essay, when having to produce a much more formal outcome. 
I feel that having given myself the time to work solely on my essay will definitely help me in the long run as it means that I have taken action to prioritise what I know is a weakness in my own work. Getting myself ahead of the curve in receiving the best feedback possible on what I can improve and develop upon in my upcoming iterations. Although I know that I have to add formal citations and references to my work, this is something that can be done when given feedback and isn't reliably needed when asking for a response from my tutors and peers. 
Although I still had my timetabled lessons, I felt that now was the best time to work on my essay as throughout the previous week we have had a lot more independent study. In preparation for my deadline and next project, now was the best time for me to pursue my essay to get the most out of my time available. 
Research Narrative
Solely focusing on my research narrative essay, I made great strides in being able to produce a completed first draft with a total of 1458 words that fit into the 1500 word count. With a 10% leeway I was originally sceptical that I would be able to create enough content to meet the required word count, but soon found that the extra 500 words in comparison to our previous units essay, gave me enough breathing room to explore and discuss in more depth a few ranges of points, rather than highlighting many points with little detail. Focusing on a couple of main theorists, I was able to constantly refer back to the original intentions of my essay, clearly responding to the original thesis that I stated in my introduction.
In comparison to my previous essay, I believe this showcases a much more clear and concise response to a given question, with alot less unnecessary fluff surrounding the topic of discussion. I was happy to have had also included a lot more of the cultural and historical context to my work as a driving factor to drive home my opinions. Having the chance to research the background information surrounding a films incentive and foreign culture has definitely widened my eyes to the possibility of interpretation and stylised choice as a director. 
I am happy with how this week turned out in regards to this project, as it gave me a good way in demonstrating how I can get ahead of the curve in producing and finalising a project before its deadline. This will give me a great setup for the upcoming week as I now have the opportunity to ask for the tutor and peer reflection on my work, to how I could further improve or expand my studies. 
Although I haven’t fully completed my bibliography, I wanted to ensure that I had a completed first draft to present on the day of my reflection. As I wish to continue to expand my bibliography as I create a variety of iterations, I hope to look at alternate sources and begin to use the library as a tool of resources that can support my studies. 
Digital Morphs
N/a Whilst focusing on other tasks, I didn’t find the time to make any significant developments on this individual project.
Animated Sketchbook
N/a Whilst focusing on other tasks, I didn’t find the time to make any significant developments on this individual project.
Intro to Stop-Motion
Developing our initial introduction to the software we took our animations past ball bounces by interacting with humanoid characters. Having them complete the task of lifting a box, we experimented with injecting character by varying the timing and spacing of our animations to portray various characteristics and responses to picking up a box. With a variety of variables I could consider throughout my experiments I got the opportunity to highlight the effects of a lightbox, heavy box, consider age, and form, technique and context. This gave me enough variety to create a range of experiments through stop-motion animation, video reference and story-boarding my initial ideas.
Although I only had the opportunity to animate two box lifts, I felt that my tests were a lot more effective than my original experiments with our ‘introduction to stop-motion’ with animator Tine Kluth. Using a much more simplified armature, I found it easier to not only pose but bend and articulate the humanoid figure due to its wire limbs compared to the previous ball and socket animation experiments I had previously made. 
With the much-improved flexibility, I believe that I was able to convey a lot stronger posing that established the characters weight and momentum throughout each action.
To best support my work, I also filmed a series of box lifts by myself, friends and peers documenting the subtle differences in completing the action, accounting for size, weight body shape and age. Having the opportunity to use this alongside as reference when animating, made my life significantly easier as it allowed me to establish a realistic sense of the posture of the characters and how they reacted to varying weights. What I found most interesting was the vast amount of secondary actions in the simple task of lifitng a box. 
Next week we’ll be establishing a more character driven task that relies on the emotion that I as an animator can portray through the physicality of a puppet. Much like before I intend to not only shoot reference footage but support my work by creating a range of storyboards that expresses the emotions I want to explore.
Intro to Digital 3D
Jumping further into the new software of Maya, this week focused on the modelling aspects of the program, looking at how we could bend, expand and distort original shapes to create a series of outcomes based on reference imagery. Specifically using the modelling tools available, we established how I could use them to my advantage to create a series of tools and everyday objects based around reference art and imagery we were provided beforehand. 
Staying away from animation, modelling is a huge aspect of the animated film industry that could be a potential gateway for me to pursue as a career later in life. I found that I got to grips quite comfortably with the modelling aspect of Maya and was something I definitely pursued further in my own time. Whilst not having the opportunity to fully complete the task of the session in the dedicated time, I took it upon myself to independently develop my modelling session by changing, developing and working on my original models to ensure they best reflected the original reference images we were provided. 
Taking the time to independently pursue this further, I found it rather fun to be working in software I hadn't tried before. Unlike After Effects, although I want to be introduced to a range of new tools, I found it personally easier to create outcomes and creatively develop ideas using the tools available. I hope that in the last week of the project we get the opportunity to explore our own ideas in creating a modelling task that leads to animation. Amalgamating both techniques and processes we have learnt using this new program.
Overall, I found it very helpful to have dedicated the majority of my time this week to my narrative research essay. Having the chance to now get peer reflection on my work, this will allow me to iterate and create multiple drafts without the stress of creating a full essay closer to my deadline.
To summarise;
With my deadline of the 26th approaching, I need to focus on my digital morph and sketchbook project to get them to the standard I want to create.
Having prioritised my essay, I need to catch up on my blog to showcase the work I have been creating outside of my narrative research project.
In the upcoming week, I need to get peer and tutor response for my essay on how I can improve and adapt my outcome to best suit the brief.
Continue to develop and expand upon my two mini-briefs introducing stop-motion and digital 3D animation.
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callmemoprah · 6 years ago
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Source: http://mobimatic.io/2019/04/18/the-unexpected-truth-about-custom-dissertation-writing/
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timmynthnblg · 7 years ago
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tenshidoodles · 7 years ago
Character research - Week 4
For our fourth character research lesson, we looked at some sample questions and past essay papers, so we could all get an idea of how we needed to set out our own ones in the future.
Lynsey also went through the learning objectives with us, which will also help boost our grades.
When creating our essays we should ask ourselves ‘what is the larger topic this character could belong to?’ and look at the larger category that they fall into, such as, anthropomorphic animal, stop-motion puppet, creepy baby, etc.
Another point we should remember and consider is, ‘How can my essay be valuable and interesting for a reader who may not know the character I’m discussing? Is there relevance?’ and this basically means that we should make our essays easy to understand and also informative at the same time.
Whilst looking at past essays, we took it apart to see the relevant parts and the bits that we will also need, or might include into our own ones.
Here is a list of useful information to include into the essay:
Character design - so reference the animation style, the aesthetic style, and the exaggeration of the character, e.g., neotony - the purposeful use and keeping of young features.
Walk cycle - compare it to the other characters, and how this works well/ or not so well.
Behavioral patterns in children and why this animated character appeals to the younger audience so well.
Semiotics and the characters colour palette
Symbolic links through their clothing - such as Mrs Tweedys Jackboots and them linking to nazi Iconography.
Our essays should be 10% introduction, 80% body, and 10% conclusion. We should also make sure to re-read them, re-draft them, use an appropriate tone, and remember to correctly reference them with bibliographies.
To make the essays appropriate statements like, ‘I think’, ‘I feel’, I really like’, should be avoided, unless justifiable, and can be changed for quotes, such as, ‘It could be argued that’, ‘It might be suggested that’, and don’t forget to use credible sources.
Statements should be proven with reliable evidence, and we should avoid using slang terms, jokes, and we must understand the words we use in our essays.
Any images that we use must be relevant, and tagged as figure.1, or fig.1, with a brief description of what the picture is.
Overall, I felt this lesson was very helpful, and will come in handy when writing up my essay about megaminds character.
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