#also like how braiden and Rebecca don’t die and just reveal the forgetting part as more of a prank
rusty-gloinks · 1 year
This should be the last ask of the story.
Well, N does gently lay Uzi down against a tree to let her get her bearings and he goes to try to examine what happened to V. She is in a bad state and needs a lot of extra time to regenerate.
She tries to push her away and contemplates attacking 'Cyn' in her weak state, but N gives her a talk to calm her. I'm not too sure how I want that convo to go, but he would get her to stop moving to focus on resting by apoligizing for the fight.
It works pretty much immediately, she hated what was said in the fight and it did stick in her head. I'm sure if I wrote this fic, I'd include bits of her stuck thinking of the fight. She does lay on the snow to just let the program finally do its job to heal and N gets to comfort Uzi, freaking about her oil urges she had the night.
They then do get back to the class; N holding V to let the energy for the program be optomized and Uzi follows behind with the solver at bay now. But the class is understandably freaked out seeing Uzi again. She does hide behind the two while N bring the panic down, in a way that works but idk how if I wrote this.
He also adds a little excuse to get Uzi a bit happier at school. "Well, this shouldn't be a danger to any of you... Execpt Braiden and Rebecca." "WHAT?!" "Maybe just... distant urselves from her and she won't hurt you. Do you think she didn't figure out who made the 'everyone forgets her existence' prank?" "OKAY OKAY GEEZ!"
Lizzy gives V a super short hug around her head before running to the bus, hoping no classmates noticed the initial action. Only V really knows, and she's fine with that.
When they get to the bus, N sets V on a seat in the back and sits with her to give them room to talk. And Uzi sits in her own seat, almost wanting a break for talking.
But Lizzy plops next to her, quickly getting on her phone. Uzi quickly asks why she is with her with all the other empty seats, or even the open spot next to Rebecca. Lizzy replies, "Someone needs to keep an eye on you Uz.... Loner. So.... Just be happy you ain't alone now."
Uz appricates the gesture.
N gives a hug to V and stays like that for the bus ride, but says she is open to talk about whatever she needs to.
And that's it!
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