Remember, you can disappear into the woods whenever you want. You’re an adult.
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oh u haven’t heard?? it’s all gonna be ok
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03.06.18 // 52/100 Days of productivity - I’m officially on my summer holiday and I finally spent the morning taking some pictures of my notes from this semester, that means I’ll be finally updating original content again, hopefully, every day!! Hope everyone is having a nice end of the semester and getting awesome grades!
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tokyo + seoul, how i miss you so 🌙✨ ig: studylustre // caaarolt
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50 Ways To Feel Better
take a nap! you should take a rest every now and then to help calm your nerves
have a bath/shower. again, this can help you to calm down and not feel so anxious
drink tea. in tea (such as green tea), there are antioxidents and it’s also known to have health benefits :)
exercise. whether it be to have a jog or run around the park, exercising is healthy because you stay fit and you can release your mind from any annoying thoughts
talk to friends/family. you can just chat or play games and have fun with friends and/or family and it helps you feel tremendously better!
read a book. read your favourite book again, or find a new and interesting book and let yourself relax for a while
do some breathing exercises! meditating/breathing deeply can help you calm down and feel more connected and get your mind out the gutter
listen to music. listening to music can have tremendous effects and you can feel so much happier just by listening to your favourite band/artist
play with a pet! if you have a pet, it definitely doesn’t hurt to play or cuddle with them!
shut down for a bit. log off, sign out, clock out, turn off the internet. you can feel so much better if you get out the web for a while (especially if that’s where you’re getting stress from)
look at nature. take a walk in the park, admire the scenery, do some gardening!
if you have a lot of things to do, try and do them one at a time, rather than attempting to finish everything all at once!
if you are facing hard times, it never ever hurts to talk to someone that you trust. you can talk/text confidentially with someone on a hotline if you need to.
drink water! water is good for you and your body, and it cools your body down
you can draw your favourite things (like flowers or animals and whatnot) or you can doodle and jot your thoughts
cry for a bit… there’s nothing wrong with needing to cry. you’re not weak. you can cry and get your thoughts out, you will feel better afterwards
if you’re a student, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher/professor for an extension if you think that you’re not going to get an assignment done by the due date!
watch your favourite movie/tv show and laugh along for a while!
do some of your favourite hobbies! it could be singing, dancing, drawing or sports.. the list goes on!
dance! dance your stress away! you don’t have to be perfect or super talented at it, just dance and free yourself!
if you have an instrument, feel free to play/practise playing
sing a song, there’s nothing wrong with it!
have a night out with your friends :^)
punch a pillow or something similar (not a person!!) you’re bound to feel better
scream into a pillow if that helps
write. write stories, poems, your thoughts, or whatever you desire
hug someone, something (for example, a toy, a pet or a family member)
play a game (a board game or card game works)
meditate. meditating is known to help with calming down and relaxing your mind/body
dress up, have fun, it doesn’t hurt to dress up for a bit
don’t be afraid to procrastinate
go on netflix, watch something that you enjoy! or find a new show to watch!
take a walk in the park and take in the fresh air, cool down
make or order some food and indulge :)
if you’re old enough, indulge in a drink or two (don’t drink too much though!)
if it makes you feel better, you can pray :)
when things get too bad, you can always call a lifeline
write emails or postcards to friends or loved ones!
do karaoke or sing to your heart’s content
if you have one, write another entry in your diary (..or uh, journal)
go to a coffee shop or cafe and enjoy yourself
clean up! you’ll feel instantly better when your workspace is tidy
treat yourself to some ice-cream (or a lot)
go out and have fun with friends or meet new people!
look at cute things! (see: r/eyebleach on reddit)
print out cheesy/inspiration quotes and stick them around your workspace/home <3
make yourself a playlist or find one that someone else made and listen to it! 🎵
plant candles around your home
try out some weird pinterest diy’s!
and last, but not least, smile. even just pretending to smile can make your mind feel happier 💛
if you’re ever feeling down, know that i’m always here. feel free to message me here, on instagram (x_generallee) or snapchat (satire-humor)…
— t.
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어느새 내 몸속 깊숙이 넌 자랐나 봐. ig: studylustre
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APUSH Ch. 23! 🍩
02.12.18. I know I haven’t posted in a while ahaha I’ve been sick for the past week but I’m really excited for break so I can catch up on stuff!
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16 apr 2018 • monday
🎶 boomerang // wanna one
i have no school for pretty much the whole of this week and next week, so i’m gonna have full-day study sessions to prepare for my final exams!!
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“the three songs” ask set
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
2. three last songs you listened to
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
12. three favourite songs from video games
13. three songs you want at your funeral
14. three songs you want at your wedding
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
16. three favourite songs for sex
17. three songs that remind you of your crush
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
21. three songs of your childhood
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
24. three favourite old songs
25. three favourite songs of 2017
26. three favourite non-English songs
27. three songs that you sing while drunk
28. three best songs to get drunk or high to
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
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Some pics from today’s research and planning session for my upcoming presentation. I don’t particularly like the topic and I’ve been dreading it. But I have to start soon if I want to finish it one day.
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‘What is the mediterranean? It is a thousand things at once. Not a landscape, but a series of landscapes. Not a sea, but seas flowing on other seas. To travel in the mediterranean […] means to encounter the most ancient things, still alive, alongside the ultramodern.’
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100 Days of Productivity - Day 70/100 March 11th, 2018
Here’s an old picture of annotations I completed a while ago. Today was a really lovely day - I watched a history documentary on Netflix and completed some modern readings on the Romanovs (because I’m a major history nerd). Also, seeing as I just recently reached 12,000 followers on this blog (which is crazy), I was considering starting a YouTube channel. I would post study with me videos, study advice videos, book review and recommendation videos, maybe some lifestyle and gaming videos. What do you guys think? Would you be interested in seeing that kind of content?
Insta @ isthisnametakenyet
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05.03.18 // 42/100 Days of productivity - First time using yellow tones in my notes and I love the results ✨✨
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