#also last night i got high and michael jackson started playing and i literally felt my soul leave me
duskholland · 2 years
tumblr has come up in both of my seminars since starting back at uni … vexing …
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: i’m dreaming of a white christmas
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/baker!gen-neutral!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: literally nothing, unless there’s swearing (but I don’t think there is this time)
Word Count: 2414 
Summary: Spencer is away for a work trip and might not make it home in time for Christmas, leaving the reader alone for the holidays. Until Spencer comes home with a surprise
A/N: i literally re-wrote this and made it work for spencer. it was written from when i hardcore stanned queen (written for roger taylor) o.o so please bear with me. Also, who said it was too early for christmas/holiday one-shots… anyways, thank you everyone for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
“I’m dreaming of a white… Christmas,” I whispered to myself, mixing in chocolate chips to the plain dough, “Just like the ones I used to know,” I cocked my head to the side before sticking my pinkie into the dough to eat some. I’m sure if Spencer were here, he’d tell me that raw egg can get you incredibly sick. But, he wasn’t here, so who’s to stop me from doing it? 
“Where the treetops glisten and children listen,” Bing Crosby continued as I began humming and scooping the dough onto a cookie pan. “To hear sleigh bells in the snow,”
“The Snow,” I whispered before turning to look at the oven. I slid the pan into the oven before making a mug of hot chocolate. The only thing that would make hot chocolate better would mini marshmallows and a God-Awful cheesy Christmas movie (or keeping the Chistmas Music on instead because I’m lazy).  
With my mug in hand, I walked back to the living room… Where a small pile of gifts sat on the ground beside the coffee table, waiting to be wrapped by yours truly. In all honesty, I hated wrapping presents… For anyone even. I just can’t wait to see the look on Spencer’s face when he opens his present. 
My present wasn’t anything special… Jennifer had taken a candid photo of Spencer and I at one of Rossi’s infamous get togethers at his place. I was sitting on his lap, with his arms wrapped around my waist. We were both laughing, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was at something Penlope said, or Luke said. It was one of my favorite photos. Thrown into a nice photo frame, it should be his favorite present. 
 “I should get on that… Before Spencer gets home… if he gets home in time for Christmas.” I whispered, sitting on the ground behind the coffee table. I set the coffee mug on the coffee table before grabbing the first gift.
“I saw mommy kissin’ Santa Claus,” Michael Jackson's, of the Jackson 5, high pitched voice played through radio. “Underneath the mistletoe last night…”
I picked up my mug and the wrapped photo before standing up. I placed the gift under the small tree and smiled softly, looking at the perfectness of my life. The tree, the perfect tree that I had to fight Spencer to let me put up, was lit up with white lights and decorated with perfect ornaments. The pile of gifts that sat under the tree was slowly expanding, from one gift to eight.
“More hot chocolate,” I sighed deeply, dumping out the chunky, no longer hot, hot chocolate into the sink and turned the tap on to rinse out the dirty mug.
“Something something something, Christmas,” I smirked and shut the water off before dumping the nasty water into the sink and making another glass. The timer on the oven behind me started ringing, causing me to turn around and pull the cookies from the oven. 
“Christmas Cookies, for the gift-bringer,” I looked at each cookie before scooping one on to a napkin and returning back into the living room, continuing to wrap the stupid gifts. One for Jennifer, one for Emily, one for  Matt, one for Luke, one for David, one for Tara, and two more for Spencer. I returned to my spot on the ground behind the coffee table before taking a bite of my cookie and sipping my hot chocolate. I picked up a small box that contained a present for Luke.
“I'll have a blue… Christmas without you,” Elvis Prestley's voice came smoothly across the radio. My smile slowly turned into a frown and I could feel a certain sorrow grow in my stomach. 
“And I'll be so blue… just thinking about you.” I softly sang along before pushing the box to the tree. I sighed and let the music continue on it’s own. The mess, paired with the pile, just kept growing. And I still had a mess to clean in the kitchen from the cookies. I lulled my head back so it was resting on the couch, and I closed my eyes.
“You've always had a pretty singing voice,” A voice came from behind me. I jumped lightly at the voice, because I wasn’t expecting anyone other than me in the house. I opened my eyes before turning around to see who was in my home. I should have just know who it was, because the only person who has ever heard me sing was Spencer. 
And, I was right, Spencer was standing in the doorway, holding a red and white bag in one hand and a smaller, wooden box in the other. His hair was pushed under a Santa hat, loose strands of hair were hanging in front of his face. His face was turning a light, rosy pink color because of how cold it was outside. And it honestly took everything in me not to laugh at him.
“You’re home!” I exclaimed as I struggled to stand. Spencer laughed at me once I finally stumbled to my feet.
“You know they won't care if their presents are wrapped or not,” he spoke as he looked at the pile around me. I ignored his comment before running up to him. I threw my arms around his neck and laughed into the nape of his neck. He laughed as he shoved his hands into his pockets, 
before wrapping his arms around my back. He looked at me and smiled. 
“What are you doing home?” I asked, placing my hands on his cheeks. The palms of my hands were hot as the pressed against his very cold cheeks. He looked down at me with a joyful glimmer in his eye and a smile on his lips. “When did you get in? Penelope was supposed to text me! She was supposed to let me know so I could… So I could clean!” I gestured behind me to the mess in the living room, ignoring the mess in the kitchen.
“We just got in a little while ago, I told Penelope not to tell you,” Spencer smiled at me before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed against his lips and smiled. “Figured I'd surprise you for Christmas,” he pulled away from me and whispered. 
“Well, you're just in time. I made cookies,” I stated, going to step away from him but failing when he held onto me tighter. I looked at him and placed my hands on the center of his chest. He looked down at me with a small smile.
“Oh, I missed your baking,” Spencer whispered, bringing a hand to stroke a strand of hair away from my face. I smiled and cocked my head to the side. “But I missed you the most,” he poked my nose. I wrinkled it before sticking my tongue out.
“I missed you too. You were gone for 3 weeks!” I scoffed, reaching for his hand and pulling him into our apartment. Spencer stumbled over the threshold as he followed inside me. I could just hear him mocking me for how well decorated our home was for the holidays. I smiled to myself.
“Emily kept telling me you guys weren't going to be home till well after Christmas,” I pointed out as I reached to grab the two presents I just wrapped. I sat on the couch, the two gifts still in hand, and looked at him. Spencer smiled at me as he placed the bag and box on the coffee table. He sat down beside me and looked right at me. Where as I eyed up the small box on the table for half a second.
“I may or may not have instructed her to tell you that we weren't going to be home till then. I wanted to surprise you,” he smiled at me. I felt butterflies grow in the pit of my stomach. That feeling never went away and I love every moment I have them because when I have them, I’m with Spencer. He’s honestly the only person who can do that to me too.
“Well, if I had known you were coming home early, I would’ve made dinner! We’ll just have to have cookies to eat!” I exclaimed, looking around at the slight mess in the living room from my wrapping of presents. Spencer laughed as he looked around. 
“If the mess doesn’t bother you, then it doesn’t bother me,” he whispered once he looked back at me. Part of me knew that was a lie… Okay, all of me knew that was a lie.
“Everyone got you something. I just barely had time to get you something,” he stated as he struggled to get his jacket off. He threw it over the back of the couch. 
I smiled as I watched him stick his hand into the bag and pulled out a large box and placed it on the table in front of the wooden one. He then pulled out a stuffed unicorn with an assortment of colored things and placed it on the couch between us, “Well, this one’s from Penelope,”
“I wish she got me something useful,” I laughed as I picked up the gift. 
“This is from Matt and Kristy, he said Kristy picked it out so he doesn’t even know what it is,” he pulled out a box. I raised an eyebrow before pulling the lid off. A mug with a blend of tea was sitting wrapped in some tissue paper. 
I don’t really know why everyone on the team got me something. It really wasn’t necessary. I suppose I am giving them gifts, so it’s only fair. Along with the mug and tea, and the unicorn, I got a small bottle of whisky from Tara, a fancy cookbook from Emily, as well as a not as fancy cookbook from Jennifer, and the only really practical gift was from Luke, which was a knife and can of pepper spray.
“What about Dave?” I asked as I placed the pointy knife down on the coffee table.
“Uh, well, this is from Dave and Krystall,” He pointed at the box on the coffee table. I furrowed my eyebrows before picking up the box. I pulled the wrapping paper off and tossing it to the ground with the rest of the mess. A brand new kitchen aid mixer.
“He’s out of his goddamn mind, I’ll tell you that.” I rolled my eyes as I looked at the box. I was happy for the new stand mixer, but I wasn’t expecting to get one from a close friend.
“He was buying stuff for Krystall and Joy and asked me if you needed a new one. I was too busy thinking about what I was going to get you… So he didn’t get a real answer,” Spencer cringed as he looked up at me. I smiled and laughed.
“Well, its appreciated either way.” I chuckled as I looked back at the box. I honestly couldn’t wait to use it to make something from one of the two cookbooks I got. “I can’t wait to use it,” I chuckled to myself. Roger laughed.
“I’m not entirely sure why he went so… out there with gifts for you. I told him something simple would have worked,” Spencer looked at me with a smile.
“Probably because I’m his favorite baker,” I looked at Spencer and smiled. He laughed and shook his head.  “Well, my present to you is probably better than what you got me,” I smirked before handing over the two gifts to Spencer. 
“I seriously doubt that,” he snickered. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He’s always been secretive, and I’ve always hated it. But he always knew how to surprise me.
“I have something else, but this one’s more important,” I waved of the box with his name that was under the tree. Spencer smiled before looking at the brown paper package. 
“Are you sure?” He asked, picking at the seams. I smiled and nodded, getting impatient with him playing with the paper instead of ripping the thing open. “Alright,” he smiled at me, nodding lightly before pulling the paper off the box. He gently wiggled the lid off and picked up the photo.
“Jennifer sent it to me, it’s one of my favorites,” I smiled as he looked at the photo. He smiled as he ran his finger over the photo. His fingers lingered over my face for a moment before he looked up at me.
 “It was right after a case. You guys were gone for forever! Rossi invited everyone, significant others and kids included, over for dinner and relaxation,” I looked down at the photo and smiled, “Someone had just said a really stupid joke, so we were just laughing at it. But, we literally couldn’t leave each other alone,” I looked at him and smiled. Spencer smiled back at me before pressing his lips to mine. “It’s my favorite picture,” I whispered against his lips.
“If it’s your favorite picture, then it’s also mine,” He smiled at me, setting the photo up on the coffee table. He grabbed the box and looked at it a few times before looking back at me. “I love you,” he smiled at me, keeping his eyes on me and his voice a soft whisper. Clicking from the lid of the box caught my attention, causing me to look down, but not for very long.
“Wha-what is it?” I asked with a small smile on my lips. He looked at the box and let out a sigh. “I love you too, Spencer, but you’re killing me with this anonymity,” I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him closer to me before kissing him again. Spencer laughed before pulling away from me.
“Marry me,” he flipped the box open and lifting it to show me what sat inside. A perfect ring sat in the middle of it. A small diamond was embedded in the center with a pearl on either side.  I blinked at him, my mouth opened slightly. I slowly brought my hand to my mouth, nodding slowly. He smiled before sliding the ring on my finger. 
“Of course I’ll marry you,” I whispered as I looked down at the ring before looking back up at him. He smiled before pressing his lips back to mine. “Is it even a question?”
“I just had to make sure,”
taglist: @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​
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Ghost’s Tobias Forge talks about being sued by Nameless Ghouls, spurned by the Vatican and immortalized in plastic effigy
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When it comes to Swedish bands, Americans tend to think of pop icons like ABBA, black metal acts like Bathory, or the odd alt-rock band like The Cardigans, after which we stop thinking about them at all.But that was before the band Ghost began its slow yet inevitable ascent. Hailing from Linköping, a city in Sweden known for its ornate cathedrals, the bandmembers concealed their secret identities beneath elaborate costumery, a time-tested tradition fostered by bands like Kiss and The Residents. 
Occupying centerstage was Papa Emeritus, a skull-faced character fond of ghoulish corpse paint, a high-pointed hat and ornate papal vestments decorated with upside-down crosses. Standing stock-still at the microphone, his face frozen in a miserable scowl, the singer appeared, for all intents and purposes, to be hovering at death’s door or just beyond it. His bandmates, unceremoniously referred to as “Nameless Ghouls,” wore hooded robes and black masks, a look that soon began showing up at European cosplay conventions.
While this combination of corpse-paint, national origin and grinding guitar riffs led some critics to liken their sound to Swedish death metal, the keyboard-heavy liturgical vibe of Ghost’s early music arguably owed more to classic Pink Floyd.
That’s especially true of “Secular Haze,” the breakthrough single from their 2013 sophomore album Infestissumam. Following its release, the band put out the Dave Grohl-produced If You Have Ghost, a five-song covers EP that includes the Roky Erickson song of the same name, as well as renditions of Depeche Mode’s “Waiting for the Night” and, appropriately enough, ABBA’s “Like a Marionette.”
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But 2013 also had its share of disappointments, including the ascension of Pope Francis, who was elected on the fifth ballot, thwarting Papa’s hard-fought and highly publicized campaign for the position.
The rest is history, of a sort. Following a series of European dates with Metallica, Ghost are now embarking on an arena tour of their own that will include an Oct. 1 concert headlining the Broadmoor World Arena. Their single “Cirice” won the 2016 Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance, while their most recent album Prequelle and its single “Rats” were respectively nominated in this year’s Best Rock Album and Best Rock Song categories.
Along the way, the band has gone through a succession of Pope characters —  Papa Emeritus I, Papa Emeritus II, and Papa Emeritus III — who have since been replaced by the far more kinetic Cardinal Copia, who has more of a mafioso image and hyperactive stage presence. All four frontman roles have been played by Tobias Forge, whose identity was outed two years ago when four former Nameless Ghouls filed a since-dismissed lawsuit alleging unpaid wages.
Ghost have also undertaken a series of musical transitions that became especially obvious with last year’s Prequelle, a concept album that employs the 14th-century black plague as an allegory for our current troubles. While Forge hasn’t fully abandoned his band’s past sound, tracks like “Rats” veer toward the ’70s arena-rock sound of Def Leppard, Foreigner, and even Journey, with whom the band toured last year.
In the following interview, Forge holds forth on a wide array of subjects, including litigious ex-Ghouls, the Swedish anti-vaccine movement and his alter-ego’s forthcoming immortalization — alongside legendary artists like Prince and Jean-Michel Basquiat — as a Funko Pop! figurine.
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Indy: Let’s begin by talking about the concept behind your most recent album. It opens with that really creepy version of “Ring Around the Rosie, ” which is always a good way to start an album about the bubonic plague. Was there any specific reason why you chose that theme at this particular point in history?
Tobias Forge: Well, I think there are important lessons to be learned from all chapters of history. The plague was an epidemic that wiped out half of Europe, and, we can assume, traumatized the Asian population as well. And back then, people in general were uneducated, they were superstitious, they were religious, they believed in hocus-pocus. So it must have literally felt like the end of the world was just going to happen tomorrow. And that is always an interesting concept. Because we know now that it was not the end of the world. You know, mankind persevered. So while I believe in environmental issues, and that there are a lot of things that can be done in order to make the world a better place, I also think there’s not as much doom and gloom as it may appear.
So what would you say are the lessons we can learn from that period?
I guess the most simple and most obvious one is that we can debate forever — all day and night — about what happens after we’re dead. But I can promise you that we do not know. We can hope for there to be an afterlife, or 72 virgins, or whatever else is on your wishlist. But there’s no way of knowing. And anyone who tells you that they know, they are lying because they want something from you, or they want you to believe in something. And so I think your time and your energy will be better spent trying to embrace life instead of being wary of death. Because life is fragile, and you don’t know if you’ll have another one.
And then there’s this myriad of human instincts that comes into play when apocalypse is near, and one of them is who’s to blame for this, that, and the other. Back in the plague days, as I said, there was this predominance of religious people who believed in hocus-pocus and were pretty uneducated and pretty fucking dumb. They believed that female sexuality was to blame for essentially God abandoning mankind. So while you had people dying off in droves, you also had these people killing women because they were good-looking or, in one way or another, enticed some sort of sexual arousal. And that was obviously the work of the devil, and while they were alive, they would interfere with the survival of mankind. But unfortunately, those kind of very uneducated and outright stupid people are still well-represented in the world, and it’s very important that we address that.
Since you’ve researched and written about all this, I’m curious what you think about your country’s decision, back in March, to ban mandatory vaccinations.
Oh, that’s a good question, but I don’t really have a good answer. But I do think that there is a dichotomy between what the population might need, and what a pharmaceutical company needs for its own benefit. I’m trying not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but about 10 years ago, there was an outbreak of a flu, and companies would have entire offices vaccinated. And, on first glance, it’s like, “That’s great how society and all these bosses and corporations came together.” And I’m aware that the number of people that actually came down with it was not that many. So was that because of this shot, or was it because maybe the threat wasn’t as great as they were saying it was? Because, more often than not, there’s an economic incentive somewhere for someone. But not being a biologist nor a chemist, I don’t know anything about stuff like that. So, as I said, I don’t have a straight answer.
On a happier note, Funko’s Papa Emeritus II doll came out last month…
Yes, speaking of monetaries. [Laughs.]
That’s right. And I have to say, I’m really impressed by how realistic it is, especially in the way it just stands there and doesn’t do anything. How does it feel to be immortalized in that way?
I don’t really see it as that. I mean, when I sort of regard anything that we have done, even a photo, I don’t necessarily think of it as me being in that photo. I’m just sort of detached from the character on the visual side, which is to my benefit, actually. I’m way too vain, so I would have had a problem if it was my face that we were working with. So having the sort of official visuals of Ghost is actually quite liberating.
I understand that you started out playing in punk and death metal bands. Was Ghost the first time that you got to indulge your pre-The Wall Pink Floyd side?
No, I have played non-death metal in other bands before. But when Ghost started taking shape, I think I just found a way to write songs that sort of tick both boxes — one box being melodic pop-rock, or whatever it is, and the other being sort of metal. It felt playful, and it felt intuitive and progressive, for lack of a more fitting word. Whereas in the past, it’s like the metal bands were metal, and the rock bands were rock, and they didn’t combine the two. So I definitely found it more effective, and way more fun, to do something in between. Your stage presence is way more kinetic these days, although pretty much anything is more kinetic than standing in front of a microphone and scaring people. But you’re reaching the point now where the choreography in a video like “Rats” is borderline Michael Jackson. Is that the result of having more personal confidence these days?
Yeah, I would definitely say that. There are critics of the band who feel that the less animated version in the beginning was better and more ominous, and that we should still be embracing that. But a lot of the cryptic nature of Papa I was due to being constrained by the costume and the size of the stage.
And now we’re playing bigger places, where there’s way more ground to cover and there isn’t a single cord onstage that you can trip on, so of course you have to move around, right? I mean, if we were onstage now for two hours with that sort of unanimated version we were doing back in 2011, people would be demanding their money back. It’s just part of growing. You can see the same thing if you look at a clip of the Rolling Stones from 1964. Mick Jagger is Mick Jagger, but he’s definitely not the Mick Jagger that you see in 1969 or 1972. It takes time to build that confidence and find your own way of moving around.
I know you campaigned really hard for the pope’s job back in 2013. And I think a lot of your fans were really disappointed when the smoke came up the chimney and it turned out you didn’t get it. Do you think that your losing out to Pope Francis was the result of Vatican corruption?
Sure, most things going on there are because of corruption anyway. So I’m sure that was one of them. Or it might also have been my lack of faith — or my lack monetary means at the time — that prohibited my exaltation within the ranks of the Vatican.
And finally, I have a question about that lawsuit. Do you think that if you’d given names to your Nameless Ghouls, they would have been less vindictive?
You mean, if I’d given them names instead of making them completely anonymous? Probably, I guess. It’s hard to say. Because with most people that are drawn to the performance stage, you do so with a certain inclination to be seen and appreciated. So maybe if our positions were reversed, I would have felt the same way. Until seven or eight years ago, I really wanted to be famous, so my idea of being in a band was definitely different from what it turned out to be.
I’ve been in charge and working on this full-time, nonstop, for 10 years. Other people in Ghost would work a few hours every day, and then, during the four months between tours when I was making a record, they weren’t really doing anything that had to do with Ghost. And since I was representing the band at all of the meetings, I was getting pats on the back and feeling like what I was doing was good. Whereas, if you had nothing to do with the day-to-day stuff, you maybe didn’t get the pat on the back that you needed in order to feel fulfilled in life. So, you know, maybe if they had gotten their name on there, and could at least be recognized in the street, maybe that would have changed things. But on the other hand, I’ve played with others who didn’t give a shit about that happening.
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raifuujin · 6 years
MK Treasured Edition Commentary
From here, here, and here.
Volume 1
Hello, it's me, Aoyama. 
In the course of the republication of Magic Kaito I take the liberty to show my memories of this time straightforwardly. (grin) 
The Revived Phantom Thief The memorable first chapter! Actually I became a Mangaka because I wanted to write about a high school phantom (grin) and so I drew it under great tension! Well and back then I was short of money which is the reason why his hatband around his tophat isn't shaded with screen tone… 
The Police Are Everywhere The original title „Keikan ga ippai” referred to a movie... „Taiyou ga ippai”, a movie with Alain Delon („Purple Noon”). Detective Doron is an allusion, too, because „Delon” is written as „Doron” in Japan. (grin) By the way! The words „When you bend them, they...” Kaito announces the light-emitting diode were literally written on the package of one of those things I purchased on a public festival as a kid. (grin) Appearantly they're actually known as „glow stick”.
 The Clockwork Heart A science-fiction-thriller! A rarity for Kaito (grin). I recall that I perceived it as really exhausting to draw all the parts of the robot and that I had no computer, so that I had to write Kaito's farewell letter by hand (Haha!). By the way! In the panel the robot says „I'm Kuroba Kaito... Haha!!” Kaito's pupils look kinda strange (?). There I mimicked Akemi Matsunae of which I was a big fan back then. (grin)
 Kaitou Kid's Busy Day Off Back then, the 3D movie „Captain EO” starring Michael Jackson was being played in cinemas and has been satirized in this chapter, although I never thought 3D movies could have been revived because of „Avatar”... (grin) By the way! When I read the closing scene today I think that the phrase „But, ice cream... still tastes great!” is my most embarrassing quote ever (grin).
The Pirate Ship Unsurfaced A sea adventure with Kaito? This is a rarity, too! (grin) I can't remember at all why I wanted to draw this story, but maybe I wanted a confrontation between a thief from the mainland and a thief of the seas...? (Ha!) Well, and so Kaito brought his costume of Kaitou Kid even to this place...?! (grin)
The Scarlet Temptress There she is! Mistress Akako! To be honest, she, as practitioner of black magic, is the reason who drove me into the corner the most during Kaitos appearances in Conan. Well, you just have to accept these works as parallel universes. (grin) By the way, Kaito Kuroba is written on the handkerchief, this probably was a prank done by his mom (Chikage)... (grin)
Aoyama Kid ♥
 Volume 2
 Stay Away From Him Although it's more of a romantic tale than a thief story I really like this one ♥ Especially the panel with „Well, excuse me for being an idiot...“ is a real gem, because of how often I had to redraw it! (laughs) Additionally, Superman and Top Gun appear... which is according to my taste! It's also revealed in this story that Aoko is flat-chested. (laughs)
Japan's Most Irresponsible Prime Minister A story I used one of my then-favourite actors Hitoshi Ueki, who has passed away in the meantime, as model! I also dared to use the Japanese prime minister - this was probably really audacious... And then characters appear who look like the past leaders of the USSR and the USA, Gorbachev and Reagan... (sweating). By the way, did anyone notice the „Akako balloon“ in the night sky? (laughs)
I Am the Master! This story was purely written because I felt like it! Anyway, I really wanted to draw how Kaitou Kid makes a balls to the wall ride down the facade of a building... (laughs). I would be nice if they one day made an Anime out of it ♫ Oh well, even if Cleopatra's Vanity case should really exist, two thousand years later one probably couldn't use it anymore... (laughs)
Would You Grow Up If I remember correctly, the hang-glider associated with Kaitou Kid lifted the first time in this story. Well, one could also say that Kaitou Kid could have fled from the get-go with it, instead of stretching a rope to the Tokyo Tower first (laughs). I'd really like to bring the motorized roller skates again.
The Boy Who Bet on the Ball It has also been really daring to take real professional baseball player as a model... (laughs). I think the story was created after I talked with my editor in charge about how thrilling it would be if Kaitou Kid appeared on a pole in Tokyo Dome. Well, the Yomiuri Giants are working together with Conan in several ways anyway, so I hope they can turn a blind eye to this... (fierce laughter)
Ghost Game If I remember correctly, I was frantically busy because I had to draw „Tantei George no Minimini Daisa-kusen“ („Detective George's Mini-Mini Big Strategy“) three weeks in a row for the Sunday magazine, so I finished this chapter in a very short time... (laughs). Directly afterwards my series „Yaiba“ started, because of which „Magic Kaito“ had to pause for a while. Hard to believe that the series is continued until today...! (laughs)
Hustler vs. Magician Originally this was the true second chapter of „Magic Kaito“! But... it was rejected! Since my debut in „Sunday“ there was never a story before or after it that was rejected. It's real luck that it made it into this volume! (laughs)
Omake „Magic Kaito“ was the first Manga I was allowed to publish as a Mangaka, which could be the reason I drew this story with zest and high motivation... Oh well, this probably was my youthful enthusiasm... (laughs)
Aoyama Kid ♥
Volume 3
Star Wars The first „Magic Kaito“ story I drew in the Heisei era (since 1989 -editor's note). There are several stories in which someone tries to gain profit from using a false Kid, but this is the shining first one! At the crime scene Kid announced a lot of Kid fans have assembled and shout "Kid! Kid!". Pretty clever idea, huh? Because this has developed to a classical element until today.
The Great Detective Appears!! Entrance of Saguru Hakuba! No, not only that, the chief inspector also shows his face...! Perhaps the junior was just worried because the top policeman never appears at the crime scene? (grin) By the way, Kid is so bad at ice skating because I'm so lousy in it myself.
Kaitou Under Scrutiny The skirt of Aoko's school uniform is so long and Kid's television is so big! From this you can tell the time! (Haha!) Apropos, the newspaper appearing on the last page is called „Oshima Daily Paper“ in the original version. Most of the newspapers shown in „Magic Kaito“ were named after my then editors. I beg your pardon. (grin)
Akako's Delivery Service Kaitou Kids measurements, 1.74 m (~ 5'9") and 58 kg (~ 128 lbs), naturally are my measurements from back then! The same goes for his blood type! (grin) Back then I thought it's really cool that it's possible to figure out skin colour and age of a person just by a single hair, but today, with DNA analysis you can figure out the whole identity of the person the hair belongs to. The progress of science is frightening... (Haha!)
(Extra Chapter) Yaiba vs. Kaito! I was told to draw a short, self-contained story and this dream sequence is the result. Back when I was a kid I already loved collaborations like „Mazinger Z vs. Devilman“, so I wanted to draw something like this. This is also the reason Kaitou Kid appears in Conan... (grin)
Blue Birthday The first time the gem Kaitou is after is the name origin for the title! Because this was the first „Magic Kaito“ after a very long time I debuted Kaitou Kid's arch-enemy and I can remember how much this motivated me... but it's also a story about a nightly firework in the midst of the city which must have made a lot of trouble in the surroundings... (grin)
Green Dream Oh well, this story is nothing special, but to be honest, it's this story which grew dear to my heart. (grin) What should I say about it? The rhythm is felicitous. This story was the first time I drew Kid's „signature“ we've grown so accustomed to. You can also tell from the name of one of the persons appearing that I really loved „Furuhata Ninzaburō“ back then - a japanese police detective drama.
Aoyama Kid ♥
Volume 4
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
Since Magic Kaito is being republished I allow myself to show my memories about the past without further delay. (grin)
Crystal Mother This is the Kaito-train story I always wanted to draw! Including some allusions to "Lupin III" or "Sherlock Holmes" it became a story during which I could live it up... (grin) Snake, who got severely hurt in the tunnel returns in the following chapter completely unharmed. That's what I call "tough“! (Ha, ha!)
Red Tear Back when this story was published the first time, the thre first pages were in color! In fact, this created a mystery: „The gem on page 1 is blue, but the one on the cover page is red... Why oh why?“ Great that we can revive this mystery in all its glory! (grin) By the way, the closing scene in which all the photos containing the fondest memories are projected against the wall is an homage to the closing scene of the movie  „Cinema Paradiso“. ♪ I used this highlight again in „Detective Conan – The Last Wizard of the Century“. (grin)
Black Star The first confrontation with the one and only Shinichi Kudo! In this story, Kaito says: „The inspector couldn't catch him even if he used a satellite system!“ But really, it's kind of surprising that he hasn't caught him before, isn't it?! (grin) Shinichi is firing a pistol? Akako wants to use magic to get rid of Shinichi? Little Kaito is flirting with Aoko? What a crazy story! (grin) Well, the scene in which Akako uses her magic powers was cut from TV syndication, but it was restored for the DVD, so everyone who wants to watch it, can do so now. ♥ Oh yeah, the title „Black Star“! I believe there are some readers who ask themselves why this gemstone served as the namesake of the story even though it's just mentioned in passing at the end. That's because Kaitou Kid himself is the "Black Star" after all ★ – hence the title! ♪
Golden Eye The first duel of the phantoms! (... maybe.) Catherine Zeta-Jones was the model for the character Ruby Jones. ♥ Well, they don't look very much alike... (Ha, ha!) In this story it's made clear that Kaito was born in June and Aoko in September! Exactly... Kaitou Kid may be a thief, but he is also a magician, so it really delighted me to slip in the name of the grandiose real-life magician Harry Houdini. (grin) There are a lot of tricky moments that show how much Detective Conan "poisoned" this story... (Ha, ha!)
Dark Knights The mask Nightmare is wearing is based on one I bought during a vacation in Spain, because I really liked it. It now hangs at the wall of my living room. (Ha, ha!) Again, in this story is a lot to analyze and moreover, it ends in a thought-provoking, grim mood, which isn't very typical for „Magic Kaito“. On the other hand, this isn't bad either, isn't it? Superintendent Chaki, an old acquaintance from Detective Conan, had his origin in this story. Further on, Hakuba's nanny „Baaya“ has her very first appearance in here! Actually, it's said that there is another nanny for him who has a more docile personality, but that's a different story altogether... (He, he...)
Phantom Lady (Preannouncement) This story revolves around how the original Kaitou Kid obtained a wonderfully beautiful jewel for the first time. ♥ It will be the first in Volume 5... I wonder when it will be released? (grin)
Volume 5
Hi, it's Aoyama ! Since a new volume of ''Magic Kaito'' came out, I have to delve into my memories from the past. PHANTOM LADY I wrote this story about Kaito's parents four years ago. I had stopped writing Magic Kaito for Conan and I thought : ''Wow, so much time has passed ?'' (laughs) If I recall correctly, his mother mutters ''Kaito, it's time for you to know'', and the story's finally here ! It's this story that finally revealed that Kaito's mother's name is ''Chikage''. It was my first time digitalizing a manuscript, I was glad I managed to portray the security sensor similar to phantom thieves stories so cooly, but I had to drew one night scenery after another, and that took time and so I almost didn't make it in a deadline. By the way, this story leads to Conan's Ryouma case, in volume 70. Read it if you're interested ! MIDNIGHT CROW When it was decided to animate the series, I had a meeting with the animation staff. We asked ourselves ''How are we going to finish the story ?''. So I suggested : ''Why not do one about a black Kaitou Kid that would be published in the Sunday ?''. And that's how I wrote Midnight Crow. I will never forget the staff's face when I told them ''Actually, Touichi is alive'' (laughs) Ikeda-san, Touichi's voice actor, had difficulty saying the line ''When you come in contact with an audience, it's a scene of duel...'' quickly ! <3 The ''sucker trick'' line comes from Kaito Kid's anime screenwriter Kunihiko Okada, who I thank very much. In the Phantom Lady chapter, Kaito's work as Kid was given by Chikage, but in Midnight Crow, he's supposed to quit because a lot happened in Las Vegas... but it's another story (laughs) SUN HALO This chapter was written to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Magic Kaito, so it had to be a love comedy <3 When I drew the chapter, Kaito's bike is a Suzuki GSX 250 R. I had forgotten that it was supposed to be broken, so I had Jii-chan say that a ''doctor friend'' helped him... I leave that to your imagination (laughs) Speaking of characters, Lucifer appears again ! As I thought, Akako uses red magic ! (Fortunately Akako doesn't exist in Conan's world (laughs)). The entrance hall in the chapter is based on Tottori's entrance hall, so please go there if you visit Tottori ! By the way, in Sun Halo, Aoko rides the bike with Kaito ! NONCHALANT LUPIN It's a short story I sent to a shounen magazine, and I got an award for it. As you can see, it was a prototype for ''Magic Kaito'' (laughs) The forms are different but there's no card gun. I drew this because the editor I had at that time told me : ''Show me a story you want to write''. It's my second work ! Now that I look back, I'm embarassed because it looks bad. (laughs) Anyway, the hero's name is Lupin, and the name of the story ''Nonchalant Lupin'', but I don't know where he's nonchalant... (laughs)
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ts1989fanatic · 6 years
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Spencer Pratt Reviews Taylor Swift's Reputation Tour
"If the world felt more like a Taylor Swift concert, I don't think there would be wars."
If you've paid any attention to Spencer Pratt's Snapchat in the last eight months or so, then you know he's one of Taylor Swift's biggest fans, if not the biggest. On Saturday, he finally got to live his dream of seeing Reputation performed live, when he attended Taylor's show at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena with his wife Heidi and their son Gunnar. It was the first time Spencer had ever seen Taylor, but he's already thinking about rearranging his schedule so he can go see her in Colorado. Here, Spencer weighs in on everything from the openers to the costumes to Taylor's mid-concert surprise guests.
On the opening acts, Charli XCX and Camila Cabello
"My only issue is I wish the openers just covered Taylor songs. I kept thinking they would be so good if they were singing Taylor songs."
On meeting Taylor
"Right when Camila Cabello is winding down, I'm like, 'Oh my god, I don't think we're gonna meet Taylor, she's gotta go on stage.' And then I get an email like, 'We're coming to get you guys, stay in your seats.' Then we go backstage and Taylor's mom talked about how wild it is that we met Taylor ten years ago...and we're still in each other's lives. I was like, 'We're in Taylor's life? AHHHH!' Taylor brought up my hummingbirds and was talking about what a pure love it is. Then it hit me, I was like, 'Are you on Snapchat?' And she's like, 'No.' She only knows my IG story. I was like, 'Oh my god, I'm quitting Snapchat again.' So Taylor in her freakin' robe in her dressing room, holding Miracle Baby. I'm gonna have to have Heidi talk."
Heidi: "So we get in there and they're so nice offering to take the photos, and then I put Miracle Baby in her arms and he was so happy. He loved her. She held him for a while and he's really heavy, so I think she was probably like, 'OK, here's your baby! I’m not babysitting, I’m about to go on stage!'"
"I just run right in and I'm like, Please take Miracle Baby! Give him your energy!' My dad can't even hold Miracle Baby, he's so heavy. I could have gone home for the rest of my life happy right then and the show hadn't even started. She literally left us and walked on stage. I started thinking she's not a human. That's the level."
On the opening number
"She has this like trailer going off about all the media [that starts the show]. It's kind of like a little highlight sizzle reel about how the media was turning on her, like a little movie. It got me so pumped up. I was like, — sorry media — 'I HATE YOU MEDIA, WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO TAYLOR?!' And then this ghost says, 'REPUTATION,' and then it's like, [sings opening notes of "...Ready for It?"] 'Are you ready for it?' Then '...Ready for It?' drops and it's like, oh my god. The album is insane bumping loud in your car on eight espressos, but two skinny margaritas, front row, when that goes off? I swear to god I thought I was gonna explode.
I didn't realize until last night, but her album is designed for a stadium tour. It’s designed for that level of sound and light. The coolest part about getting there at 12:00 is watching hundreds and hundreds of 18-wheelers with the Reputation art on them loading in. It looked like she was invading Pasadena. My heart's pounding right now thinking about it.
It was easily the most fun at an event I've had in my whole life, times 100. And the fact that I'm looking over and Miracle Baby's got his headphones on, right there, like could reach out and touch Taylor. He's listened to this album as much as I have. He's a real fan! It was just so magical."
On his run-in with Taylor's security
"I had the most realistic dream a couple months ago [where] Taylor grabbed my phone from me and did a Snapchat with my phone, and that ended up happening. Then also in that dream, Taylor's security jumped over a fence and tackled me. They thought I was some crazed super stan. I told people all this stuff months ago, I’m not making this up."
Heidi: "I heard!"
"Heidi heard. But last night out of nowhere, all this security and the sheriffs jump over the fence and surround me and grab my diaper bag that I'm carrying. Like, 'How did you get this backpack in the building?' It's not really a diaper bag, I just call it the diaper bag because I put diapers in it, but it's the biggest Gucci backpack you can buy. Keep in mind you're only allowed to have a clutch the size of, like, a sticker, or a clear handbag the size of a sticker. It couldn't look more suspicious. And I rushed the stage into the Snake Pit. Heidi said I looked like a psychotic fan. So they all circle me and grab me and open up my bag and everything. I'm like, 'It’s just diapers! We're with Taylor!' So they emptied out my whole bag right there in the front row. My dreams literally were like premonitions."
On how Taylor's performance compares to other concerts he's seen
"I think everybody else should just quit. There's no competition. Nobody's gonna bring that level of performance. How does she do that? How many espressos is Taylor getting? She is running and flying, she's in cages, crossing stages."
Heidi: "You're turning into a poet!"
"Flying in the air, in these like...Heidi, help me! Help me, Heidi! Nobody's even in the realm of this. I never went to a Michael Jackson concert, but I...feel like it's that level of superstardom. I don't think anyone's ever gonna catch this. Maybe people say things about her right now, but 20 years from now they're gonna look back and be like, 'Who was this?' Obviously I knew she was a huge superstar, but I didn't appreciate the level of actual performer. You think of performers that are good, and everyone's like — I'm gonna have the Beyhive coming for me — Beyoncé's amazing. She's also got like 15 years on Taylor. Fifteen years of performing and practice, and Taylor in my opinion is right there at that level right now. People are gonna be like, 'How did you say Taylor's like Beyoncé?' Well I said it, OK? I said it."
On Taylor's fans
"Taylor's fans are like the best humans. I've never been anywhere where the energy was just so electric but, like, pure. I felt like I was at a birth or a wedding. It felt like everyone was like a big family. Everyone's dressed up like it's freaking Halloween, too — the amount of time and energy people put into their looks and outfits and makeup. I'm so upset this isn't every Saturday night.
My only issue with the whole experience is it's over. If the world felt more like a Taylor Swift concert, I don't think there would be wars. I don't want to shade anybody, but you don't need to take a bunch of drugs and go into the desert for Burning Man. Have a skinny margarita and go to a Taylor show. You need to trip out? You don’t need to go to EDC and OD. Just put on one of these Taylor wristbands and just get in the middle."
On the merch
"I got a black hoodie, I got the Taylor PopSockets, I got the snake ring, I got the Rep hat, Heidi got the gray sweater. My one issue with the tour is they don't sell baby clothes, but then when Taylor was holding Miracle Baby in her dressing room, she did say he's definitely the youngest human in the entire building, so it made me think that's probably why they don't sell baby merch. I'm not sure how many babies are buying merch."
On Selena Gomez's surprise appearance
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"I'm not gonna say which one, but Selena's best friend DM-ed me and was like, 'It's gonna be so amazing.' I felt like she was telling me she knew the secret, so I was telling everyone I think Selena's the [guest], and when Selena came out I was like, 'Oh my god, everything in my brain is happening!' Selena gave a talk that was like — I mean I'm all about women empowerment and all the hashtags women wanna have, I back that — but whatever Selena said I was just like, 'Say that every day on the internet!' It was like, 'Yes, girl!' And then after meeting Taylor, obviously we only knew Taylor for so little time, but I was like, 'I feel that Selena! That is who she is! Yes! I'm voting for her!'"
On the other celebrities in attendance
"Kobe Bryant was sitting to the left of us. That's when you know Taylor's a superstar, when I was not even Snapping him. I was like, 'I don't care about you, fool.' Any other setting I'd be like, 'Kobe, Kobe, I love you!'"
On the stage, costumes, etc.
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"It's definitely on a Cirque du Soleil level. If Taylor wasn't even there and they were just playing the music with the lights and the pyrotechnics, it would be worth paying the money, like if it was just a live show in Vegas without her. That's how good the dancers are, the costumes. When were backstage with these dancers, their costumes are legitimate like, Mad Max, Game of Thrones–level leather. I bet each costume is like 10 grand. They look like action movie outfits. The snake that comes out of the stage? It's like Universal Studios level. It looked doper than King Kong. I was like, 'How's she beating King Kong right now?'"
On how much he'd spend to see Taylor, if Taylor hadn't gifted him with a VIP pass
"I would easily drop 25 hundo. Because it's a priceless memory! People are like, 'They're so high priced,' but when you see the amount of budget that goes into it, there are a lot of people that are needing to get paid. That money is not all going in Taylor's pocket. I saw 200 18-wheelers. The gas alone! She performs for hours. So you spend $2,500, I'm obviously not good at math, but if you do the math on that, what you're actually paying Taylor per minute? She's worth more than even that. She's a wizard. Let's just go ahead and say it. She's a dang wizard."
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httpsung · 7 years
Seeing Day6 Live | #Day6inDet
!!Warning!! Long post ahead
Excuse me for being mushy and lame..
Honestly being able to watch Day6 perform live is a magical experience. Seeing Day6 in person.. it’s crazy the amount of emotions I felt the moment these five men walked onto that stage, it was insane. I really wish that all MyDays who really love and appreciate Day6 will be able to experience them live even if it’s just once. I’m wishing everyone the best of luck because it’s nothing like seeing your favorite people right in front of you...
October 27, 2017 was literally the best day of my life this year. It was surreal and I find my self at times throughout the day thinking “Did it really happen?” I’m going to discuss what I could recall from last night. I might post more stuff about the fanmeet later on but this it’s what’s refresh on my mind right now.
So the moment 8pm hit, the time the show was suppose to start the crowd started chanting “Day6!” over and over but the show still didn’t start and so the crowd went through all of the guys names starting with “Brian” Literally the entire venue minus me was like “Brian, Brian” but I’m like it’s YOUNG K, soon they went from Brian to Young K and it seemed to be a chanting war of both his names back and forth lol followed by everyone else’ s names.
Anyways the intro video started and Dowoon was the first person to walk out on stage and take a seat at his drums and BOY that’s when my heart started to race and I was like OH FUCK this is happening, he’s gorgeous he’s really there. Then followed Wonpil, Young K ( I think Wonpil came out before Young K I could be wrong forgive me I was trying not to loose my shit ) Jae, and last but definitely not least Sungjin. LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU when Sungjin walked out MY KNESS GOT WEAK I LITERALLY TURNED AND HELD ON TO THE BACK OF MY SEAT BECAUSE I WAS NOT READY. I was in Section 2, row L Literally right in front of where he stands on stage so he’s all I can see ( So I’m like 12 rows away from the stage? Something like that.. ) BUT ISTG Sungjin’s eyes sparkled like I’m not super close to him but I can see his eyes shining from where I’m sitting AND I shit you not I almost died.
So they performed I Wait first, I thought I was ready, I’ve watched the livestreams of the other shows before Detroit so I knew the setlist and what to get prepared for BUT YOU CANNOT PREPARE YOURSELF FOR DAY6 AT ALL. They started playing and it was so hype from start to finish, then they went on to Hunt and I’m sure most of you know the rest of the songs played before they actually sat down but even before that they kind said a few words??
Anyways the fanmeet portion began. The host came out and the translator the boys got seats and introduced themselves and I’m sorry I was one of those people who let out a louder than usual scream when Sungjin spoke like I cheered pretty loud for the other boys BUT come on... my bias introduced himself I didn’t even expect that sound to leave my throat.
So after introductions they answered some questions y’know when they pick a question a fan has asked them.. I was in awe with how adorable they were, how genuinely nice they seem and just wow I really appreciate them.
After that came a game of Bingo and I was like OH this is new because I think we’re the only stop that got the Bingo game. If I remember correctly LA & NYC had the preference game and Austin had the Wiii Boxing.
They played Bingo and if they got bingo they could draw five raffle tickets and whichever fan had that matching ticket would get a prize. They all drew one and matched with a fan, my heart was about to explode because I wanted to be picked but I also didn’t want them to see me I’m weird LMAO. I WAS LITERALLY ONE NUMBER OFF WHEN DOWOON WAS CALLING OUT HIS BOYYY. Anyways it was funny because Young K drew a ticket and no one had it so he looked sad then he had to draw again and looked happy when he finally got someone lol.
OH btw Sungjin danced to Gashina due to the number he chose for Bingo ( I forgot to mention they had to do a task that was hidden behind the number they chose ) Jae created an impromptu song AND LORD JESUS BLESS HIS VOICE, Young K’s task had everyone involved and everyone of them had to strike a pose from the option that came up which happened to be MICHAEL JACKSON so they had to do an MJ posed and Young K failed lol. Dowoon had to do a mystery box and touch something without seeing it and guess what it was THAT POOR BABY HAD TO TOUCH AN ALLIGATOR/CROCODILE IT WAS ONE OF THOSE AND I WAS LIKE OH SHIT (idk if it was truly real tho) when he realized what it was he jumped, he was cute.
Wonpil’s task was to eat a lemon and try to whistle afterward, he was cute.. I barely heard the whistle but we were all like YEAH HE WHISTLED GIVE HIM THE POINT.
This might be out of order but I remember Jae saying some really nice and encouraging stuff and talking about how he got the Kpopstar audition and that he was a political science major in college WOW.
I remember someone was like “Preach Jae” and he was so hype like ‘I’M GONNA PREACH” lmao I love him.
After the games were over they told us how we will enjoy music for the rest of the time.
They left the stage and showed the video of them in Detroit, SUNGJIN’S CUT and wow it was nice ;-;
AFTER that they came back on stage and performed You Were Beautiful and I wanted to cry on the floor but didn’t.
At the end when they did freely, I was already in the aisle and Jae did his signature jump off the stage and walk into the center thing and that’s when I got closer too and BOY what a performer... DAY6 ARE A BUNCH OF AMAZING PERFORMERS.
It all ended after that unless you had p2 hi-touch and I did... and that’s when my anxiety kicked in a little I was so nervous, I knew it was going to be a quick process because when is hi-touch ever lengthy? but I was AKJSKSKDLFLFG;GK my best friend was like you wanna go before me and I was like GIRL NO LMAO I’M ABOUT TO RUN AWAY. Our row was up  to walk on stage and here it goes, where my life was about to end.
Dowoon was first, very friendly! At first it was hard to take him in,  it was hard to take all of them in at the moment and their little actions. He was sort of leaning on the table and he really didn’t high-five but kinda grabbed my hand a little and was like “Hello, thank you!” I said thank you in return my voice was really small and high-pitched BECAUSEI WAS NOT READY FOR THIS. Next was Wonpil.... WONPIL INTIMIDATED ME SO MUCH GUYS OH MY GOD, HIS GAZE WAS STRONG AND I COULDN’T REALLY MAKE OUT HIS EXPRESSION BUT HE WAS ALSO REALLY HANDSOME, HIS FACE IS CHISELD BY THE GODS WTF Wonpil increased my nerves but his voice was so nice when he said “Hi and thank you” Next was Young K and istg I remember nothing but his smile, he was all teeth it was THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE.
THEN HERE WE GO PARK SUNGJIN... MFING SUNGJIN... GRABBED MY HAND IT WAS KINDA AGRESSIVELY SOFT LIKE IS THAT EVEN A THING BUT THAT’S THE BEST WAY I CAN DESCRIBE IT. Sungjin seemed really thrilled like so bubbly, He said “Thank you for coming” and I said it back though I wanted to say I love you, I wanted to say that to all of them but I choked.
ISTG I’M NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE BIASED but his grip on my hand lingered and I was crying in my head. I was so stunned about everything that Jae ALMOST became a blur I say almost because I was like still trying to process Sungjin and our hand separating that when Jae ALSO grabbed my hand and leaned into my view and JESUS CHRIST HE’S SO PRETTY He was like “Ayeee, thanks for coming” I did say thank you but oh my god I was not ready for Sungjin or Jae... HI TOUCH WAS A SHORT SPECIAL EXPERIENCE BUT WITH JAE AND SUNGJIN INTERACTING WITH THEM STOOD OUT THE MOST WITH ME
Afterward we exited the venue I was still stunned like did that all happen??? I kept saying stuff like that all the way to my airbnb with my best friend and then when we made it to the front door everything I had been feeling throughout the whole show and hi-touch came out of me at once and I started crying akskdlf
I never expected to fall so hard for Day6, they’re amazing, they make amazing music... there’s not a single song I dislike. I love how hard working they are and I love how hard they’ve worked this year giving their fans their all. I’ve been a solid fan for 6 1/2 months  and honestly stanning them is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life, they’re literally like home, the MyDay fandom is one of the best with such kind people and I’m grateful to be able to experience loving Day6 with them.
Anyways I do have videos hardly no picture because I’m a video kind of gal so I will be posting a few soon, once I go through them all lol and stuff.
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Y△CHT (Colours Hoxton, London - 13 Feb 2020)
Last night we were absolutely privileged to see one of the most innovative bands of the day perform at the lovely Hoxton venue that is Colours. YACHT (or, to be more exact, Y△CHT) are a band hailing from Portland, Oregon, though now are based in Los Angeles. They have been going strong since 2002; the spelling of their name is not a typo (the A is stylised as a triangle, and evokes the sail of a yacht). The name itself comes from a rather strange science course (no longer in existence) that keyboardist Jona Bechtolt attended at age 16 called "Young Americans Challenging High Technology".
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Comprised of Claire L. Evans on lead vocals, the aforementioned Jona on keyboards (and guitar), and Rob Kieswetter (aka Bobby Birdman) on bass and keyboards, Y△CHT have, according to Claire, finally found 'the holy trinity' following a number of permutations.
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Y△CHT have been making headlines lately for all the right reasons: they have created a fantastic new album called Chain Tripping, for which both the music and the lyrics were composed via Artificial Intelligence. Last night was, mainly, about showcasing this new album. Yes, you heard that right. A variety of different AI processes were used to write not just the lyrics but the music as well. It should come as no surprise that Claire has a science background. Author of a recent book called Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet, she has been very much at the forefront of science-tech, with her own blog Universe (hosted by National Geographic), as well as regular science columns in The Guardian, Wired and many other publications, plus Futures Editor of Vice's 'Motherland' science website. Y△CHT have, therefore, been pushing the boundaries of AI and musical composition to its limits.
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The first thing we noticed was that the band decided, for reasons unexplained at the time, to perform the entire Chain Tripping album backwards. By backwards, we mean starting with track 10 ("Little Instant") and finishing with track 1 ("(Downtown) Dancing"), though we wouldn't put it past them to decide to play the actual music backwards one evening as an experiment! Claire has a tremendous amount of energy on stage. She is constantly throwing shapes (think: cover of David Bowie's Heroes album, and vogue it up a bit), so much so that half the photographs we took ended up having to be discarded, as she was a blurry mess. Even Jona and Rob failed to keep still for long, often interchanging mid-song two or three times with one another's keyboards, which were located at opposite ends of the stage.
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So, the stage was pretty busy, and the crowd were soon screaming with pleasure. Although a band should of course mainly be about the music, there is nothing more boring than seeing static band-members. We enjoyed the first three songs (the last three on the album), in particular the very cheerful "Stick it to the Station". Our first stand-out song, however, had to be song 4, "Sad Money", which was quite different, and a lot more trancey. We asked Claire later which songs from the album were likely to remain in the repertoire when they perform a Greatest Hits concert rather than an album showcase like we heard last night. We were delighted to hear that "Sad Money" is one of their favourites and therefore likely to make the cut. Following that came a much slower song, called "Death" – which just so happened to be the first track that their software churned out when they started with this AI experiment. This was quite dark, and included some rather violent lyrics, including 'stab, stab, stab a cop' repeated a number of times. We asked Claire later about this, and whether the fact that software coming up with controversial lyrics means that the lyricist can be exonerated, therefore implying that self-censorship is no longer necessary in this future world. She agreed it was a good point, and there would certainly be some plausible deniability. However, at the end of the day, the band were still involved in the selection process of the lyrics from those that were generated. The actual lyrics, nonetheless, were not something they would have come up with themselves, but the band thought it rather delightful that the AI process should decide to suggest such strange phrases.
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In between tracks, Claire would often address her audience. This again made the gig appear to be much more intimate (in spite of the fact that the venue was heaving with bodies). What was most obvious was how different each of these new songs actually are, from the very 80s sound of "Loud Light" to the quite bonkers track "SCATTERHEAD". On the latter, we loved the use of the cowbell and great guitar effects, which were also evident on "Hey Hey", another 80s-influenced uplifting track which includes quite a dirty deep-house synth on top of a Kim Dealesque bass-line. The strobes came on for "(Downtown) Dancing", the first track on the album. This was the longest song thus far, and included a funky dance bit that was evocative of the famous section in the middle of Michael Jackson's "Thriller". Again, we loved the cowbell. Claire got the entire auditorium clapping at one point, adding to the party atmosphere.
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Hearing the album back-to-front, it now made sense why it should be performed that way, as it meant there was a real build-up to that final moment. Of course, this was not the end of the gig. Even with albums as good as Chain Tripping, a lot of people would have felt short-changed had some of the older songs not been performed as well. Y△CHT went on to perform six non-AI songs in total, starting with two from their 2015 album, I Thought the Future Would be Cooler: firstly the track which shares the aforementioned album's name, and then "Hologram". This was followed by "Hard World" from their 2017 Strawberry Moon album, a song about animal rights which was accompanied by the projection of their trippy video featuring a happy foot and a sad foot. This was another song during which the two male components of the band were swapping sides and instruments throughout the song. We share the video in question below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D-Z9rUvlqM Following this came one of our favourite tracks, their cover of Brigitte Fontaine's 1969 utterly surreal French-language song, "Le Goudron". This cover appeared as an online single in 2012 and is well worth downloading. We actually first came across it while watching a superb Italian comedy directed by Paolo Sorrentino about Berlusconi called Loro, in a scene where a rich young scam-artist is trying to entice Berlusconi to an orgiastic party in a villa overlooking the politician's garden. This tune featured in the scene below, and it was a Shazam moment. Thanks to both technology and serendipity, we learnt of this fantastic track, which led us to the band's back catalogue and, ultimately, reviewing them for GIGsoup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJiiVWFozs0 "Le Goudron" really is a splendid tune, and is probably the most psychedelic of the ones they played last night. The irony is, when you translate the French lyrics into English, they are as bizarre as some of the ones that AI has thrown up for their new album! Following one of those pseudo-encores we wish weren't a thing (we can't remember the last time we heard a genuine encore that the band had not already orchestrated), Y△CHT returned with what was probably their loudest (and certainly most new-wave) track, "Dystopia (The Earth is on Fire)" from their 2011 album Shangri-La, and then ended with the pure pop funness of "Psychic City" from their 2009 album See Mystery Lights, which was coincidentally the first of their albums to feature Claire.
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So, will Y△CHT use this process to make another AI album?, we ask Claire after the gig. 'Yeah, I think some variation upon it. But by the time we sit down to make another record the technology will probably have evolved by leaps and bounds. It already has. Since releasing the album, the tools that we used are obsolete. So, I'm excited to try to find some other cobbled-together mix of futuristic tools for the next record that challenges us in the same way that this one did. I don't want to get stuck in a rut.' We were interested to find out whether, by using AI, they felt that some of the creative process of songwriting was taken away from them, but Claire was adamant that she did not feel that way at all. The process allowed them to end up with tons of song lyrics, from which a small percentage was useful. These would then be rearranged (or 'cut up') following a method which has its origins in Dadaist poetry, was famously used by the author William S. Burroughs, and also employed by David Bowie on some of his greatest and most-loved albums.
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These single lines of subsequently rearranged lyrics were generated by inputting into the software not just the lyrics from Y△CHT's entire back-catalogue (to give the process an identity closer to the band's original style), but also lyrics from some of their favourite artists, such as Patti Smith or Bowie himself. We asked Claire whether they had to remove some of the generated lyrics because they appeared to be too close to something Bowie or Smith would have themselves written. 'No, the amount of data that you need to train a machine-running algorithm is so significant. I mean, it's literally like seven-hundred thousand pages of text. So the nuances get lost. It's more like you're teaching a machine English based on only song lyrics.' Last night really was a fantastic show, and when Claire addressed the audience in her effervescent manner it seemed especially intimate. We referred earlier to how Y△CHT are now making headlines for all the right reasons. It wasn't always thus: in 2016 they suffered what amounted to a PR disaster when they pretended that they were trying to stop a sex tape they had made from being leaked on the adult website Pornhub, which generated a lot of negative publicity. We personally found the video to be quite innovative – it has a disturbing sci-fi ending – but the band are very remorseful about the stunt and acknowledge that it was in bad taste and should never have been done.
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Now, however, it is all about the future, in more ways than one. Thanks to their scientific knowledge, we know that using AI is really just the start of it. It is marvellous to have innovative standard-bearers in modern music today. We have felt that in recent years, there has been nothing new any more. Previous generations had Kraftwerk, Frippertronics, Phil Spector's Wall of Sound... there seemed to be very little new to be coming out of the studios for the current generation. This is now changing. Thank you, Y△CHT, for making the future of music a little more exciting and a little more cute. Read the full article
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aryanarecords · 7 years
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I have absolutely no idea where to start with this.  I have been thinking about how I would start this article for months, and now that the moment is here I still don’t know.  Not in a bad way at all, it’s just that the person I interviewed has changed the way I view the world, a lot.  There aren’t many words to describe it.  I guess I’ll start with how we met, which is also kind of hazy.  Bear with me. I was in the common area at the NYU hall I stayed at for two weeks over the summer.  I was trying to play pool when I saw two guys dressed in really cool clothes.  One had grey overalls with an orange polo shirt and yellow sweatband on.  The other one had a black tee, Comme Des Garcons sneakers, and a bandana with flames.  I guess it was the vibes they were giving off, but I somehow managed to approach them.  I learned their names were Justin Miller and Ryan Wise.  You’re probably thinking Justin Miller sounds really familiar. It’s because I interviewed him! You can read it HERE. (By the way, Justin was wearing the overalls and Ryan was wearing the bandana with flames.)  I don’t remember what we talked about, or how I even approached them, but I told them how a bunch of us jam out every night in the basement and they should come.  They did end up coming, and it was probably the best jam sesh we had.  We even ended up writing a song all together.   On my last night at NYU, I don’t really know how Ryan and I found each other, but I feel like that’s how we grew closer.  We ended up in the jam room together and he started talking about his experience at NYU and ended up showing me a song he wrote.  I fell so in love with it and I promised to share his music on here when it’s finally out.  When I went back home, I had some stupid drama going on and he was always there to listen.  In fact, he would share his problems with me too, which would become the basis for his EP.  I specifically remember talking about how NYU sick we were, and how we felt so at home there.  We felt like we belonged.  I don’t think my NYU experience would have been the same if I hadn’t met THE Ryan Wise himself.  This was honestly all over the place, but without further ado (can’t believe I just said that, OK), here is my favorite interview to date! 
Give us some basic facts about yourself!
Name: Ryan Alexander Wise Born Day: 9/13/2000 Sign: Virgo Favorite Food: Rice Favorite Color: Black Base: Central Ohio Nicknames: Whatever you want, but don't call me RyRy or nigga if you ain't black.
How and when did you start making music?
I wrote my first song when I was a toddler and my dad recorded me singing it and like put music behind and it and everything. It was hella extra. I've come up with songs for as long as I can remember, but I guess the turning point was when I was 11 and I got my grandma's old iPad. I downloaded GarageBand on there and started producing and have been going ever since.
Who are some of your musical influences?
I wouldn't be doing any of this if it wasn't for Michael Jackson. When he died I looked him up to see what all the fuss was about, and was literally obsessed with his discography for 18 months straight. My current favorite artists are Kanye West, Frank Ocean, and Childish Gambino, so I'm sure they have a big influence on me. However, whatever influences my art is really what I'm listening to while I'm creating it.
What have you been listening to lately?
I've been trying to broaden my scope and get away from hip hop a little more since that's been all I’ve listened to for like 6 years now. Willow Smith and Tyler Cole came out with amazing albums this year, especially for how young they both are. Hella inspiring. Speaking of the Smith family, “SYRE” by Jaden Smith has been in rotation since its debut. “Chamber of Reflection” by Mac DeMarco, “Lone Wolf” and “Cub” by Thundercat, and “Swell” by Archy Marshall are favorites now too.
What was your inspiration for your new EP, Room & Bored?
My time at NYU this summer. I was working on a different project going into my month long stay there, but I ended up writing some new stuff while there and as a reflection of my time there when I got back. I looked at what I wrote (R&B’s three songs in particular) and realized that I had something there. I dropped everything else and started making those, because I felt an urgency to get that out there. Through the help of people at NYU, like you Aryana, I finally had enough confidence to release a body of work. NYU influenced what I wrote about, how it sounded, its title, aesthetic, everything.
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This is a picture I took of Ryan in the jam room on the last night.  He was performing one of the songs he wrote during his stay at NYU.  Bad pic, but high quality sentiment.
How long did it take you to write and produce R&B?
I wrote 227 in a couple minutes one day at the beginning of my stay in New York. Same with 908 but like two weeks later. 197 amassed itself over a couple of days after I got back and was eventually trimmed down from 9 minutes to 5. I then produced the bulk of it through August and kind of sat on it, making tweaks until I told myself I had to put it out and tweeted “november 1st” to hold myself to releasing it on that date. So all together a little over 3 months.
How did you think of the title, Room & Bored?
I'm still kinda iffy on the title. I like it, a lot, but not sure that it really connects with the story of the project much. It’s playing on Room and Board obviously, and I think it’s clever and fits within my aesthetic, but the EP doesn't really convey a sense of boredom. Maybe 227, since it’s about suggesting that fun should be had rather than describing the fun. I don't know. But since it was based on my experience at a college, I wanted that to be incorporated into the title. I wanted this to be a project where different people can experience it differently based on their relation to me. So if you just happen to find this on SoundCloud, you might think I'm a college student. If you know me, you probably know that I was at NYU for a part of my summer and will get that it’s a reference to that. If you were at NYU and were good friends with me, you might get more things: who the songs about, the events that inspired the songs, the room numbers’ significance, and the title plays into that.
Each song title is a number, what do those mean?
Each is a reference to a room that was significant to the circumstances that inspired the songs. 227 was my friend Anthony's room, and that's where we would hang out and party most of the time. Since that song deals with themes of not necessarily fitting in at the party, but wanting to because “she” does, I named it after the room where I felt that. 908 was another friend of mine’s room, where an interaction happened between me and someone else. To fully feel and release the emotions that were ignited as a result of that interaction, I wrote 908. I also learned that it was the room number of my other friend, on the opposite wing of the dorm, and coincidentally it applies to things that happened there too (coincidence = the universe stunting on you with Jay-Z double entendres). 197 has to do with where I live. Since I wrote it after returning home from New York and it was a reflection on my experience there, I named it after where I was at the time.
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What’s your dream venue to perform at?
I'd love to say like Madison Square Garden, but that seems hella overwhelming. Maybe like the Roxy, because I'd love to be in a more intimate setting with people that know my music better than I do. I’d take a ton of those over one MSG performance where 60% of the people there only know that one song that charted.
What genre would you define your music as?
I'd love to say Alternative, which to me just means the industry doesn't know what to call this, but right now I'd say hip hop or alt hip hop. I'm still very much in that state of mind. My ear is farther along than my voice, if you pick up what I'm putting down.
What was the first record or CD you bought?
I don't remember the first song or album I spent money on (it was probably trash and definitely on iTunes), but the first physical album I bought was Jay-Z’s “Black Album” on vinyl. Didn't have a record player yet. Hadn't even heard the album in full. I just saw it and impulse bought it because I felt like it. Listened to it later, and fortunately, it’s amazing.
Who would you want to open for?
Opening for Kanye would be dope but I'd probably be crying too hard to perform. Opening for Frank Ocean would be dope but I know everyone would forget about it as soon as Frank walked on stage. Maybe Kevin Abstract. Yeah, that would be dope. But opening for any of them would be a privilege and I would be so geeked to do so.
Any advice you have for young/ local/ up and coming artists?
Keep grinding. Don't let people discourage you. Yeah, not everyone gets to be a star, but you'll never be one if you let that get in your way. Don't aim for fame, aim for happiness. At least that's what I'm doing, and I hope it works out. Making connections with other, artistic peers can be very helpful. I wouldn't have R&B if it wasn't for people like Aryana and Justin (JUM The Lover) and others that I've become close to. They’ll help inspire you, make you feel at home if you're in a place where people don't tend to think like you, and will hook you up if you can't think of another verse and need a feature.
Can we expect more music from you? Is yes, when!!??!
Of course you can, but I don't want to give a date that I most likely won't keep. When it comes, it will probably be another EP, but longer this time. I'm not ready to come out with a full album yet. I don't know why. I have enough material, but need a concept or theme to tie it all together. If everything goes as planned, my next EP will be called COVER and you should look out for it.
Is there anything else you want to add?
If you've listened to R&B thank you so much. Even if you hated it, at least you tried. If you haven't, please give it a shot. The whole thing isn't even 10 minutes long. Support young artists. Retweet, reblog, repost, share, like, favorite everything by the young artists you know. Even if it’s not that great to you, it might be to someone else who’s in your sphere and wouldn't come across it otherwise. Listen to Room & Bored, or don't, it’s your prerogative, and why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you can just be quiet?
You can listen to Ryan’s debut EP Room&Bored HERE
Rock On,
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twh-news · 8 years
When asked what fans can expect from the latest instalment of Thor, director Taika Waititi somewhat unhelpfully says it will be “Taika-esque”.
Asked if he could perhaps describe it in literally any other way, he laughs. “I can’t! There’s no way!”
As far as whetting the appetites of Marvel fanatics goes, it’s a little counterproductive. Thor: Ragnarok will be watched by many more people who are familiar with the franchise than those who know Waititi’s work – but this may be the film that makes the New Zealand director a household name.
The big-budget Thor is a far cry from the Flight of the Conchords, of which Waititi wrote and directed a few episodes, and from What We Do In The Shadows, the 2014 vampire mockumentary he made with Jemaine Clement. And it’s almost the antithesis of Hunt for the Wilderpeople: the family friendly little-Kiwi-film-that-could, which was a surprise hit at box offices around the world last year.
But while the types of projects may differ wildly, his treatment of them – the bit that makes them “Taika-esque” – doesn’t. Even Waititi’s government-funded anti-drug-driving campaign, Tinnyvision – made in collaboration with Snapchat in 2014 – has the same warm, sly humour of his features.
And yet, after 41 years’ experience of being “Taika-esque” himself, he still struggles to describe it.
“If someone asked, ‘What are your films like?’, the best I can come up with is that they’re, like, a fine balance between comedy and drama. And they deal mainly with the clumsiness of humanity.”
Well, that’s definitely true of Tinnyvision.
As evidenced by his decision to set Ragnarok outside the Marvel universe – a ballsy move, given the size of the fandom and budget in question – Waititi is one to do things his own way. And it’s paying off.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople reportedly made as much as US$23m worldwide (with takings of more than $8m in its home country) and spent some eight weeks in the top 10 at the Australian box office. It placed among the top 100 films of all time on Rotten Tomatoes, where it is 97% “certified fresh” from 171 reviews, and was the New York Times and LA Times’ critics’ pick, as well as Empire magazine’s film of the year.
“I knew it would play well with audiences, I just didn’t know if anybody would have any idea how to market it or sell it or get people in cinemas to see it ... It’s not like [New Zealand is] known for churning out really big blockbusters every year.”
At home, Waititi has gone from hit to bigger hit. His first feature film, the oddball romantic comedy Eagle vs Shark, was nominated for the grand jury prize at the Sundance film festival in 2007 – as was his second, Boy, in 2010.
He may not be quite as big a celebrity as his long-time collaborator Clement, with whom he won New Zealand’s top comedy award as the Humourbeasts in 1999, but he’s close. And when Hunt for the Wilderpeople became the highest-grossing local film at the New Zealand box office in May last year, it broke Boy’s record. (At the time, Waititi called it “the happiest and saddest day of my career”.)
In late February, Waititi was named the New Zealander of the year. I ask where the honour ranks in among nominations at the Academy Awards and Sundance and wins at festivals in Berlin, Edinburgh, Hawaii, Melbourne, Taipei, Toronto and Warsaw.
“It’s up there,” he answers. “There are a lot of nominations for things I never won and this is something I actually did win – it feels like I’ve followed through on this one.”
Waititi’s Academy Award nomination came in 2005 – before any of his feature films – for his 11-minute short Two Cars, One Night. He infamously pretended to be asleep during the ceremony.
That outsider’s mentality has persisted, despite the successes of the interim 12 years. The best picture fiasco of this year’s Academy Awards was “great”, he says. “I loved it. I thought it was hilarious ... They take this stuff so seriously, don’t they? It’s almost like launching a rocket into space.” Sam Neill: New Zealand cinema is 'like nothing else on the planet' Read more
Keeping a home far away from Hollywood has been grounding for Waititi; it’s hard to get caught up in all the glitz and self-importance from New Zealand, where he and his family are based. He has two daughters, aged four and one, and a stepson with his wife, the producer Chelsea Winstanley.
But another way to look at his geographical distance is as a buffer, or a safety net. You can always go home again – and why wouldn’t you, when you’re already a massive success there?
“Having had pretty much four successful films at home, I know there’s an audience for my work,” he says. “A lot of people are trying to get out of their home country and think ‘making it’ is if you’re able to work in another. For me ... I’d be quite content to keep doing my own little films down there for the rest of my filmmaking career.”
The New Zealand Film Commission will be glad to hear that, I say.
“That’s why I said it,” he replies.
That may all change, with Thor: Ragnarok set to be by far the biggest commercial success of his career to date. (Thor: The Dark World made $644m worldwide in November 2013.)
With Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum and Wilderpeople star Sam Neill joining Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo, anticipation is high for the third instalment of the franchise – not least because Waititi, with his background in indie comedies, was such an unusual pick.
The day we speak, the first stills from the film have been released, with Blanchett, Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in character on the cover of Entertainment Weekly.
Social media is delighted with Goldblum’s turquoise eyeliner (“If the new Thor film is nothing but Goldblum sitting silently looking like this, then I will still see it six times,” says one tweeter) but mixed on Hemsworth’s short hair.
Waititi is unfazed: “Crazier things happen to Thor than new hair.”
His apparent lack of reverence for the Marvel universe – illustrated in part by the mockumentary-style teasers that have been released in the film’s lead-up – led Forbes to call Ragnarok the studio’s “wild card” for 2017; others have taken it as a vote of confidence in Waititi’s pitch.
“Why am I excited for Thor: Ragnarok?” wrote film critic Sarah Marrs. “Because Taika Waititi talked Marvel into overhauling an entire franchise, AND THEY LET HIM.”
Waititi says. “I’ve always felt that I wanted to make a Marvel film ... I just want to make sure I’m not making an episode.”
With the film due out in November, he will be based in Los Angeles until the end of the year. For the first time ever in his career, he has an office, he says. The challenge seems to be battling against his short attention span.
“With Thor, I’m trying not to do any other things. ... There’d be nothing worse than the film not being as good as I think it’s going to be because I didn’t spend enough time on it. I don’t want my focus pulled away, as it usually is.”
Still, he admits he’s starting to make plans for life after Ragnarok, considering which of four of his own scripts to tackle next – “something super-fast and a bit more carefree”. A werewolf spin-off of What We Do In The Shadows and the stop-motion animation Bubbles, about Michael Jackson’s pet chimp, are also on the cards.
Waititi likens his approach to filmmaking to a buffet. “I want to try every little every thing from either end. I don’t want to go straight to the chicken. I’ll put some grapes on the plate, a bit of gravy and mix it all up.”
But that analogy – the mixing of the grapes with the gravy – suggests an indiscriminate approach, when Waititi is picky about what projects he takes on – particularly when others’ ideas tend to interest him less than his own. Ragnarok was not the first big-budget Hollywood script he’d been sent, he says – it was simply the first he’d felt moved to take up.
Waiti wrote the first script of the Disney animation Moana before opting in 2012 to return to New Zealand to make What We Do In The Shadows. He’d just had a child. “I basically didn’t want to be living here, working in an office, writing someone else’s movie,” he says.
All that remains of his original script is “EXT: OCEAN – DAY”, he jokes. But the final product was “good”.
“I was relieved it was not insulting to Pacific cultures. That was a big worry for me. I was very nervous about it. You often ask yourself, ‘Oh my god, do I get involved with something like this?’”
Waititi is half-Māori himself and much of his work is steeped in New Zealand’s indigenous culture, celebrating that which makes it unique – particularly its humour – while not shying away from the challenges it faces. (His attention goes beyond simple representation: he said hiring Indigenous people to work on Thor was his “responsibility” as a filmmaker.)
Boy, set in a remote coastal village much like the one Waititi grew up in, revels in the comedy and joy to be found in the midst of poverty. He told NPR that part of its appeal was that it did not perpetuate stereotypes: “Indigenous people in films, it’s all like nose flutes and panpipes and, you know, people talking to ghosts ... which I hate.”
These considerations were front of mind when he was approach for Moana. “I thought, well, the best way of them not making something that’s insensitive or shallow was to involve people from that community, from the Pacific ... If there’s some way I could be at the table and help try and make this not a bad film, then I’ll try.”
His involvement ended with the first draft. “It wasn’t anything to do with the process, I just got b–”. He stops short of saying “bored” but not quite short enough. “Like I do all the time, I just ended up wanting to do my own thing again and make a vampire movie instead.”
Waititi’s script – focusing more on Moana’s family relationships – contributed an irreverent, “very Pacific humour” to the film, according to producer Osnat Shurer. Shurer also said it gave the filmmakers “permission to continue down that road, because he’s from that culture”.
Waititi thinks they could have taken it further. “I know the danger is they’ve got to be respectful but Pacific islanders and Polynesians have some of the least respectful humour on the planet,” he says, laughing.
“[But], as Americans making a film about another culture, and having been criticised in the past for their depictions of minorities, they have to be a bit safer.”
At least there’s a Polynesian Disney princess now, I offer? Waititi doesn’t sound convinced: “Yeah. I guess so. Yeah. I dunno. Haha! I dunno. Luckily, through the phone, you can’t see my face.”
Waititi is not good at censoring himself – or, at least, not fast enough. He often stops himself short as, I imagine, he pictures his words in print and what doors they might close for him. One he seems happy to shut himself is a future biopic, which he volunteers as “the worst type of movie”, committing the cardinal sin of being boring.
“They’re always subject to such scrutiny. Like ... ‘Oh, they really learned to play piano, they went around wearing blue suede shoes for the entire shoot’.
“I think, why is that interesting for an actor? Who cares?”
The way Waititi hates biopics, I note, is the way many people hate films like the Marvel movies: big blockbuster franchises built on sequels to sequels, held up as the antithesis of the small indie films he’s best known for back home. Is it possible for the two to coexist?
“So far they’re existing well for me,” he says. “I know that after this I’ll go back and do an independent film. Then I’ll hopefully come back and do another studio thing. I would kind of like to dwell between both worlds.”
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onestowatch · 8 years
Authenticity is Key: A Q&A With Avalon Young
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From the quiet beaches of San Diego to one of the loudest stages in the world, Avalon Young has seen it all. This So Cal singer has a lot going for her right now. Her debut album, SHIFT, debuted at #2 on the Itunes R&B charts. She finished in the top 8 on the final season of American Idol. And most importantly, she can sing her ass off.
Avalon Young isn’t your typical rising star though. Even with all the attention she has received in such a short time, she has stayed true to her image and personality. It may have taken away some opportunities from her but she’s fine with it. She’s in it for the long haul and she’s determined to find success on her own terms.
I caught up with Avalon to talk about her debut album SHIFT, the American Idol experience, being persistent after facing rejection, catering to her new fans, and more. Read the full interview below:
What kind of creative stuff did you grow up around as a kid in San Diego?
Art-wise or music-wise?
In general.
time between the ages of 5 and 6, I told my mom I wanted to be an artist so I started drawing and coloring. And then in middle school I realized I also really liked poetry. After that, I started branching out and seeing what other talents I had. I wanted to know what everything felt like. I started playing guitar too. My dad would always listen to the Eagles and that definitely influenced me a lot. Most people would never guess I grew up on The Eagles but I also listened to a lot of No Doubt, Eric Clapton, and that first Maroon 5 album. My mom put me on to that. The Songs About Jane album was so crazy to me.
‘Sunday Morning’ was a classic.
Yeah! The chord progressions and production elements were so crazy.  That’s the kind of music I grew up around.
When did you realize that you were a good singer?
I used to be really shy and couldn’t sing in front of anybody. I would always sing at home. Every once in a while, my mom or dad would say, “Oooo, you sound good!” Then some of my friends would hear me and say,  “Whoa, you’re really good, we have to show so and so!” So my friends and family first validated me. Then once I learned to play guitar and sing at the same time, that’s all I started doing. I could feel myself progressing the more I did it. One time in the fourth grade, we had a Mother’s Day thing at school, and my teacher asked who wanted a solo, and all I can remember is really wanting it but being too nervous to ask for it. That’s the first memory I have of thinking I was a good singer.
How did you go from shying away from a solo in fourth grade to auditioning for American Idol?
When I was 16, I auditioned for American Idol. I registered online, went to the Bay, went into the stadium at two in the morning, fell asleep in the stadium, and then got woken up for the audition. We waited in groups of ten and we each got to sing for ten seconds. After my ten seconds, they were like, “Nope” and sent me home. Being 16 and having that be my first experience made me think that I wasn’t a good singer. A few years later when I got into college, I auditioned for The Voice. The same thing happened. I got to the audition, waited, and waited, and then they send me in with another group of ten people. I got ten seconds to sing and then they cut me off and said I was done. At that point I said f*ck reality TV (laughs).  I felt I had the talent but not the look they wanted so it was cool with me because I didn’t want to go on TV and pretend to be someone I’m not just to get an executive producer to say, “Oh cool let’s get her on.” I felt that if I was going to be on TV, I needed to be myself. I wanted people to love me for who I was and not who I pretended to be on the show. So a few years later…
Wait. How did you get the courage to try again?
Well, The Voice hit me up two years ago. A casting director hit me up and said they wanted me on the show. I went in for the first audition and I made it through to the second round. Then I made it to the third round. But you have to make it through the fourth or fifth round before you make it to TV. I didn’t make it that far so at that point I officially gave up on TV shows. Fast forward to early 2015 and American Idol hits me up. They invited me to try out for the last season and I was like “No. F*ck that.” Then I told my mom about the situation and she said, “Well you really have nothing to lose if it’s the very last season, what’s the point of not doing it? It’s not like it’s going to go on forever and ever. This is the last season, you have nothing to lose.” After she said that, I decided to do it. I had a Skype audition with the executive producers and I sang a Michael Jackson song with my guitar but the connection was like low-key bad. It was crackling and I thought to myself,  “ either they like me or don’t” (laughs). They said they would let me know.
Wow. What was going through your head at that point?
It’s so hard to read producers so wen you hear the “We’ll let you know,” you really have no idea. The next day was my 21st birthday and I got a call from them right before I went to Vegas saying, “Congrats, you made it through to the next round”, and I lost it! I was supposed to go to an audition city where the judges were for the next round but they called me the week before and told me to skip that round and go right to the judges. It finally felt like things were going in my favor. At that point, all I had to do was make it to Hollywood. So I went in and sang. To this day, every time I watch the audition tape, I think it’s f*cking terrible (laughs). I was so nervous going in there. I was literally shaking. But after I sang a few seconds of a Beyoncé song, they loved it and let me through to the next round. Going to Hollywood was crazy. It was crazy because every time I would leave the stadium crying and thinking I was going home, I made it through to the next round. It taught me to stop telling myself I couldn’t do things and that I needed to push through.
That’s so crazy. Besides the exposure and platform, what was your biggest takeaway from the whole experience?
I got a lot of performance confidence. Now when I step on a stage, as nervous as I am, I can put on a front. Now I know I have to walk onto every stage telling myself that I’m the shit. There’s no other way to do it. I used to have hella stage fright. But I learned from myself, the show choreographers, and everyone else on the show that all you have to do is get up there, shake it off, and kill sh*t. After being on national television once a week, nothing really scares me.
When you came off the show and had a ton of new fans, did you feel the pressure to create more music/content?
Absolutely. I still do every day. I try to make my fans happy without letting social media run my life. There was a time when it was really tough. During and right after American Idol, I realized that people didn’t give a f*ck about my feelings. People either said things like, “Oh my god, loved your performance,” or “Wow she f*cking ruined that song.” After learning how to deal with that kind of attention, I decided to just focus on the positives. My fans are really important to me so of course I feel a need to make more music as soon as possible but I also I don’t want to rush it.
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Let’s talk about your debut album SHIFT. It hit number two behind Bryson Tiller’s Trap Soul. Describe the feeling you had when you woke up and saw that?
It was crazy because the night it dropped, we were in my manager’s apartment constantly hitting the refresh button (laughs). The first time we looked it wasn’t even on the charts but the next time we looked it was at #80, then it was #60, and then it was in the 20s so we started losing our sh*t. It was the biggest deal to me since the album didn’t even have a label to help push it. We did everything ourselves so to see it move like that made us feel like everything was worth it. It was worth all the stress. The last week before we finished the album, we cut 5 new songs. We were going crazy to get it all done. So when we saw the album hit #8 all my fans on Twitter started going crazy too. It kept moving and when I fell asleep it was me, The Weeknd, and then Bryson. When I woke up the next morning, I was at #2, ahead of The Weeknd. It was the craziest feeling.
F*ckin Bryson Tiller…
Honestly, I wasn’t even mad at it. Trap Soul was so good; I was fine with it staying at #1. It was still the best feeling ever. Little things like that remind you to keep going. After that, I thought to myself, “okay, I made #2 on the first one, what’s the next album going to do? What will my next single do?”
Let’s go back to how you created the album. You said that you did five songs in the last week. How long ago were the other songs made?
Some of them are old because of my American Idol contract; I wasn’t allowed to release anything until the August after the show was done. But I already had some songs done because I had been working with this producer Midi Jones and this writer Jordyn. I’ve known Jordyn since high school and we’ve been working for a long time before Idol even happened. We already had some songs partially written and beats that I had adlibs on, so when I came off the show, we got right back to work. But in the last week, we didn’t have as many songs as I thought. We had enough for an EP but not enough for an album. So we knocked out four or five more songs.
What song on the project means the most to you?
They’re all special and when you make an album, every song is like one of your children. To me, the intro probably has the most feeling to it. To me, ‘Favorite’ isn’t the deepest or saddest song but it was the one I had the most fun making. The video was so fun to make too. Every time I perform it, it has such a great vibe to it. That one is my favorite off the album for sure.
At this point of your career, would you have done anything different?
I think about that a lot and I always tell myself that every single thing happens for a reason. Even the most annoying sh*t happens for a reason. Am I where I want to be yet? No. Do I have time? Yeah. Do I wish that I got kicked off in Top 8? No. I would have loved to go to Top 2 but the day I went home, I was asked to go on my first tour and that’s where I met my manager. Every little thing happens for a reason.
Who is on your Ones To Watch list?
Currently I’m a huge fan of Marc E. Bassy. I also love Nao. She’s so tight.
Now that your album’s been out for about five months, what are you focusing on now?
I’m already on some new stuff right now. We have some stuff coming out really soon. I have a song being released through Soulection. It’s a collaboration with a really talented producer/singer named Bowtye. I’m looking forward to dropping that. After that song comes out, I’m going to release a new single and video. I’m just ready to transition into my new wave.
Look out for new music coming soon from Avalon and listen to her debut album SHIFT here. 
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koreanpike3-blog · 5 years
Bears vs. Vikings: Notes from a tough 25-20 victory
There is something about Sunday Night games that has every fan on the edge of their respective seats towards the final two minutes of regulation....
Regardless, a stingy defense and Cody Parkey’s bid for redemption balanced out an uneven effort on offense in their return from a 5+ year absence on Sunday Night. They also gained a much firmer grip on the race for the NFC North crown. Plus, this is the type of “signature” win that will make most critics believe in the Bears this season.
First; and foremost, the fans should take a bow for their performance at Soldier Field. They were LOUD from start to end, and surely that electricity was felt in every square inch of that stadium. Well done, Bears fans. I’ll raise a cold one in your honor tonight.
And right on cue, the Bears forced a 3-and-out on the Minnesota Vikings’ first possession of the night. Akiem Hicks is a freakin’ monster.
Also on cue, the Bears score on their first possession of the night, albeit only a field goal. Mitchell Trubisky looked great in their initial march down the field, until he took a sack in the red zone. Jordan Howard was also heavily featured in this first drive. Cody Parkey’s first kick of the night split the middle of the uprights.
Parkey is just having the worst month of his career. After he boots the field goal, he shanks the following kickoff as it flew over the Vikings’ two-yard line. Woof.
“Bend but don’t break,” a saying made famous during Lovie Smith’s career in Chicago, was on full display during the 2nd possession against the Vikings’ offense. Literally, the Bears’ D needed to force a takeaway to keep the scoreboard blank. It almost seemed destined that a big play would be made in the Bears’ own red zone.
And then Khalil Mack delivered. Again. He stripped and recovered his 5th forced fumble of the 2018 season. He came into the night as the first player since 1982 to have 7+ sacks, 4+ forced fumbles, and 1+ interceptions within the first ten weeks of the regular season.
This is where the night started getting rough for Trubisky. And Matt Nagy, for the matter; they appeared to abandon the run while opting to go vertical with the passing game. This drive ended with an interception, where Trubisky tried to thread the needle to Taylor Gabriel in between three different Viking DBs. All three Viking DBs had a significant height advantage on Gabriel, too.
Oh look, that Khalil Mack guy seems pretty good at this football stuff. The entire front seven just whipped the Vikings’ O-Line on all three snaps, with Mack getting the Bears off the field as he hammered Kirk Cousins while the $84 million-per-year quarterback was throwing the ball. Had Bryce Callahan just held onto the ball for two seconds longer, that would have been a pick.
If Trubisky has displayed anything to this point in his career, it’s resilience. After he tossed the interception in their previous series, he teamed up with Jordan Howard — something they should have done in the previous series — to control the clock and score a touchdown. Trubisky and Howard punished the Purple People Eaters on the ground, which set the play-action passing game up nicely.
Anthony Miller has some ridiculously good hands. I initially thought the ball bounced off the turf following a low delivery from Trubisky, yet Miller held on and secured the touchdown. The chemistry between these two players is strong nowadays, as Miller has recorded a receiving touchdown in 3 of the last 4 games.
Oh, boy. A two-point conversion already? Most fans didn’t like that call, as it appeared to be a bit too aggressive for that situation. Me....to hell with it. The days of bubble wrapped offense under John Fox are loooooong over, my frents.
If I were to tell you that Kirk Cousins is earning a fully guaranteed $84 million per year, after watching this series, I’d expect a few weird faces. He continued to crumble under pressure in this series as he failed to connect with Adam Thielen on two separate tries.
It’s nice to see this Bears offense when Jordan Howard is given more than one touch per series. It would also be nice if Nagy could just stop getting cute in critical moments. After Howard trucks for some solid gains, the offense started going horizontal. Against one of the fastest flowing defenses in the league. Not a good idea.
Cody Parkey hit his 2nd field goal just barely inside the left upright. All this while the NBC broadcasting crew was obsessed with the “doink” sound effect trademarked by John Madden. Idk who was happier to see Parkey sink his 2nd kick; the Bears’ coaching staff, or Al Michaels.
Adam Thielen and Stefon Diggs went from having a combined 0 catches in the first 29:10 minutes of the game, to making all the catches on this last minute effort to score some points heading into half time.
That was until Leonard Floyd forced Kirk Cousins to toss an arm punt straight to Adrian Amos. Amos now has a career high in interceptions (2) within a season. And that ensured the Vikings would be blanked on the scoreboard heading into the 3rd quarter.
You know, it would be splendid if the Bears’ offense could stop sleepwalking in the 3rd quarter. Despite Tarik Cohen having a nifty 21-yard gain on 2nd and 21, the gameplan just didn’t appear to make sense as the Vikings’ defense stiffened up big time.
Luckily for the Bears, there’s more than one monster on their defense. His name is Akiem Hicks, in case the rest of the NFL hasn’t figured this out yet. He recorded another tackle for loss, and Leonard Floyd joined in on the fun with a TFL of his own.
TRUBISKY NO! That’s all I’ll say on this series of which resulted in his 2nd interception of the night; or should we say, arm punt. It also gave the Vikings excellent field position to begin a comeback.
MACK YES! Just as Thielen and Diggs are heating up in the receiving game, Khalil Mack took Cousins down for his 8th sack of the year. That became too much for the Vikes’ offense to overcome as they settled for a field goal.
This is where I started saying “oh s—-.” Granted, this forced fumble was a result of outstanding hustle from the Vikings’ defense. And I respect how hard Cohen fights on every tout. Still, it’s not a bad thing to just go down and secure the ball after contact is made. Be smart and survive to live another down. Instead, the Vikes are once again gifted with a turnover deep in the Bears’ territory.
AKIEM HICKS YES! Seriously; though, how did the New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints miss on this guy? He took Cousins down for a huge sack on 3rd-and-2 that forced Minnesota to settle for another field goal.
At least the Bears chewed up some clock on the ensuing possession. This was a “big boy” moment for Trubisky and the Bears’ young offense, and they missed on a chance to effectively end the game.
EDDIE JACKSON OMG!!! The budding star at safety made a Mike Brown-esque pick six on a poorly thrown ball from Cousins. He overthrew Laquon Treadwell badly, and instead of simply backing away from the play, Jackson attacked the ball and returned it for the back-breaking touchdown.
Here we go: two D-linemen in on the Bears’ 2nd 2-point conversion of the night. Roy Robertson-Harris and Akiem Hicks got their opportunity to play offense in yet another package featuring members of Vic Fangio’s crew. Best of all Akiem Hicks lined up in the backfield as a tailback, in a T-formation, and motioned out wide as a slot receiver.
So because for the sake of common sense, Trubisky lobbed a ball to Adam Shaheen after the 6’7” tight end received a single manned look in coverage. Welcome back, Shaheen.
I would have absolutely lost my mind had the ball gone to Hicks....and I actually wanted that to happen, too. Here’s to hoping that’ll come against the Green Bay Packers.
Another thing that would be nice — the theme of tonight’s thread — is if Vic Fangio could discontinue the soft prevent look in the fourth quarter. Not only does Cousins finally get a touchdown on the board following an impressive drive, but a BS call on Hicks gave them two attempts at a two-point conversion. They, naturally, succeeded on their second attempt.
I swear, Matt Nagy planned on getting Cody Parkey his chance at redemption tonight. Even though the previous two touchdowns resulted in consecutive two-point conversions, after Parkey made his first field goal. Nevertheless, the Bears controlled the clock and forced Minnesota to burn out some of their timeouts. And when called upon, Trubisky made a few decent plays, while drawing an unnecessary roughness from Harrison Smith.
The moment every Chicagoan was waiting for — both in fear and in anticipation — Parkey’s chance to drive the final nail in the Vikings’ coffin. He delivered, beautifully mind you, on a 48-yard field goal that kept the Bears ahead by two scores. Kudos to Parkey for gutting out what was a gruesome week of memes, angered fans, and calls for him to be cut; only to deliver the knockout punch against such a tough opponent.
Barring anything stupid, any touchdown drive this late in the game would be considered “garbage time points.” Sure, Cousins got Diggs and fantasy owners a touchdown to make the score a bit closer. Of course, all it would take is #BearsSpecialTeams to manifest itself again in the obvious onside kick attempt.
Nope. Not happening. Benny Cunningham made a smart play to snatch the ball immediately after Dan Bailey kicked it. And that wrapped up the game.
In all, Mitchell Trubisky completed 20 of 31 passes for 165 yards, a touchdown, and two picks. His performance wasn’t pretty; rather, he did just enough against a top five defense to control the clock and keep Cousins and Co. off the field. The ability to extend drives with his legs is reminiscent of Aaron Rodgers. One could say this is his first true win against a tough opponent.
For those who follow me on Twitter, you all have likely seen how adamant I am when it comes to feeding Howard the ball. Tonight is a great example of that; 80% of the time Howard carried the ball inside, he’d pick up 5+ yards. I, still, can’t see why it’s a good idea to not give him more touches.
After being shut out last week, Taylor Gabriel led all Bears receivers in receptions and receiving yards. I can get used to this whole “spreading the wealth” concept in the passing game.
I’m sure coaches from all levels would agree with the following statement: the Bears’ defense is the best in the league when one considers a “whole team” concept. From Akiem Hicks recording 5(!) tackles for loss, to Eddie Jackson and Adrian Amos recording a pick each, to Khalil Mack feasting on multiple plays. This defense is 1) stacked from top to bottom and 2) built to last for a long time.
The Chicago Bears (7-3), currently winners of 4 straight games, have a short week with a game on Thanksgiving Day being hosted by the Detroit Lions (4-6) this coming Thursday afternoon. They will then be at the New York Giants (3-7) and at home versus the Los Angeles Rams (9-1) the following week.
It feels good to finally be in a healthy position for clinching a spot in the playoffs.
Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2018/11/19/18102253/chicago-bears-vs-minnesota-vikings-notes-from-a-tough-25-20-victory-akiem-hicks-cody-parkey-nfl-2018
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