#also just being so sweet and cute about the lesbian who tweeted about kicking her feet and giggling over jamie???
anyway phil dunster just referred to himself as a “mostly straight white guy” to buzzfeed. if you even care
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Rating/roasting my old OCs
The scale they are being rated on is 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. These were OCs I made for various fanfics over the years, and I’ve had thoughts about bringing them back but a lot of them are terrible so I’m still on the fence. Hope you enjoy.
- Jared: edgy little shit. Gross bitch boy. A rich motherfucker who is also a murderer. He has a scene haircut and a leather jacket and he only drinks ginger ale. I used to be so proud of him but now I hate his guts and I want nothing more than to kick him to the moon. Fuck you, Jared. 1/10
- Sophie: just kind of weird. Nerdy chick with glasses who may or may not have killed someone. Hardcore lesbian. Her personality type is provolone. 5/10
- Napoleon: MOTHERFUCKER UNLIMITED. Crazy wizard bastard. Wears loads of sparkly shit to let everyone know he’s magical. Used to be a unicorn but he’s an asshole. Also a massive creep. And a murderer. Actually you know what I hate him too but not as much as Jared. 3/10
- Eris: wants to be Cruella DeVil SO badly. Hangs out around creepy people and is also creepy as hell. She’s immortal and she probably met Shakespeare. Really obnoxious and wears red lipstick all the time. Best friends with the mafia. She looks like she’s either 30 or 80 and it doesn’t help that her hair is dyed white. Red eyes that match her lipstick. 3/10
- Dodie: Eris’ sister. Bland as hell but really sweet. Probably makes good cookies. Collects rocks and things. Wears sweaters a lot but also immortal. Kind of a pushover though. 7/10
- John Patrick Nolan/‘Graverobber’: hooooooo boy. This dude. Talk about edgy. Looks like a Hot Topic employee but he’s really cool actually??? Very witty and friendly. Has very long hair and buys all his clothes at thrift stores. Probably smokes weed. Formerly a murderer but he’s very sorry about it. Despite everything he’s a good boy. 8/10
- Tessa: tiny. Very short but hates being picked up. WILL fight you over a bag of Cheetos. Has perfect nails and hair and never wears anything that matches. Watches reality TV on a regular basis. Loud af. 9/10
- Flanagan: can’t remember his first name or if he even had one. Oh well. Super religious and very loud about it. Slams doors a lot and makes threats. He actually used to be a decent person but now he just tweets at random celebrities about how they’re going to hell. Hates vampires. Probably has flipped a table at least once. He gets an 8/10 because I’m actually somewhat proud of him even though he’s a dick...secretly he’s a good person tho I promise
- Felicity: SOFT GIRL. Total sweetheart. Thicc. Loves everyone but especially loves cute boys. Wears floral dresses and hats. Very emotional and cries easy. Gives good hugs. 10/10 love her so much
Carlotta: no. Just no. Why did I create this monstrosity?? Absolute clown. Wears the tackiest shit you’ve ever seen. Mean as hell and an edge lord to the extreme. She’s like a scene kid but she’s an adult. Do NOT leave her with children or with anyone for that matter. Steals hotel towels. 0.5/10 I can’t stand you Carlotta, I can’t believe I made you
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coeurdastronaute · 6 years
Essays in Existentialism: Monarchy PRIDE
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“I’m not doing it.”
“Yes you are.”
“I’m not!”
At the sound of a voice raising, the queen piqued an eyebrow and looked up at her pacing daughter.
“I’m sorry,” Lexa sighed.
Normally the middle child was composed to the outside world. The mother knew better though because beneath the prim and structured demeanor was the most passionate person to exist in the family. She had the breeding of the cool and calm and never ruffled, and yet Lexa felt everything, all of the time. Make her walk over coals, beat her within an inch of her life, break her bones until they were splinters, and she was fine, she was great, she was nonplussed. Make her feel something, make her have to contemplate how something made her heart feel, and she was frothing, flaming, fighting it.
“You’re going to do it, and you’re going to be gracious and kind and honored,” her mother began again.
Despite how tightly strung she was, despite how much it hurt, and despite how hard it was to relinquish, the princess deflated and crossed her arms petulantly in the chair across from her mother’s desk.
“But I really don’t want to,” she tried again, hoping her pitiful face would sway her mother, though she knew the truth.
“I don’t want to do pilates every other day or have lunch with that miserable wife of your uncle, but I have to. Fifteen hundred years of ruling this country means we have to do things we don’t want to do. This is what the ancestors fought for.”
“For me to accept an award for being gay?” Lexa asked disbelievingly.
“Yes, honey. That is what your relatives dreamt of when they cultivated the most violent medieval tribe and conquered the rest.”
Lexa pursed her lips and looked out the window before sighing heavily. Her mother watched her jaw flex and her knee go from fidgeting to still.
“Pilates, huh?”
“An hour, every other day.”
“It shows. You’re looking ripped.”
“Don’t sweet talk me.”
Lexa grinned and ducked her head, pure mischief and charm and cunning, pure cunning above the rest.
“A whole night based around celebrating me being someone who stands out because of who they fell in love with?” she squinted her face and cocked her head. “I cannot imagine a worse way to spend my time.”
“Lunch with Aunt Gertie?”
“I will go to a years worth of lunches if I don’t have to go accept this gay award.”
“Really?” the queen grinned.
For a moment the quiet sat between them. Despite herself, Lexa smiled because her mother was such a pain and she had nothing else to do. Of course it was already decided that Lexa would be at the awards banquet and she’d accept the award and she’d smile and be happy no matter what. Before she even heard about it, she was bound to go. Her mother was the chess champion.
“Do I take a date?”
“If you can find one,” the queen teased.
“Clarke is going to hate me.”
“Send her flowers.”
“Hey, hey,” the door opened with the king entering, his nose in his phone. “Oh, Al, perfect. I still can’t figure out what I’m tweeting.”
“She has to go to a fitting,” his wife stopped him in his tracks.
“I run this country, and no one will help me get anything done.”
“You’re not tweeting.”
“I’ll help you,” Lexa offered, jumping at the chance.
“Go to your fitting, get your date.”
“Send her flowers. Chicks dig flowers still, don’t they?”
Before she could say anything else, the queen gave her daughter a warning look, and Lexa snapped her mouth shut before looking to her father for help.
“Don’t look at me. You know she runs this place,” Alex shrugged and scrolled again on his phone.
“I am going to ask Anya to abolish this place when she takes over. Kick me out or something. Bring back exiling,” Lexa huffed as she sat up and rolled her eyes.
“She should bring back the Olympics, too,” her father added. “I haven’t been able to get those again. We hosted such nice games.”
Only the king and queen were left in the office as their daughter sighed and grumbled under her breath. They shared a look and smiled.
“Your mom is not going to like that,” Clarke grinned as she leaned against the doorway and watched her girlfriend check herself out in the mirror.
“Hey, she’s the one who told me I had to go accept this award and be super gay in front of the entire world. This is what she gets,” Lexa muttered as she adjusted her tie, tilting her chin up and appraising over her cheeks, not satisfied with something.
Clarke just surveyed and appreciated, quite shamelessly. She was in her own dress and had already been given too many accolades by her girlfriend. There was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to fall a little more in love. She couldn’t help it, even if she wanted to try. Instead, she just sighed contentedly and watched.
“You’re looking very hot.”
“But with the tie? I liked it at the designer’s, but I’m not so sure now. There’s also,” she explained, leaning over and picking up something else from the garment bag laid across her bed. “The bowtie? What do you think?”
Nimbly, hands moved to tie it around her neck, and Clarke swallowed, because it was impossible for her girlfriend to get more attractive, and then….
“I’d feel better if you just stopped looking so good in everything.”
“I’m not sure,” Lexa grunted and shook her head before tugging the tie undone and scrutinizing herself even harder.
There weren’t many tells with the former soldier who flew helicopters into dangerous zones. She was an expert poker player. But Clarke learned them, and she knew that the antsiness was just nerves, and she was freaking out a lot.
“You are spectacular, and you deserve this award. What you’ve done in the past few months has be--”
“I didn’t do anything except be born with a crown and an unwavering hankering for the fairer sex, especially doctors,” she shrugged. “Nothing noble in it.”
“Stop saying that!”
The raising of the voice made Lexa turn around quickly, not accustomed to the doctor sounding like that. To be fair, she knew it was just a matter of time before she learned it. She was her father’s daughter, and they were known to be quite taxing.
Clarke inhaled deeply before finally pushing off of the door and making her way across the large bedroom. She gave her girlfriend a firm look before she began straightening her collar.
“You came out to the entire world, as the first person in a royal family. That’s not nothing,” Clarke insisted.
Lexa simply tilted her head and let her adjust her shirt, pressing her palms flat over her chest and smoothing down the cloth around her neck.
“I haven’t done anything worthy of an award except exist,” Lexa insisted again. “It feels unfair.”
“It was very brave. You might not realize it, but you’ve helped people. You will never meet them, you will never see them,” she explained with a small, small smile. “But you did something, and you did it even with the fear of losing everything.”
“I don’t like getting awards.”
“Too bad.”
“I don’t want to go,” Lexa whispered, swallowing a large gulp.
“I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing.”
“You look fantastic. Have I told you that yet?” she offered, still oddly sheepish. “You look spectacular. They haven’t invented words for how good you look.”
Clarke fixed the pristine suit jacket for her girlfriend and smiled while staring at her lips. There was a blush beneath her makeup, and Lexa knew it.
“Keep talking like that and see where it gets you.”
She kissed her girlfriend’s cheek, made sure she didn’t leave any trace of lipstick, and made her way toward the door.
“I know where I hope it gets me,” the princess muttered, giving herself another look in the mirror and giving up at ever feeling comfortable.
The red carpet was absolutely terrible. Nothing happened to make it that way, but simply because it existed, it was a pain. They’d done a few together already, making waves as a cute couple, as the most talked about pairing in the world. But this was different, and Lexa knew it. So she smiled a little more and relaxed, becoming The Princess.
Lexa held her girlfriend’s hand, placed her hand on her lower back to guide her. They moved along the carpet and did the interviews. For only have a few months of media training, Clarke did well, enough to amaze everyone. But of course, Lexa wasn’t surprised. Her girlfriend stayed up all night studying for a party.
When it came time for her to accept her honors, Lexa kissed Clarke’s cheek and made her way to the stage, more nervous than she could remember being in her entire life, which was an impressive feat to beat in her history of appearances.
For a beat, as the applause surged around her, deafening all else, Lexa stared at the statue in her hands and smiled slightly before clearing her throat.
“I want to thank you, for this amazing honor,” she began. “I stand among many great people tonight and am in awe of each of you. I’ve been given many things in my life. I exist in great privilege. And all I did was fell in love. I didn’t do anything other than what everyone else does every day, what everyone should have a right to do, but don’t in 72 countries in the world. I did something that could get me killed in eight of those countries. I did something that cause almost 30% of young members of our community to attempt to commit suicide every year. I did something that gets 20% of LGBT youth into homelessness. I did something that gets people killed every year, and of these hate crimes, 4 out of 5 are minorities. I did something as simple as fall in love, and have been fortunate enough to be able to enjoy because of the hard work of many Trans, Gay, Lesbian members of this community who go largely forgotten because of the color of their skin. I went and fell in love with a woman and caused a near collapse of a centuries old monarchy. And it shouldn’t have been that way, but it was, and it is. And I am here because I am proud to stand beside you all, and prepared to topple everything.”
The crowd applauded as Lexa grew passionate. From her seat, Clarke held her breath.
“Standing here tonight though, amongst such greatness and kindness and empathy, reminds me to always do and give more. I will treasure this honor you’ve given me, as an icon, as a crusader, I think this will be the most precious thing I’ve ever done. And I am grateful you’ve given me the chance to become a force for good. My parents have been nothing but supportive. My siblings have been protective and sweet. And my girlfriend,” Lexa smiled again.
“She has been a well of strength for me. I have found the world to be a much more habitable place when I am my true self, and I promise to spend my time and privilege finding ways to help everyone experience this same gift. It is not lost on me that I am standing here in place of many more deserving activists and humanitarians and volunteers because of the simple randomness of birth. You are not missed or forgotten. Your work is noticed, and it is doing things.”
The applause came again and Lexa took a shaky breath before looking down at the statue in her hand and fiddling with it slightly until it quieted.
“Today I was reminded quite briskly. That what we might do, the lives we might touch, they will happen without us knowing it. You don’t do good works, and try to fix the world because you need to see it. There are lists of names of those who have died with the hope of one day, the world allowing a night like tonight, to honor our community and celebrate our progress, who died when it was illegal to fall in love in more than 72 countries. Today I was reminded by the smartest person I know, that we make the world better than we found it, even if we can’t see the changes. I am deeply humbled and honored to accept this award, and to be your gay princess. This award is for the little ones who know can see that you can love whoever you want, and still wear a tiara. Thank you.”
Lexa didn’t hear the applause. She didn’t see Clarke standing. She didn’t see the entire place applauding her. Instead, she waved and ducked her head before leaving the state. She certainly wouldn’t have known that her mother was wiping a tear away from her cheek and applauding her from her office. She definitely didn’t know that her father smiled to himself and leaned back on the couch with a giant exhalation he didn’t realize he was holding until she finished speaking. How could she know that he pushed up his glasses and nodded to himself while muttering “that’s my girl,” as he picked up his phone and tried to tweet again. There was absolutely no earthly way that Lexa could have known that when it was shared in the following days, a ten year old finally let out a breath they’d been holding for their entire life because a princess felt the same way she did.
No. Lexa didn’t know. She got off the stage though and earned a hug from her sister that she hung onto longer than normal, and she stopped shaking, and prepared for pictures, becoming The Princess once again.
The floor was littered with expensive clothing. A pair of trousers and a black bra were crumpled together, while a heel had bounced under the bed and its mate went to the other side of the desk. Proudly, a trophy sat on the nightstand as the sun came up and the world intruded, reminding the sleeping pair that it didn’t care.
Despite the deep sleep, Lexa felt the body shift in her arms. She kissed the skin of a shoulder that still had the lingering smell of perfume and her bed on it. She felt the body still itself and push into her front.
“We have to get up. It’s almost ten,” the voice came with the moving and the stilling.
Hands wrapped around her ribs, and Clarke was alright with it. She didn’t mean the words. She meant the curling into Lexa, and they both knew it.
“Sleep more.”
“We have to get ready to be gay again today.”
“It’s so much damn work,” Lexa grunted, tossing her leg over Clarke’s hip.
“I fell asleep.”
“Do it again.”
“No, I mean, I feel asleep in the palace again,” Clarke realized, her eyes opening finally.
“I do that every night almost,” Lexa complained, burrowing as best as she could. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Please be quiet and sleep. I love you, I do,” she murmured. “But I need two more hours and so do you. And you’re keeping me up, miss I’m-not-afraid-of-mortar-fire-but-the-queen-makes-me-shake.”
“That’s quite a name I have.”
“That’s it,” Lexa huffed, unwrapping herself and turning the opposite direction. In a flurry and snit she tugged a pillow over her head, only mumbling more words that couldn’t be understood.
“I can’t hear you,” Clarke called over her shoulder.
“I said, I get an award for being a good gay, and I can’t get two hours of sleep,” she muttered from beneath the edge of the pillow. “All because you took advantage of me in the palace.”
“Dating you is hard. I deserve the award.”
Clarke rolled over and made herself comfortable until Lexa relaxed into her arms. She kissed her neck to help ease the crankiness.
“Two more hours, please?”
“Deal,” the doctor nodded. “You just wanted to be the little spoon.”
Lexa smiled to herself and shrugged.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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We’re excited to announce that Leigh has decided to level up Jemma Sterling from a mumu minor character to a main character! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Leigh, she/her Age: 25 Timezone: EST Ships: Jemma/The Entire World Anti-Ships: Nah
Full Name: Jemma Mae Sterling Face Claim: Dove Cameron Age/Birthday: 20 / June 11, 1997  Occupation: Student at NYU, Midfielder for April’s Showers Personality: Effervescent, self-centered, fickle, nosy, creative. Hometown: San Francisco, CA Bio:
Who is Jemma? What is Jemma? Why is Jemma?
Okay, so when you first meet Jemma, it’s pretty safe to say that she’s exactly what you’d expect out of a pint-sized blonde with a voice like Minnie Mouse– she’s adorable. If the conversation goes past five seconds, then she’s making some kind of sexual remark while you scratch your head like did that really just happen?
Yes, friends, yes it did.
Jemma can’t really tell you anything bad about her childhood in San Francisco. She grew up as the youngest child to two perfectly normal parents, Andrew and Megan, with a sister and a pet iguana. Sounds boring enough, right? It gets better. While unaware of the other’s indiscretion, Jemma’s parents each began having their own sort of affair on the side… Megan with a woman named Willow, and Andrew with a man named Louis. Sure enough, after coming around to various backyard barbecues and Jemma’s tap dancing recitals, well, Willow and Louis… suddenly began taking an interest in each other. Too much of an interest in each other, you might say.
That’s the story of how Jemma ended up with four parents. From the time that she was eight years old, all she could really remember was that Megan and Andrew lived together, but… Willow and Louis came over and hung out a lot. Growing up in a very unusual nuclear family unit brought along its fair share of drama: the step-siblings, the confusing holidays (Jemma insists she’s Jewish, like Megan, even if Willow doesn’t believe in religion and would rather pray to a candle with Bette White on it), but things rapidly took a turn for the better when Louis showed Jemma how to draw. She’d always been attracted to pretty things– bubbles, rainbow cakes, a babbling brook, but she’d never been able to take the things in her head and transfer them onto paper until she felt the pull of Louis’s hand on her pencil. Jemma started out drawing landscapes but quickly worked her way into cartoons and comics. This was how she bonded with Louis, who was a freelance artist, and then Willow, who was a television producer. Jemma showed a tremendous interest, from re-painting Pokemon cards to drawing her own comic books, where, of course, Jemma was the star.
As a child, Jemma honestly wanted for nothing. She was able to pull her strings to command, and often, demand attention. Jemma was accustomed to being the life of the party, the baby doll, the cute one. Shower her in pink and glitter, sure, but she could rattle off superhero trivia with the best of them. Things started to take a turn for the worse, though, when Willow began to tire of the charade and wanted to make things more official. On paper, Megan and Andrew were married (mostly for the tax break at that point) but she was still single, and she hated that she couldn’t adopt Jemma and her siblings as her own. She, with no biological children of her own, eventually left the family. Jemma still keeps in contact with her every once in a while, and she has no abandonment issues as a result of it. Jemma quickly soured to her after that, though– their family was perfect, and there was plenty of love to go around. Why did she want to change that?
As forward-thinking as San Francisco was, Jemma’s always had a bit of a problem with loyalty and fidelity. Is she the person you can call at three in the morning when you’re in trouble? No, definitely not. But is she game for a good time always? Basically, yes. Jemma asked three different people to her high school prom (a fact her dates didn’t find out until they all got to the limo) and wondered why they all ended up mad at her in the end. It’s not like she hadn’t done a totally epic promposal for them, too?
Jemma’s decision to trek it over to New York City largely came from the fact that she wanted to experience life on the opposite coast. How often could someone say that they were both a SoCal and a NYC baby? Plus, NYU basically gave her the most money in scholarships, so she decided to go through their art therapy program. Jemma is all about self-expression, self-love and healing, so the idea of using art to help others is really what she’s after in life. She has no interest in working with children, but rather would want to work with adults and the elderly.
Pets: Taking care of Jemma is like having a pet. Would you trust her with a critter? Good, you shouldn’t. Relationships:
Nicola de Rocha/Peyton Lynn: Roomies. Jemma is kind of co-dependent on Nicola, who was her first friend when she came to the city. Jemma dotes on her and would consider her a best friend. Peyton is hot as eff, which is all Jemma really needs to know.
Spencer Porter: Jemma and Spencer have a podcast together called 2 Girls 1 Mic. They talk about Marvel, lesbian sex, and Marvel ladies having sex. Jemma is very quick to tell Spencer how hot she is, and since Jemma is close with Nicola, too, they get along very well. Even if Spencer won’t sleep with her. Which it’s only a matter of time. Because she’s Jemma.
Aria Abrams: Oh, Aria. Jemma doesn’t know what to do with Aria, which is saying something. She’s sweet, she’s cute, she can talk comics with the best of them, and Jemma is starting to act very un-Jemma-like around her. Probably because Aria has cooties, or something.
April’s Showers: Jemma loves her teammates. She’d say they’re like sisters to her, but she definitely stares at all of them in the locker room (which, by the way, she never wears clothes in). Jemma’s a new recruit to April’s Showers, and she’s got all the credentials as co-captain of her high school team, thank you very much. Plus, she likes the way her butt looks in the shorts, and so should everyone else.
jemma bo bemma/@itsjemmabitch/i take hot showers to practice burning in the fires of hell :)
Five latest tweets:
@itsjemmabitch: @josswhedon @avengersageofultronmovie welcome to ur tape #justiceforwandamaximoff @itsjemmabitch: ok so after being on the april showers and spending all my time with teachers, the only good thing i can say about being a teacher is that you can blame your farts on other people @itsjemmabitch: i’m queenie goldstein also where the fuck is leta lestrange my future queen #jewwitchpower @itsjemmabitch: the only interest i have in men is when 1) they’re chris evans 2) women are kicking their asses 3) they’re wearing spandex @itsjemmabitch: looks like a cinnamon roll, acts like a cinnamon roll, will eat u out like ur a cinnamon roll…..
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cindiliciouscindi · 7 years
Okay, so I'm a bit late to this party but better late than never, right? I will start with my dislikes, which are just a tiny few, and wrap with the reasons this show has become my all-time favorite.
Sour Taste
Insufficient Screen Time - The fact that we only got 10 episodes, which made them compress multiple storylines into tiny bits, such that we didn't get to see a lot of back story and some much-needed dialog. It felt like a whole lot happened within the season, yet in bits, though I must commend the entire cast and crew for effectively and efficiently utilizing the little screen time they were given. They fed us well, regardless.
#Salex - Ummm... This is dangerous territory and I know I'm definitely gonna get some backlash from some folks but I'm sorry, Shippers, I don't think #Salex should have happened. I get that they probably wanted some racial diversity and maybe some drama for Sutton but I really don't think they have romantic chemistry. It was just like sleeping with your best friend and I just didn't feel their connection. I certainly see more connection between #Janestripe than #Salex...oh yeah. Their friendship is super-amazing and while I'm happy that Sutton realized this and called it off, I'm not happy they used Alex as a side piece, they should have just remained best friends. Besides, in the beginning, Alex seemed to be closer to Jane (remember the first staff meeting, the party to find Eric where Jane told Alex about her past, their interactions at work, etc), that I thought they may become romantically involved but suddenly, we saw a switch to Sutton, so it felt like the writers were probably considering #jalex (lol) but reneged along the line. I'll probably ask them about this on Twitter.
Sutton and Jacqueline - I wish we saw more interactions between Sutton and Jacqueline. I think it was only twice we saw them together, directly communicating (after the Photoshoot with Cassie and when Jacqueline told her to stand up for herself). Jacqueline's character came across like she was supposed to be mentor for all the girls but in reality, we only saw her constantly with Kat and Jane. I feel like during her dark days trying to consider Ad Sales and finally find her way into Fashion, Sutton could have used the guidance of Jacqueline. But in their defense, I think it had to do with Sutton being an assistant and reporting directly to Lauren and now Oliver. But I hope in Season two, we see more of their interactions; Sutton is hilarious, she would probably need a fidget spinner whenever she has to face Jacqueline alone. Lol.
Kat's Group Date - To be honest, it actually felt somewhat cheesy that Kat was jolted back to consciousness when she heard that Violinist play. Like, it could have been just a thought about Adena popping up in her head or her phone buzzing with another random selfie from smooth Adena 'it-wasn't-a-come-on' El Amin. Lol. Okay, I will just leave it at that. I absolutely love every circumstance that brought Kadena back together and I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.
Sweet Taste
Everything about the trio's friendship.
Music - Perfection, hundred percent.
The Writing and the fact they gave the actors the opportunity to improvise, which gave us some crazy lines like 'He wants to pound it like a hashtag'. Lol.
The fact that the stories were centered on women and the men, while not being the focus, provided support when needed. It is truly refreshing to see shows highlighting women as being able to function without being controlled or directed by male figures.
Everything about Jacqueline - Jacqueline being an authority figure, yet a mother and a friend. The fact that she was attentive to their issues didn't diminish her power or status and that was well-played.
The overwhelming attention to the #Kadena storyline, right from the get go.
The way Kadena was written, we saw the 'straight' girl spearheading the pursuit, not the other way round. It diminishes the long-standing trope of lesbians converting straight girls and that is one of the reasons this show stands out. From the beginning, whatever her motivation, it was Kat who went searching for Adena, brought her close with that 'misunderstood' selfie, offered to help her pack contraband (when she could have followed Jane to Eric's party), sent her a top-less photo, confessed her feelings, freaked out a couple of times at work, nearly jeopardized her job with a crazy tweet, wasted her parents' frequent flyer miles on a whim, jumped into New York City traffic to get to the airport, was prepared to abandon everything and jet out to a foreign land and ultimately did so in the end. Need I say more? This show is a game-changer.
The way #Suttard was written, we saw that Sutton practically paved her way herself, without much help, if any, from Richard. Ordinarily, with her relationship with Richard, we could have seen Sutton rise above Kat and Jane but we saw her struggle and slowly pursued her dreams to fashion, thus highlighting her brilliance and ability to excel.
The overall support the girls gave Kat throughout, with respect to her relationship with Adena, was flawless. They are pure #friendshipgoals.
No labels - The fact that Kat didn't label herself as anything, nor did her friends label her. She just fell in love (with a woman named Adena) and that was that. I hope they don't come under any immense pressure to label Kat, besides, the other girls had no labels as well. We only assumed they were straight because they only dated guys but anything is possible, just like in Kat's case. So, if they have to label Kat as bi or anything, they should also clearly label the other girls as 'straight', which would actually be irrelevant, to be honest. So, let them just be who they are and love who they love. I know some folks have strongly opposing views but those are just my humble thoughts.
Janestripe was actually cute. Ryan was good-looking and quite smooth-talking. He also has the potential to be a good motivator to Jane (remember that writers' room event and the stay-in at Scarlet in Episode 9). Yes, they started like fuck-buddies but soon started catching feelings, which is normal. Remember Sutton said she was using Richard for sex, but look how that ended up, she fell flat on her face. So, I think Janestripe is a workable ship.
Everything about Kat's Emotions - Aisha's depiction of romantic feelings, nervousness, attraction, worry, care, distraction, etc, was completely enchanting. The way it was set up, I found myself going through those emotions with her and THAT is how you know powerful acting.
Everything about Adena's Personality - She was a strong, fierce, rebellious woman, yet fragile at heart; subtle, silent achiever, smooth operator. Props to Nikohl for playing that role so well.
Oliver's character - I love that we got a little glimpse into his life, the fact that he grew up in Oklahoma, didn't have a fashion degree, yet kicking ass at Scarlet. It provided an extra source of motivation to Sutton and to viewers that you could achieve your goals even without the right 'paper' qualification. Sutton had no fashion degree too but she had the practical skills.
The Friendship between Alex and Sutton, Alex and Jane.
Overall, this show has me legit shook every time I think about it and I am shopping for more wigs and glue, in preparation for subsequent seasons.
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