#also jj and will GLUED to each other
hotchfiles · 2 months
derek and emily at jj’s wedding is honestly my favorite thing it makes me SCREAM how they see each other and how derek just knows and the way they cling to each other i’m DYING
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ithebookhoarder · 5 months
Special Delivery (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
Description: Something's different about Reid and no-one knows what. However, a surprise delivery to the BAU may just have the answer...
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Warnings: Food references, mentions of mental health, mentions of medical procedures, references to smutty behaviour, Spencer being adorable
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“Ok. Am I the only one who’s noticed something’s different with Reid lately?” Morgan remarked, watching as the said boy-genuis made his way across the bullpen and over to his desk. 
“Yeah,” Emily hummed, watching the young agent over the rim of coffee cup. She had to admit it - as much as it annoyed her - Morgan was right; Spencer has definitely been acting different. If anything, she was surprised it had taken them all this long to say anything. 
Normally, they were all over each other the moment they noticed anything even remotely different about each other. Hell, she’d barely taken a step off the elevator, after getting an extra few inches cut off at her latest haircut, before the team were quizzing her about possible life changes and whether or not they needed to be worried about her. 
It was a hazard of working with profilers for a living; it was almost impossible to keep anything a secret. No wonder they were all intrigued and slightly confused by the fact that none of them had been able to pinpoint what was going on with their friend. 
The most notable difference was the gradual disappearance of the dark circles under his eyes. Reid also seemed happier in general, less quiet and reserved when talking to others, and it was starting to make agents talk. 
Morgan and Emily stood up straighter as JJ walked over to join the unofficial gossip session. She took one look at the pair and knew immediately what they were whispering about. 
“Are you talking about Reid?”
“Oh yeah,” Morgan grinned, “my money’s on him having finally found someone.”
Emily choked, seemingly as a result of inhaling her coffee at the grand statement. “What?”
“Oh, come on, Miss ‘super spy’. Just look at him,” he teased. “He’s been distracted. He’s all goo-goo eyed and he’s been leaving this place at a normal hour. Like… tell me that doesn’t scream ‘I got a date’.”
“What? It could be loads of things. It doesn’t have to be a date, right JJ?”
“He’s probably just happy. We’ve all been getting more sleep lately and our paperwork is non-existent at the moment,” JJ murmured, reaching past the pair of them to grab for the coffee pot. She was clearly doing her best to try and put this line of questioning to rest. She’d always been the first to protect the younger agent she now saw as a little brother. “Besides, we all know he’s not interested in dating, he hasn’t been since…. Well, you know.”
Morgan groaned. “But what about the secret texts, JJ!” he protested, ignoring the look Emily shot him in return. “He’s been glued to that phone of his and keeps giggling like a school kid. Then there’s the lunches! I know he’s always been organised and likes things a certain way, but damn. His lunches have been like next level - and actually healthy? And I swear he’s had jello like every day.”
JJ rolled her eyes. “You’re basing your profile on jello? Is that it?” 
“Well, no I mean… did you not hear the part about the texting and the taking secret calls and the fact he didn’t come out for drinks last night-”
“-Can’t we just be glad for him? Whatever is going on, it’s good for him. Let’s just drop it, ok? He’ll tell us when he’s ready if there’s anything to share.”
“JJ’s right,” Emily echoed. “Reid’s just … happy. End of.”
By the way Morgan frowned it looked like it definitely was not the end of this conversation, but he never got the chance to argue. In fact, he was interrupted as the main doors opened next to them and a rather lost looking receptionist hurried through. 
Normally, this wouldn’t have been worth noticing but all three of them spun around at the sound of him calling out the name, “Agent Reid? uh… Is Agent Reid here?”
“Oh, uh, here!” Spencer shouted, soundly vaguely like he was taking roll call. It didn’t help that he shot his arm up in the air too, almost falling off his desk chair as he lurched to his feet and hurried over. “That’s… that’s me - and it’s Dr Reid, but it doesn’t matter. How can I help?”
“Oh, uh, there’s a Y/N at reception for you,” the unfortunate messenger managed, gesturing back the way they’d came. “I told them to wait whilst I came to check with you as they’re not on your visitor list-”
Spencer didn’t even let the poor man finish. He was already racing for the door before the man had even made it to the end of the sentence. Needless to say, the others were quick to follow, with Morgan smugly boasting “told you soooo” as he went. 
There was no way on earth they were missing this and considering Hotch and Rossi hadn’t arrived yet it wasn’t like they were about to get their asses handed to them for missing their briefing either. 
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Despite the amount Spencer had told you about the BAU, you were still surprised by how different the FBI offices were to what you’d imagined. 
The offices were larger and the sheer number of people walking about in suits and carrying a side arm made you feel even more nervous, and that was already a problem considering you were stood there wearing neon blue scrubs, embroidered with jungle animals on the pocket. 
You were like a walking, flashing sign, screaming ‘outsider - does not work here’.  Thankfully, you weren’t going to be there long. You were only swinging by on your way to work, hoping to catch your utterly perfect - and utterly forgetful - boyfriend, before the start of your shift. 
Speaking of Spencer, you had only been standing there for possibly five minutes when you saw him barreling through the doors towards you. 
“Hey, Spence-“
“Y/N? Honey? What’s going on?” he gushed, hurrying over and taking your face in his hands. You could see his wide eyes frantically scanning every inch of you, looking for some kind of problem or sign that you were not ok. “Is everything alright? What are you doing here?”
You felt your cheeks warm at the sudden display of concern, very much aware of the scene your wonderful boyfriend was making. Spencer wasn’t normally the most affectionate in public, preferring to save those rare moments for when the two of you were alone. The fact he was so worried about what might have brought you to the FBI on a Tuesday morning was touching and made your heart swell. 
“I’m fine, Spence. Don’t worry-” 
“Then what are you doing here?” 
“You forgot something,” you soothed, pulling back and reaching into your satchel. It was impossible to miss the way his face reddened as you pulled out a neatly labeled Dr Who Tupperware by way of explanation. “I’m here because you were in such a rush this morning that you forgot your lunch.”
“Yes, ‘oh’,” you teased. “I couldn’t exactly let you go hungry so I thought I’d drop it off on my way to work. I don’t start till later as I’m covering Amelia’s shift as she’s visiting her sister in Boston, so I thought I’d swing by.”
Sure, Spencer was an adult and you could have let him just buy something from the cafeteria or order something in for lunch, but considering how much effort he had gone to to cook with you the day before you felt bad letting it go to waste. 
He’d been so proud of the way the recipe had turned out, following the instructions and your guidance with extreme precision and care. The result had been a rather tasty looking dish - and it had the added benefit of being healthy too. You were always worried that Spencer seemed to think fast food, like Pizza, was a food group. Then again, he had been forced to be an adult pretty fast and had been in college so young that it wasn’t a surprise that no-one had been there to teach him about cooking and eating right. He had been too focused on his studies to even think about anything else.  
It was something he had been working on since you’d got together and now cooking had become one of your favourite date night activities. It didn’t hurt that you often ended up spilling food all over yourselves and needing to shower together - it was just a lovely bonus. In fact, your screensaver was now a picture of you and Spencer, covered in flour, and beaming ear to ear. 
“Thank you, that… that’s so nice,” Spencer stammered, “but I feel bad. You didn’t need to go out of your way and bring it to me.”
“As I say, it’s on my way to work. It’s no trouble.”
“Well, still-“
“Hey, pretty boy!” 
Spencer froze. 
“You gonna introduce us to your friend, or what?”
Spencer opened his mouth but instantly closed it again. You knew by the way he rolled his eyes and began muttering under his breath that whoever had shouted that had definitely been talking to him. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Pretty boy, huh?” 
“Don’t ask,” he whined, taking a deep breath as you looked over his shoulder and saw a small group of people now making their way towards you. “I should probably mention that I wasn’t sure how comfortable you were with me mentioning you, so I haven’t told anyone about us yet and those idiots are some of my team and I would say ‘run’ but they’re all faster than me.”
“Ah… I see. So I’m guessing that one is Morgan?” 
“Well, no time like the present,” you cheered, turning and waving at the approaching trio. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N - Spencer’s girlfriend.”
“Wow. A girlfriend?” cooed Morgan, reaching over to pull you into a hug before the other two could stop him. To their credit, they looked slightly embarrassed by the display but they were clearly too interested in your identity to care. “And a doctor to boot? Didn’t know he had it in him. I’m Derek Morgan.”
“Oh, I worked that out. It’s good to finally meet you all.” 
The others were quick to echo the sentiment, with JJ and Emily quickly introducing themselves in tandem. They were also quick to invite you inside the office for some coffee, but thankfully you weren’t lying when you said you had to get to work. 
“You know how it is. People to take care of, medical cases to solve, lives to save - same old, same old. All I’m missing is a snazzy badge and I could be an FBI agent.” 
“Ha ha.” Spencer’s smile was genuine as you stole a kiss before making a dash for your car. However, you could see the nerves in his eyes at being left alone to face the great inquisition that now awaited him following the discovery of your existence. You were pretty sure the entire BAU would know about you before it even hit lunchtime. “I’ll see you later, ok?” 
“Of course. Just let me know if you’re coming home or if you’re off saving the world in another state - otherwise I can’t promise I won’t eat all the leftovers before you get back.” 
He chuckled. “Will do.” 
With that, you bid the others goodbye, making sure to agree when they asked (more like insisted) that you came to their family dinner on Friday night at none other than Rossi’s house. The rest of the team were going to be begging to meet you after this, and they were all bringing their families along too. 
If Spencer wasn’t comfortable with you going you were pretty sure the team would believe it if you said you’d got called into a last minute surgery, but you’d check later when you both returned to the apartment you now called your home. Either way, you were going to have to make something to take with you, just in case. 
As your grandpa had always said, there was no quicker way to someone’s heart than through their stomach. Or, as in Spencer's case, with an unlimited supply of Jello...
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loveharlow · 3 months
aftercare with jj. thats it.
mentions of smut, 18+
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•° definitely not the most romantic thing ever, but still cute in JJ's own way...
•° makes sure he has a towel or something on hand to wipe you off, especially after the time you didn't and your thighs were practically glued together
•° will personally wipe the sweat from your face because he knows how much you hate the feeling of it dripping down after all the adrenaline and shit has worn off
•° he loves to cuddle, as do you, but he likes to cuddle immediately after and that's a no-go
"jj, let go, i have to pee."
"mmm, you can pee when we wake up..."
"no, i can't. i'll get a uti."
"what're you tryna say? i'm clean."
"that's not..."
•° so then he googles what a uti is and is like "ooohhh", so he starts carrying you to the bathroom right after from then on
•° and while you pee, he goes to get the drinks he put in the fridge before you came over (a beer for him and a water for you)
•° as for the cuddling, it usually leads to the best post-sex sleep of your life
•° mainly because you both pass a joint until it's gone
•° laying butt naked in each other's arms, talking about nothing
"i didn't hurt you, did i?"
"no, not really."
"what do you mean 'not really'?"
"it's like a good kind of pain."
"hm, i see...your moans sound really nice."
•° and if he does hurt you, he's so sweet about it
•° he'll cradle you like a baby and kiss the spot, it's so cute
•° he'll also make sure the moments after go interrupted
•° like in the moment, he doesn't care to lock the door. the pogues have seen more of the two of you than they'd care to mention.
•° but afterwards, he wants to make sure that his baby gets her rest without any interruptions or someone barging in
•° so he locks the door, puts music on and turns it up loud enough so you can't hear the chatter outside, makes sure you fall asleep before he does, adjusts the blanket just how you like it so that you aren't too hot or too cold
•° he looooves to watch you sleep as long as he can before he's dozing off
•° you just look to at peace and adorable and he wants to commit the image to memory forever
heads up: i added emoji anons to my blog, so feel free to send an ask to take one if you frequently send in asks!
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luvsellie · 2 years
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calls you a plethora of nicknames. he is a nickname kind of guy, i don’t make the rules! whether he is in the mood to tease or just simply acknowledge you, nicknames are his way of going at it. jj enjoys the way you roll your eyes and look away, slightly annoyed at him (and the butterflies that erupt in the pit of your stomach). he started doing it as a joke, but after a while, it just stuck. his favorites are definitely baby, pretty girl, and princess.
he does not hesitate to take the blame for you. with you being one of the most, if not the most, important thing in his life, he would much rather take the fall for something you did than have you face the consequences. even if it is something incredibly small, he’ll gladly take a step forward for your sake.
lets you fiddle with his rings. as a ring girlie myself, i will fight anyone and everyone who objects to this headcanon. when you’re bored in class, tired of listening to mr. sunn drone on and on about some history lesson, jj will pick up on your weariness and just offer you his hand. and, of course, you happily toy with the rings on his splayed fingers, spinning the jewelry that reflects daylight from the classroom windows. you can’t help but enjoy the warmth of his palm under your touch, forever content running your fingers over the smoothed out calluses and warm metal.
wears sleeveless shirts under your request. knowing you have quite the obsession with his arms (as you should), he likes to show them off. when he wears muscle tees or wife-beaters he is always sure to be extra smug about it, often wrapping his strong arms around your waist and shoulders. occasionally, when you’re feeling a little bolder than normal, you’ll even take the initiative of linking his elbow with yours as the two of you either walk or simply just stand side by side, not missing the opportunity to have his tanned skin against yours, bicep within your hold.
is the “wear whatever you want, i can fight” type of boyfriend. jj loves seeing you in provocative and revealing clothing (not including a bathing suit). whether you wear it often or not, you can count on the fact that he will immediately rush to tell you how gorgeous you are, his eyes bright and lips pulled into a flirtatious smile. “you look nice, baby.” the expression on his face always tell you he’s thinking you look more than just ‘nice,’ but you let his hidden yet obviously dirty thoughts slide. however, if someone else makes comments, or their eyes stay glued to somewhere they shouldn’t, jj is quick to give a warning. whether they choose to listen or not is up to them, but god help the motherfucker who decides to give not just give you a hard time, but also him.
shares his hobbies with you and vice versa. one of his love languages is quality time, and seeing you enjoy the same things he does instantly puts a smile on his face. additionally, if you want to take the time and teach him about some of your own hobbies, this man will do anything in his power to get good at it. you both like the closeness and intimacy of being somewhat vulnerable with each other.
open to hugs at any given point in time. his hugs are just…out of this world. you like the way time just seems to pause, even if it’s only for a second, the moment his front is pressed against yours. and the way he holds you—as if you are both the sturdiest and most fragile thing in the universe. his hugs make your heart beat wildly, and you’re certain there are times when he can feel it thumping against his own. the feeling of being swallowed by his existence makes everything just seem utterly complete. and this includes back hugs; jj is an enormous fan of these. the familiarity of your body against his, while he is able to be working on another task, is such a heavenly concept to him. multitasking, am i right?
is always there, ready to protect you at a moment’s notice. whether it be physical or verbal, you can count on your lovely boyfriend to be right by your side the moment something goes south. while he will gladly let you handle a situation on your own, the moment you send him a look he will happily step in and defend you. if the problem turns into something more dangerous, and more than a verbal assault, he’ll rush in without consulting you about it first. he would rather you be okay and mad at him than hurt and full of regret.
does things just to see you happy (but also contradicts you just to be annoying). being the way that he is, jj will always be a vexing combination of charming and irritating. he loves to see you happy and will do anything to get even the slightest grin on your face, but that also means he loves to annoy the absolute fuck out of you just for kicks. if you are trying to study for school or do something alone in a quiet space, he is there to make the one-person job a two-person job. will not take ‘no’ or ‘go away’ as an answer when it comes to being around you.
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© luvsellie 2023 | do not repost, republish, steal, or translate !!
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Omg why did I just notice that your name is jj too 😭. I’m sorry for spamming you with ideas but I just have to ask about this one too. What about a classification au with caregiver!Spencer’s bringing little!reader into the BAU for a day and the entire team trying to talk to and hold the reader but they’re too shy to leave Spencer’s arms except for hotch because he just gives off safe dad vibes ( I have no other way to describe it😭)?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ meeting ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| spencer reid x reader
a/n: safe dad vibes from hotch is so real of you
warnings: anxiety, pet names
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Spencer’s anxiety is especially high as he walks the stairs in the bullpen towards the table room. You’re sat on his hip happily, chewing on the necklace he bought you for trips out in public when you couldn’t have a teether out.
Logically Reid knows he has nothing to be nervous about, the team is a group of caregivers and flips, and they’re all supportive when Jj slips around them as she’s one of the flips. This should be fine he tells himself, hoisting you closer to his chest as he presses the wood door open.
The team is standing around waiting, knowing they’d be meeting you today and all very excited. When Reid surveys the room over he notes that Garcia must’ve baked as there’s a plate of cookies and cupcakes on the table, there’s also a small basket of toys Jj must’ve brought, and a stack of blankets Morgan definitely brought as they’re the same ones he keeps in his go-bag for any little they run into on a case. It eases Spencer to know that his team put thought into bringing things along to meet you, it’s sweet.
“Hi guys.” You don’t move from your spot tucked into Reid as he greets each member of the team.
They’re cooing and awing at you, it’s making your cheeks flush pink with all the attention. Reid of course notices and that only spurs him on to try and get you to interact with the team. Your head peaks up after the small reassuring murmur Spencer gives you, just low enough that only you can hear him saying everything will be fine. You hadn’t seemed nervous on the ride over or on the walk into the room but Reid suspects having all eyes on you can be a bit intimidating.
“Hi sweetie, it’s nice to meet you.” Garcias grin is wider than wide, her hand is extended as she crouches a bit to be at your eye level. You grip tighter at Spencer’s sweater, tucking your face back into him with red cheeks. It makes the team smile with a couple comments about how cute you are.
“They’re pretty shy, reminds me of when we saw Jj regressed for the first time.” Morgan gets a jab in the side from Jj but the blonde nods, Spencer hopes that tonight goes over with less tears than seeing Jj little for the first time did.
“They’re just attached to Reid, they’ll come around eventually.” Hotch comments and Reid makes an effort not to look down at you as your head turns to look at Aaron. Spencer had expected you to cling around Morgan or Garcia, they’re usually who littles want to go to on cases, but Hotch doesn’t seem to be bothered by your eyes gluing themselves to him.
Conversations start to flow, talks of weekend plans and banter over past jokes, it’s comfortable enough for you to watch the team. Hotch glances at you every now and then, a small smile on his lips each time, and eventually you get sick of only being held by Spencer. You tug on Reid’s sweater before he’s ceasing his chuckling to look down at you, grinning wildly when your arms outstretch towards Hotch.
Aaron takes no time at all to scoop you up and let you latch around him. It’s a different feel than when Spencer holds you. There’s no smell of old books, no knitting of his sweater to lean against and instead your cheek finds Hotchs suit jacket. It’s smooth, obviously well taken care of and ironed out, you like it.
“Guess we know who their favorite is.” Derek grumbles but there’s no real malice in it, only a teasing tone and soft look at you and Hotch.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
request; reader and jj seeing each other after a while apart? like reader was on a vacation or something? thank you
warnings; fluff, the end may be suggestive if you take it that way
pairing; jj x fem!reader
authors note; i didn’t know if this was for a blurb or an imagine but i assume it’s for a blurb. but yes again, i am having a bit of writers block, almost through it. so i’m writing from the list of prompts below for blurbs or you can send in your own idea for one. as well as imagines and etc.
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JJ has resorted to spraying your perfume on his pillow.
He’s fucking miserable, to say the least.
The flowery scented spray; something you’d accidentally left at the chateau— from sleeping in with JJ and snotty goodbyes upon leaving for vacation.
He begged and pleaded, even tried to convince your parents to let you stay.
It was always ‘no, this has already been planned.’
Now this wasn’t some all expense paid trip, as if you were a Kook or something. Your parents had been saving up to go on a get away for months now— you were a pogue to your core, well that’s where you thought you fit anway.
Though he knows your arrival is minutes away, he’s still snuggled with the pillow; holding onto it for dear life. Sniffing it every now and then so he could be pulled back into sweet melodic memories of what was.
He didn’t have your touch for nearly two weeks, which he constantly craved and hungered for— no delicate, slow and ravenous kisses. No more ‘this is my excuse to touch your ass’ hugs. No more sleeping directly on top of you.
Not a thing.
JJ is completely irritable, annoyed, and touch-starved. So out of his element that whilst the rest of the Pogues went fishing he stayed, and waited.
Because he’d wait for you in the burning sun and the pouring rain, no matter the circumstance he’s there.
He’s convinced he’s not even breathing normally and that he’s having heart palpitations.
He’s not sure how he even made it this far.
But today’s the day.
Today’s the fucking day he gets to touch all over you like a wild animal, and he can’t wait a minute fucking longer.
Prior to this final moments alone he’d been in the mirror combing through his hair. A single piece of his blonde tresses stood taller than the rest, nitpicking really— because he normally wouldn’t care about such a thing.
But he feels like a small child awaiting for a piece of their favorite candy.
Or someone that just won the lottery.
He’s not nervous, no, merely yearning for you and wanting everything to be in its right place.
At the right time.
He’d also checked his breath multiple times, awaiting the most silky, sensual kiss he could fathom.
JJ is jumping up from the couch at the impounding sound of your knock. And it’s music to his ears.
The door nearly flung off of its hinges, and he’s drowning in joy to see your short frame on the other end. Breeze fanning your hair effervescently; both sharing a grin so huge that cheek bones reached the corners of their eyes.
JJ's picking you up like clockwork, so effortlessly and sustaining. Walking backward on his heel clad combat boots, he spins you around; sulking in the fact that the person his insides ravaged for was in his arms.
"Well, put me down J. Want my welcome home kiss!"
He never lets you go though, sat cutely on his hip; whilst he removed his head from the crook of your neck his lips trailed and lingered themselves from there, all the way to your mouth. Groaning all at once and you tried to keep up with his feral pace. Lips almost swallowing yours whole, he tasted you. He memorized every groove of your tongue; you couldn't even remember his tongue going into your mouth with his impatientness.
You didn't necessarily care though, awaiting this moment youself.
So wrapped up in each other, like a dopamine high that neither of you could come down from.
Millions of fibers of love erupting in the two of you.
"Being feisty now, aren't we?"
You were sarcastic and JJ knew it. His forehead glued against yours, searching your soul with his eyes; reading you. Lips sore from a mix of the attack he'd made and not having used them soon enough.
If he could pay someone to take a picture of this moment, he'd give them every last penny to his name.
"Just really fucking missed you, baby."
"Hm ... how much?"
You challenged, and JJ smirked knowing that he's really rubbed his own banter off on you.
"How about I show you just how much I missed you."
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beautifuldisaster88 · 7 months
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Even after being together for three years, JJ still couldn't believe that he landed the hottest girl on the island, not to mention the kook princess. It blew his mind that a literal goddess worshipped the ground that he walked on, always saying that the Pogue could do no wrong in her eyes. She didn't care that JJ was a Pogue, living on the cut and barely scraping to get by, none of the materialistic bullshit meant a thing to her. As long as she had the blonde next to her and knew that he was hers, that's all she needed. It was no secret that she also worshipped the ground that he walked on.
Of course being the kook princess meant that she was in no way hurting for money. She always made sure that JJ and the rest of the Pogues had food, electricity and running water, even if they tried to tell her that she didn't need to spend money on her. This was her way of thanking them for welcoming her with open arms and not treating her like just another kook. She made sure that all the bills for the chateau were paid on time every month, ignoring John B when he told her that wasn't necessary. They were her family now, and she'd always make sure they were well taken care of.
She walked into the kitchen of the chateau, wearing one of JJ's shirts that hung on her small frame. You couldn't tell by looking, but she had her favorite bikini under it, and where others might not know that, the Pogues did. Rummaging through the nearly empty refrigerator and cabinets she pouted. She adored the Pogues but damn they were stubborn. She'd told them multiple times that if they needed food or anything at all, they were to tell her and she'd get it. It wasn't unusual for her boyfriend not to notice things like there being no food in the house, but she at least expected John B to let her know when the chateau got low on food.
"Jayj! JB!" She called out from the kitchen before making her way into the living room where her boyfriend and best friend were playing Xbox. Oh sure, they had no problem playing the video games she'd bought for the chateau, but God forbid they mention the lack of food in the house.
"Whatcha need, mamas?" The blonde asked his girlfriend, his eyes glued to the screen as he continued to play whatever game him and John B were playing.
"You boys are in trouble." She said sternly, placing her hands on her hips.
Both boys immediately looked at each with wide eyes, as though trying to figure out what it was they'd done this time to get into trouble with the kook princess.
"Whatever it is, it was all your boyfriend. I had no part in it." The Routledge boy quickly spoke up, setting the controller down to put his hands up in surrender.
"Dude! Way to throw me under the bus!" JJ exclaimed, a bit too dramatically. At least it tore his attention from the screen. His girlfriend just looked at him, watching him scratch his head as the gears turned. "It wasn't me this time. I swear, mamas. I've stayed outta trouble, don' wanna get grounded from that pussy again. Nuh uh, I ain't doing shit to be tortured like that."
"You're both idiots." She laughed, shaking her head as she walked over to sit on JJ's lap, caressing her manicured fingers through his blonde mop, knowing it made him putty in her hand. "Did you boys forget to mention something very important?"
Both of the boys racked their brains trying to figure out what she was talking about, the worry evident in their eyes. She let them torture themselves for a few minutes before finally speaking up.
"Food, dumbasses. You failed to mention that you ate all the food. How many times have I told you guys to let me know when you're running low on food? I can't let my boys go without food."
JJ's arms immediately wrapped possessively around her torso, not liking the fact that she called his best friend one of her boys, even though she always called all three of the Pogues her boys. Hell, everyone on the island knew that the three boys were her boys, two of them platonically and JJ romantically.
"He's not your boy, 'm your only boy." He mumbled, to which she ignored and just smirked at how adorable her boyfriend was.
"Sorry, kiddo. I just feel like shit that you're always spending money on us. I was hoping to make enough to put some food in here, but tips have been shitty lately. Half the kooks that I deliver groceries to refuse to tip a 'dirty pogue'." John B said, looking down at the controller.
"I want names. I'm about to go off on the kooks who refuse to tip you. Also, I've told you guys that I enjoy taking care of you. My money is also the Pogues money, whatever you need just tell me. Food being the top priority. We're going shopping for groceries, no argument."
JJ began peppering kisses down her neck, biting and sucking on her smooth skin, smirking at his masterpiece of little purple bruises on her neck. It was rare to not see her with love bites and hickey's, the Maybank boys way of marking what belonged to him.
"I happen to be starving, mamas, but not for no food you find at any store." JJ mumbled against her neck, his hand trailing down to her thigh where he squeezed, chuckling when she squeezed her thighs together.
"You can have your dessert, baby." She whispered in a seductive and teasing voice. "After we go shopping for actual food."
The blonde let out a dramatic sigh, giving her a look like a puppy who'd just been kicked. Picking her up as he stood from his spot on the couch, he snapped his head to look at his best friend, holding out one of his hands.
"I need the keys to the Twinkie, bro. Mamas here won't let me eat my favorite snack if we don't let her put food in here. Do you really want to deal with a pussy starved JJ? I don't think you do." The blonde exclaimed.
John B's eyes widened and he laughed, fishing in his pocket for his keys, before tossing them to the blonde.
"Definitely don't want that. I almost drowned you last time just to shut you up. No fucking in the Twinkie this time. Last time it took me over a week to get the smell of sex out."
"We'll behave, JB." She giggled in JJ's arms.
The blonde just smirked, winking at his best friend as he walked out the front door with his girlfriend in his arms, making John B shake his head.
"They're definitely going to fuck in my van again." He laughed to himself, picking up the controller and unpausing the game.
"Fuck... R-right there... Don't... Stop.." Her cries and pleas filled the inside of the Twinkie. JJ had her face down and ass up, drilling into her sopping cunt as he fucked her merciless in the back of his best friends van, unable to wait until they were back at the chateau.
"Doin' so good for me, mamas. That sweet pussy is tryin' to milk my cock dry." He groaned, slipping out of her, only to slam back inside her tight pussy.
The way she clenched around his cock told JJ that she was close. Reaching his hand down, he began rubbing her clit and applying pressure. She was a moaning mess under him, tear stained cheeks from sucking him off before he fucked her senseless. Fuck, she looked so beautiful being drunk off his cock.
"Look at my fucking beautiful kook princess, taking this Pogue dick like the good slut you are. 'm gonna fill that pretty little pussy with my cum. Ya want daddy's cum, Baby Girl? Hmm? Of course you do, fucking cum slut."
"m' gonna cum, daddy. Want your cum." She whined, starting to tremble under him.
JJ gripped her hair around his fist, yanking her head back to look at him. He loved watching her come undone and the faces she made when she came. His thrusts were sloppy, hinting that he was also close, but her release was more important to JJ. The blonde attacked her neck with his mouth, leaving more marks as he destroyed her sweet pussy. "Cum 'fme, mamas. Cum on Daddy's cock."
He wrapped a strong arm around her torso, supporting her body as she reached her high, throwing her head back and screaming out his name as she came all over his cock. Unable to hold back any longer, JJ released his load, coating her gummy walls in thick white ropes of his cum. He didn't stop thrusting in and out, wanting to make sure he fucked his cum deep inside her cunt.
After finally pulling out, he grabbed her by the waist and brought her against his toned chest as the blonde collapsed on the floor of the Twinkle. Both of them panting and sweaty.
JJ brushed the hair back that had been sticking to her face, admiring her beautiful fucked out face. It still amazed him how it was his cock bringing her pleasure, how it was his mouth marking her. He placed multiple small kisses all over her face and shoulders.
"You did so good, mamas. I love you." He whispered breathlessly.
"I love you, Jayj. Thank you , Daddy." She whispered back just as breathlessly.
"Ain't no way we're gettin' 'way with this one. The Twinkie reeks of sex. Least we got the food." JJ's chest rumbled as he laughed, making her bury her face into his chest with embarrassment, but at least she giggled.
"I'll make it up to JB by making my famous brownies and cookies."
"Special brownies?" The blonde boy asked excitedly.
"Mmm, yes. I'll make you a batch of special brownies, baby." She smiled up at him.
JJ looked at her with love and admiration, caressing the side of her face before leaning down to capture her lips. "Fuck, how did I get so lucky to have you?"
She giggled and shook her head.
"'m the lucky one, J. I'm the first girl who got you to commit."
"Damn right you did. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and swore to do anything to make you mine. I was shocked as shit the first time I asked you out on a date and you agreed. I'm gonna marry you, mamas and we're gonna have little Maybanks runnin' round, causing havoc. 'm gonna save up enough money, get us our own place. It'll have to be here on the cut though, can't afford figure eight, sorry princess."
That made her scrunch up her nose. She didn't care about living on Figure Eight, as long as she was with JJ. Hell, she'd live in a cardboard box if it meant having their own place together.
"Don't care about living on Figure Eight, Jayj. Just wanna live with you. Think it's time I went from kook princess to Pogue princess... Long as Kie doesn't mind me taking that title."
JJ laughed, holding her close.
"You're the Pogue princess, mamas. Ain't no one else claiming that shit but you. I'll fight Kie for it if she even tries bitchin'. You earned that shit, Mrs. Maybank."
She melted every time he called her Mrs. Maybank.
"We better get dressed and get these groceries back to the chateau, Mr. Maybank. Cancel your plans for the rest of the night, cause mama plans on making Daddy feel good all night."
That's all JJ needed to hear. He quickly rummaged around the Twinkie, grabbing their clothes, laughing when he held up her torn thong that he'd ripped off. Thankfully she was used to him tearing her undergarments by now, even some of her clothes. Her bedroom was inpatient when it came to getting her naked, often resulting in him just ripping the fabric off of her.
After the two got dressed, JJ drove like a maniac to the chateau.
"Here's the food. You're job to put it away. Mamas is desperate for Daddy's cock."
Is all JJ had to say to John B when they walked in carrying bags of groceries. He sat them down on the counter, before grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to their shared bedroom at the chateau.
"Best clear your schedule for the next two to three days, mamas. You won't be walking right after I'm done with you. Bought to give you the Maybank dick special."
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baestruly · 2 years
my i ask for shy!reader x jj where he saves her from kitty hawk?
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( 𝗌𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌 ⋫ 𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖎 )  jj maybank x fem!shy!reader
⤷ IN WHICH, jj saves you from kitty hawk
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 - anxiety, fluff
a/n - i love this concept, ty for the request! tried to keep it as different from the actual scene with kiara as possible bc i hate when people write fics where ocs take peoples lines and don't have depth to their character at all if yk what i mean 
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The minute you walked into that cabin, with what held about twenty or more girls was the day you would end it all.
Their eyes boring into yours as if you were a talking dog that just entered the room, as if there were a million things wrong with you even though you always told yourself there wasn’t.
But stuff like this━━it always got to you.
You couldn’t even meet any of their eyes anymore, not even daring to look just to see━━maybe, just maybe━━that one would be welcoming and have a smile on their face.
You would’ve never known. Your head lowers and your eyes stay glued to the wooden and cracked floorboards as snickers and whispers are too loud for this small room, as if they’re slowly consuming you and filling your ears and every thing in your bo━━
“This is (Y/N), everyone. I trust you will be nice to her.” The kitty hawk lady nodded to the girls giving them stern glances, having heard the snickers but doing nothing about it.
Thank you kitty hawk.
Slowly, you manage to look up to find an empty bunk at the back. But it was as if your legs weren’t able to move━━like you suddenly forgot how to walk, or as if one minuscule move would send the whole room into shits and giggles.
Maybe it was even worse that it was dead silent from the minute you started walking to that bunk, which felt like forever in only the span of ten seconds. You could hear the floorboards creak as you took slow steps forward, and it was just easier to hear your own thoughts overflowing and making your head pound.
You somehow remembered how to climb a stupid bunk and plopped yourself on it, wanting to stay small while realizing that thankfully, some girls went back to doing their own thing like making threaded bracelets or braiding each other's hair━━ y’know, summer camp stuff.
Also unfortunately that others were still staring.
Huffing, you picked at your fingers, remembering how your friends were probably expecting you to be on that plane━━and now, you were even farther from them then you were before, and the farthest once they flew to South America.
Realizing the tears that pricked your eyes, you stupidly wiped them away, ashamed to be emotional at a time like this. Miracles couldn’t happen, and this━━this was hell.
You weren’t able to sleep, also scared to turn for what you think is the fifteenth time for the night. You were scared the girls were going to think how pathetic you were and all whisper about you again━━even though a part of you knew they were all sound asleep. 
The faint snoring really told her that.
It wasn’t until a door opened━━shit. It must be a camp counsellor, checking to see if everyone was asleep!
This isn’t jail, (Y/N)!
You stayed as still as you possibly could because of course you had to be faced the way the door was. You didn’t even dare to squint to make sure because your heart was pounding. Everyone━━especially the workers━━who seemed super intimidating. You didn’t want to bring yourself upon another weird situation, or have any human interactions at all for the day. 
Screw that, you didn’t want any for the rest of your life.
Suddenly, you were getting confused if you were lucid dreaming, because a familiar voice is filling your ears and going straight to your heart as it leaped.
Like it always did.
“━━I’m just lookin’ for someone━━I’m lookin’ for, shit━━“
You knew that voice.
Opening your eyes from where you lay, there was JJ Maybank in all his glory, looking frantically around the room as girls slowly started waking up upon the unannounced teenager.
Holy━━miracles were true.
You didn’t care as you practically jumped from your bunk. “JJ!”
Your legs knew exactly what to do, as if you’d been in this exact situation before. Everyone’s eyes on you and JJ didn’t matter━━nothing fucking mattered but JJ. 
He was here. 
He came for you.
It’s as if you’re swirling as your stomach bubbles with that familiar feeling of giddiness in JJ’s usual presence once your arms lock around his neck, causing you to go on your tippy toes before he lifts you off the ground and spins you around. 
Nothing, if JJ was the world, he was it. You’d never felt safer than a place like this, because he had it all.
The happiness slowly settles down after the adrenaline from the excitement of the situation dies down, you realize how close you are to him.
Your best friend.
You had never been one to have close intimacy with others, and even though you were friends━━lately, it was if if you guys were stand off ish. You didn’t know if you needed some time, or if you were just denying your feelings because you absolutely hated the way he would make you get all stuttery and sweaty.
This was one of those times.
Your eyes are roaming everywhere but his as your heart is beating a million times per minute you can hear it in your ears.
Maybe JJ hears it too because he can’t suppress a chuckle. “Don’t go all shy on me again━━we’re havin’ a moment.” His whisper is husky and close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine while he runs his hand once up your back.
You were only getting closer and closer.
Your face must be on fire━━screw that, everything was━━because once he cups your face with his strong hand, the cold is shocking as you concentrate on his eyes. 
His lips latch onto yours, sweetness filling your senses. Because you knew, this was where you wanted to be. You had been in his world but this━━this was heaven.
You were floating as he slowly backed away, not realizing you were practically melting against his strong hold to keep your body from literally collapsing.
Your face goes hot again the minute screaming and cheers burst through the cabin, probably waking up every counsellor in a two mile radius. Hell━━maybe even the whole camp!
You didn’t even have time to process the whole thing as your heart was beating a million times per minute, JJ giving you a grin before he’s running frantically to get you out the door as he shushes all the screaming girls.
His hand latches between yours. Hot and cold, but it works. He’s been searching for you and your warm hands are the comfort in which he’s found you━━that he’s holding you again. 
And his cold hand is the shock of that moment seconds ago, a friendship frozen and cracked but to reveal something more. Something warm inside that was comforting and made you so flustered.
His cold hand cooled her down until the fresh summer breeze settled in of the night, as you and JJ ran through the camp laughing without a care in the world. All eyes could be on you but you didn’t care, because nothing else mattered.
Just JJ.
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ty for reading!
masterlist jj maybank masterlist
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medialog june 2k24
wordplay - rewatched this documentary about crosswords and particularly about the annual crossword tournament put on by will shortz while waiting for the anesthesia from my wisdom tooth extraction to wear off and found it about as charming as i remembered... i love a doc about a subculture made up of endearing nerds. i first saw it when it came out and on revisit it also has some intensely 2004 vibes - in particular jon stewart shows up as one of their crossword-fans talking heads and it really brought home for me how influential he was on the development of internet tone (like to this day the reason so many people on reddit sound Like That is because they're trying to be jon stewart and failing...)
the bourne ultimatum - movie go zoom zoom! still not convinced matt damon can act
artists and models - i had never seen a dean martin/jerry lewis film before and i don't really want to again but i'm glad i saw this one (this is how i feel about the two (2) wes anderson movies i've seen, and also pulp fiction & tarantino). some great colors & costumes, a plot that goes surprisingly bonkers in a final third turn that reminds you it was the cold war (between that and all the stuff about comics & violence this one also functions as a real time capsule), and (my main reason for watching) shirley maclaine the love of my life is so adorable and funny as a daffy sweetheart in a role that really lets her (a former dancer) show off her gift for physical comedy.
the secret garden - the cast in this movie is so good, including the children in the starring roles, and while it doesn't even attempt to do anything with the book's deranged relationship with things like the british empire and the concept of disability, watching it really did bring me back to why the book has been so beloved - the fantasy at its heart is ultimately about hard humble work paying off and about friends teaching each other to be nicer, which are i think deeply appealing narratives for children in a way that people sometimes forget. it's so funny that part of what cures mary and colin of their bad personalities is meeting another unhappy rich child for the very first time!
humanist vampire seeking consenting suicidal person - this was slight but sweet, a darkly funny romcom with some style and heart. also i had never seen a french-canadian movie before i don't think and it was a fun surprise to hear them talking like "frenchfrenchfrenchfrenchRRRRfrenchfrenchRRRR." not an accent with which i have much familiarity!
jurassic park - my somewhat inexplicable, even to me, aversion to raiders of the lost ark had me avoiding action spielberg for basically my whole life but i gave this a shot thinking maybe i would appreciate it if not enjoy it and was absolutely GLUED to the screen from about five minutes in. i understand why other directors are like that about spielberg now, and also what jj abrams is trying to do all the time and failing because he doesn't understand how it actually works. this is like the most famous movie in the world basically and i've seen so many clips from it over the years and yet even waiting for them and expecting them to come i was ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT! like WOW! truly a movie that feels like a theme park ride more than any other i've seen except maybe fury road. anyway as you statistically speaking probably already know this movie absolutely rocks, and not just for (1) laura dern and (2) jeff goldblum with his tits out.
citizen kane - spent the last weekend in june at two different marches & closed it out sunday night with a screening of the movie that made me bisexual <3 one day i'll figure out a way to articulate how this movie did what it did to me but for now i will just say that it is great and its reputation is deserved and orson welles is one of the most entertaining screen presences of all time and it looks so cool and beautiful all the way through and it is so so so so gay
interview with a vampire season 2 - my opinion on this is at this point well established lol finally some good fucking food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
megan abbott, the turnout - this & the zadie smith book are further steps in me catching up with authors i lost track of during some bad reading years! when i heard that megan abbott was coming out with a book about sisters who run a ballet school i was like LOL because that's like the peak ultimate megan abbott premise (girls and the nastiness of both feelings and bodies and ambition and hunger and an atmosphere of nightmares and filth and the insane dynamics of a tightly knit but deeply dysfunctional world, all to the nth power), and guess what as a megan abbott fan i loved it :) all the bad reviews on goodreads for this are like "why is this book so gross? why is she sexualizing the nutracker? there were scenes in this book that made me feel dirty reading them. way too much focus on the wet leotard crotches of little girls" and i was sickos dot jpg the whole time. but actually i think the reason that this wound up being my favorite abbott since dare me is that at its core it's a book about a woman with an unbelievably fucked up childhood due to her incredibly fucked up dead parents and the suspense that gives the book its tension and its form is less about what's going to happen with the plot and more about whether she is at any point going to put it together that the things that happened to her when she was young were actually bad; the further the book goes, the more deeply you understand the walls of denial and distortion around her entire life. it rules.
david j. skaal, something in the blood: the untold story of bram stoker, the man who wrote dracula - as previously mentioned, i have some real qualms with some of his dracula readings, but overall i found this an addictively pleasurable tome - 600 pages and he kept them turning the whole time. i love a biography that starts off with some background on medieval ireland, you know? skaal is a good writer with an engaging but learned style, and the book is clearly both exhaustively researched and intended for popular audiences (albeit popular audiences who have definitely read dracula, but, i mean, who else is reading 600 pages about this guy?); reading it often feels something like having a drink with a professor who knows his stuff and is NOT afraid to gossip. dracula qualms aside i may investigate some of his other books, particularly his book on dracula screen adaptations, since i'm curious about those but don't necessarily want to, like, watch most of them, lol
bonnie jo campbell, the waters - book club book that was objectively certainly not terrible and which had some things i did like or appreciate, like an 11 year old girl obsessed with math (representation matters...) but which i found just about the most boring thing i have read in my life. like i would definitely say campbell is a better writer than, say, taylor jenkins reid (to name another book club book) or whatsherface who wrote the book of fried green tomatoes which we also read las year... but i found those books much more aggravating but also easier to get through than this book, which really requires you to have some level investment in, like, the natural world of rural michigan, but mostly made me feel so glad i don't live in a small town where all the men have guns.
zadie smith, swing time - it's funny because when i started this i was spending a lot of time thinking about how maybe plot and structure have become underrated, but then this was like a very long book written in the style of someone just kind of talking at you about their life, with plot events technically happening but never feeling like the driving force of the book, and i was totally riveted, which was a good reminder that you can get away with anything if you're a genius! smith is just such a keen observer of people and how they operate, and so allergic to relying on any kind of obvious assumptions about the relationships between demographics & personality or beliefs, even as demographic realities are such a key part of the fabric of the book... i was a little worried i would be disappointed by the fact that she abandoned the modernist-leaning experimentation of NW for a more straightforward, even chatty, style, but "you can get away with it if you're a genius" applies to that too. this book is also an absolute masterclass in the universal through the specific - i cannot emphasize how much literally not one thing the protagonist experiences has ever happened to me, how much our lives and backgrounds and personalities overlap not at all, and yet constantly i found myself aching with resonance over things like "it's so true that's what it's like when you have a mom" or "that really is what it feels like when you are young and sort of smart but also sort of stupid" (which if i were to define it briefly is i think more or less what the book is about).
charli xcx, brat - i remain after all these years a true romance truther and continue unfairly to measure all her subsequent work, much of which is frankly too sophisticated and experimental for my listening taste even if i recognize she's Doing Something, but this album sounds great and has some bops. as a straight-through listen it was too rich for my blood, but i find myself enjoying the songs on shuffle mixed in with whatever else i've been into more than i would have expected from that first exposure, and also 360 has been stuck in my head more waking hours than not for like a month and a half now and i'm still not sick of it (although i think my favorite song on the album is 365, and not just because i think it's really funny that she ended the album with "the opening track coming out of the bathroom after doing cocaine"). plus as someone who HAS been listening to charli since whenever the video for "you're the one" dropped it is nice to see The Culture finally rally around her even if i remain a little puzzled over why now, the all-star remixes getting rolled out have been pretty delightful (LORDE!!!!!!!!), and it's nice to have the zeitgeist coalesce for a moment over something i too think is fun (especially since the other thing gay people love this summer is chappell roan on whom i have yet to be converted sorry to everyone i'm sincerely glad you're having a good time)
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flonkertn · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : jj maybank x reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : brain rotting fluff
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 700~
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : meeting jj for a late-night walk on the beach
𝐚/𝐧 : working on a request and chapter 2 of ivy but i really wanted to publish some jj fluff 🫶 also why the hell is grateful spelt like that i hate it
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The sound of waves crashing against the soft sand had always brought you peace, filling your body with such a strong sense of tranquility and easing any anxiety you felt building in your chest throughout the day. So as you stood with your feet dipped in the water, eyes closed and arms limp by your sides, you knew there was nowhere else you wanted to be more than right here.
Pale moonlight reflected on the deep blue water, providing light that wouldn’t be found without it, especially with the power outage on the Cut. The stars glistened on the surface of the ocean and shoals of fish danced along the shore, flashing their silver bellies as the light reflected against their monochromatic scales.
“There you are, sweetheart.”
JJ’s voice pulled you from your trance, twisting your body round on it’s axis and plastering a wide grin across your face, the soft yellow glow that seeped off of him lit up your eyes, removing all need for the moon.
“J..” His name fell from your mouth much quieter than you intended, but you knew he had heard you despite, his smirk morphing into a smitten grin as a rose blush grew on his cheeks. You stepped to meet one another, feet moving in unison as your hands immediately making contact as though it was second nature, an instinct developed through the distance between the two of you over the past few weeks.
Hiding your relationship was necessary, and provided a thrill you didn’t initially think you’d enjoy, but the difficult part was the distance. Most of the time, you both lacked sleep, having to sneak out once the sun had sunk behind the trees and the lights were switched off, but the moments you savoured and shared were so worth it, like a single drop of water in the desert.
“This beach is too big, been walking for ages and I only jus’ found you.” One hand came up to tuck some loose strands of hair behind your ear, fingers lingering there as he thumbed at your skin, gaze glued to your lips, burning through the distance between you and setting ablaze on your face.
“Shut up.” Was all you could muster, your smile present in your tone and ruining you pronunciation, but you didn’t care, as long as JJ knew how happy you were because of him, you were more than okay, even if it meant you’d never speak again.
He winked down at you, pressing his mouth against yours before you had the chance to react, and moving his hand down to graze against your bare thigh, tongue brushing against your lips.
“Come on.” He rasped, not bothering to pull his head away from you, forcing you to move away first.
Your fingers intertwined with his and squeezed his hand, before beginning to walk along the coastline, updating one another with your lives and running through the past few weeks in explicit detail, painting a picture so vividly whilst the other listened intently.
After ten minutes of aimlessly wandering, you settled beneath a rock formation, the tide pushing forward and brushing against your feet as you lie on the beach. JJ’s legs were propped up against the ground and you were wedged between them.
“Your hair is so soft.” He mumbled against your scalp, kissing the top of your head repeatedly and twirling loose strands of your hair between his index finger and thumb. His other hand rested on your stomach, rubbing your skin just to massage his touch into your body and amplify the heat that it brings forth.
Every so often, his voice fills your ears with a soft comment, a sweet compliment or an observation of the way the waves creep closer to your figures. You hum in response each time, tracing his knuckles and smiling so widely, even if JJ couldn’t see it.
Hours went by just sitting there, becoming eternally grateful that you found him, that he found you. Even if you had to hide from all of Carolina, you’d hide for a million years if it meant you could keep this one night together.
His touch filling your body with such a strong sense of tranquility and easing any anxiety you felt building in your chest throughout the day, and you knew there was nowhere else you wanted to be more than right here.
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blackbird-brewster · 3 months
JJ/Emily || Rated: E || WC: 1611 Prompt: Mutual Masturbation (for @cmkinkbingo2024) Additional Tags: Smut and Feels, Casual Hook-Ups, Drunk Sex
Whatever happened tonight, they'd just blame it on the alcohol.
[Read on AO3] || [Kink Bingo Masterlist]
After a few drinks to celebrate closing a case, Emily made her way back upstairs to her room. She fumbled with her room key, pressing it firmly against the lock mechanism, but nothing happened. She wiped it on her jeans hoping that might do something, then tried again. Nothing.
It was past 1 o'clock, something she only knew because the bartender mentioned the time when kindly asking the team to leave so they could close the bar for the night. She had to be up and ready to fly back home in less than five hours, the last thing she needed was to be locked out of her hotel room. She lifted the key, closed one eye, stuck out her tongue to concentrate, and tried once more, praying the third time would be a charm. Nothing. No beeps, no lights, no unlocked door.
"Goddammit," she muttered as she kicked the door half-heartedly.
"Em, what are you doing?"
Emily turned too quickly, swaying with the pivot before catching herself on the wall. She blinked through her inebriation and her eyes focused on JJ who was standing barely a foot away, her cheeks equally flushed from alcohol, her blue eyes sparkling under the drastic lighting of the hallway. Emily's heart pounded against her ribcage, her frustration at her keycard was instantly replaced with her attraction to JJ.
"I, uh," she stammered. She jerked her thumb towards the door, "My keycard's broken or something."
JJ cocked her head to the side, narrowing her eyes while she tried to deduce whether or not Emily was being honest in her explanation. Under the heavy weight of her stare, Emily shrugged sheepishly and JJ chuckled. She moved past Emily without reply, pressing her own keycard on the lock. It instantly beeped and she pushed the door open, glancing back to Emily, who seemed completely shocked at this development.
Emily's brow furrowed. "Wha -- what? How did you open my door?"
JJ stepped closer, barely two inches apart, staring Emily in the eyes once again. From this intimate distance, she could see the incredible details in her deep brown irises, she could also see the unmistakable desire in them. JJ stood her ground and when she spoke, Emily could feel the warmth on her breath on her lips. "Em, your key didn't work...because you were trying to get into my room."
Emily pulled back to look at the room number, then glanced down the hallway to see her actual door about five rooms down. She sighed, "Oh, there we go. Mystery solved. Okay, well, g'night Jayje."
JJ's hand closed around Emily's before she could walk away. "You don't have to go..."
"It's late."
"Soooo," Emily drawled as she tried to think of excuse. She was usually great at making excuses to get away from JJ when they toed this line, but she was currently too drunk to pass off any made-up reasoning as plausible.
JJ was still holding her hand, the room door slightly ajar as she stood half-in, half-out. "C'mon, Em. We already spent all night pretending."
"Pretending?" Emily repeated quietly, her eyes now glued to JJ's lips and the way they moved when she spoke.
"Pretending this isn't going to happen." With that, JJ leaned in and kissed her softly.
That simple action was enough to make up Emily's mind, she captured JJ's lips again as she walked her backwards into the room.
Stumbling over each other, they found their way to the bed JJ pushed Emily onto the mattress. "God, it's been too long."
They parted lips long enough for JJ to take off her shirt as she straddled her waist and it was just long enough for Emily to second guess herself. "Jayje, we're both drunk."
"I know," JJ agreed as she leaned down to kiss her again.
"I don't want you to regret this tomorrow," Emily replied against her lips, though it was more out of courtesy than anything as she made no attempt to actually stop what was happening.
"I won't," JJ said while she kissed down Emily's neck. "Will you?"
Emily rolled her head to the side, moaning softly as JJ's lips brushed the sensitive spot behind her ear. "I never regret anything with you."
No matter how many times they said they were going to stop hooking-up, no matter how many times they blamed it on the alcohol, no matter how many times they pretended none of this meant anything, Emily never once regretted a single moment.
"Then we're in agreement." JJ's hand moved over Emily's shirt, she walked her finger tips up her stomach until they came to rest in the valley between her breasts. "I think you should lose the clothes now."
"Good idea," Emily breathed. She sat up and made quick work of removing her top, then reached behind her back to undo her bra. Her dexterity was extremely hindered at present, but JJ's hands were there instantly, easily undoing the clasps. Emily went to repay the favour, her fingers fumbling with the back of JJ's bra even more than they had with her own.
JJ pushed her back down to the bed. She made easy work of taking off her own bra and pants, then pulled Emily's jeans off. She tucked her knees underneath her and rested her head on the inside of Emily's thigh, her tongue followed the shape of her folds through the fabric of her underwear, licking her through the cotton until the mixture of her arousal and JJ's mouth had created a soaked spot.
JJ glanced up with devilish eyes. "I want to watch you touch yourself. Do you ever fuck yourself while thinking about me?"
"You know I do," Emily confessed.
"Show me."
"Only if I get to watch you too."
JJ decided that was a fair deal. She removed her underwear and moved to lay on her side the opposite way of Emily, so their heads were each aligned with a perfect view of the other woman's cunt.
JJ slowly rubbed circles around her clit. "Your turn."
Emily moved her hand downwards, tentatively rubbing her clit through the wetness of her already ruined underwear. Her breath turned soft as her movements became more purposeful. She slid her underwear to the side and JJ sighed as she inhaled the heady scent of her arousal. Emily slid a finger into her cunt, groaning with each stroke she made.
JJ's mouth watered from the mesmerizing scene unfolding before her, it was erotic and beautiful in ways that made her head spin. She teased her clit with her growing wetness, opening her legs so Emily could see her every move.
They got lost in themselves and each other. Quite gasps and moans filled the room, neither of them speaking past random exclamations of pleasure.
JJ had never been able to bring herself to orgasm while masturbating, but that didn't mean she wasn't enjoying herself. She was soaked watching the way Emily touched herself, the way she knew all of her erogenous zones, the way she'd speed up or slow down to edge herself, letting the tension build steadily.
When she finally pushed herself over the edge, JJ couldn't tear her eyes away. It was stunning to witness, an artistic performance that was both vulgar and serene all for her.
She propped herself up to see Emily's face. "You're so beautiful."
Emily's focus was still on JJ's hand as it lazily ran through her own cunt. "Says you."
JJ caught the way Emily subconsciously ran her tongue across her bottom lip and rolled it in her teeth. She dipped her fingertips in her arousal, then pressed them to Emily's lips. Her eyes rolled back as she sucked the two fingers into her mouth, moaning around them as she tasted JJ's cum.
JJ slowly pulled them free and moved to lay her head on the pillow. She stared at Emily in adoration, her blue eyes turned dark with blown pupils. Emily was equally pleased, her face flushed from both alcohol and post-orgasm bliss.
They stared at each other in silence, matching grins across their faces. JJ reached down and took her hand, lacing their fingers together as she fought against her exhaustion, not wanting to this moment to end. "I missed this."
"You should sleep," Emily deflected, brushing JJ's hair out of her face. She kissed her forehead and began to get up, but JJ tightened her grip on her hand, not letting her go.
"Stay," JJ muttered, barely able to keep her eyes open. She knew Emily wasn't the type of person who stayed the night with people she slept with and if JJ had been anyone else, she would have already been out the door. Emily didn't do commitment or relationships, but JJ still had to ask, she had to at least try. Her final words were a gentle plea, "Please stay with me?"
Emily's heart beat against her ribcage as JJ, thankfully, drifted off to sleep before awaiting a reply.
It was true Emily never regretted a single moment with JJ, but it didn't mean this part didn't hurt. This part always hurt, but her temporary pain was far easier to deal with than the constant fear that she'd inevitably fuck things up if their relationship became anymore than casual.
She pressed a soft kiss to JJ's lips and whispered a nearly inaudible, "I'm sorry," before she got dressed and went back to her room alone.
[A/N: The title of this fic was inspired by: 'Blame it on Your Love' by Charli xcx, Lizzo. Find this song and all of my other song inspirations on my Spotify: w00t4ewan CM Fic Titles]
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kiekiecarrera · 2 years
The way JJ hugs Kie makes me heart flip every single time. First in the Barbados reunion scene when he goes in for A SECOND hug and kind of ducks into her. And the “it’s alright, it’s alright.” BYE. Then the kitty hawk hug how his arms go under hers (always) and they are just solid glued together and their sweet kiss I can’t -
One of my fav things is when a couple has a way of hugging like they don't have to think about it they just know how they fit together and that's exactly how they are, like it just feels very natural for them and they hug in very similar ways both times :') but oof that first hug is actually insane, the way they cling to each other and then the facehold and the way he smiles at her and pulls her back in because he hasn't had enough and wants more of her before the others show up and then they both hang on even tighter it's actually insane???? But the Kitty Hawk hug is also very underrated because you can see the relieved smile on his face right before she reaches him and i'm obsessed with the way he crouches down slightly to wrap his arms around her and then they're clinging to each other again and omggg they just do hugs so well like i just want the pates and maddie and rudy to know how loved they are for this :')
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chompinatthebit · 22 days
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2024 NFL Storylines
Now that rosters have trimmed down to 53, for the most part, it's time to finally look ahead to the NFL season which begins Thursday September 5th. We all know that sports brings about drama that keeps us glued to the tv each and every weekend of the season, this NFL season won't be any different. With that in mind, I will give you my storylines to watch this season.
1. Super Bowl or Bust - These are teams that I feel realistically have pressure to get it done this season:
Baltimore Ravens - They have the reigning MVP, a top 5 defense that returns mostly everyone and added Derrick Henry over the offseason. They made the AFC title game last year but came up small, especially offensively, it's safe to ask can they get it done? Lamar has 2 MVPs and 2 playoff wins, enough said.
Kansas City Chiefs - They are going for a three-peat and with that rarified air, as they would be the first to complete the feat. It doesn't hurt that they have the best QB in the league, they also added Xavier Worthy and Hollywood Brown to a WR core that hasn't even been all that dynamic the past couple of seasons.
San Francisco 49ers - The offseason saga with Trent Williams and Brandon Aiyuk's contract highlights the fact that they have some serious decisions coming up very soon. They have Deebo Samuel and Brock Purdy, who will be looking for new deals next offseason, they also lost in the Super Bowl last season. Could this be a last stand for this group?
Philadelphia Eagles - This team was just in the Super Bowl 2 years ago but took a step back last season. They have locked up their WRs and have taken steps to fix their secondary which was a major problem last season. They replaced both coordinators last season who were held accountable for the slide in performance. Nick Sirianni would technically be the next to go if this season doesn't pan out.
2. Young QBs thrust into the spotlight - Looking around the league, we are seeing that a good number of teams are pinning the direction of their season on the success or failure of unproven QBs.
Caleb Williams (Bears), Jayden Daniels (Commanders) and Bo Nix (Broncos) will be starting from week 1. JJ McCarthy seemingly was on pace to possibly be the starter with the Vikings, before he went down with a season ending knee injury. Drake Maye could very well take over the starting job at some point this season from Jacoby Brissett for the Patriots.
We also have guys in CJ Stroud (Texans), Bryce Young (Panthers), Jordan Love (Packers), Will Levis (Titans), Anthony Richardson (Colts) who are entering the season with varying experience from this past season but are still developing in their second season as starters.
We are looking at 1/3 of the league with young guys at the most important position on the field, how many of them could take their team to the playoffs this season?
3. Who makes the quick turnaround - In 19 of the last 21 years at least one team has gone from finishing last in the division the season before to division champs the following season. With that in mind, who is most likely to pull off the feat this year.
Cincinnati Bengals (AFC North) went 9-8 last year in a season where Burrow missed time and dealt with an injured wrist, if Burrow stays healthy this season they could absolutely pull it off.
Tennessee Titans (AFC South) went 6-11 last season but have done a great job in improving the roster this offseason, if Will Levis continues to improve then they could be the team that challenges the Texans this year for the AFC South crown.
Chicago Bears (NFC North) were a 7-10 team last season after a good finish to the season, they seemingly have their guy in Caleb Williams to run what they believe will be an improved offense. The defense has some pieces as well but not completely sold on coach Eberflus.
The other teams that finished last in their divisions were the New England Patriots (AFC East), LA Chargers (AFC West), Washington Commanders (NFC East), Arizona Cardinals (NFC West) and Carolina Panthers (NFC South).
With every season there are so many storylines that will play out so these are just 3 for you to monitor over the course of the 2024-2025 season. We are just days away from the season starting so strap in and get to the edge of your seat, the fun is about to start.
Make sure to give me a follow and check out my other content on my blog page. You can also follow me over @passionandprecision as well with my friend/co-host @jorissportsstories who you can also follow for her great content as well.
I appreciate you for taking the time to check out my article, until next time...
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grayox27 · 3 months
Dating SOME of the Men in Criminal Minds (and how the others find out)🍬🍋 pt.2
Consider this my apology for not posting for so long lol
⚠️WARNING⚠️: steamy 18+
Luke Alvez
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- he doesn’t really hide it, but doesn’t make a big deal out of it either
- Garcia was the first to connect the dots that he’s seeing someone
- his smile always gives him away. When it comes to people close to him, he’s not a great liar. That doesn’t apply when he’s doing his job obviously but‼️
- you two don’t initiate PDA, but the fleeting looks and shy smiles are enough to give you away
- he loves to tease you a lot. It’s all in good heart though
- his love language is acts of service. It can be something as small as handing you the remote, or as big as spending literally the whole day trying to get rid of that smell you were complaining about
- once you two have been dating long enough, he puts down his walls. He stops pretending to be so tough all the time when you are alone. He enjoys being comforted by you
Luke snapped out of his trance, putting his phone down once he sees a hand waving in his field of vision.
“So, what’s their name?” JJ starts with a sly smile.
“What?” Luke replies, blinking out of his occupied state of mind.
“You have that goofy look whenever you’re seeing someone” she continues. Luke scoffs playfully. “I do not”
“Sure you do. Your heart rate has sped up, and your skin is turning darker around your neck and ears. Actually, it’s happening faster now. You also haven’t taken your eyes off your phone for a second” Reid rambles.
“Yeah, yeah. Think what you want” Luke responds, gleefully texting you about his predicament. Moments before he pressed send, you fumbled with your phone, accidentally turning the ringer on.
You rushed to pick it up, and your phone went off with a text. A matching grin lit up on your face. “Oh my god” Garcia said, making herself known.
Luke jumped, “When did you get here?” He mumbled. “You’re seeing them” Garcia said, pointing in your direction.
Luke could suddenly feel everyone’s eyes on him. Even if he denied it, the blush crawling higher up his neck would give him away.
“Okay, okay. Yes, I am” he admits, the group immediately breaking into cheers. “I called it!” Garcia exclaimed, walking towards her office.
“No you didn’t!” Luke shouted back at her retreating figure. He received multiple sly looks for the rest of the day, and pats on the back. He couldn’t say he hated it.
Matt Simmons
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- you both agreed to keep it professional at work
- what gave it away was the fact that you two were practically always glued to each others side, even on the field
- Matt was always hovering somewhere near you, looking over your shoulder, and noticeably more protective of you
- his love language is physical touch and gift giving
- mentioned something two weeks ago you were craving? It’s on your bed all of the sudden
- he always goes all out for holidays
- the two of you look at each other like you couldn’t live without the other
- he’s extremely touchy at home. He almost always has a hand on your lower back, or has an arm around you
- this applies to your sex life as well. USUALLY you two wouldn’t do something this risky but the alcohol was poisoning both of your reasoning
“We shouldn’t do this” Matt panted into your ear, sharply inhaling when you slid a hand up his shirt.
“You said you wanted to try something new” you offered, retreating your hand and allowing him the space to stop if needed.
He looked conflicted, before capturing your lips again, moaning into your mouth as you tugged at the hairs on the back of his neck.
“So responsive” you teased, getting your bottom lip nipped in response. You slowly dragged his shirt up, running your fingers across his sensitive chest.
He reached down, slowly crawling his fingers down your lower stomach, playing with your waistband-
The door to the restroom flung open, with Reid’s reddening face visible. “Oh- oh! My god, sorry!” He shouted, scrambling to run away from the scene.
You knocked your head back against the wall with a groan. Matt had frozen in place. “Earth to Matt” you said, lightly tapping at his cheeks.
“…Do you think he’ll say something?” he utters in horror. “It’s Reid” you deadpanned.
When the two of you got the courage to leave and get out of the club, you were met with the team blocking the exit.
“You’re not getting out of this one” Rossi teased, swirling his scotch. The two of you never heard an end to it.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Scary Movie Nights with Tara
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Tara Lewis x reader Covers the "movie night" square for @adarafaelbarba fall bingo! @aphinablog req'd "scary stories" and that's how this started out but by the end I feel like it fits the movie night one more! If you read and like, don't forget to ask to be added to the Tara taglist!! Also I got halfway through this as i struggled to find movies cause I *love* thrillers before I remembered AJ is the main character in Final Destination 2. So either pretend that doesnt exist OR that Tara, yn & the team poke fun at JJ each year… your choice..
Tara had never been a fan of Halloween, specifically the ghost stories that came hand in hand with it.
She felt that they were too fake, constantly rolling her eyes at the matter before walking away from whatever group was telling them
Because she had witnessed a million more actual real life situations that were a million times worse than any scary story that anyone could come up with.
As much as you loved scary movies, stories and the like she couldn’t help but scoff letting out little laughs through the films as she did her best not to correct the things that were horribly wrong
She only put up with it because she loved you more than anything else in the world. At the beginning of your relationship she’d tried her best to guide you away from the obsession, but you had no plans of the like. Despite your true crime obsession, you always assured her that you would never pry into her work and if something you watched or heard turned out to be something she’d worked on, you’d immediately turn to something else while she was around and leave it out of the small talk when you caught each other up on your weeks.
When you’d met Tara you did your best to swap from true crime things to fictional, busying your time with horror films that were far from the truth, the paranormal, the cliched franchises and she very much appreciated that.
It was every October, like perfect clockwork she would come home from work to find you perched on the couch, gigantic bowl of popcorn in your lap with all the lights off while your eyes were practically glued to the television as the opening credits of a movie rolled across the screen.
The team had eaten on the jet, and you’d sent a text saying you’d had take out earlier, so she grabbed a glass of wine and despite not really wanting to know what you were watching, she did want to spend time with her girlfriend, so she slightly begrudgingly joined you on the couch.
A few moments in she made a comment that whatever you were watching had a weird vibe to it for a slasher film
“It’s not. It’s more thriller vibes. There isn’t an actual killer, person or spirit. It’s called Final Destination, there’s like six of them.”
“Spoiler alert, the plane’s gonna blow up. And that kid” you pointed “is currently having a premonition about it and he freaks out, gets off the plane with like, five other kids, and then the plane does blow up. But they escaped their deaths so it’s like, death itself haunting them in bizarre accidents til it gets them all.”
“that’s fucking weird.”
You let out a little chuckle as Tara settled in next to you, an arm casually thrown over the back of the couch for you to nestle into her embrace. She started out scrolling through her phone, replying to a couple of last minute emails and texts but she found her attention being pulled to the television more and more as the movie went on, curious and curiouser as to how it was all going to end and what kind of wild deaths were about to occur.
By the end of it her complete attention was on the movie and you looked to her with a sly grin on your face. “you were paying attention”
“it was intriguing.” She shrugged, picking up her phone again as if to shake away your insinuation.
“you liked it….”
“i..just.. it’s a different take from the usual crap you watch. I don’t end up profiling through the whole movie or have to worry about ghosts slamming our doors in the middle of the night.”
“okay…” you laughed, moving from the couch to refill both of your wine glasses and returning to the couch.
“how many of these are there?” tara asked quietly as you nestled back in beside her under the blanket.
“six? Seven?”
She glanced to her watch and let out a sigh of defeat, “I guess we’ve got time for at least one more…”
“Yes!” you shriek, leaping towards her to pepper her face with kisses, “I knew that one day I’d find one you wouldn’t totally hate!”
“and you’re going to make me watch all seven every Halloween, aren’t you?”
“you know it babe!”
“god you’re lucky I love you”
“and I love you too.” You pressed a soft kiss to her lips before grabbing the remote and pressing play on movie number two.
That was exactly how a new tradition was born. The week of Halloween you’d watch one movie a night together, and then you’d swap over to the more family friendly Halloween movies that Tara preferred, ones with little to no killing. It was all the balance you needed to make autumn enjoyable all around by all parties.
She also got back at you hardcore by inviting Spencer over one of your solo movie nights, and naturally he spent the entire time going over statistics, likelihoods, profiling and calling out all the bullshit of the entertainment industry and things they got wrong.
By the end of that night you claimed that the Scream franchise was ruined, shooting a glare to Tara, returning the “you’re lucky I love you” sentiment from the year prior.
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gold-onthe-inside · 11 months
What are Pipers phone/text convos like with the people in her life? Sporadic? Daily check-ins? Lots of joking? Do they send Memes? Recipes? News articles?
it's definitely sporadic. she'll send people anything that reminds her of them.
her text chain with penelope is mostly any vegan recipe she finds and things they wanna make for lunch/dinner dates. she'll also send her anything on baking, knitting, crocheting, whatever.
with spencer, their text chain looks more like a browser history and they'll send each other research papers they've found. but spencer hates texting (because zero hand-eye coordination) so they mostly stick to phone calls. also, they're practically glued to the hip so there's generally no need.
with hotch, she'll send him out of context pictures of the team because he rarely has time to spend with them. or updates on if someone's struggling with something so hotch knows to go easy on them that day/week. and sometimes they're just coordinating when piper can take jack so he and haley can have a date night or something if jessica's unavailable.
derek and piper are usually coordinating lesson plans for the defence classes they take and it usually involves derek telling piper that "that is way too complicated to teach the juniors". but they also both grew up as athletes so they work out together a lot and go and see games together. they're both on the baseball team together too (derek's captain, piper's his star pitcher) and so they're coordinating training schedules for that too.
emily and piper became friends the fastest cause they were both new to the team and they hung out more often so they're always asking each other to go to concerts, movies, weekends in atlantic city 😉. and piper was also the first one to figure out / say something about emily being into women so she's usually her wingwoman.
jj and piper are really more colleagues than friends. not that they don't like each other, they just don't have that many shared interests. she sends her about a million pictures of henry though. and when jj becomes a profiler, she does ask for piper's advice on her profiles.
also, let's talk group chats. usually meal planning for their group hangouts is done by rossi, piper, and penelope so they have a group chat for that. piper, penelope, and spencer have a 'nerds only' group chat where they talk about doctor who and conspiracy theories. there's also a 'core four' group chat which is derek, emily, spencer, and piper because they sort of are like their own little group. and then derek guilts them into adding penelope because she found out and has extreme fomo. she leaves after like 5 minutes because they started discussing kill methods and she went 'never mind...'
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