#also it was funny because when I was watching the watcher vid I immediately started thinking of all the characters I relate to
garashir · 8 months
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I watched watchers top 5 dad characters and it really made me think because most of the dad characters I could think of are all kinda the Worst™️ so I wanted to deep dive and assemble my own top 5 ranking:
5. Ned Stark
Is it a basic answer? Maybe. Is it a good answer? Maybe not. Did it only come to mind because I’m currently reading asoiaf? We’ll never know! But heres the why: I’d love to be a Stark, I’d love to live in Winterfell. He clearly loves his kids even though he thought it was a good idea to take a 10 year old to watch him execute someone. Idk we can’t all be perfect. I’d get to have a direwolf!! It’s Sean Bean! What more can I say?
4. Bard (The Hobbit Movies)
Listen, he just radiates comfort. The second he appeared on screen I knew he was the only character in those movies that mattered. He loves his kids. He actively defies and resists the Master of Laketown. He killed a dragon. He’s Lord of Dale. I feel like he’d still be a great dad even after becoming Lord.
3. Stacker Pentecost
The scene where he finds young Mako Mori!! He’s so protective of her! He trained her to pilot a jaeger. He’s a badass who pilots a jaeger. It’s Idris Elba! He gives the most inspiring speech! We are canceling the apocalypse!!! I trust him so much! Again radiates comfort!
2. Bail Organa
This is becoming a theme of characters that I just imprinted on the first time I saw them on screen. Even though he’s literally such a minor character in aotc I IMMEDIATELY was like: this is my favorite guy! Always been a Bail Organa stan. It’s always been hard to explain why I love Bail so much so I guess if you get it you get it. He is so soft with Leia he adores her! And his line in Rogue One “I would trust her with my life” like!!
1. Benjamin Sisko
Thee Most Dad character of all time!! The reason I wanted make this list was to give Sisko the recognition he deserves. He was immediately number one on this list, everbody else I had to think about. He’s legit my favorite star trek captain, he’s the emissary of the prophets which is sick. But aside from that he is such a good father to Jake. He makes time for him (even though they have a lot going on on the station), he is invested in his interests. He has so much love to give. He is warm and such a caring force to his crew. He cooks them real food! He takes them to play baseball! His smile! His laugh! There isn’t anyone who could take his place on this list! Number one fictional dad!
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