#also it makes her hand super glowy lol
robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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horizon forbidden west | aloy 132/?
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kozachenko · 7 months
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Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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the-vegetarian-artist · 8 months
Asking you about your ska troll concept! They look so cool and I would love to learn more about them
@shadow-ray4 thank you for asking, genuinely was positive that no one would ask 😅😣 but I am HAPPY to share! To start here are the full refs I've done so far and explain as much of the concept as I've developed in my brain lmaooo (ALL MAJOR DEETS undercut cause its gonna be LONG)
@goldendaydna also helped with this and lowkey a concept we are semi working out since her sona Golden Tempo is an Urbano Troll (a recently named concept lol)
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Ska Trolls are Big, Bright, and BOLD. Together, these elements create an energetic, highly danceable, highly vibe-able troll genre. They also explode into confetti and confections when excited or surprised. Dont worry they pop back up as if nothing even happened leaving a pile of candy and crepe paper on the ground. (Ska trolls are super popular with the kids.) They practically live for the music, known for dancing for several days straight with hardly a rhyme or reason to stop.
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*Like even the smallest of surprises just make em POP! (Bonus Branch doodle cause why not??)
Adara, my sona, is a 4th Generation Ska Troll (her father being a 3rd Gen while her mama is a punk rock troll) so TECHNICALLY shes Ska-punk, but she still has the appearance of your standard Ska Troll so it's more a music specific.
Her great great grandparents being a reggae leaning funk troll and a rocksteady leaning funk troll who formed The Underground after being seemingly left behind along with other alt/subgenres of the main 6 kingdoms when they split. A place for alternative trolls like herself and her friends could live and PARTY HARD without micro judgments against their music. It's a haven for other trolls who feel they dont quite fit a specific genre or even one at all, but also HELLA secluded from the rest of the Trolls so they look different and SOUND different. (Cave acoustics and all) The surface likely gets trimmers and even earthquakes from their raging parties. (I'm still fleshing this out but I have this piece of "concept art")
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*Its literally a bioluminescent shroom town. Like glowing mushroom homes, food, ect- glow worms on the cave ceiling like stars in a night sky. All the various alternative genre of trolls have like a glowy eye thing that allows them to just see naturally in the dark too-
*these were some posters I took heavy color influence from for Adara's pallet (I know they arent all ska, but punk, reggae, and rocksteady aesthetics were an addition)
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Obviously I took most inspo from pinatas, party/confetti poppers, and the sorts mainly because the funk trolls poop...well. baked goods and I wanted to play off that but lean into the crazy evolution the trolls have canonically in the universe that foam at the mouth for 👀 🤲 But I wanted to make sure her colors and patterns gave off not just Funk influence, but also micro subculture influences that are within The Underground. (This including but not not limited to, how closely Ska Trolls were to the Urbano Trolls communities within The Underground)
*Exchanged tassels and stringy fur textures for more paper textures. Like literally walking, talking, breathing pinatas fr
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*Queen Essence I love yuuuu
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They are bigger than the average Funk troll and have very similar features to them, but texture and color wise are very different. They much more vibrant and staturated. Giving a mix of felt and crepe paper. They have tails as sortve as an evolutionary trait but also it gives maximum party mode as it can hold objects and act as an extra hand. Their ears are also longer and slimmer, making it harder for them to lift or perk up so they stay droopy unlike their funk counterparts. They are all naturals at brass instruments (mainly trumpet) and ALWAYS have a hop in their step.
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*edit if the pics keep messing up... imma have to just remake the post 😭
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
I wonder if they did it on purpose to showcase or hint that it's a dream, but for this dream sequences the Diaz's are in apartment 1 instead of their actual apartment. Also for some reason four is right next to Johnny's with a clear door between it and apartment 3 to the outside.
The lights they did from outside the apartment through the blinds is a fun effect.
I think Carmen and her little hand fan is so funny but also cute. Like how are you going to get that breeze inside? Hand fan. Not a big fan, even though it's a dream. 😂 Johnny trying to subconsciously logic his dreams I guess. Also the sort of soft glowy dream filter they used is nice.
Her black gi is such a look for Carmen. Johnny probably wouldn't be able to handle it in real life if Carmen wore a gi, since he apparently dreams about it. But maybe Johnny should teach some adult classes.
His white gi doesn't have sleeves.
Ah yes, Carmen's Coors light beer commercial.
Lol she does the...oh gosh is it the meme? I gotta look it up.
Kabedon! She pins him to the wall and kicks her leg up next to his shoulder. 😂😂😂😂
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They zoom in super close but she's got his wrist and her foot is on the wall and he's pinned.
Lol, she goes from Kabedon to and now I'm going to throw you on the floor and pin your wrists to the mat. Which is safer for sparring then the apartment. So at least Johnny's dream is mildly trying to work out logistics.
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I think this is the second time we've seen his bedroom and this time he's hugging his pillow like a stuffed animal, there's no bag of chips in his bed or beer cans, his bed seems to actually be made up. He keeps his laundry basket near his bed. He still has beer on his bedside table, but just one and there's still like 3 packets of something. Hot sauce? Johnny why do you have hot sauce next to your bed? And did you destroy your alarm clock last time? Is that why it's gone? Looks like there's some change on the bed side table too.
Daniel's sleeping on the couch. 😭 Fair of Amanda, but still bud, Anoush quitting/being poached should've been a wake up call.
LUCILLE!!!! Awww she made him bacon and eggs and bought him Minute Maid juice because he doesn't like the fancy stuff.
So Lucille is in the guest bedroom, Robby's in the dojo, Daniel's on the couch.
Daniel tells Lucille it's a fever and she checks his temperature and gets that it's not actually a fever and tells him to work on it so he can get off the couch. Daniel continuously avoiding telling his mother about karate soap opera drama since 1984.
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We've got one of the lights, a bonsai, some sanders? bell, the drum, some Okinawan sai's a red trunk suitcase, and a few other weapons that I can't tell what they are, which I feel like Mr. Miyagi didn't have in the films, but were in his father's/family dojo so I wonder if he sent them home or Yukie shipped them.
There's never a good time. This is also Sam's second secret boyfriend. Robby and Miguel can bond over how Sam didn't tell her dad about them, but meanwhile Kyler who tried to force himself on her got a fancy dinner and the benefit of the doubt multiple times. Kyler got more chances with Daniel then either Miguel or Robby and it's because Kyler is un-associated with Johnny.
Robby you just put the medal of honor on a rock? Where it could've gotten damaged or destroyed or washed away in the rains (cough what rains in LA?) But still. You shouldn't have left it out like an easter egg for someone to find.
I always assumed Robby left it in the dojo grounds so he didn't have to tell Sam Miguel came by, said sorry, and that he'd found it stolen and retrieved it.
But now I'm wondering if he did it not for his own relationship gain, not completely but to make it look like his father didn't send them to steal from Daniel, just mischief night level destruction/pranking. Because now it just looks like Daniel ran in, yelled about them stealing something, only for it to be right there in the garden. Which for the students who left Cobra Kai I wonder how that makes them feel, since they left, except maybe Chris, specifically because Daniel came in upset that Johnny's cobras had stolen the medal of honor and Johnny had said he didn't know what Daniel was talking about.
I mean there might've been other reasons they left, like Chris, but Chris is the only one in the group we see that left specifically because Hawk was bullying him. We don't see the other kids bully the rest of them that moved to Miyagi-do so it truly seems like they left because of the medal of honor theft.
Johnny has two chairs outside of his apartment.
Graham the awful boyfriend
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See I always know about the sushi because Amanda talks about it later (which btw, that's a very fun dress she's wearing) but Daniel also put roses on her desk, what seems to be 4 boxes of sushi, two of which he's plated, unless the two stacked by the phone are something else, a box of chocolate, and tea with two tea cups.
Lunch from Sugarfish, matcha green tea from Urthh Caffe (which I highly highly doubt they send in a ceramic tea pot and mugs.)
Her chopsticks are also black with a metalic blue handle
Amanda has lunch with the sales team at woodland hills.
Daniel, communication bud or you know, check the joint calendar.
Also maybe Daniel stop buying the wagyuu of sushi/sashimi, every time you get it it goes to waste. I can't believe he bought Toro again. And once again it goes to waste.
lol, his: But it's a lot of sushi. (Yes, yes it is.)
She recommends sharing it with the customers. Which I don't recommend, I think he should share it with the North Hollywood staff whose still around and keep having their team members poached by Tom Cole. They need to be shown some sort of appreciation for not leaving and handling his karate drama. The customers don't need sushi. Plus if they're in a bad mood/don't like sushi/are sent by Tom Cole they could say they got food poisoning from Daniel's sushi, or whatever nonsense they want. Meanwhile his staff would probably be thrilled.
Tory's working at the roller rink. Job #1 on her list of jobs.
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Who do you think did the merch? Miguel and Aisha? Hawk? Or Johnny? Did Johnny talk to someone at the All-Valley or something and they were like man that's a bad-ass design, let's talk merch for your students. And do they get the gear and their gi's when they pay their dues and join the club? Or like what's the deal?
Also didn't realize that Tory is literally helping Miguel stretch.
I realized that by adding Tory as a love interest we start losing Aisha as a main character which is sad to me.
80s night at the roller rink, Miggy is a fan of Michael Hall in Weird Science. Time to add movie rec: Weird Science to the list.
Also I just realized they're more or less having Miguel follow Daniel's dating route. Golf 'n Stuff with Sam (Daniel and Ali's date from TKK1) and now themed decade dress up night (a la Kumiko and Daniel TKK2).
Hawk being respectful of bowing to the mat when he arrives before he says or talks to anyone or does anything.
Hawk: We were enemies for day but we're Cobra Kai for life.
Stingray kept his winning red headband from Coyote Creek
Stingray calls Kreese sensei emeritus which means:
Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement. | Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church.
I made a promise when I became your sensei to look out for your best interests, and despite how hard this is for all of us, he did not have your best interests at heart.
He also took away sensei from Kreese and switched to Mr. Kreese
This creed on the wall will make you strong and formidable but also an asshole.
Life isn't black and white, it's gray. Ah, this was such a good speech. Kreese's cobra kai is black and white, Daniel's is pretty black and white, Johnny's is gray and sometimes shows some mercy.
Lol badass is still a requirement.
You can't just think with your gut, you gotta also use your head/brains and then he transitions into headbutting which is of course badass to the students and a very good transition. Because those kids are going to be so bummed about Kreese (especially Hawk and Stingray) but headbutting is cool and so is breaking boards.
Lol he has them line up and head but each other. Owwww and Stingray is so excited to have Hawk headbutt him. The foley/sound design people make it sound like an egg is getting cracked which sounds like they're breaking each others skulls and I'm not a fan of that. 💀
Tuck in your chin, aim for the nose with the crown of your head.
Johnny don't teach them to break each other's noses. Owwwww.
Aww Miguel offering to be a person to listen to Johnny. Which kid, not your job but sweet of you to offer.
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😂😂😂😂 The I'm tired of talking about Kreese look.
Johnny: You don't have to worry about me.
Very adult of him. Also he immediately clocked that Miguel and Tory are dating. Unlike Daniel who has not clocked that Sam and Robby are dating.
I feel like this is also telling on where their focus is. Johnny's established his class, his students, and while for the most part he's not in their day to day and not paying attention to the mischief they're getting up to because he only knows that if someone tells him, he is paying attention to when they lose (Aisha after the Coyote Creek) or their interactions with each other (knowing when Kreese taught no mercy and upped the level versus like Tory and Miggy dating) Meanwhile Daniel's still trying to set up and balance a family and a full time job, so his focus is very specific yet splintered. He's not balancing properly. Like at first he wanted to have someone to spar with, because he saw Cobra Kai and that like re-triggered the need for karate. But then he got a student and then he saw Johnny was competing and that got him more amped to try and defend against/fight Cobra Kai and then he needed more students. Now he has more students and he's playing catch up, but it means the balance in his other parts of his life are crumbling. He's focused on catching up, teaching, defeating Cobra Kai that he's not noticing Robby and Sam, and he's not even paying attention to the time or his own share calendar unless something crashes and burns. He's rushing too much, not taking his time.
Hide the plantain omg Johnny.
Miguel: I can set you up on an app that's how my mom met her boyfriend and she's happy.
Johnny: no...well okay sure. 😂 If you're mom is happy and I'm going no where there then put me on an app. Which we can appreciate his, she's taken so I'll look elsewhere. He's learned since TKK1.
New cars on the show room floor so the detail guys come in when that happens because they can never be too clean.
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One of the uniforms at LaRusso auto. I think these are the mechanical/repair guys.
See, with Robby he was working there. He was getting paid to wax cars and was also in uniform. These kids look like they're in a high school car wash to raise money.
Child labor, Amanda is correct, though they're teens which can work, but they're not paying Daniel and Daniel isn't paying them so... It's more...unpaid child labor.
Daniel is trying to balance, but the main issue he's not getting is that he's not communicating. He's so used to fixing everything himself, because he never ever went to his mother and the only person he ever got help from or asked for help from was Mr. Miyagi that he's forgetting he and Amanda are a team and that requires communication. That requires working out a schedule and plan and balancing things with her.
Their marriage is an open head wound, probably from that aint love a kick in the head episode.
Did Johnny trade in his flip phone? Or did Miguel download the apps onto his own phone for Johnny?
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This episode is so good from a Johnny and Miguel standpoint. Because it shows how strong their friendship is. Johnny doesn't have to say anything and Miguel knows exactly what he's looking for. "Super hot babes, dumb question." he got that from a look from Johnny.
Johnny's likes: Muscle cars, martial arts, Iron Eagle and Iron Eagle II. Cavemen like the ones in the insurance commercials.
Why aren't you texting this down? Computer dating's your idea.
Oh the new phone box is right in front of Miguel on the coffee table. They literally went out and bought a smart phone for this for Johnny. So Miguel's probably sat there setting it up before even moving on to setting up the apps. He's such a good kid.
Johnny's dating moves: Find a chick at a bar. Bump into her hard, but not too hard. Pretty hard. Then you buy her a beer.
Lol, tried and true Diaz, that's how the cavemen did it.
Which is very telling, bud get into the current century please. Or at least past the stone age.
Maybe someone should take him to a history museum for a date. Look at stone age things since it's one of his likes.
I love the: I'm going to fill out the rest of this myself, what about clothes, what are you wearing. | Are you going to teach me about fashion now? And Miguel's: I might have to and very serious stare down.
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The internet for dummies book is in Johnny's closet along with another book, the spine of which is facing away so I can't tell what it is. Also all the clothes in his closet that Miguel's looking at are...well he doesn't have a lot of clothes and they're all very bland and not Johnny.
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Like other than that flannel at the top that looks like Mr. Miyagi's closet of tans and grayish greens. Where are all of Johnny's other clothes? In the laundry? Like he has so many other outfits. Miguel wants to dress him in a button up and distressed jeans, which Johnny doesn't know what that means.
Lol: There's a chick on my app! This is dumb. You can't find anything out anything about a chick from one---ooh this one's hot. 😂😂😂😂
Johnny on the app:
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LaRusso fridge has a ton of Yoohoo, boxed water, fresh produce which looks like a whole bunch of salad fixings along with premade salad, and strawberries. Also you two, you're wasting electricity making out in the fridge. Apparently while octopi are Sam and Miguel's things, Fridges are Sam and Robby's. (Meat locker where Robby decided we're going to actually go for it, and this fridge)
How would Lucille not realize they were both there? Robby lives there? They're training together. Like they're going to be in the same spots. Robby's the one who recommends they go out to avoid her family.
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Johnny at a bar lol. Just named...bar.
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Kinda cool interior, I like the plant wall and the wallpaper. The photos of horses on the walls is kinda weird along with what seems to be the worlds tiniest bear taxidermy.
Johnny: I know how to handle kids, I work with them. I body slammed a kid into a mat for texting and flying elbow to his teeth.
Is this Johnny's bar? His second date meets him here too. Johnny trying to prove he knows tech by talking about his new smart phone that he got...that morning?
His phone is an Ericsson, not a brand I recognize.
Lol Johnny mixing up patriarchy with the Patriots. (Johnny apparently hates them too)
I love that they brought back the lady from the first episode.
Each of these dates were a different night, Johnny's wearing a different outfit each time. I totally thought he was drinking and at the bar speed dating. Since it's the same bar each time.
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This is adorable and my favorite thing. Daniel scrap booked. He kept his boarding tickets. They flew Northwest Orient, but...none of the photos are of Okinawa. The photo of Daniel and Mr. Miyagi is from TKK3. I'm pretty sure all of those photos are stock photos of Japan. The lower right one is of Kyoto as is the upper one to the left of the photo of him and Mr. Miyagi. The other one I think is Tokyo. All places they did not go to.
Which hey, props department what the heck? Like come on. Also Daniel wouldn't have put a sticker of Japan on there. Not when Mr. Miyagi so adamantly stood by Okinawa being it's own country.
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Looks like they took a trip to Hawaii with Sam when she was little. The Christmas card just says merry Christmas and happy holidays from the LaRusso family.
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It's a cute teal scrapbook. Daniel says he'll digitalize them eventually but that it doesn't do it justice. He seems to truly love the old photos in a scrapbook.
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I guess it's supposed to be Lucile in the glasses?
Sam's first birthday party, October 14th 2003 at 421 Charlton Street NE (North East) Encino California 91426
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I think this is where Daniel got his idea. The champagne and glasses on this page probably reminded him of the event and of course the photo itself. "LaRusso Auto Grand Opening 2002"
He's been focusing on grand gestures, and has tried every one he can think of.
Coney island was one of the best days of Daniel's life. Daniel and his dad ate something from every booth on the row: Nathan's, cotton candy, frozen custard and then they rode the cyclone 5 times in a row. It was around when he was started getting sick. What Lucille remembers is the Wonder Wheel. Daniel remembers the amazing view, Lucille remembers the line where Mr. LaRusso held her hand and put his head on her right shoulder and told her that he loved her and she could feel his hair on her cheek.
Johnny's back at the bar again in a brown t-shirt, so not ready for a date I guess. He's writing Ali on messenger.
I appreciate him attempting to type, but it's totally fake he's mostly hitting numbers.
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I love that he's like nah too desperate and then the perfect date for him pulls his move and makes him send it.
I truly wish they'd gotten a chance to actually date. I think it would've been fun.
The roller rink is called Cascade.
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The costumes are so fun.
Sam recommends Andrew McCarthy or Duckie. aka Pretty in Pink characters: Blane McDonnagh and Philip F. "Duckie" Dale
Robby says with his hair his only option was Spader which is James Spader as Steff McKee in Pretty in Pink
There goes Tory who Sam immediately puts her hand on as she's skating by to get her attention.
Both Sam and Miguel are trying to take the high animosity level down. Robby I don't think knows Tory so I think he's just confused. And Sam apologizes, didn't know Tory worked there and just wanted to order some food and Miguel says he didn't recognize them and digs their costumes. Which is sweet of him. Miguel doesn't realize they know anyone so he introduces everyone. Which I really think only benefits Robby and Tory learning about each other. Though both Robby and Tory were at the beach country club I can't remember if they actually met. I think Robby was pool side working on his tan 90% of that day.
Tory purposefully kisses Miguel in front of them knowing that Miguel used to date Sam.
Lol Johnny thinks the smart watch is very Knight Rider (fun fact his original car from the karate kid 1 was in Knight Rider)
I love that they hit it off. She knows his move, his references, prefers harley's, she likes Mustangs, also doesn't really like the apps, she's drinking a banquet with him.
If only she didn't leave so he listened to the people around him and caught Graham. He's upset that Carmen lives with her mom.
Remember what your dad says "There's good in everyone, she just has to be shown the right way." That comes off out of Robby's mouth very cult-ish.
Robby requested OMD's "if you leave"
Miguel trying to defend Tory with the "you don't even know her" which true. They met once and it colored all of Sam's opinions of her. And then he complains that Sam's on a date with Robby and how she'd made him feel like a paranoid asshole. Which, when Sam and Miguel were dating there weren't those sparks from Sam's side with Robby. But she pulls the 'it's not a date', which is what Miguel had called their date, and Sam had called their date. And it's also unfair to Robby because it is truly a date, just not a known date to anyone else.
She invites him out to get a burger, which is so him. I hate that he has to go fight Graham. She's also right, why didn't you get her number Johnny???? You dumbass.
Johnny catches Graham's slap? Push? whatever he was going to do with his arm, head buts him, knees him in the chest and knocks his legs out from under him. Truly I think the lady he was talking to would've loved to have watched that. I love that Johnny also nearly hits him with a trash can lid and is like actually no I'm showing mercy and the guy is like THIS IS MERCY?!?!
It's interesting that Sam thinks Miguel came up to her again and she starts apologizing, completely not expecting Robby.
Robby got two complements and people think he's Dan Johnson, but I think it's meant to be Miami Vice's Don Johnson.
Tory body checks Sam and she falls so hard. Based on how this episode was going, if Tory had offered her a drink it'd have been flirting from Johnny's book. Tory also calls Sam princess.
Like yes, Tory started it, but Sam attacking her back while she's working in front of a bunch of people while Tory was able to play hers off as an accident wasn't the best move. Especially while she's carrying other peoples foods and drinks.
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Daniel trying to find balance between his grand gestures and what Amanda actually wants/needs from him.
Amanda's reviewing that day's transactions, something Anoush used to do. Which means she's not just doing her job and Daniel's job she's also doing Anoush's, which no wonder she's tired and a little pissed.
Daniel: Sam's his, Amanda can have the next one. Which oddly fits their relationships. Which is kinda sad.
They're having some sparkling cider.
That was such a smooth transition from the past to now
Also those weird sorbet glasses are back.
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Those are their champagne vases. 😂
Daniel's been MIA for a few months and says it's part Cobra Kai and part missing Mr. Miyagi. Which grief affects everyone differently, but I think, dear sir, it's also TRAUMA. And maybe now would be a good time to tell your wife about some of that huh?
Lol, Daniel is right, any time Daniel had a chance to hang out with people his own age or go on a date Mr. Miyagi pushed him towards it and away from karate or studying karate.
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This could be an advertisement for that watch. 😂
They're making out in one of their showroom Mercedes
The realization that Graham was out drinking and making out with a girl on the same night he was supposed to go out with Carmen is pretty messed up.
Johnny asking her out was actually kind of sweet.
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months
The old Sailor Moon dub was definitely corny in a good way, but I will say the old Yugioh one was corny in the best way. Sometimes when I’m feeling down, I’ll go and rewatch some clips of the dub just because it never fails to make me crack a smile.
Honestly, though my memories are fuzzy, I don’t think I liked Theresa that much as a child either lol. I definitely like her now, but younger me definitely had a problem with her being so pretty, having all those powers, and also being a rich girl on top of all that. Even back then I was jealous of the rich, haha.
Speaking of the female characters though, I just wanna say I really like the characterization of Hera so far. I’m so used to her being villainized or just written as the overly mean jealous wife (which is kinda fair given her history I guess) but she’s just so… not that here and it’s so refreshing. I guess I’ll have to see how they write her if or when Zeus makes an appearance, but so far it’s getting two thumbs up from me.
But yea, I really like Neil’s luck power so far and the fact it’s actually been useful so I’m excited to see the other powers everyone gets!
- R
Oh my god, but I have so many feelings for old-school Yu-Gi-Oh! So many…I got really into that whole series, watched all the way up to the first season of Zexal before my interest got really taken by a lot of other things. I can completely get how clips of the dub would make you smile because it would me. It's just got that charm to it and makes me feel all warm and nostalgic and glowy.
And, given that, just by going by our discussions, it sounds like we were raised in the same kind of fandom environment, I could one hundred percent get little you not liking her as much back then either, because she was the sort of character we were taught was 'mary sue', 'overpowered', 'cringe' and to be hated. Also, I go between being insanely jealous of the rich because I am definitely used to living below the poverty line, and being very much in the attitude of 'metaphorically kill the rich and literally make them at least walk across a football field of Lego if they can't prove they did some philanthropic good with the amount of resources and money they hoarded'. So I feel you so hard there. What I wouldn't give to like gambling a little more, so I could at least dream of winning the lottery!
Yes! So much yes and so much agreement on Hera's characterization within that show and it's actually one of my favourite parts of the show. I feel like Hera gets unfairly shit upon when people talk about or adapt in any way the Greek mythology. That is a strong woman who got dealt a shit hand and did she over-react in some cases? Yes…but she also got zero respect, really, had to deal with an openly promiscuous husband and all the very public disrespect he showed her almost constantly if we're to be serious. And if we're not taking the Greek myths super realistically and seriously and making them kid friendly, like COTT did, then why ever villainize her when there are a crap ton of better options? And I will also say, COTT had a really great spin on Zeus that I did enjoy, playing into a trope that I absolutely love seeing used.
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dragondemoness · 3 years
Tsuyu Asui x Wolf!Reader
Tsuyu and a Reader with a wolf themed Quirk. I haven't gotten any requests for My Hero, so I wanted to write something.
Don't worry, I'm not salty 😅
I know I should be answering requests, buuuuuut I might be a little burnt out, so here's a little something in the meantime! Enjoy!
Sorry that this is so long lol-
Tsuyu Asui x Wolf!Reader
🐸Thinks you're the absolute cutest~
🐸To most people, you're more cool than cute, but to her, you're both
🐸Mostly cute tho-
🐸When you're in battle, she thinks you're really cool
🐸I see wolves as wise and intelligent, so Tsuyu definitely admires that in you
🐸You have very great leadership abilities, and Tsuyu admires that as well
🐸I also see Alpha wolves as really intimidating to their Pack, so you can definitely use your intimidation to your advantage
🐸You're the only one who can make Bakugo stay in line, and Tsuyu finds that hilarious-
🐸Tsu loves to play with your ears and tail
🐸With permission, of course
🐸Loves to scratch you behind your ears when you lay on her lap or chest
🐸Speaking of ears, you have really sensitive hearing, so Tsuyu pays close attention to make sure you're not bothered
🐸Even the slightest flinch will have her dragging you to somewhere quiet, no matter how much you insist to be fine
🐸Don't do that btw, she k n o w s
🐸Also, being a wolf, you're pretty serious and stone-faced most of the time, and not super expressive
🐸Tsuyu understands you, and assures you that there is nothing to be ashamed of
🐸You're also really introverted, so Tsuyu tries to help you break out of your shell
🐸She is very patient tho, don't worry
🐸Even though it doesn't sound like much, your Quirk is really powerful
🐸You have strong leadership abilities, great physical and mental strength, and your senses are immaculate
🐸And you can also bend others to your will using your intimidation
🐸Similar to Shinso's Quirk, except yours works through eye contact
🐸When someone gazes into your eyes, you can directly give their brain a command using wolf telepathy
🐸Eventually, you even learn to project images in their minds to make them see
🐸Tsuyu loves your Quirk, but she keeps a close eye on your Quirk to help you stay out of trouble
🐸Keeps bones in her room, she watches you chew on them with a smile
🐸You also bring her gifts, like sticks, feathers, even a whole-ass dead bird
🐸She finds it adorable
🐸Little bit disgusted about the dead bird thing, but this is one of the rare moments where she lets you down gently with her straightforwardness
"I appreciate the thought, (Name), but... a dead bird isn't exactly an ideal gift. Ribbit."
🐸You look so adorable when you give her the bird, she can't just hurt your heart and say something like, "this is disgusting, what the hell is wrong with you"
🐸Froggo girl doesn't want to hurt your feelings🥺
🐸If you can shapeshift into a wolf, this girl cannot keep her hands off you-
🐸She's petting your fur, holding you in her lap, rubbing her face in your chest, constantly telling you how adorable you are
🐸Your eyes also shine really brightly when expressing a certain emotion, like happiness, sadness or anger
🐸Your eyes are often glowy anyway, particularly under the moonlight or when it's dark, but they just straight up ✨s h i n e✨
🐸Whether or not they're shiny or just a little glowy, Tsuyu can't help but stare
🐸Unless it's a negative reaction, then she'll comfort you and/or calm you down
🐸She loves your beautiful eyes
🐸Your body is also really warm, so she will be constantly clinging onto you during the winter
🐸No matter how cold it is, your body never loses its heat
🐸Your body is even hotter when you're sick, which is one of the many dead giveaways
🐸The tips of your ears curl and your tail starts to lose fur, so it's pretty damn easy to tell
🐸Tsu will be on your ass i m m e d i a t e l y
🐸Being a wolf, you also do wolf-like things
🐸Sitting like a wolf, running on all fours, laying on your stomach with your hands below your body
🐸Another thing Tsu loves about you
🐸Also clips your nails so they don't grow too long
🐸But they literally grow back by the next day, which makes Tsuyu go "s i g h"
🐸You also have a cold nose, so Tsu shivers a little bit when you bury it into the crook of her neck or chin
🐸She loves it tho
🐸Having tail hairs all over the place can be annoying, but she doesn't mind too much
🐸You also don't smell... pleasant when you get wet, whether you're shapeshifted or not
🐸Straight to the shower you go, Tsu ain't cuddling you until you freshen up
🐸Very wholesome, very loving relationship
🐸Y'all are an animal duo, and UA's cutest couple
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sandflow · 4 years
Sugimoto and Ogata’s Rivalmance - anime vs manga comparisons
Hello there.
So I just saw the last episode from he 3rd season of the Golden Kamuy anime series and it left me a little perplexed. I’ll be talking about how the anime handled their scenes compared to the manga.
I’ll be blunt, season 1 was average while season 2 turned out kind of bad. Season 1 is alright as an introduction to the series, even though the CG bear really turned off many people from liking the show. 
Season 2 skipped a lot of arcs and while some of them turned out to be animated as an OVA, there are arcs that even at present haven’t been adapted and as of which happen pre-Abashiri. (Ogin arc, Fake ainu arc).
Season 3 was alright though. The animation quality is way better and the pacing felt really fluid and relaxing for the most part of the season.
I will only be comparing the scenes that have changed, and won’t adress the ones that haven’t been adapted in the anime.
Here we go.
Season 2 Episode 3 (chapter 81) - Sugimoto saves Ogata in Edogai’s house
The manga - After Sugimoto says the infamous tsundere line to Ogata, Ogata spits blood and then the scene shifts to something else.
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The anime - After Sugimoto’s line, we can see Ogata looking disgustingly at Sugimoto while he’s leaving the room, and then he spits blood.
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I guess that the anime tried to make it look like Sugimoto hurt Ogata’s ego with that line. And Ogata didn’t like it at all. 
(Chapter 83) 
The manga - Ogata tries to hunt the birds by shooting them only to be denied by Asirpa. Sugimoto is all smirky because Ogata is being lectured.
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The anime - They don’t show Sugimoto’s evil smirk reaction to Asirpa lecturing Ogata.
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The manga -  Sugimoto being jelly of Ogata who caught more birds than Asirpa. When Sugimoto says that Ogata tried to hunt the birds just to prove Asirpa wrong, we can see Ogata’s sad reaction to that line.
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The anime -  It’s pretty much the same scene but we don’t get Ogata’s reaction.
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Season 2 Episode 5 (Chapter 99)
The manga - Sugimoto calls out Shiraishi’s betrayal. Shiraishi panicks thinking that he might kill him right there, but it ends up with Sugimoto showing him that he gave fake skins to Hijikata.
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The anime - it’s the same scene except for when Sugimoto calls Shiraishi out, we can see Ogata’s expression while the conflict unfolds.
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And then Sugimoto says that the skin that Shiraishi gave to Hijikata was a fake.
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And we see Ogata again where he closes his eyes.
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The Ogata reactions never existed in the manga.
I’m thinking that they added this so as to hint at his future betrayal in Abashiri.
(Chapter 100)
The manga - they kill some deer so as to hide in them and get rid of the 7th from pursuing them, Shiraishi becomes delirious and runs away. No one goes after him.
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The anime - Shiraishi runs away delirious and Asirpa goes after him and tells Sugimoto to skin deers with Ogata until she comes back. Sugimoto decides to go after her and Ogata calls him to come back.
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This entire scene did not exist in the manga.
OVA 3 (Chapter 104)
The manga - Shiraishi gets bitten by a snake. Sugimoto, for some reason, gets bitten too. 
And when both of their heads get inflated, Shiraishi asks Sugimoto what happened to his face.
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The anime - Ogata is the one who asks Sugimoto about his face.
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All I can say is thanks Geno for this addition.
OVA 4 (Chapter 111)
The manga - Asirpa asks Ogata to help Tanigaki escape from these ainu dudes who think he violated and killed wild animals.
In the manga, after Asirpa asks Ogata for help, Ogata follows it with the reasoning that Tanigaki may have killed his comrades from the betrayer group, to which Sugimoto and also Asirpa defend Tanigaki by saying that he wasn’t the one to do it.
After that, Sugimoto sort of taunts Ogata by saying that uwu Asirpa won’t cook for you anymore~
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The anime - After Asirpa asks Ogata for his help, the whole reason he wouldn’t save him is skipped, and it jumps to just Sugimoto taunting him.
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All what Ogata needed was a small tease reply from Sugimoto and he was totally down on risking his life saving Tanigaki. Comrades getting killed by Tanigaki? Naaaah.
Season 3 Episode 7 - (Chapter 169)  
The manga - The group starts talking about the legend of a mountain cat (lynx) and Koito thinks that they were probably refering to Ogata. And so the bullying begins.
Sugi when first hearing of this, he smirks in a way that says “Lol wut where did that come from”.
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The anime - when Sugimoto first asks “What’s Ogata gotta do with it?” we don’t see his smirking face like in the manga. 
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And when he says the line of “What a pathetic joke”, his face looks a bit more..dramatic and sad in a way?
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Or when he looks all determined after Koito says that they should kill a cat when spotted.
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This scene felt like he really does feel sorry for Ogata being bullied compared to the manga.
Season 3 Episode 11 - (Chapter 187)
Ogata lies about Sugimoto’s death to Asirpa so as to get the code out of her.
He sees that Asirpa isn’t cooperating with his pleas of sharing the code with him. So he uses the Sugimoto card.
The manga - he starts blushing the moment he mentions Sugimoto
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The anime - the blush wasn’t shown in this scene
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He starts talking about the fake flashback of hearing Sugimoto’s last words.
The manga - we get this simple panel of just Ogata calling out Sugimoto’s name.
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The anime - we are serviced with the same scene but from a different angle which I appreciate because it looks shippier.
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Another notable thing is that while this scene is happening, you can hear Sugimoto heavily breathing. To me it felt like the breathing sounds lasted a bit longer than I imagined when reading the manga... 
Sugimoto’s voice sounds very soft and gentle while begging for Ogata to take care of his buddy’s family.
The manga - blushy lying Ogata
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The anime - blushy lying Ogata but the blush seems to be drawn lighter? You gotta squint to see it.
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The manga
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The anime
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I don’t have an argument for these panels I just like how cute he looks while blushing.
when you imagine your arch nemesis’s last soft, gentle dying words you just can’t help but feeling flustered
The manga - Ogata leans in close to Sugimoto’s face. Sugimoto is looking directly into his eyes while trying to mutter Tome’s name. And Ogata seems to look sad.
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The anime - the scene is shown from a different angle, and Sugimoto is probably looking at the sky or something. We can’t see Ogata’s expression anymore.
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The manga - Ogata is still running on the ice floe while pretending to care about Sugimoto’s last wishes.
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The anime - Ogata and Asirpa are...standing still, looking at one another, and being all sad about their boo-boo Sugi-chan's death wishes.
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The manga - The projecting is now going off the charts.
Sugimoto grabs Ogata’s hand, holds it tightly,with Ogata also tighting the grip, tells him that he wants to go back to his hometown while also tearing up, all of this happening while they look in eachother’s eyes.
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This is peak soft fanfiction I SWEAR-
The anime - Geno wasted all of their money in this episode and they didn’t have any other left to animate this panel, so they just use the same frame as before.
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That sky must be very fascinating to look at.
The manga - Ogata being all pouty and sad that he has to bear Sugimoto’s burdens-
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The anime - He seems not as pouty but the cute eyelashes are more visible. CUTE.
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The manga - a beautiful ending for a fanfic  Ogata projects even MORE because I guess that everyone on this planet loves the same fish stew as he does.
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The anime - it’s basically the same but Sugimoto’s voice is so dramatique and sad that it just brings tears to my eyes how Ogata is so good at writing fanfics.
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(Chapter 188)
The manga - Sugimoto heard Ogata’s fanfic and was enraged because of how ooc he turned out, so he went to him and to show what sort of fanfics he’s into, he comes from behind, grabs Ogata by the hair, pulls it, and cuts his poisoned eye out.
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The anime - He comes in from the front???? catches Ogata’s head in a very gentle way, and cuts his eye out. No hairpull.
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Geno. I’m looking at you.
The manga - Sugimoto making very angry eye contact, sucking Ogata off and still pulling his hair.
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The anime - Geno doesn’t like gore so they just animated one single suck panel. Ogata is sort of moving his eye a little there. Hm.
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We also get some new frames that weren’t in the manga.
One in which he scolds Ogata for wanting to make small children kill people.
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The other still looking angrily at his bandages face.
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Ok Geno you’ll get a pass on this one.
Season 3 Episode 12 (Chapter 197)
The manga - Sugimoto tries very hard to convice everyone to save Ogata.
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The anime - it’s the same thing except the very heterosexual tension orange glowy eyes, and the more obvious and wider drawn devilish smirk.
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This is thirst depicted in one frame.
The manga - The doctor says that Ogata will most likely die and Asirpa is sad.  Sugimoto is looking at her thinking oh nooo she’s a killer now.
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The anime - Asirpa is sad but Sugimoto isn’t looking at her but towards the doctor....
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The manga - Sugimoto has white danger eyes with a tint of sadness/dissappointment in his expression.
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The anime - Sugimoto looks SO ANGRY HOW DARE YOU DIE LIKE THIS? PATHETIC OF YOU. *spits* 
He’s just as thirsty here too.
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I didn’t understand why they coloured his eyes like that. What was is supposed to mean????? He wants blood but he also wants to continue to hunt for it I guess???
This is, I think, the first time in the anime where they colour the pupils that bright.
The manga - Sugimoto is so shocked that Ogata is alive and ran away.
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The anime - they added two new frames, basically empathising how Sugimoto is slowly processing the whole event.
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God the adapted manga panel looks so funny he just goes super duper wide eyes as if no one would have predicted this outcome.............
(chapter 200)
The manga - wishing for his arch nemesis to come back to him. A very normal wish.
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The anime - it’s the same. But now with sparkly eyes like in the volume.
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And that’s it.
I think that Geno somewhat tried to promote their relationship to a certain extent by adding new scenes while trying to stay somewhat faithful to the source.
Sadly, they cut a lot of arcs. If you’d watch this series without checking out the OVA’s, you’ll definitely miss out on scenes where their bickering bond is being shown in all of its glory. They didn’t even animate the Fake Ainu arc even as of today, which has the best sugio bickering in the series.
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red-hood-redemption · 3 years
SO I know I’m like, super late to the party, but I finally got my hands on Robin 2021 and there is literally no one for me to talk to about it so now I’m just screaming my thoughts into the void ✌
First off, before i even bought the first two issues, I read through a lot of other people’s opinions on it to kinda get an idea of where it was going characterization-wise for Damian, and because of all the mixed reactions, I figured I should just read it myself and find out. Now I am the FURTHEST thing from a comic book authority, so like, this is truly just an opinion piece but if it convinces anyone to give the run a chance, then yay!!! Honestly, I’m really glad I gave it a shot because I’m genuinely hooked! I’m actually excited about this series (and it scares me lol)!!!
I'm gonna separate my thoughts into two sections: characters, and story, mainly for my own ease, but also if anyone cares more about one thing or the other it's easier to distinguish. But,  the line is a little blurry so if I end up getting a little too much into the characterization in the story section, just bear with me lmao. OH and I'm going to try and keep this as un-spoilery as possible but we'll just have to see. SOOOOOOOO
I think it goes without saying that Melnikov's art is absolutely gorgeous, and really does show how much Damian has grown up. It makes me want to sob its so beautiful, everyone is so pretty, even the guy that looks like a washed up, high as fuck Tony Stark lmao. But moving on to the actual characters,
Rose Wilson
I honestly don't know too much about Rose, I haven't read enough about her to say anything about her characterization and how it compares to her other appearances, or whether or not she is OOC, but so far, I'm enjoying her taking up the "big sis" role, like, immediately lmao.
I don't know how much I trust her yet, but I definitely get the vibe that even if she does betray Dami in any way, she's probably gonna stick her neck out for Dami again and he's probably gonna do the same.
I'm really intrigued about her motivations for being here. Obviously, Respawn has something to do with it, but I want to know what's up with that. I've seen a lot of theories and I'm so excited. Also side note, that Black Swan chick is hot, and I can't wait to see more of her in action!!!
I feel like Ravager knows a WHOLE lot more than Dami does about the interesting things going on on the island, mainly because she's been doing a lot more sitting and waiting than he has as of yet, but I'm hoping to see more of the two of them doing detective-y sleuthing together. We love a mysteryyyy
Okay but real talk, why does she look like a character straight out of Monster High
Honestly tho, I dig it. It's cute! She's cute! She isn't annoying (yet) but I don't know if I care too much about her other than she would make a cute friend for Dami.
I think the problem with DC is that they know people LOVE Harley Quinn and they try so hard to make characters just like her but it always falls short, so honestly I am a little wary of her character development in this run, but I'm willing to give her a shot since her little coffin purse on the cover of the second issue is so damn cute. I'm a slut for character design, okay?
Oh speaking of Flatline and Dami, I don't ship it and I don't want them to force a romantic relationship into Damian's "coming of age"/"soul-searching" moment okay? Because that's what this run is about, at least to me! More on that in the story section!
They're literally 13/14 years old. That's 8th-9th grade, babes lets think about that for a minute
Also let's stop the whole "lets introduce a female character just to make her a love interest!" bullshit okay?
Basically, Flatline is interesting, or at least has the potential to be, but I don't want to get my hopes up because DC is notorious for disservicing their female characters 😕
I think the mixed reaction to her is valid, I don't think she's had much time to make a solid impression yet, so I guess you'd have to read it for yourself. Personally, I don't understand why people immediately hate her, especially because she's like, 14, and what kid that age isn't annoying? like at least a little bit lmao! But, yeah. I don't trust her either but literally everyone on this island is sketchy at least and a murderer at best, so hey 🤷‍♀️
His new outfit lmaoooo at first I was like "WHaT is this child wearing? You'd think Dick would have rubbed off on him and taught him what good taste looks like" but then I saw the later outfit, with the gold patterning and those sleeeevessssss ugh and I take it all back. A Fashion Icon TM. Truly stunning. A sight to behold. So proud, look at him go 😪
I think there's a lot of different opinions on Damian's characterization in this run, and I can definitely see where its coming from, but I disagree with the notion that Damian has been done dirty and reverted to a blood-thirsty, feral child.  And I have a LOT of opinions on the whole "feral" thing regarding Damian period (but that's for another time).
I don't think of Dami's rampage as a regression for his character. He's letting of emotions right then and I think its very similar to him venting. Its just not verbal, its physical and he knows he's not going to have to grapple with the consequences of his actions on the first kill. He knows he's technically not doing anything wrong.
He is clearly upset at Bruce and his failure to protect Alfred, and while Dami and Bruce are really often described as being very similar personality-wise, they are still distinctly different individuals who came to their current moral codes in vastly different ways. Bruce came to his "no killing" rule on his own; he made that decision for himself. It wasn't taught to him, it was a moment-of-truth kind of situation. Damian, on the other hand is in a vastly different situation.
Dami is, I think, at the beginning of the climb to his own moment-of-truth. He is in his rebellious phase like Dick, where he's gone off to spread his wings. It's not his conscious intention (at least that's not the vibe I got from reading the first two issues), but its directly underlying his "mission".
Damian is growing out of the expectations of his parents and into his own person. We all know he's been thrown from one moral code to another, both drastically different from each other. I don't think its a regression for him to lose his way a little, because realistically, he's going to have to in order to find it, specifically a moral compass that he forged on his own. He's just what? 14? Like hell a kid his age wants to listen to any form of authority. He's as stubborn as it comes. Damian needs to come to his decision regarding the path he takes in life on his own. It can't be made for him. He's seen and lived both sides of the coin, and I don't think he should be forced just yet to choose a side or pave a middle ground, but I do think that he should get the opportunity to see and experience all the gray areas on his own.
I think I'll transition from characterization to story here, because let's face it, this story is about Damian dealing with his confused emotions right now, in the wake of losing Alfred, a man that kind of acted like a grounding presence, a voice of reason, or a moral compass for him (and honestly Bruce and the rest of the bat crew if we're honest).
So there's a lottttt going on in the story that is really enticing and exciting, and I'm really interested to see how it all plays out.
All the rules to the tournament are so, sketchy? Like they don't sound like they are meant to be sketchy, its basic safety and guidelines or whatever but with all the glowy green shit and the stakes of the tournament? Yeah, you can bet your ass its the "no fighting at night" and other shit is gonna be broken, and that's likely when the fun begins *insert evil laughter*😈
I was slightly put off by the whole "let me teach you to have fun" thing with Rose, because it's not like Dick, Steph, Jon, and like the Titans haven't done that with him too, but eh, not something I'm too concerned about. It's definitely just a segway to get us introduced to more characters that might become Damian's friends which will be interesting considering what Mother Soul said about fraternizing.
And that's another thing! I want Damian to make some friends! I know he already has some, but here's the thing: I think he's already been struggling with belonging, and he's definitely been feeling the disconnect between his life and other kids', whether they're supers/vigilantes or not. I think it'd be nice to see Dami have the experience of meeting people who he at first thinks are just like him!! and then realizing that maybe he doesn't really fit in here either, and that it's okay to feel like you don't belong, as isolating as it may feel at times. It just means you have a set of values. I want him to realize that its not always a bad thing, and you learn more about yourself and your own heart this way.
And from there,,, lets talk about the thing that stuck out to me the most in these two issues! GUILT!! It's mentioned SOO many times already, and I think its going to be a really fun, heartbreaking, and interesting aspect to explore about Damian. Is it guilt about his actions? Leaving behind family? Not being able to save Alfred? Not being a perfect example of Robin? He may call himself Robin but he doesn't sport the OG look or symbol like before. I love that his guilt takes on the form of Alfred though, or at least his conscious. I think it'd be really interesting to see this conscious disappear when Dami strays too far from his center, and when he finds it again, it reappears.
I really think that seeing Damian's actions in this run as a failure of character development is an unfair assessment, though. You can't do everything right in order to grow! You have to screw up, lose your way, experiment with life to find your fit, right?
Something tells me he doesn’t care for the tournament itself, but the end result, and the people behind it and more about WHY it was hidden from him. I mean he finds out the tournament TRULY begins once everyone has died once and tHEN he kill everyone? Felt to me less like a “killing spree” as everyone put it to a calculated decision to get the tournament going. He literally cuts Mother Soul off in the middle of her speaking to start fighting at the beginning
Anyway, just my thoughts lol. I do have some issues with the past two issues, and I might make a separate post about that, but honestly not enough for me to dislike Robin 2021 so far. I mean, besides the very obvious white-washing in the second issue, because DC can absolutely do better. And they should. It’s like they thought we wouldn’t notice???? But besides that, story and characterization-wise I’m looking forward to more. Here’s to hoping it stays that way, just with a better colorist!
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brynnmck · 4 years
J/B Smut Swap recs!
I come bearing @jb-smut-swap recs! Presented mostly in posting order because that’s mostly how I read them, though first, my wonderful gift fic:
Jaime’s Game by @catherineflowers29 - SOFTEST BONDAGE EVER. I have told multiple people that reading this story felt like getting a warm hug, but with ropes. And a crucial part of the softness is the vulnerability between them, the way they’re so clearly building their trust in each other, taking care of each other, and there’s just a little bit of adorable awkwardness too as they negotiate this new thing together. It made my heart so glowy and happy. Cathy, thank you so much for volunteering to pick this up and delivering something so well-suited to my requests; I could feel the care you took with this and I appreciate it so much! <333
More recs below the cut ‘cause this got long (as did Jaime, HEYOOO); if I missed anyone’s Tumblr handle, please let me know!
Binary Explosive by @sdwolfpup - Okay this isn’t in posting order but I DID read this first and also it’s my blog and I make the rules. Am I biased about this fic because it’s SDW and because it was inspired by one of my favorite due South episodes? Yes. Does that make this fic any less amazing? IT DOES NOT. This is battle couple/mutual competence kink/danger kink at its finest, crackling with banter and absolutely dripping with (literally potentially lethal) sexual tension, all wrapped up in an entirely swoonworthy established relationship. The cocktail of soft and horny here is thoroughly intoxicating, and it’s so much FUN, with just the right hint of crack, and the ending makes me kick my feet in glee every time I read it (which has been, of my own volition, SEVERAL TIMES). LOVE.
Thrust Exercises by @nire-the-mithridatist - STRIP SPARRING. We’ve all said it but also oh my god STRIP SPARRING. WHAT A GENIUS THOUGHT. This is a fabulous combination of fun and sexy, and they’re so FOND in it, too--nire hits such a beautiful note of playful competitiveness and also a little shyness/awkwardness and a LOT of heat and, has been very correctly noted, a VERY wonderfully slutty Jaime. (Jaime’s premeditation regarding their wedding night is both very horny and very sweet/thoughtful, and thus very Jaime, and also his line about how he quite likes her loud face is right up there with my favorite love confessions, as well as being a thing that Jaime and I very much have in common. AGH SO GOOD.)
Second Chances by @firesign23 - I love me some JAB and the setup of this is so delicious, that Brienne is given a second chance at an opportunity she once turned down. This is another one where all three of them just LIKE each other so much--the J/B is so solid and lived-in and warm, and the history between Jaime and Addam is delicious, and the Brienne/Addam has that little thrill of newness and “oh my god we actually get to do this” (there is a kitchen kiss that is GOOD TIMES for me). So much trust and love here, it’s lovely.
crosslines, the scratches and stains by QuixoticChloe - One of two sex bruises fics in the swap, and SCORCHING hot. This whole thing has such a teasing vibe to it, and a sense of dirty discovery within an established relationship, and the whole “we’ve got a sexy secret and we’re gonna torture each other with it as much as possible” aspect was A LOT. Damn.
Diplomatic Relations by @eryiscrye - In which Jaime and Brienne get married and proceed to scandalize/delight/horrify the entire continent with their loud married sex. IT’S GREAT. It’s Eryi’s so you know it’s gonna be super hot, and she really touched on so many of the greatest hits here: cave sex, armory sex, water sex, quiet sex, alcove sex, SO MANY GOOD CHOICES and so much sweetness to go with them, too. And the other characters’ pained/pleased observations were hysterical. SO much fun.
Apart, Together, Together Apart by greenmtwoman - Oof, this one made my chest ache in the best way. It’s so soft and romantic and LONGING and full of equal parts Brienne and Jaime’s devotion to each other and devotion to their respective duties, which feels incredibly true to them. The way this story builds and releases and then slowly builds tension again is lovely, and it’s bittersweet, but very full of hope for their future.
left your fingerprints all over me by @writergirl2011 - Friends-with-benefits-to-dating, yessssss. The banter in this was adorable, and the connection between them was so palpable, and it was delightful to watch them finally acknowledge their feelings. 
Good Long Line of Praises by @aliveanddrunkonsunlight - In which Brienne discovers that Jaime has a praise kink and we ALL get to benefit. Actually the praise goes both ways here, and the result is lovely--they take each other apart at the same time they’re holding each other very closely, and it’s a wonderful mix of sweet and sexy. Another established relationship fic that included so much joy of discovery built over a strong foundation.
Nights Avoiding Things Unholy by @forbiddenfantasies1 - I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of this one and when I tell you that it has been living rent-free in my mind ever since... this is LUDICROUSLY, brain-cell-incineratingly hot, with so many delicious horny details, but also with FF’s trademark gigantic heart behind it (I feel like heart + hornt is basically FF’s brand and I love this for all of us). Again, you get such a strong sense that these two LIKE each other so much, even when they’re a little resentful and a lot scared about it, and the filth is so full of genuine affection that it makes it all the more devastating. I literally read this and was like “shit, I gotta up my game” regarding my own draft, lol. SO GOOD.
Light My Fire by @wildlingoftarth - While I fully respect and celebrate the union suit kink, I don’t have strong feelings about it, myself, but this fic made me a convert. The painstakingly sexy descriptions here were SO MUCH, and I’m also such a huge sucker for the slightly chaotic camp counselors vibe of this, that sort of euphoria and recklessness that overtakes you when something time-bound is about to end. The banter was adorable, there were so many moments that made me giggle, and of course it was hot as hell too and I’m very glad that these two dorks FINALLY figured it out.
Clothes (un)Make the Man by @aviss - CLOTHES-SWAPPING YESSSSS. I am such a sucker for that and Aviss delivered on it beautifully; seeing the progression of their relationship was so delightful and the feelings built so well throughout, and there were a couple of lines that made me laugh out loud, and, again, both the tension and the smut were super hot. LOVELY.
I’ll never let you go (if you promise not to fade away) by LadyRhiyana - This fic is going to HAUNT ME in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY. For one thing, I have checked the word count MULTIPLE times to make sure it’s not ten times as long because the world here is so vivid and so affecting that it’s like some sort of magic. I adore the setting here, and Cersei’s POV is spectacular--she’s all sharp edges and frustrated longing for the things she thinks she can’t have and I felt for her SO MUCH. Both she and Jaime are just incredibly, helplessly horny for (HOT MECHANIC) Brienne, and I loved the way that LadyRhiyana made it so clear that having Brienne there shifts the balance for Jaime and Cersei just enough that all their spikes can slide together a little better instead of just eviscerating each other all the time--and yet this happens without ever making it feel like Brienne is just a conduit or a means to an end for them; all three sides of the triad feel thoroughly distinct and important (including a very deft hand with the Jaime/Cersei aspect). It’s also EXTREMELY hot, and the Jaime/Brienne aspect has so much softness to it, and Brienne is so forthright and so kind and so curious, and AGH. I loved this.
a grip so tight I couldn’t tear it apart by @janiedean - The other sex bruises fic, and this one ended up (coincidentally, I assume) being a perfect bookend to the other one--if the modern AU is all about sexy secrets, this canon-based one is all about Jaime and Brienne’s pride in each other and joy in not having to hide their relationship, gleefully declaring their love and desire for each other for everyone to see. I was so happy for them!
with those who know secret things by @sdwolfpup - This has been recced widely and DESERVEDLY SO. The amount of CARE in this fic is overwhelming, and it’s full of all of these subtle details that suddenly come into sharp focus at just the right moment to really devastate you, and by you, I mean me. The prose itself is also gorgeous--the description of Brienne in her ad came directly for my throat (as well as some other places)--and it’s beautiful to watch these two surprise and delight and take care of each other. They’re both so GOOD and Jaime is so soft and vulnerable and Brienne is so kind and incisive and THEY LIKE EACH OTHER AND WANT EACH OTHER SO MUCH I CAN’T. The whole thing is lustrous and wonderful and I adored it. 
Today Will Die Tomorrow by HNJ - This fic also DESTROYED me. The way the time shifts are handled so that we slowly put the pieces of the night together and feel the full impact of each moment, the understated delicacy and very obvious love with which both Jaime and Brienne are handled, the multiple lines that made me catch my breath with how TRUE they were, the way their love for each other uncurls and opens up to the light over the course of the story... it’s really gorgeous and just burrowed right into my heart. I also loved that this was a canon-based first time that focused more on Brienne not knowing what to do emotionally than not knowing what to do physically; I’ve read and enjoyed the latter a bunch of times but the former felt really fresh and fascinating; it was an excellent take. 
Hush by @kiraziwrites - I have a thing for quiet sex anyway, and like everyone else, I will be suing kirazi for the fact that this fic left my brain a smoldering wreckage with nary a coherent thought left for the comment box. The sex in this is so deliciously varied and dirty and every bit of it feels somehow decadent and completely necessary at the same time, and watching their relationship build as they try each new thing is wonderful, and there are so many images in this that have burned themselves into the empty space where my brain used to be and taken up permanent residence. I could list MANY, but a sampling: the glacier comparison, and Brienne’s teeth-marks in Jaime’s jacket, and also Brienne DROPPING A CONDOM IN JAIME’S POCKET AND PROPOSITIONING HIM ARE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO END MY LIFE, KIRAZI. It’s also so funny and so fond and the fact that it’s literally exactly 5K is such a flex, I can’t even. Gah. TOO MUCH.
we used to wait by @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined - I was reading things in update order and I kept thinking that I hadn’t read one yet that I could clock as jencat’s, and then kirazi was flailing about this fic and how beautiful the prose was and how strong a sense of place it had and I was like aha without even having read it yet. And this fic is indeed those things, as well as being sexy as fuck; Jen just drags the tension out and out in this very deliberate-yet-spare-yet-somehow-also-lush way until you want to claw your face off (and then she makes it totally worth the wait, too). Their relationship had some wonderful details, too, to show how well-matched they are--Jaime increasing the speed on his treadmill to match Brienne’s, rather than to exceed it, wasn’t what I was expecting and worked fabulously in this context--and the image of Jaime leaning against the wall at a crucial moment was SO MUCH. Whew. Just lovely.
The Waters and the Wild by LadyRhiyana - The last entry in the swap but by no means the least! This was another one where I couldn’t believe how much happened in such a short space; the descriptions were so vivid and cinematic, I could see the whole landscape unfold in my head, and it included some high-quality competence kink, too. We get just enough backstory to be fully invested in this version of Jaime and Brienne, including their delightful hidden-identity initial meeting, and the tension and affection and trust and frustration between them just simmers and simmers until it inevitably boils over and it’s incredibly satisfying. I also thoroughly adored the ending--including Brienne being as indignant as Jaime at [redacted]--and I would buy this movie so fast if it actually existed. 
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
Wandavision Ep 7 Spoilers
Spoilers below
Good morning. There's a guy power washing the sidewalks at 12:30 a.m., and the drone from the generator is drilling into my brain. So I will watch WandaVision instead of doing something I might regret.
Previously on: Wanda was getting sick of Pietro's shit. Vision knows/thinks his wife is behind all the creepy shenanigans, and he tried to escape the Hex, only to fly to pieces in the real world. I can relate.
Outside, Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy were banished from the SWORD circus by Acting Director Dick, because of course. They snuck back in, also because of course. Darcy hacked AD Dick's files and found out he's Up to Something. Then she ran to try and help Vision and got herself arrested and handcuffed to a jeep. Which is where the brave SWORD agents left her when they ran away as Wanda, attempting to save Vision, expanded the Hex, swallowing Darcy and the SWORD compound, turning it all into a sitcom circus. Well deserved. Well, not Darcy, but anyway.
AD Dick escaped. Unfortunately. But, so did Jimmy and Monica who were off to her mystery aerospace engineer friend to find a way into the Hex.
Also, Tommy and Billy have powers.  
The episode 7 summary is a delight: "Two super-powered beings living ideal suburban lives suspect that everything is not as it seems." You don't say, Disney+.
Wanda wakes, regrets everything, and hides under the covers.  Understandable. Cut away to her addressing the camera The Office style "Look, we've all been there. Letting our fear and anger get the best of us; intentionally expanding the boarders of the false world we created". (cut to screaming running SWORD minions lol).
The boys come to get her, their game is freaking out. The video game controllers can't decide what decade they're in and are glitching it up.
Billy says his head feels weird and noisy. Wanda isn't terribly responsive. Mommy needs some her time.
"As punishment for my reckless evening, I plan on taking a quarantine-style staycation. A whole day. Just to myself. That'll show me." lol
Wanda eventually rouses herself, goes downstairs in her robe and sweats, ignores the boys fighting over a video game controller, and goes for the sugariest cereal. The milk container keeps glitching, she tries very very hard to ignore that.
Interesting Office-style opening credits, where it's just her name on everything. Vision is only added at the end, with the tag "Created by Wanda Maximoff".
Out in the real world, what is the point of SWORD? Like how do they have jurisdiction? Where is SHIELD. Director Mack, wtf, dude?
Anyway, now that part of their camp has been swallowed by the hex, they're further out, staring at the angry glowing force-field. AD Dick is a dick. He wants to know what's happening with the broadcast. His little minion says the signal's gone. Ominously he says "we launch today". Mmmm, what delightfully heavy-handed dipshittery will we have to endure?
Back inside. Vision wakes in the field at the edge of town that is now a circus. And lots and lots of clowns. He gets yelled at by a strongman who seems to think Vision is the new clown and tells him he's late for rehearsal with the escape artist. Who is Darcy. lol
"I put in for the bearded lady. But this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone."
Darcy is chained to a ye olde fire engine or tractor or something. Vision walks up to her making a weird face and kind of waving his hand back and forth between them.
"You don't remember me from last night? We locked eyes, there was an unspoken understanding." Darcy tells him "um, hard pass." lol She busts out of her chains and walks away, Vision chases after.
Back at home, Wanda wants to know if the boys have seen dad, they haven't, but Billy wants to know about that whole thing Uncle Pietro said about dad being dead again. Wanda says Pietro is not their uncle. The boys don't understand, and Wanda has a little rambling breakdown about how she has no answers and maybe there's no meaning to anything ha ha don't worry boys mommy's just having a little depression.
Agnes knocks and then, you know, strolls in, when Wanda magics the door open.
"Hi Agnes. I'd get up but I just don't, ahahahah, want to." If I was Billy or Tommy I'd mount a search for dad. Stat.
Agnes: "I think I got there in the nick of time, 'cause she was one split-end away from cutting her own bangs."
(It's 1 a.m. and I swear to God, that man is still power-washing the sidewalks.)
Agnes suggests the boys go with her and give mommy that 'me time' she so desperately needs. The boys are reluctant but Wanda is ecstatic.
Once alone with her certainly soggy cereal, Wanda settles back to watch crappy daytime TV. But, damn it, the furniture is glitching through the eras.
"I'm fine! I'm fine hahahah. *sigh* I'm fine. i'm fine. … I'm fine."
In the real world. Jimmy and Monica are still on the move. The file on project whatever it was from last episode (Cataract), that Darcy forwarded to Jimmy's email, has finally found its way to him. It's R&D reports.
Oh, that asshole, AD Dick was trying to bring Vision back online. Monica puts the pieces together "Heyward wants his sentient weapon back."
Jimmy says somebody has to tell Wanda.
Good thing they arrive at the other side of the Hex, I guess? Where Monica has another team waiting. An Agent Goodner. They brought her like some sort of big Mars rover thingy.
Vision is still trying to talk to Darcy. "You tried to help me." "Doubtful. I'm notoriously self-involved."
lol, some amusing back and forth. Darcy is an f'ing delight and I don't just say that because I am obviously hideously biased.
Vision distracts her with a mime and takes the opportunity to do his brain mojo on her, waking her up. "Part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on this show, but seriously that sucked."
"Dr. Lewis. I have questions." "I have answers."
And then they steal the funnel cake truck.
"Dr. Lewis, my questions. Are my children safe?" "That I don't know." "And who was that Pietro?" "Beats me."
Wanda is still working on her bowl of cereal. Give it up, sister. The house redecorates itself around her.
Uh-oh, in her talking head segment, about how she doesn't understand whats going on, the person behind the camera speaks, and asks if maybe it's what she deserves. "You're not supposed to talk."
Commercial time. For a depression medication. "Nexus, a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality. Or the reality of your choice."
Back in Westview. The boys are hanging at Agnes's. Billy has a rabbit. As happens at your crazy neighbor's house. But, he says he likes it there, because it's quiet. "You're quiet, Agnes. On the inside." J'ACCUSE, AGNES!  
Back at Monica's backup camp, she's getting suited up in her SWORD astronaut suit. Jimmy's sad because Darcy's missing the fun. But, Monica will rescue her. SWORD is worse than SHIELD for slapping their name all over everything.
Monica and the little rover zoom off to the hex. Should she really go that fast? Maybe this is something to take cautiously? Oh, and look, she hit it hard and she's stuck. The Hex doesn't want to let her in, but she keeps trying. And now the Hex is eating into the rover — sorry, *re-writing* it. Well that was a dumb plan. Sorry guys, but come on.
Monica escapes, but the hex eats the rover and then spits it out, the front half transformed into a truck. Monica is shocked, Jimmy calls for a medic, and as they run forward, Jimmy, who has known Monica for like two days, recognizes she's got 'I'm a heroic dummy' face on and he's all "noooooo!". She runs for the hex and pushes her way in.
This is a really long sequence of her going through the hex. Like … too long. Sorry, but it is. There's a whole thing where she's hearing voices from moments in her life, and she hears Carol tell her how she's a tough kid, and now Monica is Filled With Resolve and breaks through the Hex, still in her Astronaut outfit, so like she resisted the sitcom wardrobe department.
I enjoy this show, but there are moments of hokeyness that I find very trying.
The hex rewrites you at a basic level as you pass through it. So, third time through and Monica's eyes are glowy blue and she can, like, see electrical currents, or electromagnetic fields (it looks like). Trippy. She can see power along the power lines, fields around streetlights. Closing her eyes and shaking her head makes it all go away. Of course.
Meanwhile, Darcy and Vision are on their slow-speed getaway in the Funnel Cake truck. She's trying to catch him up on what's happened since he's been dead. They keep hitting red lights and obstacles. Vision thinks Wanda's doing it to keep him from getting home. "I'm not amused," he tells the camera with a very not amused face on. lol
Vision is trying to understand what he is now. It's not going well. "My corporeal form was born from Ultron's plan for global genocide?" "Correct-o." Darcy might not be the best person to be explaining this to him.
"What am I now?" Poor Vision.
Darcy takes a deep breath. In fairness, she looks like maybe she'd rather not be the one doing the explaining, either. "Honestly, I'm a STEM type of lady, so I thought she just flipped a switch on your head and brought you back to life. What I don't get is why you can't leave the hex."
Vision is having an existential crisis. But, Darcy assures him that based on her week-long experience as a fan of WandaVision, he and Wanda do really love each other. So, there's that. "You belong together," says the shameless shipper.
Meanwhile, Monica has arrived at the Maximoff residence and busts into the house, breathlessly trying to tell Wanda it's all Heyward being a dick, but Wanda's stunned by the sudden entry and then too pissed to really listen. "The drones, the missiles, Pietro." "No, Pietro wasn't us." "All you do is lie." She's tossing Monica around with her powers.
Monica, friend, buddy, pal, was that really your plan? To barge right in and just … what? Talk fast and hope she didn't yeet your ass again? Okay, she didn't have a lot of time, I get that, but surely she could have come up with something. Like, she should have found Darcy and Vision first, and then the three of them could approach Wanda. But, no. Jimmy Woo would have a plan, Monica.
Well, fortunately for Monica she's been rewritten into Electricity Lass. She hits the ground with a staticky crackle and her eyes glow blue again. Wanda's all "bu-whu?"
"The only lies I've told are the ones you put in my mouth," Monica says all angry like. Mmmkay, I thought you were trying to help? Wanda does not care for this response. Because, no offense Monica, but the last time she heard your voice, she had a missile launched at her head.
Monica challenges her. "Do it then, take me out." Not an approach I’d go for, but it seems to work, and Wanda hesitates and Monica tries to warn her again, that unlike Wanda who isn’t actually violent and evil, Heyward will burn down Westview to get what he wants. "Don't let him make you the villain."
"Maybe I already am."
Next door, Agnes is looking out the window, watching them, with a considering look on her face. BECAUSE SHE IS IN ON WHATEVER THIS IS.
Monica is still trying to talk down Wanda. Agnes interrupts. Creepily. And shepherds Wanda away.
Vision and Darcy are thwarted in their journey again. "Oh come on! Kids? What's next? Puppies?"
Vision takes the faster way and intangibles himself out of the van and flies off, leaving Darcy at the endless intersection. "Go on! I'll just meet you there then?"
Back at Agnes's shack of creepy ladies who are freaking up to something. Where are the boys? Oh, Wanda notices the half-eaten PB&Js and the nightmarish kids' show on the telly. Behind her the bunny is in its cage. No sign of the boys. Agnes says they're probably playing in the basement.
Wanda wanders off to find them. But, there are no boys, only horror show creepiness. The basement turns into some weird sort of domed cavern with arches all around and in the middle a weird glowing rectangle.
Agnes comes up behind her. "You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?" I was wise to you, Agnes. Which, given she was a featured co-star, was probably no great insight on my part. BUT STILL!
"The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear." OH! LOLOLOL! OH, I didn't see that one coming. Wow, you got me, show. It never occurred to me for a second that it was Agatha Harkness.
And now a fantastic montage of Agatha doing tricksy things as Agnes through the series, with the best theme song ever "Who's been messing up everything? It's been Agatha, all along! Who's been pulling every evil string? It's been Agatha, all along. She's insidious. HA HA! So perfidious." Oh man, this is great. "And I killed Sparky, too."
LOL. Great ending.
Hey, an unexpected mid-credits scene of Monica trying to get into the house. Maybe Agnes's? Oh, yeah, she finds a storm cellar and opens the doors, to see a stone stairway with vines or roots growing all around it and zippy electrical sparks and such. Pietro appears behind her. "Snoopers gonna snoop."
Well then.
I KNEW IT! I didn't know what I knew, but I knew I knew a thing!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
So I’m sure you’re ALL on tenterhooks to find out what I thought of episode 36... the answer is.... LOVED IT!!!! No I really did. If you like Taishiro friendship, this is an essential episode to watch. Doesn’t blow me out of the water, but still just good.
Although Taichi has a big something to do as usual, it’s still very much a Koushirou episode. FREAKING YAY. I have a dozen thoughts about it, and what bugs me the most, of course, is how we needed this episode AGES ago ugh. But we’ve now had two or three episodes in a row that have actually felt like Digimon Adventure, so perhaps all that finger-crossing is working?
They could unravel all that good work in a minute by never addressing it again... or not letting Koushirou show his personality unless it’s his “turn” for an episode from here on... but you know, I will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Pic of the day:
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“I don’t like people. But they are occasionally useful.” - 2020 Izumi Koushirou’s life lesson, lmao
*The red strip at the top is about the big earthquake that hit Eastern Japan yesterday. It’s annoying to have it there for the entire episode - usually they only stick around for a couple minutes - but this WAS a large earthquake. It caused many people to lose power. So making sure everyone knows what’s going takes precedence over Sunday morning cartoons. (I’m in Osaka and didn’t even feel it, but my friends in Tokyo prefecture very much did.)
Lots and LOTS of ranting from a rabid Taishiro fan under the cut!
(also I didn’t check for typos so. yeah)
The episode starts right off by assuring us this is a Koushirou episode. We get the trademark Izumi Koushirou floating in the void of space sequence, which is excellent and very encouraging framing.
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Koushirou Kenobi: “Use the force, Taichi.”
Taichi: “Use it yourself.”
(the episode in a nutshell)
The initial thing that bugged me - okay, so the kids got separated for the umpteenth time many episodes ago, and since then we’ve stuck to Taichi like barnacles. The only glimpses we’d get of the other kids showed: Yamato running towards something, Koushirou flying towards something while researching the satellite malfunction, Jou in the hot springs, and Mimi at the crystal caves. For Jou and Mimi, I don’t care, because they never tried to move, but Yamato and Koushirou were constantly moving. Yet, in the end, it’s Taichi’s group that catches up with Koushirou, rather than the other way around. It DOES make sense - it seems like Koushirou told them to “meet at the giant gold pillar” because that’s where they needed to be to save the world, so it became the rendezvous point. But it just bugs me because, once again, all the activity is on Taichi’s side. But that’s a minor quibble. The end result is still THIS:
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More of the team is together!!! Taichi and Koushirou are together!!! Yaaayy!!!
... the betting pool for how long it will be till the next separation is now open >.>
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Poor Komodomon’s long mop dog fur is so dirty. “Fizz his fur always looks like that.” He’s tracking mud everywhere. “Fizz look at his ears his fur is supposed to look that way.” Next episode - everyone gives Komondomon a bath.
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So the start of this episode is just a bunch of talking about how dire things are with the satellite situation. I’m not gonna bother translating. Watch the sub when it’s out if you really want to know :P The important thing is, the gold pillar is directly causing the malfunction, no one on Earth can stop the satellite from plummeting to Tokyo, the city is being evacuated, and there are only 20 minutes till impact.
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Koushirou has an elaborate plan which Sora adorably sums up as “So, we’re gonna shoot it out of the sky *makes punching motion*”
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The crux of Koushirou’s plan hinges on a repeat of how Omegamon saved Tokyo from the missile way back in like, episode 2 or 3. Taichi says, “Yeah, but I barely remember how we did that.” Which is hilarious because I don’t remember either because it was 30 EPISODES AGO. Once again this episode feels like it was meant to happen WAY EARLIER THAN IT DID. It’s just weird to be referencing something that happened 30 episodes ago after everything else that’s happened, AND on top of that, there are many references in this episode and none from later than like, episode 10 or 12. Making this all seem very oddly timed.
I’m not quite sure if, within the story itself, it matters that Taichi “doesn’t remember well.” He also doesn’t remember the Devimon battle where he and Agumon were infected with dark energy. That one makes sense for him not to remember. If that hadn’t happened, I would just take his “I don’t remember how we stopped the missile” to just mean it was so long ago. But together, it’s making me wonder if something else is going on.
Or maybe Taichi’s just been hit on the head one too many times (okay, that seems the most likely of all, haha)
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People of Tokyo: Is it Godzilla again? I heard he’s itching to fight King Kong. You know, given how often our city is attacked by kaiju, some might wonder why we haven’t moved away by now. But home is home, ya know?
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The group sets up to fly to the peak of the gold pillar. Obviously, without Yamato, there’s no Omegamon. No one points this out, but Koushirou seems very stressed with his plan, and it seems that he contacted Taichi in the first place because he thought “Taichi’s the one who can pull this off.”
After hearing the plan, Taichi shoots him through the heart with another “Koushirou, you’re so awesome!” and YAY I MISSED THIS SO MUCH!!!!!! *sobs*
Then he does his best to reassure Koushirou by remaining positive and determined that they can and will do this no matter how much Koushirou waves. The majority of the episode is them flying up the pillar while being assaulted by enemies trying to stop them, so it’s not like they get to talk about their feelings (lol). But at least we get a bunch of close ups of Koushirou’s and Taichi’s expressions, and that’s how we see this dynamic in play. Yes, Koushirou is the brainy one who made the plan, but he doesn’t have the confidence to take the lead, so he handed the reins to Taichi. As for Taichi - yes he has the confidence, yes he can do it... but he also has absolute faith in Koushirou. So that’s why this episode makes my little Koushirou fanatic heart skip a beat.
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First of the enemies is this guy, aptly named BladeKuwagamon.
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They’re actually pretty scary! They do real damage. (Blood in Digimon word is glowy unicorn-like stuff haha). Birdramon gets stabbed, but before Sora can get too upset, she just yanks the blade out of her chest...
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... and then crushes it into dust with her beak.
Sora: Holy crap, my partner is metal AF.
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Forgot to mention earlier but 5 whole minutes of the 20 minute countdown are used up just by digivolving apparently xD Taichi keeps asking Koushirou “how much time is left” and Koushirou’s panic grows more visible with each passing second...
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MetaLiffeKuwagemon looks cooler than he is. Supposedly he’s there to bring out the big guns, but to be honest...
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... the BladeKuwagamon don’t seem to need the help :P The enemy’s strategy is obvious: isolate each member of the team to prevent anyone from getting to the top. This is why Koushirou’s so stressed: he’s got a plan that is totally reliant on there being a leader strong enough to pull it off AND there being enough backup to protect that leader from the large number of enemies. And Koushirou doesn’t like these odds.
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Garudamon gets stabbed AGAIN
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Sora: Go on, we’ll be fine.
Taichi: Are you sure??
I MEAN HONESTLY! Garudamon is not only my favorite of Piyomon’s evolutions, it’s pretty much my favorite Adventure evolution. Always has been since I was 11 years old. And she (and Sora) NEVER get that credit. Like. Growing up, with US dub Adventure, I interpreted Sora as more of a straight up tomboy than she is in the original. That’s okay, that’s whatever, but what was most important to me was that I saw her as the third “strong” member along with Taichi and Yamato. Those two were clearly in a class above her, but I saw her as being in the same “Taiorato” league. Garudamon seemed to prove that: she was so cool, so powerful, and... yeah, I just always thought she had so much potential to be awesome and never got why it wasn’t used. That’s also why I was disappointed in Tri - like, I liked Soushitsu, but I just wanted more from Sora’s arc. Same thing in Kizuna: I understand Sora’s arc, I don’t hate it or anything - I think it makes sense for her. But since I wanted something different for her all those years ago, it just left me feeling a bit flat.
but enough about other Digimon series :P Garudamon gets to be super cool here and I only hope we get to see more of it in this reboot. I’ll forgive it some of its other mistakes if we do :D
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With Takeru/Hikari and Sora isolated by the BladeKuwagamon, it’s up to Taichi and Koushirou alone to race against the clock! Their teeth are clenched, sweat runs in rivulets down their skin, their hearts are pounding in desperation...
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Koushirou: Taichi-san! If we don’t get to the top soon it’ll be too late!
Taichi: Just don’t call me late for dinner!
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MetaLiffeKuwagamon makes life that much harder by knocking them against the pillar. However, this is a pillar of data, which enabled the BladeKuwagamon to evolve into MetaLiffeKuwagamon in the first place. Bugs aren’t that bright.
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Taichi and MetalGreymon are nearly submerged inside the pillar as a result, and then we get this sequence of red and black. The pillar had been emitting dark lightning, so I started to think... omg... is MetalGreymon gonna get a Dark Evolution???????
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.... Nah. That would have made sense, but.... nah :P
Overall I’m glad though, because that would really have turned this into a Taichi episode instead of a Koushirou one.
I’m not personally certain what the point of bringing BlitzGreymon out was. I had figured he would be like, a super fast evolution that would enable them to make it to the top. That would also have turned this into a Taichi episode. But...
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... Taichi tells Koushirou that he will have to go divert the satellite because Taichi has to deal with MetaLiffeKuwagamon.
I was both really pleased and really surprised. Because, again, now what’s the point of BlitzGreymon...? Why did we need a new Agumon evolution? There’s no particular reason why they couldn’t have just isolated Taichi with the enemy the same way the others were and had him tell Koushirou to keep going on his own then. They did do that, but first they gave him a new evolution. Why? Just because it’s cool?? I assume that must be the reason but we don’t even see BlitzGreymon fight xD It’s... it’s weird. But whatever.
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Taichi: Go, Koushirou!!!!! You can do it!!!!!
Fiz: *dies a thousand brilliant deaths*
So, Koushirou tells Taichi that he can’t do it - he can support Taichi, but he can’t take the lead. Taichi’s just like that’s wack, dude, of course you can do it. What I LOVE about Taichi and Koushirou’s dynamic is just that: Taichi never sees Koushirou as a weakling. The fact that he’s small, or that he’s brains over brawn, or even that he’s kinda antisocial - those are all reasons an energetic, extroverted kid like Taichi might bully, or at least think poorly, of Koushirou.
But Taichi values Koushirou. He knows how hard he works and is impressed both by that hard work and his talent. What’s more, he doesn’t see Koushirou’s brains as his support system. The whole time Koushirou’s thinking he’s there to support Taichi with his plan, Taichi was thinking, “I’m here to support Koushirou’s plan.” That is SO, SO important. And that’s why I LOVE this episode. The one thing the reboot seemed to really understand, that hooked me from the start, was the way it just GOT Taichi and Koushirou. They each support and follow each other, while each feeling like the other is better than them. Ugh I could like, cry over Taishiro now... omg....
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Taichi is successful in pushing Koushirou to go on, but of course Koushirou himself is still plagued with doubts. He reflects on how he’s always been fine being alone. He hasn’t particularly wanted friends and didn’t mind not having them, even though adults worried.
(Side note: this is a normal, if kinda rare, personality trait. I have it too. I always score Koushirou on “what Digimon character are you?” tests too lmao. Just like some people feel the need to be surrounded by others at all times, there are those whose social needs are very very low. I’m one of them. There’s nothing wrong with it except that even those people can get lonely and it’s easy to misunderstand them as shy or snobby. So what I love about Koushirou is, yes he learns to value his relationships more, but also learns to value himself. He is Koushirou: a brainy kid who’s happy on his own, but also happy with friends. While some people, like Mimi, struggle with that aspect of his personality, others, like Taichi, just accept it. To me that’s the best life lesson there is: there are always people who can and will be friends with you. Yes, I’ve lost friends because I just wasn’t social enough for them. But I have other friends who I’ve known for literal decades now. And I REALLY love those friends.)
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Koushirou feels grateful that he has AlturKabuterimon, and also that he has Taichi. So... here he is, reflecting on the last time he had meaningful interaction with that great friend Taichi... back in episode three. -____________-
Seriously, this would mean a lot more if this dynamic had been built on continually until this episode...
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Koushirou then briefly reflects on each of the other Chosen. Notably, every single solo image of them is from an episode that Koushirou either wasn’t in or wasn’t with them at the moment. Then we get this group image. It’s from EPISODE 12. (I’m actually not sure of the episode number but the point is, it’s from A LONG LONG TIME AGO. I think it’s the swamp episode??) That drives me NUTS. We shouldn’t have to reach soooo far back to find meaningful moments!!! Urk.
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Koushirou makes it to the peak of the pillar and AlturKabuterimon attacks the satellite to drive it off course. We see the impression of what looks to be HerculesKabuterimon and I really thought we’d get an evolution - it seemed way more appropriate than freaking BlitzGreymon - but nope.
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Oh well. Koushirou still saves the day. The people at home get to see the Crest of Knowledge take over their screens, hopefully giving rise to the idea that a nerd superhero is protecting them. Koushirou is the hero we deserve.
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The satellite falls into the water. I was like, shouldn’t that cause a tsunami lol?
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... be careful what you wish for >_>;
fortunately people were evacuated soooo things will be okay.
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He did it!! He’s so happy! AlturKabuterimon’s triumphant holler is adorable.
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Taichi and BlitzGreymon fought hard OFF SCREEN!! OFF SCREEN!! HIP HIP HOORAY! And then we get to see him leaning on Sora T_T could this episode give me any more perfect moments?? Looooove it
So yeah, if you can’t tell, I’m thrilled with this episode. There are just a couple things I would have liked to improve: better animation, at least one palpable heart to heart between Taichi and Koushirou, or just a bit more time spent explictly in Koushirou’s head - but honestly we got something that is pretty darn good, especially for this reboot. I hope we do get more like this, both for Koushirou and for the others. I hope the growth here isn’t forgotten moving forward. I really, REALLY want to see more of that “I lead, you support me - you lead, I support you” mutually beneficial relationship that is the foundation of Taishiro <3
So next week! Mimi’s back and the heads are gonna roll!
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My theory that she’s finding crystals to make Crests seems unlikely to be the case now that we know the rocks constract the rock Digimon. But... hey, we’ll find out next week.
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Also Taichi’s gonna make this face after talking with Mimi bahahahaha. I can’t wait.
19 notes · View notes
hotxhocolate · 4 years
Episode 1
Douxie is precious. I'd give my life for him love him.
Archie the little shit. I love him.
Jim u unfotunate bb
Merlin ur so useless sometimes i h8 u
Episode 2
Arthur u suck
... douxie that was yourself
douxie u suck at blending in but i still love u
oh God steve why
u fucking look alike ofc u'd say that
drunk steve :')))
rapper steve :')))
Merlin during that part when the trolls escape Camelot lol same
trollhunter squad -1 being saved by their enemies lol
Episode 3
I do not like glowy eyes jim
morgana gwen gay
i wanted u two (morgana and claire) to be friends :'(((
Episode 4
no nimue theory is true (or maybe there's a true theory out there but the ones i have read aren't)
IT'S THE THINGY!!! (and by thingy i'm referring to that netflix screensaver?/sneakpeek?/thingy)
Douxie freeing Nimue and receiving excalibur
Ur an amazing person Douxie and i love u
Jim & Morgana parallel???
history's going alright in my pov
Episode 5
>:((( merlin listen to them
steve and food hihi (same)
oh God steve
steve calling for eli :'(((
creepslayerz :'))) i miss eli
past douxie u dork i love u
Episode 6
Jim & Claire reunion 😍
draal i missed u :'(((
where's kanjigar?
decimaar blade >:(((
coach steve HIHIHI i love him
Jim and Claire date hihi they're so soft my bbs
jim... claire's always been an awesome wizard
pre-trollhunters draal >:(((
Episode 7
gosh merlin u useless shit douxie's doing all the hard work
don't worry doux i think it's amazing
(disappointed she didn't get to say it so i'll say it for her) DON'T THINK !!! BECOME !!!
where's steve? where dafuq is steve? did ya'll leave him? HOY DON'T LEAVE HIM
oh jk he's there
hihi past douxie hihi
Episode 8
her name's zoe !!!
soooooo who exactly is zoe
"we're closed to privileged arthurian toolbags" ok i love zoe
wizard underground hihi
but gdi merlin
so ... who is pretending to be nari
is it archie???
yep! it is archie
gdi merlin we're not leaving without claire and jim
fucking shit morgana i want u in team good stop being team bad
i h8 merlin but shit bro why'd u kill him huhu
"i'll try to make u proud" "you already have" :'((( no i'm not crying u r
SON???!!! HAHA(?) I KNEW IT???
Episode 9
hihi past douxie
douxie u cheater
doux :'((((
i mean i'm not super sad bc i don't really like merlin but still
FREE JIM :'((((
nari i love u
noooo don't bake douxie into a blood pie i love him
did charlemagne the devourer just make a pun
charlemagne is archie's dad lol i didn't expect that
lol this is gonna take a long time
Episode 10
Last ep huhu
krel my boi !!!
nari bb :'(((
krel precious
douxie hihi my boi !!! U SMART BOI I LOVE U
he trapped them in a time loop i love him
douxie and his guitar i love him
stop it
OH NO JIM DEAD :'(((( i'm literally sobbing right now huhu NOOOO
or douxie dead??? i'm confused
YES!!! DOUXIE ALIVE !!!!!!!!!
no douxie nari don't go away huhu i'm gonna miss u
it's a limited series tho so maybe not huhu
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 05.11.20 lb
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PEDAL TO THE FLOOOOOR BITCH, BEFORE HUBS COMES OUTTTTTTTTTT *puts on best driving song ever made to motivate her to drive the fuckkkkkkkkkkk awayyyyyyyyy*
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riddhima doing big talk about how she saved ragini from a haiwaan and lmaooooo kabir's faaaaaaaaaaaace
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DOW DIGGY DIGGY DOW DIGGY DOW DOW INDEED! (that's the evil!kabir theme music, if you didn't know. very catchy. i love it!)
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lmao oh riddhimaaaaaaaaaaaa you fucking dumbassssssss
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idhar vansh acting like he is BMC and the place is kangana ranaut’s. tod phod nonstopppppp.
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oh thank god the vansh whisperer is here.
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WHO COULD HAVE COME HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE angre asks, and bhai already knows.
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the one.
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the only.
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the un-paralyzable.
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dang his foundation oxidised as fuck. this is almost bordering on super 30/gully boy type brownface.
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angry phone call to ishani. angre mildly being like HEY DON'T YELL AT MY WIFE but too scared to say anything to saale saheb.
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coz yup. the gun is out again.
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“kabir promise karo ki tum ragini ka poora khayaal rakhoge. bharosa kar rahi hoon tum par.”
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snort. butter wouldn't melt in this kameena mouth.
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seedhe mooh jhoot kitniiiiiiiii safaiiii se bolta hai. what an adorable psychopath!
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one last chance maaring attempt by kabir, saying your mission is done, you don't need to go back to VR mansion.
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sis like no bitch i invested months of my life in thisssss i want answerssssssssss to my questions i'll leave once i get them
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lol kabir is like cool whatever, it’s your funeral, i gots what i want.
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she's apologizing for "breaking his heart" and saying that all this is happening to her now coz she hurt him and he's like pssssssh it's okaaaay aaj achchaai aur insaniyat ki jeet hui hai.
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aslkdjlasjdlkasjdlkasjdlkasj I LOVE THIS FUCKER AND HIS HAPPY EVIL FACE
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oh boy, this is a murder face if i've ever seen one.
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like every good desi kid, first phone call on anything major happening in life is made to mummyyyy.
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overconfidence toh dekho ladke ka, had the syringe prepped and all.
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"mere private narak mein aane ka shukriya!"
literally 98% of cishet men once they’ve managed to hoodwink a woman into getting involved with them.
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there's nooooooooooo fucking way she made out of the car and here without him seeing her. unless.............. I'M TELLING YOU SHE HAS AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK FROM HARRY MAMA FROM THE UK.
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ishani standing here doing soliloquy about room ki duplicate chaabi. sis stop speech-ing and do your kaaaaaaaam.
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ohhhh wow. shady bitch showdown! fight fight fight fight!!!!!!!!
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meanwhile vansh and his brokenass ghutna have rolled up and is like CAN YOU TWO  STFUUUUUUUUU
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mummy doing last ditch attempt to stall saying lemme bandage you upppppppp, but ...........
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also foundation has unoxidised. noice.
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop screaming like a fucking unhinged bearrrrrrrrrrrr-lion-tRex.
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ta daaaaaaaaaaaah!
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lmao wtf that nurse went away with zerooooooooooo questions as to why she was assaulted multiple times by this crazyass family.
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nowwwwwwwwwwwww he's scary. when he's not saying anything. see????? it's alwaysssssss less scary when someone's making a big fuss. you look like a child having a tantrum. ice cold silence is always what makes me wanna pee myself from fear.
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skjdslkjflsdkjflsdkjldfjk the way he asked that soooooooooo cooooolly. aaaaaaaaaah now i'm scared.
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daaaaaaaaaaang, sis has finally learnt the art of lying with confidence. and it is gloriousssssssss to see!
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oh god oh no where's he taking her i have a feeling i know but
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yup i was righttttttttt
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aaaaaaaaaand in she goes.
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“yeh qabar maine uske liye khodi thi jo yahaan jaana deserve karta tha, lekin ab mujhe lagta hai ki aur koi bhi hai jo isse usse bhi zyaada deserve karta hai.”
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riddhima, like every other millennial, is like ok sure, i'm ready to die. just give me an escape from this hellish existence already. she actually closes her eyes and sits downnnnnn in the grave. lmao Big Mood, sis.
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he's like no no don't close your eyes, you need to see WHO it is that rightfully needs to be in the grave. huh. you brought a spare body to throw in here??????
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i wouldn't trust that hand.
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but that grave IS pretty deep so ok fine, hoist me upppp, Angry Boy. if you let go or try something funny, i'm pulling you in WITH ME.
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ok phew.
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“iss qabar ka asli haqdaar tumhare saamne khada hai. main hi hoon woh insaan jo uss kabar mein zinda dafan hone ke laayak hai.”
i mean..... i don't disagree. you do deserve to die for the shit you pulled yesterday. but i'm interested to know why YOU think so.
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oh of course. mommy issues. mom ki qaatil ko pakadna tha, vaada tha apne haathon se sazzaa doonga, vaghera vaghera.
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surprise surprise, ragini was the one who knew who did it. and he was keeping her alive all these years just to get the deets from her. ho hum, hardly surprising.
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he admits to pulling the gun on ragini.
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ragini admitting that the only reason she would put up with his crazy ass is his money. same, sis. actually, not even then. not all the money in the world could make me want be with this dude.
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oh shit. oh no. hot boy used puppy eyes. my defences are weakening. fuck meeeeeeeeee. WHY AM I INTO MENNNNNNNN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? IT'S MY GREATEST FAILING IN THIS LIFEEEEEEEEEE
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oh no no ok yeah i'm back i hate him again. phew. my core of misandry is reallly strong and it saved me.
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i just pulled my gun on her and wanted to kill her from sheer rage. but i didn't do it. why? coz i'm not a criminal, it seems. UHHHHHHHHHH, I BEG TO DIFFER SIR. YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD GET SOME AMOUNT OF JAILTIME FOR THAT SHIT.
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also wtf you mean i can't murder anyone coz i'm not capable of it. that's not what you've been saying over and over and overrrrrrrrrr since day fucking 1?!?!?!? ALSO MAY I REMIND YOU WE'RE STANDING NEXT TO A GRAVE YOU DUG FOR SOMEONE?!?!?!?!!? LIKE........... GET YOUR STORY RIGHT, DUDE. DO YOU WANNA KILL SOMEONE OR NOT?????
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“mujhse sab samajhne mein bhool hui hai kya??????” LMAO YA THINK, YOU STUPIDASS???????????
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also wtf? riddhima got shot in the exact same place and she was up and about in like...... 2 days. ragini needed 3 years to recuperate from a shoulder bullet???
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“tumne nahi chalaayi toh kisne?”
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oh no return of puppy eyes. look away bitch look away. (talking to riddhima, but also myself. pighalna nahi haiiiiiiiiiiiiii.)
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we, the audience, have an answer to who is the puraana paapi.
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awwwwww, like mom, like son. murder is their khaandaani riwayat. 
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oooooh ragini was blackmailing mummy i think.
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and thus mummy filled vansh's head with all kindsa crap and sent him off to kill her.
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ragini saying i got into it for the money but then your jawline and eyes and my cursed heterosexuality got me into you forreal forreal. ok she didn't say that, i'm saying it. but literally what other appeal does this dude hold???
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she abouttttttttt to spill the beans when..........
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mmmmmmmmmmm whatcha saaaaaaaaaaay
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dang murder makes ppl hot. should i try it out???? seems to make the skin real glowy.
21 notes · View notes
weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
That Krispy Cat: A Warning, part 3
The last of the images cause I don’t want this bitch on my computer anymore. 
Knowing tumblr I kept the images hidden JUUUUST in case no one reads the fine print and can’t tell I’m being critical of this and gets me in trouble.
VVV ((Just in case you thought the JewishGriffon piece assured everyone that Crispy couldn’t POSSIBLY hate people of color, some of her earliest Nazi art had her character Klaus beating up Amigo Bear. She also made Amigo into a liberal strawman. )) VVV
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((Dialogue to one of her TROLLARIOUS pictures that featured Amigo:
Amigo Bear: *muttering* "Your leader was a !@#$% little #@%^!@$^*!, you fascist feather duster..." General Klaus: "Fräulein, Ich vant you to cover your ears und shut your eyes as tight as you can." Crispy: "How come, General?" General Klaus: "Klaus ist about to say und do very bad sings zhat he does not vant his little Edelweiß to see or hear." Crispy: "Alrighty!" General Klaus: "WHO SAID ZHAT ABOUT DER FÜHRER? WER DIE FICK GESAGT? WHO'S ZUH SCHLEIMIG LITTLE COMMUNIST-SCHEISS SCHWANZLUTSCHER DOWN ZHERE, WHO JUST SIGNED HIS OWN DEATH VARRANT? NIEMAND?! GOTTVERDAMMT STALIN SAID IT! HERVORRAGEND! VHICH VUN OF YOU VANTS TO BE ZUH FIRST TO FIND OUT ZUH HARD VAY VHY MEIN FEINDE CALLED MIR DER BUTCHER BIRD?" ))
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also the disc. for this pic before it was deleted had a ‘joke’ about cooking Jews in ovens. Oh and yes, that IS Hitler she’s giving that ugly ass cupcake too.))
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^^^ (( - Thanks dA I never would have known I had a notifications unless eclipse blah -
This is one of her rants about how #Triggered she is that Starlight be compared to the Nazis when she runs a communist cult. Because A) that’s the real problem here and B) I too get upset when people say my OC is based on Jeffrey Dahmer when he’s so CLEARLY based on Ed Gein, Bwwwaaaah D> D> D> !)) ^^^
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VVV ((Ugly art of her friend’s awful OCs.)) ^^^
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VVV ((Crispy showing off why no one wants to be a patriot in our country.)) VVV
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((FYI, Crisp, that attitude will make the Hamilton fans stronger so just keep that SJW-flinging coming you little SJW.
WHAT?! Social Justice is a broad term and as Crispy’s plainly demonstrated, you can circle it around and make a majority-class sound like the real underprivledged if you have enough fancy frou frou know-how and furries. Also, if a Social Justice Warrior constitutes someone who takes their cause soooo seriously that they’re annoying/petting/cruel/stupid about it....idk I think Crispy qualified.))
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^^^ ((Crispy and her friend muse about what other races occupy the world of MLP in her headcanon. This, more than any other dA disc. and picture shows you her brand of “Segregationist-Nationalism is OKAY” thinking, cuz the art of these different races isn’t super offensive or cruel and neither are the characters. BUT if you scratch under the surface you’ll find that Crispy really likes these different people staying in their place and not in “someone else’s” country.
THEN, this same kind of thinking is used to convince you any mix of cultures is just cultural appropriation, again acting like she and her Nazi-stans are the only ones standing up to actual bigotry.)) VVV
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^^^ ((Crispy makes the world a worse place by bringing up actual decent points; like how Americans dress Thanksgiving up as progressive and for the natives when we all know that’s not true...all to better her worldview.
fyi, GET OUT whenever you see a selfproclaimed Nazi fawn over Native Americans, because: Nazi Germany had a deep fascination with American Indians and used their struggles about their land being taken away from them to justify their eugenic genocide.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy laughing it up on Furaffinity how she couldn’t be banned from her Furaffinity and then mysteriously never using her site there wowie.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy complaining about SOPA cause her freedom of speech and blahblahblah.
Freedom of Speech is important. Unfortunately what people like Crispy don’t understand or care for is there’s no freedom of consequence. )) vvv
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VVV ((LOL Joseph Mengele was such a stinkah let’s tell blithe jokes about him. At least WE AREN’T LIKE HIM!!!)) VVVV
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VVV ((Early onset eugenic BS from her Spyro stuff that would be easy to miss if you didn’t know what this woman was talking about)) VVV
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((Crispy admitting she thinks gays are pointless cuz they don’t reproduce but apparently loves them anyway. Also big shock Crispy’s seen Hetalia.)) VVV
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VVV ((Crispy probably wanting Weeaboos to attack her cuz aren’t Japan’s animations so laaaaaaazy?!!?!? GUUdd think’ I’m a naziaboo! Germany’s never made any shitty animation evah. You know what, I lied. She doesn’t deserve Hetalia. She just doesn’t.)) VVVV
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VVV ((Crispy dragging Brazil down with her as the apparent “Best South American Country”. Yikes.)) VVV
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VVV ((More “it’s trolling ergo it’s not harmful” shit. Bulgarians probably do deserve their own Care Bears, but they certainly don’t want yours Crispy.)) VVV
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VVV ((Disc. for her Richard Spencer bear art)) VVV
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I know, I know...this isn’t what you wanted to read today, guys. I know it’s offensive and I’m sorry if it made you ill. I also know I’m putting my own blog under fire by showing these images here but I think that should say something about dA’s bad policies that this art gets a filter slapped on it and nothing more when the artist is blatantly pro-fascist.
Crispy resonates with me so much - and no it’s not cause I DARED to be “triggered”.
It’s because, for one, she was talented. I MEAN I HAVE EYES! That’s some nicely drawn digital stuff I’m not gonna deny. She had some cool rewrites and sequel ideas that, had it come from someone else I would have eaten up and faved to hell and back onceupona2012. But I didn’t, where a ton of MLP and furry fans did because they undervalued their own talents and would say “well it’s pretty who cares about the message?” 
Unlike so many commercial+published artists, it’s REALLY hard to separate the art from the artist here because the artist is so connected and a part of her art and storytelling. If you fav her art, even if you didn’t like her, that was telling Crispy she’d won. It’s so defeating to have other artists say their gonna ignore their gut for the sake of prettypretty-Don-Bluth style art. And yes, that stigma DOES affect my view on 2D purists btw.
Crispy was so holier than thou’, and that attitude also was appealing to dA folks, not to mention her knowledge of art history by the time she dropped off the radar. Crispy was the kind of person who’d make long, detailed, justified rants against the design and color choices in Hazbin Hotel and then a bunch of antis would eat her redesigns up only to learn the awful truth later and embarrass themselves cuz they were so taken up by the craft they didn’t know they were reblogging a fucking Nazi.
Not to underplay Viv’s wrongdoings of course, but I’m sorry; the two aren’t comparable on the problematic artist meter. THAT’S HOW BAD CRISPY WAS.
If this somehow was just a faze and she’s come to her senses or doesn’t really think this shite she preaches...I don’t care. She said some vile shit and fuck no I’m not forgiving her. It’s like KenDraw or Shadman. You’ve changed your life around and realized you’ve done/drawn nasty shit that’s done real harm? Cool....I’m still not talking or ever promoting you, ya dingbat. You ain’t no Roman Polanski or Doug Tennaple. You’re a singular internet artist and any support of the project has to go to you - and you suck!
ThisCrispyKat was a wakeup call that showed me these people not only still exist but will be allowed to get away with it. I was very touchy bout this kind of thing back in the day. Fuck, I STILL AM TOUCHY. The rabbit holes I found thanks to Crispy opened up to reveal communities where people think my hair color’s going extinct. People would detail how much they wanted to rape me - a natural blonde - and kill my friends and family for not looking like me. That they want to jerk off in my naturally curly hair and see me in glowy German princess gowns preparing them dinner.
Crispy and other Nazistans would look at me; a blond-haired blue eyed Polish/German American woman and think I need to be “fixed” because I DARE to repeat propaganda that the Nazis were bad. They’d call me a traitor for thinking that celebrating the Nazi party ISN’T German pride.
People like Crispy make it 1000x harder to actually show interest in German things. Because I AM interested in German shit btw.
Like for real: it’s a country I’d love to visit one day (at least the black forest, which is where my mom’s fam comes from). I love German art and German fairytales slap. I really do want to explore my heritage through art and stuff.
But guess what? Much as Crispy would argue to the contrary I DO know my WWII history and beyond and FUCK YOU if you honestly think jerking it to cuddly Nazi-furs is empowering or just “showing your interest in history”. Take your own advice and read a god-damn book.
TL;DR: I DO NOT have to be proud of Nazis to enjoy German culture and if you think otherwise, FUCK YOU. It’s a slap in the face to everyone even if you are ‘just trolling’ and it in no way values actual German’s feeling on the matter. It’s annoying how people undervalue real people just for the sake of fan art.
The Nazis were evil. They were racist, eugenic-genocidal idiots who killed over six million Jewish people, Romani, Slavs, Jehovahs Witnesses, disabled people, Poles, homosexuals and prisoners of war. They would have killed my dad’s side of the family if they were in Poland at the time. They made bullshit tanks that killed the people making them and didn’t work on the battlefield. Their leader was a fat, farting one-testicaled bastard who preferred animals to people.
They ruined everything for everyone and then took the easy way out, leaving the Germans that were left in the hands of the also-genocidal Soviets and Americans. Germany is still paying their war debts and now, 70-80 years later everyone else wants to laugh off this dark period of history with memes and forget what they did, and as such, are forgetting the victims of the genocide.
I have 0 tolerance for Nazi things for the sake of HUMANITY, let alone the individual groups they target. I don’t have to have German ancestry or know a single Jewish person to tell you any of this. It’s fucking history.
Eat shit.
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 9: the One where They ~FROLIC IN THE FOREST~
We’re back at the dancing fairy cave.
Stuff happens here that’s, you know, plotty
We’re gonna ignore all that
OUR FIRST WANGXIAN MOMENT OF THE EPISODE is when wwx defends lwj from jc’s ire (oh yeah, one of the plotty things is that jc suddenly is here. Not important why).
Jc is all pissy (bc when isn’t he, honestly?) at wwx for having to chase after him (which he didn’t technically have to but bros don’t abandon their bros to unknown circumstances, okay?) and is complaining angrily about it
Wwx: hey, I’M the one who wanted to follow lwj around because i love him, so don’t get mad at him!
And then wwx looks over at lwj with a little smile on his face, so sweet so sweet!
Plot plot exposition plot
We have to chase down the Smoky Owl of Evil and kill it now for Plot Reasons!
Lol, wwx traps jc, nhs, AND wen qing (oh she’s here now too, btw) in his Golden Glowy Net of Protection so he and lwj can go track down the Smoky Owl of Evil together
And now our beautiful boys are in the middle of the woods when suddenly SPOOKY FOG ROLLS IN WITH OMINOUS MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND
Oh nooo, the fog separates them!! Wwx is worriedly calling out “lan zhan, lan zhan!”
Luckily they bump into each other pretty quick so they’re together again
Except, oops, JUST KIDDING
Wwx takes like, two steps to one side and loses lwj again. Even tho lwj is literally right there next to him
But he doesn’t know that so he’s worried and being all cute about it. He bites his knuckle and is thinking “oh noooo, what if the Smoky Owl of Evil got him?!?” So he’s calling out for him, again
LWJ seems to be able to see wwx just fine bc the look he gives him is all “r u srs, i’m right here”
Thankfully lwj is clever and makes bichen light up all blue and pretty like an epic glow stick. It matches his outfit!! (i’ve decided he did this on purpose. He definitely can control what color his sword lights up as and coordinates it accordingly with his clothes. No, i will not be taking criticisms, because I am Right)
LWJ: I’m right next to you
WWX: *surprised gasp* You should’ve said something!
Uh, he just did wwx, keep up now.
LWJ: the fog is creating hallucinations
WWX: that’s alright! I’ll just get rid of it using my ~glitter talisman~
Too bad it doesn’t work! i wanted to see it in action :( :( :(
Lwj: the fog is also disorienting the mind so you can’t focus
Don’t worry wwx, your talisman didn’t fail because you were having performance issues
It failed because the fog is Evil
WWX: Wait!! Why isn’t your mind being disturbed?
Lwj: it mostly disturbs minds that have lots of thoughts in them
Wwx: *cheeky grin* ah, it’s making use of my infinite wisdom~
Lwj: *looks away in exasperation*
I guess lans are Above rolling their eyes at someone (tho I'm pretty sure he's rolled his eyes at him before) but the way lwj did that gave off intense eye-rolling vibes, let me tell ya
Thankfully lwj is a Skilled Fighter and was able to block it with his sword while doing a SUPER DRAMATIC TWIRL OF DODGING
Ooooh, and when he lands, wwx appears right beside him and they go back to back without even pausing to think
WWX: lan zhan, are you okay?
He sound so serious here, and with his determined expression, wwx is ready to get down to business on this evil chain that attacked his lwj
LWJ: I’m fine *still super alert to his surroundings bc he’s an awesome cultivator and that’s what they do*
Okay, pause for a moment to point out how funny the camera shots from above are. The fog almost completely obscures wwx in his dark clothes, but lwj sticks out like a sore thumb. So every time we get one of these shots, it just looks like lwj is chilling by his lonesome in this mega foggy forest lol
Oh, dude, this next part is SO FREAKING COOL
So they’re back to back still, and surrounded by Evil Fog
Lwj: wei ying, focus your senses!
The both of them close their eyes to focus intensely
the the camera is down below, angled up so that LWJ and WWX look tall and slightly elongated but in a badass way!
And then the camera circles around them slowly to really show you just how badass and good looking they are before doing a quick spin around them with DRAMATIC MUSIC in the background
Okay, i’m done geeking out about the camera shot (idk why, guys, but i love those kinds of shots. They’re so thrilling every time!!)
At this point they haven’t even looked at each other or their surroundings but lwj starts a plan
Lwj: Split fire talisman
That’s it. That’s all he says to wwx.
Without hesitation, wwx sheathes suibian and pulls out that talisman
Then we cut for a moment to see how nhs, jc, and wq are doing in their Golden Glowy Net of Protection (it looks kind of like a birdcage actually...glowy golden birdcage of protection?? hmm)
And we’re back at the epic forest fight scene!!
But oh no!! One of the evil chains catches wwx by the neck and drags him away!!
It made him drop his sword!!
don't think kinky thoughts don't think kinky thoughts dontthinkkinkythoughts
Oh, now wwx is playing dead lol
Suddenly the Smoky Owl of Evil swoops in to attack his “dead” body (because that bird is a coward that lacks honor)
WWX: did you think you could outsmart me?? *proceeds to choke the poor bird to death, yikes*
Lwj finally catches up to wwx but sees that the bird’s been sufficiently murdered so he sheathes bichen
Wwx: did you see who was controlling the Smoky Owl of Evil?
LWJ: Nope.
(God, LWJ, you had ONE JOB)
LWJ: he or she was mind-controlling it from somewhere Not Here.
(Oh, nevermind then. You're forgiven)
Wwx: *kicks dead bird petulantly*
Side note: A-yuan makes a brief appearance here! Wwx and LWJ go check on their pals who are with the Wens and A-yuan is there!! 
It doesn’t really make sense bc i’m pretty sure between now and the end of the sunshot campaign, a few years have passed?? so a-yuan should be much older later, but you know what? I DON’T EVEN CARE.
And now we’re getting more plot exposition about the dancing fairy
It’s less painful this time bc wen qing is the one doing it and she’s gorgeous (take a moment to drown in her big brown bambi eyes! please marry me, wen qing)
More plot stuff happens.
Wwx tricks nhs and jc into chasing after a chicken so he can have ~alone time~ with lwj
Except not really bc they’re there to interrogate wq about the yin iron, aka the main plot device in this story arc
Wwx: the fairy started snatching souls bc the Plot Device was taken from it, right? That’s why it only went after lan zhan when we were fighting it!
Detective!WWX is so cute and clever!!
But god forbid wwx stays serious for more than a minute straight heh straight when not in immediate danger bc then he’s all
Wwx: the only other possible explanation is...IT HAD A CRUSH ON LAN ZHAN LOLOL
(Which, i mean, who wouldn’t, right?)
LWJ: Shut UP
they’re talking serious plot stuff again, boring.
Oh, JC and WQ have a moment and the only reason i’m mentioning it is bc WWX goes and interrupts it, THAT’S KARMA BABY LOL
Now they’re in a town! Not the flower-petal town from before. A different one. Idk.
A hawker stops wwx and gives him a sample of alcohol and lwj gives wwx a disdainful look like ‘r u srs?’ before walking off
The NANOSECOND wwx sees lwj walking away from him, he ditches Mr. Let-me-give-you-free-alcohol and chases after him
Yes, the budding alcoholic ditches the Free Alcohol Man
Lol he grabs lwj by the ribbon thing hanging off his shoulder (not the Marriage Ribbon, unfortunately)
Lwj glares at him but it’s like, a mild one
WWX: wait, where are you going??
Lwj: looking for the gentry. For info. *tries to walk away*
Wwx: WAIT *grabs lwj by the forearm*
Lwj: *stares at where wwx is touching him until wwx lets go*
Wwx: don’t go without me! You’ll info-gather wrong!!
Lwj: how should i do it then?
Wwx: *cute little grin that shows off his beauty mark*
(gaaahhh, i can’t handle it when he smiles like this, it kills me every time!! that beauty mark is deadly)
Wwx: you should go to the wine house for info instead!!
JC: you just want to get drunk (oh yeah, he’s still here guys, fyi)
Wwx: HOW DARE! I can separate business from pleasure! Ppl gossip at wine houses! We’ll definitely get info there!
and now nhs is joining them
Nhs: lets go find a place to rest
Wow, lwj is staring pretty hard at nhs
It’s a stare that’s like “y r u talking to my soulm8, stop that”
Also, lol lwj is so stiff even as wwx forces him to run
We’re at the wine house
Wwx slams down an obscene amount of money on the table (at least i think it’s obscene going off of jc’s expression and subsequent scolding about how wwx is gonna be broke BUT JOKE’S ON HIM BC WWX IS GETTING HIMSELF A SUGAR DADDY IN THE FUTURE)
Now he’s chatting up the waiter for info and we get Plot Details and an ooky-spooky story about the now deceased Chang clan
I only specify this bc the Plot Device tucked in lwj’s robes starts acting up aND CAUSING LWJ PAIN!! 
Wwx is hovering all worriedly at his shoulder and mother-henning him.
The Plot Device gives LWJ a vision(!!) that sends them to the Chang clan’s residence
And we get surprise dead bodies accompanied by unholy screeching when we get there!!
Like. SO MANY dead bodies!
LWJ and WWX are Concerned!!
And that’s the end of episode 9.
This episode imo has is the best fight scene of the show. There’s more dramatic ones later on, but in terms of seeing wwx and lwj battle together in a not-ridiculously-over-the-top fashion? This one wins hands down! Gold Star to my boys!!
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walkerismychoice · 5 years
Stripped Bare - Chapter 16 (Bryce X MC AU)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce X MC (Charlie Hawkins)
Summary: It’s the day of the wedding rehearsal, and Charlie introduces Bryce to another one of her family members. Also, there may be trouble in paradise for Katelyn and Landry.
Note: Just in case the relationship between Kyra isn’t clear, they are not related by blood or technically even by marriage. They are both related to Katelyn as her cousin, but they are from opposite sides of the family. Charlie only knows Kyra from when she would invite them both over as kids. This distinction will be necessary this chapter, lol.
Also another thing which I have failed to mention enough is that most of the locations and things in this series are real parts of this resort. There are mentions of a bar, specific bartender, and cocktail, all of which really exist at Half Moon resort.
Lastly, I appreciate all the feedback I got on where to take this series. I was able to merge several ideas with things I already had in mind, so there’s no specific credit to be given, but you may see bits and pieces of what you personally suggested from here on out. Thank you all again for your help.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2850
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"There's something different about you...." Kyra narrows her eyes and scans Charlie discerningly. "Is it new makeup? You're all glowy or something."
"No, I don’t think so." Charlie laughs nervously. Kyra knows, or if she doesn't she's about to figure it out. Not that Charlie would keep it from her, but she doesn't want to discuss it here, seated amongst the wedding party at the beachside set-up, waiting for the officiant to arrive to start the rehearsal.
"Oh my god! You and Bryce fu-"
"Kyra!" Charlie covers Kyra's mouth with her hand. "This is not the time nor the place."
Kyra smirks satisfactorily. "You didn't deny it. I expect full details later. And I mean everything."
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Okay, just keep it down for now."
Kyra glances off to the side where Bryce is waiting and winks at him. Bryce shoots a confused look to Charlie and she just shrugs and throws her hands up. As expected, Kyra is having difficulty with the concept of discretion.
The rehearsal is uneventful, but there seems to be extra tension between between Katelyn and Landry. Not that they’re a super affectionate couple to begin with, but the air is especially icy between them. Maybe it’s just stress and pre-wedding jitters, but whatever the case, seeing those two together makes Charlie even more thankful she’s not still with Andrew.
Bryce approaches Charlie as they are dismissed to head to the rehearsal dinner and loops his arm around her waist. “You walked down that aisle like a pro. You’re going to nail your performance tomorrow.”
Charlie giggles. “Well this is me we’re talking about. No guarantees I won’t fall flat on my face.
Bryce nods. “This is true. I’ll have to make sure you keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum tomorrow.
“But not tonight. I have to deal with my parents again. Oh, and did I mention my brother should be there too? His flight was supposed to get in this afternoon.”
“No you did not. Is he as hard to impress as your parents?”
“Nah,” Charlie shakes her head. “He never liked Andrew, but I have a feeling he’ll like you.”
“Sounds like a good judge of character then, so obviously he’ll love me.” Bryce smirks. 
“Hurry it up you two!” Kyra calls over her shoulder. “Cocktail hour starts now, and I don’t want to drink alone.”
“Guess who!” A pair of large hands cover Charlie’s eyes as she stands at the bar, but she’d know that voice anywhere.
“Will!” She spins around on her tiptoes and throws her arms around her much taller brother. "I’ve missed you!”
He squeezes her back tight. “You too, Chuck.”
“Okay, I don’t miss you anymore. You can get right back on that plane and go back to Africa.”
“Chuck?” Bryce questions with an amused expression on his face. “I haven’t heard that one yet.
“Just a nickname Will calls me to annoy the shit out of me. If you haven’t guessed, Bryce, this is my brother Will. Will this is my boyfriend, Bryce.” The word feels strange and uncertain coming off her tongue now that this thing between them is officially real, but she’s instantly reassured when she sees Bryce smile brighter when he hears it.
“Nice to meet you, Will.” Bryce extends his hand to will, but Will pulls him in for a hug and claps him on the back.
“Same to you. Charlie, I can’t believe you’ve been keeping him a secret from me.” Will puts a hand up to his lips as a shield. “He’s hot!” he mouths inaudibly to Charlie. 
“You know I could see that.” Bryce chuckles.
“Yeah, please don’t feed his ego. It’s already big enough,” Charlie teases and the guys both laugh. ”Anyway you’ve been so busy with your Peace Corps stuff, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you lately,” Charlie offers as an excuse without having to reveal that Bryce didn’t exist in her life before two weeks ago.
“Fair enough. I’ll catch up with you two later, but I should go say hi to mom and dad. You wanna come with?”
“No.” Charlie shakes her head emphatically. “I’ve had enough of them already, mom especially.”
Will frowns sympathetically. “I’m sure as soon as mom sees her favorite baby boy and dad starts hounding me about deadlines for applying to grad school, they’ll forget whatever they were on you about.”
“Good luck with that.” Charlie waves him along with a tight-lipped grin.
“Oh my god!” Kyra walks up beside Charlie. “I haven’t seen Will since we were kids. When did get get so grown up...and hot.”
“Kyra!” Charlie smacks her in the shoulder. “That’s my little brother!”
“Well he’s not my brother. And in case you forgot, we aren’t related, and he’s not a kid anymore.”
“Hey, I don’t blame her.” Bryce joins in. “Good looks run in the Hawkins family. He’s got your gorgeous green eyes, and that stubble and ‘too busy doing humanitarian work to get my hair cut’ look is really working for him.”
“Ugh, now you are drooling over him too? Whose side are you on?”
“Aww, you know I’m on your side, babe.” Bryce pulls Charlie close, taking her breath away with a heated kiss. “You’re the only Hawkins I want.”
Kyra clears her throat. “You guys are disgusting...in the best possible way, of course.  
“Sorry,” Charlie steps away from Bryce sheepishly. “We should probably get to our table now. Looks like they are starting to serve dinner."
Charlie reluctantly sits with her family, but sticks to pleasantries with her parents. Kyra rounds out the 6 person table, providing a much needed buffer. Charlie's not sure if her mom is just pretending the whole thing never happened, like she so often does, or if she's just waiting to get into it again when nobody else is around, but she'll take the peace for now. It's not really awkward anyway with all the stories Will has to tell. Unsurprisingly Kyra is hanging on his every word, but he doesn't seem to mind the attention.
A short while after dinner is served Kyra nudges Charlie in the side and nods toward the corner. “Check that out.”
Charlie tries to turn her head inconspicuously and spots Katelyn and Landry seemingly in the middle of an argument. And then, without any notice or goodbyes, they leave the restaurant. “Well that doesn’t look good,” she mumbles under her breath.
Noticing the commotion, the tall Sarah stands up to cover for the couple. “The Bride and Groom wanted me to tell everyone they are retiring early for the evening so they can be well rested for tomorrow.” Landry and Katelyn’s parents all look confused but shrug it off and go back to eating their meals.
“Well,I think the party’s over here. Is there a good bar or somewhere we can go to hang out?” Will asks.
“How about Cedar Bar?” Bryce suggests. “I think Caswell is on tonight, and he’s the best.”
Will Chuckles. “I suppose I’d be familiar with all the bartenders here too if I had to put up with Katelyn for a whole week.”
Charlie laughs. “Bryce is just like that. He's made friends with just about all the staff here. It's unbelievable really."
"It's not fault people can't resist my charming, magnetic personality. It's just how I am." He winks at Charlie.
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Well then lets go and you can work your magic to get us some free drinks."
The night is warm and there’s a gentle breeze coming off the water into the open air bar. It’s busy, but not too crowded or loud to engage in conversation. The group finds an open table for four and Bryce goes up to the bar to do his thing. He shakes Caswell’s hand and returns to the table with a triumphant look on his face. “Four Yellowbird cocktails, coming up.”
“Uh, what’s in those?” Kyra asks skeptically.
Bryce shrugs. "When someone offers you their signature cocktail for free, you don't ask."
Moments later a cocktail waitress brings over four hurricane glasses filled with yellow-orange liquid and a colorful fruit garnish. Charlie takes a sip and is met with an interesting mix of flavors but it somehow works. "Not bad. Definitely rum, orange juice, bananas and.... something else. I feel like this is one of those dangerous drinks that could get you drunk real fast."
Kyra takes a big swig of her drink. "I'll be glad to test that theory out."
Will leans over to whisper something in Kyra's ear, a blush creeping over her cheeks before she pushes her drink off to the side. Charlie’s still not quite sure how to feel about whatever is going on between the two of them, but Will’s an adult and she trusts Kyra, so she’s just not going to interfere.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating someone new.” Will shakes his head at Charlie. “How did you two meet?”
This part is still tricky, they’ve practiced the story but it’s really hard to look Will in the eyes and lie. “Well we were both medical students,” she offers, which is technically true.
“But didn’t you say you went to Harvard, Bryce?”
“I did, but there is some overlap in the faculty and hospital appointments between Harvard and Boston University so sometimes the students end up in the same place.”
Charlie breathes a sigh of relief at Bryce’s quick-thinking answer, and Will seems satisfied. Bryce places on hand on Charlie’s knee under the table, idly rubbing soothing circles over her skin. He continues with these little touches here in there, but unlike before, these aren’t for anyone else to see. 
They finish their cocktails and order another round of less extravagant drinks while catching up. Unsurprisingly, Bryce and Will get along like old friends, and Will only embarrasses Charlie a little. With what Bryce has seen of her already, she’s not worried anything Will says will scare him away.
“Hey guys, mind if I crash your party?” A stunned silence falls over the table as a bleary eyed Katelyn stands before them.
“Um, not at all,” Charlie replies as Bryce pulls up an extra chair to the end of the table. 
“No offense, Katelyn, but you kind of look like shit,” Will adds. “Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep for the wedding?”
She rolls her eyes at the same time she wipes the mascara smudges with the back of her hand. “Who knows if there will even be a wedding.”
“What?” Charlie and Kyra both gasp. Although Charlie can think of a multitude of reasons why Katelyn and Landry aren’t right for each other, she couldn’t imagine Katelyn calling off the wedding at this point.
“Landry is just as much of a douchebag as you all thought. Even if you never said it, I could tell you all were thinking it.”
“What happened?” Charlie asks out of genuine concern. As much as she can’t stand the person who Katelyn has become, she’s still family and Charlie still cares. 
“Fucking Tanner showed up.” Katelyn pulls out her phone and shows them some screenshots of intimate conversations between Landry and his friend from college within the last few months. “He said they were just joking, but I’m not that naive. I forgave him so long as he cut off communication, and I thought he did. Then Tanner showed up today, and our arguing escalated until we went back to the room. I demanded to see his phone and found a thread of messages hidden under another name. He claimed Tanner’s only here because the invitations went out before I found everything out. He says he still loves me and begged me to go through with the wedding, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Screw him,” Kyra scoffs. “You can do so much better.”
Katelyn might be awful to put up with, but Kyra’s right. Landry’s still not good enough for her, but Charlie’s not sure that’s what Katelyn wants to hear right now. “What Kyra means is that you deserve someone you love and loves you just as much in return.”
Bryce stands up. “Maybe we should let you ladies have some time to talk this through. Will, come get a drink at the bar with me?”
The men leave and Katelyn picks up Wills half-full cocktail and downs it. “I don’t know what to do... Are you going to finish that?” She points to Charlie’s drink, and Charlie slides it over to her.
“What does your gut say you should do? You don’t have to feel obligated to marry him just because we are all here for the wedding.”
Kyra takes another sip of her drink. “Yes, what she said.”
“I don’t even know if I love him. I love what he is on paper. He can give me the life I’ve always wanted, and if I don’t have him, I’m left with nothing.”
“Psshht.” Kyra shakes her head. “Girl, you know you are way out of his league.”
“Who is this Katelyn and what did she do with my independent, intelligent, ambitious cousin? The Katelyn I grew up with wouldn’t need a man for anything,” Charlie echoes the sentiment. 
“But I’ve given up going to law school to be a wife. It’s all I have now.”
“Katelyn, you’re only twenty-six, and in case you forgot, still independently wealthy. You have the time and money to do anything you want. If you want to marry Landry because it makes you happy, do that, but not because you think it is what you are supposed to do.” 
“Trust me,” Kyra interjects. “You’ll look like much less of a loser if you call off the wedding than if you actually marry that pasty-ass white boy.”
“Kyra!” Charlie shoots her a glare. Sure they’ve all been thinking it but it’s a bit harsh to say out loud.
“Kyra’s right. I should have dumped the cheating, spineless, scrawny-ass bastard a long time ago.”
Charlie leans over to hug Katelyn, stifling a laugh. “We aren’t trying to tell you what you do, but we’ll support whatever decision is best for you. Right, Kyra?” Charlie arches her eyebrows at Kyra as a warning to keep her mouth filtered for Katelyn’s sake.
“Yep.” She gets up to give Katelyn said after Charlie retreats. 
“Good.” Katelyn dabs her tears away with a cocktail napkin. “Now I need all the drinks.” She reaches for another drink, but Charlie stops her.
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“Yes.” Katelyn pushes away from the table and walks up to bar, ordering two shots and downing them immediately. Will and Bryce bring her back to the table, already another drink in hand.
Bryce leans in to whisper to Charlie. “We should probably try to keep her from over-doing it.”
“It might be a little late for that, but we’ll watch her.”
The night wears on and the group sneakily orders a couple more non-alcoholic beverages for Katelyn, but she’s already had quite enough. It’s getting late and Kyra and Will bow out first, Will volunteering to “walk Kyra back to her room” as if that isn’t obvious. Charlie finally convinces Katelyn to go back to Landry and face whatever is going to happen.
“I’m just going to use the restroom before we go. Do you need to go, Katelyn?”
“No, I’m good.” Katelyn stumbles back against the wall.
“I’ll wait out here with her,” Bryce offers. 
“Good call.” Charlie laughs and pushes through the women’s room door.
Katelyn is a fucking mess. Bryce has no idea how she and Charlie can be related. She’s good looking enough, but nowhere near as pretty as Charlie. But her personality...yikes. Charlie says Katelyn wasn’t always this way, and he’s grateful Charlie has managed to grow into the person she is despite a similar upbringing.
“Charlie’s so lucky to have you.” Katelyn slurs, stumbling forward and crashing into Bryce’s chest. He tips her back upright, but her hands remain planted on his pecs, giving them a squeeze. “You know how bad I’ve been wanting to feel these? I know you’re always showing off your muscles because you want everyone to look, and I’ve definitely been looking.”
Bryce removes Katelyn’s hands, placing them at her sides. Sure he’s proud of his body and likes to show it off, but he’s certainly not looking for this type of attention. ”That doesn’t mean everyone gets to touch me. That’s reserved for Charlie.” 
Katelyn pouts.”But is she as good of kisser as me?” 
Bryce should have been anticipating it from her question, but before he can make sense of what’s happening, Katelyn arms around around his neck and her lips are his. Initially shocked and frozen in place, he finally comes around, but it’s already too late.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Landry booms, his face red with anger, and next to him is a bewildered looking Charlie.
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