#also is why i dont actually entertain the idea that empathy is this pure and amazing feeling that makes people evil and deplorable if absent
shoujoboy-restart · 3 months
"lol this show just made a comedic reference to the Bjork stalker mail bomb!"
I mean is it? Besides the fact that multiple other cases of celebrities or even average Joe's receiving bombs in the mail happened before that case...if you show a bomb successfully going off then ummm no it objectively isn't a actual accurate reference to that case, even showing the bomb being the same vicity as the victim of the stalker also fails to reference the case.
Like yeah yeah haha dark humor and all that, but there seems to be this bizarre malignant empathy towards that stalker? Almost like people try to attach some sort of success towards him? Like an bizarre projection of "damn, I wish if I was a deplorable racist mentally ill socially maladjusted weirdo that at least there was some sort of success when I did a murder suicide with my victim".
Idk I just find bizarre how there's this need to sanitize and boast the imagery of maladjusted criminals who do actions like that, like how the media spun false narratives to make it so the columbine shooters were some sort of sympathetic victims of social exclusion when they were selfish maladjusted assholes who hated everyone and everything and had no "actual reasoning" to commit their crimes nor any actual revenge against anyone.(Which doesn't excuse a fucking school shooting or mail bombing someone who actually made something of their life mind you)
Btw people did you guys know those without empathy are Totally™ always 100% evil and inconsiderate guise? So don't forget to donate a 1 million dollars to Autism Speaks❤️
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