#also is Flugs favourite colour yellow?
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plasticbag23457 · 8 months ago
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Dead poet society and Villainous cross-over nobody asked for 🫣
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galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?Twisted Family and Pirate Au? Please?
(All right small side note for those who come across this, twisted Family au is an au set on where black hat and flug were in a relationship but Black Hat kept treating Flug like trash and so one day Flug tries to leave, Hat can't handle that Flug would try to leave him, he snaps like mentality wise.
Turns Flug into a life size marionette.
(usually dressed but this was for me to figure out a basic design for him)
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He takes in abandoned children or sometimes adults and turns them into puppets, saying they're one happy family now.)
Black Hat pulled at the lace gloves embroidered with finely stitched top hats, placing them beside his tea cup, after all he did not want to ruin them with the wood varnish he was about to use.
Acylius’s head was tilted to the side, cheek on his shoulder.
“Amadeus…please…may I have some freedom to move? It would make it easier to apply the varnish would it not?”
Black hat paused, considering his words, nodding he gave him enough free movement to lift his head at the very least.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Oh darling, please call me Amadeus or Amy, I miss the fondness in your voice sometimes.”
The eldericht was sweet in his tone, to anyone just passing by you would think it was natural…but upon closer inspection you could see those hints, feel that unhinged ring in his voice.
Black Hat stroked his marionettes face, finger tips caressing over smooth wood, smiling as his doctor leaned into his touch.
“Did you get my favourite varnish Amy?”
Amadeus’s ears perked under his hat, which now donned a long pink mourning ribbon with a bow at the back, watching as Acylius shifted his jaw into a smile, wood tapping as the joints of the doctors ears shifted.
“Of course sweetheart, only the best for you!”
Black Hat replied affectionately as he dipped the cloth into the varnish only to be interrupted but Acylius clearing his throat
“Amadeus , do not forget our guest asked a question.”
“Ah yes, our new addition, well now let’s see…”
Black Hat began while applying smooth strokes over his lover’s cheeks.
“I would love to marry Acylius, but according to him we haven’t quite reached that point just yet…maybe have a few more children, I am trying to decide if we should go natural or wood shop it and well when one are two are true that will be enough for me.”
The demon was so happy and Acylius was practically purring as his wooden body was getting treated to an expensive…you had to wonder was it akin to a sponge bath with how Black Hat tended to him.
“Little one I will have to apply this to you next, after all you are new to our family and I should make sure you are properly treated.”
Amadeus chirped.
You only stay silent, you cannot move, unable to speak now, eyes unblinking, frozen in place, body conforming , changing to be another of the many child like puppets you see and realise are all watching you…were they ever children to begin with…were they once a child…faces become familiar heroes and villains that also once were can be seen there…and for one moment you can see past the illusion that made this place look so beautiful, so perfect…
The reality is , the manor is derelict , dusty, broken and strung with cobwebs, Hat’s dress is tattered and the doctor…god…the marionette is full of holes as insects scuttle across his face and into an empty wooden eye socket, perhaps once he’d been alive and if he was still…
“Time to sleep, baby doll.”
Hat whispers and once again you see the lie, lush rich and beautiful colours, full of such life…perhaps what you saw was a nightmare crafted by Black Hat to torment you…
Or was it?
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Pirate Au answer
Acylius folded his arms on the edge of the tank, tail splashing lightly , water lapping gently as he moved.
Black Hat was at his desk going through pages of a book his merman had told him of, however he keeps a watchful eye on you to make sure you are up to no business he might disapprove of.
“So you want to know what three things I want to do before I die huh?”
Acylius smiled resting his cheek on his arm, glancing over at the Pirate king, ear fins flicking, oh he was so clearly in love it was bloody adorable, even if he didn’t say it out loud you could see it for yourself.
“Well one is to be free of White Hat…Amadeus I believe is working on that though so I suppose I am half way there on that one.”
Black turned a page without looking up
“Damn right, no self righteous brother of mine will get to lay a hand on Flug.”
You watch in awe as the merman’s scales turn from the iridescent likeness of a peacocks to hues of pink and yellow with glowing sky blue fins
You can't help but smile, awww he's blushing.
"Let's see, what else, ah yes another thing would be to spend more than one day on land every twenty ninth of February, it can really make keeping time quite difficult and sometimes one can be so busy the opportunity is missed.”
Black Hat listened to Acylius talking, he’d not actually turned his page for five minutes…his merman could transform once every four years?
That meant…oh no…
Pulling open his desk drawer, he recalled someone he’d once seen, a face human in appearance, similar to the merman’s, features hauntingly beautiful only , Flugs were far finer, far more beautiful…but what if…they were one in the same.
Setting the sketch on the desk, remembering how he’d paid heed only to their title and not their name…picking up a pencil that sat in the skull of the last crew man that had dared defy him he added ear fins and those scars, those delicate silver lines on white marble…
He stared at it , it was him, it was Acylius, looking up he found cold blue eyes staring back, he in his nonchalant manner had handed Thaddeus the Ocean and dethroned a king…if it were anyone else he would not care…but he’d done this to Flug, his Flug, was karma finally catching up to him, would the Great and Powerful Black Hat be torn down by the simple act of rejection…
Perhaps, he felt, perhaps he deserved it.
“You do not need to be a land walker to be you Flug, don’t do an Ariel she soon found herself sick for the sea and fell deep into depression when her Father had not even given her the choice to decide when she could go back to her home.”
“Who said I wanted to be human, that would be crazy, they’re all dreadful messes though there are the few exceptional such as Demencia and 505.”
Acylius raised a brow and splashed him a smirk forming on his face
“Oh I see, someone is finally putting the pieces together, stop worrying you egotistical buffoon, if I cared about being king I would have bitched about it already, true I was a caring king who took care of his subjects but they quickly changed sides when an Eldericht came to take the throne.”
He settled on the sand, shoulder to the glass and sighing, you and Hat still being perfectly able to hear him despite his being under water
“How quick they were to abandon me…fuck them, I chose to talk instead of devouring humans to be always at my full power to show I wanted peace between worlds, they wanted destruction…however…”
He looked at you with the saddest eyes and Hat felt a twist in his chest
“There were those like me, deep sea in their breed, most of them were scattered for being devoted to me, Thaddeus and his soldiers hunted them out, slaughtering them to near extinction, oh they certainly got the monster they wanted and I believe perhaps they even regret their fickle loyalty.
You ask him softly
“What is the third thing?”
“Save what little of the deep sea merfolk that still remain.”
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