#also im kinda digging writing in the present tense for some reason
sea-and-storm · 3 years
REFLECTIONS || A Drabble..
Ghoa's eyes land upon the glowing evening horizon from the high-rising stone pedestals and bridges of Limsa Lominsa, and instantly her mind has wandered just as far from her present. 
It drifts from those near that walk Eorzean soil alongside her now, and rather ventures out to those who tread much more distant lands. It's been some time now since last she saw their faces;  for some, that time has stretched far longer than mere moons. But despite the time and the malms that separate them now, thoughts of them come to her now as if they stand right beside her. 
First, her mind flits to Arukh. The brother she never knew she had, but who had apparently watched over her as best he could whilst their paths did intertwine with one another. There's a twinge of regret that lies buried in her chest even now, that she had declined his offer to return to Kugane back with her once the ruins had been set to rest. Even more, that regret gives birth to guilt, that she would ever even consider tearing him away from those he so obviously cared about. 
She wonders how he's been in the time since they parted. Does he think upon her in moments of quiet reflection, just like this, and feel the same long overdue joy and relief at finally having been able to know one another? She hopes so, just the same as she hopes that those thoughts of her don't take away from his living of the present and the enjoyment of the love that surrounds him. After all, they're of the same blood, and she knows how wont she herself is to looking back to the past and asking, "But should I have…?".
And with the thought of kinship, so does her mind wander again. Their names are Ambaghai and Ibakha, and there's still a nervous eagerness that swells like a rising tide within her when she thinks of them. The parents that she never met -- not truly, anyroad -- and whom had apparently never stopped loving her even long after a much younger Ghoa had resolved that their absence proved their apathy. 
She hopes that the day will come soon when she will be able to meet them and know them. Arukh had told her once that her absence in their lives had left their once vibrant mother heartbroken and their once warm father cold and distant. She wonders now if the message that she had sent along with her brother to them had helped begin to stitch together the pieces of Ibakha's broken heart and to rekindle the lost warmth within Ambaghai. "One day when it is safe, I will return to you," she had asked Arukh to tell them. "Until then, know that you are never far from my mind nor heart."
But theirs was not the only message she had asked her kin to relay in her stead, and it is to that recipient that her train of thought wanders next. When Arukh had told her that Elder Unegen still lived, Ghoa had felt a weight lift upon her shoulders that she had nary been aware of its existence. She thinks back again now to the last words they exchanged before and feels heat rise to her cheeks. Yet it isn't anger that slights them now, but regrets. She had begged and pleaded with Unegen to intercede when the Kharlu had chosen her, and when she had refused, Ghoa had hurled vile accusations of betrayal at her -- and Unegen had remained somberly silent through the barbs and jabs that her young apprentice had inflicted upon her. 
"Tell her that I understand why now," Ghoa had asked Arukh to relay to the now elderly shaman. "That I know she was faced with an impossible choice, and I no longer blame her for the decision she made to keep the tribe safe." Much more quietly, she had added, "And tell her that I am sorry I ever doubted her love."
Her brow furrows at the recollection and she lowers her head, words of quiet prayer on her lips that have become all the more common these days. She beseeches the Storm, the Sea, the Dusk Mother and any other gods that might lend a listening ear to help those trying to bring peace to the coastlands so that she might one day soon be able to make that apology again in person as her mentor deserves.
Peace. That word again sets her thoughts to wing, and this time they land on a man for whom her emotions are yet still conflicted. Ghoa has yet to truly forgive Arasen for what he had done to her, bending her will under his thumb without her knowledge. The feeling of betrayal still coils like a venomous serpent in the pit of her gut, threatening to strike with fangs bared if she draws too close. Normally, this feeling is enough for her to recoil, to keep a safe distance from those uncomfortable thoughts. But today, she dares to venture closer.
Last she saw the Kharlu shaman, he seemed but moments from crumbling under the weight of all his careful machinations now collapsed upon his already heavy shoulders. And despite the anger that wells within her when she thinks back to what he has done to her and those she cares for, alongside it also rises a thread of well-meaning concern. She hopes that Arasen still remains upright despite that undoubtedly crushing weight;  more than that, she hopes that it might even become lighter in time if he only just allows others around him to help share his burdens. In that particular stubbornness of his, Ghoa has seen herself and she knows just the same the freeing lightness that comes when one no longer feels that they are alone in their trials.
Maybe, she thinks now, she might be closer to forgiving him for his trespasses against her than she thought she was previously.
Yet there is more forgiveness than hers than Arasen ought seek, not least among them being that of the man to whom her thoughts now inevitably turn as they often do in quiet, thoughtful moments like this. Batuhan was subjected to a far worse betrayal than she, as Arasen was anything but a brother to her. In the wake of all that had happened, the hurt and disappointment that the older Kharlu had felt was obvious to her. It hurts her heart now just as much as it did then to think upon it, and she can only hope that one day the trust and love between them might be restored. For both of their sakes. 
But more than his relationship with his ward, Ghoa worries more for the warden himself. She had left him clear instruction that he was to take care of himself in her absence. Was he? He had promised her he would, and she knows that Batu is anything but the type to break his word. Yet even if he does keep his word to her, as she is sure he will, there's always a niggling fear in the back of her mind wont to remind her of the dangerous game that he and the others play in their efforts to see peace return to the coastlands. Perhaps that is truly the hardest part of this separation, she realizes now, knowing that even the most fervent promises are not always strong enough armor against the dangers of life itself.
But she breathes deep, holding the briny sea air within her lungs for a long moment before she lets it go slowly. With it, she releases the fear and uncertainty; for the time being, at least. As she ever has to remind herself when her thoughts wander here, all she can do is have faith: in Batuhan's promise to her, in the friends and allies that surround him, and to the gods that hear her quiet prayers to keep not only him but all others near to her heart safe and happy in her absence. 
It's another of these pleas that Ghoa finds herself uttering quietly to herself. When it ceases, her silver gaze once more focuses upon the sunset-stained horizon before her rather than thousands of malms away to the Steppe beyond it. 
And she smiles in contented peace, the corners of her eyes wrinkling in mirth, as she wonders if any of those whom cross her mind are now standing at the sea's far edge thinking of her, too. 
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Harry Hook x Pan!Reader -Oneshot - enemies are made on neverland
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MAGIC_IS_TEA on wattpad
Can you please make a harry hook x reader one shot where he reader is Peter pans daughter and she lives in Auradon but she doesn't fit in
she meets harry and they already knew eachother from when they were kids in Neverland. They've always hated each other because they were supposed to be mortal enemies. And this takes place in decedent's 3? And also the reader is really badass
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you were born and raised on neverland, the daughter of peter pan and Moira, your mother the granddaughter of wendy darling.
You had two older siblings, who weren’t neverland born, Maggie and Jack, who had grown up.
You were only 4 when you met..him.
You wandered the beaches of neverland, fawns bell-like voice twittering behind you chatting about the new baby squirrels that were born yesterday. When you heard footsteps approaching, you panicked, they didn’t sound like any footsteps you new, these were heavy but quick at the same time, and fast.
You turned and flew up a tree, watching the ground, when a boy, no older than you ran onto the beach, he kept looking behind him, as if something was following him
“BOY GET BACK HERE” you gasped, fawn cupping her hands to her mouth. Hook, Hook was after this boy, the boy looked around wildly, fear clear on his face. You made a split decision.
You jumped down from the tree, fawn flying after you, “Hey!” you whisper yelled, the boy jumped, turning to look at you, surprised ocean blue eyes met your (e/c) ones, and you waved him to you, he glanced back to where hook was calling angerly for him and rushed over to your hiding spot, you grabbed his hand, leading him to a hollowed tree, and shoved him in, fawn following him in and you climbed in, bringing up the leaf cover, pressing your back to the trunk.
Heavy footsteps.
“BOY” the ocean eyed boy jumped, his hand coming up to grip your shoulder tightly, his eyes filling with tears “WHERE ARE YOU, COME OUT NOW” a few moments of tense silence, before hook grumbled, muttering how the boy would regret running off later.
The footsteps walked away, but none of you moved till fawn flew out, seeing no pirate and called for you to come out, the boy asking what the bell was, but you ignored him, leading him back out.
“umm” the boy started nervously, a thick Scottish accent on his tongue “th-thanks” he mumbled, looking at your though his lashes.
“your welcome” you smiled at him, his cheeks turned pink, fawn giggled, the boy's eyes widened, seeing his sister stomping up behind you.
“HARRISON HOOK” your heart froze…hook? “HOW DARE YOU!?! YOU KNOW HOW DAD IS, COME ON” a girl with curly black hair grabbed the boys collar, freezing when she saw you.
“what-what are you doing hanging out with a pan!? Is that why you ran off?!” the boy froze when he heard your last name. shaking his head with tears in his eyes
“n-no! I didn’t know who she was!” the girl huffed, glaring at you “stay away from him pan”
And dragged the boy off, he looked back at you, mouthing ‘pan?’ to himself. You watched as the girl dragged her brother away, one thought in your head.
The boy was the son of captain hook, harry, his name was. And you hated him, and he seemed to return the feeling, he played pranks on you constantly, also stealing whatever he could from you, treasure, knick nacks, anything he could get his hands on.
Then he went too far, stealing your book and ripping it to pieces, a sadistic smirk on his face.
Tears dripped down your face as you watched the pages fall to the ground, it had been the last thing your great grandmother Wendy had given you before she died.
Her last work, one dedicated to you.
“n-no..” you shook your head, your voice cracking, you looked into Harrys eyes, anguish simmering in yours.
“I …i- I HATE YOU!” you screamed, turning and running to the hideout.
Only a couple days later, Auradon forces came to neverland to detain the pirates, including harry and dragged them off to the new island of the lost, a place with no magic, a place to imprison the villains.
Even with your hate for harry, you knew he and his sisters didn’t deserve to go there, they had done nothing!
You had begged the fairy queen, Clarion, to try to save them, but she was unable to do anything, though she agreed with you, Harriet, harry and CJ were innocent children, they did not deserve to be imprisoned for their father's crimes.
And it had been 13 years since then, and harry hook had been invited to Auradon prep, and you kinda reacted….harshly.
You might have punched him when he tried to talk to you for the first time, and he stared up at you with surprised eyes, holding his bloody nose.
“that’s for ripping my book”
You avoided him for a month, before he cornered you, ironically on the anniversary of the day you met him.
“pan-please-let me- let me talk teh yeh!!!!” he yelled, grasping your shoulders pleadingly, as you kept trying to move around him to getaway.
You huffed, leaning against the wall, glaring at him. “you have one minute” harry sighed, digging into his bag and handing you something.
Your eyes widened with tears, shaking hands talking the object out of his hands.
It…its was your book, the pages carefully put back together with care. You looked back at Harry, who was staring down at his feet, shuffling them.
“i-im sorry lass…I was an idiot, and wanted to make meh father proud…and I-I didn’t realize how much the book meant teh yeh till I saw the personal writing teh yeh…god im so so sorry (y/n)”
You saw a drop of water hit the floor, falling from the curtain of black hair covering his eyes.
“you-“ you started, your voice cracking, you cleared your throat “you kept the book…and the torn pages”
Harry nodded, “aye, I knew I couldn’t just leave them like that, so as soon as yeh started to run away in tears, I started to collect the pages, and I kept them in a bag till I could put them all back together”
You watched as harry bit his lip, obviously nervous. “im truly sorry (y/n)”
You stared at him, shock making you unable to speak, you looked down at the book, tears dripping onto he covers, you opened it, and the first thing you saw was your granny Wendys writing
To my little fairy, may this book allow to you fly forever
-Wendy Darling
Some of the words were separated with a thin line, from the tear, but were somehow put back together so carefully, it didn’t seem like it had been torn at all.
You laughed softly, looking back up at harry.
“maybe your not so bad at all?”
Did you hate harry hook? You used to, but…now you saw the boy you saved from his father, the one with the ocean blue eyes.
Slowly but surely, the two of you had become friends
He laughed at the stupidest things, like a bird that was high up and the wind ruffling its feathers. You had facepalmed at that.
And he had a stupid easy time at making you laugh, only needing to look at you and make a weird face to do so.
People were weirded out, the daughter of Pan and the son of Hook being friends!?! It was anarchy, it doesn’t make sense! You two were supposed to hate each other!
They didn’t like the way you two constantly talked, they didn’t like the way you two leaned into each other, they didn’t like the way you two bantered with each other like old friends, they didn’t like the fact that you two were friends at all.
No not at all.
people started to separate you from each other, inviting you to things where harry wouldn’t be present when you would go to sit with harry for meals they would grab you and make you sit with them.
They made the teachers of your shared class separate the two of you, with the reasoning of ‘they distract each other, their grades are going to slip’
And honestly? You were REALLY missing harry, like really bad, you were having dreams about him, doodling him on every piece of paper you could get your hands on, daydreaming of him.
You sat on your bed, crossed legged and thumping your knee on the bed, pouting at the wall.
You were lucky you had your own room.
So no would disturb you if you talked to harry in here.
Unfortunately, you never got his phone number.
Sighing you flopped back on your bed, half of you laying on the bed, the other half hanging over the side, the clock on the wall now upsidedown.
Your phone went off, sitting up you saw an unknown number, raising your brow you open the messaging app, seeing a message from the unknown number
From 714-849-7165 (dudes don’t call this number, It's just random) at 11:37 pm
I got your number from evie, you wanna go sneak off to the enchanted lake? Im bored
You squinted at the message, trying to figure out who it was before another message came in
Its harry btw
Sighing in relief you typed back, your heart beating a little faster now that you knew that it was Harry texting you.
YES, I've been so bored, who knew that a pirate makes life more exciting?
I knew, you just didn’t listen to me
You rolled your eyes.
Whatever, so enchanted lake?
Yes, meet you there in 15 minutes
Gotcha, see ya hook
See ya pan
Squealing you clicked off your phone, leaping up from your bed to grab appropriate clothing for going to the lake.
Was it wrong to feel this excited to see a simple friend?
Maybe it wasn’t just simple friendliness you felt toward the pirate.
Eh, you would deal with that later, you had a hangout to get to.
---the end---
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