#also im just saying i was mentally ok before i watched yhs. sure i was like eight before i watched it but the point remains /lh /hj
give-grian-rights · 2 years
btw some canonical Grian lore for you.
in the mental illness-inducing series Yandere High School c!Grian was abandoned by his parents . they had a divorce, neither of them wanted him, and they shipped him off to Japan without even filling out the right paperwork and putting him like two or something grades behind.
the only thing we know they did for him was give birth and send him money . in yandere high school, the only two parents we consistently have are FBI agents who bring their like twelve year old daughter to drug raids.
this is why he's such a bad parent to all his creations . in this essay i will -
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pjsta · 6 years
Ok but a lot of people will never fully understand just how important Ryan having dyspraxia is to me so here's some reasons for you:
- It's a hidden disability most people have never even heard about, so here's to educating them!!
- As people don't know it exists, representation is scarce
- Seriously i knew maybe two characters with dyspraxia before at the most
- and thats out of everything I've ever watched/read
- I don't even remember who one of them is but I'm sure I knew two
- and they dont really get into how it affected the characters either
- I now have a third character to whom I can relate whoooo
- Ryan seems to dislike talking about it bc of the reactions of people around him and honestly often times same
- First things first it is impossible for me, a dyspraxic, to condense the entirety of my dyspraxia down into a 1 minute summary and it often makes people awkwardly go oh... ummm????
- like i have a vague script but do i stick to it? Nope.
- seriously though i love that we got to see how different people react to his dyspraxia bc they were all so real and realistic
- He feels like he's letting his nan down (he's not but i feel this)
- But Grace was amazing and so supportive with him without trying to push so hard that he feels even more like a let down and she told him you already make me proud and im cry bc that is how you support and grace is the best fail to change my mind
- Graeme often treats it like he's using it as an excuse
- remember the "oh you going to blame this on dyspraxia too"
- seriously graeme, f u for that line
- i may think it myself often but it is Not. Cool. to say and it hurts like hell
- also he kinda seemed to treat him like a child sometimes and thats bad enough for neurotypical teenagers but pls dont bc we especially really dont need that
- Yaz knowing about it but not seeming to really know how to treat him??
- she occasionally seemed to think 'how should i treat him in this specific scenario'
- surprise surprise treat him like you would anyone else unless otherwise is said duh
- but i did like her making sure he would be ok with the climbing the ladder bc theres a difference between treating someone differently and actively making sure they're comfortable doing a thing
- (also fyi sloped ladders are mostly alright. Vertical ladders that go very very high can go die)
- yes riding a bike can be a real struggle for us dyspraxics
- if i didnt have the support and practice i did would very likely be in the same boat
- theres a reason why i dont trust myself on a bike on roads
- like yeah nope not a good plan
- ryan obviously not liking this aspect of himself is so relatable bc there're honestly times when i hate it too
- sometimes its just kinda there and other times its like i could really do without this pls go away and to see ryan do the same is just yh same
- i love that he said like despite this im actually a capable person but at the same time i hate it bc i know just what it feels like to know im a capable person but not always feel like it bc i cant always do things like everyone else can
- also!! Representation!!
- ik i said this earlier but the fact that we *actually* get representation for once and in a show as huge as doctor who?? THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!
- im really so so happy about this omg
- also it's dyspraxia foundation's dyspraxia awareness week so it's great timing too
- im so proud of ryan though
- he keeps going and keeps trying and im so proud
- you got this ryan
- i really hope we can maybe explore more of how it affects him
- its a thing that affects everyone differently so it would be good if they can show a massive variation and there's seriously so much they could do with this
- like stuff like messy incomprehensible hand writing bc motor control skills hate us
- falling over bc suddenly all balance has disappeared and centre of gravity does not exist for us so whoops over we go
- balancing on tiptoes bc we know we're just gonna fall over but we're going to feel good doing it
- maybe a bit of how it affected him at school
- like there were times when yaz seemed to remember from when they were kids and hes just different enough for it to be noticeable and not just with coordination difficulties but maybe thats just me seeing these things
- slower processing skills lead to not getting things down enough in the classroom which leads to gaps in our knowledge!!
- I had a slope and a funny cushion at school to try to help my writing and focus?? So little gadgets (fidget cube anyone??) to try to help him
- good time management is not a thing. What do you mean an hour has passed in five minutes or five minutes has taken a year??
- ryan trying to get his thoughts out in a comprehensible order and just ending up in a tangled mess of stammer, words and thoughts that worked in his head but didn't come out right at all and oops but you guys know what i mean right??
- coordination working for a while then suddenly just up and disappearing
- ryan being given instructions and needing them written down all the time bc error 404 short term memory does not exist is a thing and no i cant remember this thing you literally just said what??
- ryan organising sthg in a way that everyone else goes wait what why but to him makes perfect sense
- the evil that is shoelaces
- maybe aversion to extreme tastes?? Bc thats a thing
- Distractions! Distractions! Distractions!
- showing that dyspraxia is not all about being clumsy and coordination there are so many ways in which it can affect us
- also mental health can really be affected by it bc we live in a world not built for us and when people dont believe it exists or dont support us in it very well it can be very damaging
- *something goes wrong*: flail and freeze
So yeah, Ryan being dyspraxic means so much to me
Thank you, Doctor Who
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maddieandyou · 5 years
“get an animal that’s meant to stay inside” you mean like a domesticated cat??? wild cats are meant to be outside. any cat you own or could own is MEANT TO BE INSIDE. humans bred them to be INDOOR ANIMALS. and, dude, think a little. you live around people who own dogs, roads with cars, and and around people at all, right? then congrats! you live in an area that is dangerous for your animals to ‘just be outside’. outdoor cats statistically live half as long as indoor cats due to the issues above.
I was gonna just call this dumb but I think if u took the trouble to write that garbage while thinking ur being headstrong whilst using anon I'll just share this since ur probably gonna check back to see the reply anyway
Firstly bitch, don't bring up my animals into ur stupid way of thinking, my cats have/had beautiful long full lives with the perfect balance on their terms. My parents opted for a cat instead of a dog because it made more sense for us as a family regarding whete we lived how big our house was etc a cat is self sufficient and can be outside or inside all day depending on what they want while the family is out. The only threat my cats have ever had is other cats when they've gotten into scuffles even then it's only male cats. All within an appropriate area where just a few gardens down someone has a dog except that dog isnt a raging ass hole and just yells at them sometimes when he sees cats or birds.
I live in London where foxes roam and have even been on my shed roof in my garden, but my cats acc dont mind them because since they get the chance to asset themselves in their environment and learn and explore they know if they don't mind foxes and dogs or if they are scared of them. I used to be worried sure, but then again an animal would never just randomly square up to a bigger animal at risk to their life for no reason, my cats have chilled next to foxes so in my particular case my cats knew the risk and the fox knew the risk of going into a humans garden. A fox and her pups have even nestled in my neighbours garden I saw from the window. Like I said animals arent stupid and know not to look for trouble so if cats were about they'd steer clear of a mother fox and her pups.
See if I lived in America where that eco system is completely different I'd have to take into consideration what threats are about and if where I live is ok for them and by that I mean other animals not cars, people or whatever else is apart of the world that u said was dangerous. If I thought the area I was in wasnt safe enough you know what i would do....
I'll tell u a secret here's what I'd do....
I wouldn't get a cat
Maybe I'd get a dog, or just have no animal because I made the choice to live in that place and made the decision it was also unsafe for any animals I may want to join my life.
It's just selfish and cruel to bring an animal into seclusion not letting outside bevause u think it's not safe... then why get them? They are not meant to be inside all the time domestic or not, domestic doesnt mean staying inside, u would never treat a dog that way
Just say that u want a cute animal but dont care about them much beyond that selfish reason and be done with it
All im reading is that u think it's ok for people to own violent dogs that potentially kill other animals instead of letting a cat have space to roam and explore other than ur cramped smelly dusty home
Cats are adaptable, as easy as it is to domesticate them, they can also use their instinct to survive a populated neighbourhood or any environment that's the point of evolution, yh they're domesticated but that doesnt mean they are incapable and thousands of years of mental and physical development goes away. They are one of the most intelligent animals and as someone who's had cats all their life, domestic and adopted strays from the street and literal rural Greece where they are owned by no one and roam free I think I know what I'm talking about when I say that they'll be fine and if they do get hurt it's not as if anything in life is risk free u could get hit by a car the moment you go outside, stabbed or shot, did ur parents never let u out? Even tho as humans we are way dumber as kids in comparison to the mind of a cat that has the instinct to mature within a few months?
Like think about what you're saying, dont disrespect these animals so much that u think the best thing for them is to be looked after by humans inside a box
If u are literally THAT worried and concerned about it DONT GET A CAT it disgusts me that this mindset exists because u would allow dogs to literally be spoilt with dog parks, first dibs of environment apparently by ur standards to keep cats away, anything specially for dog owners to give their dogs a full life and cats are left with just ur ugly flats and houses....
Stop blinding urself by these modern dumb standards, go back a few decades in fact go back a few thousands years and see how cats lived and their nature and personalities before u treat every one like its geriatric, altho even old cats get about outside in gardens etc
Some cats are domesticated but they're not fucking incapable animals stop treating them like their morons and learn about them and appreciate just how amazing they are
Watch ssome animal planet, read a book and get some perspective
Some cats may need to be inside more then others sure, some like to stay inside more than others, doesnt mean that's all their world should be. If you're going to be responsible for their life and their whole world why keep it within 4 walls no animal is meant to live like that
The way people keep bringing up dogs is stupid also because if you've seen a cat with a dog your argument would dissolve. Only way that argument is relevant is if the dog is really violent then it's the dog that should be secluded inside not the peaceful cat so please fuck off
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