#also im about to spam some things for sunghee so you've been warned !!
fmdsungheearchive · 3 years
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tattoos & piercings. headcanon 002. 
as with pretty much everything in their life that sunghee is scared of (but not to the point of it being debilitating to them), sunghee reckoned that the best way to get over their fear of needles was to just… put themselves through being stabbed by them as often as possible. originally, it wasn’t in their plants to get tattoos at all because they didn’t think that dimensions would allow them to do it or that they’d actually find something they wanted to get tattooed. but that’s gone by now, especially because unity got explicit permission for it (within reason) and because sunghee is trying to live lately without thinking too much about the decisions they make.
in order, these are the body modifications they’ve done so far:
the typical ear piercings. before they even debuted they had both their ears pierced and through the years they added two extra piercings to the lobes of both ears. then early last year they got a helix piercing on the right ear as well as a conch one in the same ear. earlier this year they also decided to get a rook on the left ear. the refereces are here and here, and yes they are both nct ten.
an eyebrow piercing. that’s obviously the most recent of all. they weren’t going to, in the first place, especially because again, they didn’t think that dimensions would even remotely allow them to… and sunghee was right about that because they didn’t! but sunghee has never ever, in all the years unity has been a group, misbehaved even slightly, so when they showed up with an eyebrow piercing a couple of days ago, sunghee mostly got some scolding and was told they aren’t allowed to get another piercing or tattoo for a couple of months, which is fine by them. here is the reference.
the first tattoo they got was of an alien taking care of plants. sunghee was absolutely high when they decided they were going to tattoo this, not gonna lie. they were just scrolling through their feed when they saw a tattoo similar to that and they were like oh i want this. they got it a month and a half ago, and it’s on their left forearm. the unity make up staff is pretty happy that 90s love excuses long sleeved outfits because they do not want to know the headache that would be to cover that. here is the reference.
the second tattoo they got was literally just last week and it’s of a snake wrapped around their right thigh. it was another impulse tattoo, but they’ve been wanting to get a tattoo with oozy (that super famous korean tattoo artist) and sunghee managed to snatch a vacant spot the tattoo artist had. they originally wanted something more trippy but dimensions said a hard no and they mostly got away with that. they will get back to get a tattoo with them one day so they can finally get the r rated tattoo of their dreams. here is the reference.
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