#also if you've ever wondered what the actual person behind this blog sounds like then here's my voice folks :P
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This is a song I wrote almost a year ago, during the darkest time of my life. I was grieving for my mum and fighting daily abuse from the person who claimed to be my sister - the only relative I had left - in the place I used to call home, all while still battling chronic illness and disability. I have always turned to writing and music to transmute my pain back into love, the darkness back into light. So I wrote this song. And I want to share it with anyone who may be struggling, who may feel unable to admit how they're struggling for any reason. I was dealing with PTSD when I wrote this song; I hadn't opened up to anyone about the abuse I had been facing for months since my mum had passed away because I had no other family and no longer knew who I could trust. The only person I truly trusted was not able to be part of my life at that stage. It has been one heck of a journey this past year, but somehow I healed that PTSD and have even been reclaiming my physical health after years of chronic illness putting my life on hold. When my mum passed away, I vowed that I was going to get back to living and do a whole tonne of living for the both of us. And that's exactly what I've been doing. I cut my abuser out of my life for good, and then I reclaimed my life, myself and my voice. And I am very lucky and forever blessed to have had the biggest support and best cheerleader since reconnecting with the man I love (that one person I truly trust - we found a way to be part of each other's lives again. True love really does overcome all, folks. <3), my fiancé, who is my absolute rock and the man who has inspired every word I've ever written about love and soulmates on this blog. He is my eternal soulmate and I couldn't have got through all of this without him. <3
So I'm sharing this song here for anyone else struggling through hard times, who doesn't know how to open up or who to turn to. I'm sharing this song as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, none of us are ever truly alone. And that the only way to heal is to allow ourselves to truly feel.
When we disconnect from our pain, we disconnect from our hearts. When we disconnect from our hearts, we disconnect from ourselves. When we disconnect from ourselves, we disconnect from others. Leading to isolation, loneliness, apathy and total separation. As Rumi said, “The cure for pain is in the pain.”
Everyone is going through something. Some people talk about it. Some don’t. Some people talk about some things, but not others. None of that changes the fact that we are all going through stuff. Which is why we must all remember to show compassion, empathy and kindness to one another. To show humanity. After all, there can be no humanity without U-N-I-T-Y. We live in a capitalist rat race paradigm of a society controlled by fear and division, but there is far far more that unites us than divides us. This illusion of society would have everyone stand alone in apathy to continue their control through separation, but as individuals we can choose to stand together in the darkness and come to find that we ourselves are the light we all seek. Because the light is love, and love comes from unity. You can light an infinite number of candles with just one flame.
“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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(OOC: Update + Apology—Long Post)
So I've been pretty much non-existent for the past 4 months or so BUT I can explain!
Basically what happened is that I emigrated to not just a different country, but a different continent on literally the other side of the world from where I grew up. And I left behind all my friends and family at home, meaning I came here alone and I'm still alone and probably will be alone for as long as I remain in this new country. So for the past few months I've been dealing with moving and settling down and making plans to secure my future in this new country—heck, just making sure I can have a future in this new country. I'm more or less settled into my new life now (except for the planning for the future part) but before that I kind of forgot about Melody for a while 🫥
So anyway the guilt ate away at my subconscious and Melody's voice came to me in a dream and berated me for abandoning her, so I woke up and quickly came to check on my baby. And I realise, to my utter mortification and horror, that I never paused my Tumblr queue, so all the half-baked ideas, the rough drafts, the tentative-but-not-in-chronological-order character development, had been posting itself while I was away 🫠. So if during the past 5 months you saw my blog degenerate into a bigger and bigger mess and wondered "What the heck is going on"—it's not you, it's me. Right now I'm just trying to salvage what I can of my blog (and my dignity) and reorganise everything I originally planned for Melody (tbh I forgot half of it but I'm sure the memories are in here somewhere, I just have to clean out the dust and oil the gears first).
Honestly I have no idea how many people follow(ed) Melody's story, I might as well be posting into the void for all I know. But like so many of the other RPers on this blog I started because I was bored and had some ideas in my head that wouldn't leave me alone, and over time I became attached to my OC and her story (perhaps unhealthily so). That's part of the reason why I decided not to just delete my blog and make my absence permanent. Because working on this self-indulgent project used to make me happy, and because I still have some ideas I want to share with whoever might be lurking around. Another reason is because of the community that welcomed me and that I personally watched grow. Even when this blog was at its 'most active' I probably didn't interact with other RPers as much as I should/could have (again, it's not you, it's me) but what little interaction we did have I truly did enjoy as we built and connected our own stories and characters while also interpreting the DC ones. I don't think I've said this before, and I don't think I'll ever say it enough, but really, thank you all for being willing to indulge me and play with me. This has been a lovely space to be in, and you guys combined are like 80% of the reason ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@florence-wayne-official @kit-the-nonbinary-wayne @that-one-gotham-kid @amira-wayne-al-ghul @warren-wayne-kyle @teagrayson + anyone I missed, knowing the rate at which this community grows there's bound to be at least one person I didn't tag (it's not a snub—again, not you, it's me and my bad memory—please don't be offended 🥺)
((idk if tagging everyone is proper etiquette after my prolonged absence, I was just going to say 'you know who you are' at first and leave it at that but I'm not sure if you guys actually know who you are 😅 so if I'm breaking some kind of unspoken Tumblr code of etiquette I apologise again))
(((I didn't mean for that above note to sound as rude as it did)))
ANYWAYS if you've read past the wall of text above to make it down here congratulations and thank you, I'll be doing my best to clean up/revise my blog and my OC and her story in the coming weeks and hopefully get some sort of continuity back on track :) I'm also trying to figure out what happened in the rest of the RP community in my absence so if I reply to a three-month-old post now: once again, it's not you, it's me, and there's totally no obligation to engage with.
Can't wait to hang out with the Batfamily again ☺️ plus all my RP siblings, half-siblings, future siblings, stepsiblings, undead siblings etc XD
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okay no im not done bc when i was about 5ish years old, i was diagnosed with OCD, it's still on my chart to this day. i spent the majority of my childhood thinking i had "a weird kind of OCD" as my dad called it. he said i obviously had the same kind he had because i acted just like him and that his doctors told him it was a "rare form of OCD" he'd forgotten the name of. i don't have OCD. not a rare kind or any other kind. but i am autistic.
i'll put the full story under the cut but basically
tl;dr- stop talking about professional diagnosis as if it's the only true way to know if someone actually has the disorder. professionals are wrong all the fucking time, actually + getting a misdiagnosis can be so much worse than not having a professional diagnosis at all.
for about half my life, i remember sitting up at night, wondering why i was the way i was. why i am the way i am. even after receiving my diagnoses (the others aren't important rn), i couldn't understand myself at all. i tried researching OCD as best as a small child can but most help for OCD is aimed towards adults, not children, and none of them talked about the specific things i struggled with the most. i thought i was broken
it wasn't until i was 15 years old when i was talking to my latest therapist (at the time) and she asked me to explain my diagnoses and how they affect me that my entire world would slowly start to change. i told her about all of my symptoms of OCD and she asked me why i do those things, no one had ever asked me that before so i explained it to her.
and she tilted her head, the confusion growing on her face the longer i talked and when i finished, i'll never forget what she said. "that doesn't sound like OCD.. those aren't the motivations behind OCD and that's probably why trying to help you with it hasn't worked. you don't have it. it sounds, to me, like you have autism spectrum disorder." and as a teenager with a passion for psychology, i was, at first, insulted at the idea that i could have been so wrong about myself and got angry.
once i calmed down i realised that despite my raging 15 year old ego, i had never actually looked into OCD in-depth, just surface level stuff when i was a little kid. so i decided to delve more into it and found that she was right, both the DSM-5 and stories from people with OCD didn't lign up with my experiences very much when looked at beyond the surface level. so i decided to do some more in-depth research into autism, which spiralled into very in-depth research into autism, which spiralled into an identity crisis lasting years.
so after literal years of denial before eventually coming to terms with being misdiagnosed and having misunderstood everything about myself for the majority of my life at that point, at 19 years old, i sought out a legitimate diagnosis. i found a psychologist and simply told him everything i told had told the therapist, all the things i had thought were because of OCD, but this time explaining my thought process behind each one and also all the other things i struggled with that the Advice For Adults With OCD books and blogs never mentioned like my difficulties with social situations.
then, this licensed medical professional said to me, "well you've described asperger's perfectly.. but i don't think you have it because autistic people don't know there's anything wrong with them"
he, then, went on to say that i'm obviously "too smart to be autistic" and to "just get a tutor to help with the social anxiety". he went on and on about how i don't look autistic and i'm so good at verbalising so i just can't be autistic. i really hope i don't need to explain how that's ableist as fuck for anyone to say, let alone a medical professional. also. asperger's was not considered a valid diagnosis at this point in time so literally nothing he said has any basis in science whatsoever. in fact, if you read the criteria for level one autism, it actually explicitly states that the person may not appear outwardly autistic as sometimes the symptoms present more inwards.
do you understand why people don't want to seek a professional diagnosis? i was told point blank that i had literally described "asperger's" (now classified as level one autism) to a fucking T and was still refused a diagnosis for the crime of being able to understand that i struggle to function in a world not designed for me and articulate those struggles to someone who's job is supposed to be to help me.
i chose not to seek a diagnosis after that. i do not wish to ever have autism on my records whatsoever. i do not want to ever face a situation where i have an autism diagnosis on my record and i meet another doctor like that psychologist, who will see that and assume that i am incapable of thinking for myself or to refuse me autonomy, using my diagnosis as grounds to say that i don't understand the gravity of my own choices. i have heard many horror stories of doctors refusing to listen to diagnosed autistics or take them seriously. the american psychiatric system is actively harmful and violent towards disabled people.
in fact, i do not care for the psychiatric system in america whatsoever, i do not respect professional diagnoses as having anymore credit than well-researched self diagnoses. i do not blindly trust that any mental health "professionals" are actually knowledgeable in their field until they prove themselves to be. i have faced far too many who would frequently tell me, when i was in my teens, that i should be a therapist or a psychologist because i was teaching them things. that's not a brag btw because that's not a fucking good thing. if your 14 year old client is frequently teaching you things, you aren't doing enough research into your own field. this is not a testament to my intelligence, it's a testament to their incompetence.
people who get so hung up about being "professionally diagnosed" are so funny to me bc they have clearly never had to deal with having been misdiagnosed & the genuine stress (+ potential trauma) that can come from it
like oh, so you think medical professionals are infallible? do you really, genuinely think that doctors have zero biases? especially against certain diagnoses? especially against women and minorities? you don't think there's a severe lack of research for the majority of the population despite the fact that the majority of medical research is done on white cis men?
trying to get a diagnosis in order to get help for a disability can be incredibly difficult to begin with due to the stigma of being disabled. so i really need yall to understand that if you do manage to get a diagnosis and it turns out that it's wrong, the best case scenario is that it's going to make getting the help you need much harder while you continue to struggle with whatever disability you actually have and wondering why nothing helps for however long it takes for you discover to that you were misdiagnosed (if you ever do) & tell a doctor who might believe you and might give you the proper treatment.. if you're really, really lucky
#tw ableism#systematic ableism#people need to learn how to mind their own business#maybe its the new yorker in me but people feel so entitled to how other people live their lives but ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SO STFU#it actually pisses me tf off like why hasnt anyone punched u in the mouth yet
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Hello ModMad,
I hope this doesn't sound too formal, but I have followed your blog ever since I was eleven, back when I was getting introduced to the internet for the very first time. It's funny, I found you through your humanisation of Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared characters and I was, even from the very first comic (the one about adults and the schooling system killing the creativity in children) drawn into something wondrous. I started to follow you and have not stopped ever since. Through your fan works I found many fandoms i never would have considered but I also found something more. An earnest, sincere approach to creation and creativity which I simply did not have in my day to day life. However, what really got my attention was this funny little man in a bow tie who had a TV for a head. When I first saw RGB on your page I instantly fell in love. The design, the charm, the sense of mystery and mystic behind the character drew me in like a spiral and I simply couldn't let it go. I thought, for a long while that it was just another piece of fan art, until I finally realised he was actually one of your own creations. From a comic no less. That is how I found your original works and The Property of Hate comic itself. And ever since then I have been reading the comic, page by page, rereading it every couple of years with a new perspective and a new found appreciation for the story and the art form of comics in general.
In simplest terms, I am a long term follower, reader and supporter of your work and art. But it is here and now, at the age of twenty one, when I reread TPoH for the fourth time in my life that I have realised just how much of an impact this comic and your art has had upon me. I won't go too much into detail both for your sake and mine but, when I first found your art, I was suicidal. I was a child, yes, but I was also directionless and confused and I didn't really see much point in anything. But when I first stumbled upon your art and especially when I found TPoH, I found, I felt... Something. Through the years these have been different things. I felt hope, I felt joy, wonder, amazement, and even sadness and rage when appropriate in the reading process and as each year goes on I find myself only experiencing more and more complicated, fascinating feelings, each time I reread the comic anew. Thanks to that first Don't Hug Me art, I have started practicing art, drawing and character designing and animating and as I matured as a person and an artist, so did my views on the world allowing em to enjoy the narrative RGB and Hero lived and are living through from many different angels.
And here, again, I reread the comic once more, in a time of great emotional need and I once myself found myself... Just in awe of... Everything. From the art to the story to the messages and metaphors to the smallest of little details I am just... Incredibly, inconsivably greatful for the things you created.
I want to wish you luck in your future writing. I want to wish you luck in all your future drawing and creating and just living! And I hope, that if nothing else, you've helped me in ways I still. To this day have trouble articulating.
Thank you. For everything.
(I checked that this was okay to reply to publicly dw) AAAA??? THIS IS SUCH AN EPIC MESSAGE I WILL TREASURE IT ALWAYS thank you so much I wish I could say gooder words about it but I'm very moved that you took such efforts to write this and I will do my best to keep making you smile!
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*Private* Hi there, I hope you're doing well and having a good day. I was wondering if you could help me by boosting my donation post for me? I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you and I completely understand if you can't or don't want to help. No worries, thank you. Take care and happy holidays 💖❤️
Sorry, I won't be boosting your post, and I'm going to be posting this publically so that both you and other people can see my reasoning behind it, come to their own conclusions, and hopefully learn something from all this.
Firstly, there is currently a massive wave of scam artists and spam bots on tumblr invading people's inboxes with messages exactly like this. I've already had three in the past few weeks that were clear and obvious scams, so they just got deleted and the user blocked. If you are a genuine person in need, this is the absolute worst method of gaining attention.
And there is the strong possibility of you being genuine! Your blog has lots of posts on it scattered neatly on a near-daily basis, dating all the way back to May last year, and with a more-or-less consistent (as far as tumblr goes) themeing to them. You've made a number of original posts, mostly text, and they're a good mix of fandom, personal complaining about tumblr, and requests for money. Your highly inconsistent tagging, however, did send up a red flag, as it seems to be mostly no tags on 90% of posts, and then occasionally copying the tags of the person you reblogged from. Which could indicate a bot copy-pasting things, or it could just be xkit's 'keep original tags on reblogs' function. Many of your reblogs also all seem to have a timestamp of under 15 minutes from the person you reblogged it from, which again is a red flag as it could indicate a bot using tumblr's Post Date function to backdate reblogs, or it could just mean that you don't tend to scroll too far down your dash. There's also the fact that you do actually have a number of posts on your blog from 2015 before a 5-year-gap, which isn't a red flag? But it isn't not a red flag either.
Apologies if all these observations sound pretty clinical, but this is the sort of thing that people should be looking for when trying to spot fake blogs fishing for donations.
Secondly, and making this statement clearly on my blog is a major reason I'm posting this ask publicly, I do not reblog personal donation posts. Basically ever. I do not reblog them whether they're for medical needs, housing, pets, bills, or anything, and I certainly don't reblog them for strangers.
I will occasionally signal boost commission posts for friends or mutuals, or I'll reblog funding posts for cool projects, and very occasionally I'll help spread 'a major disaster has happened/is happening and here's how you can help the people involved' post that may happen to include donation links, but I do not reblog personal donation posts.
I am saying this as someone who knows what it's like to be flat-fucking-broke for years at a time. As someone who had their entire meagre savings completely wiped last year by the UK government. As someone who has anxiety attacks when I see the total at the end of my grocery bill every month. It is because of these things that I avoid those posts to the best of my (and blacklist's) ability.
Genuine or no, I'm sorry that you're in a shitty enough situation that you feel begging for funds on tumblr from strangers is your only real option. If you haven't already, I recommend checking out Copperbadge's fundraising primer, and filling out the Radio Free Monday form linked in the sidebar. You're much more likely to find help there than by sending out random and worrying asks.
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100 Followers Special
(And how to participate) you don't need to be a follower to vote ack
Hello AGAIN, with your back to back followers special! Exiled here, very tired, as I just closed the requests box for our 50 followers special. I asked for some recommendations and no one helped me so this is what I came up with!
Granted, it's nothing that special, I literally just dumped my notes into this so—
Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read this thoroughly to properly participate!
1. You will be given a long list of fic prompts specific to a character that I've come up with for weeks on end, please don't steal, as I will remove them after this event is done!
2. Voting! You now have the power to influence my writing schedule haha- what you need to do: is to pick three prompts from the list and send it to me; either through reblog tag, a reply, or in my ask box (not anon so we can count fairly, will not publish these answers tho so worry not)! Not in messages tho! It should be in this format:
1. Character - prompt or prompt title
2. Character - prompt or prompt title
3. Character - prompt or prompt title
1. Albedo - Citrinitas
2. Zhongli - Braid
3. Xingqui - Author!Reader
The top three most voted prompt and character will be the next fics I'll publish after I'm done with the current reqs. Speaking of: Voting ends when I finish the current reqs. You'll know it's done once the counter in my blog desc reaches 12/12.
3. In addition to the three prompts, you also get to add your own prompt to it! My prompts list does not include ALL the characters that's why I wanted to give you this option too! Add a fourth number and specify a character, a prompt/idea, and the format of the fic! Format it this way:
4. Character - Prompt/Idea (Format)
4. Kaeya - What's under that eyepatch? (Scenario)
After I pooled the answers, I'll randomly pick between the bonus answers and write them last! So give it your best shot!
4. Tags-list! I thought this would be necessary for this kind of a whim special, so if you wanna be tagged, just put Tag Me! at the end of your vote. Please make sure that you're actually able to be tagged because I just tried and some users are not in my orbit huhu, look here
5. If a pocket watch/series prompt gets chosen, I will only post the first chapter, not the whole damn fic pls. Have mercy,,,
I will post a counter of the top three in my blog description and will be updated as frequently as possible. Any questions, please direct to this post or my dms <3
Without further ado, here is your choice list!

Xingqui - "My liege, would you care to accompany me on my reading break? I've picked up a romance novel and it reminded me of us."
-> Author!Reader: You met Xingqui at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you. [FLUFF] [FIC]
-> Headcanons with a reader older than Xingqui who's a close family friend of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Fascinated after meeting you in a party, the noble boy aspires to become the best man for you despite the difference, promising to be the best suitable partner for you in the future. [FLUFF] [HEADCANON SCENARIO]

Childe - "Hey there, comrade! What a coincidence that we had a break at the same time, care to accompany me for a walk? I promise I won’t lead you to a fight haha... hey, don’t look at me like that!”
-> Antinomy - The 10th Harbinger (You) and the little shit they had to mentor (Childe), this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers. [FLANGST] [ONESHOT]

Albedo - "Ah, it's you. I've heard of fleeting rumors that you've been pestering a certain someone just to see me. Next time, just come directly to me, I wouldn't mind the assertiveness."
-> Refer to these three as well: Albedo Fic Ideas [FLUFF/FLANGST/FLANGST] [ONESHOT/ONESHOT/SERIES]
-> “You’re Enough”: A year into being the new Chief Alchemist of Mond, Albedo finds himself holed up in his room in the dead of night, haunted as he continuously comes out empty on his research to bring his master back, feeling inadequate. So you reminded him of what he’s capable of. [FLUFF?] [ONESHOT INSPIRED BY You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last]
-> Under the Artificial Sky: Michaelangelo Scenario focused on Albedo’s sketching aspect. Grand Master Varka and Acting Grand Master Jean figured Albedo needed a break and a change of scenery, and sent him off under the guise of a commission in Liyue. What he didn’t expect was another artist from Fontaine accompanying him in this big project.(Albedo and Reader are tasked to paint the new Jade Chamber within 7 days) [FLUFF] [SERIES - 7 CHAPTERS]
-> Albedo SMUT: I had this idea while laying wide awake at 3 AM. The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?” (Two virgin dumbasses do the thing to relieve stress) [SMUT] [ONESHOT]

Xiao - “I’ve taken care of every threat around this area, you can relax now, I made sure of that.”
-> What is it with you and Qingxin flowers? The Traveler had once heard of Xiao’s affinity for Qingxin flowers, and they’re flying companion boldly asked this lingering question to the adepti himself. His pupils dilate and sharpen before Paimon could finish her sentence. (An origin story about his favorite flower, and his favorite person) [SLIGHT FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Just how harmful is adeptal energy to normal humans? You both found out in the worst way possible: silently, deadly. (Slight spoiler: you fucking die) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Nightmares Taste Horrible: He’s seen that look in your eyes and the ancient soul within it; you’ve lived long ago, and the only thing your soul carried now was the nightmares of a macabre timeline. Was it him or was it demons that brought you that fear? No matter, he’ll protect you even from yourself. (eating the nightmare of a dead soul reincarnated to you) [FLANGST?] [ONESHOT]
-> Go for the throat: The seal that marked you had made it all too late for him to remedy. Bleeding eyes, growing fangs, it’s just another demon to vanquish just like he’s done for centuries. What makes it different was it was sealed in you. (Inspired from Melanie Martinez’s song uhu) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]

Zhongli - “Mortals are capable creatures that evolve and adapt for means of survival, but they advance in ways that changes the world around them. This retirement, may be harder to me than it is to them.”
-> “In human history, there’s a certain noble and powerful connotation to rulers who braid their hair.” Convince to braid his hair using some historical braid trivia; that long hair behind his back should not be ignored for any longer. [PURE FLUFF] [DRABBLE]
-> History has its eyes on you: A traveling theatre hailing from the land of entertainment finds its way to Liyue for their last caravan. A certain Geo Vision man seems to resonate with your newest script: fighting and protecting your land, building up its nation, before being forced to let go of it. He resonates maybe a little too much. (Musical!Reader with heavy references to Hamilton hehe) [FLUFF] [ONESHOT]

Venti - "Can you hear the symphonies of the wind as it sings to you? That's me, guiding you and protecting you! Whenever you hear it, know that you're safe and sound under my protection!"
-> the one the bard once loved: like actual bard, you are the archer or smth, loved by Venti and Barbatos. Yandere!Barbatos undertones, very unhealthy relationship. This hurts the kokoro. [PURE ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> The Caravan: (related to the Zhongli and Musical!Reader up there) Your caravan stops at Mondstadt for a whole week before it reaches its final destination. This new fanfare pulled in a peculiar bard who now wants to tag along for the fun of it. "I have no more responsibilities in this free land!" Just what kind of responsibilities does a broke bard have in the first place? [FLUFF] [ONESHOT/HEADCANON]

Diluc - "You look weary, and you still managed to pull yourself here. Here, a fresh and cold glass, on the house. A relieved smile should be enough payment."
-> Abandoned by The Altar: A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young. [FLANFF] (The ending gets better pls; Inspired by Still Into You - Paramore) [ONESHOT]
-> There are No Laws Against Homelessness in Mondstadt: My favorite title out of all of this ahahhaa- who says adventurers can't be broke? You're the living embodiment of that. (Good boi Diluc with a broke ass reader) [FLUFF] (Warning: homelessness) [ONESHOT]

Scaramouche - "Let's go already, the sun is setting and we're nowhere near our destination. If you wanted to linger just to spend more time with me, I would have indulged you behind closed doors anyways."
-> Scaramouche Finally Does the Fandango: Have you ever wondered how Scaramouche is like working with other people? His first assignment was to accompany you in your main region and he sees you in your natural habitat, entranced. [I dunno how to tag this, NORMAL?] [ONESHOT/SHORT]
-> Skincare bitch, how I headcanon Scaramouche as someone actually conscious and always tending to their skin. Look at that smooth skin, cute cheeks, let me pinch, eyeliner glory— In which case, that hat has more purpose than being a frisbee. (May or may not include reader. (based from a reblog convo with chels-void) [GOOD VIBES] [HEADCANONS]
-> Once Supreme: Before Scaramouche, there was someone else higher than him. Before Balladeer there was just a young man fighting for his beliefs and her Majesty. Before Mondstadt, his smile wasn't just for deception. "Someday, someone would take advantage of that smile, Scaramouche. It's not appropriate in this work environment." The day you break a man. (Harbinger!Reader again, and lots of HCs for Scaramouche, same format as Antinomy) [I also do not know how to call this, eventual ANGST] [ONESHOT]
Kaeya - "What are you doing out here in the dead of night? Citizens like you should be cozied up in bed and leaving the patrols to us Knights. Come, I'll accompany you back home."
-> Honey Whiskey: A mysterious band of dancers from Sumeru visits Mondstadt and its taverns to offer a night of alluring dances. What was supposed to be a night of drinking for Kaeya and his troops ended up becoming a tipsy surprise mission when the main dancer steps down from the stage— and ignores him?! How scandalous! (Slightly suggestive themes/You're a bad guy) [COOL?] [ONESHOT] [slightly inspired by song with the same name]

-> A Musical!Reader but with a scenario with every other character, most probably headcanons master post.
-> Genshin Food prompts: From that one post, I ended up making a whole storyline of oneshots related to their special dishes. Oneshots connected to a bigger picture. By impulse you've ended up leaving your normal life behind to pursue your cooking career, starting from Mondstadt, to learn all the cuisines to establish the first ever international restaurant. With the implications of magic and peculiar customers, your simple dream turns into a harder goal. [GOOD SHIT] [SERIES] [CANON-COMPLIANT]
-> God of Time!Reader that hails from Fontaine. Do you wish to know more about their origins and their purpose in this world? [CANON-COMPLIANT] [HEADCANONS] (General since it deals with all the characters/interactions)
#genshin impact#genshin impact imagines#genshin impact x reader#exile.circlet#exile.flower#albedo x reader#genshin impact albedo#genshin impact headcanons#genshin impact oneshots#genshin impact diluc#diluc x reader#genshin impact zhongli#zhongli x reader#genshin impact venti#venti x reader#genshin impact kaeya#kaeya x reader#genshin impact xingqui#xingqui x reader#genshin impact childe#childe x reader#genshin impact scaramouche#scaramouche x reader#genshin impact xiao#xiao x reader#followers special
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So another collab with @bnha-homeroom!! They're really fun to make and I had a blast!! Go check out part 1 on her blog, then come back to read mine, there's also a Spotify playlist linked in her part, songs that would fit the vibe, i totally recommend listening to it while reading❤️💜❤️
Song mentioned: Halfway to Nowhere by Chelou
Warning: smut...
"Let me show you how you should be behaving." That sentence alone made your knees weak, trembling underneath you. His surprisingly cold hand slowly pushed your shirt up, fingers grazing at your skin and leaving goosebumps in their trail. His lips pushed soft kisses on your neck. Softness slowly turned rough and demanding, biting and sucking, littering your delicate flesh with purple blue bruises. While your hands found their way to his hair, pulling and yanking earned groans from the boy before you. One of his knees parted your legs to press on your core, sending wave after wave of pleasure, surely making you go insane. And the music in the background was definitely not helping your ever so fast beating heart. Lyrics peirced you with the force of a thousand daggers, heat rushing to your core. If you thought his singing voice was enough to send you to paradise, him whispering the words with a harsh, deep voice in your ears had you melting and crumbling to the floor if it wasn't for his tight grip around you.
"They tell me good things come for those who wait
To speed the process along, I came to tempt fate"
How could lyrics describe a situation so perfectly? How could mere lyrics make your eyes roll so far back, hand clenched so hard for dear life? Were those the lyrics or the man having that effect on you, you'd never know. Pulling away, thanking whatever god above to let you take a proper breath again, though it was quickly caught in your throat when dark red eyes stared right back at you. The lightning made his sharp jaw stand out, his orbs to shine so brightly, hints of mischief evident in them "We should go somewhere else don't you think baby?"
On your ride home, his hand never left your thighs. The intensity in his eyes as he focused on the road, with his jaw locked looking sharp, was perfect with the street lights fading only to brutally appear again. The force of his grip on the steering wheel was evident with the showing veins running along his arms.
It seemed like an eternity before you arrived to his apartment. An old yet well maintained building, coming into view. He quickly got out of his car only to open your door and yank you outside. The cold air hitting your exposed arms made you shiver. Though cold skin started to warm up as soon as his lips came back to your neck, continuing on his masterpiece of blue and purple spots. Hands, surprisingly, ran up and down your side in an attempt to make you forget the freezing air, or was it just part of his plan? As his grip became tighter on your hips, pushing you backward, he opened what you assumed to be doors and the rest passed in a blur as you found yourself in front of his door. The only moment his hands left you was to fish his keys from his back pocket. Though his lips never left yours as your limbs wrapped around his neck, making the simple mission harder than it needed to be. Pressing himself into you, he made your back bump into the wooden surface as he tried to enter the key into the keyhole. Though it seemed nearly impossible for him as you kept grinding yourself on his hardening crotch. Moving away to glare at you, he growled, "Patient princesses get what they want. Remember that yeah?" You stopped your teasing as you finally let him open the door to his apartment.
There was a simple yet rustic interior to match his personality. But you didn't have time to even take a look around as you felt something hard poking you from behind, hands encircling your waist and pulling you closer to a hard chest. Hot breath fanned over your skin, making you shiver, every hair of your body standing up as his fingers began to take off your shirt. He turned you around and finally for the second time tonight, pressed his lips to yours. He tasted like burnt caramel mixed with whatever alcohol he was drinking on stage, with the faintest smoky aftertaste. The way his hands roamed all over your body, pinching and adoring every inch of exposed skin made your heart beat fast, the man you've dreamt about for so long now actually before you.
Pulling away, he was quick to push your skirt down, eyeing the darkening spot on your undies, stroking his ego as he gave you one of his signature smirks. He pushed you back so now you found yourself in another part of his house, the kitchen. An open kitchen to be exact, fitting the vibe of the rest of the house. This time he let you take a look as he was busy getting rid of his jacket and top. But finishing quickly, all he had to do was send you a look and you found yourself at his feet. Your body moved on its own, like metal attracted to a magnet. Nothing could stop you from being so close to the blonde. Kissing you again, except this time, the kiss was filled with more passion, more lust and desire. Moving his lips slowly yet hungrily against yours, your tongues danced with each other. His digits hooked up the band of your underwear and pushed them down your legs, before quickly undressing you from your bra. While yours were fondling with his belt, all sense of rationality left you as you struggled with his pants, earning you a small chuckle from Bakugou as he gently brushed your fingers away to replace them with his own. Finally undressing,he didn't give you the pleasure of pulling his boxers down along. Begging eyes looking up to his own as you got impossibly closer to him, but he only turned you away and pressed your chest to the counter. "Remember what I said earlier, baby, yeah?" Nodding your head vigorously, having enough with the teasing and the waiting. You just wanted to feel him.
And you finally did. Slowly pushing inside you from behind, his big head parted your lips to nestle in your heat. Waiting for a bit, the way your walls hugged him so perfectly made him go insane. He couldn't help but let his fingers brush against your back, skin tingling and chills running down your spine. Backing up, your ass wriggling against him, he got the message. Starting at a slow pace that wouldn't last long, hard and deep thrusts made his cock hit your g-spot with every roll of his hips. Along with the sound of skin slapping, his pants and your moans filled the open space. Your hands grabbed onto the counter, the fear of slipping away making your knuckles turn white, while his intertwined in your hair, massaging your scalp only to end up yanking at your locks with so much force you were afraid you might end up bald after tonight. Feeling your walls tightening around him, your wobbling legs nearly failing you, he was fast to grab you tighter, pressing you even further onto the counter. Leaning down, his chest flush against your back, his deep voice was the only thing to break the sexual sounds. "Don't you dare cum Y/n baby. You'll get to cum eventually, but not now." Whining at the refusal of your orgasm, wondering how he knew your name. Maybe it was Kaminari? Maybe he heard it? Although, you didn't care to know at the moment.
Picking up his pace, he moved at a rapid speed, each thrust making your body drag against the stone surface. Your awaiting orgasm soon threatened to break and you begged him over and over again, till he had enough of you, pressing your face onto the counter, reminding you of his earlier words. His movements became sloppier, voice louder and words dirtier, hands sweatier against your skin. He was getting closer and closer till he couldn't hold himself back anymore. "That's it princess, that's it, cum from me, cum around my cock. Now!" These words were all it took for your walls to clench around him, finally hitting your long awaited orgasm, triggering his own, white ropes painting your insides as you milked him of every single drop.
He pulled out and let you regain your breath. But as soon as you turned around you were met with a devilish look, telling you that your night was not over yet. He tightly gripped your wrist as he guided you to his bedroom, whispering all the positions he'd have you in, all the dirty things he'd have you do, the number of times he'd have you cuming and begging to cum….
The night passed in a blur, all you remembered from it were the warm hands wrapped around you, the deep voice whispering sweet nothings in your ears, the handsome rough man that made love to you all night long. Waking up, every inch of your body hurt, making you wince at the pain as you tried to get out of bed without Bakugou noticing. Your heart broke and ached at the thought of this one night stand. The man of your dreams was nothing but the man of one night. Carefully pulling your skirt up your legs, you felt a hand wrapping around your waist, and a sweet kiss pressed to your cheeks "Are you leaving? I wanted to make you breakfast. Stay for a bit and then I'll take you home." with a voice that dripped with kindness and eyes glazed with hope and love, how could you say no to that man?
#bnha imagines#bnha#bnha x reader#bnha headcanons#bnha smut#bnha collab#bnha bakugou#bakugou katsuki#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou katsuki smut#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugo katsuki#bakugo x reader#bakugo smut#bakugou x reader smut
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Bandit and A School Girl
For today's fic its gon be bout my BIGGEST crush EVER. CHROLLO FUCKING LUCILFER. So I actually wrote more for this fic I think this is part 5 or sumn but I decide that this is my favourite part to post on this blog so here u go. Something bout Chrollo being a sugar fucking daddy turns me on so hard ON GOD. YES Im a Chrollo Stan and I'll always be ~~~ I actually have this fit posted somewhere as well and IF you guys want more parts just tell me & I'll post it here. Oh and also I don't really write with OC's I guess its just my preference I would usually come out with my own name but in this case I am borrowing a haracter from Seven Deadly Sins......Elizabeth Liones simply because she's the perfect character to portray my fic vision.

"I know that stare and look. Don't. There's something wrong about her. Elizabeth is one of the hottest girls on our campus but boys that goes on a date with her never want to talk to her or even look at her again. Despite that.......she's very smart and also one of the top students here." a boy her age said to Chrollo while he was waiting for Elizabeth to end her class.
He found this interesting, he was getting to know more about her without her telling him. He had already seen first hand that she can be erratic but this was from another pov of the girl.
"Do you think I'm compatible with her then?" Chrollo's demeanor changed to one of those cheeky school boys that had a crush on a ridiculously pretty highschool girl. The brown haired boy laughed and scratched his head "You look much older than Elizabeth and you're probably not from this school. Judging by your appearance and body posture, you're probably a very determined person and also a confident man." the random guy briefly summarised him. Chrollo laughed "Your observation explanations must be a mandatory skill here I guess" he said .
"To be honest, most of us are just trying. God seemed to gift some students here with high IQ and abilities to absorb every knowledge given to them in a heartbeat and Elizabeth is one of them. I'm quite jealous" he joked. "Well don't say I didn't warn you, Elizabeth is very attractive but she's suspicious at the same time and I don't mean it in a good way" Chrollo nodded at the guy's departure with a smile before returning his gaze to Elizabeth "You might be a serpent in disguise " he mentally thought.
"You're not some ordinary guy with a crush yourself" the random student muttered to himself, looking back to Chrollo giving him one last suspicious glance.
Chrollo of course felt the hostile glance, he might be just trying to pursue someone he likes but he will never let his guard down, He smiled to himself
"Elite school indeed."
"You know you didn't have to fetch me from class, my dorm is on this campus." Elizabeth said sweetly to Chrollo.
They were walking towards the campus café. "Well there's nothing wrong about wanting to see the girl I like isn't it" he flirted playfully. To anyone that knew Chrollo will find his current behaviour mystifying, he never showed such emotions with anyone but was able to with Elizabeth.
"If you like me so much why don't we go on dates like girlfriend and boyfriends" she joked cutely. He smiled at her not so subtle hint. "If you want me to take you on date you should have just asked. I would love nothing more to go out with you, afterall how can I turn down such a request when a young attractive schoolgirl wants to go out with an old man like me" he teased and Elizabeth burst out laughing. "Oh! so you agree I'm an old man then" he raised his brows down at her. She shook her head still laughing, "You know I don't think that way and I think you're a very very handsome man Chrollo" she said shyly, her face tinted with a slight blush.
"Do you like this school Elizabeth? Are you enjoying yourself?'' They sat down on a bench on the campus grounds and Elizabeth leaned on Chrollo's shoulder. "Oh god that was such a long lecture, I am mentally tired" she whined softly but continued "I love studying in this school but I know and feel there's more that I can learn. It's not enough for me here." she said whilst playing with the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt.
He looked so handsome Elizabeth felt like jumping onto him right now. She was zoning out on him , her mind went dirty and she suddenly had a brilliant idea, thrilling if she would say so herself.
"I want to show you something, Chrollo! Come!"
She abruptly stood up and took his hand and dragged him with her towards the campus. Chrollo smiled, she was tiredly whining one second and dragging him around the next.
Elizabeth dragged Chrollo into her Constitutional classroom that was now empty.
"I hate this class the most, it's repetitive and the hours are ridiculous" Elizabeth complained.
Chrollo took the classroom layout into mind "So you want me to burn this class for you my dear?" he asked seriously. Elizabeth turned to him and laughed at his words "You're funny you know that, we're not here for public vandalism" she said softly walking towards him innocently.
Elizabeth grabbed Chrollo's collar and kissed him roughly. His hands instantly grabbed her waists and her small hands roamed and slowly crept its way under his white shirt. Her palms greedily roamed his hard abs, even if she didn't have a view of him, touching him made her see his glory in her mind. She had already memorized him mentally and there is no way she could forget. Her lips left his and she planted small kisses down his throat and her tongue gilded back up teasingly against his Adam's apple. Her lips planted small kisses and she went towards his right right ear.
"We're here so I can suck you off"

She whispered and her right hand palmed his hardening cock through his pants, her voice filled with lust she couldn't contain herself, everytime she thought of him in class she got so god damn fucking wet. Just by the thought of him. He grunt at her vulgar words, he became harder just by her words. "You're very naughty Elizabeth, the classroom is not locked. What if a lecturer comes in then?" he was struggling to finish his sentence because her hand movements were getting too much for him. "Then I'll be in trouble danchou......" moaned in his ear. That was the last straw for him. He grabbed her silver hair roughly and yanked her down in front of his crotch.
"You better stop talking like that and put me in that sweet mouth of yours." he growled at her. Elizabeth giggled at his request, her small hands hurriedly fumble with his pants and in a second she had him down her throat. "fuckkkkk..el..elizabet..th yo..you're such a good fucking girl" he moaned and encouraged her actions. His fingers run through her silky smooth hair, appreciating her feminine features greatly. The look she gave sucking his cock like that, the lewd sounds from her doing the deed. The sloppy wet sound echoing throughout her classroom accompanied by her soft moans of enjoyment made him want to stop her and ram her against one of these school desks. He decided against the idea because he loved how determined the sexy young girl was in giving him pleasure like this. Her head bobbed up and down, coating his very large member with her saliva, it was as if she was in her own world.
Elizabeth was truly enjoying what she was doing, she didn't feel forced or obligated to suck him, doing this felt like an honour and she was going to show him that nobody was as good as her. "mhhmmm....." she took his cock out of her mouth with a soft 'plop' sound and licked viciously bottom to top "you're so fuc..mmmm..king big Chrollo, can...have this in my mouth everyddayy??..." he almost came to her dirty talks. "This will be...uhh..the only fucking...cock in that pretty mouth of yours Elizabeth.." she nodded at his words, giving herself 100% to him.
"You're the only one that I will pleasure, no other man will feel my lips, mouth, body but you..." she said, locking her eyes with his. The eye contact was a promise for the both of them, no one will ever touch them in such a way. "Good...show me how good you are for me and make me cum Elizabeth." he said yanking her head roughly making her take him wholly once again.
"mmmmhhh!" the soft noises she was making and the view of her body on her knees with her skirt riding up her thighs flashing him a generous amount of her thick and soft thighs.
Her tongue licked the tip of his head in a teasing manner before roughly sucking his cock again. His large hands had her hair in a ponytail "yes...yes fuck that cock with your mouth.." he urged her, he was almost there and it took Elizabeth to withdraw his cock from her mouth and spitting on it seductively before taking him all the way down again.
"shit! ah..... fucck! fuck Elizabeth!" he grunted and release his seed into her pretty mouth and he made sure to empty everything he got into her mouth. He still had a tight grip on her hair and she was moaning at his orgasm, it was such a godly sight for her.
"mmmmmm that's so much cum down my throat Chrollo.." her voice was soft and innocent, she could feel how sore her throat was becoming. He let go of her hair and closed his eyes, processing the euphoric feeling he just felt because of her efforts. "How many boys have you practiced on, the way your mouth worked was wonders" he complimented her. She giggled and stood up "Well I have dated a few boys in this campus and i have done things occasionally with them."
He had already adjusted himself and his pants was back on, he then remembered what the guy said to him when he was waiting for Elizabeth just now. "You've had boyfriends before you, I don't like it. Shall I kill your past lovers?" he said bluntly. Elizabeth laughed, he could be so cute yet so horrific at the same time
"All the boys in this campus combined could never be as handsome as you" she said.
"Take me to my room and lets have fun" she said innocently but already was walking out of the classroom. He laughed and trailed behind her shaking his head.
"Anything you want Elizabeth"
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Hello, how are you? I know you hear it a lot but your blog is fantastic, all the effort and love you put in each ask is impresive! Also, your writing it's so beautiful! Well, I saw you've a little bit of Hijikata, would you mind do hc for the Toshi falling for his s/o, please??
I would love to do this and will give it my best shot! Hijikata is a delicious and amazing man, and he deserves so much love. Something about him turns my writing a little angsty though…so I apologize in advance if that’s not the direction you were hoping for with this. (But don’t worry, no sad endings!)
Toshi really really won’t want to fall for you.
He tells himself he just doesn’t have time for love, for one–he’s got a crew to run, a commander to follow, a war to fight.
Deep down he feels a profound sense of unworthiness when it comes to romance. He often still sees himself as a small town kid playing samurai, or as a cold-hearted soldier whose only purpose is to fight and die and ask no more of life. It’s a role he’s made bitter peace with. It only makes the ache that much worse to realize you might just be giving him the opportunity to want more.
When you’ve already abandoned a dream as impossible, having the hope dangled in front of you again can be a painful thing.
So in the beginning he’ll deny his feelings for you, and absolutely yours for him. You must not know what kind of man he really is; how little he has to offer. It just goes to show how much more a person like you deserves in a partner, that you always seem to notice the good in him and overlook his flaws.
He tries his best to keep you at arm’s length. He treats you with curt civility, even becomes a little standoffish. The warmth of your smile reaches out across the distance.
It frustrates him that you won’t just give up and find someone better. He starts to let you see his ugly side a little and doesn’t hold back his anger and irritation. It’s never directed at you–he has plenty of other things around him to get pissed off about. But he figures if he can’t shake you off with indifference, surely open animosity will help you get the picture?
Inscrutable woman that you are, it only seems to draw you closer. You approach him with brows furrowed in concern and ask whether he’s taking care of himself? When was the last time he slept well, took a break?
You begin to linger a little after you’ve completed the work he gave you. The letters have been bound and dispatched, his notes faithfully copied in your delicate hand–yet you’re still here with him, sitting with that questioning look as though there might be something else you can do for him yet.
You start bringing him tea unasked. Fucking tea, for God’s sake. He finds you setting a hot cup on his desk at night; all he can do is stare up at you, hoping he’s scowling properly and not gazing with the open adoration he feels. It seems to work, because you keep away the next night, and he has to push aside the idiotic sensation of actually being disappointed.
Then he hears a soft noise outside his door; slides it open to find a tray left there so you wouldn’t disturb him. He’s at his wit’s end with you
There will eventually be a tipping point–one more addition on his long list of your admirable qualities, or a new small way in which you insist on taking care of him.
Toshi’s man enough to admit when the battle has been lost. After a certain extent, what’s the use of fighting against it anymore? He wants you, and you want him.
But he can’t help giving you one last chance to change your mind. If this is really going to happen, he’s not sure he’ll be able to let you go once it does.
You approach him with that look at the end of the night, a final wordless request for one last task to do before you turn in. You’re the same as ever.
He stands, and notices for the first time how tall you are for a woman. The top of your head reaches his eyes. It would be only too easy…before he knows what it’s done, his hand has found your chin to tilt your face up toward his slightly.
You should be put off, at the least surprised by his behavior. But your face is completely open to him. He looks down into your clear eyes and tries to find the right words–decide what exactly he’s about to do.
‘You should want someone better.’ It’s the truth. It’s the only thing he can think to say, really. Your lips part slightly, but you make no move to separate from his fingers or break from his gaze.
‘Don’t tell me what to want,’ you reply. There’s not a single false note in your voice. ‘I know what I want, Toshi.’
He never knew he could treasure the sound of his own name so much until he heard it from your lips. The distance to them is a short one, and it takes him only a second to close.
He kisses you, and you kiss him back, your hands clasping around his neck with such surety it’s as if you’ve practiced the motion a hundred times. He feels your warm breath brush his cheek and finds his arms have drawn around your waist in order to pull you against him, leaving no open space between your bodies.
He’s the first to break away. Your face trails after his slightly, as if reluctant to let the moment end, before your eyes slowly come open again.
Neither of you knows quite what to say. Inside, the questions start to fill his mind. He wonders which to expect from you first. What was that? What does this mean? What happens now? Have you gone completely insane?
The laughter takes him by surprise. You lean your head onto his chest, and he feels the lovely sound echo through your still-connected bodies, shaking the slender arms still clasped behind his neck.
It makes the tense breath he didn’t realize he was holding flow out in a sigh. He just holds you, letting your satisfaction fully soak into him.
‘What’s the joke?’ He speaks into your soft hair, only half-teasing.
You’re still laughing a bit as you try to get the words out. ‘I was…I was starting to think I might have to do that first.’ You straighten away a little, looking happier than he’s ever seen you, and one of your hands reaches to smooth a long strand back from his face before settling against his cheek. His arms tighten around you at the feeling.
‘Maybe you will…’ He’s already leaning in for you again. ‘But not tonight.’
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You've Got To Be Carefully Taught
One of the most eye-opening tips I’ve ever casually received in my career thus far came while doing a show called My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding. It’s an absolutely delightful, folksy, and heartfelt autobiographical musical written by the Canadian husband-wife writing team (and the kindest people) David Hein and Irene Sankoff - yes, the same people behind the international smash hit: Come From Away.
It was October of 2010 and we had been rehearsing the show at JCC Centerstage in Rochester, NY in a setting where the show was being workshopped with David and Irene as we went through the script. For a new writer like me, this was an incredible experience. The show’s director and a wonderful mentor of mine - Ralph Meranto - told David and Irene after one rehearsal that I was an aspiring musical theatre writer. They immediately showed interest and asked questions. As I said, kindest people ever.
At the end of the conversation, Irene asked, “Do you follow Ken Davenport’s blog? If you don’t, you definitely should. There’s a lot of great information. We read it religiously!”
This one suggestion set me onto a path over the next few years of attempting to acquire and consume every bit of knowledge that I could about writing musical theatre. And that is why this tip was so important.
The Rodgers and Hammerstein song from which this post gets its title suggests that we are not born with hatred, bigotry, and racism. Instead, this information has to be taught to us and become ingrained in order for us to live with these beliefs.
***Side Note: Anyone who says that R&H Musicals are old, fluffy, and unimportant isn’t paying attention.
This idea of being taught something versus having a natural inclination toward it is true of any area in life. No one is born with all of the knowledge about one subject or another. We must either be handed that knowledge or seek it out.
I feel this idea often gets ignored in the arts, and particularly in the performing arts. Why do I feel this way? 2 reasons: 1) Value and financial support are not being given to the arts in public education, and 2) People often assume that just because someone has talent in an area, they must not require much training.
Incorrect. On both accounts.
If we do not educate the general public in the arts, as we are now seeing, we will lose an appreciation for them. (I could write 10 separate posts on this topic…perhaps I will?) Additionally, talent is wonderful and extremely helpful, but as with any trade, skill, job, or expertise, the arts require education, training, hard work, and dedication in order to master them.
Where To Learn
If you are an aspiring performer, there are now many places you can physically attend in order to learn about the craft. Educational studios, like the one I teach at, have popped up all over the country in the past twenty years in order to teach young people about theatrical performance. Beyond that, it now seems like every college and university has some sort of Theatre or Musical Theatre program and is jockeying to acquire the best students to become the best program on some list or another.
For performers, that’s a great start. But what about everyone else?
Programs in the other fields of the performing arts are much more difficult to find. Not that they don’t exist or they aren’t beginning to come into existence, but they are few and far between. I’m talking about learning how to become a: Musical Theatre Writer (composer, lyricist, librettist), Playwright (more common), Stage Manager, Designer (lighting, sound, set, costume, etc.), Company Manager, Producer, Director (a bit more common), Artistic Director, theatrical Advertiser, and so many more. Basically, all of the other jobs that make shows happen.
I love me some books. Books are everywhere. Books have been everywhere for a very long time.
It was actually a bit shocking to me how many books there are on these subjects, and many of them were written quite a long time ago. But now there are current theatre-makers writing books on these topics as well. Go forth to a library (in person or online) and find some books to order and read. You will learn tons.
Personal note: Books on musical theatre composition are difficult to find, but the amount I have learned by reading about my favorite composers and their work has been staggering. The info is there if you search for it.
Podcasts and Blogs
Well, if you’re reading this then I guess you’ve already got a head start on this one!
Like I said earlier, reading Ken Davenport’s blog was an important step for me. Not only do his posts contain large amounts of information from his experiences, statistics, and guest writers, but reading them also makes me hungry for more knowledge. Information begets information.
I’m also a huge fan of podcasts. Again, Ken Davenport has a great one (no, he isn’t paying me for endorsements! Though, maybe he should…”Um, hey Ken…!”) in which he interviews the best of the best from every corner of the industry. I have learned incredible amounts about our business, its ins and outs, and how it actually works just by listening to this one podcast.
Programs, Groups, and Companies
For some areas there are educational programs out there, but you might have to go looking for them.
For instance, musical theatre writers will find that there are currently two big programs in existence that teach you how to writer for the musical theatre: the NYU Graduate Musical Theatre Writing MFA program and the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Writing workshop. There are some smaller programs cropping up around the country as well, but you certainly have to search to find them.
Where programs do not exist, however, there are often other opportunities. These could come in the form of: 1) Offered opportunities from existing theaters (residencies, fellowships, apprenticeships, etc.), 2) Theatrical groups or collectives looking for like-minded people to join (they often include membership of some sort), and 3) Smaller theatre companies that are being formed just to do some work and create some theatre.
Again, it requires some research to find these, but it can be done!
See Theatre
Experience your craft first hand. Consume as much as you can. Ask questions. Find a way to shadow for a performance somewhere. Watch, listen, and learn as often as you are able.
We are lucky that we love to see theatre and it also happens to be one of the best ways to learn how to make it!
Not The End
Being educated in your craft and its history is not the end of the journey, it’s really only the beginning. Not only can you not possibly consume every piece of knowledge about your craft (especially in something so changing as theatre), but knowledge is only the jumping off point.
We learn in this business by doing. Also, knowing the rules is great for many reasons, but breaking the rules is how theatre evolves and grows. Learn what you can from wherever you can and go forth to make more great theatre.
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