#also if you're curious why i went with 500 that's because that's the cut off i saw a rarepair event on twitter use
Haikyuu!! Rarepair Tournament
This has been something I've been wanting to do since November and with Tumblr introducing polls and all of the other tournaments going around, I decided to finally do it.
Submissions must have less than 500 fics on AO3. I will double check all of these when I'm making my list. If your ship has over 500, try searching it with "otp:true" to see if that changes anything. (This is the filter I'll be using when I check tags)
This probably goes without saying but I want to be clear: I will not accept any incestuous or adult/minor pairings.
Campaigning is encouraged but please be kind and respectful! At the end of the day, it's just a tumblr poll.
Right now, I'm planning on including most of the submissions I get but this may change if I get more than I expected. This also may change if characters repeat a lot (like, if say, I get a lot of Oikawa ships). I'm undecided on how I'll narrow them down in those cases but I'll think of something.
Submit your rarepair here. You can submit as many as you want, just please don't send the same pairing more than once.
I don't have a set end date for when I'll stop accepting submissions (it's entirely dependent on how many submissions I get) but I'll give a heads up the day before.
If you have any questions, the inbox is open!
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tadpoleatemybrain · 7 months
Peer Review
Modern Professor Ancunin au Post canon unromanced spawnstarion au
Summary: If you don't want to get called out in front of your class you probably shouldn't lie through your fangs
Words: <1k
Genre: Humor
TW: Character death mention
Thanks to @mutxnts for the idea!
The moment Astarion entered the building he caught the glances in his direction and conversations that seemed to quiet as he walked past. What a wonderful way to begin his day, with rumors circulating about him. Not that it was terribly uncommon for that to occur. Given that he was an almost eight-hundred-year-old vampire and taught an entire class that mostly consisted of reading his old journal entries, there was plenty to gossip about.
Well, that and Astarion not exactly being the most "stereotypical" of professors. Not that he saw anything negative about any of it. Spiced things up at least, hells, academia could be so boring without gossip. It was also completely unavoidable.
Unlike a lot of the rumors, this one was quite a bit more substantial, and recent. It was the sort of rumor that didn't win him any points with administration or management. So it had to be addressed. The sooner, the better. No better time than his next history class.
"As I'm sure you're all aware, there's a rumor about me getting caught picking a lock. I want to cle-" Astarion began.
"Is it true?" One of his students piped up, cutting him off. Far too excited.
"I was getting to that!" He shot back, never a fan of being interrupted.
"Yes, it's true." The vampire confirmed. Intrigued chattering among the students.
"However, I need to clarify. It was my office. I forgot my keys and I didn't have time to track down maintenance. And I suppose I was curious if I still had the touch. Don't want to get rusty." The professor stated.
"Can you teach us?!" Another student asked.
"As fun as it would be to unleash thirty students with sticky fingers onto campus, no. I asked for that when I started and they almost reconsidered hiring me." That had been a fun conversation. The joke was on them because he has tenure now.
A wonderful little idea crossed his mind. None of his students really knew much about his skills. Anyone who could argue against anything he said had either passed on or didn't care enough to counter him. His writings had bias too, so even that would legitimize his claims.
So why not have some fun with it?
"You know back in my rogue days, there was hardly a thing in Faerún I couldn't open. Doors, chests, shackles, mouths…and other things." The word he wanted to say was 'legs', but that would get him into even more trouble. Astarion just couldn't be fucked to sit through another meeting regarding 'professionalism'.
"So honestly, I'm only embarrassed that I took long enough to get caught. I must be slipping." He sighed. They seemed to believe him hook, line, and sinker.
What no one could have anticipated, even Astarion, was what happened next. A noise akin to static filled the room. The vampire was on guard, believing something was intending to harm either him or his students. This would be a challenge, he wasn't armed.
"Hello, class. Pardon my interupption." That voice was familiar. At first, Astarion thought this might be some sort of prank, but someone would have to be one hell of an impressionist to mimic this voice so accurately.
"This is his former party member The Wizard of Waterdeep, Professor Gale Dekarios of Blackstaff Academy. I'm reaching out to you via the weave to inform you this man is a liar. A massive liar, in fact. You shouldn't believe a word out of his mouth. I can hardly count the number of chests he failed to open and traps he failed to disarm." It had to be Gale. No one could nail that speech pattern. Immediately offended noises spewed out of the vampire. His ears went back like a cat's.
"…500 years I don't hear a word from you, and now you want to pop in for a guest lecture?!" And now of all times too. No other lecture had been grounds for an interruption before. Clearly, Gale must have taken it as quite an egregious lie to correct. How he had even found out was a good question, one the vampire likely wouldn't get an answer to.
"More like peer review really." Gale replied. The students couldn't contain their laughter. It wasn't every day that they got to see their professor get fact-checked from beyond the grave.
"What kind of an instructor lies so boldly to their own students? For shame Dr. Ancunin." Gale made a tsking noise. Astarion could imagine the head shaking.
"Everyone, ignore the disembodied voice of an annoying wizard. Who are you going to believe? Me, your professor or-" He gestured around them.
"A voice in the air?"
"Would a projection help?" Gale asked. It did feel a bit strange to be arguing with a voice. A projection might actually be nice.
"You know what, I'm not cleaning your gravestone anymore. Best of luck to Tara." Astarion shot back.
"I told you, he lies." It was a lie. A hollow threat, and they both knew it.
"Now get out, I have a class to teach!" Astarion huffed and gestured dismissively. Already knowing there was absolutely no way this class was getting back on track.
"Damn wizard." He muttered. Yet, there was a smile on his face. How nice it was to hear from an old friend again. Though Astarion would have preferred different circumstances, it did suit them. Perhaps it might not be the last time either.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
I have come to say something and this is my opinion about Zhongli.
Zhongli is a hypocrite.
Oh oh oh and
WARNING: SPOILERS TO GENSHIN, but if you're curious, continue on reading
Here's the cut/wheeee
Zhongli is a hypocrite because he destroyed Khaenri'ah along with other archons which was 500 years ago and all of that angst jazz with Signora being the scarlet witch and yada yada yada
Khaenri'ah is a godless region, it was built purely by humans. They were the first independent human civilization.
Now I thought of two options as to why the archons destroyed Khaenri'ah:
1. Celestia no likely so sent their dogs (Khaenri'ah: AAAAAA WHAT THO DOGS!!! Celestia: they no bite Archons: *ready to smite thee off the face of the earth* Khaenri'ah: YESS IT DO)
2. The archons felt threatened by how advance they were with technology (lol hello 2021, meet 1898)
Now, after destroying Khaenri'ah, they went on with their lives happily, until Zhongli decided to do "Hey, I think I'm done with life, let's show everyone my fake corpse". The after making deal and all that goodie stuff. We came to where Zhongli wanted Liyue to gain independence.
Zhongli wants Liyue, to continue growing, but their own hands. Not by their deity.
HENCE I SAY ZHONGLI IS A HYPOCRITE!!! I still like him though, but him with his contracts, uuuuuhhhhh grandpa, I think you should either shush about your osmanthus wine OR TELL THE TRAVELER WHERE THEIR SIBLING IS OR MAKE AN EFFORT TO.
I will fight thou if you dare to say he is not a hypocrite.
It's fine! I like discussing and stuff, so feel free to drop in! ^^ And yes, I simp for old man U-U
All of my ramblings and opinions are under the cut!
Now, I sort of get it. Maybe the archons might have feel threatened by Knaenri'ah's technology, and I suspect since they were a godless nation, it can show they might have not wanted visions or some shit, and that the lack of it might be the cause of why Knaeri'ah developed advanced technology and alchemy.
Now, I'm not the best with coming up with theories but-
Analyzing Zhongli's character, he keeps to his word when he makes an agreement with someone.
As you know, Zhongli made an agreement with Signora to give up his gnosis, as well as to keep his mouth silent over the archon war because he has made an agreement with someone, which I'm suspecting is Guizhong, to not share the horrible truth about the Archon War because, if we're really putting ourselves into the shoes of some of the NPC or playable characters who have lived long ago, or that they have absolute faith and stand with their archon, truth can hurt, and maybe start an entirely new riot or war of it's own.
Then we'll be back to square one.
Perhaps even why he faked his own death was because of someone who had told him to do so in near future, and I also would like to think Guizhong did.
But... the only problem I have is with this: If Zhongli was also the God of Mora, if he were to retire, he wouldn't be able to produce any more Mora.
And now, he's lost his gnosis, he literally has no capability of making endless Mora, and we know how the Golden House is not his property anymore. The Mora supply is bound to run out at some point, and this may lead to all Nations dying not just in the economic side of life, but also social side of life.
Which is unrest and instability for survival. You pretty much can't trust anyone when supply is limited, no, scarce.
So, I'm wondering.
Is Zhongli retiring because he WANTS that to happen? Or did someone told him so because they had a bigger plan in mind? Maybe it revolves around the Traveler?
I also feel Zhongli maybe didn't want Liyue to be independent, but either had no choice.
I think the Archon War has left him... scarred in a sense. If it was so bad to the point he even AGREED to not share about it, the experience must have been horrible, imagine how the millions of lives were lost. And none of them had peaceful deaths.
It's unclear to me, and maybe he is a hypocrite. But I doubt Zhongli had any ill intentions, but maybe he was mislead or, again, made an agreement with someone to technically abandon Liyue.
Perhaps Zhongli saw something about his retirement no one else seen, maybe he sensed something that is most likely to do far worse to Teyvat and his only way of easing, preventing or reducing the situation is by retiring and giving up his gnosis since he agreed on doing so.
Maybe he knows the Traveler would be able to retrieve back the gnosis, and you know the Fatui would have taken the Archon's gnosis by force, we've seen with Venti, and he just gave it up to prevent any sort of violence or fight happening in Liyue. It can attract attention, and not very good ones.
I don't know man, Zhongli is enigmatic as he can get.
Hopefully we'll be able to know more when the next updates are released.
There's so much more I want to know, and maybe we would be able to fight Zhongli as a dragon. I think at some point, the Traveler would be able to defeat the Fatui and give back all the gnosis, and then maybe Zhongli would be like "HAZZAH, I HAVE DEEPER INTENTIONS-"
Okay, maybe threading off topic?
It's been nice speculating and giving my opinions to you, and I do enjoy talking about stuff like this! I'm not good with theories, but it's nice sharing opinions with one another.
To me, personally, even if I wholeheartedly disagree, I have no right to look down or jeer. Everyone has an opinion, different or similar to each other.
If we have some similar opinions, that's great!
But if we didn't, I still would respect your opinion. Don't let others tell you otherwise.
That's all I have. Thank you for listening to my useless rambles! ^^
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sainadazai · 3 years
Chapter 2
Tumblr media
There was a certain essence of security in the fact that one kid would be sent home today, still there was a horrible feeling inside you that you'd be the one leaving.
There was no reason for you to fail, Mr.Aizawa didn't seem to be singling anyone out, though.
That alone made you nervous, if he didn't have someone specific in mind, then it was free reign whoever would be booted at the end of the day.
Bakugou threw a softball more than seven hundred meters, you were sure your primary school record was less than 30 meters. With your quirk you didn't need dense muscle, it required lean muscle and mostly on your back.
Manipulating the state of matter in metal wasn't really difficult, but lifting it with your mind was.
Even more, it was especially hard to keep it in its semi-liquid state while you manipulate it. Cause many people have conjuring quirks, hell probably somebody in this class had a quirk that could make things, yours was just also limited to one specific material.
It took a long time to perfect your own unique fighting style. You didn't wanna be like cementoss, or Best jeanist, although they were great heroes.
Being a carbon copy of a hero that already has existed served no joy to you, you were y/n, and that's who the world oughta know.
Was that really gonna help you now, though? What were these eight tests he was talking about?
test one: 50 meter dash
Should be easy enough, why use your quirk on something you already excelled in during school. Y/n L/n - 100 meter dash - 12.67 seconds. It couldn't be hard to half that at least, maybe even quarter it, you wouldn't use your quirk here.
You really need to stop underestimating people, in your heat, the first at that, were Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui. The boy was well built, muscular, tall and his legs seemed to have engines in them. He was sure not a good match to make you seem strong or fast.
The girl had long, green hair and beautiful round eyes, she seemed to have some sort of frog hybrid quirk. Probably much faster than you as well. Not really the best time to second guess yourself, you already assessed this test. No quirk. Don't waste your energy.
Ugh, but shouldn't heroes go a hundred percent all the time? God this was infuriating.
Well, there you have it, first day and you're already overthinking. Without letting your worry get to you, you sprinted towards the speedometer hoping you wouldn't get discouraged by the fast boy in front of you. The air flowed against you, pushing your hair back. You had forgotten about the tension air creates when you run against it, but it didn't matter. As quickly as it started you heard Iida's score, the Asui's, but you knew 50 meters was easy. You knew you were fast even without your quirk, you would prove it.
"6 seconds"
"Without a quirk?"
"What even is her quirk?"
"I don't know, she wasn't in my exam."
The others after you seemed to be faster than you too, even if by seconds. However, it was helpful to learn exactly what their quirks were.
Uraraka- zero gravity
Iida- engine
Knowing all this made you unique compared to them, because now, you know their quirks and how they work for the most part, but only a few even can guess yours. Maybe it won't help you too much now, but in the future this knowledge will.
Test two: Grip strength
Easy, this can be done without even touching that little machine, but sure, you'd give me a show.
"Woah, you hit 500 kilograms?! You're such a beast"
The boy with extra arms seemed to do well on this, you could obviously guess why. Still, you had no fear at all in this test. What were they thinking putting an object entirely made of metal and wires in your hand? Rigged in your favor to be honest.
You took the contraption in your hand, avoiding the eyes of the few watching you to see what your quirk was. Jokes on them, cause with this test, it'd take a genius to tell. Applying a decent amount of pressure from your hand, you began to feel all of the particles in the tiny machine, moving them closer and closer together. Pushing them down with each breath out. Until the machine beeped.
You almost smirked at that, you technically didn't have that much plain grip strength, but the teacher said use your quirk, anything goes.
"Twelve thousand!? No way!" the yellow haired boy spoke with astonishment, not anger, but the words felt accusing,
The students were left dumbfounded. However, at the mention of such a high number, todoroki began to seek out your face, he recognised the girl who had tried to speak with him earlier. Looking at the floor and avoiding the quite obvious compliments, he couldn't help but feel it wasn't out of modesty.
Test three: Standing long jump
The ring on your finger would serve well enough for this one, removing it, you liquified the metal ring until it was a non-Newtonian liquid- or a liquid that is solid under pressure. It soon multiplied until it was around a foot high line of liquid metal, then you curled it into a spring shape. Jumping straight up you landed both feet on the outer edge of the spring and flew into the air launching it with you and quickly turning it back into a tiny ring around your pinky finger.
Then apologizing again as more questions floated in.
Next was repeated side steps, then ball throws. By then, the other students had acknowledged the uncomfort you seemed to have around them, and only admired from afar.
To others the ball throw seemed like the most important test, but it didn't really feel like that to you. Despite having some restraint, you wanted to be the best in every test. Well, maybe not this one, after the gravity girl sent a ball to infinity.
Still, you held the softball, all eyes on you, not feeling so shy, considering you knew these were supposed to be your friends, you wanted them to like you, more than anything. So you would just have to woman up soon.
You tossed the ball to yourself a couple times, feeling for any metal particles, baseballs were usually full of string on the inside, maybe that would work? No, too risky for now.
Feeling pressure to hurry, you took a quick glance around, locking eyes with the boy who sits by you. He still was stone faced, but looked a little intrigued to see what you would do. Was he curious about you? He was so strong though, you'd seen it earlier. Well, best live up to expectations.
No luck with metal in the ball, but there was plenty all around you: iron in your blood. Taking your pointer fingernail, you scratched a quick cut on your opposite palm, maintaining eye contact with the boy. His stiffness faltered for a second, confused and maybe worried at your actions.
Quickly you dragged your blood out of the cut in a thin, rope-like flow, wrapped it around the ball, and took a deep breath. Then you closed your eyes, just how you taught yourself to, and imagined the blood pulling the ball into the air. Arm swung back and ready you released the image along with a throw high into the air.
Continuing to focus on where your blood would take it, you imagine not a place, but a number, and a force. Applying that force to the blood and ball, long lost in the sky, you finally sighed out and looked around, waiting for a score.
Your peers seemed confused about what had just happened, all except for the red and white haired boy, he seemed to have caught on to some extent.
"1,609 meters"
"A mile, exactly? How?"
"Your blood? That doesn't match up with everything else you've done today!" A girl with recognizably large breasts and thighs spoke, she was gorgeous. Hair tied up in a black ponytail, and even her voice sounded sophisticated.
"If you say sorry one more time i'm gonna blast you to space, ya hear me!?"
The fire boy, Bakugou screamed at you, and you would have been scared, but it actually made you feel comforted. The realization that people here were not asking for your apologies.
"Yes sir." you winked.
Why did you wink? Did you forget you weren't talking to mochi? A yellow haired boy, whose name you thought was denki turned red and fainted. You felt incredibly stupid, and flustered, and mad at yourself for slipping like that.
"AAAaaa im so sorry, pleaseforgivmeidontknowwhatiwasthinkingwinkingayoulikehatwhenyoubarelyknowmeohnopleasedonthatemenowimsorryimsorrymochiwillyellatmelater!" you screeched out, falling subject to your now loose personality.
Then you went to hide among the crowd of them, slowly shrinking in on yourself.
The next one up was the green haired boy, Deku? That's what bakugou called him, right? You didn't know you were standing next to shouto todoroki, but he sure knew he was standing next to you.
He wanted to confirm his suspicions about your quirk, and also he subconsciously wanted to know what a conversation with you would be like. You didn't seem too eccentric, or obnoxious like some of the kids here. Plus for some reason you were flustered at any and everything,and well, it was stupidly adorable.
Todoroki shouldn't be thinking these things, but he is. On the first day of school no less.
It seems, though, you weren't the star of the show today. He tore his eyes from you at the sound of your gasp. The boy who hasn't used a quirk all day had thrown the softball barely a few meters. So how did he get in? He seemed nice enough, but it sparked the question, how would someone quirkless make it to the hero course?
Or maybe he wasn't, it seemed, the teacher had nullified whatever quirk he tried to use. They were talking for quite some time, until Mr.Aizawa removed his restraint on the kids quirk and he was left to throw.
His lips pursed, deep in thought. Deku really had to get this one right. There may not be a better place to apply his gifted quirk. He really didnt wanna go home, either, so this was it.
Blinking, he thrust his hand back and before you could process what was happening an incredible force of wind flew back on you. The ball launched high into the air, a trail of pure power following it. You didn't take your eyes off that ball until it dropped. A puff of dirt flying up around it.
So you looked back to the boy, eyes wide just like everyone else, and your eyes found a bloodied purple finger. Broken in every sense of the word. Deku, though, was smiling, the brightest smile you'd ever seen. Proud. He was proud of himself. What could you be but proud of him, too?
You'd known him less than a day, spoken to him all but once, but his smile was pure. You used to smile like that when you were working out your quirk in the forest behind school. It was beautiful.
"Awesome.." you whispered through a smile clad lips.
Teeth white and shining under the sun, and todoroki heard you. Even looked down(or up) at you. He wanted to see that smile again from you, and for the love of god he couldn't tell himself why....
A/n this isn't a deku fic but I love him, and it IS his show, so- don't be surprised if i write about him like he is the most precious gorgeous blessing on earth.
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messedupessy · 7 years
Okay soulmate, this is for your 500 thingy! Congrats, by the way because you're amazing. ♡ How DID the UF/SF bros get their scars? I'm most interested in Rus because in the assless chaps pic, he had quite a few scars, and I'd like to know the story behind that!
Ahhhhfwenfkw thank you soulmate!! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also HERE is some minor background info on my take on these 4 boys childhoods etc, as some of the scars they have they got back then so to understand I suggest going and read what I have written there before continue reading down below
Also sorry for taking so long on this but I am just really slow at times xD
The most notable scar he has is the scar like crack on his head, the one that goes from the right side of his face and then down over his left eye socket.
 It’s a scar he do not want to talk about at all, and if asked about it he will immediately get kinda pissed but calmly go “i aien’t tellin’ that story bucko, so fuck off unless ya want tha make me angry…” leaning towards you with a threatening grin “an’ ya don’t want tha see me angry” which after making sure they have gotten the hint will continue on like nothing happened.
But the story behind that scar is he got it by Gaster just as the former royal scientist fell into the core after been blasted off the railing by Red, the scientist shooting out a last blast of magic in a last attack towards his rebelling experiment and lab assistant, which found it’s mark as it hit Red square in the head, cracked it open like an egg and hitting one of Red’s so called “magic veins”, damaging his right eye light forever, he can see completely fine out of that eye socket he just can’t turn on the eye light itself, surprisingly his left eye is completely fine and undamaged even though the crack goes down over it.
The scar above his gold tooth, he got it when he lost the original tooth, which he lost sometime after pushing Gaster into the core and him escaping from the labs with Edge, who was just slightly over 4 at the time.
Red accidently let Edge out of his sight for a minute which was enough time for Edge to walk off to somewhere where two monsters found him, planning to dust him for some easy exp.
Red luckily found them before they even succeeded in laying a hand on Edge, Red immediately stepping between the monsters and in front of Edge, telling them with barely concealed fear for them to leave, causing the two monsters to laugh because look at this weakling, he’s shaking in his boots, what a joke! 
The two monsters then attacked, and as they did Red kinda blacked out, not remembering what he did or what happened at all, when he came to he found himself suddenly laying on the ground, extremely bruised and battered with his tooth gone and his mouth bleeding bone marrow and magic down his face, and that he was also covered in dust.
He immediately tries to get up as he realizes he can’t see Edge anywhere, where is he, is he ok, they didn’t dust him did they, no no nonononono, but stops as he finds something against his back, which he with a relief finds out is Edge, who is sleeping soundly next to him, also covered in dust and a tiny wound on the top of his head, but otherwise he is completely fine.
Red picks his brother up and as quickly as he can gets out of there to somewhere safer, not caring what actually happened, at least not for now, as what matters is that his baby brother is kinda ok, he actually never truly found out what happened though he have a theory which he does not like so he decided to ignore it instead, this incident is what prompted Red to do his damndest to toughen the fuck up, because he can’t allow himself to keep on been scared and weak, not if he wants to protect Edge, and that’s how he lost his tooth and got the scar, he much later when he began to be pretty damn feared in the underground replaced it with the gold tooth.
Other notable scars Red have, on both his wrists and ankles he got scars from been restrained, his fingers got lots of nicks and nacks of tiny scars and his hands got some cracks and scars too from punching/fighting people with his fists etc, one of the bigger cracks on his left hand he got by almost having his hand crushed by a very unhappy Gerson and his war hammer.
He is also missing most of his right ring finger, right above the knuckle, how he lost it is anybody’s guess, as he changes the story everytime for shits and giggles ((got a comic planned about this actually though if you’re really curious send me an ask and I might tell you)), he also got bunch of cracks and scars all over his rib cage, where his ribs has ended up breaking due for fights and so on, a couple on his arms and legs too, both bite and claw marks, but mostly scars from various weapons, he also got a couple of burn marks on his tibia and fibula on his right leg after a fight with Vio aka UF Grillby, he also got a bit of a crack at the back of his skull after someone tried to bash his skull in with a big metal pipe.
He got a pretty big scar over his left eye, going from the back of his head and then over his skull and ending at his chin, he didn’t get the whole scar at once though, the start of it on the top of his head, he got during the incident where Red lost his tooth.
The rest of it he got when he challenged Cackles aka Undyne, for the title of Captain of the Royal guard.
He won just barely and only by an inch of his life too, but during the battle she sliced and cut his face open with one of her spears damaging his eye very badly, his vision in that eye is pretty blurred thanks to it, which is why his left eye light is not red but more pinkish in colour, and unlike his brother so did the attack not hit any of his “magic veins” so he can still turn on his eye light.
Edge got most of his scars during his battle to the death against Cackles.
One of the worse which wasn’t the one on his face was that she pretty much crushed and also almost ripped off his upper right femur almost completely, right where it connects with his pelvis and down, crushed it and almost ripped it off so bad that the medics/healers almost had to remove it.
But they somehow succeeded in healing it enough so that he could keep the leg and use it, but the wound left a extreme amount of scars and cracks.
And because of it so is he often in a state of pain because of it, usually not allot mostly it’s just aching a bit but he have bad days when it hurts so much he can barely walk, and he usually ends up limping because of the pain which he tries his hardest not to do and show, as he needs to show off a strong and unbeatable front at all times, the pain gets the worst usually when he has been forced to sit down for hours on end doing paper work, which he do allot as he is after all the Captain of the guard, where he with a hiss will grab his hip and lean against his desk in pain, also bad weather usually causes the pain to get worse too, standing up for hours on end usually causes him to end up in immense pain also.
He got some deep scars like cracks over his ribs, right at his upper chest bellow his collarbones and then down a bit, where they got fractured and cracked by a attack by Gyftrot, which he got when he ended up battling the beast by himself at the last Gyftmas hunt the same year he became captain, the last as he succeeded in dusting Gyftrot and won the battle.
Other scars he got is a bunch of nicks and nacks on his fingers, from fighting and training allot, his hands overall are very scarred, due for training and fighting just like his fingers, even worse than his brothers. He also got some minor scars on his wrists and ankles where he has been restrained, which he has no memory of how he got them as he has no memory of ever been restrained at least not so to cause scars.  
He got a couple of deeper scars on his arms given to him by Cackles, his left upper arm got a deep puncture scar which he also do not remember how he got them, got a deep crack on one of his lower vertebra’s of his spine, where Cackles barely missed from cutting his spine in two, his ribcage is also littered in various scars and cracks, most of them thanks to Cackles too, alongside his cracked upper femur he got a couple of more scars on both his legs.
Ok this is getting a bit hella long so gonna put the SF bros underneath a cut also warning that Rus’s will contain lot’s of hinted at naughty stuff and lot’s of abuse, hinted sexual assault, self harm and other things of that kind etc so read on your own risk, Scratch also contains some self harm just warning ya
Scratch got 5 not super shallow but still kind of shallow claw like looking scars over both of his eye sockets, two on the right, three on the left.
Only 2 of the 3 scars on the left eye socket, the two on the furthest right, are actual scars, which he got when he was 9 in human years.
He got them when he ended up in a fight with some other monster kids, or well more like teenagers, who was pissed off at him for been such a little tyrant and spoiled brat, strutting about as if he owned the damn place on their “turf”, so they cornered him in an alley to teach him a lesson, first by threatening and taunting him which immediately pissed Scratch the fuck off so he attacked them and a fight broke out.
During the battle one of the monsters succeeded in scratching him over the eye, causing him to bleed and get a bit blinded because of it, but it did nothing to stop his assault even though he was up against more than one foe.
Then suddenly Tuffet, aka SF Muffet and also the adoptive mother of Scratch and Rus, appears as this fight was occurring right next to her bar and she heard the ruckus and went to check it out, absolutely furious at seeing her kid been ganged up on by so many others she quickly chased them away after hurting one of them pretty badly in warning to stay away from what is hers, not dusting any of them even though she easily could.
She then turned to Scratch who was still bleeding and just very upset about it all, she brought him in back to the living quartes of the bar where she and the boys lived, trying to patch him up but he kept on been difficult about it, trashing and shouting at her that he didn’t need any help until he ran off and locked himself up in the bathroom, monsters might not need to go to the bathroom and stuff but they still have bathrooms for showers etc, Tuffet been pissed off and frustrated at his behaviour and worried at the same time, tried to get him out but eventually gave up for the time being, the wound was after all not life threatening so she leaves but plans on coming back when he has calmed down.
Scratch on the other hand is very upset, not upset or angry at Tuffet but at himself and at the monsters who attacked him, how dared they wound him like that and how could he have let them succeed in striking him, and how could he let Tuffet chase them away when he could had handled them himself, his pride is a bit hurt because he is one prideful guy, he knows she can handle herself but he wants to be able to protect her as she is after all his mom so he should be protecting her.
He ends up looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, seeing his now scarred face in the mirror causes something to snap, as the thought of someone marking him in any way even in battle just makes him go no, this is my body only he is allowed to mark it and no one else it’s his body, and also a tiny thought in the back of his mind saying he would look kinda cool with more scars over his eyes ((I know this doesn’t really make sense but he’s a special kid and he was just a kid while doing this so he doesn’t need to make sense I guess or something )), so he starts to scratch over his eye sockets digging and clawing marks into his own face with his sharp finger tips causing 3 more scratch marks to appear and bleed bone marrow and magic down his face.
During this “episode” I guess I could call it, Tuffet finally have had enough waiting and gets the door open just to find Scratch even more injured than before within, she immediately ask what the fuck are you doing and picks him up and out of the bathroom to patch him up properly all the while lecturing him and asking what the fuck was he thinking while feeling guilty herself for leaving him alone, Scratch can barely answer as he is very exhausted from the whole thing so he ends up blacking out.
Tuffet was unable to heal the scars completely as she is no healer, so when the scars/scratches eventually healed they ended up leaving the scars he now has over his sockets, which he has ended up feeling kind of mixed about, like they look cool but he got them in a pretty dumb way except for the real one’s he didn’t make himself.
Scratch also got a bunch of old scars and cracks from old fractures on his ankles, like on the lower parts of his tibia and fibula, and down lower on his feet, which he got by constantly twisting and breaking/fracturing his ankles and then refusing to let anyone heal them as he coul handle himself when he was pretty young, until his mama forced him to let her heal him that is along with one hell of a lecture.
Anyway, he got them when he started out wearing his high as fuck heels, as he is really short and just wants to be tall, like he began to wear 10 inch heels from the start when he began with wearing heels which wasn’t the smartest idea as he had no prior experience in wearing heels, though he did get the hang on wearing them pretty quickly thanks for been “forced” to take ballet dancing lessons by Tuffet when he was little.
Other scars he have are a bunch of them on his hands and fingers and his lower arms, caused by training and him ending up picking fights constantly with various monsters, also a couple on his ribs, otherwise he doesn’t have as many scars as the other fell skeletons.
Where doesn’t this guy got scars? his whole body is covered with various kinds of them from top to toe, but let’s start with the one’s on his head.
The scar or rather crack that goes from between his eyebrows and up over his forehead and then ends at the back of his head he got during an experiment made on him when he was about 4, the experiment was led by River who created him and his younger brother though later on in an attempt at making some sort of weapons so to eventually break the barrier, the experiment where Rus got the crack was an attempt at breaking down his “mental barriers” as River believed if they could break them down Rus would be able to unlock more power and become powerful enough to break the barrier.
But the experiment went kinda wrong as what the experiment they were doing, which can pretty much only be describe as torture because pain thresholds and all that jazz, was too much for Rus’s body to handle so his head cracked alongside a part of his actual soul, ending the experiment immediately as he was the only subject they currently had, it did result in Rus becoming more powerful but at the cost of his soul cracking and him becoming a tad bit unstable mentally.
The scars he got at his gold teeth he got at the same time, or well not the longer one on the right side of his face as it started out short until an incident which will be told later, now to how he lost his teeth.
He lost them when he was 9, while he was still just a urchin barely staying alive on the street with his baby brother before he and Scratch was taken in by Tuffet, as when he was 7 and Scratch was just born the both of them was kicked out from the lab by a suddenly guilt stricken River who  realised what they had done to basically their own children, but when he was 9 he got caught by a couple of sadistic monsters who decided to have some fun with this street rat.
Rus would had fought against his attackers more if it hadn’t been for the fact that a barely 2 year old Scratch was hidden away nearby which was closer to his attackers than himself, and so not to risk Scratch been found he let the attackers have their way with him, though he still struggled and fought just not as much as he would had if Scratch hadn’t been close by and in danger.
Without going too deep into details so did they end up torturing him by pulling out his fangs, beat him up and might have done something much worse of the sexual variety though Rus barely remembers this so full details are unclear, but it resulted in him beaten and tortured to an inch of his life but he survived but he got more fucked up in the head than before because trauma.
The longer crack on the right of his face that I mentioned earlier, he got when he was messing and bullying Scratch, because Rus is a fucking asshole at this point and one of his favourite past times is to fuck around with Scratch making his baby brothers life miserable.
So Rus is pretty much picking a fight with Scratch telling him to attack him for shits and giggles as Scratch won’t be able to hit him anyway while demeaning him in every way he can, Scratch fucking snaps and actually succeeds in hitting Rus right in the face which cracks open as Scratch is in fact really strong and Rus totally underestimated him.
This causes a fight to break out between the two because Rus thinks this is hilarious and fun af that Scratch actually succeeded in laying a hand on him and decides to egg his brother on to attack him again and Scratch is just really pissed off and angry at Rus, the fight is eventually stopped by Tuffet who is extremely pissed at the both of them, especially since the fight occurred in the damn living room and allot of things got completely destroyed.
On the vertebrae right below his sternum the word “SLUT” has been carved with a sharp object, probably a knife and to who carved that into his damn spine is unknown, as usual Rus himself does not really remember how he have gotten all of his scars and neither does he really care, but he either got it by someone he was sleeping with or he carved it himself, with the later been the more plausible answer as he have a habit of carving random words into his bones, like on his left arm on the ulna bone where he have carved in “FUCK”.
His whole spine is covered in various scars, a couple of deep bite marks, some burn marks from cigarettes and other objects which can cause a burn alongside claw marks which he have gotten mostly from his clients, partners or unwilling victims.
He is missing one huge chunk of his fifth right rib, which happened when Rus ended up in a big fight with some monsters he pissed off, he is also missing most of the 10th rib on his right side the lowest rib which is just a stub, someone literally ripped it off, also missing most of both of his lowest floating ribs the left one more than the right, which he probably also lost in a fight or in one of his sexual escapades, the rest of his ribs are cluttered in claw marks, bite marks, scratches, burn marks that he has gotten due for fighting and fucking, also a couple of cracks here and there from having his ribs broken allot.
Both his arms are littered by scars, most are self inflected as he has a habit of hurting himself when he is bored and got nothing better to do, most of them are cuts from knives, but he also got a bunch of burn marks from cigarettes which he has burned himself with for funnsies, some of these scars has been caused by others, both from willing participants and the unwilling ones, as well as he is one kinky and fucked up bastard i'mma just saying.
He got a deep bite mark on the right side of his neck, where one of his partners/clients bit down a little bit too hard doing the bone zone time, also a couple of burn marks from… you guessed it cigarettes! but he also got deep scars around his neck and claw marks from getting strangled, because like I said he is a kinky fucker.
Deep claw marks on the top of his pelvis on the iliac crest, where a monster with really strong claws dug into him a bit too hard during smexy timez, his whole pelvis is very scarred he got two bite marks on the back of his pubis which would be his butt bone, gotten yet again while getting fucked, his tailbone aka coccyx on the top of it is covered in burn marks from cigarettes where yet again things got really fucked up during boning, also got a couple of burn marks on the inside of his pubis at obturator foramen which is the inside of those holes of the pelvis, yet again from sexy times but also from him just feeling like burning himself because he is one fucked up guy who really likes to hurt himself and others way too fucking much.
His fingers are littered in tiny cuts and cracks, mostly from fighting with his bare hands and from having them clawed at by his victims, he also got scars from been restrained on both his wrists and ankles,which he both got from been experimented on as a kid and during crazy sex hijinks, his hands are also covered in scars though mostly cracks from having his hands stomped and stepped on, mostly by some people wearing high and sharp heels.
This guy got way too many scars to name them all and how he got them so gonna cut this short, his legs are also covered in a bunch of scars, cracks, claw marks, bite marks and burns, got a couple of really deep ones on the inside of his thighs where he have both cut and burnt himself, and also where people have ended up scraping and cutting up the bone while fucking him really roughly, his left little toe is missing as it accidently got cut off during some sex thing, his feet are also covered in scars and cracks. 
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