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furstriker · 2 days ago
Omg another tag game, hi Rei :D
I just got the time to do it and also accidentally posted an unfinished draft 😭 BUT ANYWAYS, I just discovered ICP and I have to admit I did put them on loop the first week and I still keep going back to listening them.
1. My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
It's hella catchy I can't lie, I like it a lot. The chorus became a stim for me even, "Swing Swing Swing, Chop Chop Chop" indeed.
2. Beso - Jósean Log
I was expecting "Alguien Como Tu" from the same artist but this one works too, love songs are great what can I say 😭
3. To Catch a Predator - Insane Clown Posse (x2)
Catchy, violent and lyrics about killing predators? Absolute bop.
4. Labyrinth - Miracle Musical
One of the songs in history, I can't choose a favorite from Miracle Musical. I also love the fact it's a snippet of a Mind Electric Demo made into a whole song.
5. Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In - Will Wood
Not in my Top 5 Will Wood songs but it's still great.
6. Chop Chop Slide - Insane Clown Posse (x3)
LOOK. It's very energetic and silly, I can't not like it.
7. Not Into You - Brooksie
The chorus' the best thing, other than that, it's fine.
8. Prom Queen - Insane Clown Posse (x4)
Not exactly a fan, I don't skip it either.
9. Bruno is Orange - Hop Along
I'm surprised this even showed, it doesn't cross my mind at all. The animatic I had in my mind for it got boring and so did the song so, yeah
10. The Neden Game - Insane Clown Posse (x5)
I mean it's alright, I skip it given the chance.
Tagging friends? That I can do:
@flandejazmin @scarecrowgoat @palluniskillas @alectoarts
Music shuffle game
Shuffle your "on-repeat" playlist and write your top 10 songs, then tag 10 friends!
Tagged by @celestialmoon-pie (thank you!!!)
1. Crack Baby by Mitski
2. Funny Hunny from Chicago
3. El Gran Varon by Willie Colon
4. Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives
5. Your Body, My Temple by Will Wood
6. La Bala by Calle 13
7. Chemical Over-reaction By Will Wood.
8. A Pearl By Mitski
9. The Captain Royal Dominguez (Limoncello) boss fight theme from inscription.
10. Up and Down by Judy Singh
People i tag:
@hexcii @rei-comfort-zone @paulagluskin @nerdy-selfships @eddiegluskinbrainrot @summerlyewe @rotting-creation @zeorigir @senpai-eddie @ghostfaceprincess
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jae-bummer · 1 year ago
Only If The Cats Approve
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Request: I have a request for a Lee Know fic where when you first find your soulmate you have to be near them 24/7 for a certain amount of time. Also, the reader has been waiting for their soulmate their whole life and is super excited while Lino isn’t super into the idea. The rest is up to you.
Pairing: Stray Kids Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Grumpy x Sunshine (some fluff, a smidge of angst)
"Are you going to pick that up?"
Lee Know stared blankly in Hyunjin's direction before sending the call to voice mail.
"Well, that was rude," Hyunjin muttered, looking back down to his sketchbook.
"Hyung," Han sighed, plopping next to his older member. "You know how this works."
"I don't need a soulmate," Lee Know muttered, focusing in on the television. He had flipped on a drama to keep his mind busy but hadn't been watching it at all. No matter how much he resisted the idea, his thoughts kept turning back to you.
"I didn't say you did," Han treaded carefully. "I just think it might-"
"I have the members," Lee Know cut in, still refusing to look anywhere but the television. "That's enough."
"But someday-"
"I said that's enough."
Han sighed, knowing this argument was futile. He was there the day that Lee Know had bumped into you on the streets of Gangnam. Even though he had witnessed literal hearts erupt from his member's eyes, he also saw how quickly the older man was able to shut it down. He knew he would never admit it, but he was scared. It was hard enough for him to trust the seven of them on a daily basis, let alone someone the "universe" had picked for him.
Buzz Buzz
Glancing up from his drawing, Hyunjin arched a brow. "Now you can't ignore that."
"Watch me," Lee Know muttered, settling back into the couch.
Groaning as he pulled himself to his feet, Han shuffled toward the door. Pressing the button to their intercom he tried to hide the sigh in his voice. "Hi, Y/N."
"Hey, Hannie!" you smiled. "Lee Know up there?"
"No," Lee Know called from the living room.
"You know he is," Han grimaced.
"I'll be up in a sec then!" you called, mounting the stairs two at a time.
The moment you had realized you found your soulmate was something you'd remember for the rest of your life. You were meeting a friend for lunch when you came across a group of rowdy men, pushing and shoving at each other as they attempted to enter the same restaurant as you. In the scuffle, you had somehow gotten wrapped up in their group, nearly falling to the ground as one of the men accidentally shoved your shoulder.
He had looked at you in shock, stumbling over himself to apologize until you had made eye contact. Not to sound too cartoonish, but it was like a bell had gone off in your mind. Something clicked and you both knew.
Luckily, the group of men were seated in the booth beside your friends, so you could start diving into the man who would be your inevitable future. It was common when someone met their soulmate to spend nearly every waking moment with them as you seemed to sync up. If you neglected each other during this time period, the flip that had been switched on when you had met could gradually switch off. You knew your teachers in high school biology had attempted to explain the phenomenon, but you couldn't remember the first thing about it now. All you knew was that you weren't going to have this love match go to waste.
Letting yourself into the Stray Kids dorm, you popped off your shoes and were immediately met by Han.
"I got you a caramel latte," you said cheerfully, handing him a drink. "I picked an Americano with just a little bit of cream for Lee Know. I wasn't sure how he took his coffee."
Han nodded, taking a long pull from his straw. "That's pretty much exactly how he takes it."
"I don't like coffee," Lee Know grunted from his spot on the couch.
"Now that's a damn lie," Hyunjin muttered. Just as Lee Know began to shoot him a dirty look, he sprung up from his seat, and tossed his sketchbook aside. Going full grabby fingers, he reached toward the coffee carrier. "Is the Iced Americano for me?"
"You already know," you grinned, plucking your own drink out, as well as Lee Know's. Sidling over to him, you plopped on a cushion, setting his coffee on the table in front of the couch. "What are we watching?"
"Something boring," Lee Know grumbled, crossing his arms. "You would hate it."
"Then why are you watching it?" you laughed.
"Because I like boring things," he muttered. "I am very boring. You probably shouldn't spend time with me."
"Yeah right," you laughed. "What do you mean? You're a blast."
"I don't know if they're being sarcastic or not," Hyunjin whispered to Han.
"What?" you gasped. "I love hanging out with you guys."
"Oh, "guys" being plural," Hyunjin nodded. "We are fun."
"But especially Lee Know," you nodded. "He always knows how to make me laugh."
In response, your soulmate curled his lip, causing you to grin.
"He likes playing hard to get," you teased, elbowing him as you looked to Han and Hyunjin.
You weren't stupid. You knew he was playing more than hard to get. It was obvious that he didn't want much to do with you on a good day. In any normal circumstance, you would cut your losses and just leave him be, but this was meant to be your life partner. Just when you thought he was a lost cause, you would catch his eyes for a split second and your knees would go weak. His face would immediately soften, his lips forming a small "o" as he allowed himself to stare back. It would only take a moment for him to completely shut you out again, but he had to force himself to do so. You would worm your way into his heart eventually, it just took patience.
"I don't play anything," Lee Know spat, finally addressing you for the first time since you had entered the apartment. "I don't understand why you keep trying when I'm not interested."
"You don't honestly think I believe-"
"I don't care what you believe!" he gasped. "I don't care about you! At all!"
Well, that hurt. Trying your hardest not to cry, you sucked in your lower lip. Glancing from Lee Know to the two other men in the room, their expressions were also shocked. Looking on with wide eyes, they both slowly began to back out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Lee Know, I-" you began, the words thick in your throat.
"Look," he sighed, scrubbing a hand through his hair. "I don't want to be a jerk, but I don't want you here. I don't want to hang out. I don't want to get to know you."
"I-I," you whimpered. How could he say that out loud when you both knew it wasn't true? Barring anything he may personally think, it was biologically impossible. He was predisposed to care about you.
"Leave," he sighed. "Please."
His brows were furrowed as he turned away, refusing to speak any further. Slowly rising to your feet, you felt helpless.
"I'm," you said quietly, grabbing the two coffees on the table. "I'm taking back your coffee!"
Turning on your heel, you stomped toward the front door.
"We can keep ours, right?" Han winced, causing Hyunjin to slap his chest lightly.
"Y/N," the taller boy sighed. "You have to understand, this really isn't like him. He just needs some time-"
"This is me!" Lee Know yelled from the living area. "I'm a monster and they shouldn't be swayed to think otherwise."
Rolling his eyes, Han leaned in toward you. "Don't get too far. Let us talk to him, okay?"
Nodding pitifully, you sniffed into your sleeve. "Okay."
"Maaan," Han groaned, turning on Lee Know. "What the fuck?"
"That's what I'm thinking," Lee Know nodded. "I thought they would never leave."
"No," Han said, pointing an accusatory finger at the older man. "That was directed at you. Who acts like that towards someone who is supposed to be their soulmate?"
"I told you, I don't want-"
"Cut the shit," Hyunjin spoke up, immediately wilting as Lee Know turned a death glare his way. "Or don't. Please continue."
"You want love just as badly as the rest of us," Han sighed, sitting on the couch to speak on the same level as his member. "Our friendship is a type love that isn't even remotely the same. We're all partners in a different way. That can't ever be enough for you."
"Who says?"
"The universe," Hyunjin piped in. "Literally, biology."
Rolling his eyes, Lee Know let his head fall back to the cushion behind him. "It's just easier this way."
"Easy doesn't mean fulfilling," Han sighed. "Easy doesn't mean right."
"Why can't it?" Lee Know argued. "Feelings are so difficult...and messy."
"But so worth it," Han supplemented. "Remember when you first met all of us? You didn't want to open up back then either. But once you did, wasn't it all worth it?"
Leaning forward again, Lee Know eyed Hyunjin, who had put on his best smile.
"The jury is still out on that one."
This time, it was Hyunjin's turn to roll his eyes. "Just admit that you're scared."
"Admit that you cried watching The Spongebob Movie."
"I was traumatized when Patrick and Spongebob dried up under the heat lamp," Hyunjin snapped. "It was heartbreaking."
"If he can admit to that," Han said slowly. "Then you can admit..."
"Maybe I'm a little scared," Lee Know said almost too quickly for either boy to catch.
"I'm going to need you to repeat that," Hyunjin said, lifting his brows.
"Maybe I'm scared!" Lee Know gasped. "Maybe I think I'm unlovable! Maybe I don't trust easily!"
"There we go," Han smiled. "Now was that so hard?"
"I am in excruciating physical and mental pain," Lee Know pouted.
"Now," Han nodded. "March down stairs and tell Y/N all of this."
"You can't just expect me to go pour my heart out to a stranger," Lee Know scoffed.
"I can and you will," Han insisted. "I refuse to see you miserable and regret this moment for the rest of your life."
"Regrets are for the weak."
"Hyung," Han groaned, rubbing his temples. "Please, just do it for us. We'll never shut up about it if you don't."
Eying both of his younger members cautiously, Lee Know puckered his lips. "Do you mean Hyunjin will be even more of a nuisance to me?"
"In new and creative ways," Hyunjin nodded with a smile.
"Well, fuck me," Lee Know murmured, shaking his head. "Time to swallow my pride I guess."
"Rip it off like a band aid," Han nodded. "Word vomit it all out. That's how I operate."
"Such sage advice from someone with so much wisdom," Lee Know muttered, standing with a frustrated stomp. "Where did they go?"
"Downstairs," Han smiled. "I told them you'd be having a change of heart so they should stick around."
"Can I have my coffee back?"
Glancing up from your shoes, you were greeted by the tormented face of Lee Know. You wordlessly lifted his cup toward him, allowing him to take it from your fingers.
"Thanks," he whispered, clutching the cup for dear life. You could see a battle play across his face before he seemed to decide something. Easing down to sit on the bench beside you, he heaved a sigh. "Y/N, I-"
"Don't like me?" you squeaked. "Don't want me around? Hope my cat gets hit by a car?"
This caused him to you to sharply inhale, drawing your eyes from the ground to him.
"I would never want anyone's cat to get hit by a car," he urged, his voice passionate. "Not even my worst enemy."
"Why are you here, Lee Know?" you groaned. "Be honest."
"So," he began slowly. "I may or may not have been projecting my abandonment issues on you earlier."
You raised your brows, surprised out how direct he was being. "Yeah?"
"I recognize that I tend to push away the ones I love when they haven't seen my flaws," he continued in a monotone. "And when they do, I'm terrified they'll turn away from them, and in turn, me."
"Lee Know," you breathed, hardly believing he was finally breaking down this barrier. "Why are you telling me this?"
"For fear that Han or Hyunjin will make my life significantly more difficult than they already do," he said blandly. "I was threatened, and frankly, am not all of the way sure that I want to be sitting down here right now, but here I am."
"Here you are," you chuckled, shaking your head.
"I guess I'm really not that bad," he sighed. "If you get to know me."
"Quite the salesman," you grinned.
"I'm sorry I made you cry," he muttered with an eye twitch. "That really sucked."
"It did," you murmured. "But you have to know, I don't want this if someone else has to convince you to be here."
Lifting his brows, Lee Know tilted his head in thought. "That's fair."
"Could you just, could you look at me?" you pleaded.
Taking a deep breath, he began to nod. Slowly but surely he pivoted to face you, his focus wandering up your body before finally settling on your eyes.
His own grew wider as they took you in, his breathing more stifled and coming in quick bursts.
"I'm scared if I make direct eye contact for any prolonged period that you will see me, Y/N," he said quietly, not breaking contact despite the admission. "Really see me."
"Would that be so bad?"
"The literal worst," he smirked.
"Then why are you still looking at me?" you grinned.
"Because when I look into your eyes, I see us retired, owning a cat sanctuary on the countryside. I'll take up a niche hobby like making my own paper and you'll read books to me by the fire while I wait for the sheets to dry before I bind them," he said in a whispered stream of consciousness. "Soonie, Doongie, and Dori will be at least sixty years old by then, outliving all other cats in Korea and proving themselves to be immortal."
"I'm sorry," you said slowly, trying to keep up. "Are Soonie, Doongie, and Dori your cats?"
"And also my children," he nodded, hardly even blinking now. "Do you want to go meet them?"
"I would love to."
"Excellent," he grinned. "Maybe this will work out after all."
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waitmyturtles · 4 months ago
I'm not 100% sure how this works. Also this is more of an opinion than a question. I just feel the need to brain dump. You are under no obligation to reply. 😁
I fear that First and Khaotung are being wasted at/by GMMTV. They're both stellar actors and seem to have the sensibilities to tackle more serious material.
I feel like coming off Not Me, the themes in The Eclipse kinda went over my head. My fear was and still is that I didn't understand all the nuances. And that's why I felt like the show was lacking. Also I think the very first preview set it up as an entirely different show (more supernaturalmystery/thriller) in my head, so there was a disconnect there as well.
Their next project was Moonlight Chicken where both of them shined as actors but negligibly as a BL pairing. Having said that, they seem to be on very solid ground in the BL fandom - I am referring to their fan meets.
Only Friends was a masterclass of acting as far as FirstKhaotung were concerned (i was all about Ray and Sand), but I think the overall reputation as show that fell flat on its face overshadowed or at least took away (for me) from the gravity of FK.
And now we're here. With The Heart Killers and I am very wary of how Ota all going down. I see that the final trailer got over million views and I'm happy for them, but based on I think the absolute travesty that was OF, my expectations for this show are on the ground.
I really want more of an insight into how projects are picked up and distributed inside GMMTV (if you ha e any, I'm dying to know). I feel like they would benefit greatly from being on a show like PS I Hate You or something like Peaceful Property.
It feels like they're backsliding in terms of material given. Which I am sure is a) not their fault and b) me possibly being weird and dramatic in the wee hours of the morning. But I wanted to get it off my chest and I was reading your previous reviews when I felt, and then gave into the impulse to write to you.
Also I'm a MaxTul girly too and somehow, you made me want to give Make it Right another chance.
Have a great week ahead and keep up the absolutely exceptional work! ❤️
NIHILISTIC! It's great to hear from you! And thank you for the compliments!
TW for girlies out there who are not Nihilistic: this post will contain criticisms of The Heart Killers trailer. Read at your peril, delicate hearts!
I'll go backwards to save the biggest stuff for last. If you write anything about Make It Right, please tag me! @bengiyo and I always give a little DJ air horn to each other when we've nabbed another one into the broader cultural reconsideration of this AMAZING show. MaxTul, man. Nobody beats them! (Okay, almost, Tul admits he wasn't the strongest actor, but. We'll let it slide, dahling!) Chemistry, humor, pride representation, everything, they're great. I yelped when I saw them in Triage!
Okay, so you are a FirstKhao girlie, and you're worried about what The Heart Killers bodes. (Out of transparency, I have The Heart Killers tag filtered because of Only Friends PTSD. I'm gonna filter my own post!) For you, Nihilistic, I just watched the trailer for it.
I will get to all your questions about the GMMTV model in a moment.
Now, out of even MORE transparency, I am watching the MESS that is Kidnap right now, and listen, it's NOT GOOD. I'm fucking not even writing about it anymore, I'm just reblogging the sessy gifs. I am watching it to support Ohm Pawat, and am hoping that this partnership with Leng Thanaphon will hopefully lead to better scripts.... somewhere. (Or at least, better scripts for Ohm at a place like One31 or Channel 3. I also hope Ohm keeps up his anti-branded pair stance, but if GMMTV forces him to pair permanently with Leng, it won't be a fucking surprise, and more on that below.)
To focus specifically on THK for a sec: the THK trailer evoked a lot of what's gone utterly wrong in Kidnap for me. I think writing Thai BL/Series Y scripts to be different, fresh, and innovative, is just going to be really fucking hard, especially for stories featuring branded pairs that MUST end up together in the end. Because we, the viewers, KNOW that they MUST end up together in the end, what kind of mystery and conflict can a script convincingly evoke to keep us, the viewers, engaged and interested in the drama?
A few of us Ohm girlies were excited that Kidnap could have had non-romantic plot points (CRIME!!!) to drive concurrently with a romance plot. There are Series Y that have done this BEAUTIFULLY, particularly Sammon's stories of Manner of Death and Triage.
I'm sorry to say that I didn't get that from the THK trailer, and that THK smells a lot like Kidnap to me. The trailer itself is giving an indication that the "jobs" these guys have as double agents are going to be compromised due to them falling in love. And after the debacle that was Jojo Tichakorn's Only Friends -- a show premised on the exploration of mean, icky, really horny humans, a great place to start an interesting show! -- knowing that THK will HAVE to end up in a romantic place, with FK and JoongDunk being in memorable and memeable entwinements... that's a lot to ask of a show that already isn't making sense by drive, emotion, and tone in its trailer alone. What matters more to these characters? Their work, or their need to be in monogamous relationships? Seems like the latter to me by way of the trailer, which makes me wonder what the point of the plot is. (Joong's chest, probably.) (Gahddayum.)
(I haven't watched the latest episode of Jack & Joker, btw, but I understand that THIS WEEK's episode is ALSO going through something similar, with dead-end and uncommitted plot points all to get to a kiss. Oy.)
To summarize these points and to touch at your question about how GMMTV chooses scripts: GMMTV has an economic model to sell in giving happy endings to their branded pairs, which I wrote about at length in my Old GMMTV Challenge rewatch of The Eclipse. No matter where a script goes, the ending must be memorable and monogamous to satisfy the retweeting hunger of the branded pairs' fandoms, in order for GMMTV's artists to increase online engagement and to maintain earned media values to sell products.
The wonderful @flowerbeasblog noted to me recently that Tha Sataporn, the CEO of GMMTV, said in an interview that as the productions of Series Y in Thailand continues to increase, there is a greater need for more scriptwriting talent across this niche genre, creating competition for more excellent writing. (By comparison, in the States, when streaming services like Netflix and Hulu starting commissioning more original series just about a decade ago, the demand for scriptwriters and excellent writing also went up by incredible scale -- only to come crashing down recently with pandemic and strike-related losses in revenue.) GMMTV's recently announced script competition, Y Find, updated itself last week with a notice that the company would need more time to sift through scripts to judge. In other words: the demand for creative plots is so high at this company that they are literally fielding entries from the general public.
At the same time, Tha Sataporn has been blunt in indicating that "good shows" are not the priority of his GMMTV, and that talent, management, and engagement are his indicators of success. So, economically -- as long as a show hits that happy ending, and gets the girlies excited online with commentary and purchasing power, then the studio has won, in GMMTV's eyes.
ULTIMATELY, Nihilistic: what we are dealing with regarding your concern, as fans and/or critics of Series Y shows, is a conflict of values, among critical fans like ourselves, other fans who only watch shows for romance and shipping, and the economic bottom lines of the studios/agencies themselves. Some of us just want narratively good scripts, like Bad Buddy or He's Coming To Me. Others are content with having a show end with their fave pairs confirmed together in the end, no matter the process of how they got there. Those are different values we hold in watching shows. I appreciate that while you're a fan of the FK branded pair, that you want stronger scripts for them. I do, too, but that's not a value that every fan -- and GMMTV itself -- holds. And I believe that's why we've been seeing more and more mediocre scripts from that studio in particular.
I actually want to note maybe something positive about FirstKhao. Other than The Eclipse, it seems like they haven't been locked into high school or university settings. Only Friends, Moonlight Chicken -- these are shows that show First's and Khao's characters as young adults, and THK is going there, too. I hope they can avoid the university settings as they continue to work.
Is stellar acting wasted at GMMTV? Oh, yes. Besides First and Khao, who I truly think are good actors, we have Gun Atthaphan, Nanon Korapat, and Ohm Pawat -- these three guys are on my list of the best Thai actors out there who have done BL, and they haven't had great scripts in years. (Gun, arguably, has had the best pickings of decent shows recently in Cooking Crush and The Trainee, but they weren't high art; and Nanon's Dirty Laundry was the last Jojo script I was truly impressed by.) All three of these guys were in MOVIES at one point. Those ambitions, on behalf of these actors by GMMTV, seem to have gone by the wayside in preference for a huge economic push to boost branded pair-based series insteads, with their plot holes and guaranteed romances.
I hope the genre's tide turns for the sake of quality scripts, especially at GMMTV, but my hopes are low for this agency at the moment. My joy in Thai shows recently has been in watching past shows for my OGMMTVC. I've been on a lakorn kick lately, having watched The Miracle of Teddy Bear and I'm looking forward to watching Khun Chai soon. Other agencies and studios, like One31 and Channel 3, are breathing down GMMTV's neck and producing more interesting shows, sometimes with branded pairs and sometimes not. Triage only came out two years ago, and that show's trilogy (along with Manner of Death) will end with this year's airing of Spare Me Your Mercy, starring the very likely one-time pair of Tor Thanabob and JJ (Jaylerr) Krissanapoom, two gigantic artists in Thailand who are circling BACK towards the much smaller genre of Series Y for SMYM's sake. I have VERY high hopes and expectations for that show -- and that show is well out of the purview of GMMTV.
I think what you're smelling about the THK trailer is right, Nihilistic -- to me, the trailer isn't cohesive, and jumps already to its forgone conclusion of a romantic end. Unfortunately, for those of us familiar with Jojo Tichakorn's work, we know that if he was given more leeway, he'd likely come up with something more interesting. But now that he has to work with branded pairs -- who are shipped in the eyes of their fan beholders -- he's got a lot less room to be creative and interesting, which ultimately stifles the otherwise excellent acting we'd see from these young men.
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clairellie · 10 months ago
hii !! first off. love your blog ?? need to read your abby fic !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 and i saw you took requests. so um. hear me out, mixing the streamer!ellie with some abby x reader content.
streamer!ellie who decides to invite her two best friends to play games and stream. abby and reader being close to each other, abby encouraging reader, cheering for her while being a dick to ellie. "you got it, you got it!" she'd say to reader as she plays. "you fuckin' moron! you lost!" she'd say to ellie. anyway !! chat starts to notice how sweet abby and reader are to each other and ellie reads them what people say. omg. and maybe after the stream, abby decides to take reader on a date?? sorry if this is messy. just thought it'd be cute !! mwaaah 🫶🏻🫶🏻💌
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a/n: i loveedddd this idea!! sorry if this seems bad, this was done in like 15 minutes.
includes: streamer!ellie with sweet!abby but also mean!abby..? y/n used once!!! abby being bad down.
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"okay, so today, i invited 2 of my friends to play a few games with us. abby, and y/n. uhm, we decided to play a few games of fortnite, so no call of duty today. you all know y/n right, and abby, right?"
ellie was staring off into space as you and abby introduced yourself, looking at a few posters up on her wall, surrounded by a shelf full of figures.
ellie was seated in the middle, abby on the left of ellie, and you on the right of ellie. ellie didn't want you two to sit next to eachother. she despised those moments when abby was only focused on you. always helping you figure out where everyone is, reminding you to pick up some loot, and so on. she never did any of those things to ellie, because she was already "good."
as ellie was talking to chat a bit, needing help with choosing her skin before you and abby joined in. once abby finished helping you, although she was honestly just talking to you.. she sat back down in her seat and loaded in the game as you did.
ellie had a peely skin, and you had the poison ivy skin on as abby had midas on. abby said you two "had the same vibe." she liked how your two skins complimented each other, and looked like you were sort of matching, just a tiny bit.
"oh! get that loot right there." "you got it!" "reload real quick.. yeah, now shoot him in the head." abby was always cheering you on as you played. ellie side eyeing chat, knowing that theres some kind of vibe between you and abby.
it took a while for the match to end, none of you getting a #1 royale. somehow, ellie died first. you and abby kept looking at each other almost every time ellie did one of her high-pitched screams or loud ass gasps. then you died. then abby died.
"HAH, you fuckin lost." abby said in a joking manner. ellie was pisseddd off. she couldnt believe the fact that she died first. it was usually you who died first, but ellie?! "you can shut the fuck up abby" "well i wont."
you had forgotten about chat. completely forgetting that people were watching you play a game. ellie looked over at chat, a few things caught her eye.
"THE WAY ABBY LOOKS AT HER?!" "they should js get married alreadyyy." "plz dont start the ships again."
ellie grinned, ammused by the way chat is obsessed with you and abbys relationship. "chat loves yall together, start dating already."
abby looked at her with a confused face, "excuse me....?" "look at chat. the way you look at her, the way you speak to her compared to me? come on now!"
you looked over at abby, thinking about what it would be like to date her. you now realize you already had some feelings for her.. but those got stronger. you would love the feeling of abby's lips on top of yours, the feeling of her hands holding your waist...
time went by quickly now that you werent really focused any more. a few minutes later, ellie shuts off the stream. "yall wanna get some food realllyyy quick?" ellie asked, now standing up. "yeah just give us a sec." abby said, getting her shoes put on and her leather jacket.
abby looked at you, "you wanna go on a date with me?" you stared at her, confused and in shock now. how could this all happen so fast? first you were just hanging out with eachother, then you find out you reallyyy like her, and now she feels the same way?!!
"i-i mean sure! i would love that."
"what time works best for ya?"
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 9 months ago
Wesker ensuring Chris survives in RE1
It's interesting that Wesker goes out of his way to save and protect Chris when he made it clear that his team was now expendable. (gonna ignore the plot/plot armour and all that here for a sec)
Waiting a second or two and Chris would have been out of the picture, one less member to worry about. He could have also fired and missed to pretend he was making an attempt to save Chris.
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Then there's the gun left in the main hall (which was Jill's). Why would Wesker just leave it there and not take it with him? Surely it would have been smarter to take it with him and leave Chris defenceless and vulnerable. He must have known Chris could comeback to look for them (if he hadn't been killed by a zombie). Chris somehow lost his samurai edge as he was running to the mansion, Wesker would have noticed. When he takes Jill captive he left the gun for Chris to find and use.
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Leaving notes, items and ammo for Chris outside safe rooms/areas as Chris progresses to help him survive would mean he may have known his whereabouts constantly or left them there on the off chance Chris would pass through the area. One thing in particular is something that has ?? me for a while; if Wesker was trying to be discrete/laying low and avoid his betrayal being known, why even let Chris know it was him helping? Could he have somehow pretended it was Jill leaving the items and make it seem she was okay? "Look for a way out." + "Make sure you can get away." why even write that? He didn't have show concern/pretend to care to keep up appearances, yet he seemed to want Chris to survive or escape instead of simply letting Chris die to a zombie or by Wesker himself killing him. And going out of his way to fix doors for him? That's just encouraging Chris to continue his investigations and survive.
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Then the scene with Enrico. It only occurred to me much later that Wesker had actually saved Chris from being shot. Wesker had an opportunity to take them both out, or wait for Enrico shoot Chris and then take care of Enrico himself. It wouldn't have been hard for him to kill them both then and there.
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Why go through all the trouble of keeping Chris alive long enough for him to find out the truth? Why want Chris in particular to survive long enough to see the Tyrant and his true motives? Ultimately I believe Wesker had faith in Chris to survive up until the lab moment, I don't think he saw Chris as expendable like the majority of his team and team bravo. If he was he would have made more of an effort to get him killed and wouldn't have helped/saved him. It was important for Chris to see Wesker's true colours. We don't really have much to go on in regards to what their relationship was like before the mansion incident, only by what the novels say and bits and pieces. One thing for sure is that Chris befriended Wesker and they were casual enough with each other for Chris to disregard Wesker's title as captain and calling him by his last name instead of 'captain' or even 'sir'.
Random thing I noticed but liked; in the opening cutscene there's a shot of Wesker aiming his gun to the right then it switched to Chris just after who's aiming his gun to the left, like they're aiming at each other.
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violetduchess · 2 years ago
When you wear their clothes:
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CW: tooth rotting fluff, suggestive content
Characters: Rengoku, Mitsuri, Muichiro, Obanai
Note: Unless stated otherwise all character's are 18+.
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You couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty as you rifled through Rengoku's closet, looking for something to wear. After all, you weren't really supposed to be in his room, let alone going through his things. But you couldn't resist the temptation when you saw the pile of clothes he had left on his bed.
You couldn't help but be curious about the man who had captured your heart, and seeing his clothes up close was a thrill you couldn't resist. You picked up one of his shirts, inhaling deeply as you took in the scent of his cologne. It was warm and spicy, just like him, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit giddy as you slipped it over your head.
The shirt was big on you, the sleeves falling past your hands and the hem reaching your thighs. You looked in the mirror, turning this way and that to get a better view. You couldn't help but feel a little bit silly, wearing Rengoku's clothes like this, but it was also strangely exhilarating.
You walked over to his full-length mirror, twirling around as you admired the way the shirt flowed around you. You felt a rush of excitement as you imagined what it would be like to wear this shirt around him, to see the look in his eyes when he saw you in his clothes.
The thought of Rengoku seeing you like this sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't resist the urge to take things a step further. You rummaged through the pile of clothes until you found a pair of his sweatpants, slipping them on over your own leggings.
The pants were even more oversized than the shirt, and you had to roll up the cuffs several times just to keep them from dragging on the ground. But you didn't care. You felt like you were wearing a piece of him, and it made you feel closer to him somehow.
You walked back to the mirror, admiring the way the pants hung off your hips and swished around your ankles. You couldn't help but giggle a little bit as you imagined Rengoku's reaction to seeing you like this. Would he be surprised? Amused? Turned on?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, and you froze in place. Had he caught you going through his things? You quickly scurried over to the pile of clothes, frantically trying to put them back in their proper place.
"Hey, are you in there?" Rengoku's voice called out.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves before you answered. "Uh, yeah, I am. Just a sec!"
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to compose yourself. You took one last look in the mirror, making sure everything was in place, before you opened the door.
Rengoku stood there, a slightly confused look on his face as he took in your appearance. You could feel your face turning bright red as you looked down at yourself, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You nodded, unable to speak. You could feel his eyes on you, taking in every detail of your outfit. You wondered what he was thinking, whether he was as surprised or intrigued as you had imagined.
"I, uh, just wanted to borrow something to wear," you stammered, gesturing towards your clothes.
He chuckled, a warm, familiar sound that made your heart skip a beat. "You look good in my clothes," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you, and you couldn't help but smile in response. "Thanks," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up under his gaze.
Rengoku stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to touch the fabric of his shirt. "It looks better on you than it does on me," he said, his voice low and husky.
You shivered at the sound of his voice, feeling a thrill run through your body. You had always been drawn to Rengoku's confidence and charisma, and being this close to him was almost overwhelming.
He stepped even closer, his hand still resting on your shirt. You could feel his breath on your face, and you couldn't help but lean in a little closer, wanting to feel more of him.
"You know," he said, his voice dropping even lower. "I think I like you in my clothes. Maybe we should make a habit of it."
You could feel your heart racing in your chest as you looked up at him, his eyes locked on yours. You knew what he was suggesting, and the idea of being so intimately connected to him made your head spin.
Without thinking, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his, feeling a surge of electricity shoot through your body. Rengoku responded immediately, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer.
You lost yourself in the kiss, feeling the warmth of his body against yours and the softness of his lips against your own. You couldn't believe this was happening, that you were here in his room, wearing his clothes and kissing him like this.
Eventually, you pulled away, gasping for breath as you looked up at him. He was smiling, his eyes bright and filled with affection.
"You know," he said, his voice teasing. "I think we might need to invest in some more clothes for you. I can't have you wearing the same thing every time."
You laughed, feeling giddy and light-headed. "I think that's a good idea," you said, still catching your breath.
Rengoku leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips, the two of you lost in the moment. You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him in your life, and how special it felt to be sharing something so intimate with him.
As you pulled away, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. You knew that this was just the beginning, that there were so many more moments like this to come. But for now, you were happy to just be here, in this moment, with him.
You are a close friend of Mitsuri Kanroji, one of the most skilled demon slayers in all of Japan. You have always admired Mitsuri's bravery and strength, as well as her unique fashion sense. One day, as the two of you are chatting over tea, you ask Mitsuri if you could try on her demon slayer outfit.
Mitsuri is initially hesitant, explaining that the outfit is not something to be taken lightly. It is a symbol of her commitment to fighting demons and protecting the innocent. However, she can see how much it would mean to you, and agrees to let you try it on under her supervision.
As Mitsuri helps you don the clothing, you feel a rush of excitement and anticipation. The outfit is heavier than you imagined, but you are determined to do it justice. You stand before Mitsuri, feeling strong and powerful, and she nods in approval.
Together, the two of you practice some basic combat techniques, and you can feel the power of the demon slayer coursing through your veins. You are grateful for the opportunity to experience what it's like to be a demon slayer, even if it's just for a little while.
As the day comes to an end, you remove the outfit and return it to Mitsuri, feeling a sense of satisfaction and gratitude for the experience. You thank her for being such a good friend and mentor, and promise to continue supporting her in her fight against the demons.
As you walk home, you can't help but think about the courage and dedication it takes to be a demon slayer. You vow to continue learning from Mitsuri, and to always cherish the memory of wearing her demon slayer outfit.
You were sitting in your room, feeling bored and restless. You had been studying for hours and needed a break. That's when you saw Obanai's clothing hanging on the coat rack in the corner of the room. You couldn't resist the temptation to try it on.
As you slipped on the long black and white striped coat, you felt a rush of excitement. The fabric was soft and cool against your skin, and the weight of the coat made you feel powerful and strong. You twirled around in front of the mirror, admiring how the it flowed around you.
You couldn't resist trying on the other pieces of clothing as well. You pulled on Obanai's loose black pants, feeling the fabric breeze against your legs. You slipped on an extra pair of black socks he had laying around. Finally, you put on his wooden sandals, loving how they made you feel taller and more imposing.
You felt like a new person in Obanai's clothing. You felt confident, powerful, and in control. You wish you had a camera to immortalize this moment.
That's when you heard a knock on the door. Your heart skipped a beat. You hadn't expected anyone to come over, and you didn't want to be caught wearing Obanai's clothing.
You hurriedly took off the coat and pants, leaving only the socks and sandals on. You rushed to the door, hoping that whoever was on the other side wouldn't notice.
But it was Obanai himself who stood on the other side of the door. He looked at you with surprise, taking in your appearance. His eyes flickered over the socks and sandals, and you felt a flush creeping up your cheeks.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
"I came to check on you," Obanai said, his voice low and smooth. "Is everything okay?"
You nodded, hoping that he wouldn't notice your nervousness. But Obanai's eyes lingered on your feet, and you knew that he had seen the sandals.
"Those are my sandals," he said, his voice low and husky. "Do you like them?"
You swallowed hard, feeling a rush of heat between your legs. You couldn't help but feel turned on by the idea of wearing Obanai's clothing. You nodded again, feeling your face grow hotter.
Obanai stepped closer to you, his eyes locked on yours. You could feel the heat of his body, and you couldn't help but notice how tall and imposing he looked in his black and white coat.
"I like it when you wear my clothes," he said, his voice low and intimate. "It makes you smell like me."
You felt a shiver run down your spine. Obanai's words were both comforting and arousing, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
He reached out and took your hand, his fingers wrapping around the soft skin. He leaned in close to you, his breath warm against your ear.
"Let me show you how much I like it," he whispered.
And with that, he led you into your bedroom, where the two of you spent the rest of the night exploring each other's bodies, both of you dressed in Obanai's black clothing. You felt powerful and in control, and you knew that you would never forget this night.
You were wandering around the Demon Slayer Corps' headquarters, trying to find your way back to your room after a long day of training. As you passed by Muichiro's room, you noticed that his door was slightly ajar. Curiosity getting the better of you, you peeked inside and saw Muichiro's uniform neatly folded on his bed.
Without really thinking, you walked over and picked up the uniform, feeling the soft fabric between your fingers. You had always admired Muichiro's style and found his clothing to be comfortable and functional. You looked around the room to make sure no one was watching, then quickly stripped off your own clothes and put on Muichiro's uniform.
You stood in front of the mirror, admiring how the uniform fit your body. It was a little big on you, but it was still comfortable and made you feel powerful. You turned around and saw that Muichiro's haori was hanging on the back of his chair. You took it down and put it on, feeling a sense of warmth and protection as it draped over your shoulders.
As you were admiring yourself in the mirror, you suddenly heard a knock on the door. Your heart skipped a beat as you quickly tried to take off the uniform, but it was too late. The door opened and Muichiro walked in, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw you standing there in his clothing.
"Uh...hi," you said, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks. "I'm sorry, I was just trying on your uniform. I didn't mean to invade your privacy."
Muichiro looked at you for a moment, his eyes studying your body in the uniform. "It's okay," he finally said, his voice soft. "You look...good."
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "Thanks. Your uniform is really comfortable. I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear it."
Muichiro nodded, then walked over and stood in front of you. He reached out and ran his fingers along the collar of the haori, his touch gentle and warm. "You know," he said softly, "you look really good in my clothing. Maybe you should wear it more often."
You felt your heart skip a beat as you looked up into Muichiro's eyes. You had always had a bit of a crush on him, but had never acted on it, feeling too shy and nervous to make a move. But now, with Muichiro standing so close to you, his fingers tracing the outline of your collarbone, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.
Muichiro leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. "I like the way you look in my clothes," he whispered. "I like the way they hug your body and accentuate your curves. You're very beautiful, (Y/N)."
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Muichiro's words washed over you. You had never felt so desired, so wanted, so alive. You leaned in, your lips pressing against Muichiro's in a tender, passionate kiss. You could taste the sweetness of his lips, feel the warmth of his body against yours.
As you broke the kiss, you looked up into Muichiro's eyes, feeling a sense of wonder and awe. "I've always liked you," you whispered. "I just didn't know how to say it."
Muichiro smiled, his hand tracing the outline of your jaw. "I've always liked you too," he said. "I just didn't know how to show it."
You laughed, feeling a sense of happiness burst forward.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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star-writr · 1 year ago
Yay!! Another 10th Doc fic!! This one is a little longer than the last one luckily. Also school starts in four days for me and I'm terrified. Reader is gn. This will be up on my Ao3 in a sec. Enjoy!!
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After yet another draining adventure, the TARDIS welcomed you and the Doctor with its warm lighting and buzzing noises. Closing the door behind him, the Time Lord huffed. "Well, that was a hell of a jog", he spoke, "even for me. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I think I'm going to take a nap. Do you mind?"
"Not at all," said the Doctor, making his way over to the console. "I'll be here if you need anything." You walked away, grateful to get a break.
The Doctor ran his fingers through his hair, already spiky and messy enough as it was, sighing. He fiddled with a couple buttons, trying to keep his hands – and thoughts – focused on the TARDIS rather than anything else. The spaceship seemed to find his troubled look quite funny, and her engines snickered.
"Laugh a little more, would you?", grunted the Time Lord. The machine didn't hesitate to do so.
The Doctor had been pining after his companion for a while, but had admitted these feelings to himself quite reluctantly. After all, he knew that you wouldn't be any different to his prior companions. He knew one day he wouldn't see you again; everyone left the TARDIS sooner or later, whether they wanted to or not. Even if you somehow reciprocated what he felt, the situation would've been just the same, and it would've been even worse when it ended. The Doctor was a time traveller, he couldn't focus only on the present; and thinking of the uncertainty of the future – which could've put you in danger in a hundred million different ways without him able to do anything – sent him off the rails like very few things could. He couldn't have you hurt because of his carelessness, feelings or no feelings. However, he still didn't know what to do. Maybe he should've told you the truth. But why bother? Again, it would've meant nothing. Destiny had the tendency to laugh in the Doctor's face, making his every move have the worst consequences possible; if you got involved by staying by his side, who knows what could've happened. There was also the possibility of you being uncomfortable once the Doctor confessed his feelings and leaving the TARDIS even sooner. So the Time Lord kept his mouth shut.
This went on for quite some time. Nevertheless, the Doctor couldn't keep carrying such a burden forever. And, against every last one of his intentions, he didn't.
It was rare to see the Doctor truly scared. It had been a long night, and an even longer adventure. Going deeper and deeper into the darkest of tunnels, holding onto his sleeve, the both of you running for your lives, you saw an expression that the Time Lord had never worn in front of you before then.
The enemy had taken his sonic, leaving the Doctor without his second most powerful weapon, and the first most powerful – his wits – didn't seem eager to respond at the moment. It was true that most times he worked well under pressure, but fear was a beast he didn't quite know how to make abide by his rules.
"Doctor, what do we do? We can't keep running forever," you reminded him, pulling onto his shirt. He stopped in his tracks and took one good look at you.
"Are you hurt?" he asked. You didn't answer. "We have to think of something else," you insisted, "or we'll be stuck here forever."
He said your name with his voice breaking. It was the first time you saw him that worried. "We can't do anything. We can't fight. We can only run", he stated.
You lowered your eyes. The truth was that you couldn't run anymore. As much as you didn't want to admit it, your feet were killing you and you had sprained your ankle.
"You're hurt", realized the Doctor. The sound of metal clanging coming from the tunnels behind you stripped you of all the hope you had left. The Doctor looked at you with wet eyes. "I don't have a plan", he said, "I'm sorry."
He couldn't give up so easily, you thought. The noise was getting closer. The pressure you felt crushed your lungs, leaving you almost breathless.
Even so, the Doctor wasn't the only one who worked well under pressure. You had a sudden idea, and all at once you felt like you could breathe again. A smile crept its way onto your lips. "Well, I do," you said.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Really? What are you going to do?" he asked. His question remained unanswered, at least for the moment, as your lips crashed together with his. "Stay put", you ordered him, then going straight towards the noise of metal. The Doctor – quickly pulling himself together after the sudden kiss – tried to stop you, but it was futile. As soon as you disappeared from his sight the noises suddenly stopped. A few moments later, you came back with his sonic screwdriver in hand and a smirk plastered onto your face.
"Holograms," you explained, "holograms and recorded sound effects. They took your sonic because it would've messed with their systems."
The Doctor's mouth was agape as he grabbed the screwdriver, inspecting it and occasionally shifting his eyes onto your figure. "How can a hologram grab anything?", he asked.
"They were projected onto an endoskeleton", you replied. "Fool proof disguise."
The Time Lord smiled. "You're a genius."
"Save it for when we're out of here, pretty boy," you teased, grabbing him by the tie and leading the way. Needless to say, the Doctor didn't protest. He was too impressed to complain.
You made it to the TARDIS only hours later, exhausted as per usual. The Doctor was still lingering on the kiss. He couldn't tell whether your sudden realization had made you so excited as to kiss him, or if it had been anything else. He was still unwilling to talk about his own feelings, but now that you had made what seemed like a first move, he decided to confront you about it.
He plopped next to you on the seat near the console. His palms were sweaty against the white leather and his eyes darted between the ceiling, you, and the pavement.
"What is it?" you asked, preceding him. The Time Lord suddenly found his shoelaces to be very interesting, and didn't bear to look at you.
"Just thinking", he whispered.
"About the kiss."
You tilted your head. The Doctor was still looking down. A sigh escaped your lips. "Okay, listen."
"I am listening."
"Look at me, Doctor."
He didn't turn his head, and just peeked at you from the corner of his eyes. You later found his flusteredness to be quite adorable. For the moment, however, you wondered if the kiss had made him uncomfortable. In any case, it was best to tell him your reasons. All of them. No holding back. You wouldn't have hid anymore.
"I meant that kiss," you admitted. "I'm sorry if you weren't okay with it."
The Doctor went back to staring at his shoes. "I was okay with it." Your eyes lit up. "Frankly," he added, "it would be simpler if I wasn't. But I'm actually glad you did it first."
"Are you?" you questioned him. "You don't look so... happy."
"I know." The Time Lord bit his lip mindlessly.
"Then what's wrong?"
He was finally able to look at you. You deserved the whole truth, he thought.
"I've told you. My companions always end up leaving. Most of the time it's not planned. They end up endangered and the only solution, if there is one, is leaving me behind. If I get too attached I can never get over it."
You took his hand in yours. "Have you considered, even for a second, that it doesn't always have to end that way?"
"But it does."
"I'm still here, though."
The Doctor's eyes darted across the room. As much as he wanted to believe everything would've ended up being okay, he couldn't bring himself to. Each time he did, everything slipped away from his grasp leaving him alone once again.
"Doctor," you pleaded, "if you won't believe it can end differently, then at least let me promise you it will. At least believe in me."
The Time Lord pondered over your words for a couple moments. Then, he cupped your cheek with his free hand and kissed you. It was a desperate kiss, and it made the both of you scoot closer to the other, wrapping your arms around each other for support and clutching at the cloth on your backs. It didn't last for more than thirty seconds, and left you lingering for more.
"Promise me", he begged, "promise me."
"I promise", you whispered.
"Again. Say it again."
"I promise", you repeated.
His lips brushed onto yours. "Again." You smiled reassuringly, your voice a whisper.
"I promise." You kissed him again.
The night had just started.
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stars-n-spice · 7 months ago
Sharpshooters - Sec Gen!
Introducing the Marr family some 10 ish years after Mount Tantiss :D
In the aftermath of the s3 finale, Cross and Tay settle down, eventually get married (Tay took too fucking long to ask so Crosshair ended up asking), and end up adopting! They have a place down by the shore, on the lower levels of Pabu, where they make a living as fishermen and raise their daughter, Akona.
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Others coming soon:
Tech + Phee's Family // Wrecker + Khea's Family // Echo + Viram's Family // Hunter + Jung's Family
Close ups and additional information under the cut!
Crosshair and Tay Marr
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Been married for 4 years - they will not agree over this
Last to marry and adopt - Tay took too long to ask (he was nervous, okay?) and Tay didn't think he'd be a good dad since he never had a father figure (he was wrong)
Have a place on the shore
Are fishermen for a living - Tay is an amphibious species and Crosshair is good at spotting fish in the water
The "cool" Tíos - Tay never says no to his nieces and nephews and Crosshair is always encouraging them to start up shit
Crosshair -> "Papa"
Tay -> "Apá"
Tay got a Pantoran facial tattoo to match Akona and Crosshair - not the full scope because he kept squirming during the session (it tickled) and Crosshair gave up
He also got his lethorns capped off so Akona couldn't poke herself with them since she has a habit of climbings all over him/pulling on them when she wants something
Crosshair now has a prosthetic arm and is like Tech with all of his pouches (all for storing things for Akona + his toothpicks)
Both are somehow super overprotective of Akona but also spoil her rotten - they will let her have everything and anything she wants EXCEPT for a blaster
"Oh no I'm much worse" <- he's awful - it's a good thing his hair is already gray because Akona would've given him a lot of gray hair with how much he worries over her
But they're very trusting of her and know despite her young age she's more than capable of handling herself so they'll let her go out and about (not without Batcher though)
Crosshair loves to make fun of Tay whenever he sees Tay being a "total dad" in his words - "And you said you couldn't do it. Big, cocky guy always bragging about everything he's good at and you thought you wouldn't be a good dad. Tch."
Tay never had parents and the one mother figure he had um,, died brutally in front of him so his fears are warranted but he proves to be a good parents over time - of course with guidance from Crosshair who's already had some experience with Omega
They're doing just fine though - of course it took a long time for the both of them to adjust to a peaceful civilian life, but they managed and look at where they are now :)
Akona Marr
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Akona Marr! Crosshair and Tay's adopted daughter
Pantoran/Nautolan hybrid
6 years old (was found by Crosshair when she was around 2 years old)
Stubborn, spoiled, and cute as all hell
Autistic and nonverbal - will sign and usually doesn't say much outside of "Papa" and "Apá"
Wants to be a biologist when she grows up! - specifically a marine one because she loves the ocean :)
Likes: fishing with her Dads, swimming in the ocean, animals (especially Batcher!), spicy food (like burning tastebuds kind of spicy), and collecting shells!
Dislikes: loud noises (and crowds for that matter), the cold (cold-blooded), flying/heights, being alone, not having a REAL blaster (not allowed to until she's 10)
For now she as a toy wooden firepuncher that Hunter whittled for her (that she also uses as a club)
Akona loves to collect shells and will show off her collection to anyone and everyone
She might not have a blaster but Tay got her a harpoon and that works for her (for now) - like her dads, she's proving to be a really good sharpshooter as well :)
She has a tooka doll named "Dae" that Crosshair made for her (yeah, it's supposed to look like Tay - when Tay saw it he cried)
She got her facial tattoo recently (done by none other than her Papa)
Spends most of her time swimming with her Apá, playing in the sand, exploring the shore, or napping with her Papa
Her favorite cousins are Rangi (he shows off his bug collection and she shows off her shell collection) and Sami (because they're both Pantoran and she's nice)
Her favorite Aunt/Uncle though is Jung and Hunter - Jung because he's selectively mute and understands her on a level not many can and Hunter because Hunter gave her the wooden firepuncher
But she does love all her cousins and Tíos of course
I based her off of my Mom's cat, Snoopy (aka my kid sister/goddaughter), because like Akona she has a habit of biting people but you can't be mad at her because she's adorable (and she's also super spoiled) - see following images
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💫 Tag List: @stardume 💫 Join the silly squad taglist here! 💫 Find out more about Tay and Crosshair here -> Silly Squad Masterpost
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redwidow616 · 5 months ago
Okayyyyyy it's 11 pm and i just watched the new aaa episode and i can't sleep before i write down all my thoughts so spoilers under the cut
I swear how many times do they wanna make me think mrs. Hart is coming back?? Literally the first scene i was like waiit green witch? Animals coming out of her grave (i think)? But then it was "just" the salem seven and i was just sitting there thinking whyyyy am i doing this to myself right before i want to go to sleep?? But it was okay, not as scary as i thought it would be (im such a baby about stuff like this istg even tho i never even get nightmares)
The broom ride looked soooo cool, them in front of the moon, rio being crazy, just everything
Ngl i was sure the salem seven would at least try to come in or wod be shown following them somehow at the end. I mean they had to get through the studio house somehow but yeah I'm sure we'll see them againIt was soooo funny to me when they showed the ouija (is that how it's spelled??) board, seriously marvel, two witch clichés in one episode I was also surprised this was already agathas trial because i was convinced hers would be last but oh well
Her imitating mrs hart tho like girl show some respect like wtf was that, then when she was possessed before we new it was her mom, again with the horror movie cliche, like a witch from back then would actually do that?? Also what kinda shitty ass mother is she, i can't believe she would say that to agatha
Of course the whole solution part was crazy, i loved how rio was basically like no one can have her except me to her mom and while i was not very excited for mom!agatha but the Nicholas scratch thing pulling her out of possession was kinda cute ngl
But ALICE NOOOOO i can't believe agatha did that, now we already have two dead witches :(( also did they just leave her there?????? For the salem seven to find and idk eat or smth?????? And teen being so concerned for her, it broke my heart
But of course the ending!!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT???????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS MOM????? WANDA???!!???!!!!! WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN TO THE THREE OF THEM NOW????? WHERE DID RIO GO????? TEEN IS WEARING THE SCARLET WITCH CROWN BUT IN SILVER????? WERE THE PEOPLE SAYING HE'S WICCAN RIGHT???? ( i actually have no idea about this, i didn't read the comics)
seriously @rorysfreakshow616 you were completely accurate when telling me the last scene is crazy, i thought maybe it would be alice rising from the dead or smthn or the salem seven getting them, i actually thought they had possessed jen and lilia for a sec before i saw that there eyes were the same colour as teens magic and i was also just sitting there with my mouth wide open thinking wtfwtfwtfwtfwtf after i finished this episode
Also one last random spontaneous thought, what of teens spell book was another copy of the dark hold?
Okay I'm done now, I'll probably rewatch this episode cus I'm crazy about it and i can't wait for the next one
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tainted-heartz · 2 years ago
ok so what if wally was listening to music on the radio and helping y/n clean dishes(or sum idk😭😭)and the song "Sway by Micheal buble" comes on and he has a cheeky idea 🤭 he starts to dance and slowly makes his way over to y/n that is distracted by washing he grabs y/ns hand and starts to salsa dance with them y/n is laughing but they are telling wally to let them go becuase they needed to finish cleaning the dishes they finally are done danceing and wally is smiling but left quickly when he looked at the ground for a sec (like he gave them a kiss on the cheek and left🧍‍♀️) and y/n is happy but confused why he left but continues to wash the dishes😌
(extra credit on why wally left... he broke a mug and knows y/n hates messes..😭 let's just say he was put in a time out by y/n when she saw the broken glass on the ground..well that's all for now!)
| I'm gonna put you in a chokehold with these ideas istg /pos I also love how ppl on my requests/most of my followers have basically accepted my hc of wally loving to dance with his s/o to any cheesy love song etc |
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- wally was always a cheesy romantic type , almost dancing to any romantic song with you and (somehow) always taking the lead despite his height he knew how to work around it. even if you were busy he'd wrap his arms around your waist and ask for a dance with something on in the background.
- today wasn't any different , wally was helping you clean dishes with the radio playing on a nearby counter. he suddenly stopped what he was doing once he heard ‘ sway ’ playing and well..he couldn't miss the opportunity to dance with you like he always does.
- you glanced at wally who held a hand out for you to grab , giving you the smallest head tilt. “ oh wally , now? I need to get these done- ” “ please dearest? I know how much you enjoy dancing with meeeee..” you thought for a minute before sighing and placing the plate you had down in the sink and drying your hands off. “ fine but make it qui- ” you laughed as soon as wally pulled you close. neither of you look the dancing seriously , just being filled with laughs and giggles. that was till there was a sudden loud smash that sounded like glass breaking causing wally to let you go. “ oh uhm..sorry dearest I just remembered I said I'd help barnaby with some of his comedy skits sorry! ” he gave you a kiss on the cheek but you didn't think much of it.
- well..you did once you noticed one of the mugs had been broken right on the kitchen floor where wally was. let's say you didn't chew him out but did convince home to help you by putting him in time out with pillows making a barricade in the corner so he wouldn't get out. he was sour for..a while.
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aleksa-sims · 1 year ago
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RL Simself Story ⛈️
We had just arrived at Damien’s Mom's house. The thunderstorm continued, so Nico and I had to spend the night there. As I wanted to call my Mom, to tell her not to worry, Ana also called me, to tell me Daniel was back home. I was confused!?... I couldn’t believe it and I was annoyed by some things Ana did. Why was she at our place to talk to D.? Why is Ana meddling in my affairs? I mean, I get it! She was worried about him, she loved Daniel, just like my whole family did. But why did she have to mention that.... Lexi- shit? And why does she always think Alex is responsible for D.'s & my probs? Anyway, it pissed me off. And Nico was sitting right next to me while I was on the phone with Ana & my Mom. So he knew it too now, that D. was back. 😞
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Me (to N.): I’m so sorry.... But trust me, it doesn’t change anything. I promise.... Uhm... I'll step out for a sec. I-...I have to call Ana back.
Nico: It's raining buckets!! Where you going? It's crazy out there.
Me: I-.... I just have to get out. Don't worry N., it's-... it's all fine. ok?
Nico: I'm going with you. 😟
Me: No! Please, don't. I just need to be by myself for a while. 😞
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I'm so stupid!!! No one was out in the fucking weather, expect me, fool!... I had some questions for Ana. She said Daniel seemed high to her. I wanted to know why? Why did she think that? Well, Ana meant D. smoked, when she saw him. Actually, she was right. Daniel only smoked when he was high, or when we tried to get off that damn durg. I was worried about him, but at the same time, also mad. By now I knew, that Daniel saw Irena, just before he left 4 months ago. He was in her apartment. I didn’t know why he was there, at Irenas and his former place? Irena didn't want to tell me more.
Ana: Where are you anyway? Are you out there alone?
Me: Ah... yea, I'm alone.... Agh, Ana? Um... shit. The reception here's poor. Wait, I’m going in a different direction. Maybe it's better there?.... I think I’m gonna call Daniel.
Ana: You should go back to the house, to N. Just text Daniel. Tell him you'll be back home soon. But you don't have to call him, now A.!
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Me: I’m afraid to tell him, Ana... And I feel so shitty about N., too. I'm so horrible. 😞
Ana: Yea. I get you. But Nico knew what he was getting into.
Me: Still, he also has feelings. N. is not an ass, as you all think. And I love him.
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Me: Ana?.... Hello?... Ana!... Ugh, shit. 😨
Perfect timing. My phone died. 🤦‍♀️I was so absorbed in talking to my sister, that I got lost! I had no reception near Damien’s house, so I went in a completely different direction, but now, I did not know where I was? I decided to go back the way I went. Couldn't be so difficult, I thought....🧐
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I was wrong! I got a.... little mental breakdown?... I wandered blind through an unknown area. Because of the heavy rain I could hardly open my eyes. I started to panic. I couldn’t use my phone to call N. He’ll think I left him, to rush home to Daniel. I was so worried about that. Nico told me himslef, just a few days ago, that he doesn’t trust me anymore. He's gonna hate me! 😨 And my Baby won’t have a Dad or a family bcs of me. 😭... I tried not to think about it, but about the tips my therapist taught me, to better deal with my panic attacks. And yea, I calmed down. I looked around again. I tried to concentrate to keep my eyes open. I saw two houses in the street where I was. I made my way towards the houses, to ask someone for help. But then I changed my mind. Somehow I didn’t feel good about ringing at strangers. I was afraid a psycho could lure me into his house. 😬 Yup, that's from watching so many horror movies, Ik!
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Besides, I noticed that the road I was on, was a sign pointing to a bar and some shops, that should be just around the corner. I decided to try this first, before... well, I get killed by a sicko. Believe me, I have often run into some sick guys in my life. That’s why I was so insecure.
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Meanwhile the others were starting to worry about me. Nico couldn’t find me outside and my phone was off too. He asked Damien to help him look for me. Oh, and the electricity was cut.  Allegedly, an important power pole was damaged by lightning. 🤷‍♀️
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As you can see, I did not end up in a bar, but went to a shop that was open. I was so relieved when I saw other people there. They were surprised by the thunderstorm. Now they’ve been stuck in that small twon for two hours. They couldn’t get home. The streets were closed due to flooding and some other probs. Anyway, I was looking for the shop assistant to ask if I could use their phone. I just wanted to call N. to tell him where I was. Finally I found a young woman standing behind the counter, admiring herself in the mirror and taking selfies. I think she was about to go home? She grabbed her bag and hung it over her shoulder....
Me: Hi!... Um, excuse me?... Sorry, I don’t want to disturb you. Um, may I short use the phone here somewhere? I’m not from this area, just visiting, but I got lost. I just want to call my boyfriend so he doesn’t worry about me.
Girl: Oh, hi!... Sorry, but we are having technical probs with our phone connection atm. But, you know what? You can use my phone for a second. I hope it works. I just got off the phone with my brother and my mom. Let's try.
Me: Omg, I know you! (😡) Is your brother Damien?
Yes, I met Diana. Damien's Twin Sister. Let’s see if she remembers me? 😒... Oh, and btw, I didn’t really get lost. I just have a terrible sense of direction! Damien’s house was only 2 blocks away!!! So I went in the right direction, but.... somehow I didn’t recognize the surroundings. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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orangeoctopi7 · 11 months ago
New season of Ninjago! I'm currently six episodes in.
(also I'm writing this the morning after I watched these episodes so my thoughts might be out of order)
Awkward teenage Riyu design is cute, but in that awkward, mid-stage pokemon evolution way.
"Intelligent George" is just every adult Ninjago fan on YouTube throwing around theories over the last year.
Sorry Lloyd, prophetic dreams of doom run in the family.
Hey, wait a sec. You know who else has prophetic dreams? Why are you not going to Zane with this?
Please give Arin a "you don't need powers to be powerful" arc.
All this talk of shattering all the good inside someone is reminding me of a certain other spell used to remove all the goodness from Garmadon back in season 8, but I doubt they're actually meant to be connected.
Slightly disappointed that the pink Serpentine isn't Skales' wife.
Euphrasia couldn't take on the master of Smoke, the elemental master she probably has the best type match up against? I don't wanna sound like one of those fans, but jeez, Morro would have destroyed this guy.
The Kai-Nya siblings dynamic continues to be on point.
Wyldfyre continues to be the best character.
I was honestly expecting Sora's fear dream to be more of the same insecurities we saw from her last season, but she actually has moved past that and now she's afraid of having to go back to Imperium. I was pleasantly surprised by that.
Oof, Nya's dream is giving me so many feels. This is foreshadowing, isn't it?
"Jay would never forget me. And even if he somehow did, he'd never be this calm and collected about a stranger coming up and hugging him."
Oh. Oh, we're not seeing Wyldfyre 's fear dream? Oh, she doesn't want to talk about it? *Rubbing hands together* I think we're gonna get some backstory and lore here!
*Bonzle to Cole and Geo* "You are my da-ads. You're my dad's. Boogie Woogie Woogie."
Suddenly Basketball
Ah, the dragon masters. The fact that dragons can learn spinjitzu honestly makes sense to me, all the way back in the pilot, I thought the way the dragons spun around in order to travel to the other realms was obviously related to Spinjitzu.
I like that Rontu is basically just a typical gym coach in dragon form.
Egalt, on the other hand... Well, I do really like his design. But man, he's just every bad "teaching" method from Wu rolled into an even grumpier old man. Talking down to his students, constantly being negative instead of giving positive reinforcement, no clear instructions, giving no answers or even hints to Arin's question, nothing! Maybe I care about this more than other people because I've worked as a teacher on and off for years, but even when I first started watching the show, back when I was still in college, I was already noticing these things about Wu and they already bothered me.
Anyway, calling it now, the students from "last time" Egalt keeps vague-ing were Wu and Garmadon, and Wu learned all his bad "teaching" methods from this guy.
Bonzle being a living spell is weird, but honestly not that out of the question for a crazy fantasy world like Ninjago.
Ok, so I'm going to break the first rule of enjoying Ninjago and think about the timeline. Judging by what Wu said, I'm guessing Bonzle ran into him some time early in season 2? And when did all this with the Forbidden Five happen?
Anyway, very excited to see where this is going, if only I didn't have to work today.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 1 year ago
A common symptom of ptsd is to not talk about your past traumatic event, to avoid reliving the trauma as much as possible. I think Magnifico having ptsd is an interesting idea, thought I'm not sure it's what the writers intended. But I lose you when you start to expect Amaya not only knows he has ptsd, but knows how to react to him having it. If he's avoiding talking about it, even if she knows it's traumatic, would she know how to help him? I think Magnifico not going to her for help all the time isn't a sign of a lack of love. I think he has the feeling he needs to deal with things on his own. And for Amaya's part, I think she knows this about her husband and that's why she tries to give him space.
Hi anon,
I might not have been clear enough about this in my last analysis, so let me touch up on this a bit further.
First of all, and again, I.dont.hate.Amaya! I criticize her behavior and her choices.
Now to PTSD once more. PTSD and C-PTSD can have many different levels of intensity. And while yes, it is true, that in some cases ptsd-people won't talk about the triggers and the very thing that traumatized them, it's not the case with Magnifico. He openly talks about what traumatized him in hopes to be understood! In his conversation with Asha, we clearly see that he longs for someone to understand him!
Ok, let's analyze Magnifico withdrawing himself all the time. Yes, sometimes people need to be on their own and ptsd people might isolate themselves but really, they long deep down to open up to someone who understands them! I wouldn't ramble so much about it if I didn't have first hand expirience in this! The very fact that he feels the need to deal with everything on his own is terrible! It's sad! Because that shouldn't be the case. Of course he cared for Amaya, I never said he didn't but for goodness sake, she's supposed to be his "wife!" He shouldn't think "I need to handle everything on my own!" Especially not, when he's at the peak of breaking down emotionally.
My Dad isn't the one who comes running to my Mom with every single problem he has either, because he's also the type who deals with most things on his own, but when it truly matters he seeks her comfort. He opens up about what bothers and or pains him and he knows he can be vunerable and weak in her presence. He knows she won't judge him and even if she doesn't understand, she will try her best to be there, be a help somehow and uplift him. And in trouble look for a solution.
Amaya not doing any of this because she simply doesn't know how and wants to give him space, because she knows thats what he says he wants, isn't a solid justification or proof of her love.
I never claimed Amaya should be perfect! I never said Amaya should know all the answers all the time or know how to react right in every single situation! To be fair, she's a human with flaws as well but that was never what I criticized!
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Yes, being his wife, she should know that he has PTSD, and she most likely does because he even told Asha about his past. It should be clear as day that horror like this would traumatize the heck out of everyone!
Now, not everyone is a cuddlebug and not all couples are lovely dovely, but good grief, was it too much to expect a wife to actually show her husband she loves him? We got not one single hug (and Magnifico deserved a 1000 hugs througout the movie) we saw not one single kiss! None besides a 1 sec. Peck to her hand. She didn't hold his hands for longer than 3 seconds, never caressed his cheek, never did anything that would show us that she actually loves him! Everything she did showed us she cared for him but you can care for someone very much but not love them.
And if we are talking married couple, true love soulmates, I expect to see it! It's not hard, taking the fact we have a 100 year history of disney showing us true love. And saying, disney didn't make Amaya show her true emotions because Magnifico was supposed to be the villain everyone would kick off in the end anyway and we shouldn't make people like him, is literally the worst arguement ever.
And even if one doesn't agree with anything I said, what she did at the end summs it all up! If my soulmate, my one true love, would be under some curse from an evil book that says its unbreakable, I would be like "Screw what the evil book says! Cause how trustworthy is an evil book? Also, screw what anyone says or thinks, screw it if he accidently hurts me in the process, I promised to stick with him in bad and good times, I swore to love him in life and death, I'll fight with every fiber in my body and soul to get him back and if it kills me! I'll do everything in my might!" And if I'd still lose him, I would grieve!
But Amaya dumped him as easily as a pair of old shoes she doesn't like anymore. She knew he only went bonkers because of the book and still she's like "He's all evil! Away with him!" She even mocks him by saying "But you do love mirrors." 0 grief, 0 regret, 0 love. She became cold and even afterwards we saw her continue happily. How the heck am I supposed to believe she truly loved him when her actions literally say no?
Would she have known how to help him? You don't always need to know HOW to do something, what counts is that you try, that you just go for it! And if you truly love someone, you can help by being compassionate, understanding, forgiving etc. With PTSD people, you won't believe what wonders a loving hug can do. Or just telling us "I might not fully understand what's going on in your mind and heart right now, but I want to understand, I want to help you and I want you to know that I see you and you're not alone. I acknowledge your pain! You don't have to go through this on your own. I'm here for you no matter what!"
I don't think Amaya is all terrible, and like I said, I don't hate her. But I do not believe she ever truly loved Magnifico.
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hoodoo12 · 2 years ago
Rock and Roll (4/?)
NSFW. Dewey Finn x OC
It'd be so easy to let Mora be the aggressor. Already she'd been satisfied with kissing him and had moved on to his neck. He could only imagine the little marks she made on his skin and how he'd have to cover them before the students saw them maybe a scarf like old school Mick Jagger--
Dewey gave an involuntary yelp when Mora's teeth found a bit more purchase. Before she could apologize, or worse yet stop completely, he caught her again and planted his mouth on hers once more. 
her mouth tasted of smoke and booze I can't get enough, it's never enough
Unbidden, song lyrics came to life in his head. He'd have to find the right notes to convey to an audience what he was feeling--
Goddamn it, Finn! Stop getting lost in your own dumb head and just do this! the primal animal inside him demanded. 
At the next natural pause, after he'd chased Mora's tongue with his own and they panted a little, he forced himself to man up.
"Mora," he said--he'd use her name in the song. Should he use her name? Yeah, totally, "this is so hot. You're so hot! I wanna do this--I mean! I wanna do you--oh shit, that sounded bad! I mean, I want to . . .  see where this goes? But it's . . . it's been a while and--and I'm not gonna last long. Unless? You have a rubber? I don't carry them--I mean I don't have one with me, 'cause, 'cause, well . . ."
Somehow he'd set and bumbled into a trap he designed himself. He'd all but admitted he was basically a two-pump chump who never expected to get laid.
With how much hot and heavy making out they were doing, she was thankful his facial hair wasn't so short it would give her a rash but also not so long it got in the way. Despite his less than suave women skills, Dewey was a damn good kisser. Mora ignored the butterflies that were increasing in quantity in the pit of her stomach. 
They parted, just slightly to take a breather and she met his eyes. It looked like his mind was going a mile a minute until he finally managed some words.
Oh. Oh, right. Condoms.
If a guy didn't ask to use one, she wouldn't bring it up. No one ever asked. "Felt better" or something.
For someone who was very pro-proper sex education, she did not tend to apply the same rules to her own life.  Just another line on her Self Destructive Tendencies List. 
He didn't need to know that, though.
She tried not to look taken off guard and just gave a small nod. "Y-yeah! I have some. One sec." Mora tumbled off his lap and scurried to her room, closing the door behind her. There was only one place they would be if she did have them. 
"Shit, shit, shit...." She whispered to herself and she rifled through the drawer of her side table, she pushed past her sex toys and their instruction manuals. At the bottom was two condoms attached to each other. Quickly, she checked the expiration date and sighed in relief. She mentally thanked whatever god or deity was watching.
Mora left him sitting naked on her couch as she raced from the room. Dewey took a moment to try and calm himself. 
'Okay, okay, Finn--she wants you. She went to her bedroom and didn't invite you but that's okay, a bedroom is too intimate for a kinda drunk hook up. That's okay. That's okay.'
He hoped repeating the word okay would make it real.
'We can stay here on the couch. I want her on top of me. Do I tell her that? Does it make me seem lazy? Like I expect her to do all the work? Oh christ, what if she wants me on top of her?! Wait, that might be better--I'm gonna finish in like two seconds and then she'd be in the perfect position for me to go down on her. Will she let me? Will she be pissed I get off so quick and then kick me out?"
Before any of the hypotheticals could wind themselves more tightly, Mora was back with a triumphant air. She shoved two condoms--ribbed for her pleasure!--into his hand and plopped back down beside him to wait. 
Mora exited her room quietly and found her place back on the couch with Dewey. She handed him one and played with his hair while she waited for him to get situated.
Her fingers carding through his hair was welcome and distracting. Now that she'd produced what would overcome the final barrier--hahaha, should he tell her that?--to the end result of all this, Dewey's nerves made themselves known in the tremble of his fingers as he worked to open the package.
The rubber was lubed. That was good because he hadn't done anything to make sure she was prepared for this. Oh god, he was the worst--
Somehow he rolled the thing over his dick. Being encased dulled some sensation, which was going to help. Turning back to Mora, hoping to sound more confident and less worried, he said, 
"So . . . lady's choice . . . ?" His voice trailed off into more of a question than he'd intended.
The mop of hair on his head was a little damp with sweat. She pushed away some pieces that were stuck on his forehead and went back to twirling the locks at the top. His hair was softer than hers and she wanted to punch him for that.
Once he was finished, their eyes met again. 
In the midst of her own anxiety, she had forgotten to invite him into her bedroom. Maybe for the best, it was a little messy but if he was going to stay the night then he would have to see it one way or another...
She hadn't stayed the night with a boy in over a year. Part of her hoped he would. Sleeping alone sucked.
Oh, right. There was a person sitting in front of her.
She shifted and swung a leg over him to straddle his lap. Sort of how they were before. On a couch, this was probably the best position. She hovered over him for a moment before slowly lowering herself, each inch descending into her. She moaned in an exhale, keep the grip her hands had on his shoulders steady. She waited for him to move on her own accord as to not overwhelm him.
The way she just made a decision blew his mind. Dewey automatically took her waist as she threw a leg over his. She even kept facing him! Her tits were right there!
Holding the base of his cock steady and to soothe the anxiety in his brain the condom was going to slip off or something, he groaned as Mora sank on to him. His jaw loosened to the point of looking comical but he couldn't help himself. Even the dulling effect of rubber didn't prevent him from moaning as she settled fully into his lap. 
"Oh fuuuuck," he wheezed.
Mora had stopped. Her hands on his shoulder were tight and her moan, full of pleasure and still with an odor of booze and weed, made his cock jump. Dewey stretched upward to kiss her again. He needed another taste of her, he couldn't be without it--
His movement rocked her too, sending spikes of bliss through his core. As if that was the spark that ignited the primitive section of his brain, he rolled his hips for more friction, even as his lips met hers.
It took a moment for them to adjust to the new sensations of each other. They were both very capable of keeping a steady beat which helped with their rhythm so once they got it going, it was smooth sailing into euphoria.
Mora and Dewey attached at the mouth again. They were sloppy, open mouthed kisses but she didn't mind. It added to it. Each swipe of their tongues tasted like alcohol and yearning.
As she rocked her hips, her clit rubbed up against the base of his pubic area and it felt heavenly. Dewey certainly a little cushion for the pushin'.
"D-Dewey... Oh, my god..." Mora mumbled against his lips, her brows furrowing slightly as she focused on their movements and the feeling on the most sensitive part of her body. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders harder, creating crescent shaped red marks.
Her lips on his, her words slipping into his mouth like secrets, the sweet rock and roll the push and pull--Dewey lost himself in it. 
Some guys were good with dirty talk. He was not. At most he could utter an occasional "yes" and "fuck", but during the act the friction of his body and a woman's eroded the higher brain function needed for speech. It may worry him at other times but right now, with so much pleasure radiating through him, he couldn't care. 
Mora's fingernails added a sharp counterpoint to that pleasure, not distracting but sharpening it. Dewey felt her flesh indent with the grip he had on her waist. He may not be actually lifting her and setting her back onto his dick, but the illusion was there. 
When Mora's expression shifted to concentration, as she made subtle movements that obviously felt good to her, he wanted to capitalize on it. One hand unglued itself from her side and went to her tit, cupping it, rubbing his thumb over her nipple, before holding it steady so her could lean forward and capture it with his mouth. The skin around her nipple was a different texture, giving him a target, and he used a combination of suction and light pressure with his teeth to tease her.
Deliberately shifting his attention to this made it a little easier to forcibly ignore the fact that in less than a minute he was going to explode.
They started to pick up a rhythm, despite only knowing each other's bodies for a couple hours. It wasn't perfect but the groove was there. Now that they had that, all the other pieces could fall into place.
It was game over when he started sucking on her nipples. Modesty had flown out the window and speaking of,  her neighbors definitely could hear them at this point. The window had been cracked slightly in the kitchen to air out the smell of the dinner she attempted to make her earlier.
Mora moaned, her volume increasing drastically. She let him suck and nibble at the flesh until she could feel herself getting close. Her hands tangled themselves into his hair and she began to grip and pull. She tugged his hair back, so that he was looking to the ceiling and kissed him hard and sloppy, not caring about precision in her orgasmic state.
"Oh my god, Dewey... holy fucking shit... Dewey, I'm so close..." She mumbled between kisses. She trailed her lips down his bearded jawline to his neck and bit softly. She yanked his hair again. "I know you're close too. It's okay, I want you to cum. Cum for me, Dewey."
It would send them both over the edge, surely.
The couch under them announced its protest in being subject to this vigorous activity with squeaks that were anything but subtle. The moans from Mora were more delicious knowing his mouth on her tits were the cause. 
It was a shock, then, when her fingers migrated from his shoulders to his hair and she yanked his head back. Before he could protest or even utter a one syllable, "ow!" her mouth was on his, her tongue delving between his lips. She left a wide trail of wet from the corner of his mouth to under his jaw. Through it she never stopped rocking on top of him. She should be a percussionist with all her multi-tasking skills. 
Speaking of which--the grip she had on his hair and her directing his head distracted him enough to stop focusing on his dick for precious seconds. Her grip on his hair provided a counterbalance that, while just that side of being painful, made the pleasure that much sharper. 
Dewey groaned, louder than ever, and if he could have formed words he'd have sluttily asked for a little more of that, please--
Mora tugged back as if she'd read his thoughts, and her semi-growled order undid him. 
With an embarrassing wheeze instead of a cry, Dewey came on one of her up thrusts. When she completed the motion to settle back into his lap, he managed an opened mouth moan at the additional sensation even through the rubber.
At the height of their crescendo, the coil of pleasure that had built up in her belly has finally snapped. She buried her face in his neck, her moans getting caught in her throat as she clenched and released around him. Dewey's own release was a direct causation of Mora's. Hearing him moan and go weak underneath her, knowing it was from her - because of her, made her feel on top of the world.
But, with every orgasm came the cumdown.
She was still besides her heaving chest. Her breath was hot against his neck as she tried to return to a normal inhale, exhale pattern. The weed was wearing off and the budding of a hangover was peaking through. There was odd feelings of guilt; maybe even anxiety. It happened every time and she internally scolded herself for not having a healthier relationship with sex.
She was officially in her head.
Without saying anything, she got off of Dewey and quickly stepped back into her underwear and bra. Mora headed to kitchen which was adjacent to the living room. She grabbed two glasses of water for the both of them and handed him one before sitting down beside him.
"Sorry about the, uh, hair pulling." She offered a small smile.
For an eternity of seconds everything in the world compressed to just the two of them in the most primal way. Dewey felt Mora loosen her grip out of his hair and returned the favor with his own hands--his fingers felt locked into place on her for a moment--and the only sounds in the room were their off-rhythm pantings.
He'd have stayed just like that for as long as she'd allow, but without a word Mora extracted herself out of his lap. Still silent, she got dressed and turned her back on him, heading towards her kitchen.
Dewey sat stunned. Not because he was still loopy and out of breath from the unexpected sex--although that played a part--but because Mora'd been nothing but warm and bold before and now she just . . . walked away. Like this had been a mistake.
Quickly he pulled the soiled condom off and then didn't know where to put it. Keeping it in his palm he hiked himself into his briefs again and wormed into his shirt, then still didn't know what to do with the squishy rubber in his hand. Mora returned with two glasses of water and he sat down again.
He accepted the offered glass and took a drink as she sank onto the cushions.
"Oh. That! It was--no problem. I kinda . . . liked it?" he stumbled. "It, uh . . . I like a woman who knows what she wants and just does it."
Oh god. Did he just call her a bitch? To cover his ineptitude, Dewey took another swallow of water.
Despite the thick, humid air they created, Mora felt a little exposed in just her underwear. With a little tug, the blanket on the arm of the couch engulfed her lap. She took a sip of her water and set it down on the coffee table.
A grin spread on her lips as Dewey stumbled on his words. Funny how his dick was just inside of her but now he was struggling to compliment her.
"In that case, I don't care whether or not you liked it." She laughed and added: "I'm kidding. I'm glad you liked it. 
"And for the record, that was really good." She reached out and put a hand on his thigh. And kept it there. It was then that she noticed he was still holding onto the condom.
"You keeping that as a souvenir?" Mora giggled and nodded to the other arm of the couch. "There should be a garbage can underneath the side table there."
The booze and weed were mostly replace with adrenaline and endorphins from the sex. Her crash would be any minute now if she got too comfortable.
"You're more than welcome to stay, if you'd like."
Dewey jumped a little at Mora's sharper tone, then relaxed as she laughed. Her praise made him blush, which became a full on sunburn as she pointed out the soiled rubber he still had palmed in his hand. 
"Oh, uh . . . just keeping my DNA sample," he tried to joke weakly. He hated to move out from under her hand on his thigh, but did anyway to not seem more creepy than normal. He tossed it at the garbage can she mentioned and was eternally grateful it went in on the first try. 
Mora's offer to stay . . . was it just polite? No, he quickly decided. She was nothing but straightforward, and if she wanted him gone he was sure she'd tell him in no uncertain terms. 
He was getting tired. And tomorrow was Sunday, so he had no excuse that he needed to be up early. There were a few lesson plans to type up he had for homework, but he never did those in the mornings anyway. Mora looked like her eyes were getting a little heavy too. If he stayed, he could make her breakfast! Well, buy her breakfast. Well, have it ubered in.
"That. Yeah. That'd be nice," he agreed. "I can crash here on the couch, or . . .?"
Usually, she would kick her one night stands out after they finished up, claiming she had to be up early for work. That was partly true except, she always made sure the next day was a day she had off. 
This would be the first time Mora had anyone spend the night since she moved into this apartment six months prior. After the band broke up, she decided to take a break from boys in general. Being the only female in the band was lots of cons and no pros.
But Dewey was different. He was kind and unassuming. "Wouldn't hurt a fly" type. She didn't worry about what he might do once she closed her eyes and drifted off. Between robbery, murder, and unwanted advances, she couldn't see Dewey being the kind to try any.
"You don't wanna sleep on this ol thing." She patted the couch beneath them. "It's alright for fucking but not for sleeping. You'll wake up with a broken back."
Getting up, she stretched her arms above her head and yawned. "You can sleep with me in my room, silly. I've got a queen, so we'll be plenty comfortable."
Mora started towards the bedroom she had previously entered. Inside, was pretty much what could be expected for a goth girl's bedroom. It wasn't super tidy but it wasn't dirty. Just a little messy. Clothes on the floor, makeup items all over her vanity and not in the drawer. Her laptop was open and on her bed.
Welp. Clearly, she wasn't expecting company.
She laughed nervously. "Heh. Sorry  'bout the mess. I promise it's not usually like this."
It was.
She crawled into bed, closed the laptop and placed it on one of her side tables. Once she was comfortable, she lifted to blanket to invite him in. Her smile was sleepy and warm.
Mora's bedroom looked lived in. That made him feel more comfortable; someone who had a completely tidied place made him anxious. Dewey worried too much about making a mess or screwing something up--or god forbid, breaking something. This actually reminded him of his room, minus the rock posters papering the walls. 
Oh, and the makeup on her dresser. That added a little feminine touch that he found embarrassingly arousing. 
Mora was obviously tired, so there was no way he was going to give any indication his dick was taking notice again. He smiled, shook his head, and shrugged at her little self-depreciating laugh. Carefully he picked his way across the floor and slid under the blanket beside her. 
The mattress wasn't anything like his, which was going to take a moment to get used to. Everything smelled like Mora, which he'd also get used to, but that was much more inviting. He rolled over on his side to face her, wondering if she wanted to talk some more or if staring at her was going to be super creepy. Best just to pretend he was asleep. Then he'd look less stalkerish, more normal, less like a horndog with his dick semi-hard again--
--somewhere after closing his eyes to feign sleep, Dewey actually did.
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redwineconversation · 1 year ago
but it looked good to charlene in john deere green
There's been a quite a bit of backlash regarding Mark Skinner's comments in the postgame presser following Manchester United's loss to Paris Saint-Germain.
On the one hand Mark Skinner came across as an incredibly sore loser.
On the other hand, it perfectly embodies the problem with the WSL.
The reality is the WSL bought into its own hype. WSL fans convinced themselves they were the best league with the best teams and the best teams.
The reality is a game is won by the 11 players on the field, no how many tickets were sold.
An Arsenal fan tweeted - and I have to confess, I really did contemplate posting the screenshot with their names blurred out, but it wouldn't have been that hard to find it and I don't want to encourage mob mentality even towards that morally reprehensible fanbase - anyway. The fan said something along the lines that Arsenal deserved a spot in the group stages because of attendance.
And if that doesn't embody the fact that in the eyes of Arsenal fans, football is merely a popularity contest, I honestly don't know what does.
And I'm curious, too, how far that argument goes, if only because of how flawed it is. I would be genuinely shocked the current rankings stand at the end of the season, but let's say, per the screenshot below, it does.
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Manchester United and Arsenal are both outside the top 5. Not even top 3, top 5. I don't have the numbers in front of me but let's say Arsenal leads in attendance. By that fan's theory, Arsenal should make it directly to the group stages despite being out of the Top 5 because "If Arsenal are in it, you're increasing the number of viewers significantly, that in turn increases advertising revenues, which increases prize money and the quality of training / players overall."
I thought Graham Hansen and Barcelona fans saw themselves at the savior of women's football but somehow Arsenal fans made them look humble in comparison, a feat I honestly did not think was possible.
And like, I'm not even convinced Arsenal fans truly understand how delusion they sound, I'm really not. Because a lot of the argument they make fall apart if you just push back even a little.
One of their rhetorics for having been dumped out by Paris FC is the turnaround after the World Cup. Most of Arsenal players had been at the World Cup, see, and they didn't have a lot of time to train as a team, and that's why Paris FC advanced and not them,
Okay, fair, and in theory I not only buy it but also support it. Arsenal did have a very short turnaround post World Cup, a lot of their players were gone, etc etc. Valid arguments I can 100 percent get behind.
But if that was really all it came down to then both Real Madrid and Levante would be sitting at home right now - but it's not, it's just Levante. So how does that work, exactly? Real Madrid had equally the amount of players but did fine in their preseason game - that they had to fly to Mexico for no less! - but Arsenal couldn't get it together against a team every WSL fan and their mother had to google the roster of?
Like, can we just be honest with each other for a sec? Arsenal treated the Paris FC game as a preseason game because that's exactly what they saw it as. They saw the French league as a walkover, because they had walked over a severely crippled Lyon, and if you don't want the D1 Arkema, then you probably don't even know Paris FC's original name. Anyway, Arsenal sauntered over with all the confidence in the world because they're Arsenal and everyone loves them.
Except Paris FC has been a very good team for the past two seasons, and if you actually watched a team, you'd know that. You'd know they'd had a real go at Lyon and Paris Saint-Germain and you'd know they were considered a threat by those teams. You'd know about their goalkeeper and you'd know about their increased confidence and maybe, just maybe, you'd know that their coach had been talking about the team's structure and ambitions.
There were warning signs, I'm just saying, all you had to do was read them.
But then Arsenal got their ass handed to them and we were promptly subjected to the claims of scheduling (Lyon only got a majority of their players back August 28 before playing the Coupe de France on September 10, so curious about the time warp on that one). There should be an expansion, people argued, which again I find perplexing because when Manchester City got knocked out two consecutive years by Real Madrid there was nay a peep then.
So explain that to me. City gets their ass handed to them, it's fine, qualifiers work the way they're supposed to. Arsenal get their ass handed to them and UEFA needs to bend over backwards to accommodate them? Am I understanding things correctly?
But anyway if Arsenal and their morally reprehensible fans had done even the littlest bit of research we wouldn't be sitting here right now having this discussion.
But as much as I'd like to rip on Arsenal, because lord knows that fanbase deserves it, I think we can all agree that Skinner's comments deserve the most attention in this case.
Beyond the sheer arrogance of it. it's also like - who exactly are you calling average, and why?
Now, to be fair, I'd put Mary Earps on roughly the same level as Real Madrid's Misa - make of that what you will - but we need to go more into depth about that comment.
Like, Manchester United's pedigree is ... what, exactly? Like come on now. What have they done? Sit me down, make me a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and tell me - yeah, actually, so I know PSG made it to the UWCL finals twice, made it repeatedly to the quarters and semis, but look, Man Utd just deserve it more. Hear me out, bro. Manchester United sells tickets.
I'm being mean - Skinner didn't bring that last talking point up - but still. He made it seem like Manchester United deserve to be there more than others, and I just don't understand the logic behind it.
Like, convince me that Manchester United deserves a spot more than AS Roma, more than Hacken, more than Real Madrid. They earned their spots by beating the teams in front of them. AS Roma earned it by actually winning their league. So explain to me why Manchester United actually deserves a spot more than them.
I really like - I mean, okay. Can you imagine if, after Lyon had one point after two UWCL games, Bompastor had sat down in a press conference and said, "you know what, Lyon won eight Champions League, we should have an automatic bye to the quarters."
Can you just imagine if Lyon had made that argument? They would have been posibistely crucified, and for really good cause. Your history, no matter how prestigious it is, doesn't mean anything until you rewrite the page. Lyon knows better than anyone you need to earn your pedigree.
And your pedigree, the one that matters - it's not the stadiums you sell out, it's not the Instagram followers, it's the number of trophies in the cabinet.
Lyon has never, not once, demanded that the UWCL be catered to their preferences. Because they know you win the trophies only and I mean only by beating the teams in front of you.
It's the Champions League for a reason. Want to avoid qualifiers and go right into the group stage? Try actually winning a game. And if that's too much. maybe at least have the decency to ask yourself why your ass is getting handed to you by a team who hates TikTok as much as I do.
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Y'all I had a Yuri dream last night. Like, nothing crazy as far as action goes, but it was a fun ride for my heart.
I was on an adventure with a group of friends. All people I used to do parkour with. At points we were going down a wide wild river on an inflatable raft. We'd jump to logs floating in the river and do fun things.
But one of my friends was (for some reason) dressing femme for the trip. And everyone knew I was trans and they weren't, but we started out playfully treating him as a her. Then it was less playful and more just normal to treat her like a her one night. Well I was sorta feeling it and "jokingly" asked for a kiss. She gave me a little peck at first. The look on both our faces was "that didn't count". Then she went in for a longer kiss. I was at first a little hesitant to fully embrace it, then my heart pounded harder and relaxed my mind about it possibly being "straight" and kissed back like she was a girl. Playful little tongue on her lips for a sec. I melted. And when we were done, we both sorta looked flushed and like we enjoyed it more than we both thought we would.
We all went on to continue the adventuring of jumping on to platforms and logs and stuff. But she and I had a better connection than before.
Now, the wild part of this to me is the fact that it is someone I actually know in real life and I have no reason to suspect he is an egg or even interested in anything at all close to this. And I'm a lesbian and wouldn't want a kiss from him or any other dude at all. And I really don't find myself attracted to crossdressers at all. But somehow through the lived experience of spending a weekend or so with them in femme made it look like it was becoming real to them in their eyes. I could see a spark, and when it looked real for them is when I was suddenly a little interested... (Not to mention my dream made them as pretty as my cutuals on this site so they had that going for them)
Also, the slightly annoying part is that he is brothers with another friend, and in real life I keep forgetting which is which since I haven't seen them in so long. So I was just as confused in the dream as to which this was. 😆
All that to say, that kiss was unexpectedly magical and revealing. Like, I might be attracted to the belief of being a girl in the other person. Because before that it was just crossdressing or what have you and I just saw my guy friend. But when it was (it's a dream so my brain makes the logic, my brain was saying she identified as she at that time now, if this was irl there'd be a whole lot more conversation about it and I wouldn't assume) her being and believing she is a her I started being attracted to her. Despite her looking nice the whole trip and nothing in looks changed.
Now, do I post this to my FB with some revealing parts of who they actually are (that my friends would most certainly decipher and know who it was) redacted? Or do I keep it here?
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