#also if u Wanna read them i can send my dark sources to u lol
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nyaskitten · 11 days ago
I assume the side effect was just corruption on their part but idk.
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Not a jokey comic, I was thinking Abt Jordana saying the gong has side effects .. tho I don't remember the line exactly. I feel it could be written better but oh well 🤧
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cwarscars · 1 year ago
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it.
consider this a fuckin duel answer of multi-positivity goodness cause im gonna sperge over u both like some weird stalker who admires your shit from afar but is too terrible ( lazy? overworked and not around enough? idk lets ignore the fine deets ) to interact more ( as much as id love to shhhh )
SO firstly;
james aka my boy rufus - heid's boy rufus? lmao, probs not. everytime i see james on my dash, i see the fuckin' king you know what i mean? i see a passion that is inspiring, a love for the character that spans decades (im pretty certain, how long is a decade?) in a strange way, james' portrayal / love for rufus makes me feel nostalgia. i have flashbacks to advent children being realised, i remember my sister ( i wonder if she'll see this she follows me lol ) fawning over rufus in the og. it's a cosy feeling. like watching toonami or playing dirge of cerberus, i feel snuggly.
that's a weird way to describe somebody and their portrayal - but i hope it makes some sense. it's a warm, comforting feeling. i can see the appreciation for the original source material in james' portrayal and writing whilst also seeing a nice blend / respect for the newer stuff / way that rufus is written now. i know a fair few people who write with james and whenever i see the threads appear on my dash - they're the sort that i stop and read. i find james' take on rufus interesting and intrigueing, and it makes me really think about how my heid and his rufus would interact. i know that i could get something there that wouldnt be a 'typical' kinda ship. yknow? it would be something complex, potentially dark but also not without the family(sorta) aspect that comes from the shinra line & heidegger.
another thing i wanna note here in my admiration towards james is the two of yous interactions / the entire scenario that you've shaped around rufus/cloud's relationships. i find your combined passion admirable and it's very clear, i think, to anybody on the dash that the two of you have a lot of chemistry when it comes to writing. it's the kind of writing partnership a lot of rpers dream of; i love that.
AS FOR YOU, i know you didn't send this in for your url but fuggit, im a rebel, a bad boy -
you know i'm an absolute grade a simp for anybody appreciative of the og. for anybody willing to give it a shot ( too many turn their noses up at the older graphics ) and anybody who actually runs with it, admires and appreciates it. you do that. you not only appreciate it - but you do it justice. you insert the nuances both suggested and outright shown in the original into your portrayal and i see 'em - i see you doing it, goddamn i admire it.
it's so refreshing being able to actually reccomend something as silly as new threat to someone and see them play it, enjoy it - have fun and speak about it with such a passion / joy. it's so refreshing and so, so lovely to see. i know that if i threw up some headcanon garble to you about how heid is fearful of the north crater because in the og, he doesn't leave the highway - you'd GET IT. like, i know you'd probably see my silly ramble and understand it because your passion for the original game is as prominent ( if not more so ) than my own love for it.
i adore the depth you give cloud that he had in the original; i love that you not only play with that depth but also add your own take onto it. you play with things suggested, stuff that could have been canon had the story shifted in a slightly different direction. seeing your both extremely loyal / to-character but also alternative take on cloud is both refreshing and respectful to the original. i admire that a great deal.
i don't write with the two of you anywhere near as much as i'd like to - and that's entirely on me. i'm awful for finding the time to just write these days outside of starter calls or asks but i want you both to know that i really do admire you, i love seeing your stuff on my dash and i appreciate you both hugely as people. keep doing you, keep loving the original, keep loving your characters. you're inspirational and i hope you both know it. <3
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starsreign · 5 years ago
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☆ /  @irnmaidn​ :  🌠 give me all of them !!! 💖            SEND 🌠 && I'LL RECOMMEND A PLOT FOR US TO TRY OUT !!  || accepting !!
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i added a few recently too so like...this gonna be long sry....
☆ AHRI.   i mean...would cass like to meet a sexy fox spirit ?? because she could if she wants !! she’s curious && fairly cordial but she’s very deadly && mysterious && just kind of comes off with an air of uncertainty whether u should trust her or not && i think that’d be fun with cass cause we kno she loves dangerous mysterious women with a taste for biting wit. but in my tangled verse it’s similar to her canon -- she’s a fox spirit && has been alive for so long, ever searching for where her people like her are && where she came from. so perhaps cass could run into her && help ahri post series ?? or she could simply be along for the ride with mysterious && selfish reasons she won’t say but either way it’s always interesting to think about when her cloak finally drops && cass gets to find out about the fox ears && nine tails ;’) also she’d probably flirt with cass sry not sry
☆ NEEKO.   iiim admittedly still working on her tangled verse cause she’s a chameleon but pls love my lesbian chameleon girl she deserves the world tbh ?? she’s extremely sweet despite her entire tribe being destroyed && killed && she FELT every single bit of it && felt her people fade away. she’s pure sunshine but she WILL fight when she has to, when there’s no other option or when people with good sho’ma are endangered. she’s looking to make a new tribe for herself now -- made up of everyone, not just oovi-kat, so she really takes in everyone who she can && who is willing. she can shapeshift by extending her sho’ma to other’s sho’ma which is a sort of spiritual essence && she can borrow their appearance, gain current emotional state && recent memories to better camouflage as them && immediately kno friend from foe so i think it’d be rly neat tbh for cass to encounter that ?? plus with neeko she wouldn’t have to open up too much or have to fight to express her emotions or voice them since neeko can feel && sense && taste emotion -- they have colours && tastes to her. she can also split herself into two, sending out a clone of herself while she becomes invisible && has a lot of floral / plant based magic as well so i think she’d rly vibe with ur cass portrayal !! but tbh she’s very chipper upbeat && kinda rapunzely personality wise -- she’s just very curious about the world && wants to learn everything since she was from a magical tribe that isolated themselves from the world, so for hundreds of years she’s literally ONLY known her tribe && their home && it’s EXTREMELY different from the world ?? she’s so used to not physically speaking && just extending sho’ma && reading emotions from each other, so she struggles with communication && that can frustrate her sometimes, but she’s knows emotions && she can see past like faking things or past all those walls she’s got up !! it’d be neat...theyd be....cute tbh... i rambled too much but i just rly love neeko sm n if u wanna kno more about her or any of these u can ask too !! also...not for nothing but neeko rly rly loves n swoons for strong badass ladies !!
☆ KINDRED.    kindred is literally just...y’kno...death, the grim reaper whatever u wanna call them !! they’re as old as the concept of death && started as one man who cleaved himself in two so he’d have a friend -- they understand the deep pain of loneliness despite having each other now because they were born from loneliness. they’d sense that from her && i think there’s plenty of times she could have met them, when death was near to her or around her && theyre certainly not entirely happy about her resurrection. they’re easily translatable into any verse but they are very ethereal && magical && love to play with people. so anything considering death. near death or perhaps just running into them if cass happens near a particularly brutal bandit robbery about to take place on the road that ultimately she wont be able to stop even if they tell her about it :’)
☆ HANA.   hjdksmd u kno i love these already n all we’ve talked about aa !! but also i’d literally be up for anything i love them sm already !! but like ?? soft moments ?? cass getting to come to her kingdom ?? getting to pilot the mechs n getting to just uuhhhh live her life be free n be happy ??
but also :eyes: hehe what if we also have a plotline where hana finds out about the moonstone thing n meets her while she has the moonstone n tries to talk her down :’) possibly mushy stuff they don’t wanna say could come out too mayhaps :thinking:
☆ AMITY.   she’s a little witch !! in her tangled verse she’s still a witch but she && her family are more in hiding about their powers && school so they’re all hidden away but amity’s family is a very, very noble family with a lot of money && power -- which extends to magic too lol. but it’d be Neat to meet cass n like amity looking up to her ?? she’s a lot like cass tbh, pretentious mean girl type who is rly rly icy n mean n sassy on the outside but she’s soft inside she just CANNOT show weakness n she oof is rly oppressed by her family n standards set for her n she ALSO has a crush on a sunshine girl who happens to be human. n she reads to younger kids n helps them out she’s softe secretly...just has a lot of pressure on her -- her parents wont let her hang around witches with lesser talent either. they’d get along i think after like tension but she’s just a lil teen witch n needs a good strong role model but she could also help cass out with the whole magic thing ykno ?? 
☆ PERFUMA.   ooooh they’d be cute !! perfuma is just...so sweet n positive n !! i’d love to interact with her in any of ur she.ra verses or i could absolutely try to fit her into a tangled verse but i’d absolutely want to keep her plant powers but that’d be neat with ur cass n her powers too !!
oh !! or aaalso, concept: we could have perfuma interacting with chrys !! n like when her n cass start working with the princess alliance n her helping them out n giving them insider info even if shes nervous n its dangerous n just perfuma helping her with that n giving her pep talks about her being brave ?? helping her with fashion stuff, helping her adjust to life where her sister can’t help as much ?? that’d be so cute bhadjksbh
☆ AKALI.   hehehee akali n cass would be hilarious at first i swear it -- they’re both headstrong, stubborn && sassy tbh. she’s from an order of acolytes that try to keep the balance of the spiritual / magical realm && the outside realms; she was raised in it && her mother && father were higher ups && very powerful in the order -- her father died in an attack led by her master’s friend on the order && they had to flee && try to remake with smaller ranks when she was very young. she succeeded her mother as the fist of the shadow but could not vibe with the way her master wasn’t taking action like she wanted to -- she wanted to restore balance in her way && she wanted to spill blood to do it because that’d be the only way to do it, so as an adult she just peaced off to do it her own way. && tbh that could fit in with a tangled verse -- just in the shadows, keeping the balance of magic unseen to most. she’s a trained assassin && she can literally throw three kunai && pierce three different hearts while in the midst of a smoke bomb like she’s insanely good -- she is also tiny n has some amazing muscles on her arms back && has very visible abs n she sexy n she kills me daily !! but they could get along ?? she does some magic but she was never the best at it tbh but depending on where in the timeline they meet it could be interesting ?? like s1 would be neat for her to meet someone like akali ?? another strong woman fighter but she also comes from a place that praised women’s strength instead of putting it down -- buuuuut she was hiiiighly ignored by her own mother in favour of another neophyte growing up so....ykno...Mood right ?? it stings a lot -- she saved everyone from a corrupted tree spirit n had the girl she looked up to spit in her face because she lost her leg n blamed it on akali && then her mother praised the girl instead of akali despite the other kids telling her what akali had done n singlehandedly dragged them to safety n she was like around nine or ten or so at the time... but it’d be cool if they met s1 n got to kno each other n maaaybe akali joins them on their journey since it has a lot to do with restoring the magical balance of the world n they could use a master assassin but also...the angst with cass taking the moonstone n the conflict akali would face about having to oust her cause ykno...shes fucking up the balance n thats her ykno....entire purpose riiiip
☆ WIDOWMAKER.   IDK BUT OOF i love widow. i haven’t thought about a tangled verse or a fantasy verse but like uuhhh something about being a french noblewoman married to a freedomfighter but ending up being brainwashed by some magical sect or talon but they’re part of zhan tiris crew or whatever ?? might be neat. she killed her husband && she’s just a little bit possessed now && a ruthless killer. so maaaaaybe....her trying to stop them on their journey to the dark kingdom ?? but her brainwashing starts wearing off the more she’s away from the source tbh -- but also, she’d be on cass’ side when she has the moonstone n honestly that’s very powerful, she’d have a very powerful ally to keep her on track && help like tell her she’s doing great because in the end she’s on zhan tiris side && she can probably see her the whole time && would be working to help get her back to power. also up in the air whether she ends up regaining herself later on && helping cass escape or whatever but she’d feel intensely guilty yikes but anyway i think it’d be honestly rly rly interesting n i’d love to do something with this if u’d be up for it bhdajkmd n like i said we can talk about any of these if u want too !! 
☆ BENSON.   i have zero ideas for this right now because his series is just so far removed from tangled....it’s a post apocalyptic universe where there’s extremely large animals some of which can talk n want to destroy humans who all live under the surface mostly except the ones who try to survive on the surface. TBH u’d love it...i think u’d love wolf specifically too ?? i dont wanna spoil anything but yeah it might be something u might enjoy ??
but also like mlm wlw solidarity pls ?? he’s a pretty carefree but smart gay teen, he’d get along pretty well with her n play off her iciness cause he’s just like that ?? he started off just caring only for himself n his bug buddy n just thieving a lot but like got a lot of character development -- but i guess he could be a thief in tangled verse ?? n like grow out of it or she could show him there’s better ways n stuff ?? idk...
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miccatepoztli · 6 years ago
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: mónika OOC Contact: DMs or discord (available upon request!)
who the heck is my muse anyway:
Ximena is a young brujeria practicing witch who was ~*mysteriously*~ spirited away from her home at age 5 with no memory of her past or self. Raised in the restricted environment of an abbey among sympathetic but uncaring sisters, she’s quite prim and proper to the public eye, but cares very little about the rules of society or her place in it.
She is also a ridiculously smart little girl. She will grow into a terrifyingly smart woman. With secrets sewn into her skin and a powerful network of magical creatures at her fingertips.
points of interest:
She’s very willing to learn and perform “dark” magicks, and can often be found reading questionable books and tomes of various subjects regarding the art. If you came at her with the offer to summon a demon together, she would be hooked almost immediately (though cautious, of course)
Near the middle of her adolescence, she begins to dabble in potioneering and finds herself very skilled at it. Through a questionable network of fellow witches, creatures, jealous ex-wives, and the like, she develops a steady stream of loyal customers and builds upon her craft.
Once reunited with her family, she is a part of a long reaching, long lasting network of witches and brujas that have lived in their forest for centuries. Perhaps millennia. The forest in which their home resides is an inter-dimentional one where time doesn’t always work properly (whatever ‘properly’ is).
Like her, her current living family is cursed with painful and involuntary immortality, alongside a few other choice effects. Ximena can die from just about anything, but she will always return after a brief visit with death: her body will take time to rebuild itself. She can stall her return to her living body if she wishes, but she can never permanently rest unless the curse is broken.
A by-product of her curse is her unending ache to know. To learn about everything she can possibly get her hands on: magic, languages, plants, mathematics, space, everything. Her hunger for knowledge cannot be satiated until she learns enough about a certain branch of magic...
Ximena literally does not care about the problem of people outside of herself and her loved ones. She’ll spare a moment of sympathy for the sake of her humanity, but she will not go out of her way to help unless she can get something out of it such as personal vindication or some rare item. Occasionally she will help others out of sheer curiosity, but it’s rare.
what they’ve been up to recently:
Making friends with demons of other cultures! From India @marakama​ to China @fwm-gsm​ to Korea @roanarch​ --She’s gatherin up them demonic business cards and seeing what she can trade for information or rare items.
Learning how to communicate with the dead successfully and without accidentally summoning a legion of the undead. Whoops! No necromancy here, she just wants to talk to her ancestors to see why the fuck she’s cursed and who she is!
Training her corvid friends to send messages and retrieve items using whistles and tongue clicks.
Forgetting her place around adults she doesn’t trust and asking suspicious questions about black magic that could set off some red flags--But her interest is purely academic! She swears! And lies.
where to find them:
Croydon - If in her early stages of life (5-13 ish), Ximena can be found wandering around the abbey where she grew up in, or around the streets of London. She has a reputation for being a wallflower and very meek and polite.
Mexico - At age 14, Ximena is unofficially adopted by local Vampire Dad, Salazar @deoscuridad​ and taken with the rest of his misfit family to Mexico, where her magic has never been stronger, and her search for her family has never been closer. Find her at the library, markets, docks, and museums taking in her culture.
Forests - The aforementioned inter-dimentional forest leads to every forest in the world (and in others). So if one is talking a walk or run among the woods, it’s entirely plausible to find Ximena (ages 14 and up) on your journey. She’ll be picking mushrooms, documenting flora, performing dangerous summoning seances, and taking naps.
Other Locations - Hogwarts is a plausible place to locate her (in the proper HP aus where she has British citizenship and is thus allowed to attend) from ages 12-16, as that is when she is withdrawn by her father. Bookshops of all sorts are another, as she quite enjoys traveling.
current plans:
Eat some fish
Find her family, if she has one
Learn about herself and her past
Become a fourth level mage (highest tier)
Collect information and knowledge from every possible source.
desired interactions:
Ximena asking [muse] to watch over her body as she performs some dark summoning shit, allowing a demon/spirit/etc. to possess her body
[Muse] accidentally witnesses or just straight up accidentally (or purposefully!) murders Ximena in a really stupid and/or violent way, freaks out, cleans up/hides the body or runs away. They, of course, find Ximena just fine the next day/week. [Muse] can publicly freak out or demand answers, and Ximena just “yeah man, that happens sometimes, no hard feelings, jaja” and tries to brush it off.
Ximena being in a stiff upper lip environment while at a big fancy party and trying desperately to both appear normal/well adapted and also not attract any attention–but of course she’s asked to dance or give a speech.
Her fully exploring why it is that dark magic resonates so nicely with her. is it her nature? heritage? genetics? idk, but let’s test it out by trying some old school hardcore black magicks. Preferably! With a mentor muse.
On a fluffier (or more dramatic, if you’re like me) note: Ximena teaching someone how to dance.
A Coraline AU
Any sort of AU taking place in a dystopia like The Giver or The Hunger Games.
Offered interactions:
Uhh, gestures above?
As stated in my rules, I do not ship unless I know you personally OCC because it just makes it easier to establish relationship dynamics, but that doesn’t mean nothing can naturally develop or a muse can’t develop feelings for Ximena. It just means I have trust issues with people fetishizing the color of my characters’ skin! And if I know you OOC, there’s less of a chance of that happening!!
Honestly, just kill her, it’s fine. If the thread is going that way, it’s ok. She’ll be back. Very angry or scared or frustrated, but she will be fine! Don’t be weird about it though.
She’s a good tutor in all verses, even the ones where she plays dumb! Have her help out one of your muses in any subject!
She’s a very naturally curious person who, if allowed, will plow someone with questions til exhaustion. Have her ask your muse some things to help sort something out!
On that same vein, they could be penpals! Ximena is always writing to other peoples across the globe for knowledge!
current open post/s:
Anything under the /prompt tag and /ic tag!
anything else?:
my discord is open to mutuals if you wanna talk about ideas/concerns/questions!! arróz con babe #8991
tagging: ...u
tagged by: lol i stole it from a random blog
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