#also if someone hates Ulisses Dies At Dawn in this specific case i hate you personally
just-an-enby-lemon · 8 days
"I don't like TSOA/Circe because it doesn't fit the original mythos."
So read the mythos. You can still do that.
"Actually things happened like that *source PJO*"
No. They didn't. It's okay, you can love your retelling/adaptation anyway.
"I don't like A Thousand Ships because it doesn't tell the story the way I want it to be/see it. "
Great. Try to find a story that does. Is okay.
"Epic is the new Hamilton".
Historical revisionism is diferent from mythological retellings. But hey glad you found your new fav musical.
"Wait wait so RQG is like Hamilton?"
Nope. RQG does never sell itself as a biography is not historical revisionism is historical fiction. No one EVER looked at Oscar Wilde and assumed he was a magical bard that worked as a spy for dragons. Not a single person in the world got gnome rebel from Emília Earhart and if your take on Einstein was that he can telleport honestly why? The list just goes on. And historical revisionism is necessarialy political - all art is political but historical revisionism is made with an agenda (good or bad) that silly "what if Geoffrey Chauncer was a Lich living on London's underground" doesn't.
"I don't like Disney Hercules."
It's fine, you'll be there someday, you'll go the distance.
"So you're fine with retellings."
Yes. As long as you can separete it from the actual mythos and each other. And more importantly is seing aa separated from actual pagans abd their religious beliefs.
"Why is Lore Olympus in the garbage?"
Is really bad. Not only as a retelling is just bad as a story.
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