#also idk what 9S endings youre talking about ive Only seen ending A and B and the joke endings where you just walk off
abimee · 8 months
Oh I love how you found out about the humans and how the moon landings were fake (ha) and of course I won't spoil anything, but I always assumed that because of the all too human like emotions and personalities of the Androids they needed to keep up moral or less they'd all loose it (kinda like what we saw in some of 9S's endings)
im personally really curious about why the androids Have emotions in the first place and why YoRHa (or whatever androids keeping up the yoRHa bit??) are sending purified water up to the moon in otherwise empty containerships, if all thats up there is Gestalt/Replicant storage. like for the android emotion thing if humans Did make us why would they give us the ability to possibly defect In losing morale, and if we (as in 2B and such) Wasnt made by humans then who and for what purpose, if the original goal of yoRHa isnt what we are currently being told
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not to mention what would happen If we did just like. win the war. Like if we finally ended the conflict with the machines and it was time for humans to come down from the moon what on earth would the Commander (and whoever shes working with...?) do, just up and come out like ''haha yeah guys uhm actually. all the humans died a long time ago sowwy"
also why do Eve and Adam look like us if theyre apparently machines and why do they bleed 👁️ AND WHY ARE DEVOLA AND POPOLA HERE. i have so many questions im hoping to learn about in route C
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