#also i would ship helena/bruce in a fucked up way if that one batman: the brave & the bold episode didn't piss me off so bad
necrotic-nephilim · 12 days
do you ship helena bertinelli with anyone? if yes, then which characters and why? what's your favorite helena ship? do you have any helena rarepairs? (i know you've talked about helena/steph and you're so right about it, it's a very interesting ship)
!!!! i have so many ships for my best girl ever yes oh my god thank you for asking.
my top pairing is probably Vic Sage/the Question. Vic is the basic answer, but man. i love them so much. no couple has matched each other's freak like that have. Justice League Unlimited is a great adaptation of Helena in general, but it also did a great adaptation of Helena and Vic's relationship. how he just dedicates himself to helping her with no expected return, but also wants to make sure she doesn't go too far in a hunt for vengeance that never ends for her. i think a lot of characters often want to change Helena or expect things out of her for their own needs, like the Batfam and the BoP. but Vic is one of the few people who just wants her to be better for her own good. when he tries to stop her from killing it's not because of his morals, it's because he doesn't want this crusade to consume her. and i just. man i think about them a lot. Helena rlly likes weird little men who give themselves wholly to her.
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk is also a top ship for me. tbh i just like Zinda. but i do love how Helena and Zinda interact, being the more rough and tumble members of the BoP. they're both outsiders, in different ways. Helena is an outsider of the Batfam and Zinda is literally from a different time and an outsider to the current world. their friendship is so genuine and i think if Babs and Dinah can have. whatever homoerotic nonsense going on during BoP, then Zinda and Helena deserve some homoerotic nonsense too. as a treat.
if we're willing to count New-52 Helena, then i enjoy Helena/Dick/Tiger. i think Helena and Dick being a past relationship is really important in pre-Flashpoint for Helena's development, though i don't ship them as a serious couple beyond a fling. but in the New-52, i think this throuple be fun. Helena and Tiger respect each other as two very driven, no-nonsense agents and then well. they both clearly have some kind of thing for Dick. so it's fun finding the balance of how they could all work together romantically.
and ofc. it's a crime to mention Helena ships and not mention Renee Montoya/the Question. every time they interact it's really fucking gay. it's so gay that Kate Kane, Renee's own ex, assumed Helena and Renee were gay. i cannot be convinced against this ship. i genuinely think this ship should be canon. i mean. DC did tease us with this moment from an alternate universe and it's lived rent for me since. fucking criminal for us to only get one panel of what we could have if DC let Helena be a fruit in the main universe. being in love with Helena Bertinelli should be a right of passage for the Question mantle, i personally believe. if you asked me like. genuinely who i want to see Helena date in the current comics, Renee is my top pick. (i would say Vic but he's fucking dead and the New-52 butchered him so rip my mans-)
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lois lane (2019) #10
besides those ships, just about every ship for Helena probably falls into the category of rarepair. like you said i've talked about my love for Helena/Steph before bc god. i think it should be a thing more people ship. once i finish the fic i'm writing about them i will convince others to like it.
i also think Helena/Cass could be fun. in a *lot* of ways Helena and Cass are narrative parallels to each other. Helena was a victim of her family being murdered at about the same age Cass was forced to be a murderer. Helena grows up to believe in lethal justice because of this, and Cass grows up to be staunchly against it. Cass' Batgirl suit was made *by* Helena. they both want to be protectors of the most vulnerable people. they balance each other out in a lot of ways and i think they should kiss about it.
also probably a rarepair, i think Helena/Lady Shiva is fun. their fight during Birds of Prey (2010) had... questionable moments for Helena's characterization, but i do love so much that Helena knocks Shiva off her feet and gains a deep respect from Shiva. like. Shiva gives her a nickname and shows her admiration. i would like to see fanfic where Shiva continues to be weirdly admirable of Helena and bothering her non-stop. they could be a fun fucked up toxic yuri moment. this is just. so gay to me.
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birds of prey (2010) #6
my most rare Helena pair would probably be Helena Wayne, actually. but specifically Helena Wayne of JSA (2022). ever since, for some reason, it was made canon that the current Helena Wayne was named after Helena Bertinelli and took the name Huntress to honor her i *cannot* stop thinking about them meeting. because in-universe it makes *no* fucking sense for Bruce to name his kid after *Helena Bertinelli*, someone he's regularly at odds with and doesn't like. it's clearly an awkward explanation to try to make the whole two Huntress situation make sense. (it's almost as bad as Helena Wayne in the New-52 using Helena Bertinelli as an alias.) but because it's such an odd choice, i do think it could be fun for Helena Wayne, when she's back in time to see Bruce, to find Helena Bertinelli to get to know the woman she was named after and Helena Bertinelli just being. baffled by the idea of *Batman* naming his kid after her. it could be a fun fucked up moment.
my other super rarepair is Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. they had like. one meaningful interaction of JSA Classified and it's been PLAGUING me. something about when Power Girl doesn't remember her past and she's seeking a friend, she instinctively goes to find Huntress? but it's wrong bc this isn't *her* Huntress and neither of them understand why Power Girl would seek Helena out? god it's so good. i'm always a big fan of ships where one person in the ship is *so* obviously using the other person as a replacement for someone they lost and they both know it. it's such a doomed angsty thing where you could play with Helena actually really liking Kara, but knowing that she's just a replacement for Kara's Helena Wayne. good fucked up shit man.
and lastly: i really ship her with Dawn Granger/Dove. there's no canon basis for this, they didn't have a ton of interactions even when they were both on the BoP. but there's a very kind innocence to Dawn that contrasts Helena's violence really well. and i do love a ship with a corruption kink vibe to it. let Helena corrupt Dawn. i could write such fucked up porn about these two.
#necrotic answerings#helena bertinelli#idk the ship names for most of these ships so idk how to tag them#most of them are too rare to have ship names. tragic.#anyway i ship her with so many ppl#i do ship her with tim as well but i didn't mention him just bc i default to viewing them platonically.#also think babs is a valid ship for her. but in a hatefucking way.#i prefer their relationship when they can't stand each other it's more fun.#but yeah the realistic “i want to see this in canon” options are vic and renee#and then the rest are “i'm alone in this ship but i see potential” rarepairs#esp lady shiva. like i'm *really* tempted to write that fic.#i just need to read more comics with shiva.#actually the most fucked up option: cass/helena/shiva incestual threesome.#that has potential. but i don't think anyone shares my vision#also i've seen posts arguing for helena/jason#and while. longterm i disagree. i do think them sleeping together is on the table.#but largely ppl always bringing him up when talking about her sours me to that ship. so eh.#also i would ship helena/bruce in a fucked up way if that one batman: the brave & the bold episode didn't piss me off so bad#justice league unlimited is the *only* good adaptation of helena i'm so serious.#everything else eats ass with her. esp the arrowverse.#and the birds of prey movie.#but jlu does good by her and if you just watch that show you do have a solid grasp of her character#it adapts her story into a child-friendly medium in what i think is the best way it could've#anywhore thank you for this ask <3#you actually sent this when something rlly shitty happened so it was a nice little distraction from life to think about my answer#OH WAIT YOU KNOW WHO I FORGOT.#kate spencer. manhunter. I ship her with helena too.#lethal female vigilantes unite.#BRO those two deserve a teamup mini or something. they'd click so well.#dc hire me to write a huntress/manhunter mini series i promise i won't make them gay (my fingers are crossed)
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grahambaham · 15 days
Controversial opinion, especially for any Jason Todd fans out there (I'm one of them), but I completely understand why the fans in, the 80' I think, voted to kill him off. Hear me out, okay?
Jason was at first a literal Dick Grayson copy, was legit given his backstory and personality with the name being the only change. And for a while that was all they knew about and, rightfully so, hated about him. Now I'm not sure whether he was given the whole Alley kid who tried to steal Batman's tire story before or after his death but either way, in those fans' minds, Jason Todd was just a boring replica of Dick Grayson and no one liked him. If I was alive and a fan back then, I honestly would have done the same thing.
Jason immediately after getting brought back to life was a villain. He wasn't misguided, he wasn't an antihero, my man was a Villain with a capital V. He didn't protect workings girls or children from any drugs or anything, he just made one off hand comment to a guy not to sell to kids and that's it. One of his only interactions with any prostitutes is to mock her for her past and decisions that led to her becoming one. Bruce did not abuse him or attack him unfairly. Jason had not only tried to kill Joker or other horrible villains, he killed anyone whether they were rapists, or robbers, or petty fucking thieves and he didn't do it for justice or whatever the fuck but because he was angry and taking it out on everyone he could get his hands on. He stopped Batman from going after Nightwing after Bludhaven blew up with him in it. He blew up a school. He beat up Tim in his little Robin panties and was a fucking villain.
I love Jason. But I love him as the messed up asshole he is. Not as some misguided wittle antihero. Which is why I despise the fact that the fandom latched onto the completely inaccurate version of him, because the writers of DC had started writing him the way the fandom wanted and he is now irreversibly ruined. Aside from the already mentioned stuff, they made him into a copy of Dick Grayson (for the second fucking time) and Helena Bertinelli.
Helena is the one protecting women and children, the antihero that often uses violent force. She's the one with the reluctant sibling relationship with Tim. Jason was not Tim's Robin by the way, Dick was. Tim does not like Jason one fucking bit and spends most of their forced interactions roasting him so bad he has to buy burn salves. Also her personality was taken and given to Jason in some ways too, like her manner of speech and stuff, but I'm willing to let that slide as accidental.
From Dick Grayson, they mostly took his relationships, romantic and platonic. Jason slept with Barbara and Kori both, which aside from just being dumb as hell is also weird and creepy because Jason is six years younger than them at least and they knew him as a fourteen year old when they were at least twenty, and they would never date someone so much younger than them, they aren't fucking creeps. Then they took Starfire and Arsenal and made them forget their own lives to join Jason's little antihero team (neither of them are antiheroes what the fuck) and act like the sun shines out of Jason's ass and he's their leader or some shit when they would never follow him before that, especially Roy who has led so many other teams and does not deserve that shit. Some fans also ship him and Jason, which is both creepy and character assassination for Roy's entire character more than him being friends with Jason and in the Outlaws already is.
Also, Pit Madness is not a thing you fucking brainless losers. Stop trying to justify and erase the flaws that make him an interesting character. His anger has always been due to the trauma of being tortured and dying and the misguided feeling of betrayal he felt for Bruce. He was unwell and taking his problems out on others. So, repeat after me: PIT MADNESS IS NOT A REAL THING!!!
Thank you for reading <3
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
Who do you think is the best dc parent out of the core dc members?Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Hawkgirl
Preface: I fully skipped over the "core" part and answered for various carriers of the mantle. I need to learn how to read.
Clark!Superman is a great dad, I think, I am still salty they took Jon's childhood away from us because it would have been so good to see Clark actually raise Jon.
Jon!Superman is a total mom-type dad, I am absolutely living for him and Dami raising Lizzy together, I do not understand why they're forcing a new Diana daughter but I love the DamiJon of it so I will accept my ship crumbs and move on. xD
Theee only GL I know to be a father is Alan Scott and... from what I gather, he doesn't get to actually dad a lot? I think I only really read one comic where he got to interact with the twins? And one where him and Todd had a gay bonding moment in, I think, a DC Pride issue. So, can't really judge that.
I have yet to see Diana be a mom. Everything I read about Lizzy so far had her be parented more by Dami and Jon than by her actual mother, I never read about Lyta Trevor so I don't know what their relationship is like, and every time Diana and Clark get to have children, it either ends with them becoming parents, or she dies.
Arthur!Aquaman I can actually attest to being a good dad, on account of many runs and me actually reading his series. Still wish I'd get more content for him and my favorite Curry offspring, Marina, though.
And I think that Jackson!Aquaman could also be a great dad, he takes well to mentoring Andy and is a good big brother in that way, and I think that would also translate to him being a good parent (I still cling to the theory that the Futures' End Beyond timeline retconned Marina into being his daughter, instead of Arthur's, since she is now suddenly a black woman and Arthur and Mera are still very much white, but they didn't want to retcon Arthur and Mera into having a second daughter beside Andy, I guess, so they solved it by making Marina the daughter of the other Aquaman. Which, I also wish to see content for Jackson and Marina).
And I genuinely do not think there is a more loaded DC question than "Is Bruce Wayne a good parent?" kghafkldghfldöghaöfkldghöl
I think that, if you play fast and loose and elect which canons to fully ignore and which to accept, which is totally fair and valid, Bruce can be a good dad, but if you actually do take all main continuity canon into account, he's fucked up far too much to genuinely be called a good parent. But also, I think, in his case, it heavily depends on what kid we're talking about too, on top of what continuity/series we're electing to count.
Like, Jason fully got fucked over by his deal with dad!Bruce. I think things with Damian are rocky, at best. Tim, quite frankly, I think got the best deal in the dad!Bruce department? Cassandra... started off like Bruce did not give a damn (like, it was fully wild to me that Bruce adopted her when Barbara was far more parental to her than Bruce up to that point) but he came around. Dick is... there's just too much history, both good and bad, and I think that their relationship is too complicated to boil it down to "good dad" or "bad dad" for him. Duke, I have never-ever read about Bruce parenting him even though I keep seeing him claimed as Bruce's... foster or adopted or I do not know kid, still looking for what comic that is actually canon in, beyond WFA. I genuinely, truly believe the only kid who actually got a good dad in Bruce is Helena, in every comic I have read about them (and I specifically seek Helena content out, so I've read more about their dynamic than most others), and quite frankly I contribute most of this to Selina being a stabilizing presence in Bruce's life.
Other Batmen as parents:
Dick has proven repeatedly throughout the multiverse (and also in canon because that boy did parent Damian for a stretch) that he's a great dad. No complaints. 10/10, would let him raise more kids.
Damian is currently proving that he could be a good parent - but, much like Bruce, I think he needs a stabilizing presence (Jon) at his side. I do not think that he would make too good a parent in any other setting or on his own, but him and Jon raising Lizzy is working out beautifully.
I have yet to see Barry!Flash as a parent, it is so weird to me how ever-present his two grandchildren are but that Don and Dawn are kind of... not really... a thing. Though he did low-key parent Wally, so he gets points for that.
Now, Wally!Flash on the other hand? Good parent, so cute. Love his family.
Haven't gotten around to read Jay!Flash as a parent yet, know him and Jody got a mini-series but it's still on my to read list and I'm looking forward to it.
Martian Manhunter is, I think, a good parent, though I don't have too much to draw from.
And Ollie, I wholeheartedly think is a good dad, but also I am fully and exclusively basing that on Arrow the TV show because I absolutely noped out of Smallville when they made Ollie/Chloe a thing (because, unlike other people, I am capable of turning off the tv if a show gives me an Ollie ship I can't stand loool) and I'm not touching the comics.
For Black Canary, same answer as with Ollie; not touching the comics. Because this is not my ship and to see them parent would mean to see them parent together and, again, unlike other people I am actually capable of just avoiding things with ships I don't like.
I... have never seen Hawkgirl as a parent, but she's also not really a character I have interest or investment in so she is someone I only ever meet on the sidelines?
So, in conclusion, I do think that Clark is the best parent, because he is the best parent most consistently and most frequently - others either have a spotty record or didn't get to parent as often - though I think that Wally is a close second.
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I'll always remember Devin Grayson as the woman who wrote Nightwing getting raped by a supervillain and then tried to pass it off as "wasn't rape, just nonconsensual"...which is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF RAPE, YOU HACK!
MSL: Male rape is a topic rarely touched on in comics. Why is it suited to bring it into Nightwing?
DEVIN GRAYSON: For the record, I’ve never used the word “rape,” I just said it was nonconsensual (I know, aren’t writers frustrating? *smiles*) [x] 
Yeah there is no other word for what happened in Nightwing #93 other than rape...I can’t imagine why she would say otherwise. She did technically apologize, but that was ten or so years later. So she eventually, finally did come out and just admit what everyone already knew, but she was still way too late to actually fix any of the damage she caused with how she completely mishandled things. I also don’t think her little apology begins to cover all the issues I have with her. 
Devin’s characterization of Dick is just so, so freaking twisted to me. Really, I don’t think there is a Nightwing writer I despise more than Devin Grayson. The interviews I’ve read from her give me the creeps:
DG: The way I think about him [Dick], he likes everyone, he’s sort of a contact junkie - just this incredibly physical (and attractive) person who lives wholly in the corporeal plane and responds with - processes things in - his body before his head or heart. I imagine that he can be hypnotized by a touch the way other people can be stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of money or the promise of true love. I think he likes kicking and kissing in almost equal measure - except kissing edges out ahead because you can do it for longer and it leads to nicer things. [x]
Yeah that’s fucking unsettling. This is Devin being gross and projecting her sexual fantasy’s onto Dick. And she very much invented this extreme view of Dick as obsessively physical. Pre-52 Dick was always written as a master strategist, an unparalleled leader, one of the best detectives in the world, outside of Devin’s writing. Her fantasy version of Dick doesn’t mesh with that...Dick wouldn’t be capable leader if he’s “thinking with his body” (whatever that means) all the time. He’s survived this long because he’s intelligent and logical. Frankly, Devin’s take on things doesn’t even make any freaking sense. But it gets worse: 
DDG: I’m writing a novel for WB right now that he’s in and I have one scene where Batman has to stop a fight before it gets out of control, and most of the people he can just yell or glare at, but with Dick, he just stands really close behind him and Dick freezes. That’s not supposed to be a sexual thing (though it is kinda hot! ::laughs::), it’s an understanding on Bruce’s part that his physical proximity will speak just as quickly and loudly to Dick as his voice, maybe even be processed faster.
What the actual fuck. You’ve probably guessed it based on how that little scenario played out. Devin ships Dick with Bruce. 
DG: And now think about being a very physical and naturally gregarious and loving person and growing up with someone like Bruce. Then add in the confusion about his status - a “ward” is something you stop being the minute you turn eighteen. Having already lost his parents and then hurling into adolescence at the speed he did...in my personal version of the story, he develops sexual desire and social anxiety about the future at the same time, and this leads to tremendous confusion, on his part, about his role in Bruce’s life. He can’t be a ward forever, in the back of his head he knows he won’t be Robin forever...what is he to this man who is at once his best friend and personal savior, personal god? “Son” is what they eventually settle on, but I think when Dick was in his late teens, the idea of “lover” must have run through his mind (which means, really, as we’ve already discussed, it ran through his body).
Wild that Dick is usually written as incredibly intelligent and emotionally cognizant (was able to puzzle out Damian’s complex motivations and needs when no one else in Damian’s life could for example) and yet Devin thinks he’s not able to sort out that he’s not supposed to make sexual advances towards his father. And by wild I mean stupid as fuck. And, just fyi, Devin goes with the version of events where Bruce took Dick in when he was eight years old! So he’s pretty fucking young when this is all happening! Just when you thought it couldn’t get more disgusting. 
Eventually, much later, Dick gets distracted by other relationships and is able to ease up enough on Bruce for Bruce to relax into his own comfort-level of kindness and affection again (once the threat of sexuality has been removed) and they carry on more or less unharmed. But the relationship remains incredibly powerful and intense for Dick, who ends up feeling apologetic, rejected, and confused on top of all the other issues we already know exist between the two of them. Dick responds to Bruce - or really I should say Batman, since that’s who his relationship is with - on every single level.
So, according to Devin, Dick views Bruce as his “personal god” and is incredibly submissive to and possessive of him. That’s why Devin’s writing is littered with scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #17
Where Dick acts incredibly awkward and “apologetic” about dating Barbara, because of how he previously made sexual advances towards Bruce in Devin’s fantasy world. Also with Devin, Dick spends a lot of his time stuttering every time Bruce is in the room, even though he’s usually a smooth talker, very chatty, and that’s because of the supposed “intensity” of Bruce and Dick’s relationship. And then there are scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #18
Where Dick uncharacteristically and disproportionately loses his cool at the slightest insinuation against Bruce and is reduced to an angry hot head. Dick has been noted to be incredibly level headed; he’s also famous for being a mediator among the hero community...this behavior is a complete departure from the way he would normally act under other writers. Dick’s also been one to level plenty of criticisms towards Bruce himself. This sudden personality change where Dick thinks Bruce can do no wrong, where no one can criticize Bruce in Dick’s presence without him absolutely blowing up, where he suddenly can’t control his emotions over the littlest things...it really exists primarily in Devin’s writing. It’s incredibly OOC behavior and it’s rooted in Devin’s sexual fantasies frankly. 
Devin’s writing is also where Dick, despite being incredibly dedicated and monogamous in all of his previous relationships, suddenly became a womanizer. Literally, everyone was written as wanting to get into Dick’s pants: Rose Wilson was reduced to a giddy teenager because of Dick, random women in the streets would comment on how cute Nightwing was, a mob boss’s daughter who was only 15 years old was obsessed with Dick and made advances, Dick had a one night stand with Huntress because she reminded him of Bruce, Bruce called Dick “Hunk Wonder,” Dick undressed in front of fucking Deathstroke (and there was a newspaper with “Richard Wilson” on it as a sly little wink towards the audience), psycho vigilante Tarantula is obsessed with Dick to the point of raping him, the list goes on. If you want more samplings of how freaking disgusting and sex-obsessed Devin was when it came to Dick, look no further than her gross Inheritance book, where she ships Dick with everyone from Green Arrow to Aquaman (here are some quotes if you’re a masochist). And since Dick “thinks with his body” or whatever, Devin’d write him as receptive (or very oblivious) when it comes to this attention. 
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Gotham Knights #10
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Nightwing (1996) #107
Another thing that made me extremely uncomfortable is how Devin would always have strangers and villains, especially older men--people who Dick very much did not know and wouldn’t appreciate being in his personal space--be all grabby with him. Please leave him alone. 
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Nightwing and Huntress #2
There Dick is, “hypnotized” in place by Huntress’s touch. Kill me. It is also especially messed up that Devin suddenly turned Dick into some sexual, warm-blooded hot head at the same time as she decided to introduce him as Romani. 
Q: How could him being Romani be used to inform his characterization?
It reinforces his “otherness” where Bruce is concerned in what I think is a useful, interesting way...It also presents the opportunity for there to be a slight chip on his shoulder, which maybe speaks to his scrappiness. It also maybe gives him a slightly deeper way to relate to someone like Helena--someone who is white but other--and gives the people who love (or lust after) him a potential cultural excuse for feeling as bewitched as they sometimes do. I also just love the idea of Bruce occasionally calling him “hot blooded” just to mess with him, because Dick would of course deny being so in an extremely hot-blooded manner. [x]
Her feeding into the fetishizing of biracial individuals is just disgusting and wrong. If there’s a racist stereotype available Devin really goes out of her way to make sure she includes it in her writing huh. 
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Gotham Knights #20
And Bruce being a racist jerk is not charming Devin, it’s terrible. Barbara used slurs also, and was very dismissive of Dick’s reaction to Bruce’s actions...that was also horrible. It’s awful that Dick’s own family would apparently treat him this way. Obviously, Dick isn’t the only one that Devin would write out of character. 
It’s all just so messed up to me, I can’t stand it. When I first read her comics, even when it wasn’t blatant like above, I would feel something subtly off...and once I read her interviews I can’t help but notice these horrible underlying insinuations in all of her work, in so many seemingly “innocent” scenes. There are a lot of big things she’s known for (her horrible treatment of Dick’s Romani heritage and his rape for example) but all these subtle, insidious little details that people don’t even really register...they are equally frustrating to me. Seeing sects of the fandom pick up these details (like, the idea that Dick doesn’t understand personal boundaries, the idea that he’s a hot head, the idea that he’s a womanizer, etc.) when I know a lot of it stems nearly solely from Devin’s crappy characterization and writing of Dick...it’s hard. 
Q: Further to that, if Dick is gay, what kind of guy is his type?
DG: ...Type isn’t as important as passion and opportunity. Because of his psycho-sexual makeup, the other key factor would be a sense that he means something to that other man, that his “surrender” is making that man happy, allowing him to bring pleasure to someone (as he was never allowed to do for Bruce). There’s also a sense, if I may be so bold, of needing to be “caught” and “held down” - this going back to the trauma of losing his parents...being strong and passionate and heroic and virile and loving with a woman is fantastic, he lives for that. But he lost both parents. There is also a part of him that longs to be pinned down and loved a little bit savagely and hurt just enough to reassure him that he’s alive. Man, I’m totally gonna get fired when this comes out....
Literally makes me want to barf. That is supposed to be a professional, official writer at DC. Could go on forever. 
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kideternity · 4 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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coolgirl · 7 years
Fic recs masterpost
ok so i used to have a lot of fics masterposts on my old blog and people keep asking for recs + i wont be able to upddate them or anything anymore so i decided to just move them all to this blog
under the cut: AUS / arkham knight / jaykyle / jayroy / robin!jason / gen / angst fics 
*: last added (april 4) //   for some reason the links arent working so go to jasontodd.tumblr.com/ficrecs for the links, sorry!
The Virtue of Revenge | young justice au with jason as red x making his own team with roy, starfire, raven, and others. i love it, even if it has shaky moments and stuff pls give it a chance.
crystal silence creeping down | young justice/lost days au
Flicker from View | another young justice au
Live to Rise | yes. you guessed it. young justice au.
Collide &  Convergence | au where post crisis jason goes to the young justice universe
The Changeling Sequence | series where jason meets damian before he went to gotham. The last part is a wip that i doubt will ever get updated again, so uh be careful. read only the first or second part and forget about the third.
The Drag of Fate | au where jason is lady shiva’s son as well. Part of a series, which i also highly recommend but idk if they would be au as well
heavy on the heart | another jason and cass are bio siblings. A+.
Didymous | cass and jason are twins.
repairing the world | i dont know how to explain this series.. its an au and really really good. Jason doesn’t appear in all the pieces.
just go  | jayroy, wings au
In the Shadows (of Who We Used to Be) | jayroy, black widow & hawkeye au
The Family (or how Jason Todd was adopted by the Avengers) | marvel crossover
bad boys bad boys (whatcha gonna dooo) ♫ | jason is damian’s batman. iconic fic imo.
Rise (And Try Not to Fall) | star wars au
A Bird in Morning | bruce finds jason when he’s at the hospital after crawling out of his grave
Moment Between | ghost jason & ghost martha and thomas wayne
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Perhaps The World Ends Here | marvel crossover, future jaykyle
Batten Down the Hatches | a few different aus here. young justice + helena wayne
My Brother's Keeper | jason & damian knew each other from before + damian arrives to gotham just for jason
When the Moon Found the Sun | main story is clark/bruce but it’s preetty cute. soulmates au.
Between the Light and the Dark* | damian & jason uuhm i cant remember what this one was about per se bc im reading like 5487 similar fics but yeah
Two Dead Birds  | time travel stuff
Red Blood, Blue Blood | jason (and the rest of the batkids) are bruce’s biological kids, yeah i wasnt a big fan of the premise at first either but its gud
Rebirth | talia & jason, mind the warnings
you belong among the wildflowers | kate n renee adopt jason instead of bruce
We're the warriors of tomorrow |  Cass, Jason and Damian meet while with the League of Shadows
Can You Hear Me?  | ghost jason
to death's other kingdom I will not go  | bruce makes it on time au
The Ties That Bind  |  The pit restores Jason's body but not his mind, Ra's makes him one of his assassins and Talia adopts him as her own.
death’s outlet song of life* | the gordons find jason before the events of lost days
reflections on shattered mirrors.* | talia & jason stuff
Come Alive* | young justice s3 based
A Path Upon The Ground* | au from lost days, eddie and jason meet again
If He Had Come & the sequel  Desiderium | au where bruce rescued jason before he could become the arkham knight.
the roads we know
this gun needs no bullets
JASON & BRUCE CENTRIC (not romantic)
Quack | this one is so crackish but so so cute i love it, robin jason
If He Had Come & sequel Desiderium  | arkham knight verse and its so good and has a lot of bruce & jason feels
Neverland /  Keep Lying To Me | deaged/ little jason from another universe.. sad and cute
Icarus and Bubble Gum | fluff, robin jason
Knock On Death’s Door | bit of both but not so so so angst, red hood jason
dead and dying things | au
In Memoriam | angst, trying to fix their relationship, red hood jason
If the Fates Allow | angst, red hood jason
The D-Word | fluff kind of.. red hood jason
This Place We Built With Grace and Guilt | angst angst angst, red hood jason
I Love You | robin jason, fluff
Wayward Birds | fluff and angst, robin jason
yesterday’s gone, yeah it went away (i’ve been lost but i’m here today) | another trying to fix their relationship fic, its cute and sad
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Little Absences | sad, robin & red hood
Schrödinger's Honest Man | sad, drugs tw, absolute fave
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
Frozen History | de-age
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
Unconventional Family Reunions | bvs setting
Prompt: Trapped | mind the warnings
Safe In My Arms 
The Failures of Reverse Engineering  | ghhm not really bruce & jason maybe?
to death's other kingdom I will not go | bruce saves jason au
points of impact  | glass case get fucked
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)*
waiting for you. *
The Little Things*
World's Finest* | my uwus my uwus have fallen everywhere
JAYKYLE (all iconic)
In Which Kyle Confesses The Same Thing Six Times
milk and honey
Batman vs Space Bureaucracy
attention to detail
tempest in a teapot
violet tendencies
no love, no glory (no hero in his skies)
keep the door open for me
waffles and war 
The Art of Subtlety (jason lives au)
Perhaps The World Ends Here | marvel crossover, future jaykyle
Riding in Batcars with Boys
boy, you fill my lungs with sweetness
no chance, no way, i won't say it (no, no)  
a change in the atmosphere
invitation to commitment
i deserve that, don't i, some sort of blazing love that i can live with 
i won't say 
The water is always warmest at dawn
JAYROY (all iconic too)
just go (wings au)
(for thy love is) better than wine (E)
Dick Wolf is a Really Funny Name
A headache isn’t always a bad thing
sad eyes, bad guys, mouth full of white lies [high school au]
The Night They Met 
march down an empty street (like a ship into the storm) *
Archange de la mort (rallume ton flambeau) * | hic warning lol
this time, the loser wins | steph & jason centric though
So Baby Come Light Me Up *
Little Talks *
All the light is never ending, much like you and I; *
Don't let me go, for I feel I may fall * | soulmates au
Something Reckless * 
how to make a home. * | some eddie/jason if you squint, rose/eddie/jason team up
This Car Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us* | could be read as jayconnor :3
The Art of Subtlety | jason lives au, jaykyle
Little Absences | sad, robin & red hood
I Love You | robin jason, fluff
Wayward Birds | fluff and angst, robin jason
Icarus and Bubble Gum | fluff, robin jason
Quack | this one is so crackish but so so cute i love it, robin jason
we were not tragedies | jason & babs, read warnings
Heavy Home | gen, alfred & jason
Good News (No One Mourns the Wicked) | Jason & steph & damian. harold they’re dead (kinda robin!jason??)
Love Yourself (So No One Has To) | good amazing au with some selina & jason (not really.. robin but it starts as robin!jason i guess?)
Moment Between | ghost jason & ghost martha and thomas wayne
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Tired &  Laundry | kinda au, read tw!
Smoke | jason & jim gordon
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)* | mix of present and past jason
waiting for you.* | technically baby jason
The Little Things*
World's Finest* | oh this one.. my uwus
hold on to what  we are, hold on to your heart | gen, Barbara & Jason friendship. Some dinahbabs & jayroy
gotta give the boy points | gen, absolute fave
Strangers in Nothing but Name | marvel crossover, side steve/bucky
If He Had Come |  Desiderium | Arkham Verse, gen
I can’t  think up a good  name for this | young justice verse, gen apart from canon relationships
A Better Thesis | gen, p short but i loved it
The  F-Word | gen, batboys being batboys
until i’m in my grave | gen, wip 
Robins United | gen, batkids bonding, except for cass, thats my only complaint
Free of Dogma | gen, canon divergence, marvel crossover w Jason & Bucky
bad boys bad boys (whatcha gonna dooo) ♫ | au where damian is jasons robin and not dick’s, obviously damian & jason brotp. 
Heavy Home | gen, alfred & jason
In the  Shadow of Two Gunmen | gen, Marvel crossover
Flicker from View | side Barbara/Dick, young justice verse
I Love You | gen, Bruce & Jason
how to  hide a stray resurrected superhero from your parents/parental figure | au, jason & tim friendship kinda
One For The Road | Jason/Roy/Koriand’r but its SO cute
Baby,  It’s Cold Outside | gen, Dick & Jason
The  (Family) Doctor’s  Appointment | gen, batboys bonding
The Family (or how Jason Todd was adopted by the Avengers) | marvel crossover, gen
Reason | wip, gen, canon divergence
Soliloquy | gen, tim & Jason brotp,  and really cute batfam moments
Red As The Shadow Of Death | gen, young justice/under the red hood verse
Give Yourself a Chance | gen, duke & Jason & leslie brotpish
homecoming | outlaws brotp fic, could be considered shippy if you want to
And I Said What About Breakfast at Tiffany’s | jason & steph
Of Bats and the Forsaken | jason & all the batkids, side steph/cass and jay/roy if you squint
this is a long drive (for three robins who don’t agree on much) | no capes au, steph & jason & damian, background tim/tam
The Dying of the Light | marvel crossover, bucky & jason, canon divergence
Cat | selina &  jason, catlad au
Killing for Love | cass & jason, au  where jason was lady shivas son  
Keep Lying To Me | de-aged au, just heartbreaking imo, cursed fic
The Social Habits of Robin | gen, batboys. Where_is_cass.jpg tho
Steph and Jay’s Excellent Adventures | series, Steph & Jason
Neverland | jason & batkids, young!jay travels to the future. sad asad sad
on a thin chain of moments and something like faith | gen, jason & cass & steph mostly. really good
Good News (No One Mourns the Wicked) | Jason & steph & damian. harold they’re dead
In a Parallel Life | batboys focused, it has amazing dialogue, dynamics, and characterization. It’s only missing Cass and the rest of the girls.
repairing the world | series, not everything is about the batfam.
Born to Run (Born to Rise) | Jason & Talia having a mother/son relationship reblog if you agree
Live to Rise | it updated again p recently so yay! young justice verse
To Save a Dying City  | jason + other people
Let’s Have Some Fun This Beat Is Sick | mostly damian centric
Movie Night: The Mummy  | read trigger warnings, batboys
The Trading Chain  | not jason centric, but it has cass being older than jason and calling him “little brother” so noice
we sure know how to run free  | jason & cass
Yesterday’s Voices | bruce loses his memory au
Nests and Cages series | read trigger warnings
Roots | barbara centric, really good plot and characterization
Love Yourself (So No One Has To) | good amazing au with selina & jason
Retrograde Motion | de aged jason au
Provenance | mostly roy centric, bruce fucks oliver’s life for what he did to roy. iconic
Schrödinger's Honest Man | sad, drugs tw, absolute fave 
Batten Down the Hatches | a few different aus here. young justice + helena wayne
My Brother's Keeper | jason & damian knew each other from before + damian arrives to gotham just for jason
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
until i'm in my grave v2 | this one is already mentioned in this post BUUUT the writer started rewriting it so!
Frozen History | de-age
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
show me yesterday, for i can’t find today | time travel au
Warm Enough | alfred & jay fluff
Parallels | mia & jason team up
Legacy | reverse robins, not jason centric but hes there alright.. i think.. i cant remember :D
What are the words I'm forbidden to say?* | damian & jay fluff
Cracked Foundation| jason n damian
Cat's Cradle  | more jason n damian
spaces in between  | damian & jason again
When the lights go out  | damian & jason, theres a pattern here
in my head, i do everything right | some jason & steph
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)* | past & future jason
life, if well lived* | jason travels back in time and meets martha & thomas wayne
In Charge * | babie jason
Pyrrhic victory* | jason & damian stuff
Twists and Turns* | more jason & damian bonding
Of Brothers and Batcows* | guess what.. yes! more jason & damian
This Car Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us* | jason & connor.. say no more!
First Gear* | back to jason & damian please read this.. damian tries to teach jason to drive
changing, falling, fading (please watch over me)* | jason bonds with damian & steph
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death [read the trigger warnings!!]
in the repairing the world series there are a lot of fics dealing with jason, tho Warm Enough ugh not all are centered around him. I would say read  Escalation | Coup de Grâce |  Interlude for the rh!jason arc, and  Tired &  Laundry for robin!jason. [also read trigger warnings]
Countdown | jason/roy]
those six days [trigger warnings again!!!]
Call | angst
the tune without the words  | kind of character study from jim gordon’s pov
Unspoken | jason/roy, really angsty if you remember how red hood arsenal ended
If He Had Come & Desiderium | arkham knight verse, read trigger warnings!
Reason | on hiatus :/
hold on to what we are, hold on to your heart   | this is my favorite ever.. read trigger warnings
Heavy Home | alfred & jason
until i’m in my grave [trigger warnings!]
Keeping Broken Pieces Together
Monsters | marvel crossover
gotta give the boy points | this one please!!!! another fav. read trigger warnings
The weight of it [trigger warnings!]
Live to Rise | young justice verse
Neverland | THIS ONE IS PURE ANGST!!! please its so sad..
Keep Lying To Me | this one has some angsty scenes too im sad emoji
hangman is coming down from the gallows  | some angst
Movie Night: The Mummy  | read trigger warnings, batboys
Love Yourself (So No One Has To)
All in the Blood [read trigger warnings]
Little Absences
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
Rebirth * | mind the warnings and its really. sad.
The Failures of Reverse Engineering *
Eternal Soliloquy * | sad sad
throw me a lifeline (I might even catch it) *
changing, falling, fading (please watch over me) * | jason & steph & dami angst
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fantastic-nonsense · 7 years
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Decided to address this as its own post, since my response to the post itself didn’t actually get any traction:
See, I’d buy this except A) I have been a DC reader for far too long and B) I was actually around and bitterblogging when Didio actually said “heroes shouldn’t have happy personal lives.” That was in 2013.
For context, at the time he said this (right after the editorial veto on Kate and Maggie’s wedding), Dan Didio was literally refusing to let the writers write heroes having happy personal lives. Examples:
Clark and Lois broke up over petty stupid shit and then Clark said “I didn’t really love her that much anyway” and swanned off with Diana for awhile (See Superman/Wonder Woman). Like they split Clark and Lois up on their 75th anniversary year. Honestly, I feel like this point alone makes my point, but I’m going to keep going
Grant Morrison was remaking Talia Al Ghul into a literal batshit crazy character that didn’t bat an eye at killing her own son to get back at Bruce
on that note, the killing/fridging of Damian Wayne to advance the angst arcs of like the entire Batfam happened about this time too
Bruce and Selina were hostile towards each other (like lmao them getting married now is justice for readers who had to deal with what DC put us through from 2011-2013 with them)
Barry and Iris were not married and had barely met each other at the time, and the rest of the Flash family was erased from existence
including Wally West (and by extension Linda Park and Wally’s two kids), meaning that they simultaneously broke up two of the happiest and most stable marriages at DC
Arthur and Mera’s relationship was in editorial flux and DC couldn’t decide if they were married or not, despite Mera being Arthur’s queen for over two years at that point
Dinah Lance was married to another man and she and Oliver Queen barely knew each other, and there was all kinds of angst happening on both sides of that
Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris were once more broken up and/or waffling on the status of their relationship
Hawkman and Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman weren’t together (despite their whole schtick being “continually reincarnated souls that find each other in every life”)
The “Core Four” Birds of Prey members (Babs, Helena, Dinah, and Zinda) either didn’t exist (Helena, Zinda) or had their previously good relationships with each other erased (Babs and Dinah)
Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon were no longer together and had a pretty rocky relationship
Gail Simone had to deal with editorial interference on Barbara’s Batgirl book because they wouldn’t let her write what she wanted because it was “too happy”
they did a weird sort of waffling erasure concerning Dick and Damian’s time as Batman and Robin (so that the two weren’t nearly as close) in favor of emphasizing the relationship between Damian and Bruce
Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown were erased from existence, and Scott Snyder literally created Harper Row because he wasn’t allowed (by editorial edict) to use Cass in his comic
Starfire was a sexualized amnesiac that didn’t remember the Teen Titans
the original Teen Titans had apparently never met
Conner Kent/Superboy and Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl were broken up and were hostile towards each other
Tim Drake was in an absolute disaster of a relationship with Cassie, and the Teen Titans were a mess in general because the Teen Titans comic was being written by fucking Scott Lobdell of all people
heroes that previously had great interpersonal relationships with each other now either hated each other, were lowkey and sometimes outright hostile to each other, or simply didn’t know each other
Grim and gritty Booster Gold happened. Yeah. I know.
Grimdark Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle happened.
Grimdark bratty Billy Batson happened. Like what even was the thought process there
Lots of other bullshittery where characters didn’t know each other, were erased from the universe/didn’t exist, or had their relationships erased/sabotaged/ended happened
People literally wrote posts upon posts and pulled together photosets on photosets (and even more photosets) of all the ships and various relationships that had been utterly wrecked by the New 52. Hell, I wrote posts about how bitter I was about DC wrecking my characters’ personal lives because of Dan Didio’s stupid mentality. Kate and Maggie were in no way the only casualties of this debacle. So...was it tone deaf beyond belief to not let Kate and Maggie marry and sent a very different message to people than they probably wanted? Hell yeah. Was it the result of homophobia? Probably not. So yeah: I’d buy the whole “homophobia” thing if I hadn’t been there for the whole hellscape trainwreck that was 2011-2016-era New 52 comics and knew better.
9/5/2013 - Citing last-minute editorial meddling on approved storylines (and not because of an anti-gay marriage stance from DC Comics, as some spreading the news would have you believe), J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman stepped down from their duties on Batwoman. Williams stated on his site,
“Unfortunately, in recent months, DC has asked us to alter or completely discard many long-standing storylines in ways that we feel compromise the character and the series,” wrote Blackman and Williams. “We were told to ditch plans for Killer Croc’s origins; forced to drastically alter the original ending of our current arc, which would have defined Batwoman’s heroic future in bold new ways; and, most crushingly, prohibited from ever showing Kate and Maggie actually getting married. All of these editorial decisions came at the last minute, and always after a year or more of planning and plotting on our end. We’ve always understood that, as much as we love the character, Batwoman ultimately belongs to DC. However, the eleventh-hour nature of these changes left us frustrated and angry - because they prevent us from telling the best stories we can. So, after a lot of soul-searching, we’ve decided to leave the book after Issue 26.”
It wasn’t just the marriage that got nixed in the Batwoman book.
tl;dr: it wasn’t homophobia and this isn’t a double standard. It really was Didio just being an absolute dick for 5 years and refusing to let heroes have happy personal lives and romantic relationships, and in general, it was the absolutely ridiculous editorial interference on various levels that led to several of the debacles of the New 52 days (not just this one). The game has changed due to the Rebirth initiative. Writers and editors alike have thrown tons of shade on Didio’s perspective. Geoff Johns, after five years of putting up with it, basically told Didio to fuck off and took over the reins in steering the direction the company took with the characters/plotlines. Hence Rebirth and DC’s apparent determination to get all of the classic couples together again and have them be in (more or less) happy and healthy relationships.
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