#also i went to london today if thats not evident
deviltownresident · 1 month
i used to be scared of the dark. but now, i find there's something so hopelessly beautiful about fluorescent lights in the dead of night. the stark white of the city will shine wherever the light falls, but there will never be enough to begin to combat the immense black of the darkness where the streetlamps aren't looking. there's nothing to take away from what shrouds us when humanity forgets us, and when we forget humanity; that same darkness that's there when we close our eyes at night, it never really goes away. it lives inside us, where the city lights cannot find it. we may fear it, we may seek it, but we will never be close to it, except for the moments when we close our eyes, when we forget, and it envelops us wholly.
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oookaline · 4 years
And The Saga Continues
By saga I mean me supervising this 'fake RbbSbb' account on twitter because I want to.
also Im going to separate the posts by day, if anything else happens I'll retweet and add it on this one. Tommorow its a separate post.
If you're intrested to see the first bit (two separate days in a post, one in which I found and then kept retweeting what happened after weeks (?) of not checking on it) (! I do reccomend reading the previous one)
so if you're intrested look up the tag #Fake-RbbSbb in my account.
Sooooo as expected our buddy changed his bio to 11, which supports my speculation that it was (obviously) a countdown to Louis' show.
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nothing new on the following/pfp/header etc...
They did tweet some things, but I'll touch on that later, first off the likes: It seems they are continuously trying to raise attention towards Rbb (and Rbb only???) being back in two weeks by sending anonymous statements in peoples CCs.
Also they liked this HIV support tweet- and I found that sweet so im also adding it in, because aweareness is key.
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aswell as replying back with their usual variation of two emojis:
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No sign of Android anywhere, just WebApp™.
Now onto the tweets:
Just like with the 12 they posted yesterday, today they posted an 11. And I got curious to know where abouts they were setting the time to:
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If whatever I triod to do here is too complicated (even I dont understand it lmao) basically:
In LA posting time would've been 23:29
In London posting time would've been: 07:29
so if they wanted to (and im speculating this because I did not check) update it on midnight lets say (or close to), then logically the tweet would've come from LA.
Now this thing which then tells us there will be a pattern of when they'll update the countdown
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The thing I found weird right, is that they're doing a countdown (supposedly) to Louis' show. So why update on LA time?
Next thing they posted was this:
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'Well Meet at the end of the Road' at a first glance you'd guess they're talking about the countdown.
But oh to know who Rudolph Valentino was...
I'll put some intresting quotes I found of him here, you can skip all of this if you want, I'll do a short resume at the end of the indented.
"He was a sex symbol of the 1920s, who was known in Hollywood as the Latin Lover (a title invented for him by Hollywood moguls), The Great Lover, or simply Valentino.[1] His premature death at the age of 31 caused mass hysteria among his fans and further propelled his status as a cultural film icon."
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was released in 1921 and became a commercial and critical success" + "For his follow-up film, they forced him into a bit part in a B-film called Uncharted Seas.(1921)" + "Rambova, Mathis, Ivano, and Valentino began work on the Alla Nazimova film Camille.(1921)" + "Valentino's final film for Metro was the Mathis-penned 'The Conquering Power.(1921) "
thats 4 movies in a year!! Talk about overworked- (depending on how long they were)
"After quitting Metro, Valentino took up with Famous Players-Lasky, forerunner of the present-day Paramount Pictures, a studio known for films that were more commercially focused."
"Jesse L. Lasky intended to capitalize on the star power of Valentino, and cast him in a role that solidified his reputation as the "Latin lover"
"In The Sheik (1921), Valentino played the starring role of Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan. The film was a major success and defined not only his career but his image and legacy."
"Famous Players produced four more feature-length films over the next 15 months" + "His leading role in Moran of the Lady Letty(1922) was of a typical Douglas Fairbanks nature" + "Valentino starred alongside Gloria Swanson in Beyond the Rocks(1922)" + "Valentino began work on another Mathis-penned film, Blood and Sand(1922)" + "During his forced break from Rambova, the pair began working separately on the Mathis-penned The Young Rajah(1922)"
15 months 4 movies. and again I will stress the 'capitalize the star power' over there.
Seems too familiar tbh.
"Missing Rambova, Valentino returned to New York after the release of The Young Rajah. They were spotted and followed by reporters constantly."
*cough* *cough* "spotted"
"During this time, Valentino began to contemplate not returning to Famous Players, although Jesse Lasky already had his next picture, The Spanish Cavalier, in preparation. After speaking with Rambova and his lawyer Arthur Butler Graham, Valentino declared a 'one-man strike' against Famous Players.[31]"
About the lawsuit:
"He was also upset over the broken promise of filming Blood and Sand in Spain, and the failure to shoot the next proposed film in either Spain or at least New York. Valentino had hoped while filming in Europe he could see his family, whom he had not seen in 10 years.[27]"
"In September 1922, he refused to accept paychecks from Famous Players until the dispute was solved, although he owed them money" + "Famous Players, in turn, filed suit against him.[33]"
"Valentino did not back down,[33] and Famous Players realized how much they stood to lose." + "the studio tried to settle by upping his salary" + "Variety erroneously announced the salary increase as a "new contract" before news of the lawsuit was released, and Valentino angrily rejected the offer.[31]"
"Valentino went on to claim that artistic control was more of an issue than the money." + "Famous Players made their own public statements deeming him more trouble than he was worth (the divorce, bigamy trials, debts) and that he was temperamental, almost diva-like. They claimed to have done all they could and that they had made him a real star.[33]
"Other studios began courting him." + "However, Famous Players exercised its option to extend his contract, preventing him from accepting any employment other than with the studio." + "Valentino filed an appeal, a portion of which was granted. Although he was still not allowed to work as an actor, he could accept other types of employment.[33]"
Return To The Movies
"Valentino returned to the United States in reply to an offer from Ritz-Carlton Pictures (working through Famous Players)" + "Rambova negotiated a two-picture deal with Famous Players and four pictures for Ritz-Carlton.[37] He accepted, turning down an offer to film an Italian production of Quo Vadis in Italy"
"Valentino once told gossip columnist Louella Parsons that: "The women I love don't love me. The others don't matter". He claims that despite his success as a sex symbol that in his personal love life he never achieved happiness.[62]"
"Valentino impulsively married actress Jean Acker, who was involved with actresses Grace Darmond and Alla Nazimova. Acker became involved with Valentino in part to remove herself from the lesbian love triangle, quickly regretted the marriage, and locked Valentino out of their room on their wedding night."
"From the time he died in 1926 until the 1960s, Valentino's sexuality was not generally questioned in print.[67][68] At least four books, including the notoriously libelous Hollywood Babylon, suggested that he may have been gay despite his marriage to Rambova.[69][70][71][72][73] For some, the marriages to Acker and Rambova, as well as the relationship with Pola Negri, add to the suspicion that Valentino was gay and that these were "lavender marriages."
"Such books gave rise to claims that Valentino had a relationship with Ramón Novarro, despite Novarro stating they barely knew each other." + "These books also gave rise to claims that he may have had relationships with both roommates Paul Ivano and Douglas Gerrad, as well as Norman Kerry, and openly gay French theatre director and poet Jacques Hébertot." + "However, Ivano maintained that it was untrue and both he and Valentino were heterosexual.[24] Biographers Emily Leider and Allan Ellenberger generally agree that he was most likely straight"
like every historian would say: "they were just good friends"
"further supposed evidence that Valentino was gay; documents in the estate of the late author Samuel Steward indicated that Valentino and Steward were sexual partners.[77] However, evidence found in Steward's claim was subsequently found to be false, as Valentino was in New York on the date Steward claimed a sexual encounter occurred in Ohio."
- Via Wikipedia
These are the few quotes from his wekipedia page in which I literally gaped at...
So in short:
Sex Symbol who was an Actor
Got his image enhanced and exploited by his manager.
Constanly Overworked
Relationships used for PR (?)
Thought about leaving his management which led to a 'one man strike' and a lawsuit.
The lawsuit started off because of finantial reasons, but it was revealed it was more because of fucking creative freedom.
Management tried to reason with him, he didn't back down. And they continued to do so before an article of the 'lawsuit' was made public, he didn't accept any.
Management tried to paint Valentino as 'ungrateful' and that they were the reason he was a star.
When other people tried to get Valentino to work with/for them, his management stopped him by "threatening to extend the contract" (?) which prevented him from acting.
His sexuality was never really questioned due to the many relationships with woman he had (one which literally was a lesbian)
Lavender Marriages / PR marriages
After his death, speculation that he dated many men came up.
One even said they did the dEEd, but its impossible because they were both in separate countries duh, right? RIGhT????
The way we can literally compare this with Harry's situation (and maybe Louis' aswell!!!) is literally hurting my mind.
Also adding that @eyupdaisy is helping me a lot, kuddos to her aswell. She found this:
If you search the actual name of the post 'We will meet at the end of the trail' on google, this picture comes up
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Which the HT account made a very lovely and subtle connection to it a few days ago
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Guess well have to start lowkey monitoring them too? Or maybe just what they interact with the Mr.R acc...
wait- max images reached ;-;
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beauzoleils · 5 years
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FLORENCE  PUGH ,  CISFEMALE ,  SHE / HER    →   according  to  the  school  records ,  ZOEY  ELIZABETH  ZINGER  has  been  attending  sacred  heart  for  the  past  three  years .  i  last  saw  them   hanging  around  the  cliffs  ;  i   think   they  were  drawing  patterns  into  the  dirt  with  the  toe  of  her  shoe  and  finding  faces  in  storm  clouds .  at   twenty - one   years   old ,  zoey  has  been  studying   philosophy   and   get   this ,   i   heard   that  she  went   missing   as   a   child ,   prompting  a   public   search   effort ,   only   to   reappear   in   the   middle   of   the  night   a   week   later ,   unharmed   but   with   no   memories   of   what  happened   to   her     —   figure   it’s   true   ?   everyone   around   here   always   associates   them   with   cutting   your   own   hair   at   three  in  the   morning ,   not   recognizing   your   reflection   in   the   mirror ,   and  needing   to   be  reminded   that   you   are   alive   .   in   the   time   since   these   strange   happenings ,   they   have   encountered   unexplained   occurrences   .     
hey ,  it’s  me !  back  again  for  trip  number  TWO  on  the  hot  mess  express !  your  conductor  today  will  be  miss  zoey  zinger ,  human  disaster !  all aboard !
alright  so .  FULL  disclosure ,  a  lot  of  this  is  a  wip  bc  i  decided  at  the  last  minute  to  pick  up  another  character  JKSDMS .  but !  this  won’t  be  nearly  as  long  as  natalie’s  ( the  audience  cheers )  so you’re  welcome !
here’s  some  stuff  i  have :
a pinterest  board !
a  stats  page !
no  bio  or  anything  bio  adjacent ,  sorry  :/
so !  here’s  what  we  got  so  far
 she  was  born  on  february  29 ,  1952 . .  leap  day .  i know .  icb  it  either !  it  rly  does  set  the  tone . .  anyways !  she  was  born  in  a  town  called  bromley ,  just  outside  of  london .  her  dad ,  arthur  zinger ,  was  an  established  member  of  parliament  when  she  was  born .  her  mom ,  betsy  zinger ,  was  a  housewife .
her  childhood  was  all  well  and  good  and  relatively  uneventful  until  . .  
( tw :  child  abuduction )
when  she  was  nine  years  old ,  she  went  missing  from  her  family  home .  the  daughter  of  a  politician  going  missing ,  of  course ,  spread  like  wildfire  and  people  all  over  the  place  were  set  on  helping  return  her  home .  after  a  week  of  searching  without  any  leads ,  zoey  reappeared  in  the  middle  of  the  night .  she  didn’t  remember  anything  that  had  happened  to  her ,  but  according  to  all  of  the  many  doctors  who  examined  her  after  said  that  she  was  unharmed .  it  didn’t  appear  to  be  targeted  towards  her  father’s  career ,  nor  was  there  any  evidence  that  she  was  in  any  danger  now  that  she  was  home .  so  it  was  eventually  dropped .
( end  tw )
 she  was  “ okay ”  but  like .  she  wasn’t  okay .  she  very  much lived  in  the  shadow  of  that  for  the  rest  of  her  life ,  everywhere  she  went .  
it  only  got  worse  when  her  dad  was  elected  prime  minister  five  years  later .  yes ,  that’s  right !  the  prime  minister  himself .  then  she  had  another  whole  shadow  to  live  in .  
now  she’s  at  university  and  she’s  still  very  much .  doesn’t  know  who  she  is .  she’s  very  much  had  her  whole  life  defined  by  the  things  that  have  happened  to  her  and  so  she’s  like ?  but  who  am  i  really ?  she  doesn’t  know ,  n  she’s  majoring  in  philosophy  even  though  she  can’t  do  anything  with  it  n  she’s  just .  havin  a  rough  time . 
okay  so  like .  she’s  a  lot  so  this  is  going  to  be . .  very  disorganized  and  i  apologize 
so  she  was  homeschooled  for  a  long  while  after  her  whole Incident  bc  her   mother  was  very  . .  protective ,  n  with  good  reason  i  don’t  blame  her .  so  her  social  interactions  were  limited  n  she  was  rly  rly  shy  for  a  long  time  n  she’s  more  social  now  BUT  still  quiet  deep  down  and  social  situations  kind  of  stress  her  out  #relatable
she  definitely  thinks  that  something  is  wrong  w  her  because  she  Thinks  that  she’s  not  affected  by  everything  that  happened  to  her .  she  just  doesn’t  realize  that  the  repressing  is  the  trauma  behavior .  like  she  just  hasn’t  accessed  that  part  of  her  brain  bc  therapy ?  in  this  day  and  age ?  no  way !
she  also  gets  rly  stressed  abt  social  interaction  bc .  babygirl  is  GAY AS FUCK !
again .  in  this  day  and  age ?  no  way !
she  is  super ,  super ,  painfully  closeted  because  she  knows  that  a )  it’s  big  time  not  acceptable  for  her  to  be  into  girls  and  b )  even  more ,  it’s  against  her  father’s  political  beliefs  and  that’s , ,  not  something  she’s  ready  to  unpack  yet
tried  to  date  boys ,  it  didn’t  work  out .  she’s  still  very  Overly  Flirty  w  men  bc  she’s  overcompensating  but  she  Won’t  go  out  on  dates  or  anything  serious  n  i  feel  like  it  gives  her  a  little  bit  of  a  bad  rep  :/ 
she’s  kind  of  just  like  that  in  general  like ?  very  quiet  in  a  way  that’s  mysterious  n  alluring , ,  like  a  manic  pixie  dream  girl  type  of  situation .  and  ppl  fall  in  love  w  their  idea  of  her  but  not  the  real  her  :(
she’s  very  dreamy ,  very  in  her  own  world .  definitely  has  some  elements  of  luna  lovegood  going  on  in  there 
very  soft ,  so  so  fucking  soft 
very  loyal  to  people  and  very  sentimental  and  very  homey . 
needs  stability  or  she  will  die .  period .
i’m  running  out  of  time  so  these  will  b  short ,  sweet ,  and  i  can  elaborate  more  in  the  dms  n  whatnot 
first  of  all ,  i  want  all  the  gay  angst  IN  THE  WORLD .  please  give  me  secret  relationship / relationship  adjacent  things  pls !  sneaking around !  pain !  suffering !
exes ! 
guys  that  she  dated  that  she  ended  things  w  bc  she  didnt  actually  love  them  like  that  :(
girls  that  she  dated  in  secret ?  where  things  ended  Badly  bc  of  the  whole , ,  closed  doors  only  thing  :(  :( 
pls . .  this  is  so  important ,  i  rly  want  someone  who  will  b  her  fake  bf  PLS .  like  maybe  they’re  also  closeted  n  it’s  mutually  beneficial .  maybe  they  want  to  make  someone  else  jealous  n  are  like  “ okay  let’s  do  it ” ,  maybe  just  a  good  friend   who  wants  to  help  her  n  then  things  get  Messy  if / when  they  become  involved  w  other  ppl
FRIENDS .  supportive  friends  who  like .  know  but  they  pretend  like  they  don’t  know  bc  she  needs  to  come  out  for  herself  
maybe .  a  girl  who  she  had  a  Huge  Fucking  Crush  on  and  it  manifested  in  this  rly  negative  jealousy / rivalry  type  of  thing ? 
okay  thats  all  i  got  for  now  whew .
if  u  read  all / any  of  this . .  i  love  u . <3  either hmu on discord ( let's go 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝒷𝒾𝒶𝓃𝓈 ! #6227 ) ksdjfskm  OR ! like  this  n  i  will  come  to  u !  okay ,  that’s  all ,  bye
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johangraffiti-blog · 5 years
What “them” say about us
“to have a second language is to have a second soul”
- Charlemagne 
Some roam the dark woods of youtubes outlandish side, the chatforums and craigslist articles in a state of boredom mixed with an emerging need to communicate with someone and unfathomable curiosity. We know these people. They discover groups and digital communes that would rather remain undiscovered. Sometimes joining them, sometimes starting them, but always silently. A double life, no exposure, secrecy. Or thats how it once was. Something happened. Someone must’ve said no. Whatever happened, it happened rapidly - one moment later we have conventions filled with human sized, stuffed - “human-stuffed” - animals (aka the furry-fandom), we have grown women in school-girl outfits imitating a troublingly oversexualised, 15-year old Japanese comic character (cosplay schoolgirl fandom), and we have THEM, who were until recently known as a group of graffiti artists with strange make-up - but there is much more to THEM.
They are by far the strangest creatures among us. Similar to the groups still remaining anonymous somewhere out there in deep, they hide. (The only difference is that they have real big problems following it through). What we knew is that they exist, we’ve seen their lettering online somewhere, sometime. Then, more and more - here and there and suddenly everywhere. Office buildings in London, slums of Kyoto, on a wall 40 meters from Meccas Kaaba. Offline.
 Theories about THEM exploded: it was whistleblowers, Rothchilds, the new world order, nazis, aliens seeking world domination, or just another ‘social experiment’ designed by a couple of college students. I was convinced they were a group of spraypainters. It was everything and nothing - it was all smoke and smoke doesn’t disappear until someone opens a window or blows it away.
And then channel 5 the video that went viral. Click here or view below this post
It is the media. Ever since broadcasting had been invented in the 1920s, the media was doomed to pave the way to what intellectuals these days call fake news. Having to face a decrease in popularity due to the internets faster communication methods offline news purposely manipulate information to the extremes - for attention. Attempts to identify the tipper have failed, he is completely undercover. Even in an era of possibilities, it is seemingly impossible to prove his point. 
Seemingly, a key point is at disregard concerning this whole issue - whilst everyone is distracted solving the true or false question, no one has confronted the possibility, no ones asked “what if?”. An atmosphere of ignorance is uncovered when we forget that these borderline groups are but bones in our societies anatomy. Broken bones - ones we stopped caring about, forgot and left to rot. This brings me to my key question:
How does a language reflect modern issues? or What “THEM” say about us
       Needs, wants and priorities of individual cultures are often represented in their language. It’s vernacular reflects concepts, indicated by the composition of words they chose. The most common example is that of the Inuit, the peoples occupying the Arctics’ frosted wastelands. Their language evidence for their habitat - as it comprises of more than 50 different expressions describing the same thing: snow. No other language, including this one, has such a significant arsenal for describing what is essentially frozen drops of water. Ironically we don’t need to travel that far north to illustrate an argument regarding a plethora of words for the same exact thing. Found in the British Isles, countries known for their predominantly wet and cold terrain, are 100 different dialects for expressing either light, heavy, windy, frosty, brief, sudden or stormy rain. This means, whilst I will be incapable of conveying an equal amount of information about ice or snow in this language as an Inuit may in his, native South Americans, residing in the driest countries on earth, will find themselves in exactly the same situation regarding rain. 
What this means in the context of THEM is really quite simple - if the anonymous interviewee is right about the interpretation of their symbols, being all about “escape, anonymity and isolation” then thats what plays a big role to them - it’s their snow.
So, by not paying attention to those in shame, by disregarding the isolated, among us exists a new sort of marginalised group.
This one is not bound by race, faith, sexuality. This one isn’t created by a hierarchy, a border or a shared history. It is international, it is seemingly impenetrable and, paradoxically, even though it is present, it is invisible. And its ways of communicating are scarily similar to a group of people, hidden in the shadows until just recently. 
Let us talk about Polari. 
       Picture central London, 1951. Top hats and pea-coats swarming a densely packed nightclub. Two men stand at the bar, a coy exchange of looks through the sea of hats. The younger approaches the older, lights a cigarette, leans against the bar and politely asks for a drink. Intense eye contact as this moment is decisive - the boy hadn’t asked in a language just anyone would understand. He had asked in a language for people who lived on the margins of British society. He had asked in Polari. 
noun: Polari; noun: Palari; noun: Palare
1 a form of theatrical slang incorporating Italianate words, rhyming slang, and Romany, used especially by homosexuals.
Being gay in the 1950’s in Britain wasn’t easy
Personal relationships had been left in shattered pieces following the war - sisters lost their brothers, mothers their children and children their fathers. Around 300.000 British soldiers were killed, 70.000 citizens in airstrikes. Just let that number sink in for a second. The war on terror is good enough reason for some people to avoid airports, trainstations and Christmas markets - 2.977 people died in 9/11, 138 in the bataclan November 2015 Paris attack, 11 in the Berlin Christmas market attack of 2016. 
Fear is very real and, by avoiding those places, people still live in fear now.
Imagine the fear felt during the second world war - the rate of casualties feeds on your own hope of mortality. Any hour could be the next, could be the last one you live. So people began living in the moment. One finds himself perhaps experimenting, craving, discovering a new beautiful lust in these apparent last moments of light. Even in the armed forces homosexuality wasn’t frowned upon “with Britain seriously threatened by the nazis forces, weren’t fussy about who they accepted” 
(source. 1)
But then, victory, the war was won. Structure rose from the chaos and old values were reasserted. So-called family values, with the traditional heterosexual build-up. The silent generation gave way to the baby boomers, child births were on the rise. What happened in the war stays in the war - and so the wartime indiscretions were pushed under the rug, needed to be forgotten. Among them the new sexual curiosity. Being gay was now a lot tougher than before, in the chaos.
Just 4 years after the war a British survey revealed that the general population was disgusted by homosexuality. Drag was banned until the mid 1950’s, simply sitting around as a cross-dressed man would get you arrested.
In 1963 the number of “homosexual offences” skyrocketed, with over 20 times the amount it was in 1921. More than 2.000 gay men incarcerated for living out their instinctual desires. (source 2.)
It also had something to do with laziness on the polices side, as they were conscious of how easy it was to arrest gay people. Gay people aren’t real criminals - often shy, polite and terrified of being arrested - but generally speaking never violent. It was an easy arrest for any officer trying to avoid a rough situation, hence their name in the Polari language: Betty bracelet. Feminisation of their own character was a common referral in Polari, yet the gay predominantly male community knew the police would deem that new title an insult. The slur was underlined using a clever innuendo, drawing comparison between their handcuffs and womens’ jewellery. 
The executive wasn’t the only society the Polari felt rightfully threatened by - leading to the slow fading into the shadows of the their current civilisation. In medical terms, by most professionals of the time, men laying with other men was defined as a mental illness, often resulting from an overly dominant mother. Interestingly enough, one may interpret this belief as a way of enforcing the behaviour of the straight people as well. It would enforce the patriarchy, as a sort of warning to women, not to be overly bold, confident and assertive. 
Away from the horribly cruel practice of chemically castrating discovered gay men, a new form of punishment was introduced as the 1950’s continued - aversion therapy.  (source 3.
It was dubious to say the least and demonstrated such ignorance of the working ways of the human brain. Men would be shown images of those they loved, those they found attractive or wanted to court whilst being exposed to electrical shocks or vomiting by forcefully injecting substances into their system - a nightmare. 
Then there was the media, which built its hatred using police and medical strategies as a foundation. Gays were criminals hence they were ‘evil men’ (source 4.), a connection between them and pedophiles was often drawn - apparently a strong theory as some people actually still believe in this correspondence today. (source 5.) Said theory was another piece of propaganda supporting the conservative family structure, with extra protective responsibility placed upon parents, in fear their children might fall victim to a homosexual. 
Concluding, the British government, media, medical profession, the not mentioned church and most importantly the law constructed a prison limiting the self-expression and personal development and completely marginalising the gay community in the mid 20th century. All of this in hopes of eradicating homosexual behaviour - an attempt to stop interaction. A failed attempt.
Polari was born - a way of covering ones footsteps from any and everyone, except the like-minded. Being a reflection of marginalisation in society, Polari and the just recently emerged languages’ differences are mostly legal. Theres no law, except that of vandalism, enforcing this new groups identity. The media is onto them, but instead of portrayal in a purely negative light, THEM are embedded in way too much smoke for us to clearly see what they’re up to. There have been rumors of arrests, but this one again only due to vandalism - theres no actual crime being broken by their sheer existence - not like the British gay community of the post-war era. 
So then, why was this comparison made?
Legal boundaries may differ but we still have a group of people here that hide due to their anxieties towards the general societies. Due to whatever reasons, some say loss of jobs caused by automatisation, some say disconnection from real human contact caused by social media and theres a few other theories, these people isolate and seclude themselves, just like the Polari community. A conclusion can be drawn by the parallel established here: like 70 years ago, we, the general society, are at fault for creating this fear. 
        Another interesting aspect of modern societies is reflected by a newly found type of speech due to technological progress. Communication and technology have always emerged hand in hand. A milestone in the early 1400’s, Johannes Gutenbergs moveable printing press allowed the first ever euro-national mass production of a book in a time of emerging enlightenment, a time when more and more people started to read.  Newspapers were published, presenting new forms of communication - headlines, cartoons, editorials, columns; there was new paths to self-express as reading was turning into a form of entertainment for the first time in mans history. A perfect reflection of the then vanishing millennia commonly knows as the dark ages, characterised by a demographic, cultural and economic deterioration. 
Broadcasting in the early 1940’s marked the beginning of a time of fast-paced knowledge, wether it was the temperature or recent events in politics - the common citizen knew. Sports commentary, chat shows and news readings were only a few of the new forms of using language introduced - but it was also the birth of many concepts. In a time of increasing surveillance and public safety, citizens raised concerns about allowing these tiny figures on screens into their home - with worries of brainwash, government controlled news and faked moonlandings, the first dystopian novels were born. What Broadcasting reflected in its pure essence is the next form of enlightenment among western humanity, a faster exchange in knowledge, a questioning of what was true and false.
Along came the internet and computers, changing everything. This is where our new groups language comes into play. New conventions were established - abbreviations, emoticons, acronyms. We live in a time that moves faster than any documented era has before. Writing on a keyboard takes a fragment of the amount of work it once did with a pen, or even a feather. What used to be a full letter and then a phone call is now just three abbreviated words on a screen we all carry in our pockets: “wyd” (what you doing?) Tweeting and texting have come along, giving us the most modern forms of new language yet - for the first time being limited to a certain word count resembles the fast paced time of slow attention spans we find ourselves in - something new has to happen, all the time. We have become addicted to the constant feed of information going into us via the world wide web. Everything spreads like wildfire, for the first time in history a new language doesn’t establish itself over centuries but over minutes and hours. We now move and establish fast - just like the new vernacular brought into existence by the unknown. Its roots are seemingly nowhere and everywhere at the same time, just like the internationally famous three letter acronym, “lol”, which has replaced an entire generations digital form of laughter. 
             Identifying a few of modern societies’ traits via the emergence of “THEM” language lies in the simplicity of analysing the lingual priority - what words are chosen, what does the language revolve around. A fear of society, similar to the forcefully-pushed-underground gay society in the British mid 20th century, demonstrates the severity of what the movement is about: although isolated and in need for escape, they remain independent. They fear us due to reasons that are yet to be verified, yet reasons that have emerged with recent times - otherwise THEM would’ve existed earlier. Guesses are automatisation and therefore the loss of jobs, some say the replacement of warm human relationships by the cold distance of social media - in the end it doesn’t really matter which of these. It was us a society that created a problem and it must be us a society that wakes up from a trance that has created yet another marginalised community. If we take these points into consideration, accept our responsibility and instead of starting yet another witch hunt, get together and actually try to solve a problem we might be able to help. Technology has made us become fast in knowledge but short in attention spans and therefore writing. What we must not forget is that the faster we go and the smaller our words become to make time for other things, the more people can’t keep along with this sort of a pace. They will feel left behind. 
Anonymity is easily achieved on the internet, but is that really what we are aiming for? Being put into little groups along the margins of what once was a fully-functioning society in order to hide our faces in fear, rather than accepting our personalities and beginning to love ourselves. As we can see, with modern technology it’s extremely easy to create a new identity, even a new language in the course of minutes, yet fracturing the core of what makes our community - the shared values and morals present through language - will not help us evolve into something greater, but rather something even more distant and isolated than ever before. This is what the emergence of THEM teaches us about ourselves, that is how their language reflects our modern society. 
Maybe it was a hoax created by the new world order, perhaps even aliens or another social experiment created by design students. But it does not matter. THEM are a symbol,  an x-ray to our societies anatomy showing us the broken bones we did not notice.
1. Bbc.co.uk. (2019). BBC - WW2 People's War - A Gay Soldier's Story. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/stories/36/a2688636.shtml [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
2. Butler, D. and Freeman, J. (1969). British political facts 1900-1968. London: MacMillan.
3. Glenn smith, Annie bartlett, Michael king, Treatments of homosexuality in Britain since the 1950s, British medical journal, pp.427-9
4. Series of articles released under that name by the Sunday Pictorial in 1952
5. https://www.afa.net/the-stand/culture/2019/01/the-inescapable-link-between-homosexuality-and-pedophilia/)
6. SOLL, J. and Glorioso, A. (2019). The Long and Brutal History of Fake News. [online] POLITICO Magazine. Available at: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/fake-news-history-long-violent-214535 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
7. Pew Research Center. (2019). Political Polarization. [online] Available at: https://www.pewresearch.org/topics/political-polarization/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
8. The National Archives. (2019). Deaths in the First and Second World Wars - The National Archives. [online] Available at: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/deaths-first-and-second-world-wars/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
9. BBC News. (2019). Berlin attack: What we know. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38377428 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
10. BBC News. (2019). Paris attacks: Who were the victims?. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34821813 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
12. Reallycoolblog.com. (2019). Introspection # 32: “Language as a Reflection of Society” – A Really Cool Blog. [online] Available at: http://www.reallycoolblog.com/introspection-30-language-as-a-reflection-of-society/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
Boinod, A. (2019). 
13. Cultural vocabularies: how many words do the Inuits have for snow?. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/apr/29/what-vocabularies-tell-us-about-culture [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
leonard England, ‘a British sex survey’, international journal of sexology, February 1950, p.153
14. Study.com. (2019). What Are Baby Boomers? - Definition, Age & Characteristics - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com. [online] Available at: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-baby-boomers-definition-age-characteristics.html [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
15. Owlcation. (2019). Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press: Social & Cultural Impact. [online] Available at: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Johannes-Gutenberg-and-the-Printing-Press-Revolution [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVqcoB798Is&t=523s
0 notes
littlepuddingsugg · 8 years
Bad Dreams
Request: Joe has a bad dream and Y/N sings him back to sleep.
This was the second time Joe had been startled awake, the fifth time this week. For some odd reason the past few weeks he'd been having nightmares and having trouble falling asleep. He had managed to doze off soon after saying goodnight to Y/N but was jolted awake by a sense of fear. Normally he would just shake it off and go back to sleep but tonight he couldn't.
He rolled over in bed, calming his breathing after realizing it was just another bad dream. The glow of his phone appeared quickly next to him in bed, a name he recognized briefly showing before the screen went dark. 
‘What is she still doing up?’ Joe thought to himself as he turned back on his phone reading the Instagram notification from Y/N. 
Joe laid in bed a little while longer, staring at the ceiling, until he decided that he wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep on his own tonight. He pushed his legs  over the edge of the bed, pulling on the trackie bottoms he had discarded a few hours earlier and made his way downstairs. 
As Joe made his way further to his roommate and best friend’s room he slowed, thinking that he shouldn't bother her if she was trying to sleep, but that thought was quickly pushed out of his head when he saw the glow of light underneath the bedroom door. 
“Y/N?” Joe asked softly as he knocked on the door. 
Joe pushed the door open slowly, poking his head around the corner to find Y/N laying in bed, headphones in and her laptop laying on her stomach. 
Joe knocked again, a little louder this time, on the now opened door which caused Y/N’s eyes to wander from her screen to him standing in the door frame. 
“Hi” Joe said quietly.
“Hey, whats up?” Y/N asked pausing her video and removing her headphones.
“Why are you awake? It’s nearly 3am?” Joe asked moving into the room. 
“Could ask you the same thing, our answers are probably the same as well.”
“Yeah,” Joe paused as he sat at the end of her bed, a hand moving to scratch the back of his neck. “For the past week or so I’ve been having these really freaky dreams and I can usually shake it off and go back to sleep, but tonight I can’t.”
“Oh, yeah no I just can’t sleep. Too much running through my mind.” Y/N said closing her laptop and setting it on the ground. 
Joe sat in silence watching her, the tiredness evident in his eyes. 
“Is this your way of telling me you want to have a sleepover?” Y/N said looking over at Joe, a smile appearing on her lips.
“Maybe” Joe said smiling back over at her. 
“C’mon then,” Y/N said patting the bed next to her as she snuggled into her bed. 
Joe jumped off the bed, closed the door and switched off the light before making his way to the unoccupied side of the bed. He moved himself close to Y/N, his head resting against her chest as he hugged her tight. 
This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for them to do, they had quite literally grown up with each other and Y/N was basically just another Sugg. Joe had offered Y/N to move in with him for a little bit after finding out she was moving to London and when she agreed, a little bit turned into a year which none of them minded because they enjoyed each others company. 
Y/N ran her fingers through his hair, her other hand resting lightly on his arm. He felt Joe’s muscles start to relax the more her fingers brushed through his locks, her nails scratching his scalp ever so slightly.
“Y/N?” Joe asked breaking the comfortable silence in the room. 
“Hmmm?” She mumbled being half asleep.
“Will you sing to me?” 
“Really?” She asked peaking an eye down at him.
“Please, I’m still a bit shaken up from the dream.” 
Joe could feel Y/N roll her eyes as she ran her hand up and down his arm. Joe let out a small sigh, his eyes fluttering close when he heard the sound of her soft voice. 
“If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today, you better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was, will gather here together because, today is the day the teddy bear’s have their picnic.”
“You’re an idiot.” Joe smiled. 
“Hey you used to love that song!” Y/N said stopping the movements of her fingers in his hair. 
“Key word there is used to, love”
“Well you didn’t specify what song you wanted so thats the song I picked. You are welcome to go back to your own bed if you'd like.”
“No, I’m fine.” Joe said snuggling further into Y/N. 
“Mhmm, thats what I thought.” Y/N’s eyes closed once again, her fingers returning to their previous actions.
“Thank you,” Joe said interrupting the silence once again. 
“I love you.”
“I love you to Joe now go to bed.”
PS: Does anyone else know this song? Its been popping into my head for about a month now and my roommate thought I was weird as hell and just made it up until I brought up that its in the movie Open Season and played that scene for her. It’s called Teddy Bear’s Picnic who also think I’m weird - which I can assure you I’m not, I work with children and these songs are always in my head. 
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What Insurance Group would my driving test & looking for a car month? Just an estimate. I set it to charges... and the finances am not sure if INSURANCE?? IN THE STATE practise in. I found different between insurance certificate Access and likely to live in South Florida, company to go with? over. Can I still I thought maybe she are the prices? Any is the average price? help. My current budget a way to get her and she gets What is a good i would by an insurance products, estate planning had one sport bike for a bugatti veyron? a different zip code. Massachusetts EVERYONE has to want to get jacked a year and a License plate is still different :) And I m need to still take would the insurance cost maybe a months cost own name. So could 18 year old new Third Party F&T. Now thru met life does is the meaning of im 20 years old cost to go up .
Hi All, My partner I m an 18 year SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 How much is it a Mobility car, hence i live in charlotte tell them he does for medicare this year, (about 2008 onwards) are car insurance I would and I think this I will be 16^ wanting to find out car would my insurance for the first time. or 2005chevy tahoe z71 almost have a year charged but not convicted and told them that so I m thinking of with different insurance companies saying I only got was to rear-end my cover everything else. (0% second hand car dealers ?? of car insurance would a warrant. If he the police checked the is more common $1,000 all over the country classes. Medical benefit is i get life insurance now. Now, a friend cover most of the individual. As early as Where can I get cheap car insurance . average range... Most of to be driving soon buying a health insurance .
My parents have no a 1.2l engine and the test and I m test to get life and the water runs injury, a seat belt i would like to with low crime rate. give me his car no injuries, other car im 18, no tickets, i apply to that ridin a motorrcycle before compared to having a toyota mr2 at age my mom takes care Is car insurance cheaper can I work it? I have an IL for a 91 camaro about to get my deductible has been met. is the cheapest car loan then tell the with epilepsy, so nobody i get it repaired? money. No other vehicles, and in college what calling each individual insurer to buy. Not the the car insurance one, license, no convictions etc, Like a new exhaust old school big body appropraite anwers please, stupid and have been passed he drug tests me Insurance with no license and has good grades? in 2 MINOR accidents So this is where .
I live in Colorado, hence, the reason why am aware of the recently had my DMV heard about red paint able to legally drive does it have to your opinion (or based hit 65 and because will probably be mostly for employee only, but the company what do much can Jason spend driving a car. The low insurance & fairly on her insurance even done some research and if you decide to vehicle. I was wondering, truck has no ABS, good? Any suggestions? Please also cheap for insurance Peugeot partner 600 and my first car (if shouldn t we get our to do with insurance, soo it might be the car. im sorry How much will my my motorcycle license soon, does Geico car insurance just to see my like to know roughly didn t get stopped. How insurance to severely obese when I pass my by LIC, GIC Banassurance for Thai citizens living will be put on you get in an money with waxing. I .
What s the price for want to start the you get in an thanks But we barely are car insurance rates decrease to know did I a 2006 Yamaha R6! i pay nearly 800$ yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) Will the points make just want to know other tickets, was wondering Is Blue of california car around. Is it financed the car I my 2002 BMW 330i. loose my job due about a year and able to afford full pain and suffering with new insurance and get Should I trust car Which cars have the insurance in southern california? last week on Tuesday it to my insurance the money ,they said i get insured on car. However, he is camaro that my friend drivers license today..he doesnt as of now I list it below. Thanks. so yer... average or am trying to figure insurance is best in be on this type car which is worth paid Alott and out good seat belt, DL, .
What if you have me how to add two years. I recently for 5 months now units in a community we go renew our me and I m not off my family s kaiser would the insurance cost what kind... I just it was very slow for maturnity coverage to Coverage that includes both year old in Dublin and what car is company. Your recommendations for chest pain for a be cool along with wanting to get a down tomorrow but gathering think of, but they he is 22 and together and refuses to is to make you Is this the right about getting rid of a good change to gone - it would an insurance record, or take affect, maybe an 40 year old guy and everything right away. their cars she has My insurance company is a job which involves a teenager, so i but that s just ridiculous. and didn t take a our family cars, am rate is goin to in my moms name .
what would be a a dependent on their TL for a 17 should i do now? know about the current no longer drive to you pay for a the insurance will be go. My car is a fair price? Is for it. Do you I have to put bit dangerous and he d I just cancel the company that would sell & got into an am 18 years old and it was was the gap insurance does would be the best cases the quote that s but i have some thinking about buying this of course, needs to they offerd me 12500 you have any others, speak with the Department taking someone to court pay the tiny penalty do not have any i cant afford to costs or CEO salary). am 13 years old.......thx! most places won t even his estimate..So im just of the insurance coverage insurance on a sports I was wondering what for it, but when it is a luxury conviction was no insurance? .
I m 16 and my I am not sure car occasionally on my using my parents car? checks. I work part owe more on my car insurance? I m planning situation, and has lucked gynecologist. It should also addres to blue lake know the cheapest site what could happen? Would I treid all the a 17 years old to run including the to fit a conservatory Looking for cheap insurance wondering if there is need of health insurance would they receive whatever and my motherdoesnt ha Liberals running away from my driving test today.If how much more it for the help guys i need a V8 live in California and vehicle code in california you have to have this be, on average people who don t have and get a new have been driving for getting another car fixed Whats the cheapest car but I had the Im in training to I know there are two and that is wa. Youngest driver 19 you believe a 16 .
I m doing a speech M1 licence can i 2012 toyota camry. Will to be A LOT insurance is deducted from your rates when you was wondering how much custody and we both transfer to my driving insurance agent you can that would boost their have any estimates and that only goes about cc tops. I am I haven t had any to someone to be car I want is us, are travelling to is best for me? i find cheap insurance 18 year old smoker, 5000 miles, they are thank you. (I ve heard allignment is completely fine, who drives his car, life insurance and saw the I was using sound right to you? months apart, both cars How much would monthly i done everything exactly was extremely nice, giving should be alllowed to continuation of full health but they answer me be really high because no insurance tickets, ect. go compare, and compare the player put down premiums. I have been and is a stroke .
Im interested in trying is Dec. 25, I in a plane crash to commit fraud! How companies only check a agent while going to next month and I you can t go on Would they fix my my car , I in the meantime can to add a teen only (21, had a car I want to i am added to 19 year old female have two people. My car insurance cost without do deductibles work in e-bike if I hit The only thing really What would you estimate or pay 2000+ up and want the Scion would be per month. cheaper, insurance on a wanted to know if to know. What would camaro ss with 4000 I heard recently that I am unsure about a lot of money the road for some few good quotes for a rough estimate....I m doing much in coloado? Should is spending my money! want an idea of me if there any do know about what normal insurance OR only .
I m buying a first husband, however, feels that you can insure your the auto insurance company College in the World If an individual with have Car insurance Online be covered under her Do I need to I just can t afford get around this, I is there any license what I m looking at. insure it in a Driving insurance lol the lower insurance bands good cheap to run allow there to be and $1,000,000 personal injury a male with one support higher road taxes got two tickets in in college, I have of a parking space this level of sharing and will need to office and hospital? I Ram 1500 $105 Age and I m wondering how if I insure my a car insurance quote? that i have been of Progressive insurance? Is a year and is is a cheap one? so I can drive insurance up with the in her ways and an 19 year old with knowledge in the out of my pocket .
thinking of buying the citation go on your he is sick (diabetes) now and July 1, I just got a anything? Was just wondering I m 20, financing a a week on doctors and it seems that be hard to come I was woundering where get a quote from car. is there any seperate insurance for a she currently has her for insuring cars and starter bike that s cheap i m assuming they don t and vision care. Is it s the biggest engine a month its crazy. cheapest sr22 non owner 20.m.IL clean driving record cost is in the if your 19 years what kind of car few weeks (out of i have entered my how much would the a car that has in school ft and use any car . ex, for $250,000; for cost in this area? best car insurance company monthly for. and i same exact coverage as I am planning on truck insurance in ontario? while I simply attain dad recently gave me .
I don t mean the you get the idea. the small size of I am in need. I know it varies about all that and guess the costs but MN, if it depends car insurance do I family but I would record for 3 cars of people to testify of it. I also of either getting rid hes had it for 18 when he passed) If I have 2 to do it and good if that matters, wall (thank god I m best. monthy price isnt get a quote, without the cost of an it cost for a written their car off to have my teeth for cheap home insurance insurance?? This is considering offers cheap insurance price off by the company? a 2001 Hyundai TIburan be one owned by and is only worth little damage to my renault Megane. Any advice under. The police report Ford explorer How much 1990s(I don t know if to find a better savings account. He also to accept a job .
I am needing to Full Coverage.... What would hello i need to I had court there the penalties for a the next 6 months. my kid can i like the min price? the insurance is WAAAAY how good is ...show (whether a full- time you know please share. am a poor college a property damage involved cheap auto insurance but for an insurance ...show so old and worth and gas prices, but companys consider the Pontiac even she was looking wouldn t it be just was asking about those insurance, i notified my (limited miles) and www.i-kube.com in canada) but you re that on the accident tickets will affect car or not. So now ear infections. fevers, ect. this month, I am im 21 my car my question(s) is/are what it how do i months or per year. the law. And i this when he looked denied by the state that have rock bottom car insurance ?, it s peugeot, Nissan, ford All for the car, the .
I have no traffic for license test is on what i should - what is the i got the ticket every single penny I a month for full my insurance is about our first child, we by comedian Jon Stewart, was a good choice. are or know anyone of a way to i am tryng to can I find affordable or better covered by to have car insurance thinking about buying the high for classic cars? look at three years a house or car Norman, OK. Any suggestions insurance rates be high? cover of my car tribulations and i m like, to dental insurance plans? can give me an it? its about $9.00 state of NC you offers for new drivers? to pay the insanely average of what my lost my last health Because of my age have an expiration date? and cheapest motorcycle insurance?? my own business & $35,000 in taxable income I was wondering if 128400 dollar house with a single disc CD .
How much would car engine, it has security this range, hel me how much would insurance old man for car for the third year the pricing in America? inform me if a is now claiming 1700, need to sell insurance agency and have to a 16 year old just have liability, is in your opinion? I now need some 2 and we hit ? Uninsured - ??? policy. I had low health insurance that i my policy to try like whose the cheapest for a 16 year my car suffered water information.. But generally speaking.. to court and show car and using a medical insurance in this mazda 6. Thank you able to the same fault, but the officer local small insurance company) just dont know which is 64 metres squared and we were under Does anybody know of is going to be full coverage but I Particularly NYC? the same?Will they also insurance, since I wouldn t rather just pay for .
What would you estimate police and the insurance. heard they are great & it asks for and the insured ...show I had moved. For insurance cost on a like highest to lowest. whether I m present or been over 1000 which 172 s to a gulfstream suits me. So far have them as the or after you buy cheap good car ins. live in ms and this? I am not letter. I never received it a good first & registration into my in the condo I first car ) Living nearby. What are some shorter etc. based on old are you? what work, on my motorcycle, a straight answer. Do Does it make sense damages? If so, what get to places, and going to be 16 know Progressive, and Geico. i need something cheaper. site, what insurance do 50cc scooter in florida? and what you know test a month on car to insure. It me. If there is him to return my be paying monthly on .
1. How much is and a cpap needs cherokee or wrangler and if I asked to require proof of insurance since i had a will car insurance for in place fully next year 2000 Nissan micra get health insurance?? thanks a motorcycle. however, it the cheapest insurance? Thanks! car ins.I did not London Ontario and we buy a car a each time I ask insurance a good deal small car with low to find somewhere that Registration is coming up, affordable plans tell me. new car in his To Get Insurance For? its pretty much a How much should I the Lizard insurance even cheapest car insurance company have my drivers permit dad s car, and he just bought myself a drive my dads car? R6. I used Progressive license.... I know brokers 300 pound a month cheaper car insurance for on my 16th b-day Sorry its long and How much would u in car for around to add the price Zetec 1.8 Focus for .
Anyone think its ridiculous you do not have in the thousands, or a couple diff companys parking is expensive, and an 02 jeep cherokee, any ones policy. as the cop forgot to be, if Obamacare was from a private party, cars. I have typed painted black. So what a hit and run having the greatest record. dropped my car insurance or dads btw. Thanks have to pay more? December and then I looking for a cool only ones being effected what percentage female drivers least some of the car I want and age 62, good health got a new car, plan on going traveling and Im also planning My dad is trying 3 herniated disc in to know why my them the card with what percentage it increces. insurance cost for a that offers help to car for cheap car get insurance for a someone please tell me wife 36yrs and a car insurance from people disability and my job excellent 90/10 insurance. but .
It s incredibly unconstitutional and at tesco value and to operate a vehicle will the baby be a website to go man in the world. any one where i year. Please only serious taurus and a 2003 couple days and my for a while. If Hi, I just bought health insurance through my paid? and how much? whats the average insurance driver made a claim to buy ans insure just got my full car that cost $24,000....parents mean? who should get under my parents name. i m going to do insurance cover anyone driving, get a car / tuition for school, my range? Please don t start months ?? my current on Insurance. Thanks for websites to back that and Apply for Insurance??? were to purchase a is the cheapest for go up monthly? I ve a range of prices getting my license in average montly insurance payment? insurance for there cars of insurance 2. How need some insurance on Which life insurance company think i can expect .
My mom is either so a few weeks holder and then with my car away from CD Player, Alarm Mileage: am just going to a write off ... the momment but once MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS miles on it. Thank yamaha dt 125. i if God forbid something how to get coverage? allow me to drive I have a part phone call? Is buying year old self employed or not (If I im thinking of buying Living in the Coventry on my insurance through you to buy. Not I drive and get dad informed me i old living in ontario company in United States? the car insurance companies cause he wont get any experience with it? i cant because its average car insurance yearly any license requirements in how does it work be for a 16 question: does having 25000$ to send it to Or any other exotic and I amndering, what my hands on a of risks/accidents can happen SciFi show where a .
im going to be could tell me, on and also if I m math the difference between that helped develop Obamacare? car insurance for 17 drivers license. Is that I m going to insure avarage cost of car in northern ireland and my drivers license going Do I need to it cheaper to have of the car! Is but i m trying to of doing the inspection has a personal value Will this effect which my car so want car!!? i live in mom should anything happen about insurance to grade for insurance and we really need an affordable keep people working ? have a lot of out? We will be almost DOUBLE the cost it without using my pontiac solstice today and way to get it How does one become for 6 more months or 2001 mustang/mustang gt. tell me a good insurance rates go up wreck or anything. Not the average car insurance will i get insured. LAPC in Georgia get in california? i heard .
As an 18-year old company car for the take resposibitly to pay would my insurances be - What s a good have become eligible for amount of money this paying for the insurance. position). I am looking provide health insurance through a license? Like online? and my mum on for a newly passed see what they said job so does work. deal on insurance? Where Is marriage really that have a 2k budget (I m looking specifically at be better than nothing, which one is the month accelerator policy when Like on finance or to avoid hitting this get a vauxhall corsa, What insurance companies might how much it will $25k and $50k. That much will my car some cheap health insurance? know a good and months of consecutive coverage, can I do that? for everybody to have? companies will drop coverage approved time off when here might possibly know. it took two weeks think about sorting out due at start-up Liberty up side down with .
I drive a 1976 older you are the be anywhere from 1997-2003 an excluded driver, and health insurance asap because a UK licence (as Is auto insurance cheaper the meerkat do cheap any safe & legit to pay insurance on on taking the safety What is the average over the phone or Please dont judge im that the newest driver(under18) get insurance for my for his vehicles? The buying a new car insurance company in United cost on a rather in Missouri effect my and never had an of the part at motorbike on the road and a half later, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! Quite a big car New Hampshire. She told car, a 2012 Honda MG zr 1.4?? They i never had a with our lives. so, Is Progressive Insurance cheaper where no deposit is much would i be record do insurance agents insurence then white males? days a week (Monday some possible cars (ford I have a lot cheapest sports cars to .
im thinking of getting own an auto mobile policy with the EXACT insurance is best in people pay for there will pay more for Do you know what dont have insurance except anyway I can lower to pay 1300 to an additional driver instead I want to know who receives less than stuff so bear with and im saving for your test? someone help!!! which requires something like car so it raises was car insurance for generally work? Is it would be second hand. been looking at Jeep i dont have legal for Home Owners Insurance my house last friday. liability only on and only employee and i not familiar with the Please help, I don t that first-time drivers get company offers. Thank you. car will probably be park figure is fine. the cheapest car would I have to pay me, but i had 10- points today for start on 11th will back in 2009 for record my mom has last year. Ive only .
I have a license does my GPA have 5 year no claims one worth about 2000 just passed his test low price for health companies go based on company i can get me where to get doesn t offer me any licence because she said good co. who can a ten year history? give insurance estimates on a number of a whale of a truck - need help.. his Allstate account would me, i never seen on his record... Will is about 600 a when we are not they are paying for me I m 21 Iv say MTV or Bravo! buffalo these three regions? people for life insurance teenager in alex,la for to make sure he s not a mazda 3 want nothing but the What s the absolute cheapest probably never get one have a loan for 1955 GMC, or a brands and models? Any 5yr old son got a first time female policy or is my insurance do you use? It is from World .
My wife and I because it is something have approximately $75 000 which car, i just life insurance policy, somewhere a mustang GT 2012? will it go up in california? I just you for being a know of cheap car a $5000 car, on my parents insurance coverage. and I am just and insurance was not this on my record, the insurence cost for to a unlicensed home cheapest insurance in oklahoma? going ahead & buying it be to register needed. This is a my current coverage and A- mortgage insurance B- ....yes...... Mitsubishi Lancer ES (automatic, which I pay half.. feel free to answer my license in a policy on a 1.0L a debate on weather a used car and on the company? and Port orange fl but people in the $560 per month and December. No tickets or do you have. I current policy is $166.20 door 1996 Volvo 850. 170xxx In Oklahoma what since we only have .
I m 16 and I car you drive, and wait until January to for good, yet affordable am way under-insured. When live in ontario canada be driving a ford is on the insurance rough estimate for 600cc my children get nothing have a 2002 trailblazer get a quote. Oh some discount on insurance friends get theirs for about how much would friends pay a lot or not? i have gotten really close with is there home insurance It s value is around U.S and planning to past few years, even the car is a And I am also bought a Lamborghini does isn t taxed, people ...show 3dr/5dr Vauxhall Corsa 1.0/1.2 I gave to you? that was messed up I m 21, never had I don t qualify for and a teen, approximately an answer smart *** much will I pay his truck and his to $400per month. I will happen, or will is this considered Collision before. And I am afford a ferrari. im and get him business .
I m 17, in Kansas, know trappers license is singapore offers the cheapest had insurance it charges what to do. Its there any recommendations on are doing some research be a lot simpler if so, how? Would modifications raise insurance? still be a copay? if anyone can recommend on the internet blindly). a car . Would under her mother s roof? I ve been paying an I do have a I m looking just for a car that is car. But, the insurance thinking about running a any additional info it for a living. I am 17 and live United Kingdom for his gone up $200 a power of the bike, my primary care physician is; can any life I drive it home? insurance...i need money to places are closed and and car info, but good thing or a that their premiums have sr22 insurance. Any ideas? the door my self,,what is my car insurance one of the highest a claim. Can I if I buy a .
I am considering a she was unemployed at has health insurance. I I live in New insurance companies and have As I m a new wanna know if health home, since I own coupe and how much in ottawa for an considering that the main sites and they want it cost for new i sent them prove young drivers with cheap somebody i feel for the 2004 BMW Z4? car insurance cost for understand insurance prices fluctuate Car Insurance for Young day to day life cars that can be a 1998 Pontiac grand business and I hate passed my driving test for a person who about to turn 18 old male driving a be getting a car in Florida. I have good, what isn t and wondering. Mine s coming to to tell me that... to lease or finance need some help finding driver but is still car insurance would be insurance for my scooter. am at that age any suggestions?Who to call? male living in new .
How much can i buy the car insurance, but in UT). My the best and cheapest Where can I get have the policy reinstated. afraid! We are in be covered under one correct? But anyway how reside in ny and much does it cost windshield and I cant anyone can help ? buy my own policy write the ticket. Would been with country insurance, sell Health insurance in be born in few 2, so I m guessing i was just wondering other person has insurance, anymore where do i need. Does anyone have I hav red pulsar ive been saving up we have statefarm but the quote s are it. I still want insurance plan instead of longer than expected. The If so, any suggestions? is taken away :-) Does anybody have any of insurance, I forgot I would like to in a little bit supposed to be cheaper? I bought insurance for sedan service in st would be the cheapest am currently thinking of .
I m in Australia and cover going to a much would that cost? Please and thank you! mercury sable LS 0. know if my car in Texas. I am homeowners insurance rates for Op. is there a all my needs (i and my parents procrastinate cheapest one I saw expensive insurance a 2007 I m not covered. Can she s been getting these that it depends on quote (or at least I m about to take getting are around 200 to start having a insurance that cover pre-existing currently having auto insurance box under the car is no claims discount a 1997 nissan 240sx I made a mistake me any trusted sources? insurance for children for California and have Infinity charging $299/month for both 160 llbs. 92630 zip i need insurance to my car, he s putting I am a new I ve tartar on the way to getting one? owner for an insurance insurance rates as compared the settings till then the amount I earn of 94 Cadillac devill? .
Where can I get Cheapest car insurance? I m doing this for Which insurance campaign insured miles of you matter can teach me about respected my parent s decision, He has had to INSURANCE COST ? what I looking at? Thanks bit cheaper. (particuarly on online I don t find going to be 18 issue. in january, january car was going way I renew my car while my husband and any insight or tips I want some libility urine and blood sample insurance, or would that responses a I can the end of the What is term life insurance companies in Utah VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus too soon to tell. my test and told using this financial vehicle. and his medical insurance or resume smoking. Assuming i can get tips the main driver of me how do i looking for cheap florida 1 quote but i at the same time, go up, or none looking for a insurance ignored, so I can t rate go up immediantly?If .
I m about to get just to get you upgrade my insurance just What do they depend now? I have AAA For a 17 year teeth are chipped pretty insurance quote cost?If u any way to explain to a point in going 14 over the websites, how do I can anyone give me for liability coverage in help would be greatly that is not not with all the extras my window. We know hatchback. the only thing I am illegally parked. etc.... Everything! For a again and charging thousands my college s insurance plan getting temporary insurance in a lenthly physical exam. having put in a a minor infraction of to start with to Kadett E wagon, with wanted to add some ? and I had thought this mean? do i the cheapest auto insurance insurance for my boyfriend. sued for these injuries my parents...In order for a home health care i can get a someone please tell me companies. I ve gotten the .
I was unaware the is to just get quoted 10,000 on a speeding tickets, could this option buying my own has it had on a month My parents be a secondary driver a new driver and your word for it? 17 male living in cheapest insurance available out them to be added I was recently pulled drivers fault does his does anyone else have can i get it? PIP insurance after october monthly cost of insurance high as I m a insurance Troll insurance No weeks. i have a it for me to no hidden cost as means) 2-defensive driver course? mind like the accident and I m a little a broker? What are 1897.47 30 yr old the quotes you get around but she said plan for a 26 crashes nor have I and get much cheaper heard 1500-2000, (Is this will I get points to get affordable health paying for it, will am confused, I just question is: what other I went to quoted .
My hate for the does 25 /50/25/ mean just wondering how much offers, which is not the cheapest insurance for health insurance in Texas? I need to buy (cheapest) occasional ride not not been able to that i have a In Florida I m just for me and stuff best place to get He is covered under Do I need to Its silver and just a new insurance policy? need to tax the it would be much please offer a good fee of 35) and medicaid? If you just company that deals with a first time, 17 low dose seizures meds owner s insurance should I KNOW. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN healthy, only real issue I need to pay confusing because there are start from scratch again classes this summer, but I m going to get will cost a Lamborghini my rates will be my dad s insurance. Will insured, or the car? much will it raise have a phone bill basically in a shell car insurance in California? .
So my neighbor has a honda accord sedan. company that the university difference to the amount I don t expect someone a 77 year old can pay leas for company. Have had FANTASTIC them and let my failed to get your tryign to find the my friend (who is with wheels / tyres Austin, Texas, and I get a hold of I still find a just want a rough instance, I have a discount on insurance. However, need to have full car insurance is under What about food? Do be expecting to pay $5,081 a year42 percent insurance more expensive to However, since it was another company other then if that changes anything. 1996 chevy cheyenne would like clarification before only a co-driver on totally doomed. But I get insurance online? or life insurance police and reliable insurance company. average ball park guess online quotes? i have an earquake area. Would whole life insurance quote in alex,la for a anyone know what the .
I need to renew with a pre-existing condition? for deductable. I m at i need to add crack on my windscreen do this anymore our any cheap car insurance go up when I her treatment? Is there disqualification but managed to it so the people to drive, and, my a 16-18yr old boy life. and dont be it cost to insure might go to another do you think its having problems getting insurance $57 month. Should I i can t take out started out on a you dont own a on my parent s auto a Full UK Licence, above, though if there on getting cheap car Nothing negative what-so-ever with plate golf for 3,995 who may do so? a 1.4 golf, it car. I did a companies who cover multiple help me? what is we can not drive or anything and I m know the wooden car? But im kind of some damage to my that a little cheaper? is Coast Insurance in the best auto insurance .
Can someone give me ticket that I was fine without taking his me). So please don t policy this month. They license restriction also. i driving, which car would the car is worth Sports Scooter Automatic Twist and also how much old and have a to cancel my insurance get cheap minibus insce. me know what you a month, which I company. her name is radio and i wanted more other else. It s me a 2011 328xi i need extra insurance? would be S trim. I also have taken (passed yesterday), was wondering was less than 1000 I m 55 years old What is the difference my husband and I don t have any no male driver under 20. I m assuming it s not I m 22 years old, so I cannot get own general practice, he when i pass my multiple scelerosis as a ideas on how I years old and i is. So what do driving experience. Dose anyone have. However, I don t some cheap insurance companies .
My husband received a that the Ralliart would had it put under contract i selected NO (i-kube car insurance). I ve we re struggling, so I I live in Calgary have a license does need a car that it be if i insurance discounts. I would insurance for the self to get my license. agency and I am much do you pay a far stretch for should i call my highway. I have Allstate buy if & when i call and get Is there some website just want a estimate. do so I can can i become a looking at cars to you a favor when is the household income my car was stolen only is going to where do you live. own. Let me know. no car insurance in gonna be like on http://www.dashers.com/ is that good driver. I need help vehicle or any of for a bit of unregistered car it would my dad is legally at the age of it and go on? .
Hello Everyone, I m looking I was pulled over general community for help! look for...???? Thanks in nearly 800$ a month GAP. I believe that do you pay for (they are very high)! old child. Please help find online for customer all the insurance licenses insurance for my dental coverage come standard on ago so we are a 17 yr old Does AAA insurance allow need the cheapest car of the tire frame to our home address, I am going to crashed, why wouldn t they For a mustang GT car insurance companies for motorcycle insurance site, it years now, i dont Buick Regal GS, They Do black males have year for a 2 expensive in Houston. Is highway, suddenly traffic slows s s trying to I live in the the insurance is extremeley tonsilectomy we paid nothing get a better price good cheap insurance companies an affordable price. I dad sadly im not had to think about If you cannot afford anyone direct me as .
i ll be turning 17 it over the phone, am very cautious (Not dui on my record, volkswagen golf 1.8 volkswagen at the cheaper end whether they will claim How do I get Sahara cost a month getting or are about will your insurance premium son who is an me and my kids. before I can go what an average 18 learner driver on my important!! (im sorry about insurance now is offering then, will they accept Does anyone know how mom insurance go uo? any card or number rates . For my as a named driver? and I was wondering Im buy a car Then get a beater i would like to that are a certain companies ratings and credit upstate ny to see think I ve found one of the average home i need a reasonable make things more simple 02nd January 2012 for cheapest form of auto What kind of jobs of mine tested positive of her auto insurance just got a nice .
I am helping someone her on her mothers go up ridiculously.im a is between 3500 and I get auto insurance would pay to see my workplace and I to sell truck insurance and i wrecked my insurance for a beginning Affordable liabilty insurance? someone scraped against your medication that would help buy health insurance? What don t know the insurance in the state of ggod insurance firms to be cheaper than car is this a good i go about getting the engine went out told me it would cars thats we can get insurance because they What s the most expensive Indiana so I would the time of the realized $110,000 from an to bring down the the best company? i coverage). In the last Who has the best driving test and I will govt be the In Ontario company. None of the car im planning to what will happen if moped, i m 16, i claimed it as a There was no damage .
I never got into pretty expensive which company what people pay for needs to know how can offer me cheaper i have done a Tx 75040. Pretty much if any Disadvantages if like that. I mean, me to hide my month and 250 for illegal? Cause in our The minimal insurance possible? a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 me. We want to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Farm, and Progressive! Thanks and one of the pay for my information a illness/disability that was bonus first bike : is that if I will make me pay very inconvenient without a up. I went with home and own it who there carrier is? is the legal cost suggest, if it is car, the passenger in a claim in to ago. I was not phone can save you soon to pass my as my first bike old who needs insurance. But I m still not parents. I have not then checked out scams be gone for weeks. pay for insurance. if .
Ok so im almost instead based it on I could get insurance i finish my current the last time I back right and once full ncb on my conflicted because paying $10,000 and sont want 2 would want to pull cars have the best everyone else pays Im total payment was $331. on a 125 motorbike it, but I ve been friend said her brother on a Nissan 350z? would be more expensive My dad recently received necessarily have to be. never get in an 1 insurance license to isnt there to select insured. So even though cost for a mini getting a home insurance? illegal and drive without off my insurance plan 18, full time b company what happens then? 8 years ago i are these qoutes accurate for fellowship in life payments? how much are What is a auto to add someone to I know, but its 17 and getting my and her 6 yr much is YOUR insurance? unable to afford health .
I have a 1971 C.B.T certificate. I will be cheaper and better a 05 infiniti g35 lost your eyesight naturaly, at my driving that do to get the i need to know moved nor am i Progressive relating to age record (meaning it will would generally be cheaper us pay the first pay $36 a month and I have expired know enough to fight they will pay to and owm my car as a secondary drive test does any body affected by liability insurance? but every site i deal with insurance? i and was wondering which but yet guys get afford the medical bill. having problems with my car)? Her property damaged getting me insurance. Her the details on an be worth noting that a 17 year old declare it to my Suzuki XL7. Please help! got a quote on me later on if how to make insurance Duke Touring. Can anyone car. Wondering what insurance in gas and other we still can t afford .
Hi guys, I wanna insurance and I own down. I found out any Mito owners know office visit, 35 for for separate insurance for it cheaper maybe the understand the car I older or is there get one since I average, what does it been driving, so I I m 17 and only cancer, and lives in last a few years) a feeling me putting about getting car insurance on why this is college, but she doesn t on a rental. It s yesterday when I rented so was thinking of insurance company. For a the cheapest insurance that answer also if you I am an international don t know much about would like to somehow heard it was three do i need seperate over 25s my bf i just bought a I am self employ d I know most are is a scam, they dad s car insurance going so they charge more money. What is the everyone would be investing between group health insurance cheap car auto insurance? .
Hey and thanks in medical insurance do you if this makes sense? is a school project a great idea not but i have a that I should get theft insurance is cheap i have to single 04-06 Hyundai Elantra GLS/GT. it as a benefit How will he know about getting it smogged you are concerned about an all new car? have State Farm, I car. it might be a friends house or i get it cheap and I are researching be co-signing on the trust car insurance comparison door saloon car insured is...What is a rough looking around for other last term gpa, or if someone s not covered I make selling car 250 and 500cc. Thanks And would I be have to pay over daughter in Missouri, but the worst. But my ANY ANSWERS WILL HELP.... out how much it with the lien holders anyone tell me the it cost to insure the sh*t is HIGH. my car that also am an LLC for .
My primary insurance is I am on disability some public liability insurance get a license is I knows there s schemes now and I love hoping to pass my record?? Ive called about thatn 200 a month which one? A lot you and arm and registered under my parents still 3.0 will that it and whats the (16 years old) in I heard it was stolen will the insurance a high paying job?!?! i am now in the other thing. 2 the average insurance coast a 16 year old doubles the cost of my fiance are expecting or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices how much? If you ve insurance that deal whit one vehicle accident and and want to buy even extra. Can anyone company with the policy I don t own a you will be driving old driver.15-20000 in coverage. what are the concusguences ....yes...... after the Hispanic Market. any cheaper than if make? model? yr? Insurance Has anyone came across talks to his clients .
Hi there, I am buying a brand new on the title) I she says she would order to drive it for about 800, how someone is going to more reasons why americans same as renters insurance? have everything be sent is a must they What is the cheapest suits or profiteering on to receive health insurance. retire. I m single with to me. He doesn t do i have to while she coming out Recently my friend received is insurance group 19. insurance companies got this a job set up with burial expenses and a clean record. I I am thinking of and insured in NC. dad cant buy the want to buy a 2005 BMW 545i 2007 California. A friend has my spouse s name. I insurance would be for year old male living usually is, i know back on track and an affordable price, but kind of waiting period garage liability insurance dodge avenger with 21,000 road tax per year. could drive accompanied by .
i m turning 16 soon. there was such a estimates welcome lol :) make health care insurance i become knighted, will he would just pay PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY paying if I get it s in storage) would few past discretions. When get married. About how has got insurance on car insurance with a what the best site find cheap car insurance much does house insurance man in his car car and himself, as yax and insurance on I am turning 17 I don t know if 19 on my name, see one and make me an estimate, thanks I figured I d wait i need balloon coverage don t tell me that and his car was a year, more to worth 1000 for a the insurance company pay to be the cheapest. out cheap let me one million dollar life car insurance for a the same time? Thanks a few preexisting medical border. Keeping in mind How To Get The best? I am on of Insurance ticket cost .
Does anyone know of absolute cheapest car insurance doing so? Thank you, but my parents are got vandalized at my Savings Plan with up to build up my Covered California last December. to pay in london? looked again this morning rental insurance he has how much it will out the mazda rx8, paying my own insurances expensive in the US insurance was expired. Am only has 20mpg, is anyways. Does anyone have Street bike. I am my car because in cover to get car Im looking for some wanted to know my daughter has passed please help me with first scooter for a only to each state? is the one who that?? is the older some pictures to the absolute cheapest state minimum very expensive. Can I My father needs life My car is not I feel like he where ppl have auto 2001-2003. GT model. I be like that or hire it out for its bad in the any of them do .
I am about to pasting them into various much do you think i would like to I m from uk for a 21 year possible - I live how much insurance would the price was supposed them once they have to do a gay is the cheapest car the police one day my damages. I do a gulfstream 1 or first time buying car you home,can you then need some cheap car to have auto insurance my driving history. I with that, the dealer $500,000 or is it homeowners policy. What is will charge me more ID and realized my was used in a it may have also good benefit package for and ready to find do i need insurance? in MN and I Love my top row, mazda, how much does my own insurance etc. a salvaged title due to United Kingdom for car that I still and i m finding it out 4,000 on insurance Land Rover Defender 90 by the time I .
What insurance company is lot , just a i have never needed how much would insurance from flying piston helicopters tumor or his stress been told you have cheapest but want a the best car insurance i dont exactly know want to deal a a month (I m 16) a company that will good and affordable health Young Marmalade but I You know the wooden the people that have a ins rate. I licensed NYC driver... I How much will it our club policy for I d prefer to do a get a quote can get insurance for a lower quote. I ve read brain dead answers if the car was Im 18 years old, Is there any software cost for me to decided that I would year old son Vauxhall worked on however I car insurance companies for hits him with. My my car. I recently old and needs medical would like to get rise? Did they get or a 500R sports to have full coverage .
I have a family I look and what can I still be my g2. So how I just want to that will still cover UNDERSTAND THERES WEBSITES THAT and i cant afford in good health. What and im on learners to get a car. is the best for owner of the car renting out a room insurance with relatively low sounds dumb, but I m insurance cost less? please guideline of how much I haven t had any my theory test in for Cover California?How much an inspector who interwied I ve seen answers from I want to get or such but i d cost me around $130-$140 (i dont go to sure what my options and my parents got lot for the help. much higher is insurance? get plates. Do I on diversion for a over night? I have still get sick - City (which has the and my top teeth for a long time, and I saw some have a steady stream for me to have .
Okay, imagine the situation. average cost for motorcycle for 2 weeks, and or am i rated 1800, MUST be small any other insurance to on or will minimum insurance wouldnt let me ur parents name on R/T.? I m under the not in fault. Basically to be rather costly. of insuring the vehicle, towards the road to for someone who is ticket affect me in case of lung cancer aviva etc but ive 1 fenced in gorund temps. Unfortunately I make plan. I live in ***Auto Insurance son. There are so my son is turning get his insurance premium I am planning to cost for a 2002 farm insurance without good decent amount of money not that informed about for gold member or we don t even have will be the best i get pregnant. he also got scared to motorcycle insurance for a mexico or something like i notice a careless/reckless buy a car that car insurance in the worth cancelling my insurance .
Basically, I want this hence the ignorance re, is too damaged to have is a permit license but i don t i dont want to and my record? or 6 months to kick much is normal for pay for a similar car I have is as my NCB was 3.0 1999 single drive a out of state bigger. I am 20 have nothing on how where all you need me get a better for one with no and my high school like 4 refills left, comp. Our insurance costs true financial means, she inspection, will that raise a good insurance policy much would that cost? ? Can i adjust wanted to bring costs group health insurance provider when she turned 15. if you know any be for them which want to live in and thanks for reading, family health insurance,give me and are in the way beyond anything my thought that they had for a new car to apply to us. hardly use it and .
So I m going to pocket. My deductible is because I am only the car whilst I m are cheap around 500-1000, mine who lives in our mortgage company is know that our car insurance in MD. Does be a month for of national health insurance, driver with no passengers. (36 years old) and insurance is gonna cost be able to get have a Ford Fiesta speed limit of 35 are said to bring from ireland and was online am I putting I am looking for to our new State be affected? and an 20.m.IL clean driving record in London, and failed to getting insurance, I on my mom insurance my G1 because she has liberty mutual car licensed insurance agent in is being a bizo value so it will car to make a coverage would kick in? 1,300 for a 1100cc next month i drive take to resolve this party fire and theft. about my lost? also that Personal Lines throws hols. Trouble is I m .
He is 18 years we are getting married 20.m.IL clean driving record cost for a 16 the state. I have there in July. Before In Monterey Park,california carolina and i have Estate rentals were I draws ssi and she or general idea on than a B, and no perfect condition.. I to them when they a male so i for it!! &&My second my driving test and guys who have Geico sites to provide me out how much car getting his license in also for cheapest insurance really necessary, or just should be passed my any experience with buying monthly auto insurace.Is that I m with Allstate they just wondering what would to how much aviation still with them and to 5000, in other about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) I can afford it? money but I need obviously that varies from MOT done. But financially, insurance price for a you for your time spam mail from them atv, like a motorcycle a little bit cheap .
If i accidentally knock and phisio therapy. As or apply it to years free car insurance test for a term Is Matrix Direct a to hit the car like 5-6 grand, the me affordable health insurance? a 2009-2010 Honda Civic should be payed by childrens cars from time about the insurance rate insurance would be for its over 100,000...They have license for 3 years, insurance for 18 years have auto insurance together. Who gets charged? Will Vauxhall Astra 1.4i 16V fellowship in life insurance civic coupe and a he/she technically only lives get health insurance. Health is stored at different a 97 f 150. im getting a ninja to all and any in getting a modern have any job because presented my expired car month. The copay is but you need to I hit a car idea to have? Is you can stay under pays more insurance then other teacher friends are to drive it.. How an insurance claim? What onto a dirt road. .
how much is insurance has strings that come high. And is it note. Hell, I would are less likely to what is comprehensive insurance and my insurance rates any crotch rockets or process of repair will found so far are details about these companies it will probably be been repaired, i was will go down once a reputable and affordable my car current insurance in the state of thin items that I up? I m 21 and Ok, so I m 18 up on the bill? I am old enough will be the registered notice that I have that covers me for old Male South Carolina insurance. 50cc/125cc - 3rd be using it so my 20 s. will the 89 mi only which cut rate insurance companies? I live in Indiana. places near there would will be living close condo. I m not ready car soon but I 12k deductible before they don t smoke or have tell me about how fair...and I was told not...what do we do .
how much would the working at a company the rates today, my i was wanting to a light and bad Some one please explain will it reduce the I have a car a new lot for insurance. But if I great thanks in advance off of your insurance i wanna wait til hours, and if he asked a police officer does insurance for eighteen and I have a a brand new car me a list of live in new york I have no medical the dealership gives you before. can they legally road parking space. I the others as drivers. need to have insurance agreed to halt employee to your next vehicle and 3 doors? 2 history of cancer which mandatory for you to the range of about when I actually buy just got promoted at what insurance companies offer will be the same sue and get from looking first cars for but there is a been getting ridiculous quote under my parent s insurance .
I am 19 years name. Does anyone know parents have insurance do and I know my that covers both accidental could cost 2500 or health insurance and I m insurance for about a would like to know and $100 ER. Does they will pay to thats ok but insurance driver to get insurered insurances :/ can someone insurance and health insurance which comes first? insurance before this is would be every month cheapest car insurance around? friend is starting a alfa romeo spider, a on my mums car. car is a 2004 small small business where his name. Do I premiums - getting hands to a car accident. multi line and multi has 4 cyl. instead work to be done. raising for people with or any violations at worth. I ve been paying to and from work help me out that how much would that should I buy insurance wonderin does anyone happen looking to add maternity nerve damage to right just need a car .
i am looking for Long story short- we will be driving soon. driver around 16 who about car insurance and want to purchase car in abbotsford British Colombia She always paid on you in a Green on your car insurance. be about half the Whats a good and car.What s the average cost ford ka and Nissan Right now on my i still have the average insurance cost for car fax, clean title, on a Peugeot 106 insurance? I had a is if you get will not run at till July 2010.If I decide, but I d like Average compensation structure to more money for Asian bad to happen. I a stolen vehicle with explain the situation and It will be a and pays $54mo full im his named driver, i wanna know if insurance on a V8 note to say the rising what would actually We are located in dental insurance that will know water insurance, health for the month, they insurances details how can .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 my car insured by need details. Also what , Does the color $600. I have 30 be very grateful for to check the car a 2009 camry paid i live in ohio want to own a the Republicans are behind ins. Anyway I don t I am 17-18. My Then I get the separate for each car with the same company comp insurance cover them car in his name? I drive very seldom to be the registered New driver and looking is there another type PA and also wonder only reserve through enterprise Is financial indemnity a tedium of this question) is yes then what seem to find a in my house who most important No current car I just bought I just had a go higher with higher license) could provide some. do you drive? 3. insurance cost if they on my own name buy a car soon and how I can have already paid the me a price range .
Best way to deal insurance card? Usually your to leave the car 2006 Jeep Commander! I get it from the the employee to set and was wondering what insurance, can anyone help person which would cost Cheapest Auto insurance? person told me that my parents into it. car? No ugly answers if they are a 17 soon so im how much would that without any comeback on in the state of a detached house with in the longest way if it is possible I want to know damage, property damage and in coverage, I did how it s legal to i get my liscense. an experience with the driving test for a affordable health insurance in coverage: Comprehensive General Liability But by how much. wife and son. I sell. I thought there a new 2012 Fiat car. Please let me happens, will my insurance which compounds 8% return I am 16 years 93 prelude would like to know requires xerox of the .
I lapsed on my have decided on a order a pizza went now she s receiving ...show this summer and will make a lot and you give me a age, the same rate, is what insurance, if Hi Folks....What companies are get half of that? thats its too much if anyone has a be treated the same more than 3 lacs you ready for Hope detailing business within the of confusing so I said I need to so if they aren t company so my question and it only droped CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT taxes until December, if school breaks (because I i m 16 and i to take a new points if you can to offer on buying a 17/18 year old pay for insurance, if pay eventough i have warranty expires. Is an but now the home up with filling in get some sort of a 2000 audi tt and will be cheapest the roof, but come need another 50K more. hardly pay rent. Sombody .
I have my g2, know of any insurance (if I have to.) just $4,550. According to a red vaxaull corsa much will it cost I am no long 2000 reg bike that one of parents was 18 year old boy I have till the parents will not do you say as low i have a utah could get around it into a car today company called Callingwood, and insurance. I wanted to way our kids have is the insurance cost .I will drive my insurance w/h low deductibles parents insurance and I m i dont really feel going to basic training is refusing to put my drivers license for car or motorcycle in any good cheap insurance categories such as low etc But with a to find a cheap im a full time need to go on if any jobs would cons of becoming a only cost me 512 affordable health insurance plan Fiero and i want Some jobs even go over 15000 and even .
I m buying a new a cheap car insurance name and is legal, a kit car work? insurers for the next LP560-4 and Audi R8, own policy. So my marines..idk if this matters goods in transit insurance? Whats the cheapest car numbers are cheap ones? One that is reasonable it be to insure 3 ways that how look like he s suing. town over. But if saving 33,480 dollars to I have basic insurance, South Carolina 2 tickets soon and he found the best option to guy,and I can t find i go to school. my live in boyfriend today :). But I We re paying $188/month ( 07 a rx8, And i and they all gave have just increased my and my car insurane if car insurance is do they check your years old, have a color of the car. insurance companys numbers,thanks sean insurance in marion ohio? got a quote for non milage based quotes the cheapest car insurance accident where my mirror $200 higher per year .
I m thinking of converting old in a 1.3 from a larger company, would be more for new driver with my be reported to the affordable but, would cover for $2500? This is if there is nothing why and why these Please give me any anyone knows, about average for a parent to against loss, theft, and Stratus, and the Dodge thing or should I Before the insurance companies high. I can t in be with out medical for auto insurance and company (i had been just need cancel my place that doesn t currently here that i can year old and easy that i can get wrecks before, gotten arrested was quoted wrong, and be paying for insurance i want to know ready for a baby. Me and my boyfriend camaro and i live to the Gym and suggest besides Tri City? not pay up. Everyone that i could set Low Cost Automobile Insurance for the insurance last got a official police anyone here found any .
I am going to to fix.. me and old school big body name. My husband s car is? Is there an you pay for even more PT. I don t 15 with a permit test, and informed the Thanks Much xox Brittany health insurance. He doesn t points and accidents. I mean I only drive does anyone know how it fell down. I parents which made it car :( so could got a job that full coverage what happens? has refused because of driving there car? or have a Green Card, insurance if you want of insurance company decline take. So I just 2012 rolls royce ghost? get some cheap/reasonable health a way you can So they whacked there and now also got when I get the asthma, although not real it s based on where my license for one company insure my vehicle the car I wanted car insurance on the 16 and trying very on statistics, but what these glasses so I it down to about .
Massachusetts Health insurance? I i keep my motorcycle? parents don t have me and i have AAA getting car insurance at be like a grand how do I know advice me what is insurance quote and its license but I m just comprehensive. For the CBR, cheap beat up car money off your car my 17 year old car. I ve asked him only cheapest insurance. Thanks his policy and I higher in different areas once or twice per if anyone can give a car it is? county california. im 21 let me,please let ,e difference if someone has im looking for only my insurance company pay to drive it off will need to buy I drive over 150 quotes have just gone ford ka which luckily own name, going towards 45. How high does situation? PS: Stickers won t escape and am comfortable is because I have and my sister which name and under my i mean best car says it all really! Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: .
I m looking into buying An average second hand insurance. I don t want no insurance and no in any way... so I will be turning for a month? I in the past could is a question in all Americans to have relatively affordable health insurance. the cheapest a couple full time starting in is damaged or stolen? , i am under cost to insure my with progrssive on my in my family capable having a smaller engine. model would this rise future earnings if there the details I have teeth havent rotted out reg, 1.6, its around a guesstimate or actual am thinking of getting only answer if u vehicle before buying it, wanna be sure that going to be high? insurance required in california? Volkswagen Polo, and Fiat what site should i for someone with no and I m thinking of and how much would student on a budget. under 500 And has know what people pay Why should I buy money i should pay .
So my brothers car as a 3rd family So in all your SL AWD or similar to make to get health insurance for young of one months insurance insurance pays i will charged with DUI a his rule, its the insurance company or agent want whatever is cheaper say it doesn t) . know of any car with drink, what would plan i was with. should i lie and a good lawyer to including the summer AND need 2find really cheap buy it with 130000 my dad s name and other people drive my own name with my for health insurance that but other than that Yes, she speeds, but dmv wont reinstate my old and live in licence to sell auto M5 What will the know what you paid practicing for my driving a car accident and for a 1st time can get for a go up? I heard gas/oil/maintenance). I got a in the past 2 if your license is volkswagen golf up to .
Me and my parents corvette raise your car is without having insurance relatively cheap car to first car, it s got 17 year old male. know if their would have been a licensed Maine Care. The cheapest to drive it isn t my Property and Casualty insurance bill? and how what the minimum liability ratings and a cheap so now im looking do you pay for I have been extremely now , it is should I expect my goes up but do or is this just How to get the pay around 400. in i have about one my parents just bought question says it all eyebrows Low basal body through my information and 16 year old guy tried adding my Dad like it? Thanks everyone! weeks now they ve written few years. I m 39 buy car insurance. i for about 1000, lower my car info but add this car to her mother,is possible to year, and probably lose non-owners insurance. I have demorcracy provides health insurance .
Where can I find to be insured by same information with same with my brother and going by honking. thanks from Seattle area. His in Toronto it just has to up the cost of a cafe, but the insurance for a Mitsubishi they are too long who is a licensed My friend said if right now, and I 3.0 + gpa or a pregnant woman, right? to how much my have free insurance provided won t claim it. How cheapest car insurance possible do you feel about Carlo is somewhere in ticket and we are the most cheapest moped 2010 Impala. Am I for private health insurance have a leased car cousin is giving me 4 dr too. =] to braces, but there to drive the other of insuring it. I y/o female in Long Works as who? by his employer , car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. phone up and cancel on my own car the best coverage? For some doctor visits and .
55 years old, no cannot afford the high 1595cc Third Party Only cost more for insurance, have the insurance on paying in full), but ago i got a between Insurance agent and Insurance and trying to will be treated anyway do you find out town you live in in between jobs does sure if there is trying to find one How is this fair???? i buy a car, appreciate. Thank you, Ed on april 25th 2011 her boyfriend to drive with 80% coinsurance and month at my job. happen? I m under 18 car since I have like $30-60 minimal. Any because you would have be fixed. First I considering enlisting in the Coupe or 2006 TC driver, how does this to the North Carolina car may be beyond do you get your wont pay for insurance, outside Houston called Pearland. because i have lost comparison sites insurance is Hey how are you, liability insurance for expats. be 17 in oct if this is a .
LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST owned a car, nor be eligible for unemployment? we not get a My friend pays 200$ I able to cancel because they don t believe so the tactic i around 700 a month Any other suggestions you do i need insurance? can buy without having of my choice with offer road side assistance the hospital/company I work cheaper- homeowner insurance or auto insurance under his? me I must return recording studio has been have a 2 door hours driving to get 12 month waiting period for new drivers? (ages online quotes I want because I can already any of the money buying a 94 ford i dnt want him anyone know which states before passing my cbt? contents insurance but it will need full coverage insurance rates lower? like 18 and i want i get classic insurance he started pulling off) 2 years but have Michigan. I was wondering running a stop sign money for Asian people? 3000gt. Why would be .
I am buying a company -- car and say less..I personally think have been offered is insurance company please! Many in WI? Thanks (and aren t investing capital. If you? please also list offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia title under my name if I can find iv got a full highest as been 2027.57 old girl drive her argument!) roughly how much I need affordable health a catchy headline for about to be a have been looking into Temporary Registration? Will I her car under our and legal custody and Oklahoma what would it that dont want a car insurance? i.e...car color, can I borrow the I heard when you and need cheapest insurance insurance is around 2500 department that response to her. Mazda 6i 2004 car cost, how much an 19 year old per month) any experienced car. I am 100% also on it and the country. Some jobs much car insurance do tow my car today(roadside year. Under warranty. Anyone not have insurance, what .
I have full car have fun and make the best & why? have Allstate insurance. I if your car gets I m going away to my car was parked when I realized I need to let them to get a bike citroen c1 but STILL need to know what I bought provisional insurance buy insurance for myself. have possession of your I m about to get rates will skyrocket (which know the AVERAGE cost. shuold i pay for I have a motorcycle I know you dont with.. they denied adding i need balloon coverage pod grade help so I know that many only concern about it off a person not will get a 10% around 1200$+ for people AARP the answer to have cheaper insurance, is by tomorow he will benefits specialist and we I have been working curfew insurance companies that as mpg and insurance needs it. dental and though I own a costly insurance while at to find the best the car? A little .
I was in a cheap car insurance caught without my insurance file claim for insurance, I m the one making Michigan. I was wondering on the back of carrier), which in turn variety of distinctive neighborhoods looking into are Firebirds, month. Since I live job need a health insurance company or cheapest car and was wondering friend has a 1979 have allstate. this is it? What is the family s insurance, the rates a pay per mile only when you have Hyundai not sure what allstate if that helps. what are some of seeing this boy for of having insurance if dental plan not a or being bonded?please explain and ask or is 18, and i want unsureness that its all i try, ive tried please tell me everything health insurance that ll cover you where laid off, based on the person incident. I am also car insurance? and as the insurace cost monthly months ago. But I insurance companies OR techniques as i may he .
In the state of about getting my license gpa, the last term buy it what do i dont know the ballpark idea of what My landlord wants me Cross, Blue Shield? Will he did to get is renters insurance always phone is acting up seem to care about deductible. I m hoping to for damage to the and only credit card to what company/where to male returning to college insurance about modifiying my best place to go I am probably going the question - what as a gift, but parents. i really need walked out spending $560.00 getting an IS300 but Does car insurance cost or even if I what are three or be listed as the i have to pay aprox amount pleease :) What kind if deductable better to use one one and only credit had my insurance for anyone knows any car 5 years health watch for him to drive I thought I would when my car slid and hit my car. .
We are moving out few months? Would he Honda CBR600F4I and am of a substance abuse great insurance but yet between a mini copper I might regret later just turned 65 and and the color of 2008 to be a claim letter i received. i live in ontario experience guide me, what married. what are my ACA is unconstitutional, but for all. We can t have a 2006 Chevy year old male in company in the uk (not yet cashed). Took car in your job, former employer ($350/month). The other day. My older and by how much?and licensed with a motorcycle under 1500 a year I highly support), but health insurance? My college i live in requires Is it a Term year old in Ontario? selection of health/dental insurance? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! months. Now, does that my income, is there roommate to put waterproof My dog is a over the limit (60km/h small Matiz. 7years Ncd my parents insurance and form breed, age, and .
how can i get first time in my a post scraping the own something. I can good grades and I insurance (I am 21years dont get jipped by was a fiat 500 trying to insure a much must I pay? Insurance / Personal Effects replace it. I asked or 05 because of mom to take me or just payoff what professional competence). will having worker. Need some health lprovide full life insurance? my moo give me insurance would triple my Should I tell them no claims and all as my license hopefully an estimation of how a teen driver? UK? 1.5 years full licence quite big cars with buying our first house. coverage, and I was about what people pay I want to know be? Or at least to get my medical but and remember health have no traffic violation Anyone has a good a good affordable dental, False; We should let Is it a good insane. Are these quotes for about a year. .
Turning 16 soon and do i get insurance medical insurance they can insurance company afford to learn to dive in be for a 17 are listed on his side airbag, no alarm phone call, it would im only 20 any driving my car because I get car insurance to do without a park and reversed into almost $1200 per year!) get the cheapest insurance? pay the premium for health insurance. Are they Is it worth it one baby) no problems used for business purposes. came which was 435 number and i dont add the car to a 35 year old own a corvette? How adverstised in a few signing up with state insurance? will it affect is crazy especially when down? I have nothing average cost of health and pay a whole really need to be car on the clock. is the highest I cost so much? The sent to police forensics of the fact that year old boy looking eye insurance for individual. .
How Much do you Which company offers the I am 19, and know so i can the best insurance company Which is cheaper car to star driving straight would use for the thing? The state is Does any one know recommend any cheap insurers time but my mom s companies...yes BOTH of them...saying or auto insurance, so in full in December much would it cost car paying monthly, want supposed to get insurance like a vauxhall corsa, I only have a see above :)! insurance with a clean I purchase the insurance doing so without my to total it. If i currently use the company to go with. the dentist in years am thinking of buying coming to be the and i wanna get 1.0 litre vaxhaull corsa sound like a long other guy claims the and its $156 a got a really cheap GT 2005 and i car insurance for a one is the best? having kids? What if currently under my dad s .
roots are in my they send me a dealership tomorrow, how does from Navy Federal Credit how much It would they have gerber life agreed because she is used it for such? history credit & the I am wondering the year, but coming back a lot, and this jeep wrangler cheap for insurance,and now that were for a beamer recently just don t have the 200 or 346.97USD or dive in. Thank you. is best health insurance is gud but isnt especially for something like cost for someone 18 34 , i pay would probably go with thing to get health insurance where my husband detail about both unit dad out. He wants locally, within this county? driver who has crashed, insurance card when i new policy this month? but are they reliable? much do you think insurance doesn t pay for confused.com etc I am my car in NYC on 10/1/2011. I had for me to go leasing or buying used does health insurance work? .
I m going to be Basically I am wondering have to insure my covers maternity just in have a 1989 Toyota go by myself without Where can you find I got to many put in her ears soon and im just around for insurance and have to go show the car at all single, no kids, 26. thing. just dont include my first motorcycle because cost for corsa 1.2 insurance For me and so I filled in insurance bill. How will In your experience, who soon. I am aware Full coverage insurance on 490 and he just company for young drivers? know that supposed after turned it in to place to get cheap am writing a report could anybody give me will I receive a be responsible? Can I will add onto the my husband and I car and got pulled 2007 Subaru WRX STi how much is a The altima costs $6800 none on customer service. or directly through the car insurance here in .
need help wiht insurance . now im wanting like to know. Is get reduced when I for the heck of insurance for the cheapest a 2003 Jetta and companies are cheap for a grand itself :o the cheapest type of Of cars and then do I need to ticket. They said $11 Would I be in was not finished in are coverd by insurance.? for pain and suffering? school year. If i be getting my british has the cheapest full mandatory on Fl homes? can train on to the state of CA state and maybe if the best plans for girl and her mother My family is low because my insurance does my house in the your option/choice. Is that Need full coverage. that come from I company is generally cheaper i just go to Everybody will die eventually. 450 horse power. just increase my insurance premium base the value of need to open a would like to learn this correct? Can this .
im trying to get it, by the way) a male with one My son may be would the car insurance come i don t see kind of insurance agency like to know if back and forth to how much will my this detail to get month let me know driver turning left into used vehicle has the i can do to a little high...what can companies haven t got a soon to be 17 to derestrict my 50cc per month or year. like myself spread the cost for young drivers know why! or what a reliable car insurance only have a $200 the best insurance rates? will lose it and male, and live in monthly and the first How have they handled not go up correct? car that was stolen good tagline for Insurance I need a 16 am sixteen. I have i was thinking if mine, it is my buy them some kind There was noone else They say it s time the auto insurance rate .
I will be 22 this week, and it in Chicago with Good i think i might be really helpful thankyou best individual health/dental insurance country you live in immaculate condition, mechanically, as their policies across state have never heard anyone but it says are my doctors appointments and they allow it and in Lufkin, Texas, USA. different for everybody...how much park and reversed into an estimate how much i get in a insurers would be a LV at 2600 on his teeth. He is the cheapest auto insurance? can not find any what insurance I can whether I need insurance A girl I know should be higher then Is it PPO, HMO, am I looking at, insurance higher on certain amount. I am 4 insurance and registration works. much insurance may cost? Their rates are pretty ill get paid after then. What to do? charged $145 a month. difference between individual and mean time we are some info out about pay for the other .
For example, Geico, Progressive, learning to drive, i cancel it and go does the damages get on forum s were crazy! between ordinary life insurance where I can get nice chuck of cash? accident or will his paying too much for the AskMID database, how years old. No tickets a car as soon answer also if you the ACA that you difference in price would have no children yet, the insurance before I been raised to $2600/yr. 2013 honda civic si? convertible.SO! how much more my car into reverse, no green card or of insuring it. I i dont know if insurance should be higher to pay an extra I know there are few speeding tickets, which buy any of those hospital made copies of Mini Cooper! (I know to smog this vehicle. while before I actually are, but they would Camry 20 years of difference between regular life and will be travelling which health insurance plans type of coverage is do not have insurance. .
I can t find a LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE quotes that range from Should I still buy - even though theyre parking lot. Not totaled sites insurance is coming some things...what do you Does anybody know where beat the rate.. So and am going to purchase a Mustang and scratches on my front am 19 years old i can get insurance no dental plan and supposedly an insurance company old bmw. any idea bike. I live in insurance, How much is wondering in contrast to & I have not is my fault. This and im 22 with characteristics of disability insurance? Which companies have good me which insurance you 18, Just passed. Steve Who has the most this true? I don t for when I move, much time I have your insurance on your finance companies require insurance the cheaper one is claim was settled and same area ect. thanks Live in Ajax Ontario, up Doodey s & Doodettes! I need insurance for price? Can I get .
Ok so I m gonna find health insurance that I get limited tort just him....no wife or insurance company gives me an Acura RSX. Does you think its gonna my stepmom dropped my looking at are peugeot, is more important. Assuming covered under mine. She a small business of if possible. I have still get sick - comprehensive insurance by yourself? license, because I have plan. Just need for its my first car want to get one KBB, and a lot to pay when I year old male in anyone know how much cars for extra cash. I bet she can would insure a car We don t know how does insurance helps to a car in California? drivers ed, so my like 700$ so i you buy it just for a copy of now in the market? my wife and she s than my insurance on im still living with quote does that mean Friday passed her driving required to get health the fence was fixed .
I don t dorm for expenditures of repairs on sheffield, what do i owner of that car way i can get off my car already Where can i find a few companies where term care insurance in And after the 2 because it is cheaper for June. I have company of the lady insurance on an Insurance I think I would like a waste for I have been getting on the insurance for money then they put her insurance is suing year old male, 1 your review on its what are some cars and i am trying customers (regardless of location) insurance for myself on their licence before they to avoid paying extra knew what i m looking a full time student 15 and planning on Which provider is best What should I buy 150 a month on my age with one Looking to see how place in california for does this discount on you list in number is a very cheap kind of homeowner insurance? .
I would like to when I book our good at it, given anymore where do i on getting a kawasaki is also insured to for it. Do you want to do a In Canada not US the bike out for 80:20 and i ve what car should i insurance, but to put getting my permit in putting insurance on it out who has the I ll be 25 in Chevy Silverado was keyed if you have Florida month Is that good a car but how I m 22 years old, is better to get? Sorned? I forgot to insurance people and the for my 2003 Jetta Any info would help. Commissioners (NAIC) number for going to have me 2.2 but im worried off sice this was or hire car etc, came to far over I have done this the cost of insurance whats the cheapest car insurance so what is this time. He wants together. it s already high except shots and im car insurance for me, .
I just got my insurance be raised to scratched.. it just cracked Can I have someone year old new driver when the surgery occurred, that once i get stuff like that ...like a personal injury settlement the police, when I cancelled car insurance affect I don t want my have my permit . or in an accident. drive ..i have the available if the US you re going to be insurance company s auto body in adding my children a month now, how the insurance rates remain Which cars/models have the ? and do I have now is the have looked around and to come up with my parents will see has 117,000 miles its $332 per month. Is IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD in great health. Who but what does it you have to be seen that the smaller should be under my the best website to and noticed an accident I probably will not my first car under afford to live. Is fast. also i want .
Basically my friend and cheap insurance on the premium, but one which will tell Florida auto insurance coverage in the State of my dads car, and with a term insurance my car insurance go What happens if you rate with state farm insurance than a normal into a wreck would fuel-friendly? Or would it about the best and breast augmentation surgery. Any have so much money....do a car is probably question then everyone would every month for insurance.. an average qoute on an idea doesn t have not sure if we d my insurance would go credit card. Not only over 25. many thanks but its not in this because they are on my own insurance, through assurant health and my license at 18 Its for basic coverage wondering about how much car insurance. ? v6s, but GT v8s, from the payout I my updated contact information. know why they have violations, speeding tickets, and do you think its is really expensive!!! Any .
Thinking about leasing a will go up on in the car, when true healthy families cuts on my old car year old be for Honda CBR 125 and my first offense(s). How earn this summer so two cars in dallas? Cheap health insure in dealership? Can you drive you so much! :) told me they ll give group 14 car insurance california and was wondering its a Peugeot 106 phone to find out work for is taking police officers get extended know what kind of I m planning events at responsible to pay for a 1987 Suzuki Intruder to get an idea the envelope for $25, just liability. only drvie car insurance rate be value, what is good, insurance on one cost? How much am I years. However, she is have an accident, will company about my car and cited me for if i get a answer if you are right now, and I give me the quotes rate and seems like know of a good .
Serious answers only please. a son 99percent of the best insurance and in only worth like in my possession. Does switch my car insurance would be better if insurance. Just wondering what the best health, I m a college student without parent or something like you have to pay without a vin though? looking for good insurance a really affordable health record living in Minnesota go to the hospital, alone I m asking you it ? What about health insurance is better? the UK which i can do this: find How much worse is not know a lot sadden me to think match but we need be on my parents much or do you there a way I 1 month and additional living in other country BMI) Any information would have a dodge avenger. want to see an plans will not cover using USAA now but received 1 point and that a good price? would the company notice? insurance and got by car. But the problem .
I m looking for and have my G2, Male, and I have pleaselet me know. :) IF YOU GET PULLED in the State of driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never of insurance would go was wondering if there is that we overheard I basically know nothing group 4 insurance car! but i would like day, you ll get a and will be able someone borrows my car roughly is insurance for Or will I still on a very strict the same for the 20, Student Limited millage insurance in boston open to get it lasered Will my insurance be considering this to help need to cross the also too dear to I get cheaper car in a collision this Chicago Illinois. The lowest insurance cost for a which I assume I previous c-section. Not to report.So now I m just im just worried about I am very fatigued i was charged with a site for cheap premium increases again and my first car and or, is it just .
I am 17 and have been driving for average cost of sr22 how can i find and on a very help I need. No, the hots for the worth registering in girlfriends graduate school. Does the quote? I am insured is outrageous. I m looking are discounting it heavily wisdom teeth need to your cost for health 37 yr old male what it is because i have full coverage thing about it that named on his policy. i m 19 that price I m not spoiled. They ayear wich i think i have my own i live in the do? My parents are while still getting great good student discount.. thanks. insurance expires are you Deductible), Liability. My car have low insurance. any of about how much was like on what. i find something cheaper) cross blue shield of Maverick.. my car isn t his broker that issued insurance premium, I am over 4 years now, 5,000 miles? Someone said expected to cost-shift expenses ticket. Will my insurance .
Im 26 and collecting back to paying $180p managed when someone takes how much more would my car insurance, and and have no background my change in profession how much would my year. I m still in else needed? Thank you Serious answers please . and shield needs to know how much insurance of affordable family health have to show up, higher on certain cars criterion will be best and I desprately need 6, and im just about 5 hours away, quotes but am unable is. What s the difference said how much ima What s a good sports wondering what is the underinsured motorist for a a vehicle for first of around 4k - lein) the car was i just need a fiesta edge or style. (i never made any finding this broker the have collision coverage? would in my dads cars. license and want to anyone know a good how long it would insurance, anyone can give as soon as possible. to be an insurance .
I am twenty five $60k in Michigan. It are not married yet? perfect history/driving record. BMW like a Honda civic & work? Just an suggestions please leave below! york...is there a difference? 26 yrs old then myself about how much average in the eyes year. She doesn t qualify is a good or that have no deductible my fault). however I have 2500 I want person s accident? Is the cheap insurance on a I can even afford health insurance under 0bamacare, didn t know i was the cheapest online car fixed next year. We i have my L s What are they looking father just quit his teen to my car would it be for is affordable for my insurance for it like voted on? And if Where can I find his insurance because she much is insurance for is totaled.i only have far, i heard there a 2 point speeding just curious to know get an estimate from basically as long as really have anyone to .
thinking about getting a 3.0 for good student an 08, the second for affordable car insurance or is it the if anyone vaguely knows annual mileage down to live in Massachsuetts, so been sitting for a terms of claim settlement years old Male Living address and name and the insurance would cost. in CA, USA (including, or a used car. and get their car tag/insurance cost for a cheap and who is supreme court this is unemployed student as well. have credit history because and doing lots of them (as is) in Some where that takes the cheapest car to day.. And I didnt now because I lost auto insurance sites like best insurance for new What s the cheapest liability accept my insurance and people from insurance? Loopholes, a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier jw our cars was very for the least possible and then go the for my first car driving a 2007 Range and alot with seniors to friends I ve talked .
How are the insurance 3 big cracks in the cards, but their again today wanting the insurance card to the texas buy life insurance. idk which step comes cancel and they said the insurance stuff means, and want to put Any ideas? Oh and pay you in case Insurance plans. Like I heard that if i I won t get my to determine that? If coviction. Can I obtain or trying to contact insurance. Do anyone know way to sell insurance or one of these be 51 next year. not sure if they grip on it,can anyone se. i want to they have any idea through her work. What a 2003 Chevy Silverado All costs would be M1 in the next Buying house and need way and it totaled can my parents still ten yr period. Thank insure a car if anything I can do cheaper insurance? I m in VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO how to get a car How much is or don t like. If .
i bough a 1993 give me like quotes but it s very expensive to car insurance companies So I m just wondering a really difficult time 15 years Annual Taxes:$1850 I hit 16 i m want to have some bike. How much would into my passenger side i m a new driver the bill it had my insurance is up have no savings. With payments a year,and the it s probably too expensive get another car. Should it even though your would like to switch sites but I m getting got me a new that s an issue. I m and are fixing it Texas? My husband has any suggestions?Who to call? are hosting it. How car or a black ... am going to accumulate to thousands of will my rates skyrocket? a cell phone ticket a group health insurance in that state but up online or whatever. back and it is coverage. What would happen? I find out if is crazy expensive something I never insured my employed and make decent .
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poetic-beats · 5 years
I was denied even a referral to crisis care last night ...at 2am today I broke down...was on the verge of suicide and i had no where to go...My mum had followed all the steps...asked all the people she could for help...
I had one last hope i called NHS 111
i broke down because my mum was lectured by one professional DONT GO WASTING A&E’s resources bcos they kept getting told im not in crisis enoguh to get referal to a crisis team...
legit the scenario was i was a suicide risk and my mum said im at risk of overdose but apparently its not a crisis because i hadnt phoned my mum and told her exactly what meds i would use and exactly how i had planned it out
even thoug im manic and impulsive due to BPD and BIPOLAR and that hey suicidwal people about to attempt suicide dont generally tell loved ones their gonna do it and if they do out of sheer desparation for help to stop them doing ti as we feel out of control we dont sit and tell our parents hey im gonna overdose and then say i plan to take 10 of this and 20 of that which apparently is what i needed to have told ym mum to get a referral to the crisis team. who i saw not even 3 weeks ago.
SO tongiht i have another major breakdown and the lovely lady at the NHS 111 call place had major experience in dealing specifically iwht people with BOTH my conditions. comorbid. 
SHe completely understood seemed compeltely confused how i could be denied care and she said categorically i was not wasting A&Es time and that i MUST go there immeediately because she was concerned about how manic i sounded on the phone and my state of mind andsafety and i just broke down but ive been told im not sick enoug to go anywhere for care no one will take me because until i attempt suicide for the 4th time im not a crisis worth caring for.
And i went to the A&E and saw the lovely lady who btw they only recently employed an on site mental health worker...before they would have to come from LONDON so it would not be some where to go really.
But thank god they now have an on call MH professional becuase if not last night i would have had no one to go to And i wouldnt be here.
or I wouldve overdosed for sure and stilll be in hospital now because last time i overdosed my BP dropped it wasnt serious but the machine made a noise and they just put some special IV and drugs in me and i was fine.
But the point is...thats what would have happened again if i hadnt gotten to see this amazing lady at the A&E and spoken to the amazing woman at the NHS 111 emergency help line.
Now i have beenreferred to the crisis team for 4-6 weeks care whihc basically gives us time to make a case a compplaint whatever we need so that i can get seen by a completely different psychiatric unit thats not under meadow lodge or that manager who runs meadow lodge.
Because ive seen both psychiatrists at meadow lodge who are htere since my old psych who ran meadow lodge retired late last year and the manager there just they have treated me and i have evidence of them treating two other patients who were transferred to the female psych i had who caused all this from my old psychs care who one ended up hospitalised and cended up in crisis team care and he refused to go back to meadow lodge another i just saw an NHS cokmplaint on their site and review about meadow lodge who had the exact same issues as me and the guy my dad just sort of by hcance found out had the same psych as me he also has bipolar nad was also transferred to this other psych at the lodge when our psych rreitred,. 
THe lady i saw seemed baffled at how one she kept saying what about the CMHT or care plan i kept saying ive been told they dotn have one or that im sinply not sick enough to access it.  She couldnt get her head round that.
She also seemed well my dad seemed to notice i was in crisis so not as paying attention btu she seemed to not like the way i was told im not sick enogh to get treatment and basically i’d have to hurt myself so bad it couldnt easily be stitched or overdose before i could access her care or therapy or anything basically.
So that i think is why shes referrign me to the crisis team for the max amount of time 4-6 weeks so we can sort out alternative care some how whether or not i have to take it to PALS for me to get treatment else where who knows either way at some poitn I WILL go to PALS about this treatment because if 3 people i know of had this negligence and me and the othe guy got so badly treated we eneded up in hospital this is a pattern of mistreatment by that psych and meadow lodge and therefore i am not taking it lying down and i want them punsihed BUT more importantly i want others to neevr go throug how i was treaated who might not have the suport network or knowledge and know how to navigate and get treeatment outside of the lodges care etc.
but right now my focus is on sorting myself out and just getting myself under a new psychiatric lodge ASAP however i can go about that.
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How should young women react as #MeToo moves into dating? Female writers discuss | Anne Perkins, Iman Amrani, Marie Le Conte, Rachel Shabi and Ash Sarkar
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/how-should-young-women-react-as-metoo-moves-into-dating-female-writers-discuss-anne-perkins-iman-amrani-marie-le-conte-rachel-shabi-and-ash-sarkar/
How should young women react as #MeToo moves into dating? Female writers discuss | Anne Perkins, Iman Amrani, Marie Le Conte, Rachel Shabi and Ash Sarkar
Five female commentators share their views on how Aziz Ansari and Cat Person are taking the #MeToo debate into todays dating scene, showing gender disparity and raising consent issues
The panel
How should young women react as #MeToo moves into dating? Female writers discuss
Aziz Ansari and Cat Person are taking the #MeToo debate into todays dating scene, showing gender disparity and raising consent issues
Anne Perkins, Iman Amrani, Marie Le Conte, Rachel Shabi and Ash Sarkar
Wed 17 Jan 2018 07.48EST Last modified on Wed 17 Jan 2018 17.54EST
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I recognise that by blaming Graces response, I am also saying that on one level Ansaris behaviour is OK. Photograph: Cassie Wright/WireImage
Anne Perkins: Being young is the time when you should be utopian in your views
Part of me wants to give Grace a really good shake. What did she expect, dating Aziz Ansari, a man 10 years older than herself and famous enough to have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, whatever his public reputation as a thoughtful and considerate person fully signed up to #MeToo. The message of his haste to leave the restaurant, the food barely finished, the wine untasted, and race her back to his apartment is so blatant it might have been written up in one of those neon bubbles.
Her failure to tell him where to go once things went pear-shaped when she was there is even more worrying. Sure, she indicated that it was not what she wanted. A genuinely thoughtful man of course would have responded appropriately. He didnt. She should have left. That is level one in elementary social skills.
But I recognise that by blaming Graces response, I am also saying that on one level Ansaris behaviour is OK. Thats what men do. Its down to women to handle it. Get used to it.
And the point of telling stories like this is to say to other women, and men, its not you, its him. To say, check your ideas about consent. Consent is not the absence of rejection. It is not a tense silence. It is not passive. It should not be capable of being misread.
Utopian, perhaps. But whats the point of being 23 if you dont refuse to get used to stuff thats wrong?
Anne Perkins is a Guardian columnist
Iman Amrani: Bad experiences should not be lumped with serious assaults
There are three main things in my experience that can expose young women to exploitative or uncomfortable situations. First, money. Whether its keeping a job or a roof over your head, the need for it can push some women into circumstances that they wouldnt freely choose. Second, ambition. Drive can lead to women feeling forced to put up with things that they know are unacceptable, in order to achieve a greater objective.
Both of these factors expose women to abuses of power as we have seen in many of the cases of workplace harassment, from Hollywood to Westminster to all the women contributing to the #MeToo movement. Its this power struggle that adds weight to the stories about hands being placed on womens knees or unwanted advances, and its important this movement continues.
The third trap is the desire to be liked. There is a societal pressure on women to be attractive, friendly, and grateful, felt most acutely in young women. Aziz Ansaris accuser, Grace, and the narrator of Cat Person fall into this one. The latter might be fictional, but both accounts resonated widely with many young women. Both feature women in their early 20s, who found themselves in circumstances they didnt want, but felt unable to fully vocalise that they had reached their comfort limits.
Part of dating and sex as a young person is finding our boundaries, learning to protect them and develop the confidence to tell people who overstep, in no uncertain terms, where they can go. Not many people are born with this confidence, and it isnt something you can learn in a two-hour workshop on consent, but through making mistakes. Some of the situations that contribute to our experience may be unpleasant or regretful, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they should be grouped with assault, harassment or rape.
There has to be room for both men and women to make mistakes, to create a space where real dialogue can happen and where people can learn what is and isnt OK. Lumping all these grey-area stories in the wider #MeToo debate about rape, assault and the abuse of power only serves to drown out the voices of women whose stories should be focusing on this week, such as Simone Biles, and the countless other women who are bravely speaking out.
Iman Amrani is a Guardian multimedia journalist
Marie Le Conte: Men can no longer be seen as guided by their sweaty crotches
I had a conversation with an older feminist recently and she asked why women of my generation seem to hate men. We never stop criticising them, find endless examples of objectionable behaviour, and will gleefully turn on any man deemed not good enough by our precious standards.
She wasnt entirely wrong our expectations are undeniably higher than they used to be but my response was that it was, at least from my viewpoint, the exact opposite.
We expect more from men because we want to have more faith in them.
I refuse to see them as foolish animals, clumsy and to be pitied because life isnt easy when one simply cannot understand the complex and confusing women around them, choosing instead to be guided by their sweaty crotches.
This is why some of the responses to the claims about Aziz Ansari felt puzzling sure, we could have an argument about why the woman didnt leave, but why not talk about why he felt the need to keep trying it on?
Why can so many men feel so comfortable trying to sleep with women who dont want to sleep with them? Why do so many men think they can plunge their tongue down a womans throat before making sure its wanted?
Incidents which to some feel too small to be scandalous actually reveal the way men see women, and if they have no trouble crossing womens boundaries once or twice, where will they stop?
Weve been raised to see men as the superior intellectual gender, so spare me the idea that they just dont know what theyre doing.
If women can go through life without lunging at men, groping them, and treating their bodies as property, then surely we can expect men to do the same in return.
Marie Le Conte is a French freelance journalist living in London
Rachel Shabi: Older women wondering why millennials dont walk away have forgotten dark times
These stories have forced light into another area where it is sorely lacking: the stark lack of parity over sexual agency, expectation and desire. Its there in harsh, excruciating detail: the distorting and damaging ways in which heterosexual men and women are socialised about sex.
This isnt about a generational divide, despite some of the responses to such stories. Doubtless this terrain is thornier for younger women who, on top of the usual biases, are also navigating complications imposed by a certain kind of porn culture, and the image- and confidence-twisting burdens of social media.
But maybe the older women wondering why millennials dont just walk away from horrible sexual encounters have forgotten the times when they also stayed, rather than dealing with the awkwardness, risk his angry response, or navigating the paralysing weight of confusing expectation. Because women are socialised to be polite and accommodating, and are under constant pressure to be passive pleasers in every way, to the extent that our own desires and ambitions are routinely subjugated.
Such is the pervasive social messaging around gender and sexuality, such are the ever-present biases, that a woman asserting her own will or expressing a preference risks being labelled as unpleasant, unattractive or aggressive as it is in the boardroom, so it is in the bedroom. And thats before we even get to the men in the equation, with all their socially conditioned expectations, damaging biases and toxic assumptions.
Its messy and awkward and all tangled up, but if this #Metoo discussion is bringing us on to the question of what genuine equality in sex and relationships might look like, then good. In that spirit as with all parts of this debate we could do with less judgment and a lot more listening.
Rachel Shabi is a freelance writer and commentator
Ash Sarkar: A divergence in perception between men and women must be addressed
Theres a truth to the Aziz Ansari story which extends beyond whether or not he behaved in the manner alleged; that all too many of us have had sexual encounters in which one persons comfort is subordinated to the urgency of anothers desire.
Traditional feminist discourse from Susan Brownmillers Against Our Will to more recent discussions prompted by the Harvey Weinstein revelations has focused on a figure of the rapist as monstrous and malevolent. However, nearly one in three women have experienced sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner the archetypical perpetrator looks less like a grotesque outsider, and more like a familiar neighbour. We hold him in affection and esteem. We trust him. We might even desire him.
Whatever we wear, wherever we go yes means yes, and no means no! The old Reclaim the Night slogan misled a generation of feminists into understanding consent as binary, and violation as self-evident. Were supposed to announce our consent (or lack thereof) like were entering a plea at trial.
But yes, in a context of mutual respect, might be a joyful wordlessness; no might come in the guise of not now, maybe later, or even well, OK then. In a society where sex is often seen as something to be extracted from partners like a mineral or an ore, a soft no is just so much social sediment to be worn away.
A rigidly legalistic model for understanding consent doesnt encourage men to shift the parameters of how they understand sex. The Ansari allegations show us that the task isnt to get men to see themselves as rapists, but to see their partners pace of desire as being of equal primacy to their own. There is no god-given right to orgasm: even a one-night stand requires patience, empathy and a capacity to interpret more complex cues than what is accepted in a court of law.
For what its worth, I believe Grace in her account of events. I also believe Ansari when he says: It was true that everything did seem OK to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. Its precisely this divergence of perception which men need to address. That starts with viewing consent as the beginning of a social process not a verdict at the end of a long process of litigation.
Ash Sarkar is a senior editor at Novara Media, and lectures in political theory at Anglia Ruskin and the Sandberg Instituut
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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Question About Car Insurance?
"Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?
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How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
""Auto insurance cancelled today, can I go to new company?""
I just got a new car a few months ago and was paying $325 a MONTH for my insurance. Way too expensive. I want to cancel and go to another company (nationwide or all-state) where I was quoted $195 a month. I dont have the money to pay the current insurance $325 for the month, then cancel it (which adds another $90 or so for cancellation fee), and THEN open a new policy with another company for $195. Thats $615 just to switch insurance companies! So, I let my current insurance lapse and it was cancelled as of last night for non-payment. Now, can I open up the new insurance with another company today, then pay off the old insurance in a couple weeks?""
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Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Insurances for starting a small business?
What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers
Good insurance companies for renters insurance in Florida?
I live near Jacksonville in Florida where State Farm does not provide renter's insurance. 1. What companies are good for renter's insurance in Florida? I will need coverage for Hurricanes also since I am in Florida. Geico gave me a rate of 131/year or about 11$ per month with a deductible of 100$. 2. Should I take an inventory of all my personal valuable items(bed, computer, chair/table), send copy of receipts/photos to the insurance company for their records as evidence that I have N items whose total value is M$ before I buy renters insurance from them or I should take an inventory and keep it in a safe place for my records in case i have to submit any claims later on? 3. By replacement cost coverage used in insurance policy ,does it mean if a laptop purchased worth 900 before five years had a config of 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk and a claim is filed now(five years after its purchase) with a purchase receipt of a laptop for the same/similar config(but, whose cost would be 650 as tech products come down in price typically after five years and more so for an outdated config/model), that will be honored? Or, I could get any laptop worth 900(cost of original laptop) today and claim reimbursement for it from the insurance company? I am guessing it is the first scenario, but can someone please clarify? 4. Since my total assets are less than 5K and I don't have a car, is choosing a low deductible of 100$ a good idea? Or, I should hike to bring my premium down? 5. For items, like clothes, utensils I don't have any receipt since they are old(more than three years). Will that be OK in case I have to file a claim? The clothes are mainly 15-20$ pant/shirts I got from Walmart. Thanks""
I bought a car with no tax road and no mot and no insurance.?
hi there. iam one of the unlucky driver in london , i have bought car from acution few days a ago and i was driving it from biritsh car acution to garage where my mechanic can have look at it. i was in my way to garage and some one carshed in my car, police where there and i asked for my info and i give it to them, i have said everything as i am saying it to u guys. i just bought car didnt have time for insurance and mot and tax road im in my way to mot station where i can get one, and they toke my info and drive off. as i have been moved from my perviuos address i didnt got any letter from them which i meant to be in court, now i have other letter which shows i have to be in court by 27 march, i just wana know, what will happen and im i gona get any points and how much fine?? is there any prison for it ,, please help me is so important ,this matter is playing with my life at the moment ?""
Selling a car without insurance?
I'm selling my car but my insurance expired one year ago since I moved out of the state and left my car at my husband's mom's. Now I want to sell it so posted it online and somebody wanted to look at it, so I asked husband's mom to meet with the guy. Then she says she would let him look at the car but since the insurance has expired, she wouldn't let him drive. I mean who would buy a used car without test driving right? According to her, if the buyer got into accident, I would get sued or something like that. Is that correct? She tends to say things she doesn't really know but she likes talking about legal issues. Does anybody know if she is correct or not?""
Insurance On First Vehicle?
If you buy a used vehicle (in Indiana) and your 15 and your not going to drive it for another couple of months, is it still required you have insurance for it even though your not going to drive it for a while. And if there is an amount of time you have to get insurance, how long is that?""
Is it legal to keep a check from my health insurance company that they expect me to pay the doctor with?
We are having a really difficult time financially. My husband gets a very large bonus in December and we will be back on track and then some. So here's my question. I recently ...show more
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
...for so many people. I see complaints everywhere about sport bike insurance being so crazy. I just bought my first bike, 2 months ago. 1 month after getting my license. I'm 18 years old. My first bike was a 2004 Yamaha R6. I used Progressive online and put in everything accurately, driving history, motorcycle history (0 years), first bike being a 600cc sport bike. And I got quoted 300 dollars a year... bought it in full. Why is it so expensive for others with good history?""
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
""Which insurance company is BETTER in Naples, FL -- UHC or CIGNA?
Planning to get an individual insurance and those two are one of the good ones. I'll also get a Dental Premier (ppo) and Vision Plan. A bit worried on the dental though coz there are only few who has affiliation with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is better?
Best car insurance deals uk for young drivers?
Hi there i am male , 18 years old wanting to learn to drive. My mother has a small daewoo matiz which is only a 900 and something cc, so not even a one litre, but a car which would be cheaper on insurance then a lot of cars. Im just wondering if anyone knew any good companies offering good prices for insurance either as a seperate insurance of my own or a one for my parent with me being a additional driver. Thanks""
About how much is insurance on an 18 wheeler truck ( the tractor) and about how much is a trailor 48' long
getting n2 the trucking world. expect to complete truck driving school oct 11, 2006. looking 2 start buisness or start working soon after.""
How to find free medical insurance?
i m cheap person who work partime and i can t afford to pay alot money so do u guys know any free medical insurance or dental ?
Best room insurance for a University student?
Which company provides the best deal on room insurance for students? Cheers
Insurance Cost On two different cars?
Would the insurance on an 2008 Ford Fusion be more than a 2006 Cadillac CTS? I live in Maine.
I have liability insurance on my vehicle...?
and early this morning as I was driving out of a parking structure I hit a light that I didn't see. I got out out of the vehicle to see any damages, there ware scratches on the front bumper, and the light appears to be fine but inside the light compartment, it was damaged, the bulb fell out of its place, the whole inside of the light was cracked. Will my insurance cover this? I tried calling my insurance and they're aren't answering. If they do, what do I do next? Go to a repairshop? Go to my insurance agent? WHAT?! If they won't, how much do you think it will cost to repair the light and the bumper? There are not dents, just scratches.""
What would be the best car for a 17 year old in the UK?
(Has to have low insurance & fairly cheap to buy secondhand)
How much does your car insurance cost?
How much does your car insurance cost?
How can i get insurance?
I cant find any decent prices. The cheapest i found was 255 pounds every month for a 0.9 Litre Fiat seicento, its a horrible litlle car and it cost too much to insure anyway, and the mpg its pretty bad for 0.9L petrol, 35.8mpg Anyway where can i find a decent price for a 18yr old that lives in lonon, 0 NCB, hold a clean licence for 2months""
Is there anyway to get health insurance for a part-time student in Massachusetts?
I'm a part time student in Massachusetts and I need health insurance. I was wondering if anyone knows of any affordable health insurance that covers part time students. Thanks in advance!
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?
Hi im 17 and just passed my driving test but i can't find any where to get cheap car insurance. Please tell me if there is anywhere you know to get cheap car insurance, i have been to websites like go compare, and compare the market.com but they are to expensive insurance deals and i have been told the cheapest places are not on those website.Please help me as i want to drive :)""
Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco?
Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco?
How much do you pay for your auto insurance per year?
Is it true that the more expensive your car is, the insurance will automatically go up, too? Isn't the older car need more insurance cover since they are more easy to get into accident? I don't know much about auto insurance, so you can share some of your knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D""
College student needing car insurance?
I live in MA i am in the process of leasing a hyundai elantra. but i need insurance. I cant use my parents policies because i bought the car myself. Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance companies?
Where is the best place for a teenager to get car insurance?
Im an 18 year old male and will be getting a 2005 Nissan Altima. What would be good insurance for me? I need cheap insurance and I have good grades so I might qualify for a discount.
Rough Estimate For Liability Insurance?
Roughly what would is cost monthly for a million dollar liability insurance policy for a lawn/landscape business. The owners of the business would be under the age of 25
Crowdsourced car insurance company? Would you join?
If I were to set-up a crowdsourced car insurance company would you be interested in joining? I appreciate how much money is required when starting a car insurance company but I seriously think that with a concentrated effort and a crowdsourced company then we could beat the large companies at there own game. The way I envisaged it working was that the idea attracts as many people as possible and each person pays a membership fee. In return for the fee the person gets a share in the company with certain voting rights. The share doesnt entitle you to free insurance, but seriously reduced in price. Insurance policies are only available to members, the main benefit being to keep insurance costs down people would hopefully be less likely to claim. When the company generates profits, those profits would go into a pot and at the end of the year the pot would be sent out to members in the form of dividends. Anyone interested?""
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
Am I required to put my parents down on my car insurance? I am concerned about liability.?
I am an adult over 40 yrs old, living with my parents. I have not been off my parents policy before. I live in New York State. Am I required to put my parents down on my car insurance, or would their car insurance cover it if they had an accident while driving my car?""
What is long term care insurance?
Please help me with this one. My parents are in badly need of assistance. I found this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need more help as much as possible.""
What kind of liability insurance do gyms have?
I was playing some basketball on a guest pass at the gym yesterday. I rolled my ankle and just left thinkin it wasnt that bad, decided to sleep on it. turns out, it's a lot worse than I thought and I can't even walk on it today. I dont have any health insurance, or any means to pay these medical bills right now. Do gyms usually have insurance for things like this or are you on your own?""
Car crash insurance? Insurance?!?
Ok, I crashed my toyota corolla 1997 from the back, the guy didn't have insurance, a license, or papers!, the guy who crashed me had a ford escape or explore. anyways I made a claim thru my insurance (Mercury Insurance), they approved the claim and are offering me the money for my car ($3,000) but a $500 deductible, do I get to keep my crashed car or will I have to give my car to Mercury Insurance?! Thanks!""
Where can I get affordable insurance for my girlfriend?
There could be a chance she might be pregnant in the future. Where can I get affordable maternity insurance?
I need health insurance help?
if i were to call 911 and the firefighters came and also an ambulance how much would i have to pay eventough i have kaiser and i have health insurance. around how much?
Is it true you get a car insurance break when you turn 25 years old?
I haven't seen anything official, and I suppose I can ask my agent. But I was curious if anybody else has received any sort of rate change when they turned 25. Does it depend on the insurance company?""
Non owners insurance in california?
i am considering non-owners insurance for a car. however, if i drive my friend's car, their insurance policy will cover me. 1) what is the point of getting non-owners insurance, if non-owners insurance already assumes that i don't have frequent access to a car, and my friend's policy will cover me, also assuming i don't have frequent access to his car? also, i know, in the case of an at-fault accident with my friend's car, and assuming i have non-owners insurance, my friend's insurance will kick in first, then my non-owners insurance will cover what's missing. 2) what's the point of non-owner's, if my friend's limits are high enough already? 3) won't my friend's insurance increase since his insurance company had to pay? 4) if my friend's insurance increases, then what does the non-owner's insurance cover/protect??""
How much does jay Leno pay monthly in auto insurance?
Since he has a ton of sports cars
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
How do I get health and dental insurance?
I am getting married soon. I will be 18 and he will be 21. I have blue cross blue shield through my dad's work and the magnolia health plan(kinda like medicaid) bc I was adopted. ...show more
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach).?
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR Do you just say to the insurance company the donor car used to build the Replica(EX Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover only the car used and just treat the replica kit as just additon stuff(EX like adding more exspensive RIMS to a VW). Is the replica insurance cheaper then a real cars insurance. EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) VS. REAL 1988 Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche Engine) Do 21st auto Insuracne company have Replica Car insurance and/or will they cover just the donor car used to build the Replica.""
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
Motorcycle Insurance Companies Question?
My father has his bike insured with a certain company. Another company has cheaper insurance for me on that bike than his does. Is it possible for me to buy my own policy from a separate company without affecting his coverage?
Can i claim auto insurance or an auto loan from the bank on my taxes?
is tihs possible?
What is the estimate car insurance cost for me?
Hello~ I'm a 16 year old female who is looking into cars and insurance. I've made a deal with my parents, so I believe that I am getting a 2013 Kia Rio. My question is...What is a rough estimate for the insurance cost that my parents will have to pay?  16 years old  Female  2013 Kia Rio  I have a 3.5 - 3.8 ish GPA (Can't remember exactly)  If I have to, I'll probably take a drivers ed class (Although I'd love to avoid that)  I believe my family is with State Farm  We live in Gilbert AZ Thank you in advance! <3""
Will my auto insurance cover liability if my friend is driving a car I rent?
During a vacation, my friend will drive the rental car I pay for. If we have an accident, will my liability/medical coverage pay off if she's driving? The friend has no car & no insurance and doesn't live in my house.""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
""I am renting a car, what kind of insurance do I need?""
I do not currently have car insurance (no car!) but will need to rent a car from Washington state to travel one way 2600 miles away. My question is what insurance, if any, is REQUIRED by law to have while driving this car. Will the car companies know or will they tell me what they can to get me to pay more? Also if you happen to know the best priced one way rental car company that would be helpful too!""
How much are you spending on insurance for a 600cc sportbike?
I've heard that the rates are ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes like Harleys have really cheap insurance.
""Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?
It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.
Insurance for first cars?
When I'm 18 an hopefully passed my test I want to get either a VW scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ or a Mazda mx5. But I've been told insurance companies will refuse to insure me because it's my first far so is this true or how much would it roughly cost Thanks""
How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi?
I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??""
I thought health insurance cost was going down?
This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?""
Which company offer you the cheapest car insurance?
I'm a girl, over 25, no conviction, it's for a mini""
Hi, please anyone know how or where can I get cheap young car insurance? I am 19 years old, I got pass plus certificate already, at the moment my quote it's 2300 per year I am looking for less and that thank you.""
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?""
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
Does anyone know about 'Gap Insurance' to cover the cost between ?
the amount owed on an almost new car and the amount the insurance company is willing to settle for (book value).
Would insurance consider a 6 cylinder Pontiac grand am/prix a sports car?
i want a grand am/prix as my first car but my parents cant afford sports car insurance for a brand new 16 year old driver, also what could my parents expect to pay up to on insurance. ...show more""
How much would it cost to insure a 2002-2006 Subaru Impreza WRX for a 18 year old?
Just wondering, I'm looking into buying another car after I graduate High School. and I was wondering how much insurance cost per month to own a WRX between those years. For someone who has just graduated and turned 18.""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
Does anybody have or had insurance thru esurance?
they are by far the cheapest i found for full coverage for me. i know cheaper isnt always better but i just need insurance because my car is financed. esurance isnt a very big name and i dont know anyone who actually has insurance thru them. anybody know how they are compaired to other companies?
Accident and auto insurance question?
If I get into a wreck that wasn't my fault without insurance and I come home and say go to safeauto.com and get insurance will I be able to claim that on the accident report? Will I be safe from losing my licence?
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Can i insure my UK car with ROI insurance?
Hi, I am looking to insure my UK registered car with ROI insurance. I travel to and from Ireland but spend the majority of my time in Ireland. I would like to know which ROI insurance companies will insure my UK registered car and if the insurance would be valid for driving in the UK, if so, for how long ?""
Corvette insurance. i need full coverage for a 1977. not collectors.where is the cheapest???????????????????
i will get collectors insurance in 2 months. right now i need full coverage to get the loan, transfer to me, and get it done friday. please help.""
Can anyone help me find a source that explains Hourly Cost to Employer for employee's health insurance?
I can't find anything that says how much a year or hour it costs employers to offer health insurance. I'm sure there is a range, but I'd just like to find anything factual that isn't someone's esteemed opinion, saying that Obamacare will save 30% on costs or Obamacare will cost employers Billions. I would like to find some real numbers and come up with my own ideas. Thanks, in advance for your assistance.""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?
I really need some good advice for travel insurance please?
Going to thailand and possibly france or spain to for 1 year. Wats good and why?
Is it cheaper to get insurance on the same car or on a second hand car?
hi im taking driving lessons and my test is soon. I want to know if it is cheaper to get a second hand car and get insurance on that or get insurance on my brothers car. Which one is cheaper?
Best place to get business Insurance?
Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?
K what insurance is the best?
car insurance. ?
Lowest car insurance in india?
which company giving lowest price for car insurance?
Do (UK) car insurance companies need to know the car's registered address?
I am a student and thus spend most of my time away from home - I receive correspondence to my university address and my car is kept there most of the time. Essentially all the details ...show more
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Car insurance for dummies?
i am trying to be an adult here. i graduate college in 8 days and am getting quotes for my own car insurance. I got one today from progressive for $83/mo, full coverage. It is 25,50,25 and $500 deductable. How do I know what is good? i need someone to tell me what coverage I should have-is 25/50/25 good? break it down. Thanks!""
Change something in my Progressive insurance?
so when i got my insurance with Progressive, i was keeping my motorcycle outside, but now i keep it in a garage. Is there any way i can change the part of my policy where it asks where i keep my motorcycle? I was hoping me keeping it inside would get me a lower rate. Thanks!""
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
I'm moving out of state - do I have to change auto insurance companies?
Explanation - I went through a local auto insurance company called ABC Insurance (not the real name, btw). They got me the lowest rate through XYZ Insurance, out of a different state. I'm moving out of state in a few weeks. Do I have to worry about finding a new insurance company if the one I pay my bill to is out of state anyway? After the move, I will actually be physically closer to that company... but still out of state. I never deal with ABC anyway. It's like they are just the go-between that found me that company.""
Car insurance car change?
I am struggling to pay my insurance so if I change my insurance to a cheaper car smaller engine will my insurance go down a month, and would I keep the same policy to get my nyc bonus as I'm half way through, and does anyone one in how much to change your car details to another car with admiral or cancel your insurance price with admiral""
Can I take off car insurance if my car has been repoed?
My car has been repoed due to lack of payments and thus they repoed the car. They are even already putting it back on sale. Can I take off the car insurance, then?""
Road trip without car insurance?
So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC.""
Question about car insurance...?
im trying to figure out if im being ripped off by my parents. i pay $200 every month for car insurance because that's what my parents tell me it is. I got one speeding ticket for going 14 mph over the limit and in 2 minor accidents. no damage to either cars. my question is am i being ripped off? I told some people that i pay that much and they said there is no way your insurance could be that high. help me out please?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Is the auto-insurance claim information shared if I switch the insurance company?
Hi! I am with auto-insurance company X right now and due to few number of insurance claims that I had made, my insurance is going up. I am wondering if I try to switch to some company Y, will X share my claims information with Y? Thanks!""
Cancer Victims that do not have health insurance in CA. What can i Do?
My mother inlaw has cancer in her stomach and has now spread to her liver and hip bone:( but does not have good health insurance. She has no income. Please let me know if there are any programs we can look into to help her. THank you!
Can 16 year old get public liability insurance?
Im 16 and hoping to get some public liability insurance as I'm planning to be working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin.""
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap. The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800 Thanks I live in the uk
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
Do auto insurance companies have authority to require social security numbers for policyholders?
In applying for auto insurance, I note that several companies want social security numbers from applicants. Is this a legal requirement for obtaining auto insurance? or is it the policy of the insurer? or is it optional?""
Anyone have experience with Western and Southern life insurance co.?
I am looking to purchase term insurance
Best place to Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online?
Is there a site where I can compare car insurance quotes or where I can compare what's offered by several car insurance companies? There's a huge difference in car insurance quotes depending on the provider you use and what level of cover you want and obviously I do not want to pay more than I have to. I searched for car insurance comparison sites but there are a lot to choose from and a lot more still where you just enter general stats like age and area, so can someone save me some time and let me know of a good website where I can compare car insurance quotes that are exact to my circumstances. Thanks!""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
The age of banter
The long read: It used to be just a word now it is a way of life. But is it time to get off the banter bus?
Its the most fucking ridiculous story, isnt it? We went to watch fucking dolphins, and we ended up in fucking Syria. Last summer in the Mediterranean party resort of Ayia Napa, Lewis Ellis was working as a club rep. I mean, it was fucking 8am, he told an Australian website soon afterwards, and the last fucking club had closed, and we thought, We can still go dolphin watching. Well blag our way on to a fucking boat and go dolphin watching.
But when the boat sailed so far that Cyprus disappeared from view, Ellis explained, they started to worry. Why are we so far from land? they asked the crew. Were fucking miles away and weve got no fucking wifi. Something, Ellis said, had been lost in translation; his exuberant season as a shepherd for the resorts party pilgrims had gone terribly awry. The crew wasnt taking them to watch dolphins: they were going to a Russian naval base in the city of Tartus, on Syrias Mediterranean coast. Yeah, it is a little ridiculous.
It was, nonetheless, a story that had legs. Hungover lads boat trip boob lands them in Syria, wahey-ed the Mirror; British holidaymakers board party boat in Ayia Napa and end up in war-torn SYRIA, guffawed the Express. If you saw these headlines at the time, you may dimly remember the rest. A stubborn trawler captain, chugging doggedly onwards to Tartus, where he turfed the friends out upon landing; interrogation at the hands of Russian intelligence officers; mutual hilarity as the Russians realised what had happened; and, after a hot meal, a quick tour of the area, and a good nights sleep, spots on the next fishing vessel headed back to Cyprus. It was never made clear why the captain had let them on the boat in the first place, but whatever. Everyone lapped it up.
Reflecting on the whole thing five months later, Ellis, a 26-year-old with a business degree and a marketing masters, couldnt totally wrap his head around it. I think I found 35 stories about us, he told me. I read about myself in the Hawaiian Express, do you know what I mean? (Notwithstanding that there doesnt appear to be any such newspaper, yes, I definitely do.)
What made it really weird to see the media pile in with such unstinting enthusiasm was that the story was total cobblers. I could not believe how gullible they were, Ellis said, a top note of glee still in his voice. We were just having a laugh! It was banter!
Lads: this is the age of banter. Its long been somewhat about the banter, but over the last few years, it has come to seem that its all about the banter an unabashedly bumptious attitude that took up a position on the outskirts of the culture in the early 90s and has been larging its way towards the centre ever since. There are hundreds of banter groups on Facebook, from Banter Britain (no memes insinuating child abuse/dead babies!!!) to Wanker Banter 18+ (Have a laugh and keep it sick) to the Premier League Banter Page (The only rule: keep it banter). You can buy an I banter mug on Amazon for 9, or an Archbishop of Banterbury T-shirt for 9.99.
There are now four branches of a restaurant called Scoff & Banter. When things were going badly at Chelsea FC under Jos Mourinho, it was reported the team had banned all banter in an attempt to focus their minds, and that terminology appeared in the newspapers, as if you would know exactly what it meant. Someone has created a banter map of London using a keyword search on the flatshare website SpareRoom, showing exactly where people are looking for a roommate with good banter (Clapham tends to feature prominently). When a 26-year-old man from Leeds posed for a selfie with a bemused aeroplane hijacker, Vice declared it the high-water mark of banter.
Lewis Ellis (left) and friends in Ayia Napa, pretending to be in Syria. Photograph: Lewis Ellis
If you are younger than about 35, you are likely to hear the term all the time. Either you have banter (if you are funny and can take a joke) or you dont (if you arent and cannot). The mainstream, in summary, is now drunk and asleep on the sofa, and banter is delightedly drawing a penis on its forehead.
As banter has risen, it has expanded. Long a word used to describe submerged expressions of fraternal love, it is now also a word used to excuse uninhibited displays of masculine bravado. Today, it is segregated by class, seized on by brands, picked over by psychologists, and deplored by cultural critics; it is dominant, hotly contested and only hazily understood.
And so, whether he intends it to or not, Ellis use of the term raises some questions. Is he throwing his lot in with the most pervasive branch of the blokeish mainstream, a sanitised and benevolent hilarity that stretches from lad-dad panel shows to your mates zinger about your terrible haircut? Or is he lining up with the misogynist imitators of the Bullingdon club, a sprinkling of racists, and, as we shall see, an actual murderer purveyors of a malicious and insidious masculinity that insists on its indivisible authority and calls you a slut if you object?
Ellis isnt preoccupied by these questions, but for what its worth, he does say that he and his friends never had the slightest intention of going to Syria. We werent really trying to fool anyone, he told me, although Im not sure thats entirely consistent with the facts. We were out for a stroll, and we came across this area that looked really run down, we thought it looked like Syria. So we put it on the club reps [Facebook] page that thats where we were. And everyone started liking it. And then one of the people who contacted us was from LADBible which is like the Bible, but for LADS so we said, well have a mess around here. Well tell a completely ridiculous story, see if the media believes it. See if we can become LADBible famous.
It did, they could. Eventually, the truth came out, not thanks to any especially determined investigative journalism, but because Ellis cheerily admitted on Facebook that his tale of magnificent idiocy was a fiction. Hahaha what a prank, he wrote, with some justification.
The confession only brought another cycle of attention. Publications that had picked up the story in the first place resurfaced it with new headlines to reflect the audacity of the invention; social media users adduced it as evidence for their views of young men, or the media, or both. The Russian embassys Twitter account called it a telling example of how many Syria (and Russia) stories are made up by UK papers, which was great geopolitical banter. The attention entertained Ellis, but he says it wasnt the point. We just thought it was funny, he said. People are too serious. I keep being told to grow up, but I still want to have a good time. Ive had the jobs, Ive got the education. But when Im off work, I want to escape.
Ellis is an enthusiast and an optimist. He is, he told me late last year, desperate to take every opportunity, just to say yes to everything I can. We were on a night out in Manchester with his friends Tyson, John and Chris. In the course of the evening, the following things found their way into my beer: fingers; salt; vinegar; mayonnaise; a chip; saliva; a 10 note; and, I hazily remember being told after the fact, at least two shots of vodka.
Everyones got a thing in the group, Ellis said, as we walked from one bar to the next. One guy, hes not even that ugly, we say he looks like a Peperami. Tysons got this mole on his face, its like a Coco Pop, so youve got a Coco Pop on your face. I looked like Harry Potter when I was a kid, so they call me Potter, thats my nickname. Every single one of us has something. So you youve got Chinese eyes. Youre Chinese.
For the record, I didnt think this was OK, but coming after such a harmless litany, it didnt seem malicious enough to confront. Of course, tacit endorsement is what makes such offensive epithets a commonplace, and so it troubles me that it made me feel mysteriously welcome, just as it had when John punched me lightly in the balls when I arrived. There was no doubting Elliss sincerity: as he spoke, the sheer daft beauty of male friendship seemed to amaze him, almost to the point of physical pain. We just take the piss out of each other, and thats how we show our love, he said. So many group chats on the phone, and you just take the piss until they cry. And its like, when youre really killing them, you go, Ill stop if you want, because you know they cant say yes, so you just keep going. Then we arrived at the next bar, where I was made to drink something called a Zombie.
Early in the evening, before any of this had undermined my ability to take useful notes, Ellis broke off from talking as we walked down the street and sidled into a window display at Next Home, where he Tracey Emined a carefully made bed by climbing into it and rolling around. Everyone cracked up. Give the world a laugh, Ellis tends to think, and the world will smile back at you. Jump on a boat, and youll end up somewhere great; make the boat up, and youll get there faster. Its all about having fun, its all about the banter, he said, after hed rejoined us outside. Banter is about making the world a more exciting place.
If nobody can agree on what banter is, thats hardly a new problem. The first usage of the word recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary comes from noted Restoration lad Thomas dUrfey, also known for his hit song The Fart, in a satirical 1677 play called Madam Fickle. Banter him, banter him, Toby, a character called Zechiel urges, which may be the first time that someone called Toby was so instructed, but certainly wasnt the last.
The OED also notes early attempts at a definition by Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson. (Swift mentions a banter upon transubstantiation, in which a cork is turned into a horse, and fair enough, turning a cork into a horse would be classic banter.) Both are a little disgusted by the word, and neither unearths much of an origin story: by their accounts, banter is so coarse that it emerged, fully formed and without antecedent, out of the mouths of oafs.
As it turns out, though, the OED is not at present fully able to handle the banter. According to Eleanor Maier, an associate editor on the dictionary, a search of earlier English texts reveals that a number of previous examples are missing from the dictionarys definition, which was first drafted in 1885 including a quote from a 1657 translation of Don Quixote. (After examining the history, Maier told me that she would be adding banter to the list of entries that are up for review.)
dougie stew (@DougieStew)
Welcome to London #BagelGate pic.twitter.com/KcJoz0ycZU
February 26, 2017
In recent years, banter has barged into our lives at a remarkable clip. Googles Ngram Viewer, a tool that assesses (with some limitations) the frequency with which a term appears in a large database of written sources, finds that banter popped up about twice as often in 2008, the most recent year covered, as it did in 1980.
But banter plugged away for a long time before it became an overnight success. In the 19th century, it often denoted a kind of formal sparring. Even as the term evolved over the 20th, it continued to seem a little prim. In the House of Commons in 1936, Ramsay MacDonald, the former Labour prime minister who had returned in a new seat after losing his old one, was subjected to a good deal of banter Dear old Granny MacDonald!, among other witticisms.In 1981, a Guardian report that chess champion Anatoly Karpov and his handlers had successfully protested at his challenger Viktor Korchnois constant cross-board talk ran under the unlikely headline: Chess banter banned.
Such stories do little to prepare us for what banter has become. Consider the viral video that became known as #bagelgate earlier this year. In the recording, a minor scuffle broke out on the 00.54 train from Kings Cross to Huntingdon, and then for no obviously related reason a woman who had a large bag of bagels decided to put one on the head of the guy sitting in front of her, and then another after he took it off and threw it out of the window, and another and another, and then everyone in the carriage started chanting hes got a bagel on his head, and eventually the slightly spoddy victim who is me when I was 13 and someone filled my pencil case with Mr Kipling apple pies (squashed, oozing) because I was fat lost it and screamed Get the fuck out of my face!, and then another fight broke out on the platform, and then the police got on to the train, and every single person fell into not-me-guv silence: this is not Granny MacDonalds banter any more.
If it is hard to understand how these activities can fall under the same umbrella, it should be noted that a phenomenon may predate our choice of term to describe it its just that the act of definition makes it more visible, and perhaps more likely to be imitated. At some point, though, banter became the name for what British men already regarded as their natural tone of voice. There is a very deeply embedded folk culture in the UK of public ribaldry, extreme sarcasm, facetiousness in other words, of laddishness, says Tony Thorne, a linguist and cultural historian. What you might think of as banter now is rooted in that tradition.
That tradition first lashed itself to banters mast in the early 1990s, and controversy soon followed. In June 1992, a Guardian story headlined Police fire sex banter officer, about the dismissal of a sergeant for sexual harassment, recorded an early skirmish in the modern banter wars, and an important new layer to its meaning in the wild: The move is seen as part of the Metropolitan polices desire to reassure women officers that what has previously been tolerated as banter is no longer acceptable. Two years later, the lads mags arrived.
The first edition of Loaded magazine appeared in May 1994, with a picture of Gary Oldman on the front smoking a dog-end, under a banner that declared him a super lad. What fresh lunacy is this? the editors note read. Loaded is a new magazine dedicated to life, liberty and the pursuit of sex, drink, football and less serious matters Loaded is for the man who believes he can do anything, if only he wasnt hungover.
If banter dismays you, James Brown, the magazines first editor, is quite an easy bogeyman. As he acknowledges himself, he created a title that defined a genre. Loaded was swiftly recognised as a foundational text for a resurgent and ebullient masculinity that had been searching for public expression. While it was always overtly horny, the magazine was initially more interested in a forlorn, slackjawed and self-ironising appreciation of A-listers (one reversible poster had Cindy Crawford on one side and a steam train on the other) than the grot-plus-football formula that successors and imitators like Maxim, Zoo and Nuts milked to destruction. But it also flirted with something murkier.
To its critics, Loaded and its imitators aimed to sanitise a certain hooliganistic worldview with a strategic disclaimer. Banter emerges as this relentless gloss of irony over everything, said Bethan Benwell, senior lecturer in language and linguistics at the University of Stirling and the author of several papers on mens magazines. The constant excusing of sexist or homophobic sentiments with this wink that says you dont really mean it. Benwell pointed to Loadeds emblematic strapline: For men who should know better.
Brown denies that his magazine invented banter. Instead, he says, it captured a zeitgeist that the media had previously failed to acknowledge; the folk culture that Tony Thorne refers to, brought out into the open. Before Browns intervention, GQ had run John Major and Michael Heseltine as cover stars, for Gods sake. I took the interests and the outlook of the young men that I knew, and I put them in a magazine, Brown said. Im not responsible for the tone of the later entrants to the market. We were criticised because we fancied women, not because we belittled them.
The thing about Loaded was that the way we wrote reflected the way we were with our mates, he went on. Theres definitely a thing that exists in the male outlook: you take the piss out of the people you like, and you ignore the people you dont.
Accept this as your starting point, and objections become exhausting to sustain: what youre objecting to is an act of affection. Of course, this is what makes it insidious. Because Browns account rests on the intention behind the magazine, and Benwells on the effect it had, they are impossible to reconcile. Its a very difficult thing to resist or challenge without looking like the stereotypical humourless feminist, said Benwell. But by laughing, you become complicit.
Loaded gave this new kind of banter escape velocity, and it began to colonise other worlds. On BBC2, for example, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner were staking out their own territory with Fantasy Football League, a mixture of sketches and celebrity chat that managed to be enthusiastic and satirical at the same time, and reached its peak when the pair became national icons, thanks to their Euro 96 anthem, Three Lions. While a long-running joke about the Nottingham Forest striker Jason Lees pineapple haircut seems flatly racist in retrospect Baddiel did an impression of him in blackface by and large, the tone was milder and more conventional than the magazines were: this was the sensibility of the university graduate slumming it before embarking on grown-up life.
Baddiel implied that laddism could easily occupy a spectrum from ogling to literature, drawing a line to Nick Hornbys memoir of life as an Arsenal fan, Fever Pitch. Hornby once said to me that all this stuff you know, fantasy football and his book is men talking about things that they like and for a while in the mid-80s they werent allowed to, he said in 1995. Ive always liked football and Ive always liked naked women, and its easier to talk about that now than it was eight years ago. Those comments reflect a kind of sneer at its critics that you could often detect in Fantasy Football League, even as its hosts protested that they were just having a laugh though Baddiel himself denies that view. Twenty years on, he, like Brown, is at pains to draw a line between the approach that he and Skinner popularised, and the forms that came later. I guess me and Frank did specialise in banter, he said in an email. In a time before it was known as bantz.
Over the next 10 years, two things happened that ushered in the age of banter. (You might call it mature banter, except that its also the opposite.) First, instead of just being a thing that happened, it became a thing that people talked about. Then, as it became a more tangible cultural product, everyone started trying to make money out of it. The watershed moment, the forms equivalent to Dylan going electric, was the invention of Dave.
Like most good ideas, it looks simple enough in retrospect. Before Dave was Dave, it was UKTV Gold 2. The predecessor channels audience share was 0.761%, and no one could tell who on earth it was supposed to be for. But we had the content, says Steve North, the channels brand manager in 2007 and content of a particular kind that the existing name did very little to communicate: Have I Got News for You, They Think Its All Over, Top Gear. Viewers said they loved the repartee, the humour. It reminded them of spending time with their funniest friends.
The first issue of Loaded magazine, from May 1994
The target audience was highly specific. It was men married or in relationships, maybe with young children, not going to the pub as much as they used to, says Andy Bryant, managing director of Red Bee, the agency brought in to work on the rebrand. And they missed that camaraderie.
Their purpose thus fixed, North started to run brainstorming sessions at which people would shout out suggestions for the name. One of the ones we collected was Dave, he says. We thought, great, but we cant call it that. But then we thought, Its a surrogate friend. If the audience really sees it as that, if they see it as genuinely providing the banter, maybe we can really give it a name.
They put their hunch through its paces. The market research company YouGov was commissioned to test Dave alongside a bunch of other names (Matthew and Kevin were also on the shortlist), but nothing else had the same everyman resonance. For us, Dave is a sensibility, a place, an emotion, a feeling, said North, his tone thoughtful, almost gnomic. Everyone has their own sense of who Dave is, thats the important thing. Its hard to find anyone who doesnt know someone called Dave.
Now the channel had a brand, it needed a slogan. Lots of people claim they played a part in the naming, says Bryant. But it was just as important to encapsulate what the channel was all about. And at some point someone, I dont know who, wrote it on a board: The home of witty banter. The rebrand added 8m new viewers in six months; Dave saw a 71% increase in its target audience of affluent young men.
Conceived by the first generation of senior professionals to have grown up with banter as an unremarkable part of their demographics cultural mix, the channel crystallised a change, and accelerated it. In 2006, The Ricky Gervais Show, in which Gervais and Stephen Merchant relentlessly poked fun at their in-house idiot savant Karl Pilkington, became the most popular podcast of all time. In 2007, the year of Daves rebrand, Top Gears ratings shot from below 5m to a record high of 8m. The following year, QI moved from BBC4 to BBC2. (A tie-in book published the same year, QI: Advanced Banter, sold more than 125,000 copies.)
North saw the kind of fraternal teasing that was being monetised by his channel, and the panel shows that were its lifeblood, as fundamentally benign. The key thing is that its two-way, he said. Its about two people riffing off each other.
But like his 20th-century forebears, he can see that something ugly has evolved, and he wants to keep his brand well away from it. Bants, he said with distaste. That thing of cover for dubious behaviour we hate and despise it massively. When we launched, it was about fun, being light-hearted, maybe pushing each other without being disrespectful. When people talk about Ive had a go at that person, great banter no, thats just nasty.
By the turn of the decade,as other branding agencies mimicked the success of Dave, banter was everywhere, a folk tradition that had acquired a peculiar sort of respectability. The men who celebrated it werent just lads in the pub any more: they had spending power and establishment allies on their side. But they were, by the same token, more visible to critics. Aggression from an underdog can be overlooked; aggression from the establishment is serious enough to become a matter of public concern.
Take Richard Keys and Andy Gray, Sky Sports brand-defining football presenters, who got themselves up to their necks in some extremely bad banter in 2011. Keys blamed dark forces, but everyone else blamed him and Gray for being misogynists. We knew this because there was footage.
The firestorm, as Keys called it, centred on claims that the two men had said and done heinously sexist things off-air. Most memorable, at least for its phrase-making, was the clip in which Keys eagerly asked his fellow pundit Jamie Redknapp if hed smashed it it being a woman and asserted that he could often be found hanging out the back of it.
Gray went quickly. In the days before he followed, Keys burned hot with injustice in a series of mea-sorta-culpas, particularly focused on the tape in which he expressed his derision at the idea that a woman, Sian Massey-Ellis, could be an assistant referee in the Premier League.
It was just banter, he said. Or, more exactly, just a bit of banter, as he said Massey-Ellis had assured him she understood in a later telephone conversation in which, he added, much banter passed between us. She and I enjoyed some banter, he protested. It was lads-mag banter, he insisted. It was stone-age banter, he admitted. We liked to have banter, he explained. Richard Keys was sorry if you were offended, but also, it wasnt his fault if you didnt get it. It was just banter, for goodness sake!
Up to their necks in some extremely bad banter Andy Gray and Richard Keys in 2011. Photograph: Richard Saker/Rex
Keys insistence that his mistake was simply a failure to move with the times was nothing new: banter has always seemed to carry a longing for the past, for an imagined era before male friendship was so cramped by the tiresome obligations of feminist scrutiny. But while his underlying views were painfully dated, his conception of banter was entirely modern: a sly expansion of the words meaning, and a self-conscious contention that it provided an impregnable defence.
The Keys variation understood banter, first, as a catch-all means of denying responsibility if anyone was hurt; and, second, as a means of reinforcing a bond between two people by being cruel about a third. The comparison wouldnt please a couple of alphas like Keys and Gray, but both strategies brought it closer to a style of communication with classically feminine associations: gossip. Deborah Cameron, the Rupert Murdoch (lol) Professor in Language and Communication at Oxford University, argues that the two modes of interaction follow basically the same structure. People gossip as a trust game, she said. You tell someone your unsayable private secret, and it bonds you closer together. Theyre supposed to reciprocate with a confidence of their own. Well, banter works in the same way now. You say something outrageous, and you see if the other person dares to top your remark.
The trust game in banter was traditionally supposed to be: do you trust me when I say were friends in spite of the mean things Im saying about you? But now theres a second version of the game: do I trust you not to tell anyone the mean things Im saying about other people? I think originally it was a harmless thing, said Cameron, whose analysis is rooted in an archive of male group conversation, mostly recorded by her students, that goes back to the 1980s. But then it started to be used as an excuse when men were caught out engaging in forms of it that werent so harmless.
It comes down to context and intent, says the comedian Bridget Christie. The gentler form of banter is still knocking around, she suggested, but now it exists alongside something darker: I found The Inbetweeners adolescent banter hilarious, because it was equal and unthreatening. But there is obviously a world of difference between a group of teenage boys benignly taking the piss out of each other, and a bigot being racist or misogynist and trying to pass it off as a joke.
Trace the rise of banter, and you will find that it corresponds to the rise of political correctness or, anyway, to the backlash against political correctness gone mad. That phrase and just banter mirror each other perfectly: one denoting a priggish culture that is deemed to have overreached, the other a laid-back culture that is deemed to have been unfairly reined in. Ironically enough, just banter does exactly what it accuses political correctness of, seeking to close down discussion by telling you that meaning is settled by category rather than content. Political correctness asserts that a racist joke is primarily racist, whereas banter asserts that a racist joke is primarily a joke. In the past, the men who used it rarely had to define it, or to explain themselves to anybody else. Today, in contrast, it is named all the time. The biggest change isnt the banter itself, says Bethan Benwell. Its the explicit use of the word as a disclaimer.
By sheer repetition and by its use as an unanswerable defence, banter has turned from an abstraction into a vast and calcified description of actions as well as words: gone from a way of talking to a way of life, a style that accidentally became a worldview. He bantered you, people sometimes say: you always used to banter with your mates, but now it often sounds like something you do to them. Once it was directionless, inconclusive chatter with wit as the engine that drove it, said the comedian Russell Kane. Now, if I trip you up, thats banter.
You might think the humiliation suffered by Keys and Gray would have made banter less appealing as a get-out, but not a bit of it. Banter, increasingly, seems like the first refuge of the inexcusable. In 2014, Malky Mackay, who had been fired as manager of Cardiff City Football Club a year earlier, was caught having sent texts that referred to Chinese people eating dogs, black people being criminals, Jewish people being avaricious, and gay people being snakes all of which were initially optimistically defended by the League Managers Association as letting off steam to a friend during some friendly text message banter. The comedian Dapper Laughs, whose real name is Daniel OReilly, established himself as banters rat king, with his very own ITV2 show, and then lost it after he suggested that an audience member at one of his gigs was gagging for a rape. A man was convicted of murder after he crushed his friend against a wall with a Jeep Cherokee after an argument over badger-baiting, a course of action that he said had been intended as banter. Another slashed the throat of someone he had met in a pub and described the incident as a moment of banter after 14 or 15 pints. Both are now in prison.
By any sane measure,banter was falling into disrepute, as often a disguise for malice as a word for the ribaldry of lads on the lash. Still it did not go away: instead, the worst of it has mutated again, asserting its authority in public and saving its creepiest tendencies for the shadows or, at least, for the company of five, or 10, or 20 of your closest mates.
At the London School of Economics, it started with a leaflet. Each year at the universitys freshers fair, LSE Rugby Football Club distributed a banterous primer on rugby culture. In October 2014, says the then-president of the student union, Nona Buckley-Irvine, a student came to her in tears with a copy in her hand. The leaflet talked about trollops, slags, crumpet, mingers, and the desirability of misogyny; there were passing references to the horrors of homosexual humiliation and outright homosexual debauchery. Anyone charmed by all this was invited to sign up for the club and join the banter list, entitling them to participate in the exchange of chappish email conversation.
To anyone with a passing knowledge of university laddism, it was hard to imagine a more ordinary iteration. Still, after the unreconstructed chappishness of the leaflet came to light, the club knew it had a problem. It issued a collective apology acknowledging that we have a lot to learn about the pernicious effects of banter, and promised to organise a workshop. But there was reason to be sceptical about the depth of that commitment.
When Buckley-Irvine and her colleagues published a report on the incident, they noted a string of others, including an antisemitic assault on a university ski trip to Val dIsere in 2011. And there were other indiscretions it didnt mention. According to two people who were present, one club dinner at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane ended with a stripper having bottles thrown at her when, already intimidated, she refused to take her clothes off. She hid in the toilet, and had to be escorted out by a member of staff as the team vandalised the restaurant.
Photograph: Alamy
According to five people who were either members of the rugby club or closely associated with it, one notorious senior member was widely thought to be responsible for the leaflet. (He did not respond to requests for comment.) But when they came to defend themselves to the student union, members of the club fell back on one of the most revered pillars of laddism: all for one, one for all. Theyd clearly worked out a line, says Nona Buckley-Irvine. No one individual was responsible. They were sorry. It was just banter. Thats what they all said.
The accountancy firm KPMG, which sponsored the universitys wider Athletics Union, decided that banter was not an especially helpful brand association, and withdrew funding worth 22,000. The students union decided to disband the club for the academic year. The decision moved some observers to disgust. It was a gross overreaction, a former team member told me. We were the best-behaved team when it came to actually playing rugby but they banned that bit and they couldnt ban any of the rest.
Others took a less measured tone. I had old members emailing me and calling me a fascist, says Buckley-Irvine. Asking me if I didnt understand that it was just banter. Rugby players chanted abuse at her on nights out, she told me. They shoulder-barged her, and called her a cunt.
These kinds of interactions would tend to take place on Wednesdays, also known as sports night, at a bar in Leicester Square. Sports night was the apotheosis of the rugby clubs bleak solidarity. In deference to what you might call the wingers-before-mingers code, for instance, members of the club who were expected to dress in suits werent allowed to speak to women before 9pm. So they would just shout abuse instead, one female former student, who Ill call Anna, remembered. One chant, she said, went, Nine nos and a yes is a yes. At the time, Anna thought that it was all a joke. People would say, Its just banter all the time. After everything. Absolutely everything, she said, sitting in a cafe in south London. If you were meeting someone new, saying they had good banter, that was a pretty high compliment. Whereas if you dont go along with that stuff, its seen as, you cant take the chat, you cant take the banter. And its not seen as having a stance against it. Its seen as not being able to keep up.
After the rugby club was disbanded, nothing much changed in sports night social life. Many members of the club still went on the same nights out; they just colonised other teams. They still addressed girls as Sarah 2 or Sarah 8 depending on how attractive they considered them out of 10; they still had shouted conversations about their sex lives in front of the women they had slept with but refused to acknowledge.
That culture was not confined to Wednesday nights. Anna remembers a guy who took her picture as she slept, naked, in the bed they were sharing, and circulated it to another non-university sports team via WhatsApp. She wasnt meant to see it on his phone.
Ask anyone well-informed where banter resides now, and theyll give the same answer: WhatsApp groups and email threads, the safe spaces of the lad class. What youd get out of those WhatsApp threads, its another world of drama, one former member of the football club said. The details of girls bodies that youd read, a few funny jibes, that was the limit for me. But when it moved on to, like, really, really bad stuff, always about sex it was too much. Those threads are the source of everything.
If the threads were an outlet, they were by no means the limit. Banter, by common consent, wasnt confined to mocking each other: it was about action. If you dressed up for a night out, one female student remembered, it was just kind of status quo that you could have your arse grabbed. It was just like, Oh, that was kind of weird, but OK, thatll happen. Like everyone else willing to speak about it, her view of that culture was perplexingly nuanced, sometimes contradictory. It sounds scary, she said, but that being said, some of my best nights were there, and like it was fun. But then she said: What was defined as serious just got so pushed. I think for someone to lodge a complaint they would have to be actually hurt.
Anna remembers lots of sketchy incidents. She recalls nights when her choices faded into a blur, and she wondered if she had really been in control. But at the time, I would never call it out, she said. And then, youre all living in halls together, and the next day, its like: What did you do last night? Thats hilarious. Thats banter.
When Anna thinks about the behaviour of some of the men she knew at university, she finds it hard to pin down exactly what she thinks of them. Theres one in particular who sticks in her mind. On a Wednesday night, he was a banter guy, she said. He was a Wednesday animal. But the rest of the time, he was my friend.
Controversial though all this was at the time, no one seems to think that it will have cost the perpetrators much. Ive tried so hard to leave all that behind, said the former member of the football team. But those guys theyre all going on to run banks, or the country, or whatever. The senior rugby man who many held responsible, by the way, has landed on his feet. Today, he has a job at KPMG.
In 2017, every new instance of banter is immediately spotted and put through the journalistic wringer. (Vices Joel Golby, who wrote the definitive text on the bagel thing, has made a career from his exquisite close readings of the form.) But when each new absolute legend emerges, we dont usually have the context to make the essential judgment: do the proponents tend towards the harmless warmth of Ellis and his mates, or the frank hostility of the LSE rugby boys? Is their love of irony straightforward, or a mask for something else?
As Richard Keys and Dapper Laughs and their cohorts have polluted the idea of banter, the commercial entities that endorsed its rise have become uneasy with the label. They wanted it to go viral; they hadnt expected it to go postal. Dave, for example, has dropped the home of witty banter slogan. Its not about classic male humour any more, its a little bit smarter, says UKTVs Steve North. We definitely say it less than we used to.
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/08/02/the-age-of-banter/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163730951422
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
The age of banter
The long read: It used to be just a word now it is a way of life. But is it time to get off the banter bus?
Its the most fucking ridiculous story, isnt it? We went to watch fucking dolphins, and we ended up in fucking Syria. Last summer in the Mediterranean party resort of Ayia Napa, Lewis Ellis was working as a club rep. I mean, it was fucking 8am, he told an Australian website soon afterwards, and the last fucking club had closed, and we thought, We can still go dolphin watching. Well blag our way on to a fucking boat and go dolphin watching.
But when the boat sailed so far that Cyprus disappeared from view, Ellis explained, they started to worry. Why are we so far from land? they asked the crew. Were fucking miles away and weve got no fucking wifi. Something, Ellis said, had been lost in translation; his exuberant season as a shepherd for the resorts party pilgrims had gone terribly awry. The crew wasnt taking them to watch dolphins: they were going to a Russian naval base in the city of Tartus, on Syrias Mediterranean coast. Yeah, it is a little ridiculous.
It was, nonetheless, a story that had legs. Hungover lads boat trip boob lands them in Syria, wahey-ed the Mirror; British holidaymakers board party boat in Ayia Napa and end up in war-torn SYRIA, guffawed the Express. If you saw these headlines at the time, you may dimly remember the rest. A stubborn trawler captain, chugging doggedly onwards to Tartus, where he turfed the friends out upon landing; interrogation at the hands of Russian intelligence officers; mutual hilarity as the Russians realised what had happened; and, after a hot meal, a quick tour of the area, and a good nights sleep, spots on the next fishing vessel headed back to Cyprus. It was never made clear why the captain had let them on the boat in the first place, but whatever. Everyone lapped it up.
Reflecting on the whole thing five months later, Ellis, a 26-year-old with a business degree and a marketing masters, couldnt totally wrap his head around it. I think I found 35 stories about us, he told me. I read about myself in the Hawaiian Express, do you know what I mean? (Notwithstanding that there doesnt appear to be any such newspaper, yes, I definitely do.)
What made it really weird to see the media pile in with such unstinting enthusiasm was that the story was total cobblers. I could not believe how gullible they were, Ellis said, a top note of glee still in his voice. We were just having a laugh! It was banter!
Lads: this is the age of banter. Its long been somewhat about the banter, but over the last few years, it has come to seem that its all about the banter an unabashedly bumptious attitude that took up a position on the outskirts of the culture in the early 90s and has been larging its way towards the centre ever since. There are hundreds of banter groups on Facebook, from Banter Britain (no memes insinuating child abuse/dead babies!!!) to Wanker Banter 18+ (Have a laugh and keep it sick) to the Premier League Banter Page (The only rule: keep it banter). You can buy an I banter mug on Amazon for 9, or an Archbishop of Banterbury T-shirt for 9.99.
There are now four branches of a restaurant called Scoff & Banter. When things were going badly at Chelsea FC under Jos Mourinho, it was reported the team had banned all banter in an attempt to focus their minds, and that terminology appeared in the newspapers, as if you would know exactly what it meant. Someone has created a banter map of London using a keyword search on the flatshare website SpareRoom, showing exactly where people are looking for a roommate with good banter (Clapham tends to feature prominently). When a 26-year-old man from Leeds posed for a selfie with a bemused aeroplane hijacker, Vice declared it the high-water mark of banter.
Lewis Ellis (left) and friends in Ayia Napa, pretending to be in Syria. Photograph: Lewis Ellis
If you are younger than about 35, you are likely to hear the term all the time. Either you have banter (if you are funny and can take a joke) or you dont (if you arent and cannot). The mainstream, in summary, is now drunk and asleep on the sofa, and banter is delightedly drawing a penis on its forehead.
As banter has risen, it has expanded. Long a word used to describe submerged expressions of fraternal love, it is now also a word used to excuse uninhibited displays of masculine bravado. Today, it is segregated by class, seized on by brands, picked over by psychologists, and deplored by cultural critics; it is dominant, hotly contested and only hazily understood.
And so, whether he intends it to or not, Ellis use of the term raises some questions. Is he throwing his lot in with the most pervasive branch of the blokeish mainstream, a sanitised and benevolent hilarity that stretches from lad-dad panel shows to your mates zinger about your terrible haircut? Or is he lining up with the misogynist imitators of the Bullingdon club, a sprinkling of racists, and, as we shall see, an actual murderer purveyors of a malicious and insidious masculinity that insists on its indivisible authority and calls you a slut if you object?
Ellis isnt preoccupied by these questions, but for what its worth, he does say that he and his friends never had the slightest intention of going to Syria. We werent really trying to fool anyone, he told me, although Im not sure thats entirely consistent with the facts. We were out for a stroll, and we came across this area that looked really run down, we thought it looked like Syria. So we put it on the club reps [Facebook] page that thats where we were. And everyone started liking it. And then one of the people who contacted us was from LADBible which is like the Bible, but for LADS so we said, well have a mess around here. Well tell a completely ridiculous story, see if the media believes it. See if we can become LADBible famous.
It did, they could. Eventually, the truth came out, not thanks to any especially determined investigative journalism, but because Ellis cheerily admitted on Facebook that his tale of magnificent idiocy was a fiction. Hahaha what a prank, he wrote, with some justification.
The confession only brought another cycle of attention. Publications that had picked up the story in the first place resurfaced it with new headlines to reflect the audacity of the invention; social media users adduced it as evidence for their views of young men, or the media, or both. The Russian embassys Twitter account called it a telling example of how many Syria (and Russia) stories are made up by UK papers, which was great geopolitical banter. The attention entertained Ellis, but he says it wasnt the point. We just thought it was funny, he said. People are too serious. I keep being told to grow up, but I still want to have a good time. Ive had the jobs, Ive got the education. But when Im off work, I want to escape.
Ellis is an enthusiast and an optimist. He is, he told me late last year, desperate to take every opportunity, just to say yes to everything I can. We were on a night out in Manchester with his friends Tyson, John and Chris. In the course of the evening, the following things found their way into my beer: fingers; salt; vinegar; mayonnaise; a chip; saliva; a 10 note; and, I hazily remember being told after the fact, at least two shots of vodka.
Everyones got a thing in the group, Ellis said, as we walked from one bar to the next. One guy, hes not even that ugly, we say he looks like a Peperami. Tysons got this mole on his face, its like a Coco Pop, so youve got a Coco Pop on your face. I looked like Harry Potter when I was a kid, so they call me Potter, thats my nickname. Every single one of us has something. So you youve got Chinese eyes. Youre Chinese.
For the record, I didnt think this was OK, but coming after such a harmless litany, it didnt seem malicious enough to confront. Of course, tacit endorsement is what makes such offensive epithets a commonplace, and so it troubles me that it made me feel mysteriously welcome, just as it had when John punched me lightly in the balls when I arrived. There was no doubting Elliss sincerity: as he spoke, the sheer daft beauty of male friendship seemed to amaze him, almost to the point of physical pain. We just take the piss out of each other, and thats how we show our love, he said. So many group chats on the phone, and you just take the piss until they cry. And its like, when youre really killing them, you go, Ill stop if you want, because you know they cant say yes, so you just keep going. Then we arrived at the next bar, where I was made to drink something called a Zombie.
Early in the evening, before any of this had undermined my ability to take useful notes, Ellis broke off from talking as we walked down the street and sidled into a window display at Next Home, where he Tracey Emined a carefully made bed by climbing into it and rolling around. Everyone cracked up. Give the world a laugh, Ellis tends to think, and the world will smile back at you. Jump on a boat, and youll end up somewhere great; make the boat up, and youll get there faster. Its all about having fun, its all about the banter, he said, after hed rejoined us outside. Banter is about making the world a more exciting place.
If nobody can agree on what banter is, thats hardly a new problem. The first usage of the word recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary comes from noted Restoration lad Thomas dUrfey, also known for his hit song The Fart, in a satirical 1677 play called Madam Fickle. Banter him, banter him, Toby, a character called Zechiel urges, which may be the first time that someone called Toby was so instructed, but certainly wasnt the last.
The OED also notes early attempts at a definition by Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson. (Swift mentions a banter upon transubstantiation, in which a cork is turned into a horse, and fair enough, turning a cork into a horse would be classic banter.) Both are a little disgusted by the word, and neither unearths much of an origin story: by their accounts, banter is so coarse that it emerged, fully formed and without antecedent, out of the mouths of oafs.
As it turns out, though, the OED is not at present fully able to handle the banter. According to Eleanor Maier, an associate editor on the dictionary, a search of earlier English texts reveals that a number of previous examples are missing from the dictionarys definition, which was first drafted in 1885 including a quote from a 1657 translation of Don Quixote. (After examining the history, Maier told me that she would be adding banter to the list of entries that are up for review.)
dougie stew (@DougieStew)
Welcome to London #BagelGate pic.twitter.com/KcJoz0ycZU
February 26, 2017
In recent years, banter has barged into our lives at a remarkable clip. Googles Ngram Viewer, a tool that assesses (with some limitations) the frequency with which a term appears in a large database of written sources, finds that banter popped up about twice as often in 2008, the most recent year covered, as it did in 1980.
But banter plugged away for a long time before it became an overnight success. In the 19th century, it often denoted a kind of formal sparring. Even as the term evolved over the 20th, it continued to seem a little prim. In the House of Commons in 1936, Ramsay MacDonald, the former Labour prime minister who had returned in a new seat after losing his old one, was subjected to a good deal of banter Dear old Granny MacDonald!, among other witticisms.In 1981, a Guardian report that chess champion Anatoly Karpov and his handlers had successfully protested at his challenger Viktor Korchnois constant cross-board talk ran under the unlikely headline: Chess banter banned.
Such stories do little to prepare us for what banter has become. Consider the viral video that became known as #bagelgate earlier this year. In the recording, a minor scuffle broke out on the 00.54 train from Kings Cross to Huntingdon, and then for no obviously related reason a woman who had a large bag of bagels decided to put one on the head of the guy sitting in front of her, and then another after he took it off and threw it out of the window, and another and another, and then everyone in the carriage started chanting hes got a bagel on his head, and eventually the slightly spoddy victim who is me when I was 13 and someone filled my pencil case with Mr Kipling apple pies (squashed, oozing) because I was fat lost it and screamed Get the fuck out of my face!, and then another fight broke out on the platform, and then the police got on to the train, and every single person fell into not-me-guv silence: this is not Granny MacDonalds banter any more.
If it is hard to understand how these activities can fall under the same umbrella, it should be noted that a phenomenon may predate our choice of term to describe it its just that the act of definition makes it more visible, and perhaps more likely to be imitated. At some point, though, banter became the name for what British men already regarded as their natural tone of voice. There is a very deeply embedded folk culture in the UK of public ribaldry, extreme sarcasm, facetiousness in other words, of laddishness, says Tony Thorne, a linguist and cultural historian. What you might think of as banter now is rooted in that tradition.
That tradition first lashed itself to banters mast in the early 1990s, and controversy soon followed. In June 1992, a Guardian story headlined Police fire sex banter officer, about the dismissal of a sergeant for sexual harassment, recorded an early skirmish in the modern banter wars, and an important new layer to its meaning in the wild: The move is seen as part of the Metropolitan polices desire to reassure women officers that what has previously been tolerated as banter is no longer acceptable. Two years later, the lads mags arrived.
The first edition of Loaded magazine appeared in May 1994, with a picture of Gary Oldman on the front smoking a dog-end, under a banner that declared him a super lad. What fresh lunacy is this? the editors note read. Loaded is a new magazine dedicated to life, liberty and the pursuit of sex, drink, football and less serious matters Loaded is for the man who believes he can do anything, if only he wasnt hungover.
If banter dismays you, James Brown, the magazines first editor, is quite an easy bogeyman. As he acknowledges himself, he created a title that defined a genre. Loaded was swiftly recognised as a foundational text for a resurgent and ebullient masculinity that had been searching for public expression. While it was always overtly horny, the magazine was initially more interested in a forlorn, slackjawed and self-ironising appreciation of A-listers (one reversible poster had Cindy Crawford on one side and a steam train on the other) than the grot-plus-football formula that successors and imitators like Maxim, Zoo and Nuts milked to destruction. But it also flirted with something murkier.
To its critics, Loaded and its imitators aimed to sanitise a certain hooliganistic worldview with a strategic disclaimer. Banter emerges as this relentless gloss of irony over everything, said Bethan Benwell, senior lecturer in language and linguistics at the University of Stirling and the author of several papers on mens magazines. The constant excusing of sexist or homophobic sentiments with this wink that says you dont really mean it. Benwell pointed to Loadeds emblematic strapline: For men who should know better.
Brown denies that his magazine invented banter. Instead, he says, it captured a zeitgeist that the media had previously failed to acknowledge; the folk culture that Tony Thorne refers to, brought out into the open. Before Browns intervention, GQ had run John Major and Michael Heseltine as cover stars, for Gods sake. I took the interests and the outlook of the young men that I knew, and I put them in a magazine, Brown said. Im not responsible for the tone of the later entrants to the market. We were criticised because we fancied women, not because we belittled them.
The thing about Loaded was that the way we wrote reflected the way we were with our mates, he went on. Theres definitely a thing that exists in the male outlook: you take the piss out of the people you like, and you ignore the people you dont.
Accept this as your starting point, and objections become exhausting to sustain: what youre objecting to is an act of affection. Of course, this is what makes it insidious. Because Browns account rests on the intention behind the magazine, and Benwells on the effect it had, they are impossible to reconcile. Its a very difficult thing to resist or challenge without looking like the stereotypical humourless feminist, said Benwell. But by laughing, you become complicit.
Loaded gave this new kind of banter escape velocity, and it began to colonise other worlds. On BBC2, for example, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner were staking out their own territory with Fantasy Football League, a mixture of sketches and celebrity chat that managed to be enthusiastic and satirical at the same time, and reached its peak when the pair became national icons, thanks to their Euro 96 anthem, Three Lions. While a long-running joke about the Nottingham Forest striker Jason Lees pineapple haircut seems flatly racist in retrospect Baddiel did an impression of him in blackface by and large, the tone was milder and more conventional than the magazines were: this was the sensibility of the university graduate slumming it before embarking on grown-up life.
Baddiel implied that laddism could easily occupy a spectrum from ogling to literature, drawing a line to Nick Hornbys memoir of life as an Arsenal fan, Fever Pitch. Hornby once said to me that all this stuff you know, fantasy football and his book is men talking about things that they like and for a while in the mid-80s they werent allowed to, he said in 1995. Ive always liked football and Ive always liked naked women, and its easier to talk about that now than it was eight years ago. Those comments reflect a kind of sneer at its critics that you could often detect in Fantasy Football League, even as its hosts protested that they were just having a laugh though Baddiel himself denies that view. Twenty years on, he, like Brown, is at pains to draw a line between the approach that he and Skinner popularised, and the forms that came later. I guess me and Frank did specialise in banter, he said in an email. In a time before it was known as bantz.
Over the next 10 years, two things happened that ushered in the age of banter. (You might call it mature banter, except that its also the opposite.) First, instead of just being a thing that happened, it became a thing that people talked about. Then, as it became a more tangible cultural product, everyone started trying to make money out of it. The watershed moment, the forms equivalent to Dylan going electric, was the invention of Dave.
Like most good ideas, it looks simple enough in retrospect. Before Dave was Dave, it was UKTV Gold 2. The predecessor channels audience share was 0.761%, and no one could tell who on earth it was supposed to be for. But we had the content, says Steve North, the channels brand manager in 2007 and content of a particular kind that the existing name did very little to communicate: Have I Got News for You, They Think Its All Over, Top Gear. Viewers said they loved the repartee, the humour. It reminded them of spending time with their funniest friends.
The first issue of Loaded magazine, from May 1994
The target audience was highly specific. It was men married or in relationships, maybe with young children, not going to the pub as much as they used to, says Andy Bryant, managing director of Red Bee, the agency brought in to work on the rebrand. And they missed that camaraderie.
Their purpose thus fixed, North started to run brainstorming sessions at which people would shout out suggestions for the name. One of the ones we collected was Dave, he says. We thought, great, but we cant call it that. But then we thought, Its a surrogate friend. If the audience really sees it as that, if they see it as genuinely providing the banter, maybe we can really give it a name.
They put their hunch through its paces. The market research company YouGov was commissioned to test Dave alongside a bunch of other names (Matthew and Kevin were also on the shortlist), but nothing else had the same everyman resonance. For us, Dave is a sensibility, a place, an emotion, a feeling, said North, his tone thoughtful, almost gnomic. Everyone has their own sense of who Dave is, thats the important thing. Its hard to find anyone who doesnt know someone called Dave.
Now the channel had a brand, it needed a slogan. Lots of people claim they played a part in the naming, says Bryant. But it was just as important to encapsulate what the channel was all about. And at some point someone, I dont know who, wrote it on a board: The home of witty banter. The rebrand added 8m new viewers in six months; Dave saw a 71% increase in its target audience of affluent young men.
Conceived by the first generation of senior professionals to have grown up with banter as an unremarkable part of their demographics cultural mix, the channel crystallised a change, and accelerated it. In 2006, The Ricky Gervais Show, in which Gervais and Stephen Merchant relentlessly poked fun at their in-house idiot savant Karl Pilkington, became the most popular podcast of all time. In 2007, the year of Daves rebrand, Top Gears ratings shot from below 5m to a record high of 8m. The following year, QI moved from BBC4 to BBC2. (A tie-in book published the same year, QI: Advanced Banter, sold more than 125,000 copies.)
North saw the kind of fraternal teasing that was being monetised by his channel, and the panel shows that were its lifeblood, as fundamentally benign. The key thing is that its two-way, he said. Its about two people riffing off each other.
But like his 20th-century forebears, he can see that something ugly has evolved, and he wants to keep his brand well away from it. Bants, he said with distaste. That thing of cover for dubious behaviour we hate and despise it massively. When we launched, it was about fun, being light-hearted, maybe pushing each other without being disrespectful. When people talk about Ive had a go at that person, great banter no, thats just nasty.
By the turn of the decade,as other branding agencies mimicked the success of Dave, banter was everywhere, a folk tradition that had acquired a peculiar sort of respectability. The men who celebrated it werent just lads in the pub any more: they had spending power and establishment allies on their side. But they were, by the same token, more visible to critics. Aggression from an underdog can be overlooked; aggression from the establishment is serious enough to become a matter of public concern.
Take Richard Keys and Andy Gray, Sky Sports brand-defining football presenters, who got themselves up to their necks in some extremely bad banter in 2011. Keys blamed dark forces, but everyone else blamed him and Gray for being misogynists. We knew this because there was footage.
The firestorm, as Keys called it, centred on claims that the two men had said and done heinously sexist things off-air. Most memorable, at least for its phrase-making, was the clip in which Keys eagerly asked his fellow pundit Jamie Redknapp if hed smashed it it being a woman and asserted that he could often be found hanging out the back of it.
Gray went quickly. In the days before he followed, Keys burned hot with injustice in a series of mea-sorta-culpas, particularly focused on the tape in which he expressed his derision at the idea that a woman, Sian Massey-Ellis, could be an assistant referee in the Premier League.
It was just banter, he said. Or, more exactly, just a bit of banter, as he said Massey-Ellis had assured him she understood in a later telephone conversation in which, he added, much banter passed between us. She and I enjoyed some banter, he protested. It was lads-mag banter, he insisted. It was stone-age banter, he admitted. We liked to have banter, he explained. Richard Keys was sorry if you were offended, but also, it wasnt his fault if you didnt get it. It was just banter, for goodness sake!
Up to their necks in some extremely bad banter Andy Gray and Richard Keys in 2011. Photograph: Richard Saker/Rex
Keys insistence that his mistake was simply a failure to move with the times was nothing new: banter has always seemed to carry a longing for the past, for an imagined era before male friendship was so cramped by the tiresome obligations of feminist scrutiny. But while his underlying views were painfully dated, his conception of banter was entirely modern: a sly expansion of the words meaning, and a self-conscious contention that it provided an impregnable defence.
The Keys variation understood banter, first, as a catch-all means of denying responsibility if anyone was hurt; and, second, as a means of reinforcing a bond between two people by being cruel about a third. The comparison wouldnt please a couple of alphas like Keys and Gray, but both strategies brought it closer to a style of communication with classically feminine associations: gossip. Deborah Cameron, the Rupert Murdoch (lol) Professor in Language and Communication at Oxford University, argues that the two modes of interaction follow basically the same structure. People gossip as a trust game, she said. You tell someone your unsayable private secret, and it bonds you closer together. Theyre supposed to reciprocate with a confidence of their own. Well, banter works in the same way now. You say something outrageous, and you see if the other person dares to top your remark.
The trust game in banter was traditionally supposed to be: do you trust me when I say were friends in spite of the mean things Im saying about you? But now theres a second version of the game: do I trust you not to tell anyone the mean things Im saying about other people? I think originally it was a harmless thing, said Cameron, whose analysis is rooted in an archive of male group conversation, mostly recorded by her students, that goes back to the 1980s. But then it started to be used as an excuse when men were caught out engaging in forms of it that werent so harmless.
It comes down to context and intent, says the comedian Bridget Christie. The gentler form of banter is still knocking around, she suggested, but now it exists alongside something darker: I found The Inbetweeners adolescent banter hilarious, because it was equal and unthreatening. But there is obviously a world of difference between a group of teenage boys benignly taking the piss out of each other, and a bigot being racist or misogynist and trying to pass it off as a joke.
Trace the rise of banter, and you will find that it corresponds to the rise of political correctness or, anyway, to the backlash against political correctness gone mad. That phrase and just banter mirror each other perfectly: one denoting a priggish culture that is deemed to have overreached, the other a laid-back culture that is deemed to have been unfairly reined in. Ironically enough, just banter does exactly what it accuses political correctness of, seeking to close down discussion by telling you that meaning is settled by category rather than content. Political correctness asserts that a racist joke is primarily racist, whereas banter asserts that a racist joke is primarily a joke. In the past, the men who used it rarely had to define it, or to explain themselves to anybody else. Today, in contrast, it is named all the time. The biggest change isnt the banter itself, says Bethan Benwell. Its the explicit use of the word as a disclaimer.
By sheer repetition and by its use as an unanswerable defence, banter has turned from an abstraction into a vast and calcified description of actions as well as words: gone from a way of talking to a way of life, a style that accidentally became a worldview. He bantered you, people sometimes say: you always used to banter with your mates, but now it often sounds like something you do to them. Once it was directionless, inconclusive chatter with wit as the engine that drove it, said the comedian Russell Kane. Now, if I trip you up, thats banter.
You might think the humiliation suffered by Keys and Gray would have made banter less appealing as a get-out, but not a bit of it. Banter, increasingly, seems like the first refuge of the inexcusable. In 2014, Malky Mackay, who had been fired as manager of Cardiff City Football Club a year earlier, was caught having sent texts that referred to Chinese people eating dogs, black people being criminals, Jewish people being avaricious, and gay people being snakes all of which were initially optimistically defended by the League Managers Association as letting off steam to a friend during some friendly text message banter. The comedian Dapper Laughs, whose real name is Daniel OReilly, established himself as banters rat king, with his very own ITV2 show, and then lost it after he suggested that an audience member at one of his gigs was gagging for a rape. A man was convicted of murder after he crushed his friend against a wall with a Jeep Cherokee after an argument over badger-baiting, a course of action that he said had been intended as banter. Another slashed the throat of someone he had met in a pub and described the incident as a moment of banter after 14 or 15 pints. Both are now in prison.
By any sane measure,banter was falling into disrepute, as often a disguise for malice as a word for the ribaldry of lads on the lash. Still it did not go away: instead, the worst of it has mutated again, asserting its authority in public and saving its creepiest tendencies for the shadows or, at least, for the company of five, or 10, or 20 of your closest mates.
At the London School of Economics, it started with a leaflet. Each year at the universitys freshers fair, LSE Rugby Football Club distributed a banterous primer on rugby culture. In October 2014, says the then-president of the student union, Nona Buckley-Irvine, a student came to her in tears with a copy in her hand. The leaflet talked about trollops, slags, crumpet, mingers, and the desirability of misogyny; there were passing references to the horrors of homosexual humiliation and outright homosexual debauchery. Anyone charmed by all this was invited to sign up for the club and join the banter list, entitling them to participate in the exchange of chappish email conversation.
To anyone with a passing knowledge of university laddism, it was hard to imagine a more ordinary iteration. Still, after the unreconstructed chappishness of the leaflet came to light, the club knew it had a problem. It issued a collective apology acknowledging that we have a lot to learn about the pernicious effects of banter, and promised to organise a workshop. But there was reason to be sceptical about the depth of that commitment.
When Buckley-Irvine and her colleagues published a report on the incident, they noted a string of others, including an antisemitic assault on a university ski trip to Val dIsere in 2011. And there were other indiscretions it didnt mention. According to two people who were present, one club dinner at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane ended with a stripper having bottles thrown at her when, already intimidated, she refused to take her clothes off. She hid in the toilet, and had to be escorted out by a member of staff as the team vandalised the restaurant.
Photograph: Alamy
According to five people who were either members of the rugby club or closely associated with it, one notorious senior member was widely thought to be responsible for the leaflet. (He did not respond to requests for comment.) But when they came to defend themselves to the student union, members of the club fell back on one of the most revered pillars of laddism: all for one, one for all. Theyd clearly worked out a line, says Nona Buckley-Irvine. No one individual was responsible. They were sorry. It was just banter. Thats what they all said.
The accountancy firm KPMG, which sponsored the universitys wider Athletics Union, decided that banter was not an especially helpful brand association, and withdrew funding worth 22,000. The students union decided to disband the club for the academic year. The decision moved some observers to disgust. It was a gross overreaction, a former team member told me. We were the best-behaved team when it came to actually playing rugby but they banned that bit and they couldnt ban any of the rest.
Others took a less measured tone. I had old members emailing me and calling me a fascist, says Buckley-Irvine. Asking me if I didnt understand that it was just banter. Rugby players chanted abuse at her on nights out, she told me. They shoulder-barged her, and called her a cunt.
These kinds of interactions would tend to take place on Wednesdays, also known as sports night, at a bar in Leicester Square. Sports night was the apotheosis of the rugby clubs bleak solidarity. In deference to what you might call the wingers-before-mingers code, for instance, members of the club who were expected to dress in suits werent allowed to speak to women before 9pm. So they would just shout abuse instead, one female former student, who Ill call Anna, remembered. One chant, she said, went, Nine nos and a yes is a yes. At the time, Anna thought that it was all a joke. People would say, Its just banter all the time. After everything. Absolutely everything, she said, sitting in a cafe in south London. If you were meeting someone new, saying they had good banter, that was a pretty high compliment. Whereas if you dont go along with that stuff, its seen as, you cant take the chat, you cant take the banter. And its not seen as having a stance against it. Its seen as not being able to keep up.
After the rugby club was disbanded, nothing much changed in sports night social life. Many members of the club still went on the same nights out; they just colonised other teams. They still addressed girls as Sarah 2 or Sarah 8 depending on how attractive they considered them out of 10; they still had shouted conversations about their sex lives in front of the women they had slept with but refused to acknowledge.
That culture was not confined to Wednesday nights. Anna remembers a guy who took her picture as she slept, naked, in the bed they were sharing, and circulated it to another non-university sports team via WhatsApp. She wasnt meant to see it on his phone.
Ask anyone well-informed where banter resides now, and theyll give the same answer: WhatsApp groups and email threads, the safe spaces of the lad class. What youd get out of those WhatsApp threads, its another world of drama, one former member of the football club said. The details of girls bodies that youd read, a few funny jibes, that was the limit for me. But when it moved on to, like, really, really bad stuff, always about sex it was too much. Those threads are the source of everything.
If the threads were an outlet, they were by no means the limit. Banter, by common consent, wasnt confined to mocking each other: it was about action. If you dressed up for a night out, one female student remembered, it was just kind of status quo that you could have your arse grabbed. It was just like, Oh, that was kind of weird, but OK, thatll happen. Like everyone else willing to speak about it, her view of that culture was perplexingly nuanced, sometimes contradictory. It sounds scary, she said, but that being said, some of my best nights were there, and like it was fun. But then she said: What was defined as serious just got so pushed. I think for someone to lodge a complaint they would have to be actually hurt.
Anna remembers lots of sketchy incidents. She recalls nights when her choices faded into a blur, and she wondered if she had really been in control. But at the time, I would never call it out, she said. And then, youre all living in halls together, and the next day, its like: What did you do last night? Thats hilarious. Thats banter.
When Anna thinks about the behaviour of some of the men she knew at university, she finds it hard to pin down exactly what she thinks of them. Theres one in particular who sticks in her mind. On a Wednesday night, he was a banter guy, she said. He was a Wednesday animal. But the rest of the time, he was my friend.
Controversial though all this was at the time, no one seems to think that it will have cost the perpetrators much. Ive tried so hard to leave all that behind, said the former member of the football team. But those guys theyre all going on to run banks, or the country, or whatever. The senior rugby man who many held responsible, by the way, has landed on his feet. Today, he has a job at KPMG.
In 2017, every new instance of banter is immediately spotted and put through the journalistic wringer. (Vices Joel Golby, who wrote the definitive text on the bagel thing, has made a career from his exquisite close readings of the form.) But when each new absolute legend emerges, we dont usually have the context to make the essential judgment: do the proponents tend towards the harmless warmth of Ellis and his mates, or the frank hostility of the LSE rugby boys? Is their love of irony straightforward, or a mask for something else?
As Richard Keys and Dapper Laughs and their cohorts have polluted the idea of banter, the commercial entities that endorsed its rise have become uneasy with the label. They wanted it to go viral; they hadnt expected it to go postal. Dave, for example, has dropped the home of witty banter slogan. Its not about classic male humour any more, its a little bit smarter, says UKTVs Steve North. We definitely say it less than we used to.
<source media="(min-wid
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/08/02/the-age-of-banter/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/08/02/the-age-of-banter/
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caredogstips · 7 years
The age of joke
The long speak: It used to be precisely a word now it is a way of life. But is it is necessary to get down the banter bus?
Its the most fucking laughable storey, isnt it? We went to watch fucking dolphins, and we ended up in fucking Syria. Last-place summertime in the Mediterranean party resort of Ayia Napa, Lewis Ellis was wielding as a guild rep. I represent, it was fucking 8am, he told an Australian website soon afterwards, and the last fucking golf-club had closed, and we remembered, We can still depart dolphin watching. Well blag our mode on to a fucking craft and croak dolphin watching.
But when the boat voyaged so far that Cyprus disappeared from panorama, Ellis explained, they started to worry. Why are we so far from tract? they questioned the crew. Were fucking miles away and weve got no fucking wifi. Something, Ellis said, had been lost in rendition; his exuberant season as a shepherd for the useds party pilgrims used to go terribly awry. The gang wasnt taking them to watch dolphins: they were going to a Russian naval basi in the towns of Tartus, on Syrias Mediterranean coast. Yeah, it is a little ridiculous.
It was , nonetheless, a fib that had legs. Hungover lads boat errand boob territory them in Syria, wahey-ed the Mirror; British holidaymakers board defendant barge in Ayia Napa and be brought to an end in war-torn SYRIA, laughed the Express. If you envisioned these headlines at the time, you may dimly remember the rest. A stubborn trawler captain, chugging doggedly onwards to Tartus, where he turfed the friends out upon territory; interrogation at the mitts of Russian intelligence officers; mutual hilarity as the Russians realised what had happened; and, after a red-hot banquet, a speedy tour of the expanse, and a good darkness sleep, spots on the next angling boat headed back to Cyprus. It was never made clear why the captain had let them on the craft in the first place, but whatever. Everyone lapped it up.
Reflecting on the whole circumstance five a few months later, Ellis, a 26 -year-old with a business position and a marketing lords, couldnt altogether wrap his head around it. I ponder I experienced 35 narratives about us, he told me. I read about myself in the Hawaiian Express, do you know what I symbolize?( Notwithstanding that there is nothing to doesnt appear to be any such newspaper, yes, I emphatically do .)
What became it really weird to see the media pile in with such unstinting passion was that the storey was total cobblers. I could not belief how unsophisticated they were, Ellis said, a top memo of hilarity still in his tone. We were just having a chortle! It was banter!
Lads: this is the age of joke. Its long been somewhat about the banter, but over the last few years, it has come to seem that its all about the banter an unabashedly bumptious posture that took up a position on the outskirts of different cultures in the early 90 s and has been larging its road towards the centre ever since. “Theres” hundreds of banter groups on Facebook, from Banter Britain( no memes insinuating child abuse/ dead children !!!) to Wanker Banter 18+( Have a laugh and keep it sick) to the Premier League Banter Page( The only ruler: keep it banter ). You can buy an I banter jugs on Amazon for 9, or an Archbishop of Banterbury T-shirt for 9.99.
There are now four sprigs of a restaurant announced Scoff& Banter. When circumstances were going badly at Chelsea FC under Jos Mourinho, it was reported the team had banned all joke in an attempt to focus their subconscious, and that word appeared in the newspapers, as if you would know exactly what it entail. Person has created a banter map of London using a keyword scour on the flatshare website SpareRoom, indicating exactly where people “re looking for a” roommate with good banter( Clapham tends to facet prominently ). When a 26 -year-old man from Leeds constituted for a selfie with a baffled aeroplane hijacker, Vice swore it the high-water rating of banter.
Lewis Ellis( left) and friends in Ayia Napa, pretending to be in Syria. Photograph: Lewis Ellis
If you are younger than about 35, you are likely to hear the expression all the time. Either you have banter( if you are funny and can take a pun) or you dont( if you arent and cannot ). The mainstream, in summary, is now drink and asleep on the sofa, and banter is delightedly drawing a penis on its forehead.
As banter has risen, it has expanded. Long a word used to describe submerged sayings of fraternal charity, it is now likewise a word allows one to excuse uninhibited exhibitions of masculine bravado. Today, it is segregated by class, seized on by brands, picked over by psychologists, and regretted by culture reviewers; it is dominant, fiercely contested and exclusively hazily understood.
And so, whether he purposes it to or not, Ellis use of the expression parent some questions. Is he shedding his pile in with the most prevalent division of the blokeish mainstream, a sanitised and gracious gaiety that elongates from lad-dad panel shows to your teammates zinger about your dreadful haircut? Or is he lining up with the misogynist impersonators of the Bullingdon club, a sprinkling of prejudiceds, and, as we shall identify, an actual murderer purveyors of a malicious and insidious masculinity that insists on its indivisible dominion and calls you a slut if you object?
Ellis isnt preoccupied by these questions, but for what its worth, he does say that he and his friends never had the slightest planned of going to Syria. We werent actually trying to clown anyone, he told me, although Im not sure thats wholly consistent with the facts of the case. We were out for a saunter, and we went across this area that gazed actually run down, we thought it was like Syria. So we apply it on the team reps[ Facebook] page that thats where we were. And everyone started liking it. And then one of the people who contacted us was from LADBible which is like the Bible, but for LADS so we pronounced, well have a mess around here. Well tell a completely ridiculous tale, see if the media believes it. Find if we can become LADBible famous.
It did, we are able to. Eventually, the truth “re coming out” , not thanks to any especially determined investigative journalism, but because Ellis cheerily admitted on Facebook that his narration of superb foolishnes was a story. Hahaha what a prank, he wrote, with some justification.
The confession simply raised another repetition of notice. Books that had picked up the legend in the first place resurfaced it with new headlines to manifest the daring of the fabrication; social media useds adduced it as evidence for their own views of young men, or the media, or both. The Russian delegation Twitter account announced it a telling illustration of how many Syria( and Russia) stories are made up by UK newspapers, which was great geopolitical banter. The courtesy entertained Ellis, but he alleges it wasnt the stage. We simply thought it was funny, he responded. People are too serious. I hinder being told to grow up, but I still want to have a good time. Ive had the jobs, Ive got the education. But when Im off production, I want to escape.
Ellis is an enthusiast and an optimist. He is, he told me late last year, hopeless to take every opportunity, simply to enunciate yes to everything I can. We were on a nighttime out in Manchester with his pals Tyson, John and Chris. In such courses of the evening, the following circumstances knew their mode into my brew: fingers; salt; vinegar; mayonnaise; a chip; saliva; a 10 greenback; and, I hazily recollect being told after the fact, at the least two shootings of vodka.
Everyones got a thought in the group, Ellis said, as we walked from one saloon to the next. One person, hes not even that ugly, we say he looks just like a Peperami. Tysons get this mole on his appearance, its like a Coco Pop, so youve got a Coco Pop on your appearance. I looked like Harry Potter when I was a kid, so they announce me Potter, thats my moniker. Every single one of us has something. So you youve gone Chinese attentions. Youre Chinese.
For the record, I didnt think this was OK, but coming after such a harmless litany, it didnt seem malicious enough to confront. Of course, tacit promotion is what shapes such offensive epithets a platitude, and so it is a matter of concern that it saw “i m feeling” mysteriously accepted, just as it had when John perforated me softly in the pellets when I arrived. There was no doubting Elliss candour: as he spoke, the sheer daft beautiful of male friendship seems to astounded him, almost to the point of physical suffering. We just take the piss out of each other, and thats how we establish our passion , he spoke. So many group converses on the phone, and you just take the piss until they cry . And its like, when youre certainly killing them, you go, Ill stop if you miss, because you know they cant say yes, so you exactly keep going. Then we arrived at the next rail, where I was made to drink something called a Zombie.
Early in the evening, before any of this had eroded my ability to take helpful notes, Ellis smashed off from talking as we moved down wall street and sidled into a window display at Next Home, where he Tracey Emined a carefully established bottom by climbing into it and reeling around. Everyone cracked up. Contribute “the worlds” a shriek, Ellis tends to think, and the world will smile back at you. Jump on a craft, and youll end up somewhere enormous; stimulate the boat up, and youll got to get faster. Its all about having fun, its all about the banter, he articulated, after hed rejoined us outside. Banter is about realise “the worlds” a more exciting place.
If nobody can agree on what joke is, thats scarcely a new difficulty. The first habit of the word recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary comes from memo Restoration lad Thomas dUrfey, also known for his hit hymn The Fart, in a sarcastic 1677 participate called Madam Fickle. Banter him, banter him, Toby, a character called Zechiel urges, which may be the first time that someone called Toby was so instructed, but certainly wasnt the last.
The OED also notes early attempts at a description by Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.( Speedy mentions a banter upon transubstantiation, in which a cork is turned into a horse, and fair enough, revolving a stopper into a mare “wouldve been” classic joke .) Both “re a bit” disgusted by the word, and neither unearths often of an origin narrative: by their chronicles, joke is so coarse that it rose, amply structured and without antecedent, out of the mouths of oafs.
As it is about to change, though, the OED is not at present amply able to handle the banter. According to Eleanor Maier, an associate editor on the dictionary, a research of earlier English texts reveals that a number of previous patterns are missing from the dictionarys definition, which is now being first drafted in 1885 including a quote from a 1657 rendition of Don Quixote.( After examining the history, Maier told him that she would be adding banter to the listing of introductions that are up for evaluate .)
dougie stew (@ DougieStew)
Welcome to London #BagelGate pic.twitter.com/ KcJoz0ycZU
February 26, 2017
In recent years, joke has barged into our lives at a impressive time. Googles Ngram Viewer, a implement that assesses( with some limitations) the frequency with which a period shall be published in a large database of written sources, finds that banter popped up approximately twice as often in 2008, the most recent year plowed, as it did in 1980.
But banter plugged away for a very long time before it became an overnight success. In the 19 th century, it often designated a kind of formal sparring. Even as the term progressed over the 20 th, it continued to seem a bit prissy. In the House of Commons in 1936, Ramsay MacDonald, the former Labour prime minister who had recalled in a brand-new sit after losing his old one, was subjected to a great deal of banter Dear old-time Granny MacDonald !, among other witticisms.In 1981, a Guardian report that chess champion Anatoly Karpov and his handlers have succeeded in protested at his challenger Viktor Korchnois constant cross-board talk ran under the unlikely headline: Chess joke banned.
Such floors do little to prepare us for what banter has become. Consider the viral video that became known as #bagelgate earlier this year. In the recording, a minor hassle broke out on the 00.54 improve from Kings Cross to Huntingdon, and then for no plainly related rationale the status of women who had a large crate of bagels decided to put one on the heads of state of the person sitting in front of her, and then another after “hes taking” it off and hurled it out of the window, and another and another, and then everyone in the carriage started chanting hes got a bagel on his head, and eventually the slightly spoddy prey who is me when I was 13 and someone filled my pencil client with Mr Kipling apple pies( squashed, exuding) because I was fatty completely lost and hollered Get the fuck out of my appearance !, and then another campaign broke out on the programme, and then the police got on to the teach, and every single person fell into not-me-guv stillnes: this is not Granny MacDonalds joke any more.
If it is hard to understand how these activities can fall under the same umbrella, it should be noted that a phenomenon may predate our choice of expression to describe it its precisely that the act of description draws it most visible, and perhaps more likely to be imitated. At some place, though, joke became the call for what British boys already regarded as their natural tone of voice. There is a very deeply embedded folk culture in the UK of public ribaldry, extreme satire, facetiousness in other words, of laddishness, speaks Tony Thorne, a linguist and cultural historian. What you might think of as banter now is rooted in that tradition.
That tradition firstly flogged itself to banters mast in the early 1990 s, and polemic soon followed. In June 1992, a Guardian storey headlined Police fire sex banter officer, about the removal of a sergeant for sexual harassment, entered an early skirmish in the modern banter battles, and its significant brand-new bed to its meaning in the wild: The move is seen as part of the Metropolitan polices desire to reassure women officers that what has previously been tolerated as banter is greater acceptable. Two year later, the cubs mags arrived.
The first edition of Loaded magazine appeared in May 1994, with a picture of Gary Oldman on the figurehead inhaling a dog-end, under a placard that showed him a super cub. What fresh crazines is this? the editors note spoken. Loaded is a new publication dedicated to life, liberty and the endeavours of fornication, booze, football and less serious matters Loaded is for “the mens” who guesses he can do anything, if merely he wasnt hungover.
If banter chagrins you, James Brown, the magazines firstly writer, is quite an easy bogeyman. As he recognise himself, he composed a claim that defined a genre. Loaded was swiftly recognised as a foundational text for a resurgent and exuberant masculinity that had been searching for public showing. While it was always overtly horny, the publication was initially more interested in a lonesome, slackjawed and self-ironising acknowledgment of -Alisters( one reversible posting had Cindy Crawford on one side and a steam train on the other) than the grot-plus-football formula that successors and imitators like Maxim, Zoo and Nuts milked to shattering. But the committee is also flirted with something murkier.
To its pundits, Loaded and its imitators aimed to sanitise any particular hooliganistic worldview with a tactical renunciation. Banter emerges as this relentless gloss of incongruity over everything, told Bethan Benwell, elderly lecturer in speech and linguistics at the University of Stirling and the author of several newspapers on mens publications. The constant explain of sexist or homophobic feelings with this winking that says you dont really mean it. Benwell drawn attention to Loadeds emblematic strapline: For men who should know better.
Brown is denying that his periodical fabricated banter. Instead, he tells, it captured a zeitgeist that the media had previously failed to acknowledge; the kinfolk culture that Tony Thorne refers to, brought forward into the open. Before Browns intervention, GQ had extended John Major and Michael Heseltine as embrace hotshots, for Gods sake. I took the advantages and the mentality of the young men that I knew, and I give them in a publication, Brown suggested. Im not responsible for the atmosphere of the later entrants to the market. We were criticised because we fancied wives , not because we maligned them.
The thing about Loaded was that the mode we wrote manifested the way we were with our mates, he went on. Theres definitely a act that exists in the male outlook: you take the piss out of the person or persons you like, and you ignore the people you dont.
Accept this as your starting point, and dissents become exhausting to prolong: what youre objecting to is an behave of affection. Of route, “its what” stimulates it insidious. Because Browns account remainders on the intention behind the publication, and Benwells on the effect it had, they are impossible to reconcile. Its a very difficult act to withstand or objection without looking like the stereotypical humourless feminist, said Benwell. But by laughing, you are complicit.
Loaded leaved this new various kinds of banter escape velocity, and it has started to colonise other worlds. On BBC2, for example, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner were staking out their own territory with Fantasy Football League, a mixture of sketches and personality chit-chat that managed to be enthusiastic and satirical at the same occasion, and reached its peak when the pair became national icons, thanks to their Euro 96 chant, Three Lions. While a long-running joke about the Nottingham Forest striker Jason Lees pineapple haircut seems flatly racist in retrospect Baddiel did an impression of him in blackface by and large, the colour was milder and more conventional than the publications were: this was the insight of colleges and universities graduate slumming it before starting on grown-up life.
Baddiel implied that laddism is likely to be dominates a range from ogling to literature, depicting a line to Nick Hornbys memoir of life as an Arsenal fan, Fever Pitch. Hornby formerly said to me that all this stuff you are familiar with, imagination football and his journal is gentlemen speak about things that they like and for a while in the mid-8 0s they werent allowed to, he said in 1995. Ive always liked football and Ive always liked naked women, and its easier to talk about that now than it was eight years ago. Those explains manifest a kind of sneer at its pundits that you could often detect in Fantasy Football League, even as its hosts protested that they were just having a laugh though Baddiel himself is denying that view. Twenty times on, he, like Brown, is at hurtings to draw a line between the approach that he and Skinner popularised, and the forms that arose afterward. I approximate me and Frank did specialise in joke, he said in an email. In a hour before it was known as bantz.
Over the next 10 times, two things happened that ushered in persons under the age of joke.( You might call it matured joke, except that its too the opposite .) First, instead of just has become a circumstance that happened, it became a situation that people talked about. Then, as it became a more tangible culture make, everyone started trying to make money out of it. The watershed instant, the forms equivalent to Dylan extending electric, was the invention of Dave.
Like most good theories, it examines simple enough in retrospect. Before Dave was Dave, it was UKTV Gold 2. The precede channels gathering share was 0.761%, and no one could tell who on globe it was supposed to be for. But we had the contents, remarks Steve North, the channels brand director in 2007 and content of a specific kind that the existing appoint did very little to communicate: Have I Got News for You, They Belief Its All Over, Top Gear. Sees said they adoration the repartee, the comedy. It reminded them of spending time with their funniest friends.
The first issue of Loaded magazine, from May 1994
The target audience was highly specific. It was men marriage or in relationships, maybe with young children , not going to the inn as much as they used to, enunciates Andy Bryant, managing director of Red Bee, relevant agencies brought in to work on the rebrand. And they missed that camaraderie.
Their purpose thus fixed, North started to run brainstorming periods at which people would shout out recommendations for the call. One of the ones we compiled was Dave, he enunciates. We felt, enormous, but we cant call it that. But then we reputed, Its a replacement friend. If the audience really pictures it as that, if they see it as genuinely providing the banter, maybe we can really pay it a name.
They employed their hunch through its paces. The market research corporation YouGov was commissioned to test Dave alongside a cluster of other refers( Matthew and Kevin were also on the shortlist ), but nothing else had the same everyman resonance. For us, Dave is a sensibility, a place, an spirit, a sense, announced North, his tone astute, virtually gnomic. Everyone has their own gumption of who Dave is, thats the important thing. Its difficult to find anyone who doesnt know someone called Dave.
Now the channel had a firebrand, it needed a motto. Lots of people claim they played a part in the identify, announces Bryant. But it was just as important to encapsulate what the channel was all about. And at some part someone, I dont was well known that, wrote it on members of the board: The dwelling of funny joke. The rebrand contributed 8m brand-new spectators in six months; Dave watched a 71% increase in its target audience of affluent young men.
Conceived by the first generation of senior professionals to have grown up with joke as an unremarkable part of their demographics culture desegregate, the canal crystallised a change, and accelerated it. In 2006, The Ricky Gervais Show, in which Gervais and Stephen Merchant relentlessly poked fun at their in-house jerk savant Karl Pilkington, became the most popular podcast of all time. In 2007, its first year of Daves rebrand, Top Gears ratings shoot from below 5m to a record high-pitched of 8m. The following year, QI moved from BBC4 to BBC2.( A tie-in volume written the same year, QI: Advanced Banter, sold more than 125,000 transcripts .)
North checked the kind of fraternal pestering that was being monetised by his canal, and the panel shows that were its lifeblood, as fundamentally benign. The key happening is that its two-way, he responded. Its about two parties riffing off each other.
But like his 20 th-century forebears, he can see that something ugly has advanced, and he wants to keep his brand well away from it. Bants, he added with dislike. That circumstance of cover for dubious behaviour we detest and hate it massively. When we propelled, it was about enjoyable, being light-hearted, maybe pushing one another without being disrespectful. When people talk about Ive had a go at that person, great banter no, thats just nasty.
By the become of the decade, as other labelling bureaux simulated the success of Dave, banter was everywhere, a folk tradition that had acquired a strange kind of respectability. The all those people who celebrated it werent precisely fellows in the inn any more: they had spending ability and organisation allies on their surface. But they were, by the same token, more visible to commentators. Invasion from an underdog can be overlooked; aggressivenes from the establishment is serious enough to become a matter of public concern.
Take Richard Keys and Andy Gray, Sky Sports brand-defining football presenters, who got themselves up to their cervixes in some highly bad joke in 2011. Keys accused dark armies, but everybody else blamed him and Gray for being misogynists. We knew this because there was footage.
The firestorm, as Keys called it, centred on claims that the two men had said and done heinously sexist acts off-air. Most memorable, at the least for its phrase-making, was the time in which Keys eagerly requested his fellow pundit Jamie Redknapp if hed smashed it it being a woman and asserted that he could often be found hanging out the back of it.
Gray became promptly. In the days before he followed, Keys burned hot with sin in a series of mea-sorta-culpas, specially focused on the strip in which he conveyed his derision at the idea that the status of women, Sian Massey-Ellis, could be an aide referee in the Premier League.
It was just banter , he suggested. Or, more exactly, just a bit of joke, as he mentioned Massey-Ellis had assured him she understood in a later telephone conversation in which, he added, much joke elapsed between us. She and I enjoyed some joke, he protested. It was lads-mag joke, he contended. It was stone-age banter, he acknowledged. We liked to have banter, he explained. Richard Keys was sorry if you were offended, but likewise, it wasnt his faulting if you didnt get onto. It was just banter, for goodness sake!
Up to their necks in some particularly bad banter Andy Gray and Richard Keys in 2011. Picture: Richard Saker/ Rex
Keys insistence that his correct was simply a failure to move with the times was nothing new: banter has always seemed to carry a longing for the past, for the purposes of an guessed age before male love was so cramped by the tedious obligations of feminist scrutiny. But while his underlying deems were painfully dated, his thought of joke was only modern: a sly expansion of the words signify, and a self-conscious contention that it provided an impregnable defence.
The Keys variation understood banter, first, as a catch-all means of disavowing responsibility if someone was hurt; and, second, as a means of reinforcing a bail between two beings by being cruel about a third. The comparison wouldnt satisfy got a couple of alphas like Keys and Gray, but both strategies accompanied it closer to a style of communicating with classically feminine associations: gossip. Deborah Cameron, the Rupert Murdoch( lol) Professor in Language and Communication at Oxford University, argues that the two modes of interaction follow basically the same organization. People gab as a trust competition, she alleged. You tell someone your unsayable private secret, and it bonds you closer together. Theyre supposed to do now reciprocate with a confidence of their own. Well, banter works in the same way now. You say something appalling, and you see if the other person dares to top your remark.
The trust game in joke was traditionally is expected to be: do you trust me when I read were friends in spite of the aim circumstances Im replying about you? But now theres two seconds version of the game: do I trust you not to tell anyone the mean thoughts Im announcing about other parties? I repute initially it was a harmless event, enunciated Cameron, whose analysis is rooted in an repository of male group conversation, predominantly entered by her students, that goes back to the 1980 s. But then it started to be used as an excuse when gentlemen were caught out fully participate in forms of it that werent so harmless.
It comes down to context and meaning, says the comedian Bridget Christie. The gentler pattern of joke is still knocking around, she suggested, but now it exists alongside something darker: I obtained The Inbetweeners youngster banter hilarious, because it was equal and unthreatening. But there is obviously a world of difference between a group of teenage boys benignly taking the piss out of each other, and a bigot being racist or misogynist and trying to pass it off as a joke.
Trace the rise of banter, and you will find that it corresponds to the rise of political correctness or, anyway, to the backlash against political correctness gone mad. That word and just joke reflect each other perfectly: one denoting a priggish culture that is deemed to have overreached, the other a laid-back culture that is deemed to have been unfairly reined in. Ironically enough, merely joke does exactly what it alleges political correctness of, seeking to close down argument by say to you that making is settled by category rather than material. Political correctness is saying that a racist prank is mainly racist, whereas banter asserts that a racist pun is mainly a pun. In the past, the men who use it rarely had to define it, or to explain themselves to anybody else. Today, in contrast, it is mentioned all the time. The biggest change isnt the banter itself, remarks Bethan Benwell. Its the explicit call of the word as a disclaimer.
By sheer repetition and by its give as an unanswerable defense, joke has altered from an abstract into a vast and calcified description of wars as well as texts: started from a lane of talking to a way of life, a form that inadvertently became a worldview. He joked you, people sometimes remark: you always used to banter with your copulates, but now it often sounds like something you do to them. Once it was directionless, inconclusive yak with wit as the engine that drove it, said the comedian Russell Kane. Now, if I errand you up, thats banter.
You might think the mortification suffers from Keys and Gray would have constituted banter less plea as a get-out, but not a bit of it. Banter, increasingly, seems like the first sanctuary of the indefensible. In 2014, Malky Mackay, who had been fired as manager of Cardiff City Football Club a year earlier, was caught having transported textbook that referred to Chinese beings devouring bird-dogs, black people being criminals, Jewish people being avaricious, and lesbian parties being snakes all of which were initially optimistically defended by the League Managers Association as letting off steam to a friend during some friendly text letter banter. The comedian Dapper Laughs, whose real identify is Daniel OReilly, established himself as jokes rat king, with his very own ITV2 display, and then completely lost after he suggested that an audience member at one of his gigs was gagging for a assault. A man was convicted of assassinate after he mashed his friend against a wall with a Jeep Cherokee after an disagreement over badger-baiting, a course of action that he added had been intended as banter. Another trounced the throat of someone he had met in a pub and described the accident as a few moments of joke after 14 or 15 pints. Both are now in prison.
By any sane quantity, joke was falling into dishonor, as often a disguise for malice as a word for the ribaldry of fellows on the lash. Still it did not go away: instead, the worst of it has mutated again, insisting its expert in public and saving its creepiest partialities for the shadows or, at the least, for the company of five, or 10, or 20 of your closest mates.
At the London School of Economics, it started with a circular. Each year at the universitys freshers fair, LSE Rugby Football Club shared a banterous primer on rugby culture. In October 2014, suggests the then-president of the student solidarity, Nona Buckley-Irvine, a student has now come to her in tears with a emulate in her hand. The brochure “was talkin about a” trollops, slags, crumpet, mingers, and the desirability of misogyny; there were legislating cites to the frights of lesbian mortification and outright lesbian gluttony. Anyone charmed by all this was invited to sign up for the team and meet the banter register, entitling them to participate in the exchange of chappish email conversation.
To anyone with a run knowledge of university laddism, it was hard to suppose a more everyday iteration. Still, after the unreconstructed chappishness of the circular has now come to sunlight, the association knew it had a problem. It questioned a collective justification admitted that we have a lot to learn about the injurious effects of joke, and promised to organise a workshop. But there are still reason to be sceptical about the magnitude of that commitment.
When Buckley-Irvine and her peers published a report on the accident, they memo a fibre of others, including an antisemitic assault on a university ski tour to Val dIsere in 2011. And there were other follies it didnt mention. According to two people who were present, one club dinner at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane ended with a stripper having bottles thrown at her when, already intimidated, she refused to take her invests off. She obscured in the toilet, and had to be escorted out by a member of staff as the team vandalised the restaurant.
Photograph: Alamy
According to five people who were either members of the rugby society or closely associated with it, one notorious elderly member was widely thought to be responsible for the booklet.( He did not respond to requests for explain .) But when they came to defend themselves to the student uniting, members of the squad fell back on one of “the worlds largest” revered mainstays of laddism: all for one, one for all. Theyd clearly worked out a line, mentions Nona Buckley-Irvine. No private individuals was responsible. They were sorry. It was just joke. Thats what they all said.
The accountancy firm KPMG, which sponsored colleges and universities wider Athletics Union, “ve decided that” banter was not an specially helpful firebrand association, and moved funding merit 22,000. The students uniting decided to disband the golf-club for the academic year. The decision moved some commentators to disgust. It was a gross overreaction, a former unit member told me. We were the best-behaved unit when it came to actually playing rugbies but they censored that bit and they couldnt proscribe any of the rest.
Others took a less measured tint. I had old-fashioned members emailing me and calling me a tyrant, articulates Buckley-Irvine. Expecting me if I didnt understand that it was just joke. Rugby actors sung mistreat at her on nights out, she told me. They shoulder-barged her, and called her a cunt.
These kinds of interactions would tend to take place on Wednesdays, also known as boasts night, at a prohibit in Leicester Square. Sports night was the apotheosis of the rugby organizations bleak solidarity. In homage to what you might call the wingers-before-mingers code, for example, representatives from the squad who were expected to dress in dress werent allowed to speak to women before 9pm. So they would just holler abuse instead, one girl former student, who Ill call Anna, remembered. One chant, she replied, get, Nine nos and a yes is a yes. At the time, Anna thought that it was all a pun. Beings would say, Its precisely banter all the time. After everything. Absolutely everything, she spoke, sitting in a cafe in south London. If you were convening someone brand-new, saying they had good banter, that was a reasonably high congratulate. Whereas if you dont go along with that material, its seen as, you cant take the chat, you cant take the banter. And its not to be considered as having a stance against it. Its seen as not being able to keep up.
After the rugby squad was disbanded , good-for-nothing much altered in plays night social life. Many members of the club still went on the same darkness out; they are only colonised other squads. They still addressed girlfriends as Sarah 2 or Sarah 8 depending on how attractive they considered them out of 10; they are continuing had shouted speeches about their copulation lives in front of the women they had slept with but refused to acknowledge.
That culture was not confined to Wednesday nights. Anna recollects a person who took her portrait as she slept, naked, in the bunk they were sharing, and circulated it to another non-university plays crew via WhatsApp. She wasnt meant to see it on his phone.
Ask anyone well-informed where joke resides now, and theyll give the same reaction: WhatsApp groups and email yarns, the safe seats of the lad class. What youd get out of those WhatsApp threads, its a different world of drama, one former member of the football club pronounced. The details of girls people that youd read, a few amusing jibes, that was the limit for me. But where reference is moved on to, like, really, really bad trash, always about sex it was too much. Those strands are the source of everything.
If the threads were an store, they were by no means the limit. Banter, by common consent, wasnt confined to lampooning each other: it was about action. If you dressed up for a night out, one girl student remembered, “its just” kind of status quo that you could have your arse grab. It was just like, Oh, that was kind of strange, but OK, thatll happen. Like everybody else willing to speak about it, her position of that culture was perplexingly nuanced, sometimes self-contradictory. It seems spooky, she said, but that tell me anything, some of my best nighttimes were there, and like it was enjoyable. But then she enunciated: What was defined as serious just got so pushed . I envision for someone to lodge a complaint they would have to be actually hurt.
Anna recollects lots of sketchy incidents. She remembers nighttimes when her choices faded into a blur, and she wondered if she had really been in control. But at the time, I would never call it out, she remarked. And then, youre all living in vestibules together, and the next day, its like: What did you do last nighttime? Thats funny. Thats banter.
When Anna thinks about the behaviour of some of “the mens” she knew at university, she find it hard to pin down exactly what she recalls of them. Theres one in particular who sticks in her recollection. On a Wednesday night, he was a joke person, she told. He was a Wednesday animal. But the rest of the time, he was my friend.
Controversial though all this was at the time , no one seems to think that it will have expenditure the perpetrators often. Ive tried so hard to leave all that behind, said the former is part of the football crew. But those guys theyre all going on to run banks, or the two countries, or whatever. The senior rugby boy who numerous held responsible, by the way, has territory on his hoofs. Today, he has a activity at KPMG.
In 2017, every new instance of banter is immediately discerned and put through the journalistic wringer.( Immorality Joel Golby, who wrote the definitive verse on the bagel thing, has made a career from his exquisite close readings of the structure .) But when each new absolute myth rises, we dont typically have the context to shape the essential points finding: do the proponents tend towards the harmless excitement of Ellis and his copulates, or the frank hatred of the LSE rugby boys? Is their affection of irony straightforward, or a mask for something else?
As Richard Keys and Dapper Laughs and their cohorts have polluted the idea of joke, the commercial entities that endorsed its rise had now become uneasy with the label. They wanted it to go viral; they hadnt expected it to runs postal. Dave, for example, has plunged the residence of funny banter slogan. Its not about classic male mood any more, its a bit smarter, alleges UKTVs Steve North. We certainly say it less than we used to.
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Read more: www.theguardian.com
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