#also i think the finale will end in silence BUT we'll get some sort of skippocalyptic song before that perhaps
cherrywhite · 14 days
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Okay some of these I had written down before chapter 43 but I finally found the time to sit down and make a bingo sheet for the last few episodes. Ranging from Legitimate Predictions to Things I Want to Happen to You Know What? Sure 🤠
Template if anyone wants to make one of their own:
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wasteddmoondust · 2 months
car mirror selfies || james potter
pairing: james potter x bestfriend's sister!reader 826 words, reader is sirius' little sister, secret relationship at the start, accidental announcement?????, suggestive joke towards the end. a/n: THIS CAME TO ME WHEN I SAW A TWEET BUT I LOST THE TWEET (also, not proofread pls be nice)
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"When do you think we should tell them?"
You're with James. You're right next to him but you're also with him romantically.
It just sort of happened. One of those moments where you're hanging out and he just leans in and you also lean in and suddenly you're kissing. It's been very slow and sweet between the both of you since then.
As much as your now boyfriend would love to scream from the top of the hills about you, there's just one tiny problem.
"You want me, your girlfriend, to tell your best friend, my brother, that we are dating?"
"Well, Remus too-"
"Still! You see my point."
James lets out an exasperated sigh and shrugs. "We'll have to tell him eventually."
You bite the inside of your cheek. "I feel like at this point I rather him find out accidentally."
You should probably watch what you wish for.
It's Saturday afternoon, before your bi-weekly hangouts with your brother and his friends. Sirius had told you and James to meet at his car which was parked in the mall car park while he and Remus ran errands.
Five minutes pass by since the both of you arrive, and the other two are nowhere to be seen. It's not likely for them to be late, but you'd still let it slide.
"I wonder what's taking them so long..." you say. You decide to take out your lip gloss and reapply it, using the car's window as a mirror.
James smiles at you. He loves the way you concentrate and slowly apply it onto your lips and smack them together when you're done. He knows you'd kiss him on the cheek later and he'll keep the gloss stain on for as long as he could.
"Come here, babe," he says, using his arm to wrap around your neck as he pulls you closer to him. He pulls out his phone and aims the camera at the window. He starts to snap a photo.
"Cute," you say, smiling.
The both do a few poses. Smiles, sticking out tongues. You pucker your lips to pose, and James presses a kiss to his cheek and takes a photo of that, and you kiss his cheek back.
Just then, the car window slowly winds down.
"What the hell are you two doing?" Sirius asks, his brows furrowed and mouth agape.
You've never wanted to bury yourself underground so badly in your life until this moment.
The three of you are in silence for what felt like forever. James breaks it first.
"We were... taking selfies?" Wow. James, the love of your life, cannot even save his own life.
Sirius gets straight to the point. "How long has this been going on?" he asks.
You decide to speak this time. "Like... three weeks ago?"
He raises his brows, he looks curious now. "Before or after March 31st?"
Sirius gasps, so loud that you and James flinch. He claps his hands, the sound echoing through the underground car park. "Remus owes me so much money!" he exclaims.
"You bet on us?" you almost yell, once you realise what he said.
Sirius laughs. "On New Year's, Remus said he thought you two would get together by the end of the year. I knew better, you'd have it solved by March." He shrugs.
You scoff, "I can't believe this."
"Oh come on, I believed in you! You finally did something!"
James cuts in. "I made the first move," he announces confidently.
Sirius turns to look at him, his face now deadpan. "You're my best mate, James. But if you hurt my sister don't think I won't hunt you down."
James backs up suddenly, losing all said confidence. He mumbles an 'okay'.
You look at your brother. "You're not mad?"
"Why should I be? If anything, I rather have you be with James than some random git." The look on your face doesn't change much. He sighs. "You know what? Fine, I'm happy for both of you and I only want the best for you, blah blah blah. Are you happy now? Get in the car, and hold hands or whatever, I'm fine with it."
You and James look at each other. He smiles at you and shrugs, opening the door for you to enter. He gets in with you and doesn't hesitate to link his arm with yours, intertwining your fingers together. He squeezes your hand, and you know it's for reassurance.
Sirius happily sighs from the driver's seat, watching the two of you from the interior mirror. "Ah, young love," he says, crossing his arms.
"Please shut up, you're just a year older than me," you say. "I still can't believe you bet on us like that."
"Be happy for me! I'm now a whole one grand richer."
"You bet one thousand?!"
"Yes. But honestly? Remus can just repay me with some really good he-"
You kick the back of his seat.
a/n: i know it's not teacher and james but!!!! don't worry babes have this in the mean time, may this be the start of my motivation coming back. thank you guys! <3 likes and reblogs are appreciated
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alder-saan · 1 year
The Path of Poisons
Shrubby everlasting (part 3)
Larissa x gn! oc
the Path of Poisons masterlist . [01] . [02] . [03] . [04] . [05] . [06] . [07] . [08] . [09]
Words count : ~2.1k
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Larissa Weems opened her eyes and closed them again just as quickly, blinded by the white light she saw above her. Was this heaven? She couldn't quite remember what had happened. Marilyn, a syringe, she had fallen… She had seen Wednesday above her, shaking her, and then she had seen nothing, only heard. Sounds of a struggle… Someone talking… Nothing.
A black hole.
So she was dead, eh?
A stupid death.
Her first thoughts went to her school, and to all the children and teachers who would now have to manage without her. All because of her carelessness…
She opened her eyes again slowly, letting the light reach her eyes through a small slit between her eyelids, which she opened more and more. When she got used to it, she saw white walls, a white ceiling, a white floor, and medical equipment. So she wasn't dead. She was in the hospital. She had survived. The door opened wide and several people, probably nurses and doctors, entered, probably one of the machines could detect whether she was awake or not, and it was relayed to another room.
"Mrs. Weems, welcome back," said a woman, smiling.
Still a little dazed, she said nothing.
"We've got some tests to do now that you're awake. Don't worry, nothing too serious. Do you remember what happened?"
"One of the teachers at the academy attacked me and stuck a needle in my neck."
"It was belladonna, you were very lucky to get away with it. Do you have any other memories afterwards?"
"A student leaning over me, some noises, and then nothing."
"That's normal. I'll take some blood and we'll get you some food."
Larissa nodded. The different nurses took her arm to draw some blood. The principal felt her head spin and closed her eyes.
"How long have I been here?"
"Oh, four days. You can thank the student who saved you."
"A student saved me?"
"Yes, he had the reflex to inject you with physostigmine before calling for help. Normally we don't recommend this kind of thing if you are not a doctor but it saved your life. The blood test is done, we'll bring you something to eat right away. Any special diet? No meat? No salt?"
"No, I can eat everything."
The little team left the room, leaving her alone in her silence. Larissa let her eyes roam the room, curious. Several bouquets were there. A huge bunch of various peonies, hawthorns, and then a small bunch of marigolds and shrubby everlasting. There were also a lot of letters, which she reached for. She had tears in her eyes when she realised that they were words from the students. She who had no family left, who thought that no one cared about her anymore, felt loved. She felt like reading everything, and started with a note written on light blue paper covered with multicoloured wolf stickers, written in glittery pink ink.
"Get well soon, Mrs. Weems! By the way, you haven't seen me I've finally wolfed out" Followed by small hand-drawn smileys "Enid."
She put the little card down and picked up another. Dark grey paper, black ink.
"The next time I involve you, I'll take Calabar beans with me, to counteract the poison. But in my book, you won't live again. I think it makes a better ending. And a character's death is a good development for the protagonist. Wednesday."
Larissa wiped away a tear with a small laugh.
"You're silly…"
They entered her room, a tray of food in hand. The principal put Wednesday's card down and looked at what had been brought in. Nothing very tasty. Rice, some sort of fishy-smelling pâté, salad and compote. Well, that's that. She would have to make do with hospital food. She ate slowly, a grimace hanging on her lips. The rice was undercooked, and the fish was overcooked. Even the salad tasted bad. In the end, the only thing right was the compote.
As she had not been given any instructions against it, she stood up. She wanted to have a closer look at the bouquets. The hawthorns had a note signed by all her colleagues and Sheriff Galpin. The peony one was a personal note from Thalia Kedlan. As for the last one, the little one of marigolds and immortals, there was nothing. No words at all. She looked at him, intrigued by this gift without a sender. Who could give her immortals and marigolds? The marigolds, she understood. They were recovery flowers. But the immortals…
Their meaning was much more vague, it could mean so many things. Nevertheless, she imagined that it had to do with the fact that she was not dead. A bouquet without a name was still troubling. Maybe it was Wednesday. But she wouldn't have given him yellow flowers. Maybe Morticia, then. No, it probably wouldn't have been that kind of flower either. Her thoughts travelled back in time.
"Rissa? Is it really Gomez you like?"
"Of course it is. Who else?"
"I don't know. I just… I thought you preferred girls…"
"Ugh, what do you take me for? It's disgusting!"
Poor Ava… Larissa thought she had been stupid on this one… She should have dealt with her feelings. That was probably the biggest regret of her years as a student at Nevermore: not being able to understand that loving women was normal. She hoped Avareida was okay. She'd obviously bought her book as soon as she'd seen her name on the cover, but had never tried to contact her again. Out of shame, no doubt, and then to say what? It had been thirty years… It would have been weird to come and say "Hi Ava, I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm sorry for being a horrible homophobe and telling you all that. I'm actually a lesbian too, haha".
She sighed. Why was she thinking about her now?
Probably because she was the only person who had ever truly loved her without an ulterior motive and without betraying her. No, Larissa had betrayed her first. She began to dream that she was the bouquet.
The memory of her friend made her smile. She wasn't tall, Ava was 8 inches shorter than her, at the time. And then she had this joy for life. She didn't care what others thought of her, Ava just did what she liked. Larissa never had that strength. Even now, everything she did was to maintain a good image for herself and the academy. Avareïda had undoubtedly become an incredible young woman…
The next day, several of her colleagues came to see her, with a bunch of daisies and a huge cake. She felt a bit ridiculous, bedridden and in a white shirt, while everyone else was well dressed. Elizabeth Kinswelt, the divination teacher, groped for the chair they had brought her, helped by Thalia Kedlan, the history teacher. There was also Jean Lafon, the French teacher, and Amil Donove, the telekinesis teacher.
Thalia took her in her arms and gave her a warm hug.
"Welcome back!"
"Welcome back! Amil and Jean rejoined at the same time."
Larissa returned his embrace.
"Are you crying, Larissa?"
"No, Jean, it's the dust."
Thalia stepped back a little, watching her principal wipe away tears.
"I wanted to tell you, Larissa," Thalia began, "we're really glad to see you alive. The Academy wouldn't be the same without you. And you are a dear friend to our hearts."
"Stop it or I'll really cry."
"Aha, okay."
Amil put the bouquet next to the others.
"By the way, do you know who gave me these marigolds and everlastings? There's no word to go with it."
Thalia smiled at Larissa.
"A friend of mine who has just moved to the area. We met the day before yesterday morning, and as I had to come and see you, they came with me. They bought you this because they felt bad about coming without anything."
"Oh… will you thank them for me?"
"Of course I will."
"I heard that many students came to see you?" Amil asked
"Yes, I received dozens of notes. I didn't know they liked me so much."
Elizabeth, who had been silent until then, spoke up. Larissa liked her voice, always very calm. Her completely white eyes, her hair pulled back in a tight bun, gave her a gentle, wise look that the principal had always liked.
"Larissa, expect many people to tell you how much they love you."
"Is that a prophecy, Mrs Kinswelt?"
"No, Mrs Weems. I know this phenomenon. I almost died myself a long time ago."
"But it sounded like a prophecy."
"Come on, you know I don't share my prophecies. Especially not to the people most affected."
"Does that mean that you have seen things?"
"Interpret it as you wish…"
Thalia opened the box in which there was a red cake with some raspberries on top.
"It was Jean who baked this for you!"
"All this for me? Isn't it better to share it?"
"That was the idea," Jean smiled.
The car was driving along the main road. A storm was brewing and the first drops were falling on the roof.
Elizabeth lifted her head from the glass. If she wasn't completely blind, you'd think she was absorbed in the scenery that was passing before her eyes on the way to her girlfriend's house.
"Yes, Dear?"
"Did you see anything about Mrs Weems?"
"Yes, I did."
There was silence in the car for a few moments.
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"I saw your friend. And Mrs Weems."
"Tell me more."
"You know I don't want to turn my visions into self-fulfilling prophecies."
"Come on, I won't tell them. Will you please tell me?"
"What are you offering me in exchange for this information?"
Thalia smiled, without taking her eyes off the road.
"There's not much I can do right now, but as soon as we get to my place, I'm yours."
"I saw them kissing."
"It can mean nothing, too. It was just a kiss. Promise me you won't say anything to them or try to push them together."
"It's going to be hard, but I promise."
"Thank you, Thalia. Let them live their lives, so you won't be disappointed with the outcome."
Elizabeth rested her head against the glass. And then she saw light. A new vision was coming.
She was in the greenhouse of Nevermore. She knew it, though she had never seen it. It smelled the same as when she had gone there. On the floor was Mrs. Weems, lying there, staring into space. Elizabeth ran towards her as the door opened. She saw someone enter. Black hair slicked back, as if it were wet. All black eyes, dressed in brown. She knew it was Rei. They stopped above Mrs Weems and crouched down. Mrs Kinswelt saw the intruder check her breathing and heart before taking something from their jacket and injecting it into Larissa's neck. Then they got up and quietly went to the back of the greenhouse to steal the manchineel tree.
Then everything disappeared.
"Your friend, when did they arrive again?"
"I don't know exactly. They told me it was four days ago at night. Actually, a little after the events at Nevermore. What was that for?"
"No reason."
She knew what she saw. They were the one who saved Mrs Weems. So why hide it? Because of the manchineel thing?
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caffeineivore · 5 months
Liminal spaces Pt 4, M/K, PG13-ish? The end...?!
That the flight is re-routed to Detroit for the weather is unwelcome news, but not a complete surprise. Flying anywhere in the northern United States in January meant rolling the dice with Mother Nature, and Kane Grantham can do little but grumble as he disembarks with the rest of the passengers into the deserted terminal at DTW at the indecent hour of 10:29PM. To add insult to injury, the airport is perforce their port of entry into the country on the flight from Heathrow, and not only does the airline not provide hotel and transportation reimbursement for the weather-induced flight delay, but he and everyone else has to drag themselves through Customs and Border Protection at roughly an hour to midnight.
Naturally, everyone is testy and tired, which just makes the process drag on even longer. By the time Kane is declared not-a-terrorist and his personal effects are returned to him, it is twenty minutes to midnight and outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the snow is falling steadily. Kane opens up the Uber app, and even with the unholy late-night premiums, there are no drivers available. A search for hotels is equally unpromising. Jet-lagged, hungry and wearing a non-blizzard-grade peacoat over his suit and wingtips, he sinks down into one of the seats in the terminal with a sigh.
"Well, this sucks, doesn't it? And I was so hoping to get home and indulge in a bubble bath with a glass of wine."
The melodious female voice sounds next to him, the tones friendly and the accent vaguely American. He glances over to see the trim blonde figure of a young woman wearing the navy blue skirt suit of a flight attendant complete with a jaunty red ascot that precisely matches the ribbon in her hair. She's seated one chair away from him, the only other person in the terminal, and gives him a wry yet cheerful sort of grin. "Oh well. It is what it is, hmm?"
That's an Americanism that he doesn't quite understand, so he settles for a shrug and a nod. "You're stranded too, I take it?"
"Honey, we're all stranded until tomorrow, but might as well make the best of it." She stretches out a pair of very slim, very nice legs (not that he's paying them any mind) and kicks off her stiletto heels with a sort of forwardness that he's not accustomed to, but then again, who the deuce could blame her, at this hour? Certainly, he's dying to get comfortable himself, and he's not the one freezing his arse off in a knee-length skirt. That done, she rifles in her bag, and pulls out several packets of those ubiquitous airplane biscuits, offers him one. "Hungry?"
"I am, rather. Thank you, miss."
"You'd think I'd get tired of Biscoff, but it never fails in a pinch." Somewhere, somehow, she also procures two mini bottles of water, a few slightly-squashed granola bars.
The two of them eat an objectively unappetizing dinner at the hour of midnight in the cotton-wrapped silence of that snowy airport terminal, and yet it's satisfying in a way that Kane doesn't quite understand. She's rather beautiful, despite-- or perhaps of-- the lateness of the hour. The sort of woman that one took to the ballet and bought flowers for, back home. But he's never been a ladies' man even in broad daylight, in a raucous pub. Certainly not in the middle of nowhere, in a town that both of them had no business in, on a snowy night.
"Thanks for the bite to eat," he finally says, because it felt necessary to acknowledge her-- acknowledge SOMETHING. "I do hope you get home soon."
"We'll all be on our way in the morning, won't we?" She tilts her head to the side, gives him a smile with something strangely wistful in it. "You'd best get some rest, sweetie. You're stuck here with me tonight."
Kane is reasonably certain that he'd never been called 'sweetie' ever before, not even once, in his whole life. Certainly not by a pretty blonde with her bare feet propped up on top of her suitcase, assiduously unpinning her cornsilk hair in a way that is far more distracting than it was ever meant to be. At this distance, it smells faintly like the types of windblown, summery wildflowers that grow far away from London's prim streets. Had he been smoother, more clever with his words, he might have come up with something flirtatious to say in response. But it's so quiet, and the terminal is rather like a different, tiny world where no one else existed and time meant very little, and he feels his eyelids grow heavy as he slouches down in his chair. The last thing he recalls himself saying, as he settles into the folds of his coat, is a mumbled, "I don't mind."
It's the sound of luggage wheels on the buffed floors that snaps him awake, and when he opens his eyes, the sun has come up. The terminal, though still empty, is showing signs of returning to life as a nattily-dressed gate agent takes his spot at the podium. Kane's suitcase and messenger bag are still right next to him, precisely where he'd left them.
Tucked securely around his shoulders, slightly scratchy but warm and fragrant with a delicate whiff of wildflowers, is an airline issue blanket, navy blue, the colour of her skirt suit. The girl herself is nowhere to be seen, and he wonders if she's on her way home already, to that bubble bath and glass of wine. He wonders where 'home' is, for her.
He wonders, for the first time in his staid and orderly life, if he's going mad and imagined the episode last night, then dismisses that as a laughable notion. Certainly the world wasn't so cruel, so terminally hopeless, that a woman so lovely only appeared in one's dreams.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Donnie and a mermaid
Idk, I wanted a cute Little Mermaid-esque story, half way through the direction kind of derailed? Originally I was going to make it more violent and creepy but in the end that changed as well. Just weird shit going down in my brain. I don't think I like it but I'm still gonna post it, so.... Enjoy?
Uuuh, also I drew the mermaid, she's at the bottom of the fic.
Rating: Uh, I'll give it a strong T? Like be wary of the warning below but- yeah?
Warning: mind control.
tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow
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What happened was just pure luck. They were patrolling the harbor. Making sure no Foot Clan wannabes were trying to move in.
The night was quiet though. It seemed no serious crime was going to happen that night. Donnie was somewhat relieved. He had some games and a project to get back to.
Suddenly they all heard a high pitched cry. It was not human though. If Donnie was to guess what it was it was closer to a whale.
"What was that?" Leo was immediately alerted.
"I think some whale got beached. I'll go check it out and alert the correct authorities," Donnie replied calmly.
"Alright, let us know if it's anything more serious," Leo agreed. "We'll probably be slowly heading out once you get back. The area looks clear."
Donnie nodded and jumped from a cargo container to cargo container trying to pin point the spot the poor animal was. It let out one more cry for help and that helped him finally find it.
But when he got there it wasn't a whale he saw. Humanoid from waist up and fish from waist down, barely reaching 5 feet in total lenght. It was green in colour from the top of its bald head to the tip of its tail. Gills on its neck and over the ribcage. Wiry arms with webbed hands, yellow eyes and sharp teeth. The tail could belong to a leopard shark species. It was beautiful in a way. There was a spear sticking out of it and the creature was wrapped in a fishing net.
"A mermaid," he whispered.
It's- her? His? Pointy, fin like ears twitched and the mermaid (or merman) looked up at him and hissed in warning, baring their teeth.
"It's okay, it's okay," Donnie said calmly as he carefully walked closer. He had his arms up. No weapon in sight. He hoped that it was universal enough of a sign that he meant no harm. "I want to help you." He hoped they knew human speech.
The mer-creature blinked slowly, confused with what they were seeing. They knew humans but this? This was new.
Donnie noted the nictitating membrane. Fascinating. Anyway. Task at hand. He decided to start first with the spear. The fishing net restraining them was probably better left on for now.
"I'm going to break this, okay?" He said out loud for the merperson to understand.
They tilted their head a little. They saw the hands reaching to the spear and the questioning expression on the strange land creature's face. They nodded. It still didn't make the pain less blinding when the turtle broke the shaft off.
The mer cried out and trashed a little, snapping it's jaw in Donnie's direction. He jumped back in time though. The mer creature made keening noises and his heart was breaking just a little for it. Them.
"It's alright," he tried to reach to them and comfort them.
She calmed down, shaking a little. She blinked slowly. He was helping her, he seemed sturdy and... kind. She opened her mouth and a song flew out of it. A sweet melody that soothed his mind.
He smiled. "Wow, that's magical..." He moved closer to her, entrance by the music.
Suddenly, Donnie's comm went off.
"Donnie, is everything all right over there, you have been gone for a while now!" Leo's worried voice broke through the tense silence.
The purple terrapin jumped up. He fumbled with the intercom, almost dropping it. "Yeah! Everything is fine! I'm good. I ah- am doing a bit of a rescue mission by myself," he replied.
"With a whale? Do you need help?"
"No, no! You don't have to! I got it! It's like a shark of sorts. Much smaller. It's just tied up on nets," he started explaining, trying to keep his brothers away. "You all should go home. I got this." He heard himself say.
Weird. He didn't want anyone else to know about them... Her. He looked at the mermaid. She was humming now, the music just for him. He knew it. It was so beautiful.
"I'll free you now," he said.
The mermaid stilled for him and he cut all the ropes. Once her binds were gone she rubbed her wrists. She looked at him, her big, fully yellow eyes drew him further in. There was a connection between them, he could feel it. Such a wonderful being she was.
He took her cold, webbed hands and marvelled at how smooth and soft they were. How small and perfect they were in his. "You're going to be safe", he assured her, "I'll protect you."
She hummed that beautiful sound again and he swore he couldn't be happier.
The next day Leo did a head count and was down one. He wasn't too concerned as Donnie tended to oversleep for various reasons (experiments, streams, working on gadgets). That was until he saw that neither the bed or the spot in the lab were occupied by the snoring purple turtle.
"Have you guys seen Donnie?" He turned to Mikey and Raph.
"Yeah, he was here for like five seconds," Mikey said, doing kickflips midair. "Grabbed a whole bunch of eggs and stuff from his lab. Said something about shark and then left."
"The nerd gonna open a full blown marine rescue at this point," Raph chortled. "I bet he's gonna install an acquarium right in the middle of the lair."
"Eugh, he better not," Leo sighed and pinched the bridge between his eyes. He let go of it now. Later he would come to regret that.
He didn't see Donnie for the next three days. Their dad was getting concerned. Leo expected this shit to happen with Raph or Mikey but Donnie? Logic driven Donnie? Like yeah even if he'd pull crazy shit (like jump out of an airplane with no shoot) he always calculated all the risks. His younger brother would never rush to things unprepared...
"Where the fuck have you been?!" Raph's yelling got him out of a morbid mood and his meditation.
"We all have been worried sick and you come back looking like a fucking ghost!!" Raph continued yelling.
Leo, with his heart in his throat went to see what the ruckus was about, although he already knew.
"Donnie," he said, relieved but also concerned and angry at the same time. "Where have you been? You turned off your locator."
"I'm fine," the tall terrapin mumbled.
Raph wasn't joking that Donnie looked like a ghost. He seemed exhausted, barely holding on his feet.
"I need to go back," he stumbled towards the kitchen. "Just get supplies," he droned out the words.
He looked sick, almost delirious. "I need to get back to her..."
"The fuck you do!" Raph placed his heavy hand on Donnie's shoulder trying to stop him but Donnie easily flipped him over on his back and knocked his lights out.
"Donnie-" Leo tried to say something but the cattleprod right in front of his face stopped him.
"I have to go back," Donnie repeated. "She needs me."
"Okay, okay." Leo raised his arms up. Something was so very wrong with Donnie. They needed to help him out. "You will go back. We just want to help, we are brothers. We help each other. That's what family does, remember?" He spoke softly trying to her his brother to calm down.
It was a wonder how did Donnie even got strenght to fight off Raph, while his arms trembled under the weight of his bō staff.
The purple brother hesitated. Okay, he was getting to him.
"You can trust us," Leo continued. The cattleprod was lowered. The eldest sighed relieved. "We're out of eggs so I'll call April and we can go all with you, okay?" Leo was talking as if to a toddler. Or Mikey. What a day.
He was lying though, they did stock up on the eggs when Donnie basically took everything with him. But if he could get Donnie to sit down and maybe nap a little maybe they could get some common sense and information out of him.
"I can't leave her..." Donnie's eyes watered up. "She's alone without me. What if something hurts her! I have to go back!" He spun on his heel, panic in his voice rising.
"Hey, hey, Donnie, Donnie!" Leo jumped to block his path but Donnie immediately jabbed him in his throat. "Donnie!" Leo choked and coughed. Damn, that was annoying. "It's broad daylight! Humans will see you." He managed to still grab him by the wrist.
"I don't care Leo! She is singing... I just have to go." Donnie tried to escape.
Who the fuck- Leo was so pissed off at whoever did this to his lil bro.
Unfortunately for Leo, Donnie had his bō staff, while he himself had nothing but his bare hands. He tried to find an opening in his brainwashed brother's defense but this was still Donnie. It was very hard and it seemed the Fearless Leader might lose.
Suddenly, something flew down and Donnie was knocked out unconscious.
"10 points to Michealangelo, whoohoo!!" Mikey spun around victoriously.
"Good job, Mikey," Leo praised him catching his breath. "Now help me tie him up."
Donnie woke up later with a splitting headache. When he tried to reach his hands up to cradle his poor noggin he found out he was tied up.
"What..." He whispered confused. Everything was so blurry and painful.
"Hey there genius."
Donnie looked up. April. She was standing in front of him holding a glass of water.
"Here, drink some. You look dehydrated," she said offering him the drink with a straw in.
The sight of it made him realize just how much of an Arizona desert was his mouth. That first sip had him almost moan in relief. He never knew water could taste so good.
April waited until he drank at least a half of the glass and took a break to catch his breath. "What do you remember so far?" She asked.
"I- ah," his browridge furrowed as he tried to recall what the fuck was going on. "The last thing I remember was... The docks. There was this animal," the last word he said almost like a question. A vague shape was forming in his mind. "A shark..."
Something was trying to break at the front of his mind. Something important. Something....
"It... She- she was hurt.." Suddenly everything hit him like a ton of bricks. "She needs me. I- I need to go!" He started fighting against the binds.
"Donnie, Donnie!" She tried to call back to him but the look he gave her was nearly feral. So she did the only thing she could. She slapped him. "Stay with me!" She commanded him.
There was a shock on his face as he struggled to keep his mind clear. Panic was rising in him and the irrational need to leave was trying to get a hold of him again.
"April... I- I can't-"
"Tell me, what is happening with you? Who is 'she'?." She tried to get as much information as she could while he was still aware.
"A mermaid," he blurted out. "There's a mermaid. She's hurt. I wanted to help." He spoke quickly but it was clear he was slipping again. "She needs me."
A mermaid? What? Then again she was talking to a mutated turtle... "I know," April said cradling his face between her hands. "I'll help you." She promised. "But I want to go with you, okay?"
He was reluctant and she didn't know how long it will take for him to listen to her. So she untied him. He almost raced down the corridors but at least he was going to where she usually was parking her car.
When Leo saw them leave the room they stashed Donnie in April just waved at him. There was no time and this had to be dealt with immediately.
She let Donnie drive, while she prepared to meet the Hitchcock's version of Ariel. She googled mermaids trying to find something useful. Nothing but she saw reference to sirens and that gave her a clue. These bird like creatures would sing and drive men to jump into the ocean. Not very Little Mermaid friendly. Apparently only way to survive a meeting with them was to stuff your ears with wax.
April didn't have wax but she had stoppers. One useful thing coming from Casey's snoring.
"We're here," Donnie said. April quickly got the stoppers into her ears, hoping they would somewhat protect her and followed the terrapin out of the car.
The walk to the cave the mermaid was wasn't easy. A lot of rocks, tricky passage and broken concrete and a lot of water. April had to waddle in knee deep water, following Donnie who seemed to be on autopilot.
"She's here," he said softly, full of awe as they entered. April barely could hear him. "...Stay back," he added as if just remembering she was there too.
The cave was dark with just enough light coming through the entrance. There still was water in there but much more shallow, with few dry spots here and there.
"Holy Shit," April breathed out as the creature came into view. It looked nothing like the Disney certified being. Petite but definitely inhuman. Bald, in a wilted green colour, with markings on her body. No seashells on the androgynous torso. No singing crabs either.
April watched as Donnie knelt next to the mermaid, stroking her face. She chirped happily nuzzling his hand.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get you food," he whispered to her apologetically. "April," he called to her turning his head, "do you have food?"
The reporter was transfixed by the almost alien being, she barely missed the yell. It was so strange. The mermaid didn't seem hostile at all. Seemed young, but maybe it was due to her size. She hid behind Donnie as much as she could. April noted the bandages on the tail.
"I have a half a hot dog with me," she offered and pulled her uneaten lunch.
The mermaid looked at her warily but hungrily. Donnie took the food and handed it to her. She snatched it quickly, devouring it rather than simply eating.
In the meantime, Donnie went on to change the bandages on the tail and April winced. It was healing but the scarring would remain for the rest of the aquatic being's life.
April sat on a rock, closer to the entrance. She observed everything and realized the mermaid wasn't probably even aware she was harming Donnie. She seemed to have grown attached to him. She would follow Donnie with her eyes, want him close to her.
It only made April reel in disgust all the more considering that the responses from him were result of some strange mind control. It must have been the tune every now and then the mermaid would hum. It gave April headache.
Finally, the human stood up and walked up to the creature.
The sudden movement startled her, prompting Donnie to stand between them with his bō staff at the ready.
April tilted her head to look at the mermaid.
"I just want to talk with you," she told her.
A calming chirp and Donnie stepped to the side.
"Hi," April said. "I'm April." She put on her friendlies 'reporter' voice on. "I have never met a mermaid before."
The mermaid frowned. She didn't seem like trusting her a lot. April couldn't blame her for that considering the wound in her tail.
"I'm kind of Donnie's big sister," she told her. "Do you understand that? Sister? Family?"
A feeling of understanding washed over her. Ah, so that was how the mermaid was sentient and could communicate. Even if it was a bit dubious. The mind control must have been a form of self defense and probably a hunting method.
"Do you like Donnie?"
The mermaid looked at the turtle and a feeling of fondness reached April.
"That's what I thought," the human sighed. "You need to stop controlling him."
Alarm and fear.
April shook her head. "He offered his help freely did he?"
This time it was a nod.
"Why did you control him then?"
Frustration, uncertainty, pain, fear.
Ah. There was one more thing April was wondering about (there were more but those weren't urgent). "Can you read our emotions as well? Or thoughts?"
A negative headshake. So there was that. April sighed. Time to get to the main issue.
"You are hurting him, he needs his family, he needs rest. We can all help you better if you just let us. I know trust must be hard to come by but Donnie and his brothers protect people. I don't think they will hurt you if I explain everything and if you release Donnie."
The mermaid averted her eyes and was clearly thinking over what April said. She was obviously still on her guard but remained non hostile.
Finally she curled up in a ball, as if hiding and April a loud sound of a turtle collapsing to the ground. She turned around and Donnie was leaning heavily over the wall. His stomach grumbled loudly.
He blinked confused looking around. "April?"
April sighed with a smile. A victory.
It wasn't a surprise later that Donnie avoided the mermaid afterwards. They had her transported to the lair and she promised to not try anything. They all were wary of one another. Once everyone relaxed enough to realize no one meant anyone harm they started to try and get to know each other. Even started learning alphabet to communicate with them with more than just emotions. She was a surprisingly quick study and soon she was able to communicate with them through a whiteboard. They managed to even get a name for the being - Kara. She was very playful. Splashing water as pranks, swindling food from Mikey, and even trying to play shogi with Splinter. But every time someone walked in and it wasn't Donatello she looked disappointed and sad. She was recovering fast with proper care and was expected to be fully healed in two weeks.
April enjoyed coming over to talk with her. Kara liked telling April about her life in the ocean. The circumstances that got her to New York all the way from California. She wasn't going back there any time soon. She wanted to explore first.
Two days before her release Donnie finally came to visit her. At first he merely stood at the entrance to the room her tub was in. Then it seemed like he was about to leave, having changed his mind. She looked at him from over the rim of the tub. She didn't want him to leave.
"Ah!" She called. It was as far as she could go for spoken words. The whiteboard as in her hands and he paused. "I'm sorry." She wrote. "Do you hate me?"
"I... don't hate you." He walked up closer. "I wish you didn't force me to help you."
She nodded and tapped 'I'm sorry'. She felt like she might need it a lot. "I won't do it again."
"I know," he sighed.
"I'll bring you lots of fish," she offered and he snorted.
"Don't like fish, but thanks I guess."
She lowered herself into the water blowing guilty bubbles.
"You're doing the emotional bluetooth again," he said and the feelings stopped. "If it helps, I'm not angry at you either, it's not easy being around who manipulated your will like that. Do you understand?"
She looked like she wanted to understand and it was a start.
"Did April tell you about the concept of starting again?" He asked and she nodded.
He took a deep breath in. "My name is Donatello, Donnie for short," he offered her his hand.
Kara quickly recalled this human custom and extended her own hand. "Kara," she wrote then on the board. "Nice to meet you."
It was a better start.
I drew her.
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thessalian · 11 months
Astrid vs the Goblin Camp
But first, some Visitations
Rafael: Oooh, looks like you're in a spot of bother. I could probably help with that ... for a price.
Astrid: Um ... thank you for the ... very kind offer. And ... you know, the banquet and everything, though I've got a bit of a thing about powerful magical entities and foodstuffs after the Hag And Undead Husband Incident--
Rafael: ...Sorry, how am I hearing the capital letters on that one?
Gale: She insists it's fractional pauses between words. I still can't quite manage it myself. Perhaps it's a bardic talent.
Astrid: Anyway, I'm afraid we're a little full up on deals with beings from the various hells. I mean, still not really liking The Actually A Tiefling Incident very much--
Wyll: I did apologise for that!
Astrid: Not blaming you! I mean, I was pretty suspicious too until The Exploding Hyena Incident. ...Look, sorry, but I think we'll find a way that doesn't involve an open-ended bargain with a demon, or a devil, or whichever sort of entity you are because you're clearly on that end of the spectrum. But thank you very much for the offer, and have a lovely day.
Rafael: You'll be back. ...Though now I really have to wonder--
Astrid: You'll be The Demon Dinner Party Incident.
Rafael: ...Ah.
And again...
Spooky Whispers: Find the Prism for the Absolute and--
Shadowheart: FUCK. OFF.
Spooky Whispers: *do, in fact, FUCK. OFF*
Astrid: Okay, I think I've been really good about not asking about the whatsit so far. But now I kind of have to ask. What is the whatsit?!?
Shadowheart: Honestly not sure, but most of my memories are being held as collateral until I get it to Baldur's Gate.
Astrid: Oh. So ... when I asked a little more about you...
Shadowheart: Well, yes, that was mostly the memory loss, but part of it was trust issues. But if it helps, I like night orchids, and I can't swim.
Astrid: ...I will find you ALL the night orchids. And maybe teach you to swim. If you want. Might take less armour, though.
Shadowheart: *perks up*
Controller Person: *starts seriously rethinking romance choices*
And, because infiltrating a goblin stronghold is the best time for this
Gale: Okay, so draining magical artefacts isn't so much working anymore and if I don't do something about this really ill-considered gift to my last lover, I am going to explode.
Astrid: ...I'm generally willing to leave the past as your business, but I kind of want to know who your last lover was that a gift you gave her is enough to kerboom you.
Gale: Um ... Mystra ... as it happens...
Astrid: ...wut.
Gale: Also ... the explosion wouldn't just kill me. It'd take out an area about the size of Waterdeep.
Astrid: ...................How much do we need to have extracted from you?!?
Astarion: So ... Shadowheart ... you wouldn't happen to have--
Shadowheart: No! Unless that's something they made me forget, but ... almost certainly no!
Astarion: Well, there you have it. Either Astrid feels she couldn't possibly match up favourably to Gale's ex, or he explodes and takes himself out of the running.
Shadowheart: Shut up!
Astarion: Oh. Oh. You'd accept pining from afar if it meant she didn't have to feel the pain of someone she cares about dying! You, a cleric of Shar, no less!
Shadowheart: My greatclub could be sharpened to a stake, Astarion...
But finally, into the Shattered Sanctum
High Priestess Gut: So you wanted to talk?
Astrid: Ummmmmmmm ... not so much. *pulls lute; to the tune of The Sound of Silence* "Hello goblin, my new foe / You are a creepy so-and-so / Since you're making all the tieflings stressed / We've come to do the violence we do best / And your allies / Won't hear your cries for help / Not a yelp / Because I'm caaaasting Silence..."
High Priestess Gut: ............*mouthing obscenities*
Astarion: *critical-hit SHANKs her to death*
Astrid: ...Anyone else think it's kind of ironic that a spell that makes a Silence has verbal components?
And, a little further in
Minthara: Go burn down the druid grove!
Astrid: Oh, for-- how many times are we going to have to save it from you idiots?!?
Minthara: Owowowow!
Astrid: Whoops. ...Wait, what am I saying; I mean good! 'Scuse me, Astarion...
Astarion: Waitwut--
Astrid: *performs dive-bomb on lute and Thunderwaves Minthara right into the chasm, destroying the bridge in the process*
Shadowheart: ...I have to admit, that's a lot more impressive than "yeet".
Astarion: Yes, but I can't jokingly copy that one.
Astrid: *shooting at Scrying Eye* Slay now, praise later, please and thank you! There's going to be backup, and unless they have the jumping prowess of a turtle, the bridge being out won't keep them at range for long!
Astarion: Ah, yes, but two can play at that game. *leaps over chasm, grabs goblin, FEEDS*
Gale: You had to give him those boots, didn't you.
Astrid: I was very disappointed that they didn't give him bunny ears.
And, awhile later
Ragzlin: The mind flayer corpse won't talk!
Astrid: I could ask some questions, if you want...
Ragzlin: You're a bard; you can talk good. FINE.
Astrid: What ... is your name?
Ragzlin: ...What the--?
Astrid: What ... is your quest?
Ragzlin: ...I don't--
Astrid: What ... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen bugbear?
Ragzlin: Hey, waitaminit--
Astrid: *Thunderwave dive-bomb on the lute*
Ragzlin: *goes flying*
Astrid: No convenient chasms here, though. Shame.
Stabnation: *ensues*
And, during a really needed long rest...
Astrid: So ... I've talked to Wyll about the pact he really needs out of, Gale about the ... kerboom thing, and Shadowheart about her whole deal. Want to tell me about the monster hunter?
Astarion: My master in Baldur's Gate wants me back, apparently. And there's nothing we can do about it if he wants to take me, so I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to tell you this.
Astrid: Do you even look at the things I ask you to carry?
Astarion: *peers into haversack* Alchemist's fire and ... what's this?
Astrid: Holy water, or so Shadowheart tells me.
Astarion: What the f-- are you trying to kill me?!?
Astrid: No, I would have put it in your wine if I was trying to kill you with it.
Astarion: That ... is a singularly horrible mental image, but go on...
Astrid: Just because those things work against you doesn't mean you can't use those things against other vampires. And you have options he doesn't. Like, being out in the daytime.
Astarion: You are suicidally overconfident ... and yet all of that might work. Yes, I think I'll echo Shadowheart here: I fear you.
Shadowheart: I do not fear her anymore!
Astarion: Oh, nonsense you don't; you just worry that your devotion to Shar might get in the way of--
Shadowheart: *throws a half-rotted treacle tart at Astarion's head*
Astrid: ...I was wondering why you were carrying those around. Anywaaaaay... How about we get some rest because we still have to find Haslin down in the pits and we should probably rescue Volo too.
Astarion; Gale; Shadowheart; Wyll: Volo's an arse!
Astrid: Yes, but he's an arse that doesn't deserve to be rump roast for goblins, okay?!? They were cooking dwarf out there!
Astarion: Still, couldn't I just take a minor nibble?
Astrid: Gods, no. Stupid might be catching.
Gale: So you can be insulting about people when you're out of range?
Astrid: That or he has a really bad headache right now. Either way.
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The Mirrors are Working
Be mindful of walking down these empty streets, not all shadows will let you step on them.
Welcome to Amity Park
Poltergeist: Hello listeners, we are so glad you were able to find our broadcast.
Revenant: We were pleasantly surprised to hear just how many of you wanted to hear our next one.
P: And we were even more surprised at the amount of questions and comments we received yesterday. Just how many leaves did you guys burn?
R: The answer is at least 23. Because that is how many leaves we received. However we know it is more due to the amount of people we saw writing on leaves.
P: Remember listeners, you must blow a kiss before you burn the leaves. Not after. We do appreciate all the attempts to reach out to us. Now, you're probably wondering where Spook is.
R: The truth is….we don't know. He muttered something about suspicious reflections and took off in the direction of the old mall. I'm sure we'll find out just what he has discovered soon.
P: I mean, we could always turn on his microphone and see if we can hear anything.
R: We can do that?
P: Yeah! Here just let me-
[There is a click, followed by what seems to be steady static. Suddenly there were a bunch of noises of what seemed to be twigs breaking and glass shattering. It ends in a hair-raising, inhuman screech before being cut off suddenly.]
R: He seems busy, so we'll get back to that in a minute.
P: How about some news! There was an underground emergency meeting of the members of the still unnamed dirt cult. The meeting consisted of the members trying to figure out how we knew about them, considering they weren't planning on being public till they had determined a proper cult name. There was also a brainstorming session to determine how to handle the influx of 'nonbelievers' brought to their door by our broadcast.
R: People should not join cults mentioned on the radio. That's how Amazon gets their employees.
P: Yeah, and it's generally considered disrespectful to true cults. Only join a cult if you believe in their message. 
R: We also apologize to the unnamed dirt cult. We did not mean to draw so much attention to you.
P: Now let's hear a word from one of our sponsors: Phantom's nonexistent PR manager!
[There is complete silence for one full minute.]
R: Phantom doesn't have a PR manager.
P: Hence the nonexistent part.
R: *a heavy sigh* Anyways, during the break we received news from Spook. Apparently the mirrors are working.
P: Don't….don't mirrors always work?
R: The mirrors are working too well, according to him. And he is currently fighting himself. I do not know what that means. He'll call us later when he's sorted this out. So….be wary of mirrors. We do not know if this is a widespread phenomenon, or if it's specifically for the old mall. Either way, please be careful while we find out more about this situation.
P: In the meantime, why don't we talk about some of the questions listeners have sent in! Most of you sent in various phrases asking 'So who are you guys?'. We introduced ourselves during the first broadcast, you should know who we are. If you do not know who we are, then how did you send in your questions?
R: Many of you also sent in invasive questions about our lives, deaths, and personal relationships. First of all, stop being creeps. Those are not appropriate questions to ask. Second of all, we are minors, so please keep that in mind. And finally, even if we were ghosts, what makes you think it is appropriate to talk about their deaths?
P: Because of this line of questioning, we decided to go over some ghost conversation tips. It took a lot of trial and error for ourselves when we were learning to talk to ghosts. It also took some very helpful ghosts who were happy to explain things once they knew we genuinely wanted to learn about ghost cultures.
R: One of the main points we want to cover is a ghost's death. And honestly? It truly depends on the ghost. But in general, don't ask about or talk about a ghost's death as a baseline. If a ghost wants to talk about their death, believe me, they will talk about it all the time. They will talk about it so much it becomes awkward for you. They will never shut up about their death to the point where you regret ever deciding to talk to them. 
P: In conclusion, do not talk about a ghost's death because you will either offend them into attacking, or you will never escape the conversation. I do not know which one is worse. Now, some of the final questions you listeners sent in concerned our schedule. We will always start our broadcasts on days beginning with suspicious letters, at a time containing an 8.
R: We also had a question from Stressed out Nerd, who asked us why they couldn't record our broadcast. We don't know. Poltergeist handled most of the equipment, which apparently included dipping our microphones into a glowing puddle while we were in the Ghost Zone one day.
P: Well, there were a few more steps to it, but yeah. I had to make the equipment both ghost proof and ghost accessible, which required a few extra rituals. The end result is our microphones being slightly haunted.
R: Oh! Spook is texting me! He says…..huh.
P: What'd he say?
R: Now is a good time for the weather.
P: Wait, what did he say?!?
R: Just play the ẅəąṭĥęř!!!
[Once the weather ends, there is the sound of furious whispering for a few moments.]
Spook: Hello listeners! Sorry I missed most of the broadcast, but the mirror problem has been taken care of! While the mirrors are still working a little too well, I found a way to take care of any situations that might arise. Firstly, everyone should salt your mirrors. Whether or not your mirror is a problem, it's better safe than sorry. Also, avoid letting them know your secrets. The mirrors see a lot, and they will use them äğæįŋşť ƴøü. And finally, if your mirror is working better than usual, salt it, cover it, and set it outside in the sun for a full day. The sun must hit it, otherwise it will not work.
P: Word of caution: do not break your mirrors. That will not get rid of the problem, it will make it worse. Đø ňôț ɓřęæƙ ṭĥëm.
R: And to the person that created the symbol of us as three little ghosts sharing headphones? It is cute and we like it. We're adopting it as our symbol, you will receive compensation for it.
S: Thank you, listeners, for staying with us. Remember to stay safe and
Goodnight Amity Park....
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Mechtober Day 24 - Tarot
Brian was playing a complicated card game of his own devising, and wasn't doing half bad. He was enjoying the peace and quiet. Yes, company was nice sometimes, but right now he liked the personal space. It was peaceful, calm. He could think.
Somehow, none of these thoughts made Marius disappear.
"Brian," Marius asked, in a voice so smooth it was a skid hazard. "What mode are you on?"
Brian made a sound halfway between a sigh and a hiss of escaping air. 
"I can carry out whatever actions I wish, providing it leads to a justifiable outcome."
There was a pause as Marius worked something out.
"You could have just said ends justify means."
A shrug.
"You understood me. Seems an alright end to me."
They lapsed into silence, and Brian dared to hope that the conversation was done.
"Hey Brian," Marius asked again, in that same stupid silky smooth voice. "You can tell the future with those, can't you?"
"They're tarot, yes. And yes again, at various points throughout history, on various planets, they have been used to tell fortunes."
"Can you-"
Brian silenced him with a wave. There was a metallic click as he stretched, very slowly and very deliberately. He gathered up the cards into a neat little pile, took a deep breath in, and let it out gradually. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Marius shift, and decided to wait a few more seconds, just to drag the silence out.
"So," Brian said at long last. "What did you want to know?"
"My… future?" Marius suggested hesitantly, taking a seat opposite.
Alright then. A little lacking in flair perhaps, but Brain could deal with that. At least being hanged as a magician in Camelot hadn't turned out to be a complete waste of time.
He took the cards and shuffled them, then paused.
"Weren't you a prophet down with the Saxons?"
Marius made a vague gesture.
"I think they tended to use runes. Admittedly I spent most of my time staring into their star."
A creak as Brian opened his mouth. Another as he decided he didn't want to know.
"If you insist." 
He spread the cards in a fan onto the table.
"Take a moment to consider these cards. Really think about it, then, when you're sure, pick the one you're drawn to."
Marius' flesh hand hovered above the table. Twice, he almost picked up one of the cards, before changing his mind at the last moment.
At last, he settled on one, drawing it out and placing it face up in front of the two of them.
"The Tower," Marius read out, glancing up at Brian. "By the sound of your fans that's not a good thing."
Under his breath, Brian cursed the entire field of psychology. Aloud, he said:
"It can also mean a revelation, or awakening. But typically, yes, it means destruction, chaos, and some sort of foundational, ground-breaking change."
Marius didn't quite hide the grimace that flashed across his face.
"It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence."
He motioned at the rest of the cards.
"Can I pick another card?"
"You can't keep taking cards until you get one you like!" Brian protested. "But… fine. Take two more, and we'll figure it out from the three of them."
Marius hummed in thought as he chose. He placed the first one face up next to the Tower, then frowned when he noticed it was upside down.
"No, no, leave it be." 
Brian stopped him before he could spin it round.
"It's reversed, that's important. Let's see, the Wheel of Fortune inverted…" 
He trailed off.
"Brian? Your fan is going again."
There was a pause before he continued again.
"It means breaking the cycle. Or bad luck."
"Wow," Marius said in a voice entirely devoid of emotion. "My future gets better by the minute."
He placed the final card.
There was a long silence.
"Now, I'm no tarot reader," Marius began. "But I think I know what Death means."
Brian shook his head.
"Not quite. It means endings, yes-"
"Shut up. Endings in a metaphorical sense. It's a card that means change and transitions."
"But in this context, what I'm hearing is -" Marius leaned across the table. "- I'm fucked."
He held Brian's gaze for a disconcertingly long time. Long enough for Brian to be the one who broke first, looking down and away.
He tried to act nonchalant as he gathered up the cards. This outcome was rapidly appearing less and less justifiable.
"Yeah, you're fucked."
Trying to brush it off.
Marius stood up and bowed with a flourish.
"Well, this was a fun conversation. If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with a terrible fate, apparently.."
"Don't forget to feed to octokittens!" Brian called after him. 
No reply. 
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cybersoldier82 · 2 years
I have elected to do a thing for Halloween lol.(also sorry for not writing much in a bit, haven't felt motivated to but imma try to get back into via this lol)
Corpses, corpses everywhere, blood, blood splattered across the walls of the base, guts, limbs and viscera filling every nook and cranny that could be seen, my tiny form quivering under a desk, trying to escape it, tears pouring down my face as I stifle my sobs so it doesn’t fine me, it was nightmarish, but you may be wondering, how did this happen? How did I get to small? What is it? Well buckle your seatbelts boys and girls, I’ll sum it up to spare your time, and myself some as well.
outpost #492hjs8.
Somewhere in The northern United States.
I was recently captured and brought to a secluded government outpost somewhere in the north for study and possible experimentation. Why you ask? Well when you pop out of a random portal and you’re only 2 feet tall the government is gonna want answers. And as you can imagine I wasn’t exactly treated with much basic decency. Experimenting, torture, the usual shit. This went on for about a week until the day they brought in a new specimen.
They said she was a “predator”, whatever the hell that means, and they referred to her as Blade, odd name hut whatever, she had these mandible looking things on her mouth, dreads flowing off the back of her head, she almost seemed reptilian in all honesty. A couple days past by with plenty of issues, this predator to whom they dubbed “Yao Guai” seems to be quite the handful for them, seeing as she’s already killed like, 4 guards and critically injured 3 of the staff, I know all of this because her cell is adjacent to mine. The horrors I’ve seen this thing manage, tearing the staff apart like rag dolls, mauling the guards, it’s traumatizing stuff, especially when you’re so small and she keeps giving me this look…I don’t know what sort of look it is but I don’t like it, not one bit.
Then one night, shit finally hit the fan. I had woken up to a loud commotion only to see that…it escaped, she managed to rip her cell doors off and started gunning it to who knows where. Then, minutes later, the power goes out, my cell door opens, it’s oddly quiet, I decide to take this opportunity to escape. It didn't take long until i could hear commotion ahead, luckily there was an open door to my left, so I took cover in the room inside.
As I hid, all I could hear was screaming, gunfire, body's being torn to shreds, cries for help being silenced as fast as they came out, it was horrible. Once I was sure it was over I peaked out to find nothing but blood and viscera all over the hall, what else was this thing capable of. As much as I'd love to ponder that I elected to waste no time and continue running, bolting as fast as I could to find an exit.
As I continued to run I could hear voices ahead. "search the area, execute any and all escaped specimens and staff, leave none alive." That must be damage control hear to deal with collateral, shit. Once again the lord blessed me with a hiding spot, this time it was an empty office with plenty of space to keep hidden, I elected to hide under a desk and pray I wouldn't be found. "You two, go search that office, we'll move ahead." Fuck, no, they're gonna find me, they're gonna find me and I'm gonna get executed.
"you think we'll find anything in here?" One guard asked. "Doubtful but it never hurts to look" the other replied, their voices growing closer and closer. "Wait, picking up something on my sca-" he was cut off with a squelching noise, like something just cut through him, then a thud rang out, welp he's dead. "N-no, SHAUN!" The other guard screamed our before unloading his magazine into....well something. But he too was quickly silenced, though from the sounds of it his end was more brutal, all the while my tiny form was stifling tears under the desk I hid under, and that brings us to where we are now.
So there I was, quivering under the desk, trying to stifle tears as I heard someone's footsteps approach, I closed my eyes and huddled in on myself in preparation for what might happen. Suddenly I was grabbed from under my arms and hoisted into the air to find.... nothing...either I'm going nuts or whatever's holding me is invisible. Then suddenly the invisibility went away and my captor revealed themselves, oh fuck, it's that thing I saw escape earlier, it was blade, and she was vlad in some kind of armor, mask and all. I was frozen, to frightened to move aside from quiver, what the hell did she intended on doing with me I thought to myself, assuming the worst.
When I was unexpectedly set onto that desk...huh. she appeared to be looking me over, checking for injuries or something, whatever she was doing it didn't seem malicious, and it was convenient for her cuz i was too spooked to struggle. Once she was done she placed her hands on her mask, a hissing noise could be heard as she took it off, aaand there's that award winning face, God it was jarring to see something so humanoid with such an odd looking face. She had this cold and blank expression as she looked me over too, almost unbothered by any of this. "Uh, thanks blad, I guess." I said as she picked me up from the desk again, holding my small form close to her like a toddler. "So now what?" I asked, knowing damn well if she responded I wouldn't be able to understand her.
"hey, I think I heard commotion this way, let's check it out" a voice stated in the distance, fuck that sounded close to our location. "Shit what're we gonna d-" I was interrupted by being shoved into her maw, quickly and hastily being crammed down her throat, it wasn't long before I slipped into what I assumed was her stomach, it all happened so fast I couldn't quite process what was happening at the momen. Then the chamber began to sway from side to side only for it to abruptly stop, then I could hear very muffled voices. "Huh, nothing in here, well aside from these bodies, she can't be far, let's keep looking." It was then I finally snapped out of my daze and the gravity of the situation kicked in, oh shit, I'm in a stomach.
My eyes darted around in the dark cramped space as it all finally sank in, I need to get out now. "H-hey, HEY, LET ME GO!! IM NOT FOOD!!" I pleaded as I attempted to struggle, it was difficult to do so considering how cramped it was for someone of my size, I was stuck in a sort of fetal position and could barely move, if I was smaller I'm sure I'd have more leverage in this situation, but sadly I was limited. But all I got in response was some muffled clicking noises from outside, along with being aggressively squished in the stomach, stifling my movement, hell it even hurt a little.
In all honesty, all I could do sit there as the tears rolled down my face, my small form swaying from side to side with the chamber, as my captor seems to be on the move again, she was likely escaping with her meal in tow. "sob, I guess this is how I go, a midnight snack to an escaped alien, sniffle, at least she gets to taste freedom with a free meal." I stated as I let it all out, tears steaming down my face. She must've fully left the facility at some point, because instead of the noises the organ made a long with blaring sirens and the deathly screams of guards, all I could hear was her stomach, breathing and heartbeat.
Eventually the swaying stopped, she must've found a hiding spot. I had grown drained from all the sobbing and general commotion, so I decided to let myself slip out of consciousness, letting the sounds of the chamber lul me to what was my final sleep, at least it was comfortable.
✨Ooohh pov switch✨
'this poor creature, they've been through so much during our time in the facility, and just when they thought they were finally able to escape, only to end up in a much more cramped prison.' I thought to myself as I rubbed my swollen midsection, caressing the now unconscious being within me. If only they could understand me like I understand them, once I find my ship I need to reinstall that translator. I understand why they might think this is the end for them, but it truly isn't, they're perfectly safe inside me, after all our talks and getting to know each other, as one sided as it all was, I've grown attached to them. I would never harm them, I just assumed it would be easier to carry them out like this, ans in truth it was. Once they wake up I should explain myself, but for now I'll keep kneading and rubbing st my middle, ive learned that this is a good way to keep the occupant soothed even when asleep. Rest up little thing, we've got a lot to do tomorrow, you'll need the energy.
(I wanted to apologize for how rushed and undetailed this might seem, it was rushed due to lack of time unfortunately, but I hope you guys like it wither way^^)
Happy Halloween~
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bunnythechizzmozza · 1 year
Here's some story to read
Title: "The Girl Who Stepped into an Anime World"
We see a young girl, KAREN, walking down a crowded street. She's wearing a backpack and looks a bit lost. Suddenly, she stumbles and falls into a nearby alleyway.
Karen looks around, disoriented. She notices a strange portal glowing in front of her. Without thinking, she steps inside.
Karen finds herself in a vibrant and colorful world that looks like it's straight out of an anime. She's amazed by the sights and sounds around her.
KAREN: Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe I'm really here!
As she walks through the anime world, Karen encounters a young man, RYOTA, who is also exploring.
RYOTA: Hey there! You're new around here, aren't you?
KAREN: Yeah, I just got here. My name is Karen. What's your name?
RYOTA: I'm Ryota. Nice to meet you, Karen.
The two hit it off immediately and decide to explore the anime world together. They encounter all sorts of strange creatures and obstacles, but they work together to overcome them.
As they journey through the anime world, Karen and Ryota become closer and start to develop feelings for each other.
RYOTA: Karen, I know we just met, but I feel like I've known you forever. Will you be my girlfriend?
KAREN: (blushing) Yes, Ryota. I feel the same way.
Their adventure together continues, and Karen and Ryota's love for each other grows stronger with each passing day.
Part two
Karen and Ryota are walking through a peaceful village when they hear a commotion. They rush to the center of town, where they find the villagers in a panic.
KAREN: What's going on?
VILLAGER: It's Electra! She's come to destroy our village!
RYOTA: Electra? I've heard of her. She's a powerful villain who wants to rule the anime world.
KAREN: We have to do something! We can't just stand by and watch the village get destroyed.
RYOTA: You're right. Let's go!
Karen and Ryota rush towards Electra, who is wreaking havoc on the village. They try to attack her, but she is too powerful.
ELECTRA: (laughs evilly) You think you can stop me? You're nothing but weaklings!
KAREN: We may be weak, but we won't give up!
RYOTA: We'll fight to protect the people we care about!
Karen and Ryota hold hands and close their eyes. Suddenly, a burst of energy surrounds them, and they transform into powerful warriors.
KAREN: (amazed) What's happening?
RYOTA: We're transforming! This is our true power!
Karen and Ryota, now transformed, charge towards Electra. They engage in a fierce battle, using their new powers to their fullest extent.
ELECTRA: (surprised) How can this be? You were weak before!
KAREN: We may have been weak before, but we've grown stronger together!
RYOTA: And we won't let you hurt anyone else!
Karen and Ryota deliver the final blow to Electra, defeating her once and for all. The villagers cheer and thank them for their heroism.
KAREN: (panting) That was intense.
RYOTA: (smiling) But we did it. Together.
KAREN: (smiling back) Yeah. Together.
Last part
Karen and Ryota have defeated Electra and saved the village. The villagers are celebrating, but Karen and Ryota are sitting off to the side, looking sad.
KAREN: (sighs) I can't believe it's over.
RYOTA: (nodding) Yeah. It was a wild adventure.
KAREN: (looking at Ryota) I'm going to miss you.
RYOTA: (smiling) I'm going to miss you too, Karen.
They sit in silence for a moment, then Ryota speaks up.
RYOTA: (hesitantly) Karen, I know we only just met, but I feel like we've been through so much together. I don't want to say goodbye.
KAREN: (surprised) What are you saying?
RYOTA: (looking at Karen) What I'm saying is, I don't want this to be the end. I want to stay with you, and keep adventuring together.
KAREN: (smiling) Ryota, that's... that's wonderful. But how can we do that? I need to go back to my world.
RYOTA: (thinking) Maybe there's a way. We've seen some crazy things in this anime world. Who's to say there isn't a way to travel between our worlds? We just have to keep looking.
KAREN: (nodding) You're right. If there's a way to be together, we have to find it.
They sit in silence again, lost in thought.
RYOTA: (breaking the silence) But for now, we have to say goodbye.
KAREN: (sadly) I know.
RYOTA: (smiling) But let's make the most of our time together. We still have a little while before you have to leave.
Karen and Ryota spend the rest of the day together, reminiscing about their adventure and talking about their hopes for the future. As the sun sets, they walk back to the portal that brought Karen to the anime world.
RYOTA: (looking at Karen) This is it.
KAREN: (tearfully) I don't want to go.
RYOTA: (taking Karen's hand) I don't want you to go either. But we'll find a way to be together again. I promise.
KAREN: (nodding) Okay. I'm ready.
Karen steps into the portal, and it glows
RYOTA:bye bye Karen I'm gonna miss you so much
Maybe I'll do a second part of this if I had time 😁
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
@buckyownsmylife hey babe! Remember that one time you threw that cool challenge? Here's my entry. Prepare to get absolutely ruined because daddy!Bruce is exactly that sort of man.
main masterlist ☀️ taglist
emotional support nerd
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Your best friend's dad, Dr. Bruce Banner, is hotter than you thought he would be. 6k words, NSFW. Kind of Alt!Reader - she refers to herself as 'goth' in one instance. Tony Stark makes an appearance because God forbid I write a fanfic without him in it.
This is filthy pron, ft. age difference (reader is college aged) daddy kink, throat fucking, dirty talk, praise kink, cream pie, possessiveness, belly bulge and ending with a hint at a threesome. I really crammed all I could from Eyre's wheel in here, didn't I. Oh well.
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"How much longer, dad?" Lyra's annoyed voice struck a chord within me. I tried to hide my snickering - unsuccessfully might I add - causing my best friend to shoot me a hurt look, equally fed up with me as she was fed up with her forgetful adopted father. "You know what, we'll take the subway."
Lyra's father's voice, both agitated and apologetic, reached my ears in bitten-off phrases as the traffic noises around us grew in volume, NYC rush hour rapidly approaching its peak.
With a sound huff, Lyra removed the phone from her ear, staring me down with the most amount of petulance I've ever seen on her usually reserved, placid face. "It's twenty more minutes. Apparently he's driving Tony's car," she offered in the way of explanation, like it actually did anything to better the cold, wet situation we found ourselves in. "Please, and I can't stress this enough, please don't be weird."
I felt a flood of amusement at Lyra's pleading tone. "Darling, if you wanted a normal friend, you should have looked elsewhere," I gestured to my outfit. I looked like a goth boy's wet dream: chunky platformed boots, fishnets, heavy eyeliner. Of course, all in black.
"You know what I mean," she whined, waving off my pointing hand and fixing me with a hard stare. "The least my dad needs is someone that is terrified of him just because sometimes he turns into a big green monkey. It's not as exciting as internet thinks, anyway," the last part of the sentence was mumbled but I heard it nonetheless as Lyra stared out into the traffic, clever eyes looking for a particular car model.
What Lyra didn't know was that I was not at all considering to be terrified by the man who dosed himself with radiation and developed an advanced version of split personality disorder. I could be intimidated by him, sure, because he was incredibly intelligent, a world class scientist with more PhDs than I had zeroes in my bank account, but even despite his green problem, Dr. Bruce Banner was about as far away from 'scary' as a man could be.
The few scarce pictures of him on the internet showed a short, stocky man with kind eyes and salt-and-pepper curls, always dressed in un-ironed, crumpled button-ups with dorky patterns. Looking at him, I mused that there was a high chance he spoke with a stutter and that fact amused me to no end. Jekyll and Hyde, alright.
Lyra was much the same way. Shy and reclusive, with curly brown hair and doe eyes, she spent a good chunk of her first semester in college being avoided by everybody because of her last name; I, on the other hand, avoided everyone out of habit, I'd never been a social butterfly, but the way people subtly made sure to exclude Lyra from all the activities filled me with quiet, seething rage, and I stepped over my general distaste of people and removed my bag from the seat next to me so Lyra could at least study in relative peace.
Yeah, yeah, you've heard it all, I'm sure. Weird goth chick adopts a socially awkward, shunned nerd and they become best friends forever. I had to admit that under the shy exterior, Lyra was smart, witty and even funny sometimes. She was willing to entertain my crude jokes without moaning, at least, and I was perfectly okay with listening to her rant about science every now and then.
Rain banged on the slanted roof of the café we were hiding in, the autumn wind howled, making both of us shiver at the prospect of having to go outside, even if it was for a short moment to run to Lyra's dad's car. The day had started out warm and sunny, but much like a badly calculated chemical formula, it all went downhill a split second after we had set out to leave campus.
"There he is," the grouch in Lyra's expression had me once again unsuccessfully attempting to conceal my snorting.
Nonetheless, I followed her out into the rain, struggling to keep up with the brisk running in my platformed shoes, unceremoniously crawling into the car behind her without sparing a glance at the driver in my eagerness to get out of the freezing downpour.
"Hi, dad," Lyra's tired voice spoke up at the same time as I angrily shook out my hair.
"I've just about McFuckin' had it with New York," I was afraid the dye in my hair would bleed out into my clothes, or even worse, the nice, cream-colored car seats.
"Hello, ladies," the voice that greeted us was low, gravelly and apologetic to boot.
My eyes shot up, meeting an expression full of surprise and amusement. I stared at the shockingly handsome face of Dr. Bruce Banner like a deer in the headlights.
The fine mimic wrinkles had stretched into a resemblance of a smile, soft, plush lips revealing a set of straight, white teeth. The five o'clock shadow framed his jaw, giving it a sharp, defined edge, his clever brown eyes slid down my form, faltering on the pentagram on my belt and my fishnet-covered legs, settling on my chunky boots before hastily snapping back up to my face.
"Dad, this is..." Lyra's voice was full of suspicious bewilderment as she attempted to dissipate the sudden awkwardness.
"Oh, yeah, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner, but you can call me Doc or Bruce," he cleared his throat, turning himself towards the windshield and starting up the car.
"Nice to meet you," I busied myself with putting away any stray hair just to occupy myself with something during the time I needed to recuperate from being just... Looked at by Lyra's dad.
It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I was so taken aback by his handsomeness and his aura of a gentle but powerful man that the ride to Stark tower, however swift, went on in slightly awkward silence. The streets outside were, thankfully, noisy, and the lack of an attempt to have a conversation could easily be attributed to Bruce's need to focus on the road, but Lyra's increasingly concerned looks did very little to settle the sudden racing of my heart.
"C'mon, I'll give you some sweats so you can let your..." Lyra's vague gesture towards my upper body disappeared behind her side of the door. "Hey, Tony," she suddenly interrupted her sentence, very obviously addressing another person who I managed to miss as Bruce parked in the spacious garage.
"I've been told you're finally bringing your friend, Green Pea," a voice I'd heard a thousand times on the TV poked fun at Lyra.
She bent down to retrieve her bag, shooting big eyes at me and mouthing an exaggerated "Sorry!"
Tony Stark looked about a week in debt on sleep, a contrast to the way he usually appeared in public. The exaggerated eyebrow raise made me shuffle awkwardly in my spot; the Led Zep tee caught my eyes as I lingered on it, aware of my own Mötorhead top on display. He noticed it too, causing his face leave the snide territory.
"Wow, I didn't expect kids these days to have any resemblance of taste in music but you've surprised me, Corpse Bride," he gave me a quiet wolf-whistle, watching me through lidded eyes.
I felt my eyebrow crawl upwards at his attitude but Bruce spoke up before I could say anything: "Tony, no," so firmly, I had to raise both of my eyebrows. I felt a smile tug at my lips, the situation strikingly familiar in it's essence. Like father, like daughter...
"No," Lyra's identical expression, fond and annoyed, topped up with an accusing finger pointed in my direction had everyone snorting a giggle at the situation.
"Lyra," I whined, just so I could coax her grin that she was very obviously trying to conceal. "See, I told you, every crazy genius needs their emotional support nerd," I fixed her with a pointed look.
She promptly grabbed me by the arm, leading all of us to the elevator as the two men behind us shared a hearty laugh at my well-timed joke. It was either that or I would have completely embarrassed myself by gaping and drooling over both THE Tony Stark and Lyra's father.
The rush didn't stop there. I was promptly and generously offered not only a spare pair of pants but also a whole room to stay in after an invitation to dinner I simply could not refuse. Dr. Banner firmly coaxed me into staying overnight with his pleading eyes and a hearty seasoning of guilt tripping, softly crooning how he simply could not let a young woman to wander the cold, rainy night in NYC alone.
Tony added something too, in a tone way too surefire and patronising. I guessed he noticed my eyes lingering on Dr. Banner, being a genius and all.
In a short amount of time, I found myself seated at a dinner table next to a happy, giggling Lyra who'd downed a glass of wine and was well into her second. I found it adorable how much of a lightweight she was; not hesitating in the slightest to point out that fact when she made hands for a pitcher of water.
Tony was the first one to snark back something vague about his college days and all the wild parties he used to throw, booing Bruce upon discovery that he, in fact, actually studied in college in favour of partaking in various illicit activities. That had both me and Tony giggling with Lyra promptly joining in, both of us losing it over the running joke or her being either a test tube baby or the result of immaculate conception.
Bruce's face blushed scarlet. He sputtered, a few stray drops of his lemonade landing on the (ironed!) collar of his purple shirt, cough disappearing in the wake of Tony's truly amused cackling. Dr. Banner was well on his way to either choke on his Lo Mein or turn green; thinking quickly, I decided to defuse a situation by sharing a harmless, funny story that happened to me as a freshman.
"I went on a date with this guy who said that music was the most important thing in his life, and I thought, wow, that's so beautiful!" I began my story over Lyra's incessant snickering. "So we had dinner and went back to his place because I'm a whore," the whole table erupted in laughter at my deadpan remark, Tony reaching over to give me a high five.
"And as we got there, he put on one of his demos which was just a bunch of sampled and remixed Guns'n'Roses songs, and I thought wow, that's gotta be one of the worst things I've ever heard," I pointedly looked away as Lyra's cackling grew in volume, having heard the same story several times by now and the outrage I expressed at the situation first hand.
"But instead of that I said, wow, that's so cool! Then we did the thing and his whole bedroom was covered in Axl Rose posters and I'm sure at some point Mr. Rose stared right up my asshole," there were tears streaming down Lyra's face as Tony flopped his upper body onto the table and Bruce convulsed helplessly in a silent fit of giggles. "And then I thought to myself: wow, I would have to pretend to like his music if I dated this guy and I just couldn't do that..." I breathed out, succumbing to the mirth at the dinner table. "It was good but not November Rain good, y'kno?"
Bruce snorted loudly, sliding down his chair with a hand over his face. The table shook with the force of Tony's cackling; I didn't see his expression but the howling, rasping noises sent me into another fit of laughter, right on par with Lyra.
"Is this..." Tony rapidly inhaled the much-needed oxygen. "Is this why you keep wincing whenever I play the 'Roses in the lab?" Tony wheezed and Lyra nodded.
"I just... I can picture it, and I-" she made a vague, encompassing gesture and a face.
"Please, don't," I urged with a snort. "There are better ways to get disappointed."
Dinner went on by smoothly after that, everybody happily making remarks on my dating fail, the topic of Lyra's birth and Tony's college shenanigans dismissed.
I caught Dr. Banner's pointed look as we finished our dessert - he was studying me, eyes searching for something that he very obviously wished was there. From the damp roots of my hair to the soft, cotton top clinging to my chest, I wasn't left unscrutinzed and unexamined. Like one of the many specimens he studied on a daily basis, Bruce lingered on the many characteristics that made me stand out in the grey crowd.
"Would you like to see the labs?" He asked, appearing behind me without a single sound.
The freshly cleaned dishes clattered in my arms. I'd almost dropped them, startled, but Bruce's hand landed on the top of the stack right before the top plate would have slipped off and shattered into pieces on the cold tile of his kitchen.
Blood rushed to my ears. "I'd love to," my brain had briefly returned to reality, the rush of meeting both Stark and Banner succumbing to logic and reason. My and his fields of study briefly overlapped, the question he posed was more than reasonable. In fact, many people would cheat, lie and steal to be in my position.
Bruce smiled, opening a cabinet and taking half of the dishes I was holding to stack them up in their proper place. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, exposing wide, muscular forearms littered with dark, coarse hair.
I was sure my face was flaming. After waving off Lyra's attempts to put shoes on me and leaving her to watch her TV show, a wide, warm palm rested on the back of my waist, gently steering me towards the elevator.
I tried to keep my eyes off Bruce in the large mirror on the walls of the car as it swiftly moved down, scrutinizing my appearance instead. My throat bobbed, the elevator car suddenly too small and too hot.
His eyes left marks on me - invisible ones, the kind that I knew were there just from the scorching heat sizzling on my skin.
There was a certain je ne sais quoi about him. Perhaps, it was in the way he was acting - a polar opposite of what I'd had expected, Dr. Bruce Banner possessed a quiet confidence and his patience appeared to be endless, heartily doused with an appreciation for his closest ones. The way his eyes lit up in response to people smiling around the dinner table was hard to miss.
When Bruce spoke about his research - whatever wasn't classified, anyway - the spark expanded into a mischievous fire. I could hardly understand the nuances in his work, scratch that- I could not understand a single word he was saying, at all. The individual syllables registered as they should, but my traitorous brain could only focus on the way he licked his lips in between quickly inhaled breaths.
"You're not... Following, are you?" The corner of his mouth lifted upwards, clever brown eyes fixed on my face.
God, I hoped I wasn't drooling. But to deny the obvious would have been a stretch. "No, not really," I swallowed, willing my eyes to lift from the large veins on the hand that was pointing at a set of equations. Reasonably good at math any day, they looked like the scribbles of a madman to me at the time.
Dr. Banner sighed, letting silence creep among the whirring machinery in the lab for a brief moment. "I don't scare you?" He removed his glasses, cleaning them with the corner of his shirt.
The question reeked of self-doubt and, perhaps, insecurity. "No," I answered simply, not giving him the slightest chance to find doubt in my words. I was barely holding my voice from shaking, afraid he'd misunderstand my reaction to the sudden change in atmosphere.
He was closer to me than I recalled. My hip was almost brushing his, the bulk of his shoulder millimeters from touching against my bare skin, the smell of something herbal, like tea, and sharp chemicals clouding my senses. It was such a contrasting experience.
Bruce turned to me, an expression between hunger and regret forcing me to shiver and look him straight in the eye. A hand landed on my waist, holding me in place with gentle firmness. "I'm a monster, I could hurt you," he whispered, leaning into me like a touch starved kitten. The man screamed contradiction. "We shouldn't."
Vivid images of the Hulk and the rampages years prior flashed through my mind; the rubble, the collateral damage in the form of many lives. I barely remembered it, having been too little to really understand what was going on. One thing, though, I knew for sure: ever since the world became aware of Lyra's existence, there had been no incidents. Sure, the Hulk still appeared when there was a threat, but there were no documented incidents of the green creature running amok, accidentally.
"You won't hurt me," I spoke with conviction. Perhaps, I was bluffing just slightly but I wouldn't lie like that to myself. The variable, the... Twelve or so percent chance of things going... Awry, it made a small, malicious worm inside of me rejoice and fill my limbs with familiar adrenalised yearning. "You're not a monster. Far from it, actually," I used the hand that was not supporting me against the desk to gently cradle the side of his face, letting my fingertips brush over the rough five o'clock shadow on his cheek.
Bruce emitted a sound somewhere between an agitated grown and a pleading whine, sagging with the sound exhale, pressing himself flush with my chest. His face slipped from my palm, the warm tip of his nose running a steady line up my neck, sending goosebumps running wildly down my back as his hot breath tickled the arch of my throat.
"Baby," the nickname punched a stuttered gasp out of me with the intensity contained in just that one word. "I've been hearing all these amazing things about you," his voice dropped, low baritone rumbling straight into my ear. "I won't be able to hold back. I'll want you all to myself," his bicep flexed under my hand.
My knees would have bucked if I wasn't grasping onto Bruce for dear life after those words. I had some sense of personal pride in me, so while my body was an easy, traitorous thing, my mind was more than eager to participate in this game, to ping pong a little bit before... "Yeah? What things?" I breathed.
Teeth briefly closed around my tender skin, nipping for just a second. "You're kind, beautiful," his hand took a steadfast hold on the back of my neck, exposing my throat to his mouth. More skin to mark, more time to whisper. "Intelligent, bright and clever," the more he spoke, the fiercer he became. Bruce's grasp tightened until I was pliant in it, willingly following his silent commands. "A bit of a pain in the ass," a healthy dose of humour was added into the mix as my ass was roughly grabbed, our fronts pressed together at his insistence.
"That sounds about right," I didn't resist the sudden urge to snark, thoughts lazily floating in my head, like clouds on a bright sunny day, fleeting and sparse. None of them caught on. I was focused on feeling the need, on my need to feel.
A sharp smack landed on the plump of my ass, the sound resonating in the eerily quiet lab. The sounds of machinery had dulled at some point, leaving just the two of us panting our lust into each other's space. "I know you can be a good girl. Will you, princess?" His fingertips dug into my flesh, surpassing the soft sweatpants as if they weren't even there.
I could only nod, dumbly, overcome by the sudden rush of blood to my body. The life coarsing through me sang, demanding a release of the pent-up tension.
"What's that?" Bruce removed himself from my neck, catching my unfocused eyes with a crooked smirk on his lips.
"Yes," I swallowed, breathing through my mouth.
"Mmm," he hummed, running both hands over my sides, over the frayed edges of my Mötorhead top. He admired it, briefly, setting his eyes on the band logo that was right over my breasts. Having decided something to himself, Bruce promptly removed it, lifting it over my head with ease and leaving it right on the science lab table.
Taking hold of my hand, he walked over to a hidden set of sliding doors that revealed a rather large, frequently used bed, shutting them just as I walked in, wearing only my bra and borrowed sweats. My back was pressed to the door in mere seconds, hot palms chasing away the chill of the lab as Bruce slotted his lips over mine.
He tasted like something I've never had before. His lips - so plush and supple, took hold of the kiss with practiced gusto, sucking me in without a chance or the desire to escape. I drank from him, sucked on the bottom lip as his tongue explored my mouth, danced with mine.
The room was spinning, the ringing in my ears growing in volume. I was only partly aware of the sensation of sliding down the wall; our knees thudded on the carpeted floor simultaneously, heavy breathing the only noise I could distinguish.
"Breathe, baby, that's it," Bruce coaxed, gently stroking my nape. The soft cotton of his shirt crumpled under my fingers where I held onto him, desperately searching something to ground myself with.
The buckle of his belt clattered and then clinked again as he wrapped the worn leather around my wrists, bringing them together in front of my chest. I exhaled sharply at the intimate gesture, a whine bubbling up from my chest when Bruce used a single fingertip to raise my chin.
My eyes met his; a brown iris tinged with the faintest of green around the outer edge. "This okay, princess?" He sought my face for confirmation, for agreement, for anything.
I nodded, stuttering mid-gesture, remembering our previous interaction. My mouth did not want to cooperate but I forced it to, even if it came out as little more than a pitiful mewl. "Yes, daddy," the word, sweet and sticky like fruit syrup, poured from my lips.
My eyes slid shut as my conscience - or was it common sense? - took hold of the situation. I was on my knees in front of my best friends dad, a virtual stranger, and I'd just-
Bruce's soft chuckle stopped the negative spiral of my thoughts. "That's my girl," he sounded a tad more breathless now, a hairliner in his perfect façade of self-control. As if he'd sensed my indecisiveness, he tugged on the makeshift restraints, pulling me closer, closer and into his lap.
A warm, solid chest with a healthy amount of fluff greeted me. Bruce let my lax, pliant body fall into his arms, catching me effortlessly and bringing my face to his lips. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, you're my good girl," he peppered soft kisses all over my flaming cheeks, my twitching nose, my fluttering lashes.
"Please," I begged, shame giving way to the flood of arousal that seemingly hit me all at once. I was aware of the dampness collecting in my panties, the stiffness of my limbs from holding back the ravenous desire to paw at Bruce like a wild animal. "Please, daddy..."
"I know, I know, baby girl," he soothed, not stopping his tender assault on my face. "Daddy will make it all better. I know just what you need," Bruce finally pulled away. I heard the sound of him undoing his zipper and then the awkward shuffle of him shucking off his pants.
Somewhere in between of all that, he'd ended up sitting down on the bed, wearing only his boxers, his shirt hanging open. The red crawled down his chest, partially masked by the coarse salt and pepper hair; his lips were cherry red and his hair was sticking out in odd directions. Bruce looked sinful.
My eyes inadvertently landed on the impressive bulge in his boxers; in response to my widened eyes, he reached out for it, stroking the outline of his thick cock through his boxers. "Like what you see, baby?"
"Yeah," My mouth watered.
"Baby wants a fat cock?" He teased, sounding like he knew exactly what he was doing, testing my self-control like that. With a flick of his wrist, it sprang free, slapping against his tummy, coating the fine hairs with drops of clear, musky fluid.
I swallowed, feeling the taste of him from afar and yearning for more where I was parked between his spread legs.
In a gesture almost loving, he tugged on the belt still wrapped around my wrists, bringing my face to his leaking shaft and my hands to the base of it, letting me feel the weight of his balls in them. The cock throbbed, neglected, weighed down by the heaviness of his full balls.
"Go ahead, baby, suck my cock," the encouragement came with a gentle push to my head.
I obediently followed, wrapping my lips around the pink, moist crown of it, a hum beginning in the back of my throat. My God, Bruce tasted heavenly... I whirled and slipped my tongue a around his head, I dipped into the slit to drink the nectar right from the tap, idly coming to awareness of the broken, choked moans coming from the man above me.
Raising my head got me a view of his chin; head thrown back, the lax O of his mouth glistened in the meager light. My eyes slid lower, to the flex of his abs. Bruce fought hard to stay still. The desire consumed me, a sudden rush of power at having Dr. Bruce Banner's cock in my mouth and the man at my mercy; I inhaled, sliding my mouth further and further down his throbbing length.
"Fuck," I heard him mutter before his hands gripped the sides of my face. "Hungry, baby, are you?" His eyes glowed a faint green; I shuddered at the power he held within himself. Held back for me. "Tap my thigh twice," he spoke and I had no choice but to obey. "Okay. Do that if it gets too much, alright?" I nodded. He gave me a wide, beaming smile. "Good girl," he praised, experimentally bucking his hips into my mouth a few times.
In and out. I focused on my breathing, sharp, little inhales: his girth took up all the free space in my mouth, the tip of it barely fit into my throat. The burn, the stretch; I felt every tenth of an inch, every bulging attempt of my body to accommodate Bruce's huge cock. It was delicious, I couldn't help but crave the same stretch in my neglected, sopping wet pussy.
"Fuck, you're taking it so well," Bruce moaned wetly. "Your mouth... S'like heaven... Could fuck it all day, that's my good girl," the rambling increased in it's intensity as the pace of his hips hastened. Drool and tears flowed like a river; my chin was dropping with it, spit connected my face to his pelvis. "Oh," there was a brief pause to his movements; suddenly, he pulled out, fisting the base of his cock, staring me down with a ferocious gleem in his eye.
I must've looked a straight mess; my face like a crime scene, my clothes disheveled, covered in fluids and most of all - I was desperately grinding against my own feet, too focused on the glorious cock in front of me to notice the weakness of my own flesh. "Daddy?" I questioned, wincing at the grating of my own voice.
Without a word, the belt was tugged once more; in a set of movements just slightly north of acrobatic, I found myself laying on my back in the middle of the bed, my sweatpants suffering a haste demise in the corner of the room.
Bruce crawled atop me, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses on every inch of my skin he could reach, mouthing something inaudible into every pore of my body. As he drew closer, I discerned bitten-off phrases, stringing my desire into sticky, tangy mess at the apex of my thighs.
"My perfect baby girl," the words reached me; all tongue, he kissed me once more, arching into me as much as I arched into his hot grasp. A brief inspection of my face - he was satisfied with what he saw - and Bruce crawled back, settling in between my spread legs, breathing hot air on the lips of my sex still covered by a sopping wet piece of fabric.
"Oh fuck," I yelped, feeling him smooch it soundly, the hot wetness of his tongue penetrating the meagre lace barrier with ease.
He moved it aside anyway, with a single finger, giving my pussy a broad lick, moaning into my cunt like a man gone mad. It took a few more licks for him to feel sated enough to surface, all the while holding my hips down. I was so sensitive, I felt even the tiniest flicks to my clit, I was sure if I didn't cum then and there, I would explode.
"Such a pretty pussy, princess," his heavy breathing paused briefly. He nipped my thigh. "So wet, is that all for me?"
"Yes, yes, daddy," I rasped, pushing my cunt into his face, losing all shame and trepidation.
"So tasty," he continued the torture, outlining my lower lips before taking another nosedive right into it, swirling his tongue around every fold, sucking onto my clit.
Bruce ate my pussy until my thighs shook, until my core quivered and I could no longer hold back the choked, ragged screams starting somewhere in the low of my belly and coming out as unholy, all-consuming yowls filled with unadulterated lust.
"Louder for me, baby," he inhaled rapidly, and then, he sucked on my clit.
The world stopped, halted on it's axis, every muscle going rigid in my body and every nerve ending simultaneously coming alive. Faintly, I heard a chant, repeating two syllables over and over, it sounded like my voice - but I had no control over myself. All I could do was weakly grind my hips against Bruce's mouth, faltering when the crashing waves of my orgasm began to recede.
The infuriating overstimulation stopped; blinking hazily, I saw Bruce's eyes glimmer brown and green in front of my face. His nose and his chin was glistening with a thin coat of sticky fluid; disheveled and red, he looked a man on the verge of a revelation.
Something hot and blunt nosed at my cunt, bringing back the moment to me - I realized, with a great deal of impatience - how empty I felt. The decision was minute. "Daddy, fuck me, please, I want your cock," the words came easily.
"That's my girl," his eyes fluttered shut as the first inches squeezed through the snug of my cunt. I was sopping wet and as relaxed as I'd be, but even then, it was a stretch. "Good girl, good baby," the mumbled praise made me whine and my pussy clamp on his cock. "Relax, let daddy fill you up." Breathing through it, I consciously unwound myself around him, letting my palms rest freely on his shoulders. "Let daddy take care of you."
Like melted sugar, his husked words stuck to me inside and out. Short, sharp thrusts; Bruce was patiently burrowing himself inside of me, making his way to reach the deepest parts of me I didn't even know existed. His cock head pressed against something hard and spongy inside of me; stars burst behind my eyes I'd clamped shut on reflex.
I moaned weakly, tugging on his arm, pressing myself closer. It felt so, so good. Like a raw nerve had been exposed and he was stroking it, pushing that little switch with every stroke of his hips.
"I'm not gonna last," he muttered as once again, my cunt squeezed him snugly in place, just as greedy as I was to feel that tiny explosion spark up within me again.
"I want..." I panted. Bruce set in a punishing pace after that, a palm under my ass, squeezing it so hard there would definitely be bruising. I craved it, I needed to see the evidence this was not some elaborate fever dream. "I want... Daddy to fill me up," words came out garbled; it sounded like gibberish to my ears but Bruce - they spurred him on.
"Oh yeah?" That breathless, boyish cockiness was back in his voice again; despite how fucked out he sounded, I prepared myself for something truly out of this world. I just knew.
He sat back on his shins, dragging me by the hips with him, making me shiver and moan and twitch and clamp onto him again as his throbbing cock hit that special spot again. And again. And again.
"Look at me, baby," a hand on my belly and his eyes burning right through me. As they slid down, towards the apex of my thighs where he was still moving within me almost lazily, I saw it.
"Oh fuck," I couldn't utter much more than a two-syllabled profanity. There was a bulge in my belly, just above my pelvis, moving in rhythm with Bruce's hips. And then he pressed on it and I-
Something, someone, somewhere was screaming. The noise was loud and pitched, but even then, I could barely hear it though the neverending waves of bliss that enveloped my whole being. Gold and silver at the edges of my rapidly darkening vision; I was drowning in something that smelled and felt like Bruce. The safety of his arms, the warmth of his heated body, the rapid snapping of his hips-
"I'm gonna, fuck," the last word was but a ghost of a human speech. Growling low and filthy, Bruce leaned into my ear, his breath hot and moist. "Mine," his hips stuttered, his cock nestled deep, the sensation bordering on painful, forcefully extracted pleasure. It throbbed with every spurt of his seed; each one felt like a solid punch in the gut to my abused pussy.
"Daddy," I mewled, my body jerking away from him but my mind and my soul yearning for more. His rapidly softening flesh made the idea of being separated unbearable.
"S'good, s'my good girl, m'so proud," he mumbled, looking slightly disoriented as he removed himself from me, immediately pressing me to his side and interwining any free, flailing limbs.
We laid in silence, each of us slowly coming back to Earth after the completely unreal experience we just had. I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to do as the realization set in, the post-orgasmic haze giving way to a sudden rush of clarity.
"I can hear you overthinking," Bruce's voice was fond.
Before I could muster up the courage to snark back, the divided doors opened, one very concerned Tony Stark standing there, armed with a tranquilizer gun in one hand and a pack of cookies in the other. His mouth, previously open to (probably) yell at us, remained as open when his eyes had registered the scene in front of him.
I stared at Bruce. Bruce stared at Tony.
"The noise," he offered in the way of explanation, dangling the pack of cookies, looking, for once - speechless. He recovered quickly, however, even if the remark was a thin ghost of his usual sass: "You pick the nerd over me? I'm hurt," he scoffed in mock irritation, although I was pretty sure I saw some satisfaction in there, too.
Bruce looked at me. I looked at Bruce.
A mischievous grin slowly crept up his face, an identical one beginning to appear on my own face seconds after.
"Hey, two nerds is better than one, right?" My response is what did it; or, rather, it was the evidence of my previous throat-fucking clearly audible in my voice... Tony dropped the cookies and then, the tranq gun.
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Bruce Banner taglist: @pilloclock @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @persephonehemingway @mostly-marvel-musings @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @sapphicnoodle69 @couldntbedamned @xoxabs88xox @marvelsbanner @tripleyeeet @tatestripedsweater @stuckybarton
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rendevousz · 3 years
avengers x teen!fem!reader
summary: you get captured during a mission and the team saves you.
warnings: language, violence, brief misogyny, torture, **NO sexual assault (because as i was proofreading, i only implied most of the torture scenes because i didn't want to write it in graphic detail and i realised the vague wordings might be misinterpreted as sexual assault which IT IS NOT, just clearing it up), and also again, my inability to write good endings
word count: 4589
notes: i just rewatched iron man 2 so that explains justin hammer LMAO also ooc justin hammer because even tho mans evil, he gets extremely um.. cruel here but anyways i hope you enjoy this!!
you were 13 when you first met the avengers and 16 when you officially joined. you grew up as one of HYDRA's experimented children and the team had found you when they raided the base that you were in.
a small, sickly-looking kid you were, sat against your cell wall, hugging your knees. 13 but you could probably pass off as a 10 year old due to how malnourished and miserable you were. burying your head in between your knees, you covered your ears as the loud gunshot noises filled the whole place. the metal door of your cell slamming open against the wall had you whimpering, hands above your head in fear.
every time the door slammed open, guards would come drag you out for more experiments so it was an instinct for you to cower in fear at the sound.
"last room in the west hall, i found a little girl."
you heard nothing because you were covering your ears, preparing yourself to be forcefully dragged by the guards to the experiment room. but it never came.
"hey," a soft voice called. you were violently shaking at this point, breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. "hey, it's okay." the voice called out again and you felt them touch your shoulders.
your head immediately jolted up, flinching away from the stranger's touch. your eyes met a blue pair as you backed away into the corner in fear. "i'm sorry! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to." the man apologised. you slowly looked up at him, observing him. he had on a full black outfit, a quiver of arrows slinging on his shoulder and he was holding onto a bow.
"don't be scared. i'm here to help," he states with his hands out, as if to calm you down. "that's what they all say." you hissed through gritted teeth and a tear-stained face, glaring at him even though that could've been a very wrong move had it been with an actual HYDRA guard.
despite the strange feeling of being safe around this man, you didn't let your guard down. that's exactly what those scientists said seven years ago. trusting kind-looking men got you into this hell you never thought you would ever escape from and you weren't going to make the same mistake again.
"clint," a red-headed female, also in all black, entered through the open door of your cell with her pistol up. at the sight of the weapon, you broke your glare towards the man. your breathing quickened and you went back to your original position before the archer came; body pressed up against your knees and covering your ears with your palms.
"i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'll come! please don't use that on me again," you whimpered, voice muffled as your face was hidden against your knees. the woman freezes mid-walk, looking at her friend with a bewildered expression.
"nat! put that away!" clint whispered harshly, eyes glaring at the pistol in nat's hands. nat's jaw dropped in realisation, a small gasp leaving her lips as she immediately put away her weapon.
she slowly makes her way to you and clint puts his arm out before she could get closer. he looks at her with a worried expression as he shook his head, as if telling her that she can't get too close to you. nat nods understandingly, crouching down a distance from you.
"hey," she spoke softly. "i promise you that we're not here to hurt you." you kept your face hidden from her, still hugging your legs tightly. nat sighs before sitting down.
"here, let's introduce ourselves. i'm nat and this right here is clint." you hear her speak and when you slowly lifted up your head, you saw the both of them sitting down in front of you, seeming to have made themselves at home in your pathetic cell. "what's your name?"
name? you had never been able to use your name before. you always kept your own name deep in your heart despite no one ever using it, afraid you would forget it if you stopped thinking of it. the only name they ever called you here was 'number five'.
"y/n," you whispered, still doubtful about these people's intentions. you almost burst out crying when you said your name out loud. that was the first time you introduced yourself with your actual name and not the number you were given ever since you were captured.
nat must have noticed this because she immediately spoke up, trying to distract you from your consuming thoughts. "y/n...that's a pretty name for a pretty girl like you. how old are you, y/n?" she asks again.
you contemplated once more but decided it was fine. you knew you were probably going to regret trusting these two strangers but what could be worse than what HYDRA has been doing to you for years?
"13," you muttered, looking down at your lap. you were now timidly seated cross-legged, playing with the tattered hem of your shorts. you heard a small gasp from one of them and looked up to see clint with his jaw dropped.
the two adults were both thinking of the same thing. how could you be 13? you were so small and sickly-looking, they didn't even think you were older than ten, let alone an early teen.
"i know you're scared and you have all the reasons in the world to be, but i promise you, we're here to help. we'll get you out of here, only if you trust us. will you trust us?" nat says. your mind was conflicted. you were either going to finally get out of this hellhole or you were going to be taken somewhere even worse than here. but could anywhere really be worse than here?
you decided to take a leap of faith and trust these two strangers. that decision had to have been the best decision you've ever made in your life.
you were now 18, an official avenger and you had the most amazing family you could've ever asked for. they were a bit on the crazier side but could you really have a normal family when said family consisted of superheroes? but you weren't complaining. you loved these people.
they were the ones who took care of you when you thought you had no one. having been a HYDRA experiment, you had abilities the normal human didn't. said ability being shapeshifting and healing. that's why you became an avenger. your shapeshifting ability was essential during missions where you had to sneak in and you being able to heal others was crucial when medic wasn't able to be there on time.
you pretty much came along to every mission despite the adults saying you don't have to. you knew they were only doing that to protect you from dangers of all those missions but how could you not when you had such abilities? they'd be much better with you helping.
that was why you were here, in bulgaria, fighting alongside the team. well, just steve, nat, clint, bucky and tony.
justin hammer had managed to get his hands on a type of out-of-this-planet weapon that tony was also trying to retrieve, and he had big plans with it. hence why the avengers had to come where hammer had wrecked havoc in; sofia, bulgaria. he had upgraded his robots with the tech used for the stolen weapon.
with evil robots attacking the whole city, it felt like you were living the story that wanda told you of what happened in sokovia before you met the avengers.
an hour passed before all of the robots had finally been taken down and you all knew you had to get to hammer before he activates more robots to distract you guys and uses the weapon for bad things.
"tony, have you located hammer?" steve's voice sounded in your ear through the comms. you had just finished healing the nasty gash on clint's side, nat's cut on her forehead and the bruises all over bucky. you were feeling significantly weaker now, from the amount of healing you did. you stumbled slightly when you walked and bucky immediately held onto your arm. "doll, are you okay?"
"i'm fine, buck. nothing i haven't dealt with before," you told him, gently removing his grip on your arm, walking back to the quinjet.
"no, absolutely not. we are not sending y/n right into a death trap. she's not even strong enough right now, she just finished healing us."
you were all back at the compound now and planning a second attack on justin hammer.
"it's not a death trap, buck. and i know you're worried but she's the only choice we got. y/n, all you gotta do is sneak in as one of his henchmen and provide entrance for us. once we get in, we'll take all his guards down and get that weapon from hammer and we won't have to worry about his world domination plans anymore. it'll be over as soon as it starts and she'll be back safe with us. sound good, y/n/n?"
"yeah, sure." you agreed, already having a person in mind that you were going to change yourself to.
the plan had gone just as steve wanted and they managed to raid justin hammer's building, tony stealing the very item that could've aided in the massacre of millions. justin and his henchmen managed to escape the building before the avengers could catch them.
"well, that was anticlimactic," tony scoffs, already making his way to the quinjet. "but good job, y/n. you saved the day once again."
he expected to hear a laugh from you, like you usually did, being the only one who ever responds to him after missions. but instead he was met with silence. "kid?" still no answer.
"y/n, where are you?" steve panicked, finally realising that you were the only one who hasn't responded in a hot minute. "y/n/n, this isn't funny." he breathed out.
"she's...she's gone."
"well, well, well," a voice spoke right as you woke up from your slumber. you squinted, noticing that you were in some sort of dark room with only one light bulb right above you. "what do we have here?"
a figure walks right in the light and you could barely make out justin hammer's ugly face with how dizzy you felt. "if it isn't the little freak." he states condescendingly, smirking down at your helpless position, both wrists and ankles cuffed onto the metal chair you were sat on. you struggled against the restraints, trying to get free but to no avail.
your breathing quickened, your current vulnerable state reminding you of your later years in HYDRA. they had started off experimenting on you on a metal gurney but as you grew older, you realised that what they were doing to you was bad so you started fighting back. that ended you up on a metal restraint chair instead of the gurney, strapped to the chair with cuffs on your wrists and ankles.
this felt like deja vu. the same panic you felt, the same breathing difficulties, the same amount of effort put into trying to get out of the restraints. "you should know, princess, that that doesn't work." hammer chuckled, a fake pout on his lips as he crouched in front of you, a rough hand on your cheek. you instinctively jerked away from his touch, to which he paid no mind to because he had expected that. he then grabbed your chin harshly, turning your head up towards him. you glared at him.
"you think i didn't know what you did? snuck in as one of my men using your freaky powers? not to mention useless. imagine having powers but not being able to use them to even escape from mere humans," he laughs in your face, harshly letting go of your chin, throwing your head backwards. "you tell me where stark planned to bring the weapon and i'll let you pretty little thing go."
before you could even comprehend, his fist came flying at your face and your head dropped to the side at the impact. your left cheekbone was throbbing and you could already tell you were gonna have a black eye. despite the pain, it wasn't something you weren't used to. you were an avenger, after all. getting decked in the face was practically in the contract.
he grabbed your chin once again, pulling your head upwards to face him. "you're gonna tell me where it is or i'm gonna make you regret it."
you looked up at him with a bored look. he punched you again. and again. and again. until you could taste the blood on your tongue. "think you wanna tell me now, sweetheart?"
"never. not to someone like you."
the man seemed to get a kick out of beating you up because he punched you again in the face. your whole face was pretty much numb now and the metallic taste in your mouth intensified. you smirked at the man before you, chuckling darkly.
"sure, beat up the helpless girl. that's the only way you can beat me, right? when i'm all tied up? what a man,"
his hand was around your throat within a second and he forced you to look him in the eyes again. "sweetheart, you're a girl. tied or not, you're still weak. not even with that useless power of yours."
taking advantage of how close his face was to yours, you gathered as much bloody saliva in your mouth before spitting it in his face.
it was very much the wrong thing to do because after he wiped off his face, he left the room and two men came in, various tools in hand for their fun with you.
"stark! my buddy! how's it going?" justin hammer's face appeared on the screen in the conference room, where the avengers were having a meeting about your possible whereabouts.
"where is she?!" wanda growled, standing up abruptly.
"what ever do you mean?" hammer smirked, feigning innocence. "you know what we mean. where is she?" steve spoke authoritatively, trying to control his anger at the sight of the man's face.
"i'll tell you where your thing is if you tell me where my thing is." he smiled wickedly. this caused wanda to get angrier. "y/n is not a thing! and the weapon was never yours in the first place!" vision held onto her to calm her down and it worked because she sat back down, though still glaring at the screen.
"oh she's not a thing? seems like it to me, though." he smirked and the team frowned, not understanding what he meant until they heard screams and justin's smirk widening at the sound. what a sick bastard. "what are you doing to her?!" bucky screamed, knocking his chair back as he stood up.
"i don't know, you tell me." he chuckles, and the screen changes to the live footage of you in the restraint chair with the two men in the room.
you were no longer fighting back now, just sat limply with your head dropped to the side. the first hour with them, you had been fighting back like you did with justin, despite the restraints, but now entering the second hour, you were too exhausted for anything.
your left eye had been swollen shut, you could barely breathe through your nose, your cheeks were throbbing like hell and your bottom lip was busted. your head was the only thing that moved freely when hit so the men seemed to find satisfaction the most when they punched you in the face. though that didn't stop them from inflicting pain on other parts of you.
"let her go, she's just a kid!" sam exclaimed, his grip on the edge of the table tightening to control his anger. peter and wanda were crying looking at the awful state you were in, clint, tony and bruce were silent in shock, steve and bucky were getting increasingly angry as the abuse continued.
"are you going to tell us where stark is keeping the weapon or have you not gotten enough?" one of the two men was heard asking, pulling your hair back to make you look up at him. you look at with your half-opened right eye, breathing heavily. "my answer's never gonna change no matter how many times you ask."
he scoffs, stepping back before the other man swings a bat right at your stomach. the air was immediately knocked out of your lung. the men laughed as you coughed up blood profusely. this caused wanda to get more hysterical.
"well, looks like she wants more. i'll call back when she's had enough. toodles," he waves his fingers at the camera with a sinister smirk before abruptly ending the call.
the room went silent after the call, save for bucky and sam breathing heavily from the anger they felt. bucky then turned to steve, pain could be seen on his face. "you said she would be safe."
"i–i'm sorry, buck. i didn't know he was gonna take her with him." steve was still frozen in shock, the image of you on the chair now permanently ingrained in his brain. in everyone's brains actually.
"guys, gear up, he's in colorado."
all heads turned towards natasha and she looked back at them with a 'what?' expression. "you were tracking him down the whole time?"
"um, duh? now come on, gotta save our girl."
you awoke to a stinging sensation on your inner forearm. after your bloody coughing fit, they proceeded to beat you up again and you were knocked out then. now you were slowly regaining consciousness but you were starting to prefer being passed out. your whole body was in pain and the fact that you couldn't even move made it even worse.
"oh, lookie here. sleeping beauty is up." you were met once again with justin hammer's ugly face. he was sitting on a chair perpendicular to your left side. you couldn't wait to get out of here so you didn't have to keep seeing his face every time you woke up. your inner forearm was stinging even more now so you looked down at it. you gasped at the sight.
"how'd you like my artwork?" he chuckled at your reaction. there on your arm, obviously carved out with the bloody knife that the asshole was so proudly holding on to, was 'FREAK'. carved out big and bold. on your skin. "pretty fitting, eh? freak? because, you know, that's what you are."
the blood was seeping out through the cuts and it stung even more now that it had been exposed to the air. the asshole moved his chair to your other side. "what should i write on this arm?" he feigns a thinking expression, looking up thoughtfully with his thumb and pointer finger on his chin.
"please, i–i don't know where tony put it. i really don't." you cried, tears now flowing freely down your face without a shame.
he looks at you with amusement. "what is this? are you...are you giving up already? can't take anymore?" he smirks and you sigh, closing your eyes. you just awoke but you were exhausted. so, so exhausted.
he takes out his phone, the smirk now permanent on his ugly face. "stark! kid's finally had enough. wanna tell me where the weapon is now or do you want to find her body at the bottom of the ocean?"
you couldn't even be bothered to react to his statement. the pain all finally registered and you were tired. tired and in excruciating pain.
"kinda busy right now, can you call back later?" you could hear tony's voice sound from justin's phone and the man beside you laughed. "i see you don't care for the girl. what could possibly be more important than saving her?"
"i don't know, you tell me." a voice said from behind you two and before you knew it, hammer was knocked off the chair he was on. you weakly turned your head just in time to see a metal arm force hammer up onto his feet before wrapping around his neck. "don't you fucking touch her again."
"y/n!" you heard wanda's voice as she entered the room with peter. more tears flowed down your face at the sight of them, stinging when they rolled past the cuts on your face but that didn't matter. your family was finally here to save you.
you saw the red mist of wanda's powers surround your cuffs before they clicked open. "oh, bubs, i'm so sorry." she cried, both hands hovering around your face, hesitating to touch you in fear of hurting you. her eyes fell onto the words carved out onto your skin and her mouth fell open before covering it with her hand. "i'm so sorry we couldn't get to you sooner." peter's voice cracked and you could tell he was emotional.
"it's okay," you told them, giving them a small smile, the biggest one you could give in your current state.
tony, sam and steve entered the room to see bucky relentlessly beating up your captor and wanda and peter standing by you as you cried.
"cupcake, we're here now. don't cry, you're safe now." tony came closer and despite knowing that you were because your family was finally here, you couldn't help but let out all the pent up emotions you've kept throughout your time of captivity.
sam had a go at justin once bucky was done and steve had to physically pry them both off of the sick bastard so that nat could cuff him and bring him back to the jet.
"y/n/n, i'm so sorry. if i hadn't–"
"it's okay, stevie." you cut him off. truthfully, you only did so because you knew he was going to giving a long-winded explanation justifying his actions and your headache couldn't bear to hear lengthy sentences. but you also didn't think it was in any way his fault so he didn't deserve to be beating himself up for this. shit happens, anyway.
"let's get you out of here, doll." bucky says, cringing when he sees the blood on the floor of your chair, as well as on your clothes. he quickly reaches to lift you off the chair but stops when you let out an ear-piercing scream of pain. "doll, i'm so sorry! did i hurt you?!" bucky questions in panic.
"y–you didn't, they did. it...it hurts everywhere," you cried, feeling hopeless that you couldn't even bear being carried by someone, let alone get up by yourself. their hearts broke when you said that. you never really cried much in front of them and you were known to withstand pain well because of how much shit HYDRA put you in as well as your powers being healing, meaning you had a higher pain tolerance than most people.
"it's okay, bubs. i got you. let's get you home, alright?" wanda's calming voice broke you out of your breakdown and red mist surrounded your whole body, wanda moving you with her powers. you were thankful of that because it didn't cause any more pain to your body.
maybe hammer was right. maybe you are just a freak with useless powers. wanda floated you into the jet and she set you down on the bed. "y/n, oh my god!" clint cried out once he sees you. you looked much worse than you did on hammer's camera footage during the call an hour ago. "kid, i'm so sorry."
"clint, take the wheel. bruce doesn't have all the resources needed. she needs to be treated ASAP." nat tells her best friend and he nods, taking the wheel and immediately taking off once everyone had boarded.
you were laid on the bed, right eye slightly open as bruce examined you. exhaustion hit you like a truck and before you knew it, you blacked out.
"how is she, doc?"
"pretty banged up but y/n, as i already knew, is a strong girl. lots of internal bleeding, broken bones, bruises and scars but she'll be fine. you can check her file later if you want," doctor cho tells tony outside of your room. "it's fine, can we see her?" he asks on behalf of the whole team standing behind him.
"yeah, of course! she woke up five minutes ago. i'll be off now, call me or my team if you need anything." she bids goodbye and left the group of superheroes.
steve slowly opens the door and there you were in bed, staring up at the ceiling. "hey, y/n/n," he greets sheepishly, feeling as though he had interrupted your alone time of blankly staring at the ceiling. the team trailed in behind him and soon your bed was surrounded by the avengers.
"hi, cupcake."
you looked away from the ceiling and turned your head towards tony. "oh, hey tones." you smile as sam helps you sit up while the rest sat on chairs all around you. "how you feeling, bub?" nat asks, eyes flickering down to the bold scarring of letters on your forearm.
"as okay as i can be." you answered truthfully, pressing your inner forearm closer to your body so the team doesn't see the letters carved onto your skin. you already know what you are, you didn't need the rest thinking so too.
"you're not a freak, bubs."
you look up at wanda. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to read your mind. but they were awfully loud. you're not a freak, y/n. and you're not useless too. that bastard may have carved out that word onto your skin but the scar will fade. it's not permanent. you know why? because that's not what you are." she tells you, taking off her jacket to wrap it around you because you felt self conscious of the scars all over your arms where the team could see.
"yeah, doll. you're an amazing person and your powers help us so much. i mean, you saved millions just helping us get the weapon back from justin hammer. if you hadn't, well, who knows what could've been happening right now?" he places a gentle hand at the side of your head, stroking your hair.
"yeah and who heals us when we get really hurt during missions, huh? i mean, if you hadn't healed that stab wound i got during that mission in new mexico, i probably wouldn't even be here at this moment." clint tells you and you roll your eyes at him. "you're exaggerating."
"i am not!" he laughed and you playfully rolled your eyes once again.
"y/n/n, i'm really sorry for—"
"i don't wanna hear it, stevie."
"no. it's not your fault. shit happens." you brush him off. "lang–"
"you say language to me, i'll blame this shit on you even when it's not your fault. try me, rogers." you glare at the blond super soldier. he raises his arms in surrender, leaning back on his chair as the team laughs.
the team continue to entertain you and you couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of you. these were the people who would drop anything for you and were willing to dropkick any asshole in the face for hurting you. justin hammer never had a chance against your family to begin with.
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@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg
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fratboykate · 2 years
Okay seriously, you’ve talked about it but I need more details, how did Kate meeting Alexei and Melina for the first time go exactly?
Melina has a key to Yelena's apartment. For emergencies and such. But also, it's not uncommon for her to let herself in. Mostly if she knows the roommate is going to be away. It's just the kind of relationship they have. They're really fucking close.
She knew the roommate was away that weekend and her and Alexei were not far so they decided to drop some groceries off. Nothing huge. Just some stuff they know Yelena loves. What they weren't expecting to do when they opened the door was find their half naked daughter straddling an equally half naked strange girl on the couch. This is NOT AT ALL the sort of thing Yelena does. Last time Melina knew Yelena went on some sort of date/little string of dates was freshman year and that didn't go anywhere (there's been others but there'd been equally unimportant so Yelena didn't even mention them). That's a surefire way to learn the benefits of knocking and/or calling in advance.
Kate had spent the night and they had luckily taken a break from the sex, decided to put SOME clothes on, and wandered out to try and get sustenance in them before going back for more. Had they not, Melina probably would've walked in on Kate getting hammered into the memory foam mattress lol. That would've been a billion times more traumatizing for everyone involved.
After a lot of screaming the four of them end up sitting in the living room like...
SOOOOOOO........this is fun and not at all awkward.....
At least Kate and Yelena ran to put clothes on for it lol.
Yelena finally breaks the silence and she basically cuts to the chase.
"Mom, dad this is my girlfriend Kate. Kate these are my parents."
"I was...uhm...we were totally just...playing back there. She had like...a thing on her...thing...It wasn't what you're thinking."
"We spent the night having sex and were about to have more sex. They're not children, Kate. They know what was happening."
"Oh, well..."
Melina responds a bit taken aback by the blatant honesty.
"I could break in two, you know? Just...snap."
"My god. Please, daddy. There's no need for the toxic bravado display. You two are going to get along just fine which is...concerning in a lot of ways."
"So, we were going to get some food and got...distracted. If I know you guys, you were down here to go eat at Vito's or Martel's and stopped by to try and get me to go with you. Give us like fifteen minutes and we'll be ready."
The three other people in the room whip their heads at her and stare like "You're fucking joking right?!". Melina is the first one to reluctantly agree.
"It would be a great chance to get to know more about you, Kate."
"Yeah. Totally. Sure. Great chance. Perfect chance."
Yelena grabs Kate's hand and guides her to the bedroom. Kate immediate is like...
"Only way to make them forget...that...is for you to charm them. You can be many things but luckily charming is one of them too. Let's focus on that one today."
"Your dad looks at me like he knows exactly what I've done to you."
"That's because he knows how sex works. We all do."
"OH MY GOD. Have you seen him? He can rip my head clean off. HE WILL, Yel."
"He won't. Can you just get changed and trust me...? When we get there let me order for you."
"I just asked you to trust me so do it."
They get to the place and Yelena strategically makes sure that Kate ends up sitting on the chair next to Alexei.
When the waiter comes around she also makes sure she's the first to order.
"Hi. Let's start with the sharable cheeseburger empanadas and the chicken wings. Let's do half Koren barbecue and half garlic parmesan, hold the pickled veggies. They won't eat those. For the main I'll get two of the Bacon Bacon Bacon burgers, medium rare. I'll also add the extra bacon because they're animals, the fried egg, and the avocado. For the fries we'll do half classic, half tater tots. And for dessert it'll be the birthday cake waffle stack. Now...I'll get two flights of beer: it's six beers each right? Let's do the Pastiche II IPA, the Superhero Sidekicks IPA, the Van Life IPA, the Lambo Door IPA, the Gigawatt IPA, and the Zombie Dust IPA. Both flights the same. All that is just for the two of them."
Yelena points to Kate and Alexei. They turn to look at each other and squint. Why did she just make the exact same order for both of them and why is it so accurate??? Melina also looks at them then at Yelena confused.
"Mom, what do you want?"
While the women start to talk about food Alexei squints and starts a rapid fire session with Kate.
"Manchester. United. Not city."
"Starting off on wrong foot."
"Eastern Conference Team?"
"NYC born and raised. Knicks baby."
"You play?"
"Captain of the varsity archery team at our school. Varsity fencing. Tae Kwon Do team. Was almost in the Olympic gymnastics team but chose to focus on archery instead. Also played lacrosse and soccer in high school."
"Best living boxer?"
Kate hesitates for a bit. Trick question.
Kate thinks.
Alexei stays quiet with a deadpan expression for uncomfortably long then forcefully slams his massive open palm across Kate's back with a howling laugh.
"Where did you find this one? She is funny! Canelo! Ha! I beat him. Not that great. But we teach you about real boxing...and real football. No problem."
Yelena looks at Kate and smiles then mouths "relax".
By the time they're on their second flight of beer Kate and Alexei have already become the best of bros. After seeing them in action Yelena and Melina have also realized this is a DANGEROUS pairing.
But they do walk away kinda in love with Kate. Alexei because Kate's a bro and Melina because she hasn't seen Yelena like this in years. Kate can stay. And if she does something wrong Alexei can still rip her head clean off.
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supernovafics · 3 years
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pairing: dylan o’brien x best friend fem!reader
summary: in which dylan has been your best friend for as long as you could remember. your busy lives and schedules may have pushed both of your lives in vastly different directions as you’d gotten older, but somehow you two would always be led back to your hometown, and each other, during the holidays. however, one moment causes all of that to change. 
warnings: angst (what else is new), some fluffiness, mentions of past trauma (the maze runner incident), existential crises, explicit language
word count: 3.6k words
author’s note: idk why i decided to write something christmas related in the summer but it happened lmao (also i feel like it’s slightly important to mention that this takes place in 2016)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The rocks being thrown at your window were not what woke you up. Instead, you had been lying awake for hours; getting little to no sleep was something that you had become used to at this point.
However, on this specific night— or morning, depending on how one looked at it— you were glad that your sleep had been restless once again because it made it easy for you to get out of bed and walk to your window when the rocks began hitting it.
There was really no need for you to push open the curtains and check who was doing the throwing because, of course, it was Dylan. Ever since he moved onto your street in Hermosa Beach in middle school and the two of you easily became friends, he was the only person that would ever wake you up in the middle of the night with the soft pings of rocks, especially on this specific day at this specific time.
You waved at him and gestured that you would be down in a moment. You slipped on a random pair of sweatpants along with a hoodie and then placed the Christmas gift that you bought for him in the pocket. The item was small enough to fit in the not too big pocket of your hoodie; however, it did awkwardly protrude a bit.
All of this was a sort of unspoken tradition that the pair of you had developed over the many years you’d known each other. Meeting at five in the morning on Christmas day, walking to the beach that was only a few blocks away from your respective childhood homes, and exchanging Christmas gifts with each other as you both watched the sunrise. It started when you were in ninth grade, and you hadn't missed a year since, not even when the ending of high school pushed your lives in vastly different directions, especially since Dylan graduated a year before you and was almost immediately thrust into his acting career.
But, it didn't matter that Dylan's career took off, and you eventually decided to go to college in Santa Barbara, because, no matter what, you both would always come back for the holidays.
When you opened your front door and saw Dylan lingering by the sidewalk no more than ten feet away, you were quick to go toward him and pull him in for a tight embrace. It actually hadn't been too long since you’d last seen him, maybe only five or six months, but for some reason, it still felt as if the last time he was in front of you was last December.
"Hey," Dylan breathed out in a short greeting, his arms wounding around your waist.
“Hey to you too," You responded, a small smile gracing your features when you both pulled away, and you looked up at him. "How have you been?"
It was quiet for a few moments as you waited for him to answer the question, but eventually, you were met with no verbal response, and instead, Dylan simply shrugged. The short action made your heart constrict in the most painful way, and it was then that you noticed the light remnants of a scar peeking out from behind his dark hair that covered the majority of his forehead. You were quick to peel your eyes away from the scar and instead cast them down at your Converse-covered feet, but that didn't stop the memories from quickly coming back.
The Maze Runner accident had happened back in March, but to you, and you knew to Dylan as well, it felt as if it was just yesterday, especially considering the fact that he was still dealing with the unavoidable repercussions from it.
"Wanna walk?" You asked, finally looking up at him once again.
Dylan nodded. "Yeah."
A silence that could only be deemed as comfortable lingered between them as the two of you took the five-minute walk to the beach and sat down side by side on one of the random empty benches.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N," Dylan said as he handed a present over to you. The present was messily wrapped, something that was not at all uncommon when receiving gifts from Dylan, and the sight of it made you smile.
Before you unwrapped the gift, you pulled out the one you had for him and handed it over. "Merry Christmas, Dyl."
The nostalgic sound of wrapping paper ripping could be heard as you tore into your gift. A simultaneous shocked and happy yelp emitted from your lips when you held up a Harry Potter t-shirt. But, it wasn't just any Harry Potter t-shirt; it was one with a version of the Goblet of Fire movie poster on it, which was your all-time favorite movie in the series.
"Holy shit."
"It's the original merch that was sold when the movie came out," Dylan told you. He hadn't opened his gift yet, and instead, he was playing with the green bow placed on top of it; he always liked to see your reaction first.
You looked at Dylan and then back down at the shirt as you processed his words. "Wow, double holy shit. I would put it on if it wasn't freezing right now."
Dylan laughed a bit. "Very understandable."
“Why haven't you opened yours yet? I'm dying to see what you think of it," You said. You were now holding the t-shirt to your chest, genuinely feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning again.
Dylan finally began unwrapping your gift to him, and when all of the paper was peeled off, there was a square box. "Aw, a plain white box. Thank you so much. This is what I've always wanted."
You rolled your eyes and playfully bumped him with your shoulder. "Ha ha. Please save all of these bad jokes for your stand-up act; I can't wait to boo you off the stage along with everyone else."
"So, what I'm hearing is you don't think that becoming a comedian is going to be the next best career move for me?" Dylan asked. He attempted to make the question sound as serious as possible, but there was a joking undertone to his words.
You bit back your laughter. "Please just open the box already so I don't have to hurt your feelings by truthfully answering that question."
"Okay, we'll circle back to that topic later," Dylan smiled and then finally opened the white box to reveal a slightly faded baseball. When he picked it up, he ran his thumb over the black signature written on it. "Now it's my turn to say holy shit."
You could feel yourself smiling at his awestruck reaction, and you wondered if that was what you looked like when you saw the Harry Potter shirt. The baseball was signed by one of the players of the New York Mets that had been Dylan's favorite player when he was younger, and he'd even caught a ball hit by him when he went to a game before he moved to California.
"I've had this idea for years, but I could never find a baseball signed by him," You began explaining, the excitement clear in your voice. "But, last month, someone named Paul Todd posted this on eBay and I immediately bought it. God bless that old man. It's completely authentic and everything."
Dylan was quiet for a few moments as he simply looked at the baseball in his hands, a small joyful smile on his face, and it made you happy to see him so genuinely elated with the present.
"This just made my gift look like shit," He finally said, a light laugh falling from his lips.
"I have always been the superior gift giver. I think that's my hidden talent," You responded with a playful smirk.
Dylan placed the baseball back in its box and then looked at you. "Next year you will receive the best gift ever from me. It will completely top everything that you have ever given me."
"You're saying that as if I should feel upset about receiving a trip to Italy as a Christmas gift."
"A trip to Italy?"
"In my strong opinion, that would be the best gift ever," You said with a smile and then looked down at the t-shirt, which was now in your lap. "But, anyway, I don't think this gift is shit. I'm in love with this shirt already."
Dylan let out a joking, overexaggerated sigh in relief. "Phew, okay, since you think this gift is great, that means I don't have to do the trip to Italy next year."
"What? Did I say I like this t-shirt? I hate it! Harry Potter actually su— Fuck, I can't say this with a straight face," You laughed, and Dylan was quick to join in with you.
The joking statements leading up to the laughter hadn't even been the funniest things ever, but it didn't matter because this was probably the hardest you had laughed in a while, and you were both glad and unsurprised that it was with one of your favorite people in the entire world.
You missed joking around and laughing with him. You missed simply being with him.
Eventually, the laughter died off, but there was still a smile planted firmly on your face. You looked ahead at the darkness in front of you and the ocean that looked completely black; it was still kind of early, so the sun hadn't begun to rise just yet. Your back pressed against the wooden bench, and you let out a small sigh, your head finding Dylan's shoulder as you leaned against him.
"How have you been?" You asked him, your words coming out both soft and slightly quiet, and before the mood became too serious with your question that was nothing but serious, you attempted to lighten it. "And please no shrugs as a response this time. I don't wanna get a headache due to my head bouncing off your shoulder."
Dylan let out a breath of a laugh at your final statements but refrained from answering the question for a few moments.  
After what felt like forever, he sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I honestly don't know. My mind has felt so fucked lately, thinking about everything. I swear I've been feeling every feeling known to man these past months."
"What are you feeling right now? In this moment?"
"I'm really happy with you. This is probably the only normal and familiar thing I've experienced in a while. But, of course, there's still that confused feeling in the back of my mind revolving around everything else." He paused for a brief moment before continuing, his next words came out quieter. "I don't even know if I want to go back to acting."
You lifted your head off his shoulder and looked at him as you pulled his hand into yours and gave it a light, reassuring squeeze.
"No matter what you decide. I'll be right there to support you," You told him and then added a "bro" at the end of her sentence along with a small smile. Whenever things became too deep in a conversation you two were having, one of you would always throw a "bro" or "dude" in there to bring some playfulness to the mood.
The corners of Dylan's perked up a bit. "So, you'll support me when I decide to become a comedian?"
You were unable to stifle your light laughter. "Yes, fine, fuck it. I'll be the loudest one laughing at all of your shows."
Dylan squeezed your hand back because he knew exactly how reluctantly true your words were. "Don't worry, I promise not to put you through that."
"Thank you."
"So, how have you been?"
"Oh, come on," Dylan said as he playfully poked your side. "I'm not gonna be the only one exposing my feelings."
You sighed and then hesitantly nodded. "Okay, okay."
The truth was you had been far from good lately. Your life was moving, but for some reason, you felt like you weren’t moving with it.
You felt stuck.
Stuck in a confusing mindset where you had absolutely no idea what you wanted to do with your life. You thought that identity crises usually happened in high school, but apparently, yours had come five years late. But, you knew that this delayed identity crisis had been your own doing because you had convinced herself that you would figure everything out once you were in college; and you were both lucky and smart enough to receive a full ride to UCSB.
And although you were finishing up your Master's degree in Creative Writing and had a TA job at the university with the department, which was the reason behind why you could even pay for the Master's program, something in your "should be great" life simply did not feel right.
However, you felt absolutely terrified to say any of that out loud because admitting it would only finally make that statement a wholehearted truth, instead of just a spiraling thought in your mind. And even though Dylan was your best friend and you knew you could tell him anything and not receive any sort of judgment, it still felt hard to let the words leave your lips.
You thought about the way to perfectly word everything, but nothing felt right. You pulled your hand away from Dylan's and covered your face as you let out an exasperated breath. "I can't figure how to say it all."
Dylan placed an arm around you and then mimicked the same question you had asked him not too long ago. "What are you feeling right now? In this moment?"
You would have both laughed and smiled at the fact that he was using your exact words if the current circumstances were different.
"Scared," You finally said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what the fuck I wanna do anymore, and actually, I don't think I really ever did. I only went to college because of the scholarship, and I convinced myself that I would figure my life out when I got there. And for a while, things felt right because I found creative writing and genuinely enjoyed it, but something doesn't feel right anymore. And I actually do like school. Because it's stable, and I am doing things, even if it's taking a dumbass test. But, it's about to be over soon, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do."
Your words were coming out like vomit, and nothing could stop it because finally, everything you had been feeling for so long was out of your head and put into the open.
"And don't get me wrong, I do love to write, but I don't know, I just can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life," You admitted and then let your next words come out quietly. "Honestly, I can't see myself doing anything. I'm so unhappy here."
You did not say it aloud, but you didn't think you were ever fully content there. Aside from Dylan and your parents, you never truly liked California. You had grown up there all your life, and although there were millions of people that adored the state, you felt the exact way someone from a state like Wyoming probably felt.
Dylan did not verbally respond to your long confession at first; instead, he simply pulled your confused and stressed self in for a hug, and you let out the simultaneous sigh and breath that you had been metaphorically holding in for years at this point.
"Maybe you should take a break," Dylan finally said; his arms were still around you, an action that made you feel completely comforted. "Right after high school, you went straight to college, and I don't think you've ever really taken a break to really think about what you actually want. Like, maybe, it's becoming a zookeeper."
Your laugh was slightly muffled by the fact that your face was pressed into the warmth of Dylan's chest. "Zookeeper?"
"I don't know," He laughed too. "You said you would support me in whatever the fuck I decide to do, and I'll do the exact same for you."
Somehow a smile found its way on your face. "A zookeeper and a comedian. What a fucking dream team."
Another laugh fell from Dylan's lips. "The best fucking dream team."
"But, honestly, I wish I could've known sooner that this is how you've been feeling. I would've been telling you to slow down so long ago, but you seemed content with everything," Dylan told you and gave you another light squeeze. "Please take a break and don't stress yourself out over the future when your next semester is over. Just relax for the first time. You can even come stay with me in LA for a little bit if that's where you wanna take your break. I'll be here for you, Y/N. Always."
Something about his words hit you hard. The wholehearted honesty and sincerity behind his statement shouldn't have surprised you, but it did. And the worry he had for you resembled the same concern you had for him when the accident happened. You two were best friends, so it should not have been a shock that you would worry about each other, but still, in that moment and for you, it was shocking because it felt like so much more than just that.
"Me too," You whispered, finally responding to his previous statement.
The long embrace came to an end with you being the one to pull away; however, you did not pull away far enough for you both to become completely detached from one another. Dylan's arms were still around your waist, and yours were still around the nape of his neck, and your faces were dangerously close. Your hand somehow took on a mind of its own as it reached around and cupped Dylan's cheek. The miniscule confusion and tickle of panic that began to prick at the back of your mind because of the action were not enough to make you pull away.
The slight way that Dylan leaned into your soft touch was the catalyst for you to take the leap and lean in the tiniest bit to close the small distance between the two of you, your lips almost too easily finding his. The inward sigh of contentment you emitted when Dylan almost immediately kissed you back made you realize that kissing him was the one thing currently happening in your life that actually felt right.
Later, when thinking back to that specific moment, you would wonder if that "rightness" had always been there between you both.
However, that right feeling, which was both comfortable and familiar, was quickly replaced with dread and angst, at least on your part. Your mind was beginning to fully catch up with your actions, and it immediately told you that the current action was both bad and stupid, and there were many, many reasons that proved that.
Maybe there were moments where a younger, and even present-day, you did want more to happen between you and Dylan, but you would always push that thought away because you knew that your and Dylan's friendship was so much more valuable.
And then it was the fact that your lives were nothing alike. Even though you were immensely confused about where your life was going, you could say for certain that it wasn't going in the same direction as Dylan's; an acting career that he genuinely loved and enjoyed too much to truly give up. Something deep down told you that, and you could feel the truthfulness behind the thought. The holidays were the only time your lives would truly intersect.
You abruptly pulled away, not just from the kiss but from Dylan's body entirely, moving to the edge of the bench you were on. Your hands covered your face in nothing but pure embarrassment and regret, and you wished that you could take back the last minute and a half of your life. And you also absolutely hated that you couldn't help but notice how much colder your body felt now that it was away from Dylan's.
"Oh my God. I'm sorry. Fuck. That kiss— it was a mistake. I'm really sorry." Your words came out rushed and fumbled, and it probably did not make much sense, but you just hoped that there was at least a little bit of coherency with them.
As much as you wanted to look at Dylan, you refused to do so because you knew that you would only see the regret you were feeling written clear across his face.
"Hey, it's okay, Y/N. Everything's fine. Don't worry," You heard him say but could hear the uncertainty in his voice as if he really didn't know if everything truly was fine. And you knew that it wasn’t. It really wasn’t.
The holidays were the only time your lives would truly intersect, and you had just completely ruined that.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know your thoughts <3
((((already potentially thinking about doing a part 2 to this….. but idk…))))
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misspearly1 · 3 years
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Be My Redemption - Chapter 1 
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
WC: 1.8k
Warning: Guns, violence, swearing. NO MINORS. 18+ content.
Notes to readers: Another Joel fic from myself, I’ve always wondered how Hunter Joel acted. Portrayed in the game as a violent thug, at what point did me move on from that chapter of his life and settle in the Boston QZ? Could it be a lady? 🤨😏 1st chapter is a starting point, little bit of Joel in there. Backstories and plot first. Also, I am British and have no clue about America I had to do a LOT of googling I do apologise in advance if the geography does not add up. ✌🏼
BMR Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"Texas fight, Texas fight, and its goodbye to A&M!" Solomon chanted, earning a confused look from Jackie, concern from Diego and embarrassment from you. Smiling proudly at his reactions, he continues to sing "Texas fight, Texas fight, and we'll put over one more win" pitching his voice a little higher this time, "for its Texas that we love best, hail, hail. The gangs all her-"
"Sol, please stop that. Jesus, I wish I never told you about Texas football" you groaned over his carolling.
"Compadre.. please now. its best we keep a low profile from here on out." Diego chimed in
"They're right baby, no more singing" Jackie finished off.  
Dropping his shoulders, he nodded his head in agreement as you all once again fell into silence, only the soft pitter patter of boots touching ground can be heard as you march along the famously known street 5th avenue, New York. You've been walking for a few hours now in the city, making your way to Boston in hopes of its QZ in fact being safe. Only taking short breaks every so often trying to cover enough ground today before settling in for the night. Jackie mentioned a museum of art up ahead an ideal place for some shut eye, innocently you wondered if she had an interest in art but you knew it was most likely the substantial amount of room it offered, giving her and Solomon the privacy they have been neglected as of late.
Covering the rear end of the group, you took this opportunity to wonder about your companions, about their former lives. Starting with Diego, 49 years old, built like a block with brown eyes and a brown haired ponytail, he was the leader of the group and the one we all look to for guidance through this post-apocalyptic world. You often thought about what he did before, with his obvious knowledge on weapons and how to manage high stressful situations under pressure you figured he was military or some sort, there also was the little hand gestures he'd throw out to us during our silent takedowns on infected, not that we fully knew them but he seemed to have simplified it for us to understand his orders.  
Then there was Jackie, 34 years old, short and strong with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes, she had a very kind nature, looking after us all emotionally and making sure we've eaten enough, she's always keen on learning new skills, very attentive at watching Diego tend to his guns and equipment, she also keeps a level head when things get heated, you thought maybe she was a teacher.
Finally, there was blue eyed Solomon, he exuded strong frat boy vibes, being the youngest of our group it makes sense, it's been 8 years since the outbreak and him being 21 years old then, he seems to still be working through his maturity now at 29. There's also his trapezoid shape like body he wears, muscular and wide chested on his top half you think maybe he was a footballer. Which also would explain him recognising you humming to the Texas fight song, it's played following touchdowns at University of Texas football games.  
Smiling to yourself, you try to imagine you all as friends 8 years ago, unlikely, but it's nice to speculate, you being a 29-year-old Texas gal residing in Philly at the time when the Cordyceps Virus hit, nonetheless you're glad these are the people you can call friends now travelling across country, hopefully to a place you can call home. A momentary pang of sadness washed over you, remembering the beginning of this journey, 10 of you at first had set out, 6 of them are no longer here with you.
Your thoughts are halted, attention veered towards the fist of Diego held up in the air in front of you, silently telling you to stop, at once your instincts have kicked in, on high alert looking for the danger he apparently can sense, without further warning a large explosion erupts in front of you all. Stepping backwards, another blast from behind pushes you all together, boxing you in almost, in a flash Diego is at work, demanding you all "Move! Move! Move!” Signalling to an overturned car to your right. Without further ado you all move hastily to shield yourselves from the onslaught of bullets whizzing passed the car, "Y/N! Smoke bombs" the call out from Diego had you digging through you backpack, grabbing the bombs you quickly passed one to him, waiting for his next move.  
"On three we throw them, move towards the doors of that building there, okay?" Diego ordered and with three certain nods of a yes back to him he started mouthing. One... Two... THREE.  The crafted smoke bombs thrown over the car exploded, blanketing the area big enough for you four to move safely without being seen.  
"GO. GO." Diego yelled as he corralled you three up the stairs of the stone building and inside the doors, Sol helping him push them shut and using a broken plank of wood he found to slide through the handles buying some time for a means to escape. "C'mon hermano, that won't hold for long"  
"Hey guys. Over here" Jackie yelled out, beckoning you all over to her where she stood down the end of the big room, "c'mon y/n, let's move." Diego spoke. Down the aisle between the countless rows of seats, you looked up, admiring the beautiful stained-glass windows that lined the walls and intricate religious sculptures carved in the ceilings above. "Here look, there's a garden out back, I bet those stairs lead that out that way." Jackie elaborated, standing beside a window pointing to stairs leading down to what looks like a cellar.  
You all start towards to stairs, noticing that it spirals downwards into darkness, Diego naturally taking the lead, Jackie behind him then Sol, leaving you covering the rear you make it two steps before hearing the very distinct sound of a crack, then rubble falling, looking up your right you saw a column breaking away and quickly falling in your direction, instantly noting the danger you pushed Sol forward down the stairs "Sol, move!" Launching yourself backwards, your curled up in a ball, bracing for the impact but it never came, you heard the connection of concrete hitting concrete, but by sheer luck it had landed by your feet, breaking apart and filling the stairway. Rushing to your feet, you climbed atop the rubble, "Hey! hey, are you alright, is anyone hurt"  
"We're okay chica, Sol's a little beat up by the fall but nothing is broken. can you get through?" the voice of Diego hummed through the pile, "Is the moon made of cheese Dee?" you chuckled lightly back at him after a brief pause you added, "you guys have to move, they're trying to break through the door. I can see scaffolding outside of a window up here, I can break the glass and climb out. Go Diego, there's no time to argue."  
With that you're up and moving towards a set of doors behind you, ignoring the pleas of your friend, pushing them open and relieved to see there's a narrow walkway leading upstairs. Once you’re up there you go to the window, without hesitating bringing your knee to your chest and extending your foot out as hard as you can, breaking it instantly, you climbed out onto the wooden platform shakily. Upon investigating you don’t see any other way down other than a garbage shoot leading into a dumpster, hearing the unmistakable noise of the barricaded doors busting open and fleets of footsteps barrelling in, you climb in the shoot and silently pray its safe as you let go.  
Sliding down, with closed eyes you hit the dumpster with a soft thump, standing up exhaling a thankyou under your breath for the soft material that had been discarded in here and climb out, turning around to see a dead end, knowing you can’t get to the garden the only direction available being the front street, back on 5th avenue. Jogging that way, you duck behind a truck that had done a bad job blocking the alleyway, peaking over the flatbed you don’t see anyone on the street, suspecting they had all entered the cathedral. Looking right, you continue on, maybe there's another way around?  
There’s an unsettling feeling in your stomach, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end, someone is watching you. You know it, you can feel their eyes watching your movements, weaving in and out around the cars littering the streets, unclipping the button of your holster on your hip, turning the safety off and gripping your desert eagle, you snapped around aiming it, swearing you saw a shadow, someone or something hiding themselves. It could be infected, a stalker, they like to hide or it could be a hunter, maybe you didn’t see someone in your hasty exit. Keeping the gun in hand, you decided to quicken your pace and only when you clearly hear the sound of boots scraping pavement to catch up you break out sprinting hard and as fast as you can.  
Chest starting to burn, the sound of blood pumping in your ears making you dizzy, you must've run three or four blocks by now, breathing heavy you notice the park coming up on your left, central park. It's getting dark, maybe I can lose my tracker in there, steering to the left you can hear a deep faint mumble of “oh no you don’t!”  
Thankful for the years of overgrowth it works perfectly now for you to disguise yourself, the thick vegetation of trees and bushes prove as excellent cover as you hide behind a tree stifling your deep breaths and carefully listening. Removing your backpack, you slid down the tree and crawled under a bush, burying yourself as footsteps grew nearby.  “You get anything?”
“No... I lost her... She's round here... Somewhere” the second man spoke between laboured breaths, you recognise his voice from earlier he was the one chasing you, you also recognise his accent, it’s the same as yours. Eyes widening at the two pairs of legs right in front of your face, guns in hand, they continue  
“Eric will have something to say about this Joel, we didn’t get a single one”  
Thank God, you thought to yourself.
“Like I giv’er fucking damn”
They start to walk away, their voices growing distant.
“Joel Miller, a violent thug and a brutal killer, out smarted by a girl, the guys won't let you live that down”
The man tuts in response.
Still laying under the bush you don’t dare move, paralysed in fear. That man's name and voice ringing in your head. He saw you leave the alley; he could have shot you then. He followed you, stalked you three blocks down the road and still could have shot you and just now when he saw the straps of your back pack sticking out from underneath the bush, unsuspecting to his ally, sliding it back to you with his foot, he could have shot you, outed your position but he didn’t. So, you stayed there... shocked... paralysed.  
Chapter 2
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crackers4jenn · 3 years
I finallyyy watched Good Mythical Evening. Gonna put my thoughts under the cut because of the ~nsfw content.
My favorite parts! An incomplete list:
Link asking Rhett if he's ever given a blowjob before, then looking and acting all sorts of put out when Rhett's silence implied mayyybe he had (and then lol at Rhett's quick clarification that, if he had, he'd have said he gave head--like this dummy didn't make the joke in the first place for us to all think what Link thought)
Link disassociating in the middle of the International dart game, and his many giggle fits during (plus his White Girl Wasted declaration that it was the best night of his life, omggg)
Drunk Link in general was SUCH A DELIGHT; he was so off the rails and I got such a kick out of Rhett and Stevie both defaulting to "DANGER DANGER DANGER" mode anytime he started really gettin' loose, and how the entire crew egged him on while also bracing for discomfort (see: Jenna's face journey during the segment where they acted out sex positions, ha ha ha!) He was so funny! His running bit he kept doing where he'd whisper to Rhett "we'll cut this bit out"? GREAT. Him craptalking Rhett all night, in full-on bro mode, always to Rhett's wide-eyed annoyance and alarm? I LAUGHED. His two or three moments of self-awareness, when he promised to dial it back? 😂😂
"I fucking love you too!!!" ♥️♥️♥️
BUT REALLY, that whisper challenge segment was like a fever dream. Link's aggressive competitiveness that manifested as like... locker room trash talk, the whispered things they were trying to get each other to guess/answer (what's your jerkoff technique!! the asshole/panic room one!!), the "santa monica yacht club"-esque moment of Rhett repeating "jizz" to a clueless Link... and then Link finally hearing it and immediately collapsing against the desk because Rhett had been jizzing in his face the whole time??? GOD.
Everything to do with the sex doll had me cracking up. That it ended with Link dragging it off screen, yelling as he went, while Rhett silently stood and watched? CHEF'S KISS.
Did Link TWICE mention he wanted to do stuff with Rhett and the vibrator? I mean, the first time, the "I'd turn around, it wouldn't be wrong" moment? Wild. But telling Rhett he wasn't gonna help him insert it, but he would control it??? I feel like I don't have enough question marks in the world, buuuut I also feel bothered that I'm not reading that exact fic right now, so. (HE'S NOT GONNA LUBE IT UP, BUT HE WILL HANDLE THE REMOTE TO THE THING THAT GETS RHETT OFF.)
I enjoyed so much of it, but I kinda wish Rhett spent less time making passive aggressive digs at Link and enjoyed himself a little more. For as in-your-face drunk Link was, and how recklessly he tried to stir shit up, Rhett was like circa 2014 levels of "don't get too close to me" no-homo. I get that they were on the job, and that Link was indeed probably four shots too drunk to rein himself in so someone needed to do it, but man! They never quite synced their levels of drunkenness up.
(I will say, I loved how defensive Link got when Stevie relayed that the chat wanted Rhett to drink more. Don't tell people to drink, ya weirdos!)
The More, too, was also a damn delight, and I feel some kinda way about Link not knowing what pegging was but getting visibly interested the second Rhett started describing just what it entailed. The v.o. from his dad was a moment of comedy gold.
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