#also i think some runner ups include maid outfit // anything with animal motifs // modified/frilled up/idolfied yukata
sencrose · 6 days
hihi sen! dropping by hoping you had a wonderful 추석!! but also to ask you which one of your eras/looks is gojo's personal fav as your biggest fanboy (and which one of your looks is his fav as your boyfriend? owo)
bonus q: what's his fav song of yours? is it a ballad, or upbeat?
bitti!! i had a great 추석, and i hope you had a great one as well!
you have no idea how much i've been thinking about this all day. like i saw this on my commute and it plagued my mind while i was at work and i just daydreamed about this/scrolled through all the idol costume makers i follow on ig instead of doing anything productive until i got home LMFAO
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(from left to right: dolly_muses on ig, ranko from deresute, pukupuku_panda on ig)
as a fanboy it would be a gothic lolita-esque fit! this was supposed to be kind of a one and done thing bc management wanted to be experimental during the early days but then they ended up scrapping it (he thinks it was too short-lived!) they even scheduled the release to be around halloween to match the theme :> it's soooo different from the usual pink fluff i wear that he thinks it's like unlocking a side of me he hasn't seen before. and also i had to play the part of being a kayfabe chuuni and died of embarrassment. like stuttering over words, cheeks beet red, covering my face as soon as i'm done talking (he thinks it's cute and endearing bc it's so rare that i get so flustered on stage heheh)
once we start dating he keeps begging me to bring it back and then teases me by copying the dramatic poses and quoting the speech i gave and i have to beg him to stop LMAO (he says he will once i have another comeback with it which... is not happening)
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(from left to right: 46costume on ig, you from llsif (rip), kinyoubigasuki_ on ig)
and as a bf, it would be a bridal themed outfit for a comeback in the spring! like i told him about it but he legit just doesn't believe what he's seeing as soon as i step out on stage (even if he's my bf i try not to give him too many exclusive PVs of upcoming releases). i'd like to think he cries a little and sees a bit of his future in front of his eyes >:3c he buys out all my solo cheki tickets that day and gets on one knee at the end of it all orzzz it's not a real proposal though, he says it's just practice for the future, but i'm not immune to crying hgjlskhfgsdjkl
and as much as he loves all the upbeat songs i put out, his favorite would be a ballad! esp since it highlights my voice and he can hear it a lot clearer when people aren't wota-ing their minds out LOL
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