#also i still love hessonite
solzare · 2 years
sometimes i think about changing my icon but at this point ive had it for a few years and i dont think my account would be the same without it. i am hessonite 
im the type of person who rarely changes their icons on places in general. ive literally had a picture of a l4d hunter as my youtube icon for over like 13 years now and i havent played l4d in ages. 
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bludmd23 · 1 year
Waaaaaa okay guys different stuff today!!!! I laid my hands on writing a fanfic for the first time!!! I tried to write hess and dems first kiss, I’m not really a good writer tho this is just for fun!!! The paragraphing is a little weird idk how to do it actually 😭😭😭😭😭😭 sorry if there’s ooc or it’s cringe!! I’m probably gonna upload it to ao3 too once I get an account!!
The whole fic under the cut⬇️⬇️
"...So this is how humans express ‘love’...?" Demantoid snorted, glancing at the small electronic screen where a couple held their hands and gazed at each other passionately.
“It gets better, just you wait!”Hessonite claims, squeezing Demantoid’s shoulder gleefully. The latter hummed in response.
Just like any other Gem who felt excited about the new era, Hessonite had recently become obsessed with exploring Earth's culture and had gotten an outdated projection device out of nowhere, jabbering on about watching it with her companion. Demantoid was different, she had always felt there was little value in researching whatever the humans made, and even the technological aspects were ridiculously rudimentary. However, faced with the tall gem’s sparkly eyes, she didn't reject the invitation after all. And so Demantoid left her half-done experiment and was dragged off to nest into the exquisitely large bed in the palace's main bedroom (thankfully Pyrope was outside the palace or they’ll never hear the end of her tantrum), for “maximum coziness”.
Apart from that, Hessonite also insisted on shutting every curtain in the room for “atmosphere”, leaving the scene projected on the wall the only thing noticeable. Well, and Hess’s nagging too. Demantoid’s wandering mind was brought back by Hessonite’s loud giggle, as she stared at the protagonists with joy. One of the couple grabbed the other by the arm, pulling their partner towards them, the distance between them closed as their lips met.
“What…are they doing..?”Demantoid frowned a little as she tried to comprehend.
“Oh I’m glad you asked!” Hessonite replied quickly as if she was expecting that question. “According to my grand research on several humans, THIS is one of the ultimate ways they show love for their cherished ones! They call it ‘kissing’, quite intriguing, no?”
“I assume so.”Demantoid mumbles as the characters separate reluctantly, red tinting their cheeks.
The couple moved on from the kiss, but Demantoid pondered a little about it. What a strange behavior it is to have facial sensory organs embracing to represent love, the latter a concept she still has trouble grasping, yet she felt the gesture was weird and…suitable in some way. What would it feel like to kiss someone? Demantoid thought, purely out of curiosity at first, and found herself automatically thinking of that noisy tall gem for that someone. Upon that thought, images uncontrollably played in her mind of herself and Hessonite touching lips. The small gem felt light travel to her face for a second, turning it hot. She developed a different feeling for Hessonite recently, making excuses to spend more time with her, the prideful warrior occupying her mind occasionally. Demantoid blushed once more and glanced at the other gem quickly to make sure it went unnoticed, luckily Hessonite was completely indulged in the movie. Relieved, she tried to brush the silly thoughts away.
Before Demantoid fully retrieved her idea, the movie ended and credits started playing.
“That’s all! What do you think? Weren’t their love so grand?” Facing her companion, Hessonite asked with a grin.
“Yeah, it was rather nice.” Demantoid answered sheepishly, knowing she wasn’t focused on most parts of the movie.
“Well I’m glad you enjoyed it! After all, it was chosen with care by the great Hessonite, how can it be bad at all?” The orange gem stopped to laugh at the back of her hand, before going on and on about how she enjoyed the piece. The faint light of the projector hugged her face gently, softening her features, her gem gleaming as she moved.
Demantoid found her eyes traveling across her features, landing on her lips as the thought about contacting them with her own reappeared in her brain. Hessonite must’ve felt the stare, as she turned around and smiled.
“Just as I was saying, it is the background of that time that made their love so special and courageous! But as considerate as I am, I know you might not fully understand the complexity of the human culture! So you are welcome to ask me anything about it, or in general, and you’ll find that I indeed have the answer to everything!”
The boasting made Demantoid roll her eyes a bit, as she heard herself say in a low voice “I do have a question”. The tall gem nodded in encouragement, waiting silently for her to begin.
“What…does a kiss feel like..?”Demantoid decided to mutter it out before regret could devour her and thought about brushing it off if the other didn’t catch it. Hessonite’s eyes widened, clearly not expecting such a question from the overly rational gem.
“Wuh-I-I haven’t exactly tried…” she sputtered in surprise, looking away.“But I would assume it to be rather sweet and enjoyable, and…” She glanced back at the smaller gem, greeted by her sparkling eyes. Hessonite froze mid-sentence with her mouth half open, instinctively she thought she saw a different emotion brewing in Demantoid’s eyes.
“Hessonite..”Demantoid murmured, keeping eye contact.
“Would you like to try it with me?”
And the taller gem couldn’t help but be more surprised, not to say she doesn’t want to do it, just that she never expected Demantoid to be the first to ask for it. Hessonite realized before they had something happening, but just naturally thought she was in charge of advancing their relationship.
“W-why, you meant kissing?” After getting a firm nod from the other gem, she felt hotness rush to her face and knew she must be blushing hard.
“Then the answer is yes, I would very much love to!” She answered quickly with a huge smile, then felt a bit embarrassed about how excited she sounded.
Demantoid chuckled softly, slowly closing the distance between them, until she could hear Hessonite’s gem pulsing, and see herself in those heterochromatic eyes. She brought her hands up to cup the orange gem’s face, a cozy warmth seeping into her hands. Closing her eyes, Demantoid leaned forward to peck gently on Hessonite’s lips, quick and steady. It was experimental and she didn’t sense much, but she knew it was the right thing. Before Hessonite could start doing anything, she was dragged into another kiss, much deeper than the first one, as she clearly felt the smaller gem’s soft mouth pressing against her own, an indescribable feeling building in her gem and heating her cheeks. And so she responded by putting her arm around Demantoid, pulling them closer, letting her partner sink into her embrace. They kept kissing a little longer, before finally separating, reopening their eyes to gaze at each other’s flushed cheeks and glistening pupils.
“W-wow…that was…” Hessonite started first, her cheerful tone suggesting it was enjoyable.
Demantoid nodded in agreement, a smile appearing on her usually monotone face. She lowered her head a little, making sure her head lined up with Hessonite’s chest, and snuggled their gem together. Hessonite gasped softly as she felt Demantoid’s gem vibrate, both their gems glowing at a similar pace and everything fell silent, only the small sound of their gems beating could be faintly heard.
“Demantoid?” After a while, Hessonite still decided to break the quietness like the chatty gem she was.
“Yes.” The answer came from below, laziness tinting the usually clear voice.
“Are you interested in watching more romantic movies? I still have a lot to share, you see, and all are equally worth trying! I promise you’ll love them-” Hessonite went off again, barely able to stop herself from ending the sentence.
Demantoid sighed, lifted her head to look at the nagging gem, then learned forward to shut her mouth with a smooch. “Affirmative, I would like to watch them with you.”
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royalnugget42 · 3 years
3RD Life x Steven Universe
Green Pearl. It was irregular for an emerald to have a Pearl, but this emerald was one of the best of them. Such a rare gem, and with a more decorated past than any but the diamond commanders. It seemed only fitting that she be gifted a Pearl as reward for years of service to the Diamond authority.
Of course, she didn’t really spend much time with said Pearl. More often than not, she was out fighting insurrections or attending ceremonial battles in the arenas. It didn’t leave much for her Pearl to do really. That’s where the trouble started.
Green Pearl, or just Green, as he liked to call himself, was not a very well behaved gem. The first instance of this being his constant use of he and him. It was a habit he’d picked up from one of the more distant colonies, something that the organic lifeforms apparently used. He just couldn’t get enough of it, and though he didn’t correct his Emerald, that didn’t stop him from correcting everyone else.
He was bored so often. With nothing to do but stand around and hold things and sing songs every now and then. He liked singing, but Emerald didn’t ask him to often, so most days he spent thinking up ways to perform his usual acts of petty mischief. Because Green Pearl absolutely loved to prank people.
Usually these pranks consisted of sneaking up on unsuspecting gems and scaring them. Sometimes he’d make a loud noise, sometimes he’d announce the presence of his Emerald, and sometimes he’d sneak up to just say hello. Something he loved to do was give them strange random items that he’d collected and stored in his gem. He had fabric scraps, balloons, dirt, some flowers, and his favorite, something Emerald had called a tree branch. This he never gave away, choosing instead to poke other gems with it from a distance.
It annoyed other gems of course, but for a Pearl he spent so much time with soldiers who either laughed it off or just ignored him, that he faced little to no punishment most of the time. At most one of the soldiers could call Emerald over, and she’d just sigh and put him in her chambers for awhile.
He was still in there plotting his next practical jokes when she returned, talking loudly into her communicator.
“Yes of course, my diamond. I will of course be present to observe.”
Immediately he hopped up from where he was seated, hands outstretched for anything she needed him to hold. She ignored him, finishing what sounded like a very important conversation.
“Yes my diamond. Thank you for this honor, I am so unutterably flattered. Emerald, out.”
She waited for her diamond, yellow diamond, to hang up, and passed the communicator off to Green. He dutifully stored it in his gem, eagerly awaiting what he assumed was important news.
“There’s to be another tournament, and I will be attending to oversee the event and evaluate the battle. Begin preparations to leave for sector 3,” she instructed.
“Right away, my emerald.”
“Oh and Pearl?”
He frowned slightly, at not being called Green, but replied, “Yes, my emerald?”
“Please, for your sake if not for mine, do try to behave yourself. This will be a very important event, and I’d rather not deal with any of your little pranks.”
Without waiting for a response, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Little pranks. It was all he could do to pass the time, though, and other gems fighting each other wasn’t nearly as exciting as they made it seem. It was all respectful dueling and perfectly choreographed movement. At the end of the day it was all staged. It wasn’t a test of skill or instinct, or reflex, just memorization. It bored him to death. They could at least add a few explosions.
Behave yourself. Stay still. Don’t bother the agates, don’t upset the hessonites, don’t ever disobey your emerald. It seemed like at every turn he was ignored and told to sit still and make as little noise as possible. Maybe he should try to behave, just once, but the more he thought about it the more it irked him. No, he would simply have to do the opposite. Maybe if they wouldn’t add explosives to the fight, he’d just have to bring some of his own. He smiled, and brought some of his more secret items out of his gem.
Not much can be said about the actual event other than the fact that it was utterly boring until Green managed to sneak away to prepare his joke. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to actually cause any real damage, just some colorful lights and loud noises. Really, that Sardonyx Agate was so oblivious that it was hardly his fault his form was destroyed.
But of course Green took the blame, and there he sat in a room listening to one of the other agates complain and berate him. His punishment was apparently a demotion. He would serve not as an Emerald’s Pearl, but as the Pearl to the Sardonyx he had inadvertently damaged. It was fair enough, he supposed, he just wished he could have at least told off Emerald if he was going to be punished. In for a penny in for a pond right?
But no, he just had to wait quietly for his agate to reform, and then he’d help with whatever it was that an agate does. Maybe it would at least be more interesting working for someone who hated him, but he doubted it. Most likely his agate would just ignore him like everyone else.
It didn’t take long for the reformation to be complete. Green supposed it was a better punishment than being shattered or rejuvenated, but he had to grit his teeth for what would pass through them when the light started shining.
As soon as the agate reformed, Green went into his prepared speech.
“My agate, I’m glad to see you have reformed.”
Sardonyx just looked confused, which was understandable. A Pearl being assigned to an agate, well, it was probably something that very rarely happened, which of course served to make the appointment even more embarrassing.
“I see you are confused, allow me to introduce myself,” he said with a humble bow. “Your physical form was destroyed by some mischief that I caused at the tournament. Therefore, I have come to offer my deepest apologies for my transgression, as well as my service. I am Green Pearl, but you may call me Green if you so choose.”
All in all it was a masterful speech. He had spent a while working out the exact phrasing, and to practice sounding genuine in his regret.
“Well, I am a little surprised, but I accept your service, and your apology.”
“Thank you, my agate,” he said, breathing a small sigh of relief. The Sardonyx wasn’t angry then. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “I assure you, it will not happen again. I look forward to serving you.”
Green waited quietly for a response, or a dismissal, or something, but when he looked up he saw his Sardonyx staring intently at him.
“Um...my agate?”
Then suddenly his agate laughed. And laughed and laughed. Green started to join in nervously, unsure of what was so funny.
“Oh you nearly had me,” Sardonyx said, still chuckling. “You’re an excellent liar, Green.”
Had he said something wrong? Had something in his manner been incorrect? He had practiced so much. No one could tell when he was lying, not even Emerald! Perhaps this was a test of some kind?
“I...I assure you, I meant every word. I-If you are still upset I understand, but please, I really am sorry!”
“Relax, relax. I’m not upset. You don’t need to lie to me, though. You shouldn’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” Sardonyx said matter of factly, as if he wasn’t accusing Green of something he could be destroyed for.
“Wh-why? Why won’t you just believe me?”
“Are you angry?”
“Yes of course I–“ he cut himself off before worse words could be spoken. He didn’t want to be shattered. I’m the agonizing moment after he made his mistake, before anyone realized what had happened he had come to that conclusion. He didn’t want to be broken.
But if he was going to be shattered anyway, he might as well say what he was really thinking for once.
“You know what? Fine. You want the truth? I’m not sorry, I never have been, for anything that I’ve done. It was your own fault you weren’t paying enough attention to avoid the fireworks and still, even if you were standing directly in the line of fire, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. The look on your face when you got spooked was worth it, it was hilarious.”
Sardonyx looked up as though preparing to interject, but Green just cut the agate off.
“And frankly I added better entertainment than anyone else at that awful tournament! Do you know how agonizing it is to sit there clapping politely for a victory you already know is predetermined? There’s nothing interesting about it. And for the record, when you do have me shattered, feel free to call me Green, because that’s my real name, and use he and him when you refer to me, and–“
“Whoa whoa whoa, why would I have you shattered? This is great!”
Ok, now that was a weird turn to take. Either this agate was especially cruel, and willing to drag it out, or they were being genuine.
“Why...why is it great? I just insulted you, my Emerald, and plenty of other gems.”
“Because I don’t even have to get you one my side about this! You’re already very anti Diamond I bet, and what did you ask me to call you? Green? And you use he and him instead of she and her? That’s so genius, it sounds so much better, wherever did you learn that?”
“Um...thanks...I guess? I just sort of picked it up. Seemed to annoy people so I kept it. You can also use his for when something belongs to you.” Green was very confused now but he wasn’t going to question it. What was the phrase one of the soldiers taught him? Don’t look a gift horse in the towel?
“Yeah, ‘He walked. He is an agate. His Pearl taught him something new.’ Oh that is fantastic, can I use he and him, too?” The Sardonyx was beaming, like he had been given a new toy.
“Sure, I’m...uh...not in charge of you. So…”
“Great. My name is Scar by the way, so you can drop the whole ‘my agate’ thing.”
“Uh...why Scar?” Green asked, growing more curious and less scared by the second.
He replied, “Oh it’s sort of a joke. I have a stripe that looks like a Scar on my chest, so some of the others started calling me Scardonyx, and then it just got shortened to Scar.”
Now that was intriguing. “Others? What do you mean others?” Green asked excitedly.
“Oh just you wait, they’re gonna love you! We already have a Pearl with us, we call her Moon, but she took so much longer to really open up to us. Come on!”
“I’m still confused, where are we going?”
Scar turned around, smiling blindingly bright. Green could see in his eyes that this was someone like him. This agate knew how he felt. Suddenly, for the first time in his life, Green was not alone.
“To freedom, Green. We’re going to freedom.”
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silly-garnets · 3 years
hey guys I'm bringing a special post for valentines day! This art is of my current favorite ship which I've come to call pyronite. Pyronite is the ship name for hessonite and pyrope from the game unleash the light.
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(Full image at the bottom uwu)
I like this ship because I think its cute and its one of the few ships that I'll talk about comfortably. I am aware that Hessonite and pyropes relationship wouldnt be the best as every relationship has its quirks, but I do think that it could be mended a lot easier than py and demantoids relationship which is a start. As a bonus they could both help eachother in several ways.
pyrope has been isolated in her palace for thousands of years alone with her prism. She only thought about herself that whole time. so if hessonite is able to break the walls pyrope put up around her nonexistent heart I think hess can show her that there's more to care about than just herself. Hessonite would be doing a giant favor to pyrope and everyone on her planet by making her less self centered.
and now I'll introduce you to the story behind this art. Its not much but its something.
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a disguised hessonite had brought pyrope a heart filled with chocolates when she was standing on the palace of lights balcony one morning. When she tried a piece, pyrope had loved the chocolate so Hess decided to bring her the chocolates on a weekly basis and spend more time with her. To avoid getting caught, hess used pyropes own obliviousness to her advantage and said the chocolate was from pyropes 'secret admirer' and it worked.
hess had brought pyrope the chocolate filled hearts for almost a month before pyrope started to wonder who this 'secret admirer' actually was. Hess had also started acting strange when she was around pyrope, such as her cheeks and face turning red and struggling to get words out along with nervousness. Pyrope actually found this cute but had overlooked the signs for a while and found it amusing that hess would show that side of her.
then one day hess decided to reveal herself during a visit and went to the balcony where she waited for pyrope. When pyrope arrived hess was sitting on the hand rail with only her visor on. Pyrope knew who it was but decided to play along.
"there's my little secret admirer, what did you bring me this time dear?" she would giggle and smile at hess and she'd simply smile back. "I bring my love pyrope, but I think you deserve to know who your secret admirer finally is" pyrope took a few slow steps towards hess, blushing a little with the same smile on her face. "And who might she be?" Hess chuckled and removed her visor, revealing herself and pyrope acted surprised, putting her fan infront of her face so only half of her face could he seen. "hessonite! What a surprise!"
hess chuckled again as pyrope came closer, she grabbed the edge of pyropes fan and pulled it down to see her face. The fan disappeared into sparkles and the two smiled at eachother under the rainbow sky seeming lost in eachothers gaze. Pyrope started to lean towards hess and slowly put a hand up to hessonites face, still looking her in the eye. Py brushed a loose strand of hessonites hair out of her face, putting her full hand on the side of hessonites cheek. Their eyes slowly closed as they leaned in more before their soft lips met eachother in silence under a rainbow sky.
✧༺ ❤ ༻✧
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 16: Enemy of my Enemy (originally published on May 3, 2021)
AN: At long last, Black Rutile strikes! I have been anticipating writing this inevitable confrontation between her and the Crystal Gems for ages, and now finally everything I've building up to these past two parts will come together in a neat little package! We got a big battle, a villain song, fusions, who could ask for more?! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let us finally begin.
Synopsis: Jasper is unofficially sworn into the Crystal Gems when some old foes come together.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Grace Rolek as Connie
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Zuli, Mean Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Matthew Moy as Lars, Dante
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Biggs Jasper
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion, George, Elaine, Cosma
AJ Michalka as Stevonnie
Nancy Linari as Martha
Featuring Catherine Tate as Lepidolite
Alan Oppenheimer as Professor Poindexter
And Burt Ward as Mangolin
It has been a hectic past few hours for Steven. He was having another nice day when suddenly, Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors all came flying out of Lion's mane, telling him that Lars needs to see him just as the Destiny Destroyer crash-landed on the beach.
Not too long after, Lars was rushed to the hospital and Steven decided to follow him in the ambulance. Steven had never been to a hospital before, so it was a little frightening for him to be somewhere on Earth that he had never been before, especially since many humans go there regularly.
"Hello, did you admit any patients into this place recently?" Steven hurriedly asked the receptionist.
"Name please." the college-aged receptionist answered, barely glancing up from her phone to meet Steven's panicking eyes.
"Steven Universe!" Steven gave his name.
"You're going to have to be more specific Mr. Universe." the receptionist stated.
"He's got pink skin, a scar over one eye and his hair is a portal to a pocket dimension where there's like a couple of trees inside." Steven explained. The woman just stared at Steven in confusion for a bit before going back to her phone. "Anything the matter, miss?"
"I'm happy you said all of that with a straight face." the receptionist said, putting down her phone to go on the computer. "One sec Universe." She looked up the most recent patients on the monitor and turned it to show Steven his desired patient. "Are you looking for Mr. Laramie Barriga?"
"Yes, that's him!" Steven exclaimed. "I was there when he got taken away in that ambulance! Where is he now?"
"Room 723." the receptionist answered. "Take the elevator, make a left and then a right. Got that?"
Before the woman could turn back, Steven had already vanished to find Lars. "Kids." she grumbled.
As Steven raced through the hospital in search of his undead friend, numerous unfamiliar sights greeted him. A doctor's office contained a child receiving a flu shot, a man in a wheelchair let Steven pass him by, a woman was on her way to an operating room, and a doctor solemnly fixed an empty hospital bed while a family was mourning.
Finally, Steven reached Room 723 just as a nurse was passing by the room. "Hello, I'm a friend of the patient occupying this room, and the Off-Colors told me what happened. Can I please come in and visit him?"
"You may." The nurse replied and opened the door for Steven. "Doctor Laurie, our patient has one more visitor." She said to the doctor standing by a bedridden Lars along with his parents, Sadie and Shep. "He said a bunch of "Off-Colors" told him everything."
"I'm here Lars!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed into the hospital room to be by Lars's side. "Hessonite and the Off-Colors told me what happened after they came flying out of Lion's mane!"
"Steven, finally!" Lars cried happily as he grabbed Steven's shoulders. "Listen, I need to warn you! You and the entire planet are doomed!"
A little while later, Lars was given a clean bill of health and was allowed to go home by ambulance. He sat on one side of the ambulance with his parents while Steven sat on the other end, and Lars continued to reveal what happened on Homeworld.
"What I'm trying to say Steven is that there's this Gem who's been inspiring others to rebel against you and Era 3!" Lars explained. "She's gathered up tons of your old enemies so they can get revenge too, and they're coming for Earth!"
"Lars, I understand your concern," Steven calmly stated. "but you're getting a little wound up over nothing. Almost everyone loves what I've done to the Gem race. There's nothing bigger going on, outside of Aquamarine being annoying."
"Seriously, you don't believe me?" Lars flatly asked in disbelief. "Well, do you at least believe what Hessonite said?"
"I believe that you teamed up for a fun space adventure!" Steven answered before his phone started ringing. "Whoops, got a call from Garnet." he said before answering the call. "Hello?"
"Steven, you need to come to Little Homeworld quick!" Garnet urged Steven from the other end. "Rogue Gems are on the attack, and they want us dead! Me, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth have already helped evacuate everyone, but we still need you to save the day again!"
"I'll be right there!" Steven bravely declared before hanging up and turning to the driver. "Sir, I need you to take us to Little Homeworld!"
"It's an emergency!" Lars added while showing him a picture of the Gem village.
"I don't see why not." the driver replied as he made a detour to Little Homeworld.
"You sure about this Lars?" Dante asked his son. "I mean, you just survived falling from space, I don't think we can handle you risking your life again so soon!"
"I promise you guys, I'll be back home when this is all over and I'm back in space." Lars assured his parents and hugged them.
"Be safe Laramie." Nancy said. "But then again, you got Steven to help out."
"Yeah, he's got me alright." Steven assured Mr. and Mrs. Barriga.
"Okay kid, we're here." the ambulance driver declared as the vehicle came close to Little Homeworld. "This is probably the first time I've escorted someone to stop an alien invasion."
"Here's good, thanks, sir." Steven said before the two boys bust the ambulance doors open and raced off to Little Homeworld.
What the pair discovered when they finally reached Little Homeworld was utter chaos. Almost everything was in ruins, smoke billowed everywhere, Light Warriors, Cluster Gems & Cactus Stevens were pillaging & demolishing, and at the center of it all was Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Steven Universe, what a most pleasant surprise." Aquamarine purred as she turned to face Steven and Lars, batting her wand in her hand. "And look you've even brought Lars as well."
"Aquamarine, Eyeball." Steven laughed nervously while looking at the chaos behind the pair. "Did you, uh, maybe come to reconsider?"
"Reconsider, my facet!" Eyeball yelled before her fusion partner stopped her.
"But we did come with a few new friends." Aquamarine answered smugly.
"Well, that's certainly a start." Steven grinned before a massive hand made of water grabbed him and its creator brought him up to face her. "Hey, you're one of those Lapises! What brings you to Earth?"
"Sorry kid, I'm one of those new friends." Lapis 1J9G announced before dropping Steven to the ground and folding her arms as she landed right next to Aquamarine. "And we're afraid not even half-listening to you will work this time."
"See Steven, this is what I was trying to talk to you about!" Lars exclaimed, gesturing wildly to the three Gems. "A bunch of Gems want to get back at you! Though I thought there'd be more."
"I believe he's referring to me." Emerald bragged as she stepped forward with a panicking George in her hand.
"George!" Steven shouted. "And you, I know you! You're uh," He began getting off track as he only ever saw Emerald through a video screen. "Sorry, I've only met you that one time and now I've kinda forgotten-"
"IT'S EMERALD!" Emerald shrieked furiously. "How could you forget about me after Era 3 made the Diamonds let Lars off with a slap on the wrist for stealing my Sun Incinerator?!"
"Oh, calm yourself Emerald." Pyrope calmed the elite Gem down as she held aloft one of George's sisters, who was in full panic mode and pulling on her pigtails.
"Indeed," Demantoid added, also holding one of George's sisters in her enhanced arm. "You wouldn't want to make yourself less presentable for our victims."
Just then, the six Gems moved aside and kneeled to their leader, whose very appearance completely rocked Steven's world. Black Rutile walked towards Steven with a bowie knife to a rose while White Topaz followed her. When she cut the rose's head, Black Rutile finally faced Steven with an evil smile.
"I know you, you're that reporter!" Steven exclaimed. "Why are you hanging with these guys?!"
"I'm hanging with them?" Black Rutile scoffed at Steven. "I believe you're mistaken; THEY'RE hanging with ME!" She then threw away the rose's stem and steepled her fingers together. "Anyways, do you have any last words?"
"This is not good at all certainly fits." Steven declared nervously before the eight Gems slowly began marching towards the boy, eager to finally get their revenge.
However, their plans were quickly cut off before they could be put into action as Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl swooped into saved Steven and Lars from the rogue Gems.
"We trusted you, you psycho!" Pearl roared while her spear clashed with Black Rutile's knife.
"And everyone was dumb enough to trust you." Black Rutile replied snarkily. "So as you humans say, hello pot, meet kettle."
"Seriously, what makes you think we're worse than you are?" Amethyst asked.
"Something about how your ways will make the Gem race a bunch of puny hippies or whatever." White Topaz answered. "No hard feelings when we destroy you and everything you worked so hard for?"
"What did I tell you about getting friendly with the enemy?" Black Rutile hissed at her Topaz bodyguard before turning back to the Crystal Gems. "Now, let me repeat myself. Any last words?"
"My future vision tells me you will fail." Garnet declared defiantly. "And we will find a way to make that future happen."
"Such noble sentiments from a couple of Gems who are gonna die!" Black Rutile replied as her knife turned into a sword that she prepared to slash the Gems with until a loud rumbling sound was heard. "What was that?"
"Need a hand?" Peridot asked as she, Lapis, and Bismuth appeared on a makeshift flying machine made out of scrap metal that she controlled with her ferrokinesis.
"So that's where you ran off to!" Pearl exclaimed while Bismuth picked her up by the hand to toss onto the metal pad.
"No time to talk, we have to move!" Lapis exclaimed, picking everyone else up with her water powers. When everyone was on board, the pad zoomed off.
"Uh, why aren't we stopping them?!" Lapis 1J9G exclaimed before preparing to fly off when Black Rutile stopped her.
"Let them run." Black Rutile smiled deviously. "I want to see how they can lie their ways out of this situation. But in the meantime, I have another idea."
Before the Crystal Gems knew it, they finally returned to the beach house where Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors awaited their return.
"I still can't believe it!" Steven gasped in denial of their current situation. "I get that not everyone would like what I've done with Homeworld, but I don't think I'd make them angry enough to want to kill me!"
"I tried to warn you, Steven." Lars declared sassily. "But you just didn't listen! Probably because you're so in denial of wanting to accept that not everything will go your way."
"Lars, this is no time for backtalk, Earth could be in danger!" Pearl scolded the pink-skinned human as the group walked into the house to think of a plan. "That Rutile seems to have thought of everything! I mean, she's a Rutile for crying out loud, they barely held any power in Homeworld!" However, Pearl then turned to the Rutile twins standing right next to her. "Uh, no offense you two."
"None taken." The twins replied.
"Still, she's got quite an army at her side." Lapis said. "She's got one of those Lapises I fought on Aozul 2, she's got Aquamarine, Eyeball, Pyrope & Demantoid, an Emerald, and that's not even accounting for the minions they got!"
"But what does Black Rutile want with us?" Peridot and Squaridot asked in unknowing unison.
"According to her Topaz, it must be something to do with that Steven did to the Gem race." Bismuth analyzed. "But who knows what she'll do next?"
"I know." Garnet declared. "I've looked through dozens of possible timelines trying to uncover Black Rutile's true plans. This is what I feel could be the worst possible one."
"What does it look like?" Steven asked before Garnet kissed him on the head, temporarily bestowing Steven with her future vision and a glimpse at what could be to come.
It took centuries of careful planning but at long last, Black Rutile had finally won. Once the Crystal Gems were finally destroyed and she indoctrinated the Gems they had enslaved to her noble cause, she then reawakened the Cluster that was slumbering within the Earth's crust, ultimately finishing what the Diamonds were too cowardly to do and destroying that annoying little planet once and for all.
Within mere weeks, the Diamonds met their demise, and Black Rutile installed herself as the new ruler of all Gemkind. And with the beginnings of her dictatorship came the Gems reverting to their old ways during Era 4. The caste system was reinstated but also reinvented at the same time. Now, it was Black Rutile above everyone else.
As countless Gems were tormented into building a grand statue to their magnanimous leader, a lone Pearl solemnly marched through the throngs of enslaved Gems under the orders of Emerald, until she was brought before Black Rutile, who was sitting on a throne as black as her body & her heart while the shattered remains of all who opposed her hanged above her in one big bubble.
"My Rutile, I come with the most glorious of tidings." Emerald decreed as she shoved Volleyball forward. "We have succeeded in terminating the resistance, but I feel you'd find particular interest in shattering their leader yourself."
"Ah yes, Pink Diamond's little Pearl." Black Rutile snickered as she descended from her throne to meet Volleyball. "Who would've guessed a submissive little slave would try to start a revolution? Well, anything to say?"
Volleyball, however, was too terrified to speak, having just witnessed her fellow rebels being shattered before her eye and now faced with the thought of being destroyed herself.
"What's that? No grand speech about how hope will live on or that there will be others like you that will rise against me?" Black Rutile asked rhetorically. "Oh please, I've destroyed every last threat to my power on both this planet and the Asteroid Field Formerly Known as Earth." She declared, gesturing towards the shard-filled bubble floating over her throne. "What's another pile of shards to add to the collection?"
With that, Black Rutile extracted her bowie knife from her gem and used it to jab Volleyball in hers, ending her life within mere seconds.
"So ends the legacy of Pink Diamond." Black Rutile purred as she collected the Pearl's shards in a bubble. "A real shame. She had so much potential and wasted it on being a total brat and threatening her own kind."
She then returned to her throne, where she lifted the bubble towards the bigger bubble, and the two merged. Now Volleyball's remains joined the tons of Gems that Black Rutile had heartlessly shattered. Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Hessonite, Citrine, Spinel, the Diamonds, all nothing more than shards. But her proudest achievement was the small gathering of pink dust that was once Steven Universe.
Returning to the present day, Steven was left utterly aghast at this possible future, but it made his resolve to stop Black Rutile even stronger. "We have to keep this future from happening!" he declared. "All we need to do is gather up an army of our own!"
"I'll call Connie and see if she's free to save the world again today." Pearl stated as she picked up her phone and started dialing.
"Which Gems do you want me to recruit out of everyone we evacuated?" Garnet asked.
"I don't know, just pick anyone!" Steven exclaimed.
"That's the Steven we know and love!" Amethyst replied, cheerfully giving Steven a noogie when she came to a realization. "Hey wait, if Black Rutile is gathering up Gems that have a beef with us, then what would you think if she tried recruiting Jasper?"
"Y'know, Jasper did say she was eager to fight again." Steven agreed with the little Quartz. "Maybe we should try and get to her first."
"I'm not sure Steven." Pearl said as she got off the phone with Connie. "Besides, I don't think Jasper would ever want to side with us."
"Black Rutile has gathered as much information as possible on all of us, and Jasper has likely been given the same treatment." Squaridot stated. "So it's just as likely that she'll try and ensnare Jasper to her side."
"We have to get to Jasper before Black Rutile does!" Steven hurriedly declared before turning to the Warp Pad behind him. "Gotta go, I'll be back soon!"
As Steven left for the forest via Warp Pad, the other Gems just gazed at the pad where he once stood.
"Good luck Steven." Pearl muttered before turning to Lion. "Go fetch Connie, okay?"
Lion nodded obediently and let out a roar, creating a portal that he leaped through to get to Connie.
Meanwhile, deep within the woods of Beach City, Jasper had been watching all that was going on in Little Homeworld from on top of her cave. As she watched smoke billow from afar, she couldn't help but feel that Steven brought this upon himself for enforcing peace for all Gems.
"He could've just ended colonization and leave it at that, but no!" Jasper muttered to herself while leaping down to the entrance of her cave. "He had to make them all into peace-loving weaklings!"
"Couldn't agree more." Jasper heard a familiar voice concur with her opinion. When the orange Gem turned around, she discovered Black Rutile leaning on a nearby tree with Aquamarine standing on a branch above her. "Jasper, correct? I don't think we got properly introduced to each other."
"If you're here for another interview, then forget it!" Jasper bellowed at Black Rutile before bringing her attention to Aquamarine. "And I see you got that little brat with you too."
"You are indeed correct Jasper." Aquamarine declared. "In fact, I'm not the only one who she recruited because of how dissatisfied I am with Era 3. Many Gems have been rallied by my master here to rebel against Steven's oppression and create a utopia."
"Are you sure about that?" Jasper asked with an eyebrow raised. "Sounds to me like you're starting some kind of cult?"
"A cult?! Stuff and nonsense!" Black Rutile assured the quartz. "We are simply fighting for our rights! Would you like to join us?"
"Jasper, don't!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed to the cave, where he saw Jasper standing with Black Rutile. "Please, you have to listen, Black Rutile is not to be trusted!"
"Don't you dare listen to him!" Black Rutile insisted. "He's the son of Pink Diamond, and it's both their faults you went from mighty Gem warrior to a lonely shell of your former self! Don't you see, you could finally get your revenge on Pink!"
"Revenge on my Diamond?" Jasper growled. "Fat chance! Why would I ally with some low-ranking Rutile just because she hates Pink like almost every Gem on this planet?! I'd rather be a peace-loving weakling than one of your lackeys!"
"Low-ranking?!" Black Rutile argued. "I'll have you know Jasper, I was one of a kind among Gems of my type because I worked my hardest to receive White Diamond's highest honors and join the upper-class of her court! You're just a mere Jasper who probably didn't even know Pink in person for the selfish, bratty sociopath she w-"
Before the Rutile could finish, Jasper summoned her crash helmet and sent her flying out of the forest with a single headbutt. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, YOU ROTTEN QUARTZ!" Black Rutile cursed Jasper. "YOU JANKING CLOD!"
As Aquamarine chased after the flying Rutile, Jasper turned to Steven with a grumpy look in her eyes. In contrast, the starry-eyed Steven squealed excitedly while staring at Jasper. "Quit looking at me like that." Jasper snarled. "Let me guess, you want to recruit me too?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Steven declared eagerly.
"Yes indeed, my Ministry of Maliciousness shall soon destroy the United Defenders of the World and conquer the world at last!" a weirdly animated mad scientist with three circles arranged in a triangle decorating his bald head declared as he gestured to his fellow supervillains. Amethyst was watching this happen on television with some of the other Gems in Steven's room.
"Apex Predator!" A muscular man decorated in animal skins fired his highly advanced hunting rifle at nothing in particular.
"Electric Ellen!" A young woman in a black suit with lightning bolt patterns demonstrated her powers for the other villains.
"Automato!" A bronze robot with green optics simply stood by his seat at the table of criminals, his soulless eyes unblinking.
"Scare Master!" A large man in a monster costume that continuously leaked hallucinogenic gas and wearing a yellow ring let out a ghoulish laugh.
"The Unidentified Felonious Extraterrestial!" A cybernetic insectoid alien made a shrieking noise, exposing the smaller head in its mouth.
"And of course, your illustrious leader!" the scientist introduced himself. "The world's greatest criminal mind, Professor Poindexter, Ph.D.!"
"Uh, why are we watching this show?" Zuli asked Amethyst while she sat next to Lapis.
"This is what our current sitch reminds me of!" Amethyst explained. "Mangolin's archenemy Professor Poindexter gathers up each of the United Defenders of the Globe's enemies to form, like, a team of supervillains!"
"Why is the animation so lazy?" Peridot wondered as she leaned on Biggs Jasper.
"It was the 70s, limited budget." Amethyst said. "Ooh wait, here comes Mangolin!"
The cartoon then changed scenes from the Ministry of Maliciousness to the United Defenders of the World, which included Mangolin, Uber-Chap, Battle Goddess, Pyro-Nado, Shamrock Cavalier, Gizmo-Chick, and Vincent the Visitor.
"Termite terrors, Defenders!" the pangolin-themed hero Mangolin exclaimed. "Our foe Professor Poindexter has assembled our enemies to destroy us once and for all! We must do something!"
"They just explained that to us!" Nephrite said. "What, do they think the viewers are stupid or something?"
Just then, the group of Gems heard the Warp Pad go off, signaling that Steven has finally returned.
"Hey, Steven's back!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before racing down the stairs to see her half-human friend again, and this time she was in for a surprise. "Hey Jasper, remember me? Your new best friend?"
"I regret this decision already." Jasper cringed at having to ally with Teal as the other Gems came back downstairs. "Oh look, a whole menagerie of useless clods! Why even bring them all together when I can just take Black Rutile's forces on myself?"
"Jasper, no need to brag about your strength." Lapis said to the more muscular Gem. "This is serious, the whole planet is at stake here!"
"And I should care because?" Jasper snarled in disagreement.
"Um, this is your Diamond's planet?" an exasperated Pearl replied. "Surely you wouldn't want anyone to touch what Pink owned, right?"
"I suggest you don't talk that way to a Gem like her." Rhodonite said to Pearl. "She looks like she could go wild on us at any moment."
"Just calm down everyone." Fluorite advised calmly. "I know we're all stressed because of our current situation, but let's not start arguing."
"And who are all of these?" Jasper asked as she gestured to the Off-Colors, Hessonite & Squaridot, Zuli, Snowflake Obsidian, Little Larimar, Nephrite, Topaz, and Biggs Jasper. "I suppose they're all from that stupid school of yours?"
"Well, most of them are." Steven pointed out. "And maybe when this is all over, you could finally give Little Homeschool a chan-"
"Pass." Jasper coldly declared. "Shouldn't we be getting ready to fight right now?"
"Jasper's right." Bismuth agreed. "We're all in this together, for Earth."
And right on cue, Lion finally returned with Connie on his back, her sword at the ready. "How convenient that I finished most of my work in time for another chance at saving the world!" Connie stated as she dismounted from Lion and hugged Steven. "So, who are we fighting?"
"Come with us to Little Homeworld, I'll show you." Steven answered before he began to walk towards the Warp Pad. "Gems, let's get a move on."
And so, the Crystal Gems and all their assorted allies marched towards the Warp Pad, ready to take back Little Homeworld from Black Rutile's rebels and defend the planet once more. When Steven spread out his arms, off they all went in a beam of light.
"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Eyeball complained, pacing around while the rest of the alliance mindlessly caused more damage to Little Homeworld out of complete boredom. "I suppose they finally realized they were stupid to stop us and skipped Earth without telling?"
"Patience Ruby." Aquamarine advised her fusion partner. "They should be coming soon."
"What makes you so sure?" White Topaz asked Aquamarine as she revealed her weapon, a pair of brass knuckles.
"Steven came running for Jasper thinking she can join his side." The little blue Gem answered. "What an idiot, am I right?!"
Suddenly, Aquamarine was in for a scare as Little Homeworld's Warp Pad activated from right behind her, and on it were the Crystal Gems.
"Okay Black Rutile, we're here." Steven declared with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Lion, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Jasper, Hessonite, Squaridot, Lars, the Off-Colors, TZ, Zuli, Topaz, Snowflake, Larimar, Biggs, and Nephrite behind him. "All of us!"
"Oh, you finally showed up! Good timing." Black Rutile sarcastically applauded her foes. "And I see you got a little rag-tag bunch of over-eager losers by your side too."
"Hey 2F8D, so this is what you've been up to." 1J9G cattily greeted her ex-partner. "Being a pacifist baby and letting yourself be Steven's slave."
"I'm not a slave, neither to him or you!" Zuli yelled at 1J9G. "I came to Little Homeworld not just to learn how to appreciate Earth, but to learn how to make actual friends! Not be submissive to overly-controlling jerks!"
"I thought I could trust you Aquamarine!" Topaz went next. "I thought you changed by meeting that Ruby and fusing with her, but now I see you'll always be the same little monster you always are!"
"Oh stop Topaz, you're too kind!" Aquamarine said to her former Topaz.
"Crystal Gems, assemble!" Garnet bravely pointed forward to prepare for one last attack, but Steven stopped her.
"Wait!" Steven exclaimed. "Before we all get into one big fight, I want to know. Why do you hate me in particular? Outside of Era 3, I mean."
"You really want to know?" Black Rutile replied. "Well, allow me to put this in the only way you'll probably understand." She turned to White Topaz while fetching some kind of device from her gem. "Music please."
White Topaz turned the device on and music began to play, cuing Black Rutile to start a song. "When one era ends, another begins. It's such a big change for all us Gems." She sang. "But some aren't new fans of the old ways, and prefer to look back on the old days. But I on the other hand got a chance, to make this the Crystal Gems' last dance. And now I pray through endless days, to finally get rid of you."
"Is she singing?" Lars gasped at the musical number that just began as drum music kicked in. "Did she have a machine made for that purpose?"
"When I first emerged for my Diamond, White the master tactician!" Black Rutile began telling her origins through holograms on her visor, showing a just-emerged Rutile in a Kindergarten standing before White Diamond. "She revealed to me in secret signs, the markings of a great Gem! And she was indeed no clod, could reduce entire armies to sod! And all the fools that dared cross her, she'd just shrug and then shatter!"
"I studied well, got my tools of the trade, always got nothing but an A-grade!" After Black Rutile did away with the hologram showing her emergence, she started revealing the hard work she did to gain her high status among White Diamond's subjects. "But then he walked in and called himself Pinky, soon everyone got down to one knee." A stylized version of Steven's first arrival on Homeworld came next, and the stylized Black Rutile wasn't very pleased. "What never died was my ambition, and my keen intuition. Both of them gave me a complex, and made me want to rule the universe."
As the song went on, Steven began learning more about the consequences of his actions and how much Black Rutile truly despised him. "Every glimmer from your smile makes me want to puke!" his new foe complained. "Who to slay, who's the one, who's to doom? You know the only one would be my new archenemy, Steven U!"
With that, the chorus soon began with Black Rutile's minions joining in, sans White Topaz. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos!" the seven Gems sang in harmony. "Wither the rose! Only highs, no lows! In a world of chaos!"
"Is this the time for a song?" Connie asked. "Why don't we just attack them while they're singing?"
"Black Rutile is going to put on an admittedly wonderful song!" Padparadscha exclaimed.
"Ha!" Black Rutile laughed as the musical break reaches its end before turning to her Cluster Gems, cyborg Cactus Stevens and Light Warriors. "Come on minions, hurry along, this little school will soon be gone!" she commanded them before hugging herself in excitement. "I could squeeze myself with glee! Next the Diamonds and then this galaxy! I would really stop at nothing, shattering, treachery and lies! Whatever it takes to reign supreme, you really can't blame me for trying."
The tune soon began to reach its climax. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos! Wither the rose! Don't you doze!"
"We shall restore Homeworld's true order!" Aquamarine soon joined in.
"Vengeance will soon finally be ours!" Eyeball added sadistically.
"Saying sorry just won't cut it!" Emerald chorused.
"Dismantling the new superpowers!" Lapis 1J9G stated.
"Armies rampaging across the stars!" Demantoid declared.
"Covered in so many scars!" Pyrope boomed.
"Nothing but eternal war," Black Rutile concluded. "Join us as we make our own colony!"
"Genocide, slaughtering, jingoism, in enemy blood we shall wade!” The seven Gems announced. "Homeworld Gems come celebrate, as we make this bratty starlight fade!"
The song finally ended and the alliance of hatred took a bow before Black Rutile changed her knife into a broadsword with a massive blade and a tiny handle. "Now that we explained everything," she stated before pointing her sword forward. "CHARGE!"
The two sides finally clashed at Little Homeworld for the fate of Earth. Lapis & Zuli took to the skies against 1J9G, Pyrope & Demantoid led an unwilling Light Army, Emerald sped forth to personally confront Lars, and Black Rutile, White Topaz, Aquamarine & Eyeball personally confronted Steven, Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl.
"Fire!" Demantoid commanded some Light Warriors bearing laser cannons to shoot at Teal Zircon & Nephrite, but Jasper and Topaz were there to shield her from the blasts. "You!"
"You saved me!" TZ exclaimed. "Guess you really do think of me as your best friend, dontcha Jasp?"
"No, I still find you one of the most annoying beings I've ever met." Jasper replied. "But still, better to side with someone as irritating as you."
"I thought we were all friends!" 1J9G exclaimed as she clashed her water with Lapis and Zuli's. "I only joined these guys just so I could get you back!"
"Why would we ever take you back?!" Lapis stated.
"When we ran into 3E8C after years, she showed me that she and Steven were the best of friends!" Zuli added. "Not an overly controlling jerk who refuses to let me have fun!"
"See what she means?!" 1J9G said. "He's brainwashed all of you!" The only response she got was a punch to the face from Zuli.
Down below, Lars and Connie sparred against Emerald. "Don't think Steven will be there to save you today!" Emerald taunted, snapping her fingers and revealing electric powers to fight with. "He'll just throw you away, just like how Pink always threw everything away!"
"Sheesh, sins of the mother much?" Lars dryly commented.
"Steven is nothing like that!" Connie argued. "If you knew him, you'd know he's the sweetest, most caring guy you could ever meet!"
"Oh blah blah blah, I get it, he's too pure for this universe and he must be protected at all costs!" Emerald said. "Black Rutile has shown me what he truly is like."
Finally, the Crystal Gems battled with Black Rutile and her three most loyal followers. Garnet went up against White Topaz, Amethyst vs Eyeball, Pearl vs Aquamarine, and finally Steven vs Black Rutile.
"Why are you doing this?!" Steven asked Black Rutile while in utter denial. "I brought peace to the galaxy, I ended the Diamonds' oppression!"
"And stripped all Gems of their livelihoods in the process." Black Rutile coldly replied as her sword clashed with Steven's shield. "Look around you kid, these Gems came to my side because they have no status, no allies, no power over others! And now, they come to Earth for retribution against you!"
"But this still isn't right!" Steven claimed. "I understand that some may not be comfortable with what I've done, but that doesn't excuse you for all this."
"Kinda like how you excused the Diamonds for all they did just because they were sad, or something stupid like that." Black Rutile insulted.
"That's because they were!" Steven exclaimed. "They were in mourning!"
"Mourning the so-called death of an annoying brat I had the displeasure of sharing a planet with!" Black Rutile yelled as she began fighting in a way that resembled capoeira and gymnastics. "This all could've been avoided if you just put your enemies out of their misery, or at least punished them, rather than just excusing them with a stupid song and acting like everything was just water under the bridge!"
"You're thinking of retributive justice, where the offender did something wrong and the punishment is just as severe in exchange." Steven replied. "We Crystal Gems practice restorative justice, where we actually talk to the offenders and try to see how we can help them without using lethal force."
"Well, whatever you're talking about, you can call me a proud supporter of retributive justice." Black Rutile declared herself. "As in, me and my pals are seeking retribution against you and your posse for what you did to our society, and will do so by any means necessary. Because you think everything can just bend to your will if you just make everyone around you cry?! You really are no better than Pink!"
"Well, I'm trying to be better than my mom, both Pink Diamond, and Rose Quartz." Steven responded, blocking another attack from Black Rutile. "But I'm pretty sure they'd both find a sociopath like you beyond saving."
"Me, a sociopath?! You barely even know me!" Black Rutile yelled before bunting Steven's shield away when he tried to throw it. "Well, you're certainly right on me being a bit selfish, but look at you. I mean, you've made excuses for murderers, bigots, and toxic friends, yet anyone who's just doing what they're made to do is instantly made a pariah just because they don't like you and your dumb little sidekicks!"
Behind Black Rutile's back, however, her alliance was slowly beginning to fall apart, yet she didn't seem to care. Hessonite, Peridot, Biggs, and Squaridot hid behind a wall to avoid the Light Warriors' attacks.
"Got a plan, you guys?" Biggs asked the other three Gems.
"I have." Hessonite replied. "The Peridots shall distract them by taking control of Demantoid's limb enhancers while I swoop in and steal back the Light Prisms! Then perhaps we can turn the Light Army on them."
"I'll see what I can do." Peridot stated, but then Squaridot put a green hand on her shoulder.
"No, allow me." Squaridot stated before using her ferrokinetic powers to meddle with Demantoid's limb enhancers.
"No no, not again!" Demantoid yelled as she was dumped out of her mech, and the Light Prism she was holding hostage fell out with her only to be caught by Hessonite at rapid speed. "My Prism!"
"Demantoid you child, you could've just fought back instead of letting yourself get defeated!" Pyrope said, unaware that her Prism was stolen as well. "Wait, what?"
As Hessonite returned to Peridot and Squaridot with the Light Prisms in hand, the Light Warriors dropped their current activities and began to surround the three Gems peacefully. "Now that you know who's really in charge here," Hessonite bragged before she pointed at her fellow Garnets. "FIRE!"
"No, it can't be!" Pyrope squealed in utter defeat as the Light Warriors pointed their weapons at her and Demantoid.
"Hold me close Pyrope!" Demantoid added while hugging Pyrope in fear before the Light Warriors charged, attacking the pair and poofing them once and for all.
As for Emerald, she was now getting ganged up on by Lars, Connie, and the Off-Colors, who all took turns using Connie's sword against her. "You're all just humans and Off-Color Gems!" Emerald screamed as she desperately tried to fight back. "What makes you think you all can stop me?!"
"'Cause we're all more walk than talk!" Lars declared, once again using his musti-yuddha skills to knock Emerald to the ground. "Connie, care to do the honors?"
"With pleasure!" Connie replied, hopping up on Fluorite's head and jumping high into the air before zooming down with her sword pointed directly at Emerald.
"I hate you all." Emerald snarled bitterly before Connie poofed her, ending the threat she possessed to Lars and the Off-Colors.
High up in the air, the battle of the Lapides raged on with 1J9G using vapor from the clouds as makeshift weapons against her former friends.
"We could've stayed together if 3E8C hadn't been dropped on Earth like an idiot!" 1J9G yelled. "I just wanted us to stay friends!"
"Well, if you want to keep your friends," 3E8C stated, forming a massive water hand from a nearby cloud. "then you should act like a friend." The hand grabbed 1J9G and tossed her to the ground, creating a massive crater that caused a building to start falling over, and one piece of sharp rubble was aimed straight at 1J9G's gem.
"So this is it, huh?" 1J9G monologued to herself as death was mere moments away. "I feel like this is karma for being a horrible friend like they keep calling me. In that case, I'm sorry. Maybe somewhere else, we could've stayed together."
As 1J9G accepted her demise, the rubble was punched out of the way by a massive silhouette in the dust, and it settled to reveal Jasper as her savior.
"Get up you!" Jasper roared at the Lapis.
"But, we're on different sides!" 1J9G exclaimed. "Why did you save me?"
"It's what a certain someone would've done, but he's too busy at the moment." Jasper replied. "Plus, I know what it's like to be alone too."
"Oh look, that Jasper is becoming just like you!" Black Rutile yelled as she watched her alliance break up. "But then again, they set themselves up for this the moment I recruited them all, so what are you gonna do?"
"But still, we're fighting a losing battle!" White Topaz advised her Rutile. "What do we do now?"
"I think I know." Black Rutile smirked before snapping her fingers at one of her surviving allies. "Aquamarine, grab the boy and take him to the nearest mountain!"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Aquamarine purred before she grabbed Steven with her wand and began flying off, with Eyeball also in tow, and Black Rutile & White Topaz on a mini-hovercraft. "Oh, where will you be without your precious little abomination?!"
"Steven!" the Crystal Gems all yelled.
"Topaz, subdue the Lapises!" Black Rutile then commanded White Topaz, who gave a shaky nod before leaping up and grabbing Lapis & Zuli, followed by pinning them to the ground.
"Don't worry guys, I got this!" Connie said before mounting on Lion and riding off after Aquamarine.
"The only one who should defeat him is me." Jasper said as Connie fled, right before following the human. "Wait up girl!"
At the mountain, Steven was dropped by Aquamarine at the highest cliff, where Black Rutile stood by with a boulder next to her and White Topaz.
"What do you want now Black Rutile?" Steven asked as he got up to face the evil Rutile.
"Simple, toss you over the edge and throw a boulder to crush you to death, since you can fly apparently." Black Rutile declared. "I've been waiting for ages to destroy Pink Diamond, and you, my little friend, are just the thing to satisfy my vendetta."
"But why do you hate Pink so much?" Steven exclaimed. "Let me guess, she treated you like trash just like almost every other Gem I've faced?"
"No, she didn't treat me like trash!" Black Rutile answered. "She treated everyone around her like trash, yet the Diamonds almost always let her get away with everything! And here you are forcing Gems against their will to change their very way of living! Hey, at least you didn't fake your death to recklessly endanger the lives of others, because I'm going to endanger yours!"
Black Rutile then picked up Steven by his shirt collar and walked to the edge of the cliff, where she dangled him over such dangerously high heights. "You know what's ironic?" she smiled cheerfully before it turned to a hateful scowl. "You're able to get humans and Gems to get along, yet you're neither of them yourself."
With that, Black Rutile released her grip on Steven's shirt and he began falling from the cliff, followed shortly by White Topaz tossing a boulder that fell right above him. "NO HARD FEELINGS!" she yelled.
"So this is how I'll die, falling to my death off a cliff while a boulder is going to crush me." Steven realized as he fell to his doom. "Maybe Black Rutile's right. Maybe this is punishment for only thinking of myself all the time, and never taking others' feelings into account. Punishment for letting all these enemies run free instead of punishing them. Punishment for being an awful person in general."
However, just as Steven shut his eyes, accepted his demise, and did not even use any of his powers to escape, a voice cried out to him. "STEVEN!"
"Connie?" Steven exclaimed as she warped in via Lion's portal and reach out to him. "Don't worry, I'm with you till the end of the line! Just grab my hand!"
Steven gave a big smile, realizing that even with all his faults there were still people looking out for him, and took Connie's hand, causing the two to merge into a mass of light.
"Well, that should take care of him." Black Rutile declared, dusting off her hands and beginning to walk away. "Come along you three, let's go reawaken the Cluster and wipe this planet off the face of this universe for good."
"Uh, my Rutile?" White Topaz said while she, Aquamarine, and Eyeball gazed over the edge of the cliff to discover a pink light rapidly approaching them. "I think Steven is….not dead."
"Wait, seriously?!" Black Rutile yelled before Stevonnie leaped up the mountain and onto the cliff where the four enemy Gems stood. "You fused with a human?!"
"Bet you didn't see that coming!" Stevonnie declared as they swung their sword to try and poof Aquamarine, but she swiftly dodged and fused with Eyeball to form Bluebird Azurite.
"Of course I knew you can fuse with humans kid, it was in my data!" Black Rutile exclaimed before turning to White Topaz staring in amazement at the fusion. "Topaz, fuse with me!"
"Wait, we get to fuse too?!" White Topaz giddily exclaimed. "Eee, I can't wait, we've been practicing for so long!"
"Just shut up already." Black Rutile snarled before extending her hand. "Now, may I have this dance?"
"Gladly." White Topaz responded, taking her superior's hand before they began dancing the tango, their gems glowing as they danced until they formed into a giant light that resulted in a new, much larger fusion with four eyes & arms, spiky hair that went down to her back, a black-and-grey uniform and Black Rutile's white cape.
"One fusion against two fusions." Stevonnie muttered. "Have to admit, those aren't very good odds."
"You bet." Jasper declared, zooming up the mountain to stand by Stevonnie's side and pounding her fists together. "For them!"
"You followed us?" Stevonnie asked Jasper.
"I don't like the Crystal Gems, but I hate them just as much." Jasper explained roughly. "Now come on, let's finish this!"
"Oh, a fair game, I see!" Lepidolite asked as she summoned two pairs of claws on each pair of her hands that extended from her knuckles while Bluebird summoned her ice cutlass. "Well, game on!"
Lepidolite clashed her claws with Stevonnie's sword while Jasper grabbed Bluebird in her massive hand and smashed her face into the rock face. However, despite Lepidolite being surprisingly evenly matched with Stevonnie, there was one thing they had that she lacked. Control over the fusion itself.
"So you can fuse with humans?!" White Topaz exclaimed cheerfully while Lepidolite slashed at Stevonnie before she switched to Black Rutile. "Did you even listen to Aquamarine's report, why are you acting like this is so new to you?!" Black Rutile yelled. "Why do you always have to be so dense?!"
"This is almost like Malachite." Stevonnie compared the abusive control Black Rutile had over White Topaz to the strained but peaceful relationship between Lapis and Jasper. "Listen, why can't you just work together?!"
"Because she's a completely moronic clod!" Black Rutile yelled through Lepidolite.
"Even if she treats me like trash, she's still my boss!" White Topaz added. "After all, isn't that what master/servant relationships are kinda like?"
"Master, don't!" Bluebird yelled as Jasper kept beating her up. "You're going to make them do some speech about the stupid power of friendship or something!"
"Well, you want us to work together?!" Lepidolite said, now no longer personified through Black Rutile and White Topaz's arguing. "Then work together we shall!"
Lepidolite then grabbed Stevonnie by their arms and once again threw them over the edge of the cliff before walking off to assist Bluebird. But just like when Steven was tossed over the cliff, things went horribly wrong for them.
Stevonnie reappeared in a massive gust of wind, now bathed in a pink glow and with a furious snarl replacing their confident grin. "Why won't you listen?!" they yelled, lunging at Lepidolite and striking their sword straight into her chest. "I'm not the real monster, YOU ARE!"
"No no no no no no!" Lepidolite screamed as Stevonnie's sword cut into her body and striking her straight in Black Rutile's gem, causing the two to ultimately defuse. As the pair of Gems were dropped to the ground, White Topaz laid on her back, utterly stupefied. Black Rutile on the other hand was terrified beyond all recognition, a far cry from the confident mastermind she normally is.
"W-w-who are you!?" Black Rutile shivered in fear of the pink Stevonnie, who now had a psychotic smile on their face. "WHAT ARE YOU?!"
"I'm-" Stevonnie began when they suddenly stopped and gazed at their hands. "I don't know." With that, Stevonnie finally un-fused back into Steven and Connie, just in time for the other Gems to arrive.
"Steven, Connie!" Garnet cried as she, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Bismuth, Hessonite, Lars, Squaridot, and the Light Prisms were carried up the mountain by a massive water elevator created by the trio of Lapides. When they reached the cliff, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all rushed to give the two kids a big hug. "What happened?"
"I don't know." Connie replied shakily. "First we fused into Stevonnie to fight Black Rutile, who fused with White Topaz to create this big fusion called Lepidolite, then after we were tossed over a cliff, Stevonnie turned pink and-"
"Wait, pink?" Pearl wondered. "It's just like all those other times Steven lost control! What could it be?"
"That's exactly what I'd like to know too!" the utterly defeated Black Rutile yelled. "What is that, a human thing?"
"Uh, no everyone! Everything's fine!" Steven began lying. "It's just a human thing, but I'm the only one who can do it!"
"Alright, keep your secrets brat." Black Rutile declared before she snapped her fingers again. Getting up from Jasper's beatdown, Bluebird picked up Black Rutile & White Topaz and carried them away. "Your little power fantasy will soon come to an end!" she declared. "And Gems, I'd keep an eye out on that monster if I were you! He could become a bigger threat to Earth than I am!"
As the three Gems got farther away, everybody turned to Steven with nervous looks on their faces.
"Steven, is there anything you need to tell us?" Connie asked her best friend.
"Uh, anyone wanna go out for pizzas?" Steven tried to change the subject, and everyone went silent in response.
"What is this pizza you speak of?" Hessonite piped up.
Later that day, reconstruction of Little Homeworld had quickly begun. With Peridot and Squaridot's help, the Cactus Stevens were now fully organic once more and helped in the repairs, alongside the Light creatures created by George and his sisters.
"Wow George, you, Elaine, and Cosma are one great team!" Steven said to George as they looked upon the Light Army's hard work. George turned to Steven with a confused look on his face. "Oh, I came up with those names for your sisters based on this TV show with a character also named George."
"Hey Steven, the pizzas are here!" Lapis called for Steven.
"Ooh, gotta go you guys!" Steven said before leaving George and his newly named sisters to work. "See you again soon!"
Steven returned to the Little Homeworld Warp Pad, where the Crystal Gems and the Off-Colors were setting up a little picnic with pizza boxes all around. "You see, this is what we need more of." Steven said. "Just us hanging out, no Gem monsters or evil Gems threatening and scarring our lives."
"Are you sure you're okay kid?" 1J9G asked Steven.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Steven replied. "Wait, what are you doing here? Weren't you on Black Rutile's side?"
"That Jasper saved my life because she knew what it was like to be alone, so I'm coming here as gratitude." 1J9G stated. "I came with Black Rutile as 1J9G, and I'll learn to become a better friend as Laz. You like the new name I got?"
"I love it!" Zuli exclaimed happily. "It's so wet!"
"Well, if you say so." Steven said awkwardly before he found Lars and Hessonite collecting the inactive gemstones of Emerald, Pyrope, Demantoid and all the Cluster Gems. "And what are you going to do with those?"
"We'll take the Cluster Gems back to Homeworld." Lars answered before pointing to Emerald and the Garnets. "As for these three, I'm not sure yet."
"They'll be safe with us." Garnet said, taking the three Gems out of the bubble. "And who knows? Maybe they'll become students of Little Homeschool."
"Speaking of which, Squaridot." Hessonite said to her Peridot sidekick. "You said that you were given the chance to come to Little Homeschool before you joined me? You think the offer still stands?"
"You know what?" Squaridot said. "I think I'm gonna stay here. Thank you Hessonite for everything." She then hugged the orange Garnet. "And tell Citrine I said hi if you find her."
As the group all sat down to their victory picnic, many eyes were still on Steven, who paid more attention to his slice of pie.
"Seriously, that boy just ain't right!" Jasper said as she prepared to leave.
"Yo Jasper, have a little more tact!" Amethyst scolded her fellow quartz while turning to Steven. "But what if Black Rutile is right? What if Steven becomes a threat to Earth?"
Steven still didn't pay any attention and kept on eating, but the Gems guessed that he might've been deliberately distracting himself. But why?
Elsewhere, Black Rutile had now touched down deeper in the forest, letting Bluebird Azurite drop her off in front of a cave. "Ah, this should make a good hideout."
"Why can't we just flee on your dropship?" White Topaz asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's been seized by now." Black Rutile said as she sat down on a rock formation, slouching and pressing her fingers together. "Tell me, my friends, what do you think is Steven's greatest weakness?"
"He can't fend for himself!" Aquamarine stated as she and Eyeball un-fused.
"He always has to get his nose in everyone's business." Eyeball remarked, rolling her eye with arms crossed.
"Uh, he's got boatloads of trauma that no one bothers to bring up?" White Topaz asked meekly.
"Correct Topaz, very good for once." Black Rutile congratulated her Topaz. "Now, as you see, he can't deal with his whole worldview changing, since learning there were so many Gems against him shattered everything he almost knew about his actions." She declared. "But what if we did the same, but we turn the humans against him?"
And that was Enemy of my Enemy and Part 2 in general! This was a really long one, filled with ideas that I've had in my head for ages! The whole group of past enemy Gems was inspired primarily by the Evil League of Mutants from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I imagined the bad future to be similar to Deliver Us from Prince of Egypt, and the justice debate was basically the Ship of Theseus scene from WandaVision. And that's not even getting into what I have planned for Part 3, but that's another time for another day. And if the subtitle is any indication, you all know what's coming.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 years
I haven’t seen anyone post about this here (and honestly I just felt like stretching the rambly/posting muscles after such a long time away - though I gotta say the new dash is NOT making any of this easy) but the latest patch to the Unleash the Light game updates the storyline and gives us a look into how Bismuth got her most recent regen/outfit.
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The game is tragically an Apple Arcade exclusive so I’m sifting through a whole bunch of gameplay clips on YouTube to get the whole picture, alas. It is, however, pretty much the canon tale of some Gempire-dismantling and related events such as the intro with the ex-diamond pearls hanging out with Steven and working on a draft of a constitution-type document, a look at a variety of Gem-controlled planets and colonies, and a bit of democracy-establishing courtesy of Bismuth and some bismuths, all taking place in the time skipped between the original series and the Movie and Future. While I’m bummed it wasn’t handled in the show itself somehow (beyond us seeing the results and the Zircon elections etc.), I’m glad we at least got some glimpses of it here, because it’s something I’ve been really, really invested in for a very long time. It also contains BISMUTH AS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER so I tell you it’s a crime that it isn’t available on a platform I personally have access to (and wouldn’t have, like, moral objections to using, but that’s another can of worms).
But, what I wanted to post about - Bismuth’s regeneration. The relevant bit of the game that got updated is during the boss fight against Demantoid, one of Homeworld’s three bigwig garnets armed with light-army producing prisms (the other two being Hessonite, the main boss from the previous game, and Pyrope - and seeing the other garnets puts Blue Diamond’s assholish comments about Garnet going to the ball on Homeworld into even more context). In fact it’s an expansion of the segment where the bismuths under Demantoid’s command unionise and establish a democracy, and you get an achievement highlighting the importance of voting. 
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Demantoid, very modern and tech-oriented, wants to use the power vacuum left by the diamonds to impose a new order all of her own, while her counterpart Pyrope is very much an old-fashioned aristocrat whose colonies are kept stuck in the past in some very literal ways. They each control an incredibly powerful prism, just like the one the previous games revolved around and who we see helping the Crystal Gems out in this game - and who once belonged to Hessonite, a general fighting on Earth during the rebellion (aka the yellow doodle of Centi’s commander from Monster Reunion).
Since the Crystal Gems fought against the light armies produced by Hessonite’s prism back in the day and had a tough time of it, Bismuth, it turns out, made a containment chest that could neutralise the prisms - but she never got to use it. Until now, that is.
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The plan goes awry, however, as Demantoid uses her beefed-up prism to attack Bismuth and take the containment chest away.
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Prompting Bismuth to go into full heroic sacrifice mode:
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And despite the game seeming to give you a choice of trying to help Bismuth or getting the chest back, Bismuth herself won’t let you.
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With a little callback to her Made of Honor line. Solid, flexible, diamagnetic, and not as dense as you might think.
So, we get the containment chest back...
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… but Bismuth isn’t done being a Big Damn Hero.
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A little sidenote that Bismuth (and the other bismuths that appear throughout levels set on Demantoid’s colonies, and whose portrayal I find immensely loveable) is here voiced by Miriam Hyman, the same VA who did those few episodes of SUF when Uzo Aduba wasn’t available - and she does a pretty great job imo.
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Bismuth is in a pretty tight spot, but the cavalry arrives just in time.
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But sadly even the power of puns isn’t enough, and Bismuth gets poofed by Demantoid:
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Prompting reactions from the rest of the team and the assembled bismuths, who try to give the CGs a chance to use the chest and contain the prism.
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Sadly, Demantoid gets away with her prism, and it all ends on a bittersweet note. The team still has the chest - their one shot at beating the prisms - but Bismuth is out, at least for a little while.
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A few stages of Bismuth being unavailable on the party screen later, she reforms in her new outfit - tragically, without a pun.
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One thing I have to say I don’t get is - who’s the “special friend” she’s referring to? I’m drawing a complete blank here on anyone in SU wearing an outfit like that, and maybe there’s a wider joke/reference here I’m just not getting. Maybe something completely obvious. Anyway, beats me, so I’m open to suggestions. In any case, that concludes the tale of How Bismuth Got Her Overalls.
To finish off, I just have to point out that when you have Bismuth in your party and she gets defeated in battle, she gets a little band-aid on her cheek:
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Look at that. So precious. I love her. Someone give her a hug and a soft blanket immediately and take care of that Bismuth.
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digitalstamps · 4 years
Hi, I love your renditions of Demantoid, Pyrope, and the Peripals from SU: Unleash the Light! Anyway, if you’re still taking requests, can you please do Steven Universe in-shown renditions of Hessonite (UTL), the Jades (UTL), the Bismuths (UTL), and Squaridot (STL)! It’d be awesome to see your renders of them! Also, you’re a really great artist and your renders look just like the show!! Keep it up!! You’re amazing!!
Okay first of all I did a Hessonite render which I posted on Wiki Fandom
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Feel free to use it
Now, I don't mind doing renders of the jades (cuz I think those are a little unimportant) or Squaridot (cuz there is already some renders of her) but I'm working on render for the Bismuths :)
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ace-of-clovers · 4 years
can you tell us about gemstones, lucky? 👉 👈
basically all my knowledge is just chilling in my subconscious so i probably won't remember all of it but like. yea
SO: there's a buncha different families of gemstones that fall into a buncha tiny categories etc etc. here's the important ones
QUARTZES: amethyst, citrine, ametrine, (cool combo of amethyst + citrine that fades from purple to yellow), rose quartz, milky quartz, basically any color + quartz
They're silica-based, that's what makes them all related
The chemical composition for all quartzes can be written as SiO2, impurities cause the color variations
CHALCEDONY: jasper, agate, carnelian, chrysoprase, bloodstone
Quartz's cousin, it's a gem on its own but there's also other gems that can be classified under it
It is the "microcrystalline" form of quartz, which means it forms into these weird little lumps, I have one and it looks very cool
Jaspers have stripes, agates have bands (aka concentric circles)
There are SO MANY types of jasper/agate
JASPERS: zebra, ocean, leopard, biggs, brecciated, poppy, etc
AGATES: blue lace, pink lace, crazy lace, snakeskin, fire, Botswana, grape(LOOK THIS ONE UP ITS SO FUNNY), rainbow, thunder egg, etc
Onyx is a type of agate, as well as sardonyx
Moss agate is NOT a type of agate because it has no bands, it's just chalcedony with inclusions of hornblende, but they call it an agate anyway for some reason
sard is apparently also a type of chalcedony?? it's just brown and has no bands???? idk
Anyways I love basically all the varieties of chalcedony for different reasons, it's probably my favorite gem honestly
Then we have the garnets
i hate the garnets
They're barely related but still all classified as one type??? idk
GARNETS: almandine, pyrope, spessartite, grossular, andradite, uvarovite
those are the main six but there are MORE types that fit under each
the important ones are demantoids, hessonites, imperial, rhodolite, tsavorite
Side note: the prefix rhodo means the gem is pink, there's like three different gems with that suffix
the only thing I like abt the garnets is their names. those are some cool ass names
BERYLS: aquamarine, emerald, bixbite, morganite, goshenite, heliodor
This is the same case as chalcedony where it's a gem on its own but they just named the different colors
They form into these vertical rectangular shapes, it's p cool
GYPSUMS: alabaster, selenite, desert rose
Selenite fucking slaps it's like,,, it's got this vertical pattern of lines and it's iridescent, it looks super cool
NOT to be confused with the element selenium. they're different
desert roses are like these chunky tan rocks with a buncha white lines scattered on it, I love them
TOURMALINES: schorl, dravite, rubellite, indicolite, verdelite, achroite
These ones are also vertical rectangles, they got l i n e s
CORUNDUMS: Rubies and sapphires
That's it
JADES: the jades are split into two groups, jadeite and nephrite
there's more but I'm tired
like for part 2
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popatochisssp · 5 years
listen i Adore your gem headcanons (gemcanons, if u will) & i love hearing about them & they make me wanna go off about my own crossovers so if you have any more ideas!!! please do tell us!!!! also i hope you're doing well!!!!!
Okay so…….
Regarding the Sea Glass gemsona concept, specifically, part of my headcanon for them is that like Pearls, their appearance is customizable…but unlike Pearls and many other types of gem, since they’re essentially just created as ornaments/toys to suit their master’s preferences, they have a very wide range of physicality–body types, faces, voices…
Kinda…kinda sounds like a reader-insert, doesn’t it…?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sans (Undertale): You’ve been in service to this particular Sapphire for decades, at least. He doesn’t have a Pearl, or even any other Sea Glass– it’s just you. You entertain him, lend your ear when he needs to talk something out, stand by his side as proper and perfect as you can, through everything… and it still somehow feels like he barely knows you exist. He definitely takes you for granted and that hurts a lot more than you’d like it to. …Except one day, he looks at you, seeing you, and you don’t know how to describe the look on his face except ‘dawning abject horror.’ He latches onto you, grabbing you by the arm and refusing to let go for days and all he’ll say is, “it won’t happen, i won’t let it, i need you,” and even as it scares you a little…it finally feels like you matter to him.
Papyrus (Undertale): You are not a very good Sea Glass. Your hue is dull and your attempts at entertaining your masters are all falling flat and your anxiety is mounting because that’s masters, plural, you’ve cycled through too many that haven’t wanted you. Now you’re being evaluated and if you don’t pass muster like you know you won’t… Your saving grace comes in the form of a visiting Hessonite, on a tour of the facilities. He takes one look at you and your obviously stressed face and loudly notes that he’s never seen a Sea Glass before, out on the front lines, glory for the Empire and all that, show him that one! Your probably-soon-to-be-shatterers protest that you’re likely defective, not a good example, but, “NONSENSE, LOOK HOW THEY CATCH THE LIGHT, THAT’S LOVELY, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GEM!” and far be it from technicians to argue with a garnet. You leave with him, decidedly unshattered, and even though you warn him that you’re not a very good Sea Glass, he assures you that he’s not a very good Hessonite—so you’ll surely do well together!
Sky (Underswap Sans): You’re part of an aristocrat’s entourage, and not the favorite by far. You mostly lurk on the outskirts of your group of Sea Glass, an unnoticed extra in the background. …Which is probably why it’s so surprising that when a group of rowdy quartz soldiers passing by manage to dissipate your body, you actually reform again—unshattered and not even cracked. One of the soldiers is there to greet you, a brightly grinning Chalcedony who apologizes for his squad’s roughhousing and that you got caught up in the scuffle. He caught you, though, before you could hit the ground, so no harm done, right? No, you suppose not…except… where’s your master? And all the others? How long were you out? The Chalcedony’s grin falls a little when he has to be the bearer of bad news: they left without you, didn’t even stick around to see that your gem was alright. …Ouch. But it’s okay! You can stay with him! He’ll look out for you and protect you, unless of course you’d like to go somewhere else? In which case, he’ll take you! You have nowhere else to go and no real desire to try your luck out in the universe all on your own, so… you think you’ll stay with the Chalcedony. His smile is awfully cute…
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): You’re walking behind your Zircon as they talk with other Zircons about things you’ve never needed to understand. With your head politely down, you hear more than see them approaching a lit workstation and chiding someone for still being there, saying that no one ever got anything done honing their gem from both ends, it’s important to relax sometimes. The stranger protests, claiming he relaxes plenty and he’ll head back to his quarters soon. Your Zircon doesn’t seem to accept that as an answer, insisting—maybe he ought to get a Sea Glass? Your Zircon has a few, they’re great, really, he should get one already, but still the stranger resists. “sea glass are a fad,” he drawls, like he might be rolling his eyes and it makes you curious enough to look up. “i don’t need to get o—…” He’s looking at you. He’s looking right at you, into your eyes, and when he moves his jaw again, it’s to say, “wow…” You’re too flustered to pay much attention to how it happens, but before you know it, you’re changing hands, Zircon to Zircon, because this one wants you and your old one already has four. You should probably feel insulted, somewhere in this, but at the same time…that ‘wow’ makes you think that this master is probably the right one.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): The moment he heard about Sea Glass, he wanted one. Like a Pearl, but none of that snooty attitude? Something that just about anyone, even a common Ruby could get ahold of? Yes, he wants one. Immediately. He attentively customizes every detail, having you made to his exact specifications—if he can only get one, he may as well go all out, right? He’s on pins and needles waiting to meet you, visiting every day even when your gem is nowhere near to being properly finished. Eventually, the day comes that you’re ready and you take your form…and you are absolutely nothing like he thought you would be. He never could’ve fully imagined you, not the way you are standing right in front of him here and now, made for him but so clearly and wholly your own gem and that… He loves it, you’re perfect. He’s never had anything of his own before, and for his first thing ever to be someone like you is utterly mindblowing. He wants to learn everything about you, no matter how long it takes.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): You’re a gift, a rarely colored Sea Glass given to a wildly successful Bixbite commander as a reward for another in a long line of victories daringly wrested by his fearsome fleet. Your reception is polite and you look forward to your service to such an impressive gem…so it’s disappointing, to say the least, when you’re summarily shunted off to a large harem of Sea Glass just like you, who tell you that your Bixbite has no interest in any of you and never even visits. You while away more time than you care to admit there, while your fellow Sea Glass sing and dance and make art for each other instead of your absent master, but eventually, it gets to you. You don’t want to stay here with all these gems so similar in temperament to you yet so different in all the wrong ways. They bore you, you crave variety—novelty! No one stops you when you sneak out of the harem the first time, or the second, or the third. Other gems barely pay you a passing glance as you start to steal away to other parts of the ship as they catch your fancy, chatting with soldiers and servants alike and doing whatever you choose to do. …Which is, of course, exactly how your Bixbite notices you, catching a glimpse of a stray Sea Glass roaming his halls. You’ve caught his eye now, a strange gem who wandered off seeking excitement when all the others of your type stayed put. He wants to know what makes you different and a gem of his ranking is very accustomed to getting what he wants.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): He wanted a Pearl. It’s a very stressful job, herding quartzes and otherwise running the day-to-day operations of a base, and an Agate only has so many hands. A Pearl assistant would lighten his load, open doors for him, sort files, carry his things… So, he put in for one and you can imagine how slighted he felt when his superiors would only sign off on a Sea Glass. You show up and it’s clear that your master resents you, at least a little. There are plenty of snide comments to you about what he would be having a Pearl assist him with and how you can remain in his quarters for the day since obviously he won’t require you, and those…hurt. But you are nonetheless determined to do your job and with every moment of downtime your Agate has, you try to show him your worth. It takes a long time…a very long time…but eventually, he starts to come around. You may not be what he wanted, but it’s possible that you’re exactly what he needed: with you around, he finally starts to actually relax in his downtime and that makes a world of difference for a stressed out workaholic like him. He…owes you one hell of an apology…
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s in the middle of his least favorite part of any day—the part where he has to do his job. At least he’s not the only Topaz there sent to round up a suspected traitor to the Empire and escort them to holding until trial, so it could be worse…but not by much. The traitor puts up a fight because of course they do, nothing can just be easy, and somewhere in the scuffle he bumps into you, the traitor’s poor Sea Glass. He tries to shield you from as much of the action as possible, no point putting you at risk too, right? Except that when it’s all over, traitor bubbled and the other Topazes heading out the door he has to wonder… “what happens to them?” His fellow Topazes don’t seem all that concerned about your fate: one says to leave you for someone else to deal with, another says to shatter you now and get it over with, and right there, in a moment of thoughtless impulse, he blurts out that he’ll just take you. Which is just great because what the hell is he supposed to do with a Sea Glass? He’s never had a…anything before, he’s only a Topaz, and a poor example of one at that! But…there you are, apparently his now, looking at him hopefully and…he doesn’t know how to say no to that. Guess you two will just have to…figure this out together?
Slate (Horrortale Sans): You’re a Sea Glass who rebelled against your fate. You didn’t want to serve, you didn’t want to be owned, you didn’t want to be a second class citizen in the rigid war-machine of Homeworld’s Empire, and so before you’d even been given to your first master, you ran. …That’s what the broken Sapphire foresees one day, anyway, having no idea if it was something that already happened or a vision that would never come true. He still tells the story to his brother—the Hessonite born from the same Kindergarten as him, from the same planetary vein, mere eras apart and now cracked just like him—and he can only end it with, “…i hope it was real. i wanna meet ‘em…” Luck is on his side for once and not a day later, you arrive, alone and frazzled and worried you’ve somehow been followed, as if anyone cared enough about the comings and goings of a Sea Glass to sound an alarm on you. You’re welcomed into the fold of the lost and the broken and even with nothing physically wrong with you, you joke that you’re the most defective of all for running away the very second you formed the legs to do it. You regret nothing: you found your home right here…especially with the Sapphire, whose touch is warm and reassuring even when he stares off into space for hours or talks about things that never were. He always comes back eventually and the way he smiles at you is…worth defying fate for. A hundred times over.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): You have not had the easiest life. Being born into the world a Sea Glass should’ve precluded you from experiencing violence…but things don’t always work out the way they ‘should.’ Your master was not a kind gem, to say the least, and decades of verbal and emotional vitriol have left you timid, trying to obey orders and do exactly as you’re told as quickly as possible to avoid the inevitable punishment. …You somehow never expected it to get physical, though. Your mistake—all it takes is one thoughtless strike at your gem and you’re cracked, not shattered yet but still malformed from what you were supposed to be, permanently damaged. And your master, terrible as they were, had no use for damaged goods. You’re discarded just as thoughtlessly as you were cracked, running from a society that would shatter you completely without a ‘real’ gem to vouch for you and praying your crack doesn’t worsen. That’s when you find the Hessonite, cracked, like you are, but still whole, and managing it. He invites you with him, to somewhere you’ll be safe. You have no choice but to trust him…but you think that even if you did have the choice, you would make the same one: his crooked smile is too earnest to doubt and you know that if it came down to it, he’d defend you or shatter completely trying.
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love-takes-work · 6 years
Steven Universe Comic Fusion Frenzy (2019) - Outline & Review
Steven Universe: Fusion Frenzy is a mega issue with five separate stories that each focus on a different Fusion from the show. It's available digitally from ComiXology in the States and from Boom Studios and your local comic shop.
There are four covers for this one: two are by artist Nathalie Fourdraine and they connect together to make a single picture, while a third rarer variant is by Abigail L. Dela Cruz, and then there's a Wondercon exclusive by Alexandra Lillie.
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The five stories feature Stevonnie, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Opal, and Sugilite. And though, as per usual with comics, these cannot be taken as "show canon," they all show us experiences and perspectives we've really wanted to see with these Fusions! Except for Garnet--who speaks so rarely about her experience despite her everyday presence--we don't get to spend much time with any of these others, and it's so much fun to get a peek at these comic authors' and artists' ideas of what it would be like.
This is a review of each story, with an illustrated plot description and a list of notable items.
STEVONNIE: "When the Light Breaks," written by Anthony Oliveira and illustrated by Ver.
Garnet tells a story about the "dangerous side of fusion"--meaning that when you stand for who you are and what you believe in, you become a target, and you must be prepared to deal with that ugly side of it.
Stevonnie, after training, unfuses into Steven and Connie to attend a parade. It appears to be a celebration of love, with many rainbows and confetti. The Gems discuss how they really haven't been too active in these celebrations (though Garnet MAAAY have thrown rocket punches during one in the past because "love is a riot"). Garnet's narration continues to tell us that Homeworld was always against the diversity that Earth celebrates.
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Steven and Connie are very excited, but then an attack begins. A monster appears--it’s an attacker that was used by Homeworld to separate Fusions, but it's also corrupted--and it looks like a Gem destabilizer. Garnet's narration encourages those who are attacked for how they love or identify to "learn together, grow together, laugh together, and endure together."
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The monster is able to unfuse Garnet, but Steven and Connie quickly fuse into Stevonnie and protect them. They are able to attack the monster and get its Gem. A rainbow appears after the battle clouds clear.
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1. The narration talk bubbles are so cute--not only color-coded, but identified by the symbols for who's talking. Garnet's are decorated with both her Gemstones at the bottom right corner, while Stevonnie's has a star.
2. "Never forget how much bravery it takes to love each other"--what an incredible quote.
3. Uncle Andy is chilling in Greg's van during the parade. He looks kinda uncomfortable.
4. So many Beach City regulars are visible doing their thing during the parade!
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5. Steven sticks his head into Lion's portal and comes out of Lars's head just to share some confetti with them. It's one of those things that's just too convoluted to explain if you don't already know what you're looking at.
6. Interesting that the destabilizer effect seems to just separate the Fusions instead of poofing them the way the modern destabilizer does in “The Return.”
GARNET: "The Gauntlet," written by Jy Yang and illustrated by Doki Rosi.
Steven and Connie are achy after fusion training and complaining about why it's so hard. Garnet--who's baked them cookies--is happy to give her perspective.
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The art style melts into a more colorful, whimsical depiction of Garnet's days as a new Fusion, when she was pink and blue and innocent. She loved her early days learning about being a Crystal Gem with Rose and Pearl, but she wasn't given all the time she needed to learn about herself. There was a war going on.
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Rose urges Garnet to run and hide, but she feels so weird running away and leaving her friends to fight the battle. Ruby had always been a soldier, after all, and Sapphire's ability lets Garnet predict where her help (and her failure to help) all led to different futures. When she realizes the soldiers are Blue Diamond's, looking for HER, she knows she has to fight.
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Garnet unfuses, and when she comes together again, she has her more modern look, with a more consistent color and her visor in place. She confronts the soldiers and identifies herself as a Crystal Gem, standing up for who she is. Back in the present, telling the story, Garnet admits she didn't exactly "kick butt" at first, but she emphasizes that what's important is doing the right thing when it matters.
1. Garnet in an apron, baking cookies (which she did in the episode "Warp Tour") is super cute. Her smiley style in this artist's depiction is really interesting!
2. The art style of the flashback is not exactly the same as the show's version of the same thing, but it is absolutely successful at being reminiscent of it. It's so soulful and expressive!
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3. In one of Garnet's visions of a battle, we see Pearl fighting a Hessonite. Wow, cool.
4. This comic seems to imply that unfusing and re-fusing can create a new permanent form, and that Garnet got her more recognizable look (including the visor) during this time, but as of this writing we still haven't been told in the show canon when Garnet started wearing her visor and when she stopped looking like cotton candy.
SMOKY QUARTZ: "The Art of Friendship," written by Steve Foxe and illustrated by Xiao Tong Kong.
Steven and Amethyst are fighting a pretty stubborn corrupted Gem, and they decide to fuse since Smoky Quartz's yo-yo is perfect for this battle. They have to think fast to stop an innocent bystander from getting injured in the battle, and it turns out to be Amethyst's old pal Vidalia.
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Vidalia is immediately enchanted, thinking Smoky is basically just a weird shapeshift of Amethyst's since that's what she's used to, and she invites Smoky to be her model for a painting the way Amethyst used to in the old days. Smoky quickly becomes uncomfortable with Vidalia's reminiscing, because she's treating them like they're just Amethyst, the Gem who has a history with her. Steven doesn't have that history, and neither does Smoky.
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Vidalia invites Smoky out for a day of partying "like they used to," and Smoky reluctantly accepts. No matter how many times Smoky reminds Vidalia that those memories belong to her history with Amethyst and Smoky is NOT just a different version of Amethyst, Vidalia keeps using the wrong name, ignoring the commentary, and making assumptions. Finally, in the pizza shop, Smoky unfuses out of frustration that Vidalia doesn't want to hang out with THEM and won't listen. Vidalia finally gets the message and pledges to do better.
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Finally, Vidalia has Smoky model for her and this time she treats them like they're really someone she hasn't met before. She listens to Smoky's stories of beating Jasper, hanging out with Sardonyx, and showing Greg yo-yo tricks. They've finally bonded over who Smoky actually is, and Smoky likes Vidalia's portrait of them.
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1. Smoky's puns. Aiiii. "'Eye' bet you weren't ready for me!" *groan*
2. Fusion is a very specific thing that isn't exactly "like" anything in human life, but the parallels in this comic to misgendering are really interesting. Not only does Smoky exist as "sort of" a version of the person Vidalia knew BUT NOT REALLY--Vidalia also has to dispense with some outdated beliefs and perspectives so she can really know who this person is. It's great.
3. This art style looks really, really cool on Smoky! They're not quite as roly-poly-looking as in the cartoon, but they're consistently bigger than most people and the third arm looks great.
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4. When Amethyst and Steven briefly unfuse to show Vidalia that Smoky is a Fusion of two people she knows, the effect is just like it was when Amethyst and Steven unfused for the first time in the Kindergarten during the episode "Earthlings"--Amethyst was glowing and diffuse, but Steven isn't. I love that that detail was mirrored here.
5. Steven is happy to fuse with Amethyst and model for Vidalia, but he's worried he'll have to visit Onion's room again. Yeah, that was traumatic. Heh, great callback.
6. Smoky tells some familiar stories to Vidalia at the end (beating Jasper, interacting with Sardonyx and her room), but then another one that's unfamiliar is added: Greg freaking out at first but enjoying Smoky's yo-yo tricks. Interesting! I'd like to see Greg meet Smoky, though he hasn't gotten to yet in the show. (Smoky also says "our yo-yo tricks," which is interesting since it's not exactly singular speaking, but that's not out of the ordinary for certain Fusions.)
OPAL: "Winging It," written by Nicole Andelfinger and illustrated by Mollie Rose.
Pearl and Amethyst are after a flying Centipeetle, and they're having their typical trouble working together to catch it--not to mention Amethyst's saltiness over having to miss Taco Tuesday. Amethyst's noise attracts the attention of bats who are a nuisance that gets in their way of trapping the Centipeetle.
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They're not fast enough to catch the Centipeetle by themselves, but then they realize their Fusion, Opal, would be able to move faster and might have the skills to capture it. Pearl and Amethyst fuse.
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Opal's superior height, dexterity, and grace make it simple to catch the flying Centipeetle. She does it almost effortlessly, without saying a word.
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But then Opal gets curious and opens her hands a little to look at the Centipeetle she caught, and it screeches, disturbing the hordes of bats. They quickly poof the Gem, unfuse, and go on their way--with Amethyst enjoying the idea of getting her tacos after all.
1. Amethyst's griping about tacos is adorable. It's so her.
2. Really nice to see Opal. She looks pretty cool in this style.
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3. I think it's funny that Opal doesn't speak in the comic. Some people joke that Opal is so rarely on the show because they can't get the guest voice actor back, but I think it's cool that this comic took a cue from what they actually do in the show and have her make a brief, action-packed, silent appearance.
SUGILITE: "An Overdue Conversation," written by Sarah Gailey and illustrated by Maurizia Rubino.
A really big corrupted Gem needs to be taken down, and though Steven believes Sugilite is the obvious solution, Pearl has AGGRESSIVE objections to bringing Sugilite back.
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Pearl's argument is that Sugilite is uncontrollable and leaves Garnet and Amethyst in bad shape when they unfuse. She doesn't want to even consider using Sugilite for the mission, and suggests Sardonyx instead, but everyone else wants Sugilite. Amethyst points out that Pearl doesn't have much business talking about her nature since she's never been Sugilite.
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Steven invites Amethyst and Garnet to tell them about what that feels like for them. Amethyst loves the chance to not be held back by anything, and Garnet finds it a relief to be impulsive instead of thoughtful sometimes, though she has reservations about ignoring her calm side. When Garnet says fusion isn't supposed to feel like that, Amethyst takes ownership of why their Fusion goes wrong, and Garnet assures her it's just as much her responsibility. They decide to try to respect the different parts of themselves and try being Sugilite on the mission.
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Sugilite ends up fighting the large corrupted Gem, and enjoys herself immensely. They capture the Gem, but then Pearl is fully ready to have to fight Sugilite to get her to unfuse or not unleash her anger at another target. But instead, Sugilite is happy that they saw her do a good job and peacefully unfuses.
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Amethyst and Garnet learned to listen to each other better, and they had a much more satisfying fusion experience--with a promise of next time!
1. Most of Pearl's irritation over including Sugilite is, of course, referring to the events of "Coach Steven." Interestingly, Pearl makes no reference to the last time they saw Sugilite, who was the choice Garnet resorted to when Pearl did something horrible in "Cry for Help.”
2. Steven having issues with getting tangled in his sweater and suggesting cocoa was really adorable.
3. Pearl is really being a jerk in this one. I realize she's traumatized by the last time she fought Sugilite and that she has a low opinion of her, and it’s true she has had to clean up their mess before, but Steven's right there listening to her talk crap about someone he loves. She at least could've expressed her reservations without actually telling Steven to get ready for a fight against their own teammate. But that's Pearl for ya.
4. Sugilite being satisfied that Steven saw her kick butt is very her. She was all about showing off for Steven during "Coach Steven," and seemed very disappointed and angry when she found out no one had seen her wrecking the Communication Hub.
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My favorite was the Smoky Quartz comic, which is probably pretty weird for this Garnet nerd, but Garnet’s was my second favorite, and I honestly really did love all of them! The message in the Stevonnie comic was powerful, and I love how even though fusion is a science fiction concept, it allows so many parallels with facilitating lessons about self-love, love that requires bravery, being different, identity acceptance and allyship, teamwork, and various types of intimate relationships (not just romantic love). 
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection--not just because I love seeing these Fusions, but because the writing said something worth hearing. ALL THE STARS!!!
[SU Book and Comic Reviews]
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pearlplusau · 5 years
Chapter 4, The bright light Part 1
In the midst of the red, dark battlefield, multiple gems lay poofed or shards scattered as far as an eye could see. The war had yet concluded.
With the crystal gems gaining the upper hand, the leader of the rebellion, “Rose Quartz”, in the heat of battle, her shield rose, her sword gripped, her comrades fighting as one. As Pearl fends off an elite soldier all on her own in a distance, her spear shining as she fought with grace and elegance within the cacophony of battle. While Garnet charges and finishes the jaspers, Coral stood alongside Rose, with her lance fencing off surprised attacks from the sides, and whacks a topaz on her head. “Poof!” as yellow smoke dissipated and her gem on the ground.
Rose thought to herself with glee, “We’re almost there! We’ll finally be able to stay here after all this is over!” Victory seems to be closer and closer, but none of them will be leaving without consequences.
On Homeworld,
A red ruby ship approaches the landing site, as it descends, a tattered up Amethyst guard faceplants off the ship, “Ughhhhh!” She moaned, her long, puffy white hair in horrendous state and she was wearing a uniform that signifies her diamond in serving, Pink Diamond.
This Amethyst guard had never been to Homeworld before, but her orders were clear, “ONE OF YOU UPPER CRUST! Find the Diamonds! State the situation and request back up!” In a rush, her elite sisters decided to send 8XWJ, a soldier that’s not in the fighting shape anymore, and threw her into a small ruby ship and launched it manually from the control panel on Earth.
The amethyst regains her strength, and proceeds her mission.
She knew the urgency of this message, but she couldn’t stop from gawking as the scenes in Homeworld get more and more alien than what’s she’s used on Earth. Instead of forests and hills and rocks, it’s buildings, skyscrapers, and fellow new gems!
She’s never seen other types of gems other than herself and jaspers, so seeing so many gems who are clearly in higher positions intimidates her.
“You there!” A blue gem approaches her with the sound of heels “clonk, clonk, clonk” getting louder and angrier.
She begins to panic! She raced through her mind and forgot what to do. What was she supposed to do when greeting a higher level gem? Oh right! The diamond arm thing! She shaped her arms as the big gem stood right in front of her.
“State your purpose!” The blue gem ordered, but 8XWJ has no clue who or forgot what she has to say as she begins to get very nervous and sweats. “I…ahh…uhh…” 8XWJ stammered and fiddled her fingers, the blue gem narrowed her eyes, “Newcomer huh?” She smirked and continued, “How am I not surprised?” Her tone was filled with disgust and prejudice.
“I am Holy Blue Agate! I have been urgently assigned to receive a message from an Amethyst guard from Earth by a fellow Hessonite, now tell me…”
She reached to the back of her head, where her gem placement is, and conjured an electric whip full of static! She flings towards the purple gem, grips her hip, and sends a wave of electricity as 8XWJ screeched in pain and got yanked towards Holy.
“What…is…THE MESSAGE?!” she screams as she grabbed her by the uniform, and shook her as violent as she was allowed.
“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!” 8XWJ shouted and plead, the whip dissipates and she fell on her knees, which was painful as her gem is located on the left.
She explained the situation on Earth as the soldiers were close to losing the battles, and she was told to inform the diamonds personally by another commander, but was cut short when she heard Holly laughing.
“You? Informing the Diamonds? Ha!” She mocked and continued, “Don’t even try, you won’t even make it to The Great Ballroom without another few centuries in this confusing labyrinth! I’ll deliver the message to the diamonds myself.” With that, she turned and walked back where she came.
The amethyst plead, “Wait! Wait a sec!” With her raspy voice, she requests permission to follow the Agate. The blue gem scoffed and said, “What makes you think I’ll let you?” She looked at AXWJ as if she’s gone corrupted, “An Amethyst guard with an Agate! What will the others say?”
Looks like AXWJ was stuck finding her way back to the ship, she turned and sighed, “Guess I’ll just find another way back then…” she considered tracing her steps when the agate changed her mind, “Fine, you can tatter along, but just so we’re clear, I will be the one speaking to the diamonds! Don’t make a pip while I’m talking!”
Before they proceed to the diamonds, AXWJ made another diamond symbol and request to speak freely, “What was the whip all about? It hurts so MUCH!”
Holy smirked, “That, was just a little fun I needed, and also the tip of the iceberg, step out of line or waste my time again, you’ll be wishing you were never made.” 8XWJ gulped and nodded.
In Blue Diamond’s chamber (pool),
A blue themed chamber, with pillars connected to each other and tubes beneath the pathway up to the pool, where the three massive diamonds are present. The water resembles the color of lime, with the beautiful White Diamond in front of the waterfall, and Blue and Yellow on her left and right. They stayed still and quiet, as they were finally done with their work and tried to relax for a bit, but Yellow had something in mind she wished to share.
It wasn’t long until relaxation was over, Yellow decided to drag work into everything once more, “An idea occurred to me the other day, as you both know, Pink’s colony is still a work in progress after all those centuries given, as not much resources are useful towards our expanding Empire anymore, so I propose…an Alternative.”
White opens her eyes as a sign of interest, and turned to her fellow sister, mouthed “Go on”. Blue however, was not pleased as their time together has been restricting since pink’s absence, she just wished they could all have some quality time together, but sometimes opportunities like this are extremely rare, so she understood why Yellow decided to bring up work into their bonding time.
Blue sighed, “What is it you have in mind Yellow?” As she was interested as well, but would still rather have a nice quiet pool time, so maybe it’ll be over soon.
“Pearl?” Yellow summoned her little servant and continued, “Bring me the blueprints marked EX-293.”
The yellow pearl shaped her arms and bowed, “Right away my Diamond!” and scurries off to the exit.
“A few days ago I was experimenting with the “Fallen” soldiers from battles, I pieced them together and see if it would reform as a fusion, and sure enough, it did, with very little resources, I produced hundreds of little monsters crawling around, in very little time might I add, so I propose…”
She paused as her pearl had retrieved the data she needed, it was a palm-sized green sphere, the poor pearl had to use all her strength to push the sphere into the water. As it finally drifted in the midst of the diamond, a hologram projected above the pool and showed the data of what she experimented.
“From what you see here are the results of the experiment aforementioned, the duration of each fusion depends on its size and quality, each of these has the capability of mass destruction to anyone in their path, so…” The image flickered to a blank state, but with a slight touch on the screen, millions of shards grouped into a massive form, its gem size was bigger than White Diamond herself!
“I call it, the Cluster.” She presumes as the image regained its form. “When it emerges, it will tear apart the Earth, forming as a massive Geo weapon, and with it, conquering the galaxy would be so much easier and effective with it on our side!” Yellow Diamond pictured the cluster on a rampage on their enemy territory, declaring victory and taking over the galaxies.
“But…it will tear apart the Earth?” Blue Diamond was concerned on that particular segment, “Was Pink in on this Yellow?” She hoped to receive comfort with Pinks agreement with the plan.
“This…is the alternative for when she… Fails, Blue.” Yellow was expecting comments from the leader, but she was quiet and tranquil, as if she knew their faith in their youngest diamond would be diminished somehow.
“You…”Blue was in disbelief! Pink losing her first colony just because she couldn’t handle the little “issues” she stated a few decades ago. She had to do something! She wanted to scream, she wanted to shout, she wanted to let her anger loose and end the conversation! But she knows nothing will change Yellow’s mind once she establishes a plan for it, but she still wants to try, for her dear Pink.
The faint lime colored water retreated into the “drain”, as Blue stood up, she spoke, “I…object this proposal, Yellow…”
Back to Holly,
The two gems were almost there, they just need to gain access into The Great Ballroom which was guarded by two topazes and an aquamarine.
“State your facets, cut and purpose.” The small floating gem requested while adjusting her wand/hairband.
“Holly Blue Agate, facet 2D cut-22, and this is…” Holly gestured to Amethyst, who was trying not to stare at the giant golden doorway shimmering, reflecting rays of light into her eyes, which cut her back to reality and stammered.
“Amethyst, facet 5 cut 8XWJ! I was sent here by the orders from the military force, Jasper 3LJ, to deliver important information to the Diamonds!” She stated with her best.
“How lovely! An Amethyst delivering vital information to the Diamonds? Ha! Don’t make me laugh!” She definitely looked like she was somehow offended and shamed. “Unfortunately, the Diamonds are not in the Great Ballroom, if you wish to see them right away, they are currently in My Diamonds pool chamber, please await here for their arrival, they would be free to hear your “vital” information in another few decades or so.”
“Wait what!?” Amethyst 8XWJ slipped a bit but remained calm, “I mean...the war is in progress as we speak! The commander request back up from the diamonds immediately! Can’t you just let us cut or something?”
“Oh, sure you can! I mean, where would we be with all this waiting and order? Just go to the diamond’s chamber pool and see if they’re willing to take the time for you.” The tiny floating gem replies with much sarcasm, but Amethyst took no notice.
“Great! Let’s go Holly!” The amethyst said but abruptly stopped, and gulped…
“Oh let’s go indeed! And it looks like you know exactly what will happen next!” Holly spoke with such cheer and enthusiasm it was scary…
To be continued…
(A/N: Sooo, as you finished reading you will realize I will be heading towards story interpretation of what might have happened from different perspectives. By reading these, you will see how scenes MIGHT lead to the title, the bright light.
Most of you might be thinking, “I'm here for Pink Pearl and HER au! Just because you include her as a small character in this story doesn’t make her your main focus!”
And to that I say, 
Yeah you’re right.
But prior to this story, the other story not really focusing on Pink Pearl, “Coral” is Part 2 of Bismuth, which is similar to this chapter, writing mainly the story of how it might have went, cuz honestly, im pretty curious how everything happened from the rebellion to the corruption even to the cluster.
So if theres any questions or confusion, feel free to ask them so you can get the clear picture. I won't reveal my next chapters tho, that would be a surprise for yall.
So this tells me you read the whole thing, which is pretty impressive, Part 2 of this chapter will be coming up in a week or two.
Happy reading and till next time!)
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bludmd23 · 1 year
Headcanon that Demantoid is actually a really good singer but thinks that she sucks because of her much lower range compared to Pyrope and how it isn't dainty or soft like a Pearl's would be. I feel it would be naturally powerful (and raspy just because)!
I also think that Demantoid would have the best control over her voice out of the three, mainly because she's a huge perfectionist and because she isn't trying to go over her range/limit's constantly (Pyrope does this). But also because Demantoid doesn't use her voice very often in front of people, which means she's had thousands of years to practice whenever she's alone and in a quiet area.
Now onto Pyropes + Hessonite's singing voices!!!
• Pyrope is a good singer as well but she definitely over exaggerates it to the worst extent and tries to hit ALL of the high notes, and even though her voice is naturally high it still crack's because she hasn't trained it at all.
•Hessonite's HORRENDOUS at it and sound's like a dying seagull but Hessonite continues to sing anyways because she's SILLY! (And also because she is fully convinced she's great and will not let it go no matter how many times Demantoid and Pyrope tell her she's terrible)
Also....doodles in you're art style for this headcanon would be so FUN!! Feel free to get to this request when you have the time teehee
Omg that’s so cute!!!! I love those🥹🥹🥹
Dem having a great singing voice sounds so sweet omg why have I never thought of that
her voice alone is so cute ngl
For Hess I kinda see her as a nice singer because Christine baranski haha but I can definitely also see her missing all the notes and still praises herself she’s just that silly
Pyrope definitely tries more high notes, it’s just so fitting lmaooo maybe she sings like blue zircon trying to do an impression of pearls but more elegance
Thanks for those great hcs 💖💖💖 I’ll try to draw them maybe tomorrow!
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blueberryrock · 5 years
This is a short story I wrote with my week off from my main series, hope y'all enjoy, it's just a lot of bellow diamond, so enjoy <3
(Blue's first ball and blue's pov)
I nervously drum my fingers on my arm, today is a very very big day for me and the entire gem race.
Not only is today my first ball, but today White and Yellow diamond will announce that a new diamond has emerged, me, then they'll want me to walk across the ballroom and sit on a throne.
It sounds simple enough, it really is simple, but I have a feeling that something will go terribly wrong today. I pace back and forth in the hallway that connects to the ballroom.
The more I pace the more I get anxious and excited. I walk over to a full-length mirror that White diamond had put for me to look at. Both White and Yellow decided it would be a grand idea to look nice, so Yellow had her pearl brush and braid my long dark blue hair, and White helped me pick out a gorgeous gown.
The gown its self is fairly simple, but the design is gorgeous. For starters, the neckline is low enough to show my entire gem and a bit of breast, and there is a slit by my legs that goes from the bottom of my dress (covering my feet) almost to my hip, this time instead of my normal one strap robe, the straps go all the way to my wrists and the gown is a beautiful dark blue. It's also very sparkly.
But White diamond allowed me to go barefoot, because I accidentally broke the heel part of one of White diamond's heel shoe. Although Yellow wasn't too happy about that, but if White diamond allows it, I will do it.
I go back to nervously pacing down the small cold hallway, my hand starts to shake from sheer nervousness, my hand instantly stops when I get interrupted by the door opening at the end of the hallway and the older diamonds step into the cramped hallway.
My eyes get immediately pulled towards White diamond. She has almost the exact same dress, except it ends at her mid-calf, her dress only has straps instead of a full sleeve, her dress is a grayish-white, and she is wearing her normal heels/sandals.
"Ah moonlight you look so beautiful, are you ready?" White diamond asks me. I blush from a new compliment. I nod as look over at Yellow diamond.
When I first emerged a few months ago, the first thing I noticed about Yellow diamond was how gorgeous she was. With her golden eyes, her short and golden seemingly soft hair, and her beautiful skinny but muscular frame. This time, since it's supposed to be formal, Yellow diamond had her golden armor polished so well, I can see my face in the reflection.
"Blue?" Yellow diamond says to get my attention, I quickly snap back to reality.
"Wha-" I blink a few times.
"You were staring at me again" Yellow diamond crosses her arms behind her back.
"Well nothing else is worth looking, besides you" I smirk, as Yellow diamond's entire face gets darker.
"Well..I.." Flustered, Yellow diamond's face just gets darker and darker by the second, she tries to say something but White diamond interrupts.
"Hey, let's get this ball over with quickly" White diamond pulls a still blushing Yellow diamond by the arm towards the ballroom door. I follow behind them, but I move to the side when Yellow diamond walks out.
I take a shaky unneeded breath in, okay Blue, as long as you stick to what White diamond showed you you'll be fine, just like we practiced. White diamond turns and puts her hands on my shoulders.
"Relax, if you do everything I told you to do, you will do just fine" White diamond reassures me.
I nod. The ballroom doors open again and beautiful music fills the room, White diamond removes her arms from my shoulders exits the room and as soon as the doors close again, I eagerly move in front of the doors.
From what I can hear, they turned down the music and White diamond has already gotten halfway through her "speech". Anxiety starts creeping into me as White diamond almost finishes the speech.
"And now, introducing your new diamond" I feel myself deflate as I let out the breath I was holding "Blue Diamond" White diamond finishes.
The big doors in front of my open and I slowly walk into the room. All gems from each court is here, and all of them stare at me. I nervously freeze where I stand, I look up to where White and Yellow diamond are sitting, right next to Yellow diamond's throne is my similar blue one.
Yellow diamond notices that I haven't move an inch, she gives me a reassuring smile and motions with her head to come closer.
I take a shaky breath in, I break off all the ice that was on my feet, luckily my dress covers the ice, I nervously cross the cold ballroom floor. Once I get to my seat, I make sure my dress is covering my bare feet, and I put my shaky hands in my lap.
I start to relax a bit as the music starts up again, and everyone is focused on dancing and not me. Watching all the little gems dance on the floor is making me want to try and do it. I glance over at Yellow diamond, she has one knee on her leg and is resting her head on her hand.
She looks rather bored, maybe she'd like to join me. I then look up at White diamond, she is watching all the other gems dance, I wonder if she'd let me and Yellow diamond join them.
I smile and blush a little at the thought of me and Yellow diamond dancing, I don't really know how to dance very well, I look back at Yellow diamond, but I bet she knows how to.
I poke White diamond in the legs to get her attention. "What?" She says annoyed.
"I wanted to know if you would allow me and Yellow diamond to dance with the other gems" I cheerfully ask.
"I suppose so, but if you cause to much commotion, you will have to sit back on your throne" White Diamond looks back at the dancing gems.
I excitedly look back at Yellow diamond, this time she shoots a confused look. I excitedly jump out of my seat and run to Yellow diamond's throne.
"W-wait" She tries to say to stop me, but I grab her by the wrist and drag her to the ballroom floor. I shiver slightly when my bare feet hit the tiled floor.
A group of what I think is hessonites quickly move out of our way, I let go of a shocked Yellow diamond and I quickly whip around to face her so quickly, that the end of my braid hits me in the face.
I move my braid over my shoulder, and I quickly put one arm on her shoulder and one arm around Yellow diamond's slim waist. She nervously does the same.
"So, Yellow diamond" I say gently.
"Umm, y-you can just call me Yellow" Yellow answers nervously.
"Okay then, Yellow" her name gently rolls off my tongue "do you know how to dance?" I calmly ask.
Yellow shakes her head no "White, never taught me how to"
I smile "I can try to show you if you'd like" I give her a flirty smile, and she blushes "i'm not to good at it, but I asked your little pearl if she could show me some stuff"
"You do have good hand placement" I move her hand up a little "so here is something simple, take two steps forward and one step back"
"O-okay" Yellow slowly takes two steps forward and one step back.
"See, simple" I smile at her.
"Y-yeah, this is not so bad" Yellow smiles back, she decides to pick up the pace a bit. "Do you want to try a twirl?" I ask.
"Yes" she smiles.
"Here I'll do it to you" I say, I grab her hand and I start to twirl her, but midway through she grabs my dress and I accidentally release her hand. I quickly catch her and pull her to her feet.
She is so close our noses are almost touching and I can feel her warm breath on my face. She impulsively decides to give me a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. When she pulls away I can feel almost entire face heat up and turn a darker shade of blue.
I look at Yellow, she is just as shocked and flustered as me. I unwrap my arms from around her waist.
"I-I am sorry" she slowly starts to back away "I-I didn't me-" I cut her off by grabbing her waist and pulling her into a deeper kiss.
I break the kiss "Yellow, you're fine, I actually found the quite lovely" she manages to blush even harder.
"Now, I didn't invite you over here to just stand around, let's get back to dancing" I grab her hand once more and pull her into our original position.
After two songs we decide to sway around and talk. "For the record, you didn't say a word to me, all you did was grab my hand and pull me to the ballroom floor" Yellow wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist.
"Did I?" I tilt my head to think.
"Yes, yes you did" Yellow smiles warmly at me "I have multiple witnesses around me to prove my point"
I shrug and smile at her "guess I did, I am very glad I did it though, this is nice" I bury my face in the crook of Yellow's warm neck.
"Yeah, this is very nice" Yellow rests her head on mine. The music starts to pick up and I, unfortunately, have to remove my head from Yellow's warm neck.
"Okay, last song then we should sit down" I firmly say.
"Definitely" Yellow agrees.
We go back to two steps forward and one step back routine, since the music is a bit faster, we decide to change it to five steps forward and two steps back.
It goes great for a while, and I even got to do a perfect twirl with Yellow. My eyes were mostly focused on the sometimes blushing yellow diamond in front of me, but from out of the corners of my eyes many gems are dancing like we are.
I smile from the thought of gems already following my lead. For the rest of the fairly long song, my attention is mainly on the beautiful diamond in front of me. Stars I have just met her and I'm already in love, the way she smiles, the awesome way that her golden eyes sparkle when the light hits just right.
The way that I had to show her a very some dance, stars, I wish this moment could last forever. "Stars, how long is this song" Yellow asks.
"Do you want to stop?" I almost completely stop moving "we can stop if you like"
"What? No, no, I don't want to stop. But I'm just noticing how long this song is" Yellow warmly smiles at me, I let out a sigh of relief.
We continue to dance around until Yellow decides to try and twirl me, as soon as she lifts me hand, she accidentally steps on my shimmering dress. I clumsily trip over my own feet and I start to fall back, but before I hit the ground, the sound of a sickening rip and shattered glass cuts through the room.
A lot of little things break my fall, but my wrists and butt are very sore, I let out a small whine and I sit up, I wince as I rub my sore wrists. I look at my now ruined dress. A long tear has formed from one of the slits in my dress, the tear went from the very bottom of the dress all the way to the very bottom of my bra.
My entire face starts to heat up as all the gems that have been dancing stare at me. "Oh my stars" Yellow lends me her gloved hand. "I'm so sorry Blue...i didn't mean to...it was an accident..." Yellow nervously stammers.
Once I'm on my feet, I look down at where I landed, a small crater with a bunch of orangeish speckles has formed where I landed. I quickly dust myself off and summon a veil to wrap around my waist.
"Yellow, I think I landed and shattered bunch of hessonites" I sadly say.
"Its-" Yellow gets cut off.
"Ok, I think that's going to be all for this ball" White diamond slides herself off of her throne and walks over to us.
"You two, my chambers, now" she quietly hisses. She places her hands on our backs and leads us out of the now almost deserted ballroom.
I hang my head lowly as we walk through the crowded halls, a sense of dread builds in me as we make our way closer to White diamond's chambers.
I gulp as the big white doors close behind us. White allows me to change in my normal one strap dress before she tears into us.
"Do you know how much damage you two caused?" White diamond yells.
I look up to say something, but Yellow quickly smacks my hand as a sign to tell me not to say anything. I sadly look back down at the ground.
"Twenty hessonites" White diamond angrily paces back and forth in front of us "you two managed to shatter twenty hessonites just by landing on them, you both are lucky that I don't put you in a bubble or worse"
White stops in front of us, she angrily pinches the bridge of her nose "now go before I decide to put you in a bubble".
Yellow grabs my hand and literally drags me out of White diamonds chambers. Once the doors close, I notice tears start to form in her eyes.
"B-blue I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to get in trouble" Yellow quietly cries.
I gently place my hand on her shoulder "hey its okay, you're fine" I wipe away a stray tear. She looks at me with tearful eyes "I want to say something before I have to go".
"What" she wipes away her tears.
I place a quick kiss on her lips and her entire face gets a few shades darker "thanks for dancing with me, and I love you".
Before she can reply back I quickly turn around and head for my chambers. I make it at least twenty feet before Yellow calls out " and I, you".
A warm feeling creeps into me, I wonder how much she thinks I actually mean it because it's a lot more than she truly knows.
Maybe this eternal life won't be so bad after all.
Well I hope y'all enjoyed that, except a new chapter of Gemlings next Saturday, bye
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magicalgirlagency · 5 years
WBMR for Max and Chloe from Life is Strange. Cuz it ends terribly for them; eithe one dies or you destroy an entire town and they deserve better
First of all, sorry if I couldn’t fill in your request quickly; I’m rather frustrated due the fact that SU: Future is updating (I can’t hardly wait for it to be over, tbh), and after hearing about what happens in Netflix’s Castlevania (it was just as I feared; Alucard/Adrian still is the angst fodder of the writers).
It’s just too much for me, okay? I wanted to start this new decade with a cool head, but it seems that the Universe just loves to conspire against me...
...anyway, let’s get on with your request.
Maxine “Max” Caulfield is now Silver Angel Max, C-Rank Magi, Assigned Gemstone is Hessonite Garnet, Essence is Chaos;
Her Magi Title is a combination of her canon aliases: Long Max Silver (her self-given nickname at 13-14yo), and Noir Angel (her online alias);
She still has time-based powers. She can freeze time, predict possible outcomes and anticipate the enemy’s next move;
Aside from her photography hobby, she’s getting into tarot reading in order to keep her powers in check;
She was the first to become a Magi, in other to develop her powers (and live her childhood dreams);
If she earned money for every time she heard someone crack a JoJoke about her time-controlling powers, she’d be a millionaire already!
And now, her best friend (and later girlfriend) Chloe:
Chloe Elizabeth Price is now Junk Queen Chloe, C-Rank Magi, Assigned Gemstone is Alexandrite, Essence is Tech;
She becomes a Magi after being saved by Max, and after learning about her powers (she won’t admit it, but the other reason for her choice was also to live her childhood dreams);
Her skill as Magi is stealth. She can easily blend in the background like a chameleon and land a surprise attack (in a way to complement Max’s support skills);
Due to her rebellious behavior, she currently goes through therapy, making her affairs with magic, a community service;
She’s actually a tad bit glad that she became a Magi, because it brought her back to Max;
Is a major asshole to everyone, being her girlfriend the only exception.
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spacedimentio · 6 years
Save the Light Impressions
I recently became interested in what Hessonite’s deal was and since it’ll be a long time before I’ll be able to get the game, I decided to just watch a cutscene compilation (this one, if it matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy5tOb3gzLY). Dunno why I’m taking down all my reactions, just cause it’s fun I guess. Enjoy
RIP Car Wash
What even is the prism? It's not a gem, right? But it's clearly got conscious thought, even Hessonite talks to it like a person
haha Greg called her a glittery space lady, accurate
it's a little OOC that Greg wanted to come along. at least he's having fun tho. aww, steven's so proud of him :D
actually, what's Hessonite even doing. Why didn't she fuck off back to space once she found the prism
yeah that's totally not a triforce with six arms or anything. it's not the diamond authority symbol either i don't think, the triangles in that all meet in the middle
Mayor of Bummertown
I would have named the boss Dave, zero hesitation
"Our prism is in another castle!" i love you steb
oh no, bad memory time at Bismuth's forge :( I hope she'll be playable in the next one (i would scream forever if there was a playable diamond)
did Steven really just answer the phone with Myello? Oh IT'S PERI. Aaaand we're learning about RPG mechanics. Meta.
frozen donuts are a thing?! :o
it's her. the square. she seems to be almost identical to how our peridot used to be, so i wonder what the difference in personality is. Aside from her favorite insult being pebble instead of clod
ah yes, ye old tennis match
man i love that you can form fusions in this game
oh lord, i don't wanna imagine what chaos would happen with two peridots. also Greg is taking ice damage during the cutscene, help him
oh no, they're meeting. of course the first thing Squaridot says is "WHY ARE YOU NAKED" (and they obvs flipped her sprite cause the gem's her other eye now)
hey look, new insults for my list of gem related curse words
weird, angry mirror indeed. imagine what they could do if they were friends!
oh RIP. why do you get to choose who murders Squaridot. I hope for more multi-peridot action in the future
wait, what machine did you rip that off of and when
i already knew Peri was playable but it's still cool. i love how she flutters her feet when she jumps! i wonder who the DLC character is going to be (lapis, probably. Bismuth would be metal, though)
"Clod-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named" oh my god i love you
"Whatchu talkin' bout Peri" the best, they're the best
Oh so wow, Hessonite is THE Hessonite, huh. Real famous. If she came out as a Crystal Gem, it would sure cause a stir
Yeah I was also wondering why she's sticking around instead of just leaving? and she is kind of leaving her troops scattered all over the place with no rhyme or reason
these are great names. The Great and Terrible Spikey McSpikeball! of course the guy playing picked the most boring one
i love how Peridot just fucking yeets her tablet to attack
sugilite tiny!
you know, i was gonna get this game anyway at some point, but it's nice to know that it's the kind of rpg i like, one where you can participate in the attacking and blocking process.
how dare you switch out peridot for pearl. you know what, next game i hope you can be everyone all the time cause there's too many good characters to pick from
whatchu doing up here pizza lady
yeah they just...all ran right in front of her directly in her line of vision and she didn't see them somehow
oh the prism is resisting. it really took Steven's words to heart last game
Hess my dear, is this prism your only friend (oh my god that's totally it isn't it)
is the wiki sure she can't teleport cause holy fuck is she fast
"Gugh, Peridot, this is just like when we tried to hunt you down. But worse...cause, y'know, she's actually threatening." rude
huh. i don't remember the pyramid temple blowing up and leaving debris, i thought the whole thing disintegrated cause it was a construct of the gem it was housing. looking at screenshots of Serious Steven it definitely did explode
are they really trying to tell me there was a pyramid under the pyramid and no one noticed
call it the Spooky Basement! call it the Spooky Basement! you disappoint me, player, although Secret Temple of Secrets isn't so bad
*steven rolls cheerfully through a skeleton and then everyone jumps down a big hole* um
yo there's a mural of Rose fighting some light warriors! that's rad as shit!
*gets to the hallway with the torches that turn on as you go by* gee i sure wish i could watch this with sound, but alas i am recovering from ear fatigue and it would be a bad idea.
oh my god he reset her preferences no wonder she's pissed XD
wow she really is a genuine threat, she forced Rose and Pearl to give ground back in the day
oh no you did not just say that Pearl should come with you. fuck her up, P!
also i just realized that she is really tall. like 10 feet tall at least
aw no fair you can't just flashbang them all you dink
oh it's sapphire. wait has connie even met ruby and sapphire in the show? did we not get to see it?!
where the fuck even are you guys, i could swear that connie and greg fell off the platform into the abyss
wait, they don't have new forms, did they even regenerate? i don't think connie was out cold for that long. did they even poof? i saw colored clouds of dust but no gemstones. i mean, i know this is a game and all but it's also canon so ???
and peridot is breaking the fourth wall by commenting how you can't force her to sit at home at the moment
ancient thingamajig. wow is thingamajig a real word, my spellcheck is not yelling at me about it
yeah connie! kick her ass for me!
since when are gems into riddles. i wonder if anyone has made much headway into translating the written gem language yet, last i heard they hadn't made much progress. apparently only Steven Sugar knows what all the symbols mean
wait steven was watching connie and greg's parties running around that whole time? i guess even the game never leaves steven's POV. where even is he, in the prism realm? oh, the place was turning pink for a minute until he went towards the sparkly thing
steven is always accessing memories isn't he. at least these aren't his mom's this time
you might be getting sick of her steve but i'm sure not!
from far away it really looks like she's chillin' with a martini glass and i was about to scream
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corruption beam :(
was he just like passed out on the floor somewhere hallucinating
aww, he picks up the light steven exp by hugging it :o
"Just feeling a little...light headed." i...puns?
the Light Warrior is the final boss of the first game right? ...i should have probably watched a video about that one first
oh i just had a thought! if they make a third one then we get to have Rainbow 2.0 and Sunstone and Obsidian in it! :D
woah, trippy. tbh steven's connection to the prism is kind of strange. i wanna know exactly where that thing came from and why it's so deeply connected to him now. did Hessonite have visions like this when it was hers?
yeah that's... if a place is connected by warp pad, wouldn't it be easy to find by just warping randomly? unless separate warp networks are a thing but still, you'd just have to sneak onto a CG warp pad and go. ....how do warps even work, they can go through roofs and stuff and there's like this whole other dimension with all the warps like stars in the background and ???
how does the forge even do an upgrade with no Bismuth. maybe i should stop trying to fit this into canon details
what makes you think Hessonite could see you? is this some Voldemort Harry Potter connection shit. is that actually how she found the forge, this game ain't explain much
oh that's...that's a big oof. bismuth was working on a huge-ass statue of Rose before they got into their argument
"i saw her again" what no you didn't, that was just a white screen with a text box
"Beats me how any of this whacky prism stuff works!" ...i feel called out
why does that bigger spaceship look like a funky piece of headwear to me
well, at least it's closer than the moon
oh what, Lion didn't come with you? didn't you need multiple roar warps to get to space last time, just above the earth still seems kind of far, also how did he know the coordinates of the ship, he could have easily sent them all into the void
?! and then he's there?!? already asleep? how???????
aww what you're going to tease me with a citrine guard but not let me see her?
freaky. strangely organic looking technology is nothing new but i don't think i've seen stuff oozing through it before
"Look at you, acting as though you have the moral high ground!" *shakes fist angrily* She's like Emerald, but better! I can't
i guess he did kind of steal it, but it was more like finders keepers really
whuh has the prism always been able to talk?
"a Prism" oh no are there more? probably
woah that's a big boy. What the heck does Spectral Conclusion mean. and the prism is inside it instead of it being a separate creation, interesting
aww, it's looking at itself in confusion. Steven reaches out to it with his words, as he does
the prism isn't really...doing a lot of attacking (cause the player is picking the right choices probably). oh nevermind, it has a hugely damaging rainbow cannon
/r/murderedbywords, except in a good way
"Destroy Steven!" huh since when does she know his name? she could have gotten it from several places, really
oh oh oh! it's pizza time! standing in the middle of them is probably not the best idea, but look at her, she's exuding confidence!
wait wait wait, when the player used a healing move, did i just see an option to heal the prism? or at least, it's health bar showed up. is it gonna help later?
can i have like, a full sprite sheet for Hessonite please and thanks
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if this was in the show, steven would be dead from that hit
aaand Steven did two points of damage with his shield bash, she ain't even flinch
pearl what are you doing
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wow, she also only did a few points of damage
is Hess like, super tough. i love how much of a threat she is, cause most Homeworld gems we've seen aren't all that scary
oh! oh! you can heal the prism! that's probably how you damage her cause you'd be here forever chipping away otherwise
HOLY FUCK, SHE JUST DID 270 POINTS OF DAMAGE, THAT'S LITERALLY ALL OF SUGILITE'S HEALTH. I know the wiki says that attack does massive damage but jeezus!
so far the prism hasn't done anything, they're just chipping away at her slowly
oh, so gems do poof in this game. i guess we're just ignoring new forms because it wouldn't make sense in the timeline if we didn't
huh, does pearl inflict burns in this game? oh and she shoots fireballs, guess that answers my question.
it's kind of sad that the status is doing more damage than everyone else combined
whuh, she just attacked the prism! RUDE.
stop beating up the prism you degenerate! i guess i shouldn't be shocked
hey, Garnet and Amethyst are alive again. ah finally, some damage now that Garnet's lowered her defense
A-Amethyst, you're facing the wrong way. i wish Hess had targeted her with her big attack, then i could have made an "oh no she has airpods in" joke
oh, but the player formed Smoky, so she's not even aiming at anyone in particular anymore lol. she went for Pearl tho, fuckin' eviscerated
is this battle normally this long, it's been almost 10 minutes
this battle would probably be much harder if she didn't waste her turn being a bitch and attacking the prism. gee, and you wonder why it doesn't want to listen to you after encountering steven's kindness. i wonder...what would happen if you let the prism's HP get to zero? it would take a long ass time but...now i really wanna know but i doubt there’s any videos about it!
garnet's rocket fist did damage to the prism cause Hess is standing next to it. c-can you attack the prism, is that how you get the bad ending??
man, they haven't even had to heal because she's just beaten up on that poor thing for the past 10 turns. i mean, really, she could easily murder all of them in a heartbeat if she wanted
ok finally, she is defeato. I'd feel more sad for you if you didn't abuse your subordinates (definitely has detracted from my liking of her, i won't be too hard on her for it though because Homeworld is bad like that and she doesn't know better). at least you’re good at eating your humble pie without complaint
oh, i guess you get to choose your ending? it's kind of weird that it's not like, influenced by your game choices. cause technically like this it's your choice, not the prism's choice. so what was with the prism having health then. was it just to show how awful Hessonite is to it?
also, i can't look at light Steven without thinking of Pink!Steven and hhhhh
"You're a wise creature, aren't you?" Yes, yes he is *nods sagely* I hope you come back someday to learn more from him
You're pretty adaptive, huh Hess? of course, if you've been having these thoughts and feelings for thousands of years you're probably not too shaken up by the realization that they're true. That’s actually pretty great of you to want to figure yourself out.
ha, so Garnet didn't let her leave like the wiki made it sound like, she just yeeted away, and good luck catching anyone who can move at 5 million miles per hour
the gems are running in place in the next scene and Amethyst is backwards again. connie is also facing the wrong way. ...this game's a bit jank, isn't it :P not that i mind, a little jank is fun!
Peridot breaking the fourth wall with her Are Pee Gee again. I wonder which one it is. Golf Quest Mini?
do you get anything for 100 percenting this? oh, i guess there's achievements. no bonus content tho?
Lapis: I think I could use a break.
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i for one would like to know what book the prism was reading. also, it's back to not talking again.
AWW YIS! We goin' out for pizza tonight bois!
The gems finally get to stop running in place in the corner
aaww, it's a beach scene reminiscent of the opening. kind of weird that greg is the only one animated but still cute
also someone's last name is Gooch and i feel bad for them
alright now to google Hessonite's VO... Christine Baranski. Are-Are we just hiring broadway singers for everyone now? not only would I die if Hessonite made an appearance in season 6, my soul would reach the farthest realms of space if she sang a song on top of that.
well, that's a wrap! time to jot down all of Hess's dialogue for later reference! It’s a crime that there’s so few fanfics about her, she actually has a lot of potential!
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gaycrystalfemme · 6 years
Ch 1 • Ch 2 • Ch 3 • Ch 4** 》 AO3
Earth Customs
Chapter 1: Movie
"Wha- what is a.. movie?"
"It's a form of entertainment here in Earth. Something you can watch on your TV or a screen and it has a plot, a story. And an ending! It makes you feel things. It can be exciting and action packed. Sometimes it's sad and it might make you cry. Or it can make you laugh!" Steven enthusiastically explained to Yellow. He wanted her to get acquainted with human customs.
"How can something sad be entertaining? Hmm.. Show me." Yellow barely understood anything Steven said. But it seemed like she was keen in comprehending. She wanted to know what Pink had fancied in the Earth and in its species. Maybe she'll be enlightened why Pink chose Earth over Homeworld.
"Here," Steven took out the TV to the porch so Yellow could see. With her size however, she had to come close and squint. Steven figured it'd best if she'd see it in a TV her size. Her control room, perhaps. "Hold on, I think it'd be better if you watch it in your computer. Let me compile the best!" Steven set off to a gem he knew could help him.
"Yellow clo- I mean, Yellow Diamond? I think I can give her a digital copy of the Camp Pining Hearts movie! I have it in my files, but we may need a homeworld hard drive. So she can watch it in her control room or anywhere in the galaxy." Peridot was doing it more for Steven than for the Diamond she formerly served.
"It should be extra large storage so we can add Lonely Blade and Dogcopter! Ooo, and Crying Breakfast Friends too! Oh geez, I should've asked for her hard drive!"
"Ask for her hard drive?! She'll never give you that! Don't worry, I can make one. I just need a few materials.."
It took about three days before Peridot could assemble a basic homeworld hard drive, and another three days to check its functionality and compile the movies Steven had requested for Yellow Diamond. Given the vast memory space available, Peridot took the liberty of including a lot more movies than Steven had initially requested. It took a week at most before Steven went to see Yellow again. Yellow had been waiting in her ship outside Steven's beach house. She had been busy reading and answering emails from her ship. Also, laying plans for an upcoming discussion with her gems. She'll be conducting a meeting soon.
"Okay, Steven. No spoilers, no spoilers, no spoilers," Steven chanted himself a reminder as he approached one of the leaders of Homeworld. "Yellow Diamond! I have a gift for you!" There was a spark of excitement in Steven's eyes and voice when he handed the hardware to the lustrous gem matriarch.
"A gift? What is.. How do you have this?!" Yellow was baffled for Steven to hand over a piece of homeworld technology. It definitely wasn't Pink's and she was certain she never gave him her hard drive since their conversation last week. The hard drive was colored yellow.
"I had a little help from Peridot! She compiled the best movies in that drive! Also, maybe a couple of TV series too. You're good for the next year. Just don't binge watch okay! Oh and she said, you'll probably like its color," Steven beemed a smile as he said the last sentence hoping Yellow would appreciate the effort.
"Hmm.. I'll look into it. Thank you, Pink."
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It had been months since Yellow left the Earth and officially got back to her Diamond duties. Every now and then, she and Blue alternately visits the Earth to hang out with Steven. They vowed since Pink's return, despite being in a form of Steven, to build a bond with him. To them, it was a form of atonement for their past shortcomings and negligence to Pink.
Everything outside the huge window was black with a billion blinking lights, stars from afar. Yellow was now staring outside of a huge stationary spacecraft designed to conduct interstellar conferences. She pondered on the meeting that had just transpired. Emerald, a handful of hessonites, a few elite gems from her court, and herself were the attendees. Pearls were not allowed so she left hers in her ship outside. Once in a while, the Diamonds held meetings with a couple of hand-picked gems to discuss the upcoming plans for their respective colonies. Blue was about to start hers, though she and her faction have yet to arrive. Yellow expected them to arrive soon enough.
"I should leave before they-"
"Yellow!" A smile was evident in the voice that called her.
She turned and saw Blue, flashing a grin. It had been years since they've seen each other, so it was only natural to get a bit giddy.
"Blue. It's been a while," as emotionless as it seemed, there also was a sign of longing in Yellow's greeting to Blue.
"Oh, Yellow! I can't wait to tell you the plans for my colony."
"Blue, it should be your gems with whom you should be discussing that with, not me."
"Yes, but.. I also want to discuss it with you too. Is that.."
"Hm. Very well, then. I will divulge you mine as well. Perhaps we can speak after your gathering."
"Yes, of course. Let's speak later, Yellow," there was an obvious hint of glee in Blue's voice.
Blue enjoys their colonial discussions. It was nice to take a break from commanding and ordering gems and talk to an equal once in a while. But aside from talking colonies, she simply enjoyed talking with Yellow. She wanted to hear about Yellow's opinions and thoughts. Whenever they had the chance, they would usually converse about so many things: about Homeworld, about the empire, about gemkind, about White, about Pink, about the Steven, about Earth. Sometimes she simply wanted to hear Yellow's voice. Yellow felt the same with Blue. A bubbling sensation builds up in her chest whenever she thought of or spoke with Blue. And even though she tried to hide it, she knew it was always there.
Yellow was left alone in the hallway as Blue proceeded to where her faction would soon commence with their meeting. On her way to her lemon-colored ship, Yellow instinctively placed her hands in her pockets. She felt the presence of a strange object. Why was something in her pocket? She unearthed the item, it was the yellow hard drive from Steven months ago.
"Oh, the gift from Pink," Yellow still addressed Steven as Pink. Her curiosity had resurfaced. "A mo.. movie," she recalled. Upon boarding her ship and her control room, she immediately commanded her Pearl who had waited for her, "Pearl, scan this hard drive."
"Yes, my Diamond." It didn't take long before her Pearl could finish the task, "My Diamond, it contains an abundance of.. recorded footages. From Earth, it seems. And an encrypted message from its creator."
"What does it say?"
"My Diamond, it says here," Yellow's Pearl cleared her throat and adjusted her voice, "Hi Yellow, in case you get confused. Action equals fighting. Comedy equals funny and laughter. Drama equals crying and feelings. Romance equals love and couple stuff. Horror equals spooky. Mystery equals kind of solving.. Adventure equals the best! xoxo, Steven (& Peridot)," Yellow Pearl was shocked at how ill-written the message to Yellow was. And what the hell was xoxo?! She made a disgusted face while reading the digital message given the absence of salutations to her Diamond, the lustrous and magnificent Yellow Diamond.
But Yellow had her thoughts elsewhere so the absence of salutations was of no significance to her. "Pearl," a certain category aforementioned immensely piqued her curiosity, "play the Romance category." It was her first time hearing love or couple. Peridot arranged the files in a fashion that would make sense to anyone from Homeworld. She also placed per category in a folder so Yellow could easily navigate in case she grows a favorite genre.
"What are they doi-" Yellow felt uncomfortable as she witnessed Percy and Paulette inch closer. They were a couple of episodes in. "Pearl, enough."
"Y-yes, my d-Diamond!" Her Pearl equally uneasy with what she saw. Both of them had only seen a few episodes and it made them uncomfortable. Though Yellow was only uncomfortable because her Pearl was there, her curiosity was raging. She hadn't expected certain scenes to make her feel intensely! She didn't want to reveal to her Pearl another side her, a side she had yet to reveal to herself. Both the Diamond and the Pearl was frozen in awe when an incoming video call agitated the after effect of what they had seen.
Ring. Ring.
"Blue!" Yellow felt relieved. Blue's call broke the tension in the air.
"Yellow! I just finished the meeting. Where are you? What are you up to?"
"A movie. From Pink," Yellow was, unknowingly, blushing so hard, reminded of what she just had watched. She still pertained to Steven as Pink, and to the TV series as a movie.
"A movie? What is that?" Blue had repeated Yellow's query from months ago. The blushing Yellow was a fresh sight to Blue. It made her more curious on what a movie was. She intended to talk to Yellow about the colonial meeting but she became more interested with Yellow's current affairs. "Yellow, I would like to know what.. a movie is too."
"Very well. Give me your coordinates, Blue," Yellow was keen on sharing this new experience with Blue. Hopefully, without their Pearls.
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"Pearl, stay here," Yellow commanded her Pearl to stay outside Blue's control room. They arrived at Blue's whereabouts not too long after the video chat.
"Pearl, leave us," Blue mimicked Yellow and ordered her Pearl the same. Blue Pearl bowed to her master and obeyed the request. Both the Pearls were outside.
"Yellow," Blue could only say her name with all the burning questions racing in her mind.
"I visited Pink some time ago," Yellow could not accurately recall when, "and she had acquainted me about.. a movie." Yellow pulled from her pocket the yellow hard drive, "Here. Her Peridot made this and it they filled it with.. the movie. A form of entertainment as she put it." Yellow was convinced that the existing gems with Steven was serving him. At the time it was brought up, she had asked him regarding his prior activity.
"I see," Blue was fascinated but couldn't quite grasp the idea. Confusion was written all over her face.
"See for yourself." Yellow plugged the hard drive in Blue's computer and skipped through the descriptions. But instead of continuing the last episode from where she and her Pearl left off, she picked another movie that piqued her interest. The Fault in Our Stars.
One hundred eleven minutes later, "I wouldn't know what I'd do if I lose you, Ye-," Blue blurted out. The movie hasn't even ended, yet she got carried away with what she had seen. A fragile life and especially death was something she could barely relate with. But losing Pink had given her a minute understanding as to how death was. She knew about loss with Pink. But just thinking about losing Yellow indefinitely was something she chose not to fathom.
"Blue, what are you saying? It's just a mo-"
"But you're crying too, Yellow!" Tears brought about by the movie were replaced with shock and amusement. Blue had rarely seen Yellow cry. "Oh Yellow!" Blue let out a soft giggle and brushed closer to Yellow.
And closer.
Yellow stood frozen, unable to properly respond. So many things were running through her head, and her chest. She waited for what Blue would initiate next. Why didn't she take the lead when they were alone anyway? More importantly though, what did she want to do to Blue?
Blue's hand slowly wrapped itself around Yellow's back. Her head found its way on Yellow's shoulder. Some parts of her dress drooping in Yellow's skin. They had embraced a couple times especially when she needed Yellow's comfort when Pink hadn't yet returned. But their current form was different. It was warm but in a more internal sense, a more emotional sense. All the feelings she had for Yellow had surfaced in a form of physical contact.
Lo.. Love? What is.. love?
"Yellow, the.. the way they.. pressed their lips together.."
"Blue, what are you-" Yellow almost exhibited a different hue, her entire face blushing as Blue came so close to pressing their lips together. It was a torment to inhibit expressing her feelings for Blue and to want to engage in such Earthly nonsense. Blue was also blushing being so close to Yellow. She wanted to know more about Earth's rituals.
"Yellow," Blue was only a breath apart, her eyes locked on Yellow's lips, "can we.. just once."
Yellow saw Blue gazing heavily on her lips. They were alone in the control room, both Pearls outside. No one would witness them. She inched closer. They were too close she had to close her eyes. Blue did too. Their noses were in the way but, eventually, their lips managed to find themselves. It was only for a split second, and it even left a parting sound. Yellow softly opened her eyes and saw Blue wide-eyed. Blue covered her lips with one hand, savoring the sensation.
"We never speak of this again, Blue!"
"I.. I'm going to visit Pink."
"WHAT?! Don't tell her we.. whatever we did, should remain unspoken of!"
"Yes, and it will. I just.. I want to know more about their customs."
"Well suit yourself," Yellow straightened herself and tried to regain composure. "I will see you.. in a few years, Blue."
Yellow left Blue's control room. And headed back to her ship. Blue pondered on everything she wanted to ask Steven. She made a mental checklist.
"Yes, my Diamond?" Her Pearl responded and gracefully strolled towards her.
"Navigate us to Earth. It's time we visit Pink."
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** Ch 4 = AO3 exclusive WIP
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