#also i saw that u said u were a teacher in one of your asks...are u by any chance the same person who sent me the ask last year abt two
ice-sculptures · 5 months
@tws anon i read all ur asks and i'm Delighted by your commentary but also i'm so tired and probably won't be able to answer for another day or two — hope that's okay!
0 notes
milaisreading · 6 months
hi hi hi how are you? i hope you're warm this winter season <3
i saw you were accepting yandere blue lock requests and i wanted to request one🥺:
yandere ness with his sweet/bold gf and kaiser turns yandere for her later on
🌱🩷: SURE! I hope u like what I wrote and thank u for the request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. It's a yandere fic, so please don't read if u don't like those themes. Requests for Yandere Blue Lock are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Huh? Who is that?" The 9-year-old (Y/n) asked done of her classmates as they were leaving the school grounds. The two girls next to her turned to look in the direction (Y/n) was looking at, only to find a magenta-eyed boy playing alone in the snow, making some weird circles in the ground.
"That? That's Alexis Ness, he is in the same year as we are. Just a different class. Why do you ask?" A brown-haired girl asked.
"He seems... lonely. Should we go and play with him? It is a sad thing to play alone in the snow."
"What?! No way. (Y/n), he is a weird guy. Everyone stays away from him." A blonde girl said back, surprising the girl.
"Weird? He seems normal." (Y/n) said back as the brunette friend from before shook her head.
"You are way too naive, (Y/n). Trust me when I say he is weird."
"I heard he thinks he is a wizard and looks at some weird curse books. He even asked one of our teachers if our library has spell books." The blonde girl said as (Y/n) tuned them out for a bit.
'Spell books? He likes magic, too?' The girl thought in excitement as she observed the boy more. Suddenly, Ness looked up at her, his eyes widening in surprise. Smiling at his look, (Y/n) raised her hand, waving at him.
"Hii!! You have pretty eyes!" She yelled loudly, surprising not only her two friends, but also Ness. The boy blushed a visible red shade and said something, but nobody understood him since he was way too quiet with his reply.
"What are you doing?" The blonde girl scolded her silently, pulling her on one of her arms.
"He is giving me the creeps. Come on." The brunette girl added in, pushing (Y/n) away while the other dragged her by the arm.
"Hey! Don't be like that, he looks nice. And his eyes are pretty."
Ness watched the three girls leave, his eyes fixated on the (h/c)-colored girl as she repeated the same comment about his eyes. The boy's cheeks turning even redder as she repeated those words.
"My eyes... pretty?" The boy mumbled to himself, his heart hammering against his ribcage. A sense of disappointment hit him as the girl disappeared from his sight.
"As always..." The boy said, going back to playing in the snow. His thoughts were haunted for the rest of the day by the girl.
A week had passed since that incident, and Ness tried to forget about the whole incident. After all, nobody stays with him for too long. Why would that girl have-
"Hi! You are Ness Alexis, right?!" The boy jumped a little, looking up from the snowy ground and at the girl that was talking to him. The boy blushed a little, not used to this kind of attention from anyone, especially from a girl.
'It's her again?!' Ness gulped and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah, that's me. How do you know me?" The boy asked cautiously as (Y/n) crouched down, looking at the small circles Ness drew into the snow.
"My friends remembered your name!" (Y/n) said, smiling at Ness. The boy's face grew even redder, slowly nodding his head.
"Why... why are you talking with me? Everyone finds me weird, you know?" Ness spoke up again which caused the girl to raise an eyebrow.
"Weird? I don't see it. You seem normal to me. What are those circles about?"The girl wondered, pointing at the snow. The boy stayed silent, face red as he mumbled something eventually.
"Huh? What did you say?" (Y/n) blinked, looking up at him in confusion.
"It's... Uhh to summon things." Ness repeated as her eyes widened in surprise.
"Huh? How does that work?"
"Are... are you really interested to hear that?" The boy gulped nervously.
"Yep! Show!" (Y/n) cheered as Ness slowly nodded his head.
And that's how their friendship started. Ness didn't know what exactly he did to make her interested in being his friend, but he wasn't going to complain. He found her curiosity cute, flattering even. Finally someone tried to understand him, unlike his siblings, parents, and kids in school. And although her friends tried to talk (Y/n) put of hanging out with him, she rejected the idea, even stood up for him.
Moments prior....
The classes had ended for the day and Ness went to look for (Y/n) in her classroom, she was always the last one to leave. The boy was in a quite good mood and couldn't wait to show her a new spell book he found.
"I am serious, (Y/n), that guy is weird." Ness stopped as he heard a feminine voice coming out of the girl's classroom. He knew that voice, it was the blonde friend. (Y/n) mentioned the girl's and the other ones name, but he never bothered to remember them. Partially because he felt slightly uncomfortable when her attention wasn't on him.
"He isn't. Please, give him a chance. Ness is really nice." The boy felt his cheeks heat up as he listened more.
'She thinks I am nice...'
"You say that now, but watch him pull something weird soon. Please, we worry about you. Why do you like playing with him?" The brunette friend said.
'What does she mean by that?' Ness was offended now.
"I like him, and he is fun to talk to. You guys don't have to be friends with him, I won't force you. But I won't stop hanging out with him."
Ness felt his cheeks flush once again. Nobody ever did that for him. Nobody ever opted to hang out with him after confronted by others.
"(Y/n)...." Ness mumbled as he felt a strange warm feeling fill up his chest.
Present time...
"Ness! Ness!" The boy jumped a little, startled by (Y/n)'s.
"Y-yes?" The boy wondered, surprised how close she was now.
"Are you alright? I was calling your name for a good minute." She asked in worry, which made the boy all giddy inside.
'She is worried about me!' Ness thought, nodding his head.
"Yeah. I was just thinking about a lesson."
"Oh, ok!" She smiled in relief.
"You wanted to show me something. What was it?"
"Yeah, I found a new spell that I wanted to show you!!"
A few weeks later...
Ness was used to the feeling of sadness, fear and loneliness, but rage? Rage was an emotion he never felt... until he saw (Y/n), his one and only friend get punched in the face. What was worse is that she got punched because of him. A group of boys had started insulting Ness and (Y/n), being as protective of her friends as she was, started arguing with them to stop. The verbal arguments slowly got more intense and in the end (Y/n) got punched. Ness was glued to his spot, eyes wide as his breathing grew heavier. The shock slowly turning into something he never felt before. He felt like destroying something, or rather someone.
"You got quite a big mouth for someone who hangs out with that weirdo over there."
"Don't say that...." (Y/n) glared back while holding her bruised cheek.
"What? You are a loser and he is a weirdo, maybe you two should hang out-"
"Don't say that about him!" (Y/n) yelled back now, punching the boy back. That caused him to fall down.
"He isn't a weirdo, you dumbass!!"
Ness watched in terror as the two started fighting, while the other 2 boys went to get a teacher.
Later that day...
Ness and (Y/n) sat in silence in the nurses office as the woman went to look for some bandages. The boy looked at her bruised face in guilt and anger. How could he not do something? How dare that guy hit her? Were some of the thoughts Ness had in his head. The boy clenched his fists and held back a few tears as he spoke up.
"Why did you do that? Why did you get hurt for me? I am used to those words, you shouldn't have jumped in-"
"You shouldn't be used to that, Ness!" (Y/n) yelled back, glaring at Ness. But, she wasn't mad, she was sad that he was used to it.
"I... I just don't like seeing you like this. You don't deserve it. And I would do this again for you, Ness."
"Ah..." The boy gasped a little as he stared at her with wide eyes. Something... Something definitely shifted in Ness that day.
Years had passed since then and both (Y/n) and Ness grew a lot closer since their elementary school days. During those years, Ness had developed a love for football, and while (Y/n) didn't understand much of it, she supported him in his passion. And while she was developed her own interests in art and fashion,Ness would be the first one to tell her to show her mentors the recent idea she got. Ness dubbed himself her #1 cheerleader, after all.
One thing that came to a surprise to (Y/n) was Ness confessing to and asking her out after he got scouted for Bastard München. The boy had worked up a lot of courage that day, and was over the moon that she said yes to him. He worked really hard on not only building up his courage, but also om getting rid of potential love interests of (Y/n). That part wasn't really that hard, now that he thought about it, a few intimidating words with his signature smile were enough to scare people off.
Ness already had planned out their future. (Y/n) will move in with him as soon as he got an apartment, then he will ask her to marry him, and they will live a happily ever after. But... Ness failed to see one person coming into their lives. His name would be Michael Kaiser... Bastard München's star striker.
It wasn't until his and Kaiser's first official game with the team that they met, and when they did... Ness was less than happy.
"Goo, Alexis!!! What a great assist!!" The magenta-eyed boy smiled as he heard (Y/n)'s loud voice and he turned to wave at her.
"Nothing but the best for you, (Y/n)!"
Kaiser, who was a few meters away, raised an eyebrow at the boy's words and the kiss he sent her.
"Hm? Who is that, Ness?"
"Huh? That's my girlfriend, (Y/n). She is so sweet and her smile is as beautiful as the sun." Ness sighed dreamily as he waved at her again. Kaiser pretended to puke and he grabbed the back of Ness' shirt.
"Focus on the game, idiot."
"Yes Kaiser, but don't insult me like that."
While most people didn't pay attention to the exchange, (Y/n) did. Her eyes narrowed at the blonde.
After the game had ended, most of the players went to change and take a shower, Ness, Kaiser, and their coach stayed behind for a while, which (Y/n) used as an opportunity to sneak up on Ness.
"Alexis, you did such a great job! I loved every second of it!" The girl cheered as she hugged the boy from behind. Ness blushed madly and turned so that he could hug her instead.
"You think? I was a little nervous in the beginning." Ness chuckled as (Y/n) nodded her head, kissed him on the cheek a few times.
"I couldn't be prouder of you." She smiled, causing the boy to stop and look at her for a moment.
"Really?" He asked with a red face.
"Can you two stop that? You look so dumb." Kaiser's voice interrupted the two from talking further.
"Uh, Kaiser-"
"And you look like the rejected version of the Beast, what now?" (Y/n) said back, narrowing her eyes at Kaiser. The boy stopped for a moment and turned to look at (Y/n) as Ness tried to calm her down.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me." She rolled her eyes at his act.
"Now, mind your business." (Y/n) gave him a short fake smile and turned her attention back to Ness.
"Oh! I made you some dinner as well, since you told me you didn't eat anything. Come on." She said while pulling him towards the benches.
"A-ah... sure. Thank you, I completely forgot about that one." Ness blushed again. Kaiser was left both confused and shocked by what had happened. Not only did someone act like that towards him, but Ness didn't stop it either.
'(Y/n)... just what is wrong with you?' Kaiser thought as he looked at her for a while. He didn't even notice that he was staring until Ness glared at him.
'Weird... does she mean that much to him?'
For the next few weeks Kaiser spent some of his free time searching for (Y/n) on social media and observing her when she would visit Ness during practice. And every time she would visit, Kaiser would start an argument with her. It didn't even matter what the subject was, the weather, the clothes, the grass, they would argue. Ness would stop the arguments rather quickly, not wanting to get in trouble, but also because he wanted (Y/n)'s attention for himself. He deserved it! Kaiser won't steal those moments from him. He needed to stop whatever Kaiser had planned for (Y/n).
"Can you stop obsessing over my girlfriend, Kaiser. Get yourself another girl to fawn over." Ness asked, or rather demanded from the blonde as they changed in the locker room.
"What are you talking about, Ness? I hate her guts and you know it." Kaiset spit back as Ness sent him a side glare.
"Don't lie to me, Kaiser. I know that look, many guys had that same lovesick look around (Y/n), and all of them failed dating her."
Now, Kaiser wasn't usually the one to be confused, but this statement from Ness really took him by surprise.
"You must be stupid or blind, Ness. I do not like her, you can have her all for yourself. She just pisses me off." Kaiser repeated back with a much harsher tone. The magenta-eyed boy stayed quiet as he finished changing and then slammed the locker shut, surprising Kaiser.
"You better stay away, Kaiser. I won't let anyone get in the way of my happy future with her." Ness sent Kaiser a warning glare and left the room. The blonde stayed silent as he watched Ness leave, feeling even more frustrated now.
"That dumbass, can't he listen? I don't like that thing he calls his girlfriend!" Kaiser gritted his teeth.
"Her and that stupid know it all attitude. That stupid voice and those perfect eyes... and soft hair. The cute frown she makes when talking- What am I saying?!" Kaiser stopped himself as he realized where his thoughts were going. Slapping his cheeks a few times, Kaiser shook his head and continued charging into his clothes.
"I don't like that dumbass. She is just an annoying nobody. Ness can have her for all I care."
The blonde mumbled, trying to ignore the annoyance he felt from the last part.
That encounter happened last week, and Kaiser still to this day couldn't get Ness' words our of his head. Moreover, he couldn't get one particular line out of his memory.
'Can you stop obsessing over my girlfriend, Kaiser.' Repeated in his head whenever he caught himself looking at her pictures for too long, or whenever he found himself thinking of her. It was so weird, and it started affecting him to the point where he nearly injured his ankle. What was it about her that he even obsessed over? Maybe her personality? Or looks? It frustrated him to no end.
'I will end that dumbass once and for all-'
"Here." Kaiser's thoughts got interrupted by the same girl that was plaguing his mind for weeks.
"What is that?" The blonde wondered as he eyed the white container suspiciously.
"It's just some gel that is good to use for your muscles. Alexis said you nearly ruined your ankle the other day." (Y/n) replied back as she held the container in front of him.
"Why? Were you worried for me? I am touched." Kaiser smirked up at her, which made the girl a little angry, but she held herself back from yelling.
"No, I wasn't. I just don't want Alexis' team to lose because their star striker was too Charles's to look out for himself." She bit back.
'Because you idiot won't leave my head!' Kaiser wanted to say, he really wanted to put all the blame on her! But, he just couldn't bring himself to.
'Why?' The blonde wondered. (Y/n) stared at his silent figure, really curious as to what he was thinking, but she kept silent as well.
"Hmm... Alexis is back." She announced as the boy walked out of the locker room.
"Here, take it or leave it. I don't care. And, take care..."
Kaiser was shocked as he heard the soft tone in her voice and the gentle look that she sent him for a few seconds. The blonde looked back on the container that was put on the seat next to him. He hesitated for a moment, but then eventually grabbed it.
"Hmm..." Kaiser mumbled as he held the item and looked where (Y/n) was hugging and kissing with Ness. The blonde tightly grabbed onto it as his breath hitched up and eyes narrowed. What was this rage he was feeling? Kaiser bit his cheek as he kept on staring at the duo and wondered what it would feel like if (Y/n) kissed him like that.
'I wonder what her lips would feel like? Where they as soft as they looked?' Kaiser gulped, a red blush spreading across his face.
'And being so close to that scent of hers...'
Kaiser wanted to get lost more in his thoughts, but was interrupted as Ness opened his eyes and looked back at Kaiser, never breaking the kiss.
'Back off.' He could hear the boy say as he hugged (Y/n) tighter. And, in that moment something snapped in Kaiser. He didn't know what it was, nor did he care. The only thought running in his head was that he needed (Y/n). He needed her to be his. And his only.
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calicough · 7 months
hi hi hi :) could u maybe write a thing abt like reader and hazel being childhood friends who slowly start to fall for each other but don’t say anything for a long time and then maybe they get into an argument of some kind and confess their feelings??
idk if you’ve done something like that but it just crossed my mind!
sour grapes – hazel callahan
— your scent is still unripe and green.
childhood friends to lovers. fluff. yearning. kind of long!
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hazel could still remember the first time she became your friend. it was back in kindergarten. you had just moved into town and you were the new kid. but to her, you were known as the kid with the mcdonald's strawberry shortcake keychain where her hat slides to the side to reveal a lip balm.
little hazel was collecting all four characters— she had around 3 orange blossoms, 2 ginger snaps, and at least 5 angel cakes —but she couldn't get her hands on the strawberry shortcake one because it's always out. so when she saw your strawberry shortcake dangling from your backpack, she came up with a plan that she spent two days devising; she'll steal your keychain in exchange for one of her angel cakes.
of course her plan didn't work. it was snack time when she found herself in front of your backpack, smiling at the sight of strawberry shortcake. she was about to take the keychain off after applying the balm on her lips rather messily when she heard a loud gasp behind her. hazel quickly turned around to see you already stomping towards your teacher. "miss sandy!"
panicking, hazel ran after you and pulled on your hair to try to stop you. it did stop you, but it also made you start crying. a concerned miss sandy marched towards where you were standing. "hey guys, what's happening here?" she crouched down to your eye level while rubbing your back to calm you down, her pretty pink floral dress creasing. "what's wrong sweetie?"
"hazel was trying to steal my strawberry shortcake and she pulled my hair," you pointed at her as tears came out of your eyes and snot came out of your nose. you were sobbing so hard that miss sandy didn't understand a single word you said, but deduced that it had something to do with your keychain. you had gotten it on your birthday. you liked strawberry shortcake but you weren't much of a big fan, you only liked her strawberry scent on her head. but nonetheless, it was a birthday present and you cherished it with all your heart.
when you saw hazel's bag with an angel cake keychain, you were elighted because you both have a lip balm keychain from mcdonald's. you wanted to become her friend but you were too shy to approach her that's why you planned on sharing your grapes with her that day. which is why your heart sank when you saw her hands about to take strawberry shortcake off your bag that has your grapes in it.
"i didn't mean to!" hazel started crying as well, her mouth and cheeks glistening under the light because of the lip balm. she was embarrassed that you caught her in the act and was nervous that you would hate her for eternity after this incident. after your mothers were called to school by miss sandy to discuss what happened and after hazel got scolded by her mother, the both of you found yourself sitting across each other in mcdonald's with your moms. mrs. callahan lightly nudged hazel to apologize, which hazel hesitantly did. "i'm sorry," she looked down at her lap, kicking her little feet as you stare at her.
"honey, what will you say?" your mom cooed, nodding towards hazel's direction. you didn't want to forgive her for what she did. that keychain was still yours and you're stingy when it comes to things that belongs to you. but then you felt bad because you wanted to be her friend and you'd gladly share your lip balm with her if only she had asked you in the first place.
she noticed that you took a pink item out of your mother's bag. it was the strawberry shortcake lip balm keychain. "let's share," you grinned as you hand her the keychain. hazel looked at you with wide eyes, her blue eyes shining in excitement. the two of you played in the playplace after that.
from then on, you and hazel were inseparable. every trip, every dinner, your family and hazel's family were together. the both of you would also have sleepovers at each other's place. most of the time, you preferred to stay over at hazel's. you would spend hours on playing tekken or grand theft auto or bratz on her playstation before getting scolded by mrs. callahan for staying up late.
as years went on, your friendship grew closer and closer until it doesn't feel like friendship anymore. hazel was the first one to have this epiphany back in ninth grade. she couldn't pinpoint the exact moment but one day, everything about you seemed loud; in a good way. you were radiating like sunbeams in the sky, blinding hazel by your beauty and your presence. since then, she keeps forgetting that you've been friends for years. who could blame her. you always took her breath away every time you'd smile.
confused at this newfound feeling, hazel decided to keep this feeling all to herself. after all, it would probably go away soon enough.
she thought it would go away. she really hoped it would. but it never did. there have been multiple instances where she was so close to confessing, but the fear of getting hurt by your rejection and the fear of your friendship ending would always stop her from doing so.
you realized that you were falling for hazel during the year the fight club was created. you were inseparable up until this point in your lives as she became more busy and involved with the club as one of its founding members. when she invited you to join, you rejected her invitation, joking that you don't want to ruin your beautiful face. she somehow took this joke very seriously and distanced you from the club, eventually distancing herself in the process. this, of course, hurted you but it didn't come as a surprise. hazel seemed to be walking on eggshells around you. at first, you thought nothing of it. you became concerned when it continued after that. you found it weird as she had never acted that way before but you brushed it off, assuming it was nothing.
it was lonely without her and it would be a lie to say that you weren't jealous of her club. she's your best friend since kindergarten, why is she spending more time with them than you? they don't know her like you do. from your point of view, it seemed like she was too engrossed in the club that she forgot that you existed. but from her point of view, she was suffering from not hanging out with you despite preoccupying herself with the club to get you out of her mind, that same feeling still lingering in her chest.
you took care of hazel when she got beaten up by tucker. mrs. callahan— who's now different in your eyes after learning that she was sleeping with jeff —was glad that her "daughters" were hanging out again, recalling that time you poured alcohol on the cut on hazel's knee. unlike before, you were more gentle at cleaning the multiple cuts on her swollen face.
the sight ultimately broke you. you could still hear her head making contact with the gymasium floor, making you wince every time you remembered it. you wanted to run towards her, shield her from the big white guy— seriously, why the fuck is he not expelled yet? this school is a joke, you thought. but he was tucker and he was caged for a reason, and you don't know a thing or two about self defense. all you could do was watch in fear.
on the second night of your so-called "shift", you sat at the corner of her bed after putting away the ice pack and the antiseptics to see if she's in any discomfort while sleeping. she looked peaceful in her slumber despite her swollen eyelids painted in disgusting red, black and blue hues. you just wished that the healing process would speed up so that you could see her bright eyes again. your eyes travelled down to her parted lips, finding yourself staring at it for a long amount of time. you were aware of hazel's unbroken routine of always applying lip balm which obviously started back when you were little but this was the first time that you noticed how soft they looked. you wondered what her lips would feel like on your—
you were snapped out of your daydream when hazel stirred in her sleep, making you abruptly but gently standing up from her bed to avoid interrupting her rest. what was that about? you don't just randomly daydream about kissing your friend, especially when they're in a horrible state. cringing internally, you laid down on the sleeping bag on the floor, shutting your eyes so you could quickly fall asleep and forget about your thoughts. this is normal right? right?
you were in denial the whole time you were at hers, attempting to be your usual self around her. but because of your recent thoughts, you found yourself unintentionally hesitant and self conscious with your actions. you were pretty sure that her fight club friends— minus pj and josie —found you weird for checking on her band-aids every minute and for acting like a mom the whole time they were over. but they were nice and you despised yourself for not liking them in the first place.
hazel was thankful that you stayed by her side and took care of her no matter how distant she became. she wasn't proud of what she did and apologized to you after the fight club left her house, leaving the both of you alone in the living room. "it's not a big deal," you wearily smiled. she hoped that you weren't tired of her.
you and hazel hung out like you used to. playing games until early in the morning, talking shit about the people you hated in school, cooking in the middle of the night. she even invited you to watch the football game against huntington with her. it's been awhile since the both of you went out together. this made you happy. maybe the previous thoughts that you had were only because you missed your dear friend. it was nothing.
you thought it was nothing. but when you saw pj and hazel making out in front of you, you felt like you were going to puke. you hurriedly left the bleachers and ran all the way home. your heart was clenching in your chest and you couldn't help the tears from streaming down your face. why did it hurt so much? why did you have to see it? you wished that you never met her in the first place. that you didn't become friends. if you did, maybe this wouldn't have happened. you stopped running as your legs made contact with the ground, heaving as you did so.
during the following weeks, you were now avoiding hazel. you shut down all of her attempts trying to talk to you, wanting to ask you about your whereabouts that night after they knocked out all of the football players. hazel was beyond frustrated that you were ignoring her calls and messages. she tried ambushing you in the classes that you both shared and didn't share together, but you had somehow left the classroom without her noticing.
after the fourth week, hazel finally got you cornered at your house. screw your mom for being so fond of her. your house lacks female solidarity.
"why have you been ignoring me?" hazel spoke after glaring at you intensely that you're pretty sure if she was a deadly laser right now, your skeleton will be left behind. you looked away from her eyes and stared at your pillows. you were both standing in the middle of the room, your arms crossed over your chests.
you shook her head and muttered, "you wouldn't understand." you don't want to let her know that you like her more than a friend. you don't want to get in between her and pj's relationship. you don't want to be that kind of girl.
hazel huffed and rolled her eyes, her hands now resting on her hips and her tongue pressing against the insides of her cheeks. "oh i'd love to understand why you decided to ignore me out of fucking nowhere."
your brows furrowed as you stepped a little closer. "that's ironic," you chuckled at her. "like you didn't ignore me when you started your little fight club."
her eyes widened a little bit. hazel was thrown off at what you said, the knot in her stomach getting tighter. "no, i—"
"wow..." you breathed out, shaking your head in disbelief. "so it's only okay when you do it?"
"you didn't talk to me!" she stepped closer.
"you didn't talk to me either!" you stepped closer. hazel could see that your eyes were filled with rage. bottled up emotions from when she was ignoring you started to peek through. "if you were going to ignore me for pj, you could've just fucking told me! you could've been honest!"
she cocked her head to the side. "pj? what does pj have to do with this?"
you stepped back and paced the room, one hand on your hips and the other on your forehead. hazel was confused when you brought up pj. sure, they kissed, but it was for a distraction. the whole time she was kissing her, you were on her mind. but of course, you don't know that.
"you didn't have to hide your girlfriend, hazel."
huh? hazel thought. "what girlfriend?"
now you were confused. "pj? i mean... you guys made out in front of the entire school—"
"that was for a distraction!" hazel then started pacing around the room while you stopped and watched her.
"distraction for what?!"
"huntington was about to kill jeff by spraying pineapple across the field during the game," hazel explained while you try to search for any lies in her eyes and words. "my bomb didn't work so we needed another distraction to stall the game— wait, shouldn't you know this? weren't you at the game?"
you swallowed and wiped your hands on your shorts, trying to calm yourself down and not cringe at what you're about to say next. "i left... when you and pj... y'know..."
hazel took a step closer to where you were. "why'd you leave?"
"because..." you stuttered, looking at anywhere but in front of you, words stuck in your throat as she took another step closer. "you wouldn't want to know."
"tell me," her voice dropped into a whisper, now only inches away from you, blue eyes piercing into yours. "why'd you leave?"
you took a deep breath and pursed your lips, mentally cursing yourself and everyone in the world. "i couldn't stand watching you kiss pj."
"why?" she took one step closer.
"because i like you." closer.
"of course you do," she chuckled and walked once more until her face is centimeters away from yours. "it'd be weird for our friendship if you don't."
she didn't want to jump into conclusions. you wanted to rip your hair out at her obliviousness. you could feel her breath on your face. her eyes glancing at your lips. the both of you wanted to let each other know about your feelings, your sweet intentions. but you were afraid that it'll be sour, bitter. that your emotions are still unripe.
"hazel... you don't understand—"
"make me."
with that, you closed the space that was in between you both, connecting your lips to her soft ones. it felt right. it wasn't sour. the kiss was gentle and sweet, much like a strawberry shortcake lip balm.
AAAAAA ive been writing this one for awhile i hope u liked it!! ;v;
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
I wanted to request maybe a 1610! Miles morales drabble, where the reader has selective mutism and is really quiet around Miles for awhile. But they get put in a group project together and Miles hears their voice for the first time when they laugh at something he said!! ^^
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miles morales x reader
-> miles and you get partnered for a project and u laugh and hes like wowza and falls in love (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
-> omg tysm for the request!! this idea was too cute i love it sm for realsies (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)!! and another tysm for everyone else who liked my other miles post! the amount of likes and reblogs was overwhelming sweet i love u guys sm ☆ (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) ☆
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"alright, with that lesson out of the way let's practice what we've learned with your table partner!" the teacher exclaimed, some students groaned and some laughed, both reactions at the direction of working with each other's desk partners.
art was one of the two subjects you actually enjoyed during school, the work wasn't a hassle and it also didn't force you to speak to others, you never did well with certain settings, however in those that you were actually familiar with you did fine. your partner, one of your newer friends, miles morales, turned towards you.
"what do you think we should do?" he asks, you shrugged your shoulders, the canvas paper that lie on the table remained untouched.
"hmm, i'm terrible at realism, so maybe we can do somethin' simple. . . like buildings!" he leans his head on his hand, awaiting your reaction. you nod your head, and grab your guys' shared painting supplies.
as you guys are painting, miles steals a few glances at your relaxed face. he admired many of your facial features and habits, the way your shoulders raised a bit when you were focused, how the shine in your eyes seemed to brighten when you saw or noticed something that peaked your interest. he's never heard your voice, he figured it was something personal so he never asked—
you laughed. miles, suddenly, broken out of this odd trance, looked at you covering your mouth, laughing. "what?" he questioned, laughing a bit as well, your giggling must be contagious.
"nothing! you just looked, really, focused. i thought it was funny." you spoke, explaining yourself, putting the brush down.
"excuse you." he glared, no malicious intent behind it, "art just so happens to be one of my many expertises."
"pfft, as if. you have more paint on your hand than on the canvas." he looks down at his right hand and you were right, different colors of paint were all over his hand.
"just means i'm a part of the canvas." he jokes, and thank god he did because it made you laugh again. a big smile covers his face and he can't help but replicate your reaction as well.
"you're funny i guess." you rolled your eyes, looking down at the painting you guys made.
"you guess? i didn't even have to do anything to make you laugh the first time." he playfully teases you.
"sure sure whatever." you respond, acting annoyed at his little joke.
miles can't help the huge smile that's still plastered on face, your voice is so sweet, it's got him kicking his feet and blushing, you don't even know the kind of effect that you have on him. he never thought that he was the hopeless romantic type until this very moment, but he can't help it! he's already fallen head over heels in love with you.
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eternalfics · 4 months
hihi!!! first ask ever so sorry if this comes off as nonsense ahhh 😭😭😭 but i was wondering if you could do like a saiki k x male reader? where male reader transfers into pk academy and is like teruhashi in terms of looks but in terms of personality, he's a more socially awkward quiet and introverted person? so whenever a whole group of students swarm around him, he just freezes in place like he doesnt know what to do and waits for someone to save him like a teacher 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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a/n: hi pookie bear 😘 totally understand you and hope you request more! I was kind of in the writing mood 2day anyway so 😌
summary: you find yourself in an awkward situation in the new school you transferred to? is it gonna get better? worse?
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okay, this wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be? just a couple stares and gasps as you walked around the school, completely lost.
sure you could have asked a student, but the way they just stared at you in shock when you asked them creeped you out. was there something on your face?
oh! what about that girl with blue hair talking to somebody? it’s rude to interupt a conversation, but it’s just a quick question, it won’t hurt anybody.
you walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. you squinted your eyes slightly from the light she gave off, is this normal? “excuse me, do you know where class-“ you paused. your eyes bulged out of your head. she was gorgeous! you weren’t really looking, expecting that she wouldn’t say anything too but when you met eyes with her you didn’t realise that she was that pretty!
“hm?” she smiled at you gently, waiting for you to say what you were gonna say. come on y/n, she probably dosent have all day and that girl next to her with short brown hair looks.. sad? it’s fine. “do you know where.. year two class three is?”
“oh yeah, I’m in that class!” the girl grinned at you. “my name is kokomi teruhashi, by the way,” teruhashi introduced herself. “come on, I’ll show you where you have to be,” she grabbed your hand and lead you to your class. is she an angel?
after awkwardly introducing yourself in front of the class, sitting in front of a pink haired weirdo and having a few people stare at you, class was over! you were having a good day so far.
as you stepped out of the class, people started to quickly surround you, asking a lot of questions or admiring you way too close.. is this what it was going to be like everyday? girls giggling and squealing over you? you felt trapped and a bit flustered.
“what’s your name?” “let’s hang out some time!” “can I do your homework?” most of the girls questioned you. you should have known this would have happened, now your a frozen, awkward person in the hallway, currently getting harassed 😢
you also saw a guy with purple hair with a furious expression. he was looking at you too, is he jealous of the attention? what is wrong with this school..?
you blinked for a second, and pop! your on the rooftop! what the hell just happened, first you got actually got some girls, now there’s witches in this school? oh, there’s that pink haired weirdo that you were sitting in front of, STANDING. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. YOU.
is this a dream? it totally is a dream because it’s not normal for a pink haired to kidnap you on a roof top. saiki, who was so offended after being rudely insulted as a ‘pink haired weirdo’ two times already, was already getting tired of your thoughts. just for one day, he wanted to do something nice for someone and he gets this.
“u-uh, thanks for getting me out of there,” you said, scratching the back of your head. “atleast he actually has some decency to thank me for that,” saiki thought. he nodded, turned around and started walking away.
“wait!” you called out to him. “not this again,” saiki thought as he turned around. “what’s your name?” you asked him with a gentle smile. “saiki kusuo,” he replied with a blank expression, before walking away. wow, he really didn’t want anything do to with you. but at least you gained a new friend! we’ll see..
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Spidey Valdez !! ´ˎ˗
Spidey!Leo Valdez x Fem!Poseidon!Reader Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Spiderman/Leo Valdez, takes you to skip school Warning(s): profanity💔💔💔 Word Count: 1592 A/N: a part 2 no one asked for. I hope it doesn't show I still haven't watched Spiderman but im halfway through hero of Olympus now !! PART 1
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Finally. Your 10 day suspension was over. Honestly, you could've done worse. Snakes weren't even that bad, school just was dramatic. Percy had already left earlier (not even bothering to wake you up), so he could go with Annabeth. He even had the audacity to send you a text saying-
'forgot ur not suspended anymore. had to pick up the misses anyways. hope ur not late !!😛'
You were in fact late. Your mom and step-dad Paul had left for work earlier, and you forgot to turn back on your alarm. You ran as fast as you could to the subway just to miss it, and had to run to school. You missied your entire first period and the first 10 minutes of your next period. Sucks those girls you locked in a room with the snakes, two girls whose names you never even bothered learning, were in your class, sitting right in front of your seat.
"Sorry for being late-" your teacher wasn't in the room. You stood at the doorway and saw thing 1 and thing 2 snickering amongst each other. You stared straight at them. "Something funny?"
"Surprised you're not in juvie." 'Thing 1' said.
"Yeah, you could've-" you cut her friend off.
"Could've what? They weren't poisonous you'd be fine." You started walking toward your seat, stopping to bend over next to one of the girls by her ear. "Check your bag."
You sat back in your seat behind her and watched the girl scrummage through her bag quickly. While she was distracted you tickled the back of her neck, causing her to stand up and scream, making the whole class laugh. You were also laughing till you noticed something to your left. Your classroom had a wall of windows, which was to your left if you couldn't tell. On the outside of the window, there was a.. white stain?? Interesting, you leaned over toward the window and some curly hair under the window, why wasn't he wearing his mask??? You leaned further and saw he was also wearing his school uniform???? He quickly whipped his head up at you and smiled, causing you to smile back.
Then you heard the classroom door open, causing you to quickly turn your attention toward the front of the class. "What is the commotion in here?" Your teacher announced.
"It was her!!" Thing 2 shouted and pointed at you.
"Yeah! She put something in her bag!!" Thing 1 added.
"There's nothing in her bag?? I just got here???" You stood up, "guys did I put something in her bag?" Everyone in the classroom said no, since you know, you didn't. The teacher just calmed everyone down and started to teach. While he was turned, you secretly pulled your phone and saw a text from Leo.
'is ur class important? im bored.' 'I know u saw me at ur window girl, don't ignore me??'
'lets bring it down a notch, I was busy getting myself out of trouble.'
'already ???'
'im such a baddie sorry'
"Ms. Y/N, what is the answer to my question?" Shoot. You weren't listening to the lesson.
"I know the answer Mr." Okay thing 1.
"I asked Y/N."
"Sorry, I didn't hear the question." You apologized.
"No duh, that's what happens when you're on your phone." She snickered, her friend did as well.
"Your such a dickrider-"
"Y/N, that language is unacceptable. Office, now." You rolled your eyes and groaned, grabbing your stuff and leaving without a complaint. The second you stepped out the classroom, you pulled out your phone to text Leo.
'nvm im in trouble again wya'
'have I been a bad influence on you'
'this is mild. now WYAAAA'
You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned and saw your lovely boyfriend Leo, grinning at you from ear to ear. You threw yourself at him, engulfing him in a hug.
"Hey, no kiss?"
"This is school??-" He kissed you anyways. Why even bother with the attitude anyways. After he pulled away he threw his arm around you and started walking.
"So, what happened this time?"
"Made a joke that I slipped a snake in this girls bag, obviously I didn't though. I even tickled her neck for the full effect. Then she called me out for my phone and I called her a dickrider."
"Wow, the mouth of a lady. My lady of course."
"What a romantic." You both continued walking then you realized, "where are you taking me Valdez??"
"Now she notices," he joked, you glared at him. "The roof of course, I'm sure you can miss one more day."
"Hmmmm..." you stroked your fake beard.
"Stop acting like you're thinking of not coming with me. Lets go." You laughed as his boldness as he started to pick up the pace. Finally you both made it to the roof. Technically you're not allowed up here, but if that was really the case they shouldn't leave the staircase that leads straight to it unlocked. That's just your opinion though.
"Alright Leo, why'd you bing me up here?"
"Come here." Leo stood there with his arms open waiting for you. You didn't need to be told twice before jumping into his arms. "Hop on my back alright?" Confused, you did it anyways. His hands rubbed your thighs getting you comfortable, before telling you to cross them around his waist as tight you could.
"What are we doing?"
"Something fun, don't let go alright?" Oh no.
"Leo, don't tell me," he brought his arm out, and shot a long string out at the building in front of the two of you.
"Then I'll shut up, now hold on tight." Before you could retaliate, you both were off. Leo was swinging the two of you from building to building as fast as he could. The wind in your hair felt amazing, this is what Leo got to experience? You might've been a little jealous now. Eh, your powers were pretty dope too.
"Leo," you said in his ear. "You were right."
"I was what !!" He yelled. "Sorry the air is just SOOOO LOUDDD!!!"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, how annoying he was. Though you wouldn't have him any other way. "I SAID YOU WERE RIGHTTT!!!!"
"THATS WHAT I THOUGHTTTT." You both laughed as he continued to swing around the city. After a little under an hour, he stopped in an alley way.
"I know you didn't have breakfast." Leo said as he put you down.
"Are you gonna feed me out a dumpster?"
"Well I can't just land in front of a bunch of people without my suit now can I?"
"Fair point." Leo led you out the alleyway, both of you received weird looks from the locals, what did they think was going on back there?
"Ta-da" Leo waved jazz hands in front of the chick-fil-a. You let out an overdramatic gasp, putting your hands in from of your face. "Okay no need for your attitude."
"Attitude? I'm just so overjoyed, now let's go." You dragged him into the place. You both ordered and were now waiting for your food. "How come whenever we hangout we end up eating?"
"Because your always hungry."
"Is this the thank you for paying for your food?"
"You know I always love when you sugar mama me." Leo winked and you just sighed, not without smiling of course. Then you remembered you should probably send a text to Percy.
'Percy, I kinda skipped school with Leo. can I buy ur silence with a chick-fil-a milkshake?? ;)'
'I love u my dearest sister.'
"So that's why you got the milkshake." Leo commented.
"Well of course, can't get in trouble with mother dearest already." Your food was ready and you both were now fine dinning together. Talking, laughing, Leo throwing a fry at your face, you know, the usual !!!
"Leo, it's almost lunch time at school, we gotta start heading back."
"Why, you already missed most the day why bother?"
"Erm," you held up the milkshake, and started shaking it more. "I need to get this to Percy before it melts???"
"I think he'll survive."
"I think you'll make me back to school and let me give this to Percy." You thought correctly because that's exactly what he did. You guys got there just as lunch started and landed back on the roof, rushing quickly and quietly down the stairs to Percy's classroom.
"Hello, my favoriteeee brotherrr."
"Where's my bribe?" He asked.
"No hello?" You questioned while handing him the cookies and cream drink. "Not even after forgetting to wake me up."
He grabbed the drink straight out of your hands with no thank you, "Told you, had to pick up the misses," he gestured to the amazing Annabeth Chase standing next to him.
"You know I picked you up right, like in my car, that I drive, that you can't?" You, Annabeth and Leo laughed at Percy's expense, which he didn't find too funny.
"Whatever, and where were you two." He asked, pointing between you and your boyfriend.
"Flying around the city while you sister was all over me." Leo bragged. What a mistake that was. Percy started chasing him around trying to use his water without making it obvious, while Leo also tried using his fire while also trying not to make it obvious.
You and Annabeth just stood back, leaning against opposite sides of the same doorway, watching the show. She turned to you, "Our boyfriends are special aren't they."
You nodded, "In many ways."
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jellyluvr · 1 year
I thought about this since you're asking for requests:
really innocent and naive fem reader (like she grew up with religious parents) that doesn't understand that kai is fooling her into doing things that would sexually pleasure him, (like bending over, jumping and bouncing iynwim), and she doesn't know how to pleasure herself or what does it mean, (cause her parents kept this world hidden from her in every way possible) so kai find her in a needy and HOT state (like humping, breathing heavily, staring, squirming, and stuff). I would like it to be a "professor x student reader" if you feel comfortable with it (it could be also university student of course, but i feel like they would have less interactions in a university context).
I apologize in advance if you don't like it, and if you wanna change something it's ok obviously. ❤
Good girl
- Kai-prof x fem!reader-stud ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
It's definitely something I've never done before, but I'm cool with it. I'm guessing this is a daddy kink? I don't imagine the reader being over 20, so ima make the reader 18+ in her first year of university. Kai is staying 30, though.
TW: daddy kink, kai bein' gross, masturbation?, and dirty stuff. Obviously pet names.
S: kai gives u help and it gets out of hand
Masturbation or fingering idk lol
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Mr. Anderson had always been quite weird. I mean, he was the only professor with died hair besides the hippie girl down the hall. Plus he was kind of young. Still strict though.
He was always strict. With everyone.
Except you.
You thought about it sometimes. Maybe you were just a favorite? Maybe he just liked how motivated you were to turn in assignments before the deadline.
It never occurred to you he liked you romantically, that was until today.
—like 1 hour ago—
You sat at your usual spot in his room. Only a few other students were in their with you. Most had left, but his class was never full. People always said he had a stick up his ass about everything.
But, you liked him, just like how all your teachers liked you. You always obeyed rules, you were a good kid. A good girl, he'd always say.
You never thought anything of it. You only listened to his rants about various things, usually math stuff.
You struggled at math. You almost hated it if it wasn't for Mr. anderson. He helped you a lot. Usually at the end of class since you were too embarrassed to do it infront of people.
And it was the same today. With your books sprawled out infront of you and sticky notes all over pages, pink and blue sticking out of the books, you continued to write in them. You took notes very frequently, your hand always moving. You never really had time to take a drink of your coffee that was probably cold by now. You only focused on what he said. But while he explained the algebra and bullshit, your mind dozed off. You didn't even notice the people leaving the room.
Now it was just you and Mr. Anderson. He obviously noticed this.
"Y/n, you okay?" He asked sweetly. He had to be nice despite his whole second identity out of the university.
"Oh-... yeah." You said, looking up from your hands you had been staring at. It was now you saw no one was there but you and him.
"You having trouble? I can help if you'd like?" He smiled. That was what he usually said when you weren't extremely enthusiastic as usual.
"Uh.. yeah. I could use some help." You nodded slightly, grabbing a textbook before standing up, reapond to his signal to come down. You went down the slim stairs quickly before stopping at his oddly organized desk and placing your book down.
"So.. what's the issue?" He asked, his head turning to you. You didn't really know. You hadn't even been paying attention.
"Uh.. I just didn't understand anything really..." you said sheepishly. You really had no idea what you were struggling with. You also had no idea what he had been talking about.
"Well maybe if you were paying attention you'd know." He took one of his chunky erasers and started to erase your scrambled notes.
You could tell he was angry. It was obvious. You had never really not paid attention. It was weird for you. Abnormal. And kai knew this. He knew it wasn't like you to do something like that.
So, he started to talk about what he had. This time you had no choice but to listen. But, one sentence caught your attention.
"I can get you a good grade, I can get you a good score on the next test. You'd want that, right?" He placed his pencil down, the paper now full of the notes you should've already had. He turned to you, some hair falling in his face.
"Yeah.." you nodded. You wanted to impress him, impress your parents. Make them proud.
"'Kay, so you're gonna do a favor for me. Sound good, y/n?" He gave a little grin, resting his elbow on the desk.
You were too innocent to know what he may have been implying. You grew up a sheltered life. You still didn't know the full story about reproduction. Or sex. You had always just assumed you'd learn at the right time. But that was really what your parents had brainwashed you into thinking. You still had parental controls on your phone. It was stupid, but they said it was for your safety.
It wasn't going to save you now.
"Y/n-" Kai was about to speak to get your attention before you made up your mind.
"Yeah. What do you want me to do?" You asked. It was clear you had no idea what he was trying to imply. It brought a devilish smirk across his face.
"Well, first I want to show you a little trick... yeah?" He chuckled lightly before turning in his chair, scooting up to be closer to you.
You had nodded, but you didn't know what to expect. Was he going to lecture you face to face maybe? But your thoughts scrambled as he grabbed both your arms and pushed them together.
What the hell was he doing?
"Okay.. just keep your arms together like that." He let out a little snicker. You kept your arms together regardless of not knowing what it was.
But kai was enjoying the view. The view of your chest pushed together. It almost made him a little excited if it wasn't for your stupidity on the subject.
"Alright. Just uh.. bend over, sweetie." He asked. You were really confused now. What was he going to do with this? What was the trick?
"Uhhh... okay...?" You bent over, your arms still pressed together. But kai just laughed a little.
"Turn around, hun." He had that same smirk while you turned around. Today had been a perfect day to wear one of your sluttiest skirts wasn't it?
"Good girl.." he hummed.. he was clearly happy.
But what was unexpected was the feeling of him touching your backside. Your panties were visible, but you didn't even realize that until he grazed his finger over your folds. You let out a soft gasp before immediately standing straight. You knew that wasnt right to do.
"Hey! No.." you said turning around. Kai just raked his eyes over your body before they landed on your eyes.
"What? It's just for the trick. I promise you'll like it.. plus, it might even get you that good score. But if you're gonna act like a brat about it I don't have to help you." His tone turned salty in the matter of seconds. You really needed that good score. If he let it drop you'd be screwed. And the test was only in a few days so, you just let out a soft "okay.."
And with your go he gestured his finger for you to turn around again. So, you did and bent over.
His hands returned to your ass, his cold hands palming them. You held back the urge to whimper and moan, but you didn't even know why you were feeling like that. You were starting to feel weird, and without even realizing it you let a whimper slip.
"Alright. You can turn back around, princess." He said with a slight snicker and you just obeyed.
You turned around, pulling your skirt down a bit to cover more of your body. You started to feel really uncomfortable and awkward now.
"Is that all? Can I go now?" You asked. You had a sort of disgusted look on your face but kai ignored it.
"Don't you want to know what the trick is? It's something that happens right here..." he put his hand in between your thighs and let his hand rub. Your legs felt weak when he did that and your breathing quickened with a breathy moan.
"See?" He hummed taking his hand away.
Now your thighs were squeezed together tight. You felt uncomfortable now. But you felt something new. A warmth in your stomach and a hot feeling in your panties. You felt like you had pissed yourself for a second, but you knew it wasn't controllable.
"Doesn't it feel good, princess?" He smiled, his dimples showing.
You couldn't help but nod a bit. It did feel good, but it was frustrating. Now you felt an ache. A sensation.
"Why don't you come sit down? I'll help you with that math of yours.. hm?" He patted his thigh, obviously signaling for you to come sit on his lap. You looked, a tint of red showing on your face until you sat down, his arms going under yours to grab his pencil. His left hand traveled to your thigh and before you knew it, his finger was on your panties again.
He continued to talk like normal while you squirmed a bit on his lap while his fingertip grazed over your clothed clit. You couldn't focus though. Not with his lap warm and your panties radiating heat. It was impossible to focus, and your thighs began to clench around his hand.
You stiffened up while his chest pressed against your back and his head rested on your shoulder. He was too close. Way too close.
Your breathing quickened while kais fingers began to play with the hem of your panties. You felt your face get hot and a silky liquid escape your folds. But kai just continued.
"Mr. Anderson.." your mouth opened, his name creeping out.
"Hm?" He hummed his nose pressed against your neck.
"Can you stop..?" You said sheepishly. If only you clarified what you wanted him to stop.
"Of course.. what would you like to talk about then?" He scooted you closer into him, and his fingers still ghosted over your clothed cunt.
"Uhm.." you let out a breath while your chest continued to move up a little quicker than usual. You didn't know what to do. He had caught on, but he obviously didn't want to stop.
"Maybe we shouldn't talk. Just have some fun..?" He left a sloppy kiss on your neck, and his hands went under your panties and into your folds.
You gasped with surprise, but it quickly turned into breathy moans while his fingers circled your clit.
"Mister..!" You couldn't manage to say his full name but you could get the first part out. But your effort to try and make him stop just made him want to go more.
You liked it. You really like it. It made you squirm in his lap and it just made the bulge in his pants perk up.
But, he finally stopped pulling his fingers from your panties and raising them to his mouth. You didn't know what he was doing, but you heard him swallow something.. so you put the puzzle pieces together.
"How about we continue tomorrow? I'll really get you that help you need." He raised you up out of his lap, closing your notebook and picking it up for you to grab.
You were so caught off guard you just snatched the notebook and began to run up to your belongings. You heard kai chuckle,
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow.."
I don't know shit about universities so sorry if this sounds dumb. Anyway, I didn't know a good scenario for jumping up and down so I kind of had to go off the request. Sorry that it's not exactly like what you wanted but I did try 😪
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pixqlsin · 1 year
hi jaebae :> (kill me) wait that's not my req WAHAHAHHAHAHA ok
so what if a fic of you and miles passing notes to each other in class, and miles just keeps trying to rizz you up but it's not working (it's actually quite pathetic in your opinion) so he just straight up asks you, forgetting the fact you two were in class, "damn man how can i get you to say yes to go out with me?"
the whole class stares. and he's a deer in headlights. and you're laughing, and in love, and considering a date with him :>>>
rizzless notes ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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pairing: earth 1610 miles morales x fem!reader
summary: miles trying to rizz you up during math class
authors notes: i assumed 1610 miles as he as broken rizz (no offense i love him) and also i feel like 42 would have hella rizz. anyway this wasn’t my best writing but i hope you enjoy it!! ty for the request <3 this was also a little short so i’m sorry 🙁
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the girl sat in class, next to one of her classmates she was kinda friends with. meaning they would talk at times but never hung out he was cute n all but way out of her league
she let out a small huff as she stared at the clock tapping her foot awaiting the moment the bell would ring, the silence broke as she heard a crumble of a paper pass over to her.
the girl turned her head over to see a paper crumpled up next to her. she looked around quickly to assure no teacher was looking, snatched the paper and read the note.
the note revealing: “hii do u have the question for number 8?” the note read with an ending part saying “—miles” so it was from miles.
the girl sighed realizing she hasn’t even started on the paper that was given approximately 10 minutes ago, the girl picked her pencils up before writing back. “no but i’ll figure it out”
she handed the note back to miles, occasional crumple were heard as some students turned around to discover the noise was from miles.
she got thrown back the note and opened it discovering neat handwriting saying: “oh okay, you doing anything tonight?” the girl giggled a little causing a domino effect of students to glance at her.
the girl silenced herself as she realized she was being watched and quickly wrote back: “do you want the answer or not” in messy ish handwriting.
handing back the paper earned a chuckle from the boy next to her. “sorry :( and please” he wrote back before passing it back.
the classroom was silent as they watched the two pass notes back and forth, not bothering to snitch as this was a cute moment.
“it’s 60 ♡” she wrote back, smiling a little at her final touch of the heart, you know why not? she didn’t like him? she just didn’t it for fun? right?
the boy was FLUSHED when he saw just the heart, everyone in the class knew he was head over heels for the girl he sat next to. except the girl. she was clueless to say the least.
the nervous boy wrote back, “thank you i owe you. how about a movie tomorrow movie?” he said trying again for atleast a hangout or even a date.
it felt like lover by taylor swift was playing dimly behind this moment, everyone was staring even the teacher was kinda listening.
the girl hummed at the note writing back sloppily, “nu uh” she wrote quickly sliding it back like she didn’t even interact with him.
she heard a series of groaning and sighing before being slid back a paper saying, “damn ma, how many times am i gonna have to ask you out?” he wrote putting a ;) at the end to be cocky you know?
the girl opened the paper back up and giggled a little smiling also. “alright fine we can go see a movie :))” she wrote back, blush hinting at her cheeks as she passed the note back nervously waiting on a response.
a quiet “yes” was heard next to her. success. he wrote back “okay here’s my number and we can talk about it from there?” he wrote putting his number next to the sentence.
the class was relieved something happened, they couldn’t go another day with Miles gawking over his table mate.
idk how to end it so end 😫
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please do not steal or repost on another platform. reblogs are appreciated
taglist: @zalayni @fictarian @jrrantss @luvstarrstruck @laylasbunbunny
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shyanddreamy · 1 year
A helping hand
Niragi Suguru x Reader
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Summary: Niragi wasn´t at his best moment at high school. Life was unfair with him. But you noticed him. He caught your eye. What happened between you and Niragi was much more than he could ever have imagined in his wildest dreams.
Warnings: soft Niragi, mentions of bullying, violence, smut, fluff and angst (all-in-one because why not), loss of virginity, Niragi being so fucking adorable.
Author´s note: Soooo it´s my first time posting here but I needed to write Niragi´s first time and I know you needed to read it too. English is not my first language so I apologize for any possible mistakes. I really hope you like it. Love u all <3
Day after day, he was always alone; always in the same chair doing the same things. Exactly two hours after his arrival, he packed up his books and left for fifteen minutes before coming back with a coffee. He seemed to be pretty strict with his routine. Maybe you were a bit gossip because you had spent the last few days observing him until you learnt his schedule too. But what could you do? Studying was too boring; you needed a distraction. And he looked like an interesting one.
So that day, when he left the public library, you decided to follow him. You thought he might be going to a coffee shop, but he just was at the vending machine in the hallway.
"Hello there", you said. The boy turned back, but he looked side to side before paying attention directly to you.
"Are you talking to me?", he asked, puzzled.
"There´s no one else here except you", you answered. "Why do you carry your backpack with you just to take a break in the hallway?"
"I don´t want anyone to… steal my books"
"Cute. Are you a high-school student?", you smiled before asking, but he seemed embarrassed and confused. Anyway, he nodded. "And why don´t you study in your own school?"
"I prefer to be here. Is there any problem?"
"No, of course not. I was just curious", you said. "Do you mind if a sit next to you? I can´t concentrate by my own and you are always studying harder. Maybe I can learn something from you"
"It´s fine, I suppose"
He tried to smile, but it was more like an awkward grimace.
"I´m Y/N, by the way"
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I´m Niragi"
"It´s my pleasure, Niragi"
Since that day, you changed your favourite desk in the public library to be in the same as Niragi. Most of the time you were just sitting there in completely silence, concentrated in your own notes. He was shy and everyday took him like half hour to get used to your presence. Either social skills were not his thing, or he was not used to interacting with girls.
In the coffee breaks were when you took advantage to know more about him. He was a high school senior and wanted to get good marks so he could go to the university the following year. This was your first year at the university, so you told him all about how your experience was. People, teachers, classes, environment… it was pretty different in comparison with high school, and he seemed hopeful at your description.
Ultimately, studying with Niragi was nice. You found yourself thinking that you even felt like going to the library every afternoon, far from the laziness you felt before. But everything changed the day you saw a bruised on his cheekbone. You noticed he didn´t want to look at you at all since you were sitting in front of him and you assumed that was the reason.
After nearly fifteen minutes of hesitation about what you should do, you grabbed him by the chin and forced his face upwards. He also had traces of dried blood next to his nose.
"What happened to you?"
"It´s nothing", he answered trying to hide behind his own hair.
"It doesn´t look like nothing"
He slapped your hand away from his chin and lowered his face again. It was strange because he has never been so rude before. And before you could say anything, he grabbed his backpack and his books and ran away. You went after him without hesitation after quickly gathering your things too.
"Hey, Niragi!", you called out in the hallway getting him to stop. He had no way of escape. "I didn´t want to bother you"
"I´m sorry. It´s my fault", he apologized, turning slowly towards you with his gaze fixed on his feet and his hands clenched into fists.
"No, it´s not", you answered a bit concerned. Anyway, you tried to sound calm. "Has anyone done this to you? Maybe a classmate?"
"No. It´s nothing", he insisted, but you noticed his weeping eyes. You were pretty sure that you spot on. So carefully, you took his hand between yours to get his attention.
"I know that we have fifteen minutes to get a coffee, but I think that, only for today, we should take a longer break"
"I-I´m not sure"
You smiled cheerfully.
"Trust me"
Niragi followed you tamely, but after ten minutes walking down the street, he started to get nervous. Even more when you entered in an apartment building.
"Where are we going?", he asked to you, but you waited to answer until you were in front of your door.
"To my house", you said while you opened it. "It´s not too much, but I can´t afford any more"
"Do you live on your own?"
"Getting a job while you are at college is not much fun, but it´s better than live with my father, that´s for sure", you explained briefly. "C´mon in. I don´t bite"
However, Niragi was suspicious. While you entered in the kitchen, he sat down in the sofa frowned. It was pretty obvious how uncomfortable he was.
"Why did you bring me here?", he asked you suspicious. "I-I shouldn’t be here. Maybe I´d better leave"
When you returned to the living room, you did so with a packet of frozen vegetables in your hand and interrupted his words.
"I don´t have ice, but it will work too", you sat down next to him and pointed to his bruised. "It seems recent, so cold will help. May I?"
Niragi opened his eyes in surprise, realising that you were trying to lend him a hand. He didn´t seem to be used to anyone helping him. And in a way, it was enough to calm him down a bit.
"Don´t worry. I can do it myself"
"It´s ok. I want to do it for you"
He smiled slightly and finally nodded. You remained silence for a few minutes to make him feel comfy while you took care of his bruise carefully. However, you needed to know what really had happened to him.
"So… do you have any problems at high school?", you asked him prudently, but Niragi was still reluctant to speak. "Stay quiet only helps bullies. It´s not beneficial to you"
"I-It´s nothing new. And I can´t do anything. I tried once, but it only got worse", Niragi mumbled. "I am only a few months away from graduation, I can bear it until then"
In that kind of situations, people used to say that you should talk with a teacher or an adult, but it is easier said than done. And as much as you would like to do something about it, you couldn’t force him to do something he didn´t want to.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"I don´t want to be a nuisance, although, well, I am being one already", he muttered. As nervous as he still was, he dared to look you in the eyes. "Why are you so nice to me?"
"Because you are a nice guy, Niragi", you pointed out, setting aside the packet of frozen vegetables.
"We hardly know each other"
"Yeah, I actually know so little about you because you barely talk about yourself, and yet, I´m sure you deserve much better than this"
Your words were enough to make him blush. Damn, he was adorable. You liked his shyness and how easily he got nervous with little things. But he also was clever and pretty interesting if you give him the opportunity to get comfortable enough to talk openly. High school students weren´t really your type, but Niragi could be the exception.
When you put your hand up to his face, caressing his cheek softly, he seemed confused.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"W-What?", Niragi stammered as he shrugged his shoulders. "W-why do you want to know that?"
"Because I want to kiss you. If you want it too, of course."
He looked even more flustered than usual but, at least, he didn´t turn away from your touch.
"You don´t have to do that out of pity"
"It´s not like that", you assured him. "I do want to kiss you"
"But why would you do that?"
"Because I see you, Niragi. I really see you. And I like all what I see"
"I don´t… understand"
"Maybe one day you will"
You approached a bit more until there were only a few inches between your lips. And still caressing his cheek and his hair, you finally kissed him very softly. His mouth didn’t answer at first, but when you started moving your own lips, he did his best to follow your pace. It was obvious it was his first kiss because of his clumsiness, but you were glad to be his teacher. The only thing you wanted was to give him an excellent first kiss. And when you thought it was enough for the first time, you broke the kiss, adding some distance between both. Niragi kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds before opening them again. You couldn´t help but smile as you saw Niragi blinking repeatedly, still muddled.
"Was it good?"
"Yeah, I guess. No, I mean, of course", he responded helter-skelter, making you laugh.
"See? You are incredibly sweet"
This time, Niragi laughed too. And your heart beat faster when you saw a special shine in his eyes. At that very moment, you realized how much you loved seeing that boy happy. He was so beautiful. And you wanted to protect his kind soul.
"Can we do it again? I know I can do better"
"I will gladly repeat. As many times as you want"
By the time you closed the door of your apartment, Niragi had already left his backpack on the floor and was waiting for you to come closer to him.
"Seems like somebody is a bit eager"
"I´m sorry", he said, losing some of the self-confidence he displayed moments before. "I just…"
"I was just teasing you, Niragi"
You walked towards him and stood on tiptoe to get to his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. He simply placed his hands gently on your waist and followed you to the couch. Niragi plopped down on the sofa and you straddle him. Since your first kiss, you decided to pick up Niragi everyday at the entrance of the library and walked together to your flat instead of staying there. You studied too but also had free time for you. You had started thinking that Niragi was trying to become a total expert in the whole kissing thing.
"Has been a good day at school?"
"Yeah, cool. Better now I´m here"
"I´m talking seriously, Niragi", you insisted, placing your hands on his chest to be able to look at him. "I want to be sure that you are alright"
"I know. And I appreciate it. But everything´s fine, Y/N"
"Well, I´m gonna try to believe you"
You continued kissing each other for a few. Your tongues were tangled and your saliva mixed. Niragi was a quick learner. When you bit his lower lip, he dug his fingers into your hips unconsciously.
"Do you want… more?"
"What do you mean?", he asked you in return, slightly frowned.
"I´m pretty sure you know what I mean. I can feel the bulge in your pants"
His face suddenly flushed and his hands left your body. Niragi even tried to push you into the sofa, embarrassed, but you reminded on top of him.
"I-I´m sorry. I-I didn´t want to make you feel uncomfortable"
"There´s nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, I would be offended if your body didn´t react in this way", you joked, but Niragi was still amazed. "And if you want it, I´m ready to move to the next level"
"I don´t know if I´m… I mean, I don´t know what to do"
"I know you are unexperienced, Niragi, but it´s not a problem for me. I can guide you", you assured to him. "However, you have to be sure that you really want to do it"
"I want to do it, I guess"
"You guess?", you repeated after him. Niragi was so insecure that he could start trembling at any time, so you decided to lend him a helping hand. "We can go ahead and, if you regret it or feel uncomfortable, we can stop whenever you want"
Niragi hesitated for a few seconds before nodding almost imperceptibly.
"Yeah, good. I like how it sounds", he said in a tone of voice so low that it was difficult to hear.
You started kissing him again slowly to restore his confidence, but this time, it didn´t take you long until you moved your lips to his neck. You felt honoured to hear his low moans as you kissed that sensitive part of his body and guided his hands to your hips again. 
"Can I unbutton your shirt?", you asked him gently.
"Yes, it´s fine"
You did it one by one, and when it was done, you left his neck to take care of his bared chest. It was pretty sad to discover some bruises there too. Niragi tensed up as he noticed your gaze on them.
"There are not recent", he promised you in a hurry. Instead of answering, you took off your own shirt and showed him the scar near your shoulder.
"This is from the last day I saw my father", you explained to his visibly puzzled grimace. "I used to have some bruises too, but they will disappear and, eventually, you will heal. People who hurt you can´t control your life. You have so many wonderful things to live, Niragi. And those assholes can´t destroy you"
Words were not coming out of his mouth. He was completely focused on your scar. And without doubting, he came up to kiss it gently. You gasped and entangled your fingers in his hair, letting him freedom to continue kissing your skin and your neck. He was trying to copy what you have done on him before. God, you wanted to go step by step, but you also needed him so bad.
"Should we go to my bedroom?"
"Yeah, I would like that"
In the living room, Niragi was more secure about it than he was when he saw the bed in front of him. He even gulped nervously, so you take his hand gently and guided him to sit on one side of the bed. You stayed upright caressing his hair.
"Are you alright?"
"Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to rush things"
"No. I´m sure. I want to do this", he nodded. "I want to do it with you, Y/N"
"Okay then"
You took off his shirt and caressed his chest, arms and back. The tingling of your fingertips gave him goosebumps. All these sensations were completely new to him.
Then, you got on your knees and put your hands on his trousers. Before getting rid of them, you gave him a glance waiting to his consent. And Niragi nodded again. Once done, you got back on your feet and guided his fingers to your own pants, encouraging him to do something besides staring at you. And with just your underwear, he lay back as you climbed in top of him.
"Don’t look at me like I scare you"
"You don´t", he assured you. "I´m just nervous. I don’t want to disappoint you"
"Get that idea out of your head because there is no way you can disappoint me. If I see you are enjoying it, I´m going to do it too"
You both kissed for a while as your hands explored each other’s body. Niragi was so shy at first but ended grabbing your breast firmly. His breathing got heavier in the moment you stroked his crotch. You got rid of your underwear and continued moving your hand up and down his length a few times. He already was completely hard and pre-cum was shining in his tip.
"How could you keep this secret away from me?"
"What are you talking about?", he asked to you but got puzzled by your naughty smile.
"I´m talking about what you hid under your pants. You are huge"
And immediately, Niragi was blush again. A pride and subtle smile appeared on his face even so. Maybe it was the first time you saw him being proud of something about himself. After the sex, you might teach him what else he should be proud of besides his dick.
"You mean it?"
"Yeah, I´m just telling you the truth", you said. And when you rubbed his tip against your wetness, Niragi moaned. It was time. "Are you ready? For sure?"
"Yes, I am"
"Can you see right without your glasses?"
"Yes, for sure. I forgot about them", he said before taking them off and leaving them on the night table.
"And do you want to switch positions or something?"
"I´m good here", he answered. "And you look so pretty up there"
You smiled tenderly.
"You are the sweetest boy I ever met, Niragi"
You kissed him one more time before burring yourself in his length inch by inch. Niragi opened his mouth widely as he chocked a moan in his throat. Feeling himself completely inside of you was much more than what he could afford; the sensation was more amazing than he could have ever imagined. That´s why you gave him a few seconds to recover.
"Are you alright?"
"I have never been better"
"I´m glad to hear that"
You started moving your hips up and down slowly. His sonorous moans were music to your ears. And as you speeded up the pace, you ended up moaning too. You had wanted this since your first kiss and it was so pleasant it finally happened. His hands clung to your thighs at the same time you descended to taste his lips again. Niragi could barely kiss you back, but he did his best. Nevertheless, after a few minutes, you felt his muscles tightening. You knew what that meant.
"I-I think… I am…", he scarcely could talk.
"I know. And it´s okay. I really want to see you cumming, babe"
You caressed his hair and his chest as you quickened your pace as much as you could. Niragi looked directly into your eyes, the pleasure burning in his gaze and his moans filling the room. God, he was even cuter when he was such a mess.
"I love you, Y/N", he confessed in a gasp. "Damn, I…"
A louder moan prevented him from continuing to speak. As he cum, you stopped the movement of your hips gradually. And shortly afterwards, you moved from the top of Niragi to lay back in the bed next to him. You still caressed his chest with your fingertips, smiling as you observe his desperate attempts to catch his breath.
"Was it good?"
"Was even better. Better than anything", he answered, slowly turning his face to you with an exhausted smile. However, it didn't take long for him to change it to a worried grimace. "I have finished too fast, right?"
"It´s your first time. It´s normal"
"I´m sorry"
"Don’t apologize, dumbass", you refuted. "It has been great. I promise. And practice makes perfect"
You hugged him by the waist and left a warm kiss in his shoulder.
"So… that means we can repeat it some time?", he asked, paused.
"I would like to. But you have had enough for today", you concluded before sitting up in the bed.  Instantly you opened your arms and nodded your head at him, telling him without words to come closer to you. "Sex is amazing but cuddling after sex is stunning too"
Although a bit reluctant, Niragi decided to accept your offer and put his head over your bared chest. His arms slowly moved until he was hugged to your body and, a pair of minutes later, Niragi took a big breath of air and let it out slowly. You continued caressing his hair and his back, hoping he didn´t fall asleep.
"You were right. It feels good too", he mumbled.
"I know, baby"
His hands clutched at your body with need, as if he never wanted to let you go again.
"You are the best thing in my life, Y/N. No one has ever cared about me as much as you do"
"Is that why you said that you loved me before?"
Niragi gulped on account of your words. Probably he was trying to make like if that never happened, but it did.
"I´m sorry"
"Stop apologizing"
"But I have to. It has been out of place. I was feeling so many things a-and I said it out loud, but I´m sorry"
"I´m not annoyed", you assured. "But I need you to understand that I don´t feel the same. At least not yet. Right now, I love you as a friend; falling in love takes time"
"I get it", he said, but you noticed a slightly disillusionment in is his voice.
"However… it´s also true that you are the only person who has captured my interest in a long time. So, it´s possible that it means something"
Niragi didn´t believe that anyone could ever notice him. He thought that everyone despised him; that he deserved all the hate he got; that he was only a piece of trash. And he believed that all was his fault for being born twisted. But you had proved him wrong; you had shown him the love he never had. And Niragi could never wish for more.
"Like you said before… We don´t have to rush things", he murmured tentatively.
"Yeah, I agree"
Your day was being a complete disaster. You had a mentoring early at the morning, but it took longer than you expected and you were late for work. As a result, you had left later too and, by the time you arrived to the entrance of the public library, Niragi should have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. As you noticed that he wasn´t waiting for you sitting in the stairs, a group of teenagers a few meters away caught your eye.
"So, you were hiding from us, huh?", one of them laughed.
"I told you he was here, guys", another said.
"You don´t want to spend some quality time with us after classes? We always have so much fun, don´t you think, Niragi?"
It took you a few seconds to realize that one of them had Niragi by the shoulders. He was clearly uncomfortable and these five boys would be his classmates; his bullies. They turned down the street into an alleyway and you didn´t hesitate before following them. They were too busy pushing a terrified Niragi against the wall to notice you until you raised your voice.
"Here you are, guys! It´s so nice to finally have the opportunity to meet you"
Five pairs of eyes were on you at once. They looked confused, but Niragi quickly recognised you.
"Y/N, it´s fine. You should go", he made an effort to keep his voice from trembling.
Or he didn´t want you to see what they were going to do to him, or he was afraid that they might do something to you as well.
"Do you know who she is? It´s your girlfriend or something?", one of them asked him, moody. The only thing that stood out about him was his bright yellow t-shirt.
"Huh? How is this freak going to be dating such a beautiful girl?", another answered, walking towards you with a cocky smile on his face. "Is there any problem, sweetie? I can help you with whatever you need"
"So nice of you to ask", you smiled too. "The truth is that my day has been awful, but I´m so lucky that you are here to make it better"
Before he could say anything, you punched him straight in the nose, making him cry out in pain as the blood began to flow. Suddenly, you kneed him in the crotch and grabbed him by the hair before he could even react.
"I assume that you, dickhead, are the leader of this deplorable gang", you said near his face. "And I am the person you should have never crossed paths with"
"You crazy bitch. I´m gonna…"
You pulled his hair harder, forcing him to shut up.
"What are you gonna do, huh?", you asked, but didn´t obtain any answer. Then you took something out of your pocket and pressed it again that boy´s crotch. His eyes widened, frightened. "Yeah, you are right, it´s a knife. So you should listen to me carefully. If I ever see Niragi again with another bruise, I´m gonna cut your disgusting little dick before you could use it at least once in your entire pathetic life"
You saw the fear reflected in his face. He was terrified. You even thought that he could pee his pants any moment.
"Have you understood what I said?"
"Louder! Have you understood?!"
"Yes! Yes! I promise! I won´t do it again!"
You let him go with a shove moments later. And when you put your sight in the other four kids, they seemed to be petrified.
"The threat goes to all of you", you warned them. "Does anyone have anything else to say?"
Three of them bowed their heads submissively, but the one in the yellow shirt was reluctant yet.
"There are four of us and he is just a girl. We can handle her", he told to his friends, seeking their support.
"Planning to assault a girl in group. So brave, sweetie", you answered, smiling tenderly. "Anyways, I´m going to be nice and warn you that, before entering in this alleyway, I have called the police. I told them that five guys were following me down the street and I was so freaking scared. I suppose that, if they catch you, they won´t be as kind as I am being with you"
"You have kicked one of us! And threatened us!", he shouted. "I am the one who is going to report you to the police"
"It´s your word against mine; an innocent pretty little lady vs five good-for-nothing jerks. Are you sure that they are going to believe you?"
"I can´t go to jail. I´m too young", one of them complained.
"Me too. We should run"
"Maybe we can hide before police came here"
"Finally one of you says something coherent", you commented.
Moments later, without even bothering to say goodbye, they started running out of the alleyway, helping his injured leader to run as fast as them.
"Nice to meet you, guys! You were right, it has been a lot of fun with you all!", you shouted, hoping they could still hear you.
Only when you saw them turning the street, you paid attention to the person who had been in the background all this time. You were alone with Niragi, who was looking at you like if he didn´t know you. He seemed unable to process what had just happened.
"Have I gone too far with them?"
"What the… What have you done?", he finally asked, bewildered.
"I´m sorry. Maybe I should have asked you before doing anything by my own"
"You have threatened them with cutting his…", Niragi couldn't even finish the sentence. "Why do you have a knife?"
"It´s not a knife. It´s a comb. A pocket´s comb", you said, opening and showing it to Niragi. "But that moron was too scared to look at it. And I have sound pretty convincing"
And just like that, after a few seconds of absolute silence, Niragi did something you didn´t expected: he laughed. He laughed so hard he had to lean against the wall. You let him let it all out until, just a few minutes later, he managed to calm himself down.  You've never seen him laughing like this before. And the truth is, it was a bit strange.
"Are you feeling well?"
"Are you kidding me? It has been incredible! I´m feeling more than well", he assured you. "But, what about the police?"
"It was a lie too," you answered. "I knew they would be such cowards"
You went to your house like you supposed to do before the incident happened. Sitting on the sofa with a soda everything seemed better, but Niragi still had too many questions in his mind. He was amazed.
"They were terrified", he smiled, but his gaze soon fell upon you. "I didn´t knew you could be so… I don´t know. I couldn´t imagine you like that"
"Now you know. I guess that´s what happens when life isn´t fair with you. You learn some tricks", you mumbled. "If nobody is there for you, you must become your own saviour. And when you have so much hate inside, your soul gets dark and rotten. That’s why I wanted to protect you before yours was too broken"
"But I don´t want you to protect me, Y/N. I want to be like you. I don´t want anyone to be able to hurt me again"
Niragi was freaking out; seemed astounded. You have never seen him like that, so full of life. You could see it in his eyes; maybe you were too late to save his kind soul. Maybe it wasn´t so kind since the beginning.
"You have enjoyed it. You didn´t just want them to stop; you wanted to fight back, to make them suffer"
Niragi bowed his head as if he were ashamed of his own thoughts. Or maybe he wasn´t ashamed of his mind at all, he only didn´t want anyone to discover all the dark things that were on it.
"There's no reason for you to lie to me. I had tried to prevent you from seeing that part of me because I didn´t want to lose you. I know I´m not a good person, Niragi, but I have no regrets about the way I am", you confessed. "And back there, in the alleyway, when your classmates left and you were looking at me, I have noticed the bulge in your pants. The situation has turned you on"
Niragi flushed and his knuckles turned white from clenching his fists in his lap.
"I can´t say out loud what´s on my mind. I´m twisted. A disgusting freak"
"Society may reject people like us. People who are so fucked up inside that only want to see the world burn. But you can be genuine with me. No matter what you say or what you do, I will never run away from you. Your dark side doesn´t scare me, Suguru"
Niragi´s eyes were wet. He always had thought that he will always be alone, but he saw a part of himself reflected on you. For the first time in his lifetime, he had been lucky to have your paths cross. And without hesitation, Niragi hugged you vehemently and you hugged him back trying to comfort him.
"Don´t ever leave me, Y/N. Please, don´t go"
"I won´t. I promise"
You felt his tears in your cheek and you held him tighter, but you allowed him to let it all out by crying. Sometimes people just needed to have someone by their side; someone to love them no matter what, despite their shortcomings. And from now on, you were going to be there for Niragi just as he was going to be there for you. Neither of you would ever be alone again.
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I just read your April Fools's fic with Larissa!! I LOVED IT!!! I was wondering if you could write another Larissa/teacher fic with the sex pollen? But maybe this time it could be: they don't like each other at all so they're really trying to understand what's happening and trying to fight it really hard until it's not possible anymore? Pleaseee?☺
Heyyyyy anon!! I feel like what your describing would go really well with enemies to lovers so I sprinkled some of that in there… Hope you enjoy! ❤️‍🔥💋
What the Body Wants Pt. 1 ~Larissa Weems xFem teacher!Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, bit angst, smut, teasing, sex pollen, drugging, eating out, masturbation, voyeaurism, grinding, scissoring, orgasm denial, exhibitionist kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You had been working at Nevermore for multiple years now. And you enjoyed the job a great deal.
For the most part...
You loved the students and the work. The environment of outcasts felt homey to you. And you enjoyed most of your colleagues.
From the minute your and Larissa Weems’ paths collided, you both knew you were not each others cup of tea. She had taken the position of headmistress in your third year at the school, and the pair of you had immediately come to the conclusion it was best to walk separate paths.
You had a tendency to second guess her decisions...
Larissa had a tendency to undermine you...
It was just a back and forth game of tension and frustration. So you both stayed away. Because when caught in the same room, your colleagues sometimes worried you two would break out into a full-on fist fight. For the most part, this method worked. You didn’t have to see her annoying face or listen to her ongoing speech.
Except for monthly staff meetings.
Those were inevitable and miserable… A time where you both had to suck it up and sit in a room together for hours at a time...
Today was no exception. You sighed as you entered the dreaded meeting, plopping down in your usual seat with a huff. Larissa gave you a side eye, which you kindly returned with a light glare. The meeting droned on and you could focus on any of it. Your mind was on one thing: Larissa.
Every time she stood up to speak…
Every time to rustled her notes…
Every time she goddamn breathed it set you off…
Finally, the meeting came to its agonizing end. You made a beeline for the door the second Larissa had dismissed the group. As you exited, Marilyn pulled you aside into a corner of the corridor.
“Hey Y/N, Can I talk with you for a second?” She asked.
“Yea, Marilyn, what’s up?”
“I’m doing a small get together Saturday morning with only a few people for some tea that I made myself!” Marilyn eagerly explained, “I was wondering if you would join me??”
You lightly smiled at how bright and eager Marilyn could be.
“Sure, Mar. I’d love that.”
“Great! See you tomorrow at 9 then!”
At that, Marilyn walked away with a skip, and you went in the opposite direction. From a distance you swore u heard Mariltn saying “Larissa! So glad you decided to join us tomorrow!”
But you brushed it off, as Larissa playing tricks with your mind again.
She had a tendency to do that…
Getting in your head…
Anyways, eventually Saturday morning rolled around…
At 8:50, you began walking down to Marilyn’s Greenhouses. As you walked near, you could hear voices in the Greenhouse already. You opened the latch to the foggy glass door and stepped in. But you stopped in your tracks at what you saw…
Marilyn was serving tea to Larissa… You gulped and tried to think of any possible excuse to get out of this. You couldn’t think of one.
Marilyn had cornered you.
And Larissa.
“Y/N! I’m so glad your here, come in! Larissa and I just started to pour some tea!” Marilyn exclaimed with a hint of mischievousness in the twinkle of her eyes.
You walked in and sat. And you said nothing. Larissa also had become silent the second she had seen you.
Her eyes had widened and her breath had fled from her…
“Here, have some tea!” Marilyn said, pouring you the same cup as Larissa’s.
Again, the greenhouse went silent.
“Please, do drink! I’d really like to know what you guys think!” Marilyn pled with excitement.
You both, not wanting to disappoint Marilyn and trying to find anything to avoid the tension, began to sip your teas. After a few minutes of awkward silence and sipping of tea, Marilyn got up and announced something.
“I think I forgot something in my… other greenhouse! Be right back!”, before leaving the two of you. And closing the door, with a click.
“No Mar, wait!” You yelled, getting up to follow Marilyn.
But when you reached the door, it was locked. In frustration, you pulled on it harder, but it wouldn’t budge. Larissa sighed in annoyance, “Let me try.”
You rolled your eyes and backed up with your hands up.
“Alright, but it won’t open. She’s locked it.” you gritted out.
Now it was Larissa’s turn to roll her eyes as she used her strength to tug at the door. Nothing. You were stuck. For who knows how long. Larissa let out a grunt in frustration.
What other sounds could that pretty mouth make…?
You cringed as you realized your internal thought. Not knowing what to do and feeling a bit lightheaded, you decided it would be best to sit back down.
Your heart race had picked up, which could very logically be explained by the fact that Marilyn had trapped you in a greenhouse with Larissa Weems… In any rate, you unconsciously picked up the tea cup and began sipping it.
You were nervous and the tea wasn’t actually that bad. It tasted like crisp winter with waves of spicey warmth, a sweet but tangy kick to the flavor…
Kind of what Larissa might taste like…
You physically cringed now, having to compose yourself from your rampant thoughts. You noted that your heart rate had now doubled in its pace… And was it getting a bit too hot in here…? You lightly fanned yourself with your hand, while taking another sip of your tea.
“Put the tea down.”
The voice came out of nowhere, but it was clearly Larissa. You swiveled your head, still holding the tea, to meet the woman’s gaze. For the first time, you actually took the time to take the woman standing in front of you in…
You noticed the beads of sweat rolling down her face…
You noticed her hair frizzing more than usual…
You noticed her pursed, plump lips…
“Sorry…?” You tried to snark, but your voice faltered.
“I said to put the tea down.” Larissa repeated in her usual demeaning and stern tone.
“Why? It’s actually quite good, you should try some.” You quipped back.
“I did. All of it, and that’s the problem.” She gritted out almost growling, her voice shifting down an octave.
Now you were really confused. And hot. Fuck was it hot in this greenhouse. You placed your now empty tea cup on the table with a emphasized slam.
“Happy now?”
Larissa chuckled, “No, not in the slightest.”
You groaned in frustration, “God Larissa, that was a hypothetical question…”
Larissa rolled her eyes at you, as you caught a falter in her step. She too sat down quickly.
“Are you alright?”
“No. I have been trying to tell you.” She seethed.
“Oh for fucks, sake! What is your fucking problem?” You raised your volume.
“Must you be so crass?” She bit back.
“Yes! Now are you going to tell me or not??” You practically yelled.
“Lower your voice.” Larissa commanded, lowering her own voice even more.
You only now noticed your sweating and that your heart race was furious at this point. And that Larissa’s words went straight to your core.
What?? Why?? How?? This made no sense…
You clenched your fists in frustration at the woman and groaned in response. When you had had your moment, Larissa continued,
“I think we’ve been drugged. I think the tea was some sort of ambrosiac…”
Your ears pricked up at this, and your head immediately swiveled back to the blonde.
“Sorry, what?” You genuinely asked, needing to process her words.
“Marilyn drugged us, Y/N. I do not know why and I certainly do not understand why she would lock us in here for it, but regardless, we don’t know the extent of the drug or any of the intentions along with it.”
You just laughed at this. You couldn’t help yourself, you burst out in laughter. Larissa was puzzled and stunned.
“Is this funny to you??” She demanded, vexed that you weren’t taking this as serious as she was.
“Yes… Yes, actually it is…” you chuckled, trying and managing to control your outburst.
“Do enlighten me about what is so funny about a staff member drugging two other colleagues and locking them in a greenhouse….” Larissa seethed.
Your mind was reeling and all over the place. You couldn’t control what did and didn’t come out of your mouth at this point.
“It’s funny that you don’t understand why Marilyn did this! I mean come on, she gives us an ambrosiac tea and locks us in her greenhouse…??” You suggestively say to Larissa.
But blank eyes stared back at you. Not blank actually, fiery and seething…
“She wants us to fuck, Larissa!!” You blurted out in laughter.
But as soon as those words left your mouth, you realized your own conclusion and immediately stopped laughing. The room seemed awfully tense now… And oddly spinning…? Now it was Larissa’s turn to have a burst of laughter,
“You…You can’t be serious…!” She laughed.
You bit your lip, feeling very bouncy and energetic all of a sudden.
“Yep.” You simply stated, as you stood up.
Larissa could not contain her amusement.
“And why on earth would Marilyn want that?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Do you want it?” She pointedly asked.
You turned around to face her at the bizarre seeming statement.
“No. Do you?”
“Not in the slightest.” She replied.
You hummed in response. Your heart rate was still through the roof and you had started to sweat. You were also getting hotter by the minute.
So hot you just wanted to rip the clothes right off your body…
“So I suppose we will just have to wait for the ambrosiac to wear off.” Larissa decisively stated.
You took a moment to respond, needing to lean against a table to help ground your breathing, “Yes, it seems that way…”
Larissa was in a similar state, holding onto a desk to keep herself grounded.
“It’s oddly hot in here isn’t it?” You huffed.
“Yes it is…”
And before you could stop yourself, you were speaking,
“Would you mind if I took my shirt off?”
Silence. You immediately cringed yet again and quickly tried to explain yourself,
“Not in any sexual way, I just meant that It’s far too hot in here for me! Only if your comfortable with—”
“Sure.” was the simple response you received.
Larissa couldn’t ask the same thing as she was wearing a dress.
Although, you certainly wouldn’t mind her asking and complying…
Taking your mind back out of the gutter, you removed your shirt. A slight gasp came from across the room, and your head shot up. You found an almost stunned looking Larissa with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“It’s alright.”
“I like your bra.”
She likes your black laced bra…
You wonder whether she’d like it on the floor even more…
Now you were left in your bra and trousers, and your body still burning with heat… You started pacing the room. The wind made your skin go a little less crazy…
Larissa groaned again in frustration and got up to start banging on the greenhouse door. At one point she determined that her efforts were fruitless as she went to go and sat back down again.
But along the way, you both clumsily ran into each other. You gripped Larissa’s forearms for support and the contact with her skin made your mind go dizzy. She meanwhile had grabbed your torso and arm to keep you from falling.
Now you both stood there in silence, not breaking the connection. All the pain and overwhelming heat went away.
And then Larissa broke from the trance and quickly pulled back from the contact. A slight whimper escaped your lips as the waves of heat and dizziness and overwhelmingness hit you again only they were intensified.
And a very strong ache in between your legs was becoming more and more apparent… You looked over to Larissa who staggered and then sat herself done again.
“There… There has to be an antidote somewhere here…” you panted, your breathing now labored and short.
“Already checked. Nothing that I could find...” Larissa responded in a strained tone.
“Fuck…” you whimpered, the pain in your body getting worse, “I can’t take much more of this… I feel like I’m about to combust…”
“I have an idea…” Larissa spoke out hesitantly.
You nodded and hummed in her direction.
“We… Maybe if we sated ourselves, then it would go away…?” She barely whispered.
You looked at the blonde with your hodded eyes and cocked an eyebrow at her, “You’re taking about you fucking yourself and me fucking myself just in the middle of this greenhouse in front of each other?”
Larissa’s face contorted at your choice of words yet again, but her expression quickly changed to a serious one, “Yes.”
You hummed in response. Your body was so on fire. Your mind told you no to Larissa’s idea but your body was screaming yes.
“Ok.” you shakily breathed out, “We’ll just do our own things I assume, then?”
“Yes…” Larissa met your breathy voice.
You nodded in response and leaned back in your chair a bit to get comfortable. You unbuttoned your trousers and snuck your hand down until your fingers reached your knickers. Your body was in a frenzy and hyper needy, so the second you slipped your finger into your aching cunt, you couldn’t help the moan of relief that escaped your lips.
Up to this point, Larissa had just been unabashedly staring at you. Your moan had sent sparks straight to her core. It woke her back up from her trance. Larissa rolled up her dress and removed her knickers easily.
You glanced over to the blonde, while you were fucking yourself in the way you knew your body responded best, and you found a direct view of the blonde having scrunched up her dress and her fingers skillfully circling her clit.
And when she inserted her own finger into her cunt… Oh God, you swore you could have cum right then and there from the pornographic moan that Larissa let out…
You both continued your administrations, becoming more and more enveloped in the lust of it all. You found yourself staring at Larissa as she fucked herself, taking in all her little whimpers, cries, and moans. And vice versa. Larissa couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of you.
Before either of you knew it and out of knowhere, you were both cumming with strangled cries and moans. You panted heavily and looked over to the blissed out blonde who looked heavenly. You had seen her when you came… The tightness and pain in your body seemed to be gone.
“Fuck…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled with small smile on her face.
Her explicit words ignited the fire back into your core and it all came back…
“OhHhhH shit…” you groaned as the wave of everything that was too much hit you once more.
Your words seemed to trigger Larissa as the smile was quick to fade from her face as her face contorted back into the pain filled frame from mere minutes ago.
“I don’t think it worked…” you groaned, having fallen to the floor and cradling yourself in some attempt of comfort.
“It seemed to for a while…” Larissa groaned right back, “I thought it would work…”
“I know. It was worth a try.” You comforted the frustrated blonde who was leaning against the table leg and spread out on the floor.
Silence ensued.
“I saw you…” you whispered.
“It felt better when I came and saw you…” you confessed, having to close your eyes because it was all becoming too much.
There was no response for a minute or so.
“I…I saw you too…” Larissa confesses in a hushed tone.
At her words, you moved to cradling yourself in a upwards position on the floor and met Larissa’s stunning yet glazed over sapphire eyes.
“My body wants you…” you confessed with a deep breath and your eyes looking down to the ground.
“And your mind?” She asked.
“I don’t know what my mind wants.” you whispered.
“That makes sense. The aphrodisiac most likely has the power to affect the body but not—”
Larissa didn’t have the chance to finish her thought as you and lunged forward and crashed your lips into hers. Larissa’s response was immediate, moving you to straddle her lap, she moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away after a minute having doubts, breathlessly panting, “I’m sorry. This doesn’t make sense.”
You went to pull away, but Larissa grabbed your hips and ground them against her own. You both let out embarrassingly loud moans, making Larissa tilt her head back with a small smirk,
“I think it makes perfect sense… We only feel better when we’re in direct contact… and right now, I think your wearing far too many articles of clothing…” she lustfully purred.
Larissa continued to grind her hips into yours, and you crashed your lips back into hers in response. The pair of you were a whimpering, needy mess on the floor, grinding into one another and sloppily kissing each others lips.
In response to her comment, you made quick work of your bra, throwing it aside. Larissa audibly moaned out in delight at the sight of your freed tits. Your nipples were so hard, you swore you could pop them.
You thrust your chest towards Larissa who was starting at your jiggling tits, “God please Larissa… touch me…” you breathlessly pled with the blonde.
The blonde happily obliged, wrapping her tongue around one of your hard buds and nipping and toying with her tongue. Your back arched in pleasure and your hands flew to Larissa’s hair. The pins had to go.
With your hips swaying in a rhythm and still grinding into one another, Larissa skillfully teased and marked your nipples and neck line, while you rushed to remove all the pins in her hair. Her beautiful locks cascaded down to her shoulders and your brain short circuited completely.
Larissa removed her lips from your puffy and marked bud with a pop, meeting your gaze, “What…?” She chuckled at your gawking state.
You ground against the blondes heat once more and with a pout breathlessly whined, “Clothes… need to go…”
At that Larissa eyes were completely taken by dark lust and desperation. She quickly took you off her lap, and before you could complain, she was unzipping her dress. You quickly followed with your trousers. When you looked back up to Larissa, she was in nothing but a cream satin lingerie set.
She stalked towards you, pining you against one of the greenhouse lab tables. With ease, she lifted you onto the table and slid her form in between your legs. You responded by immediately attaching your legs to her waist and pulling her face down to smash you lips against hers again.
As much as you would have loved to take a minute and explore the beautiful blondes mouth, you were desperate. As Larissa ravaged your mouth, you were quickly to unclip her bra, letting her creamy, soft, luscious tits free from their confinement.
“Fuck ‘Rissa…” you breathed out, your pupils dialating even more at you taking in her stunning form.
Larissa blushed at the nickname and how speechless her body had made you. But she was desperate too…
“As much as I love you ogling my tits, Darling… If I don’t have your face in my cunt in the next few minutes, I’ll fucking die…” Larissa groaned.
You licked your lips at Larissa’s words and nodded eagerly. You stripped your knickers off with haste. The two of you hastily swapped position, and you placed yourself right at the blondes thighs. You could see a soaking wet patch in her knickers, which only turned you on more.
Larissa needily bucked her hips into your face, “please fuck me please…!” She mewled.
And you happily obliged. You could already smell the scent of her arousal through her knickers. You tore her knickers off and threw them with her dress on the floor. Tonguing through her folds only made your body go into more of a frenzy. Every moan and cry that came from Larissa’s lips sent you spiraling.
Larissa’s hand shot down to grab ahold of your hair as the other stabilized her on the table. Strings of obscenities flowed from her smerred red lips as you explored her folds. Her legs clenched deliciously around your head, suffocating you in a manner that you couldn’t want any more than you did right now.
You noted that Larissa tasted like that tea, but wayyy more concentrated and far more delicious… Your tongue lapped through Larissa’s folds and in her walls with fervor, until she her walls were fluttering around your tongue more and more.
“Fuuuuck Darling M’mm gonna cum!!” Larissa moaned out, pushing your face deeper inside her cunt.
“Fuck ‘Rissa tastes so good… God cum for me please…!!” You groaned in response, which sent her even closer to her climax.
You attached your thumb to her clit, remembering the movement you saw her do to herself and you quickly circled the bundle of nerves sloppily. Larissa’s eyes rolled back as she came with the cry of your name on her tongue, her thighs depriving you of oxygen as they pressed together only pushing you further into her cunt, which was squirting plentiful amounts of cum on your face.
You moaned in delight as you ate her out, her walls clenching around your tongue. The blonde let go of your hair and you pulled out of your meal to look up at her. She was panting heavily with glazed over eyes as she stared down at you.
“Christ, you’re fantastic at that…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled, her body giving out on her causing her to collapse on the table.
But you two were by no means through…
You chuckled back at the blissed out blonde, “I’d clean you up but I’d rather feel your juices on my own pussy…”
At your words, Larissa sat up fully, eyes wide at your words, and she practically jumped off the table with her wobbly legs making her immediately collapse on the floor and taking you with her. You both laughed at her miscalculated act.
“Shit, when’s the last time someone properly fucked you?” You laughed, “Or am I just that good…?”
Larissa smacked your arm at your words and you wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. Damn was her laugh intoxicating…
But you quickly shut Larissa up by interlocking your legs and rolling your hips into the blondes, your dripping core grinding against Larissa’s. Your action immediately made Larissa’s eyes roll back in pleasure yet again and elicited another delicious moan from her lips. Her moan was quickly followed by a straggled cry of pleasure of your own.
Now Larissa was the one who caught you by surprise, rolling her hips into yours in unison to your moan.
“Shiiiit ‘Rissa! Do that again and M’mmm gonna cum…!!” You cried out, holding on to the tall blonde shoulders as you met her grinding sloppily.
“So soon, Darling…?” Larissa taunted, “I’m that good…?”
“Yes GOD YES please ‘Rissa!!” You cried out, your climax approaching at a rapid pace.
Your grindings got sloppier and more rushed as the two of spewed strings of obscenities into each others ears.
“Fuck Darling I’m…” Larissa panted, approaching her climax right along side you.
Suddenly, a distinct twig snapped outside. You and Larissa both immediately stopped and swiveled your head to the sound. Your breaths hitched together as you saw the shadow of Marilyn coming closer. You both scrambled, unlocking your legs and rushing about to find your clothes quickly.
“Shit shit shit…” you muttered, not being able to find your knickers.
But it was too late. The door was unlocking. You quickly finished dressing and so did Larissa. You and Larissa both hastened to sit where Marilyn had left you.
“Hey, Sorry, wanted to check on some plants on the edge of the woods…” Marilyn chirped with the same mischevious twinkle in her eye. You were still on complete edge and couldn’t stand it anymore….
“I’m so sorry, Marilyn, but I need to go…” you muttered, side eyeing Larissa before thanking Marilyn and rushing out of the greenhouse. Before you got up to the school, Larissa had caught up with you.
“My office. Ten minutes.” She breathed down your neck lustfully.
“God yes, ‘Rissa…” you groaned under your breath.
Your two bodies were by no means through with each other…
Part 2 out now… 🤭
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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iamasimperyk · 9 months
I saw ur post about wanting some requests for Dylan O’Brien characters.
I’ve got an idea if ur interested.
The classical one bed trope with reader and Stiles (one or both having a crush on each other/ or having been in a past relationship) and the line: “I miss your arms around me as I sleep, I know it’s embarrassing but u make me feel safe.” And it ends in a fluffy happy ending.
If u don’t wanna write it, that’s totally fine and I hope u have a nice day tho :))
Safe and Sound
Warnings: fluff, not proofread
Thank you for your request, and I hope you like what I made out of it:)
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Of course. It was obvious that the teacher would put you together for this project.
Stiles and you had a short thing for a couple of months until he was too busy with his friends, and you were too busy with school. The two of you broke up on good terms, but after that, you hardly spoke, and every time your friends got together, there was an awkward tension.
It took a lot of courage for you to ask Stiles when and where you would work on your project. "Well, my father works all day, so we can go to my house. Only if you want to, of course." Stiles said as he stumbled over his own words.
And that was the reason why you were sitting on his bed now. Stiles, meanwhile, sat on the floor, his books spread out in front of him. Actually, you were a good team, and your project was almost finished.
"I think that's enough for today, my hand already hurts." You whined and let yourself fall onto the bed.
You heard a little laugh from Stiles, "You know I wrote, and you read."
You were quick to throw a cushion at him, "No one needs to know that," You laughed and got up from the bed,
"I think I should go now." You mumbled before you got up from the bed.
Stiles quickly got up as well and looked out of his window. It was dark outside, "It's 11 p.m., do you really want to walk home?"
"I have no other choice. Somehow, I have to get home." You laughed a little and took your bag.
"I would drive you, but as tired as I am, we would probably have an accident. You could stay here for the night. You can take the bed, and I will sleep on the floor." He suggested.
You didn't expect him to ask you to stay, but honestly, you didn't want to walk home in the dark all by yourself, so you accepted his offer.
"Also, you don't have to sleep on the floor. I don't have a problem with sleeping in the same bed as you." You said quietly, fiddling with your fingers.
You saw him smiling a little before he walked out of his room to get a spare blanket for you.
You two lay next to each other. Stiles turned to the left and you to the right. The two of you didn't say a word, both a little uncomfortable with the situation, but at the same time, it felt like something you used to feel.
When you were about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of thunder. Since you were a child, you were scared of thunder, and Stiles was aware of that.
He was quick to turn to you, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
"Y-yes, of course," You tried to sound brave, but in reality, you were about to cry.
You've always been embarrassed by being afraid of something as normal as thunderstorms. Stiles, however, has always found it cute how anxious you were. He liked the way you snuggled up to him when you heard the sound of thunder.
"You wanna cuddle?" He asked quietly.
All you could do was nodding, and Stiles was quick to wrap his arms around you.
Suddenly, you felt safe again. It was like the thunder just disappeared. Everything just disappeared.
“I missed your arms around me as I sleep. I know it’s embarrassing, but you make me feel safe.” You mumbled without thinking, and before you realised what you had said, you fell asleep.
Stiles, on the other hand, was wide awake now. He missed you all those months, and he couldn't believe, that you lay in his arms right now. Everything was just perfect, and Stiles would make sure that it stayed that way.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
Hi! I really liked ur writing so I was wondering if u can do this?
Inarizaki and shiratorizawa (or one of them) with a fem manager that gets into fights often? But it's because they have roots to delinquent family members so they're pretty recognisable,,, also she kicks ass pretty good so most of the time she comes out alive
aw thank you for liking my writing and for the request. Sorry I couldn't get round to writing it up sooner :/
"Oh no, you've got it all wrong. She does bite."
When you first signed up to be the manager for the boy's volleyball team, you really didn't think much of it. You only signed up because your parents wanted you to go to some sort of after school club.
You didn't like any of the clubs so you decided to be a manager for a sports team. Besides, you didn't think a manager would have to do much since most of the organisation for matches would be done by the teachers and coaches.
So here you are on your first day being introduced to the boys in the team.
You stood before them with a deadpan face on.
"Hey, I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today onwards."
They boys bowed and said their greetings but you still felt like some of them were looking at you funny. So you looked at one, he had bleached yellow hair. (Atsumu Miya)
He tilted his head up and looked down at you suspiciously.
"Are you the Y/n L/n who got into a fight with Hiroto Ito a week ago?"
"Yeah, why? You looking for a fight too?"
Another boy came forward, he was slightly shorter but still a few inches taller than you with with black spikes for hair that went upwards. (Michinari Akagi)
"It was about time someone put that guy in his place. He was actually really annoying, would never let us practice in peace."
To your surprise, this boys were actually pretty nice to you and as you watched them practice you saw the passion they had for the sport.
Almost made you feel guilty for signing up for this role when you knew nothing about Volleyball.
You would hand out water bottles and towels during their breaks and tried your best to memories their names. Took you a few days to do that though.
Over the next few weeks, you ended up growing fond of the team and the team members which lead you to put more effort in your role as the manager.
You would take notes about each player, their strengths and weaknesses and you took time out of your day to learn the rules for volleyball. You didn't even realise when but your passion for the sport grew and grew.
Soon even the team members saw the improvement in you and grew fond of you as their manager. They hadn't ever had one before you and you were already setting their standard for a manager pretty high.
Soon you would even tease and joke around with them.
Their coach loved having you around for practice since the boys were actually kinda scared of you whenever they would mess up and made them try their very best each practice.
There was a time where they had a competition to go to where there would be a few other schools' volleyball teams attending too. It was your first match that you would be attending with them as their manager. Since it was your first, you didn't actually know how big the team's cheer squad was, which surprised you a bit when you first saw. There was also a crowd everywhere you went so it made it hard to move and get from one place to another.
However, around 15 minutes before matches you realised that Kita was missing for more than 10 minutes. The team can't play without their captain present. So you went to go quickly find him. After a few minutes you found him about to enter the changing rooms.
"Where were you? The team was waiting for you." You asked him.
"I had my phone on me and I was going to put it in a locker before the matches start." He put his phone up to show you. Before you or him could say anymore, someone from the crowd passing by with a hooded face snachted his phone and ran.
"Go back to the team. Go!" You pushed him in the direction to the entrance of the sports hall and then ran after the hooded face.
The guy ran down the streets and into an ally way which lead to a dead end. He turned around you saw that he was wearing a mask as well.
"Heh, what's a little girl like you gonna do huh?" The guy's voice came out a little muffled from his mask.
"A lot."
Safe to say you managed to beat his ass with the new moves your uncles had taught you. Though you did get a few scratches on your face and knuckles but you got Kita's phone back and the hooded guy seemed pretty beat up.
Running back to the competition, you just hoped Kita hadn't worried too much to mess up his performance. By the time you got back and made it to the coaches side, you saw that your team was already playing their first match.
At some point, Kita met your eyes and you gave him a toothy grin and a thumbs up while holding his phone in your other hand. He smiled back before focusing back on the game.
When they had a break in between the match, you handed out water bottles. When you gave one to Kita, he saw the scratches on your face.
"Did you get into a fight?"
"No, drink your water and don't worry, you're phone is in perfect condition."
"You got hurt though." When he said that, a few of the other team members turned around to check on you.
"Damn miss manager, you really shouldn't be kicking ass while your team is out here playing a match." Atsumu teased. He didn't know you chased a guy down an ally who stole his captain's phone.
"You know you should be careful or she might just kick your ass Atsumu." Osamu told him, sending you a smile before him and his brother began to bicker.
You shooed them all away once the break was over while rolling your eyes at their teasing remarks.
You had a small smile as you watched them play and you felt like this wouldn't be the first time you would get into a fight for them but you really couldn't care. They can repay you by getting first place.
"I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today forwards."
You were there at every practice they had, they would see you taking notes and giving out water bottles. You learned all their names and positions within 3 days. You were doing everything one would expect a manager to do and you would do it flawlessly.
Which actually surprised them since you were known throughout the school to get into fights with other students both in your school and from other schools.
However, not long since you began being their manager, you once came to practice late with some bruises on your hands and a rather sour mood.
Tendo asked you about it but you just shooed him away to practice more, even hitting him with your clipboard.
Another time, you came to practice with your hair a bit messy and a busted lip that had been poorly treated. Though luckily that time the coach wasn't there to report it to another teacher and Eita Semi and Kenjiro Shirabu dragged you to the infirmary to get it treated properly.
Once, you came to practice after a fight which you personally found very easy to finish. You didn't get any big, obvious injuries so to the other team members, they thought you hadn't came back from a fight and continued practice like usual.
But the captain knew otherwise. When he came over to the side to get a drink he walked over to you.
"So, who did you fight with today?"
"Huh, how did you know?"
"I'm an excellent observer."
"Uhh sure, well it wasn't anything too bad. So don't worry about me."
He chuckled.
"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the kid you beat up. Wonder what condition he is in right now."
"Gee captain, thanks for caring about your manager so much."
You both laughed before you fell silent.
"The bastard wouldn't quit saying nonsense about the team and starting up rumours." You told him.
"Aw, so you do care about us!" Tendo popped up on the other side of you.
"Fuck tendo! You scared me, I nearly punched you."
He laughed and put an arm around you.
"You beating up guys who talk shit about us? How thoughtful of you manager."
"Tendo do you want me to beat you up with my clipboard again?"
"Hehe, it's like we have our own personal bodyguard."
You smacked him with your clipboard.
"ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop. Gonna go practice some more. Talk to ya later miss bodyguard- I mean manager."
The other team members looked over at you and Tendo and were either laughing or sighing. "Looks like he is gonna get his ass beat again."
"He really should stop riling her up, she is actually kinda scary."
"Yeah but tendo is another breed, he isn't afraid."
Thank you for this request anon, this was pretty fun to write. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
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kenlvry · 1 year
angry confessions
c; getting into an argument abt something then saying “why u care” and yhhhh, angry confessions speak for itself, aged up 16-17 kenny kyle and stan
kenny mccormick
kenny wasn’t really fazed when something bloody happened, having died millions of time before, he got used to it. but when he saw you and some girl fighting he almost yelled stop loudly tryna be the main character, he let the fight happened bc he knew you hated it when someone pulls you away from a fight, it made it seem like you lost.
after the fight that you won you were frustrated and walked away home bc school alr ended, kenny ran to you and yelled at you “ what the fuck y/n?? you know how fucking dangerous that was?? you looked so fucked up” he said while holding a first aid kit, you couldnt care less how you look, “ y/n! are you even listening?? y/n” he said and walked infront of you, 
“fuck kenny what?, can i not get into a fight? idgaf how i look, she asked for it” “are you hearing yourself rn?? what if you fractured something?? cmon sit down so i can check” he touched your arm “don’t touch me” you said sternly, he let go and you walked away, he wasn’t going to let you go like that so he grabbed your arm again “omg kenny why the fuck do you care so much?! why do you care if i got into a fight!?” “ because i like you dumbass!” your eyes widen and so does kenny “w-what...” you said “ now let me treat you, cmon” he said checking you hands while blushing ,
after that it got somewhat awkard but you two def act more close than ever
stan marsh
you were hanging out with a boy, not just any other boy but a boy that was known as the most violent kid at school, people said the boy always got into fights, smokes behind the school and disrespects teachers. but there you were talking and laughing with him, it made stans heart twist, after you were done talking to the boy stan went over and talked to you to warn you abt him.
“yo y/n why were you talking to him js now?” you looked at stan then at the boy, “who him?” you looked over to the boy and stan nodded “because... hes my friend? plus i have him for my science partner so we were talking abt when to meet up” you said smiling and walking away “hold on, yk who he is right?? stay away from him, he’s dangerous!” stan said pulling your arm “cmon stan stop over reacting he’s sweet, he even promised to buy me lunch!” you said pulling away from him, “still! im going to talk to mr garrison abt this, i’ll ask so you and me are on the same team” he said and walked away, now youre the one pulling his arm
“the fuck? dont, its none of your business” he was so shocked at how defensive you got over the kid “its too! what if you got hurt,infact i’ll make sure for future projects that requires two people us two are already on one” he tried walking away again, “stan! dont butt in! let me be, hes not as dangerous as people potray him!” you said slightly raising your voice “ i’m not risking it.” he said crossing his arms also raising his voice slightly “ why the fuck do you care??! you never cared before!” you yelled looking angry “because i love you y/n! bc i care for you! how have you not realize it by now geez!” he yelled back, you sat there shocked with a slight tint of pink on your cheeks he coughed a little breaking the tension “ now cmon, you wanna change partners or not” he looked away refusing to make eye contact, you nodded. 
the whole time you two were working on the project you two blushed and smiled literally acted like you two never met
kyle broflovski
although you looked like a very untroubled person, you also had problems you wished would go away. so often times you and some other kids would smoke at the back of the school before school starts, its a way for you to release stress before school starts.
everyone kinda knew, the way you smelt when school starts it was too obvious,not to kyle i guess.. people didnt tell him bc they thought he knew! you thought he knew too tbh, but he thought it was from your dad or someone in your family, he believes your not one to get into that shit
school started and you scrapped your cig bud on the wall and threw it in a bin that was prepared by one the kid who smoked, as much as he smoked he cared for the environment too yk even though he's literally ruining it by smoking .when you came in the smell was strong, kenny smiled knowing what you did before school "smells strong y/n, things got tough huh?" he smiled while laughing a little "atp y/ns lung is gonna be all black like her heart" cartman added "is your dad okay y/n? he shouldn't smoke infront of his kids" kyle tried chiming in which made all five of you stop in your tracks. you looked at each other in confusion
"kyle, y/n dad isnt even alive" and kyle eyes was widen, he never asked bc he thought your dad was messed up and didn't wanna triger you. "wait then why does y/n smell like smoke" "bc she the one that smokes dumbass" kyles eye widen even more. with a little brother who used to vape and a bestfriend who drinked he was scared you'd be addicted too so he asked to talk to you separately.
"the fuck y/n?? smoking is so bad for you, you have to stop right now!" kyle got mad "ugh its none of your business,you literally used to smoke and how come you've only find out now?" you said rolling your eyes "thats not important! that shit can fuck up your lungs," "okay dad" you laughed a little and he got mad, he reach for your pockets and took away the packet of cigarettes you had "what the fuck kyle give them back, a teachers gonna see!" "no! not until you say you're gonna quit and start going to school with us from now on" he held the packet of cigarette high so you couldn't reach em
"why do you care?! why do you care if my lungs go all black and fade away? thats my problem!" "because i like you!" he said bringing the pack down and sighed "i like you y/n and I'm scared i might loose you so please, stop doing this" you blushed at the sudden confession
you didn't entirely quit, it was hard quitting something you always did as a routine so kyle would allow you only two times a week and gradually move from there<3
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teddynottss · 3 months
teacher tom 😍
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• - MY GOOD GIRL - •
PAIRING(S): prof tom riddle x student fem. reader
WARNING(S): jealousy, smut, teacher x student, extreme dominance, age gap, pet names during sex.
SUMMARY: you and prof. tom are in a secret relationship and when one of his students invites you to the yule ball in his own class, he doesn’t let that slide and punishes u for it.
A/N: thank you smm for all the support on my last post🫶, if anyone wants to be tagged in any of my posts lmk and if you have any ideas requests are open💗.
This year at Hogwarts, you got a new DADA teacher, as usual, professor tom. He was handsome, he was tall and muscular, his features all defined, one look at his eyes and you’d pass out. He was calm, but wise. He was smart and quiet unkind, he was never disrespectful though.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit of attraction toward the man, and to your surprise, you would always catch him glancing at you. He would also find ways to talk to you, after tests, during class, after class, whenever he saw you in the hallways, etc…
One time he asked you to stay after class, so you admitted your feelings and he kissed you. Thats how you got in a 4 month relationship with your DADA professor, however, you couldn’t tell anyone because he was a 24 year old Slytherin professor, and you were a 7th year Gryffindor student.
You get to class early today, your last one, defense against the dark arts (DADA), and to your surprise, ur early. You take a seat next to Hermione and Cormac walks up to you.
He had a big crush on you, and everyone in the school pretty much was aware of it, students, professors, all of them.
“Hii pretty girl” he spoke with a grin. “Heyy” you reply back nicely. “So the yule ball is coming around, and if you don’t have anyone to take you, i am more than happy to take you.” he said. “Of course Cormac, I’ll definitely think about it” you smile at him. “alright beautiful” he smiles back then he coughs.
Then he coughs again, and again, and again, and again, and he’s choking! He’s on his knees, coughing hysterically. Everyone gathers around him trying to stop the cough and as your eyes dart around the room, you find professor tom stood at the door, mumbling something, he was the one doing this!
You had to make it stop, “Professor!” you call out. “Help him, he just began choking” just then, Cormac stops choking and tom sprints across the room to him. He kneels down next to him, “just take him to the medical wing, he’ll be fine” this man was insane.
Just then, Neville and Ron help take him out of the classroom and the lesson begins. The whole time, your bf doesn’t look at you at all. Was he avoiding you?
Class finishes and you decide you wanted to talk to tom about this. You were the only student who knew where his room was so you decided to go and speak to him later tonight. The time came around and you got going. The halls of Hogwarts were quiet and empty at this time, dark and silent.
You arrived and knocked on the door, he opened the door and his eyes widened at your figure. “Why did you come here?” he asks. “We need to talk” you reply as you step in the room.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS TODAY?? ARE YOU OUT OF UR MIND?? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO THE POOR GUY, HE WAS STRUGGLING!” You speak, scream is more like it. “He fucking asked my girl to go to the yule ball with him.” He states.
“He doesn’t know we’re together!”. you point out. “The only person you’re going to the yule ball with is Neville!” “My cousin, seriously?” “Yes and i don’t want anyone else coming near you within a 50 mile radius or i will rip their intestines out one by one.” he’s still speaking calmly, he never shouts, never.
“Fuckk.. why would you even say you’d think about it beautiful, don’t you know ur mine?” He gets closer. “Im gonna have to punish you.” He then places his hand on ur waist and pulls you in. He kisses you hungrily and slips his tongue inside, fighting with urs for dominance.
You wrap ur arms around his neck as the kiss deepens, he then picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bed. “Im gonna fuck this tight little pussy till you can’t walk, till everyone in Hogwarts hears my name, till Cormac learns to not touch whats not his.”
Just then, he begins removing your shirt as you stood in front of his bed. He takes his time, one by one, he removes your bra, pants, then panties.
He then pulls you in for another kiss and makes you sit on the bed, he kneels between ur legs, and he begins trailing kisses down your collarbone until reaching your breasts. He begins pleasuring both of them, starting with your left breasts. He leaves kisses all around your breast and then starts sucking on your tit.
He sucks hard, twirling his tongue around ur tit, cupping your other breast in his hand. He then moves to your other side, pleasuring it similarly. He cups the left one and pinches your tit between his fingers. You let out different sounds and moans of pleasure, loosing urself to the heat of the moment.
After he’s done, he pushes you further on the bed and he spreads ur legs, “now, tell me, whose wet pussy is this for?” he questions. “Y-yy-yours, tommy.” “Thats right, now let me show you why it’s wet, for me.”
He immediately dives in like a starved man and starts eating you out. He licks ur folds, twirling his tongue, pleasuring you well, very well.
You grab his hair, tugging at it. “Tommy, im so close,” you admit. He mumbles a quick mhmm into ur pussy and it sends shivers down ur spine. That was ur limit, you slam your hand on ur mouth, stopping urself from screaming, as you come into his mouth.
He smiles into ur pussy and swallows all you have to give, he then licks you clean before pushing two fingers in without any warning. You moan at the feeling and he immediately begins moving his fingers inside you, slowly.
He then adds a third finger and starts speeding his movement, “you will not go to the ball with anyone but neville, do u understand me.” you nod in response which he doesn’t approve of.
“Use your words darling” “i.. i won- i wont go to the ball with anyone b..but Neville” “my good girl” he says before kissing you again. This time it’s slow yet still hungry, full of lust. “You have another one in you, don’t you?” You nod and once again he sighs in disappointment. “Use ur words love” “I d.. do” you answer.
He then proceeds to speed his movement and you come for the second time tonight. He removes his fingers and shows you ur cum on his fingers before licking them clean.
You get up to the bathroom to clean urself before returning back to ur dorm. You could hardly walk, but once you got there, you turn the hot water on and jump in the shower.
A few seconds later, tom walks in with you, already stripped out of his clothes. You turn to face him and smile at him. Once he steps in, he speaks “wait here pretty girl, i said im gonna fuck u till u cant walk, till everyone hears my name, till Cormac understands to not touch whats not his, i don’t think I’ve done that yet, have i?”.
You shake ur head at him and he makes you face the wall. You feel him get closer and he breathes next to your neck, heat floods ur body as you feel his breath.
“Now listen to me, im gonna fuck you real good, but im going to need you to beg me for it.” he whispered. He then lines his throbbing, hard cock with ur entrance and starts kissing you. The kiss is heated and slow, ur tongues fighting for dominance.
“Come on riddle..” you say between kisses. “Come on what?” he teases. “Fff.. fuck me tommy please. I need you inside me, now!” “One more time beautiful.” “Fuck tom, get inside me now!” You arch ur back a bit, and to that, he smacks ur ass before pushing in you.
“Fucking brat” he spoke as he sped his movements. You cover ur mouth, blocking any sounds from leaving it when tom removes it. “I wanna hear all the pretty noises you make when i fuck you like a little whore.” To that you moan which makes him go even faster.
“Tommy.. can i c-cum p-p-p-please?” “Your third time tonight? Impressive darling, go ahead.” He speeds his thrusting, and grabs the shower head, he turns it on and he points it toward ur pussy and he rubs circles around your clit.
Just like that, you scream as you come, your nails piercing tom’s skin. “Fucking hell, doll” you both chuckled.
You later finished ur shower and ran back to ur dorm as u realized it was past curfew already.
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
Christmas In July
req: yes
can you please write one where fem reader has a mutual flirtation with melissa (but neither realize it's for real). Its christmas time and she helps melissa decorate her classroom and/or breakroom for her and Barbara's christmas party thing? Maybe Barbara invited reader to the party- knowing they're both being dumb and like each other- without melissa knowing.
A/N: hello! thank u for sending this request :)) warms my heart. sorry it’s a bit on the short side, but i hope u enjoy! also this gif ;-;
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The long-awaited holidays had finally rolled around. It was the last day before break, every teacher and student alike buzzing with excitement. Except you, of course. You were a bit disheartened to leave your Abbott family, even if just for a few weeks. There was one person in particular you would miss a bit more than others, Melissa Schemmenti. The two of you had an interesting dynamic that you weren’t ready to let go of quite yet. 
       The unrelenting thoughts bouncing around in your head were interrupted by a much softer voice. “Hey sweetheart, what’s got ya thinkin’ so hard over there?” Melissa asked as she walked in with a cup of coffee already. You shrugged instead of answering, and insisted on asking her about her morning. 
       As the two of you caught up, the rest of the staff filed in. Only Barbara had the nerve, (and honestly, the right), to include herself in you and Melissa’s chitchat. “Well, if it isn’t the two lovebirds. Y/N, what are your plans for celebrating this evening?” She inquired. While you had a puzzled look on your face, Melissa turned to her friend to shoot her a look you had only seen a few times from the redhead. She seemed angry, betrayed perhaps. Not wanting to keep Barbara waiting, you stopped reading into your friend’s expression, and replied. “I have big plans, with a bottle of wine and my couch.”
       Before Barbara could continue, the bell rang, and everybody started shuffling out. You felt a hand wrap itself around your arm, and turned to meet the woman once again. “You know,” she said quietly, “Melissa and I have a tradition of dinner here, before we go see our own families. You should join us this year,” Barbara invited you, and left just as quickly as she came. Melissa was next to grab your attention, but instead of grabbing your arm, she wrapped her own around your waist and pulled you into her side. 
       “Stealing my friends now are ya? What was that about?” She teased. The smell of her perfume engulfed you, distracting you from answering her fully. “You know I would never take Barb, besides, I already have you.” She smiled in response and squeezed your hip before letting go, leaving you a bit flustered in the break room, now alone.
       The rest of the day was spent carrying the nerves from earlier. After texting Barbara during your break, you decided to pick up a bottle of wine and a few flower displays. You wanted to make a good impression, maybe Barb and Mel would invite you again next year if it went well. The thoughts of holidays with Melissa started to flood your head. You know she would make the most delicious dinner for the two of you, maybe visit her family too. And perhaps afterwards, Melissa would become overwhelmed with her adoration for you and show you just how special you are to her. 
       Before your thoughts could get even more carried away, the final bell rang. Funny how fast the day passes when you spend the entire time daydreaming about your coworker. Quicker than you would’ve liked to admit, you ushered the kids out of your classroom. Once everyone had found their parents, and after some heartfelt goodbyes to your students, you walked back to your classroom for the supplies. 
       The walk to the break room was quiet, halls empty once again. Upon entering, you saw Melissa, there for the same reason. “Oh, hey hon. What are you up to?” She asked. You walked closer to her and into the room fully, wine and flowers in hand. “Barbara invited me to dinner with you guys. Did she not tell you? Should…Should I go?” Quickly you realized Melissa was completely unaware of the invitation that was extended towards you. You slowly started taking steps backwards towards the door again, until Melissa once again was wrapping her arms around your waist. 
     “No stay, please. I’m glad she invited you here, honestly I was too nervous to do it myself. I’m glad you’re here babe,” Melissa reassured you. You tried not to read too into the pet name slipping off her tongue like it was nothing. Or how warm her skin felt, or how her grip around you tightened with each passing second. 
      You smiled, and muttered a quiet ‘thank you.’ It was impossible not to get lost in her eyes, you weren’t ready to pull away from them—or rather, her—just yet. “I see you brought wine, smart thinkin’. We usually run out pretty quick,” Melissa pointed out, loosening her wrap around you and backing up a bit to give you space. You tried not to miss her touch so badly. “Yeah, and I got flowers too. Maybe for the centerpiece?”
       The two of you started decorating the break room together, transforming it from its usual scene to the perfect Christmas set. Melissa’s phone lit up on the table, and based on her expression, it wasn’t a good notification. “Is everything okay?” You asked. 
       “Yeah….yeah. Barb just canceled so, I guess it’s just us two,” She answered, and maybe it was the lighting, or maybe it was the nerves, but you swore her cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink. “Well, let’s get started then.”
       Melissa started making a plate with food, and before you could grab your own, she handed the full plate to you, and started making another for herself. She was like this the rest of the night, taking care of you when you didn’t ask. You didn’t have to, Melissa just knew somehow what you were feeling and what you needed. The wine had started to settle and left a warm feeling in your stomach, only growing hotter the longer you spent with the redhead. 
      “As much as I love spending time with you Mel, I think it’s about time we call it.” You said solemnly, looking at the time on your phone. Doing so made you miss the frown that Melissa sported, saddened at the thought of saying goodbye. The two of you stood up to start cleaning, silence engulfing both of you. “I don’t usually say this but, I think I’m gonna miss you during break,” Melissa finally spoke. 
      You looked up at her, blush covering your face from your cheeks to the tips of your ears. “Yeah? I’m gonna miss you too. I really am,” you replied. 
       “Then let me come see you, take you to a real dinner.” Melissa said. She stopped whatever it was she was picking up and met your gaze. You felt like the world around you was spinning. “Dinner? Like…” You trailed off, wanting, needing Melissa to confirm what you thought you could only hope for. 
       “Yeah, dinner. Like…? A date? If you want?” Melissa answered, nervously messing with her fingers as she spoke. You walked closer to her before speaking again, “Yes, please. I would love that.”
         Melissa returned to her favorite stance with you, her arms finding their way around your waist and her hand pushing on your lower back, nearly forcing you to be close to her. Truthfully, you loved when she held you like this, and based on the smirk on Melissa’s face, she knew you liked it. “Okay,” she whispered, “Tomorrow night then, I’ll come pick you up.”
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jazminrhode1 · 10 months
Hey babeee, can u do one where chris asks his crushhhh to prom? Love your writing please never stop bc I fucking love iiiit ;P
Better Late Than Never Chris Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: Chris confesses his feelings for you at prom.
Word Count: 1618 words
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Chris always had a lot of bravado. He could have fooled you into thinking he didn’t give two fucks and that was a part of his charm - it also drove you fucking crazy. He wore chaos like an armour to hide his vulnerability but, every now and then you got to see the softer side of him.
You had met Chris is freshman year when you were paired together for a science project. You both failed because he did nothing, but he made you laugh the whole semester. 
From time to time, you would catch him looking your way and diverting his eyes when he saw that you noticed. He always sat next to you because he wanted to “copy your answers” but, as the years went on, you weren’t convinced.
When he was in a bad mood he would slump down in his seat and rest his head on your shoulder. When he was in a good mood, he would do whatever he could to make you laugh.
Your friends always thought that you and Chris would get together. They always talked about you both being high school sweethearts but, Chris never seemed to make a move. He seemed to always leave you hanging but, you never took it personally. You didn’t think it was intentional.
One afternoon in a freshman year math class, rumors were spreading around the school that you were dating some kid from the hockey team. The first thing that Chris said to you was “I fucking hate that kid.” You shrugged it off. You didn’t even know the guy but, it made you feel good that it made Chris jealous.
As you sat in the back of your English class or front row in Spanish, the teachers would ask repeatedly for you both to stop talking but, it never worked. Going into you senior year you felt like he knew everything about and you knew everything about him too.
Senior year felt different from the very first day. The cliques were changing, your group of friends got smaller and Chris started sitting with Nate.
You tried not to think too much of it, it’s not like the seat beside you was assigned to Chris but, you missed the jokes he made under his breath and the snacks that he snuck into class. Most of all, you missed him.
After 2 years you could finally admit to yourself that maybe you did like him… Really like him and maybe now he didn’t like you back.
The first semester came and went and you spent more time with Nick than you did with Chris. The gazes were few and far between and the jokes became crueler. Nick tried to convince you that it was because he had a crush on you but, you had a hard time believing that.
As your Senior Prom got closer and closer, you were beginning to think that no one would ask. A couple of your friends were going alone and you were happy to tag along. Who remembers their senior prom anyway? You, that’s who.
Matt has asked your friend Amelia and Nick was going with his latest fling - some boy called Jake from your home room. From what you’d heard, Chris hadn’t asked anyone nor was he planning to. He had announced one lunchtime that promposals were “stupid” and that prom itself was “fucking lame”. You didn’t know if he was trying to be the big man or if he actually believed what he was saying but, it made your heart sink a little.
After almost a year of not speaking more than 5 words to Chris at a time, he flagged you down in the hallway. Was he going to ask you to prom? Your heart started racing.
“Do you have those math notes?” he said casually.
Your heart dropped as you shook your heard. “Fuck” he responsed.
“Not you…” he clarified. “Oh yeah, I got that” you replied.
He stood there awkwardly for a second too long before he turned on his heels to walk away.
“Hey, are you not going to prom?” you blurted out, feeling stupid.
He turned back around slowed and leaned up against the locker. “I mean, I’ll probably go…” he started, “don’t wanna miss out on my James Bond moment.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He had a way about him that made you feel at ease. He was killing you. All you wanted was for him to pull out a poster in front of everyone in the hall and ask you to do your first and last senior prom.
“Well...” you started. “Did you wanna go?” he asked seemingly out of nowhere, “with me, I mean?”
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. “Oh. Yeah. Sure” you stammered. You could feel the goofiest smile spread across your face and tried your best to hide it. “Cool” was all he said before he walked away. 
On the day of the prom, Chris still hadn’t ‘promposed’ to you. You knew you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up but, you also knew that he knew how much that would have meant to you.
All of your friends were getting ready at your house blasting Taylor Swift as your mom helped everyone with their hair. You chose a light blue dress because you knew it was Chris’ favourite colour and found the perfect tie to match it.
As it got closer to 5 pm butterflies began to swarm in your stomach. This could be the start of something and you were not at all prepared for what that could be.
The doorbell rang 30 minutes later when the boys arrived. They had pulled up in a limo that was going to take you to the prom. Your friends rushed downstairs while you tried to tidy up a little. “Go have fun, sweetheart,” your Mom said as she admired you in your dress.
When you went downstairs, everyone had gone outside to take their pictures. Chris waiting for you, leaning against the balustrade. He turned around when he heard you coming down the stairs. He looked real fucking good in a tux. This was his James Bond moment.
His mouth hung open as he looked you up and down. You thought it was safe to assume that he liked your dress. As you stopped in front of him, you noticed that he was holding something behind his back.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly. “Hi,” he replied with a grin on his face.
He took a step back and pulled a cardboard sign out from behind him that read ‘BETTER LATE THAN NEVER… WILL YOU PLEASE GO TO THE PROM WITH ME?’ Very on brand for Christopher Sturniolo.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t do something more elaborate,” he said.
“This was perfect,” you laughed, “I didn’t need anything.” You meant that. You didn't need anything more than this but, your heart skipped a beat knowing that he did this for you. He did this because he knew it was important to you.
That reminded him that he has gotten you a corsage. He grabbed the corsage from the entry table and slid it onto your write.
“It matches the dress,” he observed. You weren’t sure if he was talking to you or congratulating himself. Probably the latter.
“Should we go outside?” you asked, keen to join the rest of the group.
“In a minute,” he said, checking to see no one was around.
You were confused. He had barely spoken to you for almost a year and now he wanted to have a conversation? Chaotic Chris was back at it again!
He folded his arms across his chest as he tried to figure out what he was going to say. You waited awkwardly hoping this moment would be over soon.
“Y/n…” he started. You waited... And waited.
“I don’t know how to say this…” he continued, “I think I’ve spent a lot of time confusing the heck out of myself and sending mixed signals and trying to figure out what’s going on in your heard… in my head…”
He was making no sense. He was driving a train of thought with no direction and you were beginning to think that he might never get to the point… Until he did.
“I have liked you since freshman year. I have spent years trying not to because you are one of my best friends and I don’t ever want to lose but, I really, really like you y/n and I just wanted you to know that” he said.
You were stunned. Shocked. He said everything that you wanted him to say and still, you didn’t know what to do. You hadn't planned for this part.
“It’s ok if you don’t…” before he could finish his sentence your lips were on his, your arms around his neck, his hands on your waist.
You were the first to pull away and gaze up into his eyes. “I hope that was ok” you asked.
His arms snaked around your waist as a smile spread across his face. He pulled you back in and planted another kiss on your lips. This time it felt like a couple reuniting after years and years apart. It felt natural and passionate and was more than you would have hoped it would be.
When you went out into the backyard hand in hand your best friends squealed in excitement. “Finally!” Nick said as he pulled you both into the picture.
Your Mom had always told you that ‘good things take time’ but, no amount of time could have prepared you for this.  
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