#also i really like how ive been drawing sun recently
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cacaocheri · 1 year ago
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pumpkin carving :^)
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distant--shadow · 4 months ago
The witch and the widow chapters 1-4 author’s notes
Ok, so first off I feel I gotta preface this by saying I am absolutely not a history buff. Kinda the opposite of one really. I was one of less than 10% of the kids in my year of 300 or so that didn’t take history at GCSEs, mostly caus a subject taught and based around names and dates etc is the definition of something not suited for my type of brain, also I hugely lost interest in it caus we moved past the fun trebuchet eras and all that real fast and it became of slog of me falling asleep in lessons caus I had a teacher whose method was putting on movies and shutting the blinds (I’d always fall asleep and he was later jailed for being a p*edophile, so that’s a thing.) Anyway, all that to say I’m not good at this shit, but as ive gotten older I have taken a bigger interest in queer history in particular, and that often if not always links into other areas such as fashion, women’s rights, religion,the arts, class, and race etc. (I’m still not good at names and dates though!)
They are outfitted and arsenalled - the stones of the wall - in a manner to rival any army; tapestries of red and gold perhaps once brandished on battlefield as banners promenading around death now retired and indoor-still-air-still as taxidermy giving colour between all of the shades of metal, burnished and polished and in some cases rusting, some still purposefully left blood-stained, swords and pikes and maces arranged in wallpaper patterns as though flowers or fans, sword-sheath beams spreading from chest-plate armour suns.
Let’s start with something easy and recent. The Baron’s armoury was inspired by a few castles I’ve visited, these rooms are always so bizarre to me. I don’t know if this is at all of the time/how they were decorated or a more recent thing, but either way it’s pretty wild but I do love the visual and metaphor of it. In this one castle I found out from talking about the carpentry to an attendant that the decorative ceiling work around the chandelier above the dining room table actually hid a trapdoor - and there was other hidden doorways for passages and to secret rooms in this castle, that’s not that unusual - but this particular trapdoor was to allow for the chandeliers to be switched out. Why? Caus they had them in multiple colours of glass, and the lady of the castle liked the chandelier to co-ordinate with her dress if they were having guests round. Aint that such a flex? Definitely some food for future thought.
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Aight. Clothing. So anyone that chats fic/au to me or is in my server has probably heard me yell to go watch Kaz Rowe’s videos many times. As I’ve said this fic aint meant to be historically accurate but it does kinda straddle histories, one of which being our own; so women wearing trousers and the like at this time would still be a crime, and draw a lot of attention . Imogen in men’s clothing genuinely isn’t meant to be much of a gender thing but a thing of practicality, and she has mostly lived in the countryside or in the outskirts, so she does not get into the trouble she would should she go into the towns and cities (another reason to keep away past the potential noise, but this Imogen will happily don a dress or skirts if she needs to, she’s just usually working – and maybe it’s a bonus that dressing as a man acts as a sort of flagging for any women who might be interested lol.)
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I guess here I should mention how I think this version of Imogen's powers and how they’ve manifested (along with everyone else being unaware of them) will have somewhat changed her disposition and personality, it is a lot more aligned with later campaign Imogen who has more confidence and empowerment, she hasn’t been ostracised for her abilities or particularly bombarded by them, think more like when she has her circlet on, she chooses to listen in (mostly), although of course she has still heard many terrible things (and her life has still been pretty brutal but that’s to be written still).
(it’ll be really fun in this regard getting to explore and explain this version of Laudna, but early days for giving much away on that yet!)
Her skirts are full and structured and plumed by many layers of petticoats that hide the movement of her feet across the wildflower lawn, causing her to appear to be drifting like the bees do from petal to petal, pollen dusting her pleats though ghostly her skin in contrast to the fine fabrics that she dresses for the part, black in mourning, still, bodice tight and sleeve leg of mutton, an ornate decorative layer of black lace laying over each yard of textured textile like spider webs on porcelain patterns, her husband's tableware collecting dust in the kitchen cupboard.
real impractical for how tending towards practical the Lady dares to be, hands on, too busy for errant hairs in piano key ivory and ebony windswept and loose from the high bun she pins in place with a cameo broach, a memento mori engraved in silver and inlayed with ruby eyes and tied with red ribbons. Her skin also proudly displays the age and perhaps trauma that her hair does, lines from laughter and furrowed brows and the feet of the crows that cry from the top of the chimney pots
A little note as to say that Laudna’s appearance is heavily influenced by Victorian mourning wear, with some of the clothes cuts altered to be a little bit more regency and earlier in places. (her  attire is a little outdated, further suggesting her distancing from society and fashion)
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A couple of days ago Imogen happened upon a bird with an injured wing, crying helplessly and rolling in circles, feathers taking flight away from the bird that could not, settling around it as it panicked itself bald-
The bird could not live without the use of its wing, and it didn’t, whether that was by Prosciutto or a fox, only its feathers were left in a pile.
Imogen had gathered them into an empty burlap sack; taken them to one of the maids downstairs to clean, repurpose them for filling pillows.
Here’s a silly little easter egg for my p(r)oof reader. Last time he visited we was enjoying a cinnamon roll from the local bakery by the city river (as you do) and a cyclist hit a seagull. It was real distressing, the seagull was distressed too. A handfull of middle aged women stood around it not wanting or knowing how to intervene as its wing was twisted at a crazy angle and it flapped about in a pile of its own feathers, there’s still bird flu about so it is wise to not touch wild birds, and as bleak as it is I was saying to freshy that a wild bird who’s wings broken like that is gonna die, and probably slowly and painfully. Some man came along and lifted up the bird to take the bird off the path and laid it to rest behind an old bridge building, I think he must have mercy killed it too as the bird was already dead when we walked past 10 or so minutes later after finishing our cinnamon roll and giving a cautious glance. So there’s a nice happy memory thrown in there for him.
what appears to be driftwood breaches the surface, then another point, then another
the water belches
Ceviche scares, whinnying as he rears onto his back legs, the Lady leaning forward and clinging to his harness. Imogen stands in her stirrups, leaning across the gap over to the black stallion, grasping his reins and cooing
“All good, boy, all good-”
What had appeared to be driftwood lands on the surface with a slap, looking like the carcass of an old boat left to rot in the muddy bed of a dock, timber ribcaged and leathered skin cladding.
A femur surfaces, followed by a jaw.
Second easter egg for the p(r)oof is a quick one (I’m such a considerate writer, I know.) On a train ride to a loch we went to for a day out there is a stop that is on another lake/body of water, and right by the train tracks (which are at water height) there are 4 or 5 old ships stuck in the mud, most of them just the frames/structures of the old boats, mostly wood and some bits of metal, but they’re pretty big boats! It really looks like whale carcasses. I’ve always wanted to get of there and check it out, and we were gonna stop by on the way back but my health being what it is was giving me some grief that day so we missed 2 trains and then soon the daylight, so hopefully next time buddy.
There��s alotta meat and gore talk and Imogen being a vegetarian without the label for such is just another way of me playing round with all of her complex feelings about what the Lady might be doing, her feelings towards Angharad butchering and nourishing the women with these communal stews and all of that. I’ve been vegetarian myself for 20 years now, and it was all triggered by an existential crisis in my mid teens (still a huge fan of leather and blood though) – Imogen greatly cares about animals, struggles with the thought of anything being slaughtered, she is in some ways more empathetic than most because she knows those she does on so much more of a personal level, really feels how someone is reacting to a situation they are in, but also because of this she knows humans are often corrupt and vile and she is spared such thoughts from animals, only knows their instincts and the love and comfort and service they bring – and yet she will obsess over the Lady’s (potential) tooling on that saddlework leather that’s really fucking brutal if she thinks about it one way and beautiful if she thinks about it another hmmm what if everything’s not black and white.
Oh, and the stew is a homage to @picturesofthegoneworlds’ pre-campaign fic Intertwined which I am lucky enough to co-parent and her writing is hugely influential on mine.
There’s a few things being bread crumb trailed here that I can’t explain in the author notes yet, but I’m looking forward to when I can. One small detail I will give away is just a silly thing about the chapter headings. They are something of significance from within the chapter, given in its ‘proper’ name – maybe someone gets access to some books to do research at some point?
anyways, thanks @astoriacolumnstaircase for enabling me. will do another post like this for future chapters if folks find it interesting.
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thewandererh · 9 months ago
this might become a series, or might not, but one night i was feeling fanart-y so i went kablam and boombam—so, tadaaa: art :]. i have some ideas for some others i could draw some doodles for, but don’t ask me to draw ur fellas (just yet?). anyways! this was done with ‘the soft falcon pen (bleed)’ pen on ibispaintX, and drawn in the same-ish session as a previous post [https://www.tumblr.com/thewandererh/750429727850889216/i-think-i-have-a-type]
had some good fun drawing this, so who knows maybe ill make another part all in the style of simple doodles that could be fun to max produce.
SUL (bald robot boy) - mine
guel??juno? (floaty flame guy) - Remkae
Heart (scraggly winged figure) - Kalei!!
Heart (toony sweetheart) - @jeweledstone
Mind (silly hair and cheek teeth) - @occulee
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loved drawing everyone here!! the diversity in styles and designs is very fun to look and and was neat to experiment with! trying out their style while mincing some of my own in, aswell as how everyone fits on the page,,,mwa💛✨. i really like characters with an exaggeration on expression (+ mesmerizing fluid/fire/smoke animation) so Remkae’s mind design/mindification-of-a-character was a MUst. silly eyes. kalei!!’s Estranger anim crew was very cool to look at and draw, and here i experimented with the squiggles which turned out better than how i usually do it. i had watched the animation recently then and that heart came into…mind. jeweled’s style and fellers are just so fun to look at…i just want to hold them. so simple and neat i love them. i love how their heart fits so nicely in here, looking snug but almost smug. and occulee’s stuff and style just had human faces down and their concepts for mind are very cool :]. trying out different ways to draw hair, and with the 6th spooky month out i’ve been maybe unironically drawing in the roy-hair-style?? occulee’s mind has a mishmash-monstermash hair style. foof to get in his face <33
including some refs of the fellas i drew here for anyone who needs them (will remove if asked). i recommend checking all the artists out!! i linked them up above :]
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that is all for now :] might try again/draw more fanart of these fellows but who knows!
[update time]
maybe expect more content from me? today’s my first full day of summer (yesterday was a half day) and it’s been wild and cool so far. great weather :]!! going swimming on monday💛. also ive been practicing with emoji combinations look
🔅⛵️this is a favorite🦋💦
🪸🌻ough this too🍉🍍
🔅☀️emojis are cool whenever more are added i get happy⭐️✨
🔆this is actually the brightness emoji so it doesnt come up when you search ‘sun’—tricky! pretty though. subtle🔅
anyways!! have a goo day and goobye <3
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latestdreamgirl · 21 days ago
🎀🧾 💟 🎉 🥀 for sleepover asks :-)
GRIN . HI EIFFEL ^__^ ill answer these for the teddyyy
🎀 What’s your favorite thing about your F/O’s appearance?
UM. ok well its his nose But☝️thats mainly because of how i see his fans drawing him... sooo many fanartists on here ive seen give him a big hooked nose and its my favouritest thing in the world.... official dc artists GET ONTO GIVING TED THAT !!
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
Well there is the hooked nose hc i just mentioned ^up there BUT to give you another oneee 🤔im blanking on a lot of them rn but i do remember once seeing art of ted on some kids tv program and its cute to me thinking he'd pick up jobs like that for a bit of extra money...
💟 Give us an embarrassing/secret headcanon you have about your F/O!
he is twinning with kyle in pervertisms . i think ted would be the kind of guy to have a bodypillow but if anyone sees it he will swear Up And Down that its ironic and he got it as a joke (<He did not.
🎉 Tell us some fun facts about your newest selfship!
Scared gulp sfx . ok unless my memorys playing up on me my most recent selfship is ted/tony 😧 For the fun fact- i think tony is a Huuuuge scaredycat when it comes to horror movies (mainly stealing this from m.idnight suns since hes scared of So Much stuff in there..) and i think once ted realises that . he makes tony watch a Buuunch of his fav horror movies because he thinks its cute seeing tony try to pretend hes not scared LOL
🥀 Talk about some of your fictional crushes and why they aren’t your F/O!
HM... well lately ive been thinking about k.ilowog... hes 100% a guy who i would ship with- its just that really the only gl stuff i ever read is alan and kyle here and there...i did like Just post something about this yesterday though so ill also give you another one LOL
ive had a crush on p.ower girl for AAAAAAAGES now . i do find her really cute . its just another case of... well i do like reading her comics its just that theres a bunch of Other stuff id rather read than her comics..sorry to her
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skuntank · 4 months ago
Really I kind of just want Gardenia to suffer
- Seasonal affective disorder . shes someone who thrives on nice sunny warm days, just like her beloved plants do. unfortunately, you dont get many nice warm sunny days in sinnoh!!! there are for sure things about winter in sinnoh that she can appreciate, but after a while the days are a little too dreary and the sky has been that steely grey for far too long and its fucking COLD and nothing is growing and pine trees are great but nothing else is green or lush and its all just so. despair inducing. also fall is very hard on her, even tho the leaves changing is beautiful and the autumn produce is delicious, there is still this impending feeling of doom that all of her beloved plants are dying.
- pollen allergy. ive had this headcanon for her for ages. simply because i think it would be fucking funny. here in oregon, we have the "grass seed capital of the world" and so if you have seasonal allergies, oregon is Hell On Earth. and being that i like to draw a lot of parallels between the PNW and sinnoh, she has to deal with this hell just like i do :'') she basically does the thing that some people with cat allergies or lactose intolerance do tho and just. tries to power through. its kind hard tho when your face is a snotty mess and your eyes are so swollen you cant see. her beloved plants, why do they betray her so ....
- redhead = sun burns easily. ive talked about this more recently but. as a redhead, i imagine she sunburns quickly and. it fucking SUCKS. she loves spring and summer so so so much and how fucking awful is it to finally get out of endless months of ice and snow and rain and finally the flowers are starting to bloom and the sun is coming out and !!!! suddenly plant sex is killing you and so is the sun.
no matter what month of the year it is, she is Suffering in one way or another. i like to treat my faves well : )
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monggay · 1 year ago
HI FRIEND !!! ARTIST ASK GAME 4 6 7 9 11 14 29 ???
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
anything posed i can never draw anything with a pose more complicated than just standing there 😭😭😭😭 but also i looove love love landscapes and like, nature stuff but i never draw them 😢
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmmm not sure tbh i cant rly think of anything / i think of too many things that it cant rly be catergorized into anything coherent. a lot of my style was rly influenced by artists that i grew up on but i think ive gone thru a lot over the years and some of that influence has rly faded :( i used to be into rly cartoony artists like kasey golden a long time ago and i kinda miss how like, unique and not-same-face-syndrome-y i used to draw characters. i do tend to have a lot of design flairs that im still rly attached to and youll see them around from time to time LOL
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
uhhh oil painting? or like, painting in general i guess, im really terrible at it but i love it sm its so cool. its the opposite for charcoal tho its pretty fun to mess around with it but i have no appreciation for works with it :/// i dont rly like it especially if its like, just realistic stuff i think its boring if its just like. a straight up portrait with nothing else creative abt it 😭
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually just have it named w the charac im drawing in it and then with a number if theres more than one file w the charac so like scar.mdp, scar + timbertie.mdp, ace.mdp, YAMA3.mdp, str6.mdp, 2sgr3.mdp, or sometimes like, doodles.mdp doodles1.mdp doodles3.mdp doodles4.mdp doodles6.mdp usually when theres more than one character in the file. i used to put just number 1, 2, 3 etc as the file names so that theyd show alphabetically but it was rly better to have at least a name of what was in the drawing
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
i listen to music At All Times. first thing i do when i open my laptop i immediately open youtube to play music. i dont really have like a specific playlist for when im drawing something specific but sometimes i do get like. really into and obsessed w a song and just play that on loop. ive been rly obsessed recently w zild and the amazing devil
14. Any favorite motifs
i looooove love love love love yellow and the sun and sunflowers not quite as a specific motif but like. to show/ joy. happiness. hope. i eat that shit up 💛🫶
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
hmmmmmmm i dunno what exactly this means by media i love but doesnt inspire me, uhhh technically i can be inspired by anything i just dont do things. u can trust in me to romanticize Everything LMAO i guess like, realism? oh or i guess modern or minimalist stuff? i cant think of anything that fits this lol
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chososcamgirl · 4 months ago
QOTDDDDDD WHAT ARE U GONNA BE FOR HALLOWEEN??? (Idk if I did this one alr or not if I did then sorry 😢💔)
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MIKO!!! <333
hi lovely i meant to answer this last time but i completely forgot and the ask ended up glitching😭 hi hello how are you angel i hope you are well!! <3
btw NEWS GUYS!! miko is alpha anon🙂‍↕️ if you can’t tell already… HOORAY!! another anon revealed!!! i’m so glad you’re healing and taking precautions on getting better lovely! i’m so glad you’re here with us again :) ERM SO!!!! i’ve just been working LITCH that’s it. my life is so boring atm i honestly just want to start uni so i can have something more FULFILLING but omg i’m meeting up with my long distance friend VERY SOON so i’m sosososo excited like i miss her BAD😭 it’s been 551 days since we last saw eachother 💔
OOOOO okay i’ll add you on discord after i send this ask but that’s totally okay!! do what you need to do to get better🙂‍↕️ we’ll definitely talk more on there too! OOOOO mob psycho is def on my list after i finish aot and bsd🙏 i wanna start demon slayer again TOO rahhh so many things to do!!!! YAY FOR ART BLOCK BEING OVER!! blocks in general SUCK but the relief after is SO GOOD🗣️🗣️🔥 WHOOP i’m glad you can post pictures now.. heh… 😈
IM SUPER EXCITED FOR SJAP WEEKEND AND SJAP HALLOWEEN!!! i’m like shaking in my boots.. DONT WORRY ITS DEF GETTING POSTED THIS WEEK��🤫🙇‍♀️ also i litch missed my favs birthday too😓 the ONE day i wasn’t on tumblr it was his birthday KMS💔💔 HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY THO KING!! UR FINE!! DONT STRESS!! also i do not believe i have any other of ur asks in here 😭 UNLESS MY INBOX IS GLITCHED OUT BUT I’LL DOUBLE CHECK!!!
AOTD‼️ I AM DRESSING UP AS MAXINE MINX !!!! i am sososoos excited for it to debut i did a practice run and god it looks so fire HBY🫵
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klugpuuo · 2 years ago
i cant just say they should sweep without saying Why so... have some epic oc lore that really doesnt describt ehm well at all
first of all i will talk abt QUIEG
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she is so silly. a lesbian but she is actually a bisexual. one of her girlfriends named her "keeper of ten trillion beads" because she has so many fucking beads. she started teaching herself agriculture to hopefully impress a girl. somehow more emotionally repressed than dew.
she was created as a back-up and temporary replacement for dew while everyone was still arguing abt her arm count and length, and because of that ey has massive self-worth issues. she's awful at emotions, doesn't know how to comfort them or react appropriately to most situations, and is very Stoike in the way she speaks
she's very spiritual but rarely talks abt it. her spirituality is mostly just "science is magic". she also doesn't believe in the power of the void sea - mostly as a joke though
her design was made in literally 1 minute but its one of my favorites. inspired very ovbuously by ladybuggs... i wanted to make her match dew but i dont need any more ant siblings so
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feathers.... he is very
used to be very basic and plain in his style, then he found out abt nwb and immediately started wearing the weirdest shit. his current aesthetic is 'gay blacksmith'.
he used to be called famished sun, but changed his name bc he thought it would be funny. he remembers his username because of the acronym "TSF", which he decided means "the sun famished"
he's the surgeon of the group, altyhough he's recently decided to try out some crosstraining so he can help people outside of it. he uses his medical prowess to gross out siblings and just-barely-strangers, although he knows to limit himself if someone's genuinely uncomfortable. he's also got some religious knowledge, since doctor = holy man in the country oceanic takes place in
he's the only person in his entire group who doesnt have parental issues, because his admin was actually really nice. they taught him a lot, even helped him sneak out and see the sights in the city on his can! he misses them a little bit.
he has a walrus mouth. btw. if you even care /ref
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dew. p much everyone who knows abt my blogs knows dew, considering she was the first person to talk on global comms after the global ascension
uhhh if you like epic diversity stuff. she's the first fat iterator ive ever seen so thats gotta mean smth. also she has fur! the fur, when poofed out, redirects any electricity safely away from her body, although there's a bit less on her hands and legs.
she has resting bitch face but nobody outside of her group knows bc she never sends pictures of herself to others and the only 3 who met her in person either a. rarely saw her face or b. are ea
oh yeah! she's dating eternal anomaly.
dew is an enjoyer of death metal and has been practicing her Scream ! her favorite song is the wreck of s. s. needle <333
she has...ant mandibles :] unlike the rest of her group she generally forgets to retract them when not eating bc i like drawing them and i think it is cute. it is sort of like when a cat bleps
that is the super duper basic info , not even mentioning most of their personalities or dramas or their hobbies / likes / etc :]
if they win i will cry. thank you for your time
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For this one, we got Booming Voice, Quiet Temper + Three Small Feathers In A Lake Of Quills + First Dewdrop Of Morning, Fifth Sunrise from @oceanremnants + @oceanic-recollection VS Hiss From Sun-Golden Scales from @hiss-from-sun-golden-scales!
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vurelly · 3 years ago
hi!! i know you just said you're taking a break, but i was wondering if you have any artist recommendations? (im new to tumblr and i dont know who to follow)
with the amount of art for solar lunacy ive drawn, i feel like @bamsara is a given recommendation. but if you DONT know about them, their artwork is sO good, the way they draw expressions and bodies both is just *chefs kiss* and their art tag is so full youre not gonna go bored anytime soon
would also recommend @maudiemoods (im not sure of pronouns, so im gonna try to avoid them). more great expression range and all artwork is wrapped up in a neat little bow of "cutest fucking style ive ever seen." also posts very frequently so your dashboard wont run dry!
@might-be-a-potato recently posted a few pose sheets of sun and moon on trapeze and aerial hoops and i LOVE it, shes got a really great grasp on perspective and bodies and i have, admittedly, used her art for reference once or twice while trying to figure out how to draw something
@officiallyollosstuff (again, unsure of pronouns so will be avoiding them) hAS SO MANY PRETTY COLORS, ollo's art is like something straight out of my dreams, i cant get enough of it. everything just blends together so beautifully and the attention to detail is so, SO nice
and i cant just not recommend (vex, my beloved) @voodoovexus shes been my friend for years and shes a very recent tumblr returnee! her colors are super vibrant and she posts a lot of pieces with transparent backgrounds and shes also literally the nicest motherfucker on this planet. do NOT take advantage of that.
we have one rule in this house and it is that you will be nice to vex
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 years ago
thoughtfulposting about some art i made recently (readmore cus long)
this year i rly wanted to draw madoka for her birthday in a way that represents the frequency of self actualized libra, as a test for myself like how well can i put down the energy i sense visually, but also, to help myself understand my own motivations at this point in my life. i watched madoka magica for the first time in 2012 when i was 18 so its been w me for 10 years now. there’s a lot of ancient text posts scattered across my old tumblrs where im ranting about how i feel so useless and empty like madoka, i have nothing to offer except giving all of my self up to the people in my life. i see it in so many libra types, suns moons risings whatever, its like you want nothing more than to be a side character in your own life. the sun is in it’s detriment when it’s in libra because it makes your ego so weak, it often takes years to even gain the self awareness that you accidentally merge with everyone you care about to the extent that the thought of being You is terrifying. it wasnt even like anyone had to force me to be their sidekick. it just happened naturally, it was what i wanted, i was always known as someone’s best friend or partner, it’s what i was comfortable with but.. over time it wore me down, when i was alone i’d lose my mind, i grew so insecure that i had no means of self sufficiency. since the time i was 18 i slowly became more aware of the way i was sacrificing too much of myself in a way that was ultimately unproductive to everyone.. i had to cycle through the same lessons over n over again before it really REALLY sunk in. speaking of cycles, i am almost done with my saturn return, which is the first cycle of saturn that takes around 29.5 years. my saturn is in aquarius, almost exactly trine my libra sun and jupiter. saturn is also the ruling planet of my chart, being that i am capricorn rising. its a time of high pressure. everything i was doing that was  unsustainable has completely crumbled around me. i am forced to develop into my own person and for all the pain, it is giving me an unusual sense of gratitude.. so i knew that when i drew madoka i wanted to draw her by herself. and i wanted her to look strong.. i kept thinking of the world card, the way it’s representative of wholeness, fulfillment, completion of cycles. the way she’s looking back into the past w compassion as she steps forward into the future. i wasnt sure though, i was trying to come up w other ideas too. i had just started listening to bladee spiderr for the first time as i was looking up pictures of the world card. suddenly as understatement is playing it clicks w me the lyrics im hearing,,
(Gravity very up, won the World Cup) (What? What? What? What?) F the world, what? F the world, what? What? What? What? What? (Gravity very up, won the World Cup) (What? What? What? What?) (F the world, what? F the world, what?)
i just kept hearing him repeat “The World” and it felt so synchronized like it was the first time id ever heard that song, i am hearing these lyrics for the first time as im staring at the world card which i had just searched up right before it got to that part in the song. it felt like a message T-T and then this as the outro,
Never read the reason as a sign Keep this little secret in your mind Final destination is the sky Caterpillar dreamt that it could fly
yep OK i hear you loud & clear, im drawing madoka as the world! it was a cathartic thing to draw, more than most of my drawings. i cried a lot during the process, thinking about how far ive come, how much ive evolved from the scared fragile 18yr old madokaform i once was. its not like im doing amazing now but i know who i am and i am working hard to create my own purpose that will unfold just for me. this blog has helped me a lot to feel like i can explore my own world. ofc the nature of this blog is still somewhat reliant on input from others.. but i like that.. i think there’s good and distinguishable boundaries and like. this time last year i was posting to no one and it was basically like that for 6 months. and id do it again! because i post to post, whether people reciprocate or not, does not dictate my actions. it’s freeing.. it really is great though, the little tumblr community on here, it’s incredibly sweet and i love u all a lot. it’s really helping me get thru the crumbling period of my life. if you even read all this, thank you! i wanted to write this for catharsis. i want to be the hero of my story like aries bladee. yep thats my ramblings for today.
Your favourite songs getting old, the same story being told Over and over and over again Too many times in a row, the same lesson I know the same lesson I know I know, I know To holy lights we exposed We start shining in gold Golden, golden, golden
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i got a tarot deck recently and ive been told i need to cleanse it-?
Yes. God yes clean your deck.
It’s very important that you cleanse your deck cause much like crystals it’ll hold onto that negative energy and could possibly effect your reading.
Methods for cleaning your cards:
Palo Santo, you can use the Palo Santo to smoke cleanse your cards. The way I personally like to do it is to first, after I’ve begun burning the wood, I’ll hold the deck in my hand and go around it 3 times. Then after that, I’ll spread the deck out on my reading cloth (I’ll explain that later on) going around it another 3 times. To finish off, I pile my cards back up giving them a good shuffle then will go over my deck drawing out a pentacle overtop with the smoke. (the pentacle is only because of my religion, if you practice a religion that isn’t paganism (which it is not uncommon for other religions to do so, it’s actually a lot more common than you’d think haha) you could instead draw your religious symbol(s) over the of your deck. That is ofc if you’d like to, just because I do smth a certain way doesn’t mean you have to)
You can ofc also do this with incense or any other smoke cleansing item
Crystals, you could cleanse them by just setting your crystals that radiate positive energy on top. Anything that’ll release that negativity.
Setting them out in the moonlight, I personally LOVE to put my deck out under a full moon to charge it but you could also set it out under the moonlight any night you have a good amount of light to simply cleanse it. The few times I have done this I found it best to say my intentions of what I’m wanting to happen aloud followed by saying “My deck IS releasing its negative energy and is being cleansed to reach its full potential.” (You want to make sure to say it as if it’s already happened or is happening or else it’ll be left as a possibility. Which you don’t want to happen.)
You can also set your cards out in the sun to charge them under that lighting but I would strongly advise against that. Not that the suns light and energy doesn’t cleanse because it does, but, being left under the suns lighting can and will cause discoloration and fading in your cards which I’m not sure about you but I would be devastated if I had to get rid of my cards cause I couldn’t see them.
Sound cleansing, this is something I have yet to do what I like to call “my experimental tampering” with to fully understand and practice so I unfortunately cannot give you much if any advice on this but if it’s something you know how to do and are confident in doing so I would say “go for it”I don’t see why you couldn’t cleanse your tarot cards with it if you’re capable of cleansing your mind, body, soul, AnD home with it. Seems like an all around working haha
Lastly, your moon water, Ik this one might sound really weird and possibly dangerous for your cards, in which I can honestly say if not done properly it can be (my learning/teaching deck now has a few cards that took a hit so I do in fact know ✋😭) you’re going to want to get a light weight towel, cloth, shoot I use an old lime green scarf from middle school that I’m pretty sure came from the dollar store haha, any lightweight fabric will due. Put some of your moon water in a bowl (0.5-1 cup of it will do fine) and get your fabric wet. From their your going to want to ring out as much water as you can leaving the cloth just barely wet then go through and repeat the same you would for simple moon cleansing (it’s better if you did that with any cleansing but especially so when it’s not getting a lot of help from you) as you wipe of your deck making sure not to get your cards too wet. I would advise making sure they’re completely dry before using (this might call for a napkin or towels help which is fine)
Card Reading Cloth
This doesn’t really apply to cleansing your cards but it does apply to keeping them clean.
I would advise that any time you do a reading or just in general anytime you use your cards that you use some form of cloth/mat under your cards to keep them physically clean. While yes it will help keep the negative energies from surrounding objects off of your cards it’ll also help keep dirt and grime off of your cards.
For me I just went to my local crafting store and picked up a few “scrap” pieces of 12”x 12” fabric that was not only l distinctive from any other fabrics I had in my house, but it was also one I liked. (If you’re going to spend money on something make sure it’s something you like lol) then I pressed a 1/2 inch seam into it sewing that to keep the edges from fraying. Super simple and cute haha
If anyone has any other question please feel free to ask, I love being able to help other and share my knowledge, and even learning something new in case I needed to look something up to help others learn and understand. With that being said I hope you have a blessed rest of your day <3
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colourful-void · 2 years ago
Hello again! Today let’s ponder this: do you have any ships you like? If so, talk about them! Why do they spark joy? If not totally cool, shipping isn’t for everyone! Alternate/bonus question- what’s your favorite friendship in Pokémon? I personally love Ash and Pikachu’s friendship, but also the main character and your partner in mystery dungeon games! Or, bonus question, two characters who have the funniest mutual hatred. 
Ah, yes, lots!!
I think it's pretty clear i really like satogou, the dynamic of these kids who just,,, care about each other in this way that slides into romance that they're not used to... its very endearing! I want to show that sort of childish love!
I super super love moonlillie, the princess and her knight! esp with how many different ways moon can be done, its super fun.
recently ive really been liking nemopen, they're very different but they have the sort of vibes that would make them get along well in an odd way if they had more time to talk... it's interesting.
In terms of friendships, my absolute favourite is always the sun and moon class! they care about each other so much i could yell about it forever ahhhhhgmm. Like! every bit of them as a class is just so dedicated to each other and that friendship. in he background and forground it's just. like okay in the necrozma arc intro episode, they have a whole focus on friendship and helping each other with the fairytales and everyone sharing lunch, but even in the background like, you can see lillie taking a turn teaching the class by drawing a diagram of how stone evolution works after kaki took a turn, you can see kaki helping mamane down a ladder iirc they're just. they're sweet and I love them very very much. ]
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years ago
My Personal Love Story: Vegeta
Tumblr media
"hi!! first, congrats on 1k!! i love everything you write and im so happy other people do too<3 okay so, id like to request fluffy relationship headcanons with Vegeta<3 a few things about me, im 5'2 and i really love tattoos and drawing/painting/tattooing. ive given myself like 16 this year, and one of my personal favorites is a Bunny on my calf since my chosen name is Bunny lmao. i can be pretty talkative at times,, idk my personality type? but im a pisces sun, libra rising, and aries venus! i like walking around and making jokes about random things on dates, just making each other laugh and spending quality time when we can:) my favorite musician is hard to choose, but recently id say Mitski<3
thank you so much if you do this, and its okay if you don't too<3
also, pretty sure i have adhd (as a detail)"
My Personal Love Story: Vegeta
Your Song: Space Age Love Song- A Flock Of Seagulls
It took some time for Vegeta to get used to you, but once he realized how sweet and fun to be around you were, he made exceptions. He’d allow you to come watch him train or fight Goku, but it really surprised him when you stayed and watched him the whole time and then you’d compliment him on his fighting.
From that time, Vegeta realized how he truly likes you. He has a hard time showing his true emotions and gets hot headed from time to time, but he always wants you to know that he enjoys your company so much.
Lots of time spent watching him train and even letting him teach you a few moves. He’s got a big ego, so the more time you spend complimenting him and listening to him teach you a new move, he’s going to really appreciate it.
If he does take anytime to actually train you, you know you’ve got a very good bond with Vegeta. He doesn’t fight just anyone, but when he’s with you, he just wants to be close to you no matter what.
Vegeta actually really loves going on dates with you. Whenever he’s not training or fighting, he loves going out with you and doing something fun together. If it’s a competitive activity, Vegeta can get a little too intense with it at times.
If you’re more into spending time doing your own thing at home, be it drawing or painting, Vegeta is more than okay with also doing his own thing. He enjoys just being near you and within your company. He loves having quiet moments where the two of you are just being passionate with your hobbies and passions.
Vegeta loves listening to you tell him stories about your day or even just things that have happened to you in the past. He secretly loves pillow talk and cuddling. It’s one of his favorite things to do with you. Nothing beats holding you close to him after you’ve made love and you are enchanting him with your voice.
Speaking of which, your voice really comforts Vegeta. He feels at peace whenever he hears you. If you cheer him on while he’s battling, he will make a big effort to show off in front of you and have you marvel at his strength. Vegeta loves it whenever you call him “my prince”. Depending on when he hears it, it could have different outcomes.
He would literally die for you. Or kill for you. Either way, you know that Vegeta is going to protect you from now and until forever. He will not let anyone hurt you in any way, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. There’s no way anyone will even get the chance to. He’s your lover and you know you can count on him to keep you safe.
Vegeta absolutely wants a family with you. He doesn’t want to push it on you, but he really wants to have many children with you. He loves the idea of being a father and with you by his side, he’ll always be at peace.
How You Started Dating:
This was becoming somewhat funny. You and Vegeta have been running into each other at Bulma’s parties so much that you both were kind of laughing at it. Sure, you both knew you’d be invited, but you always figured Vegeta would stick to Goku or Bulma all night. He never struck you as someone who would mingle.
But now it’s been so many times you’ve been up close and personal with him. He seems so much more charming now. He smiles when you talk, but he does keep it a secret only shared with you. Vegeta tells you of his passions and dreams. It’s an odd thing to witness, but you are falling more and more in love with him as the time passes.
“Tch, figures you’d be here again.” Vegeta scoffs with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“Yeah, bet you’re really sad about it, huh?” You joke and you see a smirk on his face. He moves closer to you but he’s careful that nobody has really spotted either of you.
Vegeta leads you to a private bedroom, and once the door is closed, he leans in to kiss you. You’re a little surprised but you are more satisfied than anything. You can’t believe that Vegeta has finally made a move on you.
“I never thought you’d kiss me,” you challenge him. Vegeta just chuckles.
“There’s a lot about me that you don’t know, woman. Would you like to stick around and find out?” There’s a slight hopefulness in his voice. You smile and lean in to kiss him again.
“Is this your cheesy way of asking me out?”
A slight blush on his cheeks would suggest that your assumptions are correct. Vegeta just avoids your eye contact and he mutters how this is stupid. You know he’s just a little flustered.
“I’d love to go out with you, Vegeta.”
“Of course you would, I am the prince of all Saiyans.”
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i-arch-my-backula · 3 years ago
hello hello! i want to request a match-up.
i have never asked for one of these but i have a general idea of what to do 🧍
i definitely would prefer a male slasher but i dont mind too much.
im an entp and a scorpio. i dress very punk. i like doing diy stuff especially when it comes to clothes and shit like that- i make patches myself and see them on myself. i generally keep my hair down but occasionally i will do liberty spikes, and i also dye my hair a lot.
i like to read, play my electric guitar, skate, and draw. i also adore horror movies a lot.
im generally a very loud person. i talk loudly, i listen to music loudly, i play my guitar loudly, ect.
im generally a really expressive person, too. the most obvious way is through my clothes. i have a battlejacket and i have a few pins on my schoolbag.
i cant pick one favorite song but recently ive been really enjoying misfits and the clash.
i hope this is enough to go on! thank you :]
- 🫀
I match you with
Otis Driftwood
Otis adores your style and how loud and big it is. You look so amazing with your clothes and it's even better that you make your own clothes too.
He really likes your loud agressive music and your out there personality. It really helps you out in the Firefly house. He likes loud aggressive music so this is a really perfect match for the two of you.
Loves that there's another artist around to help him with his work. Might ask you to sketch out ideas for him or will just watch your process as you draw. He loves your art and will show it in his own special way.
Loves that you play guitar too. He doesn't have any musical talent he just thinks it really cool. Like he admires it and will ask you to play it for him a lot.
Will watch and talk about horror movies with you for hours. He loves horror too like the rest of the family. Has a bit stack of horror movies on vhs for the two of you to watch together until the sun is coming up. A lot of them are pretty old but they're still good movies.
Will help you dye your hair. He doesn't know how to dye hair so please show him how to help you do it. But he overall agrees in your punk diy everything and will help you with any of it whenever you need it.
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ngmatsu · 4 years ago
what's up with the denki stuff in the recent youkaimatsu house attraction? I mean, the youkaimatsu in general, but
(oh my god ive been so distracted from my matsu timeline, i didn’t even notice they put out a new set of stories!!! omg.)
i just read through this and i can type up a summary again! theres actually quite a lot of denki references, and a few other references, some of which i don’t really get. it seems to happen around the time of the last yokai event, from november 2016. [i’m not sure when specifically, though - in that event the matsus are possessed by yokai, but at the end they cast them out. that’s what’s visually represented in the attraction sprite, where their house is covered in seals and karamatsu’s ao-andon blue glow is glowing from inside. that said, at the end of the original yokai event, they say there are still yokai around at the end, so maybe they came back and repossessed the matsus?!? or did this happen in the middle? i dont know.]
tl;dr in these stories, the yokai-possessed matsus travel to a bunch of places and seem to experience time-travel-weirdness, and at one point they directly fly over Akatsuka Village and try to save the denkimatsus while they’re being sacrified. ALSO, some of the little object yokai (tsukumogami) show up in the regular town, including the best one, kankan (ozo’s animate coffee can...)
-totoko wanders around with a huge katana, through the yokai-overrun version of Akatsuka District [from the 2016 yokai event], seemingly in a daze, singing “matsuno wa itsumo no basho...” [this is the song that appears in denki, that is apparently magical and used to ward off spirits] she slices at unseen entities [probably yokai] with her katana
- “a few days previous”, in a normal-looking Akatsuka District, totoko’s parents are concerned that she’s sleeping a lot, and wonder why she’s so tired.
-that night iyami is walking down a dark street in a business suit, commenting that the sun went down surprisingly fast. he feels eyes on him... totoko appears, seemingly in a daze, and says “someone is calling”. then an unknown sketchy entity gifts totoko a katana, that is said to cut spirits(ayakashi). iyami sees that there are tsukumogami (the little object yokai) around her and pisses himself in terror. narration says that strange entities/yokai have started appearing in Akatsuka District, and it is said a hunter appeared to hunt them down.
-back at the matsuno house, the parents are terrorized by the sextuplets, who yokai-possessed, dancing around in their room. totoko shows up at the front door mid-battle and asks the parents if the matsus are home; they say yes they're upstairs, and she runs up... but then leaves, screaming "where did you go you neets?!" - clearly the matsus ran away.
-cut to the yokai matsus flying away, marveling at how fast they can soar, away from the town... to a mountain region, where they see a festival, and humans tied up, seemingly for sacrifice. they want to save the humans - kara shines a bright light but it does nothing; choro flaps his wings, then it rains rocks and dark clouds form, raining on the fire below. they flee when a helicopter shows up. 
-they flee to a place (forest?) that's full of sakura petals and smells like flowers - their appearance seems to suck up the pink of the flowers (the sakura!yokai sprites). they make merry, totty dances, oso drinks, but then suddenly it gets dark again and the flowers disappear. jyushi sees a sunglasses-wearing-man in a nearby park, runs over to talk to him - the man seems to be working on design drawings, and says that jyushi’s cool yokai appearance inspires him. [note: this is coachmatsu, specifically the version who appears in the yakuza au (gokuroumatsu), who designed the yakuza!matsus’s yokai tattoos! this is such a cool reference...]
-moving on, they remark that the seasons seem weird, since right now it’s autumn in Akatsuka District, but then they saw a summery mountain and a springy flowery forest. suddenly they’re in a snowy landscape - it's cold and they seek shelter in a temple, that someone seems to have opened for them. oso starts to get more yokai-y, enraged that they left their beer at home. jyushi says they should probably go home soon. then he seems to pause - "something's burning. the autumn mountain. the base of the mountain..." ichi tells jyushi to go home. [note: i’m not sure what the temple and the “autumn mountain” are. potentially referencing the superpowered samurai event [which has a temple], or some people were saying cyberpunk? (i still havent read that one.)]
the next morning, back at the matsuno house the sextuplets are fast asleep; matsuyo pulls at their horns and tails but they won't come off. her and matsuzo talk about how theres been a big disaster throughout town with people becoming yokai-possessed, and theyre miserable abt having kids who are neets AND now yokai. dayon shows up at their door (dressed as a shrine maiden) advertising Mr. Flag's exorcism business. they take a leaflet.
later on, kara is "working" [as an ao-andon] while keeping a wary distance from totoko, who's still swinging her sword around. he goes to a dark warehouse somewhere, where two figures are telling ghost stories and blowing out candles. he excitedly waits after the 99th one (dokidoki) but they deliberately don’t say the 100th story, creating a “seal”. karamatsu sadly goes back to akatsuka district - where all the matsus are now being attacked by totoko. their parents look on semi-approvingly (hopeful this will cure their sons.) exorcist!hatabou says he wants to buy her katana. THE END
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cosmosrival · 4 years ago
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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