#also i realized the last part of 做 is in fact not 女
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#hands tired and brain tired#but progress is progress#also i realized the last part of 做 is in fact not 女#serves me right for not double checking the strokes
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mingxinwrite为广大留学生朋友在线上提供essay代写、论文修改润色等相关服务,mingxinwrite不断努力,各个学科的代写专家分布于全球各个地区.我们以留学论文定制写作essay代写为主要服务方向,不管你是寻找英语母语写手还是开展留学申请文书精修、英文论文修改润色、北美论文代写等,我们都会提供最好的服务,不断努力,不断前进,不断提升服务质量,把最优的留学论文解决方案提供给您. https://www.mingxinwrite.com/zhuce 下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Case Study: A case study of the "Always Be a Girl" movement,文章讲述自1983年1月以来,Always一直在明尼苏达州进行测试,并在不久后进入美国市场。同时,Always在欧洲和中东一些国家/地区都有销售。��今,Always的女性护理产品在世界各地都很流行。2013年,Always在全世界范围内发起了一场运动。它使用了常用的侮辱“像一个女孩”,并试图通过制作一些广告将其含义更改为“彻头彻尾的惊人”。因为当人们说“你做的像女孩一样”时,这听起来像是一种侮辱。这场运动制作了一段录像,记录了人们如何表达“像一个女孩”这个短语,并希望改变它的含义。 Case Study: A case study of the "Always Be a Girl" movement 1. Executive summary Since January, 1983,Always started to be tested in Minnesota and was brought in the United State market soon after. Meanwhile, Always was sold in Europe and some countries in the Middle East. Nowadays, the products of feminine care from Always are popular all around the world. In 2013, Always began a campaign around the world. It used a commonly-used insult "like a girl" and tried to change the meaning to "downright amazing" through creating some advertisement. Because when people say ‘you do something like a girl’, it sounds like an insult. The campaign created a video that recorded how people express the phrase "like a girl" and want to change the meaning of it. According to Judy John, the chief executive officer of Leo Burnett Canada, Always reaches out to girls who are likely to become the future of the brand. Girls usually rely on Always during their adolescence, a period that makes they feel unconfident and clumsy. Meanwhile, research of the campaign showed that many women expressed that their confidence declined in some ways at puberty. The purpose of the brand was clear, to give girls powerful support when they are experiencing a tough time. The aim of this essay is to use some PR theories to analyze the implication of the campaign in terms of culture, society and the public, and it examines the strategies that the campaign used.
2. Analysis
First, I present an overview of the main theoretical concepts associated with cultural capital and gender theories in particular. The theories about capital from Bourdieu will be used in this paper. According to Bourdieu (1990), cited in Ihlen (2009), capital is a trained product according to labour need, and it is not natural (Ihlen 2009). Meanwhile, Bourdieu divided capital into three specific forms: economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Cultural capital contains knowledge, skills and educational qualifications. It is important to the formation of people's taste and value. According to Gayo-Cal.et.al (2006), cultural capital is based on family background and education, and there is a link between cultural capital and symbolic power. Bourdieu (1997), cited in Edward (2008), showed that cultural capital is the basic foundation of other forms of capital. Cultural capital is formed, with the aid of familial influence, by connecting different factors in social world such as the loyalty of family, and good manners. These behaviors help them to improve their individual quality. The abilities of cultural capital are transferred through the process of socialization. It seems like that different individuals hold different cultural capital and they can use it to find their own social position (Edward, 2008). Therefore, cultural capital is not only important to individuals, but also vital to the society. Society consists of different individuals, if everyone has a high standard of cultural capital, the society will be better.
On the other hand, the theories of gender are quite useful to analyzing the campaign. According to Bem (1981), differences between male and female exist in every society. Our society always gives the two sexes different tasks. Based on these tasks, people always define gender in the way that is imposed upon us by the society. Then the public will keep the mind and teach their children how to express their gender.
Based on Butler (1990, p179), gender is not totally natural because culture also shapes gender in some ways by expressing some connotations for a particular sex throughout the years. For example, men are strong, while women are weak; heterosexuality is normal, while homosexual is unmoral. People learned how to display gender from cultural customs (Butler, 1990). At the same time, gender schema is a quite unsure area in our society. It is hard to define women and men in public relations. However, our society began to think about the relationship between the two sexes, and thought about the power of public relationship in affecting the gender schema in society (Daymon, Christine, 2013)
2.1 Strategies of the campaign
Then, this paper will analyze the strategies and tactic which the campaign used. Meanwhile, the implications of the campaign will be shown and it will discuss the impact on culture, society and the public.
When girls reach puberty, they tend to exhibit a declination in confidence. Some harmful phrases will let girls to cast doubt on their own power at this sensitive time. Always found that the phrase 'like a girl' may have some negative impacts on girls' lives. Therefore, Always began this campaign to try to give a new meaning to the phrase 'like a girl' to help girls out of their sensitive period.
When assessing the campaign, it is important to examine the management strategies of Always. First, Always used leverage research data. Company used the insights and data in order to increase the news value and campaign credibility. Before the company produced the video, they did some researches. By performing those research, Always understood the elements and other insights of girl’s confidence at puberty. They found that girls experienced the biggest drop in confidence. The phrase 'like a girl' has become an insult. These results can help them to grasp the key ideas in the campaign. Then, the campaign introduced the hash tag. The company knew that if they want to change the meaning of the phrase, they must introduce the social hash tag #likeagirl as a slogan, to let the world know girls can do something amazing just 'like a girl'. Launching the video was important in our life. Mass media always attracts people in the first time. Always used the media's ability to expand the campaign's popularity. The Always 'like a girl' video was published on Always' YouTube site on June 26th. Before publishing of the video, some famous bloggers shared it on their social websites to help it spread. After publishing, the company used online and broadcast media to pay close attention to the gender trouble problem and feminism. The strategic media outreach ensured that the campaign receives high attention in the society. Celebrities were also invited to take part in the campaign. Celebrities including Tyler Oakley, Sarah Silverman and Kristen Bell shared the video and message in their blog or social website. The incorporation of celebrities undoubtedly attracted more attention for Always from the mass public. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter, the two most famous social platforms around the world, were used as a live news desk. They monitored and took part in the real time and maximized social sharing. At last, 'like a girl' was not a campaign in limited place, but a global campaign. Apart from success in North America, the campaign as also spread to 20 other markets across the whole world.
2.2 Cultural Capital Theory
When we analyse the campaign, it is important to understand the meaning of cultural capital. According to Bourdieu, cited in Ihlen.et.al (2009), cultural capital is a kind of accumulated labour. It can affect people's value and taste. It might shape a person to some extent. Bourdieu showed that specific resources or cultural capital were linked to taste cultures and it is able to divide people into different groups. On the other hand, it may affect people's estimate to the society and events (Leiss and Botterill, 2005)
That is why Always Company created the campaign. From this campaign, many people realized that our society has some misunderstanding of the meaning of 'girl' and forced girls to act like a girl in some wrong way. In the video of the campaign, when the producer asked grownups to run 'like a girl' or to fight 'like a girl', people always showed signs of weakness and shyness. It looks like the society considers girls' with only powerless images. However, when the producer asked the little girls to run 'like a girl', they just run like themselves, trying their best. In my view, it confirms Bourdieu's viewpoint that cultural capital could affect the action and concept of people. Little girls have not contacted with the society too much, a fact that allowed them to keep their own opinion about things in some ways.
The campaign is very meaningful. It tried to change the concept of cultural capital of people they had previously known before. Once the video of the campaign is produced, it began to spread the message and encourage females to rethink about their location in the society. Females are encouraged to exhibit critical thinking and cast doubt the message they receive from their culture instead of simply accepting everything that they were told.
Meanwhile, it makes people realize that using the phrase 'like a girl' to describe someone who did something bad is an insult. The campaign changed the public's awareness and transformed the way how people think about the phrase. It is another way to change the culture that people achieved. According to Ihlen (2009, p72), Bourdieu's work showed that the values and relations of social space are passed on from this generation to the next. Cultural capital always has this function. As a consequence, the campaign might change the things which were passed on to the next generations. It helps girls, women and the public realised how powerful females are. Maybe after the campaign, when using the phrase 'like a girl', it means you did something superb. On the other hand, by watching the video, girls began to think about which things are truly right for them to do. It means females have more freedom to do the things they really wanted to do. No one will blame them because the actions that they are performing does not confirm to the definitions of a girl or does not make them look like a girl. Hopefully this idea will be passed on to the next generation to form a positive and useful cultural capital.
The campaign is also quite meaningful for society. It started as a small social event and gained a remarkable achievement when it was spread all over the world. It makes #LikeAGirl video become one of the most popular videos in 2013. Meanwhile, based on the brand research, about 81% women support the campaign and was touched by the inspiring video. Additionally, the video achieved 76MM total global video views on YouTube from 150 countries, and more than one million people shared the video. The program achieved 4.5 billion impressions around the globe, including 1.7b in the U.S., 1.6b in the UK, 418m in France, 302m in China, 148m in Germany, 63m in Brazil, 41m in Mexico and 32m in Turkey. The program garnered more than 290 million social impressions and 133 thousand social mentions with #LikeAGirl.
Bourdieu's theory discovered the format in which the society is linked to the individual. While people is one of the main elements that created the society, the society in turn influences and changes people (Ihlen).
This theory signified that the event made a meaningful effect to our society. The more people take part in the campaign means that the more behaviour in the society will be changed. The people who watched the video or shared it with the others will gain a new concept. Individuals are linked to the society and no one can live along, separated from the society. If we make change the general mind set of individuals in the society, our society might be changed by us. Before the video, it seems as if the society is imposing too many limitations for females. Since the campaign, the situation might be able to change and it is believed that our society will transform in a positive way in the near future.
2.3 the Gender Theory
On the other hand, the society thinks highly of gender trouble in the recent years. Although the position of females is improved, gender trouble still exists. Daymon and Christ (1952) showed that gender inequalities do exist in our society. Feminist movement were always met with resistance, and the inherent gender relations were challenged by various feminist activities. Meanwhile, the society is changing every moment, which means that based on social activities, our society will produce a new environment and relationships of gender (Daymon and Christ, 1952). Therefore, the campaign from Always Company showed the common trouble in our society. According to the video, we can find that some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. What is more, lots of public work showed that gender bias is common in our society. These researches almost focused on some issues such as wage variance and the under-representation of women in high positions (Daymon and Christ, 1952). The situation affects the relationship between women and the society. It might imply that females are weaker than males.
However, the campaign made people rethink about females and it created some advantageous effect on individuals. It provided a support for girls who needed confidence during their puberty. Always company tried to build a new understanding of the phrase 'like a girl' and rebuild the confidence of females. When girls first contact the brand at their puberty, their confidence is often at the lowest. If someone insults them by using the phrase 'like a girl', it will create some disadvantages in their life. Therefore, Always company tries to give girls power in the sensitive time.
Actually, the doubt about 'man' pointed that we can use 'man' to instead of 'man and 'human'. In addition to words, lots of pictures, magazines, books and museums use the images of men to symbolize humans. Based on the situation, females' rights and roles were covered. It results in another consequence: males became the leader of social development. In the history of females' development around the world, the difference of sex is an obstacle to limit female's progress. On the one hand, gender gap shows the natural difference between the two sexes. On the other hand, the gender gap focuses more on the behavior that the two sexes express. The connotation that females are weaker affects the occupation and education of females. The factor results in the low hierarchy of females in society. Our culture has constantly told us that females are not suitable to take part in competitions. Occupation belongs to males and as long as woman marry the right man, their lives are satisfactory and guaranteed. Therefore when some jobs are believed that they are more suitable to men, women might give up their confidence and choice. The experience from the outside shaped the thoughts of people. If modesty and shyness are the necessary characteristics of females, women will suppress themselves in lots of social places according to the social expectations of females. Hence, self-awareness is not only important for the individual, but also vital for social place of women. Women, even some of the most well-education ones, were always limited by traditional labels in the past. The real opposite aspect of women is not male, but the traditional social expectation of the role of women deeply rooted in their minds. Females got used to see themselves based on the male-biased conceptual scheme. Hence, their personal right is also limited. It is limited to make their dreams and wishes come true. It does not mean after the campaign, every girl can regain confidence and do everything they want to do without any limits. The campaign just opens a gap, providing females opportunities to be themselves. They will not be shameful because they are females. On the contrary, they should be proud of that. In young girls' minds, girl should be strong, powerful and successful. They tried their best to do things that the producer of the video asked them to do. Just like a girl said in the video, we can run like a girl, fight like a girl, even wake up like a girl. That is not something that we should be ashamed of because we are girls. If we do things like a girl and still be the first, then no one would say 'like a girl' is a bad thing.
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The only memories I am often left with from traveling are those when I fall asleep. And I like it.
While feeling tired towards the end of the month, I would go to drink with my colleagues at my business trip destination, and crash at a business hotel, only to embark on my journey once again the next morning. And before I move out, I make sure to find routes that have at least 30-minute-long rides, so I can fall asleep if I need to. While trying to stay conscious of the name of a place in an unfamiliar region, I stay half asleep until I get to my destination.
I had slept from Osaka to Maibara. I was planning to go from Nagahama Port to Chikubu Island, and take the last special ship leaving from GW, but I unfortunately missed the announcement that said only the first carriage of the train actually goes from Maibara to Nagahama. Even if I were to get on the next train, I would not make it to the last ship in time. I eventually gave up and instead took a walk down the Tenjinbashi shopping district in Osaka while feeling the sweat on my skin running down on a sunny day. When I realized I was at Omihachiman, the sky had turned white. When I got to Maibara, I noticed that the rain clouds were beginning to creep down, and the sudden harsh coldness woke me up. If I had brought a spring coat with me, I would have gone down to brave the weather, but I also wondered whether I was going to see the ship leaving. It would take me 30 minutes to reach Maihama from here, which would not make it in time for the outgoing ship.
I then decided to turn back and get on the Himeji bound ride, but the traffic light failed and caused a 20 minute delay. Meanwhile, the rain outside the window was growing stronger by the minute, and I suddenly remembered how back in the old days, prostitutes would cross Lake Biwa, which was not to be seen from the window, on a boat to meet their customers. It made me wonder whether they would have also been obscured by the heavy rain like this, but then again, I couldn’t even imagine what they would have looked like in the first place. How did they recognize and approach their potential partners and make a deal with them, after crossing the lake with a boat? Perhaps there was a designated spot for interested customers around the lake? Although I am reluctant to know the full details of all the puppets and prostitutes, I was drawn to the idea of approaching one’s guest on a boat. Would it be possible to express the subtle changes in perceiving each other’s thinking simultaneously? The body is fixed, but the heart moves, either while staying next to each other, or while pursuing each other with their eyes while sitting far apart from each other in a wide gathering place, or even after a short, jovial chase. So, it makes me wonder how anxious they must have felt, besides how the wind felt to them, after signaling to their customers that they will approach them, while wading through the subtle waves, and how their faces would have darkened with suspicious movements in the clouds. But even so, I just couldn’t bring myself to imagine these.
Even though the verbal reaction had ended, the only thing that had been flowing over my body was time, and nothing special seemed to happen besides that. The reason I can endure this constant passing of time that very much disappears into the sky behind me is because, I am with you.
Quite surprisingly, as soon as the car stopped, the rain stopped as well. The greenery around me was shining brightly. And since I had been closing my eyes, I was not aware of the changes in the outside weather. But it made me question whether it all came down to this: because I was sleeping, I was able to encounter numerous events outside the ordinary, and also because I was sleeping, I could wake up to such a dramatic change in weather. The train began moving again without problem, so after setting a self-conscious alarm, such as sleeping through Otsu, but waking up around Zeze, I went on while almost completely abandoning my wakefulness. While murmuring to myself that I still needed more sleep, I remembered that I had been doing the same work over and over again, in which I left my own self with no memory in completely unknown parts of the country. And this very fact sometimes come back to me as a blessing. Even if there is no concrete answer at present, it appears in my daily life almost inevitably. I spent several hours in the train while delighting in this very conviction I had.
In order to think about the things that cannot be seen, the feeling of seeking various unseen things with my body came back to me.
Then I went to the bank of the lake and I bought and started reading the kindle edition of “Sansoufu (2015)”, published by Kodansha, and written by Yoshikichi Furui, who talks about the vicinity of the place.
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